Anthony F. Earley, a longtime member of the University of Notre Dame’s Board of Trustees, died Saturday (April 14). He was 95.
A member of the Board since 1978, Earley became an Emeritus Trustee in 1993. Among his many contributions to the University, he served as a president of the Notre Dame Alumni Association and chaired the Board’s committee on students.
“Tony was a devoted alumnus who loved Notre Dame and served the University with the generosity and grace that was so characteristic of him,” said the University’s president, Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. “We are indebted to him, and we hold his family and friends in our prayers.”
Earley enrolled at Notre Dame in 1941 and joined the Naval ROTC program, which led to his service at the age of 20 in World War II. He participated in amphibious landings in Sicily and Anzio in Italy and the invasion of southern France.
After the war, Earley completed his bachelor’s degree in English in 1947.
A resident of Garden City, New York, Earley spent his professional career in the textile industry, first with his father’s firm, Pope & Earley, and then as executive vice president for Burlington Industries. He went on to found the textile brokerage firm Chave & Early, which he directed until his retirement in 2003.
Earley was predeceased by his wife of 70 years, Jean Ann, and three sons, John, Joseph and Bill. He is survived by five children, Tony (Sarah), Ellen Ashby, Jeanne Appelt, Mary Klotman (Paul) and Jim (Doi).
In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the Anthony F. Earley ’47 Scholarship Fund at Notre Dame.
Visitation is from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday (April 18) at Fairchild Sons Funeral Home, 1201 Franklin Ave., Garden City; and a funeral Mass will be at 10 a.m. Thursday (April 19) at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, 130 Fifth St., Garden City.