“For many years, it has been my honor to join with Notre Dame students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends at the annual March for Life. Though the march is virtual this year, let us continue our witness to the sanctity of every human life and reject in all its expressions what Pope Francis has called a ‘throwaway culture.’
“In addition to the many ways our University community has and will commemorate the annual March for Life, the University joins with all who strive to build a culture of life through the following expressions of prayer:
- “On Friday, Mass will be celebrated at 11:30 a.m. EST in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart for the sanctity of human life. The Mass will be livestreamed from the Basilica and available at this link.
- “Following Mass, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart’s bells will toll as an audible expression of our community’s commitment to the sanctity of all human life.
- “I invite all students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends to also join Father Gerry Olinger, C.S.C., our vice president for mission engagement and church affairs, in praying a virtual Rosary for Life for the intention of increased commitment to the profound dignity of human life. This Rosary for Life is available at this link.”