The University of Notre Dame will celebrate Black History Month with events including lectures, discussions and performances throughout February.
The schedule is as follows:
• “Unsung: The Exploration of the Sounds of Black Folk,” sponsored by Sacred Music at Notre Dame, Campus Ministry, the Graduate School, the Department of Africana Studies and the Program of Liberal Studies, 7 p.m. Feb. 8, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center.
• Black Hair Expo, sponsored by Multicultural Student Programs and Services, Department of Africana Studies, Office of Student Enrichment, Wabruda, Student Government and Gender Relations Center, 1 p.m. Feb. 10, LaFortune Ballroom (RSVP at Black Hair Expo Registration ).
• "Voices of the Enslaved: Tales of Love and Longing," featuring Sophie White, associate professor of American studies at Notre Dame, together with musicians, activists and academics, including composer Odaline de la Martinez, Feb. 14, Notre Dame London Global Gateway.
• Black Coffeehouse — Cultural Talent Show, sponsored by the Black Cultural Arts Council, 7 p.m. Feb. 15, LaFortune Ballroom
• “The #MeToo Movement and the Role of Faculty and Staff,” professional development for faculty and staff, with Tarana Burke, #MeToo founder, sponsored by Multicultural Student Programs and Services, 4 to 5 p.m. Feb. 25, 210 Duncan Student Center (register by email at msps@nd.edu).
• MLK Jr. Study of Race Lecture Series — “The #MeToo Movement and the Intersectionality of Those Doing the Work and Those Getting the Credit for the Work,” with Tarana Burke, #MeToo founder, sponsored by Multicultural Student Programs and Services, 7 p.m. Feb. 25, 101 DeBartolo Hall.
• Ecumenical prayer service and lunch, sponsored by the Black Faculty and Staff Association, 11:30 a.m. Feb. 27, Geddes Hall.
Contact: Erin Blasko, assistant director of media relations, 574-631-4127, eblasko@nd.edu