id sid tid token lemma pos 8910js9772g 1 1 i i PRON 8910js9772g 1 2 argue argue VERB 8910js9772g 1 3 for for ADP 8910js9772g 1 4 a a DET 8910js9772g 1 5 reading reading NOUN 8910js9772g 1 6 of of ADP 8910js9772g 1 7 the the DET 8910js9772g 1 8 critique critique NOUN 8910js9772g 1 9 of of ADP 8910js9772g 1 10 pure pure ADJ 8910js9772g 1 11 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 1 12 that that PRON 8910js9772g 1 13 addresses address VERB 8910js9772g 1 14 several several ADJ 8910js9772g 1 15 related relate VERB 8910js9772g 1 16 inadequacies inadequacy NOUN 8910js9772g 1 17 in in ADP 8910js9772g 1 18 kant kant ADJ 8910js9772g 1 19 scholarship scholarship NOUN 8910js9772g 1 20 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 2 1 first first ADV 8910js9772g 2 2 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 2 3 i i PRON 8910js9772g 2 4 argue argue VERB 8910js9772g 2 5 that that SCONJ 8910js9772g 2 6 the the DET 8910js9772g 2 7 problem problem NOUN 8910js9772g 2 8 of of ADP 8910js9772g 2 9 skepticism skepticism NOUN 8910js9772g 2 10 with with ADP 8910js9772g 2 11 which which PRON 8910js9772g 2 12 the the DET 8910js9772g 2 13 critique critique NOUN 8910js9772g 2 14 is be AUX 8910js9772g 2 15 centrally centrally ADV 8910js9772g 2 16 concerned concern VERB 8910js9772g 2 17 is be AUX 8910js9772g 2 18 not not PART 8910js9772g 2 19 the the DET 8910js9772g 2 20 problem problem NOUN 8910js9772g 2 21 of of ADP 8910js9772g 2 22 skepticism skepticism NOUN 8910js9772g 2 23 about about ADP 8910js9772g 2 24 the the DET 8910js9772g 2 25 external external ADJ 8910js9772g 2 26 world world NOUN 8910js9772g 2 27 or or CCONJ 8910js9772g 2 28 about about ADP 8910js9772g 2 29 ordinary ordinary ADJ 8910js9772g 2 30 knowledge knowledge NOUN 8910js9772g 2 31 but but CCONJ 8910js9772g 2 32 rather rather ADV 8910js9772g 2 33 the the DET 8910js9772g 2 34 problem problem NOUN 8910js9772g 2 35 of of ADP 8910js9772g 2 36 skepticism skepticism NOUN 8910js9772g 2 37 about about ADP 8910js9772g 2 38 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 2 39 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 3 1 this this DET 8910js9772g 3 2 latter latter ADJ 8910js9772g 3 3 problem problem NOUN 8910js9772g 3 4 of of ADP 8910js9772g 3 5 skepticism skepticism NOUN 8910js9772g 3 6 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 3 7 i i PRON 8910js9772g 3 8 argue argue VERB 8910js9772g 3 9 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 3 10 is be AUX 8910js9772g 3 11 rooted root VERB 8910js9772g 3 12 in in ADP 8910js9772g 3 13 the the DET 8910js9772g 3 14 difficulty difficulty NOUN 8910js9772g 3 15 of of ADP 8910js9772g 3 16 providing provide VERB 8910js9772g 3 17 a a DET 8910js9772g 3 18 philosophical philosophical ADJ 8910js9772g 3 19 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 3 20 of of ADP 8910js9772g 3 21 the the DET 8910js9772g 3 22 faculty faculty NOUN 8910js9772g 3 23 of of ADP 8910js9772g 3 24 theoretical theoretical ADJ 8910js9772g 3 25 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 3 26 that that PRON 8910js9772g 3 27 preserves preserve VERB 8910js9772g 3 28 its its PRON 8910js9772g 3 29 unity unity NOUN 8910js9772g 3 30 while while SCONJ 8910js9772g 3 31 at at ADP 8910js9772g 3 32 the the DET 8910js9772g 3 33 same same ADJ 8910js9772g 3 34 time time NOUN 8910js9772g 3 35 doing do VERB 8910js9772g 3 36 justice justice NOUN 8910js9772g 3 37 to to ADP 8910js9772g 3 38 its its PRON 8910js9772g 3 39 various various ADJ 8910js9772g 3 40 intrinsic intrinsic ADJ 8910js9772g 3 41 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 3 42 but but CCONJ 8910js9772g 3 43 seemingly seemingly ADV 8910js9772g 3 44 incompatible incompatible ADJ 8910js9772g 3 45 aims aim NOUN 8910js9772g 3 46 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 4 1 second second ADV 8910js9772g 4 2 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 4 3 i i PRON 8910js9772g 4 4 argue argue VERB 8910js9772g 4 5 that that SCONJ 8910js9772g 4 6 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 4 7 in in ADP 8910js9772g 4 8 order order NOUN 8910js9772g 4 9 to to PART 8910js9772g 4 10 understand understand VERB 8910js9772g 4 11 the the DET 8910js9772g 4 12 critique critique NOUN 8910js9772g 4 13 as as ADP 8910js9772g 4 14 responding respond VERB 8910js9772g 4 15 to to ADP 8910js9772g 4 16 this this DET 8910js9772g 4 17 problem problem NOUN 8910js9772g 4 18 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 4 19 we we PRON 8910js9772g 4 20 need need VERB 8910js9772g 4 21 to to PART 8910js9772g 4 22 rethink rethink VERB 8910js9772g 4 23 this this DET 8910js9772g 4 24 work work NOUN 8910js9772g 4 25 as as ADP 8910js9772g 4 26 providing provide VERB 8910js9772g 4 27 not not PART 8910js9772g 4 28 just just ADV 8910js9772g 4 29 a a DET 8910js9772g 4 30 metaphysics metaphysics NOUN 8910js9772g 4 31 of of ADP 8910js9772g 4 32 experience experience NOUN 8910js9772g 4 33 but but CCONJ 8910js9772g 4 34 also also ADV 8910js9772g 4 35 a a DET 8910js9772g 4 36 metaphysics metaphysics NOUN 8910js9772g 4 37 of of ADP 8910js9772g 4 38 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 4 39 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 5 1 i i PRON 8910js9772g 5 2 provide provide VERB 8910js9772g 5 3 an an DET 8910js9772g 5 4 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 5 5 of of ADP 8910js9772g 5 6 the the DET 8910js9772g 5 7 nature nature NOUN 8910js9772g 5 8 of of ADP 8910js9772g 5 9 theoretical theoretical ADJ 8910js9772g 5 10 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 5 11 that that PRON 8910js9772g 5 12 reveals reveal VERB 8910js9772g 5 13 its its PRON 8910js9772g 5 14 teleological teleological ADJ 8910js9772g 5 15 structure structure NOUN 8910js9772g 5 16 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 5 17 including include VERB 8910js9772g 5 18 the the DET 8910js9772g 5 19 aims aim NOUN 8910js9772g 5 20 both both PRON 8910js9772g 5 21 of of ADP 8910js9772g 5 22 the the DET 8910js9772g 5 23 understanding understanding NOUN 8910js9772g 5 24 and and CCONJ 8910js9772g 5 25 of of ADP 8910js9772g 5 26 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 5 27 as as ADP 8910js9772g 5 28 the the DET 8910js9772g 5 29 highest high ADJ 8910js9772g 5 30 intellectual intellectual ADJ 8910js9772g 5 31 faculty faculty NOUN 8910js9772g 5 32 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 6 1 with with ADP 8910js9772g 6 2 this this DET 8910js9772g 6 3 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 6 4 i i PRON 8910js9772g 6 5 argue argue VERB 8910js9772g 6 6 that that SCONJ 8910js9772g 6 7 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 6 8 's 's PART 8910js9772g 6 9 positive positive ADJ 8910js9772g 6 10 theory theory NOUN 8910js9772g 6 11 of of ADP 8910js9772g 6 12 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 6 13 extends extend VERB 8910js9772g 6 14 beyond beyond ADP 8910js9772g 6 15 the the DET 8910js9772g 6 16 transcendental transcendental ADJ 8910js9772g 6 17 analytic analytic ADJ 8910js9772g 6 18 and and CCONJ 8910js9772g 6 19 ultimately ultimately ADV 8910js9772g 6 20 into into ADP 8910js9772g 6 21 the the DET 8910js9772g 6 22 antinomy antinomy NOUN 8910js9772g 6 23 of of ADP 8910js9772g 6 24 pure pure ADJ 8910js9772g 6 25 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 6 26 chapter chapter NOUN 8910js9772g 6 27 of of ADP 8910js9772g 6 28 the the DET 8910js9772g 6 29 dialectic dialectic NOUN 8910js9772g 6 30 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 6 31 where where SCONJ 8910js9772g 6 32 the the DET 8910js9772g 6 33 problem problem NOUN 8910js9772g 6 34 of of ADP 8910js9772g 6 35 skepticism skepticism NOUN 8910js9772g 6 36 about about ADP 8910js9772g 6 37 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 6 38 and and CCONJ 8910js9772g 6 39 its its PRON 8910js9772g 6 40 eventual eventual ADJ 8910js9772g 6 41 solution solution NOUN 8910js9772g 6 42 are be AUX 8910js9772g 6 43 fully fully ADV 8910js9772g 6 44 articulated articulated ADJ 8910js9772g 6 45 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 7 1 third third ADJ 8910js9772g 7 2 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 7 3 i i PRON 8910js9772g 7 4 offer offer VERB 8910js9772g 7 5 a a DET 8910js9772g 7 6 novel novel ADJ 8910js9772g 7 7 reading reading NOUN 8910js9772g 7 8 of of ADP 8910js9772g 7 9 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 7 10 's 's PART 8910js9772g 7 11 solution solution NOUN 8910js9772g 7 12 to to ADP 8910js9772g 7 13 the the DET 8910js9772g 7 14 antinomy antinomy NOUN 8910js9772g 7 15 by by ADP 8910js9772g 7 16 showing show VERB 8910js9772g 7 17 how how SCONJ 8910js9772g 7 18 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 7 19 's 's PART 8910js9772g 7 20 conception conception NOUN 8910js9772g 7 21 of of ADP 8910js9772g 7 22 belief belief NOUN 8910js9772g 7 23 is be AUX 8910js9772g 7 24 implicitly implicitly ADV 8910js9772g 7 25 at at ADP 8910js9772g 7 26 work work NOUN 8910js9772g 7 27 in in ADP 8910js9772g 7 28 it it PRON 8910js9772g 7 29 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 8 1 with with ADP 8910js9772g 8 2 this this DET 8910js9772g 8 3 reading reading NOUN 8910js9772g 8 4 i i PRON 8910js9772g 8 5 provide provide VERB 8910js9772g 8 6 a a DET 8910js9772g 8 7 new new ADJ 8910js9772g 8 8 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 8 9 of of ADP 8910js9772g 8 10 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 8 11 's 's PART 8910js9772g 8 12 justification justification NOUN 8910js9772g 8 13 for for ADP 8910js9772g 8 14 the the DET 8910js9772g 8 15 doctrine doctrine NOUN 8910js9772g 8 16 of of ADP 8910js9772g 8 17 transcendental transcendental ADJ 8910js9772g 8 18 idealism idealism NOUN 8910js9772g 8 19 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 8 20 understood understand VERB 8910js9772g 8 21 metaphysically metaphysically ADV 8910js9772g 8 22 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 9 1 that that ADV 8910js9772g 9 2 is is ADV 8910js9772g 9 3 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 9 4 i i PRON 8910js9772g 9 5 argue argue VERB 8910js9772g 9 6 that that SCONJ 8910js9772g 9 7 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 9 8 's 's PART 8910js9772g 9 9 solution solution NOUN 8910js9772g 9 10 to to ADP 8910js9772g 9 11 the the DET 8910js9772g 9 12 antinomy antinomy NOUN 8910js9772g 9 13 and and CCONJ 8910js9772g 9 14 his his PRON 8910js9772g 9 15 completed complete VERB 8910js9772g 9 16 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 9 17 of of ADP 8910js9772g 9 18 the the DET 8910js9772g 9 19 metaphysics metaphysics NOUN 8910js9772g 9 20 of of ADP 8910js9772g 9 21 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 9 22 involves involve VERB 8910js9772g 9 23 the the DET 8910js9772g 9 24 justified justified ADJ 8910js9772g 9 25 assertion assertion NOUN 8910js9772g 9 26 that that SCONJ 8910js9772g 9 27 there there PRON 8910js9772g 9 28 exists exist VERB 8910js9772g 9 29 a a DET 8910js9772g 9 30 non non ADJ 8910js9772g 9 31 - - ADJ 8910js9772g 9 32 spatial spatial ADJ 8910js9772g 9 33 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 9 34 non non ADJ 8910js9772g 9 35 - - ADJ 8910js9772g 9 36 temporal temporal ADJ 8910js9772g 9 37 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 9 38 unconditioned unconditioned ADJ 8910js9772g 9 39 ground ground NOUN 8910js9772g 9 40 of of ADP 8910js9772g 9 41 natureì¢ natureì¢ ADV 8910js9772g 9 42 ââ ââ NOUN 8910js9772g 9 43 ' ' PUNCT 8910js9772g 9 44 a a DET 8910js9772g 9 45 thing thing NOUN 8910js9772g 9 46 in in ADP 8910js9772g 9 47 itself itself PRON 8910js9772g 9 48 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 10 1 my my PRON 8910js9772g 10 2 reading reading NOUN 8910js9772g 10 3 of of ADP 8910js9772g 10 4 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 10 5 's 's PART 8910js9772g 10 6 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 10 7 of of ADP 8910js9772g 10 8 the the DET 8910js9772g 10 9 unity unity NOUN 8910js9772g 10 10 of of ADP 8910js9772g 10 11 theoretical theoretical ADJ 8910js9772g 10 12 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 10 13 has have VERB 8910js9772g 10 14 implications implication NOUN 8910js9772g 10 15 for for ADP 8910js9772g 10 16 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 10 17 's 's PART 8910js9772g 10 18 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 10 19 of of ADP 8910js9772g 10 20 the the DET 8910js9772g 10 21 unity unity NOUN 8910js9772g 10 22 of of ADP 8910js9772g 10 23 reason reason NOUN 8910js9772g 10 24 as as ADP 8910js9772g 10 25 a a DET 8910js9772g 10 26 whole whole NOUN 8910js9772g 10 27 . . PUNCT 8910js9772g 11 1 it it PRON 8910js9772g 11 2 shows show VERB 8910js9772g 11 3 kant kant NOUN 8910js9772g 11 4 to to PART 8910js9772g 11 5 have have AUX 8910js9772g 11 6 established establish VERB 8910js9772g 11 7 a a DET 8910js9772g 11 8 much much ADV 8910js9772g 11 9 tighter tight ADJ 8910js9772g 11 10 relation relation NOUN 8910js9772g 11 11 between between ADP 8910js9772g 11 12 theoretical theoretical ADJ 8910js9772g 11 13 and and CCONJ 8910js9772g 11 14 practical practical ADJ 8910js9772g 11 15 reasonì¢ reasonì¢ PROPN 8910js9772g 11 16 ââ ââ NOUN 8910js9772g 11 17 ' ' PUNCT 8910js9772g 11 18 and and CCONJ 8910js9772g 11 19 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 11 20 with with ADP 8910js9772g 11 21 it it PRON 8910js9772g 11 22 , , PUNCT 8910js9772g 11 23 a a DET 8910js9772g 11 24 more more ADV 8910js9772g 11 25 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ 8910js9772g 11 26 and and CCONJ 8910js9772g 11 27 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ 8910js9772g 11 28 response response NOUN 8910js9772g 11 29 to to ADP 8910js9772g 11 30 the the DET 8910js9772g 11 31 enlightenment enlightenment PROPN 8910js9772g 11 32 need need VERB 8910js9772g 11 33 for for ADP 8910js9772g 11 34 a a DET 8910js9772g 11 35 rationally rationally ADV 8910js9772g 11 36 grounded ground VERB 8910js9772g 11 37 account account NOUN 8910js9772g 11 38 of of ADP 8910js9772g 11 39 faithì¢ faithì¢ ADJ 8910js9772g 11 40 ââ ââ NOUN 8910js9772g 11 41 ' ' PUNCT 8910js9772g 11 42 than than SCONJ 8910js9772g 11 43 is be AUX 8910js9772g 11 44 generally generally ADV 8910js9772g 11 45 recognized recognize VERB 8910js9772g 11 46 in in ADP 8910js9772g 11 47 the the DET 8910js9772g 11 48 literature literature NOUN 8910js9772g 11 49 . . PUNCT