id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt reflection_00065-2022_03 reflection_00065-2022_03 2022 .txt text/plain 1358 50 55 (Growing up Gay and Catholic by Jacob Walsh – Moreau FYE Week Ten) At the end of the day, it will be this love that helps me live life well. Granted, it can be scary to embrace this pause, especially when “... research suggests that self-analyzers tend to have more anxiety, less positive social experiences and more negative attitudes about themselves.” (The right way to be introspective (yes, there’s a wrong way) by Tasha Eurich – Moreau FYE Week Six) While these unsavory results seem to disincentivize the type of self-reflection we went through in our Moreau classes, I believe it is simply a matter of learning how to engage with the empty space effectively because “... it’s actually in facing the darkest realities of life that we find light in them.” cache/reflection_00065-2022_03.txt txt/reflection_00065-2022_03.txt