Recognized for the seventh year in a row, the University of Notre Dame ranks 13th among large organizations in Computerworld’s 2019 Best Places to Work in IT, and one of 100 top organizations that challenge their IT staffs while providing great benefits and compensation.
All organizations will be included in coverage on Computerworld.com along with results from the 2019 Best Places to Work in IT survey.
“It is an honor for Notre Dame to be recognized for the seventh consecutive year in Computerworld’s prestigious listing,” said John Gohsman, vice president for information technologies and chief information officer. “The University’s commitment to create a positive and welcoming environment is key to attracting and retaining exceptionally talented individuals. I am proud to be a part of an organization dedicated to delivering modern, secure and reliable IT services for our students, faculty and staff.”
The vision of Notre Dame’s Office of Information Technologies (OIT) is to enhance and sustain service excellence in five key areas: teaching and learning, research and scholarship, campus life, University operations and support for Notre Dame’s Catholic mission. The OIT works collaboratively with other campus IT staff to provide first-class customer service to the campus community by delivering value, driving innovation and developing staff.
Technology-based services continue to be key components that help Notre Dame deliver an unsurpassed undergraduate education, outstanding research and operational excellence. The Office of Information Technologies at Notre Dame is dedicated to partnering with campus and finding the right solutions.
“The market for IT talent remains very tight, and employers continue to focus on finding and holding on to the best people,” said Computerworld executive editor Ken Mingis. “Our 2019 survey shows again that the Best Places to Work in IT are dynamic organizations that provide top pay and a broad array of programs and benefits designed to make them attractive places to work. Many show that they have a commitment to training, to diversity and to improved communication and teamwork.”
The Best Places to Work in IT list is an annual ranking of the top 100 work environments for technology professionals by IDG’s Computerworld. The list is compiled based on a comprehensive questionnaire regarding company offerings in categories such as benefits, career development, training and retention. In addition, Computerworld conducts extensive surveys of lT workers, and their responses factor heavily in determining the rankings.
Contact: Lenette Votava, internal marketing and communications, Office of Information Technologies, lvotava@nd.edu, 574-631-6548