Chalk talks or teaching catechism graphically 0 f CHALK TALKS G- t f 4 j OR TEACHING CATECHISM GRAPHICALLY (Based on the Baltimore Catechism) Part II By Jerome F. O’Connor, S. J. and William Hayden, S. J. THE QUEEN’S WORK 3115 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis 18, Mo. (i 1 ) » t Imprimi potest: Matthaeus Germing, S, J. Praep. Prov. Missourianae Nihil Obstat: Joannes Rothensteiner Censor Librorum Imprimatur: '^Joannes J. Glennon Archiepiscopus Sti. Ludovici Sancti Ludovici die 11 Novembris, 1930 Any financial profit made by the Central Office of the Sodality will be used for the advancement of the Sodality Movement and the cause of Catholic Action. Copyright, 1930 THE QUEEN’S WORK CHALK TALKS OR TEACHING CATECHISM GRAPHICALLY (Based on the Baltimore Catechism) Part II By Jerome F. O’Connor, S. J. and William Hayden, S. J. THE QUEEN’S WORK, Inc. 3115 S. Grand Boulevard ST. LOUIS 18, MISSOURI INDEX PAGE Sacraments (in general) 5 Sacraments of the Dead 6 Spiritual Marks 8 Spiritual Mirror 10 What Baptism Does to the Soul 15 Baptism Is the First Sacrament 15 Baptism Is Absolutely Necessary 17 Baptism of Desire 19 Baptism of Blood 20 Godparents 20 Marks of Confirmation on the Soul 23 Gifts to Know God’s Will 24 Gifts to Do God’s Will 25 Rich Men—Good and Bad 25 Poor Men—Good and Bad 27 Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit 28 Penance 30 How to Go to Confession—I 31 How to Go to Confession—II 34 Help for Examining Your Conscience 37 Perfect Contrition 37 Imperfect Contrition 39 Are We With God or With the Devil? 40 Ddadli:^ci CHALK TALKS 5 THE SACRAMENTS The Sacraments are helps which God in His goodness gives to us to make it easy to save our souls. Just stop a moment and think what this world would be like without the Seven Sacraments. Suppose we were never baptized—we could NEVER GET INTO HEAVEN ; suppose we never had Confession—we could never get mortal sin otf our souls (except by Perfect Contrition, or by Baptism if we have not been baptized before) ; suppose we never had the Holy Eucharist —our souls would starve for want of Holy Communion, which is out spiritual food; suppose we never had Confirmation—our souls wotJd be so much more weak; suppose we never had Matrimony—men and women would get married, but never receive the blessings which God showers down through this sacrament to help married people to live as they should; suppose we never had Extreme Unction—people would die without God’s special help at the most important moment of their lives; suppose we never had Holy Orders—we would never have any priests, and without priests there would be no Confession nor Mass nor Holy Communion. But God did give us all these things, and if we wish, we can use them to get to Heaven. (Draw chasm and ladder spanning it. Draw also the "Sacrament Rope.”) As Catholic boys and girls we must be careful to hold tightly to the "Sacrament Rope.” Our lives are filled with dan- gerous temptations, and the devil is always laying snares for us. And un- less we are on the look- out, we may fall into the openings of sin. Of course, the Guardian Angel is there to guide us (Draw Angel) but he cannot do it all — we must help him. But sup- pose we get careless and let go of the "Sacrament Rope” and fall into Big 6 CHALK TALKS Sin! Down onto the Ledge of Sin we fall. (Draw Ledge.) We can climb back again on the Confession rope (draw it), but if we do not do so and die before we get back, we will roll ofiF the Ledge and drop into the eternal fires of Hell! But what about non-Catholic boys and girls? How are they going to be helped during life? For most of them there is only Baptism (and some haven’t even that), and after they have been baptized they must go through life with only the Guardian Angel to help them. They are weak, for their souls are starved, and they fall into Big Sins so easily. There they are down on the Ledge of Mortal Sin! Poor children! They cannot use the Confession rope, because they are not Catholics. How can they get back? Over in the corner is a small thin rope—Per- fect Contrition. They can climb back on that. But how many know how to make an Act of Perfect Contrition? And if they don’t know how, they will spend their lives down on that Ledge of Mortal Sin, and when death comes, they will roll off into Hell! LET US LOVE THE SACRAMENTS AND USE THEM OFTEN! LET US THANK GOD EVERY DAY FOR HAVING GIVEN US THESE WONDERFUL GIFTS! THE SACRAMENTS OF THE DEAD Baptism and Penance (Confession) Baptism and Penance are called the Sacraments of the Dead. They take away mortal sin, which is the death of the soul, and give grace, which is its life. Did you ever fall into a well—one so deep that you couldn’t get out by yourself? If you did, then you probably shouted and shouted until someone came with a ladder to get you out. But had no one been around, then you would have died right there in that well. When you commit sin, you fall into a well; and the bigger the sin, the deeper is the well. There are three kinds of sins: original sin, venial sin, and mortal sin. When you came into this world original sin was on your soul and your soul was dead. There you were down in a well! (Draw first ledge.) And you couldn’t get out by yourself! CHALK TALKS 7 Then along came a priest. He gave you a ladder—it was Baptism. It brought you back to spiritual life and gave grace to your soul. Then you were out of the Well of Sin. But suppose you had died without Baptism! You would have had to go to Limbo (draw Limbo) and stay there for eternity. Is Limbo the same as Hell? No. It is a place where those imbaptized souls are sent who never committed sin and who died before reaching the use of reason. They will not suffer any pain, but they will never be able to see God. Suppose, after you grew up, you committed venial sin! Down onto the second ledge you fell! (Draw second ledge and make it slanting to show that frequent venial sin leads to Mortal Sin.) "Baptism, Confession, Good Works,” is the lad- der you need to get back onto the clean path that leads to God. But had you died with venial sin, God would have had to send you into Purgatory. There you would burn until all venial sins were cleaned off, and then God would lead you out Purgatory with ladder going up to God.) of Purgatory and up into Heaven. (Draw But suppose you committed mortal sin! Down to the bottom of the deep well you fell! (Draw lowest ledge sloping towards Hell.) Your soul was dead as dead could be. And if your body had died too, you would have had to go even lower—down into the mouth of Hell. There you would burn forever and ever and ever. But don’t wait to die. Get back to the path of God at once. How? By using the ladder "Confession” or "Perfect Contrition.” If you are not baptized, then Baptism is the ladder for you. 8 CHALK TALKS So, you see, Baptism and Penance (Confession) are the Sacraments of the Dead. They bring back life to the soul when it is dead with mor- tal sin. And when our souls are clean and free from deadly sin, then God gives us some more of that wonderful Sanctifying Grace, which makes our souls beautiful in His sight. And He comes to dwell in our souls, and calls us once more His adopted children. SPIRITUAL MARKS FROM BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION, AND HOLY ORDERS Do you know why policemen and firemen wear special badges? 1*11 tell you. It’s to show everybody that they belong to the city. Now, God has badges, special badges that show all the angels and saints in Heaven (and on the Last Day will show the whole world) that those who wear these badges belong to Him. Can we see these badges of God? No, we cannot, because the soul which has them is a spiritual thing, and as we cannot see the soul, neither can we see its badges. How do we get these badges? We get the first one when we are bap- tized (draw first soul with one badge) ; the second one in Confirmation (draw second soul with two badges) ; and the third one in the Sacrament of Holy Orders (draw third soul with three badges), and women can receive the first two in Baptism and Confirmation, and men can get all three badges, for they can become priests. viif Girls Boys CHALK TALKS 9 Do these badges go away after death? No, they stay on the soul forever, either for its honor and praise, or for its dishonor and disgrace. When a policeman or a fireman is brave, everybody honors and praises him, and the city is proud of that man. So, too, in Heaven. Those souls who have lived as good people on earth have been very brave. They have fought for God, and He will put them up in Heaven where they belong. He will be proud of them. (Draw souls being I honored in Heaven. ) The angels and saints will respect and praise them. And all will be happy, be- cause these people have used God’s graces and have saved their souls. They have been faithful to their badges and now they are to receive their reward for being good. But if a policeman or a fireman shows himself to be a coward and is afraid to do his duty, then people do not honor or praise him. They are ashamed of him, and so is the city. He is an enemy of the people who hired him. His badge brings disgrace upon him and he will be punished. So, too, with God. If a person gets a badge in Baptism, or a second one in Confirmation, or a third one in the Priesthood, and then becomes IN HEAVEN - HONOR 10 CHALK TALKS IN HELL - DISGRACE DESPAIR a traitor to God by mortal sin and dies, his reward will be Hell for all eternity. (Draw souls in Hell.) The devils will laugh at him for los- ing his soul (put in words). They will remind him that he should be in Heaven with such badges, and he will never be able to get rid of them or shake off his disgrace. And people who did not have chances like his will curse him for- ever and ever. •f- Ha Ha! Look you are nowf You should he in Hea\^en with khose badges Of course, had he not been baptized, nor confirmed, nor ordained to the priesthood, he would never have received the many, many graces and helps which God always gives with these Sacraments. That means that he would have fallen into many mortal sins and be deeper in Hell than he is at present. If we love God and do our duty, our badges will mean much for us in Heaven, but if we hate God by committing mortal sin, then our badges will be to our shame and disgrace forever in Hell. OUR SPIRITUAL MIRROR Did you ever look into a mirror and see yourself as others see you? Of course you did. Well, now let’s look at ourselves in a spiritual CHALK TALKS 11 mirror and see ourselves as God sees us. Are we going to Heaven or to Hell? In each mirror let us draw a heavy line and on it mark the years of life. A lighter arrow-headed line will show which way we are going. If the arrow is above the line, then we are headed for God, and the higher it goes, the closer we are to Heaven and to God. But if the arrow is below the heavy line, then we are headed for Hell, and the lower it goes, the closer we are to Hell and to the devil. Let’s imagine that one of you is a baby just born into the world. (Draw heavy line with age numbers.) You start life on the heavy line. Then you are baptized and receive Sanctifying Grace. At once the arrow jumps above the line and is headed straight for Heaven. (Draw beginning of line.) At seven years of age you begin to go higher towards God, for, though you got Sanctifying Grace in Baptism, Jjj|H yet only when you get the use of reason can you merit more for Heaven. Then you go to Confession and make your First Holy Communion. Up goes the arrow higher and higher. (Extend the line higher.) You keep on being good and going to Holy Communion, and each time you do a good act, you get more merit and the line goes higher towards Heaven. Suddenly an auto runs over and kills you when you are only ten years old. You have never committed a mortal sin; the arrow is above the line; and you will live in Heaven forever and ever. Now let’s imagine that you are another little boy or girl. (Draw heavy line with numbers.) You are baptized when eight years old. You go to Holy Communion day after day and the arrow is going higher and higher. (Continue line.) But afterwards you grow lazy and commit many venial sins. You are getting careless. Suddenly a big temptation comes; you are too weak to say **No”; and at ten years of age you commit your FIRST MORTAL SIN. Down below the line goes the arrow. (Draw line down.) If you die now, you’ll be in Hell forever and ever. IQ 12 CHALK TALKS But you make an Act of Perfect Contrition AT ONCE. If your Con- trition is perfect, the sin is forgiven and up goes the arrow again. (Of course, you must tell this sin in your next Confession.) That was a rather narrow escape from Hell! No more mortal sins! The arrow is above the line and has gone a little bit higher than it was before. All the merit that you had before that mortal sin comes back to you, with a little more for going to Confession. Then you do many good things and the arrow goes higher and higher. (Extend the line higher.) But perhaps you grow careless again and commit another mortal sin. Down goes the arrow below the line (draw it) lower and lower. Weakened by one mortal sin, you probably commit another one and still another one. Deeper and deeper you go (draw line down) and if death comes, there you are, headed straight for Hell. You are caught with the "goods” and from now on the devil will be your boss. Now, let’s make believe that you are a man who, when he is thirty years old, commits a mortal sin. (Draw heavy line with age numbers.) Down goes the arrow deeper and deeper with each big sin! By chance he goes to church and hears a sermon. The priest tells the people to go to Confession, and he does so. Up shoots the arrow, for now he is in the state of grace. (Draw line up.) But he doesn’t stay good very long. Another mortal sin and down goes the arrow. (Draw line dropping.) Then for twenty years he lives below the line—RIGHT IN THE MOUTH OF HELL. He hates all churches, priests, and the Sacraments. Then God sends him a very strong desire to go to Confession. He uses this grace, his soul is freed from mor- tal sin and up jumps the arrow. CHALK TALKS 13 (Draw line going up.) And then, just as he leaves the church, a robber shoots him dead. Gee, what a close shave! How thankful he can be that God gave him that last grace. Most of his life he has lived in sin, and yet, perhaps, because someone has been praying for him, oi because he has said a Hail Mary every day for all these years, God sends him this one last grace before death; he uses it; the arrow jumps above the line; and his soul is saved. Now, let’s imagine that you are a man who at twenty years of age is high above the heavy line. (Draw heavy line with age numbers.) Year after year the arrow goes higher. (Draw line going higher.) At about fifty years of age he begins to grow careless and does not mind com- mitting venial sins. Then along comes a big temptation. He is so weak that he gives way and com- mits a mortal sin. AT ONCE he becomes an enemy of God and a friend of the devil. All Sanctifying Grace is lost for his soul. (Draw arrow below the line.) Suppose he dies in this state? He hates God, be- cause he committed mortal sin. The arrow is below the line and down into Hell he goes. 20 30 40 MORTAL SIN HAS PUT HIM THERE. ONE MORTAL SIN IS ENOUGH TO PUT HIS SOUL IN HELL! Now let us suppose that you are a young girl that has been baptized. (Draw heavy line with age numbers.) She has made her First Holy Communion and has been living a good life. The arrow is above the line. (Draw arrow going up.) Then she goes to a party to which many bad boys and girls have been invited. They are so bad that many mortal sins are committed. She, too, weakens and commits a mortal sin against purity. Down goes the arrow below the line. (Draw arrow 14 CHALK TALKS going down.) But she says that she will go to Confession tomorrow and so will not bother about making an Act of Perfect Contrition now. On the way home, the drunken driver runs the car into a ditch and it is overturned. The girl is struck on the head and loses her mind. They rush her to the hospital, but the doctors can do nothing for her. She must go to the insane asylum. There she is, poor girl! Her soul is dead and the arrow points to Hell. But that’s not all. Her mind is gone. She cannot think. She cannot ask God’s pardon for her terrible sin I She walks about on this earth waiting for death to send her soul into Hell for- ever. What a terrible state to be in! A few short years and then an eternity of suffering in Hell just because of mortal sin. 20 3fl| 1 40 60 eo Oh, if God would only give people like this girl just one minute to get back their minds and make Acts of Perfect Contrition! Then, if they go back into their crazy state, they have had a chance to save their souls. For if these Acts of Contrition have been Perfect, the arrow is above the line and their souls are saved! Did you ever think of saying a prayer every day that God would give all the people in the Insane Asylum at least one minute to ask His pardon for their sins? If you ask this favor, God may grant it. And how happy you’ll be to feel that perhaps some souls are saved because of your prayers! And how furious and mad will the devil be to see himself robbed of these souls that he thought were his! WHAT DO WE LOOK LIKE IN SPIRITUAL MIRRORS? ARE WE ABOVE THE LINE OR BELOW IT? CHALK TALKS 15 WHAT BAPTISM DOES TO THE SOUL Close your eyes and try to think of a white dress that is all spotted with mud. (Draw dress.) What happens when soap and water are used? It becomes clean and beautiful, doesn’t it? (Draw clean gar- ment.) Sin makes our souls filthy and they look something like the dress before being washed. When we are baptized, our souls become clean and beautiful and we get Sanctifying Grace. And if we have grown up before being baptized and have done bad things, all these sins are also washed away with original sin if we are sorry for them. BAPTISM IS THE FIRST SACRAMENT We know that without Sanctifying Grace we are enemies of God and friends of the devil. And we know that when Sanctifying Grace is in our souls God really lives in us, and if we die then, we will go to Heaven for all eternity. We also know that by His death on the Cross Jesus gained very, very much merit for us. But as He was not to stay on earth in the same manner as at Nazareth, He started His Church—the Roman Catholic Church—and left all His treasures with it. That we might get these treasures. He gave us the Seven Sacraments. They were to be openings or canals leading from the Church through which Sancti- fying Grace would come to all who loved Him. Some time back we drew a Cross connecting Heaven and earth. And at the bottom of the Cross we drew the Church of Christ, into which were flowing the graces and merits from the wounds of our Lord. (Draw 16 CHALK TALKS church at foot of Cross, and also the seven openings.) And some time be- fore that we drew another picture. It was of the “No- Merit Path.” Wc saw that grown people who were not bap- tized walked on that path and died and went to Hell, be- cause they had no- thing to show for the work of their en- tire lives. Sanctify- ing Grace had never entered their souls; they had never been friends of God; and they had gained no merit for Heaven. If we have been baptized, then these wonderful graces, flowing out from the Sacrament gates, can enter our souls and make them most beautiful. (Draw soul with Baptism badge, and lines of grace entering the soul). But souls that have never received Baptism are in a sad state. Sanctify- ing Grace is flowing about them, but none of it can come into their souls. Why? Because they are not Baptized. (Draw unbaptized souls and lines of grace going around, but not into them). The tricky devil knows how important Baptism is. He knows that it is the Sacrament that leads to all the others. He knows that the Catholic Church wants all little children to be baptized as soon after birth as possible. And he knows that then, if these little ones die before growing up, their souls will go up to God, whom he hates. He knows all these things and that’s why he tries to put a cover over the first name- plate so people can’t see the word “Baptism.” (Draw devil covering name-plate.) If he can only get people to be bad and to die in mortal sin without being baptized, then he is happy, for such people will belong to him and be in Hell forever. Can’t we do something to keep the devil from covering up the CHALK TALKS 17 Baptism sign? Can’t we do something to save people from the devil? Yes, we can! We can tell our Protestant friends about the Seven Sacra- ments—especially about Baptism. We can show them the name-plate and tell them what Baptism will do to their souls. But above all, we must pray and pray and pray for all those people who have never been baptized. Then we will be working against the devil and helping people to get into Heaven. And who wouldn’t be happy to know that he was working against the tricky devil? BAPTISM IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY Did you ever stand at a busy street-corner and watch all the people rush past you? (Draw man standing alone.) What strange looks on their faces! What can they be thinking about? Stop a few people and ask them. “Out of my way! I’ve got to rob a bank this morning,” says the robber. (Draw him) . "Don’t bother me! I have a big business job to do and it’s going to be a crooked bit of work this time,” growls the dishonest millionaire. (Draw him in auto.) "Gee, if I can only make out a bad check today. I’ll get rich quickly. I don’t care for God,” mutters the swindler as he brushes you aside. (Draw him.) Strange, isn’t it, how they are all thinking about everything but God? Money, sin, pleasure—but not a thought about Him who created all the things they have and use every day. I wonder how many of them have been baptized! They all seem to forget that some day they will die, and then—how terrible for them! But here comes another man. He’s so different from the rest. He seems happy and not worried as the other people were. "Isn’t it a beautiful day?” he says with a smile. "God certainly made the world beautiful, didn’t He? (Draw last man.) 18 CHALK TALKS Now, let’s suppose that the first three come to die, and suppose that you are St. Peter at the Gate of Heaven. (Draw key and halo and Gate.) One by one they come to the Gate. During life they had *‘no time,” so they say, to find God. They didn’t care for Him and so never did what was absolutely necessary to get into Heaven—be baptized. They never looked for, and so never found, the first of all the Sacraments — Baptism. Without Baptism, they never received Sanctifying Grace and so now they can’t get into Heaven. Their robberies, fine automobiles, and sinful acts are perfectly useless now. AND THE MAN AT THE GATE TELLS THEM TO KEEP ON GOING—DOWN TO HELL! But the man that was so happy, even when troubles came his way, kept God in mind. He found out that Baptism was necessary for saving his soul, and he received it. Now he has something worth while to show. (Draw Baptism slip.) Heaven is for such people. Jesus Himself said to all: "UNLESS one be born again of water and the Holy Ghost HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” That is plain enough. NO ONE GETS TO HEAVEN EXCEPT THROUGH BAPTISM. But can’t bad people be baptized and get to Heaven? Yes, of course they can. But if they were not baptized as little children it is hard to see how they will think about God and their soul’s salvation in the midst of sinful pleasures. On the other hand, the man who was baptized and seemed so happy has Sanctifying Grace in his soul as long as he is free from mortal sin. Heaven will be his reward if he dies in this state. He must be careful, however, for if he falls into mortal sin, he too loses Sanctifying Grace and is headed for Hell. But this man can get back into God’s favor very easily through Confession. He has received the first Sacrament and now can use all the other ones. Not so the bad people who have not been baptized. Before they can go to Confession and Holy Com- munion they must receive Baptism. DO YOU SEE HOW IMPORTANT BAPTISM IS? CHALK TALKS 19 BAPTISM OF DESIRE Baptism of Desire is an act of Perfect Love of God, which act con- tains the desire to do all that God has commanded for our salvation. Suppose a man is crossing a big sandy desert and loses his way. The sun beats down with a burning heat. No water is at hand and the man lies down to die. (Draw man.) He has never been baptized, but as a boy long ago he heard that no one could get into Heaven without Bap- tism. He knows that he will soon be dead, and wishes to do whatever God wishes. But he is alone. No priest is there to baptize him. (Draw burning sun and sand.) "Dear Lord, I am sorry for all my sins, because whenever I sinned I offended you who are so good and deserving of ALL my love. Please pardon me all my sins.’* If he really wants to be baptized and is truly sorry for his sins — not only because he will go to Hell for them, but because he has offended a God who is SO GOOD and SO PERFECT—then that man has received Baptism of Desire. His sins are forgiven, Sanctifying Grace comes to him, and if he dies his soul will go to Heaven. Of course, if someone rescues him and he lives, then God will expect him to be baptized with water. And if he will not do so, then he is not true to nor sincere with God. He cannot expect God to let him get into Heaven. 20 CHALK TALKS BAPTISM OF BLOOD Baptism of Blood is the shedding of one’s blood for the faith of Christ. Long ago, after Jesus had died on the Cross for us, bad kings and emperors who adored wooden statutes began to hate everybody who spoke about Jesus. The Christians had to flee for their lives. But the cruel soldiers hunted them like animals, and if the poor people were found they were at once thrown into prison. Why? Just because they loved Jesus. Then, when the city had a big open-air show, the Christians were dragged out into the arena. (Draw people in the gallery.) If it was a special big holiday, the people would cry out: "Feed the Christians to the lions.” (Draw Christian man praying.) Then a heavy door would open and out from a dark dungeon would come huge, hungry lions. (Draw lions.) That meant the end of the Christians. All that remained of them would be a few white bones. Now if any of these people had not received Baptism of Water, then the giving up of their lives for the faith of Christ gained for them eternal happiness—for they received Baptism of Blood. GODPARENTS Godfathers and godmothers are given in Baptism in order that they may promise for the child what the child would promise if it had the CHALK TALKS 21 use of reason. They speak for the child and they also tell God that they will see to it that the child will not serve the devil. They are really working side by side with the Guardian Angel, and for just one pur- pose—to save the soul of the child. It is a great honor and a special privilege to be a second Guardian Angel, but people must remember that to be a godparent brings certain obligations. Godparents must see to it that the child is instructed in its religious duties if the parents neglect to do so or die. Some people are always willing and ready to be godparents. But frequently there are some who think only of the “honor** that comes to them, especially so if the child is of a rich family. Once there was just such a couple, who were so glad to be godparents to a little boy who was baptized John. (Draw Fig. 1.) But as soon as they had left the church, they seemed to for- get all about the wonderful thing that had just taken place. And as time went on they never thought of even praying for their little godchild. How nice it would have been had they sent him a little present each year to re- mind him of the wonderful day on which he was baptized! How in- teresting it would have been for John if, when he was a little older, they had explained what Baptism meant! How happy he would have been had they remembered him on the day of his First Holy Communion and Confirmation! And how many graces and indulgences would he not have gained had they seen to it that he, their godchild, was enrolled in the Scapular, the League of the Sacred Heart, and the Rosary Confraternity! But no! They had forgotten him. 22 CHALK TALKS When John was fifteen years old, his father and mother were both killed in an auto accident. John went to live with his married brother, but soon he was going with a crowd of bad boys. He began to lie and steal. Then he stayed away from Confes- sion and Holy Com- munion. And finally he said that he was too busy to go to Mass on Sxmdays. Down, down he John, known as went. One mortal ‘BlooJy'‘fack,nei^er sin after another. He became so bad that 7 ,. / . they called him kills, ro S, e "Bloody Jack.” Too bad somebody doesn^ i'ell John abouf’ OoJ and help him io be cjoad ^mcel his parenis died I5yrs laterti But what were his godparents doing all this time? NOTHING! When they heard what a bad boy he was, they threw up their hands in horror. (Draw Fig. 2.) **Too bad,” they said, “that somebody doesn’t tell John about God and help him to be good, now that his parents are dead!” That’s exactly what they should have been doing. They promised on the day he was baptized that they would look after him in religious matters if his parents neglected to do so or died. And when the boy needed them most, they expected others to do their work. You si (ViOU/ CjO inned by> neqlectj io down io I wonder how God would treat such people on Judg- ment Day! I can almost see them standing before God, their Judge, and hear what He says to them. (Draw God and couple in Fig. 3 .) “You thought it a great honor to be godparents. Why didn’t you do your duty and save him from Hell? neglect. Now go down to Hell!” On Jud^menl 'Day You sinned by CHALK TALKS 23 MARKS OF CONFIRMATION IN THE SOUL Let us take the souls of three boys and line them up side by side. (Draw three souls.) Let us suppose that the first one has not received Baptism, and that it is stained with actual sin and also with original sin. What does this soul look like? (Draw dead soul covered with sin.) The second soul has been baptized. It is now free from original sin and has the badge which shows that it is a child of God and an heir of Heaven. (Draw second soul with Baptism badge.) Of course, this boy must be very careful, for if he falls into mortal sin he becomes an enemy of God and is no longer His child. He will then hate God and lose his right to Heaven. The third soul has n BsptiSCH 1 , u . ^ Mortal Sin Baptism andnot only been baptized r Confirmation but has also received Con- firmation. It carries two badges, which show that it is a child of God and a soldier of Jesus Christ. (Draw third soul with Baptism and Confirmation badges.) Should the third boy commit mortal sin, he is no longer a soldier of Christ (though he still keeps his badge) , but becomes an outcast and a traitor to Christ’s army. What do you imagine God thinks of these three souls? What do you think He would say about each one? To the first He would probably say: **Too bad.” To the second, if it is free from mortal sin: "You are my child.” To the third, if it is free from mortal sin: "You are not 24 CHALK TALKS only my child, but you are a soldier of Jesus Christ and you must fight bravely against the devil and all that is bad.” Suppose all three souls were to leave this earth at the same time. Where do you think God would put them? Of course, the first one would have to go to Hell. If the other two were not in mortal sin and died on the very day they received Baptism and Confirmation, then the third soul, which has received one more Sacrament than the second, would be put on a higher level for all eternity. GOD WANTS EVERY CATHOLIC TO RECEIVE CONFIRMA- TION AND SO BE A BRAVE SOLDIER OF JESUS CHRIST. THE GIFTS TO KNOW GOD’S WILL Did you ever feel that you didn’t know just what to do? You wanted to be good, but the easy way of doing things looked so nice. And in spite of all you did, everything went wrong and you felt like forgetting about God and picking a downhill and easy path of life. That’s just the time when you need the Holy Ghost to be your guide. The devil can show things in so sweet a way that unless you have help from God, you will sure- ly pick the wrong thing. (Draw man at paths.) If you have been con- firmed, then the Holy Ghost will guide you in a choice of what is good, for in Confirmation you receive the Gift of Wis- dom, U n d e r s tanding. Counsel and Knowledge, which give you a liking for the things of God, and direct your whole life and all your actions to His honor and glory. CHALK TALKS 25 THE GIFTS TO DO GOD’S WILL In Confirmation we receive the gifts of Fear of the Lord, Piety, and Fortitude. Fear of the Lord fills us with a dread for sin; Piety makes us love God as a Father and obey Him because we love Him; Fortitude strengthens us to do the will of God in all things. We all need these gifts, no matter where we are or what we do. (Draw man being jeered at.) Do not people laugh at us because we are Catholics, because we do not eat meat on Friday, because we wear the Scapular and carry the Rosary, because we try to live pure lives, be- cause we will not be crooked in business mat- ters, etc.? Every Cath- olic gets his share of sneers. And if he is not strong enough and is not a soldier of Jesus Christ, he will weaken and side with the enemy. We should pray daily that God may give us strength in time of temptations. And if we have received Confirmation and are in the state of grace, we know that the Holy Ghost will be at hand to help us in the time of need. HOLY GHOST, BE WITH US AND HELP US IN OUR FIGHT WITH THE DEVIL! RICH MEN—GOOD AND BAD There are two kinds of rich men in this world. The first is a man who is generous, contented, and kind. He has worked hard and honestly and by God’s help has made lots of money. But he does not keep it all to himself. He gives some of it to orphan asylums, some to priests and Sisters that they may build and repair churches and schools, some to foreign and home missions. And when he sees a poor little child with clothes all ragged and torn, he reaches into his pocket and brings out some shiny coins. (Draw man and child.) 26 CHALK TALKS "Here,” he says, "take this to your par- ents so they can buy food and clothing. God gave me money; Fll help others.” That man is a good rich man. He knows how to use his money in a way that will bring down God’s blessing upon himself and family. Few rich men like this one go to Hell. (Draw narrow path.) Most men like this go to Heaven, because they do what God wishes them to do. (Draw wide path going upward.) The other kind of rich man is selfish, cruel, and always worried. He has made lots of money, honestly and dishonestly, but he will not give any of it to other people, even if they need it. And if a little poor child asks him for help to buy food and clothing, he flies into a fit of anger. (Draw man and child.) "Get out of my way!” he snaps. "I worked hard for my money and Tm not throwing it away even for God’s sake.” Poor man! He doesn’t seem to remember that everything he has comes from God. Giving money and help to the poor is not throwing it away. It is storing up merit — Heavenly merit—for the "Ouf oi my I worked hard ^ I ^ my mon^y i Am J ' t /f (A Oodi Selfish ' Cruel - WorrieJ CHALK TALKS 27 life to come. But the selfish rich man never thinks of God or of eternity, and unless he changes before he dies, God will not let him into Heaven. While on earth, he is walking on the wide path to Hell (draw path), and when he comes to die, death will rob him of the money he loves so dearly. POOR MEN—GOOD AND BAD There are two kinds of poor men. The first is a man who has a very hard time. Work is not as plentiful as he would like, and clothes and food are so very expensive. His family cannot have what others look upon as ordinary things. Even going to shows and parties is impossible. Things look rather blue at times, but this man is doing his best and is contented with his lot. He knows that God is watching over him and his family. *Tt’s hard,” he says, '‘but God knows what’s best for me. Perhaps if I had lots of money I might lose my soul.” This man has the right idea. He trusts in God’s goodness and knows that all will turn out well in the end. Such a man is a millionaire in heavenly merit and he is walking on the broad path that leads to God. (Draw wide path going up.) The other kind of poor man also has a hard time. Work is scarce for him and he is sick. (Draw man.) Instead of thanking God for his sight, speech, arms, hearing and other things, he is always complaining and grumbling about his troubles. It's hard but knou/s tvhafs bes't for me. ^riches r mirths lose mysoul 28 CHALK TALKS did I ever do desery^ fhi$, no mon^y, half star[/3d,ard > chpf>l&d God )sn'^ fair! ^ **What did I ever do,” he shouts up at God, **to deserve this condition — no money, half starved, and sick? You’re not fair to me!” What terrible lan- guage against God! Of course, if he talks this way without thinking, it is no great sin. But, if he knows what he is say- ing and really means every word of it, that man is blaspheming God and committing a big sin. He is a failure in life, and if he doesn’t change pretty soon, he will keep on stumbling right into the eternal fires of HelL If God does not bless you with money and all that it buys, thank Him just the same. PERHAPS IN POVERTY, RATHER THAN IN RICHES, YOU WILL SAVE YOUR SOUL. disconfenfed wifh his H/s life a Vailure BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT To be poor in spirit as Christ wishes us to be means that we should not think too much of riches, but keep our hearts and souls for God whether we are rich or poor. Let’s draw four men: a man in rags, another one blind, a third one starving, and the fourth one with a broken leg. (Draw them.) All are out of work. They haven’t much of the riches or pleasures of this world, it is true, but in spite of this fact they are all happy and love God very much. They are not proud, nor do we hear them blaspheming God. They are so united with Him that even should they suddenly be- come rich, they would still keep their eyes on CHALK TALKS 29 God and do what He wants all men to do in this life. Surely God will reward these faithful men with Heaven, because they are Poor in Spirit. Such men will hardly go to Hell. Now let us draw another picture. It will be of a wealthy man in a big auto. (Draw man and auto.) He is proud and selfish. He doesn’t care about God. All he thinks about is money, money, money. And day and night he plans how he can get more money. He is cruel and will crush men and women if it is necessary to get more money. This man is driving straight into Hell! If this man thought about God and not so much about money, he would be a better man. If he doesn’t change, he will never get into Heaven, for he is not Poor in Spirit. He loves money better than he does God, and so the devil will take him after death. BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT, FOR THEIRS IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. 30 CHALK TALKS PENANCE Penance is a Sacrament in which sins committed after Baptism are forgiven. It is this Sacrament we use when we go to Confession, for then the priest, by the power of God and in His name, cleanses Catholics from their sins. If your soul is dead with mortal sin or stained with venial sin, it something like soiled dress. (Draw dresses.) When you go to Confession, your sins are washed away just like the dirt on the dresses when soap and water are used. (Draw clean dress.) If you go to Confession with mor- tal sin on your soul, the dead soul comes to life again after you have confessed to the priest and have been sorry for your sins. (Draw dead soul, then erect, clean soul.) If you have only venial sins to tell in Confession, your weak soul gets strong and healthy again. (Draw leaning soul, then erect one.) You should be very thankful to having given you this won- derful Sacrament to keep your soul clean and free from sin. And never stay away from Confession because you are ashamed to tell the priest your sins. Don’t be afraid of shocking the priest—he has heard worse than what you tell him. And don’t stay away because you know the priest. Always remember that he is acting in God’s place and so can never tell others what you have told him. Nor will he think less of you for what you have done. It takes nerve to come to Confession. Every priest knows that and will think all the more of you for coming. CHALK TALKS 31 HOW TO GO TO CONFESSION. I When going to Confession, take your time. God is watching you and is going to let you use one of His Big Sacraments. It wouldn’t be right, then, for you to run into the church, splash some holy water on your face, and then rush into the confessional. You’d hardly know what you are doing, or what you are going to say. Let’s see what we ought to do and how we should go to Confession. Take a pencil and draw a left hand with part of the wrist. Put a wart on the hand between the little finger and the wrist. Later on I’ll tell you more about that wart. Now, as the wrist comes before you get to the hand, so does prayer come before you begin Confession. You should pray that God will help you to know your sins, to be Ijeartily sorry for them, to make up your mind not to do them again, to confess them as you should, and to accept the penance the priest gives you. (Write on wrist: *Tray.”) Then, after you have prayed, you must recall the sins you have committed since your last Confession. (Write on thumb the words: '*What did I do?”) Perhaps you have been a bad boy or girl. Perhaps you have missed Mass on Sundays and Holy days, stolen, lied, cursed, dis- obeyed parents and teachers, etc. Look up at God and say from the bot- tom of your heart: “You are so good, God, and I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against you. I’ll not sin again. Please forgive me.” (Write on index finger: “I’m sorry.”) Why is this finger so large? Because sorrow for sins is the biggest part of Confession, If you are not sorry for all the mortal sins com- mitted since your last Confession, your Confession is not only a bad one, but you have committed another mortal sin. That’s why you should always be sure to say the Act of Contrition before going into the con- fessional. And if you have only venial sins to tell, then you must be sorry for at least one of them. 32 CHALK TALKS CHALK TALKS 33 God doesn’t want you to commit any more sins and you know it. You see how mean you have been to sin against Him after all He has done for you, and you say to yourself: "I’m not going to do those sins again, nor any others, and I mean what I say.” (Write on middle finger the words: **No More Sin.”) You have thought about your sins and have asked God’s pardon for them. Now you are ready to go to Confession. You enter the con- fessional and when the little door slides back you say: **Bless me. Father, for I have sinned. It is . . . (here tell how long) . . . since my last Con- fession. I accuse myself of the following sins . . . (here tell the num- ber and kinds of your sins.) I am sorry for these sins and the sins I may have forgotten and ask pardon of God for them.” If the priest asks you any questions, answer them truthfully. And when he is saying the Latin words of absolution, it would be well for you to say once more the Act of Contrition. (Write on fourth finger the words: "Tell sins to priest.”) Then when the little door closes, go out of the confessional and say the Penance which the priest gave you. Don’t put it off until the next day. Say it AT ONCE. (Write on little finger the words: "Say Penance.”) And now what about that wart? It is there to remind you of some- thing—something you should NEVER FORGET. What could that be? It is to remind you to THANK GOD FOR THE WONDERFUL GIFT HE HAS JUST GIVEN TO YOU. You’re lucky to be a Catholic. Pro- testant boys and girls can’t go to Confession, because they are not Cath- olics. And if they have mortal sins on their souls, it will be very hard for them to get rid of those sins and save their souls. THANKS, DEAR GOD, FOR THIS WONDERFUL GIFT! 34 CHALK TALKS HOW TO GO TO CONFESSION. II When boys and girls go to Confession they should, on their way to the church, think about what they will soon do. Let us take a little boy and see what he should do when going to Con- fession. (First draw church and little boy on his way to Confession.) f As soon as he gets inside the church he should: 1. Kneel down and pray for help to make a good Confession. He should pray to the Holy Ghost, to the Sacred Heart, to the Blessed Virgin, to his Guardian Angel, to his Patron Saint. (Draw boy kneel- ing and praying for help.) CHALK TALKS 35 2. Examine his soul to see what sins he has committed. Is his soul dead with mortal sin? (Draw dead soul.) How many and what kind of mortal sins? Is his soul stained with venial sin? (Draw leaning soul.) Which are the biggest and meanest of these venial sins? IS YOUR SOUL CLEAN AND STRAIGHT? IS IT STAINED AND LEANING? IS IT DEAD? Is his soul straight and clean from all sin? If so let him think of some sin of his past life for which he is very sorry. (Draw straight soul.) 3. Be sorry for his sins. Why? Because dear Jesus, who died on the Cross for us, does not like sin. Because Hell is wide open and waiting for all those who do big sins. Because Heaven is closed tight against those who commit mortal sins. This little boy knows these things and so he says his Act of Contrition and means every word of it. 4. Say ^^No more sin for me! I have been mean enough as it is and Tm not going to offend so good a God any more. He is deserving of ALL my love, not only a part of it.” 36 CHALK TALKS 5. Tell sins to the priest in an 6. Do the penance the priest gives. (Draw boy kneeling and saying his prayers.) And after this is over, you will not forget to thank God for giving you such a won- derful Sacrament. honest and sincere manner. "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It is . . . (here tell how long) . . . since my last Confession. I accuse myself of the fol- lowing sins . . . (here tell the number and kinds of your sins.) I am sorry for these sins and the sins I may have forgotten and ask pardon of God for them. (Draw inside of confessional.) When the priest is giv- ing absolution it is well to say again the Act of Contrition. CHALK TALKS 37 A HELP FOR EXAMINING YOUR CONSCIENCE Do you ever find it hard to remember your sins when going to Con- fession? If you do, then try this little scheme for a month or two. Each night before you close your eyes think of what you have done during the day. Ask yourself: Did I willingly and purposely do any- thing that was bad and sinful; did I willingly and purposely say anything that God would not like; did I willingly keep bad thoughts in my mind? If you find that you have committeed venial sins that day, beg God’s pardon for them and tell Him how glad you are not to have displeased Him with mortal sin. Thank Him for all the graces He gave you dur- ing the day, and tell Him that you are sorry for these venial sins. If you have committed a mortal sin, it will pop up in your mind as big as a house. It’s pretty hard to commit a mortal sin and then forget about it. Kneel down and tell God from the bottom of your heart that you are sorry for being so mean to Him who is so good in Himself and who has been so good to you. You might tell Him that you will go to Confession as soon as you can. And when you do finally come to go to Confession, ask yourself: What did I do that was bad in thought, word, or deed, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday? You will be surprised how quickly you can remember the bad things you did during the week. TRY THIS SCHEME AND SEE IF YOU CAN’T REMEMBER YOUR SINS EASIER THE NEXT TIME YOU GO TO CONFES- SION. YOU WILL ALSO BE SURPRISED TO FIND THAT THIS DAILY EXAMINATION IS NOT ONLY A BIG HELP FOR REMEMBERING SINS, BUT IS EVEN A FINE REMEDY AGAINST COMMITTING SIN AT ALL. PERFECT CONTRITION Perfect Contrition is sorrow and hatred for sin because sin offends God, who is so good in Himself and worthy of all love. Stand and look up at the heavens some clear night. (Draw boy looking at stars.) God made every star you see, and they are so far away that if you traveled in the fastest aeroplane you wouldn’t get to the nearest star in a thousand years. How big and powerful God must be to have made all these things! 38 CHALK TALKS Then turn your eyes to the wonderful things on this earth: light, air, water, flowers, jewels, foo<^ and drink, friends, parents, brothers, sisters, etc.—and all here for OUR use, and put here by God Himself. Then think of the wonderful spiritual gifts that God has given to us. He has su^ered and died so that Heaven could be opened again for us. He has allowed us to be members of His Church, has given us the Seven Wonderful Sacraments, has given each of us a Guardian Angel to watch over and protect us, and finally, if we are good in this life. He will reward us with everlasting happiness in Heaven. But what did we do to earn all this love and all these gifts? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Sure- ly, then, if that’s all true, God must be a wonder- ful being to do all this for us even though we don’t deserve it. Yes, He surely is good. And sometimes it’s hard to see how people can ever think of committing mortal sin and hating such a good God, who is deserving of all our love, not only a part of it. We should often think of God’s goodness to us, and how good He must be in Himself to do all these things, and how mean we have been toward Him, and then tell Him how sorry we are ever to have sinned against Him. "O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest ipy sins because . . . they oflend Thee who art so good in Thyself and so deserving of all my love.” That’s what we mean by an Act of Perfect Contrition. And when we make an Act of Perfect Contrition, all sins that may be on the soul are taken off AT ONCE. But we must still tell them in our next Confession. We should make Acts of Perfect Contrition every day and every night. If we do this frequently we will get to love God more and more. And if we love God we will find it hard to hate Him by committing mortal sin. MAKE AN ACT OF PERFECT CONTRITION EVERY DAY. CHALK TALKS 39 IMPERFECT CONTRITION Imperfect Contrition is that by which we are sorry for having of- fended God because thus we lose Heaven and deserve Hell. Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing on the edge of Hell. (Draw boy on edge of cliflF with Hell down below.) Look down into that terrible pit of burning souls and think what it all means. There are men and women, boys and girls burning and burning and burning. They were once people just as we have on earth today. But they hated God and committed mortal sin, and before they cared to or could get back into the friendship of God by means of Baptism, Confession or Perfect Contrition they died in their sin, and now . . . well, they’ll be in that terrible fire forever and ever and ever. Would you want me to push you over the edge into that burning furnace? Of course you wouldn’t. It would be terrible down there and you would have to stay there for all eternity. When some people do things that are very bad, they get scared, because they know that if they die in their sin they will have to go to Hell. And so they rush to Confes- sion before it is too late. They’re not thinking about God nearly as much as they are about themselves. Their sorrow Imperfect Contrition. Of course, if you go to Confession with Imperfect Contrition, your sins are forgiven. But if you are dying and no priest is at hand to take away mortal sin, then Imperfect Contrition is not enough to keep you out of Hell. Only Perfect Contrition will do then, and if you have seldom or never made Acts of Perfect Contrition during life, it will be pretty hard to do so on your deathbed with all the devils around to disturb your mind and thoughts. DON’T BE SATISFIED WITH IMPERFECT CONTRITION. MAKE IT PERFECT. for sin is not Perfect, but is what we call 40 CHALK TALKS ARE WE WITH GOD OR WITH THE DEVIL? CHALK TALKS 41 Draw God and His angels. Then draw a long wall with an opening near the middle. On top put a devil and have him standing and coaxing a little boy and girl to come over to his side of the wall. God tells them to stay where they are. (Draw things to suit the words. Start the boy and girl on God’s side.) If they do what God says, they stay where they are; if they do what the devil wants them to do, they go through the opening and are in the devil’s yard. God tells them to hear Mass (write out word on God’s side) ; the devil says: **Miss Mass.” (Write words on devil’s side.) God lik^s to see them play on Sunday; the devil wants them to work when there is no need of it. God tells them to be clean in thoughts, words, and deeds; the devil tells them to be impure. God tells them not to eat meat on Friday; the devil tells them to eat all the meat they want on that day. God tells them to go with good boys and girls, to make good Con- fessions, to receive Holy Communion in the state of grace, to care for their parents when they get old, to stay away from Protestant churches, not to get drunk, etc. The devil tells them just the opposite. Are they going to stay with God or go over to the devil’s side? If they stay with God, He will love them. If they go over into the devil’s yard by disobeying God, the devil will be their friend and will reward them with Hell! We have just been talking of big sins. But doesn’t God want the boy and the girl to keep away from venial sins, too? He certainly docs. (Write words for each venial sin.) God tells them to obey their parents even in small things, not to look around or laugh in church, especially during services, not to fight or quarrel, not to steal little things, not to tell lies, etc. The devil tells them not to mind what God says. CHALK TALKS Or Teaching Catechism Graphically ' By JAMES F. O’CONNOR, S.J. and WILLIAM HAYDEN, S.J. CHALK TALKS are available in four parts: PART I. From the fall of the angels to the estab- lishment of the Church. PART II. The sacraments in general and baptism, confirmation, and penance in particular. PART III. Penance (concluded) and the Holy Eucharist, extreme unction, holy orders, matrimony, and the sacramentals. PART IV. The commandments of God and of the Church. Catechism becomes for children one of the best-liked branches of study when CHALK TALKS is used in the classroom. Simple sketches are provided to illustrate on the blackboard most of the points contained in the catechism. 25c a copy; 1 set (4 parts), ^1.00; Quantity Prices Available THE QUEEN'S WORK 3115 South Grand Boulevard Sf. Louis 18, Mo. 0.&A. THE QUEEN'S WORK 115 South Grand Boulevard St. Louis 18, Missouri