The McGrath Institute for Church Life is inviting remote audiences to join University of Notre Dame faculty and staff for an online lecture series taking place this fall. The series is self-paced and encourages participants to learn about and foster devotion to six saints whose feast days fall between September and December.
“A Season with the Saints” is a continuation of the McGrath Institute’s efforts to provide dynamic online resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. The series features presentations that were previously delivered by Notre Dame faculty and staff to a live, on-campus audience. Released in a virtual format suitable for group study or individual users, each lecture will include a brief written introduction and discussion questions.
“A Season with the Saints” will be released on Aug. 26 and include presentations on St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Padre Pio, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. John Henry Newman, St. Gertrude the Great and St. Nicholas. Participants will be asked to create a login to view the presentations, each of which can be accessed until Dec. 20. This series is a project of the Sullivan Family Saints Initiative.
“The saints who are featured in these lectures are living witnesses to the life of Christ, and when we contemplate the saints they become our contemporaries,” said John C. Cavadini, the McGrath-Cavadini Director of the McGrath Institute for Church Life. “To be a saint is to give yourself over to the love of God and the love of neighbor, in Christ. Our lecturers, therefore, are not content to simply present biographical details; instead, they look for and seek to present a vision of the glory of God that has been splendidly revealed in this particular member of the Body of Christ.”
If you’d like to receive a notification when “A Season with the Saints” becomes available, submit your email address below.
Contact: Amy North, program director of communications, 574-631-2894, anorth1@nd.edu
Originally published by mcgrath.nd.edu on Aug. 18.