The University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business will host “Money for Your Mission,” a six-part nonprofit certificate education program on fundraising, from Sept. 11 to Dec. 11.
Led by Mark Germano, an instructor with the Nonprofit Certificate Education program at Mendoza and a veteran fundraiser, the program will explore donor acquisition, retention, upgrades, moves management and stewardship.
Participants will learn about research, tools, techniques and strategies to evaluate and improve their development plans based on realistic benchmarks of success.
“If you are an executive director, volunteer board member, part of development or anyone charged with raising money for your nonprofit, this certificate program will give you the tools you need to keep your organization well-funded for years to come,” said Marc Hardy, director of nonprofit certificate education and nonprofit professional development at Notre Dame.
About Germano, who has raised more than $700 million during his career, Hardy said, “Mark Germano is not only an accomplished fundraising professional, he is a great teacher and coach.”
The program runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 11, Oct. 9 and 10, Nov. 13 and 14 and Dec. 11. The cost is $1,195 and includes breakfast. Lunch is noon to 1:30 p.m. each day. It is not provided.
The deadline to register is Sept. 6.
For more information, contact Kim Brumbaugh, program manager for nonprofit professional development at Notre Dame, at 574-631-6073 or kbrumbau@nd.edu.
Contact: Erin Blasko, assistant director of media relations, 574-631-4127, eblasko@nd.edu