Novena or double novena to the Holy Family N O V E N A O R D O u B L E N O V E N A TO THE &0l|> IFamil? Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 Acr-2n4 Revised Edition NOVENA OR DOUBLE NOVENA TO THE IjnUj 3famihj A practical and timely devotion for parishes, families and individuals. This booklet is dedicated to Your Family It is printed with the hope that, with God's Grace and your co-operation, this devotion will be helpful to your family so that there will be continued peace, harmony and mutual under- standing in your home life. Printed by THE STOBBS PRESS, INC. 25 Foster Street • Worcester, Mass. . K* Nihil Obstat: Rev. John T. MacPherson Imprimatur: Most Rev. Christopher J. Weldon, D.D. Feast of Mary's Assumption August 15, 1951 Previous Printings 65.000 copies Present Revised Printing 50.000 copies COPYRIGHT, 1951 Rev. P. Henry Sullivan HOLY FAMILY LEAGUE OF CHARITY Holyoke, Massachusetts PREFACE Devotion to the Holy Family is increasing in the United States. This is due, at least in part, to the recognized need for reviving Christian Family Life. To meet present day requirements, this booklet has been revised and is now published with additions which should better satisfy all who use it. While this Holy Family devotion is intended primarily as a Novena or Double Novena of 9 or 18 successive days or weeks, you will find in these pages other practical suggestions for its use. CONTENTS Page For Families: An Act of Consecration to the Holy Family 4 Information about a Family Communion Day 5 New Groups: the Holy Family — the Christian Family 5 HOLY FAMILY DEVOTION 6 Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 16 Prayer for Peace 56 Prayer for Church, Civil Authorities, etc 56 Hymns 59 Annual Renewal of Marriage Vows 63 Prayer to St. Teresa, Handmaid of the Holy Family 64 4 ACT OF FAMILY CONSECRATION To be Recited by Christian Families Who Consecrate Themselves to the Holy Family O Jesus, our most loving Saviour, Thou Who was sent down from heaven to enlighten the world by Thy teaching and example, and Who didst will to pass the greater part of Thy holy life in lowliness at Thy home in Nazareth, subject to Mary and Joseph, and thereby didst hallow the household which was to be the pat- tern for all Christian families, do Thou in Thy goodness receive our household, which this day consecrates itself to Thee; protect and guard us, strengthen us, in Thy holy fear, establish in our hearts the peace and concord of Christian charity, so that each one of us, becoming like to the divine model of Thy family, may be sharers of eternal joy. 0 Mary, most loving Mother of Jesus Christ, our Mother, through thy love and mercy inter- cede that Jesus receive this act of consecration and pour out upon us His graces and blessings. O Joseph, most holy guardian of Jesus and Mary, help us by thy prayers in all our neces- sities both of body and soul, that, together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and thyself, we shall praise and thank Christ Jesus our divine Redeemer. 5 FAMILY COMMUNION DAY Most Parishes have Special Communion Days for men, or for women, or for children, or for Societies. Now, some pastors are recognizing the value of a Special Communion Day on which ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY WILL KNEEL TOGETHER at the altar rail to receive Our Blessed Lord in Holy Com- munion. Some make this an annual occasion — the Feast of the Holy Family in January; others are encouraging this Family Communion Sunday as a monthly observance, or on frequent occasions during the year, such as when there is a 5th Sunday in a month. This Booklet (devotion starting on page 6) could serve for an evening service to conclude such a Family Communion Day. Also, the Pow- erful Prayer to the Holy Family on page 8 and the Act of Family Consecration on page 4 could be recited at Mass or by the family together while having a Family Communion Breakfast at home. NEW ORGANIZED GROUPS During recent years, there has been an in- crease in Holy Family Societies and Christian Family Associations meeting in churches, or halls, or in private homes. This Holy Family devotion may be service- able for these gatherings. Some, however, may prefer to use only the prayers on pages 4 and 8 to start and end their meetings. START OF DEVOTION HYMN TO THE HOLY FAMILY 1 * r J j J m HA1P-PY WE, WHO, THUS U - NIT - ED, JOIN IN CHEER - FUL MEL - O - DY, r j J J 1 . J 1 J J PRAIS-ING JE-SUS, MA-RY, JO - SEPH. J i j j > j Pi IN THE "HO - LY FA - MI - LY." CHORUS j J-if.j.j j JE - SUS. MA - RY. JO - SEPH, HELP US. P THAT WE EV - ER TRUE MAY BE m TO THE PRO- MIS - ES THAT BIND US J J -u IJ- -J-J TO THE "HO - LY FA - MI - LY." 7 2. Dearest Jesus! make us patient And obedient for Thy sake; Teach us to be chaste and gentle. All our stormy passions break. CHORUS Jesus, Mary, Joseph, help us, That we ever true may be To the promises that bind us To the "Holy Family." 3. Mother Mary! make us humble. For Thy Son will take His rest In the poor and lowly dwelling Of an humble sinner's breast. CHORUS 4. Faithful Joseph, Foster Father, Show to us a father's love; Lead us safe from ev'ry danger Till we meet in Heaven above. CHORUS For Public Devotions; Priest reads; Announcements 9 Intentions and favors The following prayers may be said by Congregation 8 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. V. Powerful Prayer to the Holy Family. R. O Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! * I, * (Name), in the presence of all the court of heaven, * choose you on this day for my patrons and protectors; * I offer you * and solemnly consecrate to you in this Association, * my body, * my soul, * all that I have and all that I am. * I promise you to live as a good Christian, * that I may die the death of the elect. * What a happiness for me * to pass one day * from the arms of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in this world, * into the arms of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in heaven; * and that for all eternity! * Such is my hope. Amen. I pray for the following intentions: (Pause; think of your intentions.) Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you. 9 V. Memorare to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. R. Remember, O most merciful Jesus, * Immaculate Mary * and glorious St. Joseph * that no one ever had recourse to your protection, * or implored your assistance * without obtaining relief. * Animated with a like confidence * but weighed down by my sins, * I prostrate myself before you. * O! reject not my petitions, * but graciously hear and grant them. Amen. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * teach me how to pray. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * teach me how to work. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * teach me how to play. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * help me in all my needs. May the souls of our departed * and the souls of all the faithful departed * (Continue on Page 10) — This "Powerful Prayer to the Holy Family" (on Page 8) should be recited in your morning and night prayers every day. Another splendid family practice would be to have all the family kneel immediately after supper (or the evening meal) and together recite this prayer. Some have found it very helpful to use this prayer frequently during the day, especially when any special need or emer- gency arises. 10 through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * bless us * and grant us the grace to love our Holy Church, * as we ought, * above all earthly things, * and to show our love for it always, * and with the evidence of deeds. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * bless us * and grant us the grace to profess, * as we ought, * openly, * with courage, * and without human respect, * the Faith we received as a gift with holy Bap- tism. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * bless us * and grant us the grace to share * in the defense and propagation of the Faith, * as we ought, * when duty calls, * whether by word * or by the sacrifice of our fortunes and our lives. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, * bless us * and grant us the grace to love one another, * as we ought, * and to live together in harmony of thought, * will, * and action, * under the rule and guidance of our pastors. V. Help us Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. R. O most loving Jesus, * Who didst hallow by Thy surpassing virtues * 11 and the example of Thy home life, * the household Thou didst choose to live in while upon earth, * mercifully look down upon this family, * whose mem- bers, * humbly prostrate before Thee * implore Thy protection. * Remember that we are Thine * bound and con- secrated to Thee by a special devotion. * Protect us in Thy mercy; * deliver us from danger; * help us in our necessities * and impart to us strength * to persevere always in the imitation of Thy Holy Family * so that by serving and loving Thee faithfully during this mortal life, * we may at length give Thee eternal praise in heaven. O Mary, * dearest Mother, * we im- plore thy assistance, * knowing that thy divine Son will harken to thy petitions. And do thou most glorious patriarch, St. Joseph, * help us with thy powerful patronage * and place our petitions in Mary's hands, * that she may offer them to Jesus Christ. After above prayers, a short sermon — or read a meditation. Meditations start on page 20. For Annual Renewal of Marriage Vows, insert here sugges- tions on Page 63. Any married couple can do this privately on each anniversary of their marriage, or at any time. 12 CONGREGATION PRAYERS V. My Jesus Mercy. R. Jesus deliver us from everlasting death; * Jesus, most powerful; * lover of us; * zealous for souls; * have mercy on us. V. Mary, pray for us. R. Mother of God; * Mother most pure; * Queen of peace; * health of the sick; * refuge of sinners; * comforter of the afflicted; * pray for us! V. St. Joseph, pray for us! R. Head of the Holy Family; * lover of poverty; * model of working men; * patron of the dying; * protector of the Holy Church; * pray for us! Holy Family, * greeted by the choirs of angels, * visited by the poor shep- herds, * venerated by the Wise men, * praised by holy Simeon. We have recourse to you, * Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; * we all have re- course to you. Holy Family, * who led a poor, laborious and penitent life, * who earned your bread in the sweat of your brow, * who were poor in the goods of the world, * but rich in those of heaven. 13 * who were despised by men, * but great in the eyes of God. We have recourse to you, * Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; * we all have re- course to you. Holy Family, * our support during life * and our hope at the hour of death. We have recourse to you, * Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; * we all have re- course to you. V. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; R. Enlighten us, * help us * and save us. V. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; R. Bless us now and at the hour of our death. V. Let us pray; O God of goodness and mercy, * Who hast been pleased to call us to this devotion of the Holy Family, * grant that we may always honor and imitate Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; * so that having pleased them on earth, * we may enjoy their presence forever in heaven. * Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 14 Prayer to St. Teresa, Handmaid of the Holy Family, on page 64—if desired. For Public Devotions, several intentions, like the following, may be mentioned: Increase in attendance at this devotion Prayers for our Bishop—priests—nuns— or civic leaders For individuals in military service For a just and lasting peace For those buried in the local cemetery— or from the parish church For souls in purgatory For the sick in local hospitals For any present in serious sin For the most saintly person present For one present who is in greatest need In thanksgiving For careless or fallen away members of parish For any existing emergency (name it) For conversion of Russia Forvocations to Priesthood—or Religious Life For each intention an “Our Father,” or “Hail Mary”; those on the Epistle side may say the first part and those on the Gospel side say the second part of each prayer. Following above prayers, some may wish to recite the “Prayer for the Church and Civil Authorities” on page 56. SPECIAL INTENTION PERIOD 0 WHAT COULD MY JESUS DO MORE 0 what could my Jesus do more. Or what greater blessings impart, O silence my soul and adore. And press Him still nearer Thy heart. ’Tis here from my labor I’ll rest Since He makes my poor heart His abode. To Him all my cares I’ll address. And speak to the Heart of my God. In life and in death Thou are mine My Saviour, I’m sealed with Thy Blood Till eternity on me doth shine, I’ll live on the Flesh of my God. In Jesus triumphant I’ll live. In Jesus triumphant I’ll die, The terrors of death calmly brave In His bosom breathe out my last sigh. (Other hymns on pages 59 and 62) 16 DOUBLE NOVENA TO BENEDICTION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT 0 SALUTARIS 0 Salutaris Hostia! Quae coeli pandis ostium, Bella premunt hostilia. Da robur fer auxilium. Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria, Qui vitam sine termino. Nobis donet in Patria. (Prayer for Peace on page 56) TANTUM ERGO Tantum ergo sacramentum Veneremur cernui, Et antiquum documentum Nova cedat ritui; Praestet fides supplementum Sensuum defectui. Genitori, Genitoque Laus et jubilatio, Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sit et benedictio ; Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio. Amen. THE H OLY FAMI LY 17 V. Panem de coelo praestitisti eis. (Alle- luia) R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. (Alleluia) V. Oremus: Deus qui nobis sub Sacra- mento mirabili passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti: tribue, quaesumus, ita nos Cor- poris et Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria ven- erari; ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis jugiter sentiamus; Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. R. Amen. When Jesus is raised in the form of a cross to bless you, look at Him, the White Host, and say, “My Lord and My God” — then make the Sign of the Cross . THE DIVINE PRAISES Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sac- rament of the altar. 18 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste Spouse. Blessed be God in His Angels, and in His Saints. Following the “Divine Praises’ 9 the Bless- ed Sacrament will be reposed. Then a hymn may be sung . (Hymns start on page 59.) During the first verse the church may be gradually darkened. Following the hymn there may be one minute for silent prayer or examination of conscience. Then the church will be lighted and the follow- ing prayer may be recited. V. An Act of Contrition. R. 0 my God ! * I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, * and I detest all my sins, * because of Thy just punishments, * but most of all * because they offend Thee, my God, * Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. * I firmly resolve, * with the help of Thy grace, * to sin no more * and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen THE HOLY FAMILY 19 HOLY GOD! WE PRAISE THY NAME Holy God! We praise Thy Name, Lord of all, we bow before Thee, All on earth Thy sceptre claim. All in Heaven above adore Thee; Infinite Thy vast domain. Everlasting is Thy Name. Hark! The loud celestial hymn, Angel choirs above are singing Cherubim and Seraphim In unceasing chorus praising; Fill the Heavens with sweet accord. Holy! Holy! Holy Lord! LAUDATE DOMINUM Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes: Laudate Eum, omnes populi. Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia ejus: Et veritas Domini manet in aeternum. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper, Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 20 DOUBLE NOVENA TO FIRST SET OF MEDITATIONS 1st Meditation I NEED THIS DEVOTION TO THE HOLY FAMILY There is unhappiness in my life and in my home. There must be a remedy. There are many needs for myself and others —even for my departed loved ones. There must be a remedy, a means of securing help for myself and for those who are dear to me. My past has been lived carelessly, even in sin. If my future is not better, my eternal salvation will be in question. There must be a remedy for one like me. What others do or do not do, I criticize. I even dare to criticize God’s Church, His priests, and Church regulations. And yet, I cannot properly regulate my own life. There must be a remedy, a method for acquiring humility and charity. I lack confidence, pleasantness, and attraction. Often I make a fool of myself by fits of anger, jealousy, and meanness. There must be a rem- edy, some way to develop a disposition such as I admire in others. There has been some success in my life, but also many neglected opportunities. There must be a remedy, some hope of making better use of my talents and ability. THE HOLY FAMILY 21 Others spend their lives as God’s priests, nuns, or brothers, even in missionary lands. Chari- table people contribute generously and devote hours of their time in helping religion and God’s poor. And yet, when I am asked to help my parish or some worthy charity I say that I have other needs and demands, forgetting that God has been more generous to me than to many others. There must be a remedy, some influ- ence which will make me realize my selfishness and greed so that I shall not appear before God with empty hands. At times it would seem that no one could be more depressed, more deserted, more af- flicted, or more in need than I am. Is there no remedy? Yes, there is a remedy. Thoughtfully reading about the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and praying to them, with this Novena booklet, I will learn how to think, act, and speak. They are able and willing to advise and help me but I must tell them what I need and do what they advise. This devotion to the Holy Family must be what I need to make a change in my life. It is at least worth a trial. I feel sure that if I do my part the Holy Family will not fail me. Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, help me to be faithful to this devotion and fervent in its practice so that I, like so many others* shall benefit by your powerful help. 22 DOUBLE NOVENA TO 2nd Meditation JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, I CHOOSE YOU ON THIS DAY FOR MY PATRONS AND PROTECTORS When we mention the Holy Family we think of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. And yet, this family also includes me, since Jesus is my brother, Mary is my mother, and St. Joseph, my foster-father. As a child of this Holy Family, I talk with my Brother, Mother, and Foster-father; I may talk with each or all of them in church, at home, on the street, or wherever I may be. In union with my Brother Jesus, I walk around the Way of the Cross and recall with Him the awful sufferings that He endured on the first Good Friday. My usual conversation with my Mother Mary is the Hail Mary or the Rosary. I implore my Foster-father, St. Joseph, to be with me at the hour of my death. When talk- ing with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph together, I say my Holy Family prayer.f This I should do every day. In my life I need powerful patrons who will help me. Reviewing my careless and sinful past and looking forward to the future which will t The Holy Family prayer is the first prayer in the Novena Devotion , page 8 THE HOLY FAMILY 23 determine my eternity, I realize that I need protectors who will keep me from the easy path- way of sin and help me to climb the more diffi- cult course of virtue and good deeds. In my needs no one or no group can be more willing and helpful than my all-powerful Holy Family. 0 Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I can offer nothing but my weakness and my unreliable will; noth- ing but a hard heart; nothing but neglected op- portunities and wasted time. In the past I have wandered far from you, but with the repentance of the Prodigal Son, I am now returning to you. From this moment, I will live my life so that every thought, word, and act will merit your smiling approval. Having lived such a life as you want me to live during the years, or months, or possibly only days, before death claims me, I will pass at my dying hour from your arms into the arms of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in heaven, and there to live for all eternity. As a pledge of my determination I will try to recite my Holy Family prayerf every day at 8 in the morning and at 7 in the evening or at one of these times. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I choose you on this day for my Patrons and Protectors ” 24 DOUBLE NOVENA TO 3rd Meditation JESUS, MOST POWERFUL, HAVE MERCY ON ME, HELP ME Jesus, Child of the Holy Family, and my Brother, You are God. As God, You are all powerful. Living here upon earth as man You helped others, and never once is it written that You refused to help those in need when they asked Your help. You cured the sick, raised the dead to life, and gave sight to the blind, merely by saying, “Take up thy pallet and walk.” “I say to thee, arise.” Dear Brother Jesus, realizing Your power I also recall that You said, “Ask and you shall receive.” You spoke those words to me. I can hear You say now, “Ask Me and I will give you what you need. Ask, but have faith and confidence in Me.” Dear Jesus, I am asking. I am pleading. I know that you can help me. Yes, You can and You will help me. For over nineteen hundred years You have provided personal advice, comfort and help to your associates upon this earth. Since Your earthly years as man, You have remained here as the Eucharistic Host of our altars. You are present today and every day to help me and my fellow creatures in this world. There are friends of mine who are influential and powerful. They can help me in some of THE HOLY FAMILY 25 my needs but You can help me in all my needs. Why have I not realized this before? Why have I depended mostly upon human help and advice when Your assistance is infinitely better for me? Many times I have heard people say that their favors or intentions were granted when they recited special prayers or made novenas. Frequently I thought that they were exaggerat- ing. However, today in this devotion, I, as a member of the Holy Family, appeal directly to You and I am confident that You will grant what I ask. This very day I was troubled and in need. No human power was able to comfort or help me. But now, as a result of this meditation, I am confident that You can and will help me. Suggestion : Look at the Tabernacle and with the j eyes of your Faith see Jesus Who is present in the I little house. If this meditation is made at home, close your eyes and recall the Tabernacle of your | parish church. Hear Jesus say, “My child, what do you desire ?” Whisper to Him and tell Him what you need. Then conclude this meditation with the following ejaculation, which should be repeated frequently, at least until the time of the next devotion. 66 Jesus, most powerful, have mercy on me, help me!" 26 DOUBLE NOVENA TO 4th Meditation MARY, COMFORTER OF THE AFFLICTED, PRAY FOR ME When I am afflicted: grieved with sorrows, separated from loved ones, embarrassed by un- fortunate members of my family, handicapped by poverty, disheartened by lack of work, op- posed by those with whom I work or live, de- pressed by lack of success or anticipated mis- fortune, confused by my inability to do all that I should do, betrayed by those whom I trusted, troubled by sin, I should think of you, Mary, Mother of the Holy Family. When you were afflicted, you did not com- plain, but you accepted your crosses with patient resignation. When you were merely a girl, not yet twenty years of age, an Angel told you that you were selected to be the Mother of the Redeemer, This meant a change in your life as you had planned it, and yet you confidently said, “Be- hold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done tc me according to Thy Word.” Yes, it was God’s will, and you were determined to live your life exactly as God willed you to live it. Although the birthplace of your Son was only a stable, you were resigned. When Jesuf was merely a Baby you were compelled to beai the hardships of a hasty flight and years oi exile in Egypt in order to save Him from th< THE HOLY FAMILY 27 murder decreed by Herod. When your Son was about eighteen you mourned the death of your spouse and helpmate, St. Joseph. When that Son reached the age of thirty-three. He also was taken from you. Mary, my complaining attitude seems so un- reasonable, my sorrows and trials seem such trifles, especially when I think of your agoniz- ing sufferings at the foot of the Cross. Your Son, your own flesh and blood was dying—not on a bed with the care and comfort you would have liked to give Him—but nailed to a Cross; His Head was pierced with thorns; His Body was bruised and cut from a cruel lashing. His Hands and Feet were pierced with rough spikes; He was insulted; He was bleeding; although your heart was breaking and you could not help Him, yet you nobly stood beneath His Cross. 0, Mary, my Mother, having undergone such trials and sufferings, you appreciate my sadness, my trials, my depressions, my struggles, my secrets. Your sympathetic understanding will move you to comfort and help me. Your ex- ample will give me courage to do my best and to keep a confident spirit while accepting and living each day as God wishes. Each day well- lived means eventually each week, each month, and each year well-lived. I will find a small picture of Mary which I will keep with me. I shall look at it frequently in order to recall the thoughts in this medita- tion. Each time I will say, “Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted, pray for me ” 28 DOUBLE NOVENA TO 5th Meditation ST. JOSEPH, MODEL OF WORKINGMEN, PRAY FOR ME In the past I may have thought of St. Joseph merely as a statue or a painting, but actually St. Joseph was a human being, the breadwinner of the Holy Family. Therefore, he was a work- er. He toiled with tools, as I toil with a ham- mer, a shovel, a machine, with pen and ink, type- writer or ledgers, with broom and kitchen pans, or with needle and thread. At daybreak St. Joseph arose; at sunset he finished a day of hard labor; yet, he did not grumble. St. Joseph’s hands were calloused and rough- ened; his clothes, frequently threadbare and patched; his brow, sometimes beaded with per- spiration; his body, often exhausted; yet, al- ways his spirit was buoyant. St. Joseph’s work was a labor of love, seeking not merely wages but spiritual benefits. He was not a clock-watcher. Time to him was a God- given gift to be used profitably. He worked carefully and zealously so that he was recog- nized as an expert in his occupation. St. Joseph experienced the unfairness, the injustice, the uncharitableness of fellow workers and associates; yet he was ever calm and char- THE HOLY FAMILY 29 itable. He was never resentful or revengeful, but always kind to his oppressors. When he was told that there was no work for him, he re- mained hopeful and patient. He was a good and just man who had the respect of his friends and neighbors, as well as the love and devotion of his family. St. Joseph is now in heaven, joined in happy union with his Holy Family for whom he la- bored while upon this earth. St. Joseph, my foster-father, you are my model and friend. You appreciate how I toil because you toiled. You realize what hardships I en- dure because you endured the same. You un- derstand my trials and needs as well as my joys and blessings. Hence, when my daily tasks dis- please and exhaust me, when my work is a bur- den, when my fellowworkers bore and irritate me, I will think of you, St. Joseph, and find courage in the example that you have given me. Tomorrow and every day I will start my work with, and frequently during my working hours I will say this short ejaculation: “St. Joseph, Model of Workingmen, pray for me ” 30 DOUBLE NOVENA TO 6th Meditation WE HAVE RECOURSE TO YOU, JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH; WE ALL HAVE RECOURSE TO YOU Every morning on awakening—do I turn my first thoughts to God, thanking Him for His protection during the night, and for giving me another day of life? Or do I struggle out of bed, complaining that I must get up, never once realizing how fortunate I am to be able to arise? Do I arrive at the breakfast table, bidding everyone a pleasant “Good Morning,” remem- bering to ask God’s blessing and later to thank Him for the food He has provided? Or do I rush to the table, scowling at the other members of the family, using my tongue, not to say grace, but to complain about the weather, food, and things in general—not realizing that my in- cessant grumbling is like a perpetual dark cloud overshadowing an otherwise happy family? Do I arise on time to attend week-day Mass or am I wasting precious time in needless sleep when Jesus comes to the altar of my parish church each morning? Do I find time each day to visit Jesus in some Catholic Church? I should realize that my Lord and my God is al- ways present in His Tabernacle Home and that my example of attending morning Mass and THE HOLY FAMILY 31 making frequent visits is greatly needed in this pitiable world of today. Each day am I faithful to my work? Do I overlook peevish remarks, fun-making, and crit- icism—taking them “all in the day’s work”? Or do I always wish that I were elsewhere with nothing to do and no one to bother me? Am I always finding fault with another’s work? Do I shirk my own work? Do I become cross when reprimanded? Do I make life unbearable for those under my charge? In the evening before retiring do I kneel and examine my conscience, making a firm resolu- tion that, with God’s help, the offences com- mitted today will not be repeated tomorrow? Do I thank Him for the many blessings received during the day, and ask Him for His protection during the night? Or, still grumbling and com- plaining, do I close my eyes on another day while the devil fills my mind with unkind thoughts and mean remarks to be used on my associates tomorrow? As I recall my day, I am really ashamed of what I have said and done, of the trouble that I have caused, of my carelessness and negli- gence; and I resolve that with the help of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I will make tomorrow a better day. “We have recourse to you , Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; we all have recourse to you ” 32 DOUBLE NOVENA TO 7th Meditation O MOST LOVING JESUS, HELP US IN OUR NECESSITIES Jesus once lived as a child and as a man upon this earth. His Mother was Mary. His foster- father was St. Joseph. He was the Son. More- over, He was God. When He spoke, the wisdom of God was in His words. When He helped others. He manifested the power of God. That same powerful and loving Jesus is now in the Tabernacle. As I look at Him, I tell Him that I believe in His actual presence. Then I listen. JESUS SPEAKS TO ME “My child, love Me with all your heart. Speak to Me as you would to your most confiding friend. Ask what you desire. But why need I urge you? Surely you must realize that I, Jesus, want to help you; I want to be generous with you. “Your Past! Whatever your life has been, you need not be afraid. I know you better than you know yourself. I recall your childhood prayers when you used to talk to Me so trust- fully. I recall your first sin, — your sorrow for having hurt Me and your promise never to hurt Me again. True, there have been other sins. But let Me help you now to remove all sin from your life. Are there undesirable persons and places that I can help you to avoid? Come, THE HOLY FAMILY 33 confide in Me, for My forgiveness is great and My love is boundless. “Your Future! What hopes and ambitions have you for the future? Is there some decision that you should make or some grace that you need to persevere in a decision that you have made? Is there a shadow of worry or unhappi- ness over the present because of some fear or uncertainty about your future? Surely there must be some favor, some help that you need. “Your Family and Friends! How can I help your mother? Your father? Your children or other members of your family? What about the needs of your nearest and dearest friend or friends? Have you no departed loved ones? Tell Me, and I will help them.” I SPEAK TO JESUS Dear Jesus, my Brother, I should have known Your love and concern for me and yet I was not fully aware of either until this moment. During these next few minutes I shall tell You of my great needs. My confidence in Your help will make my burden lighter and my life happier. I shall remind You of the needs of: — My Past My Future My Family and Friends . . . “O most loving Jesus, help us in our necessities.” 34 DOUBLE NOVENa TO 8th Meditation MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, AND MY MOTHER, PRAY FOR ME Mary, you are a mother. If I am not a mother, at least, I have a mother. Closing my eyes I picture my dear mother at this moment. If I am among those whose mothers have been called by God through the gateway of death, then I am confident that my good and faithful mother is in heaven. Mother! No name is sweeter; no title more honorable. Motherhood ! No greater blessing can be bestowed upon womanhood. Mother love! For this there is no substitute. Patiently mother suffers and sacrifices. For each child she passes through the valley of death—would willingly die a million deaths. Mary, Queen of the Holy Family, when you trod this earth you were the cheerful spouse, the inspiring influence, and the encouraging companion of St. Joseph; the watchful, under- standing, and loving Mother of the Child Jesus; the maker of a happy home, the careful planner, the thrifty and hardworking housekeeper with a spotless and orderly home. Mary, Model of Mothers, you know what it is to mend and wash clothes, to scrub and dust, to budget the meager earnings of St. Joseph, to prepare meals and wash dishes, to be a genial THE HOLY FAMILY 35 hostess to friends and kinsfolk, to be patient and forgiving, to make the home a kingdom in which are found peace, comfort, and happiness. Yes, Mary, yours was a happy home because you played well your role as a mother. My home—is it like your home at Nazareth? Are you, the Christ-Child, and St. Joseph mem- bers of my family, sharing in our home life? Is my home happy because of me? Do I do my part as you did yours, Mary, to encourage har- mony and to provide comfort? Have I any of your patience, a little of your consideration, some of your cheerful spirit? At home do I perform or share the work as I should? Do I really imitate you? If not, then with your help I will acquire these family virtues and thus do my part to bring greater happiness into my home and provide greater comfort for the other members of my family. If there is a picture or statue of Mary in my home, I will look at it frequently to remind me of the suggestions in this meditation. “Mary, Mother of God, and my mother, pray for me." 36 DOUBLE NOVENA TO 9th Meditation JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, GRANT US THE GRACE TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER On the feast of the Holy Family two persons consulted a priest. One, a man, told of his vain efforts to live peacefully with a woman as her third living legal husband. Complaining about her mental and physical abuse and scandalous life, he said that he had started proceedings to divorce her. The next, a young woman, the mother of two children, stated that her drinking husband had deserted her because of his attraction for an- other woman. She was anxious to know how ghe could compel him to support their children. Reading such tragedies and recalling similar cases make me realize the deplorable conditions of some families today. Admitting that there are ideal, happy families, I must also admit that there are families who live not in homes, but in houses where they merely eat and sleep; where quarrelling and sometimes drinking are common and happiness is practically unknown. Other thousands of married people are sep- arated, some by divorce. In many cases, men and even women have shown such disregard for the solemn promise made on their wedding day that they have deserted their rightful families THE HOLY FAMILY 37 and have gone to live with another as legal husband or wife. Married life starts with ideal hopes. After months or years of happy courtship two individ- uals promise to take each other “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do us part.” But soon irri- tating circumstances arise; defects in each other are recognized; at times there are disputes; pos- sibly relatives of either party interfere; drink- ing may become a diabolical habit; and finally, there may be neglect of God’s sacraments until the marital promises are forgotten. Worst of all are the misfortunes inflicted on innocent chil- dren because of such broken homes. Does this meditation describe my home? Are there even any beginnings of unhappiness or friction which could possibly separate the mem- bers of my family? Small troubles have grown in other families until finally separation has broken a previously happy home. During these few moments I should ponder well the danger suggested in this meditation and make any nec- essary resolutions so as to avoid in our home the sad misfortunes that have happened to others. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, grant us the grace to love one another When making a Double Novena (18 successive days, or one day a week for 18 successive weeks), the 18 meditations in this booklet are used. When making a Novena (9), the medi- tations can start on page 20, or this next page (page 38) or you can select any 9 meditations. 38 DOUBLE NOVENA TO SECOND SET OF MEDITATIONS Meditation 1A JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, I PROMISE YOU TO LIVE AS A GOOD CHRISTIAN After this devotion my Brother Jesusf and I shall leave Church together. I want to have Him as my invisible Guest, my silent Com- panion, so that I may watch and imitate Him. I wonder if I am like Him in any way. Also I would like to have Him know how I live and to have Him meet my friends. Jesus knows this earthly life from practical experience. He lived a home life with His Holy Family. He played, He worked, He prayed, just as I do. Tomorrow morning when we both arise what will He do at once? He will kneel and pray. What do I usually do? Do I take a few extra minutes for sleep, then hastily dress, and rush to the breakfast table with no thought of morn- ing prayer? At breakfast—at all meals—He will begin and end with prayer, even when others present neglect to pray. What do I do? If He shares my day and helps me in my tasks, how will He do my work? What will He say to others? What thoughts will He have? What will be His spirit and disposition? t This may be used as three separate meditations. In place of Jesus, you may select Mary or Joseph. THE HOLY FAMILY 39 At work, at school, or wherever I am with Him, will He hear swearing, and vulgar lan- guage; even from myself should I forget His presence? Will He witness fits of anger or jealousy, of stubbornness or petty meanness? Will He hear lies, uncharitable remarks, or un- clean stories? Will He see me shirk unpleasant tasks or do my work carelessly? At home tomorrow evening, will He be pleased with the way that I talk and act with my family? Suppose I act as usual—what will He think? If I decide to go out during the evening, could I take Him where I usually go? Would I be proud of my friends, their conversation and their actions? Yes, all day tomorrow I will imagine that He is with me and I will act and speak so that He will be pleased. Then, tomorrow night, after such a day I am sure that I will be happy with the peace of Christ and have greater love for my fellow man. Tomorrow night I will examine the day to learn if I have been faithful to this practice. If not faithful, then I will try for an- other day so that I shall actually live such a day and experience the effect in my life. “ Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I promise you to live as a good Christian ” 40 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Meditation 2A JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, HELP ME TO LIVE IN HARMONY OF THOUGHT, WILL, AND ACTION WITH OTHERS Holy Family! I know what the word “family” means because I am a member of a family. The family at Nazareth included three: Jesus, the child; Mary, the mother; and St. Joseph, the foster-father. Holy Family! To be holy one must accept and do God’s will, that is, think, speak, and act always in a manner that is pleasing to Him. The holiness of a family requires the practice of such virtues as kindness, patience, humility, thoughtfulness, and forgiveness, as well as fre- quent family prayer. Holiness implies happiness because one who is holy is happy. Yet, how seldom people think of the happiness and the pleasantness of the Holy Family! Those who think mistakenly that a long, sad face is necessary for a saint may picture the Holy Family without any laughter in their lives, forgetting that happiness can be an expression of a holy life. The Holy Family at Nazareth was a happy group. Within their home was heard many a cheery word. It should not be difficult to pic- ture their smiling faces nor to imagine the laughter of Mary and Joseph as Jesus told how THE HOLY FAMILY 41 St. John and He spent many hours in joyful play. I imagine that if Jesus, Mary, and Joseph had been with me today they would have smiled or laughed at many things. Is my family a holy family, and hence, a happy family? Do I share in making my family holy and happy? At home am I kind? Patient? Humble? Thoughtful? Forgiving? Helpful? Do I always give good example? Do I encourage my family to join in prayers at meals as well as in evening family prayer? Or am I irritable and complaining—even less cheerful at home than with my friends? Do I bore and irritate my family with unnecessary seriousness? Realizing that a frown requires the use of more muscles than a smile, I should smile and economize muscular energy. My good example and pleasant attitude at home will re- sult in greater happiness not only for myself, but also for the other members of my family. I must realize this before God takes some of my dear ones. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I learn this lesson well today so that on returning home I will do my part to continue or begin in my family the holiness and happiness that were ever present in your home at Nazareth. Note: Keep a picture or medal of the Holy Family with you always; look at it frequently each day and each time repeat this little prayer. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, help me to live in harmony of thought, will, and action, with others ” 42 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Meditation 3A JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, TEACH ME TO PRAY St. John Climacus wrote, “Prayer is the famil- iar conversation and union of man with God.” Conversation requires at least two persons. In prayer I speak to God and God speaks to me. But, do I actually speak to God or is my prayer a mere mumbling that no one can understand? Does God speak to me—or better, do I allow God to speak to me by remaining quiet in His presence? If not, then my praying must be corrected. Whether I realize it or not, my life, my work, my happiness, my strength, my virtue, my suc- cess, my death and eternity—all depend upon prayer. When I pray, I am joined with the Pope, bishops, priests, nuns, adults, and chil- dren in every part of this world. In every prayer there are millions joined with me. We speak to God and He speaks to us. We follow the example of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We do what apostles, martyrs, and saints have done during the past nineteen hundred years. They are now in heaven, but only after lives of prayer —frequently speaking to God and listening for His voice. No one but myself can make me pray. I have been taught how to pray, but unfortunately for THE HOLY FAMILY 43 years I have been careless. Realizing my un- prayerful life, from this moment, I will give the time spent in prayer entirely to God. I will avoid distractions. Each time that I pray in this manner, sincerely talking to God and listening while He talks to me, I will learn better how to pray. While I should pray at week-day Mass when possible, during daily or frequent visits to God’s Church, by making the Way of the Cross and reciting the Rosary, my special resolution in this meditation concerns my morning and night prayers. Did I forget my prayers this morning? Is this forgetfulness a daily habit? How about my evening prayers? What neglect of my God! Then I will change this very night. Following my night prayers, I will place this Novena Book- let on the chair with my clothes or some place near my bed. This will remind me in the morn- ing to recite at least my Holy Family prayer. Not only will I remember my morning and night prayers in the future but every time that I pray, I will fervently talk to God and listen while He speaks to me. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, teach me to pray ” 44 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Meditation 4A O MOST LOVING JESUS, IMPART TO US STRENGTH TO PERSEVERE ALWAYS IN THE IMITATION OF THE HOLY FAMILY There comes to my mind a familiar evening scene in many Catholic homes of a few years ago. It is about seven o’clock and supper is finished. In the parlor or kitchen the family is kneeling and reciting the Rosary. How in- spiring is this family picture with the faithful, manly father, the gentle, loving mother, and the active children—even the playful little tots— all kneeling in united prayer to their God! Re- calling this scene I remember that Jesus said, “Where two or three are joined together in My Name, there am I in their midst.” Why are parents of today neglecting evening family prayer in their homes and thus denying their children happy memories for future years? Looking back over nineteen centuries I recall another family scene, the Holy Family in their humble home at Nazareth. Each evening they joined in fervent family prayer. Every meal began with prayerful blessing and ended with voices raised in gratitude. Since Jesus, Mary, and Joseph considered united family prayer necessary, how much more THE HOLY FAMILY 45 necessary it is for my family! And yet, how little, if any, evening family prayer is said in my home! Perhaps the failure to recite this prayer is due to my lack of courage to suggest it. There may be others in my family who, like me, would like to kneel together for evening prayer; to bring peace after family disagree- ments; to express gratitude that we are united when so many other families are separated by quarrels and divorce; to thank God for His many blessings to our family and also to ask God’s protection and guidance for absent mem- bers of our family. The Holy Family is now in heaven. Since all in our family are seeking the same goal, we should imitate their example. After this medi- tation shall I have the courage to do this? Yes, at my next meal, I will make the Sign of the Cross and say grace. Later, others may do the same. After supper I will ask one or possibly all to join with me in saying at least our Holy Family prayer.f I will mention that we try this prayer in order to secure blessings for our- selves and our absent ones. This indeed will be worth trying. “0 most loving Jesus, impart to us strength to persevere always in the imitation of the Holy Family ” Note: For some the suggestion in this meditation will be difficult because they will be timid about starting prayer with the family. How about you? I* The Holy Family prayer is the first prayer in the Novena Devotion, page 8 46 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Meditation 5A TIS HERE FROM MY LABOR, I’LL REST Every day my Brother Jesus waits for me to visit Him; yet almost every day I disappoint Him. He waits in our parish church, in the little house, the tabernacle on the altar. At the end of each day He must think me ungrateful and selfish when I have neglected to visit Him. Had I lived nineteen hundred years ago, I certainly would have visited the Holy Family in their home at Nazareth. There I could have talked to Jesus, told Him of my joys, sorrows, and needs, and confidently listened to His advice as well as secured His powerful help. And yet that same wise and powerful Jesus is always in my parish church waiting to welcome me and to help me. What earthly friend would have such patience with my carelessness? Is it not time that I realize my neglect of my Divine Friend? While visiting Jesus I am in the Presence of my God. I secure consolation and help for my- self and spiritual benefits for my departed loved ones. Once I realize fully this fact, I shall never again need to be urged to make a daily visit. Others find time to make frequent visits to some Catholic Church. Why not I? Others THE HOLY FAMILY 47 believe that the powerful Son of God lives in every Catholic Church. Is not my Catholic Faith as strong as theirs? Many make sacrifices such as traveling a long distance or enduring the ridicule of associates. Why cannot I make the little sacrifice that is required to make a daily visit to my Jesus? True, there is no obligation for me to make these extra visits hut Jesus would like to see me and I should like to meet Him privately so that we could quietly talk over my life. Moreover, what a comfort it is to go from the noisy streets, the crowded stores, the busy fac- tory, into the quiet and peace of a nearby Church. Bishop Hedley wrote, “No man can draw near to God without much silence . . . ” The Bishop reminds us of the silence of Jesus during His infancy. His silence during His years in the home of the Holy Family, His silence during times of prayer in the desert. His silence during the Passion and on Calvary. This is the silence that I find when making a private visit to Jesus in my parish church at any time. Realizing that Jesus, my God, my inspiring and powerful helper, is waiting for me in every Catholic Church, I now resolve (do not make the resolution unless you mean it) to visit Jesus in His tabernacle home in some Catholic Church every day, if possible, even if only for a few minutes. “’Tis here from my labor, I 9 ll rest." 48 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Meditation 6A JESUS LOVER OF US, HAVE MERCY ON US This morning our priest, another Christ, as- cended the altar and celebrated Mass. At the Consecration he spoke these words which were first spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper, “This is My Body . . . This is the Chalice of My Blood.” At that moment Jesus, the Son of God, descended from heaven to the altar of our par- ish Church. Where was I at that time? Was I present to welcome Jesus, my Brother? Am I always present at morning Mass when possible? Or am I one of the victims of laziness who prefer extra sleep and neglect the wonderful opportunity that is possible? It is said that a person who knows and under- stands the Mass will love the Mass. One who loves the Mass will attend Mass not only on Sun- days but on week days when possible. Hence if I never attend week-day Mass, it must be that I do not fully understand the Mass. How do I attend Mass. With the use of a Missal which contains the prayers recited by the priest? Have I made a study of the Mass in order to learn about this wonderful gift to me? Or am I one of the unfortunates who appear after the priest has begun Mass, waste precious time in idle thought, and then depart before Mass is ended? THE HOLY FAMILY 49 To appreciate and completely benefit by the Mass, Jesus must come to life on the altar — come to life for me because He does actually live on the altar of every Mass, At the Conse- cration I must see not merely a white Host but my crucified Saviour—His spike-tom hands and feet, His thorn-crowned head, His spear- pierced side, and His agonizing countenance. I must train my power of expression so that I can make known my adoration, thanks, needs, and repentance. I must listen for His advice and direction. I can realize this presence of my Jesus if I use a Missal as well as my God-given faculties during the time of the Mass. When the blind man of Jericho learned that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, he cried out for mercy. When Jesus asked what he especially wanted, he pleaded, “Lord, that I may see.” Thereupon he was rewarded with sight. That same powerful Jesus is “passing by” every morn- ing in my parish Church. Tomorrow morning, if possible, I will attend Mass and meet Him. Also, I will plead, “Lord, that I may see—Lord, give me, not physical, but spiritual sight so that I will understand the value of the Mass.” If I do this, He will give me the spiritual sight that I need. This will draw me to Mass frequently and will thereby enable me to gain grace and blessings for all future time. “Jesus, lover of us, have mercy on us.” 50 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Meditation 7A O, WHAT COULD MY JESUS DO MORE Today my thoughts go back to the most pre- cious day of my childhood, the day of my first Holy Communion. With the limited under- standing of a child, I realized that Jesus, the Son of God, was the little White Guest Who passed through the doorway of my lips and entered the parlor of my soul. If God favored me with only this one Eucharistic visit during all my life it would be far more than I deserve. Yet, un- worthy as I am, He will come willingly to me as frequently as I wish to receive Him—every Sunday, even every day. How fortunate I am to be a Catholic! Some of my friends and neighbors never had the good fortune to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. How grateful I should be for the example and training which have caused me to approach the communion rail frequently! Or unfortunately do I remain in my seat and deprive myself of the joy, comfort, and peace that could be mine every time I attend Mass? There are many reasons why I should receive Communion frequently; namely, my love of God, my gratitude for His many blessings, my desire to avoid sin and to lead a better life, and my desire to secure help for my family, espe- cially for any absent or departed ones. THE HOLY FAMILY 51 Jesus, God’s Son, certainly loves me. On Holy Thursday at the Last Supper He spoke to me also when He said, “Take and eat; this is my body—All of you drink of this; for this is my blood.” Moreover I recall another occasion when He said, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life everlasting and I will raise him up on the last day.” By the Holy Eucharist God wishes to draw together His children and unite them to Him upon earth. By Holy Communion He provides a means of growth for my spiritual life. He has determined that my spiritual life will grad- ually grow. The only hindrance to that growth would be myself. As I received my Jesus at First Communion so also I shall receive Him for the last time in Holy Viaticum. Preparing for that last Holy Communion, I shall be happy for the many times that I received my God and also for the fervor with which I received each Communion. God grant that I will be able to receive my lov- ing Jesus at least once more, or many times, and each time I shall keep in mind that it may be my last Communion. Pause and make a resolution to receive Holy Com- munion twice as often as at present unless you are a daily communicant ; if once a month, then let it be twice a month; if once a week, then twice a week; if every day, then that your Communions will be more fervent. “O, what could my Jesus do more ” 52 DOUBLE NOYENA TO Meditation 8A JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, ASSIST ME IN MY LAST AGONY The fourteen Stations which hang on the walls of the Church teach me about the agony and death of my Brother Jesus. To make the Way of the Cross is easy and will better prepare me for my own last hours on this earth. If I do not know how to make the Way of the Cross, I will inquire or consult my prayer book. Jesus was the first to make the Way of the Cross up the hill of Calvary. Mary was the first to follow in His bloody footsteps. Now, Jesus, Mary, and millions of saints who followed their example, are in heaven. Why have I not practiced this devotion more frequently? Recalling my many sins, am I a Judas who is afraid of the condemned Jesus? Or am I like Peter who feared what others would say if he showed friendship for Jesus during His agony and death? Had I fully realized in the past the signifi- cance and the power of this devotion I would have formed the habit of making it frequently. In the future I will make the Way of the Cross and each time I will have imprinted upon my heart the sufferings of Jesus just as His agon- izing face was imprinted upon the towel of Veronica. Each time I will invite St. Joseph to THE HOLY FAMILY 53 accompany me and with him I will determine that if my life is not like that of the sinless Virgin Mary, at least it will be like that of the repentant Magdalene. Making the Way of the Cross will give me consolation in my sorrows and sufferings. It will give me courage to bear injustices when I realize that Jesus was treated so unjustly. I can gain rich Indulgences for myself or for the souls in purgatory—a Plenary Indulgence for each time that I make the Way of the Cross and a second Plenary Indulgence when I do this on a day that I receive Holy Communion. I can learn about the infinite love of God for me and offer the Stations as a penance for my sins. The Way of the Cross has caused fervent souls to be transformed into saints and sinful souls to return to God. As a result of practicing this devotion I hope that Mary will guide and pro- tect me during my journey through life, expect that Jesus will give me the grace needed espe- cially for my last earthly hours, and that St. Joseph with his Holy Family will be with me at the hour of my death. After considering the many good reasons why I should make the Way of the Cross frequently, I must now ask the Holy Family to strengthen my will so that I shaU be faithful to this devo- tion. To show my determination I will make the Way of the Cross immediately after this devotion or as soon as possible. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony ” 54 DOUBLE NOVENA TO Meditation 9A JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, MAY I BREATHE FORTH MY SOUL IN PEACE WITH YOU It may be a matter of years or only of days — but I must die. A quick snap of nerves may cause me to be a paralytic, a momentary clot of blood may render me unconscious, or a stopping of my heart may end my life. It does not matter when, where, or how my body dies, but the con- dition of my soul at the moment of my death is a matter of vital importance. Thinking of that moment, I fear purgatory and I dread hell. I prefer to think that I shall depart from this world surrounded by angels and saints and accompanied by the Holy Family. In my Holy Family prayer I anticipate the moment of my death in this way, “What a hap- piness for me to pass one day from the arms of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, in this world, into the arms of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in heaven; and that for all eternity!” This will follow if I sincerely say, “I promise you to live as a good Christian.” Since I began this devotion to the Holy Fam- ily, I have really learned how to live a good Christian life and I have experienced the power- ful help of the Holy Family in my life. This knowledge and experience should prevent me from neglecting or ending this devotion today. 55THE HOLY FAMILY The repetition of this devotion and the medita- tions will give me even greater knowledge and help, and will keep me always united to the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. How fortunate are they who have lived this earthly life in union with the Holy Family and who are now in heaven with them! Apostles, martyrs, and saints are in heaven. Some of my friends and relatives, possibly some member of my family—even mother or father—have been taken from me. God grant that they are in heaven. 0, how wonderful it will be to meet and live forever with God, the Holy Family, the saints, and my loved ones; to live where sadness and trials are unknown and happiness will never end! As a child of the Holy Family, I have Jesus as my helping brother, Mary as my devoted mother, and St. Joseph as my patron for the hour of my death, the most important hour in all my life. St. Joseph had Jesus and Mary with him at the hour of his death. He surely will favor me with the same good fortune because I will ask him and I will continue my devotion to the Holy Family as long as I live. Then, hav- ing lived as a good Christian in union with the Holy Family, I will not fear my dying hour. I am confident that I will pass from the arms of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in this world into the arms of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in heaven. I will pass from a sad and troubled world into the kingdom of heaven where I will live forever. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with you ” 56 DOUBLE NOVENA TO PRAYER FOR PEACE O God, from Whom come all holy desires, right counsels and just works; give to Thy servants that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be disposed to obey Thy com- mandments, and, the fear of enemies being taken away, our times may by Thy protection be tranquil. Grant to us. Thy peace, O Lord, even that peace which Thy Son bequeathed as a legacy to His disciples; a perpetual peace with Thee, a perpetual peace with one another, and a perpetual peace within ourselves. Grant that all Christian princes and states may love, cherish and maintain peace among them- selves. Give them a right sense of the dreadful evils that attend on wars. Turn their hearts to another kind of warfare; teach them to fight for a heavenly kingdom. Amen. A PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH, THE CIVIL AUTHORITIES, ETC. (Composed by Archbishop Carroll, A.D. 1800) We pray Thee, 0 Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ hast revealed Thy THE HOLY FAMILY 57 glory to all nations, to preserve the works of j Thy mercy ; that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue, with unchanging faith, in the confession of Thy name. We pray Thee, who alone art good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal, and sanctity of life our Pope, (N. ), the Vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ in the govern- ment of His Church; our Bishop, (N. ) ; all other Bishops, Prelates, and Pastors of the ! Church; and especially those who are appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy | ministry, and conduct Thy people into the ways l of salvation. We pray Thee, 0 God of might, wisdom, and justice, through whom authority is rightly ad- ! ministered, laws are enacted, and judgment de- creed, assist, with Thy Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of these United States, that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people, over whom he presides, by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the delibera- tions of Congress, and shine forth in all the pro- ceedings and laws framed for our rule and gov- ernment; so that they may tend to the preserva- tion of peace, the promotion of national happi- ness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and use- ful knowledge, and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty. 58 DOUBLE NOVENA TO We pray for his Excellency the Governor of this State, for the members of the Assembly, for all Judges, Magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare; that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their re- spective stations with honesty and ability. We recommend likewise to Thy unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow-citizens, throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge, and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law ; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal. Finally, we pray Thee, 0 Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servants departed who are gone before us with the sign of faith, and repose in the sleep of peace: the souls of our parents, relations, and friends ; of those who, when living, were members of ?his congregation; and particularly of such as are lately deceased; of all benefactors who, by their donations of legacies to this Church, witnessed their zeal for the decency of divine worship, and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remem- brance. To these, 0 Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of re- freshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen. THE HOLY FAMILY 59 JESUS! SAVIOUR OF MY SOUL Jesus! Saviour of my soul, Let me to Thy refuge fly. While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is nigh. Hide me, 0 my Saviour, hide Till the storm of life is past; Safe into Thy haven guide, O receive my soul at last. CHORUS Jesus! Saviour of my soul. Let me to Thy refuge fly; Ave, Ave, Jesus mild. Deign to hear Thy lowly child. Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee, Leave, oh leave me not alone. Still support and strengthen me. All my trust in Thee is stayed. All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenseless head. With the cover of Thy wing. 60 DOUBLE NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF HELP I Mother dearest Mother fairest. Help of all who call on thee. Virgin purest, brightest, rarest. Help us, help we cry to thee. CHORUS Mary help us help we pray. Mary help us help we pray. Help us in all care and sorrow. Mary help us help we pray. II Lady help in pain and sorrow. Soothe those racked on bed of pain. May the golden light of morrow. Bring them health and joy again. CHORUS III Mother help our absent loved ones. Ah, we miss their presence here. Help our father, friend and brother. Help them, guard them far and near. CHORUS THE HOLY FAMILY 61 IV Help our priests, our virgins lowly. Help our Pope long may he reign. Pray that we who sing thy praises May in Heaven all meet again. CHORUS SWEET SAVIOUR BLESS US Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go ; Thy word into our minds instill, And make our luke-warm hearts to glow With lowly love and fervent will. CHORUS Through life’s long day, And death’s dark night 0 gentle Jesus, be our light. The day is done, its hours have run, And Thou hast taken count of all. The scanty triumphs grace has won The broken vow, the frequent fall. 62 DOUBLE NOVENA TO GOOD NIGHT SWEET JESUS I Good-night, sweet Jesus, guard us in sleep. Our souls and bodies in Thy love keep Waking or sleeping, keep us in sight Dear, gentle Savior, good-night, good-night. Good-night, dear Jesus, good-night, good- night. II Good-night, sweet Jesus, grant that each day Of our lives mortal, thus pass away Thy love e’er watching, guiding aright Dear, gentle Savior, good-night, good-night. Good-night, dear Jesus, good-night, good- night. III Grant, gracious Jesus, when sets the sun Of our lives earthly and day is done That Thou will take us to Heaven’s light. Dear, gentle Savior, good-night, good-night. Good-night, dear Jesus, good-night, good- night. THE HOLY FAMILY 63 RENEWAL OF MARRIAGE VOWS This Holy Family devotion is very appro- priate for renewing marriage vows, which is be- coming an annual occurrence in some parishes. After starting on page 6, insert at bottom of page 11 the following: The priest may read the “Instruction before Marriage” in the Ritual, or the Special Instruc- tion in a leaflet published by the Family Life Bureau. Following the instruction—or without the instruction—all husbands and wives are re- quested to stand and join right hands. All the husbands together recite after the priest: “I, your husband, reaffirm my marriage vows to you, my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”* All the wives together recite after the priest: “I, your wife, reaffirm my marriage vows to you, my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”* All kneel and recite “Act of Family Consecration” on page 4. Then continue on page 12. * From “Renewal of Marriage Vows” published by the Family Life Bureau, N. C. W. C., 1312 Massa- chusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington 5, D. C. 64 PRAYER TO ST. TERESA FOR HOME BLESSINGS Blessed Little Flower of Jesus, the roots of your sanctity and purity were fixed deep in the friendly soil of a holy and loving home. By the memory of the tender care of your par- ents and the loving solicitude of your sisters, obtain we beseech you for all our families and for those of the entire world the blessings of a truly Catholic home life, full of simple and sincere piety, warm with devoted family love, adorned with true Catholic culture, and bright with the influence of cheerful good example. Fill our Catholic parents with the spirit of devotion and self-sacrifice and our children with obedient love so that our homes may be like the home of Nazareth and our lives like the lives of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Make us love our homes and abide in them, fill them abundantly with good pictures and books and protect them from all evil influences of speech or of example. Ask for us also, we pray, the favors which each one wishes personally to obtain through this holy novena. Amen. This prayer from “A Novena to the Little Flower” by Rev. E. F. Garesche, S.J., published by the Vista Maria Press, N. Y.