157 Ch Hist Guthlae CHRISTO ACADEMIAE HARVARDIAN WATTIDIS TAS ONY ECCLE OF THE $149 NOV LIBRARY DIVINITY SCHOOL. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. HENRY WILDER FOOTE OF BOSTON. Received 26 March, 1891. I Ms. Q M Duright 万 Nov. 5. 12. THE ANGLO-SAXON VERSION OF THE LIFE OF ST. GUTHLAC, Hermit of Crowland. ^ ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN LATIN, BY FELIX (COMMONLY CALLED) OF CROWLAND. cir.749? Now first printed from a MS. in the Cottonian Library. BY WITH A TRANSLATION AND NOTES, CHARLES WYCLIFFE GOODWIN, M.A. FELLOW OF CATHARINE HALL, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON: JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO SQUARE. MDCCCXLVIII. 26 March, 139.. From the Library of Rev. H, W. FOOTE, C. AND J. ADLARD, PRINTERS, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. PREFACE. THE Life of St. Guthlac, Hermit of Crowland, was originally written in Latin by one Felix, of whom nothing is with certainty known, further than what appears upon the face of his work.* From its being dedicated to Alfwold, king of the East- Angles, it may be conjectured that the author was an inmate of some monastery within the realm of East-Anglia; and he cannot have written later than A. D. 749,-the year of Alfwold's death. Though not personally acquainted with Guthlac, Felix drew his materials from persons who had known and conversed with the saint, and notwithstanding the * The Latin Life is printed both in the Bollandine and Benedictine Acta Sanctorum, under the 11th of April. Felix is usually called a monk of Crowland. In one MS. he is termed in the prologue, Catholicæ Congregationis Sancti Bedan vernaculus, from which the Benedictine editor infers that he was a monk of Jarrow. But this reading is unsupported by other MSS., and no dependence can be placed upon it. iv PREFACE. marvellous colouring given to the incidents related, the memoir may be regarded as, upon the whole, authentic, and as a curious picture of the belief and habits of the age. Upon the work of Felix is founded the poetical Legend of St. Guthlac, contained in that singular col- lection of Anglo-Saxon poetry the Codex Exoniensis. Less important, but not without its value to the student of our ancient literature, is the prose version in the same language, now for the first time given to the public. When and by whom this translation was made is unknown; the style is not that of Elfric, to whom it has been groundlessly ascribed. The florid rhetoric of Felix is much pruned and cropped, but without the omission of any material incidents; the writer often paraphrases rather than translates, and in truth sometimes quite mistakes the sense of the original. Only one MS. of this version is known to exist, preserved in the Cottonian collection, in the volume marked Vespasian D. xxi. But amongst the con- tents of the MS. known as the Codex Vercellensis is an extract comprising two chapters of the Life of Guthlac. For a transcript of this most interesting PREFACE. V fragment I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Benjamin Thorpe. It is curious, as presenting a text very different from the Cottonian copy; indeed it has almost the appearance of being part of an in- dependent translation, though I believe this is not really the case. I have given all the variations of importance in the notes at the end of the volume. The Cottonian MS. is written in a very fair, neat hand, and, according to Wanley, is the work of the scribe who wrote the Bodleian Heptateuch, which latter he assigns to a date shortly after the Conquest. I have followed carefully the variable spelling and capricious use of the accent, which are as charac- teristic of writings of the Anglo-Saxon period as punctilious uniformity in orthography is of our own. I have made here and there such alterations as the received rules of accidence or syntax seemed to require, and the reading of the MS. will always be found in the margin, so that the reader may judge for himself. The original Latin has suggested an emendation occasionally where the text was evidently corrupt, and the Vercelli Fragment supplies a few valuable readings. In accordance with the prevailing fashion of b vi PREFACE. editing Anglo-Saxon books, a translation is supplied, in which literality is chiefly aimed at. It may serve, however, to make the contents of the book accessible to others besides students of Anglo-Saxon; and at the present day, when there seems a growing dispo- sition to read history at first hand, some persons may be curious to study the portraiture of a Saxon hermit drawn by a cotemporary. LONDON: Nov. 1st, 1847. CORRIGENDA. C. W. G. P. 13, 1. 8. For reward read crown. P. 48, title to chap. ix. For began read begiten. P. 96, 1. 13. The MS. has mægða, but correct mægðe. THE LIFE OF ST. GUTHLAC. 1 INCIPIT PROLOGUS DE VITA SCI. GUTHLACI. URUM RUM Wealdende riht-gelyfendum a worulda woruld, minum þam leofestan hlaforde ofer ealle oðre men eordlice kyningas:-Alfwold East- Engla kyning, mid rihte and mid gerisenum rice healdend:-Felix pone rihtan geleafan gesette eallum geleafullum Godes folcum and ecere gesundfulnysse hælo and gretincge gesende.¹ pinum wordum and bebodum ic hyrsumode; da boc ic gesette pe pu ahtest, be life pære² arwurðan gemynde Guðhlaces hluttrum wordum and tacnum. Ic forpan halsige and bidde pone gelæredan and pþone geleaffullan, gif he her hwyle hleahterlic word onfinde, pæt he þæt us ne wíte; ac gemune and gepence ælc para tælendra and hleahterfulra, þæt³ on [wordum] Godes rice ne wunað ac on ánwylnysse pas halgan geleafan; and pa hælo middaneardes gemune¹ and gepence na fram idelum pancum gepoht, ac fram fiscerum gebodod and gesæd. Ac gif hwylc ¹ MS. gesend. MS. pa on Godes rice ne wuniað. 2 MS. þæs. 4 MS. ac gemune. PROLOGUE. To the truly-believing in our Lord, for ever and ever, to my dearest lord above all other men, earthly kings:-Alfwold, king of the East-Angles, rightly and worthily holding the kingdom:-I, Felix, have set forth the true belief, and the blessing of eternal salvation for all God's faithful people, and send greeting. Thy words and commands I have obeyed; the book which thou bespakest I have composed, concerning the life of Guthlac, of venerable memory, with clear words and testimonies. I therefore beg and beseech the learned and the faithful, if he here find any ridiculous phrase, that he blame us not therefore. But let each of these censorious and derisive persons reflect and consider that God's kingdom standeth not in [eloquence] but in stead- fastness of the holy faith; and reflect and consider that the salvation of earth was not devised with light thoughts, but was preached and declared by fishermen. And if any man censure our attempt 4 PROLOGUE. 6 man ure angin and weorc tale (swa ic menige wat on Angel-cynne mid þam fægerum stafum ge- gylde, fægere¹ and glæwlice gesette, þæt hig þas boc sylfe² settan mihton), ne wíte he ponne us swa [we]³ neode and hæse gehyrsumodon* and word gefyldon. Forpan lá þu leornere gif þu mid pan peawe tælendra me hleahtrige, warna þe sylfne þær þu þe hleahtres wene, þæt þu þær semninga ne wurde mid dymnysse bystro ablend. Þæt bið blindra þeaw ponne hi5 on leohte beoð, þæt hig sylfe nyton buton hi on peostrum dwelion. On halgum gewrihtum bið oft unwisdom [blindnes] geciged, forpon se fruma ealles yfeles ærest ponan cymð. For þisum þingum þonne pu leornere ic pe manige þæt þu þa fremdan ne tæle, þelæs þu fram oprum eft swá fremde getæled sig. Ac pylæs ic lenge pone panc hefige para leornendra mid ge- segenum þara fremdra tælnysse, swa swa ic7 strange sæé and mycele oferlide, and nu becume to pære smyltestan hyde, Guðlaces lifes. Forþon þu abade æt me þæt ic pe write and sæde be pære drohtnunge Guðlaces and his lifes bysene, ic pe forpon hyrsu- mode and ic forþon write swa me þa dihteras sædon pe his lif geornost cuðon; ærost hwylc were se fruma oppe on hwylcum ende he hit eft gelædde. For pisum þingum ic pas boc sette; þæt pa pe his lif þæs eadigan weres cuðon, þæt him ponne þig 8 ¹ MS. fæger. 5 MS. he. 2 MS. sylf. 3 [we] not in MS. [blindnes] not in MS. 4 MS. gehyrsum. 7 MS. seo. 8 MS. bec. PROLOGUE. 5 and work (as I know many in England who might have written this book themselves, gilded with fair letters, fairly and cleverly composed), let him not blame us who have but obeyed compulsion and com- mand, and fulfilled an order. Therefore, O! learner, if thou deridest me after the manner of censurers, take heed to thyself, lest whilst thou thinkest of laughter, thou become suddenly blinded by the ob- scurity of darkness. It is the manner of blind men when they are in the light, that they know not but that they wander in the dark. In the holy Scriptures folly is often called [blindness], because from thence comes the beginning of all evil. For this cause I admonish thee, O! learner, that thou censure not strangers, lest thou be afterwards as a stranger censured by others. But lest I longer weary the mind of learners by talking of the censure of strangers, I sail as it were over a strong and mighty sea, and now come to that most quiet haven, the life of Guthlac. As thou didst require of me that I should write and relate concerning the con- versation of Guthlac and the example of his life, I have accordingly obeyed thee, and I write as those informants told me who knew his life most accu- rately; in the first place what was its beginning, and then to what end he brought it. For this cause I have composed this book, that as for those who knew the life of the blessed man they may be 6 PROLOGUE. geneahhor his lifes to gemyndum come; and pam oðrum þe hit ær ne cupon swá swá ic him rúmne weg and geradne tæhte. pas pingc pe ic her on- wríte, ic geleornode fram gesegenum þæs arwyrðan abbodes Wilfrides. Swilc eac manige oðre me pæt sædon, pe mid pam eadigan were waron and his lif hira eagum ofersawon. Ne tweoge ic aht pa mine dihteras pæt hi mihton gemunan and eall asecgan pa wundru pises eadigan weres; waron hi swiðe wide cube and mære geond Angel-cynnes land. Ic forpon pinum bebodum hyrsumede and pin word and willan hæbbe gefylled and þæt gewrit pisse andweardan hyrde swá ic mihte mid wisdome minra¹ foregengena and para yldrena gesette; pone fruman on þam fruman ic gesette, and pone ende in þam ende. 2 ¹ MS. minre. 2 MS. þære. PROLOGUE. the more abundantly reminded of his life; and that to others who knew it not before, I might as it were point out a wide and straight way. The things which I here write, I learned from the relation of the ve- nerable abbot Wilfrid. Also many others have related it to me who were with the blessed man, and saw his life with their own eyes. Nor doubt I aught that my informants were able to re- member and relate all the wonders of this blessed man; they were very widely known and famous through England. I accordingly have obeyed thy commands, and have fulfilled thy word and will, and I have composed the text of this present book as I best might, with the wisdom of my predecessors and their elders; the beginning I have put in the beginning, and the end at the end. 8 THE LIFE OF I. ΟΝ 2 N pam dagum Æpelredes þæs mæran kyninges Myrcna, was sum æþel¹ man on pære heh-peode Myrcna-rice; se was haten Penwald. He was þæs yldestan and þæs æpelstan cynnes þe Iclingas wæron genemnede. He was for worulde welig and myccle gestreon hæfde, and papa he welegost was and mæst gestreon hæfde, da gyrnde he him his ge- mæccan to nymanne. He him pa ana geceas on þæra² mædena heape pe þær fægorost wæs and æpelestan kynnes; seo was gehaten Tette: and hi pa samod waron oð þone fyrst þæt God foresceawode þæt pæet wif mid bearne geeacnod was. Da se tíma com þæt heo þæt bearn cennan scolde, pa sæmninga com tacn of heofenum, and þæt bearn³ swytelice mid inseglum beclysde: efne, men gesawon ane hand on pam fægerestan readan hiwe of heofonum cumende; and seo hæfde ane gyldene róde, and was ateowod manegum mannum, and helde toweard toforan þæs huses duru þær þæt cild inne acenned was. Đa men þa calle pe pat gesawon piderweard efeston pæt hig þæt tacen swutelicor geseon woldon and ongitan. Seo hánd þa gewende mid þære róde up to heofonum. Đa men pa ealle pe pat tacen gesawon, hi hi pa calle on eordan astrehton, and God bædon pæt he heom geswutelian scolde hwæt þæt tacn and þæt forebeacn beon scolde þe him þær 1 MS. æþela. 2 MS. þære. 3 MS. tacn. ST. GUTHLAC. 9 I. IN the days of Ethelred, the famous king of the Mercians, there was a noble man of the province of Mercia, who was called Penwald. He was of the oldest and noblest family, who were named Iclings. He was in worldly things wealthy and had great riches, and when he was wealthiest and had the most riches, he desired to take to himself a wife. He chose from the multitude of maidens the one who was fairest, and of the noblest kin; she was called Tette. And they were together until the time that God ordained that the woman became with child. When the time came that she should give birth to the child, suddenly there came a sign from heaven, and clearly as with a seal marked out the child. Lo! men saw a hand of the fairest red hue coming from heaven; and it held a golden rood, and was manifested to many men, and it leaned forward before the door of the house wherein the child was born. Thereupon all the men who saw it hastened thitherward, that they might more clearly see and understand the sign. The hand then returned with the rood up to heaven. Then all the men who saw the sign, stretched themselves on the earth, and prayed God that he would show them what that sign and portent should be, which was there so un- 18 10 THE LIFE OF swá færlice æteowod wæs. Da hi pa þæt gebed gefylled heafdon, þa com þær sum wif mid miccle rædlicnysse yrnan of þam huse pe pat cild inne acenned wæs, and cleopode, and cwæð þus to pam mannum: Beoð ge staþolfæste and gehyrte, forpan pæs toweardan wuldres man on pisum middanearde her ys acenned. Ɖa hi þa men þæt word gehyrdon, pa spræcon hig heom betwynan þæt þæt wære god- cundlic tacn þe þær ætywed was, forpon pe pæt bearn þær acenned wæs. Sume hig þonne cwædon þæt þurh godcunde stihtunge pære¹ ecan eadignysse him wäre seo gifu forestihtod, þæs haliges tacnes pe him æt his acennednysse ætywad wæs. Waron men swipe wundriende be pære wisan and be pam tacne pe pær ætywed wæs: and efne ær þon pe sunne on setl eode hit was ofer eall middel Engla-land cud and mare. 1 II. Da þæs ymbe eahta niht þæs pe mon pæt cild brohte to pam halgan þwéale fulwihte-bæpes, da wæs him nama sceapen of pæs cynnes gereorde and of pære peode Guplac, swa hit ware of godcundlicre stihtunge gedón, þæt he swa genemned were: forpon swá þa wisan leorneras secgað on Angel-cynne þæt se nama standed on twam³ gewritum: Guðlac se nama ys on romanisc, Belli múnus: forpon peah he mid world- lice* geswince menige earfoðnysse adreah, and peah mid gecyrrednysse pa gife pære ecan eadignysse mid 1MS. in þære ece. 3 MS. feawum. 2 MS. sunna. 4 MS. woruldlicre. ST. GUTHLAC. 11 expectedly displayed to them. When they had ended this prayer, a woman came in great haste running out of the house wherein the child was born, and said thus to the men: Be firm and of good heart, for a man of future glory is born here on this earth. When the men heard this word, they said among themselves, that it was a divine sign that was there showed to them, inasmuch as the child was born there. Some of them then said, that by divine providence the gift of eternal bliss was fore-ordained to him, in virtue of the holy sign that was shown to them at his birth. Men were much amazed at the matter and at the sign which was there displayed; and behold, ere the sun set it was known and famous over all the middle of England. II. About eight nights afterwards, when they brought the child to the holy laver of baptism, a name was given him from the appellation of the family and from the clan, Guthlac, as though it were done by divine providence, that he should be thus named. For thus the wise teachers in England say, that the name consists of two terms; the name Guthlac is in Latin, Belli munus; for that he not only endured many troubles with worldly labour, but also by con- version received the gift of eternal bliss with the 12 THE LIFE OF sige eces lifes onfengc, and swá mid þam apostolum cwepende: Beatus vir qui suffert temptationem; quia cum probatus fuerit accipiet coronam vite quam re- promisit dominus diligentibus sé. Pæt ys on englisc: Eadig man bið, cwæð he, se þe her on worulde manig- fealdlice geswincnysse and earfoðnysse dreogeð, for- pon mid pam pe he gecostod bið and geswenced, ponne onfeh he ecum beage; and þæt God gehet eallum þam pe hine lufiað. After pon pe he wæs abwegen mid pam pweale pas halgan fulluhtes, da was he eft to pære fæderlican healle gelædd and þær gefedd. Mid pam pe seo yld com þæt hit sprecan mihte æfter cniht-wisan, ponne was he nawiht hefig, ne unhyrsum his yldrum on wordum, ne pam pe hine feddon, nænigum oppe yldran oppe gingran. Ne he cnihtlice galnysse næs begangende, ne idele spel- lunge folcricra manna, ne úngeliclice olæcunge, ne leaslicetunge: ne he mistlice fugela¹-sangas ne wur- pode, swá oft swa cnihtlicu yldo begæð. Ac on his scearpnysse þæt he weox, and wearð glæd on his ansyne, and hluttor and clæne on his mode, and bil- wíte on his þeawum. Ac on him wæs se scima gastlicre beorhtnysse swá swyde scinende, þæt ealle þa men pe hine gesawon on him geseon mihton þa þing þe him towearde waron. Da wæs æfter sið- fate þæt mægen on him weox and gestipode on his geogode, pa gemunde he þa strangan dæda þara un- manna and þæra woruld-frumena; he þa, swa he of ¹ MS. fugelas. ST. GUTHLAC. 13 victory of eternal life, saying thus with the apostle : Beatus vir qui suffert temptationem, quia cum pro- batus fuerit accipiet coronam vite, quam repromisit Dominus diligentibus se. That is in English: Blessed is the man, saith he, who here in the world endureth manifold labours and troubles, for whereas he is tempted and tried, then receiveth he the ever- lasting reward; and this hath God promised to all who love him. After he was washed in the laver of holy baptism, he was led to his father's hall and there nourished. When the age came that the child should speak in child-fashion, he was no whit dull, nor disobedient to his parents in their commands, nor to those who nurtured him, either elder or younger. Nor was he addicted to boyish levities, nor the vain talk of vulgar men, nor unseemly fawning, nor lying flattery. Nor did he study the various cries of birds, as childish age is often wont. But he grew up in sharpness, and was blithe in countenance, and pure and clean in his disposition, and innocent in his ways. And in him was the lustre of divine brightness so shining, that all men who saw him could perceive in him the promise of what should hereafter happen to him. After a time, when his strength waxed and he grew up to man- hood, then thought he on the strong deeds of the heroes, and of the men of yore. Then, as though he 14 THE LIFE OF slæpe onwoce, weard his mod oncyrred, and he gesomnode miccle scóle and wered his gepoftena and hys efen-hæfdlingas, and him sylf to wæpnum feng. pa wræc he his æfpancas on his feondum, and heora burh bærnde and heora túnas ofer- hergode; and he wide geond eorpan menigfeald wæl felde and sloh and of mannum heora æhta nam. pa was he semninga innan manod godcundlice and læred þæt he pa word hete, ealle pa he swa [genam]¹ he het priddan dæl agifan þam mannum þe he hit ær ongenæmde. Da was ymbe nigon winter pæs pe he pa ehtnysse begangende was se eadiga Guthlac, and he hine sylfne betweox pises and- weardan middaneardes wealcan dwelode. pa gelamp sume nihte³ mid pam pe he com of farendum wege, and he hys pa werigan lima reste, and he menig þing mid his mode pohte; da was he færinga mid Godes ege onbryrd, and mid gastlicre lufan his heorte innan gefylled and mid þy he awoc he gepohte pa ealdan kyningas pe iú wæron, purh earmlicne deað and purh sarlicne utgang þæs mánfullan lifes, pe pas world forleton; and pa micclan welan pe hig ær-hwilon ahton he geseh on hrædlicnysse ealle gewítan; and he geseah his agen lif dæghwamlice to pam ende efstan and scyndan. Da was he sæmninga mid pam godcundan egesan innan swá swype onbryrded, pæt he andette Gode gif he him þæs mergen-dæges geunnan wolde, pæt he his peow : 4 2 [Genam] not in MS. 2 MS. weolc 7 welode. 3 MS. niht. 4 MS. and mid by he geþohte pa caldan kyningas þa iú wæron he awoc purh, etc. ST. GUTHLAC. 15 had woke from sleep, his disposition was changed, and he collected a great troop and host of his com- panions and equals, and himself took weapons. Then wreaked he his grudges on his enemies, and burned their city, and ravaged their towns, and widely through the land he made much slaughter, and slew and took from men their goods. Then was he on a sudden inwardly admonished of God, and taught that he should thus give command; of all things which he had so taken he bade give back the third part to those from whom he had taken it. It was about nine years that he was thus engaged in hostile raids, the blessed Guthlac, and he thus wandered amidst the tumult of this present world. It happened on one night when he had come from an expedition, and he rested his weary limbs, and thought over many things in his mind, that he was suddenly inspired with divine awe, and his heart within was filled with spiritual love; and when he awoke, he thought on the old kings who were of yore, who thinking on miserable death, and the wretched end of sinful life, forsook this world; and the great wealth which they once possessed, he saw all on a sudden vanish; and he saw his own life daily hasten and hurry to an end. Then was he suddenly so excited inwardly with godly fear, that he vowed to God, if he would spare him till the morrow, that he would be his servant. When the darkness of 16 THE LIFE OF beon wolde. Mid þy pære nihte þystro gewíton and hit dæg was, pa arás he and hine sylfne getacnode insegle Cristes rode. Đa bead he his geferum pet hi fundon him oderne ealdorman and latteow hira geferscipe; and he him andette and sæde pæt he wolde beon Cristes peow. Mid þam pe his geferan pas word gehyrdon, þa wáron hi swipe wundriende, and swype forhte for pam wordum þe hi þær ge- hyrdon pa hi ealle to him aluton and hine bæédon þæt he næfre pa þing swa gelæste swa he mid wordum gecwæð. He pa hwæpere heora worda ne gimde, ac pæt ilce þæt he ær geþohte þæt he þæt forðlæstan wolde; barn him swá swype innan þære Godes lufan þæt na læs þæt an þæt he þas woruld forseah, ac swilce hys yldrena gestreon and his eard, and pa sylfan his heafod-gemacan þæt he þæt eall forlet, Ɖa he was feower and twentig wintra eald, pa forlet he ealle pas woruld-glenga, and eallne his hiht on Crist gesette: and pa æfter pon pæt he ferde to mynstre pe ys gecweden Hrypadún, and þær þa gerynelican sceare onfeng, Sce Petres þæs apostoles under Ælföryde abbodyssan: and syppan he to sceare and to pam munuc-life feng, hwat he nænigre wætan onbítan nolde pe drun- cennys¹ purh cóme. And pa for pan þingum hine þa broðra hatedon, þy he swá forhæbbende wæs: and þa rade syþþan hi þa hluttorlicnysse his modes, and pa clænnysse his lifes ongéaton, þæt hig ealle ¹ MS. druncennysse. ST. GUTHLAC. 17 night was gone, and it was day, he arose and signed himself with the mark of Christ's rood. Then bade he his companions that they should find them another captain and leader of their company; and he confessed to them, and said that he would be Christ's servant. When his companions heard these words, they were greatly astonished, and very alarmed for the words which they had heard. Then they all bowed to him, and begged him that he never would perform the things which he had in words ex- pressed. He however cared not for their words, but the same thing that he had first intended, that would he perform. God's love burnt so within him, that not only did he despise this world, but also his parents' wealth and his home, and even his com- panions he all forsook. When he was four and twenty years old, he forsook all the pomps of the world, and set all his hope on Christ. And after that he went to a monastery, which is called Hrypadun, and there received the mystical tonsure of St. Peter the apostle, under abbess Ælfthrytha. And after he had taken the tonsure and the monastic life, lo! he would taste no liquid through which drunkenness comes. And for these things the brethren hated him, because he was so abstinent; but soon after, when they perceived the purity of his mind, and the cleanness of his life, they all loved him. He was in 18 THE LIFE OF hine lufedon. Was he on ansine mycel and on lichaman clane, wynsum on his mode, and wlitig on ansyne; he was lide and gemetfæst on his worde, and he was geþyldig and eadmod; and á seo godcunde lufu on hys heortan hat and byrnende. Mid by he pa was in stafas and on leornunge ge- togen, pa girnde he his sealmas to leornianne: þa weron pa wæstm-berendan breost pæs eadigan weres mid Godes gife gefyllede and mid þam lareowdóme þæs hean magistres Godes, þæt he was on godcund- lican peodscipe getyd and gelæred. Mid þam pe he was twa gear on pære leornunge, da hæfde he his sealmas geleornod and canticas, and ymnas, and gebeda æfter cyriclicre endebyrdnysse. pa ongan he wurdigan þa gódan þeawas þara godra on þam life, eadnysse,¹ and hyrsumnysse, gepyld, and polemod- nysse, and forhæfednysse his lichaman; and ealra para godra mægen he was begangende. Ɖa ymbe twá winter pas pe he his lif swa leofode under munuc- hade pæt he pa ongan wilnian westenes and sunder- setle. Mid by he gehyrde secgan and he leornode be þam ancerum, þe geara on westene and on sundor- settlum for Godes naman wilnodon and heora lif leofodon, da was his heorte innan þurh Godes gifu onbryrdod, þæt he westenes gewilnode. Da wæs sona ymbe unmanige dagas pæt he him leafe bad æt pam beowum pe par yldest wæron þæt he féran moste. 'Perhaps a mistake for eadmodnysse. ST. GUTHLAC. 19 figure tall, and pure in body, cheerful in mood, and in countenance handsome; he was mild and modest in his discourse, and he was patient and humble; and ever in his heart was divine love hot and burning. When he devoted himself to letters and learning, he was desirous of learning his psalms. Then was the fruitful breast of the blessed man filled with God's grace, and with the teaching of God the great master he became instructed and learned in divine discipline. When he had been two years on this study, he had learned his psalms, and canticles, and hymns, and prayers, after ecclesiastical order. Then began he to study the good observances of the virtuous in that life, gentleness and obedience, patience and long suffering, and abstinence of body; and he cultivated the virtues of all good men. After he had passed about two years of his life thus in the monastic state, he began to long for the wilderness and a hermitage. When he heard tell and learned concerning anchorites who of yore longed for the wilderness and hermitages for God's name, and passed their lives there, his heart was inwardly in- spired with the love of God to long for the wilder- ness. So then not many days after, he begged leave from the servants [of God] who were the eldest there, that he might depart. 20 THE LIFE OF III. Ys on Bretone-lande sum fenn unmætre mycel- nysse þæt onginneð fram Grante eá naht feor fram þære cestre, dy ylcan nama ys nemned Grante- ceaster. Þær synd unmæte¹ moras, hwilon sweart water-steal, and hwilon fúle éa-ripas yrnende, and swylce eac manige ealand and hreod and beorhgas and treow-gewrido, and hit mid menigfealdan big- nyssum widgille and lang purhwunad on nord-sa. Mid pan se foresprecena wer and pære eadigan gemynde Guðlac³ pas wídgillan westenes pa ungear- awan stowe þær gemette, pa was he mid godcunde* fultume gefylst, and pa sona pan rihtestan wege þyder togeferde. pa was mid þam pe he þyder com pæt he frægn þa bigengcan pas landes, hwær he on pam westene him eardung-stowe findan mihte. Mid þy hi him menigfeald þing sædon be pære wídgilnysse þæs westenes. pa was Tátwine gehaten sum man, sæde pa þæt he wiste sum ealand synderlice digle, þæt oft menige men eardian ongunnon, ac for menig- fealdum brogum and egsum, and for annysse þæs widgillan westenes þæt hit nænig man adreogan ne mihte, ac hit ælc forpan befluge. Mid þam pe se halga wer Guðlac þa word gehyrde, he bæd sona þæt he him pa stowe getæhte, and he þa sona swa dyde; eode pa on scip, and þa ferdon begen þurh þa rugan fennas op þæt hi comon to pære stowe pe man hateð ¹ MS. unmætre. 3 MS. Guðlaces. 2 MS þene wunað. * MS. godcundre. ST. GUTHLAC. 21 III. There is in Britain a fen of immense size, which begins from the river Granta not far from the city, which is named Grantchester. There are immense marshes, now a black pool of water, now foul run- ning streams, and also many islands, and reeds, and hillocks, and thickets, and with manifold windings wide and long it continues up to the north sea. When the aforesaid man, Guthlac of blessed memory, found out this uncultivated spot of the wide wilder- ness, he was comforted with divine support, and journeyed forthwith by the straightest way thither. And when he came there he inquired of the inhabit- ants of the land where he might find himself a dwelling-place in the wilderness. Whereupon they told him many things about the vastness of the wil- derness. There was a man named Tatwine, who said that he knew an island especially obscure, which ofttimes many men had attempted to inhabit, but no man could do it on account of manifold horrors and fears, and the loneliness of the wide wilderness; so that no man could endure it, but every one on this account had fled from it. When the holy man Guthlac heard these words, he bid him straightway show him the place, and he did so; he embarked in a vessel, and they went both through the wild fens till they came to the spot which is called Crowland; 22 THE LIFE OF Cruwland : wæs þæt land on middan þam westene swá gerád geseted pæs foresædan fennes,¹ swyde digle, and hit swype feawa men wiston buton pam anum þe hyt him tæhte; swylc þær næfre nænig man ær eardian ne mihte ær se eadiga wer Guðlac to- com for pære eardunga para awerigedra gasta. And he pa se eadiga wer Guðlac forhogode sona þa costunge þæra awerigdra gasta, and mid heofonlicum fultume gestrangod weard, betwyx pa fenlican gewrido pas widgillan westenes, þæt he ana ongan eardian. Ða gelamp mid þære godcundan stihtunge, þæt he on pa tíd Sce Bartholomei pas apostoles þæt he com to pam ealande, forpan he on eallum þingum his fultum sohte. And he pa gelufode pære stowe digelnysse, and he pa gehet þæt he wolde ealle dagas his lifes þær on pam ealande Gode peowian. Mid þy he þa unmanige dagas þær wæs, þa geondsceawode he þa þing þe to pære stowe belumpon. Ɖa pohte he þæt he eft wolde to pam mynstre feran and his ge- broðra gretan, forpan he ær fram heom ungegret gewat. Đa pæs on mergen mid ban hit dag was pa ferde he eft to pam mynstre; pa was he pær hundnigantig nihta mid þam broðrum: and þa syþþan he hig grette, he þa eft hwærf to pære stowe þæs leofan westenes mid twam cnihtum. Da wæs se eahtoða dæg pæs kalendes Septembres, pe man on þa tíd wurðað Sce Bartholomei þæs apostoles, pa se eadiga wer Guðlac com to pære foresprecenan stowe, 3 MS. pa. 1 MS. fennas, 2 MS. feawe. ST. GUTHLAC. 23 this land was in such wise (as he said) situated in the midst of the waste of the aforesaid fen, very ob- scure, and very few men knew of it except the one who showed it to him; as no man ever could inhabit it before the holy man Guthlac came thither, on ac- count of the dwelling of the accursed spirits there. And the blessed man Guthlac disregarded the tempta- tion of the accursed spirits, and was strengthened with heavenly support, so that he began to dwell alone among the fenny thickets of the wide wilder- ness. It fell out, by divine providence, that he came to the island on the day of St. Bartholomew the apostle; for he sought in all things his support. And he was enamoured of the obscurity of the place, and vowed that he would serve God on that island all the days of his life. When he had been there not many days, he looked about at the things which ap- pertained to the place. Then he thought that he would return again to the monastery, and salute his brethren, for he had before gone away from them without taking leave. So in the morning, when it was day, he went back to the monastery; there he remained with the brethren ninety nights. And after he had taken leave of them, he returned back again to the place of his beloved wilderness with two servants. It was the eighth day before the kalends of September, which is observed as the day of St. Bartholomew the apostle, when the holy man Guthlac 24 THE LIFE OF to Cruwlande, forpon he his fultum on eallum þingum ærest to pam sundor-setle sohte. Hæfde he pa on ylde six and twentig wintra pa he ærest se Godes cempa on pam westene mid heofenlicre gife geweorðod gesæt.¹ pa sona wið þam scotungum þara werigra gasta þæt he hine mid gastlicum wæpnum gescylde, he nam pone scyld þæs Halgan Gastes geleafan; and hyne on þære byrnan gegearowode pæs heofonlican hihtes; and he him dyde heolm on heafod clænera² gepanca; and mid þam strælum þæs halgan sealm- sanges³ á singallice wið þam awerigedum gastum sceotode and campode. And nu hwæt ys swa swipe to wundrianne pa diglan mihte ures Drihtnes, and his mildheortnysse domas; hwa mag pa ealle asecgan! Swá se æpela lareow ealra þeoda Scs Paulus se apostol, pone ure Drihten ælmihtig God fore- stihtode to godspellianne his folce; he was ær-pon ehtere his pære halgan cyrcan, and mid pan þe he to Damascum ferde pære byrig, þæt he was of pam þystrum gedwolum abroden Iudea ungeleafulnysse mid þam swege heofonlicre stefne; swá þonne pære arwurdan gemynde Gudlac of pære gedrefednysse pissere worulde was gelæded to campháde þæs ecan lifes. ¹ MS. geweorðod. Gesæt þa. 3 MS. sealm-sangas. 2 MS. clænere. • ST. GUTHLAC. 25 came to the aforesaid place Crowland, for that he sought his support first in all things in regard to his solitary life. He was six and twenty years of age when, endowed with heavenly grace, God's soldier first settled in the wilderness. Then straightway, that he might arm himself against the attacks of the wicked spirits with spiritual weapons, he took the shield of the Holy Spirit, faith; and clothed himself in the armour of heavenly hope; and put on his head the helmet of chaste thoughts; and with the arrows of holy psalmody he ever continually shot and fought against the accursed spirits. And now how greatly must we admire the secret might of our Lord, and the judgments of his mercy; who can tell them all? As the noble teacher of all nations, St. Paul the apostle, whom our Lord Almighty God fore-ap- pointed to preach the gospel to his people; he was before a persecutor of his holy church, and whilst he journeyed to the city Damascus he was delivered from the dark errors of the Jews' unbelief by the sound of a heavenly voice; so Guthlac of venerated memory was led from the tribulation of this world to the victory of eternal life. 2 26 THE LIFE OF IV. Be þam halgan were hu he eardode on þære stówe. Onginne ic nu be dam life dæs eadigan weres Guðlaces, swa swa ic gehyrde secgan pa pe his lif cudon, Wilfrid and Cissa; ponne secge ic swá æfter þære endebyrdnysse. Wæs þær on pam ealande sum hlaw mycel ofer eorðan geworht, pone ylcan men iú geara for feos wilnunga gedulfon and bræcon. pa was þær on opre sidan pæs hlawes¹ gedolfen swylce mycel water-sead ware. On þam seade ufan se eadiga wer Guthlac him hus getimbrode, sona fram fruman pas pe he pæet ancer-setl² gesæt. Pa gepohte he pæt he nador ne wyllenes hrægles ne línenes brucan nolde, ac on fellenum gegyrelan þæt he wolde ealle his dagas his lifes alifian; and he hit swá ford-gelæstende wæs. Elce dæge was his bigleofan swyle gemetegung³ of þære tíde þe he þæt westen eardigan ongan, þæt he nawiht ne onbyrigde buton berenne hlaf and water; and ponne sunne was on setle, ponne pigede he það andlyfene pe he bigleofode. Sona þæs pe he westen eardigan ongan, þa gelamp hit sume dæge mid [þy he] pan gewune- lican peawe his sealm sang and his gebedum befeal, pa se ealda feond man-cynnes (efne swa grymetigende leo, pæt he his costunga attor wíde todæled,) mid by he pa his yfelnysse mægen and grymnysse attor ¹ MS. hlawas. 4 MS. berene. 2 MS. ancer-setle. 5 MS. þæs. 3 MS. to gereorde. 6 [by he] not in MS. ST. GUTHLAC. 27 IV. Concerning the holy man, how he dwelt in the place. I begin now to speak of the life of the blessed man Guthlac, as I have heard those relate who knew his life, Wilfrid and Cissa; and according thereto I tell it in order. There was on the island a great mound raised upon the earth, which same of yore men had dug and broken up in hopes of treasure. On the other side of the mound a place was dug, as it were a great water-cistern. Over this cistern the blessed man Guthlac built himself a house at the beginning, as soon as he settled in the hermit-station. Then he resolved that he would use neither woollen nor linen garment, but that he would live all the days of his life in clothing of skins; and so he continued to do. Each day, from the time that he began to dwell in the wilderness, the ab- stemiousness of his diet was such, that he never tasted aught but barley-bread and water; and when the sun was set, then took he his food on which he lived. Soon after he began to dwell in the wilder- ness, it happened one day, when he had, after his wonted custom, sung a psalm and fell to his prayers, that the old enemy of mankind (who, even as a roar- ing lion, scatters wide the venom of his temptations), whilst he [was scattering abroad] the might of his 28 THE LIFE OF [todælde]¹ þæt he mid pan þa menniscan heortan wundode, pa semninga swá he of gebendum bogan his costunge streale on þam mode gefæstnode þæs Cristes cempan. Da he pa se eadiga wer mid pære geættredan streale gewundod was pas awerigedan gastes, da was his mod pæs eadigan weres swiðe gedrefed on him, be þam onginne pe he ongan þæt westen swá ana cardigan. Mid þam he pa hine hider and þyder gelomlice on his mode cyrde, and gemunde pa ærran synna and leahtras pe he gefre- mede and geworht hæfde, and pa máran and un- mættran² him sylfa dyde ponne he wende þæt he hi æfre gebetan mihte. Da hæfde hine seo deofollice stræl mid ormodnysse gewundodne: wæs se eadiga wer Guðlac mid pære ormodnysse þri dagas ge- wundod, þæt he sylfa nyste hwider he wolde mid his móde gecyrran. Da wæs þy pryddan dæge pære æfter-fylgendan nihte pæt he pam tweogendum gepohtum fæstlice wiðstód; and efne swá witedom- lice mupe pat he sang and clypode to Gode, and cwæð: In tribulatione mea invocavi Dominum, et reliqua. Pæt ys on englisc: Min Drihten on minre geswincnysse ic pe to clypige, ac gehyr þu me and gefultuma me on minum earfeðum. Da wæs sona æfter pon pæt his se getreowa fultum him to com, Scs Bartholomeus; and na læs þæt he him on slæpe atywde, ac he wæccende pone apostol on engellicre fægernysse geseah and sceawode. And he pa sona ' [todælde] not in MS. 2 MS. unmættra. ST. GUTHLAC. 29 wickedness and the venom of his cruelty, that he might wound the hearts of men therewith, suddenly, as from a bended bow, he fixed the dart of his temptation in the soul of Christ's soldier. When, therefore, the blessed man was wounded with the poisoned arrow of the accursed spirit, his soul (the blessed man's) was greatly troubled within him, about the undertaking he had begun, namely, to dwell thus alone in the wilderness. Then he turned himself hither and thither continually in his mind, and thought of his former sins and wickednesses which he had committed and wrought, and how that he himself had done greater and more enormous sins than he thought he could ever compensate for. Thus had the devilish arrow wounded him with desperation: the blessed man Guthlac was three days wounded with this despair, so that he himself knew not whither he would turn with his thoughts. It was upon the night following the third day that he firmly withstood these doubting thoughts; and thereupon with prophetic mouth he sang and cried to God, and said: In tribulatione meâ invocavi Dominum, et reliqua. That is, in English: My Lord, in my trouble I cry unto thee, and hear thou me, and support me in my tribulations. It was soon after this that his faithful support, St. Bartholomew, came to him, and did not appear to him in sleep, but waking he saw and beheld the apostle in angelic beauty. 30 THE LIFE OF se eadiga wer Guðlac swype blipe was pas heofon- lican cuman; and him sona his heorte and his gepanc call was onlihtod; and he pa hrædlice pa yfelan and pa twyfealdan gepohtas forlet, and hine se heofonlica cuma frefrode, Scs Bartholomeus, and hine mid wordum trymede and strangode, and hine het þæt he ne tweode, ac pæt he wære ánrad; and þæt he him on fultume beon wolde on eallum his earfeðum. Da se halga Guðlac pas word gehyrde his pas getreowan freondes, pa was he mid gastlicre blisse gefylled, and his geleafan fæste on God sylfne getrymede and fæstnode. V. Swylce eac gelamp on sumne sæl, mid þy he be pære drohtnunge smeade his lifes, hu he Gode gecwemlicost mihte lybban, da comon semninga twegen deoflu to him of pære lyfte slidan and pa to him cuðlice spræcon and cwadon: We syndon gewisse pines lifes, and pines geleafan trumnesse we witon, and eac pin gepyld we cunnon únofer- swyped; and þær we pin fandedon, and costodon, þat we mid manigfealde cræfte úre¹ wæpna wið þé sendon. We nu heonon-ford nellað þe leng swencan ne pe bysmrian; na læs þæt an þat we pe þæs nu nellað lettan þæs þu ær gepoht hæfdest, ac we þe eac wyllað secgan be pam eallum pe iu geara westen 2 1 MS. úra. 2 MS. westene. ST. GUTHLAC. 31 And forthwith the blessed man Guthlac was right glad of the heavenly visitor; and his heart and mind was soon all enlightened, and he quickly let go the bad and desperate thoughts; and the heavenly visitor, St. Bartholomew, comforted him, and confirmed and strengthened him with his words, and bid him not despair, but be constant; and said that he would be his support in all his tribulations. When the holy Guthlac heard these words of his faithful friend, he was filled with spiritual joy, and strengthened and fixed his faith firmly upon God himself. V. It happened, also, on one occasion, when he was reflecting upon the conduct of his life, how he might live most acceptably to God, there came suddenly two devils to him, sliding down from the air, and they spoke plainly to him, and said: We are ac- quainted with thy life, and the firmness of thy faith we know, and also we know thy patience to be un- conquered; and therein we tried and proved thee, whilst with manifold craft we directed our weapons at thee. We now henceforth will no longer trouble nor injure thee; not only will we now cease to hinder thee from that which thou didst first intend, but we will even tell thee respecting all those who of yore inhabited the wilderness, how they lived 32 THE LIFE OF eardedon, hu hi heora lif leofodon. Moyses ærest and Helias hi fæston, and swylce eac se Hælend ealles middaneardes on westene he fæste, and eac swylce pa mæran munecas pa mid Egiptum wæron and þér on westenum wunedon: pa purh heora for- hæfdnysse on heom ealle uncyste ofaslógon and ácwealdon. Ponne gif þu þæt wilnast þæt þu of þe þa ær gefremedan synna aþwéan wylt, ponne scealt þu þinne lichaman þurh forhæfdnysse wæccan; forpon swá myccle swa þu þe her on worulde swypor swincst, swá þu eft byst on ecnysse fæstlicor getrymed; and swá myccle swá þu on pisum andweardan life má earfoða drigast, swá myccle þu eft on toweardnysse gefehst; and ponne þu on fæsten her on worulde gestihst, ponne bist þu ahafen for Godes eagum. Forbon pin fæsten ne sceal beon þæt an twegra daga fyrst oppe preora oppe álce dæge, pæt þu þe swá on¹ tela myccle forhæfdnysse ahebbe, ac on seofon nihta fyrstes fæstene bip to clænsienne pone man. Swá on six dagum ærest God ealles middan- eardes fægernysse gehiwode and gefrætwode, and on pam seofopan he hine reste, swa ponne gedafenað pam pe gelice purh six daga fæsten pone gast gefrætwian, and ponne by seofoðan dæge2 mete picgan and pone³ lichaman restan. Da se eadiga wer Guðlac pas word gehyrde, pa aras he sona and to Gode clypode, and hyne gebæd and pus cwæð: Syn mine fynd, min Drihten God, á on-hinder ge- ¹ MS. on swá. 2 MS. dæg. 3 MS. his. ST. GUTHLAC. 33 their lives. Moses first, and Elijah, they fasted, and also the Saviour of all the earth, he fasted in the wilderness; and also the famous monks who were in Egypt and dwelt there in deserts; they, through their abstinence, slew and quelled in themselves all corruption. Therefore, if thou desirest to wash from thee the sins thou didst once commit, thou shouldst afflict thy body with abstinence; because by how much the more severely thou afflictest thyself in this world, by so much the more firmly shalt thou be strengthened to eternity; and by how much thou sufferest more troubles in this present life,, so much the more shalt thou receive in future; and when thou advancest here in the world in fasting, thou shalt then be exalted in God's eyes. Therefore thy fasting must not be a space of two or three days, nor on each day, that thou shouldst exalt thyself thereupon as a very great abstinence, but it is necessary by a fast of seven nights' duration to cleanse the man. As on six days God first formed and adorned the beauty of the whole earth, and on the seventh rested himself; so, also, beseems it thee in like manner by six days' fast to adorn the spirit, and then on the seventh day to take meat and to rest the body. When the blessed man Guthlac heard these words, he arose and cried to God, and prayed, and thus said: Let my foes, my Lord God, • 28 34 THE LIFE OF cyrde, forpon ic pe ongite and oncnawe, forþon þe þu eart min scyppend. pa sona æfter þam wordum se awyrigeda gast efne swá smic beforan his ansyne áidlode. He pa forseah pa deofollican láre, for þam pe he calle pa ydele ongeat; ac pa feng [to]¹ méd- mycclan bigleofan, þat was to pam berenan hláfe, and pone pigede and his lif bileofode. Da pa awyrigedan gastas pæet ongeaton pæt he hig ealle forhógode and heora lara, hig þa þæt mid wependre stefne sorhgodon, þæt hi oferswidde waron; and se eadiga wer swá gesigefæstod wearð þæt he pa bysmornysse forhogode heora lára and heora costunga. Swylce eac gelámp on sumue sæl ymb únmanige dagas pæt he waccende pa niht on halgum gebedum awunode. pa on pære nihte stilnysse gelamp semninga, þæt þær comon mycele meniu para awyrigedra gasta, and hi eall þæt hus mid heora cyme fyldon; and hi on ealce healfe inguton ufan and neoðan and eghwonen. Hi wæron on ansyne egslice and hig hæfdon mycele heafda, and langne sweoran, and mægere ansyne: hi wæron fúlice and orfyrme on heora beardum; and hi hæfdon³ ruge earan, and woh nebb and redelice eagan, and fúle muðas; and heora topas waron gelíce horses twuxan; and him waron pa protan mid lege gefylde, and hi wæron ongristlice on stefne: hi hæfdon woge sceancan, and mycele cneowu and hindan greate, 2 MS. manigre. ¹ [to] not in MS. 3 MS. and ruge earan and hi hæfdon woh nebb. ST. GUTHLAC. 35 be for ever turned backwards, for I know and under- stand thee, that thou art my Maker. Immediately after these words the accursed spirit vanished from before his face like smoke. Then despised he the devilish doctrine, for he understood that it was all vain; and he took a moderate meal, that is, the barley loaf, and ate it, and supported his life. When the cursed spirits understood that he despised them all, and their doctrines, they bewailed with lament- able voice that they were overcome; and the blessed man was so victorious that he despised the blas- phemies of their doctrines and of their temptations. Also it happened, on a time not many days after, that he was passing the night waking in holy prayers. Then in the stillness of the night it happened suddenly that there came great hosts of the accursed spirits, and they filled all the house with their coming; and they poured in on every side, from above and from beneath, and everywhere. They were in countenance horrible, and they had great heads, and a long neck, and lean visage; they were filthy and squalid in their beards; and they had rough ears, and distorted face, and fierce eyes, and foul mouths; and their teeth were like horses' tusks; and their throats were filled with flame, and they were grating in their voice; they had crooked shanks, and knees big and great behind, and dis- 36 THE LIFE OF and misscrence tán,¹ and hás hrymedon on³ stefnum ; and hi pa swá ungemetlicum³ gestundum foron and swá unmetlice ege, pæt him puhte pæt hit eall betweox heofone and eorðan hleoprode pam eges- licum stefnum. Næs pa nænig yldend to pam þæt syppan hi on þæt hus comon hi pa sona pone halgan wer eallum limum gebundon, and hi hine tugon and læddon ut of pære cytan, and hine pa læddon on pone sweartan fenn and hine pa on pa horwihtan water bewurpon and besencton. Æfter pon hi hine læddon on pam redum stowum þæs westenes, betwux pa piccan gewrido para bremela þæt him wæs eall se lichama gewundod. Mid þy hi pa lange on pære þystrunge hine swa swencton, pa léton hi hine ane hwíle abídan and gestandan; heton hine pa þæt he of pam westene gewite, oppe gif he þæt nolde, ponne woldon hi hine mid máran bysmerum swencan and costian. He pa se eadiga wer Guðlac heora worda ne gimde, ac he mid witegiende muðe pus cwæð: Drihten me ys on þa swypran healfe, for- pon ic ne beo oncyrred fram þe. Da æfter pan þa awerigedan gastas hine genamon and hine swungon mid isenum swipum, and pa æfter pon hi hine læddon on þam ongryrlican fiðerum betwux þa cealdan faca pære lyfte. pa he pa was on pære heannysse pære lyfte, pa geseah he ealne norð-dæl heofones, swylce he were pam sweartestan wolcnum ymbseald swiðlicra þeostra. Da geseah he færinga MS. mís crocetton. 3 MS. ungemetlicre. 2 hás runigendum stefnum. 4 MS. unmetlicre. 5 MS. orwehtan. ST. GUTHLAC. 37 torted toes, and shrieked hoarsely with their voices; and they came with such immoderate noises and immense horror, that it seemed to him that all between heaven and earth resounded with their dreadful cries. Without delay, when they were come into the house, they soon bound the holy man in all his limbs, and they pulled and led him out of the cottage, and brought him to the black fen, and threw and sunk him in the muddy waters. After that they brought him to the wild places of the wilderness, among the dense thickets of brambles, that all his body was torn. After they had a long time thus tormented him in darkness, they let him abide and stand a while; then commanded him to depart from the wilderness, or if he would not do so, then they would torment and try him with greater plagues. He, the blessed man Guthlac, cared not for their words, but with prophetic mouth he thus spake: The Lord is on my right hand, that I be not turned back from thee. After that the cursed spirits took him and beat him with iron whips, and after that they brought him on their creaking wings amidst the cold regions of the air. When he was at this height in the air he saw all the north part of heaven as it were surrounded by the blackest clouds of intense darkness. Then he saw suddenly * 38 THE LIFE OF 2 5 unmæte¹ werod para awerigedra gasta him ongean cuman; and hi pa sona þær tosomne gegaderodon, and hi pa sona ealle pone halgan wer gelæddon to pam sweartum tintreh-stowum, helle dura hi hine gebrohton. Da he pa þær geseah pa fulnysse pæs smyces and þa byrnendan³ lega and pone ege þære sweartan deopnysse, he pa sona was forgitende ealra para tintrega and þæra wíta þe he fram þam awyr- gedum gastum ær dreah and ápolode. Hi pa sona pa awyrgedan gastas betwux pa grimlican lega* inhruron and feollon, and þær þara árleasra manna sawla mid manigfealdum wítum getintregodon. Da se eadiga Guthlac pa micelnysse geseah para wíta, þa was he for þæra egsan swyde afyrht. Đa cleopodon sona pa awyrgedan gastas mid mycelre cleopunge and pus cwædon: Us ys miht geseald þe to sceofanne on pas wítu pisse deopnysse, and her [is] þæt fyr þæt þu sylfa on þe onberndest; and for pinum synnum and gyltum helle duru þe ongean openað. Mid by þa awyrgedan gastas þisum wordum béotodon, da andswerode he heom þus, and cwæð: Wá eow peostra bearn and forwyrde tudder, ge syndon dust and acsan and ysela: hwa sealde eow earman þæt ge mín ahton geweald on pas wítu to sendanne? hwæt ic her eom andweard and gearu, and bidige nimes Drihtnes willan; for hwon sceolon ge mid cowrum leasum beotingum me egsian? Hig 1 MS. unmæta. 5 MS. wítu. 2 MS. duru. 3 MS. byrnenda. 4 MS. lege. 6 [is] not in MS. 7 MS. tuddre. 1 ST. GUTHLAC. 39 an immense host of cursed spirits come towards him; and they soon gathered together, and forthwith all led the holy man to the black places of torment, and brought him to hell's door. When he saw the foulness of the smoke and the burning flames, and the horror of the black abyss, he quickly forgot all the torments and the punishments which he had before suffered and endured from the accursed spirits. Then the cursed spirits rushed in and tumbled among the horrible flames, and there they tormented with manifold punishments the souls of unrighteous men. When the blessed Guthlac saw the greatness of the punishments, he was much terrified for dread of them. Then cried the cursed spirits with a great voice and thus spake: Power is given us to thrust thee into the torments of this abyss; and here is the fire which thou thyself didst kindle within thee, and for thy sins and crimes hell's door openeth be- fore thee. When the accursed spirits had threatened him with these words, then answered he them thus, and said: Woe to you! children of darkness, and seed of destruction; ye are dust and cinders and ashes; who granted you, wretches, that ye should have power over me, to send me to these punish- ments! Lo! I am here present and ready, and await my Lord's will; wherefore should ye frighten me with your false threats? They then, the accursed 40 THE LIFE OF pa sona pa awyrgedan gastas¹ to pam eadigan woldon swylce hi hine per insceofan woldon. Da semninga com se heofones bigengca se halga apostol Scs Bartholomeus, mid heofonlicre byrhtnysse and wuldre scinende, betwuhx pa dimnysse peostru pære sweartan helle. Hi pa awyrgedan gastas ne mihton for pære fægernysse þæs halgan cuman þær awunian, ac hi sylfe on peostre gehyddon. Da se eadiga wer Guthlac his pone getreowan freond geseah, pa wæs he mid gastlicre blisse and mid heofonlice² gefean swiðe blipe. Ɖa æfter þam het se halga apostol Scs Bartholomeus and heom bebead þæt hi him weron underpeodde, þæt hi hine eft gebrohton mid smyltnysse on pære ylcan stowe pe hi hine ær æt- genamon and hig pa swá dydon, and hine mid ealre smyltnysse swá gelæddon, and on heora fiðerum bæéron and feredon, pæt he ne mihte ne on scipe fægeror gefered beon. Mid by hi pa comon on middan pære lyfte heannysse, da comon him togeanes haligra gasta heap, and hi ealle sungon and pus cwædon: Ibunt de virtute in virtutem, et reliqua. Ðæt ys on englisc: Halige men ganged of mægene on mægen. Da hit pa on mergen dagian wolde pa Đa asetton hi hine eft þær hi hine ær genamon. Da he pa his morgen-gebed-tída wolde Gode gefyllan, þa geseah he þær standan twegen para awerigdra gasta wepan swype and geomerian. Mid þy he hi ahsode for hwan hi weopon, þa andswarodon hi him 'MS. gastes. 2 MS. heofonlicre. 3 MS. genaman. 4 MS. weopon. ST. GUTHLAC. 41 spirits, motioned towards the blessed man as though they would push him in. There suddenly came the inhabitant of heaven, the holy apostle St. Bar- tholomew, shining with heavenly brightness and glory, amidst the dim darkness of the black hell. The accursed spirits were not able to abide there for the splendour of the holy visitor, but they hid themselves in the darkness. When the blessed man Guthlac saw his faithful friend he was greatly re- joiced with spiritual gladness and heavenly joy. After this the holy apostle St. Bartholomew bade and commanded them that they should be subject to him, and that they should bring him again with gentleness to the same place which they had before taken him from. And they did so, and brought him with all gentleness and care, and carried him on their wings, that he could not have been carried more pleasantly in a boat. When they came in the midst of the height of the air, there came towards him a troop of holy spirits, and they all sung and spake thus: Ibunt de virtute in virtutem, et reliqua. That is in English: Holy men shall go from virtue to virtue. When it began to dawn in the morning they set him again in the place whence they had taken him. When he then was about to perform his morning prayers to God, he saw two of the cursed spirits standing there weeping and wailing greatly. When he asked them why they wept, they answered 42 THE LIFE OF and pus cwædon: Wit wepad forpon pe uncer mægn eall þurh pe ys gebrocen, and we þe nu ne moton to cuman, ne to pe nane spræce habban; ac on eallum þingum þu unc hæfst gebysmrod, and ure miht eall oferswyped. Ɖa æfter þam wordum hi gewiton ða awyrgedan gastas¹ efne swá smic fram his ansyne. VI. Hu þa deofla on brytisc spræcon. Ɖæt gelamp on pam dagum Cenredes Mercna kyninges, þæt Brytta- þeod Angol-cynnes feond þæt hi mid manigum gewinnum and mid missenlicum gefeohtum þæt hi Angol-cynne geswencton. Da gelamp hit sumre nihte pa hit wæs hancred, and se eadiga wer Guðlac his uht-gebedum befeal, pa was he sæmninga mid leohte slæpe swefed. pa onbræd he Guðlac of pam slæpe, and code pa sona út and hawode and hercnode; pa gehyrde he mycel werod þara awyrgedra gasta on bryttisc sprecende; and he oncneow and ongeat heora gereorda for þam he ær hwilon mid him was on wráce. Da sona æfter pon he geseah eall his hus mid fyre afylled, and hi hine æfter þon ealne mid spera ordum afyldon, and hi hine on pam sperum up on þa lyft áhengon. þa ongeat sona se stranga Cristes cempa þæt þæt waron pa egsan and pa wítu þæs awyrgedan gastes; he pa sona unforhtlice pa stræle para awerigdra gasta him 'MS. gastes. ST. GUTHLAC. 43 him, and spake thus: We two weep because our power is all broken through thee, and we now may not come at thee, nor have any speech with thee; but in all things thou hast injured us, and altogether overcome our might. After those words the ac- cursed spirits departed, even as smoke, from his face. VI. How the devils spake in British. It happened in the days of Cenred, king of the Mercians, that the British nation, the enemy of the Angle race, with many battles and various contests annoyed the English. It happened one night, when it was the time of cock-crowing, and the blessed man Guthlac fell to his morning prayers, he was suddenly entranced in light slumber. Then Guthlac woke from his sleep, and went immediately out and looked and hearkened; there he heard a great host of the accursed spirits speaking in British; and he knew and understood their words, because he had been erewhile in exile among them. Soon after that he saw all his house filled with fire, and they next struck him quite down with the points of spears, and hung him up in the air on the spears. Then understood the strong warrior of Christ that these were the terrors and the torments of the cursed spirits; he then soon fearlessly thrust from 44 THE LIFE OF fram asceaf, and pone sealm sang: Exurgat deus et dissipentur, et reliqua. Sona swá he þæt fyrmeste fers sang þæs sealmes, þa gewiton hi swa swa smíc fram his ansyne. Mid þy se eadiga wer Guðlac swa gelomlice wið þam awerigedum gastum wann and campode, pa ongeaton hi þæt heora mægn and weorc oferswyped wæs. VII. Be Beccelle þam preoste. He Was sum preost pas nama wæs Beccel; þa com he to pam halgan were, and hine bæd þæt he hine to him genáme, and þæt gehet pæt he eadmodlice wolde on Godes peowdome be his lárum lyfian. pa se awyrgeda gast þæs ylcan preostes heortan and gepanc mid his searwes attre geond sprengde¹ and mengde; lærde hine se awyrgeda gast þæt he Guðlac ofsloge and acwealde, and pus on his heortan ge- sende: Gif ic hine ofslea and acwelle, ponne mæg ic eft ágan þa ylcan stowe æfter him; and me ponne woruld-men arwurdiad swa swa hi hine nu doð. Đa gelamp hit sume dæge þæt se ylca preost com to pam eadigan were þat he hine wolde scyran, swá his gewuna was ymbe twentig nihta, þæt he hine wolde pwean, pa was he swyde oflysted pæt he pas eadigan weres blod agute. He pa sona Guðlac geseah pa láre pas awyrgedan gastes, (swa him ealle pa toweardan þing purh Godes gifu waron gecydde, MS. spregde. ST. GUTHLAC. 45 him the weapon of the accursed spirits, and sang the psalm Exurgat Deus et dissipentur, et reliqua. As soon as he had sung the first verse of the psalm, they departed like smoke from his presence. When the blessed man Guthlac thus frequently fought and contended against the cursed spirits, they perceived that their power and work was overcome. VII. Concerning Beccel the priest. There was a priest whose name was Beccel; he came to the holy man and begged him that he would take him to him, and he promised that he would humbly live in God's service by his instructions. Then the accursed spirit sprinkled and watered over with the poison of his deceit the heart and mind of this same priest; the cursed spirit advised him that he should smite and kill Guthlac; and thus suggested to his heart: If I slay and kill him, then may I afterwards possess this same place after him; and men of the world will then honour me as they now do him. It happened one day that the same priest came to the holy man to shave him (as his custom was every twenty days to wash himself); then was he vehemently tempted to shed the blood of the blessed man. Guthlac soon perceived the persuasion of the cursed spirit (as all future things were through 46 THE LIFE OF and eac swylce pa andweardan, and he mihte pone man innan geseon and geondsceawian swá útan,) and he cwæð þus to him: Eala þu min Beccel to hwan hafast þu bedigled under þam dysigan breoste pone awyrgedan feond? for hwon nelt pu pas biteran attres pa deap-berendan wæter of pe aspiwan? ic pæt geseo þæt pu eart fram þam awyrgedan gaste beswicen, and þa mánfullan smeaunge pinre heortan; manna- kynnes costere and middaneardes feond hafað acenned on pe pa unablinnu þæs yfelan gepohtes; ac ahwyrf þe fram þære yfelan láre þæs awyrgedan gastes. Da ongeat he sona þæt he was fram þan awyrgedan gaste beswícen ; feol sona to þæs halgan weres fotum, and þa sona mid tearum him his synne andette. He pa sona se halga wer Guðlac, na læs þæt án þæt he him þa synne forgeaf, ac eac swylce he him gehet pæt he him wolde beon on fultume on eallum his earfeþum. VIII. Hu þa deofla ferdon. Dæt gelamp sumere nihte pa se halga wer Guðlac his gebedum befeal, pa gehyrde he gry- metunga hrypera and mislicra wildeora. Næs þa nan hwil to pam þæt he geseah ealra wihta and wildeora and wurma hiw in cuman to him. Ærest he geseah leon ansyne, and he mid his ¹ MS. grymetigenda. ST. GUTHLAC. 47 God's grace known to him, and also present things, and he could see and look through the man within as well as without); and he said thus to him: Oh ! my Beccel, wherefore hast thou concealed under thy foolish breast the accursed fiend? why wilt thou not spit out from thee the death-bearing waters of that bitter poison? I perceive that thou art deceived by the accursed spirit, and I see the wicked device of thy heart. The tempter of mankind and the enemy of earth hath begotten in thee the unrest of this evil intent; but turn thyself away from the evil teaching of the accursed spirit. Then perceived he that he had been deceived by the accursed spirit, fell at the holy man's feet, and with tears confessed to him his sin. Thereupon the holy man Guthlac not only forgave him the sin, but also promised him that he would be his helper in all his trials. VIII. How the devils departed. It happened one night, when the holy man Guthlac fell to his prayers, he heard the howlings of cattle and various wild beasts. Not long after he saw the appearances of animals and wild beasts and creeping things coming in to him. First he saw the visage of a lion, that threatened him with his bloody tusks; 48 THE LIFE OF blódigum tuxum to him beotode; swylce eac fearres gelicnysse, and beran ansyne, ponne hi gebolgene beod. Swylce eac naddrena híw, and swynes gry- metunge, and wulfa gepeot, and hræfena cræcetunge, and mislice fugela hwistlunge; þæt hi woldon mid heora hiwunge pas halgan weres mod awendan. He pa se halga wer Guplac hine gewapnode mid pan wæpne pære Cristes róde, and mid þam scylde þæs halgan geleafan, and forseah pa costunge para awyrgedra gasta, and pus cwæð: Eala þu earma widerwearda gast, þin mægn ys gesyne, and þin miht ys gecyped: þu nu earma, wildeora and fugela and wyrma hiw ætywest, pu iu pe ahofe pat pu woldest beon gelic pam ecan Gode. Nu ponne ic bebeode þe on þam naman þæs ecan Godes, se pe worhte and þe of heofones heannysse awearp, þæt pu fram pisse ungepwærnysse gestille. Pa sona æfter pon ealle pa ætywnysse para awerigdra gasta onweg ge- wáton.¹ 2 IX. Hu þæt gewrit began wæs. Dat gelamp on sumere nihte, pþæt þær com sum man to þæs halgan weres spræce. Mid by he pær dagas wunode, pa gelamp hit þæt he sum gewrit awrat on cartan. pa he pa hæfde pat gewrit 3 MS. þisum. 4 MS. gewát. ¹ MS. cræcetung. 2 MS. ætywes. ST. GUTHLAC. 49 also the likeness of a bull, and the visage of a bear, as when they are enraged. Also he perceived the appearance of vipers, and a hog's grunting, and the howling of wolves, and croaking of ravens, and the various whistling of birds; that they might, with their fantastic appearance, divert the mind of the holy man. Then the holy man Guthlac armed himself with the weapon of Christ's cross, and with the shield of holy faith, and despised the temptation of the accursed spirits, and spake thus: O! thou wretched rebellious spirit, thy power is seen and thy might is made known: thou, wretched one, now displayest the forms of wild beasts and birds and creeping things, thou who once exaltedst thyself that thou mightest be equal to the eternal God. Now then I command thee, in the name of the eternal God, who made thee, and cast thee down from the height of heaven, that thou cease from this troubling. Immediately thereafter all the ap- pearances of the accursed spirits went away. IX. How the writing was recovered. speak with the holy man. some days there, it fell writing on a sheet of paper. It happened one night that there came one to When he had remained out that he wrote some When he had written 3 50 THE LIFE OF awriten, pa eode he ut. Da com þær sum hrefen inn; sona swá he pa cartan geseah pa genam he hig sona and gewat mid on pæne fenn. Sona swa se foresæda cuma ongean com, pa geseah he pone hrefen pa cartan beran: pa was he sona swyde unblipe. Da was on þam ylcan timan þæt se halga wer Gutolac ut of his cyrcan eode; pa geseah he pone bropor sarig. pa frefrode he hine and him to cwæð: Ne beo þu bropor sarig; ac swa se hrefen purh pa fennas upp afliged, swá þu him æfter row; ponne metest pu þæt gewrit. Næs pa nænig hwil to pan pæt he to scipe eode se ylca pe pat gewrit wrat. Mid by he purh pa fenland reow, pa com he to sumum mere pe wel neah þæt egland wæs: þa wæs þær on middan þam mere sum hreod-bed; pa hangode seo carte on pam hreode efne swa hig mannes hand þær ahengce: and he sona pa blipe feng to pære cártan, and he wundriende to pam Godes were brohte: and he pa se eadiga wer Guthlac sæde pæt þæt nære his geearnung ac Godes mild- heortnys.¹ Wæron on þam ylcan yglande twegen hrefnas gewunode, to þæs gifre, þæt swa hwæt swa hi mihton gegripan pæt hi pat woldon onweg alædan; and he peah hwæpere heora gifernysse ealle æbær and gepolode, þæt he eft sealde mannum bysene his gepyldes; and na læs þæt an þæt him þa fugelas underpeodde waron, ac eac swa pa fixas, and wilde deor pas westenes ealle hi him hyrdon, and 1 MS. mildheortnysse. ST. GUTHLAC. 51 the writing he went out. There came a raven in; as soon as he saw the paper he took it and went with it to the fen. As soon as the aforesaid guest came back again, he saw the raven carrying the paper; thereat was he very vexed. It happened at that time that the holy man Guthlac came out of his church; there saw he the brother grieving. He consoled him, and said: Be not grieved, brother; but when the raven flies up through the fens row thou after him; so shalt thou recover the writing. Not long after he went into a boat, the same man namely who had written the writing. Having rowed through the fenlands, he came to a mere, which was very near the island; there was in the midst of the mere a bed of reeds; there hung the paper on the reeds, even as though man's hand had hanged it there; and he forthwith joyfully seized the paper, and brought it wondering to the man of God. And the blessed man Guthlac said that it was not the effect of his merit, but of God's mercy. There were settled on the same island two ravens, so greedy that whatsoever they could seize they would carry away; and notwithstanding he bore and en- dured all their greediness, that he might give men the example of his patience. And not only were the birds subject to him, but also the fishes and wild beasts of the wilderness all obeyed him, and he daily - 52 THE LIFE OF he hym dæghwamlice andlyfene sealde of his agenre¹ handa, swa heora gecynde was. X. Hu þa swalawan on him sæton and sungon. pat gelamp sume sipe þæt þær com sum arwurþe broðor to him, þæs nama was Wilfrið, se him was geara on gastlicum poftscipe gepeoded. Mid pan þe hig þa on manegum gespræcum heora gastlic lif smeadon, þa comon þær sæmninga in twa swalewan fleogan, and hi efne blissiende heora sang úpahofon, and pa æfter pon hi setton unforhtlice on pa sculdra þæs halgan weres Guðlaces, and hi þær heora sang upahofon; and hi eft setton on his breost and on his earmas and on his cneowu. Da hi pa Wilfrið lange pa fugelas wundriende beheold, þa frægn hine Wilfrip forhwon pa wildan fugelas pæs widgillan westenes swa eadmodlice him on sæton. He pa se halga wer Guðlac him andswarode and him to cwæð: Ne leornodest pu broðor Wilfrið on halgum gewritum, þæt se pe on Godes willan his lif leofode, pæt hine wilde deor and wilde fugelas þe near waron; and se man þe hine wolde fram world-mannum his lif libban, þæt hine englas pe néar comon: forpon se þe woruldlicra manna spræce gelomlice wilnað, ponne ne mæg he þa engellican spræce befeolan. 1 MS. agenra. 2 MS. gastlicre. ST. GUTHLAC. 53 gave them food from his own hand, as suited their kind. X. How the swallows sat upon him and sung. It happened on a time that there came a venerable brother to him whose name was Wilfrith, who had of old been united with him in spiritual fellowship. Whilst they discussed in many discourses their spiritual life, there came suddenly two swallows flying in, and behold they raised up their song re- joicing; and after that they sat fearlessly on the shoulders of the holy man Guthlac, and then lifted up their song; and afterwards they sat on his bosom and on his arms and his knees. When Wilfrith had long wondering beheld the birds, he asked him wherefore the wild birds of the wide waste so sub- missively sat upon him. The holy man Guthlac answered him and said: Hast thou never learnt, brother Wilfrith, in holy writ, that he who hath led his life after God's will, the wild beasts and wild birds have become the more intimate with him. And the man who would pass his life apart from worldly men, to him the angels approach nearer. But he who frequently longeth for the converse of worldly men cannot meet with angelic discourse. 54 THE LIFE OF XI. Ymb þa glofan þe þa hrefnas bæron. Swylce eac gelamp sume sipe witedomlic¹ wundor be þisum halgan were. Was sum fore-mæra man æpelan kyne-kynnes on Myrcna-ríce, pas nama was Epelbald. pa wolde he to pæs halgan weres spræce cuman beget þa æt Wilfride þæt he hine to pam Godes were gelædde; and hi pa sona on scipe eodon, and ferdon to pam yglande þær se halga wer Guthlac on was. Da hi pa to pam halgan were comon, þa hæfde Wilfrid forlæten his glofan on þam scipe: and hi pa wið pone halgan wer spræcon, he pa se eadiga wer Guthlac acsode hi hwæder hi ænig þingc æfter heom on pam scipe forleton, (swa him God ealle pa diglan þingc cuð gedyde): pa andswarode him Wilfrid and cwæð þæt he forlete his twa glofan on þam scipe. Næs pa nænig hwil to pan sona swa hi ut of pam inne eodon, pa gesegon hi pone hræfn mid pan sweartan nebbe pa glofe teran uppe on anes huses pæce. He pa sona se halga wer Guðlac pone, hrefn mid his worde preade for his repnysse, and he pa his worde¹ hyrsumode, swa fleah se fugel west ofer þæt westen; he pa Wilfrid mid gyrde of pæs huses hrofe pa glofe gerahte. Swylce næs eac nænig hwil to pam sona comon þær þry men to þære hyde, and þær tacn slogon. pa sona 3 MS. in. 'MS. witedomlice. 4 MS. worda. 2 MS. þinc. 5 MS. þam. ST. GUTHLAC. 55 XI. Concerning the gloves which the ravens carried off. to this holy man. Also there happened on a time a prophetic miracle There was a distinguished man of noble king's-kindred in Mercia, whose name was Athelbald. He wished to come to converse with the holy man. He prevailed upon Wilfrith that he should bring him to the man of God; and they went into a boat, and journeyed to the island whereon the holy man Guthlac was. When they had come to the holy man, behold Wilfrith had left his glove in the boat. And while they conversed with the holy man, he, the blessed man Guthlac, asked them whether they had left anything behind them in the boat (for God made known to him all secret things); then answered Wilfrith, and said that he had left his two gloves in the boat. Not long after, as soon as they had gone out of the house, there they saw the raven with his black beak tearing the glove upon the roof of a house. Then the holy man Guthlac rebuked with his word the raven for his mischief, and it obeyed his word, and the bird flew westward over the wilderness; whereupon Wilfrith reached the glove from the roof of the house with a stick. Also not long after there came three men to the landing-place, and there sounded the signal. 56 THE LIFE OF eode se halga wer Guðlac út to pam mannum mid bliðum andwlite and góde mode; he pa spæc wið þam mannum. Mid pan pe hi faran woldon, þa brohton hi forð ane glofe, sædon þæt heo of anes hrefnes mupe feolle. He se halga wer Guplac sona to-smerciende feng, and heom his bletsunge sealde, and hi eft ferdon; and he eft ageaf þa glofe pam pe hi ær ahte. XII. Hu Hwætred his hælo' onfeng. Was on East-Engla-lande sum man æþeles cynnes þæs nama was Hwætred. Mid þy he þa dæghwam- lice mid arfæstnysse his ealderum underpeoded was, hit gelamp sume side þa he æt his fæder hame was, þæt hine se awyrgeda gast him oneode pæt he of his gewitte weard, and hine se awyrgeda feond swa swype swencte mid pære wodnysse þæt he hys agenne lichaman² mid irene ge eac mid his tópum blodgode and wundode; and na læs þæt an þæt he hine sylfne swa mid pam wælhreowum tópum wundode ac eac swa hwylcne swá he mihte þæt he swá gelíce tær. Da gelamp sume sipe pæt þær was mycel menigo manna gegaderod his maga and eac opra his neh-freonda, þæt hi hine woldon gebindan and don hine gewyldne: he pa genam sum twibil, and mid pan þry men to deade ofsloh, and opre 2 MS. agene lichama. 1 MS. hæla. • ST. GUTHLAC. 57 Then went the holy man Guthlac out to the men with cheerful countenance and good humour, and there spoke with them. When they wished to de- part they brought forth a glove, and said that it had fallen from a raven's mouth. The holy man Guthlac received it smiling, and gave them his blessing, and they then departed; and afterwards he gave the glove to him who before owned it. XII. How Hwætred received his health. There was in the land of the East-Angles a man of noble kin, whose name was Hwætred. Whereas he was daily reverently subject to his elders, it happened on a time, while he was at his father's house, that the accursed spirit entered into him, so that he went out of his wits, and the accursed spirit afflicted him so severely with this madness, that he bloodied and wounded his own body as well with iron as with his teeth; and not himself only did he wound with his ferocious teeth, but also whomsoever he could he in like manner tore. It happened on a time that there was a great multitude of men gathered together of his kinsmen, and also of other his near friends, that they might bind him and bring him into subjection. Thereupon he took an axe, and with it smote three men to death, and wounded 3 § 58 THE LIFE OF manige mid gesarode. pas pa feowor gear þæt he swá was mid pære wodnysse swide geswenced. pa was he at nextan genumen fram his magum, and to halgum mynstre gelæd, to pon þæt hine mæsse- preostas and bisceopas wid pa wodnysse pwean and clænsian sceoldon. And hi hwæpere on menigum þingum ne mihton þa yfelan mægn þæs awyrgdan gastes ofadrifan. Da æt nextan hi eft ham únrote mid þam mæge ferdon, and hi him deapes swydor upon ponne he lengc pa men drehte, da wæs æt nextan gemærsod se hlisa on pone¹ peodscipe pæt on þam fenne-middum on anum eglande pe Cruwland hatte wære sum ancra pe? missenlicum magnum for Gode weohse. Hi pa sona, þa hi þær pone halgan wer acsodon, pohton þæt hi woldon þær þone man gebringan, gif þæt Godes stihtung ware þæt hi þær áre findan mihton. And hi hit swa gefremedon, ferdon þyder þæt hi comon to sumum yglande pe wel neah wæs þam eglande pe se Godes man on wæs; and þær waron on niht mid þan seocan men. pa hit pa on mergen dæg wæs, þa comon hi to pam³ foresprecenan eglande, and pa mid pan gewunelican peawe tacen slogon. He pa ра sona se halga wer Guðlac to heom eode mid healice mægne Godes lufan: þa hi pa heora intingan him wepende sædon, pa was he sona mid mildheortnysse gefylled. Genam þa sona þone untruman man and hine lædde into his cyrican, and þær þry dagas 1 ¹ MS. p. 2 MS. p. 3 MS. þære. ST. GUTHLAC. 59 many others with them. It was four years that he was sorely afflicted with this madness. Then was he at last taken by his relations and brought to the holy monastery, to the end that mass-priests and bishops might wash and cleanse him from his madness. And they, however, with many expedients, could not drive out the evil powers of the accursed spirit. When at last they went home sorrowful with their relative, and they rather wished him dead than that he should longer annoy men, then at length the report was spread in the province that in the midst of the fen, on an island which was called Crowland, was an anchorite, who flourished before God with various virtues. Then they forthwith, when they heard of the holy man, thought that they would take the man thither, if it were God's providence that they might there find help. And they performed this, journeyed thither till they came to an island, which was very near that on which the man of God was, and they were there during the night with the sick When it was day on the morrow, they came to the aforesaid island; then in the usual manner sounded a signal. Then forthwith the holy man Guthlac went to them in the fervent power of God's love. When they weeping had told him their affair, he was filled with pity. He took the sick man and led him into his church, and there remained three man. 60 THE LIFE OF singallice on his gebedum áwunode. pa on þam þriddan dæge þa sunne upeode, pa bapode he hine on gehalgedum wætre, and bleow on his ansyne and mid pan call þæt mægn þæs awyrgedan gastes on him gebræc: and he pa se ylca man swa he of hefegum slæpe raxende awoce, and he eft to his hælo feng, and ham ferde; and him næfre syþþan pa hwile pe he leofode seo adl¹ ne eglode. XIII. Be Apelbaldes gefere. Swilce eac gelamp on sumne sæl þæt þæs fore- sprecenan wræccan Apelbaldes gefere pas nama was Ecga þæt he was fram þam awyrgedan gaste unstille; and swá swype he hine drehte þæt he his sylfes nænig gemynd ne hæfde. Hi þa his magas hine to pam Godes men gelæddon. Da sona þæs pe he to him com, pa begyrde he hine mid his gyrðele. Næs þa nænig hwil to pan sona swa he wæs mid þam gyrdele begyrd, eal seo unclænnys² fram him gewát, and him syppan næfre seo adl³ ne eglode. Eac se eadiga wer Gudlac witedomlice gaste weox and fremede, and he pa toweardan mannum cydde swa cuðlice swa pa andweardan. ¹ MS. adle. 2 MS. unclænnysse. 3 MS. adle. 4 MS. þone. ST. GUTHLAC. 61 days incessantly at his prayers. When the sun rose on the third day, he bathed him in holy water and blew in his face, and with that all the power of the accursed spirit upon him was shattered: and this same man was as though he had awoke from a deep slumber, and he received his health again, and went home; and the illness never ailed him after- wards so long as he lived. XIII. Concerning Athelbald's follower. Also it happened on a time that a follower of the aforesaid exile Athelbald, whose name was Ecga, was disquieted by the accursed spirit. And he plagued him so severely that he had no recollection of himself. Then his relations brought him to the man of God. As soon as he came to him he girded him with his girdle. No sooner was he girded with the girdle than all the uncleanness departed from him, and the illness never after ailed him. Also the blessed man Guthlac flourished and prospered in the prophetic spirit, and he made known future things to men, as clearly as the present things. 62 THE LIFE OF XIV. Be þam abbode. pæt gelamp sume sipe þæt þær com sum abbod to him þe him wæsgeara on gastlicum¹ poftscipe gepeo- ded. pa he pa þyder ferde pa wæron his hand-þegnas twegen, bædon hyne purh leofe-bene pæt hi moston on oðerne weg faran, and sædon þæt him þæs neod ware and eac pearf. pa geupe him þæs se abbod þæs pe hi hine bædon. Đa he pa se abbod þær com to pære spræce pas eadigan weres Guðlaces, mid pan hi pa sylfe betweonum drencton of pam willan haligra gewrita, þa betwyx þa halgan gewritu þe hi spræcon da cwæð Guðlac to him: Ac hwyder gewiton pa twegen þe ær fram þe cyrdon? pa and- swarode he him and cwæð: Hi bædon læfe³ æt me: was heom oper intinga þæt hi hider cuman ne mihton. He pa Guðlac him andswarode (swa him God ealle pa toweardan ping onwreah, þæt him weron swa cude swa pa andweardan), ongan him þa secgan pone sið para bropra and him cwad to: Hi ferdon þær to sumre wydewan ham and þær wæron ondrencte mid oferdrynce. And na læs þæt an þæt he him pone heora sip sæde, ac eac swilce be heora andleofone, ge eac swilce pa sylfan word pe hi þær spræcon, eall he be endebyrdnysse him gerehte. Mid pan pe se abbod his bletsunge hæfde onfangen, he pa eft ferde. Mid by pe pa foresprecenan bropra ¹ MS. gastlicre. 2 MS. dremdon. 3 MS. læfa. 4 MS. intingan. ST. GUTHLAC. 63 XIV. Concerning the abbot. It happened on a time that there came an abbot to him, who was formerly united with him in spiritual communion. While he journeyed thither his two attendants were with him; they supplicated him with a request for leave that they might go another way, and said that there was need and necessity for them to do this. Then the abbot granted them that which they begged of him. When the abbot came there to conversation with the blessed man Guthlac, whilst they mutually gave each other to drink from the well of the sacred scriptures, then amidst their talk of the sacred scriptures Guthlac said to him: But whither went the two that ere- while turned back from thee? Then answered he him, and said: They begged leave of me; they had another affair, so that they could not come hither. Then Guthlac answered him, (as God revealed to him all future things, which were as well known to him as the present,) and began to tell him the way of these brothers, and said to him: They went to the house of a widow, and were there intoxicated with too much drinking. And not only did he tell him of their road, but also concerning their fare, as also the very words which they there spake; he re- lated it all to him in order. When the abbot had received his blessing he departed. When the afore- 64 THE LIFE OF wæron. eft to pam abbode comon, pa fregn he hi hwær hi pa andswarodon hi him and cwædon þæt hi weron on heora nyd-pearfum swyde geswencte. pa axode he hi hwæper hit swá wære; þa swóron hi swide þæt hit swa were. pa cwæð he to him: Ac to hwon sweriad git mán; ac wæron æt pisse wydewan hame and þær þus yncer lif leofodon and pisum wordum pus þær spræcon? pa ongeaton hi heora misdæda, feollon pa to his fotum and him forgifenysse bædon, and him andetton þæt hit wære swa he ær sæde. XV. Be þam broprum þe him to comon. Comon eac swylce twegen broðra to him on sumne sæl of sumum mynstre. pa hi pa þyder- weard ferdon, pa hæfdon hi mid heom twa flaxan mid ælað gefylde; þa geweard him betweonan þæt hi pa gehyddon under anre tyrf, þæt hi, ponne hi ham ferdon, hæfdon eft mid him. Đa hi pa to him comon, pa trymede he hi mid his láre manunge heora heortan intim brede. hi manig þing heom betweonum spræcon, da se eadiga wer Guðlac mid blipum andwlitan and hlihhendre¹ gespræce he cwap to heom: For hwon behydde git pa flaxan under ane tyrf, and for hwon ne læddon ge hi mid inc? Hi pa swyde wundrodon and mid his Mid pan þe 1 MS. hlihhende. ST. GUTHLAC. 65 said brothers again came to the abbot, he asked them where they had been. They answered him, and said that they had toiled much in their needful affairs. Then he asked them whether it were so. Then they swore stoutly that it was so. Then said he to them: Nay, but wherefore swear ye to a wicked lie; for ye were at the house of such a widow, and there passed your time in such wise, and spake there such words! Then they were conscious of their misdeeds, fell at his feet, and begged forgiveness of him, and confessed that it was as he said. XV. Concerning the brothers who came to him. Then came also to him two brothers on a time from a certain monastery. Whilst they journeyed thitherward they had with them two bottles filled with ale; then it was agreed between them that they should hide them under a turf, that, when they went home, they might have them with them. When they were come to him, he strengthened them with his counsel, and edified their hearts with his admonition. When they had spoken on many subjects amongst them, the blessed man Guthlac, with merry countenance and laughing words, said to them: Wherefore hid ye the bottles under a turf, and why brought ye them not with you? 66 THE LIFE OF para worda þæs halgan weres, and to him luton and hine bletsunge bædon. And he hi gebletsode, and hi pa eft ham ferdon. Was on pa sylfan tid þæt pone foresprecenan wer missenlices hades men sohton, ægðer para ge ealdormen ge bisceopas, and abbodas, and ælces hades heane and rice. And na læs þæt an þæt hine men sohton of pære heh-peode Mercna-rice, ac eac swylce ealle pa þe on Bretone weron pe pisne eadigan wer hyrdon, þæt hi æghwonon to him efston and scyndon; and pa þe wæron aper oppe on lichaman untrumnysse, oððe fram þam awyrgdan gaste geswencte and numene, oppe oprum yfelum, þe manna-cynn¹ mid missenlicum sorgum and sarum útan ymbseald ys; and on heora nænigum² se hiht awácode pe hi to him genamon ; forpan næs nænig untrum þæt he ungelacnod fram him ferde; nænig deofol-seoc pæt he eft wel ge- witfæst ne wære; ne on nænigre untrumnysse þæt he eft gehæled him fram ne ferde. XVI. Be Apelbaldes gefere. Dat gelamp mid pan þæt manige men for mis- senlicum þingum him to comon, þa betweox opre com þær þæs foresprecenan wræccan Æpelbaldes gefera þæs nama was Ova, þæt he wolde pone halgan geneosian and wipgesprecan. Da gelamp hit pan 2 MS. menigum. 1 MS. manna-cynnes. ST. GUTHLAC. 67 They were greatly amazed at these words of the holy man, and bowed to him, and begged his blessing. And he blessed them, and they returned home. It came to pass at that same time, that men of divers conditions sought the holy man, as well nobles as bishops and abbots, and men of every condition, poor and rich. And not only men sought him from the province of Mercia, but also all who in Britain heard of this holy man, hied and hastened to him from all quarters: and those who were either in sickness of body, or plagued and possessed by the cursed spirit, or other evils, as mankind is compassed about with various griefs and pains and of none of those whom they brought to him were the hopes thwarted; for there was no sick person that went from him unhealed; no pos- sessed person that did not come to his right wits again; none afflicted with any disease that did not leave him cured. : XVI. Concerning Athelbald's companion. It came to pass when many men came to him for divers matters, among others came thither a companion of the before-mentioned exile Athelbald, whose name was Ova, that he might visit and con- verse with the saint. It happened on the second 68 THE LIFE OF æfteran dæge þæs þe he pyder on þære fóre wæs, þa eode he ofer sumne þórn on niht; þa besloh se porn on pone fot, and swa strang wæs se sting þæs pornes þæt he code purh pone fot, and he þa uneade pone sið geferde, and purh mycel gewinn he to þam fore- sprecenan eglande becom, þær se eadiga wer Guðlac on eardode. And mid pan þe he þær on niht was, pa aswell him se lichama ofer healf fram þam lendenum oppa fet, and swa sarlice he was mid pam sare geswenced, þæt he naðer þara ne gesittan ne standan mihte. Mid by man¹ þæt pam Godes were sæde Guðlace, pa bebead he þæt hine man to him gelædde. pa he pa was broht to him, pa sæde he to him pone intingan þurh hwæt he ærest swa gepræst wære, and hu him ærest þæt earfo on becóme. He pa sona Guðlac hine sylfne úngyrede, and þæt reaf þe he genehlice on him hæfde he hine slefde on pone foresprecenan man. Næs þa nænig hwil to pon sona swa he mid þan hrægle swa miccles weres gegyred was, þa ne mihte þæt þæt sar aberan. He pa sona se ylca þórn, efne swá swá stræél of bogan astellep, swa he of þam man afleah, and on þa fyrle gewát; and þa sona on pa sylfan tíd eall se swyle and eall þæt sár gewat fram him; and he sona to pa sylfan tíd mid blipum mode to pam halgan were spræc and he eft panon ferde butan sceonysse æniges sáres. Swylce eac gelamp þæt ealle þa men wundrodon pe pas þing gehyrdon, and hi on pan wuldredon and heredon heofones God. ¹ MS. he. ST. GUTHLAC. 69 day that he was on the journey thither, that he walked over a thorn in the night: the thorn stuck into his foot, and so strong was the prickle of the thorn that it went through the foot, and he with difficulty proceeded on his way, and with much effort he arrived at the fore-mentioned island, whereon the blessed man Guthlac dwelt. And when he was there at night, his body swelled, above half of it from the loins to the feet, and he was so grievously afflicted with the pain, that he could neither sit nor stand. As soon as they told this to Guthlac, the man of God, he ordered that he should be brought to him: when he was brought to him, he told him the cause through which he was first so tormented, and how that pain first came upon him. Thereupon Guthlac immediately stripped himself, and the garment which he wore next his skin he put upon the foresaid man. No sooner was he attired in the garment of so great a man, but the wound could not abide it: and lo! this same thorn, as an arrow speeds from the bow, so did it fly from the man, and go to a distance; and immediately at the same time all the swelling and all the wound departed from him, and he presently conversed with the holy man with blithe mood, and he afterwards went from thence without harm of any wound. And it came to pass that all men who heard these things wondered, and glorified and praised the God of heaven for them. 70 THE LIFE OF XVII. Be þam halgan biscope Sce Hædde. 2 Swylce nys eac mid idele to forlætenne pæt wundor þæt þurh witedomes craft [he]¹ wiste and cydde: forpon him was purh Godes gife seald, þæt he pa word para æfwcarda swa geara wiste swa para andwearda pe him foran gesæde waron. Gelamp sume sipe þæt sum bisceop to him ferde þæs nama wæs Hædda, efne swa swa he wære mid heofonlicre peahte gelæred pæt he to pære spræce ferde pæs Godes mannes. pa hæfde se bisceop mid hine on his geferscipe sumne man gelæredne, þæs nama wæs Wigfrið. Mid pan he pa betweox pa oðre pæs bisceopes pegnas pyder ferde, pa ongunnon hi fela þinga be þam halgan were sprecan and fela þinga be his wundrum sædon. Sume hi ponne sædon þa heardlicnysse his lifes, pa wundor þe he worhte; sume hi ponne twiendlice be his life spræcon, and þæt cwadon þæt hi nyston hwæder he on Godes mihte pa þing worhte, pe purh deofles craft. þa pa hi pas þing þus heom betweonon spræcon, pa cwap se witega to heom: Ic mæg, cwæð he, cunnian and gewitan hwæper he bip bigengca þære godcundan æfæstnysse; forpon ic was lange betwux Sceotta- folc eardiende; and ic geseah þær manige gode, and on Godes peodscipe wel heora lif læddon; and hi manigum wundrum and tacnum þurh Godes mihte MS. cræft wiste and him cydde. 2 MS. ferdon. ST. GUTHLAC. 71 + XVII. Concerning the holy bishop St. Hædde. Also we must not pass over with neglect that wondrous thing, how that with prophetic power he knew and made things known. For through God's grace it was given him, that he should know the words of the absent as easily as those of the present which were uttered before him. It happened on a time that a bishop came to him, whose name was Hædda, as though he were counselled by a heavenly thought, that he should go to speak with the man of God. The bishop had with him in his company a learned man, whose name was Wigfrith. Whilst he journeyed thither among the other attendants of the bishop, they began to say many things about the holy man, and spoke much of his miracles. Some of them then spake of the severity of his life, the miracles which he wrought; some then spake doubtingly of his life, and said that they knew not whether he wrought these things in the strength of God, or through craft of the devil. While they spake these things among themselves, the philosopher said to them: I am able, said he, to try and find out whether he be a cultivator of divine piety; for I was long dwelling among the Scotch people, and I saw there many good men, who led their life well in God's service; and they shone through God's power before the eyes of men, with many miracles 72 THE LIFE OF beforan manna eagum scinon. Of para manna life pe ic þær geseah ic mæg ongitan hu gerád pises mannes lif ys, hwæper he purh Godes miht pa wundor wyrceð, þe he purh deofles miht deð. Mid by pa se foresprecena bisceop to pære spræce becom pæs Godes² mannes Guðlaces, hi pa sylfe betweonum indrencton mid pam cerenum þære godspellican swetnysse. Was on pam eadigan were Guðlace seo beorhtnys pære Drihtnes gife swa swype scinende, þæt swa hwæt swa he bodode and lærde, swa he of engcellicre spráce pa word bodode and ræde. Was eac swide mycel wisdóm on him, heofonlice snyttro, þæt swa hwæt swa he gelærde pæt he þæt trymede mid þa godcundan [bysena]³ haligra gewrita. And he pa semninga se bisceop, on midre pære spræce pe hi heom betwux smeadon, eadmodlice to pam Godes were geleat and hine geornlice bad and halsode pæt he purh hine sacerdlice penunge onfengce, þæt he hine moste gehádigan to mæsse-preoste and to penunge Drihtnes weofodes. He pa sona Guðlac his benum* gepafode, and he hine sylfne to eorðan astrehte, and þæt cwæð þæt he wolde pas pe Godes willa were and pas biscopes. pa hi pa hæfdon þa þenunge gefylled and he was gehalgod, swá ic ær sæde, he pa se biscop bad pone halgan wer þæt he scolde to gereorde fón mid him and he pa swa dyde peah hit his life ungepeawe were. pa hi pa to gereorde sæton, swa ic er sæde, pa locode Guthlac : 1 MS. þe. 2 MS. gódes. 3 [bysena] not in MS. 4 MS. benun. ST. GUTHLAC. 73 and signs from the life of the men which I then saw, I am able to judge of what kind this man's life is, whether he works these wonders through God's power, or doeth them through the devil's might. When, therefore, the aforesaid bishop came to converse with Guthlac the man of God, they mutually refreshed each other with the nectar of evan- gelic sweetness. The brightness of the Lord's grace was so lustrous in the blessed man Guthlac, that whatsoever he preached and taught, it was as though he preached and spoke the words of angelic language. There was also so much wisdom in him, so much heavenly prudence, that whatsoever he taught he confirmed it with the divine [examples] of holy Scriptures. And suddenly the bishop, in the middle of the discourse which they held between them, bowed humbly to the man of God, and earnestly begged and besought him that he should through him receive the priestly office, that he might ordain him a mass-priest, and to the service of the Lord's altar. And Guthlac presently yielded to his prayers, and stretched himself on the earth, and said that he would do that which was God's will and the bishop's. When they had performed the service, and he was consecrated, as I said before, then the bishop besought the holy man that he would take meat with him; and he did so, variance with his way of life. down to meat, as I before said, Guthlac looked at though it was at When they sat 4 74 THE LIFE OF to pam biscopes þegnum; þa geseah he pone fore- sprecenan broðor Wigfrið, cwad pa pus to him: And nu bropor Wigfrið, ac hwyle þincð¹ þe nu þæt se preost sig, be pam þu gyrstan-dage cwæde pæt þu woldest gecunnian hwæper he wære gód oppe gál? He pa sona Wigfrið arás, and pa to eorpan leat and his synne him andette. He pa sona se halga wer him togeanes fenge, and him his miltse geaf and sealde. Was halgung þæs eglandes Cruwlande and eac pas eadigan weres Guthlaces on hárfæstlice² tíde, fif dagum ær Sce Bartholomeus mæssan. 1 MS. þince. 4 MS. þa. XVIII. Be Ecgburhe abbodyssan.3 Swylce eac gelamp sume sipe þæt seo arwyrðe fæmne Ecgburh abbodysse, Aldwulfes dohtor þæs cyninges, sende pþam arwurðan were Guðlace leadene pruh and þær scytan to, and hine halsode purh pone¹ halgan naman þæs upplican kyninges þæt æfter his forðfore man his lichaman moste ingesettan. Heo gesende pa gretinge be sumum arwyrdes lifes breper, and hine het þæt he him geaxian sceolde, hwa þære stówe hyrde æfter him beon sceolde. Mid þan he þære arwyrðan fæmnan grétinge lúflice onfeng, da be pon pe he geaxod wæs, hwa þære 3 MS. abbodysse. 2 MS. árfæstlice. 5 MS. arwyrde lifes bropor. ST. GUTHLAC. 75 the bishop's attendants; then he saw the aforesaid brother Wigfrith, and spake thus to him: And now, brother Wigfrith, what sort of man seemeth thee now the priest is of whom thou saidst yester- day that thou wouldst try whether he were good or bad? Then Wigfrith arose, and bowed to the earth, and confessed his fault to him. Then the holy man was forthwith reconciled to him, and gave and granted him his pardon. The hallowing of the island of Crowland, and also of the blessed man Guthlac, took place at harvest-time, five days before St. Bartholomew's mass. XVIII. Concerning abbess Ecgburh. It happened also on a time that the venerable maid Ecgburh, abbess, the daughter of Aldwulf the king, sent to the venerable man Guthlac a leaden coffin, and winding-sheet thereto, and besought him by the holy name of the celestial King, that after his departure they should place his body therein. She sent the message by a brother of worthy life, and bid him ask him, who should be the keeper of the place after him. When he had kindly received the message of the venerable maid, then concerning that which he was asked-who should be the 76 THE LIFE OF stówe hyrde æfter him beon scolde, pa andswarode he and cwæð, þæt se man wære on hæpenum folce, and þa git nære gefullod; ac peah hwæpere pæt he pa sona come¹ and þa gerynu sceolde onfon fulluht- bæpes. And hit eac swá gelamp: forpon se ylca Cissa, se pe eft pa stowe heold, he com pæs ymb litel fæc on Bretone and hine man þær gefullode, swá se Godes wer foresæde. 1 XIX. Be Adelbalde þam kyninge. Swylce nys eac mid idelnysse to forelætenne pæt wundor pe pes halga wer Guthlac foresæde and mannum cydde. Was on sumre tide pæt com se foresprecena wræcca to him Apelbald; and hine Ceolred se kyning hider and pider wíde aflymde, and he his ehtnysse and his hatunge fleah and scúnode. Da com he to pære spæce pæs halgan weres Guðlaces; papa se mennisca fultum him beswác, hine peah hwæpere se godcunda fultum gefrefrode. Mid by he pa to pam Godes were com, and he him his earfoda rehte, pa cwæð Guðlac pus to him: Eala min cniht þinra gewinna and earfoða ic eom únforgitende; ic forpon pe gemaltsode, and for pinum earfoðum ic bad God pæt he pe gemilt- sode and be gefultomode; and he pa mine béne gehyrde, and he pe sylep ríce and anweald þinre 1 MS.com. 2 MS. mennisce. ST. GUTHLAC. 77 keeper of the place after him,—he answered and said, that the man was of heathen race, and was not yet baptised; but notwithstanding, that he should soon come, and should receive the rites of baptism. And so it came to pass; for the same Cissa, who afterwards held the place, came to Britain a little time afterwards, and they baptised him there, as the man of God foretold. XIX. Concerning Athelbald the king. Also we must not pass over with neglect the wonder which this holy man Guthlac foretold and made known to men. It happened on a time that the before-mentioned exile Athelbald came to him; and Ceolred the king hunted him hither and thither, far and wide, and he fled from and shunned his persecutions and his malice. He had recourse then to the conversation of the holy man Guthlac; for when human help had failed him, notwithstanding divine support comforted him. When he came to the man of God, and related to him his troubles, Guthlac spake thus to him: O! my son, I am not forgetful of thy conflicts and thy troubles; for this cause I took pity on thee, and for thy troubles I prayed God that he would have pity on thee, and support thee; and he has heard my prayer, and he will give thee kingdom and rule over thy people, 78 THE LIFE OF peode, and pa ealle fleod beforan pe pa pe hatiað, and pin sweord fornymeð ealle pine pa wiperweardan, forpon Drihten pe bid on fultume. Ac be pu gebyldig, forþon ne begitest pu na þæt ríce on gerisne wouldlicra þinga, ac mid Drihtnes ful- tume pu þin ríce begytest; forpon Drihten þa genyperað þe pe nu hatiað, and Drihten afyrreð þæt rice fram him and hæfð þe gemynt and geteohhod. pa he pas word gehyrde, he pa sona Apelbald his hiht and his geleafan on God sylfne trymede, and he getrywode and gelyfde ealle þa þing þe se halga wer foresæde, pat rícu¹ beod onwende and ofánumene and hit á to pam ende efested; and se ríca and se heana, se gelæreda and se ungelærda, and geong and eald, ealle hi gelice se stranga deað forgripeð and nymð. XX. Be þæs halgan weres lifes lenge and be his for fore. Đa gelamp hit on fyrste æfter pissum þæt se leofa Godes peow Guthlac æfter pon fiftyne gear þe he Gode willigende lædde his lif, þa wolde God his pone leofan peow of pam gewinne pisse worulde yrmþa gelædan to pære ecan reste pas heofoncundan ríces. Ða gelamp on sumne sæl mid þy he on his cyrcan æt his gebedum was, pa was he semninga mid adle gestanden. And he sona ongeat þæt him ¹ MS. rice. ST. GUTHLAC. 79 and they shall flee before thee who hate thee; and thy sword shall destroy all thy adversaries, for the Lord is thy support. But be thou patient, for thou shalt not get the kingdom by means of worldly things, but with the Lord's help thou shalt get thy kingdom. For the Lord shall bring down those who now hate thee, and the Lord shall remove the kingdom from them, and hath remembered and appointed thee. When he heard these words, Athelbald soon fixed his hope and faith on God himself, and he trusted and believed all the things which the holy man foretold,-how that kingdoms are overturned and taken away, and are evermore hastening to an end; and the rich and the poor, the learned and the unlearned, and young and old,—all these alike, strong death clutcheth and taketh. XX. Concerning the length of the holy man's life, and his departure. It happened, some while after this, that God's beloved servant Guthlac, after that he had led a life serving God for fifteen years, then God pleased to lead his dear servant from the conflict of this world's miseries to the eternal rest of the heavenly kingdom. It happened on a time, when he was in his church at his prayers, he was suddenly attacked with illness. And he soon perceived that God's hand was sent — 80 THE LIFE OF was Godes hand to sended, and he swype geblipe hine het gyrwan to pam ingange pæs heofonlican ríces. Was he seofon dagas mid pære adle ge- swenced, and þæs eahtopan dæges¹ he was to pam ytemestan gelæded. Pa gestod hine seo² adl pon wodnesdage nehst eastron and pa eft pan ylcan dæge on pære eastor-wucan he þæt lif of pam lichaman sende. Was sum broðor mid him þæs nama was Beccel, purh pone ic pa forðfore ongeat þæs eadigan weres. Mid by he pa com þy dæge þe hine seo adl gestod, pa acsode he hine be ge- hwilcum þingum. pa andswarode he him lætlice, and mid langre sworetunge þæt ord of þam breostum teah. pa he pa geseah pone halgan wer swá ún- rotes modes, pa cwæd he to him: Hwat gelamp þe nywes nu da; ac pe on þysse nihte sum untrum- nys gelamp? pa andswarode he him and him cwa to: Adl me gelamp on pisse nihte. pa frægn he eft hine: Wast þu mín fæder pone intingan pinre adle oppe to hwylcum ende wenest pu þæt seo mettrumnys' wylle gelimpan? pa andswarode he him eft se halga wer and him cwæð to: peos ongi- tenys minre untrumnysse ys, þæt of pisum lichaman sceal beon se gast alæded; forpon pan cahtopan dæge" bið ende pære minre mettrumnysse; forpon þæt gedafenað þæt se gast beo gegearwod, þæt ic ¹ MS. dæge. 5 MS. untrumnysse. 8 MS. þes ongitenysse. 2 MS. se. 3 MS. wodnes dæg. 6 MS. adle. 9 MS. dæg. 4 MS. adle. 7 MS. mettrumnysse. I ST. GUTHLAC. 81 upon him, and he right gladly began to prepare himself for his entry into the heavenly kingdom. He was seven days afflicted with the malady, and on the eighth day he was brought to the utmost extremity. The malady attacked him on the Wednesday next before Easter, and on the same day of the Easter-week after he gave forth his life from his body. There was a brother with him whose name was Beccel, through whom I have been in- formed concerning the departure of the blessed man. When he came to him on the day when the sickness seized him, he asked him concerning certain things. And he answered him slowly, and drew the breath from his chest with long sighing. When he saw the holy man in so distressful mood, he said to him: What new thing has now happened to thee; has some sickness befallen thee on this night? Then he answered him and said to him: Sickness has befallen me this night. Then again he asked him: Knowest thou, my father, the cause of thy sickness, or to what end thinkest thou that this ill- ness will come? Then again the holy man answered and said to him: The meaning of my illness is this, that the spirit must be taken away from this body; for on the eighth day there will be an end of my illness; therefore it behoves that the spirit be prepared, that 4 § 82 THE LIFE OF mæg Gode filian. pa he pa pas word gehyrde se foresprecena brodor Beccel, he pa swype weop and geomrian ongan and mid mycelre uneðnysse his eago-spind mid tearum gelomlice leohte. pa frefrode hine se Godes wer Guthlac and him cwæd to: Min bearn, ne beo þu na geúnrotsod forpon ne bið me næénig únepnys¹ pat ic to Drihtne minum Gode fare. Was swa mycel rumnes on him þæs halgan geleafan and swa mycele he to pære Godes lufan hæfde, pæt se cupa and se uncupa ealle him was gelíce gesegen on gódum dædum. Ɖa þæs ymbe feower niht com se forma easter-dag, he pa se eadiga wer Guðlac on pære his mettrumnysse Gode lac onsægde and massan sáng, and syþþan he þa déor- wyrban lác offrode Cristes blodes, pa ongan he pam foresprecenan breper godspellian; and he hine swa swype deoplice mid his láre ineode, þæt he næfre ær ne syppan swyle ne gehyrde. Mid pan pe [se]² seofoða dæg com pære his mettrumnysse, pa com se foresprecena broðor on pære sixtan tíde pæs dæges, þæt he hine geneosian wolde : þa gemette he hine hleonian on pam hale his cyrcan wið þam weofode. pa hwæþere he ne mihte wið hine sprecan, forpon he geseah þæt his untrumnys³ hine swype swencte: pa þeah hwæþere he hine æfter pon bæd þæt he his word to him forlete ær þon pe he swulte. He pa se eadiga wer Guplac hwæt-hwego fram þam wage þa werigan limu ahóf, cwæð þa pus to him: Mín 3 MS. untrumnysse. MS. uneþnysse. 2 [se] not in MS. 1 ST. GUTHLAC. 83 I may go to God. When the aforesaid brother Beccel heard these words, he wept much and began to lament, and in great grief incessantly moistened his cheeks with tears. Then the man of God Guthlac comforted him, and said to him: My son, be not thou grieved, for to me it is no sorrow that I am going to the Lord my God. There was in him such a depth of holy faith, and so great love of God had he thereto, that the known and the un- known was entirely alike in his sight in respect of good deeds. When after four nights the first Easter-day arrived, the blessed man Guthlac in his sickness performed service to God, and sang mass, and after that he offered up the precious sacrifice of Christ's blood, he began to preach the gospel to the aforesaid brother; and he penetrated him so deeply with his counsel, that he never before nor after heard the like. When the seventh day of his illness came, then came the aforesaid brother at the sixth hour of the day to visit him. He found him leaning in the corner of his oratory, against the altar. Notwithstanding he might not speak to him, for he saw that his malady violently afflicted him; however, afterwards he begged of him that he would leave his last words with him before he died. Then the blessed man Guthlac raised a little his weary limbs from the wall, and thus spake to him: My 84 THE LIFE OF bearn, nu ys þære tide swipe neah, ac behealt pu min þa ytemestan bebodu. Efter pon pe min sawl of þam lichaman fére, ponne far þu to minre swustor and hyre secge þæt ic forpon her on middanearde hire ansyne fleah and hi geséon nolde, pæt wyt eft on héofonum befóran Godes ánsyne unc eft gesáwon; and hi bidde þæt heo minne lichaman on þa þrúh gesette, and mid pære scytan bewinde pe me Ecgburh onsende. Nólde ic pa hwíle pe ic leofode mid línenum hrægle gegyred beon, ac nu for lufan pære Cristes fæmnan, pa gife pe heo me sende ic wylle to pon dón pe ic heold; ponne se lichama and seo sawul hi todæleð, þæt man pone lichaman mid þam hrægle bewínde, and on pa pruh gelecge. Da se foresprecena broðor pas ping gehyrde, he pa wæs pus sprecende: Ic pe halsige, mín se leofa fæder, nu ic pine untrumnysse geseo and ongite, and ic gehyre þæt þu pas world scealt forlætan, þæt þu me secge be pære wisan pe ic næfre ær næs gedyrstig þe to axianne. Of pære tíde pe ic ærest mid be on pisum westene eardode, ic pe gehyrde sprecan on æfenne and on æren-mergen ic nat mid hwæne. Forpon ic pe bidde and halsige þæt þu me næfre behydigne and sorhfulne be pisse wísan ne læte æfter þinre forðfóre. He pa se Godes wer mid langre sworetunge pat ord of pam breostum teah, andswarode him pa and cwæð: Min bearn, nelt þu beon gemyndig, þas þing þe ic ar nolde ST. GUTHLAC. 85 son, now is it very near the time, and do thou at- tend to my last commands. After my soul departs from the body, then go thou to my sister, and say to her, that I for this end here on earth avoided her presence and would not see her, that we two hereafter might see each other in heaven, before the face of God; and bid her that she place my body in the coffin, and wind it in the sheet which Ecgburh sent to me. I would not, whilst I lived, be clothed with a linen garment; but now, for love of the maid of Christ, the gift which she sent me I will put to the purpose for which I have kept it, namely, when my body and my soul part, let them wrap my body in the vestment, and lay it in the coffin. When the aforesaid brother heard these things, he thus spake: I beseech thee, my dear father, now while I behold and understand thy infirmity, and I hear that thou must leave this world, that thou explain to me concerning a matter which I never before durst ask thee about. From the time that I first dwelt with thee in this wilderness I have heard thee at even and at daybreak speaking I know not with whom. Wherefore I beg and beseech thee that thou never leave me anxious and troubled about this matter after thy departure. The man of God with a long sigh drew the breath from his breast, answered him and said: My son, be thou not troubled,—the things which before I would tell to 86 THE LIFE OF nanigum woruld-men secgan, þa hwile pe ic lifigende wære, ic hit pe wylle nu onwreon and gecypan. Ðan æfteran geare pe ic pis westen eardode, þæt on æfen and on ærne-mergen God sylfa pone engcel mínre frofre to me sende, se me pa heofonlican gerýno openode, pa nanegum men ne alyfað to secganne, and pa heardnysse mínes gewinnes mid heofonlican engellicum spræcum ealle gehihte; þe me afweardan gecydde and geopenode swa pa and- weardan.¹ And nu mín bearn, þæt leofe, geheald þu mín word, and þu hi nænigum oprum men ne secge buton Pege minre swustor and Ecgberhte pam ancran, gif þæt gelimpe pat pu wið hine gesprece. pa he pas word spræc he pa his heafod to pam wage onhylde, and míd langre sworetunge pæet ord of pam breostum teah. Mid by he eft gewyrpte, and pam orðe² onfeng, þa com seo swetnys of þam mude swa þæra wynsumestra³ blostmena stenc. And pa pære æfter-fylgendan nihte mid þan þe se foresprecena broðor nihtlicum gebedum befeall, pa geseah he call þæt hus útan mid mycelre beorht- nesse ymbseald; and seo beorhtnys þær áwunode of dæg. pa hit on mergen dæg wæs, he pa se Godes wer eft styrede hwæt-hwego and pa weregan leomu upahof. pa cwæð he to him pus: Min béarn, gearwa pe þæt¹ þu on pone sið fére pe ic þe gehét; forpon nu ys seo tíd þæt se gást sceal for- MS. andweardum. 3 MS. wynsumesta blostman. 2 MS. orð. 4 MS. 7 ST. GUTHLAC. 87 9 no man of the world while I lived, I will now reveal and make known to thee. The second year after I dwelt in this wilderness, at even and at daybreak God himself sent the angel of my comfort to me, who opened to me the heavenly mysteries, which it is lawful to no man to tell, and the hardness of my conflict he quite softened with heavenly angelic dis- courses; who also made known and revealed to me absent as well as present things. And now, my son, beloved one, keep thou my word, and tell these things to no other person except to Pege my sister and to Ecgberht the hermit, if it chance that thou speak with him. When he had spoken these words, he leaned his head to the wall, and with a long sigh drew the breath from his breast. When he turned himself again and recovered his breath, there came fragrance from his mouth like the odour of the sweetest flowers. And on the following night, when the aforesaid brother fell to his nightly prayers, he beheld all the house encompassed about with a great brightness; and this brightness remained there till day. When it dawned on the morrow, the man of God stirred again a little, and raised up his weary limbs. Then spake he thus to him: My son, prepare thyself to go on the journey which I bid thee; for now is the time that the spirit must 88 THE LIFE OF lætan þa weregan limo and to pam úngeendodan gefean wyle geferan, to heofona ríce. Da he pa pas pingc spræc he pa his handa apenede to pam weofode, and hine getrymede mid þam heofonlican mete, Cristes lichaman and his blode¹; and pa æfter pon his eagan to heofonum ahóf, and his earmas apenede, and pa pone gast mid gefean and blisse to pam ecum gefean sende pæs heofonlican rices. Betwux þa þingc se foresprecena broðor geseah call þæt hus mid heofonlicre bryhto geond goten, and he þær geseah fyrenne torr³ up of pære eorpan to heofones heannysse, þæs beorhtnys was eallum oprum úngelic, and for his fægernysse pat seo sunne sylf æt middum dæge, eall hire scima was on blæco gecyrred. And eng- cellice sangas geond pære lyfte faco he gehyrde; and eall þæt igland mid mycelre swétnysse wunder- lices stences ormædum was gefylled. He pa se foresprecena bropor sona mid mycelre fyrhte was geslégen, éode pa on scip and þa ferde to pære stowe þe se Godes wer ær bebead; and pa com to Pege and hire pa eall pa ping sæde æfter endebyrdnesse swa se broðor hine het. Pa heo pa gehyrde pone pa bropor forðferedne, heo pa sona on eordan feoll and mid mycelre hefignysse gefylled wearð þæt heo word gecweþan ne mihte. Mid pan heo þa eft hig gehyrte, heo pa of pam breostum inneweardum lange swore- tunge teah, and þa þam Wealdende panc sæde pæs be he swá wolde. Hi pa pan æfteran dæge æfter I MS. blod. 2 MS. ferde. 3 MS. fyrene topp. + MS. hira. ST. GUTHLAC. 89 leave the weary limbs, and will go to the endless joy, the kingdom of heaven. When he had said these things, he stretched out his hands to the altar, and strengthened himself with the heavenly food, Christ's body and blood. And after that he raised his eyes to heaven, and stretched out his arms, and then sent forth his spirit with joy and bliss to the eternal happiness of the heavenly kingdom. Amidst these things the aforesaid brother saw all the house perfused with heavenly brightness, and he beheld there a fiery tower, from the earth up to the height of heaven, whose brightness was unlike all other, and by its brilliance the sun itself at midday, -all its lustre was turned to paleness. And he heard angelic songs through the regions of the air; and all the island was profusely filled with the exceeding sweetness of a wondrous odour. There- upon the aforesaid brother was smitten with great fear, went on board a boat, and travelled to the place which the man of God had before bidden him. seek; and there he came to Pege, and told her all these things in order as her brother had bidden him. When she heard that her brother was departed, she forthwith fell on the earth, and was filled with great sorrow, so that she could not speak a word. When she presently recovered herself, she drew from her breast within a long sigh, and gave thanks to the Lord for that he would have it so to be. Then 90 THE LIFE OF pam bebode pæs eadigan weres hi becomon to pam eglande, and hi ealle pa stowe and pa hus þær ge- metton mid ambrósie pære wyrte swetnysse gefylde. Heo¹ pa pone halgan wer on preora daga fæce mid halgum lof-sangum Gode behead, and on þam þriddan dæge swa se Godes wer bebead hig pone lichaman on cyrcan mid arwurdnysse bebyrgdon. Awolde seo godcunde arfæstnys mannum openlice atywan on hu mycclum wuldre he was se eadiga wer syppan he be- byrged was; forpon þe he ær beforan manna eagum swá manigum wundrum scean and berhte. Mid by he pa was twelf monað bebyrged æfter his forðfóre, da onsende God on þæt mod pære Drihtnes peowan, þæt heo wolde eft pone broðorlican lichaman on oðre byrgene gesettan. Heo pa þyder togesomnode Godes peowa and masse-preosta and circlicre³ ende- byrdnysse, þæt þy ylcan dæge þæs ymbe twelf monað þe seo for fóre pas eadigan weres was, hi pa pa byrgene untyndon; þa gemetton hi pone lichaman ealne ansúndne swa he ær wæs and þa gyt lifigende wære, and on lipa¹ bignyssum and on eallum þingum þæt he was slææpendum men gelicra myccle ponne forðferedum. Swylce eac pa hrægl þære ylcan niwnysse pe hig on fruman ymbe pone lichaman gedón waron. pa hi pas ping gesawon þe þær samod at waron, pa waron hi swide forhte for pig þe hi þær gesawon; and hi swa swyde mid pære ¹ MS. Hi. 3 MS. cynlice. 2 MS. godcundnysse arfæstlice manna. 4 MS. lipo. ST. GUTHLAC. 91 they on the next day, according to the command of the blessed man, came to the island, and they there found all the place and the buildings filled with the sweetness of the herb ambrosia. She then for three days' space, with holy hymns of praise commended the holy man to God, and on the third day, as the man of God had bidden, they buried the corpse in the church with solemnity. The divine goodness would openly display to men in how great glory the blessed man was after he was buried; as he erewhile, before the eyes of men, shone and was resplendent with so many miracles. After his death, when he had been buried twelve months, God put it into the heart of the servant of the Lord that she should re- move her brother's body to another tomb. She assembled thither many of the servants of God, and mass-priests, and others of ecclesiastical order; and on the same day, on which, twelve months before, the departure of the blessed man took place, they opened the tomb, and there they found the corpse quite sound as it was at first, and as though he were yet living; and in the flexibility of the sinews and in all things, it was much more like a sleeping man than a dead one. Also the garments were of the same newness as when they were first put round the body. When they who were there assembled together saw these things, they were much amazed at what they saw; and they were so smitten with 92 THE LIFE OF fyrhte weron geslégene pæt hi naht sprecan ne mihton. Da heo pa seo Cristes peowe Pege þæt geseah, pa was heo sona mid gastlicere blisse ge- fylled and pa pone halgan lichaman mid pære arwurðnysse Cristes lof-sangum on opre scytan be- wand, pa Ecgbriht se ancra ár him lifigende to pære¹ ylcan þenunge sende. Swylce eac pa pruh na læs þæt hi eft pa on eordan dydon, ac on gemyndelicre stowe and on árwyrpre hi pa gesetton. Seo stow nu eft fram Aðelbalde pam kyninge mid manig- fealdum getimbrum ys arwurdlice gewurpod, þær se sigefæsta lichama þæs halgan weres gastlice restep; and se man se pe pa stowe mid ealle his magne gesecð, þonne purh pa þingunge þæs halgan weres he gefremeð and purhtyhp pat he wilnað. Se eadiga wer Guðlac he was gecóren man on god- cundum dæédum and ealra gesnyttra gold-hord; and he was gestæppig on his þeawum, swylce he was on Cristes peowdóme swa geornfullice abysgod þæt him næfre elles on his mude næs buton Cristes lof, ne on his heortan butan árfæstnys, ne on his móde butan syb and lufu and mildheortnes; ne hyne nan man yrre geseah ne úngeornfulne to Cristes peowdome, ac á man mihte on his andwlitan lufe and sibbe ongytan, and á was swetnys on his móde and snyttro on his breostum and swá mycel glædnys² on him wæs, þæt he á þam cuðum and þam uncupum was gelice gesegen. 1 MS. þam. 2 MS. glædnysse. ST. GUTHLAC. 93 But the fear thereof that they could say nothing. when Pege, the servant of Christ, beheld it, she was forthwith filled with spiritual joy; and she wound the holy corpse, with praises of Christ's honour, in the other sheet which Ecgbriht the anchorite formerly sent him, when alive, for that same service. Also the coffin they did not put into the earth again, but they set it in a memorable place and an honourable. The place has now since then been honourably distinguished by king Athelbald with manifold buildings, where the vic- torious body of the holy man spiritually rests: and the man who with all his heart seeks that place, through the intercession of the holy man he shall accomplish and bring about what he desires. The blessed man Guthlac was a chosen man in divine deeds, and a treasure of all wisdom; and he was steadfast in his duties, as also he was earnestly intent on Christ's service, so that never was aught else in his mouth but Christ's praise, nor in his heart but virtue, nor in his mind but peace and love and pity; nor did any man ever see him angry nor slothful to Christ's service; but one might ever perceive in his countenance love and peace; and evermore sweetness was in his temper, and wisdom in his breast, and there was so much cheerfulness in him, that he always appeared alike to acquaint- ances and to strangers.. 94 THE LIFE OF XXI. Be Apelbalde kyningce. Efter byssum geacsode Apelbald se foresprecena wræcca on feor-landum þæs halgan weres fórðfóre, Sce Guplaces; forpon he ana ar pon was hys gebeorh and frofor. pa was he semninga mid unrotnysse gestýred, ferde pa þider to pære stowe þær þæs Godes weres lichama on wæs, forpon he gehyhte purh pone halgan wer pæt him God sealde his gewinnes frofre. pa he pa to þære byrgene com þæs halgan weres, he pa wepende mid tearum pus cwæð: Mín fæder hwæt pu canst míne yrmpa, þu me wære symble on fultume on mínum unyð- nyssum hwider wylle ic me nu cyrran, hwa frefreð me gif þu me forlætst? Mid by he pa þas þing and manig oper æt þære byrgene wepende sprác, þa seo nihtlice tid com, pa was he þær on sumum huse inne pe he ær be Guthlace lifigendum hwilum on gæstlipnesse wunode. Da he pa on þam huse inne wæs, þa was he on þam únrotan móde hider and þyder pencende, him pa æt nyxtan waron þa eagan mid þam slæpe betyned. He pa færinga forhtlice abræd, þa geseah he ealle þa cytan innan mid heofonlice leohte gefylde. Mid pan he pa was forhtlice geworden for þære úngewunelican gesihpe, da geseah he pone eadigan wer Guthlac on engel- licre ansyne him beforan standan and him cwæð to: ST. GUTHLAC. 95 XXI. Concerning king Athelbald. After these things Athelbald, the afore-mentioned exile, heard in far lands of the death of the holy man St. Guthlac; for he alone was formerly his refuge and comfort. Then was he suddenly agitated with sorrow, and went thither to the place where the body of God's servant was, for he hoped that through the holy man God would grant him comfort in his conflict. When he came to the tomb of the holy man, weeping with tears, he thus spake: My father, lo! thou knowest my miseries, thou wast ever my support in my afflictions; whither shall I now turn myself; who shall comfort me if thou forsakest me? After he had with weeping said these things and much else at the tomb, when the hour of night came, he was in a house where he had often abode as a guest whilom when Guthlac was living. Whilst he was in this house, whilst he was turning his thoughts hither and thither in his sorrowful mind, his eyes were at length closed in sleep. Suddenly he woke up in a fright, and there he saw all the cottage filled within with heavenly light. Whilst he was in fear at the unusual sight, he saw the blessed man Guthlac in angelic aspect stand before him, and he spake thus to him: Thou shalt 96 THE LIFE OF Ne wylt þu þe ondradan, ac beo þu ánræde, forpon God pe ys on fultume: and ic forþon to pe cóm, purh mine pingunge God pine bene gehyrde. Ac ne beo þu geunrotsod forpon dagas synt gewitene pinra yrmða, forpon ár sunne twelf monda hringe útan ymbgán hæbbe þu wealdest pises ríces¹ pe pu hwile æfter wunne. And na læs þæt an þæt he him þæt rice towerd sæde, ac eac pa lengce his lifes he him eall gerehte. Das tacna God geworhte purh þæs halgan weres geearnunge æfter pon pe he ford- fered was and bebyrged. XXII. Was sum his scipes-man pæs foresprecenan2 wræccan Apelbaldes on pære mægða Wissa, pas eagan wron mid fleo and mid dimnesse twelf mond ofergán. Mid by his lacas³ hine mid sealfum lange teolodon, and hit him nawiht to halo ne fremede; da wæs he innan godcundlice manod pæt gif hine man to pære stówe gelædde Guthlaces, pæt he ponne his hælo and gesihpe onfengce. Næs pa nanig hwil to pon þæt him his frynd on pære stowe brohton to Cruwlande, and hi pa gespræcon to pære Cristes peowan Pegan; and heo þæs mannes geleafan trumne and fæstne gehyrde. Pa lædde heo hine on pa cyrcan þær se arwyrða lichama inne was I MS. rice. 2 MS. foresprecena. 3 MS. læces. ST. GUTHLAC. 97 not be afraid, but be thou steadfast, for God is thy support; and I am therefore come to thee, for that through my intercession God hath heard thy prayer. But be thou not sorrowful, for the days are past of thy afflictions; for ere the sun shall have gone a twelve months' circuit round about, thou shalt wield this kingdom, which thou erewhile didst con- tend for. And not only did he prophesy to him his future kingdom, but he also related to him completely the length of his life. These signs God wrought through the holy man's merit after he was dead and buried. XXII. There was a boatman of the aforesaid exile Athelbald whose eyes had been for twelve months overspread with the white speck and dimness. When his physicians had long treated him with salves, and this no whit effected his healing, he was divinely admonished within, that if they brought him to Guthlac's resting-place he should recover his health and sight. Not long after his friends brought him to the place Crowland, and they spoke to Christ's servant Pege; and she was informed of the firm and fast faith of the man. Then she led him to the church wherein the venerable body of 5 98 THE LIFE OF Guthlaces; genam pa þæs gehalgodan sealtes pe Guthlac ær sylf gehalgode, and wætte and drypte in þa eagan; and þa ár heo operne drópan on þæt oper eage dyde, pa mihte he mid pan oðron geseon, and on þam ylcan inne he géarlice oncneow hwæt þær inne wæs, and he hal and gesund ham ferde. Sy urum Drihtne lof and wuldor and wurðmynt, and þam eadigan were Sce Guthlace on ealra worulda¹ woruld áá buton ende on ecnysse. Amen. MS. woruld áworuld. ST. GUTHLAC. 99 Guthlac was; she took some of the hallowed salt which Guthlac himself had formerly hallowed, and wetted it, and dropped it on his eyes; and ere she put a second drop on the second eye he was able to see with that eye, and he readily perceived what there was in the room, and he went home whole and sound. Be praise and glory and honour to our Lord, and to the blessed man St. Guthlac, world of all worlds, for ever and ever, without end to eternity. Amen. ↓ NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Page 2. PROLOGUE. As a specimen of the style of Felix, and to enable the reader to form some judgment of the liberties taken by the Saxon translator, I transcribe the Latin prologue entire.* +Incipit Prologus de vitâ Sci Guthlaci. In Domino dominorum domino meo. Mihi præ ceteris regalium primatum gradibus dilectissimo, Elfwaldo regi orientalium Anglorum rite regimina regenti, Felix catholicæ congregationis vernaculus per- petuæ prosperitatis in Christo salutem. Jussionibus tuis obtemperans libellum, quem de vitâ patris beatæ memoriæ Guthlaci componi præcepisti, simplici verborum vimine textum, non absque procacitatis imprudentiâ, institui: eâ tamen fiduciâ coram obtuli, obsecrans ut si ullatenus, ut fore arbitror, illic vitiosus sermo aures eruditi lectoris perculserit, litteram in fronte paginæ veniam poscentem intendat. Reminiscatur quoque, efflagito, quia regnum Dei non in verborum facundiâ, sed in fidei constantiâ persistit. Salutem quidem sæculo non ab oratoribus sed a piscatoribus prædicatam fuisse sciat. Sancti quoque Hieronimi dicta meminerit, qui rem ridiculam esse arbitratus est, ut sub regulis Donati gram- matici verba cœlestis oraculi redigeret. Sed si forsitan alius animo- sitatis nostræ fastibus hoc opus nos arripere imputat, dum alii plurimi Anglorum librarii, quorum ingeniositatis fluenta inter flores rethorica per virecta litteraturæ pure liquide lucideque rivant, qui melius lucu- lentiusque componere valuerint,-sciat nos hoc opusculum non tam * From the Cotton MS. Nero E. 1, with some corrections from the Benedictine and Bollandine texts. 102 NOTES AND volentiæ quam obedientiæ gratiâ incepisse. Propterea laboris mei votis, O Lector, quisquis es faveas; sin etiam ut adsolet more obtrec- tatoris succensueris, cave ut ubi lucem putaveris ne a tenebris obcæ- ceris; id est, ne cum recta reprehenderis ignorantiæ tenebris fusceris. Mos enim cæcorum est, cum in luce perambulant tunc in tenebris errare putant. Lucem enim nesciunt sed in tenebris semper oberrant. Cæcitas autem in Scripturis ignorantia est, ut apostolus dixit: Cæcitas ex parte contigit in Israel donec plenitudo gentium subintraret. Origo quidem totius mali ab ignorantiâ venit. Quapropter te admoneo, Lector, ut aliena non reprehendas, ne ab aliis quasi alienus reprehen- daris. Sed ne sensus legentium prolixæ sententiæ molesta defensio obnubilet, pestiferis obtrectantium incantationibus aures obturantes, velut transvadato vasti gurgitis æquore, ad vitam Sancti Guthlaci stilum flectendo quasi ad portum vitæ pergemus. Quoniam igitur exegisti a me ut de vitâ Sancti Guthlaci vel conversatione tibi scriberem, quem- admodum cœperit quidve ante propositum fuerit vel qualem vitæ terminum habuerit, prout a dictantibus idoneis testibus quos scitis audivi, addendi minuendique modum vitans, eadem orthothemio de- pinxi; ad hujus utilitatis commodum hunc codicellum fieri ratus, ut illis qui sciunt ad memoriam tanti viri nota revocandi fiat, his vero qui ignorant velut late pansæ viæ indicium notescat. Non enim sine certissimâ inquisitione rerum gestarum aliquid de tanto viro scribebam, nec tandem ea quæ scripsi sine subtilissimâ indubiorum testium sanc- tione libratim scribenda quibusdam dare præsumpsi; quin potius dili- gentissime inquirens quantacunque scripsi investigavi a reverendissimo quodam abbate Wilfrido et a presbitero puræ conscientiæ, ut arbitror, Cissan, vel etiam ab aliis qui diutius cum viro Dei conversati vitam ipsius ex parte noverant. Ergo quantacunque de vitæ ipsius ortho- nomiâ stilo perstrinxero, minima de magnis pauca de plurimis audisse æstimate. Non enim ambigo illos dictatores non omnia facta illius potuisse cognoscere, nec ab illis tota dictata me descripsisse glorifico. Sed ut tanti viri tanti nominis relatio compleatur, prout ubique mi- racula illius fulserunt, percunctamini, ut singulis quæ novere referen- tibus sequentis libelli materia adgregetur. Igitur eximiæ dilectionis tuæ imperiis obtemperans, textum præsentis cartulæ prout potui di. gessi, majoris scientiæ auctoribus majorem partem linquens; prin- cipium in principium, finem in fine compono.. ILLUSTRATIONS. 103 Page 2, line 3. Alfwold. Grammatical correctness requires the dative, Alfwolde. The Saxon scribe is often guilty of cutting off an e, and as frequently of adding one when not required. To avoid swelling the number of alterations, I suffer Alfwold to stand here, and the reader, if he pleases, may take the word for a vocative. bid. line 9. Ahtest. Literally, Thou didst own. This can hardly be the true reading: Qu.? Tæhtest, præcepisti. Ibid. pære arwurðan gemynde. The MS. has, þæs arwurðan gemynde, which I have altered as above, because in the two other places in which the phrase occurs in the Life of Guthlac, as well as in numerous instances in Alfred's Beda, such is the form of the expression. In p. 20, 1. 9, we have, Mid þan se fores precena wer and þære eadigan gemynde Guthlac, etc.; and p. 24, 1. 22, Swa þonne þære arwurðan gemynde Guðlac . . . wæs gelæd, etc. In Beda, lib. iv, cap. xxiii (p. 593, 1. 4, Smith), To lare þære eadigan gemynde Paulinus, þæs ærestan biscopes Norpan- hymbra, etc.; and ib. p. 594, 1. 18, Cwom pa to Cent to ære eadigan gemynde Theodore ærcebiscope. See also lib. iv, cap. xxviii, (p. 606, 1. 46); and lib. iv, cap. xix, (p. 587, l. 27). The idiom is remarkable in two points: 1, for the use of gemynd in the feminine gender; and 2, for the agreement of the definite article with a word to which it does not properly belong, by the process expressively named, Attraction. 1. In Elfric's Homilies, gemynd is used constantly as a neuter (or possibly masculine; as the oblique cases, which occur the most fre- quently, do not determine whether the word be masculine or neuter). Bosworth considers it masculine. But in Hom. vol. i, p. 288, þæt gemynd occurs several times. In Alfred's Beda the usage is com- monly the same. One instance I have remarked of seo gemynd (lib. v, cap. vii, near the end); a stricter search may perhaps yield more. 2. The phrase, þære eadigan gemynde wer, is a substitute for se 104 NOTES AND wer eadiges gemyndes (or, eadigre gemynde). A transposition taking place of the qualitative genitive and the noun qualified, we should obtain, Se eadigre gemynde wer. But the article being attracted by the substantive with which it is now in juxtaposition, the ear triumphing over logic, the phrase becomes, þære eadigan gemynde wer. This process is very different from that which takes place when a possessive genitive is placed before the noun it defines. For instance, þæt heafod þæs horses, properly becomes, þæs horses heafod. Here it will be observed, that the genitive, having an article of its own, naturally retains it on changing its position, the other noun dropping its article, which becomes superfluous. If, however, the genitive be a word which does not admit of, or at any rate has not, the definite article, then the principal noun retains its article unchanged; e. g. for þæt word Godes, we find, þæt Godes word (Matt. xii, 20); for þære lufan Godes, þære Godes lufan (Guthl. p. 16, 1. 14); and, se Godes man, seo Cristes fæmne, are expressions of constant occurrence. So Beda, lib. iii, cap. ii, (p. 536, 1. 18,) þære wæpned-manna stowe, the men's apartment. Perhaps, however, in some of these cases, the geni- tive may be more properly considered as one of qualification than of possession; and words thus connected may be looked upon as com- pounds, the latter word merging that which precedes, so that the intervening genitive leaves the concord of the article with its noun undisturbed. The following are instances of the change of the article by attraction: Luke xvi, 8; þære unrihtwisnesse tun-gerefan, instead of, þone tun- gerefan unrihtwisnesse, the steward of unrighteousness, i. e. the unrighteous steward. John xvi, 13; þære soðfæstnysse Gast, instead of, þone Gast so fæstnysse, the Spirit of truth. Page 2, line 14. [wordum]. The whole of this passage is very corrupt. Without emendation it yields no sense at all. The insertion and alterations which I have made, make it agree in some measure with the original. The words, ac gemune and geþence, are repeated apparently by mistake; fram idelum þaucum, must be wrong; but whether the mistake be that of the translator or the scribe, I cannot determine, and leave the words as I find them. ILLUSTRATIONS. 105 Page 4, line 1. swa ic menige, etc. The translator has departed entirely from the original, and it is not easy to tell exactly what he means. The order of the sentence appears to be inverted; gegylde and gesette agreeing, as I believe, with boc ;— fægere and glæwlice gesette, could hardly be said of the writers of books. As a similar instance of inversion, compare p. 14, 1. 20, þa ealdan kyningas, .. þurh earmlicne deað and purh sarlicne utgang þæs mánfullan lifes, be þas world forleton. Ibid. line 27. þæt him ponne, etc. See Vernon's Guide to the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, p. 86, for similar constructions. An instance occurs, p. 16, 1. 13, barn him swa swyþe innan þære Godes lufan. Page 6, line 3. geradne. Gerad, means apt, suited, well-calculated; from rædan. The sense of the modern German, gerade, i. e. straight, seems appropriate in this place. Ibid. line 7. Ne tweoge ic aht, etc. It will be perceived that the Saxon version expresses exactly the opposite of the meaning of the original. The insertion of a negative, ne, before mihton, would remedy this; but the latter part of the paragraph does not seem to favour the alteration. Ibid. line 13. hyrde. This word, which answers to cartulæ in the Latin, is not found in the dictionaries. Can it be an error of the copyist for hyde? Is that word ever used in the sense of a parchment or skin for writing? The passage is probably corrupt; and moreover the translator seems to have quite mistaken the sense of the original, as the reader will see by comparison. 5 $ 106 NOTES AND Page 8, line 1. Epelredes. Æthelred began to reign A.D. 675, resigned his throne A.D. 704, and died A.D. 716. See Mr. Thorpe's Translation of Lappenberg's History of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, vol. i, p. 222; and the table of the kings of Mercia, at the end of the volume. According to the Saxon Chronicle, Guthlac died A.D. 714. says, anno 715 ab incarnatione Domini; a reckoning commencing nine months before the birth of our Lord. This date may therefore be considered to correspond with that of the Chronicle. According to' Felix, St. Guthlac was twenty-six years old when he settled at Crowland, and resided there fifteen years; he must therefore have been forty-one or forty-two, at the time of his death. This brings his birth back to 673 or 672, and therefore before the commencement of Ethelred's reign. Felix Ibid. line 2. heh-peode. Latin De egregia Merciorum stirpe. Does heh-þeod mean rather the principal or royal family of Mercia? But compare p. 66, 1. 7, where it must needs be rendered, province. Ibid. line 4. Iclingas. The sixth in descent from Woden, in the genealogy of the kings of Mercia, was Icel, from whom this family took its name. Ibid. line 8. pa ana. Qu.? Should we read þa anan, or ane. In the sense of alone, ana is used as an accusative; e. g. Hom. i, p. 184, Me ána forlæt, leave me alone; and p. 350, Min latteow me þær ána forlet, my guide left me there alone. Ibid. line 15. mid inseglum. Did the termination um originally characterize the dative or ablative singular of substantives as well as of adjectives? There is no sense of plurality in such expressions as: on swefnum (see Matt. ii, 22), in a dream; to gemyndum, to remembrance; on hys gewealdum, in his power; be lyfum, alive; and many like phrases. It is usual to term um, in these instances, an adverbial termination; but I see nothing to distinguish it in the examples adduced from a regular case-ending. ILLUSTRATIONS. 107 Page 10, line 3. þa com sum wif. . . yrnan. In Anglo-Saxon, after verbs expressing motion, or the absence of it, the infinitive is required, where in modern English a present, in German a past, participle is used. Thus, A.-S. he com yrnan; Germ. er kam gerannt; Eng. he came running. For instances, see p. 30, 1. 16, þa comon twegen deoflu of þære lyfte slidan; p. 40, 1. 26, þa geseah he þær standan twegen þara awerigdra gasta wepan (MS. weopon) swype and geomerian. In the poetical Legend of St. Guthlac, Cod. Ex. 179, 4 ff. da cwom leohta mæst. halig of heofonum. hædre scinan. In the poem of the Phoenix, Cod. Ex. p. 204, 5 ff. hwonne up cyme. æþelast tungla. ofer yð-mere. estan lixan. Ibid. line 9. forþon þe þæt bearn þær acenned wæs. There is some defect in the Anglo-Saxon version here. The Latin is as follows: Alii vero hæc audientes, ex divino præsagio ad mani- festandam nascentis gloriam illud fuisse perhibebant. Alii autem sagacioris sententiæ conjecturis promere cœperunt hunc ex divinâ dis- pensatione in perpetuæ beatitudinis præmia destinatum esse. Ibid. line 20. of pære peode Guplac. Latin: Ex appellatione illius tribus quam dicunt Guthlacingas, proprietatis vocabulum ex cœlesti consilio, Guthlacus, percepit, quod ex qualitatis compositione consequentibus meritis conveniebat. Nam ut illius gentis gnari perhibent Anglorum linguâ hoc nomen ex duobus integris constare videtur, hoc est Guth et lac. This passage seems to indicate that the author, Felix, was not an Englishman. The MS. has, feawum gewritum; a mistake, it is to be hoped, of the copyist. I have merely substituted twam for feawum, but suspect that error still lurks in gewritum. Gewrit signifies rather a sentence, or inscription, than a single term. 108 NOTES AND Page 10, line 24. forþon þeah. Perhaps þeah is merely an error of the scribe for þe. I have trans- lated the passage as if þeah.... þeah, were equivalent to cum. . . . cum, for which, be.... þe is commonly used in Anglo-Saxon. The Latin runs thus: Quia ille cum vitiis bellando æternæ beatitudinis præmia cum triumphali infula perennis vitæ percepisset. The Saxon trans- lator has apparently taken cum for a conjunction. There is a passage in Cadmon where peah appears to be used like þe; p. 34, 1. 2 (Thorpe's edition): nát þeah þu mid ligenum fáre. þe þu drihtnes eart. boda of heofonum. "I know not whether thou comest with lies, or whether," etc. Page 12, line 20. Ac on his scearpnysse þæt he weox. An ellipsis of the words da was or ða gelamp, must be supposed to take place here, to account for the use of the particle of dependence, þæt. Instances of this are frequent in the Life of Guthlac, e. g. p. 24, 1. 17, ff., He was ær-pon ehtere his þære halgan cyrcan, and mid þan þe he to Damascum ferde pære byrig, þæt he was of þam þystrum gedwolum abroden, etc.; p. 18, 1. 18, Da ymbe twá winter þæs be he his lif swa leofode under munuchade, þæt he þa ongan, etc. Ibid. ult. he pa, swa he of slæpe onwoce, weard his mot oncyrred. An instance of anacoluthon, or change of construction; mod is the nominative to wear, and he, the principal nominative in the sentence, is left without a verb. So p. 88, 1. 13, And for his fægernysse þæt seo sunne sylf æt middum dæge, eall hire scima was on blæco gecyrred. Page 14, line 14. wealcan dwelode. The passage corresponding to this in the original is as follows Inter dubios volventis temporis eventus et atras caliginosæ vitæ ne- bulas, fluctuantisque sæculi gurgites jactaretur. The words in italics are those of which only a translation is attempted in the Anglo-Saxon The MS. reads weole welode. Weolc. perf. from wealcan is explained ។ ILLUSTRATIONS. 109 by Bosworth (who refers to this passage), revolvit, effervescebat; and welode (which he identifies with wellode fr. wellian), æstuavit. That the passage is corrupt appears, I think, from this, that betweox re- quires an accusative or a dative (Vernon, p. 89), and such word must immediately follow middan-eardes. By the alteration of one letter, and a distribution of those contained in 7 (and), a reading is obtained which at least presents less difficulty than that of the MS., and is nearer to the Latin. Wealcan may be either the dative pl. from weale, for wealcum, or possibly the infinitive of the verb, wealcan, used as a substantive, according to the German usage. I am not, however, pre- pared to adduce instances of this use of the infinitive. Ibid. line 19. ff. The original runs thus: Nam cum antiquorum regum stirpis suæ per transacta sæcula miserabiles exitus et flagitiosum vitæ terminum con- templaretur, necnon et caducas mundi divitias contemptibilemque temporalis vitæ gloriam pervigili mente consideraret, tunc sibi proprii obitus sui imaginatam formam ostendit, etc. I have translated the passage, under the impression that allusion was made to the numerous nstances of Saxon kings who forsook their thrones to become monks or anchorites; a practice which came into fashion in Guthlac's time. The sense of the Latin is however different; and it may be perhaps better to translate: "who departed this world, by a miserable death and a wretched ending of their sinful life." Page 16, line 20. Hrypadún. Repton, in Derbyshire, once famous for its monastery, and as the capital city and burial-place of the kings of Mercia. Page 18, line 20. wilnian westenes and sundor-setle. Qu.? whether we should read sundor-setles. Perhaps, however, the habitual dislike of uniformity which displays itself in the Anglo-Saxon spelling, may be traced in this junction of two different cases with the same verb. (Wilnian generally requires a genitive, or a dative pre- ceded by the preposition, on or to.) As instances of a similar usage, compare Ælf. Hom. vol. ii. p. 604, gelyfan on þa Halgan Drynnysse and soore Annysse; Luke viii. 34, on þa ceastre and on tunum. 110 NOTES AND Page 20, line 9. Se foresprecena wer and þære eadigan gemynde Guðlac. The use of two articles coupled by a conjunction, to indicate one and the same object, is worthy of notice. For a similar instance, see Beda, lib. iv, cap. xxvii (p. 603, 1. 26), Mon þone halgan wer and pone arwurban Cupbyrht to biscope gehalgode. Ibid. line 14, pære stowe digelnysse. The MS. reads pa stowe digelnysse. But as this expression must be considered as equivalent to þa digelnysse þære stowe, I have no hesitation in altering þa to þære, in conformity with the principle alluded to in the note on p. 2, 1. 9. Ibid. line 26. eahtoða dæg. In the original, die nono Kalendarum Septembrium; i. e. the 24th of August. Page 24, line 12. sceotode. Sceotian, to shoot, a transitive verb, from sceotan, sceat, scuton, scoten, intransitive; a distinction which has been lost in modern English. So hangian, to hang, transitive, from hon (hangan), heng, hangen, intransitive. See p. 50, 1. 16, 17. Page 26, line 4. Wæs þær on þam ealande, etc. The Vercelli Fragment begins here abruptly. Wæs þær in þam sprecenan iglande sum mycel hlæw of eorpan geworht, pone ylcan hlaw iu geara men bræcon and dulfon for feoc [r. feos] þingum, etc. Ibid. line 11. Verc. Fr. pa pohte he þæt he nawɣer þara, etc. Ibid. line 13. Verc. Fr. ealle dagas his lifes. Page 26, line 14. Verc. Fr. he hit swa ford-gelæste. ILLUSTRATIONS. 111 Ibid. line 15. Verc. Fr. was his ondleofones swyle gemetegung. This last word I have adopted in the text, instead of the Cottonian reading, to gereorde, which does not agree with the original, and is tautologous. Ibid. line 20. Verc. Fr. mid þy he by gewunelican peowdome his sealmas sang and his gebedum ætfealh, þa se ealda feond mancynnes gengde geond þæt græs-wang, swa grymetende leo, þæt he his costunga attor wide geond stregde. Page 28, line 1. The remainder of this sentence is very carelessly written in the Vercelli Fragment; the reader may find some exercise for his ingenuity in correcting it. Mid by he pa yfelnes mægen and his grimnesse attor telda [r. todæle], þæt he mid by atre pa menniscan heortan wundað, þa semninga swa he of bendum and of brogan was his cos- tunga ða he ða þam earh winnendan stræle on þam mode gefæstnode þæs Cristes cempan. The words earh winnendan are apparently a gloss carelessly in- serted in the wrong place; perhaps we should read þam earh-winnendan mode, the faintly striving soul. Earh, substantive, means an arrow; but I do not see how that sense can be given to it here. The Latin runs thus: Dum enim omnis nequitiæ suæ vires versuta mente ten- taret, tum veluti ab extenso arcu venenifluam desperationis sagittam totis viribus jaculavit, quousque in Christi militis mente umbone defixa pependit. Ibid. line 5. Verc. Fr. werigan for awerigedan. The same substitution takes place wherever the word occurs. Ibid. line 10. Verc. Fr. fyrena for synna. 112 NOTES AND Page 28, line 18. Verc. Fr. wol-berendan for tweogendum. Verc. Fr. feonde for blipe. Page 30, line 1. Ibid. line 7. Verc. Fr. hine het þæt him ne tweode no, etc. Verc. Fr. tu for twegen. Ibid. line 9. Verc. Fr. Ja he se haliga Guðlac pas word gehyrde his þæs ge- trywan freondes, þa wæs on gæstlicre blisse and heofoncundre gife swide gfeode [r. gefeonde] and his geleafan fæste in God sylfne getrymede and fæstnode. Sydðan seo tid wæs þæt næfre þæt deoful eft wið hine þære ormodnesse wæpnum on hine sceotode. Verc. Fr. ussa for ure. Ibid. line 16. Ibid. line 20. Verc. Fr. cunedon for fandedon. Ibid. line 21. Ibid. line 22. Verc. Fr. Wene ic [r. is] þæt we þe furðor ne wyllan leng swencan ne de mid brogan bysmrian, &c. Page 32, line 3. Verc. Fr. middangeardes for middaneardes. Ibid. line 8, ff. Verc. Fr. ponne gif þu þæs wilnast þæt þu of de ða ærran fre- mednesse yfelra leahtra of-adwea, þonne scealt þu þinne lichaman ILLUSTRATIONS. 113 purh forhæfednesse weccean, forpan swið or swa ðu þe her on worulde wecst [qu.? swencst] and weccest to forgifenesse þinra gylta swa ðu þonne eft bist in ecnessum getrymed fæstlicor, and swa micle swiðor swa ðu on þyssan andweardan life ma earfeða dreogest swa micle pu eft in towyrdnesse forgifest, and þanne þu bist on fæsten her on worulde astreaht, þonne bist þu ahafen for Godes eagan. Page 32, line 18. Verc. Fr. swa on teala micelre, etc. Ibid. line 19. Verc. Fr. bid to clansigeanne se man. Verc. Fr. rec for smic. Page 34, line 1. Verc. Fr. geþence for oncnawe. Ibid. line 3. Ibid. line 5, ff. Verc. Fr. hie pa ealle idle and unnytte ongeat; ac þa feng to þære teala myclan andleofone, þæt was to þam berenan hlafe, and pone gebygde and his feorh bigferede. Verc. Fr. cyrme for cyme. Ibid. line 10. Verc. Fr. mid wependre stefne bemurnon and wide geond þæt land wa don; and he se geadiga wer swa gesigefæsted þa bysmornesse ealle forhogode þæra werigra gasta and him for-naht dyde. The verb waðan, to wander, flee, is not in Bosworth. Ibid. line 18. Ibid. line 19. Hi wæron, etc. This description has been somewhat abridged by the Anglo-Saxon translator: I give it in full, marking in italics the parts omitted in the translation. 114 NOTES AND Erant enim aspectu truces, formâ terribiles, capitibus magnis, collis longis, macilentâ facie, lurido vultu, squallidâ barbâ, auribus hispidis, fronte torvâ, trucibus oculis, ore fœtido, dentibus equinis, gutture flammivomo, faucibus tortis, labro lato, vocibus horrisonis, comis combustis, bucculá crassá, pectore arduo, femoribus scabris, genibus nodosis, cruribus uncis, talo tumido, plantis aversis, ore patulo, cla- moribus raucisonis. Ita enim immensis vagitibus horrescere audie- bantur, ut totam pæne a cœlo in terram intercapedinem clangisonis boatibus implerent. The Vercelli Fragment agrees in these omissions, which is sufficient to show that it is based upon the same text as the Cotton MS., not- withstanding the material alterations introduced throughout. Page 34, line 20. Verc. Fr. lange for langne. Ibid. line 21. The word manigre (Verc. Fr. mænigre) I have replaced by mægere, in accordance with the original, macilentâ. Ibid. line 22. orfyrme. From or, privative, and feormian, to cleanse. Verc. Fr. bearde for beardum. Ibid. line 23. Verc. Fr. egeslice eagan and ondrysenlice mudas, and heora teð wæron horses tuxum gelice, and him wæron þa hracan lige afylled. Topas (in the text) for teð is worthy of note. The same form occurs in the poetical dialogue of Saturn and Solomon, line 230. In Cod. Ex. 219, 1. 22, fotas is used for fét. Page 36, line 1. Cott. MS. mís crocetton. Verc. Fr. misscrence tán. The latter reading I adopt in the text. Bosworth explains mis-crocetton, croaked badly. This does not come very near the original, ore patulo; and the reading misscrence tán answers much better to the words plantis aversis. Gescrencean, for-screncan, mean to trip up, supplantare. ILLUSTRATIONS. 115 Elfric uses the word for-screncend to explain the name Jacob, i. e. supplanter. Hom. vol. i, p. 586. Gescrincan, forscrincan, from which these words are derivatives, mean to shrink, wither, intransitively. Mis-screnc (qu.? mis-screnct) may therefore well mean distorted, shrivelled. Page 36, line 2. Verc. Fr. and hi swa ungemetlice hrymdon and foran mid forht- licum egesum and ungepwærnessum þæt hit þuhte þæt hit eall be- tweoh, etc. Ibid. line 5. Verc. Fr. ylding for yldend. The termination end denotes an actor, ing or ung, an action. The words, Næs þa nænig yldend must there- fore be explained to mean, None of them delayed; not, There was no delay. Ibid. line 7. Verc. Fr. gebundenum hine tugon. Ibid. line 9. Verc. Fr. þæt swearte fenn. Ibid. line 9. The Cotton MS. reads orwehtan, which Bosworth explains, without water (from or, and, wæt). The original is, cœnosis. The reading of the Verc. Fr. horwihtan, from horu, horuwe, filth, mud (like stæniht, hæriht), seems clearly the true one, and I have adopted it in the text. Ibid. line 12. Verc. Fr. betuh for betwux. Ibid. line 14. Verc. Fr. on þære þystran nihte. Ibid. line 15. Verc. Fr. Læton hie hine bidan ana and gestandan. 116 NOTES AND Page 36, line 17. Verc. Fr. Mid maran brogan bysmrigan and wacan. Ibid. line 21. Verc. Fr. omits the words fram þe, which come in awkwardly enough in the text. Ibid. line 24. Verc. Fr. in þam ondrysenlicum fiderum betuh þa caldan facu. Ibid. line 27. Verc. Fr. þam sweartestum afylled swiðra genipa. pa geseah he semninga þær da ondrysenlican fiðeru ongen cuman þara werigra gasta, and unmæte weorod hyra þær coman togenes. Page 38, line 2. Verc. Fr. gebyddon for gegaderodon. Ibid. line 4. Verc. Fr. tintreges gomum helle dures. The Cottonian MS. reads duru, which, if retained, must be considered, I suppose, as an ac- cusative. The passage seems to require the dative, and I have ac- cordingly placed dura in the text. If dures be not a mere blunder of the scribes, it adds another anomaly to the declension of duru, which is properly decl. 111. 3 of Rask, but takes dura and duran in the oblique cases. Ibid. line 4. Verc. Fr. Da he bær geseah þa smicendan pismas (qu.? prosmas) þara byrnenda liga, and þone ege þære sweartan nywylnesse, he da sona was ofergeotol ealra þæra tintrega þe he fram þam werigum gastum ær dreah and drefde; and na læs þán (r. þæt an) þæt he þær þa leglican hyde dæs fyres upþyddan geseah and eac þa (r. þæs) fullan swefles þær geseah upgeotan. ILLUSTRATIONS, 117 To these latter words there is no equivalent in the Cottonian MS. They correspond, however, to a paragraph in the original. Page 38, line 9. Verc. Fr. ligeas for lega. Ibid. line 13. Verc. Fr. para wita, and hine for by ege swiðlice onþræc, da cleopodon, etc. Ibid. line 16. Verc. Fr. on ðæs witu þisse neowolnesse. Ibid. line 20. Verc. Fr. þystra bearnum and forwyrde tuddor, ge syndon dustes acsan: hwa geaf eow yrmingum, etc. Verc. Fr. earo for gearu. Ibid. line 24. Ibid. line 26. Verc. Fr. bregian for egsian. Page 40, line 5. Verc. Fr. betuh pa dimman þystro. The Cottonian text has þa dimnysse peostru. Dimnysse, a genitive of quality, intervenes between the substantive and its article, in place of an adjective, without dis- turbing the concord. See Note on p. 2, l. 9. Ibid. line 7. Verc. Fr. gewunigean for awunian. Ibid. line 8. Verc. Fr. hie sylfe in heolstre hyddon. 118 NOTES AND Page 40, line 10. Verc. Fr. gefeannesse for gefean. The Fragment winds up here with the words: And þa æfter þam fleah se haliga Guðlac mid þam Apostole Sce Bartbolomei to heofona rices wuldre, and bine se Hælend þær onfeng, and he þær leofað and rixad in heofona rices wuldre a butan ende on ecnesse. Amen, fiat. Ibid. line 21. Ibunt de virtute, etc. These were the words which Furseus heard chanted by the angelic host. I refer the reader to Mr. Wright's interesting work entitled, St. Patrick's Purgatory, for an account of the visions of that saint, and others of a similar character, which belong to the age of Guthlac. Page 42, line 7. Cenred began to reign A. D. 704, and in A.D. 709 went to Rome, where he ended his days. Ibid. line 20. afyldon. The original runs: Illum vero intercipientes, acutis hastarum spiculis in auras levare cœperunt. I am doubtful whether afyldon should be translated "they filled" or "they felled," but have adopted the latter meaning. Page 44, line 22. þwean. It may be proper to observe that the original has nothing equivalent to the words, þæt he hine wolde þwean, which would seem to imply that Guthlac's ablutions took place only every twenty days. The Latin is: Ut assolebat, post bis denos dierum cursus tonderare deve- nisset. Page 46, line 6. þa deap-berendan water. Several neuters of the third declension in el, en, er, or, which should regularly form their nominative and accusative plural in u, are found occasionally (as if belonging to the second declension), making no altera- tion in these cases. See p. 36, 1. 9, þa horwihtan water. Beda, p. 690, 1. 10 (Smith), þa wundor. Orosius, lib. iv, cap. 2, þa yfelan wundor. ILLUSTRATIONS. 119 Life of Guthlac, p. 72, 1. 3, þa wundor. Cod. Ex., p. 111, 1. 15, purh gastlicu wundor. Beda, p. 608, 1. 39, eall þa hrægel . . . ungewemmed wæron; and p. 609, 1. 10, þa sylfan hrægel. Life of Guthlac, p. 90, 1. 23, þa hrægl. Cod. Ex., p. 204, 1. 12, tungol beoð ahyded. Cod. Ex., p. 20, l. 11, beoð wolcen towegen. Page 46, line 10. unablinnu. Bosworth explains this word to mean incessatio, non intermissa series, from blin or ablinnan. The Latin text has no word corresponding to it. It seems to belong to the class of neuter plurals used in an abstract sense, like eaðmetto and ofermetto. (Rask, Gram. 92.) Ibid. line 20. befeal. This is the perfect of a verb, befeolan, which is not given in Bosworth's Lexicon, but which occurs infra, p. 52, ult. Etfeolan, perf. ætfealh is given in the Lexicons, and the Vercelli Fragment uses this word for befeal, p. 26, 1. 21. There appears to be two distinct verbs, namely, feallan, p. feoll. part. gefeallan (conj. ii, 2, of Rask); and feolan, p. feal or fealh (qu.? iii, 1, making, perhaps, folgen in the participle). As the Anglo-Saxon does not form one verb of the complex order from another of the same, I question whether there be any radical connexion be- tween these verbs; and would suggest, as matter for inquiry, whether the verb fyligean or fylgan (conj. ii, 2, the g being a radical letter) be not derived from feolan, fealh. (See Rask, Gram. 347.) The h in the perfect points to a g in the root. Befeolan, ætfeolan, answer to the words incumbere, insistere, and involve the idea of pursuing rather than falling. Page 50, line 8. sarig. Grammar requires sarigne. It is difficult to say whether a reading of this kind is the result of mere carelessness in transcription, or of lax and corrupt usage. In p. 92, 1. 22, we find: Ne hyne nan man yrre geseah ne úngeornfulne, etc., where yrrne would be grammatically correct. Ibid. line 14. þæt egland. Qu.? þæm eglande. Neah governs the dative. In p. 58, l. 19, we find, wel neah þam eglande. 120 NOTES AND Page 50, line 20. Qu.? whether we should not read gearnunge, and mildheortnysse, according to the Latin construction; non sui meriti, sed divinæ miserationis. However, in p. 58, 1. 16, we find: Gif þæt Godes stihtung wære, which may support the use of the nominative in this passage. Ibid. line 10. gefere. Properly gefera; and in the title we should read geferan. The word is of Decl. i, 2, of Rask. I abstain from correcting in the text, thinking that this spelling may be not so much an error of the scribe as a corrupt usage, occasioned by the existence of a numerous class of words in ere (Decl. ii, 2), to which gefere may have been thought to belong. In the title of chap. xviii, Hædde is written for Hæddan, and in that of chap. xvii, abbodysse for abbodyssan. The latter I have corrected in the text. Page 52, line 4. leofe-bene. Leof, læf or leaf, leave. Hence leafe-ben, leave-asking. Ibid. line 9. drencton. MS. dremdon. If this reading be retained, translate, "they de- lighted each other." Th original is, Divinarum Scriptuarum haustibus inebriarent; from which, and from the similar use of in- drencton, p. 72, 1. 7, I have little doubt drencton is the true reading. Page 54, line 22. þæs huses hrofe. The MS. has pam. As a particular house is meant, it is to the word huses that the article must belong, and I correct accordingly. See Note on p. 2, 1. 9. Page 56, line 2. mid bliðum andwlite and góde mode. I have before noticed the use of two different cases with one prepo- sition. Here we have the dative and ablative joined with mid. Page 58, line 5. acsodon. The verb acsian, like the Greek Tvvlávoμai, means to receive in- formation as well as to demand it. See p. 94, 1. 1. ILLUSTRATIONS. 121 Page 60, line 6. raxende. This word is not to be found in Bosworth, nor in any of the Anglo- Saxon glossaries which I have consulted. The Latin runs thus: Ipse autem, velut qui de æstuantis gurgitis fluctibus ad portum deducitur, longa suspicia imo de pectore trahens, etc. To these latter words raxende appears to correspond. The word raxed occurs in Piers Ploughman, explained by Mr. Wright in the glossary, To hawk, spit. Raux, or rax, is also a north-country word, signifying to stretch (see Jameson's Scottish Dictionary, and Halliwell's Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words), probably akin to the Anglo-Saxon ræcan, reach, retch. Page 64, line 23. behydde. For behyddon. It is not noticed in the grammars that the perfect (as well as the present, see Rask, Gram. 197) frequently takes the termination e for on in the plural, when the pronoun follows the verb. As instances, take the following: Matt. vii, 22, Húne witegode we on þinum naman? Matt. xii, 3, Ne rædde ge? gyf we wæron on ure fædera dagum, nære we geferan. Matt. xxvi, 37, Hwænne gesawe we? John xv, 16, ne gecure ge me. Elf. Hom. vol. ii, p. 350, 1. 5, Đa become wit to anre dene. Matt. xxiii. 31, Page 66, line 11. aper oððe. A similar redundancy of the disjunctive aper occurs in Alfred's Orosius (Thorpe's Analecta, p. 84): Eall þæt his man aber oððe ettan orde erian mæg. Page 68, line 17. hine. Reaf being neuter, if this reading be correct, we must suppose hine to refer to some masculine noun signifying a garment; gegyrla, perhaps. Ibid. line 23. on þa fyrle. German in die ferne, into the distance. Page 72, line 14. [bysena.] Latin: Divinarum scripturarum exemplis. 6 122 NOTES AND Page 74, line 1. þam biscopes þegnum. I have abstained from correcting, but have little doubt that the true reading is þæs biscopes þegnum, the officers of a particular bishop being meant, not bishop's-officers, as we say sheriff's-officers, indicating a distinct class of persons. In p. 70, l. 12, we find, cor- rectly, þæs bisceopes þegnas. Ibid. line 3. hwyle pincð. MS. pince, in the subjunctive. But it does not seem correct to use the subjunctive after a direct interrogative. If the words saga me precede, so as to make the interrogative dependent, the Anglo-Saxon permits either the indicative or subjunctive to follow. The dialogues of Salomon and Saturn, and of Adrian and Ritheus, afford numerous examples of this varying usage. In the latter dialogue, Question 24, Saga me, hwylce wihta beoð, etc.; and Question 28, Saga me, hwyle man wære deád, etc. Page 74, line 10. hárfæstlice. MS. árfæstlice. Latin: In autumnali tempore. Ibid. line 14. Aldwulfes. Aldwulf, king of the East-Angles, began to reign A.D. 663, died A.D. 713. His daughter Ecgburh was abbess of Repandun. See Genealogy of the Kings of East-Anglia, Thorpe's Lappenberg, vol. i. Page 76, line 13. Ceolred. Began to reign a.d. 709, died a.D. 716. Æthelbald, the exile here mentioned, succeeded him in a.d.716. See Genealogy of the Kings of Mercia, Thorpe's Lappenberg, vcl. i. Page 78, line 5. on gerisne. Dr. Bosworth translates this phrase rapinâ, from risan or gerisan, to seize. The original certainly is: Non in prædâ, nec in rapinâ regnum tibi dabitur. But qu.? whether it be not from gerisen, fit, right; meaning jure or ratione, by right, or, in consequence of. Compare the phrases mid rihte and mid gerisenum, coupled in p. 2, 1. 4. ILLUSTRATIONS. 123 Page 78, line 12. þæt ricu, etc. In the original these words commence the next chapter, and are preparatory to the account of Guthlac's death. Verum quoniam humanum genus ab initio mortalis miseriæ quotidie ad finem decurrit, mutatis temporibus generationes et regna mutantur, etc. A line has apparently been lost in the translation, wherein mention was made of the human race, to which hit is meant to refer. But compare p. 86, 1. 2. Ibid. line 13. se rica, etc. These nominatives want a verb, the construction being changed, as in p. 88, ll. 13, 14. Page 80, line 2. hine het gyrwan. Latin præparare cœpit. Literally, he bid himself prepare. Page 80, line 21. mettrumnys. MS. mettrumnysse. The termination nysse for nys in the nominative occurs so frequently in the MS. hereabouts, that it may be thought to be less the blunder of the copyist than an evidence of declining atten- tion to correctness of grammatical inflexion at the time when he wrote. Smith's Beda affords numerous instances of the same corruption. Page 82, line 4. eago-spind. Literally, eye-fat. The glossaries spell this word in a great variety of ways. Hagu-spind, hagu-swind, eagan-spind, eagan-swind, heago- spind, hecga-spind. Ibid. line 10. The original has: Tantæ ergo fidei fuit, ut mortem quæ cunctis mortalibus timenda formidandaque videtur, ille velut requiem aut præmium laboris judicaret. The words se cupa, etc., seem introduced by mistake, and afford no sense. A phrase somewhat similar occurs p. 92, ult., where the original is: Ita ut extra humanam naturam notis ignotisque esse videretur. 124 NOTES AND Page 84, line 1. behealt. So the MS. Beheald is the correct reading. Synt occurs for synd, p. 96, 1. 4, perhaps indicating that the final d (as in modern German) often assumed the sound of t. Ibid. line 7. bidde. More correctly, bide. Rask, Gram. 230. Ibid. ult. nelt. Wyllan has no imperative mood; because, as Ælfric the grammarian observes, the will should ever be free. It is in accordance with this rule that we find nelt and ne wylt (p. 96, 1. 1), the 2d person present indicative, used instead of an imperative. Yet as the will may be controlled, a real imperative (nelle) of the negative verb nyllan is also admitted. So in Latin, noli; there being no corresponding imperative to volo. Page 86, line 8. gehihte. Hiht means hope, joy; hence gehihtan must mean here to alleviate by inspiring hope. Page 88, line 11. torr. MS. topp, i. e. vertex, fastigium. The Latin has turrim; and in the metrical version, Cod. Ex. p. 180, 1. 26, the word used is tor. Heofonlic leoma. Qu.? ormætum. from foldan up. swylce fyren tor. ryht aræred. Ibid. line 17. ormædum. Page 90, line 7. Awolde, etc. A very similar passage occurs in Alfred's Beda, lib. iv, cap. 30, by the help of which we may correct the errors of the text in this place. Wolde da openlicor ætywan seo godcunde arfæstnysse (read arfæstnys) ILLUSTRATIONS. 125 on hu myclum wuldre se Drihtnes wer Cupbyrht æfter his deaþe lifede, ðæs his lif ær þam deape mid healicum tacnum heofonlicra wundra openode and ætywde. Ibid. line 16. circlicre. MS, cynlice. Latin: aliis ecclesiasticis gradibus. Page 96, line 12. his scipes-man. Latin quidam vir paterfamilias in provinciâ Wissa, without any mention of Athelbald. Probably the true reading is hiwscipes-man, and the words, þæs fores precenan wræccan Apelbaldes, should be omitted. Ibid. line 13. Wissa. The province of the Gewissas or West Saxons, I presume. See Thorpe's Lappenberg, vol. i, p. 109. Ibid. line 14. fleo. Latin: albugo. A white spot in the eye. Somner gives the word eag-flea, in the same sense. FINIS. Written also fleah. C. AND J. ADLARD, PRINTERS, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS, PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, 4, OLD COMPTON STREET, SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. Philology and Early English Literature. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs, from the Reign of Edward I. by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, F.R.S., F.S.A., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. containing upwards of 1000 pages, closely printed in double columns, cloth, £2. 28 This work, which has occupied the Editor some years, is now completed; it contains above 50,000 words (embodying all the known scattered glossaries of the English lan- guage) forming a complete key for the reader of the works of our old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other authors whose works abound with allusions, of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries and books of reference. 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Glossary of Provincial and Local Words used in England, with which is now first incorporated the SUPPLEMENT by SAMUEL PEGGE, F.S.A., post 8vo. elegantly printed, cloth, 4s 6d The utility of a Provincial Glossary to all persons desirous of understanding our ancient Poets is so universally acknowledged, that to enter into a proof of it would be entirely a work of supererogation. Grose and Pegge are constantly referred to in Todd's "Johnson's Dictionary." Archaeology and Numismatics. The Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts, by the Rev. E. DUKE, M.A., F.S.A., Member of the Archæological Institute, &c., Author of the "Hall of John Halle," and other works, 12mo. plates, cloth, 58 "Mr. Duke has been long honourably known as a zealous cultivator of our local antiquities. His collections on this subject, and on the literature of Wiltshire, are nowhere surpassed; while his residence on the borders of the Plain, and within reach of our most interesting remains, has afforded scope to his meritorious exertions. The work before us is the fruit of long study and laborious investigation.”—Salisbury Journal. 6 John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. An Archæological Index to Remains of Antiquity of the Celtic, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon Periods, by JOHN YONGE AKERMAN, F.S.A., in 1 vol. 8vo. illustrated with numerous engravings, comprising upward of five hundred objects, cloth, 158 This work, though intended as an introduction and a guide to the study of our early antiquities, will it is hoped also prove of service, as a book of reference to the practised Archæologist. The contents are as follows: PART I. CELTIC PERIOD.-Tumuli, or Barrows and Cairns.-Cromlechs.-Sepulchral Caves.-Rocking Stones.-Stone Circles, etc. etc.-Objects discovered in Celtic Sepulchres. -Urns.-Beads.-Weapons.-Implements, etc. ROMANO-BRITISH PART II. PERIOD.-Tumuli of the Roman-British Period.- Burial Places of the Romans.-Pavements.-Camps.-Villas.-Sepulchral Monuments. -Sepulchral Inscriptions.- Dedicatory Inscriptions. Commemorative Inscriptions.- Altars.-Urns.- Glass Vessels.-Fibulæ.-Armillæ.-Coins.-Coin-Moulds, etc. etc. PART III. ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD.-Tumuli.-Detailed List of Objects discovered in Anglo-Saxon Barrows.-Urns.-Swords.-Spears.-Knives. - Umbones of Shields.- Buckles. Fibulæ.-Bullæ. - Hair Pins-Beads, etc. etc. etc. etc. The ITINERARY of ANTONINUS (as far as relates to Britain). The Geographical Tables of PTOLEMY, the NOTITIA, and the ITINERARY of RICHARD of CIRENCESTER, together with a classified Index of the contents of the ARCHEOLOGIA (Vols. i. to xxxi.) are given in an Appendix. estiges of the Antiquities of Derbyshire, and the Sepulchral Usages of its Inhabitants, from the most remote ages to the Reformation, by THOMAS BATEMAN, Esq. of Yolgrave, 8vo. profusely illustrated with woodcuts, cloth, £1. 1s Notitia Britanniæ, or an Inquiry concerning the Localities, Habits, Condition, and Progressive Civilization of the Abori- gines of Britain; to which is appended a brief Retrospect of the Results of their Intercourse with the Romans, by W. D. SAULL, F.S.A., F.G.S., &c. 8vo. engravings, 38 6d A Verbatim Report of the Proceedings at a Special General Meeting of the British Archæological Association, held at the Theatre of the Western Library Institution, 5th March, 1845, T. J. Pettigrew in the Chair. With an Introduction by THOMAS WRIGHT, 8vo. sewed, 1s 6d A succinct history of the division between the Archæological Association and Institute. British Archæological Association.-A Report of the Proceedings and Excursions of the Members of the British Archæolo- gical Association, at the Canterbury Session, Sept. 1844, by A. J. Dun- KIN, thick 8vo. with many engravings, cloth, £1. Is "The volume contains most of the papers entire that were read at the Meeting, and revised by the authors. It will become a scarce book as only 120 were printed; and it forms the first yearly volume of the Archæological Association, or the Archæological Institute." Coins of the Romans relating to Britain, Described and Illustrated, by J. Y. AKERMAN, F.S.A., Secretary to the Numismatic Society, &c. Second edition, greatly enlarged, 8vo. with plates and wood- ts, 10s 6d The "Prix de Numismatique" has just been awarded by the French Institute to the author for this work. "Mr. Akerman's volume contains a notice of every known variety, with copious illustrations, and is published at very moderate price; it should be consulted, not merely for these particular coins, but also for facts most valuable to all who are interested in the Romano-British history."-Archæological Journal. Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes, Geographically arranged and described, HISPANIA, GALLIA, BRITANNIA, by J. Y. AKER- MAN, F.S.A., 8vo. with engravings of many hundred coins from actual examples, cloth, 188 John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. 7 Numismatic Illustrations of the Narrative Portions of the New Testament, fine paper, numerous woodcuts from the original coins in various public and private collections, 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d Lectures on the Coinage of the Greeks and Romans, delivered in the University of Oxford, by EDWARD CARDWell, D.D., Principal of St. Alban's Hall, and Professor of Ancient History, 8vo. cloth, reduced from 88 6d to 48 A very interesting historical volume, and written in a pleasing and popular manner. Essay on the Numismatic History of the Ancient Kingdom of the East Angles, by D. H. HAIGH, royal 8vo. 5 plates, con- taining numerous figures of coins, sewed, 68 A Hand-Book of English Coins, from the Conquest to Victoria, by L. JEWITT, 12mo. 11 plates, cloth, 18 Heraldry and Topography. The Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustrations from Old English Writers, by MARK ANTONY LOWER, Author of "Essays on English Surnames;" with Illuminated Title-page, and numerous engrav- ings from designs by the Author, 8vo. cloth, GULES, appropriately orna- mented, OR, 148 "The present volume is truly a worthy sequel (to the 'SURNAMES') in the same curious and antiquarian line, blending with remarkable facts and intelligence, such a fund of amusing anecdote and illustration, that the reader is almost surprised to find that he has learnt so much, whilst he appeared to be pursuing mere entertainment. The text is so pleasing that we scarcely dream of its sterling value; and it seems as if, in unison with the woodcuts, which so cleverly explain its points and adorn its various topics, the whole design were intended for a relaxation from study, rather than an ample exposition of an extraordinary and universal custom, which produced the most important effect upon the minds and habits of mankind."-Literary Gazette. "Mr. Lower's work is both curious and instructive, while the manner of its treatment is so inviting and popular, that the subject to which it refers, which many have hitherto had too good reason to consider meagre and unprofitable, assumes, under the hands of the writer, the novelty of fiction with the importance of historical truth."-Athenæum. English Surnames. A Series of Essays on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humorous; with Chapters on Canting Arms, Rebuses, and the Roll of Battel Abbey, a List of Latin- ized Surnames, &c. by MARK ANTONY LOWER. The second edition, enlarged, post 8vo. pp. 292, with 20 woodcuts, cloth, 6s To those who are curious about their patronymic, it will be found a very instructive and amusing volume- mingling wit and pleasantry, with antiquarian research and historical interest. An Index to the Pedigrees and Arms, contained in the Heralds' Visitations, in the British Museum, alphabetically arranged in Counties, 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d An indispensable work to those engaged in Genealogical and Topographical pursuits, affording a ready clue to the Pedigrees and Arms of nearly 20,000 of the Gentry of England, their Residences, &c. (distinguishing the different families of the same name in any county), as recorded by the Heralds in their Visitations between the years 1528 to 1686. History and Antiquities of the Ancient Port and Town of Rye in Sussex, compiled from Original Documents, by WILLIAM HOLLOWAY, Esq., thick 8vo. ONLY 200 PRINTED, cloth, £1. 1s 8 John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. Pedigrees of the Nobility and Gentry of Hertford- shire, by WILLIAM BERRY, late and for fifteen years Registering Clerk in the College of Arms, Author of the "Encyclopædia Heraldica," &c. &c. folio, (only 125 printed), bds. £3. 10s, reduced to £1. 58 A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland, by J. Burke, Esq. medium 8vo. SECOND EDITION, 638 closely printed pages, double columns with about 1000 arms engraved on wood, fine portrait of JAMES 1., and illuminated title-page, extra cloth, £1. 8s reduced to 108 This work, which has engaged the attention of the Authors for several years, comprises nearly a thousand families, many of them amongst the most ancient and eminent in the kingdom, each carried down to its representative or representatives still existing, with elaborate and minute details of the alliances, achievements, and fortunes, generation after generation, from the earliest to the latest period. The work is printed to correspond precisely with the last edition of Mr. Burke's Dictionary of the Existing Peerage and Baronetage: the armorial bearings are engraved in the best style, and are incorporated with the text as in that work. History and Antiquities of Dartford in Kent, with Incidental Notices of Places in its Neighbourhood, by J. DUNKIN, Author of the "History of the Hundreds of Bullington and Ploughley in Oxford- shire; 66 "History of Bicester;" History of Bromley," &c. 8vo. 17 plates, cloth. Only 150 printed, 21s Historic Sites and other Remarkable and Interest- ing Places in the County of Suffolk, by JOHN WODDERSPOON, with Pre- fatory Verses by Bernard BARTON, Esq., and a Poetical Epilogue by a "SUFFOLK VILLAGER." Improved edition, fine woodcuts, post 8vo. pp. 232, closely printed, and containing as much matter as many 12s volumes, cloth, ONLY 4s 6d History of Banbury, in Oxfordshire, including Copious Historical and Antiquarian Notices of the Neighbourhood, by ALFRED BEESLEY, thick 8vo. 684 closely printed pages, with 60 woodcuts, engraved in the first style of art, by O. Jewitt, of Oxford, (pub. at £1. 5s) now reduced to 14s "The neighbourhood of Banbury is equally rich in British, Roman, Saxon, Norman, and English Antiquities, of all which Mr. Beesley has given regularly cleared accounts. Banbury holds an important place in the history of the Parliamentary War of the Seven- teenth Century, and was the scene of the great Battle of Edgehill, and of the important fight of Cropredy Bridge. Relating to the events of that period, the author has collected a great body of local information of the most interesting kind. By no means the least valuable part of Mr. Beesley's work, is his account of the numerous interesting early churches, which characterize the Banbury district."-The Archæologist. Odd Parts to complete copies, 1s. 6d. instead of 2s. 6d. History and Antiquities of the Isle of Axholme, in Lincolnshire, by the Venerable ARCHDEACON STONEHOUSE, thick 4to. FINE PLATES, reduced from £3. 3s to 18s The Local Historian's Table-Book of Remarkable Occurrences, Historical Facts, Traditions, Legendary and Descriptive Ballads, &c. &c. connnected with the Counties of NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, NORTHUMBERLAND, and DURHAM, by M. A. RICHARDSON, royal 8vo. profusely illustrated with woodcuts, now complete in 8 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, 9s each, or the Divisions sold separately as follows:- HISTORICAL DIVISION, 5 vols. LEGENDARY DIVISION, 3 vols. The legendary portion will be found very interesting volumes by those who take no interest in the historical one. John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. A Critical Dissertation on Professor Willis's "Archi- tectural History of Canterbury Cathedral," by C. SANDYS, of Canterbury, 8vo. 2s 6d "Written in no quarrelsome or captious spirit: the highest compliment is paid to Professor Willis, where it is due. But the author has certainly made out a clear case, in some very important instances, of inaccuracies that have led the learned Professor into the construction of serious errors throughout. It may be considered as an indispensable com- panion to his volume, containing a great deal of extra information of a very curious kind."-Art-Union. Bibliotheca Cantiana, a Bibliographical Account of what has been published on the History, Topography, Antiquities, Cus- toms, and Family Genealogy of the COUNTY of KENT, with Biographical Notes, by JOHN RUSSELL SMITH, in a handsome 8vo. volume, pp. 370, with two plates of facsimiles of Autographs of 33 eminent Kentish, Writers, 14s reduced to 5s-large paper, 10s 6d The History of the Town of Gravesend in Kent, and of the Port of London, by R. P. CRUDEN, late Mayor of Gravesend, royal 8vo. 37 fine plates and woodcuts, a very handsome volume, cloth, 1843, reduced from £1. 8s to 10s The Visitor's Guide to Knole House, near Seven Oaks in Kent, with Catalogue of the Pictures contained in the Mansion, a Genealogical History of the Sackville Family, &c. &c. by J. H. BRADY, F.R.A.S., 12mo. 27 woodcuts by Bonner, Sly, &c. cloth, 4s 6d. Large Paper, 10s Illustrations of Knole House, from Drawings by Bonner, Sly, &c. 8vo. 16 plates, with Descriptions, 5s Greenwich; its History, Antiquities, and Public Buildings, by H. S. RICHARDSON, 12mo. fine woodcuts by Baxter, 1s 6d The Folkestone Fiery Serpent, together with the Humours of the DOVOR MAYOR; being an Ancient Ballad full of Mystery and pleasant Conceit, now first collected and printed from the various MS. copies in possession of the inhabitants of the South-east coast of Kent, with Notes, 12mo. 1s A Brief Account of the Parish of Stowting, in Kent, and of the Antiquities lately discovered there, by the Rev. F. Wrench, Rector, 8vo. three folding plates, etched by the Author, sewed, 2s 6d History of Portsmouth, Portsea, Landport, South- sea, and Gosport, by HENRY SLIGHT, Esq. 8vo. Third Edition, bds. 48 A Hand-Book to Lewes in Sussex, Historical and Descriptive, with Notices of the Recent Discoveries at the Priory, by MARK ANTONY LOWER, 12mo. many engravings, cloth, 28 Chronicles of Pevensey in Sussex, by M. A. LowEr, 12mo. woodcuts, 1s The Archæologist and Journal of Antiquarian Science. Edited by J. O. HALLIWELL, 8vo. Nos. I. to X. COMPLETE, with Index, pp. 490. with 19 engravings, cloth, reduced from 10s 6d to 5s 6d Containing original articles on Architecture, Historical Literature, Round Towers of Ireland, Philology, Bibliography, Topography, Proceedings of the various Antiquarian Societies, Retrospective Reviews, and Reviews of recent Antiquarian Works, &c. 10 John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. Historia Collegii Jesu Cantabrigiensis à J. SHER- præs. ejusdem Collegii. Edita J. O. HALLIWELL, 8vo.cloth,2 MANNO, olim History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Comp- ton, Berks, with Dissertations on the Roman Station of Calleva Attre- batum, and the Battle of Ashdown, by W. HEWITT, Jun. 8vo. 18 plates, cloth. Only 250 printed, 15s-reduced to 98 Newcastle Tracts; Reprints of Rare and Curious Tracts, chiefly illustrative of the History of the Northern Counties; beauti- fully printed in crown 8vo. on a fine thick paper, with facsimile Titles, and other features characteristic of the originals. Only 100 copies printed, Nos. I. to XLIX. £5. 58 Purchasers are expected to take the succeeding Tracts as published; the Series is nearly completed. A Journey to Beresford Hall, in Derbyshire, the Seat of CHARLES COTTON, Esq. the celebrated Author and Angler, by W. ALEXANDER, F.S.A., F.L.S., late Keeper of the Prints in the British Museum, crown 4to. printed on tinted paper, with a spirited frontispiece, representing Walton and his adopted Son Cotton in the Fishing-house, and vignette title-page, cloth, 58 Dedicated to the Anglers of Great Britain and the various Walton and Cotton Clubs; only 100 printed. Biography, Literary History, and Criticism. A New Life of Shakespeare, founded upon recently discovered Documents, by JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, F.R.S., F.S.A., with numerous illustrations of objects never before engraved, from draw- ings by F. W. FAIRHOLT, F.S.A., in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 12s An Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, by J. O. HALLIWELL, 8vo. cloth (250 printed), 3s An Account of the only known Manuscript of Shakspeare's Plays, comprising some important variations and corrections in the Merry Wives of Windsor, obtained from a Playhouse copy of that Play recently discovered, by J. O. HALLIWELL, 8vo. sewed, ls On the Character of Falstaff, as originally exhibited by Shakespeare in the two parts of King Henry IV., by J. O. HALLIWELL, 12mo. cloth, (only 100 printed,) 2s Shakesperiana, a Catalogue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare's Plays, and of the Commentaries and other Publications illus- trative of his Works, by J. O. HALLIWELL, 8vo. cloth, 38 "Indispensable to everybody who wishes to carry on any inquiries connected with Shakespeare, or who may have a fancy for Shakespearian Bibliography."-Spectator. England's Worthies, under whom all the Civil and Bloody Warres, since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647, are related, by JOHN VICARS, Author of "England's Parliamentary Chronicle," &c. &c. royal 12mo. reprinted in the old style, (similar to Lady Willoughby's Diary,) with copies of the 18 rare portraits after Hollar, &c. half morocco, 58 Copies of the original edition have been sold from £16. to £20. The portraits comprise, Robert, Earl of Essex; Robert, Earl of Warwick; Lord Mon- tagu, Earl of Denbigh, Earl of Stamford, David Lesley, General Fairfax, Sir Thomas Fair- fax, O. Cromwell, Skippon, Colonel Massey, Sir W. Brereton, Sir W. Waller, Colonel Langhorne, General Poyntz, Sir Thos. Middleton, General Brown, and General Mitton. John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. 11 Autobiography of Joseph Lister, of Bradford, in Yorkshire, to which is added a contemporary account of the Defence of Bradford, and Capture of Leeds by the Parliamentarians in 1642, edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, 8vo. only 250 copies printed, cloth, 4s Love Letters of Mrs. Piozzi, written when she was Eighty, to the handsome Actor, William Augustus Conway, aged Twenty- seven, 8vo. sewed, 28 66 written at three, four, and five o'clock (in the morning) by an Octogenary pen, a heart (as Mrs. Lee says) twenty-six years old, and as H. L. P. feels it to be, all your own."-Letter V. 3rd Feb. 1820. Collection of Letters on Scientific Subjects, illustra- tive of the Progress of Science in England temp. Elizabeth to Charles II. edited by J. O. HALLIWELL, 8vo. cloth, 38 Comprising letters of Digges, Dee, Tycho Brahe, Lower, Harriott, Lydyat, Sir W. Petty, Sir C. Cavendish, Brancker, Pell, &c.; also the autobiography of Sir Samuel Morland, from a MS. in Lambeth Palace, Nat. Tarpoley's Corrector Analyticus, &c. Cost the Subscribers £1. A Rot among the Bishops; or a Terrible Tempest in the Sea of Canterbury, set forth in lively emblems to please the judicious Reader, by THOMAS STIRRY, 1641, 18mo. (a satire on Abp. Laud,) four very curious woodcut emblems, cloth, 38 A facsimile of the very rare original edition, which sold at Bindley's sale for £13. Bibliotheca Madrigaliana.-A Bibliographical Ac- count of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, under the titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, &c. &c. by Edward F. Rimbault, LL.D., F.S.A., 8vo. cloth, 58 It records a class of books left undescribed by Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin, and furnishes a most valuable Catalogue of the Lyrical Poetry of the age to which it refers. Who was "Jack Wilson" the Singer of Shake- speare's Stage? An attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Dr. of Musick in the University of Oxford, A.D. 1644, by E. F. RIMBAULT, LL.D. 8vo. 18 Popular Poetry, Stories, and Superstitions. The Nursery Rhymes of England, collected chiefly from Oral Tradition, edited by J. O. HALLIWELL. The Fourth Edition, enlarged, with 38 Designs by W. B. SCOTT, Director of the School of Design, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 12mo. in very richly illuminated cloth, gilt leaves, 4s 6d "Illustrations! And here they are; clever pictures, which the three-year olds under- stand before their A, B, C, and which the fifty-three-year olds like almost as well as the threes."-Literary Gazette. nd rhymes, possess We are persuaded that the very rudest of these jingles, tales, a strong imagination-nourishing power; and that in infancy and early childhood a sprinkling of ancient nursery lore is worth whole cartloads of the wise saws and modern instances which are now as duly and carefully concocted by experienced litterateurs, into instructive tales for the spelling public, as are works of entertainment for the reading publie. The work is worthy of the attention of the popular antiquary."-Tait's Mag. Wonderful Discovery of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philip Flower, daughters of Joan Flower, near Bever (Belvoir), executed at Lincoln for confessing themselves actors in the destruction of Lord Rosse, son of the Earl of Rutland, 1618, 8vo. 1s One of the most extraordinary cases of Witchcraft on record. 12 John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho. Saint Patrick's Purgatory; an Essay on the Legends of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, current during the Middle Ages, by THOMAS WRIGHT, M.A., F.S.A., &c. post 8vo. cloth, 68 "It must be observed that this is not a mere account of St. Patrick's Purgatory, but a complete history of the legends and superstitions relating to the subject, from the earliest times, rescued from old MSS. as well as from old printed books. Moreover, it embraces a singular chapter of literary history, omitted by Warton and all former writers with whom ve re acquainted; and we think we may add, that it forms the best introduction to Dante that has yet been published."-Literary Gazette. "This appears to be a curious and even amusing book on the singular subject of Pur- gatory, in which the idle and fearful dreams of superstition are shown to be first narrated as tales, and then applied as means of deducing the moral character of the age in which they prevailed."-Spectator. Trial of the Witches at Bury St. Edmunds, before Sir M. HALE, 1664, with an Appendix by CHARLES CLARK, of Totham, Essex, 8vo. 1s "The most perfect narrative of anything of this nature hitherto extant."-Preface. Account of the Trial, Confession, and Condemnation of Six Witches at Maidstone, 1652; also the Trial and Execution of Three others at Faversham, 1645, 8vo. 1s These Transactions are unnoticed by all Kentish historians. An Essay on the Archæology of our Popular Phrases and Nursery Rhymes, by H. B. KER, 2 vols. 12mo. new cloth, 48 (pub. at 12s) "A work which has met with great abuse among the reviewers, but those who are fond of philological pursuits will read it now it is to be had at so very moderate a price, and it really contains a good deal of gossiping matter. The author's attempt is to explain every thing from the Dutch, which he believes was the same language as the Anglo-Saxon. The Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham, edited by JAMES Orchard HalliIWELL, Esq. F.S.A., post 8vo. 18 Miscellanies. Illustrations of Eating, displaying the Omnivorous Character of Man, and exhibiting the Natives of various Countries at feeding-time, by a BEEF-EATER, fcap. 8vo. with woodcuts, 28 Elements of Naval Architecture, being a Translation of the third part of CLAIRBOIs' "Traité Elémentairé de la Construction des Vaisseaux," by J. N. STRANGE, Commander, R.N., 8vo. with 5 large folding plates, cloth, 58 Poems, partly of Rural Life (in National English), by WILLIAM BARNES, Author of "Poems in the Dorset Dialect," 12mo. cloth, 58 Waifs and Strays (a Collection of Poetry), 12mo. only 250 printed, chiefly for presents, sewed, 1s 6d Book in the Press. Facts and Speculations on the History of Playing Cards in Europe, by W. A. CHATTO, Author of the History of Wood Engraving, with Illustrations by J. Jackson,' 8vo. profusely illustrated with engravings, both plain and coloured. " G. NORMAN, PRINTER, MAIDEN LANE, COVENT GARDEN. ci 21 Jot 10 oth five at 10 ༢་ 30 3 2044 029 893 153 3 2044 029 893 153 3 2044 029 893 153