id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
ART		ART			.txt	text/plain	5827	42	-65	Lopez de M. Grajalas Memorial - St. Augustine, FL; Descent From the Cross - Berea College, Berea, Kentucky; Family Group (Sculpture)-Lisa Schiller Fine Art, NY; Sir John Lavery - Ulster Museum, Belfast; Vecchia (Kossovo) Correspondence; 1907 Deserted (Woman) - Savoia; Monument to the Unknown Hero on Avala; Pieta plaster relief - Christie's Auction; History of the Croats - Casting for Center for Croatian Immigrants in Zagreb; Contemporary Artists of Mestrovic - Brief Biographies; Contemporary Artists of Ivan Mestrovic -Emile Bourdelle,French 1861-1929; Artistic Influences - Maillol; The Genesis of Maillol's La Mediterranee by W. Slatkin; Artistic Influences - Schiele; Artistic Influences on Mestrovic - Klimt's Vecchia; Artistic Influences - Gustav Klimt; Painting in the 20th Century by Haftmann; Ivan Mestrovic's Student - Michael Skop; Artistic Influences - Gustav Klimt; Alfred Werner 100 Drawings; Artistic Influences - Gustav Klimt; Gustav Klimt by Comini; Ivan Mestrovic's Student - Philip Grausman; Growing Forms - Catalogue -Pennsylvania State University Exhibit; Artistic Influence - Gustav Klimt; Klimt, Schiele, Kokoschka Catalogue; Ivan Mestrovic's Student - France Gorse; Ivan Mestrovic's Student - Constantin Antonovici; Student Days (published in Sculpture Review); Michael Mulnix -University of Alaska (Researcher); Politics and the Art of Ivan Mestrovic by Joseph O'Connor; Ivan Mestrovic Symposium at Notre Dame - Paper by Joseph O'Connor; Dean Porter's Notes on Talk by Lawrence Schmeckebier; Professor Robert Leader's Reminiscences on Ivan Mestrovic; Yugoslavia Conference on Contemporary Croatian Works; Columbia University Conference on Ivan Mestrovic; Ivan Mestrovic at Notre Dame and the Future Direction of Ivan Mestrovic Studies, by Dean Porter; Columbia University Conference - Dean Porter's Notes; Columbia University Conference; Ivan Mestrovic's Significance in the Formation of Yugoslavia in 1918, by Bogdan Raditsa; Lecture on Mestrovic at Columbia University; Conference at Snite Museum of Art; Ivan Mestrovic: The Artist in Exile by Joseph O'Connor; Conference At Snite Museum of Art; Centennial Exhibition and Seminar Program; Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti Conference-Zagreb; Snite Museum of Art Centennial Conference; Professor Ante Kadic Seminar; Snite Museum of Art Centennial Conference; Introduction to Conference by Dean Porter; Sculptures used for non-Mestrovic Publicity Purposes; To V.V.: ART Records of Notre Dame's Snite Museum of Art, with many photographs, some VHS video tapes, and hundreds of printed items having to do with Ivan Mestrovic and his work as an artist.	cache/ART.txt	txt/ART.txt