“We have for many years supported the cause of Dreamers, those young men and women who were brought to the United States as minors and have known only this country as their home. They have lived with the possibility of deportation hanging over their heads. We’re thankful that President Biden has taken immediate action through an executive order to preserve and fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and for his support for legislation to provide permanent status and a path to citizenship for Dreamers. The University is also heartened by executive action putting an end to the restrictions to entry directed primarily at people from Muslim-majority countries.
“These two decisions advance racial justice and assist underserved communities, a cause to which we at Notre Dame likewise remain committed.
“Finally, the action to rejoin the Paris Agreement on Climate Change coincides with Notre Dame’s long support of sustainability, including sponsorship of two Vatican summits on reducing dependence on fossil fuels.”