Twenty faculty members from five of the University of Notre Dame's colleges and schools have been awarded grants through the Notre Dame Research Internal Grant Program (IGP). Recipients who applied were awarded Faculty Research Support Regular Grants, Faculty Research Support Initiation Grants, Rapid Response Grants and other internal funding.
In discussing the awards, Hildegund Muller, associate vice president for research and professor of classics, said, “The Internal Grant Program allows Notre Dame Research to grant funding to projects that are distinctly Notre Dame and support projects that span across the colleges and schools. This year’s recipients showcase the vast contributions our faculty and researchers have to offer the University, the city of South Bend and the greater research community.”
The 2018 Faculty Research Support Regular Grant Program recipients are:
Krupali Uplekar Krusche, associate dean for research, scholarship and creative work; academic director of the Rome studies program; and director of the Digital Historic Architectural Research and Material Analysis Lab, for her research called, “3D digital visualization center.”
- John Liberatore, assistant professor of music theory and composition, for his project titled, “The Zohn Collective at Notre Dame.”
- Olivier Morel, assistant professor of film, television and theater, for his research on “‘Ever, that’s her name: Hélène Cixous.’ A feature-length creative documentary film.”
- Jason Ruiz, associate professor of American Studies, for his project on “Latino murals of Pilsen: A digital toolkit for scholarship, teaching, and discovery.”
- Mark R. Schurr, professor of anthropology, for his research titled, “Midewin historical ecology project.”
The 2018 Faculty Research Support Initiation Grant Program recipients are:
Yunjuan Bao, research assistant professor of the W.M. Keck Center for Transgene Research, for her study titled, “Toward discovery of early diagnostic biomarkers for skin and nasal diseases caused by the flesh-eating bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes.”
- Alexander Beihammer, associate professor of history and Heiden College Chair, for his project on “Medieval Smyrna/Izmir: The transformations of a city and its hinterland from Byzantine to Ottoman times (twelfth-fifteenth centuries).”
- Yong Cheng, research assistant professor of biological sciences, for his research called, “Defining the mechanism of nontuberculous Mycobacteria-host interaction in cystic fibrosis.”
- Kenneth Garcia, associate director of the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, for his proposed book, “Mining the Invisible.”
- Brian Krostenko, associate professor of classics, for his project called, “Cataloguing the Medieval Latin manuscripts of Poland.”
- Michael Macaluso, assistant professional specialist and fellow of the Institute for Educational Initiatives and Alliance for Catholic Education Teaching Fellow, for his study titled, “Studying the practices and effects of secondary English teachers.”
- Tim Machan, professor of English, for his research called, “From Vinland to the Americas.”
- Sara L. Maurer, associate professor of English, director of graduate studies in the department of English, and fellow of the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, for her project on “Printed communities: Religious tracts and readerly connection in the age mass literacy, 1785 – 1875.”
- Prakash D. Nallathamby, research assistant professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering and staff member of NDnano, for his study called, “Inducing tumor self-destruction using targeted nanoparticles as an on-off switch.”
- Sergei Rouvimov, research associate professor of electrical engineering and member of the Notre Dame Integrated Imaging Facility, for his research titled, “In situ TEM of phase transformation in nanostructured materials.”
- Satyajyoti Senapati, assistant research professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, for his project on “A validation study with CNT based platform for selective and sensitive detection of protein biomarkers.”
- Brian Smith, assistant teaching professor of civil and environmental engineering and earth sciences (CEEES), and Elizabeth Kerr, assistant teaching professor of CEEES and director of undergraduate studies, for their study called, “Parameterizing major discernment for first- and second-year engineering students.”
Additionally, Notre Dame Research has also awarded three other grants, including Rapid Response awards, through the IGP. The recipients include:
Graham Peaslee, professor of physics, for his study called, “A new paradigm to reduce lead poisoning in South Bend children.”
- Christian Poellabauer, associate professor of computer science and engineering, for his research on “Undergraduate research experiences in wildlife conservation engineering.”
- Veronica Root, associate professor of law, for her project titled, “Reclaiming the dignity of work through varied methods of assessment.”
Notre Dame Research’s IGP seeks to support faculty researchers and programs with the goal of advancing the University’s research enterprise, scholarly output and creative endeavor, and is currently accepting proposals for the Global Gateway Faculty Research Awards. For more information on how to apply, past recipients and more, visit http://research.nd.edu/our-services/funding-opportunities/faculty/internal-grants-programs/.
Contact: Brandi R. Klingerman, Notre Dame Research, 574-631-8183, bklinger@nd.edu, @UNDResearch
Originally published by research.nd.edu on Feb. 8.