id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
gh93gx44p04	1	1	for	for	ADP
gh93gx44p04	1	2	decades	decade	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	3	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	1	4	cycloaddition	cycloaddition	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	5	reactions	reaction	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	6	have	have	AUX
gh93gx44p04	1	7	been	be	AUX
gh93gx44p04	1	8	a	a	DET
gh93gx44p04	1	9	staple	staple	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	10	in	in	ADP
gh93gx44p04	1	11	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	1	12	organic	organic	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	1	13	chemist	chemist	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	14	's	's	PART
gh93gx44p04	1	15	toolbox	toolbox	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	16	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	1	17	providing	provide	VERB
gh93gx44p04	1	18	access	access	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	19	to	to	ADP
gh93gx44p04	1	20	a	a	DET
gh93gx44p04	1	21	variety	variety	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	22	of	of	ADP
gh93gx44p04	1	23	biologically	biologically	ADV
gh93gx44p04	1	24	interesting	interesting	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	1	25	heterocyclic	heterocyclic	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	26	compounds	compound	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	1	27	.	.	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	2	1	in	in	ADP
gh93gx44p04	2	2	particular	particular	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	2	3	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	2	4	[	[	X
gh93gx44p04	2	5	4+n]-cycloadditions	4+n]-cycloaddition	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	2	6	have	have	AUX
gh93gx44p04	2	7	been	be	AUX
gh93gx44p04	2	8	utilized	utilize	VERB
gh93gx44p04	2	9	extensively	extensively	ADV
gh93gx44p04	2	10	to	to	ADP
gh93gx44p04	2	11	access	access	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	2	12	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	2	13	five	five	NUM
gh93gx44p04	2	14	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	2	15	six	six	NUM
gh93gx44p04	2	16	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	2	17	and	and	CCONJ
gh93gx44p04	2	18	seven	seven	NUM
gh93gx44p04	2	19	-	-	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	2	20	membered	membered	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	2	21	rings	ring	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	2	22	with	with	ADP
gh93gx44p04	2	23	a	a	DET
gh93gx44p04	2	24	range	range	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	2	25	of	of	ADP
gh93gx44p04	2	26	substitution	substitution	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	2	27	patterns	pattern	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	2	28	.	.	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	3	1	our	our	PRON
gh93gx44p04	3	2	interest	interest	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	3	3	lied	lie	VERB
gh93gx44p04	3	4	in	in	ADP
gh93gx44p04	3	5	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	3	6	[	[	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	3	7	4	4	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	8	+	+	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	9	1]-construction	1]-construction	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	10	of	of	ADP
gh93gx44p04	3	11	potentially	potentially	ADV
gh93gx44p04	3	12	bioactive	bioactive	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	3	13	five	five	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	14	-	-	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	3	15	membered	membered	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	3	16	heterocycles	heterocycle	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	3	17	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	3	18	which	which	PRON
gh93gx44p04	3	19	are	be	AUX
gh93gx44p04	3	20	commonly	commonly	ADV
gh93gx44p04	3	21	constructed	construct	VERB
gh93gx44p04	3	22	via	via	ADP
gh93gx44p04	3	23	a	a	DET
gh93gx44p04	3	24	[	[	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	3	25	3	3	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	26	+	+	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	27	2]-cycloaddition	2]-cycloaddition	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	28	reaction	reaction	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	3	29	between	between	ADP
gh93gx44p04	3	30	a	a	DET
gh93gx44p04	3	31	1,3	1,3	NUM
gh93gx44p04	3	32	-	-	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	3	33	dipole	dipole	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	3	34	and	and	CCONJ
gh93gx44p04	3	35	a	a	DET
gh93gx44p04	3	36	dipolarophile	dipolarophile	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	3	37	.	.	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	4	1	while	while	SCONJ
gh93gx44p04	4	2	this	this	PRON
gh93gx44p04	4	3	is	be	AUX
gh93gx44p04	4	4	an	an	DET
gh93gx44p04	4	5	elegant	elegant	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	4	6	approach	approach	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	7	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	4	8	it	it	PRON
gh93gx44p04	4	9	is	be	AUX
gh93gx44p04	4	10	limited	limit	VERB
gh93gx44p04	4	11	by	by	ADP
gh93gx44p04	4	12	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	4	13	high	high	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	4	14	level	level	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	15	of	of	ADP
gh93gx44p04	4	16	reactivity	reactivity	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	17	of	of	ADP
gh93gx44p04	4	18	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	4	19	starting	starting	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	20	materials.with	materials.with	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	21	this	this	PRON
gh93gx44p04	4	22	is	be	AUX
gh93gx44p04	4	23	mind	mind	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	24	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	4	25	we	we	PRON
gh93gx44p04	4	26	anticipated	anticipate	VERB
gh93gx44p04	4	27	that	that	SCONJ
gh93gx44p04	4	28	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	4	29	[	[	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	4	30	4	4	NUM
gh93gx44p04	4	31	+	+	NUM
gh93gx44p04	4	32	1	1	NUM
gh93gx44p04	4	33	]	]	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	4	34	retrosynthetic	retrosynthetic	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	4	35	disconnect	disconnect	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	36	would	would	AUX
gh93gx44p04	4	37	be	be	AUX
gh93gx44p04	4	38	an	an	DET
gh93gx44p04	4	39	efficiacious	efficiacious	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	4	40	approach	approach	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	41	providing	provide	VERB
gh93gx44p04	4	42	ready	ready	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	4	43	access	access	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	44	to	to	ADP
gh93gx44p04	4	45	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	4	46	desired	desire	VERB
gh93gx44p04	4	47	heterocycles	heterocycle	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	48	without	without	ADP
gh93gx44p04	4	49	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	4	50	chemoselectivity	chemoselectivity	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	51	and	and	CCONJ
gh93gx44p04	4	52	regioselectivity	regioselectivity	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	53	challenges	challenge	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	54	that	that	PRON
gh93gx44p04	4	55	can	can	AUX
gh93gx44p04	4	56	arise	arise	VERB
gh93gx44p04	4	57	with	with	ADP
gh93gx44p04	4	58	[	[	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	4	59	3	3	NUM
gh93gx44p04	4	60	+	+	NUM
gh93gx44p04	4	61	2	2	NUM
gh93gx44p04	4	62	]	]	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	4	63	cycloadditions	cycloaddition	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	4	64	.	.	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	5	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
gh93gx44p04	5	2	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	5	3	the	the	DET
gh93gx44p04	5	4	variety	variety	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	5	5	of	of	ADP
gh93gx44p04	5	6	four	four	NUM
gh93gx44p04	5	7	atom	atom	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	5	8	components	component	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	5	9	available	available	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	5	10	would	would	AUX
gh93gx44p04	5	11	allow	allow	VERB
gh93gx44p04	5	12	access	access	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	5	13	to	to	ADP
gh93gx44p04	5	14	multiple	multiple	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	5	15	heterocyclic	heterocyclic	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	5	16	motifs	motif	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	5	17	.	.	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	1	towards	towards	ADP
gh93gx44p04	6	2	that	that	DET
gh93gx44p04	6	3	end	end	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	4	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	5	we	we	PRON
gh93gx44p04	6	6	successfully	successfully	ADV
gh93gx44p04	6	7	employed	employ	VERB
gh93gx44p04	6	8	aza	aza	PROPN
gh93gx44p04	6	9	ortho	ortho	PROPN
gh93gx44p04	6	10	-	-	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	11	quinone	quinone	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	12	methides	methide	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	13	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	14	aroyl	aroyl	ADJ
gh93gx44p04	6	15	isocyanates	isocyanate	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	16	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	17	vinyl	vinyl	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	18	ketenes	ketene	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	19	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	20	and	and	CCONJ
gh93gx44p04	6	21	vinyl	vinyl	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	22	allenes	allene	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	23	as	as	ADP
gh93gx44p04	6	24	four	four	NUM
gh93gx44p04	6	25	atom	atom	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	26	components	component	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	27	in	in	ADP
gh93gx44p04	6	28	conjunction	conjunction	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	29	with	with	ADP
gh93gx44p04	6	30	metal	metal	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	31	-	-	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	32	stabilized	stabilize	VERB
gh93gx44p04	6	33	carbenes	carbene	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	34	or	or	CCONJ
gh93gx44p04	6	35	phosphorus	phosphorus	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	36	-	-	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	37	based	base	VERB
gh93gx44p04	6	38	carbenoids	carbenoid	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	39	as	as	ADP
gh93gx44p04	6	40	c1	c1	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	41	-	-	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	42	synthons	synthon	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	43	to	to	PART
gh93gx44p04	6	44	generate	generate	VERB
gh93gx44p04	6	45	dihydroindoles	dihydroindole	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	46	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	47	oxazolones	oxazolone	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	48	,	,	PUNCT
gh93gx44p04	6	49	and	and	CCONJ
gh93gx44p04	6	50	spirooxindole	spirooxindole	PROPN
gh93gx44p04	6	51	cyclopentenones	cyclopentenone	NOUN
gh93gx44p04	6	52	.	.	PUNCT