Michael Lykoudis appointed chair of the School of Architecture | News | Notre Dame News | University of Notre Dame


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	Michael Lykoudis appointed chair of the School of Architecture

          Michael Lykoudis appointed chair of the School of Architecture

                Published: July 14, 2002

                Author: Dennis Brown




          Michael Lykoudis, professor of architecture at the University of Notre Dame, has been appointed chair of the School of Architecture, effective Monday (July 15), according to Nathan O. Hatch, Notre Dame’s provost.p. Lykoudis succeeds Carroll William Westfall, who will remain on the faculty as the Francesco Montana Professor of Architecture.p. “Through his scholarship, teaching and professional activities, Michael has made many significant contributions to the School of Architecture in the past decade,” Hatch said. “His focus on both classicism and urbanism has helped the school capitalize on one of its strengths while also expanding in new yet related directions. I’m delighted that he has accepted this appointment and look forward to working with him on continuing and new initiatives.”p. A member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1991, Lykoudis is a national and international leader in linking architectural tradition and classicism to urbanism and environmental issues. He is the cofounder and president of the Classic Architecture League, a nonprofit organization devoted to the study and promotion of traditional architecture and urbanism.p. His scholarly activities feature the organization of three major conferences that have been collaborations between Notre Dame, the Classic Architecture League and other universities, institutes and organizations. The first, titled “The Work of Emerging Classical Architects,” was held in 1992 in Alexandria, Va., and brought together a large number of practitioners of classicism from Europe and the Americas. A second conference, “The Art of Building Cities,” took place in 1995 in Chicago and was the first event in this country to consciously link the practice of contemporary classicism with the new traditional urbanism. His most recent project, an exhibition and conference titled “The Other Modern,” took place in Bologna, Italy, in 2000. Currently a traveling exhibition, the project examines the 20th century’s traditional urbanism and architecture from past and future perspectives. The exhibition has traveled to Norway and Germany and there are plans to bring it to the United States.p. Lykoudis is the coeditor of two recent publications, “Building Cities,” published in 1999 by Artmedia Press of London, and “The Other Modern” exhibition catalogue, published in 2000 by Dogma Press of Savona, Italy. A third book, “Modernity, Modernism and the Other Modern,” is forthcoming from W.W. Norton&Co.p. On campus, Lykoudis has established several new initiatives within the School of Architecture. In association with the South Bend Downtown Partnership, he contributed to the formation of the South Bend Downtown Community Design Partnership, a program that gives Notre Dame students hands-on experience with urban and architectural design projects in realistic settings while also contributing to the community.p. Lykoudis also contributed to the development of a career placement program for summer interns and graduates, and an overseas summer school program, which began in Greece, expanded to London and is expected to include more locations in Europe as well as in Central and South America and Africa. He received a 2000-01 Kaneb Award for Teaching Excellence.p. A graduate of Cornell University, Lykoudis earned his master’s degree from the University of Illinois’ joint business administration and architecture program. Prior to joining the Notre Dame faculty, he worked as a project designer and architect for firms in Florida, Greece, Connecticut and New York. He also has conducted his own practice in South Bend, Athens, and Stamford, Conn. His built work includes renovation of the director’s residence at the Louis Pasteur Institute in Athens, renovation of the National Observatory of Greece, and new construction of several private buildings and residences, including his own home in South Bend.p. Westfall left the University of Virginia to join the Notre Dame faculty as chair and Montana Professor of Architecture in 1998. His current scholarly focus is on tradition and classicism in architecture and the American city.p. At Notre Dame’s School of Architecture, traditional and classical architecture and urbanism occupy a premier place. Students in the five-year undergraduate and two-year master’s programs explore the practical and theoretical, from the principles of design and construction to the relationship between man and the natural world. All students spend their third year in residence in the school’s Rome Studies Center, where they study theory, history and practice as part of the only architecture program in the country that requires a full year of international study.

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