id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
zp38w952s1b	1	1	recent	recent	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	1	2	years	year	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	1	3	have	have	AUX
zp38w952s1b	1	4	seen	see	VERB
zp38w952s1b	1	5	an	an	DET
zp38w952s1b	1	6	explosion	explosion	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	1	7	in	in	ADP
zp38w952s1b	1	8	the	the	DET
zp38w952s1b	1	9	amount	amount	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	1	10	of	of	ADP
zp38w952s1b	1	11	genomic	genomic	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	1	12	data	datum	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	1	13	available	available	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	1	14	.	.	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	2	1	however	however	ADV
zp38w952s1b	2	2	,	,	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	2	3	before	before	SCONJ
zp38w952s1b	2	4	any	any	DET
zp38w952s1b	2	5	analysis	analysis	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	6	can	can	AUX
zp38w952s1b	2	7	be	be	AUX
zp38w952s1b	2	8	performed	perform	VERB
zp38w952s1b	2	9	,	,	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	2	10	an	an	DET
zp38w952s1b	2	11	assembly	assembly	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	12	step	step	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	13	must	must	AUX
zp38w952s1b	2	14	be	be	AUX
zp38w952s1b	2	15	completed	complete	VERB
zp38w952s1b	2	16	that	that	PRON
zp38w952s1b	2	17	combines	combine	VERB
zp38w952s1b	2	18	the	the	DET
zp38w952s1b	2	19	short	short	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	2	20	dna	dna	PROPN
zp38w952s1b	2	21	sequences	sequence	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	22	generated	generate	VERB
zp38w952s1b	2	23	by	by	ADP
zp38w952s1b	2	24	the	the	DET
zp38w952s1b	2	25	sequencing	sequence	VERB
zp38w952s1b	2	26	technology	technology	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	27	into	into	ADP
zp38w952s1b	2	28	large	large	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	2	29	sequences	sequence	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	30	that	that	PRON
zp38w952s1b	2	31	more	more	ADV
zp38w952s1b	2	32	closely	closely	ADV
zp38w952s1b	2	33	represent	represent	VERB
zp38w952s1b	2	34	the	the	DET
zp38w952s1b	2	35	dna	dna	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	36	as	as	SCONJ
zp38w952s1b	2	37	it	it	PRON
zp38w952s1b	2	38	exists	exist	VERB
zp38w952s1b	2	39	in	in	ADP
zp38w952s1b	2	40	the	the	DET
zp38w952s1b	2	41	cell	cell	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	2	42	.	.	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	3	1	this	this	DET
zp38w952s1b	3	2	thesis	thesis	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	3	presents	present	VERB
zp38w952s1b	3	4	a	a	DET
zp38w952s1b	3	5	mate	mate	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	6	-	-	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	3	7	pair	pair	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	8	based	base	VERB
zp38w952s1b	3	9	method	method	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	10	of	of	ADP
zp38w952s1b	3	11	validating	validate	VERB
zp38w952s1b	3	12	assemblies	assembly	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	13	and	and	CCONJ
zp38w952s1b	3	14	identifying	identify	VERB
zp38w952s1b	3	15	structural	structural	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	3	16	variation	variation	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	17	that	that	PRON
zp38w952s1b	3	18	relies	rely	VERB
zp38w952s1b	3	19	on	on	ADP
zp38w952s1b	3	20	already	already	ADV
zp38w952s1b	3	21	existing	exist	VERB
zp38w952s1b	3	22	draft	draft	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	23	assemblies	assembly	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	3	24	.	.	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	4	1	the	the	DET
zp38w952s1b	4	2	pipeline	pipeline	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	4	3	is	be	AUX
zp38w952s1b	4	4	successful	successful	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	4	5	in	in	ADP
zp38w952s1b	4	6	finding	find	VERB
zp38w952s1b	4	7	structural	structural	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	4	8	variation	variation	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	4	9	,	,	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	4	10	but	but	CCONJ
zp38w952s1b	4	11	less	less	ADV
zp38w952s1b	4	12	so	so	ADV
zp38w952s1b	4	13	in	in	ADP
zp38w952s1b	4	14	improving	improve	VERB
zp38w952s1b	4	15	assembly	assembly	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	4	16	quality	quality	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	4	17	.	.	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	5	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
zp38w952s1b	5	2	,	,	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	5	3	a	a	DET
zp38w952s1b	5	4	distributed	distribute	VERB
zp38w952s1b	5	5	overlap	overlap	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	5	6	pipeline	pipeline	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	5	7	is	be	AUX
zp38w952s1b	5	8	presented	present	VERB
zp38w952s1b	5	9	that	that	PRON
zp38w952s1b	5	10	achieves	achieve	VERB
zp38w952s1b	5	11	improved	improved	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	5	12	runtimes	runtime	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	5	13	over	over	ADP
zp38w952s1b	5	14	a	a	DET
zp38w952s1b	5	15	typical	typical	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	5	16	sequential	sequential	ADJ
zp38w952s1b	5	17	genome	genome	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	5	18	assembler	assembler	PROPN
zp38w952s1b	5	19	.	.	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	6	1	this	this	DET
zp38w952s1b	6	2	pipeline	pipeline	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	3	is	be	AUX
zp38w952s1b	6	4	divided	divide	VERB
zp38w952s1b	6	5	into	into	ADP
zp38w952s1b	6	6	two	two	NUM
zp38w952s1b	6	7	parts	part	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	8	:	:	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	6	9	a	a	DET
zp38w952s1b	6	10	minimizer	minimizer	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	11	counter	counter	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	12	,	,	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	6	13	which	which	PRON
zp38w952s1b	6	14	reduces	reduce	VERB
zp38w952s1b	6	15	memory	memory	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	16	consumption	consumption	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	17	and	and	CCONJ
zp38w952s1b	6	18	allows	allow	VERB
zp38w952s1b	6	19	parallelism	parallelism	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	20	at	at	ADP
zp38w952s1b	6	21	the	the	DET
zp38w952s1b	6	22	cost	cost	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	23	of	of	ADP
zp38w952s1b	6	24	increased	increase	VERB
zp38w952s1b	6	25	computation	computation	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	26	,	,	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	6	27	and	and	CCONJ
zp38w952s1b	6	28	an	an	DET
zp38w952s1b	6	29	aligner	aligner	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	30	,	,	PUNCT
zp38w952s1b	6	31	which	which	PRON
zp38w952s1b	6	32	computes	compute	VERB
zp38w952s1b	6	33	millions	million	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	34	of	of	ADP
zp38w952s1b	6	35	alignments	alignment	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	36	very	very	ADV
zp38w952s1b	6	37	efficiently	efficiently	ADV
zp38w952s1b	6	38	in	in	ADP
zp38w952s1b	6	39	parallel	parallel	NOUN
zp38w952s1b	6	40	.	.	PUNCT