id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt cc08hd78w50 Satyaki Ganguly Electrical Characterization of ALD Al2O3/AlN/GaN HEMTs and Integration with Microano Magnets for Novel Device Application 2011 .txt text/plain 400 13 39 In recent years High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) based on III-Nitride semiconductors have proved capable of high power, high voltage and high frequency operation. The successful integration of microano magnets (supermalloy made) with III-Nitride heterostructure and the ability of imaging the single/multi-domain featured nano/micromagnets on III-Nitrides presented in this work opens the possibility of active device driven switching of nanomagnets in MQCA logic operation. cache/cc08hd78w50.txt txt/cc08hd78w50.txt