How I Want to Be Remembered and What I Wish to Accomplish Before I Die I want to be remembered as a kind person who would give up their time to help others. These past few months, I have been very overwhelmed and stressed about my various classes. It has been hard to truly sit down and talk to the people around me about deeper topics. I know I need to incorporate the ideas of stillness in my life more so that I can have those moments of self-reflection and be able to engage in fruitful conversations with those I love (“Why we need to slow down our lives” by Pico Iyer – Moreau FYE Week One). When a person does die, people will try to remember the good things about a person first but sometimes it can be hard if that person did not perform many good deeds. I hope that after I die those who loved me and surrounded me during my life would not find it hard to remember my kind acts towards them. I feel this sentiment relates to the actions of Father Hesburgh because he accomplished so many wonderful acts and personally touched a great number of people around the world (“Hesburgh” produced by Jerry Barca and Christine O’Malley – Moreau FYE Week Two). When thinking about his life, there are certain moments that people could fixate on such as his shortcoming when it came to a certain incident involving Notre Dame football players and a Saint Mary’s student and only remember that one instant. People can be very judgmental about situations that they are not part of, and this leads to many remembering the dead in a negative light because of their failures. I want to be remembered as a faithful person. The reflection from Sister Aletheia about remembering to die truly expanded my perception of my faith (“Meet the Nun Who Wants You to Remember You Will Die” by Ruth Graham – Moreau FYE Week Three). Her carrying around “skulls” seemed extreme to me but each and every day is a gift from God (“Meet the Nun Who Wants You to Remember You Will Die” by Ruth Graham – Moreau FYE Week Three). We do not know when we are going to die and cannot plan for it. I am a very planned person and spontaneous acts make me nervous. However, when it comes to death, I do not feel anxious because it is something out of my control. Considering the Ukrainian and Russian situation, I have especially felt anxious for the lives of the people involved and the possibility of a third world war. It has been difficult to fully focus on school when there are greater issues unfolding in the world. I have become very busy this semester and feel as though my faith has drifted at moments. With Lent coming and the situation unfolding in the world, I have found comfort in my faith once again and know that I cannot control all things. I want to be remembered as thoughtful but not over planned. I have thought out my plan for the next four years to make sure I have the prerequisites to move onto attending a Doctorate in Physical Therapy program. I look too far into the future and the situations I will face in the future that I forget the shortness of life and possibility of death each day. During week four especially, I became hyper focused on my path ahead including looking through the material provided such as the “Navigating Your Career Journey” article (“Navigating Your Career Journey” by Meruelo Family Center for Career Development – Moreau FYE Week Four). I have also met with my advisor and another advisor various times so that I have a set schedule for my next four years. I feel as though I have taken the resources and ideas given to us during that week and have gone overboard. It does not bring my joy to become so hyper focused and stressed out about the future. I hope that my eulogy would include my thoughtful actions towards others and states that I had plans, but those plans did not distract me from my daily life. I want to have lived my version of a well-lived life before I die which includes being surrounded by loved ones and serving others. I want to be able to reflect on my life in my old age, if I can live for a while, and know that I gave to the world the goodness that I have received. I am very blessed to attend a great university and have a loving family. I also have great friends. In my conversation with my friends in week five, I found that my values are apparent to those around me that I am inclusive and wish to build a strong community with those around me (“Discerning a Life Well-Lived Discernment Conversation Activity” by Moreau – Moreau FYE Week Five). With this conversation in mind, when I am reflecting on my life and before I die, I will use the techniques laid out in the article by Tasha Eurich by evaluating my life and my actions in “what questions” to have a tangible idea about my feelings towards my life and hope that it was well-lived (“The right way to be introspective (yes, there’s a wrong way)” by Tasha Eurich – Moreau FYE Week Six). I believe that if I continue to live my life by working on focusing on others that I will be able to look back on my life happy before I die. One major goal that I hope I will accomplish before I die is to become a foster mother. I had volunteered at a school in high school where I worked with children who were part of the foster program. They told me their hopes and I saw how different they were to mine. I wanted to help them accomplish what they wanted to in life, but I was only there for a few weeks. I want to become a foster parent so that I can provide for those kids a stable environment to grow and become the people they want to be. I believe this ideal is much like Father. Greg Boyle, S.J.’s ideal he stated in his book about being part of one another’s “jurisdiction” (Tattoos on the Heart Chapter 8 page 133 by Fr. Greg Boyle, S. J. – Moreau FYE Week Seven). This section of the book reinforced my desire to help foster children because I believe they are part of my jurisdiction, and I would be able to help. In all, I want to be remembered for my actions towards others and the goodness of my actions. I want to be remembered as someone who took a stand much like Father Boyle against an injustice witnessed in their community. I want to live for a while so that I can accomplish this dream, but I know I am not in control of my death. I will try to let go of my desire for control in my life so that I can live a well-lived life in the present.