“Think Global, Act Local,” the Office of Sustainability’s Spring 2020 Sustainability Seminar Series, will be Feb. 28, March 20 and April 17 at Jenkins and Nanovic Halls at the University of Notre Dame.
All sessions will be from noon to 1 p.m. and are free and open to students, faculty, staff and the public. Beverages and light desserts will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring a lunch and a reusable beverage container.
“There is so much great work being done in the area of sustainability by our Notre Dame faculty, graduate students, staff and community partners,” said Carol Mullaney, senior director of sustainability at Notre Dame. “The Sustainability Seminar Series was launched in the spring of 2019 to highlight this great work. It is designed to be another channel of conversation around sustainability for campus and our broader community.”
The schedule is as follows:
• Feb. 28: “Climate Action in South Bend,” featuring Therese Dorau, director of sustainability for the city of South Bend, B101 Jenkins and Nanovic Halls.
• March 20: “Earthrise: How Earth Became a Planet and Why It Matters,” featuring Laura Dassow Walls, William P. and Hazel B. White Professor of English at Notre Dame, 1050 Jenkins and Nanovic Halls.
• April 17: “State of ND Sustainability,” featuring Carol Mullaney, senior director, Allison Mihalich, senior program director, Caitlin Jacobs, associate program manager, Greg Koehler, associate program manager, and Donnetta McClellan, project manager, all with the Office of Sustainability, B101 Jenkins and Nanovic Halls.
For more information about sustainability at Notre Dame, visit green.nd.edu.
Contact: Erin Blasko, assistant director of media relations, 574-631-4127, eblasko@nd.edu