id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
sn009w05g5g	Guillermo Montt	Socioeconomic school composition effects on student outcomes	2012		.txt	text/plain	355	10	15	I find that the decomposition of socioeconomic composition effects is a useful way to understand the dynamics of composition effects: a student benefits from attending an advantaged school, but is simultaneously hurt by his lower relative status position. This dissertation analyses school socioeconomic composition effects by decomposing them into contagion and frog-pond effects and analyzes how the strength of these composition effects varies according to the way schools and school systems organize themselves by promoting cross-status relationships, differentiating opportunities to learn and providing information about students' possibilities of greater educational attainment.	cache/sn009w05g5g.txt	txt/sn009w05g5g.txt