Author Mark Albion will presentMaking a Life, Making a Living: Reclaiming Your Purpose and Passion in Business and in Lifeat 7 p.m. Tuesday (Feb. 13) in the Jordan Auditorium of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame.
A rash of corporate scandals in the past decade has brought increased attention to the concept of business ethics. Albion has achieved recognition for his belief that business executives should lead by their values, not a search for profit. His organizational approach balances business acumen with social responsibility, resulting in a more meaningful impact on consumers as well as greater financial success for the company.
Author of the New York Times business best sellerMaking a Life, Making a Livingas well asTrue to Yourself: Leading a Values-Based Business,Albion is a former Harvard Business School professor. He writes a monthly e-newsletter that services 87 countries and co-founded Net Impact, an organization promoting new models for responsible business decisions to students.
Albions visit to Notre Dame is among the annual Ethics Week events in Mendoza. Ethics Week encourages the discussion of ethical matters in undergraduate and graduate business courses at Notre Dame to secure a foundation for future moral decisions inside and outside the classroom.
In addition to his lecture, Albion will facilitate a presentation at noon, Feb. 15 (Thursday) in the colleges Giovanini Commons. Other Ethics Week events, allin Giovanini, are as follows:
- Feb. 12 (Monday) at 12:30 p.m.-Peace Through Commerce,Carolyn Woo, Gillen Dean of the Mendoza College of Business
- Feb. 13 (Tuesday) at 12:30 p.m.-Ethics and Executive Education: Examining the Essential Elements,Joe Holt, director of Executive Ethics for Executive Education inMendoza
- Feb. 14 (Wednesday) at noon-Teaching Business Ethics in International Courses,Monle Lee, professor of marketing at Indiana University South Bend, and Jack Ruhe, professor of management and ethics at Saint Marys College
Albion’s visit is sponsored by MBA Net Impact, MBA Career Development, the Notre Dame Institute for Ethical Business Worldwide, the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business, and Ethics Week 2007. All presentations are free and open to the public.
_ Contact : Jessica McManus Warnell, 574-631-9182,_ " "
TopicID: 21142