id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
f7623b6150p	Brian Gerald Morgen	Friction-Damped Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast Concrete Moment Frame Structures for Seismic Regions	2008		.txt	text/plain	366	12	35	Large scale beam-column subassemblies are tested under pseudo-static cyclic lateral loading with the following varied parameters: damper normal force, type of friction interface, area and initial stress of beam post-tensioning steel, and beam depth. Comparisons of the prototype structures with structures that use only mild steel reinforcement crossing the beam-column joints as well as structures that use only post-tensioning steel and structures that use combinations of mild steel and post-tensioning steel are also provided.	cache/f7623b6150p.txt	txt/f7623b6150p.txt