id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
ng451g08w2r	1	1	nitrogen	nitrogen	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	1	2	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	1	3	containing	contain	VERB
ng451g08w2r	1	4	heterocycles	heterocycle	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	1	5	are	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	1	6	prolific	prolific	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	1	7	throughout	throughout	ADP
ng451g08w2r	1	8	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	1	9	sciences	science	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	1	10	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	2	1	notably	notably	ADV
ng451g08w2r	2	2	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	2	3	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	2	4	various	various	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	2	5	branches	branch	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	6	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	2	7	organic	organic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	2	8	chemistry	chemistry	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	9	have	have	AUX
ng451g08w2r	2	10	dedicated	dedicate	VERB
ng451g08w2r	2	11	decades	decade	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	12	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	2	13	research	research	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	14	to	to	ADP
ng451g08w2r	2	15	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	2	16	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	17	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	2	18	functionalization	functionalization	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	19	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	2	20	and	and	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	2	21	applications	application	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	22	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	2	23	n	n	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	24	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	2	25	heterocyclic	heterocyclic	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	26	compounds	compound	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	2	27	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	3	1	therefore	therefore	ADV
ng451g08w2r	3	2	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	3	3	technology	technology	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	4	related	relate	VERB
ng451g08w2r	3	5	to	to	ADP
ng451g08w2r	3	6	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	3	7	development	development	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	8	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	3	9	methodologies	methodology	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	10	for	for	ADP
ng451g08w2r	3	11	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	3	12	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	13	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	3	14	derivatization	derivatization	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	15	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	3	16	or	or	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	3	17	applications	application	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	18	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	3	19	nitrogenated	nitrogenated	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	3	20	compounds	compound	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	21	which	which	PRON
ng451g08w2r	3	22	exhibit	exhibit	VERB
ng451g08w2r	3	23	novel	novel	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	3	24	bond	bond	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	25	disconnects	disconnect	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	26	or	or	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	3	27	functions	function	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	28	are	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	3	29	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	3	30	high	high	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	3	31	interest	interest	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	3	32	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	4	1	our	our	PRON
ng451g08w2r	4	2	attention	attention	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	3	was	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	4	4	focused	focus	VERB
ng451g08w2r	4	5	on	on	ADP
ng451g08w2r	4	6	:	:	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	4	7	unearthing	unearthing	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	8	methodologies	methodology	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	9	which	which	PRON
ng451g08w2r	4	10	exploit	exploit	VERB
ng451g08w2r	4	11	transition	transition	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	12	metal	metal	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	13	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	4	14	stabilized	stabilize	VERB
ng451g08w2r	4	15	carbenes	carbene	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	16	for	for	ADP
ng451g08w2r	4	17	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	4	18	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	19	and	and	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	4	20	functionalization	functionalization	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	21	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	4	22	n	n	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	23	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	4	24	heterocycles	heterocycle	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	25	;	;	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	4	26	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	4	27	total	total	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	28	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	29	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	4	30	biologically	biologically	ADV
ng451g08w2r	4	31	active	active	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	32	alkaloids	alkaloid	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	33	via	via	ADP
ng451g08w2r	4	34	resourceful	resourceful	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	35	retrosynthetic	retrosynthetic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	36	disconnects	disconnect	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	37	;	;	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	4	38	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	4	39	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	40	and	and	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	4	41	discovery	discovery	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	42	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	4	43	n	n	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	44	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	4	45	heterocyclic	heterocyclic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	46	/	/	SYM
ng451g08w2r	4	47	pnictogen	pnictogen	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	48	based	base	VERB
ng451g08w2r	4	49	ionic	ionic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	50	liquid	liquid	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	51	materials	material	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	52	for	for	ADP
ng451g08w2r	4	53	various	various	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	54	alternative	alternative	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	4	55	energy	energy	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	56	applications	application	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	4	57	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	5	1	consequently	consequently	ADV
ng451g08w2r	5	2	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	5	3	by	by	ADP
ng451g08w2r	5	4	utilizing	utilize	VERB
ng451g08w2r	5	5	carbene	carbene	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	6	migratory	migratory	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	5	7	insertion	insertion	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	8	chemistry	chemistry	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	9	catalyzed	catalyze	VERB
ng451g08w2r	5	10	by	by	ADP
ng451g08w2r	5	11	various	various	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	5	12	transition	transition	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	13	metals	metal	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	14	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	5	15	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	5	16	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	17	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	5	18	five	five	NUM
ng451g08w2r	5	19	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	5	20	membered	membere	VERB
ng451g08w2r	5	21	n	n	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	5	22	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	5	23	heterocyclic	heterocyclic	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	24	compounds	compound	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	25	via	via	ADP
ng451g08w2r	5	26	a	a	DET
ng451g08w2r	5	27	(	(	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	5	28	4	4	NUM
ng451g08w2r	5	29	+	+	NUM
ng451g08w2r	5	30	1)-cyclization	1)-cyclization	NUM
ng451g08w2r	5	31	disconnect	disconnect	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	5	32	was	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	5	33	discovered	discover	VERB
ng451g08w2r	5	34	and	and	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	5	35	optimized	optimize	VERB
ng451g08w2r	5	36	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	6	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
ng451g08w2r	6	2	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	6	3	employing	employ	VERB
ng451g08w2r	6	4	a	a	DET
ng451g08w2r	6	5	similar	similar	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	6	6	mechanistic	mechanistic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	6	7	disconnect	disconnect	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	6	8	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	6	9	carbon	carbon	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	6	10	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	6	11	hydrogen	hydrogen	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	6	12	functionalization	functionalization	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	6	13	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	6	14	existing	exist	VERB
ng451g08w2r	6	15	nitrogen	nitrogen	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	6	16	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	6	17	containing	contain	VERB
ng451g08w2r	6	18	heterocycles	heterocycle	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	6	19	was	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	6	20	realized	realize	VERB
ng451g08w2r	6	21	and	and	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	6	22	briefly	briefly	ADV
ng451g08w2r	6	23	investigated	investigate	VERB
ng451g08w2r	6	24	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	7	1	furthermore	furthermore	ADV
ng451g08w2r	7	2	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	7	3	employing	employ	VERB
ng451g08w2r	7	4	a	a	DET
ng451g08w2r	7	5	(	(	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	7	6	2	2	NUM
ng451g08w2r	7	7	+	+	NUM
ng451g08w2r	7	8	1)-cyclization	1)-cyclization	NUM
ng451g08w2r	7	9	/	/	SYM
ng451g08w2r	7	10	ring	ring	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	11	expansion	expansion	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	12	strategy	strategy	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	13	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	7	14	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	15	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	7	16	fiveand	fiveand	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	17	seven	seven	NUM
ng451g08w2r	7	18	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	7	19	membered	membere	VERB
ng451g08w2r	7	20	heterocyclic	heterocyclic	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	21	structures	structure	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	22	was	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	7	23	recognized	recognize	VERB
ng451g08w2r	7	24	through	through	ADP
ng451g08w2r	7	25	metal	metal	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	26	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	7	27	stabilized	stabilize	VERB
ng451g08w2r	7	28	carbenoids	carbenoid	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	7	29	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	8	1	in	in	ADP
ng451g08w2r	8	2	a	a	DET
ng451g08w2r	8	3	complimentary	complimentary	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	8	4	fashion	fashion	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	5	to	to	ADP
ng451g08w2r	8	6	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	8	7	development	development	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	8	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	8	9	methodologies	methodology	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	10	accessing	access	VERB
ng451g08w2r	8	11	functionalized	functionalize	VERB
ng451g08w2r	8	12	n	n	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	13	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	8	14	heterocycles	heterocycle	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	15	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	8	16	progress	progress	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	17	towards	towards	ADP
ng451g08w2r	8	18	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	8	19	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	20	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	8	21	cyclopiazonic	cyclopiazonic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	8	22	acid	acid	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	23	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	8	24	derived	derive	VERB
ng451g08w2r	8	25	alkaloids	alkaloid	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	26	was	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	8	27	enacted	enact	VERB
ng451g08w2r	8	28	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	8	29	assembling	assemble	VERB
ng451g08w2r	8	30	synthons	synthon	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	31	which	which	PRON
ng451g08w2r	8	32	were	be	AUX
ng451g08w2r	8	33	investigated	investigate	VERB
ng451g08w2r	8	34	for	for	ADP
ng451g08w2r	8	35	a	a	DET
ng451g08w2r	8	36	convergent	convergent	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	8	37	retrosynthetic	retrosynthetic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	8	38	disconnect	disconnect	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	8	39	.	.	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	9	1	finally	finally	ADV
ng451g08w2r	9	2	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	9	3	through	through	ADP
ng451g08w2r	9	4	collaborative	collaborative	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	9	5	efforts	effort	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	6	,	,	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	9	7	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	9	8	amalgamation	amalgamation	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	9	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	9	10	organic	organic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	9	11	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	12	and	and	CCONJ
ng451g08w2r	9	13	various	various	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	9	14	sciences	science	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	15	allowed	allow	VERB
ng451g08w2r	9	16	for	for	ADP
ng451g08w2r	9	17	the	the	DET
ng451g08w2r	9	18	identification	identification	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	19	of	of	ADP
ng451g08w2r	9	20	several	several	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	9	21	task	task	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	22	-	-	PUNCT
ng451g08w2r	9	23	specific	specific	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	9	24	ionic	ionic	ADJ
ng451g08w2r	9	25	liquid	liquid	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	26	materials	material	NOUN
ng451g08w2r	9	27	.	.	PUNCT