id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
n583xs59292	Benjamin Stortenbecker	The Entropic Concavity Framework: A Universal Formulation for Understanding Phase Transitions	2022		.txt	text/plain	156	4	25	Being a universal description, it can be applied to systems from both traditional physics, such as of interacting particles of arbitrary composition and interaction ranges, and more general systems of interconnected variables, e.g. networks, combinatorial structures, biological systems, etc. We present several examples such as the two-star model, Strauss' cluster model of transitive networks, gelation in random graphs (Erdös–Rényi), magnetic spin models with short range interactions such as the Ising model, the Blume--Emery--Griffiths model, which is characterized by long-range interactions and finally, the Van der Waals gas as a model system with continuous variables.	cache/n583xs59292.txt	txt/n583xs59292.txt