id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
tcb-1377	1	1	theology	theology	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	2	cataloging	catalog	VERB
tcb-1377	1	3	bulletin	bulletin	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	4	section	section	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	5	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	1	6	vol	vol	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	7	.	.	PROPN
tcb-1377	1	8	19	19	NUM
tcb-1377	1	9	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	1	10	no	no	INTJ
tcb-1377	1	11	.	.	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	12	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	1	13	—	—	PUNCT
tcb-1377	1	14	may	may	AUX
tcb-1377	1	15	2011	2011	NUM
tcb-1377	1	16	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	1	17	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	1	18	2	2	NUM
tcb-1377	1	19	another	another	DET
tcb-1377	1	20	advantage	advantage	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	21	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	1	22	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	23	is	be	AUX
tcb-1377	1	24	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	1	25	discontinuation	discontinuation	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	26	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	1	27	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	1	28	rule	rule	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	29	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	1	30	three	three	NUM
tcb-1377	1	31	and	and	CCONJ
tcb-1377	1	32	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	1	33	expanded	expand	VERB
tcb-1377	1	34	use	use	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	35	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	1	36	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	1	37	subfield	subfield	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	38	$	$	SYM
tcb-1377	1	39	e	e	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	40	in	in	ADP
tcb-1377	1	41	100	100	NUM
tcb-1377	1	42	and	and	CCONJ
tcb-1377	1	43	700	700	NUM
tcb-1377	1	44	fields	field	NOUN
tcb-1377	1	45	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	2	1	as	as	SCONJ
tcb-1377	2	2	catalog	catalog	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	3	information	information	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	4	is	be	AUX
tcb-1377	2	5	maintained	maintain	VERB
tcb-1377	2	6	online	online	ADV
tcb-1377	2	7	rather	rather	ADV
tcb-1377	2	8	than	than	ADP
tcb-1377	2	9	on	on	ADP
tcb-1377	2	10	small	small	ADJ
tcb-1377	2	11	cards	card	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	12	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	2	13	there	there	PRON
tcb-1377	2	14	is	be	VERB
tcb-1377	2	15	no	no	DET
tcb-1377	2	16	justifiable	justifiable	ADJ
tcb-1377	2	17	reason	reason	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	18	to	to	PART
tcb-1377	2	19	limit	limit	VERB
tcb-1377	2	20	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	2	21	number	number	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	22	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	2	23	contributors	contributor	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	24	to	to	ADP
tcb-1377	2	25	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	2	26	work	work	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	27	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	2	28	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	2	29	rather	rather	ADV
tcb-1377	2	30	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	2	31	manifestation	manifestation	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	32	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	2	33	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	2	34	work	work	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	35	to	to	PART
tcb-1377	2	36	use	use	VERB
tcb-1377	2	37	proper	proper	ADJ
tcb-1377	2	38	frbr	frbr	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	39	terminology	terminology	NOUN
tcb-1377	2	40	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	2	41	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	3	1	at	at	ADP
tcb-1377	3	2	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	3	3	same	same	ADJ
tcb-1377	3	4	time	time	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	5	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	3	6	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	7	records	record	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	8	can	can	AUX
tcb-1377	3	9	provide	provide	VERB
tcb-1377	3	10	much	much	ADV
tcb-1377	3	11	more	more	ADJ
tcb-1377	3	12	information	information	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	13	about	about	ADP
tcb-1377	3	14	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	3	15	role	role	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	16	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	3	17	particular	particular	ADJ
tcb-1377	3	18	contributor	contributor	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	19	played	play	VERB
tcb-1377	3	20	in	in	ADP
tcb-1377	3	21	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	3	22	production	production	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	23	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	3	24	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	3	25	book	book	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	26	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	3	27	recording	recording	NOUN
tcb-1377	3	28	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	4	1	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	4	2	good	good	ADJ
tcb-1377	4	3	example	example	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	4	is	be	AUX
tcb-1377	4	5	oclc	oclc	PROPN
tcb-1377	4	6	#	#	PROPN
tcb-1377	4	7	692186583	692186583	NUM
tcb-1377	4	8	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	4	9	which	which	PRON
tcb-1377	4	10	identifies	identify	VERB
tcb-1377	4	11	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	4	12	book	book	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	13	’s	’s	PART
tcb-1377	4	14	authors	author	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	15	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	4	16	its	its	PRON
tcb-1377	4	17	contributing	contribute	VERB
tcb-1377	4	18	photographer	photographer	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	19	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	4	20	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	4	21	person	person	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	22	responsible	responsible	ADJ
tcb-1377	4	23	for	for	ADP
tcb-1377	4	24	its	its	PRON
tcb-1377	4	25	design	design	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	26	as	as	ADV
tcb-1377	4	27	well	well	ADV
tcb-1377	4	28	as	as	ADP
tcb-1377	4	29	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	4	30	number	number	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	31	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	4	32	sponsors	sponsor	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	33	that	that	PRON
tcb-1377	4	34	made	make	VERB
tcb-1377	4	35	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	4	36	production	production	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	37	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	4	38	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	4	39	book	book	NOUN
tcb-1377	4	40	possible	possible	ADJ
tcb-1377	4	41	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	5	1	in	in	ADP
tcb-1377	5	2	theory	theory	NOUN
tcb-1377	5	3	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	5	4	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	5	5	patron	patron	NOUN
tcb-1377	5	6	would	would	AUX
tcb-1377	5	7	be	be	AUX
tcb-1377	5	8	able	able	ADJ
tcb-1377	5	9	to	to	PART
tcb-1377	5	10	search	search	VERB
tcb-1377	5	11	for	for	ADP
tcb-1377	5	12	all	all	DET
tcb-1377	5	13	books	book	NOUN
tcb-1377	5	14	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	5	15	production	production	NOUN
tcb-1377	5	16	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	5	17	which	which	PRON
tcb-1377	5	18	was	be	AUX
tcb-1377	5	19	sponsored	sponsor	VERB
tcb-1377	5	20	by	by	ADP
tcb-1377	5	21	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	5	22	particular	particular	ADJ
tcb-1377	5	23	institution	institution	NOUN
tcb-1377	5	24	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	6	1	these	these	PRON
tcb-1377	6	2	are	be	AUX
tcb-1377	6	3	only	only	ADV
tcb-1377	6	4	two	two	NUM
tcb-1377	6	5	examples	example	NOUN
tcb-1377	6	6	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	6	7	advantages	advantage	NOUN
tcb-1377	6	8	offered	offer	VERB
tcb-1377	6	9	by	by	ADP
tcb-1377	6	10	rda	rda	PROPN
tcb-1377	6	11	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	7	1	it	it	PRON
tcb-1377	7	2	is	be	AUX
tcb-1377	7	3	my	my	PRON
tcb-1377	7	4	hope	hope	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	5	that	that	SCONJ
tcb-1377	7	6	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	7	7	proposed	propose	VERB
tcb-1377	7	8	new	new	ADJ
tcb-1377	7	9	cataloging	cataloging	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	10	standard	standard	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	11	will	will	AUX
tcb-1377	7	12	be	be	AUX
tcb-1377	7	13	judged	judge	VERB
tcb-1377	7	14	by	by	ADP
tcb-1377	7	15	such	such	ADJ
tcb-1377	7	16	conceptual	conceptual	ADJ
tcb-1377	7	17	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	7	18	structural	structural	ADJ
tcb-1377	7	19	innovations	innovation	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	20	rather	rather	ADV
tcb-1377	7	21	than	than	ADP
tcb-1377	7	22	by	by	ADP
tcb-1377	7	23	minute	minute	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	24	eventualities	eventuality	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	25	like	like	ADP
tcb-1377	7	26	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	7	27	use	use	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	28	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	7	29	professional	professional	ADJ
tcb-1377	7	30	titles	title	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	31	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	7	32	fictitious	fictitious	ADJ
tcb-1377	7	33	characters	character	NOUN
tcb-1377	7	34	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	1	previous	previous	ADJ
tcb-1377	8	2	issue	issue	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	3	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	4	my	my	PRON
tcb-1377	8	5	experience	experience	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	6	with	with	ADP
tcb-1377	8	7	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	8	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	9	part	part	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	10	one	one	NUM
tcb-1377	8	11	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	12	overview	overview	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	13	submitted	submit	VERB
tcb-1377	8	14	by	by	ADP
tcb-1377	8	15	armin	armin	PROPN
tcb-1377	8	16	siedlecki	siedlecki	PROPN
tcb-1377	8	17	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	18	head	head	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	19	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	8	20	cataloging	catalog	VERB
tcb-1377	8	21	pitts	pitts	PROPN
tcb-1377	8	22	theology	theology	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	23	library	library	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	24	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	25	toolkit	toolkit	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	26	webcast	webcast	ADJ
tcb-1377	8	27	introduction	introduction	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	28	to	to	ADP
tcb-1377	8	29	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	30	toolkit	toolkit	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	31	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	32	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	8	33	webcast	webcast	NOUN
tcb-1377	8	34	originally	originally	ADV
tcb-1377	8	35	presented	present	VERB
tcb-1377	8	36	feb	feb	PROPN
tcb-1377	8	37	8	8	NUM
tcb-1377	8	38	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	8	39	9	9	NUM
tcb-1377	8	40	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	41	2010	2010	NUM
tcb-1377	8	42	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	43	is	be	AUX
tcb-1377	8	44	now	now	ADV
tcb-1377	8	45	available	available	ADJ
tcb-1377	8	46	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	47	PROPN
tcb-1377	8	48	t.cfm	t.cfm	NUM
tcb-1377	8	49	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	8	50	.	.	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	1	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	2	web	web	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	3	courses	course	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	4	understanding	understand	VERB
tcb-1377	9	5	frbr	frbr	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	6	for	for	ADP
tcb-1377	9	7	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	8	and	and	CCONJ
tcb-1377	9	9	beyond	beyond	ADV
tcb-1377	9	10	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	11	july	july	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	12	6	6	NUM
tcb-1377	9	13	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	9	14	7	7	NUM
tcb-1377	9	15	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	9	16	august	august	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	17	2	2	NUM
tcb-1377	9	18	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	9	19	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	9	20	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	21	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	22{3c8b5d3b-057a-4881-9442388ed83f8c72}&rowid=1-l01nq{3c8b5d3b-057a-4881-9442388ed83f8c72}&rowid=1-l01nq	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	23	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	24	frbr	frbr	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	25	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	26	frad	frad	ADJ
tcb-1377	9	27	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	28	frsad	frsad	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	29	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	30	a	a	DET
tcb-1377	9	31	new	new	ADJ
tcb-1377	9	32	model	model	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	33	for	for	ADP
tcb-1377	9	34	cataloging	catalog	VERB
tcb-1377	9	35	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	36	may	may	AUX
tcb-1377	9	37	17	17	NUM
tcb-1377	9	38	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	9	39	september	september	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	40	13	13	NUM
tcb-1377	9	41	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	42	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	43{ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme{ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme	ADJ
tcb-1377	9	44	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	45	introducing	introduce	VERB
tcb-1377	9	46	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	47	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	48	1	1	NUM
tcb-1377	9	49	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	50	structure	structure	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	51	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	52	principles	principle	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	53	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	54	and	and	CCONJ
tcb-1377	9	55	core	core	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	56	elements	element	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	57	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	58	may	may	AUX
tcb-1377	9	59	31	31	NUM
tcb-1377	9	60	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	9	61	june	june	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	62	21	21	NUM
tcb-1377	9	63	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	9	64	july	july	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	65	19	19	NUM
tcb-1377	9	66	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	67	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	68	PROPN
tcb-1377	9	69	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	9	70	theology	theology	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	71	cataloging	catalog	VERB
tcb-1377	9	72	bulletin	bulletin	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	73	section	section	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	74	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	9	75	vol	vol	NOUN
tcb-1377	9	76	.	.	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	1	19	19	NUM
tcb-1377	10	2	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	3	no	no	INTJ
tcb-1377	10	4	.	.	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	5	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	10	6	—	—	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	7	may	may	AUX
tcb-1377	10	8	2011	2011	NUM
tcb-1377	10	9	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	10	10	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	10	11	3	3	NUM
tcb-1377	10	12	introducing	introduce	VERB
tcb-1377	10	13	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	14	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	15	2	2	NUM
tcb-1377	10	16	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	17	resource	resource	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	18	description	description	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	19	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	20	july	july	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	21	5	5	NUM
tcb-1377	10	22	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	10	23	6	6	NUM
tcb-1377	10	24	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	10	25	august	august	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	26	30	30	NUM
tcb-1377	10	27	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	10	28	31	31	NUM
tcb-1377	10	29	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	30	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	31	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	32	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	33	rda	rda	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	34	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	35	on	on	ADP
tcb-1377	10	36	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	10	37	road	road	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	38	to	to	ADP
tcb-1377	10	39	implementation	implementation	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	40	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	41	may	may	AUX
tcb-1377	10	42	51	51	NUM
tcb-1377	10	43	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	10	44	july	july	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	45	7	7	NUM
tcb-1377	10	46	or	or	CCONJ
tcb-1377	10	47	august	august	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	48	4	4	NUM
tcb-1377	10	49	,	,	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	50	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	51	NUM
tcb-1377	10	52	t	t	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	53	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	54	atla	atla	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	55	conference	conference	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	56	june	june	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	57	2011	2011	NUM
tcb-1377	10	58	technical	technical	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	59	services	service	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	60	tuesday	tuesday	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	61	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	62	june	june	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	63	7	7	NUM
tcb-1377	10	64	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	65	7:00	7:00	NUM
tcb-1377	10	66	pm-9	pm-9	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	67	pm	pm	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	68	interest	interest	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	69	group	group	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	70	topic	topic	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	71	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	72	what	what	PRON
tcb-1377	10	73	i	i	PRON
tcb-1377	10	74	wish	wish	VERB
tcb-1377	10	75	i	i	PRON
tcb-1377	10	76	had	have	AUX
tcb-1377	10	77	known	know	VERB
tcb-1377	10	78	when	when	SCONJ
tcb-1377	10	79	i	i	PRON
tcb-1377	10	80	started	start	VERB
tcb-1377	10	81	in	in	ADP
tcb-1377	10	82	technical	technical	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	83	services	service	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	84	–	–	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	85	tsig	tsig	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	86	wednesday	wednesday	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	87	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	88	june	june	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	89	8)	8)	NUM
tcb-1377	10	90	8:30	8:30	NUM
tcb-1377	10	91	am-12	am-12	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	92	pm	pm	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	93	pre	pre	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	94	-	-	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	95	conference	conference	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	96	workshop	workshop	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	97	–	–	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	98	morning	morning	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	99	tackling	tackle	VERB
tcb-1377	10	100	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	10	101	foreign	foreign	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	102	-	-	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	103	language	language	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	104	backlog	backlog	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	105	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	106	roman	roman	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	107	-	-	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	108	script	script	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	109	languages	language	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	110	and	and	CCONJ
tcb-1377	10	111	introduction	introduction	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	112	to	to	PART
tcb-1377	10	113	romanization	romanization	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	114	1:00	1:00	NUM
tcb-1377	10	115	pm-4:30	pm-4:30	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	116	pm	pm	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	117	pre	pre	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	118	-	-	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	119	conference	conference	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	120	workshop	workshop	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	121	–	–	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	122	afternoon	afternoon	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	123	tackling	tackle	VERB
tcb-1377	10	124	the	the	DET
tcb-1377	10	125	foreign	foreign	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	126	-	-	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	127	language	language	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	128	backlog	backlog	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	129	:	:	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	130	advanced	advanced	ADJ
tcb-1377	10	131	romanization	romanization	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	132	thursday	thursday	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	133	(	(	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	134	june	june	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	135	9	9	NUM
tcb-1377	10	136	)	)	PUNCT
tcb-1377	10	137	conversation	conversation	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	138	groups	group	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	139	10:30	10:30	NUM
tcb-1377	10	140	am-11:30	am-11:30	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	141	am	am	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	142	library	library	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	143	of	of	ADP
tcb-1377	10	144	congress	congress	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	145	genre	genre	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	146	/	/	SYM
tcb-1377	10	147	form	form	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	148	project	project	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	149	update	update	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	150	name	name	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	151	authority	authority	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	152	conversation	conversation	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	153	group	group	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	154	11:30	11:30	NUM
tcb-1377	10	155	-	-	SYM
tcb-1377	10	156	1:00	1:00	NUM
tcb-1377	10	157	pm	pm	NOUN
tcb-1377	10	158	naco	naco	PROPN
tcb-1377	10	159	lunch	lunch	PROPN