Members of the University of Notre Dame women’s soccer team collected 1,111 pounds of food, the equivalent of 868 meals, during a food drive Sunday (Sept. 6) outside Alumni Stadium.
The drive-thru event benefited the Food Bank of Northern Indiana, which collects and distributes food throughout Elkhart, LaPorte, Kosciusko, Marshall, Starke and St. Joseph counties.
Donated items included canned soups, meats and vegetables; boxed breakfast cereals and meals; baking products; starches such as uncooked pasta; and healthy snacks such as granola bars and pretzels, among other items.
The food comes at a critical time for the food bank, which is experiencing increased need in the community because of the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. It also coincides with Hunger Action Month, a month devoted to education and action around hunger in the U.S.
In addition to community members, other men’s and women’s athletic teams donated to the food drive as well.
“The pandemic has brought so many activities to a halt, including businesses and organizations holding food drives to benefit the food bank,” said Marijo Martinec, executive director and CEO of the Food Bank of Northern Indiana. “September is Hunger Action Month and we are asking the community to take actions in the fight against hunger. We are grateful for this incredible donation of 1,111 pounds of food from Notre Dame women’s soccer during this time of great need for many in our community who are struggling to put food on the table.”
The food drive was organized through Student Welfare and Development, a division of Notre Dame Athletics devoted to the total development of student-athletes — mind, body and spirit.
Collin Stoecker is coordinator of Student Welfare and Development.
“I am so proud of the resiliency of our student-athletes. They continue to impress me each and every day with their creativity and commitment to making our community a better place,” said Stoecker. “In a time of need for many, the women’s soccer team, with support from other Fighting Irish athletic teams, stepped up and made a tremendous impact. I look forward to seeing how our student-athletes continue to find creative ways to make an impact in our community during this unprecedented time.”
For more information, visit ndswd.com.
Contact: Erin Blasko, assistant director of media relations, 574-631-4127, eblasko@nd.edu