id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
w9504x54149	1	1	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	1	2	-	-	PUNCT
w9504x54149	1	3	situ	situ	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	4	sensing	sensing	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	5	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	1	6	pathogens	pathogen	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	7	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	1	8	concern	concern	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	9	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	1	10	waters	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	11	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	1	12	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	1	13	need	need	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	14	for	for	ADP
w9504x54149	1	15	water	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	16	monitoring	monitoring	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	17	agencies	agency	NOUN
w9504x54149	1	18	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	2	1	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	2	2	unpredictable	unpredictable	ADJ
w9504x54149	2	3	,	,	PUNCT
w9504x54149	2	4	rapid	rapid	ADJ
w9504x54149	2	5	fluctuations	fluctuation	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	6	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	2	7	indicator	indicator	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	8	organism	organism	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	9	(	(	PUNCT
w9504x54149	2	10	escherichia	escherichia	PROPN
w9504x54149	2	11	coliì¢	coliì¢	PROPN
w9504x54149	2	12	ââ	ââ	PROPN
w9504x54149	2	13	'	'	PUNCT
w9504x54149	2	14	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	2	15	)	)	PUNCT
w9504x54149	2	16	concentrations	concentration	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	17	renders	render	VERB
w9504x54149	2	18	current	current	ADJ
w9504x54149	2	19	standards	standard	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	20	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	2	21	methods	method	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	22	both	both	CCONJ
w9504x54149	2	23	untimely	untimely	ADV
w9504x54149	2	24	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	2	25	unrepresentative	unrepresentative	ADJ
w9504x54149	2	26	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	2	27	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	2	28	water	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	29	body	body	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	30	as	as	ADP
w9504x54149	2	31	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	2	32	whole	whole	NOUN
w9504x54149	2	33	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	3	1	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	3	2	use	use	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	3	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	3	4	glucuronides	glucuronide	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	5	with	with	ADP
w9504x54149	3	6	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	3	7	fluorescent	fluorescent	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	8	label	label	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	9	allows	allow	VERB
w9504x54149	3	10	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	3	11	detection	detection	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	12	by	by	ADP
w9504x54149	3	13	identifying	identify	VERB
w9504x54149	3	14	ìä	ìä	PROPN
w9504x54149	3	15	ü	ü	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	16	-	-	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	17	glucuronidase	glucuronidase	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	18	(	(	PUNCT
w9504x54149	3	19	gus	gus	PROPN
w9504x54149	3	20	)	)	PUNCT
w9504x54149	3	21	expressed	express	VERB
w9504x54149	3	22	through	through	ADP
w9504x54149	3	23	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	3	24	's	's	PART
w9504x54149	3	25	natural	natural	ADJ
w9504x54149	3	26	metabolic	metabolic	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	27	processes	process	NOUN
w9504x54149	3	28	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	4	1	this	this	DET
w9504x54149	4	2	activity	activity	NOUN
w9504x54149	4	3	can	can	AUX
w9504x54149	4	4	be	be	AUX
w9504x54149	4	5	quantified	quantify	VERB
w9504x54149	4	6	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	4	7	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	4	8	stop	stop	VERB
w9504x54149	4	9	-	-	PUNCT
w9504x54149	4	10	flow	flow	NOUN
w9504x54149	4	11	sensor	sensor	NOUN
w9504x54149	4	12	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	4	13	correlated	correlate	VERB
w9504x54149	4	14	via	via	ADP
w9504x54149	4	15	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	4	16	quantification	quantification	NOUN
w9504x54149	4	17	curve	curve	NOUN
w9504x54149	4	18	back	back	ADV
w9504x54149	4	19	to	to	ADP
w9504x54149	4	20	initial	initial	ADJ
w9504x54149	4	21	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	4	22	concentrations	concentration	NOUN
w9504x54149	4	23	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	5	1	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	5	2	fluorescent	fluorescent	NOUN
w9504x54149	5	3	labeled	label	VERB
w9504x54149	5	4	glucuronide	glucuronide	NOUN
w9504x54149	5	5	that	that	PRON
w9504x54149	5	6	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	5	7	soluble	soluble	ADJ
w9504x54149	5	8	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	5	9	highly	highly	ADV
w9504x54149	5	10	fluorescent	fluorescent	ADJ
w9504x54149	5	11	at	at	ADP
w9504x54149	5	12	natural	natural	ADJ
w9504x54149	5	13	water	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	5	14	phs	phs	NOUN
w9504x54149	5	15	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	5	16	also	also	ADV
w9504x54149	5	17	necessary	necessary	ADJ
w9504x54149	5	18	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	6	1	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	6	2	current	current	ADJ
w9504x54149	6	3	lack	lack	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	4	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	6	5	understanding	understanding	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	6	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	6	7	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	6	8	factors	factor	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	9	that	that	PRON
w9504x54149	6	10	influence	influence	VERB
w9504x54149	6	11	gus	gus	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	12	synthesis	synthesis	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	13	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	6	14	expression	expression	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	15	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	6	16	natural	natural	ADJ
w9504x54149	6	17	waters	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	18	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	6	19	addressed	address	VERB
w9504x54149	6	20	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	6	21	this	this	DET
w9504x54149	6	22	dissertation	dissertation	NOUN
w9504x54149	6	23	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	7	1	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	7	2	information	information	NOUN
w9504x54149	7	3	presented	present	VERB
w9504x54149	7	4	here	here	ADV
w9504x54149	7	5	increases	increase	VERB
w9504x54149	7	6	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	7	7	accuracy	accuracy	NOUN
w9504x54149	7	8	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	7	9	an	an	DET
w9504x54149	7	10	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	7	11	-	-	PUNCT
w9504x54149	7	12	situ	situ	NOUN
w9504x54149	7	13	optical	optical	ADJ
w9504x54149	7	14	sensor	sensor	NOUN
w9504x54149	7	15	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	1	this	this	DET
w9504x54149	8	2	dissertation	dissertation	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	3	reports	report	VERB
w9504x54149	8	4	for	for	ADP
w9504x54149	8	5	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	8	6	first	first	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	7	time	time	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	8	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	8	9	michaelis	michaelis	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	10	-	-	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	11	menten	menten	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	12	kinetic	kinetic	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	13	parameters	parameter	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	14	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	8	15	gus	gus	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	16	using	use	VERB
w9504x54149	8	17	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	8	18	substrate	substrate	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	19	carboxyumbelliferyl	carboxyumbelliferyl	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	20	-	-	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	21	ìä	ìä	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	22	ü	ü	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	23	-	-	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	24	d	d	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	25	-	-	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	26	glucuronide	glucuronide	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	27	(	(	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	28	cug	cug	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	29	)	)	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	30	as	as	ADP
w9504x54149	8	31	km=0.910	km=0.910	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	32	,	,	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	33	vmax	vmax	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	34	=	=	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	35	0.041	0.041	NUM
w9504x54149	8	36	,	,	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	37	vmax	vmax	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	38	/	/	SYM
w9504x54149	8	39	km	km	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	40	0.045	0.045	NUM
w9504x54149	8	41	mm	mm	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	42	min-1	min-1	SPACE
w9504x54149	8	43	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	44	optimal	optimal	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	45	ph	ph	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	46	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	8	47	6.5ìâå±1.0	6.5ìâå±1.0	NUM
w9504x54149	8	48	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	49	optimal	optimal	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	50	temperature	temperature	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	51	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	8	52	38ìü	38ìü	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	53	ác	ác	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	54	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	55	cug	cug	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	56	hydrolysis	hydrolysis	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	57	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	8	58	not	not	PART
w9504x54149	8	59	significantly	significantly	ADV
w9504x54149	8	60	affected	affect	VERB
w9504x54149	8	61	by	by	ADP
w9504x54149	8	62	heavy	heavy	ADJ
w9504x54149	8	63	solvents	solvent	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	64	suggesting	suggest	VERB
w9504x54149	8	65	proton	proton	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	66	transfer	transfer	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	67	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	8	68	solvent	solvent	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	69	addition	addition	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	70	that	that	PRON
w9504x54149	8	71	occur	occur	VERB
w9504x54149	8	72	during	during	ADP
w9504x54149	8	73	hydrolysis	hydrolysis	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	74	are	be	AUX
w9504x54149	8	75	not	not	PART
w9504x54149	8	76	limiting	limit	VERB
w9504x54149	8	77	steps	step	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	78	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	8	79	gus	gus	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	80	preferentially	preferentially	ADV
w9504x54149	8	81	binds	bind	VERB
w9504x54149	8	82	to	to	ADP
w9504x54149	8	83	mug	mug	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	84	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	8	85	comparison	comparison	NOUN
w9504x54149	8	86	to	to	ADP
w9504x54149	8	87	cug	cug	PROPN
w9504x54149	8	88	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	9	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
w9504x54149	9	2	,	,	PUNCT
w9504x54149	9	3	it	it	PRON
w9504x54149	9	4	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	9	5	found	find	VERB
w9504x54149	9	6	fluorescent	fluorescent	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	7	reagents	reagent	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	8	facilitate	facilitate	VERB
w9504x54149	9	9	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	9	10	induction	induction	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	11	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	9	12	gus	gus	PROPN
w9504x54149	9	13	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	9	14	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	9	15	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	9	16	increases	increase	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	17	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	9	18	gus	gus	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	19	activity	activity	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	20	per	per	ADP
w9504x54149	9	21	culturable	culturable	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	22	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	9	23	cell	cell	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	24	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	9	25	marine	marine	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	26	water	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	27	is	be	AUX
w9504x54149	9	28	likely	likely	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	29	due	due	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	30	to	to	ADP
w9504x54149	9	31	breakdown	breakdown	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	32	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	9	33	cell	cell	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	34	wall	wall	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	35	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	9	36	release	release	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	37	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	9	38	intracellular	intracellular	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	39	enzymes	enzyme	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	40	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	9	41	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	9	42	gus	gus	PROPN
w9504x54149	9	43	expression	expression	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	44	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	9	45	natural	natural	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	46	waters	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	47	does	do	AUX
w9504x54149	9	48	not	not	PART
w9504x54149	9	49	significantly	significantly	ADV
w9504x54149	9	50	correlate	correlate	VERB
w9504x54149	9	51	to	to	ADP
w9504x54149	9	52	initial	initial	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	53	physiochemical	physiochemical	ADJ
w9504x54149	9	54	water	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	55	parameters	parameter	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	56	or	or	CCONJ
w9504x54149	9	57	ec	ec	PROPN
w9504x54149	9	58	concentrations	concentration	NOUN
w9504x54149	9	59	.	.	PUNCT
w9504x54149	10	1	benefits	benefit	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	2	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	10	3	this	this	DET
w9504x54149	10	4	research	research	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	5	include	include	VERB
w9504x54149	10	6	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	10	7	better	well	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	8	understanding	understanding	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	9	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	10	10	gus	gus	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	11	production	production	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	12	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	10	13	natural	natural	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	14	waters	water	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	15	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	10	16	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	10	17	better	well	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	18	understanding	understanding	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	19	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	10	20	gus	gus	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	21	expression	expression	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	22	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	10	23	typical	typical	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	24	sensor	sensor	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	25	growing	grow	VERB
w9504x54149	10	26	conditions	condition	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	27	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	10	28	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	10	29	characterization	characterization	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	30	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	10	31	a	a	DET
w9504x54149	10	32	soluble	soluble	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	33	fluorescent	fluorescent	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	34	reagent	reagent	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	35	ideal	ideal	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	36	for	for	ADP
w9504x54149	10	37	in	in	ADP
w9504x54149	10	38	-	-	PUNCT
w9504x54149	10	39	situ	situ	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	40	optical	optical	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	41	sensing	sensing	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	42	;	;	PUNCT
w9504x54149	10	43	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	10	44	use	use	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	45	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	10	46	an	an	DET
w9504x54149	10	47	optical	optical	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	48	sensor	sensor	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	49	for	for	ADP
w9504x54149	10	50	the	the	DET
w9504x54149	10	51	detection	detection	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	52	and	and	CCONJ
w9504x54149	10	53	partial	partial	ADJ
w9504x54149	10	54	quantification	quantification	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	55	of	of	ADP
w9504x54149	10	56	pathogen	pathogen	PROPN
w9504x54149	10	57	indicator	indicator	PROPN
w9504x54149	10	58	organisms	organism	NOUN
w9504x54149	10	59	.	.	PUNCT