Moreau Writing Week 8 (Integration 3) Nuss 1 Thigpen Moreau FYE 4 March 2022 My Life Well Lived I wish to live a long and fulfilling life, so that when I die, I will have had a life well-lived. However, it is difficult to define what exactly constitutes a life well-lived. The lessons from this semester of Moreau FYE have allowed me to gain a better understanding of how I can get the most out of my life. One of the most significant things that I can do to achieve fulfillment is to set aside distractions and focus on things that are important to me. I feel that this is a relevant problem for a lot of people in today’s world due to the overwhelming presence of technology and social media. It is easy to sacrifice productivity for immediate entertainment. I know that this is a problem that I struggle with every day, and realize that distractions like these can prevent me from focusing on the things that are important in life. “It’s easy to feel as if we’re standing two inches away from a huge canvas that’s noisy and crowded and changing with every microsecond. It’s only by stepping farther back and standing still that we can begin to see what that canvas (which is our life) really means, and to take in the larger picture.” (“Why we need to slow down our lives” by Pico Iyer - Moreau FYE Week One). In order to gain a greater appreciation for the good things in life, one has to take the time to step away from interruptions and distractions. I believe that centering my life around real goals will help me avoid distractions and accomplish things that are meaningful to me. I think that the life of Father Hesburgh is a very good example of a life well-lived. Throughout his years, Hesburgh took part in many influential moments in history. Usually, he acted as a mediator between two sides that refused to speak to each other, since “...[H]e didn’t really belong to any side. He belonged to the side of decency, he belonged to the side of a fundamental belief in the redeemability of mankind.” (Quote from “Hesburgh” by Ted Koppel - Moreau FYE Week Two). I think that this attribute is important to have because it allows for people to communicate and listen to each other, which results in progress being made. I hope to hold this virtue throughout my life so that I will be able to freely create my own opinions without following a group mindset. I’d imagine that people regret instances in which they didn’t speak up during tense situations, so I want to ensure I form logical opinions and make them known when there is conflict. Throughout my life, I will eventually reach milestones where I have to make important life decisions. I know that I’m currently in the process of one right now, that being my selection of major. Then, when I graduate in 2025, I’ll decide how to start my career path. Throughout the process of navigating any major decision I will face in my life, I think that it will help to remember Fr. Michael Himes’s Three Key Questions, which guide me in contemplating what brings me joy, what I’m good at, and what others need. An ideal career will enable me to do Nuss 2 something that I enjoy and am good at in order to serve others. It is very important that my career brings me joy because “Contentment is an obstacle. Joy always pushes us forward. It’s an impulsion, a pressure to move forward, to do more, to expend oneself more deeply, more richly, to open one's talents even more widely than one had before.” (“Three Key Questions” by Fr. Michael Himes - Moreau FYE Week Three). I intend to explore multiple careers throughout my life, so that I will find one that inspires me to work hard in order to help other people. Another method of selecting a field of study or career path is to familiarize myself with my personal VIPS (values, interests, personality, and skills). I also hope to utilize all of the career-related resources here at Notre Dame, so that I can confidently choose a path when the time comes. However, I know that this kind of discernment extends throughout my entire life because “Career development is a process and a journey. If you actively engage in the process, take ownership, and utilize the tools at your disposal you will reap the benefits and establish a satisfying professional life” (“Navigating Your Career Journey” by the Meruelo Family Center for Career Development - Moreau FYE Week Four). I plan to fully engage in this process so that I am satisfied with my work career at the end of my life. Even with all the resources available, discernment at any point in life can be daunting and stressful. However, I know that I can turn to my family if I need any additional help during the process. My parents know me very well, so they are familiar with my strengths and weaknesses, and can tell if I’m interested or disinterested in a certain option. I found that it is helpful to have others try to point out things they notice about me, since they have an outside perspective on how I behave in certain situations. I learned that I appear most engaged when I am trying new things when I spoke with my dad about my interests for the Moreau FYE Week Five assignment. Whenever I face an important decision in my life, I feel confident discussing it with my parents, since it provides me with insight as well as moral support. I think that the way in which I respond to challenges and obstacles makes a significant difference in my happiness and my overall satisfaction with my life. It is easy to dwell on bad things and become disappointed because of things we don’t have. However, by taking the time to appreciate the good things in life, one is able to improve their mindset and find joy. As it is said by Dr. Jihoon Kim, “I encourage all of us to just focus what we can do for others or what we can do already instead of what we cannot do and what we do not have yet” (“5 Minutes” by Dr. Jihoon Kim - Moreau FYE Week Six). In the video that this quote appears in, we learn that Dr. Kim was left with most of his body paralyzed after a snowboarding accident. Despite all that he lost, he learned to appreciate all the things he can still do, and has found peace within himself. I hope to be able to sustain this mental attitude throughout my life, and react positively to any challenge. I will no doubt encounter countless setbacks throughout my life, but they can all be overcome if I remain optimistic. In order to create a life well-lived, I will ensure that I never lose hope in the face of adversity. The final component of a life well-lived is the presence of meaningful relationships, since “each and everyone's existence is deeply tied to that of others: life is not time merely passing by, life is about interactions. (“Why the only future worth building includes everyone” by His Nuss 3 Holiness Pope Francis - Moreau FYE Week Seven). It is imperative for people to serve those who are in need. A life well-lived involves making the world a better place, and the world is made a better place when suffering is alleviated. The state of humanity can be improved by showing tenderness through taking time to understand the needs of others and providing care and comfort. An example this takes the form of Homeboy Industries, a gang rehabilitation center run by Fr. Greg Boyle. This institution provides jobs and second chances for those wanting a better life. I hope to show this amount of compassion for everyone throughout my life, so that I can make a difference in the world.