The 12th annual Collaboration for STEM Education, Research and Commercialization Forum, featuring a range of state, local and national leaders from the civic, business and education sectors, will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Feb. 23 (Saturday) at Jordan Hall of Science at the University of Notre Dame.
“As the pace of change in technology, communication and mobility accelerates, education, career preparation and workforce development are becoming increasingly a single conversation. Our 12th annual forum brings together changemakers from across sectors who are leading that discussion in Indiana,” said Tom Loughran, professional specialist in the Department of Physics at Notre Dame and organizer of the forum series.
This year’s forum will feature sessions on connected, project-based learning; the new Indiana career readiness high school graduation requirement; and South Bend’s City of Lifelong Learning initiative, in addition to a lunchtime collaboration bazaar featuring some 30 presenting organizations and a collaborative Digital Visualization Theater project.
Presenters for this year’s event include Matt Modlin, director of digital integration, South Bend Community School Corp.; Trevor Muir, author and educational trainer; Ben Carter, director of workforce and innovation, Indiana Department of Education; Carrie Lively, senior director of apprenticeship and work-based learning, Department of Workforce Development; Lawrence Greenspun, director of public sector engagement, Drucker Institute; Alkeyna Aldridge, director of engagement and economic empowerment, city of South Bend; Kevin Thompson, director of public affairs and government relations, Walmart; Nathan Storm, deputy policy director, Indiana Governor’s Workforce Cabinet; Molly Martin, director, New America Indianapolis; and Scott Ford, associate vice president for economic development, Notre Dame, among others.
The forum is free and open to the public. Light breakfast and lunch, as well as a letter certifying five hours of professional growth for K-12 educators, will be provided. Registration is required.
For a full list of presenters or to register, visit https://tinyurl.com/ND-STEM-ForumXII.
Contact: Erin Blasko, assistant director of media relations, 574-631-4127, eblasko@nd.edu