id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
7p88cf97h8n	Joshua Kyle Bolger	Regioselective Copper-Mediated Organometallic Ring Openings of Acylnitroso Cycloadducts and the Development of 5-Lipoxygenase Inhibitors	2010		.txt	text/plain	593	27	33	Recently, organometallic reagents were shown to open bicyclic acylnitroso cycloadducts and, more interestingly, the prospect of highly regioselective openings was raised. Allylic oxidations of the lead structure were attempted with numerous established reagents and conditions and in all cases failed to provide a useful intermediate.	cache/7p88cf97h8n.txt	txt/7p88cf97h8n.txt