Django Girls Notre Dame, in collaboration with the Notre Dame Center for Research Computing, will host a free computer programming workshop for women from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Nov. 9 (Saturday) at Hesburgh Library.
The workshop is open to women of all ages, though space is limited to 20 participants. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided. A laptop computer is required.
Participants will learn to create a website using HTML, CSS, Python and Django and become members of a supportive tech community.
The workshop includes an installation event from 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 8 (Friday) where participants can install the necessary tools for the workshop on their computers.
Django Girls is a nonprofit organization that helps organize free one-day programming workshops with tools, resources and support. Django refers to the open-source web framework of the same name.
To apply for the workshop, visit djangogirls.org/notredamein. Applications are due Oct. 18 (Friday). Applicants will be notified of a decision by Oct. 31 (Thursday).
For more information or to serve as a mentor for the event, email Django Girls Notre Dame at notredamein@djangogirls.org.
Contact: Erin Blasko, assistant director of media relations, 574-631-4127, eblasko@nd.edu