id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
fn106w95077	Shanna Corner	Tactics and Transcendence: The Struggle to Create Common Understandings about Religion and Its Relationship to Women's Human Rights within the United Nations	1904		.txt	text/plain	359	12	28	In this dissertation, I help to correct this problem and answer these questions by looking at dynamics that take place at the micro-interactive level within one of the most important intergovernmental institutions at work in the world to address and resolve differences around human rights, gender, and religion. How do intergovernmental human rights regulatory institutions actually help to shape cultural understandings about the meaning of religion, including its relationship to women's human rights and the types of actions governments must take to protect them?	cache/fn106w95077.txt	txt/fn106w95077.txt