id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
zw12z32004f	Jonathan M. Kaltenbach	Christ the Priest in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas	1904		.txt	text/plain	346	10	36	Finally, Chapter 6 argues that a profound development on this topic is discernible from some of Thomas' earliest works (Commentary on the Sentences; De veritate), through the middle of his career (Summa contra Gentiles; Compendium theologiae; Commentary on Hebrews), to his more mature work (De perfectione; Summa theologiae). This dissertation explores Thomas Aquinas' complex teaching on Jesus Christ as priest through close readings of the primary texts, attentiveness to the numerous ways he structures this teaching, and persistent investigation into its development over the course of his career.	cache/zw12z32004f.txt	txt/zw12z32004f.txt