id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
scott-betrothed-1825	scott	scott-betrothed-1825	1825		.txt	text/plain	125158	3623	60	And all for what?-- Forsooth the great De Lacy must have an heir to his noble house, and his fair nephew is not good enough to be his representative, because his mother was of Anglo-Saxon strain, and the real heir must be pure unmixed Norman; and for this, Lady Eveline Berenger, in the first bloom of youth, must be wedded to a man who might be her father, and who, after leaving her unprotected for years, will return in such guise as might beseem her grandfather! These animals traversed without difficulty, and beneath the load of a heavy soldier, the wild mountain paths by which the country was intersected, and in one of which Lady Eveline Berenger concluded she was now engaged, from the manner in which her own palfrey, supported by a man on foot at either rein, seemed now to labour up some precipice, and anon to descend with still greater risk on the other side.	cache/scott-betrothed-1825.txt	txt/scott-betrothed-1825.txt