The University of Notre Dame is hosting its 12th annual summer orientation for the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTA) Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by the Institute of International Education, on campus Saturday through Wednesday (Aug. 5-9). This year, 69 teaching assistants from 32 countries will attend a series of workshops designed to enhance their teaching in the United States.
The orientation prepares the teaching assistants, most of whom have never been to the U.S., for the academic year ahead, when they will go to an American college or university to teach their native languages and cultures. Sessions during the orientation cover topics including course planning and grading, the U.S. banking system and technology in the classroom.
Their orientation experience will include a tour of the Studebaker National Museum in South Bend and a farewell banquet to which the FLTA program participants are invited to wear the traditional dress of their home countries.
The FLTA program brings approximately 400 foreign language teachers from more than 50 countries to the U.S. Notre Dame is one of only six orientation locations chosen by IIE in a highly selective process to host these teachers and help prepare them for the year ahead. After the orientation program, the majority of the teachers will leave to attend their host schools across the U.S. Eleven will stay at the University of Notre Dame: Raghdaa Abouserie (Arabic, Egypt); Gourab Ghosh (Bengali, India); Han-Wen Hsu (Chinese, Taiwan); Charlotte Lange (German, Germany); Seaghan Mac an tSionnaigh (Irish, Ireland); Mamiko Tokuda (Japanese, Japan); Rossana Luna (Portuguese, Brazil); Valentina Kurenshchikova (Russian, Russia); Silvia Junde (Swahili, Tanzania); Gunes Tunc (Turkish, Turkey); and Thao Nguyen (Vietnamese, Vietnam).
The teachers at this year’s Notre Dame orientation come from Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
The orientation is organized and funded by the Fulbright Commission, a program of the Institute for International Education, which is sponsored by the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Contact: Brittany Kaufman, Office of Media Relations, 574-631-6335, bcollin8@nd.edu