id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
4t64gm82f29	1	1	this	this	DET
4t64gm82f29	1	2	dissertation	dissertation	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	1	3	presents	present	VERB
4t64gm82f29	1	4	experimental	experimental	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	1	5	results	result	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	1	6	regarding	regard	VERB
4t64gm82f29	1	7	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	1	8	phenomenon	phenomenon	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	1	9	of	of	ADP
4t64gm82f29	1	10	trailing	trail	VERB
4t64gm82f29	1	11	edge	edge	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	1	12	noise	noise	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	1	13	.	.	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	2	1	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	2	2	objective	objective	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	3	of	of	ADP
4t64gm82f29	2	4	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	2	5	present	present	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	2	6	research	research	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	7	was	be	AUX
4t64gm82f29	2	8	to	to	PART
4t64gm82f29	2	9	experimentally	experimentally	VERB
4t64gm82f29	2	10	measure	measure	VERB
4t64gm82f29	2	11	flow	flow	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	12	field	field	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	13	and	and	CCONJ
4t64gm82f29	2	14	acoustic	acoustic	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	2	15	variables	variable	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	16	in	in	ADP
4t64gm82f29	2	17	order	order	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	18	to	to	PART
4t64gm82f29	2	19	develop	develop	VERB
4t64gm82f29	2	20	an	an	DET
4t64gm82f29	2	21	understanding	understanding	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	22	of	of	ADP
4t64gm82f29	2	23	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	2	24	mechanisms	mechanism	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	25	that	that	PRON
4t64gm82f29	2	26	generate	generate	VERB
4t64gm82f29	2	27	trailing	trail	VERB
4t64gm82f29	2	28	edge	edge	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	29	noise	noise	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	30	in	in	ADP
4t64gm82f29	2	31	incompressible	incompressible	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	2	32	,	,	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	2	33	high	high	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	2	34	reynolds	reynold	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	35	number	number	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	2	36	flows	flow	VERB
4t64gm82f29	2	37	.	.	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	3	1	this	this	PRON
4t64gm82f29	3	2	includes	include	VERB
4t64gm82f29	3	3	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	3	4	measurement	measurement	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	3	5	of	of	ADP
4t64gm82f29	3	6	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	3	7	local	local	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	3	8	velocity	velocity	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	3	9	field	field	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	3	10	,	,	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	3	11	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	3	12	unsteady	unsteady	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	3	13	surface	surface	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	3	14	pressure	pressure	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	3	15	,	,	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	3	16	and	and	CCONJ
4t64gm82f29	3	17	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	3	18	radiated	radiate	VERB
4t64gm82f29	3	19	sound	sound	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	3	20	.	.	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	4	1	these	these	DET
4t64gm82f29	4	2	data	datum	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	4	3	have	have	AUX
4t64gm82f29	4	4	supplied	supply	VERB
4t64gm82f29	4	5	a	a	DET
4t64gm82f29	4	6	unique	unique	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	4	7	database	database	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	4	8	of	of	ADP
4t64gm82f29	4	9	both	both	CCONJ
4t64gm82f29	4	10	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	4	11	turbulence	turbulence	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	4	12	and	and	CCONJ
4t64gm82f29	4	13	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	4	14	radiated	radiate	VERB
4t64gm82f29	4	15	far	far	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	4	16	field	field	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	4	17	pressure	pressure	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	4	18	.	.	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	5	1	in	in	ADP
4t64gm82f29	5	2	addition	addition	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	3	,	,	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	5	4	two	two	NUM
4t64gm82f29	5	5	-	-	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	5	6	component	component	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	7	velocity	velocity	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	8	measurements	measurement	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	9	were	be	AUX
4t64gm82f29	5	10	acquired	acquire	VERB
4t64gm82f29	5	11	using	use	VERB
4t64gm82f29	5	12	particle	particle	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	13	image	image	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	14	velocimetry	velocimetry	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	15	(	(	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	5	16	piv	piv	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	17	)	)	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	5	18	in	in	ADP
4t64gm82f29	5	19	order	order	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	20	to	to	PART
4t64gm82f29	5	21	spatially	spatially	ADV
4t64gm82f29	5	22	resolve	resolve	VERB
4t64gm82f29	5	23	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	5	24	local	local	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	5	25	velocity	velocity	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	26	field	field	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	5	27	.	.	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	6	1	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	6	2	data	datum	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	3	show	show	VERB
4t64gm82f29	6	4	velocity	velocity	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	5	field	field	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	6	realizations	realization	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	7	that	that	PRON
4t64gm82f29	6	8	were	be	AUX
4t64gm82f29	6	9	typical	typical	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	6	10	of	of	ADP
4t64gm82f29	6	11	wake	wake	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	12	flow	flow	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	13	containing	contain	VERB
4t64gm82f29	6	14	an	an	DET
4t64gm82f29	6	15	asymmetric	asymmetric	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	6	16	periodic	periodic	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	17	vortex	vortex	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	6	18	shedding	shedding	PROPN
4t64gm82f29	6	19	.	.	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	7	1	beamforming	beamforme	VERB
4t64gm82f29	7	2	methods	method	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	3	were	be	AUX
4t64gm82f29	7	4	utilized	utilize	VERB
4t64gm82f29	7	5	in	in	ADP
4t64gm82f29	7	6	conjunction	conjunction	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	7	with	with	ADP
4t64gm82f29	7	8	a	a	DET
4t64gm82f29	7	9	pair	pair	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	10	of	of	ADP
4t64gm82f29	7	11	40	40	NUM
4t64gm82f29	7	12	microphone	microphone	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	13	arrays	array	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	14	to	to	PART
4t64gm82f29	7	15	isolate	isolate	VERB
4t64gm82f29	7	16	trailing	trail	VERB
4t64gm82f29	7	17	edge	edge	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	18	noise	noise	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	19	from	from	ADP
4t64gm82f29	7	20	unwanted	unwanted	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	7	21	tunnel	tunnel	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	22	noise	noise	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	7	23	.	.	PUNCT
4t64gm82f29	8	1	the	the	DET
4t64gm82f29	8	2	measured	measure	VERB
4t64gm82f29	8	3	acoustic	acoustic	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	8	4	sources	source	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	8	5	show	show	VERB
4t64gm82f29	8	6	good	good	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	8	7	agreement	agreement	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	8	8	with	with	ADP
4t64gm82f29	8	9	numerical	numerical	ADJ
4t64gm82f29	8	10	results	result	NOUN
4t64gm82f29	8	11	obtained	obtain	VERB
4t64gm82f29	8	12	through	through	ADP
4t64gm82f29	8	13	les	les	X
4t64gm82f29	8	14	.	.	PUNCT