� Editorial tEam David R. Stewart, Co-Editor, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota Ronald W. Crown, Co-Editor, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri Andrew J. Keck, Section Editor for Columns, Duke Divinity School, Durham, North Carolina Beth M. Sheppard, Section Editor for Bibliographic Essays, Seabury Western and Garrett-Evangelical Seminaries, Evanston, Illinois Melody Layton McMahon, Section Editor for Critical Reviews, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Illinois advisory Board Linda Wilson Corman, Trinity College, Toronto, Canada Penelope J. Hall, Bibliotheques Européennes de Theologie Elyse Hayes, Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington, New York William J. Hook, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, Tennessee Theodore Patrick Milas, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida Angela G. Morris, Louisville Presbyterian Theologcial Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky Robert L. Phillips , Southwestern Baptist Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas David Powell, Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Delaware, Ohio Iren L. Snavely, State Library of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Mary Linden Sepulveda, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington Jennifer Lynn Woodruff Tait, Independent Scholar, Huntington, Indiana Donald M. Vorp, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey atla PuBlications committEE Beth Bidlack (2007-2010), University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Amy Limpitlaw (2007-2009), Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut Michelle Y. Spomer (2008-2011), Azusa Pacific University Libraries, San Dimas, California Barbara Kemmis, ex-officio, Director of Member Services, American Theological Library Association THEOLOGICAL LIBRARIANSHIP An Online Journal of the American �eological Library Association Journal information Theological Librarianship publishes essays, columns, critical reviews, bibliographic essays, and peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of professional librarianship in the setting of a religious/theological library collection (whether or not that collection comprises the entire library collection). The primary intended audience includes professional librarians in colleges, universities, and theological seminaries and others with an interest in theological librarianship in those settings. The purpose of the journal is to support the professional development of theological librarians; contribute to and enrich the profession of theological librarianship; contribute to and enrich theological and religious studies; and to serve as the official publication of record for the American Theological Library Association. Further information, including Author Guidelines and instructions on how to submit manuscripts, is available at the journal web site, www.theolib.org. © 2008 American Theological Library Association Volume 1, Number 2 • December 2008 ISSN 1937-8904