id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt kk91fj25f7p Srinath Puducheri Sundaravaradhan Complexity-Feedback Tradeoffs and Capacity Results for Packet Erasure Networks 2010 .txt text/plain 427 14 36 This dissertation investigates two problems related to communicating reliably over packet erasure networks, adopting two different views of the network, viz., (i) a point-to-point erasure channel (that models either a single link or end-to-end communication), and (ii) a network of erasure links. Many communication networks are well-modeled as 'packet erasure' networks, as packets transmitted over these networks are either received correctly at the destination or are 'erased'; a packet erasure occurs when an error-corrupted packet is detected and discarded, or when a packet is dropped due to congestion in the network. cache/kk91fj25f7p.txt txt/kk91fj25f7p.txt