The University of Notre Dame Office of Community Relations, in partnership with the St. Joseph County Health Department and St. Joseph Health System, will host a series of free public workshops on health and well-being from Oct. 18 to Nov. 15.
The workshops — designed to educate both English- and Spanish-speaking residents on the importance of a healthy lifestyle — will take place Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Notre Dame Center for Arts & Culture, 1045 W. Washington St., South Bend.
The schedule is as follows:
Oct. 18: Cooking for Your Health — Learn about diabetes prevention through cooking.
Oct. 25: Managing Your Health — Blood pressure screenings, tobacco cessation and adult immunization.
Nov. 1: Ask a Wellness Expert — Insurance information, Alzheimer’s care and dental.
Nov. 8: Healthy Kids — Health and wellness of your child.
Nov. 15: Family Fun Night — Physical activities for all ages, including soccer, Zumba, yoga, senior fit and games, and food.
For more information, contact Margarita Oviedo (Spanish) at 574-245-6757 or Vicky Hernandez (English) at 574-631-2835.
Contact: Erin Blasko, assistant director of media relations, 574-631-4127, eblasko@nd.edu