theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) news the future of tcb some exciting changes are coming to the theology cataloging bulletin (tcb). in january 2019, the tcb will become available open access on the same platform on which theological librarianship resides. additionally, the publication schedule will change with the first issue of volume 27 coinciding with its release as an open access publication. the bulletin will continue to be published quarterly with issues published in january, april, july, and october. be mindful that the fourth and final issue of volume 26 will be in august of this year. these changes will mean that the publication pattern will shift to a more logical schedule and the content of tcb will be available to anyone. submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university theology cataloging bulletin editor saco watch for information about a webinar later this spring promoting the inauguration of the atla saco funnel. submitted by richard lammert, technical services & systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary atla funnels coordinator professional development opportunities metadata design library juice academy learn the tools of metadata design, design an xml schema, and apply these elements to existing metadata schemas. march 5-30, 2018 $175 library of congress bibframe pilot phase two alcts understand the initiative and advancements with bibframe. includes a review of ld4p initiatives, pcc's bibframe task group, and rda's influence on bibframe 2. march 7, 2018 free from marc to bibframe: linked data on the ground alcts six webinars from 2016 that describe the continuing bibframe initiatives taking place at the library of congress march 7-may 2, 2018 free fundamentals of collection development & assessment alcts learn tools and techniques to assess both print and electronic collections. march 12-april 20, 2018 $139-$169 13 news conser serials cataloging and you: make your hidden serials collections discoverable through the atla conser funnel by michael bradford background a conser-authenticated bibliographic record is a mark of quality cataloging for serials. it represents authoritative access points and subjects. a conser record is also eligible to receive an issn identifier. when the terms conser, authentication, lc, and authoritative are thrown out there, one usually thinks “that’s not for me. that’s for those high-level catalogers at big universities, not my little seminary.” wrong. the funnel programs are developed by institutions based on regional, subject, or other shared interests. it provides opportunities for smaller institutions to participate in and benefit from membership in the program for cooperative cataloging. the atla conser funnel libraries affiliated with atla often share common material, but we also have unique material that is not housed anywhere else. cataloging brings that unique material out into the open for our faculty, students, and researchers to discover. as the only subject-oriented conser funnel in existence, the atla conser funnel facilitates high quality records for these unique resources. it is a benefit available to individual atla members who wish to be able to contribute original and maintain existing conser-authenticated bibliographic records in the oclc database. there are no minimum number of contributions required of individual members per year, and contributions can be either maintenance of existing conser records or authentication of original cataloging. requirements for funnel project participation include: • individual membership in atla. • experienced cataloger. • access to rda. • permission of your institution. • previous naco training. michael bradford is senior continuing resources cataloger at the harvard library. 14 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin conser funnel participants, while required to have previous naco experience, are not required to be naco independent, nor required ever to become conser independent. additional requirements for the conser program include: • use rda and lc-pcc policy statements for new cataloging, and conser documentation as appropriate. • have online access to oclc. • contribute cataloging through oclc connexion. survey please consider filling out this brief survey, which is designed to find interested individual members of atla who catalog serials and invite them to consider joining the atla conser funnel. you can find the survey link at: theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) richard lammert named new atla funnels coordinator richard lammert was named the funnels coordinator to replace judy knop, who is retiring at the end of june 2016. currently the program consists of two funnels: naco and conser. richard will coordinate the overall program, communicate with the library of congress and take the lead for the naco funnel. michael bradford will be the lead for the conser funnel. adding a saco funnel as well as a series component to the naco funnel under consideration. if those programs develop, leads will be named to coordinate participation. new participants added to the naco funnel interest in participating in the naco funnel continues to grow. recently, one new participant was added to the nine new members added in october 2015. the total number of participants in the naco program now stands at 36, with 22 participants currently active and one awaiting training. during fy2015 (oct. 1, 2014-sept. 30, 2015), atla funnel members created 449 new name authority records, changed 683 existing authority records, authenticated 284 serial records, and upgraded 195 existing serial records to conser full status. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association professional development opportunities ontologies and linked data library juice academy focus on skos, owl, mads/mets/mods, and the open linked data movement. strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies will be discussed. hands-on ontologies creation will be facilitated with open source tools. june 6-july 1, 2016 $175 we can do it, you can too! metadata automation for everyone alcts virtual preconference presentations include on workflows and automation tools to aid in metadata transformation, repurposing ead or marc, reconciliation through open refine, and clean-up of legacy data. june 7-8, 2016 $43-206 the sparql fundamentals i the semantic web in action library juice academy understand how semantic data is used, accessed, and disseminated on the web. study how semantic systems are implemented. learn how to write sparql queries against rdf triplestores. july 4-29, 2016 $175 managing your workload: how to prioritize american management assoc. learn how to take control of your workload using practical tips and techniques such as evaluating tasks for validity, urgency, and importance. identify delaying tactics and what gets in the way of productivity. develop a proactive instead of reactive mindset. july 7, 2016 $149 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities authority control library juice academy demystifies authority control and explores the value it adds to library catalogs. includes a discussion about evaluating authority work for different libraries' needs. january 8-february 2, 2018 $175 excel for librarians library juice academy explores tools such as pivot tables, filters, conditional logic, and the vlookuo formula and how to apply them to analyze data. january 8-feburary 2, 2018 $175 getting started with digital image collections library juice academy this course will cover user behaviours and attitudes, how different metadata standards present information to the end user, and steps for creating and preserving digital images. february 5-march 2, 2018 $175 metadata design library juice academy learn the tools of metadata design, design an xml schema, and apply these elements to existing metadata schemas. march 5-30, 2018 $175 library of congress bibframe pilot phase two alcts understand the initiative and advancements with bibframe. includes a review of ld4p initiatives, pcc's bibframe task group, and rda's influence on bibframe 2. march 7, 2018 free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals allen, amy leigh. “lessons learned in partnerships and practice: adopting open source institutional repository software.” journal of librarianship and scholarly communication 5, no. 1 (2017): 1-15, doi: behnert, christiane and dirk lewandowski. "known-item searches resulting in zero hits: considerations for discovery systems." journal of academic librarianship 43, no. 2 (march 2017): 128-134. doran, claire and cheryl martin. "measuring success in outsourced cataloging: a data-driven investigation." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 5 ( july 2017): 307-317. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the atla technical services section) eight new participants in atla naco funnel program eight catalogers completed the training necessary to become members of the name authority cooperative program (naco), one of the components of the program for cooperative cataloging (pcc) which was initiated by the library of congress. this brings the number of members of the atla naco funnel to thirty, representing twenty-seven institutions. the eight new catalogers participated in the online training course developed by the library of congress, consisting of eight modules and seven webinars, conducted over 3-4 weeks. since then, several have begun creating and modifying records in the name authority file (naf). after review and corrections, those records are added to the naf. during the last fiscal year, the atla naco funnel contributed 191 new name records and modified 609 existing records. anyone interested in joining this program should contact judy knop ( for information on requirements for membership. two possible new funnel programs six catalogers expressed interest in participating in a series funnel and one naco member is currently taking the series training. training to create and contribute series authority records is completely online and can be taken at the cataloger's convenience. if you are interested in participating and have not already indicated your interest to judy knop, please email her at ( catalogers have also expressed interest in starting a subject authority cooperative (saco) funnel. there will be an opportunity for conversation around this topic at the 2016 atla annual conference in long beach, ca this coming june. anyone interested in participating in this funnel should attend that session if you are coming to the annual conference. if you cannot make it to the conference, please send an email to judy knop ( expressing your interest in participating in this funnel. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association professional development opportunities metadata design library juice academy this course provides the tools needed to design metadata to support the needs of users and collections. students are introduced to metadata expression using xml and rdf. april 4-29, 2016 $175 mastering excel® formulas and functions american management assoc. discover how to use an extensive array of tools to validate and analyze data in excel®. april 5, 2016 $149 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson thesaurus of religious occupations the best practices task force released the second draft of the thesaurus of religious occupations for comments. the purpose of this thesaurus is to provide a list of standardized vocabulary for relevant occupations which can be used to populate marc field 374 occupation in personal name authority records. the current source for standard terms, library of congress subject headings, does not contain sufficient terms specific to the field of religion. once the thesaurus is published as a new standard, the abbreviation of the standard can then be used in subfield 2 source of term. the principles used to guide the construction of the thesaurus are: 1. only include religious occupations which might be necessary for writers. 2. combine occupations into broad categories which can be paired with the 372, 373 and 375 fields to bring specificity. 3. use lcsh terms where available. 4. avoid use of gender specific terms where possible. pair with 375 to provide gender specific terms. 5. avoid use of denomination specific terms, again pairing searches with the 372 and 373 to provide denominational specific results. 6. include titles such as reverend as see references only when they have been or are likely to be used, incorrectly, as occupations. 7. use plural terms to be consistent with lcsh. the draft is accessible from the atla website under the community tab. to access the draft, after signing in, click on sharepoint for members > groups/benefits. links to the naco funnel participants and technical services pages are on the right side of the page. click on either link then click on shared documents in the column on the left side of the page. the document is called draft of religion thesaurus. alternatively, contact judy knop ( for access to the document or to make comments or suggest additional terms. submitted by judy knop chair of the best practices in the field of religion taskforce changing holy spirit from a topical term to a personal name a proposal was made to create a name authority record and cancel the subject authority record for holy spirit in accordance with the definition of person in rda 9.0 which includes fictional and non-human persons. discussion has been both theological and practical with the preponderance of opinion in favor of keeping holy spirit as a subject authorized heading. lc policy office was queried, but so far no comment has been received. if you would like to participate in the discussion, please comment on the atlatech or naco discussion lists. submitted by judy knop, metadata curator american theological library association theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 3-2 section 3 text. scholars are interested in each printing since any change in wording or typos can be significant. perhaps in our secular society that is no longer meaningful. the proposal also calls for eliminating the alternative option for facsimile reproductions in rda authorized access point representing an expression of a religious work. this means that catalogers will record only the date of the original publication of that text of the bible. if the text is a facsimile of a 1535 edition of the bible, the only bible authorized access point will include the 1535 date. there will not be an entry to indicate that this is a 2010 printing of that facsimile. submitted by judy knop, metadata curator american theological library association news professional development opportunities rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free library 2.0 conference conference "the fourth annual library 2.014 worldwide virtual online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and free to attend." proposals are currently being accepted for this is a unique opportunity to share your knowledge and research to a worldwide audience. october 2-8, 2014 free integrating researcher identifiers into oclc researchers university and library systems karen smith-yoshimura and micah altman address the challenges of incorporating authoritative research identifiers into databases and systems that use name authorities. slides and draft: youtube presentation: just for copy cats, part 1, background material webinar a series of short webcasts that explain the basics of copy cataloging: what it is and how we do it, useful elements of the bibliographic record, and search strategies. for beginning catalogers. available 24/7 free marc21 in your library webinar a series of mini-courses that introduce marc21 and how it works in a library automation system, what marc records are, and how to tie in the marc standards with aacr2 available 24/7 free theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 3-3 section 3 introduction to cataloging online this course is designed for non-catalogers, catalogers needing a refresher, and librarians who have new responsibilities for cataloging an introduction to the tools and techniques of cataloging, including rda, marc, lcc, dewey, and lcsh with practical, hands-on training. october 6-31, 2014 $175 cataloger's desktop new user interface training webinar a new interface is coming to cataloger's desktop and the library of congress has prepared a series of webinar's available for learning how to use the interface. august 25-september 2, 2014 free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2016 lcc list numbers 2 and 3 (february 15 and march 21). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics individual ethics. character. virtue special virtues, a-z bj1533.d45 dignity class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.c37 caricatures and cartoons religious life special classes of persons other, a-z bl625.9.r44 refugees history and principles of religions asian. oriental by region or country china special religions taoism other special topics, a-z bl1942.85.s35 science class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur'an. koran works about the qur'an special topics, a-z bp134.m48 metaphor hadith literature. traditions. sunna. ????. ??? special topics, a-z bp135.8.p85 punishment class bq buddhism modifications, schools, etc. special modifications, sects, etc. tantric buddhism (vajrayana buddhism) shingon biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq8999.e35-.e359 eikai, -1347? table bq8 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 2-3 section 2 class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.e675-.e6756 eucherius, of lyon, saint, -449? table br1 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.s48 shambala table bs5 class bx christian denominations other protestant denominations friends german baptist brethren bx7800.g488 gereja protestan di bagian barat cancel bx7800.g488 gereja protestan di indonesia bagian barat class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhahib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. ةيفنحلا ،يفنحلا ،تاقبط individual authors, a-z kbp300.i233 ibn al-humām, muḥammad ibn ʻabd al-wāḥid, 1388-1459 or 1460. دحاولا دبع نب دمحم ،مامهلا نبا table k4 maliki. malikiyah. ةيكلاملا ،يكلاملا individual authors, a-z kbp320.a53 amīr al-kabīr, muḥammad ibn muḥammad, 1742-1817. ريمأ table k4 دمحم نب دمحم ،ريبکلا kbp320.i72 ʻirāqī, ʻabd al-raḥīm ibn al-ḥusayn, 1325-1404. يقارعلا، table k4 نيسحلا نب ميحرلا دبع theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 3-2 section 3 fundamentals of cataloging online: rda vs. aacr2 ohionet learn the key differences in cataloging vocabulary and workflows brought about by the implementation of rda. attendees will learn how to identify rda and hybrid records in marc format as well as practice a sample workflow for copy cataloging monographs. april 19, 2016 $35-$65 fundamentals of cataloging online: serials ohionet this workshop will cover the issues, fields, and elements to be considered when cataloging both print and electronic serials. free resources and tools for cataloging serials will be explored along with how to utilize examples of national standards to simplify cataloging. may 17, 2016 $35-$65 coaching techniques to drive employee engagement american management assoc. and motivation learn how to use a variety of communication strategies to boost employee focus, impact, and engagement; listen actively in order to engage and motivate, and explore the science behind the five essential coaching questions. may 18, 2016 $149 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals bénaud, claire-lise, and sever bordeianu. "oclc's worldshare management services: a brave new world for catalogers." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 7 (october 2015): 738-752. bowen, jennifer. "embracing technical services values in a changing profession." technicalities 35, no. 6 (november 2015): 9-12. bryant, sally, and gan ye. "from discovery to delivery: successful systems integration." technical services quarterly 32, no. 4 (october 2015): 383-389. coffman, steve. "the cloud catalog." online searcher 39, no. 6 (november 2015): 38-51. onlinesearcher/articles/features/the-cloud-catalog-one-catalog-to-serve-them-all-106464.shtml harris, jamey, and marilou hinchcliff. "collaborative cataloging pilot project." collaborative librarianship 7, no. 3 ( july 2015): 130-138. hastings, robin. "linked data in libraries: status and future direction." computers in libraries 35, no. 9 (november 2015): 12-16. hiatt, c. d. "technical services is public services." technicalities 35, no. 5 (september 2015): 8-10. riemer, john j. "the transformation and ascendancy of authority data." technicalities 35, no. 3 (may 2015): 1-7. snow, karen, and gretchen l. hoffman. "what makes an effective cataloging course? library resources & technical services 59, no. 4 (october 2015): 187-199. wolverton, robert e. "authority control from a distance: developing and implementing online forms to create new authority records." journal of electronic resources librarianship 27, no. 4 (october 2015): 279-283. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities managing your workload: how to prioritize american mgmt assoc. topics covered include thinking strategically about making a difference and creating value, prioritizing tasks using validity, urgency, and importance, and identifying delaying tactics. september 26, 2017 $199 introduction to python and pymarc alcts learn how to install python, understand syntax of python and pymarc, create a python script and run it against a set of marc records, and use a python script to create marc records from non-marc metadata. use cases will also be discussed. session 1 october 8, 2017 $43-206 session 2 october 25, 2017 $43-206 fundamentals of cataloging online: subject analysis ohionet understand and assess existing subject headings. discussion will include understanding cataloger's judgment and bias, marc21 coding, how loc subject headings are assigned, rda-related changes, as well as how and when to make changes in shared catalogs. session 1 october 31, 2017 $65 session 2 november 7, 2017 $65 session 3 november 14, 2017 $65 beyond the basics: cataloging dvds, blu-ray discs, and streaming videos library juice academy utilizing hands-on practice, participants will identify the preferred sources of information, understand how to handle multiple production companies, distributors, and dates, determine authorized and variant access points, and incorporate new fields added under rda. november 6-december 1, 2017 $175 update on the rda 3r project alcts kathy glennan, ala representative to the rda steering committee, will bring attendees up-to-date about the planned changes to the toolkit, which will be rolled out in april 2018. november 29, 2017 free naco records by other means alcts explores utilizing unconventional tools (such as spreadsheets, oclc templates, google forms, openrefine, and xslt) as well as student assistants and paraprofessionals in the work of authority record creation. december 6, 2017 $43-$129 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-2 section 3 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals browning, jennifer j., et al. "the canadian linked data summit: developing canada's linked data future through cooperative alliances." collaborative librarianship 9, no. 1 ( january 2017): 12-20. collaborativelibrarianship/vol9/iss1/4 chang-fitzgibbon, kerry and jianrong wang. "in the spotlight: technical services professionals in library-wide assessment." technical services quarterly 34, no. 2 (april 2017): 157-173. goertzen, melissa j. “applying quantitative methods to e-book collections.” library technology reports 53, no. 4 ( june 2017), doi: hider, philip. "a critique of the frbr user tasks and their modifications." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 2 (february 2017): 55-74. huwe, terence k. "librarians and data: curator, creator, or both?" online searcher 41, no. 3 (may 2017): 10-15. leffler, jennifer, jessica hayden, and todd enoch. "juggling a new format with existing tools: incorporating streaming video into technical services workflows." serials librarian 72, no. 1-4 ( january 2017): 102-104. long, kara, et al. "the “wicked problem” of neutral description: toward a documentation approach to metadata standards." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 3 (april 2017): 107-128. massicotte, mia and kathleen botter. "reference rot in the repository: a case study of electronic theses and dissertations (etds) in an academic library." information technology & libraries 36, no. 1 (march 2017): 11-28, doi: mcgee, marc, kim durante, and katherine hart weimer. "toward a linked data model for describing cartographic resources." journal of map & geography libraries 13, no. 1 ( january 2017): 133-144. mitchell, heather. "the times, they are changing." technical services quarterly 34, no. 2 (april 2017): 129-145. park, jung ran and yuji tosaka. "emerging information standards and technologies: cataloging and metadata professionals' perspectives." library hi tech news 34, no. 4 (2017): 22-26. rogers, kristin, brian young, and alex watson. "an ebook program by any other name: a comparison of ebrary pda and ybp dda ebook purchasing at the university of mississippi libraries." journal of electronic resources librarianship 29, no. 2 (april 2017): 84-92. slater, aimee, and ann kardos. "graphic novels: collecting, cataloging and outreach in an academic library." journal of academic librarianship 43, no. 2 (march 2017): 116-120. wintermute, harriet e. "the joy of cataloging community cookbooks." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 4 ( june 2017): 197-228. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings the subject headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 lcsh list numbers 5 (may 18) and 6 ( june 15). new genre/form terms were selected from list numbers 14 (february 2) and 15 (march 2). note that the lc-psd has been developing a list of genre/form terms in the field of religion, to be approved on september 8, 2015. you can view the tentative list at the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: subject headings are in alphabetical order. those without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also relevant changes to free-floating subdivisions and genre/form terms, if any, are at the end of the list. submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4• august 2015 section 1 150 christian humanism [may subd geog] [sp2015000626] 550 bt humanism 680 here are entered works on a branch of renaissance humanism that advocated a combination of classical, biblical, and patristic learning as the foundation for renewal of theology, piety, and public morality. works on the relationship between christianity and a religious humanism movement within american unitarianism are entered under christianity and religious humanism. 681 note under christianity and religious humanism 150 christian literature, romance change heading 150 christian literature, romance-language [may subd geog] [sp 85025126 ] 450 uf christian literature, romance [former heading] 450 uf romance-language christian literature 550 bt romance-language literature 150 christianity and religious humanism [sp 85025287 ] 680 here are entered works on the relationship between christianity and a religious humanism movement within american unitarianism. works on a branch of renaissance humanism that advocated a combination of classical, biblical, and patristic learning as the foundation for renewal of theology, piety, and public morality are entered under christian humanism. add field 681 note under christian humanism add field 150 copts [may subd geog] [sp 85032431 ] 450 uf copts--egypt add field 150 crusades and art [may subd geog] [sp2015001054] 450 uf art and the crusades 550 bt art 150 fasts and feasts--neopaganism [sp2015000818] 150 fines (penalties) ( jewish law) [sp2015000760] 550 bt jewish law 150 hermetism in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2014002154] 550 bt motion pictures 150 jesuit universities and colleges [may subd geog] [sp2015000012] 450 uf jesuit catholic universities and colleges 550 bt catholic universities and colleges 150 jewish law teachers [may subd geog] [sp2015000886] 550 bt law teachers 100 mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--colombia [sp2015000536] 100 mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--peru [sp2015000535] 150 mind and body--religious aspects [sp2015000858] 053 bl65.m56 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 section 1 150 mind and body--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2015000857] 150 muslim religious leaders [may subd geog] [sp2015000835] 450 uf islamic religious leaders 550 bt religious leaders 150 persephone (greek deity) cancel heading [sp 85100056 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2014090208 150 persephone (greek deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 94007744 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading persephone (greek deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority is not made because it uses a free-floating combination. 150 refusal to treat--moral and ethical aspects [may subd geog] [sp2015001047] 450 uf conscientious objection (medical ethics) 550 bt medical ethics 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http://www. the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2017 list numbers 05 (may 15) and 06 ( june 19). new genre/form terms listed here were gleaned from 2017 list number 05 (may 15). the new demographic group terms also come from 2017 list number 05. demographic group terms belong to a new vocabulary the library of congress is developing, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at html. the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http://classificationweb. net/lcdgt/. this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 section 1 subject headings 150 altruism [may subd geog] [sp 85003944 ] 550 rt charity delete field 150 avarice in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2017003133] 550 bt motion pictures 150 benevolence [may subd geog] [sp 85013139 ] 550 rt charity delete field 550 rt kindness delete field 150 charity [sp 85022672 ] 550 bt theological virtues delete field 550 rt altruism delete field 550 rt benevolence delete field 150 charity--religious aspects [sp2017003394] 150 charity--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2016001879] 150 charity--religious aspects--christianity [sp2017003395] 550 bt theological virtues 150 church work with college students [may subd geog] [sp2017003073] 550 bt college students 150 christians, white [may subd geog] [sp2017003176] 450 uf white christians 150 church work with college students--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2017003421] 150 death of god in literature [not subd geog] [sp2016001873] 150 farhud, baghdad, iraq, 1941 [sp2016001185] 450 uf farhood, baghdad, iraq, 1941 550 bt iraq--history--hashemite kingdom, 1921-1958 550 bt pogroms—iraq 110 great stupa of dharmakaya (colo.) change heading 150 great stupa of dharmakaya (colo.) [sp2001011769] 450 uf great stupa of dharmakaya which liberates upon seeing (colo.) 550 bt buddhist shrines--colorado 550 bt stūpas--colorado 150 lamas in art [not subd geog] [sp2017002999] 150 pogroms--iraq [sp2017003053] 150 praise houses [may subd geog] [sp2017002990] 450 uf gullah meeting houses 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 section 1 550 bt church buildings 150 prester john (legendary character) cancel heading [sp 86001509 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2017025336 150 ramadan in literature [not subd geog] [sp2017003266] genre/form terms 155 carol texts [gp2017026071] 555 bt song texts 681 note under carols 155 carols [gp2014026695] 680 for texts of carols that appear without a musical setting see carol texts. add field 155 hanukkah music [gp2017026057] 455 uf chanuka music 455 uf chanukah music 455 uf chanukkah music 455 uf feast of dedication music 455 uf feast of lights music 455 uf feast of the maccabees music 455 uf festival of lights music 455 uf hanukah music 455 uf hanukka music 555 bt event music 680 music that is traditionally associated with hanukkah. demographic group terms 150 abbots [dp2016060513] 072 occ 550 bt monks 150 archivists [dp2016060230] 072 occ 550 bt information scientists 150 biblical scholars [dp2017060050] 072 occ 450 uf bible scholars 450 uf biblicists (biblical scholars) 550 bt scholars 150 vicars [dp2016060466] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 7 new and changed lc classification numbers lcc from august-november 2018 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new classifications listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from the 2018 list numbers 08 (august 20), 09 (september 17), 10 (october 15), and 11 (november 19). class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion worship. cultus rites and ceremonies. ritual, cult, symbolism other, a-z [bl619.i582] invisibility see bl619.v57 bl619.v57 visibility. invisibility history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.g45 gelos asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources vedic texts upaniṣads individual upaniṣads. by title, a-z bl1124.7.d49-.d499 dhyānabindūpaniṣad table bl3 kalpasūtras (vedic ritual sūtras) śulbasūtras individual śulbasūtras. by title, a-z bl1136.8.m35-.m359 maitrāyaṇīyaśulbasūtra table bl3 purāṇas individual purāṇas. by title, a-z bl1140.4.s4794-.s47949 śivadharmottarapurāṇa table bl3 ann heinrichs is metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. 8 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās tantric texts individual tantras. by title, a-z bl1142.6.s34-.s349 ṣaḍāmnāyatantra table bl3 jainism sacred books. sources. āgama (siddhānta) literature special divisions and individual texts paiṇṇas (prakīrṇas) individual texts. by title, a-z bl1312.9.a73-.a739 ārādhanāpatākā table bl3 doctrine special doctrines, a-z bl1357.b43 bhakti by region or country india by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2032.a25 adivasis cancel bl2032.a25 adivasis. indigenous peoples (general) [bl2032.i52] indigenous peoples (general) see bl2032.a25 bl2032.m57 miri japan special topics, a-z bl2211.o24 ocean individual religions shinto forms of worship. shinto practice ceremonies and rituals special, a-z bl2224.25.c45 chigomai korea special topics, a-z bl2236.t74 tree worship history and principles of religions african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.o45 okpe 9 new and changed lc classification numbers class bm judaism practical judaism other special topics, a-z bm729.a88 attitude (psychology) class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.p49 physical fitness class bq buddhism history by region or country asia east asia special countries china local, a-z bq649.g83 guiping shi bq649.q23 qiantang river region korea. south korea bq657 historiography doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.z66 zombies modifications, schools, etc. special modifications, sects, etc. zen buddhism taehan pulgyo chogyejong biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq9519.h94-.h949 hyeam, 1920-2001 table bq8 10 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.a53 amba table bs5 bs325.m334 mankanya table bs5 old testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the old testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs895.g64-.g642 goldingay table bs2 class bt doctrinal theology history of specific doctrines and movements. heresies and schisms by period early to the reformation, 1517 bt1397 luciferians class bv practical theology pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman communities and institutions, confraternities, brotherhoods, etc. individual communities, etc. bv4406.86 alleluia (community) table bv8 class dg history of italy medieval and modern italy, 476ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z dg457.m66 moriscos 11 new and changed lc classification numbers class lc special aspects of education moral and religious education religion and education. education under church control islamic education special topics, a-z lc905.m68 motivation class m music vocal music sacred vocal music hymnals. hymn collections christian published in the united states 1821by denomination protestant other, a-z m2131.c76 community of christ class pr english literature history of english literature by period modern elizabethan era (1550-1640) other special topics, a-z pr428.m367 mary, blessed virgin, saint 17th century special topics, a-z pr438.j83 judgment day class ps american literature history of american literature by period 19th century special topics, a-z ps217.a66 apocalypse 12 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books special classes of materials other classes, a-z z692.z56 zines cataloging by subject, a-z z695.1.o33 oceania machine-readable bibliographic data. information storage and retrieval systems by subject or form, a-z z699.5.z56 zines subject bibliography manuscripts by subject, a-z z6611.t23 taʻziyah theology and religion bible versions, a-z z7771.i8 italian bibles religions (non-christian) special, a-z z7835.a43 ahl-i hadith tables asia and eurasia, africa, pacific area, and antarctica: civil law table (5000 nos.) state and religion kl-kwx4 2695 protection of church property table k11 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-3 section 3 on east asian libraries. psd thanks all those who worked to develop the list of terms, which includes terms pertinent to several religious traditions. following standard policy, lc catalogers and members of the subject authority cooperative (saco) program will be able to propose additional genre/form terms for religious materials as well as revisions to existing terms. psd will separately announce the date on which it will begin to accept proposals for new and revised genre/form terms for religious materials. lc subject headings that are analogous to genre/form terms for literary works will remain valid because the subject headings should continue to be assigned to works about the materials. catalogers should continue to assign subject headings to religious materials according to the principles and guidelines contained in the subject headings manual (shm). the library of congress’ acquisitions and bibliographic access directorate, which catalogs most of the religious materials acquired for the library’s general collections, has not yet determined its schedule for implementing the genre/form terms for literary works. the date will be announced when it is available." submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association professional development opportunities mastering excel pivottables: how to crunch numbers american management association like an expert discover how to use the excel pivottable to quickly analyze usage and cost data, determine duplicates, and sort data without the need for formulas. september 3, 2015 $149 caring for collections: preservation of rare and online course via library juice academy unusual materials this course covers basic principles of preventive care including environmental conditions, storage, and handling to extend the life of the materials. developing a disaster response plan will also be addressed. september 7-october 2, 2015 $175 growing through conflict: healthy workplace communication oclc webjunction this webinar will explore ways to use healthy communication skills to address conflict and proactively contribute to a happier workplace. september 10, 2015 free original cataloging of videos and dvds using rda mcls learn about the marc fixed and variable fields and relationships among these fields, as well as other issues relating to videos and dvds. this workshop will also cover assigning lcsh. a booklet will be provided that includes rda rules combined with marc coding information. september 23-25, 2015 $99-$349 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-4 section 3 project management for the accidental project american management association manager--a basic "how-to" approach outlines a recipe for initiating, planning, and managing projects. includes access to software to help implement what is discussed in the webinar. october 27, 2015 $149 track your activity with oclc usage statistics nebraska library commission learn how to use the updated and enhanced interface to analyze and interpret your library's oclc usage patters. recorded online session free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals albee, barbara. "education for technical services librarians: courses taught at accredited library and information science degree programs." technical services quarterly 32, no. 2 (april 2015): 123-140. bauder, julia and emma lange. “exploratory subject searching in library catalogs: reclaiming the vision.” information technology and libraries 34, no. 2 ( june 2015): 92-102. article/view/5888 breeding, marshall. "library services platforms." library technology reports 51, no. 4 (may 2015): 5-38. http:// clarke, rachel ivy. "breaking records: the history of bibliographic records and their influence in conceptualizing bibliographic data." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 286-302. doherty, brian, and alison piper. "creating a new organizational structure for a small academic library: the merging of technical services and access services." technical services quarterly 32, no. 2 (april 2015): 160172. "let's get technical -working together to move titles to off-site storage." against the grain 27, no. 2 (april 2015): 76-77. middleton, cedar c., jason w. dean, and mary a. gilbertson. "a process for the original cataloging of theses and dissertations." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 2 (february 2015): 234-246. papadakis, ioannis, konstantinos kyprianos, and michalis stefanidakis. "linked data uris and libraries: the story so far." d-lib magazine 21, no. 5/6 (may 2015): 5. papadakis/05papadakis.html seeman, dean, and lisa goddard. "preparing the way: creating future compatible catalogingdata in a transitional environment." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 331-340. tharani, karim. "linked data in libraries: a case study of harvesting and sharing bibliographic metadata with bibframe." information technology & libraries 34, no. 1 (march 2015): 5-19. ojs/index.php/ital/article/view/5664 thompson, kelly j. "what if i break it?" project management for intergenerational libraryteams creating non-marc metadata." code4lib journal no. 28 (april 15, 2015): 1. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by ann heinrichs the subject headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from lcsh list numbers 07 (2014: july 21), 08 (2014: august 18), and 09 (2014: september 15). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: subject headings are in alphabetical order. those without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also relevant changes to free-floating subdivisions and genre/form terms, if any, are at the end of the list. ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 1 • november 2014 section 1 150 anti-mormonism [may subd geog] [sp2013003223] 550 bt prejudices 550 rt mormon church — controversial literature 150 art, dominican [may subd geog] [sp 85007631 ] 680 here are entered works on art of the dominican republic. works on art of dominican religious orders are entered under dominican art (order of saint dominic). add field 681 note under dominican art (order of saint dominic) add field 130 bible—publication and distribution [may subd geog] [sp 85013709 ] 430 uf bible—publishing add field 130 bible—thumb bibles [sp 85013723 ] 550 bt children's bibles add field 150 bishops—dwellings—australia [sp2014001835] 110 bishopscourt (melbourne, vic.) [sp2014001166] 550 bt bishops—dwellings—australia 550 bt official residences—australia 150 catechisms, finnish [sp2014000967] 450 uf finnish catechisms 150 children’s bibles [may subd geog] [sp2014001759] 053 bs560 (criticism) 450 uf bibles for children 450 uf juvenile bibles 530 bt bible—juvenile literature 550 bt children's books 150 christianity in the hadith [sp2014001304] 053 bp135.8.c47 550 bt hadith 150 church group work with women [may subd geog] [sp2013001456] 550 bt women 150 comparative canon law [may subd geog] [sp2014001819] 550 bt canon law 550 bt comparative religious law 680 here are entered works on the comparison of the legal systems of various christian denominations. 150 dominican art (order of saint dominic) [may subd geog] [sp2014001699] 550 bt christian art and symbolism 680 here are entered works on art of dominican religious orders. works on art of the dominican republic are entered under art, dominican. 681 note under art, dominican 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 section 1 150 donation of organs, tissues, etc. (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2014001235] 550 bt islamic law 150 gilgamesh (legendary character) cancel heading [sp2005000939] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (nb2014011789). 150 human trafficking—religious aspects [sp2014001164] 150 human trafficking—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014001165] 150 hymns, tuvaluan [may subd geog] [sp2014001633] 450 uf tuvaluan hymns 150 indian mormons [may subd geog] [sp2014000748] 450 uf mormons, indian 550 bt mormons 150 insider movements [may subd geog] [sp2014001604] 450 uf church-less christianity (insider movements) 450 uf jesus movements within 550 bt christianity and other religions 680 here are entered works on groups of people from non-christian religious traditions who consider themselves followers of jesus but remain part of the religious community of their birth. 150 islamic literature, sindhi [may subd geog] [sp2014001075] 450 uf sindhi islamic literature 550 bt sindhi literature 150 jews in advertising [not subd geog] [sp2014001445] 550 bt advertising 680 here are entered works on the portrayal of jews in advertising. 150 librarians as artists [may subd geog] [sp2014001521] 550 bt artists 150 libraries and indigenous peoples [may subd geog] [sp2014001583] 450 uf indigenous peoples and libraries 450 uf libraries—services to indigenous peoples 450 uf library services to indigenous peoples 450 uf public libraries—services to indigenous peoples 550 bt indigenous peoples 150 mahamudra (tantric rite) in art [not subd geog] [sp2014001231] 151 mary's well (nazareth, israel) [sp 00007118 ] 451 uf ain il-'adra (nazareth, israel) add field 451 uf ain mirjam (nazareth, israel) add field 150 mormon artists [may subd geog] [sp2014001914] 550 bt artists 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 1 • november 2014 section 1 150 mormon women authors [may subd geog] [sp2014001902] 550 bt mormon authors 550 bt women authors 150 plants in the hadith [sp2014002001] 550 bt hadith 150 podcasting—religious aspects [sp2014001298] 150 podcasting—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2013001007] 150 religious poetry, scottish gaelic [may subd geog] [sp2014001142] 450 uf scottish gaelic religious poetry 550 bt scottish gaelic poetry 150 reproductive technology (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2014001229] 550 bt islamic law 150 responsibility in the bible [sp2014001528] 053 bs1199.r39 (old testament) 150 sermons, faroese [may subd geog] [sp2014001473] 450 uf faroese sermons 150 sermons, iloko [may subd geog] [sp2014000120] 450 uf iloko sermons 150 sermons, norwegian [may subd geog] [sp2014001174] 450 uf norwegian sermons 150 social media—religious aspects [sp2014001299] 150 social media—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2013001006] 150 swords—religious aspects [sp2013003082] 150 swords—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2013003083] 150 syriac language—dictionaries [sp2014001611] 150 trespass ( jewish law) [sp 85137309 ] 053 kbm853.t74 add field 150 tshal-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2013003131] 450 uf tshalpa (sect) 450 uf tshal-pa bka’-brgyud (sect) 450 uf tshalpa kagyud (sect) 550 bt bka’-brgyud-pa (sect) 550 bt buddhist sects 151 zahara, tel (israel) [sp2013003481] 451 uf tel zahara (israel) 451 uf zahara site (israel) 551 bt israel—antiquities 781 israel—zahara, tel theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, class b–bx and selected others compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2016 lcc list numbers 11 and 12 (november 21 and december 19) and 2017 list number 1 ( january 16). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.q88-.q884 quṭb al-taḥtānī, muḥammad ibn muḥammad, 1294 or 1295 1364 or 1365.بطق ،يناتحتلا دمحم نب دمحم table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country germany. austria (german) by period later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers nietzsche, friedrich wilhelm, 1844-1900 special subjects, a-z b3318.s68 soul class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.m385-.m3854 mātaṅgī table bl7 by region or country india individual religions sikhism. sikh religion special topics, a-z bl2018.5.i64 immortality class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.d53 diabetes practical judaism festivals and fasts individual festivals and fasts, a-z [bm695.f542] fifteenth of av see bm695.t88 bm695.t88 tu be-av. fifteenth of av. ו"ט באב theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 2-3 section 2 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. ةيفوص monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.y37-.y372 yasawīyah table bp3 topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.s34 secrecy class bq buddhism practice of buddhism. forms of worship religious life religious life of special groups other groups, a-z bq5480.i58 internet users festivals. days and seasons special, a-z bq5720.y66 yŏndŭnghoe modifications, schools, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism) special branches of tibetan buddhism individual branches bq7662-7662.9 rñiṅ-ma-pa (nyingmapa) table bq14 cancel bq7662-7662.9 rnying-ma-pa (rñiṅ-ma-pa, nyingmapa) table bq14 class br christianity history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther's theology special topics, a-z br333.5.d38 depression, mental [br333.5.m452] mental depression see br333.5.d38 by region or country oceania. pacific islands by island or group of islands, a-z br1495.s65 solomon islands theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 2-4 section 2 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs195.m48-.m482 modern english table bs2 non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.w65 wolayta table bs5 works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible biography individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.j34 judah old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.p88 psychic trauma new testament special parts of the new testament epistles epistles of paul topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2655.m45 mercy class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.i82 itatí, nuestra señora de class bv practical theology missions special types of missions work among special classes. by occupation other classes, a-z bv2695.b38 baseball players class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. .ةعيرش هقف schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 2-5 section 2 schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah. ،يكلاملا ةيكلاملا individual authors, a-z kbp320.m37 masīlī, abū muḥammad ibn khintāsh. ،يليسم وبأ دمحم نبا table k4 شاتنخ shīʻī schools. shīʻah. ةعيش jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis. .نويرفعجلا ءانثالا نويرشع individual authors, a-z kbp370.a55 ʻāmilī, bahāʼ al-dīn muḥammad ibn ḥusayn, 1547-1621. table k4 نيسح نب دمحم نيدلا ءاهب ،ىلماعلا class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art non-christian art special other religions, a-z n8199.s53-.s536 hamanism table n12 class nk decorative arts. applied arts. decoration and ornament other arts and art industries ceramics special objects other objects, a-z nk4695.c46 censers class pq french literature literary history and criticism history of french literature by period modern 20th century special topics, a-z pq307.r43 repentance class z libraries library science. information science public services. reference services z711.97 database management in libraries subject bibliography philology and linguistics romance special topics, a-z z7033.l28 ladin theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 2-6 section 2 theology and religion buddhism special modifications, schools, sects, etc. individual, a-z z7864.r64 rñiṅ-ma-pa (sect) cancel z7864.r64 rnying-ma-pa (sect) information resources (general) information in specific formats or media electronic information resources digital libraries za4080.3 digital rights management theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 3-3 section 3 testimony thinking of migrating? i am the head of the cataloging department at murray state university and am part of the four-person core implementation team for migrating to a new integrated library system (ils). as of the writing of this, we have been “live” in our new system for two weeks. going live was a culmination of over a year of focused data cleanup and a six month implementation process. even though all the data (bibliographic, acquisitions, and patron) is in the new system and all of our workflows and processes are starting to happen there, we are still deep in the migration process and will be for the next several months, at least. while i am sure that there are new lessons to be learned ahead of me, i have come through this portion of the migration process with some insights that are fresh on my mind. if you are considering migrating to a new system, you might benefit from these thoughts. all of my comments will be vendor-neutral as they are not limited to a specific vendor or system. have a good reason for migrating. migration from one ils to another is a complex process that carries risks as well as unforeseen consequences. the motivation behind the migration as well as the system’s capabilities and features should align with the mission of the library as well as the institution and not be the result of a personal or political agenda. it is crucial that staff understand how the new system will meet the goals of the mission in a better way than the current system does. when (not if ) they are frustrated by the learning curve, overwhelmed by the workload, or simply exhausted by the changes, staff can be encouraged by knowing that the effort is worth the outcome because it supports their ability to serve students and faculty as well as the mission. do not migrate with other libraries. unless your library is joining a consortium or migrating as a consortium, there is very little benefit to be gained and a lot to be lost by migrating with additional libraries. we were one of eight kentucky university libraries using the same system; we had separate databases but used the same server. four of those libraries negotiated with the vendor of the new system as a group and were then scheduled by that vendor to implement the system together (still with separate databases). coordinating the schedules of key people in four different libraries located in two time zones for weekly phone calls with the vendor was challenging enough. the loss of personal attention specific to our institution’s needs contributed to dissatisfaction and frustration with the migration process. clear the agenda of any other projects. migrating to a different ils is a big deal. to do it well takes time and attention, time and attention that staff should not feel they have to share with other big projects. if at all possible, wait to migrate until other projects are finished and don’t begin any new projects once the contract has been signed until the migration is complete. additionally, pay attention to non-system related events going on in your staffs’ lives to avoid migrating when a key staff member will be on maternity leave, putting a tenure portfolio together, or managing some other life altering or time consuming event. while these types of circumstances can’t be completely avoided or foreseen, be aware that staff involved in major life changes may have a difficult time focusing their attention on a system migration. assign an optimistic and confident project manager. in a system migration, it is more important for the project manager to be an excellent communicator with a variety of stakeholders both inside and outside the library and university, to prioritize tasks and direct people, and to be highly organized than it is for them to have a particular job title. knowledge of ilss and data structure is also important but a job title should not be the only criteria used to determine who the project manager will be. additionally, optimism and confidence go a long way toward providing a positive environment and instilling a can-do attitude while validating and encouraging when there are set-backs and challenges along the way. include a cataloger on the implementation team. the familiarity that a cataloger has with the bibliographic data and how the current system is configured to use that data is an asset that will tremendously aid the configuration process. while marc records are marc records no matter which system is in use, how elements of the marc record are utilized in the new system may not be the same way they were utilized in the legacy system. also, since item records are not standardized, the features and uses of item records are likely to be different from one system to the next. the cataloger’s awareness of the use of the components of records will help ensure the necessary data is in the right place in the new system. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 3-4 section 3 additionally, being part of the implementation team will give the cataloger a better understanding of the system as a whole facilitating better training, easier troubleshooting, and quicker functionality implementation. start early with data cleanup. if the data is not good in your current system, it is not going to get better in the next system and may even be problematic when it comes to migrating the data. whether or not data cleanup has been part of the normal workflows of the cataloging department, now is the time to prioritize it and the sooner the better. as much as possible, eliminate unnecessary data and standardize the rest. utilize the reporting capability of your system to find problems that need to be resolved. you may be surprised at the type of problems you can find even in standardized reports. vendors might suggest that data cleanup can wait until after migration as it might be easier to do in the new system; however, sometimes it is just more convenient to get work accomplished in a system with which you are familiar. it is difficult to know how long it will take you to learn how to run reports or make batch edits in the new system. while you still have access to the data in the legacy system, run reports that will help with ongoing data cleanup being mindful that data in the legacy system will be increasingly out of date and inaccurate. however, familiarity with running reports in the legacy system gives you confidence in the results of those reports that is lacking when running reports in a new and unfamiliar system. finally, be aware that once implementation gets underway, configuration, testing, and training will begin to consume whatever time you had for data cleanup. have a supportive dean or library director who will advocate for you. last, but certainly not least, a library director who is willing to intervene with external constituents is your ace in the hole. if the training provided by the vendor is insufficient or the it department is not responding to emails requesting ip addresses, a skilled library director may be able to make a phone call or schedule a meeting that will result in improved communication and response time or even an on-site trainer. all in all, our migration went and continues to go fairly smoothly, to one degree or another. that is pretty ambiguous, isn’t it? we did not have any big problems with the bibliographic data but getting user data from our registration system into the ils was problematic. thank goodness i deal with bibliographic data! now begins the process of becoming as familiar with the new system as i was with the old. i’m sure in a few years i’ll be able to give you a more straightforward answer about how the migration went and may even have some more insights to share. submitted by leslie engelson metadata librarian, murray state university theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-2 section 3 fundamentals of cataloging online: rda vs aacr2 for dvds ohionet focus on the issues, fields, and elements to be considered when cataloging dvds and streaming video resources. understand how rda impacts dvd cataloging. discuss provider neutral standards. july 19, 2016 $65 beyond the basics: cataloging dvds, blu-ray discs, and streaming videos library juice academy learn the primary differences between rda and aacr2; how to handle multiple production companies, distributors, and dates; and identify the preferred sources of information for audiovisual resources. august 1-26, 2016 $175 fundamentals of cataloging online: rda vs aacr2 for cds ohionet learn how rda impacts cd cataloging and streaming audio resources. discuss provider-neutral standards for electronic resources. august 2, 2016 $65 introduction to subject headings able course a basic course in understanding the purposes of subject headings, their types and forms, and how subdivisions are used. a helpful introduction for staff who are knew to assigning subject headings. anytime free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals adamich, tom. "bibframe, libhub, and linked data catalogs." technicalities 36, no. 1 ( january 2016): 16-18. bernstein, steven. "marc reborn: migrating marc fixed field metadata into the variable fields." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 1 ( january 2016): 23-38. brown, christopher c., and erin elzi. "revisiting the cataloging of free internet resources at the university of denver." interlending & document supply 44, no. 1 ( january 2016): 31-36. corbett, lauren e. "linked data advice anyone? (who uses google?)." technicalities 36, no. 1 ( january 2016): 1-7. davis, jeehyun yun. "transforming technical services." library resources & technical services 60, no. 1 ( january 2016): 52-65. johnson, bruce, derek rodriguez, and susane ross. "meeting user needs with cataloger`s desktop, a library of congress custom search application." online searcher 40, no. 2 (march 2016): 10-14. onlinesearcher/articles/features/meeting-user-needs-with-catalogers-desktop-109493.shtml laskowski, mary s. "when good enough is not good enough: resolving cataloging issues for high density storage." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 3 (april 2016): 147-158. mitchell, erick t. "library linked data: early activity and development." library technology reports 52, no. 1 ( january 2016): 5-33. perdue, katherine. "bringing our internet archive collection back home: a case study from the university of mary washington." code4lib journal no. 31 ( january 28, 2016): 6. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-3 section 3 schonfeld, roger c. “will the monograph experience a transition to e-only? latest findings.” april 4, 2016. https:// shrauger, kristine j., cara mia calabrese, and peter spyers-duran. "ill data drives technical services projects." technical services quarterly 33, no. 1 ( january 2016): 14-22. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony from one at a time to all at once: streamlining the withdrawal process for weeding projects at buswell memorial library at wheaton college in illinois, the resource description (rd) department previously withdrew items one by one, deleting each by hand and dealing with problems as they arose, a process that took up a significant amount of time. using batch capabilities in oclc connexion client and an upgrade in the voyager ils, staff learned how to streamline the withdrawal process and free time for other tasks. the previous withdrawal process began with subject librarians leaving carts of weeded items in the rd area or turning books on their spines in the stacks. most weeding projects were scheduled during the summer, but carts would filter in during other times if librarians needed to weed in preparation for a departmental review. this could create cart shortages and required rd staff to handle withdrawals on others' schedules. communication was haphazard, and rd staff didn't always know if a cart of books was there for withdrawal or some other purpose. the department hired a student assistant to handle the summer projects, but books could sit for weeks while waiting for withdrawal, which caused cart overflow in staff areas and created problems if someone was looking for a specific item on one of the carts, since no shelf locations were changed for any of the items. after gathering books to be withdrawn, the next step was to withdraw the items from the ils. each item in voyager has three components — the bibliographic record, the holdings record, and the item record — and each of these needed manual examination according to this process: 1. scan the barcode of an item to retrieve an item record. 2. retrieve the corresponding holdings and item records. 3. delete the item record. 4. delete the holdings record. 5. copy the oclc accession number from the bibliographic record, paste it into oclc connexion client, and remove holdings from oclc. 6. delete the bibliographic record. 7. repeat until done. this was the process for simple withdrawals, but frequent exceptions lengthened the process. if a holdings record is connected to a purchase order, it cannot be deleted, requiring manual changes to the record and suppression from public view, which in turn prevents the bibliographic record from being deleted. if the library has multiple copies in multiple locations, but not all copies are weeded, that requires yet another process. various other exceptions involve different procedures. in june 2015, our consortium upgraded from voyager 7.2.5 to 9.1.1, providing numerous enhancements to pick and scan, a batch editing function. with this upgrade, we could now upload a text file of barcodes into pick and scan to run batch deletion, and we used this opportunity to rework other parts of our withdrawal workflow as well. to minimize the backlog of carts that would appear every summer and throughout the year, we notified the subject librarians that we would no longer accept carts or turned-over books. instead, they were to compile a spreadsheet or text file of barcode numbers for weeded items and e-mail it to our central rd e-mail address to open a request in our ticketing system, which alleviates the haphazard communication problems. the rd ticket manager assigns the ticket to the appropriate staff member, who runs the barcode list through pick and scan to assign it an item statistical category (essentially a tag) of pull to withdraw. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 3-2 section 3 selected articles from current library journals adamich, tom. "bibflow: rethinking cataloging and technical services." technicalities 37, no. 1 ( january 2017): 1619. adler, melissa, jeffrey t. huber, and a. tyler nix. "stigmatizing disability: library classifications and the marking and marginalization of books about people with disabilities." library quarterly 87, no. 2 (april 2017): 117-135. carlson, scott and amber seely. "using openrefine's reconciliation to validate local authority headings." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 1 ( january 2017): 1-11. donnelly, joseph, m.l.i.s. "using automated cataloging to increase information accessibility." information outlook (online) 21, no. 1 ( jan, 2017): 3-5. eckard, max, dallas pillen, and mike shallcross. "bridging technologies to efficiently arrange and describe digital archives: the bentley historical library's archivesspace-archivematica-dspace workflow integration project." code4lib journal no. 35 ( january 2017): 6. edmunds, jeff. bibframe as empty vessel. (february 23, 2017) han, myung-ja k. "establishing sustainable and scalable workflows for cataloging and metadata services." library management 37, no. 6 (2016): 308-316. jett, jacob, et al. "what is a series, really?." knowledge organization 44, no. 1 ( january 2017): 24-36. kowalski, meghan. "breaking down silo walls: successful collaboration across library departments." library leadership & management 31, no. 2 ( january 2017): 1-15. lovins, daniel and diane hillman. "broken-world vocabularies." d-lib magazine 23, no. 3/4 (march/april 2017): 1, doi: 10.1045/march2017-lovins. miller, a. "a case study in institutional repository content curation." digital library perspectives 33, no. 1 (2017): 6376. molto, mavis b. "title change characteristics of academic and nonacademic serials: implications for identifying new serial works." library resources & technical services 61, no. 1 (01, 2017): 13-42. nakano, hikaru. "non-roman language cataloging in bulk: a case study of japanese language materials." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 2 (february 2017): 75-88. sassen, catherine. "enhancing bibliographic access to dissertations." technical services quarterly 34, no. 1 ( january 2017): 40-53. weihs, jean. "an investigation of cataloging-in-publication as an important tool." technicalities 37, no. 1 ( jan, 2017): 10-12. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary 15 news professional development opportunities by leslie engelson metadata design learn about data models, registry, and ontology associated with metadata design. use of xml and rdf will also be explored. february 4-march 1, 2019 $175 ead3: the basics determine whether ead is appropriate for a project, learn the structure and how to encode finding aid data, and display ead in html using xslt. february 5-8, 2019 $280-$350 subject analysis and subject representation an in-depth course in which students will learn fundamental concepts and challenges of subject analysis, discuss access points and relationships, and examine user tasks for subject access as outlined in library reference model (lrm). march 4-29, 2019 $175 introduction to project management define what a project is, what the five phases of project management are, and how to use them in a library project. march 4-29, 2019 $175 defeating the email beast learn how to manage email volume, send emails that others want to read. march 6, 2019 free leslie engelson is metadata librarian at murray state university. 16 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin rda for video recordings topics covered include descriptive elements, choice of preferred source, access points, and relationship designators. march 6-7, 2019 $140-$220 know & go: ifla-lrm: a new conceptual model this session explains the library reference model and discusses how it will change rda. march 25, 2019 free-$35 library of congress bibframe progress this webinar will explore that challenges of mapping from marc to bibframe and back as well as discuss the areas of progress with the bibframe initiative at the library of congress. march 27, 2019 $43-$129 beyond the basics: cataloging dvds, blu-ray discs, and streaming videos utilizing hands-on practice, learn the challenges associated with cataloging audiovisual materials. lcsh and lcgft specific for audiovisual resources will also be explored. april 1-26, 2019 $175 assessment in technical services this webinar will explore methods and tools that can be used to assess quality control, efficiency, cost, and more in the technical services department. april 3, 2019 $43-$516 authority control demystify authority control and explore the value it adds to library catalogs. learn about cooperative authority control projects and evaluate what kinds of authority work is appropriate for different libraries' needs. may 6-31, 2019 $175 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 3-1 section 3 section three: lc genre/form terms for religious materials project janis young at lc reports that the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 will be reviewed this year. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news professional development opportunities weeding the academic library with confidence online course via library juice academy provides guidance on how to identify what to keep and what to withdraw, how to address faculty concerns, and what to do with the deaccessioned materials. june 1-26, 2015 $175 planning for the evolving role of metadata services alcts virtual preconference three sessions, which can be attended individually, cover the emerging responsibilities of metadata specialists, assessment of metadata workflows, and standardizing and sharing vocabularies. june 2-4, 2015 $43 -$249 copy cataloging of digital resources: virtual/ webinar provided by mcls internet resources & video games using rda this three-part hands-on workshop teaches participants how to catalog virtual and physical digital resources using the rda toolkit, the library of congress cataloging policy statements, and library of congress subject headings manual. also included is discussion about assigning appropriate subject headings for digital resources. june 16-18, 2015 $99-$199 linked data and bibframe practical webinar provided by zepheira practitioner training a self-paced course that helps participants answer the question: is my library ready for linked data, bibframe, or the web of data? the course is designed to help all library staff understand the fundamentals of connecting data to the web in meaningful ways so that a plan can be established for each library. a variety of learning methodologies are used, including videos, discussion forums, exercises, and virtual meetings as well as using your own library data within zepheria's training tools. beginning june 19, 2015 for 5 to 6 weeks $1,500 copy cataloging of monographs using rda webinar provided by mcls using rda toolkit, this hands-on workshop will provide a better understanding of how to transition from aacr2 to rda. included with the workshop is a booklet that contains an rda workflow. june 28-30, 2015 $99-$199 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2014 lcc list numbers 10 (october 14), 11 (november 10), and 12 (december 15) and 2015 list number 1 ( january 19). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy modern (1450/1600) by region or country asia southern asia. indian ocean region by country india individual philosophers, a-z b5134.g36-.g364 gandhi, ramchandra, 1937-2007 table b-bj5 by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.l35 laments class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources vedic texts upaniṣads individual upaniṣads. by title, a-z bl1124.7.a66-.a669 amr̥tabindūpaniṣad table bl3 bl1124.7.b37-.b379 bāṣkalamantropaniṣad table bl3 tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās pāñcarātra individual saṃhitās. by title, a-z bl1141.8.v58-.589 viśvāmitrasaṃhitā table bl3 religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z bl1590.y56 yima by region or country china special topics, a-z bl1812.n86 nuo theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 2-3 section 2 asian. oriental by region or country southeast asia by region or country vietnam by ethnic group, a-z bl2059.m86 mường african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.h27 hadiya class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.w4 weights and measures halakhah. הכלה general and comparative works on specific areas of the law as defined by shulḥan ʻarukh oraḥ ḥayim law. םייח חרוא special topics, a-z bm523.3.b74 bread practical judaism festivals and fasts special groups, a-z bm693.s54 shevaṭ. טבש preaching. homiletics sermons. addresses, etc. sermons for festival days by festival or holiday other festivals or holidays, a-z bm747.l34 lag b'omer class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼan. koran works about the qurʼan special topics, a-z bp134.c53 colors bp134.l43 leadership qurʼanic and other islamic legends individual legends, a-z theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 2-4 section 2 bp137.5.h54 hikayat seribu masalah islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.m34 mankind united class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 mādhyamika school texts. 中觀論書 other texts, a-z bq2910.m85-.m859 mūlamadhyamikavr̥ttyakutobhaya (by nāgārjuna) table bq3 doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.a34 aesthetics class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z [bs335.o262] obo manobo see bs335.m24 class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.g85 guardia perticara (italy) bt660.h79 huajicori, nuestra señora de class bv practical theology pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman communities and institutions, confraternities, brotherhoods, etc. individual communities, etc. bv4407.68 lindisfarne community table bv8 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 2-5 section 2 class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church bx337 orthodox social teachings, christian sociology cancel bx337 orthodox social teachings. orthodox culture. christian sociology catholic church other special topics, a-z bx1795.g46 gender identity monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4331.7 congregation of the augustinian recollect sisters table bx18 sisters of st. joseph independent motherhouses in the u.s.a., a-z bx4489.6.o73 orange, calif. other protestant denominations friends german baptist brethren bx7800.g468 gereja kristen pasundan class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش observances and practice of islam special subjects, a-z kbp184.9.w43 weapons schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم unaffiliated authors early period (1st and second cent. a.h.) individual authors, a-z kbp260.a45 ʻalī ibn abī ṭālib, caliph, approximately 600-661. ىبا نب ىلع table k4 بلاط late period (ca. 1920-) individual authors, a-z [kbp283.a45] ʻalī ibn abī ṭālib, caliph, approximately 600-661. ىبا نب ىلع see kbp260.a45 بلاط medical legislation biomedical engineering. medical technology kbp3118 stem cell research special topics, a-z kbp3119.r33 radiology theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 2-6 section 2 class kbs canon law of eastern churches orthodox eastern church orthodox church in other regions or countries kbs3641-3650 old calendar church of cyprus. ekklēsia tōn gnēsiōn orthodoxōn christianōn kyprou table kbs2 class p-pz table for literature (194 nos.) history and criticism history treatment of special subjects, classes, etc. subjects, a-z p-pz20 22.j48 jews class pq italian literature literary history and criticism special subjects, a-z pq4053.h67 holy, the pq4053.s93 sublime, the class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books special classes of materials other classes, a-z computer files. software. electronic information resources [z692.c65] cf. z692.s77 streaming video z692.s77 streaming video video tapes, videocassettes, etc. [z692.v52] cf. z692.s77 streaming video cataloging by subject, a-z z695.1.b49 bioethics theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-3 section 3 was presented at the last annual conference. anyone who is interested in proposing new subject headings (including new genre/form terms in religion) as well as new lc classification numbers is invited to participate in this webinar. the webinar is scheduled for wednesday, may 17, at 2:00 pm est. consult the february atla newsletter for more information. submitted by richard lammert, technical services and systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary selected articles from current library journals avery, joshua m. "implementing an open source integrated library system (ils) in a special focus institution." digital library perspectives 32, no. 4 (october 2016): 287-298. clair, kevin. "technical debt as an indicator of library metadata quality." d-lib magazine 22, no. 11/12 (november 2016): 1, doi: 10.1045/november2016-clair. fallaw, colleen, et al. "overly honest data repository development." code4lib journal no. 34(october 2016): 1. http:// godby, carol jean and karen smith-yoshimura. "from records to things: managing thetransition from legacy library metadata to linked data." bulletin of the association for information science & technology 43, no. 2 (december 2016): 18-23. kelley, steve. "the smaller library staff 's perspective on bibframe." technicalities 36, no. 6 (november 2016): 8-11. long, chris evin. "disambiguating the departed." library resources & technical services 60, no. 4 (october 2016): 236247. mcgettigan, katie. “catalogs as big data for nineteenth-century publishers’ series.” past is present: the american antiquarian society blog. november 1, 2016. perez-lizano, elena. "implementing resource, description, and access in a time of change in the small academic library." technical services quarterly 33, no. 4 (october 2016): 353-370. qiang, jin, jim hahn, and gretchen croll. "bibframe transformation for enhanced discovery." library resources & technical services 60, no. 4 (october 2016): 223-235. sandberg, jane and qiang jin. "how should catalogers provide authority control for journal article authors? name identifiers in the linked data world." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 8 (november 2016): 537-552. sjökvist, peter. "transcription in rare books cataloging." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 5/6 ( july 2016): 377-383. stewart, morag and cheryl aine morrison. "notes on operations breaking ground: consortial migration to a nextgeneration ils and its impact on acquisitions workflows." library resources & technical services 60, no. 4 (october 2016): 259-269. wallheim, henrik. "from complex reality to formal description: bibliographic relationships and problems of operationalization in rda." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 7 (october 2016): 483-503. welsh, anne. "marcedit for mac and the rare books researcher." catalogue & index no. 184 (september 2016): 2-13. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 section 1 section one: new and changed headings the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2018 list numbers 01 ( january 12), 02 (february 16), 03 (march 16), and 04 (april 16). the new genre/form terms listed here came from lcsh list numbers 01, 02, 02a, and 04. since early 2007, the library of congress has been developing library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (lcgft), whose terms describe what something is rather than what it is about, as subject headings do, and are used in marc field 655 ‡a of bibliographic records. examples: 655 _7 ‡a liturgical books. ‡2 lcgft 655 _0 ‡a shape-note hymnals. (see full instructions in oclc bibliographic formats and standards, 655 index term—genre/form.) no new demographic group terms in the field of theology were issued this quarter. the library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt) are used in marc field 368 ‡c of name authority records. naco participants in the atla funnel are encouraged to use terms from the thesaurus of religious occupational terms (trot) when possible. examples: 368 _ _ ‡c religious converts. ‡2 lcdgt 368 _ _ ‡c rural clergy. ‡2 trot more information about lcdgt is available at this website provides the draft demographic group terms manual as well as an introduction to demographic group terms, a list of approved terms in pdf format, and a link to authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format. the most updated versions of both genre/form terms and demographic group terms, along with their authority records, appear in lc’s web-based subscription product, classification web. in this issue of tcb, as in previous issues, the following conventions are used: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 section 1 subject headings 150 academic libraries--services to commuting college students [may subd geog] sp2018000284] 550 bt commuting college students--services for 150 analogy (religion) [sp 85004777 ] 053 bt1100-bt1101 (apologetics) delete field 150 buddhist literature, gandhari prakrit [may subd geog] [sp2017004754] 450 uf gandhari prakrit buddhist literature 550 bt gandhari prakrit literature 150 buddhist literature, shan [may subd geog] [sp2017004807] 450 uf shan buddhist literature 550 bt shan literature 150 buddhist sermons, paʾo [may subd geog] [sp2017004806] 450 uf paʾo buddhist sermons 151 cammino di sant'agostino (italy) [sp2018000145] 451 uf cammino della rosa (italy) 451 uf rosa, cammino della (italy) 451 uf saint augustine, way of (italy) 451 uf sant'agostino, cammino di (italy) 451 uf st. augustine, way of (italy) 451 uf way of saint augustine (italy) 451 uf way of st. augustine (italy) 550 bt trails--italy 781 italy--cammino di sant'agostino 150 community cookbooks [may subd geog] [sp 95008845 ] 450 uf charitable cookbooks add field 450 uf charity cookbooks add field 450 uf church cookbooks (community cookbooks) add field 150 dentistry--religious aspects [sp2018000647] 150 dentistry--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2018000090] 150 eight great bodhisattvas (buddhist deities) [not subd geog] [sp2017004744] 450 uf ashtamahabodhisattva (buddhist deities) 450 uf eight close sons (buddhist deities) 550 bt buddhist gods 150 eight great bodhisattvas (buddhist deities) in art [not subd geog] [sp2017004745] 150 eight great bodhisattvas (buddhist deities) in literature [not subd geog] [sp2017005066] 150 hinduism in mass media [not subd geog] [sp2017004623] 053 p96.h53-p96.h532 550 bt mass media 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 section 1 150 ʻīsāwīyah change heading 150 ʻīsāwā [may subd geog] [sp 94009628 ] 053 bp189.7.i7-bp189.7.i72 450 uf aïssaouas 450 uf aïssawa 450 uf aissawiyya 450 uf ʻīsāwīyah [former heading] 450 uf ʻīsāwiyya (sufism) 450 uf issaoua 450 uf issawa 550 bt sufism 150 islamophobia in literature [not subd geog] [sp2017005108] 110 jesuits cancel heading [sp 85069931 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 79046634 100 jesus christ--knowableness [not subd geog] [sp 85070052 ] 053 bt205 delete field 150 knowledge, theory of (religion) [sp 85072738 ] 450 uf epistemology, religious add field 450 uf religious epistemology add field 150 monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086717 ] 053 bx385 (greek church) delete field 053 bx2410-bx4560 (catholic church) delete field 053 bx385-bx388 (orthodox eastern church) add field 053 bx2400-bx4563 (catholic church) add field 360 sa names of individual orders, e.g. jesuits delete field 360 sa names of individual orders add field 450 uf orders, religious add field 150 neopagan families [may subd geog] [sp2018000256] 550 bt families 150 political rights--religious aspects [sp2017004759] 150 political rights--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2017004760] 150 theology in art [not subd geog] [sp2017005021] 150 time in rabbinical literature [not subd geog] [sp2017004416] 053 bm496.9.t47 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 yezidi literature [may subd geog] [sp2017004955] 550 bt religious literature 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 section 1 150 yezidi poetry [may subd geog] change geog [sp2006004134] 550 bt yezidi literature add field genre/form terms 155 cantorial music [gp2017026151] 455 uf chazanut 455 uf chazanuth 455 uf chazones 455 uf chazzanoet 455 uf chazzanos 455 uf chazzanut 455 uf chazzanuth 455 uf hazanut 455 uf hazanuth 455 uf hazonis 455 uf hazzanut 455 uf hazzanuth 555 bt chants 555 bt synagogue music 155 community cookbooks [gp2011026154] 455 uf charitable cookbooks add field 455 uf charity cookbooks add field 455 uf church cookbooks (community cookbooks) add field 155 creeds [gp2015026031] 680 concise authorized statements of religious doctrine within religions or denominations. delete field 680 concise authorized statements of religious doctrine within religions or denominations. for written statements that describe the goals, opinions, and policies of a person or group see manifestos. add field 681 note under manifestos add field 155 in nomine (music) [gp2018026024] 555 bt chamber music 680 chamber music based on the sarum antiphon gloria tibi trinitas. 155 mandalas [gp2015026040] 555 bt visual works add field 155 thumb bibles [gp2017026137] 455 uf bibles, thumb 555 bt abridgments 555 bt religious materials 680 miniature books that contain summaries, paraphrases, or abridgments of biblical texts. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from lcc list numbers 05 (2014: may 12) and 06 (2014: june 9). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.r85 rules modern (1450/1600) by region or country germany. austria (german) by period 18th century individual philosophers crusius engel b2655.d54-.d544 diez, immanuel carl, 1766-1796 table b-bj5 later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers hegel, georg wilhelm friedrich, 1770-1831 special topics, a-z b2949.i85 islam later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers hartmann, ed koz b3279.h8457-.h84574 honneth, axel, 1949table b-bj5 philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country asia eastern asia. southeast asia. the far east by country korea special topics, a-z b5253.s65 ssial philosophy class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.e54 enemies the myth. comparative mythology topics in comparative mythology, a-z bl325.f67 fossils religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 2-3 section 2 bl820.f47 feronia other early european religions by ethnic group celtic special topics, a-z bl915.m63 moccus slavic special topics, a-z bl935.r34 radigost history and principles of religions asian. oriental by region or country korea special topics, a-z bl2236.m34 mago halmi (legendary character) african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.t82 tuaregs class bm practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z [bm670.i752] israel, peace prayers for – see bm670.p48 bm670.p48 peace prayers for israel. הנידמה םולשל הליפת table bm6 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sins. vices individual sins, a-z bp188.14.e95 euthanasia topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.b87 business enterprises bp190.5.s565 smiling class bq buddhism tripitaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 2-4 section 2 sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 mahayana buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 mahāratnakūṭasūtra. 大寶積經 other parts, a-z bq1800.s86-.s869 sumatidarikaparipr̥cchā table bq3 abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 mādhyamika school texts. 中觀論書 other texts, a-z bq2910.m3494-.m34949 mādhyamakāhṛdayavṛttitarkājvālā (by bhāvaviveka) table bq3 modifications, schools, etc. special modifications, sects, etc. bq9240-9249 wuwei jiao table bq6 class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.m66 monica, saint, -387 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.n417 ndau table bs5 new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.c86-.c862 cunyus table bs2 class bv practical theology worship (public and private) hymnology hymns. hymnbooks english hymnbooks in english. special types or services other, a-z bv465.t46 temperance theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 2-5 section 2 class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church sacraments special, a-z bx378.c47 chrismation bx378.c63 confirmation cancel [bx378.c63] confirmation – see bx378.c47 christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4520.7 sisters, servants of mary (1851) table bx18 other protestant denominations reformed or calvinistic churches special topics, a-z bx9423.p65 politics and government catholic church biography and portraits individual saints, a-z [bx4700.m52] monica, saint, -387 – see br1720.m66 class dr history of balkan peninsula yugoslavia. former yugoslav republics local history and description montenegro ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z dr1824.m87 muslims class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.j366 jemmeh site recreation. leisure games and amusements indoor games and amusements video games special topics, a-z gv1469.34.r45 religious aspects theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 2-6 section 2 class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. ةيفنحلا ،يفنحلا ،تاقبط individual authors, a-z kbp300.a238 abdullah yenişehirli, -1742 or 1743 table k4 islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah. ةلبانحلا .ةيلبنحلا يلبنحلا individual authors, a-z kbp310.m363 maqdisī, al-ḥasan ibn aḥmad, -1371 or 1372. يسدقملا، table k4 دمحأ نب نسحلا mālikī. mālikīyah. ةيكلاملا ،يكلاملا individual authors, a-z kbp320.a93 azdī, hishām ibn ʻabd allāh, -1209. هللا دبع نب ماشه ،يدزالا‏ table k4 kbp320.i2618 ibn al-qurṭī, muḥammad ibn al-qāsim ibn shaʻbān, -966. نبا table k4 نابعش نب مساقلا نب دمحم ،يطرقلا kbp320.t38 tatāʼī, muḥammad ibn ibrāhīm, -1535 or 1536. نب دمحم ،يئاتتلا table k4 ميهاربإ furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law. هقفلا عورف social laws and legislation other, a-z kbp1569.r48 revolutions history of canon law sources collections. compilations. selections post pseudo-isidorian collections of canons and decretals, to 1140 gaul kbr1351 collectio burdegalensis class ld individual institutions united states ld1119.8 colorado christian university, lakewood, colorado table l7 ld1281.c307-.c316 concordia teachers college, river forest, illinois — cancel ld1281.c307-.c316 concordia university chicago, river forest, illinois table l3 formerly concordia teachers college; concordia college; concordia university theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 2-7 section 2 class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination christian protestant by denomination other, a-z ml3178.a45 amish class nb sculpture special subjects religious subjects special, a-z nb1912.c49 chrysanthemums class pg slavic. baltic. albanian ukrainian literature history special subjects, a-z pg3906.p58 pilgrims and pilgrimages class pn literature (general) theory. philosophy. esthetics relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects other special characters individual characters, a-z pn57.p495 pilate, pontius, active 1st century 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2016 lcsh list numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10 ( july 18, august 15, september 19, and october 17). one new demographic group term is listed here as well, selected from list number 7 ( july 18). the library of congress is developing a new vocabulary, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http:// this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. one new genre/form term is also listed in this issue. it, too, was selected from list number 7 ( july 18). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 section 1 subject headings 150 ashkenazic cooking [not subd geog] [sp2016001613] 053 tx724.2.a75 550 bt jewish cooking 150 berit shalom (welcoming ceremony) [sp2015001827] 053 bm706.5 450 uf alternative bris (welcoming ceremony) 450 uf alternative brit (welcoming ceremony) 450 uf brit ben (welcoming ceremony) 450 uf brit chayim (welcoming ceremony) 450 uf brit shalom (welcoming ceremony) 450 uf brit tikkun (welcoming ceremony) 550 bt judaism--customs and practices 150 bo-doṅ-pa (sect) change heading 150 bo-dong-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2011004694] 450 uf bo-doṅ-pa (sect) [former heading] 450 uf bodongpa (sect) 550 bt buddhist sects 150 catalogers [may subd geog] [sp 85020815 ] 450 uf catalogue librarians add field 150 ceremonial objects--papua new guinea [sp2016001339] 150 church architecture--mudéjar influences [sp2016001902] 550 bt mudéjares 150 entrepreneurship--religious aspects [sp2016001464] 150 entrepreneurship--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2016001461] 150 excellence in the qurʼan [sp2016000388] 053 bp134.e98 150 gope boards [may subd geog] [sp2016001336] 450 uf ancestor boards 450 uf spirit boards (gope boards) 550 bt ceremonial objects--papua new guinea 550 bt wood-carving, papuan 150 healing of the woman with the flow of blood (miracle) in art [not subd geog] [sp2016001528] 450 uf haemorrhoissa motif 150 holocaust survivors in art [not subd geog] [sp2016001404] 150 informers ( jewish law) [sp2016001020] 053 kbm2025 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 section 1 450 uf mesirah ( jewish law) 450 uf moserim ( jewish law) 550 bt jewish law 150 international law ( jewish law) [not subd geog] [sp2016001744] 053 kbm524.15 550 bt jewish law 150 islamic law [may subd geog] [sp 85068454 ] 450 uf shariʻah (islamic law) add field 150 jewish authors [may subd geog] [sp 85070257 ] 550 bt jewish literature delete field 150 jewish authors, oriental change heading 150 mizrahi authors [may subd geog] [sp 85070258 ] 450 uf jewish authors, oriental [former heading] 450 uf oriental jewish authors 550 bt authors 150 jewish novelists [may subd geog] [sp2016001679] 550 bt novelists 150 jews, oriental change heading 150 mizrahim [may subd geog] [sp 85070504 ] 450 uf afro-asian jews 450 uf ʻedot ha-mizraḥ 450 uf edot hamizrach 450 uf edot hamizraḥ 450 uf jews, oriental [former heading] 450 uf mizrahi jews 450 uf oriental jews 550 bt jews 150 jews, oriental, in literature change heading 150 mizrahim in literature [not subd geog] [sp 94007329 ] 450 uf jews, oriental, in literature [former heading] 150 liberation theology [may subd geog] [sp 85076447 ] 550 rt philosophy of liberation add field 150 makerspaces in libraries [may subd geog] [sp2016001293] 053 z716.37 550 bt libraries 150 medicine in the hadith [sp2016001551] 053 bp135.8.m43 550 bt hadith 150 mizrahi novelists [may subd geog] [sp2016001680] 550 bt novelists 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 section 1 150 muslim biographers [may subd geog] [sp2016000395] 550 bt biographers 550 bt muslim authors 150 mythology, arakanese [may subd geog] [sp2016001355] 450 uf arakanese mythology 150 mythology, east asian [may subd geog] [sp2016001176] 053 bl1055 450 uf east asian mythology 150 nursing (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2016000565] 053 kbp3105 550 bt islamic law 150 obscene words--religious aspects [sp2016001559] 150 obscene words--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2016001560] 150 personnel management (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2016001968] 550 bt islamic law 150 philosophy of liberation [may subd geog] [sp2016001347] 450 uf liberation philosophy 550 bt philosophy, latin american 550 rt liberation theology 680 here are entered works on the latin american philosophical movement that combines an emphasis on latin american intellectual independence with catholic and marxist ideas. 150 political participation--religious aspects [sp2016001641] 150 political participation--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2016001642] 150 priests in rabbinical literature [sp2016001226] 053 bm496.9.p73 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 religious occupations [may subd geog] [sp2016001351] 550 bt occupations 150 rñiṅ-ma-pa lamas change heading 150 rnying-ma-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp 85114447 ] 450 uf nyingma lamas 450 uf rñiṅ-ma-pa lamas [former heading] 450 uf rnying-ma-pa priests 550 bt lamas 150 rñiṅ-ma-pa (sect) change heading 150 rnying-ma-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85114443 ] 053 bq7662-bq7662.9 450 uf ningmapa (sect) 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 section 1 450 uf nying-ma (sect) [former heading] 450 uf nying-ma-pa (sect) 450 uf rñiṅ-ma-pa (sect) [former heading] 550 bt buddhist sects 150 śaṅs-pa (sect) change heading 150 shangs-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85117316 ] 053 bq7680-bq7680.9 450 uf śaṅs-pa (sect) [former heading] 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) 550 bt buddhist sects 151 santuario nuragico di santa vittoria site (italy) [sp2016000751] 451 uf nuraghic sanctuary of santa vittoria site (italy) 451 uf santa vittoria site (italy) 451 uf santuario di s. vittoria site (italy) 451 uf santuario di santa vittoria site (italy) 451 uf santuario nuragico federale di santa vittoria site (italy) 451 uf santuario nuragico santa vittoria site (italy) 551 bt italy--antiquities 781 italy--santuario nuragico di santa vittoria site 150 series (publications) [may subd geog] [sp 85120249 ] 550 rt monographic series add field 680 here are entered works on publications issued as a sequence of narratives, published separately, often over a considerable period of time, mostly about the same characters and often written by one author. add field 150 sufi literature, pushto [may subd geog] [sp2016000431] 450 uf pushto sufi literature 550 bt pushto literature 150 technological innovations--religious aspects [sp2016001465] 150 technological innovations--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2016001462] 150 źi-byed-pa (sect) change heading 150 zhi-byed-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2012002462] 072 h 1185 450 uf zhijepa (sect) 450 uf źi-byed-pa (sect) [former heading] 550 bt buddhist sects demographic group term 150 sufis [dp2016060143] 072 rel 550 bt muslims 1-6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 section 1 genre/form term 155 hagiographical films [gp2016026065] 455 uf hagiographic films 455 uf hagiographies (motion pictures) 455 uf hagiopics 555 bt biographical films 555 bt religious films 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2017 list numbers 02 (february 20), 03 (march 20), and 04 (april 17). new genre/form terms listed here were gleaned from 2017 list numbers 03 (march 20) and 04 (april 17). no new demographic group terms are listed for this issue. demographic group terms belong to a new vocabulary the library of congress is developing, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at http://www. the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http://classificationweb. net/lcdgt/. this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 section 1 subject headings 150 bachelors in rabbinical literature [sp2017000196] 053 bm496.9.b34 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 cave temples--china [sp2017000138] 150 contemporary christian music--writing and publishing [may subd geog] [sp 94005090 ] 550 bt composition (music) add field 550 bt music publishing add field 150 english qaballa [may subd geog] [sp2017000151] 450 uf english kabbalah 450 uf english qabalah 450 uf kabbalah, english 450 uf qabalah, english 450 uf qaballa, english 550 bt mysticism 150 faith movement (hagin) [may subd geog] [sp 91004086 ] 450 uf prosperity theology (hagin) add field 150 fidelma, sister (fictitious character) cancel heading [sp 97001215 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading sister fidelma (fictitious character) (dlc)nb2017001148 150 holocaust deniers [may subd geog] [sp2016002460] 450 uf deniers, holocaust 450 uf holocaust revisionists 450 uf revisionists, holocaust 550 bt persons 150 hymns, coreguaje [may subd geog] [sp2016002586] 450 uf coreguaje hymns 550 bt hymns 150 instruction librarians [may subd geog] [sp2016002854] 053 z682.4.i57 450 uf instructional librarians 550 bt librarians 550 rt library orientation 150 islamic literature, brahui [may subd geog] [sp2016000305] 450 uf brahui islamic literature 550 bt brahui literature 150 islamic shrines--azerbaijan [sp2017000409] 150 karaite mourning customs [may subd geog] [sp2015002602] 053 bm185.2 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 section 1 550 bt jewish mourning customs 150 libraries and families of military personnel [may subd geog] [sp2017000030] 450 uf families of military personnel and libraries 450 uf libraries--services to families of military personnel 450 uf library services to families of military personnel 450 uf public libraries--services to families of military personnel 550 bt families of military personnel 150 libraries and soldiers [may subd geog] [sp2017000029] 450 uf libraries--services to soldiers 450 uf library services to soldiers 450 uf public libraries--services to soldiers 450 uf soldiers and libraries 550 bt soldiers 150 libraries and veterans [may subd geog] [sp2017000028] 053 z711.92.v48 450 uf libraries--services to veterans 450 uf library services to veterans 450 uf public libraries--services to veterans 450 uf veterans and libraries 550 bt veterans 150 library orientation [may subd geog] [sp 85076708 ] 550 rt instruction librarians add field 150 mañjuśrī (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp 85080575 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading mañjūśrī (dlc)n 89104671 150 mañjuśrī (buddhist deity)--art cancel heading [sp 85080576 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading mañjūśrī- art, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 100 mary, blessed virgin, saint--protestant interpretations [sp2016002905] 400 uf mary, blessed virgin, saint--interpretations, protestant 550 bt protestant churches 150 messianism in art [not subd geog] [sp2016002819] 150 mormon midwives [may subd geog] [sp2016002607] 550 bt midwives 150 nonverbal communication in rabbinical literature [not subd geog] [sp2016002662] 053 bm496.9.n67 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 rādhā (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85110332 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading radha (hindu deity) (dlc)n 2016245709 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 section 1 150 rādhā (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 95000018 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading rādhā (hindu deity)—in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 ramadan in art [not subd geog] [sp2016002285] 151 shuiliandong caves (china) [sp2016002810] 451 uf shuilian dong (china) 451 uf shuiliandong shiku (china) 451 uf water curtain cave grottoes (china) 451 uf water curtain cave temple (china) 451 uf water curtain caves (china) 550 bt buddhist cave temples--china 550 bt caves--china 781 china--shuiliandong caves 150 siva (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85123049 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)nb2017001158 150 siva (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 94009374 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading siva (hindu deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority is not made because it uses a free floating subdivision. genre/form term 155 christmas fiction [gp2017026011] 555 bt fiction 155 christmas poetry [gp2017026014] 455 uf nativity poetry 555 bt poetry 155 easter fiction [gp2017026013] 555 bt fiction 155 fatwas [gp2017026019] 455 uf fatāwá 555 bt law materials 555 bt religious materials 155 hanukkah fiction [gp2017026012] 455 uf chanukah fiction 455 uf chanukkah fiction 455 uf hanukah fiction 555 bt religious fiction 155 hymn texts [gp2017026006] 555 bt sacred music texts 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 section 1 555 bt song texts 681 note under hymns 155 hymns [gp2014026872] 680 sacred songs that are normally associated with worship services and are typically suitable for singing by a full assembly. for texts of hymns that appear without a musical setting see hymn texts. add field 155 sacred music [gp2014027062] 680 musical compositions expressing personal or communal religious or spiritual beliefs, for use in devotional settings and/or general performance. delete field 680 musical compositions expressing personal or communal religious or spiritual beliefs, for use in devotional settings and/or general performance. for texts of sacred music that appear without a musical setting see sacred music texts. add field 155 sacred music texts [gp2017026004] 555 bt musical texts 681 note under sacred music 155 shavuot music [gp2014027193] 455 uf chag hashavuot music 455 uf feast of first fruits music 455 uf feast of weeks music 455 uf festival of reaping music 455 uf festival of the giving of the torah music 455 uf ḥag ha-bikurim music 455 uf ḥag matan toratenu music 455 uf jewish pentecost music 455 uf shabuot music 455 uf shabuoth music 455 uf shavuos music 455 uf shavuoth music 455 uf shevuos music 455 uf shevuot music 455 uf shevuoth music 455 uf shovuos music 455 uf shovuoth music 555 bt pilgrimage music 555 bt sacred music 680 music that is traditionally associated with shavuot. 155 sukkot music [gp2014027192] 455 uf feast of booths music 455 uf feast of tabernacles music 455 uf succos music 455 uf succoth music 455 uf sukkoth music 455 uf sukos music 455 uf sukot music 555 bt pilgrimage music 555 bt sacred music 680 music that is traditionally associated with sukkot. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 3-2 section 3 discovering discovery layers: an introduction ohionet discusses the purpose of discovery layers, how they work, and why they are useful for libraries and patrons. learn how this search tool differs from databases and catalogs and consider the pros and cons of using a discovery tool. january 24, 2017 $25-$45 doing more with less: how to motivate and reward american management assoc. your overworked staff during lean times make work fun again by exploring key ingredients for strengthening employee commitment, engagement, and career satisfaction. learn how to develop an "achievement mentality" in staff, implement recognition and appreciation campaigns, and reengage those who have fallen into "maintenance mode". january 26, 2017 $149 aspx submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals adamich, tom. "marcedit: an evolving tool." technicalities 36, no. 5 (september 2016): 15-17. bull, sarah and amanda quimby. "a renaissance in library metadata? the importance of community collaboration in a digital world." insights: the uksg journal 29, no. 2 ( july 2016): 146-153. carrasco, rafael c., aureo serrano, and reydi castillo-buergo. "a parser for authority control of author names in bibliographic records." information processing & management 52, no. 5 (september 2016): 753-764. "exposing content on the web." library technology reports 52, no. 5 ( july 2016): 8-11. fell, todd and francis lapka. “isbd and dcrm into rda: an opportunity for convergence?” cataloging & classification quarterly, 54, no. 5-6 ( july 2016): 282-291. fox, robert. "from strings to things." digital library perspectives 32, no. 1 ( january 2016): 2-6. intner, sheila s. "evaluating technical services." technicalities 36, no. 5 (september 2016): 1-9. mai, jens-erik. "marginalization and exclusion: unraveling systemic bias in classification." knowledge organization 43, no. 5 (september 2016): 324-[330]. matthews, joseph r. "an environmental scan of oclc alternatives: a management perspective." public library quarterly 35, no. 3 ( july 2016): 175-187. peponakis, manolis. "in the name of the name: rdf literals, er attributes, and the potential to rethink the structures and visualizations of catalogs." information technology & libraries 35, no. 2 ( june 2016): 19-38. roy, bijan kumar, subal chandra biswas, and parthasarathi mukhopadhyay. "global repository movement in the domain of library and information science discipline." international journal of information science & management 14, no. 2 ( july 2016): 15-32. thompson, kelly j. "more than a name: a content analysis of name authority records for authors who selfidentify as trans." library resources & technical services 60, no. 3 ( july 2016): 140-155. vaidya, praveenkumar and n. s. harinarayana. "the comparative and analytical study of librarything tags with library of congress subject headings." knowledge organization 43, no. 1 ( january 2016): 35-43. veve, marielle. "from digital commons to oclc: a tailored approach for harvesting and transforming etd theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 3-3 section 3 metadata into high-quality records." code4lib journal no. 33 ( july 2016): 1. articles/11676 wright, jennifer. "electronic outages what broke, who broke it, and how to track it." library resources & technical services 60, no. 3 ( july 2016): 204-213. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony our experience with joining a large consortium i am the head of technical services at covenant theological seminary, which in 1998 was a founding member of mobius (originally an acronym for missouri bibliographic information user system). this testimony is about our experience joining a large consortium, particularly the implementation of a complex ils. mobius the mobius consortium currently has about 75 members, mostly missouri academic institutions (with a few large public libraries and a few out-of-state members). our union catalog is nearing 30 million items. covenant was one of the 50 original founding libraries, but since the libraries implemented over several years, we did not actually "go live" on our innovative interfaces ils until june 1, 2001. mobius is organized uniquely. the libraries are mostly grouped into 'clusters' which are, for the most part, geographical. covenant belongs to the bridges cluster, which includes academic libraries in the st. louis area except for the community colleges (organized into their own cluster), and the large institutions such as washington university, etc. which are not in clusters. each cluster shares an opac among its members. the bridges cluster is a diverse group of ten members or eleven libraries, including 7 universities and 4 seminaries (covenant, concordia, kenrick-glennon, and eden). why did we decide to join mobius? we were ecstatic when mobius was founded! the state of missouri contributed over $11 million for the startup and more funds for several years. we had been struggling to upgrade our technology and the opac that was within our budget was woefully inadequate to support graduate level research. the state funds paid most costs for bringing up the innovative interfaces inc. (iii) system and for upgrading equipment, migrating records to iii's opac (which is integrated into the statewide iii innreach union catalog), providing many days of training by iii trainers, and we had mco (mobius central office) staff who shepherded us through the process of implementation. all the help and coaching we had was tremendously helpful. we have never regretted our decision. by joining mobius we were able to implement an extremely robust ils. as a cataloguer, in particular, i have appreciated all the advanced editing capabilities, such as global updating, that a large system offers. the state of missouri no longer supports mobius financially, but the annual costs are partly based on student fte, so it is still affordable for us. migration complexity migrating to a different ils is not easy or straightforward. it is especially difficult if you have a small staff (5 full-timers) and can't hire any extra assistance. we didn't have the luxury of a project leader or implementation team; we just had to 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2016 lcsh list numbers 4, 5, and 6 (april 18, may 16, and june 20). one new demographic group term is listed here as well, selected from list number 5 (may 16). the library of congress is developing a new vocabulary, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http:// this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. one new genre/form term is also listed in this issue. it was selected from list number 6 ( june 20). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 section 1 subject headings 150 apostolic brethren (segarelli) cancel heading [sp 85006058 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the name heading order of apostles (dlc) n2011278968 150 bible stories, czech [may subd geog] [sp2016000518] 450 uf czech bible stories 150 bible stories, kazakh [may subd geog] [sp2015001370] 450 uf kazakh bible stories 150 bible stories, maori [may subd geog] [sp2016000792] 450 uf maori bible stories 150 carols, kashubian [may subd geog] [sp2016000695] 450 uf kashubian carols 150 catechisms, turkish [may subd geog] [sp2016000804] 450 uf turkish catechisms 150 church bell music [may subd geog] [sp2016000230] 360 sa headings for forms and types of music that include "church bells" and headings with medium of performance that include "church bells" 680 here are entered musical works not in a specific form or of a specific type for church bells, and collections of musical works in several forms or types for church bells. 150 counter-reformation and art [may subd geog] [sp2016000190] 550 bt art and religion 550 bt christian art and symbolism 150 counter-reformation in art [not subd geog] [sp 85033437 ] 550 bt christian art and symbolism delete field 150 diplomatic privileges and immunities (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2016001027] 550 bt islamic law 150 dobro music (gospel) change heading 150 resonator guitar music (gospel) [may subd geog] [sp2005002770] 053 m142.d55 450 uf dobro music (gospel) [former heading] 550 bt gospel music 130 doctrine and covenants--relation to the bible [sp2016000326] 430 uf bible--relation to the doctrine and covenants 150 ecclesiastical law in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2016000913] 053 pn1995.9.e23 550 bt motion pictures 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 section 1 150 freedom of religion in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2016000912] 550 bt motion pictures 150 funeral prayer cards [may subd geog] [sp2016001037] 450 uf cards, funeral prayer 450 uf cards, memorial 450 uf cards, memorial prayer 450 uf memorial cards 450 uf memorial prayer cards 550 bt devotional objects 150 guadalupe, our lady of, in art [not subd geog] [sp2016000379] 150 holy fools in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2015002733] 053 pn1995.9.h535 550 bt motion pictures 150 holy year in literature [not subd geog] [sp2016000119] 150 jewish fashion designers [may subd geog] [sp2016001035] 550 bt fashion designers 150 jewish jazz musicians [may subd geog] [sp2016000637] 550 bt jazz musicians 550 bt jewish musicians 150 kufr (islam)--qurʼanic teaching [not subd geog] [sp2016000165] 150 libraries--computer programs [sp2016001378] 150 libraries--computer programs--customizing [may subd geog] [sp2016000841] 450 uf customizing of library computer programs 550 bt computer programming 150 light and darkness in the bible [sp 85076887 ] 450 uf darkness in the bible delete field 450 uf light in the bible delete field 151 philippi (extinct city) [sp 85100748 ] 451 uf philippes (extinct city) add field 451 uf philippoi (extinct city) add field 150 quiverfull movement [may subd geog] [sp2016000906] 550 bt religious fundamentalism 150 raising of the widow's son (miracle) [sp2016000386] 053 bt367.r38 450 uf widow's son, raising of the (miracle) 500 bt jesus christ--miracles 150 religious dance--mexico [sp2016000653] 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 section 1 150 same-sex marriage (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2016000391] 550 bt islamic law 150 self-esteem in rabbinical literature [sp2016000381] 053 bm496.9.s45 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 sexual minorities (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2016000220] 550 bt islamic law 150 superheroes--religious aspects [sp2015001807] 150 superheroes--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2015001808] demographic group term 150 theologians [dp2016060118] 072 occ 450 uf theologists 550 bt scholars genre/form term 155 rosh ha-shanah music [gp2015026103] 555 bt high holiday music 555 bt new year music theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) news saco if you missed the webinar “kicking off the atla saco funnel” on march 22 (or would like to revisit what was discussed) a recording is now available on atla’s on demand learning page ondemandlearning/pages/default.aspx). further details about the funnel, including an application to participate, are available on the library of congress pcc website (, or you can contact richard lammert, atla funnels coordinator. submitted by richard lammert, technical services & systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary atla funnels coordinator professional development opportunities using marcedit library juice academy covering both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses, such as regular expressions and creating marc records from vendor spreadsheet, this course is appropriate for both new and experienced users of marcedit. june 4-29, 2018 $175 the road to electronic information accessibility: how do we increase student success? alcts a two-day virtual preconference the will present a holistic view on meeting both the legal requirements and the students' requirements for success. june 5-6, 2018 $43-$95 e-book management for academic libraries library juice academy this course covers the different types of method of e-book acquisition and licenses as well as discovery methods. workflow considerations will also be examined. july 2-27, 2018 $175 fundamentals of preservation alcts a four-week online course that introduces participants to the principles, polices, and practices of preservations in libraries and archives. instruction includes standard methods of care and repair and discusses the challenges in preserving digital content. july 30-august 24, 2018 $109-$139 introduction to xml library juice academy learn about basic tools for working with xml documents as well as standards used in the library, digital humanities, and publishing communities. august 6-31, 2018 $175 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-2 section 3 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals arlitsch, kenning and carl grant. "why so many repositories? examining the limitations and possibilities of the institutional repositories (ir) landscape." journal of library administration 58, no. 3 (april 2018): 264-281. bone, christine and brett lougheed. "library of congress subject headings related to indigenous peoples: changing lcsh for use in a canadian archival context." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 1 ( january 2018): 8395. corrado, edward m. "discovery products and the open archives initiative protocol for metadata harvesting." international information & library review 50, no. 1 ( january 2018): 47-53. ferris, anna m. "birth of a subject heading." library resources & technical services 62, no. 1 ( january 2018): 16-27. french, rebecca b. "direct database access to oclc connexion's local save file." code4lib journal no. 38 (october 18, 2017): 1. held, tim. "curating, not weeding." technical services quarterly 35, no. 2 (april 2018): 133-143. joorabchi, arash and abdulhussain e. mahdi. "improving the visibility of library resources via mapping library subject headings to wikipedia articles." library hi tech 36, no. 1 (2018): 57-74. li, xiaoli and michael colby. "from vision to action: one campus's experience with the uc conser funnel." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (february 2018): 214-223. sunny, sanjeev k. and mallikarjun angadi. "evaluating the effectiveness of thesauri in digital information retrieval systems." the electronic library 36, no. 1 (2018): 55-70. taniguchi, shoichi. "is bibframe 2.0 a suitable schema for exchanging and sharing diverse descriptive metadata about bibliographic resources?" cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 1 ( january 2018): 40-61. thompson, kelly and stacie traill. "leveraging python to improve ebook metadata selection, ingest, and management." code4lib journal no. 38 (october 18, 2017): 1. wagstaff, kiri l. and geoffrey z. liu. "automated classification to improve the efficiency of weeding library collections." journal of academic librarianship 44, no. 2 (march 2018): 238-247. walker, wendy and teressa keenan. "maintaining digital collections with declining resources, fewer staff." digital library perspectives 34, no. 2 (2018): 91-100. wintermute, harriet e. and mary k. bolin. "metadata generators for backlog reduction: metadata maker streamlines cataloging and facilitates transition." technical services quarterly 35, no. 2 (april 2018): 144-163. xu, amanda, kirk hess, and laura akerman. "from marc to bibframe 2.0: crosswalks." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (february 2018): 224-250. zuccala, alesia, et al. "metric assessments of books as families of works." journal of the association for information science & technology 69, no. 1 ( january 2018): 146-157. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-3 section 3 weng, cathy and erin ackerman. "towards sustainable partnership: examining cross perceptions of public and technical services academic librarians." library resources & technical services 61, no. 4 (october 2017): 198-211. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony the san miguel library: a bicultural library in a bicultural town i hadn’t expected it to be a busman’s holiday. i had run off for a week to san miguel de allende, mexico, in hopes of sorting out some personal issues and properly grieving for my recently departed dad. in short, i just needed to get away from it all — to be still and quiet. but i had heard that san miguel’s public library had some spectacular murals on its ceilings and walls. surely, i thought, it wouldn’t upset my serenity to stroll over there and take a peek. i ended up visiting the library three times, spending hours taking photos, and interviewing librarians. a unique design although the front of the building says biblioteca pública (“public library”), the library’s official, legal name is biblioteca pública de san miguel de allende, a.c. the “a.c.” means asociación civil, meaning a not-for-profit. the library is situated around a central courtyard where people can sit and read at umbrellaed tables — even on a rainy day, which it was when i first visited. from the courtyard, visitors can stroll through a wide, covered portico — u-shaped and lined with columns — into the book rooms. the portico itself functions as a multi-purpose people space with benches, long tables with chairs, and small, two-person tables. some of the activities going on there on a random summer day were: teenagers chattering animatedly, students studying quietly, a woman teaching english to a middle-aged man, and two artists selling their paintings and handcrafts. besides the book rooms, the library has a bookstore, a restaurant, a room for programs and presentations, a theater for performances, and a cut-rate shopping space. it wasn’t long before i laid eyes on the much-heralded murals. just to the left of the entrance, one’s eyes are irresistibly drawn to a luscious palette of reds, oranges, and sepia tones — the ceiling and walls of the bookstore. when the bookstore manager told me the artist’s name, i was momentarily confused — was it jacques-louis david? or leonardo da vinci? in fact, it was mexican artist david leonardo, whose murals also adorn the sala quetzal, one of the library's presentation spaces. expats open a library san miguel’s library reflects its community. the town itself is thoroughly bicultural, with american, canadian, and european expatriates a part of the local ambience. after world war ii, san miguel’s instituto allende attracted many former soldiers seeking an education on the gi bill. (it was an approved institution by the u.s. department of veterans affairs.) many veterans stayed; meanwhile, artists began drifting into san miguel (including, at various times, diego rivera and frida the central courtyard. a private english class in the open-air portico. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-4 section 3 kahlo), eventually establishing the town as an artists’ colony. over the years, foreign retirees and others found san miguel, with its year-round felicitous climate and low cost of living, an attractive place to sink down roots. today, among the roughly 75,000 residents of the city proper, about 10,000 are expats, and they have a great impact on san miguel’s cultural life. a notable example is the public library. it began in 1954 when helen wale, a canadian expat, opened her home as a library for mexican children. it became so popular, so packed with books and little patrons, that helen petitioned the state governor to provide her with a space for a public library. provide it he did — and what a space! in 1734, in the building where the library now resides, a group of priests opened a shelter home for women. single, widowed, and abandoned women were welcomed and cared for there until political conditions forced it to close in the 1860s. the building found new life again, if you could call it that, in the early 1900s, when it became san miguel’s slaughterhouse. when that operation moved elsewhere, the building lay dormant until the library took over in 1958. oh, what a cleanup job the new tenants had to do! well, just imagine moving into a slaughterhouse that workers had simply vacated. at last, the brand-new library opened its doors. since then it has grown into a major institution in the city — and one that weaves together san miguel’s mexican and non-mexican cultures. san miguel’s public library is now the largest bilingual library in mexico outside of the capital city, providing library services to both the spanish-speaking and the english-speaking communities. for adults, there is an english room with englishlanguage books and a spanish room with spanish-language books. interestingly, books in the children’s room are all in spanish, while the young-adult room houses both spanish and english books. fundraising besides buying books and paying salaries, the library offers many services to the community. it has a scholarship program, a rural libraries program, and free educational programs for young people, such as creative writing workshops, art and music classes, and computer classes. the rural libraries project is particularly impressive. the municipality of san miguel, covering the city and a large swath of the surrounding countryside, is home to more than 172,000 people — many living in rural villages of fewer than 50 residents. with a mission of widespread literacy, the main library has set up rural libraries throughout this area. murals by mexican artist david leonardo in the library bookstore. the library’s café santa ana the library in its early days. source: biblioteca pública de san miguel de allende theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-5 section 3 how does the library pay for all this? with a plethora of creative income-generating programs. the most popular of these is the weekly house and garden tour. san miguel’s beautifully restored historic homes date as far back as the 1700s, and many are surrounded by lush formal gardens. every sunday at noon, a bus picks up that week’s group and takes them on a tour of luxurious homes, including interiors, for 300 pesos or us$20 per person. another fundraising venue is the library’s café santa ana, with its own open-air mini-courtyard, complete with waterfall. menu selections include indigenous dishes from different regions of mexico. for example, i enjoyed caldo tlalpeño, a chicken-and-vegetable soup of the tlalpan region of mexico city. the library’s teatro santa ana shows two movies every afternoon and presents concerts, plays, and lectures. another space, the sala quetzal, is home to the library’s latin american collection. it holds programs related to mexican history and culture. the bookstore, of course, generates income as well. it sells books by local and regional authors, travel guides, stationery, souvenirs, and local crafts. every thursday, shoppers crowd into the library’s bodega de sorpresas (warehouse of surprises). there they find secondhand books, cds, and dvds, as well as second-hand clothing and furniture. the library also publishes atención san miguel, the town’s only weekly bilingual newspaper. its advertising revenue generates substantial income for the library. besides these programs, the library holds gala fundraising events. cataloging being a cataloger, i was curious about the library’s cataloging workflow, so i hunted down some catalogers to interview them. i learned that the mexican librarians catalog spanish-language books, and the expat librarians catalog the english-language books. first i spoke with a librarian named monica, a spanish-language cataloger. since we barely spoke each other’s language, we could not speak at length or in depth. however, i did learn from monica that they catalog using marc 21. they also use the dewey decimal system and library of congress subject headings. monica explained that the spanish subject headings are the same as the english ones, only in translation, and that a search of one classification number yields both englishand spanishlanguage headings. although the library has a website, there is no online catalog. monica said they had trouble setting up a catalog on their website, so they have a computer in the spanish room for books in spanish and a computer in the english room for books in english. on another afternoon i spoke with pat, one of the english-language catalogers. pat is an expat from canada who has lived in san miguel for years. she had never worked in a library before, but showed up as a volunteer and learned to catalog on the job. (that made me wonder for a moment about the value of my debt-ridden stint as an mlis student!) pat explained that their ils is absys, a system widely used in spain and latin american countries. with absys they can import records from the library of congress, the university of san francisco, and several other libraries. then they plump up the subject headings if needed. for original cataloging, she creates the record in absys. their catalog records remain within their library; holdings information and original records are not uploaded to a larger database. “if you want to know if the biblioteca holds a certain book,” said pat, “email the librarian and ask. then you can come in and check it out.” “what about interlibrary loan?” the thursday sale at the bodega de sorpresas. source: biblioteca pública de san miguel de allende theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-6 section 3 that elicited a hearty laugh. volunteers much of the library staff consists of volunteers. pat explained that all the mexican library workers are paid, while all the expat workers are volunteers. some of the volunteers’ activities are maintaining the new book shelf, sorting donated books and magazines, and shelf reading. volunteers also manage the weekly sale of books and second-hand clothes and furniture. i asked if they have too many volunteers, or not enough. pat said they usually have enough to handle business year round, although the supply fluctuates. they get an influx of volunteers during “the season,” from november through april. these are the snowbirds who come down for the winter. once the warmer weather arrives, the temporary population — and the surplus volunteers — fly off again. my san miguel getaway was indeed a time of serenity. i took long, aimless walks, strolled through botanical gardens, and relaxed on park benches. i stopped in to churches — a church is a stone’s throw away from anywhere! — for meditation and peace. and i napped shamelessly. after my visits to the library, my head was filled with daydreamy thoughts. if i ran away to san miguel for good — if i became an expat in san miguel — i could keep my role as a cataloger. i’d just stroll over to the biblioteca and present myself ! submitted by ann heinrichs, metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library, catholic theological union theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, class b–bx and selected others the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from lcc 2018 list numbers 05 (may 21), 06 ( june 18), and 07 ( july 16). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) medieval (430-1450) european philosophers, a-z b765.j143-.j1434 james, of viterbo, archbishop of naples, approximately 1255-1307 or 1308 table b-bj5 class bf occult sciences ghosts. apparitions. hauntings. haunted places [bf1444-1486] cf. bv5091.v6 christian mystic phenomena class bj ethics individual ethics. character. virtue special virtues, a-z bj1533.t33 tact class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources vedic texts upaniṣads individual upaniṣads. by title, a-z bl1124.7.s83-.s839 subālopaniṣad table bl3 hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.a68-.a684 aṣṭadikpālakas table bl7 zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z bl1590.p79 psychology class bm judaism dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z bm645.d74 dreams practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.n45 neʻilah table bm6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 2-3 section 2 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼan. koran works about the qurʼan special topics, a-z bp134.e57 enemies the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. ةيفوص monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.s53-.s532 shat̤t̤ārīyah table bp3 topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.e96 eyebrows class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 mahayana doctrinal texts. 大乘論書 tantric buddhist texts (sanskrit originals only). 密教論書 individual texts, a-z bq3340.m34-.m349 mahāmāyātantra table bq3 class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.a53 amphilochius, saint, bishop of iconium, active 373-394 br1720.p47 philip, of argira, saint, active 5th century class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.l616 lokele table bs5 class bt doctrinal theology christology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 2-4 section 2 special. by place, a-z bt580.p59 plateros (zacatecas, mexico) class bv practical theology missions missions in individual countries asia. the orient. the east southeast asia malay archipelago indonesia other, a-z bv3370.a46 alor practical religion. the christian life mysticism mystic phenomena special, a-z [bv5091.a672] apparitions see bv5091.v6 bv5091.v6 visions cancel bv5091.v6 visions. apparitions class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4512.8 sisters of the teutonic order table bx18 other protestant denominations friends german baptist brethren bx7800.g453 gereja kristen injili di irian jaya millennial dawnists moravian church bx8530.m55 mita's congregation class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews special topics jewish diaspora by region or country other regions or countries, a-z [ds135.a252] africa, north see ds135.a25 sri lanka ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z ds489.25.c47 christians theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 2-5 section 2 class dt history of africa eastern africa northeast africa ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z dt367.45.m87 muslims class e america indians of north america other topics, a-z [e98.j582] jewish relations see e184.36.i53 united states elements in the population jews special topics, a-z e184.36.i53 indian-jewish relations latin america. spanish america south america peru elements in the population individual elements, a-z f3619.m87 muslims class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. ةيفنحلا ،يفنحلا ،تاقبط individual authors, a-z kbp300.b86 bukhārī, ẓahīr al-dīn abū bakr muḥammad ibn aḥmad ibn ʻumar, -1222. نب دمحأ نب دمحم ركب وبأ نيدلا ريهظ ،يراخب table k4 رمع shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah. ةيعفاشلا ،يعفاشلا individual authors, a-z kbp330.s97 suyūṭī, 1445-1505. يطويسلا، table k4 class kdk law of ireland (éire) constitutional law individual and state civil and political rights and liberties discrimination discrimination against particular groups, a-z kdk1260.m86 muslims table kd4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 2-6 section 2 class kj europe: countries (5000 numbers) civil law domestic relations. family law marriage defective or dissolved marriage divorce kj-kkz1 558.5 relationship between civil and religious divorces table k11 class p table for authors (49 nos.) criticism and interpretation treatment and knowledge of special subjects, a-z p-pz31 42.i75 islam islam [p-pz31 42.i75] cf. p-pz31 42.r4 religion class pa classical literature literary history special topics, a-z pa3014.m43 mediation class pg philology. linguistics slavic. baltic. albanian slovak literature history poetry special topics, a-z pg5408.5.s65 spirituality polish literature history by period 19th-20th centuries special topics, a-z pg7053.g66 good and evil class pn literature (general) literary history by period medieval (to 1500) special topics, a-z pn682.p24 paganism theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 2-7 section 2 class tj mechanical engineering and machinery mechanical devices and figures. automata. ingenious mechanisms. robots (general) tj211.28 moral and ethical aspects class tr photography applied photography artistic photography portraits special classes of persons, a-z tr681.c38 catholics tr681.m39 maya healers class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books cataloging by subject, a-z z695.1.h93 hydraulic engineering national bibliography america west indies dominican republic. santo domingo special topics, a-z z1537.b56 blacks as an element in the population subject bibliography academies. societies. universities. museums by region or country z5055.b3-.b34 bangladesh table z16 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 3-2 section 3 creating friction-free relationships: tools for working with anyone american management association this webinar will teach techniques and strategies for taking the emotion out of interactions, building trust, managing meetings, addressing difficult topics, and influencing people. these tools can be employed in any business relationship whether it's your boss, colleagues, or direct reports. november 1, 2016 $149 metadata design library juice academy learn about the tools and technologies that support metadata design. topics covered include the data model, the registry, standardizing values through ontology and vocabulary development, metadata expression, and applying the tools to existing metadata schemas. november 7-december 2, 2016 $175 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals frederick, donna e. "metadata specialists in transition: from marc cataloging to linked data and bibframe (data deluge column)." library hi tech news 33, no. 4 (may 2016): 1-5. gibson, sally. "creating solutions instead of solving problems: emerging roles for technical services departments." technical services quarterly 33, no. 2 (april 2016): 145-153. kelley, steve. "possible major changes afoot in the world of rda." technicalities 36, no. 3 (may 2016): 14-17. kelly, julie and linda eells. "institutional repositories: home for small scholarly journals?" d-lib magazine 22, no. 5/6 (may 2016): 1, doi: 10.1045/may2016-kelly. lapka, francis and audrey pearson. “rda & descriptive cataloging of rare materials: developing policy statements for special collections resources.” cilip update ( june 2016): 2-9. documents/catalogue_and_index_issue_183_june_2016.pdf maurer, margaret beecher and shadi shakeri. "disciplinary differences: lcsh and keyword assignment for etds from different disciplines." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 4 ( june 2016): 213-243. mckinnon, dawn. "notes on operations: using perceptions and preferences from public services staff to improve error reporting and workflows." library resources & technical services 60, no. 2 (04, 2016): 115-129. riemer, john j. "the gravitational pull away from pre-coordinated subject headings." technicalities 36, no. 3 (may 2016): 1-8. stegaeva, m. v. "cooperative cataloging: history and the current state." scientific and technical information processing 43, no. 1 ( january 2016): 28-35. turner, ariel k. "establishing batch processes for e-books." technical services quarterly 33, no. 2 (april 2016): 121-130. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 3-3 section 3 zhu, lihong, and debra f. spidal. "shared integrated library system migration from a technical services perspective." technical services quarterly 32, no. 3 ( july 2015): 253-273. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony creating marc and mods 3.5 records for burke’s syriac manuscript collection i started working at the burke library (burke) at union theological seminary (one of the columbia university libraries) in 2011 as the collections assistant. three months prior i had finished my m.a. in biblical studies at the same seminary and was thrilled to continue spending time with materials that had become so dear to me. during my first week of work my supervisor, matthew baker, took me on a tour of our rare book storage, the maintenance of which would occupy a large portion of my work. he showed me our syriac manuscript collection and told me that they were minimally cataloged. the only entry in our online catalog for them was a short collection-level placeholder that had almost no information about the manuscripts either as a whole or individually. this was largely because syriac is a fairly obscure, ancient language that is now generally only used in liturgical contexts and transliteration is challenging. i briefly mentioned that i had taken syriac at the seminary and would be interested in working with them if at all possible. four years later i was able to catalog all 48 manuscripts as part of a capstone project for my library science degree. the project entailed the creation of marc and mods 3.5 records for each manuscript, with a focus on exploring and utilizing various software programs and cataloging standards. during various parts of the project i worked extensively with matthew haugen, a rare book cataloger at columbia university libraries (cul), and melanie wacker, the metadata coordinator for cul. by the time the project started i had completed coursework in cataloging and metadata and was also doing some copy cataloging. the brief record for these manuscripts was a collection record with the title syriac manuscripts collection, an approximate date range of 11th c.-20th c. and a call number of uts. ms. syr. 1-48. my goal was to create individual marc records for each manuscript. i used rda guidelines for the descriptive content and library of congress subject headings and the getty art & architecture thesaurus for subject and genre terms. i also wanted to work with metadata transformation since i was submitting the project to queens college as part of my library science program. i was aware that mods is quickly becoming a common and useful schema for library cataloging and wanted to use something that would be relevant for cul sometime in the future. i used cul’s implementation of mods 3.5 (the most recent version available at the time). in addition, i created transliterated fields for any information in syriac using the ala-lc transliteration table. workflow since this project was beyond the scope of my regular duties, the work was completed on a volunteer basis outside my normal working hours. the director of the burke library, beth bidlack, and my direct supervisor, matthew baker, were instrumental in getting the necessary permissions for me to complete the project. in addition, matthew haugen proofread every record for consistency and accuracy to ensure that they met cul’s standards for cataloging. the project totaled 72 hours and yielded 48 marc records and 48 mods records. the workflow started with matthew haugen creating an rda record template in oclc. it included the 336, 337 and 338 fields for content, media, and carrier and a 524 field to record the preferred citation for each manuscript. i entered all of the information for each manuscript and saved each record in our local save file. this included deciding on a title, searching for authorized name headings, selecting subject headings from the library of congress authority file, selecting an appropriate genre from the getty art & architecture thesaurus and adding any other relevant details. i consulted the file folders that accompany each manuscript for provenance information, along with several published works about the collection (syriac manuscripts, 1977; clemons, 1965; goshen-gottstein, 1979). in addition, if i theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 3-4 section 3 found an author or other contributor that did not have an established heading in the name authority file (naf), i submitted a preferred form of the name to matthew who then did further research and established the heading for me. i also transliterated any fields containing syriac script. syriac vocalization is quite complicated and i am still reviewing the transliterated fields for ala-lc compliance. matthew reviewed each record in the oclc save file before adding them to worldcat. he then exported the records into cul’s catalog and created holding and item records. once the marc records were complete, i downloaded them onto my workstation and used the oxygen xml editor to convert them into mods 3.5 records. i consulted with melanie wacker about this process, in particular about fields that were specific to cul’s implementation of mods. lastly, copies of the mods records were saved on the shared network drive for future use. titles if a manuscript had either a title page or colophon, i used that for the title in syriac script and devised titles when necessary. i added uniform titles whenever possible, largely for biblical and liturgical works. ultimately, fifteen of the 48 manuscript records have titles recorded in syriac script. i added transliterated fields for the transcribed titles in syriac and also supplied alternate english titles as additional access points. when the manuscripts were either too fragmentary or missing too many pages to derive a syriac title, i devised one using either moshe h. goshengottstein’s syriac manuscripts in the harvard college library or the information available in files compiled about each manuscript. when i derived titles from goshen-gottstein, i either removed the word nestorian or replaced it with madnhaya when it was used to refer to the font. i made this decision because the term nestorian, while common in syriac studies, is both inaccurate and often offensive. it has its origins in an early controversy in the syriac church concerning the nature of christ (müller and hage, 2015) and is too derisive to be included. the term madnhaya simply means eastern and is not only used internally by the group that has been labeled nestorian, but is also used as a term for the syriac script. since the bulk of these manuscripts are written in the madnhaya script, the decision to use this term instead of the more common nestorian is significant. in each case, i recorded the source of the title in the record in a 500 note so that both patrons and future librarians would know where the titles came from. controlled headings the use of controlled author and uniform title headings proved extremely difficult for this project. while i found authority records in the naf for several authors/creators, it often took several hours to locate them. for example, manuscript 19 includes two works by three authors: rabban hunayn, rabban hananisho, and abd-isho of gazarta. finding the controlled form of these names proved to be a challenge. matthew haugen and i scoured wikipedia pages and confirmed authors’ identities based on my general knowledge of the period. i was able to connect abdisho of gazarta to the controlled form abdīshōʻ iv, chaldean patriarch of babylon, -1570 because a note in the authority record referenced the wikipedia article for abdisho iv maron. i found mention of him being from gazarta in that article (abdisho iv maron, 2014) which connected the heading to the author of the manuscript. likewise, the controlled form for rabban hananisho is ʻanân-îshôʻ, active 7th century. ʻanân-îshôʻis actually an incorrect or outdated transliteration for the syriac; the name starts with a character that is currently transliterated with the letter ḥ. searches using current transliteration standards yielded no results. none of the controlled forms have references in the syriac script, making it very challenging to locate them in the authority file. naco currently does not allow the addition of syriac script in authority records, which means that any searches must rely on transliterated terms (library of congress, 2008). i understand that this is not an uncommon problem when cataloging foreign language manuscripts and it was definitely a positive learning experience for me. mathew, melanie, and i discussed whether or not to use the term "manuscripts” as a subject term (marc field 650) or as a genre term (marc field 655) and decided to use the 655 field for genre terms from the getty art & architecture thesaurus as well as the 650 field for the library of congress subject heading manuscripts, syriac. this allows patrons to search using either the subject or genre/form index. since few patrons utilize the genre search effectively, i felt it was necessary and helpful to provide alternate access via a subject heading even if it is somewhat technically incorrect. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 3-5 section 3 classification the call numbers assigned to the collection over the years have varied somewhat and i noted these variations in the records where they may impact access. often these changes were found in the file folders associated with the items as well as in the goshen-gottstein print catalog. i retained the numbers assigned by goshen-gottstein as classification numbers since they are consistently used for researcher requests and citations. it is a simple classification system that numbers the manuscripts from 1 to 48, based primarily on the order in which they were acquired. additionally, each call number includes the prefix uts ms. syr. prefixes like this have been used in other manuscript collections at burke and so it kept the classification in line with that practice. marc and mods the conversion from marc records to mods records was relatively easy once the steps were ironed out. while cul’s opac offers a direct marcxml download option, this did not provide the correct namespace prefixes and made reliable conversion to mods extremely difficult. so, after downloading marc records from the local catalog, i used marcedit to convert the marc files to marcxml files. i explored using marcedit to convert them directly from marc to mods but discovered that the version of marcedit that i had would only generate mods 3.0 records. the library of congress had recently released version 3.5 which offers a much richer level of description so i converted the marcxml files to mods 3.5 using oxygen. oxygen is an xml editor and validator that i found extremely user-friendly. it is not free but does not (as far as i can tell) require special software or platforms in order to run. i edited and validated all 48 records at once in oxygen using a transformation scenario. the files were edited to incorporate local standards as well as holdings information, including and tags. this holdings information was not included in the marc records that i downloaded from cul’s opac since the opac only offers the option to download the bibliographic record; holdings are created separately and linked to the bibliographic record. because the 650 marc tag did not correctly map onto the mods tag, i edited the records to include the heading manuscripts, syriac in the form tag. finally, during the conversion between marc and mods the marc 710 field, which was used for the name of the collection, was converted to a generic , instead of a tag, which is the convention preferred at cul. for a full comparison between the marc and mods records that includes syriac script see: and the rest of the marc records can be viewed at by searching for “syriac manuscripts collection (burke library, union theological seminary).” once i validated the records, i saved them to a shared drive where they will be accessible for use in future nonmarc cataloging projects. the library staff hope to eventually secure funding to digitize some or all of the manuscripts and this metadata will prove useful when the time comes. conclusion creating marc and mods records for these manuscripts was by far the most challenging project i had during my entire mls program. i found myself constantly questioning my skills, both in cataloging and in syriac. i realized how much i loved tracking down each obscure reference to an author so that the forms of his name could be recorded in the authority record as they appeared on the item. i loved feeling like i was truly and actively contributing something to an international database. i also realized how limiting current subject headings are for items like these manuscripts. in many cases i found myself wanting to add syriac terms as subject headings but was unable to do so. i almost always found acceptable headings in english but the value that would be added by being able to search in syriac for terms such as the “ܐܝܕܝܚܝ” (yḥídyā) “only-begottenness” of jesus is not available and it is not an easily translated concept. i am hopeful that as libraries learn how to embrace and utilize the linked data environment, there will be more flexibility in this area and that we will be able to add vernacular search terms to records. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 3-6 section 3 transliteration was one of the most difficult parts of the whole project. in fact, i am still revising the transliterations that i created since i have been able to find better tools to assist with the vocalization. part of the difficulty stems from the fact that i personally dislike using transliteration; i find it to be a frustrating and finicky bridge that i almost never use correctly in my own searching. it is usually easier to either search in the native script (if available) or to use subject/genre headings to find what i need. transliteration was also especially difficult with these manuscripts since the vocalization on the items is inconsistent and generally had to be supplied. this project taught me more about cataloging rare manuscripts than i had hoped i would learn. it also taught me where the gaps in my knowledge are and what resources are available to fill them. i cannot express enough my gratitude to everyone at cul who helped me: especially matthew haugen, melanie wacker, matthew baker, and beth bidlack for their constant advice and encouragement. resources abdisho iv maron. (2014). retrieved from clemons, j. (1965). a checklist of syriac manuscripts in the united states and canada. orientalia christiana periodica, 31(1), 214-229 and 478-517. goshen-gottstein, m. (1979). syriac manuscripts in the harvard college library: a catalogue. missoula, mont.: scholars press. müller, c. & hage, w. (2015). nestorians. in encyclopedia of christianity online. retrieved from http:// library of congress. (2008). non-latin script data in name authority records: frequently asked questions. retrieved from syriac manuscripts in the union theological seminary library : a compilation of relevant literature. (1977). submitted by elizabeth miraglia, serials specialist geisel library, uc san diego* *all of the work for this project was completed outside of my affiliation with uc san diego and is not considered endorsed by the university. 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 section 1 section one: new and changed headings the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2017 list numbers 10 (october 16), 11 (november 20), and 12 (december 18, 2017). the new genre/form terms listed here came from lcsh list numbers 10, 11, and 12. no new demographic group terms in the field of theology were issued this quarter. since early 2007, the library of congress has been developing library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (lcgft), whose terms describe what something is rather than what it is about, as subject headings do, and are used in marc field 655 ‡a of bibliographic records. examples: 655 _7 ‡a liturgical books. ‡2 lcgft 655 _0 ‡a shape-note hymnals. (see full instructions in oclc bibliographic formats and standards, 655 index term—genre/form.) the library of congress is also developing a vocabulary entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). these terms are used in marc field 368 ‡c of name authority records. naco participants in the atla funnel are encouraged to use terms from the thesaurus of religious occupational terms (trot) when possible. examples: 368 _ _ ‡c religious converts. ‡2 lcdgt 368 _ _ ‡c rural clergy. ‡2 trot more information about lcdgt is available at this website provides the draft demographic group terms manual as well as an introduction to demographic group terms, a list of approved terms in pdf format, and a link to authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format. the most updated versions of both genre/form terms and demographic group terms, along with their authority records, appear in lc’s web-based subscription product, classification web. in this issue of tcb, as in previous issues, the following conventions are used: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 section 1 chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 subject headings 150 aránzazu, nuestra señora de [not subd geog] [sp2017004621] 450 uf ama birjiña arántzazuko 450 uf arántzazuko, ama birjiña 450 uf nuestra señora de aránzazu 450 uf our lady of aranzazu 450 uf virgen de aránzazu 450 uf virgin of aranzazu 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--spain 150 avalokiteśvara (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp 85010492 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2017054713 150 buddhist hymns, indonesian [may subd geog] [sp2016002087] 450 uf indonesian buddhist hymns 150 buddhist literature, pa’o [may subd geog] [sp2017004673] 450 uf paʾo buddhist literature 550 bt paʾo literatur 150 christian antiquities [may subd geog] [sp 85025009 ] 550 rt christian art and symbolism delete field 150 christian art and symbolism [may subd geog] [sp 85025011 ] 450 uf religious art, christian delete field 450 uf sacred art delete field 550 bt art delete field 550 rt christian antiquities delete field 550 bt religious art add field 150 christianity--african influences [sp2017004504] 551 bt africa—civilization 150 coastal biodiversity conservation--religious aspects [sp2017003063] 150 coastal biodiversity conservation--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2017003064] 150 ḍākinī (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp 85035482 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2017242624 150 durgā (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85040043 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2017244199 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 section 1 150 durgā (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 94003986 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading durgā (hindu deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 general baptists [sp2017004873] 550 bt baptists 150 gifts causa mortis (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2017004375] 053 kbp636.2 550 bt islamic law 150 hymns, ewe [may subd geog] [sp2016001541] 450 uf ewe hymns 150 i am religious activity hymns [may subd geog] [sp2017004726] 053 m2145.i3 450 uf hymns, i am religious activity 150 ifla library reference model [may subd geog] [sp2017004509] 053 z666.63.i44 450 uf frbr-library reference model 450 uf frbr-lrm (conceptual model) 450 uf ifla lrm (conceptual model) 450 uf international federation of library associations and institutions library reference model 450 uf library reference model, ifla 550 bt entity-relationship modeling 150 jewish women comedians [may subd geog] [sp2017003302] 550 bt jewish comedians 550 bt women comedians 150 jewish women in popular culture [may subd geog] [sp2017003301] 550 bt popular culture 150 judaism and international relations [may subd geog] [sp2017003099] 053 bm538.i57 450 uf international relations--religious aspects--judaism 450 uf international relati ons and judaism 550 bt international relations 150 kemeticism [may subd geog] [sp2017003136] 053 bp605.k46 450 uf egyptian neopaganism 450 uf kemetic reconstructionism 450 uf kemetic religion 450 uf kemetism 450 uf neopaganism, egyptian 450 uf neterism 450 uf reconstructionism, kemetic 550 bt religions 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 section 1 680 here are entered works on the modern revival of ancient egyptian religion. 150 library metadata [may subd geog] [sp2017004510] 450 uf library resource metadata 450 uf library resources--metadata 550 bt metadata 150 maha shivaratri (hindu festival) [may subd geog] [sp2017004251] 053 bl1239.82.m32 450 uf great night of śiva (hindu festival) 450 uf mahāśivarātri (hindu festival) 450 uf night of śiva (hindu festival) 450 uf śiva, great night of (hindu festival) 450 uf śiva, night of (hindu festival) 550 bt fasts and feasts--hinduism 150 mi-carême [may subd geog] [sp2017004465] 550 bt festivals 150 missionaries [may subd geog] [sp 85086017 ] 550 bt christians delete field 550 bt religious adherents add field 150 mujaddidīyah [may subd geog] [sp2017004565] 053 bp189.7.m84-bp189.7.m842 450 uf müceddidîlik 450 uf mujaddidi 450 uf mujaddidiyya 550 bt sufism 150 mythology, tahitian [may subd geog] [sp2016002295] 450 uf tahitian mythology 150 psalms (music)--141st psalm [sp2017004605] 450 uf domine clamavi (music) 150 religious art [may subd geog] [sp2017004265] 360 sa subject heading art qualified by specific religions, styles, or time periods 450 uf sacred art 550 bt art 680 here are entered works on religious art in general, not limited to a particular religion or belief system. 150 religious art cancel heading [sp 85112607 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the general reference is being replaced by the subject heading religious art (dlc)sh2017004265 150 suffering in the qurʼan [sp2017004865] 150 valvanera, nuestra señora de [not subd geog] [sp2017004622] 450 uf nuestra señora de valvanera 450 uf our lady of valvanera 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 section 1 450 uf virgen de valvanera 450 uf virgin of valvanera 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--spain 150 western wall ( jerusalem) [sp 85146290 ] 450 uf al-buraq wall ( jerusalem) add field 450 uf burāq, ḥāʼiṭ al( jerusalem) add field 450 uf ḥāʼiṭ al-burāq ( jerusalem) add field 450 uf ḥāʼiṭ al-mabká ( jerusalem) add field 450 uf kotel ha-maʻaravi ( jerusalem) add field 450 uf maʻaravi, kotel ha( jerusalem) add field 450 uf mabká ḥāʼiṭ al( jerusalem) add field genre/form terms 155 bible comics [gp2017026108] 455 uf biblical comics 555 bt religious comics 155 hymn tunes [gp2017026134] 555 bt music 681 note under hymns 155 hymns [gp2014026872] 680 sacred songs that are normally associated with worship services and are typically suitable for singing by a full assembly. for texts of hymns that appear without a musical setting, see hymn texts. delete field 680 sacred songs that are normally associated with worship services and are typically suitable for singing by a full assembly. for texts of hymns that appear without a musical setting see hymn texts. for instrumental hymn music that appears without accompanying sung text, see hymn tunes. add field 155 memorial music [gp2017026101] 455 uf commemorative music 555 bt commemorative works 555 bt functional music 155 memorial service programs [gp2014026126] 555 bt commemorative works add field 155 purim music [gp2017026115] 455 uf feast of esther music 455 uf feast of lots music 555 bt event music 680 music that is traditionally associated with purim. 155 sacred music [gp2014027062] 455 uf liturgical music add field 155 synagogue music [gp2017026116] 455 uf synagogal music 455 uf synagogical music theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) news the future of tcb some exciting changes are coming to the theology cataloging bulletin (tcb). in january 2019, the tcb will become available open access on the same platform on which theological librarianship resides. additionally, the publication schedule will change with the first issue of volume 27 coinciding with its release as an open access publication. the bulletin will continue to be published quarterly with issues published in january, april, july, and october. be mindful that the fourth and final issue of volume 26 will be in august of this year. these changes will mean that the publication pattern will shift to a more logical schedule and the content of tcb will be available to anyone. submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university theology cataloging bulletin editor saco watch for information about a webinar later this spring promoting the inauguration of the atla saco funnel. submitted by richard lammert, technical services & systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary atla funnels coordinator professional development opportunities metadata design library juice academy learn the tools of metadata design, design an xml schema, and apply these elements to existing metadata schemas. march 5-30, 2018 $175 library of congress bibframe pilot phase two alcts understand the initiative and advancements with bibframe. includes a review of ld4p initiatives, pcc's bibframe task group, and rda's influence on bibframe 2. march 7, 2018 free from marc to bibframe: linked data on the ground alcts six webinars from 2016 that describe the continuing bibframe initiatives taking place at the library of congress march 7-may 2, 2018 free fundamentals of collection development & assessment alcts learn tools and techniques to assess both print and electronic collections. march 12-april 20, 2018 $139-$169 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-2 section 3 introduction to cataloging library juice academy an introduction to the tools and technique of cataloging, including rda, subject cataloging, and marc. april 2-7, 2018 $175 using marcedit library juice academy covering both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses, such as regular expressions and creating marc records from vendor spreadsheet, this course is appropriate for both new and experienced users of marcedit. june 4-29, 2018 $175 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals breeding, marshall. "open source library systems: the current state of the art." library technology reports 53, no. 6 (august/september, 2017): 5-35. flynn, emily alinder and erin kilkenny. "cataloging from the center: improving e-book cataloging on a consortial level." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 7/8 (october 2017): 630-643. guay, beth. "a case study on the path to resource discovery." information technology & libraries 36, no. 3 (september 2017): 18-48. doi: 10.6017/ital.v36i3.9966 harveland, jennifer. "library inventory methods: using flexibility and creativity to achieve a common goal within a federated library system." collaborative librarianship 9, no. 3 ( july 2017): 1-13. https://digitalcommons. hoeppner, athena. "database lists a to z: a practitioner’s tips and caveats for managing database lists." serials librarian 73, no. 1 (september 2017): 27-43. ndungu, miriam wanjiku. "bibliographic control of theses and dissertations in kenya." library review 66, no. 6 (2017): 523-534. o'neill, edward t., kerre a. kammerer, and rick bennett. "the aboutness of words." journal of the association for information science & technology 68, no. 10 (october 2017): 2471-2483. robbeloth, hilary, matthew ragucci, and kristina deshazo. "evidence-based acquisition: a real life account of managing the program within the orbis cascade alliance." serials librarian 73, no. 3/4 (november 2017): 240-247. schultz, william n. and lindsay braddy. "a librarian-centered study of perceptions of subject terms and controlled vocabulary." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 7/8 (october 2017): 456-466. strader, c. rockelle. "from user tasks to user services: placing the functional requirements for bibliographic records models into a larger framework." technical services quarterly 34, no. 4 (october 2017): 347-368. szostak, rick. "a grammatical approach to subject classification in museums." knowledge organization 44, no. 7 (november 15, 2017): 494-505. ullah, asim, shah khusro, and irfan ullah. "bibliographic classification in the digital age: current trends and future directions." information technology and libraries (online) 36, no. 3 (september 2017): 48-77. doi: 10.6017/ital. v36i3.8930 wahl, mary. "full stream ahead: designing a collection development workflow for streaming video content." library resources & technical services 61, no. 4 (october 2017): 226-236. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities authority control library juice academy demystifies authority control and explores the value it adds to library catalogs. includes a discussion about evaluating authority work for different libraries' needs. january 8-february 2, 2018 $175 excel for librarians library juice academy explores tools such as pivot tables, filters, conditional logic, and the vlookuo formula and how to apply them to analyze data. january 8-feburary 2, 2018 $175 getting started with digital image collections library juice academy this course will cover user behaviours and attitudes, how different metadata standards present information to the end user, and steps for creating and preserving digital images. february 5-march 2, 2018 $175 metadata design library juice academy learn the tools of metadata design, design an xml schema, and apply these elements to existing metadata schemas. march 5-30, 2018 $175 library of congress bibframe pilot phase two alcts understand the initiative and advancements with bibframe. includes a review of ld4p initiatives, pcc's bibframe task group, and rda's influence on bibframe 2. march 7, 2018 free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals allen, amy leigh. “lessons learned in partnerships and practice: adopting open source institutional repository software.” journal of librarianship and scholarly communication 5, no. 1 (2017): 1-15, doi: behnert, christiane and dirk lewandowski. "known-item searches resulting in zero hits: considerations for discovery systems." journal of academic librarianship 43, no. 2 (march 2017): 128-134. doran, claire and cheryl martin. "measuring success in outsourced cataloging: a data-driven investigation." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 5 ( july 2017): 307-317. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 3-2 section 3 hanrath, scott and erik radio. "user search terms and controlled subject vocabularies in an institutional repository." library hi tech 35, no. 3 ( july 2017): 360-367. harrington, caitlin and rachel scott. "working around the erm: automating accurate electronic serials holdings data in bibliographic records." serials librarian 73, no. 1 (september 2017): 11-17. kalwara, james, melody dale, and marty coleman. "gmd or no gmd: rda implementation for a consortial catalog." library resources & technical services 61, no. 3 ( july 2017): 162-170. kohl, laura, claire-lise bénaud, and sever bordeianu. "finding shelf space in an academic library: a multifaceted approach." technical services quarterly 34, no. 3 ( july 2017): 268-282. lin, xia, et al. "mapping metadata to ddc classification structures for searching and browsing." international journal on digital libraries 18, no. 1 (march 2017): 25-39. mccallum, carolyn, et al. "can rda content, media, and carrier coding improve discovery facet mapping?" library resources & technical services 61, no. 2 (april 2017): 93-101. ou, carol, katherine l. rankin, and cyndi shein. "repurposing archivesspace metadata for original marc cataloging." journal of library metadata 17, no. 1 ( january 2017): 19-36. taniguchi, shoichi. "examining bibframe 2.0 from the viewpoint of rda metadata schema." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 6 (august 2017): 387-412. van hyning, victoria, et al. “transforming libraries and archives through crowdsourcing.” d-lib magazine 23, no. 5/6 (may/june 2017): 1, doi: wakeling, simon, et al. "users and uses of a global union catalog: a mixed-methods study of" journal of the association for information science & technology 68, no. 9 (september 2017): 2166-2181. zapounidou, sofia, michalis sfakakis, and christos papatheodorou. "representing and integrating bibliographic information into the semantic web: a comparison of four conceptual models." journal of information science 43, no. 4 (august 2017): 525-553. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony the journey to cataloging the following stories are the journeys of our colleagues to becoming catalogers. we each have a unique story of that process and i think it's insightful to know these stories so that we can facilitate the path of others to finding cataloging as their career. through each story, i think you will see how important a timely word from a colleague can be to guiding someone into the field of cataloging. synchronicity i never consciously pursued cataloging as a career. i had a library degree that sat unused and almost forgotten for 13 years. my undergraduate degree is in english (and as a librarian i’m sure i am not alone in that). after graduating i found it difficult to find a job that would use my skills. while working as a clerk at a dry cleaning store, in the process of following any avenue to seek a better opportunity, i took a civil service exam and promptly forgot about it. a year or so later i was contacted and told that a job was open for me at a public middle school as a library clerk. there was no interview, if i wanted the job, it was mine. i worked in that position for four or five years, checking in periodicals, filing cards, and helping students with these newfangled devices called computers that could do word processing. it was the school librarian there who encouraged me to theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the atla technical services section) eight new participants in atla naco funnel program eight catalogers completed the training necessary to become members of the name authority cooperative program (naco), one of the components of the program for cooperative cataloging (pcc) which was initiated by the library of congress. this brings the number of members of the atla naco funnel to thirty, representing twenty-seven institutions. the eight new catalogers participated in the online training course developed by the library of congress, consisting of eight modules and seven webinars, conducted over 3-4 weeks. since then, several have begun creating and modifying records in the name authority file (naf). after review and corrections, those records are added to the naf. during the last fiscal year, the atla naco funnel contributed 191 new name records and modified 609 existing records. anyone interested in joining this program should contact judy knop ( for information on requirements for membership. two possible new funnel programs six catalogers expressed interest in participating in a series funnel and one naco member is currently taking the series training. training to create and contribute series authority records is completely online and can be taken at the cataloger's convenience. if you are interested in participating and have not already indicated your interest to judy knop, please email her at ( catalogers have also expressed interest in starting a subject authority cooperative (saco) funnel. there will be an opportunity for conversation around this topic at the 2016 atla annual conference in long beach, ca this coming june. anyone interested in participating in this funnel should attend that session if you are coming to the annual conference. if you cannot make it to the conference, please send an email to judy knop ( expressing your interest in participating in this funnel. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association professional development opportunities metadata design library juice academy this course provides the tools needed to design metadata to support the needs of users and collections. students are introduced to metadata expression using xml and rdf. april 4-29, 2016 $175 mastering excel® formulas and functions american management assoc. discover how to use an extensive array of tools to validate and analyze data in excel®. april 5, 2016 $149 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 1 • november 2014 3-2 section 3 tranining presentations, webcasts, and webinars rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free aacr2…meet rda webinar provided by mcls cataloging with rda (resource description & access) is similar to cataloging with aacr2...and then again it's not! in this 2-hour webinar, key differences between aacr2 and rda will be identified and shown through examples. some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. nov. 22, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $119.00 copy cataloging of digital resources (virtual/internet resources and video games) webinar provided by mcls using rda this workshop will be online for 3 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. all forms of digital resources such as websites. ebooks, eserials, and downloadable audio books, music, and video files as well as physical media such as video games, cdroms and other computer disks will be addressed. december 4-6, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $199.00 rda cataloging: basic music scores webinar provided by minitex for the experienced cataloger, this webinar will compare the similarities and differences between cataloging music scores (both print and electronic) between aacr2 and rda. exercises will help the viewer build the foundation necessary to quickly review rda records. december 10, 2013 10:00 am-1:15 pm (cst) $125.00 copy cataloging of sound recordings using rda webinar provided by mcls this workshop will be online for 3 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. the workshop teaches participants how to catalog sound recordings such as cds, mp3s, and cassettes, both musical and nonmusical. december 18-20, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $199.00 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university 18 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin classification and subject headings compiled by anna appleman biswas, paromita. “rooted in the past: use of ‘east indians’ in library of congress subject headings.” cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 1 ( january 2018): 1–18. garner, helen. “carry on classifying! the moys reclassification project at the bodleian law library.” legal information management 18, no. 3 (september 2018): 128–36. doi: https://doi. org/10.1017/s1472669618000294 howard, sara a., and steven a. knowlton. “browsing through bias: the library of congress classification and subject headings for african american studies and lgbtqia studies.” library trends 67, no. 1 (summer 2018): 74–88. doi: 10.1353/lib.2018.0026 lacey, eve. “aliens in the library: the classification of migration.” knowledge organization 45, no. 5 (september 2018): 358–79. lund, brady d., and daniel a. agbaji. “what scheme do we prefer? an examination of preference between library of congress and dewey decimal classification among u.s.-based academic library employees.” knowledge organization 45, no. 5 (september 2018): 380–92. tan, felipe e., and terry dwain robertson. “an evaluation of the classification scheme for adventists and ellen white.” theological librarianship 11, no. 1 (april 2018): 28–36. doi: https://doi. org/10.31046/tl.v11i1.473 anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. http://10.1353/lib.2018.0026 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-3 section 3 schonfeld, roger c. “will the monograph experience a transition to e-only? latest findings.” april 4, 2016. https:// shrauger, kristine j., cara mia calabrese, and peter spyers-duran. "ill data drives technical services projects." technical services quarterly 33, no. 1 ( january 2016): 14-22. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony from one at a time to all at once: streamlining the withdrawal process for weeding projects at buswell memorial library at wheaton college in illinois, the resource description (rd) department previously withdrew items one by one, deleting each by hand and dealing with problems as they arose, a process that took up a significant amount of time. using batch capabilities in oclc connexion client and an upgrade in the voyager ils, staff learned how to streamline the withdrawal process and free time for other tasks. the previous withdrawal process began with subject librarians leaving carts of weeded items in the rd area or turning books on their spines in the stacks. most weeding projects were scheduled during the summer, but carts would filter in during other times if librarians needed to weed in preparation for a departmental review. this could create cart shortages and required rd staff to handle withdrawals on others' schedules. communication was haphazard, and rd staff didn't always know if a cart of books was there for withdrawal or some other purpose. the department hired a student assistant to handle the summer projects, but books could sit for weeks while waiting for withdrawal, which caused cart overflow in staff areas and created problems if someone was looking for a specific item on one of the carts, since no shelf locations were changed for any of the items. after gathering books to be withdrawn, the next step was to withdraw the items from the ils. each item in voyager has three components — the bibliographic record, the holdings record, and the item record — and each of these needed manual examination according to this process: 1. scan the barcode of an item to retrieve an item record. 2. retrieve the corresponding holdings and item records. 3. delete the item record. 4. delete the holdings record. 5. copy the oclc accession number from the bibliographic record, paste it into oclc connexion client, and remove holdings from oclc. 6. delete the bibliographic record. 7. repeat until done. this was the process for simple withdrawals, but frequent exceptions lengthened the process. if a holdings record is connected to a purchase order, it cannot be deleted, requiring manual changes to the record and suppression from public view, which in turn prevents the bibliographic record from being deleted. if the library has multiple copies in multiple locations, but not all copies are weeded, that requires yet another process. various other exceptions involve different procedures. in june 2015, our consortium upgraded from voyager 7.2.5 to 9.1.1, providing numerous enhancements to pick and scan, a batch editing function. with this upgrade, we could now upload a text file of barcodes into pick and scan to run batch deletion, and we used this opportunity to rework other parts of our withdrawal workflow as well. to minimize the backlog of carts that would appear every summer and throughout the year, we notified the subject librarians that we would no longer accept carts or turned-over books. instead, they were to compile a spreadsheet or text file of barcode numbers for weeded items and e-mail it to our central rd e-mail address to open a request in our ticketing system, which alleviates the haphazard communication problems. the rd ticket manager assigns the ticket to the appropriate staff member, who runs the barcode list through pick and scan to assign it an item statistical category (essentially a tag) of pull to withdraw. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-4 section 3 when rd has the time to handle the withdrawals, a staff member runs a query in microsoft access to retrieve all items marked pull to withdraw, then prints it into a list for a student assistant to pull the amount of items that can be withdrawn during a shift. this eliminates the backlog of carts in the rd area and ensures that items do not appear as available in the opac while waiting to be withdrawn. with the upgrade, the ils withdrawal now requires the following steps: 1. scan the barcode from each item on one cart into a text file, naming the file according to the number assigned to the cart. 2. run the file through pick and scan to batch delete the items. particular settings allow the program to provide a list of oclc accession numbers from completed withdrawals along with a log file of problems that occur during the batch. 3. run the list of oclc accession numbers through oclc connexion client's batch holdings deletion process. 4. review the log file and deal with the problems. the log file makes it easier to deal with the withdrawal problems mentioned earlier. it informs us if a holdings statement cannot be deleted because it is attached to a purchase order, and it lets us know if fines are still connected to an item or if we still have other copies available in other locations. this allows us to focus on the exceptions while not spending extra time on the straightforward withdrawals. we also added a new step that assists with preservation of materials not widely held by other libraries. our consortium has a program called the last copy project, which allows members to preserve the last copy of an item not held elsewhere within the state of illinois by shipping it to the university of illinois at urbana-champaign (uiuc). our participation in this program was previously inconsistent due to the amount of work required to identify which of our weeded materials were the last copies available in the state. some subject librarians would set aside items that appeared to be rare, and an rd staff member would search for those items by title in both worldcat and the consortium's union catalog. other librarians simply did nothing. we wanted to ensure our withdrawn materials were preserved even if they were no longer relevant to the college's curriculum, so our digital initiatives department created a last copy program using oclc's worldcat search api. to identify last copies, we now run the previously created list of oclc accession numbers through the last copy program, and it identifies items that are no longer held by any oclc member library in illinois. the process frequently identifies items we would not have thought unique, but it also minimizes sorting through several items held elsewhere in the state. having followed this procedure for nearly a year, we find it a major improvement on the old method. we previously hired a student assistant to do nothing but withdrawals for two months during the summer, and now that time is free for projects such as systematic record enhancements. the new process also minimizes errors, since the old click-heavy procedure often produced mistakes such as failure to remove holdings from oclc. even if your library uses an ils other than voyager, i highly recommend investigation into streamlining possibilities, both in the ils functionality and in the physical workflow. submitted by christa strickler, resource description librarian buswell memorial library, wheaton college theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-2 section 3 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals browning, jennifer j., et al. "the canadian linked data summit: developing canada's linked data future through cooperative alliances." collaborative librarianship 9, no. 1 ( january 2017): 12-20. collaborativelibrarianship/vol9/iss1/4 chang-fitzgibbon, kerry and jianrong wang. "in the spotlight: technical services professionals in library-wide assessment." technical services quarterly 34, no. 2 (april 2017): 157-173. goertzen, melissa j. “applying quantitative methods to e-book collections.” library technology reports 53, no. 4 ( june 2017), doi: hider, philip. "a critique of the frbr user tasks and their modifications." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 2 (february 2017): 55-74. huwe, terence k. "librarians and data: curator, creator, or both?" online searcher 41, no. 3 (may 2017): 10-15. leffler, jennifer, jessica hayden, and todd enoch. "juggling a new format with existing tools: incorporating streaming video into technical services workflows." serials librarian 72, no. 1-4 ( january 2017): 102-104. long, kara, et al. "the “wicked problem” of neutral description: toward a documentation approach to metadata standards." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 3 (april 2017): 107-128. massicotte, mia and kathleen botter. "reference rot in the repository: a case study of electronic theses and dissertations (etds) in an academic library." information technology & libraries 36, no. 1 (march 2017): 11-28, doi: mcgee, marc, kim durante, and katherine hart weimer. "toward a linked data model for describing cartographic resources." journal of map & geography libraries 13, no. 1 ( january 2017): 133-144. mitchell, heather. "the times, they are changing." technical services quarterly 34, no. 2 (april 2017): 129-145. park, jung ran and yuji tosaka. "emerging information standards and technologies: cataloging and metadata professionals' perspectives." library hi tech news 34, no. 4 (2017): 22-26. rogers, kristin, brian young, and alex watson. "an ebook program by any other name: a comparison of ebrary pda and ybp dda ebook purchasing at the university of mississippi libraries." journal of electronic resources librarianship 29, no. 2 (april 2017): 84-92. slater, aimee, and ann kardos. "graphic novels: collecting, cataloging and outreach in an academic library." journal of academic librarianship 43, no. 2 (march 2017): 116-120. wintermute, harriet e. "the joy of cataloging community cookbooks." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 4 ( june 2017): 197-228. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-3 section 3 santos, yhna therese p. "resource description and access in the eyes of the filipino librarian: perceived advantages and disadvantages." journal of library metadata 18, no. 1 ( january 2018): 45-56. sibiya, philangani thembinkosi and mzwandile muzi shongwe. "a comparison of the cataloguing and classification curriculum and job requirements." library management 39, no. 6/7 ( july 2018): 474-487. tallerås, kim, jørn helge b. dahl, and nils pharo. "user conceptualizations of derivative relationships in the bibliographic universe." journal of documentation 74, no. 4 ( july 2018): 894-916. todd, christopher r. "librarian as data migrator: a functional pathway from millennium to koha." digital library perspectives 34, no. 1 (2018): 60-69. tosaka, yuji and jung-ran park. "continuing education in new standards and technologies for the organization of data and information." library resources & technical services 62, no. 1 (01, 2018): 4-15. vanullen, mary k., emily mock, and rogers emmalyn. "streaming video at the university at albany libraries." collection and curation 37, no. 1 (2018): 26-29. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony ruminations of a former editor: the theology cataloging bulletin as a reflection of our profession for many years, editing and contributing to the theology cataloging bulletin (tcb) was a service to my chosen profession that i gladly provided. the preparation of each quarterly issue was a collaborative effort involving folks from across the country and sometimes internationally. this included librarians in various types of libraries and staff members at the american theological library association (atla), whose support continues to make this endeavor possible. many good people volunteered their time to produce the bulletin, some by compiling, editing, or contributing, and others by producing, distributing, or managing subscriptions. because of their work over the years, we who have consumed its contents were spared hours of time by having newly-minted subject headings and call numbers, professional reading resources, and news filtered from a variety of sources delivered to us. tcb continues to enable us to make use of the most recent data in our daily work, take advantage of current educational opportunities, keep up-to-date on changes to our many rules and regulations, and share with and learn from the research and writings of our colleagues in the field. tcb is a tool of our profession. more than that, it is a reflection of the people who create and use its content. my approach to this testimonial is twofold: to provide some history about tcb’s origin, purpose, and development, and to reflect on what tcb tells us about who we are, what we do, and why we do it. tcb provides evidence that we are dedicated professionals who specialize in religious and theological literature and engage whole-heartedly in the virtuous acts of communicating, organizing, learning, teaching, helping, collaborating, and sharing — all for the purpose of facilitating our efforts at connecting people to information. we dream big, believing that our efforts as partners in the teaching and learning tasks of our institutions will give the people we serve the skills they need to fulfill their calling and thereby to make a positive impact in the world. current lc subject headings in the field of religion (clcshitfor) at the 1980 annual conference in denver, a committee called the bibliographic systems committee was established. one of the concerns at the time was the significant delay in accessing subject heading changes distributed by the library of congress (lc). the committee members found an ally in lc’s subject cataloging division by the name of warren s. kissinger, who was also an ordained minister in the church of the brethren. in june 1982, mr. kissinger graciously agreed to collect subject headings in the field of religion from the weekly lists that floated around internally among the lc subject catalogers and share them with the committee. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-4 section 3 mr. kissinger began clipping headings from the weekly lists and sending them to the committee so that they could update atla members on a quarterly basis through the atla newsletter. a two-page listing of the headings selected by mr. kissinger appeared in the atla newsletter vol. 30, no.1 (august 14, 1982) under the title "current lc subject headings: additions and changes". when it was determined that publishing the lists which began averaging eleven pages in the newsletter was cost prohibitive, russell pollard (andover-harvard library) came to the rescue and distributed the list on demand, a role continued by thomas gilbert. initial demand totaled forty requests for the list, but increased to over 130 in later years. in 1983, the bibliographic systems committee met with the publications committee and decided to distribute the headings on a subscription basis and to publish them quarterly in september, december, march, and june. tom gilbert sent out sixty-one copies of the first issue of current lc subject headings in the field of religion, which cumulated headings from june 1982 through august 1983. this title produced the acronym clcshitfor, by which it was known, unpronounceably, for some years. libby flynn compiled the list from 1983-1988 followed by alice runis from 1988-1992. in 1992, current lc subject headings was supplemented with news and views: a newsletter of the atla technical services section, edited by roberta hamburger. also, in 1992, john thompson reported that “after years of coping with the ungainly acronymed clcshitfor (current library of congress subject headings in the field of religion), the technical services section (tss) decided in dallas to simplify its name and expand its coverage" (newsletter 40:1, 15). thus, a new publication was created, and named, and declared good. theology cataloging bulletin (tcb) the first issue of the theology cataloging bulletin appeared in august 1992. in addition to a new name, and a new acronym, it had new content. alice runis continued providing new and changed subject headings in section one; however, now included was section two containing "news and views of the members of the atla technical services section," edited by roberta hamburger as well as columns for lc classification changes and lc rule interpretations (annmarie mitchell); general cataloging questions and answers (eileen saner); “in print” : recent articles of interest ( john thompson); serials cataloging issues (cliff wunderlich); and name and subject heading issues (chris cullnane). in vol. 4, no. 1 (august 1995), section two became lc classification additions and changes, b-bx, and section three was introduced for "news and views." initially distributed by ferne l. weimer, billy graham center library, wheaton college from vol. 1, no. 1 (august 1992) to vol. 2, no. 4 (may 1994), tcb has been distributed by atla from vol. 3, no. 1 (august 1994) to the present. in 1998, tcb was launched on the atla website. next, i will share some ruminations on what these sections tell us (remind us) about what we do and why we do it. past editors of the tcb were: roberta hamburger: vol. 1, no. 1 (august 1992)-vol. 5, no. 4 (may 1997); lynn berg: vol. 6, no. 1 (august 1997)-vol. 18, no. 3 (may 2010), and tammy l. johnson: vol. 18, no. 4 (august 2010)-vol. 21, no. 1 (november 2012). leslie engelson is the current editor since vol. 21, no. 2 (february 2013). section one: new and changed subject headings this is the section where we play with words. we assemble terms that we use to connect to bibliographic records, so they can be retrieved by subject. we apply the terms that have been given to ideas, terms that for better or worse reflect our cultures and our times. we add new terms as they are created, since language is a living, evolving creature. and we change them, occasionally, when preferred terms come along, keeping us relevant to the ones we serve. we organize the terms into categories, categories that define our world as we see it from where we are. our aim is to put like things together, like noah and his two of every kind, but also to make distinctions, like noah between male and female. knowledge of the literature of our field, theology and religion, is necessary to make these connections well. a healthy knowledge of other disciplines is also necessary due to the former and current editors of theology catalog bulletin (l to r: lynn berg, tammy l. johnson, leslie engelson, and alice runis. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-5 section 3 interdisciplinary nature of higher education and the intersection of religion and theology with so many other disciplines. we establish relationships between words (broader, narrower, related). this arrangement helps us to see things in perspective and helps us guide people through the web of words to what they are specifically looking for in the quickest and easiest way we can manage it. therefore we insist on controlling our vocabulary, which makes us control freaks, but in a good way. this control is what makes searching more efficient and finding much speedier. how are the lc-approved headings that appear in tcb section one selected? ann heinrichs, the current compiler of this section, kindly revealed her secrets to me. for starters, the lists are now published monthly, not weekly (since 2011 according to the lc website), and there is about a month’s delay in the posting of a monthly list to the website by lc (that is, the march 15 list may not be posted until around april 20). she accesses the new and changed headings on the lc website and begins by considering which headings have a connection to religion or theology, explaining that sometimes this connection is obvious and sometimes it is not. for example, she would include the geographical place name “tobernalt (ireland)” in the list because “holy wells— ireland” is listed as a broader term. she also may exercise her judgment to filter out listings that do not represent headings of significant interest. some of the headings she comes across while perusing the lists bring a smile to her face, such as “bee culture—religious aspects.” this is an example of the joy one can experience as a result of unexpected connections. she learns a lot in the process of compiling the lists and loves doing it. past section one compilers include: alice runis: vol. 1, no. 1 (august 1992)-vol. 7, no. 4 (august 1999); hal cain: vol. 8, no. 1 (november 1999)-vol. 11, no. 2 (february 2003); and joanna hause: vol. 11, no. 3 (may 2003)-vol. 22, no. 3 (may 2014). the current section compiler is ann heinrichs since vol. 22, no. 4 (august 2014). section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx |lcsh/ddc numbers of current interest this is the section where we play with numbers. having drawn a picture of the world and defined it with subject headings, we now proceed to paint it by number, thus confirming that cataloging and classification are considered arts. the process of figuring out which classification number to assign a title, while recognizing the multidimensional aspects it may present, is part of the intellectual task of organizing the items into a logical framework within theological literature designed to allow people to find pertinent related materials without having to know specific titles in advance. browsing the shelves or online catalog for one thing and finding something else along the way that fits one’s needs perfectly is not as serendipitous as it might feel to the browser given all the scheming the librarian has done to put it there. continuous care and feeding of a classification system is essential to maintaining its usefulness and relevance. ann heinrichs, who currently compiles this section as well as section one, notes that the listings of class numbers need to be examined thoroughly from a to z so as not to miss some of those unexpected connections outside of the b class, such as this one in class tj: "mechanical engineering and machinery--mechanical devices and figures. automata. ingenious mechanisms. robots (general)--moral and ethical aspects." from 2001-2012, section two was divided into two parts. part 1 was compiled by paul osmanski and consisted of a twocolumn table listing lc subject headings in column one and a related dewey decimal classification (ddc) call number in column two. the stated purpose for this correlation was "to provide the classifier assistance for topics of recent interest not mentioned explicitly in edition 21." part 2 consisted of lc classification additions and changes, b-bx and was compiled by eric friede, followed by joanna hause, and then ann heinrichs. eric friede reflects that he found the process of compiling the list useful in his work and hoped that his contributions proved useful to his colleagues as well. past section two compilers include: jon jackson: vol. 4, no. 1 (august 1995)-vol. 7, no. 4 (august 1999); eric friede: vol. 9, no. 2 (february 2001)-vol. 21, no. 1 (november 2012) and joanna hause: vol. 21, no. 2 (february 2013)-vol. 22, no. 3 (may 2014). the current section compiler is ann heinrichs since vol. 22, no. 4 (august 2014). paul osmanski compiled lcsh/ddc for vol. 9, no. 1 (november 2000)-vol. 20, no. 3 (may 2012). ann heinrich theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-6 section 3 section three: news and views this is the section where we play well with others. we do this by sharing and collaborating to help each other do our best work to assist our library users and each other. we received regular reports over the years from our liaisons to cc:da (committee on cataloging: description and access) from sally berlowitz, judy knop, and armin siedlecki. the bibliography of selected articles from current library journals that kept me searching library literature and the internet for professional reading from vol. 3, no. 1 (august 1994)-vol. 22, no. 3 (may 2014) has been taken up by anna appleman since vol. 23, no. 3 (may 2015). preparing these bibliographies helped me keep up with what was happening in our corner of the library world. regular listings of professional development opportunities provided by leslie engelson notify us of workshops, webinars, and courses to help us develop new skills and advance our knowledge in others. information on the efforts of a group of hard-working folks who are collaborating to produce authority records and serial records comes from richard lammert, our current naco/ saco funnels coordinator, and michael bradford, our conser funnel coordinator. the testimony column, a new feature since vol. 23, no. 4 (august 2015), has proven an interesting and educational addition to the bulletin. it is a first-person account of a project, training, or other experience that colleagues share with the technical services community. some of these columns have been republished in the atla newsletter indicating they are of interest to the wider library community. past section three editors include: roberta hamburger: vol. 1, no. 1 (august 1992)-vol. 5, no. 4 (may 1997), lynn berg: vol. 6, no. 1 (august 1997)-vol. 18, no. 4 (august 2010) and tammy l. johnson: vol. 19, no. 1 (november 2010)-vol. 21, no. 1 (november 2012). the current section editor is leslie engelson since vol. 21, no. 2 (february 2013). looking back and forward tcb has been through a lot of changes since its inception, from changes in editors, compilers, contributors, distributors, titles, format (paper to online), publishing patterns, and subscription costs. two further changes will be happening simultaneously in january 2019. first, beginning with vol. 7, no. 1, tcb’s publishing pattern will be changed from november, february, may, and august to january, april, july, and october. second, tcb will become available open access on the same platform as theological librarianship and the proceedings, other member publications of atla. these initiatives are expected to increase visibility and readership. despite these changes, the purposes of tcb have remained constant: to be a tool of communication, collaboration, and learning. many thanks to everyone who has had a part or will have a part in the making of tcb. i must confess that reading certain documents in library literature causes me to yearn for the language of simplicity. when someone asks me what we do as theological catalogers, i want to say very simply that we play with words, we put things in order, and we share what we have and what we know. we establish relationships and make the connections that are key elements in making this information system function well. through this collaborative endeavor, we enable people to accomplish their research and educational goals, so they can help make the world a better place by fulfilling their personal callings. submitted by lynn berg, assistant director of technical services the styberg library, garrett-evangelical theological seminary resources used: atla's proceedings, newsletter, and past issues of tcb. anna appleman theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association best practices taskforce report at the 2014 annual conference in june, both the naco listen and learn session attendees and the naco funnel members gathered to discuss best practices for personal name authority records. those gathered discussed the usefulness and purpose of the optional fields in name authority records. if the purpose of the optional fields is solely to uniquely identify the individual whose name is being established, then the only information that needs to be recorded in the optional data fields is information which will do just that. if the purpose of providing the optional information in coded fields is also to retrieve information about individuals by searching on common characteristics, then recording all readily available information as well as consistency of terminology used becomes equally important. the majority of participants seemed to favor providing as much information as is readily available and to work towards consistency of terminology. one major area which lacks appropriate terms in standard sources is the area of occupation. neither the library of congress subject headings nor the dictionary of occupational titles include many relevant occupations for the field of religion. participants suggested that a thesaurus of occupations in the field of religion should be developed and published as a recognized standard. once that is done, the occupations can be used in the marc 374 field and coded as from a standard in the subfield 2. such a thesaurus is now under development and will be widely circulated once a draft is ready. the best practices taskforce is also working on a draft of a best practices for personal name authority records. that draft will also be circulated once it has been approved by the taskforce. submitted by judy knop chair of the best practices in the field of religion taskforce changes in recording uniform title dates for bible the joint steering committee at its november 2014 meeting will be considering a proposal to change the way dates are recorded in bible uniform titles. specifically, the proposal calls for replacing the instructions in rda 6.24 date of expression of a religious work with a reference back to the instructions in rda 6.10 basic instructions on recording date of expression. the impact of this change is that catalogers will need to search for the earliest manifestation of the expression rather than using the publication year of the item in hand ( my understanding is the date of publication of each manifestation of the bible is useful to scholars because each manifestation is significant due to the sacredness of the theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 3-2 section 3 text. scholars are interested in each printing since any change in wording or typos can be significant. perhaps in our secular society that is no longer meaningful. the proposal also calls for eliminating the alternative option for facsimile reproductions in rda authorized access point representing an expression of a religious work. this means that catalogers will record only the date of the original publication of that text of the bible. if the text is a facsimile of a 1535 edition of the bible, the only bible authorized access point will include the 1535 date. there will not be an entry to indicate that this is a 2010 printing of that facsimile. submitted by judy knop, metadata curator american theological library association news professional development opportunities rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free library 2.0 conference conference "the fourth annual library 2.014 worldwide virtual online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and free to attend." proposals are currently being accepted for this is a unique opportunity to share your knowledge and research to a worldwide audience. october 2-8, 2014 free integrating researcher identifiers into oclc researchers university and library systems karen smith-yoshimura and micah altman address the challenges of incorporating authoritative research identifiers into databases and systems that use name authorities. slides and draft: youtube presentation: just for copy cats, part 1, background material webinar a series of short webcasts that explain the basics of copy cataloging: what it is and how we do it, useful elements of the bibliographic record, and search strategies. for beginning catalogers. available 24/7 free marc21 in your library webinar a series of mini-courses that introduce marc21 and how it works in a library automation system, what marc records are, and how to tie in the marc standards with aacr2 available 24/7 free theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities metadata for data resources library juice academy this course is designed to help librarians develop skills to design and execute a strategy for resource description of data resources. marc elements that related to data resources as well as the data documentation initiative will be discussed. march 6-31, 2017 $175 trends in library automation library juice academy explore the evolution of integrated library system software from client-based to software-as-a service (saas) cloud based. discussion will cover how the current market of library services platform automation tools as well as open source options. march 6-31, 2017 $175 mastering excel® formulas and functions american management assn. learn how to use what-if capability and cross-reference and summarize data in order to solve a variety of data analysis problems. march 23, 2017 $199 essential management skills for introverts american management assn. this webinar offers practical tips for raising your visibility, managing your energy, and communicating confidently. learn how to use strengths such as listening, researching, and building one-on-one relationships to advance your initiatives. april 27, 2017 $199 fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions ala an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. the topics of product trials, licensing, purchasing methods, and pricing models will also be covered. april 29-may 19 $109-$139 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university cc:da report the cc:da met in two sessions during the ala midwinter meeting in atlanta, january 19-24, 2017. in addition to brief reports from the chair, the library of congress representative and the pcc liaison, the main topics were presentations by kathy glennan, the ala representative to the rda steering committee on rda developments and on the ifla library reference model (lrm) and a report by james hennelly, director of ala digital reference on the 3r project (rda toolkit restructure and redesign). all three presentations were inter-related and touched on common themes. below is a summary of the major points. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the atla technical services section) atla naco and conser news best practices taskforce the best practices taskforce, composed of representatives from atla, the catholic library association, and the association of christian librarians, created and critiqued two documents which are now ready for a broader critique by interested members of the three associations. to this end, the proposed best practices for authority records in the field of religion and the thesaurus of religious occupational terms (trot) are posted on the technical services interest group page on the atla website and ready for your perusal. this fall, the taskforce plans to post these documents publicly and announce their availability on the pcc discussion list. in addition, the thesaurus will be submitted to the lc network development and marc standards office as an official standard with the acronym, trot. if accepted, the terms will be available for use in the 374 (occupation) field of personal authority records with the addition of $2 trot. please participate in this critique, since the documents will only be as useful as you make them. naco members are encouraged to follow the best practices guidelines see if the terms you would like to use in the 374 field are available in the thesaurus. if the terms you would like to use are not available, please propose them. please send all suggestions and criticisms to judy knop at new demographic group terms and code list demographic terms are being developed for use in the newly added 385 (audience characteristics) and 386 (creator/ contributor characteristics) fields, in both bibliographic and authority records, by lc's policy and standards division. the code to be used is $2 lcdgt (library of congress demographic genre terms). the terms will be used in bibliographic and authority records to document characteristics of the intended audience of the work as well as the characteristics of the creator or contributor of the. decisions on the extent of granularity are still being debated. here is an example of two possible levels of granularity for the same work: a book for children learning german, written by a german woman. 385 $a english speakers $a children $2 lcdgt 386 $a germans $a women $2 lcdgt or 385 $n lan $a english speakers $2 lcdgt 385 $n age $a children $2 lcdgt 386 $n nat $a germans $2 lcdgt 386 $n gdr $a women $2 lcdgt 386 $n age $a adults $2 lcdgt theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-2 section 3 phase 3b changes to the name authority file sometime before october 1, 2015, lc will perform the proposed phase 3b changes to convert the name authority file to align with rda. because there are no changes to the 1xx field included in this phase, lc will make all the changes at once in what they are calling a "slam." for at least one week, the lc/naf will become "read only" while the changes are being made. note: oclc plans to delete all name authority records saved in the online save file, whether or not they are locked, before this work begins. heed the announcement and complete or move all authority records to the offline save file when the announcement is made. major changes to the database in phase 3b are: • recode all records to rda if the 1xx contains no non-rda elements (i.e., those records with no 667 this record cannot be used ...) • add 024 isni numbers where available. isni is the international standard name identifier, developed to be database independent, on par with issn and isbn. • evaluate 370 for conversion to naf/lcsh form with $2 code. • generate 046 coded dates from 670 and 1xx. • reformulate all 046 dates from yyyymmdd to yyyy-mm-dd $2 edtf. • following phase 3b "slam" all dates will be entered in the form with hyphens and $2 edtf. • addition of 368 $c and $d, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, and 375 fields where possible from information found in 670s and 1xx. • addition of qualifiers to 4xx fields consisting only of initials, initialisms, or acronyms. following the phase 3b "slam," all 046 codes $s and $t found in corporate, conference, and geographic name records will be changed to $q and $r, defined as beginning and ending dates. this will allow for $s and $t in all types of records to be defined as activity dates. do not use the new 046 format for dates, or $q and $r until the changes have been made to the authority file and until pcc announces that they are ready for use. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association lc genre/form terms for religious material project on june 23, 2015, janis young of the policy and standards division of the library of congress announced the following: "since early 2007, the library of congress has been developing library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (lcgft), whose terms describe what something is rather than what it is about, as subject headings do. in september 2015 the policy and standards division (psd) will approve approximately 40 genre/ form terms for religious materials. the terms appear on tentative list 1518 (, to be approved on september 8, 2015. psd is requesting comments on the terms from the library community; please email janis l. young at through august 31, 2015. the religion genre/form project is a collaboration between psd and the american theological library association, which coordinated with the association of jewish libraries, the catholic library association, and the council theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 lcc list numbers 7, 8, and 9 ( july 20, august 17, and september 21). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.u65 universalism class bf occult sciences witchcraft special topics, a-z [bf1572.i532] imbolc see bf1572.s325 bf1572.s325 saint brigid’s day (imbolc) bf1572.y85 yule class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.m63 modesty class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.k83-.k834 kubera table bl7 hinduism practice. forms of worship. religious life religious life. spiritual life. discipline festivals. fasts and feasts. days and seasons special, a-z bl1239.82.r37 ratha-yatra jainism sacred books. sources. agama (siddhanta) literature special topics, a-z bl1310.8.e36 economics bl1310.8.s35 science by region or country theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 2-3 section 2 china special religions confucianism other special topics, a-z bl1883.d42 death taoism other special topics, a-z bl1942.85.c485 childbirth india individual religions sikhism. sikh religion special topics, a-z bl2018.5.c37 caste southeast asia by region or country vietnam by ethnic group, a-z bl2059.g54 giẻ triêng indonesia by ethnic group, a-z bl2123.m35 makasar african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.m34 mbere class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.l58 literacy class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur’an. koran works about the qur’an special topics, a-z bp134.c44 choice hadith literature. traditions. sunna. ةنس .ثيدح special topics, a-z bp135.8.e58 environmental protection the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 2-4 section 2 sufism. mysticism. dervishes. ةيفوص monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.b39-.b392 bayramiyah table bp3 topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.s59 solar eclipses bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.c645 colors class bq buddhism buddhist pantheon special deities buddhas. tathagatas individual buddhas, a-z bq4690.p36-.p364 parnasabari table bq11 practice of buddhism. forms of worship religious life religious life of special groups other groups, a-z bq5480.s53 sick class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.p48-.p486 philoxenus, bishop of hierapolis, approximately 440-523 table br1 history by region or country europe great britain. england by period early and medieval to the reformation biography individual, a-z br754.j636 john, of pontoise, approximately 1240-1304 biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.h5 hilarion, saint, approximately 291-approximately 371 class bs the bible theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 2-5 section 2 old testament works about the old testament criticism and interpretation bs1182.4 redaction criticism topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.m34 masculinity new testament works about the new testament men, women, and children of the new testament biography individual new testament characters andrew james bs2452.e73 erastus special parts of the new testament epistles epistles of paul topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2655.c83 critical theory class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.b58 bologna (italy).santuario della madonna di s. luca bt660.u64 undoer of knots, our lady bt660.v58 vishakhapatnam (india). mary matha shrine class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4368.23 hermanas de la presentación de granada table bx18 biography and portraits individual other, a-z bx4705.t43 tebartz-van elst, franz-peter, 1959 other protestant denominations friends german baptist brethren bx7800.g4715 gereja kristen protestan indonesia lutheran churches other special, a-z bx8074.d43 deaconesses theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 2-6 section 2 class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhahib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. ةيفنحلا ،يفنحلا ،تاقبط individual authors, a-z kbp300.a53 amāsī, yūsuf ibn ʻabd allāh, -1591 or 1592. فسوي ،يسامألا table k4هللا دبع class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles old testaments special bibles. by name, a-z nd3356.5.c35 calci bible missals special, a-z nd3375.o77 országos széchényi könyvtár. manuscript. cod. lat. 221 class pg prose special topics, a-z pg7102.h65 holocaust, jewish (1939-1945) class z libraries library science. information science automation special topics, a-z z678.93.t33 tablet computer z678.93.w43 wearable computers the collections. the books special. by subject, a-z classes of materials other classes, a-z z692.p74 privately printed books including self-published books [z692.s482] self-published books see z692.p74 cataloging by form z695.815 streaming technology including streaming audio and video theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 3-3 section 3 testimony using marcedit and oclc connexion to enhance bibliographic records in a batch with the tight budgets common to libraries these days, cataloging departments search for ways to add value while streamlining processes. at buswell memorial library (wheaton college, il), we've developed a method for enhancing our records with contents notes to make them more searchable for our users, then adapted that method to add library of congress classification (lcc) numbers in preparation for a reclassification project. project background we began the table of contents project to make our records more discoverable. for several years the cataloging department followed a policy of adding contents notes to records for only materials that correspond with the disciplines in our doctoral programs, namely, bible, theology, and psychology. we recently eliminated this policy to include all newly added materials with useful tables of contents, since keyword searching should benefit all of our users. in addition, many of our records hadn't been updated since they were originally added to our ils, so several of them had corresponding oclc records with contents notes added by others. rather than duplicate work already done by oclc subscribers, we created this method to import those enhancements in a batch. the lcc enhancement project began as a way to save money for a hoped-for reclassification from dewey decimal to lcc. if the project proceeds, we will be hiring a vendor that charges per record, and records that lack valid call numbers in the 050 or 090 cost more than records that include them. an older policy required catalogers to delete the 050 from records since they weren't needed at the time, so several of our older records were missing call numbers that existed in their corresponding oclc records. procedure 1. identify a record set to target this step varies depending on the ils. buswell uses voyager, so we query a microsoft access database to generate reports. for our table of contents project, we focused on our main circulating collection and generated a report of all records in within a specified call number range in that main collection. we found it best to target sections of the collection at a time rather than attempt to complete it all at once. for our reclassification project, we generated a report of all records in the locations that we plan to reclassify. from the report, copy the list of record identifiers (in voyager it's called the bib id), paste it into an empty notepad file, and save it. 2. extract records extract the identified record set from the ils. if you don't have the ability to extract records from your ils directly, this can be done using marcedit's z39.50/sru client feature. with the batch search utility (found by clicking on batch mode), link the source file field to the list of bib ids previously created, and extract each record in the list. before you can extract records, your database needs to be added to marcedit's z39.50 client. the university of illinois at urbana-champaign (uiuc) has a tutorial for this process, but it varies across institutions, and not all databases support z39.50, so check with your systems administrator for help. uiuc also offers a helpful tutorial for querying help. 3. identify records lacking desired enhancements open marceditor and use the select records for edit function under file to identify missing fields by entering the desired field, such as 505, into the display field box, import the file, and select "does not match", then export the resulting record set to a new file. uiuc provides a useful tutorial for this step as well. 4. export oclc numbers to text file use marcedit's export tab delimited feature to extract the oclc numbers from the new file into a text file, then perform theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 3-4 section 3 a find/replace to add the "#" symbol before each number to make the text file readable for oclc connexion. 5. extract records from oclc connexion using the edited text file, perform a batch search in oclc connexion and then export the search results into a new marc file. 6. merge oclc records into ils records using marcedit's merge records feature, merge the enhanced records with the original ils records. since we do not want to completely overlay our voyager records, we tell the program only to merge specified fields, such as 505 or 050. 7. load enhanced records into the ils finally, load the enhanced records back into the ils. for us, this involves contacting our consortium with a bulk import request. 8. final steps these vary depending on the project, but for our table of contents and reclassification projects, we want to identify which records still lack a 505 or 050, so we run step 3 on the merged file from step 6 to tell us which records to target manually, then export the resulting file to an excel spreadsheet using the export tab delimited feature. this creates a list of records our staff uses to manually enhance the records. for the table of contents project, our cataloging student assistant pulls the corresponding items from the shelf, manually enhances the records in connexion, and then copies the changes to our voyager records. for the reclassification project, our cataloging staff assigns lcc numbers and places them in 090 fields to indicate local use. we do not add these numbers to the oclc master records. conclusion in the past year, we've added 5500 contents notes with this method, and we estimate that we've saved about $6000 on the reclassification project. this article provides a broad overview of our batch enhancement method, but the actual procedure includes more detailed steps. if you want comprehensive instructions, please contact me at, and i'll be happy to send them to you or answer any questions. submitted by christa strickler, assistant professor of library science buswell memorial library, wheaton college theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 3-3 section 3 testimony personal collection development*1 this column serves as a debriefing of the events that led me to the borderline-traumatic deselection of three library collections. within five years, my dad passed away, my son was born, and i was hired in my first professional university library position. my father’s passing forced my family to consider the fate of the stamp collection he had amassed over fifty years. a few years later, the coin flipped, and new fatherhood compelled me to question the content of my personal book and media collection. these two deeply personal auras of thought were lent a professional perspective as the university library i was newly hired into began its first ever comprehensive weeding. what follows are the brief histories behind these three collections. the university i now work for was founded in 1922 as a normal school (a teachers' college) in the middle of farmland. its library began on the stage of the local high school with a dictionary and a bible. the university remains surrounded by farmland, but now as a fully-accredited multidisciplinary college with several advanced degree programs. the library has modernized and the collection has grown well beyond a handful of monographs. however, with no systematic weeding in 90 years, the collection was, in farmer parlance, going to seed. as luck would have it, when the library finally did embark on a weeding project, it was just as i was hired. the process walked a well-trod path likely familiar to readers of this column. librarians like myself made use of reports to scour our, hrm, mature collection. we asked boilerplate questions like: is this information out of date? does this support the current curriculum? has this ever been used? but all the practical doing of this, to me, the newly-hired interim research and instruction librarian, was daunting. i would have a hand in the regeneration of a nearly century-old collection, created by librarians with years of experience well beyond my own. while i had spent many hours as an undergrad here, i was a philosophy and english major who seldom charted the rest of the call number ranges. while i was attempting to learn what resources students and faculty might use, i was simultaneously making educated guesses about what i prayed they wouldn’t miss. it helped that the departments i represent were no longer looking as closely at this print collection. it also helped that i already had experience letting a well-considered, well-loved collection go. my father was “struck down” (in his good-natured telling of it) with the polio virus in first grade. in the years leading up to this, philately had been popularized by president franklin delano roosevelt, a fellow american similarly struck down. my father’s aunt adele gifted my father his first stamp album during his year of hospital bed confinement. where aunt adele and fdr gave him a lifelong hobby, my dad gave me a childhood home that resembled a special collections museum. although my immediate family enjoyed suggesting he was an insatiable hoarder, my dad was, in fact, quite selective. he assembled complete stamp sets from most countries with a postal system, and he had a penchant for civil war and depression-era kentucky memorabilia. i distinctly recall him showing me a beautifully-penned letter from a civil war soldier to president lincoln, which was one in a series of choice pieces deployed in his failed bid to shepherd me into the (dusty) fold. there is a shadow box in my mom’s kitchen framing a humorously large blue ribbon from one of the occasions my dad proudly took home the “big” antiques prize at the kentucky state fair. at his funeral in 2010, i was given a book on louisville’s historic brownsboro road by its author with my father’s name highlighted in the acknowledgements. i can’t recall if this was before or after a very classy antiques dealer slipped me his business card. all this to say, my own appreciation withstanding, my dad was not a junk collector. visiting home and walking past the ‘stamp room’ had been a comfort since his death. all those green, red, and blue buckram album spines with gold-lettered names of continents staring back at me as they had my entire life, as they had stared at my father for decades. but without my father, those albums weren’t receiving their deserved attention. he conscientiously made it clear throughout his life these items should be with real collectors. he did not collect like a hoarder, and neither would we. so, sometime after my father’s passing, my family made the difficult decision to entrust a professional dealer to take nearly the entire collection to auction. *abridged and edited with permission by leslie engelson. full article available from: biblio-notes 67 (spring 2016). acrl/sites/ theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 3-4 section 3 for my home library, my wife bought me a set of bookcases in 2011 which covered every wall of my office that was not a door or window. i filled every inch of these 27 shelves with books, movies, and records. even more spilled into the living room, random boxes, and into my mom’s garage two hundred miles away. call this seeming excess the product of a childhood spent indoors and of working in video retail places. but at the end of 2014, a year after my son’s birth, something in me changed. my approach toward collecting went from completist to essentialist. here in 2016, the living room, my mom’s garage, and nearly half the shelves in my home office are empty. some of my non-canonical reading bolstered my position to discard and to even view deselection as creative selection. for instance, the new world of bills heralded in with the birth of my son, inspired a reluctant google search for dave ramsey, the money guru who champions debt simplicity. by selling the apparently non-essential portion of my collection, i was financing new purchases relatively guilt-free. i joyfully held the kool-aid cup served with marie kondo’s the life changing magic of tidying up. and i was very taken with kanye west’s paraphrasing of antoine de saint-exupéry in rolling stone (2013): “a design is the point where you can't take anything else away.” but what really inspired this farewell to armfuls of paper and plastic was a little boy. collecting had been for myself, but now there was an impressionable mind in the house, spending time in my office, observing the interests his father cultivated. keeping copies of every book i read was not achieving this picture. besides, if a complete reading history is ever sought, i have a goodreads account. cutting away the fat, so to speak, reveals a more robust set of priorities, not only of taste, but of practical living. what one chooses to devote time, space, and money toward is a meaningful showing. a university library transforming untouched manuscripts into student space ably demonstrates a shift of values. as much as my son appreciates his toys, he easily parts with them as he outgrows them. the bulk of what i have is not rare, not like my father’s archive. there should be little remorse when i shed a box of dvds and reclaim that space with a set of curious george books and a sippy cup. what i’ve learned from my dad, my son, and my work is that part of growing is letting things go. submitted by arthur (aj) boston, scholarly communications librarian waterfield library, murray state university theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the atla technical services section) lc genre/form terms for religious materials project the project concluded in october with the following announcement from lc: forty-five genre/form terms to describe religious materials were approved on october 2, 2015. the religion genre/ form project was a collaboration of psd and the american theological library association, which coordinated with the association of jewish libraries, the catholic library association, and the council on east asian libraries. psd thanks all those who worked to develop the list of terms, which includes terms pertinent to several religious traditions. the library of congress’ acquisitions and bibliographic access directorate, which catalogs most of the religious materials acquired for the library’s general collections, has not yet determined its schedule for implementing the genre/form terms for religious works. the date will be announced when it is available. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb) american theological library association professional development opportunities rda serials cataloging update alcts learn how serials cataloging practices have evolved since the conser program approved the use of rda for cataloging serials. an overview of resources used to support serials cataloging will also be provided. december 8, 2015 $43-$129 data visualization for the rest of us: webinar via oclc webjunction a beginner's guide discover how to turn library statistics into compelling visuals that effectively tell the story of your library and department. december 15, 2015 free ontologies and linked data library juice academy detailed instruction on skos, owl, mads/mets/mods, and the open linked data movement. strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies will be covered along with hands-on ontology creation using open source tools. december 1-30, 2015 $175 easy patron surveys library juice academy participants will learn procedures, techniques, tips, and tricks for designing and implementing effective patron surveys as well as how to analyze and communicate the results of those surveys. january 4-29, 2015 $175 introduction to xml library juice academy an introduction to xml and the basic tools for working with xml documents. xml document type definitions (dtd's), schemas, xpath, xsl stylesheets, and xquery be discussed and students will explore several library of congress standards such as dublin core, marcxml, and mods. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, class b–bx and selected others compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2017 lcc list numbers 05 (may 15) and 06 ( june 19). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.c65 conflict management class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism monasteries. temples. shrines. ashrams. sacred sites, etc. by region or country [bl1243.773-.774] nepal bl1243.773 general works bl1243.774.a-z local, a-z under each: .x general works. directories +.x2a-.x2z individual, a-z [bl1243.776-.777] sri lanka bl1243.776 general works bl1243.777.a-z local, a-z under each: .x general works. directories .x2a-.x2z individual, a-z bl1243.78.a-z other regions or countries, a-z cancel (bl1243.78.a-z) other regions or countries, a-z under each country: cancel .a1-.a29 general works. directories cancel .a3-.z local, or by name if nonurban, a-z cancel under each city: cancel .x general cancel .x2 individual cancel see bl1243.79.a-z bl1243.79.a-z other regions or countries, a-z under each country: .x general works. directories .x2 by place, a-z .x3 individual, a-z theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 2-3 section 2 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.a83 astronomy class bq buddhism monasteries. temples. shrines. stūpas. sites, etc. by region or country asia bq6336-6337 thailand table bq13 cancel bq6336-6337 thailand bq6336.a1 directories bq6336.a3-z general works bq6337.a-z local, a-z, or individual, a-z, if location is unnamed for individual temples, etc., whose name begins with the word “wat,” the cutter for the temple, etc., is determined by the second word of the name, e.g., for wat phrapathommačhēdī, base the cutter on the word phrapathommačhēdī under each locality: .x general works, including directories .x2a-.x2z individual, a-z class br christianity history by region or country america north america united states by race or ethnic group, a-z br563.w45 whites europe great britain. england by period early and medieval to the reformation biography individual, a-z br754.a325 aelred, of rievaulx, saint, 1110-1167 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.n73 ntcham table bs5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 2-4 section 2 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.f66 food class bv practical theology ecclesiastical theology church management. efficiency bv652.14 project management class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church other special topics, a-z bx342.9.e27 economy (theology) bx342.9.p64 politics liturgy and ritual other special liturgical works, a-z bx375.a57 akolouthies tou nymphiou table bx5 catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4332.45 congregation of the sisters of the merciful jesus table bx18 biography and portraits individual saints, a-z [bx4700.a22] aelred, of rievaulx, saint, 1110-1167 see br754.a325 (bx4700.e7) ethelred, saint, 1110-1167 see br754.a325 christian denominations other protestant denominations lutheran churches catechisms, creeds, etc. other special luther's catechisms texts of the larger and smaller catechisms published together bx8070.l57 other languages (not a-z) class k law in general. comparative and uniform law. jurisprudence comparative law. international uniform law criminal law and procedure criminal law individual crimes theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 2-5 section 2 [k5304.6-5306] crimes against or connected with religion k5304.6 general works table k8 [k5305-5306] crimes against or connected with religion cancel class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah. ةيكلاملا ،يكلاملا individual authors, a-z kbp320.m89 muzanī, ismāʻīl ibn yaḥyá, 791-878. يحي نب ليعامسإ ،ينزم table k4 cancel (kbp320.m89) muzanī, ismāʻīl ibn yaḥyá, 791-878. يحي نب ليعامسإ ،ينزم see kbp330.m89 class nb sculpture special subjects religious subjects special, a-z nb1912.l35 lamas class pa medieval and modern latin literature individual authors or works medieval to 1350 q-se pa8420.r17 rangerius, bishop of lucca, approximately 1050-1112 table p-pz40 class pg slavic. baltic. albanian serbo-croatian literature history 19th and 20th centuries special topics, a-z pg1408.2.m37 mary, blessed virgin, saint class pn drama broadcasting internet broadcasts. webcasts special topics, a-z pn1992.926.r45 religious aspects dramatic representation. the theater special regions or countries america north america theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 2-6 section 2 united states history by period nineteenth century special topics, a-z pn2260.j49 jews (as a theme) class q science (general) cybernetics self-organizing systems. conscious automata artificial intelligence q334.7 philosophy including moral and ethical aspects 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by ann heinrichs the subject headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 lcsh list numbers 2 (february 16), 3 (march 16), and 4 (april 20). new genre/form terms were selected from list numbers 14 (febraury 2) and 15 (march 2). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: subject headings are in alphabetical order. those without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also relevant changes to free-floating subdivisions and genre/form terms, if any, are at the end of the list. ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 150 acala (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp 85000307 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading acalanatha-vidyaraja (buddhist deity) (dlc)no2015017934 150 apostasy--islam [sp 85006049 ] 450 uf takfīr (islam) add field 150 apostasy--law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2015000074] 550 bt religious law and legislation 150 bibframe (conceptual model) [not subd geog] [sp2015000202] 450 uf bibliographic framework (conceptual model) 550 bt conceptual structures (information theory) 550 bt entity-relationship modeling 550 bt machine-readable bibliographic data formats 150 body image in girls--religious aspects [sp2014100048] 150 body image in girls--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014100049] 150 christian literature, syriac [may subd geog] [sp2014100161] 450 uf syriac christian literature 550 bt syriac literature 150 conversion--islam [sp2015000959] 150 elections--religious aspects [sp2014100051] 150 elections--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014100052] 150 hagiographers [may subd geog] [sp2014100112] 450 uf hagiologists 550 bt biographers 150 hostages ( jewish law) [not subd geog] [sp2014100079] 053 kbm1539 550 bt jewish law 150 islamic literature, uzbek [may subd geog] [sp2015000032] 450 uf uzbek islamic literature 550 bt uzbek literature 150 kidnapping victims ( jewish law) [not subd geog] [sp2014100081] 550 bt jewish law 150 marriage in the hadith [sp2015000464] 053 bp135.8.m37 550 bt hadith 150 passover [may subd geog] [sp 85098533 ] 450 uf pesaḥ add field 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 450 uf peyseḥ add field 450 uf peysekh add field 150 pentecost hymns [may subd geog] [sp2014002758] 550 bt hymns 150 personnel management--religious aspects [sp2014002879] 150 personnel management--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014002880] 150 prisoners of war ( jewish law) [not subd geog] [sp2014100080] 053 kbm1539 550 bt jewish law 150 religion and science [may subd geog] [sp 85112579 ] 450 uf geology--religious aspects add field 450 uf cience--religious aspects add field 150 rhetoric in the qurʼan [sp2014100158] 053 bp134.r54 150 shavuot [may subd geog] [sp 85121170 ] 450 uf chag hashavuot add field 450 uf feast of the first fruits add field 450 uf festival of reaping add field 450 uf festival of the giving of the torah add field 450 uf first fruits, feast of the add field 450 uf giving of the torah, festival of the add field 450 uf ḥag ha-bikurim add field 450 uf ḥag matan toratenu add field 450 uf hashavout, chag add field 450 uf reaping, festival of add field 450 uf weeks, festival of add field 150 spiritual works of mercy in art [not subd geog] [sp2014100256] 150 suffrage--religious aspects [sp2014100053] 150 suffrage--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014100054] 150 transgression (ethics) [sp2015000173] 053 bj1500.t73 550 bt ethics 550 rt crime 550 rt sin 150 transgression (ethics) in art [not subd geog] [sp2015000176] 150 translating and interpreting (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2015000257] 053 kbp3521.t73 550 bt islamic law 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 110 vatican palace (vatican city) [sp 85142414 ] 410 uf apostolic palace (vatican city) add field 410 uf palace of sixtus v (vatican city) add field 410 uf palace of the vatican (vatican city) add field 410 uf palazzo apostolico (vatican city) add field 410 uf palatium apostolicum (vatican city) add field 410 uf palatium papale (vatican city) add field 410 uf palatium sacrum (vatican city) add field 410 uf palatium vaticani (vatican city) add field 410 uf palazzi apostolici (vatican city) add field 410 uf palazzi papali (vatican city) add field 410 uf palazzi pontifici (vatican city) add field 410 uf palazzi vaticani (vatican city) add field 410 uf papal palace (vatican city) add field 410 uf pontificia palace (vatican city) add field 410 uf sacrum palace (vatican city) add field 410 uf sixtus v palace (vatican city) add field 410 uf vatican (vatican city) add field 410 uf vatican palaces (vatican city) add field 410 uf vaticano, palazzo apostolico (vatican city) add field 550 bt official residences—vatican city 550 bt popes—dwellings—vatican city 150 voice (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2015000225] 053 kbp184.9.v65 550 bt islamic law new genre/form terms 155 advent music [gp2014026618] 555 bt event music 555 bt acred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with advent. 155 alabados [gp2014026621] 555 bt hymns 155 all saints' day music [gp2014026626] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music traditionally associated with all saints’ day. 155 alleluias (chants) [gp2014026627] 455 uf allelujas (chants) 555 bt propers (music) 155 anthems [gp2014026635] 555 bt art music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for choral settings of religious or moral texts that are performed in liturgical or ceremonial settings. 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 155 antiphons (music) [gp2014026637] 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 155 ascension day music [gp2014026640] 455 uf ascension thursday music 455 uf feast of the ascension music 455 uf holy thursday music 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with ascension day. 155 autos sacramentales [gp2014026233] 555 bt allegories 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for 16th-18th century spanish allegorical religious plays performed on the feast of corpus christi. 155 azharot [gp2014026234] 555 bt liturgical poetry 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for hebrew liturgical poems on the 613 commandments. 155 bible fiction [gp2014026240] 455 uf biblical fiction 555 bt fiction 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for imaginative fiction in which characters and settings are taken from the bible. paraphrases of biblical texts in story form are entered under bible stories. 681 note under bible stories 155 bible plays [gp2014026241] 455 uf bible drama 455 uf biblical drama 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays depicting characters, events, etc., from the bible. 155 bible stories [gp2014026242] 455 uf biblical stories 455 uf new testament stories 455 uf old testament stories 455 uf stories, bible 455 uf stories, biblical 455 uf stories, new testament 455 uf stories, old testament 555 bt literature 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for paraphrases of biblical texts in story form. imaginative fiction in which characters and settings are taken from the bible is entered under bible fiction. 681 note under bible fiction 1-6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 155 book of mormon plays [gp2014026251] 455 uf book of mormon drama 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays depicting characters, events, etc., from the book of mormon. 155 book of mormon stories [gp2014026252] 455 uf mormon stories, book of 555 bt literature 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for paraphrases of book of mormon texts in story form. 155 candlemas music [gp2014026685] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with candlemas. 155 canons (music) [gp2014026687] 555 bt art music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical works with a melody that is imitated at a particular interval of time, generally note-for-note. works based on canonic imitation that generally begin with a subject that recurs frequently throughout are entered under fugues. 681 note under fugues 155 cantatas [gp2014026688] 55 bt art music 155 canticles [gp2014026690] 555 bt sacred music 155 cantillations [gp2014026691] 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 155 carols [gp2014026695] 455 uf christmas carols 455 uf easter carols 555 bt songs 555 rt christmas music 555 rt easter music 155 chorale preludes [gp2014026712] 555 bt art music 555 bt sacred music 155 chorales [gp2014026713] 555 bt hymns 155 christmas music [gp2014026716] 455 uf christmas songs 1-7 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 555 bt event music 555 rt carols 555 rt pantomimes (music) 155 clausulas (songs) [gp2014026719] 455 uf clausulae (songs) 555 bt sacred music 555 bt songs 555 rt chants 155 communion service music [gp2014026721] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music composed for the anglican or episcopalian communion service. 155 compline music [gp2014026722] 555 bt divine office (music) 155 conductus [gp2014026726] 455 uf conducti 555 bt sacred music 555 bt songs 155 contemporary christian music [gp2014026728] 455 uf ccm (contemporary christian music) 455 uf christian contemporary music 455 uf christian popular music 455 uf evangelical popular music 455 uf inspirational music (contemporary christian music) 455 uf jesus music 555 bt gospel music 155 corpus christi festival music [gp2014026733] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with the corpus christi festival. 155 country gospel music [gp2014026738] 555 bt country music 555 bt gospel music 155 dapha (music) [gp2014026758] 555 bt sacred music 155 dirges (music) [gp2014026767] 555 bt funeral music 555 bt songs 155 divine office (music) [gp2014026769] 1-8 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 155 doctrine and covenants stories [gp2014026291] 455 uf stories, doctrine and covenants 555 bt literature 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for paraphrases of doctrine and covenants texts in story form. 155 easter music [gp2014026781] 555 bt event music 555 rt carols 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with easter. 155 epicedia (music) [gp2014026789] 455 uf epicedes 455 uf epicediums 555 bt funeral music 555 bt songs 155 epiphany music [gp2014026791] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with epiphany. 155 evangelism plays [gp2014026322] 455 uf evangelical drama 455 uf evangelism drama 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays that preach or espouse religious beliefs with the objective of conversion, generally to christianity. 155 evening service music [gp2014026794] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used a genre/form heading for the music of evening services performed in any religion or liturgical rite. 155 falsobordone [gp2014026799] 555 bt sacred music 155 feast of the transfiguration music [gp2014026802] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with the feast of the transfiguration. 155 goigs [gp2014026838] 455 uf gozos 555 bt folk songs 555 bt hymns 1-9 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 155 gospel music [gp2014026839] 555 bt folk songs 555 bt popular music 555 bt sacred music 155 graduals (chants) [gp2014026841] 455 uf responsoria gradualia 555 bt gregorian chants 555 bt propers (music) 155 graduals (service books) [gp2014026842] 555 bt service books (music) 155 gregorian chants [gp2014026843] 455 uf franco-roman chants 455 uf old roman chants 455 uf plainchants 455 uf plainsong 455 uf roman chants 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 555 rt kyriales 155 hadith stories [gp2014026365] 455 uf stories, hadith 555 bt literature 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for paraphrases of hadith texts in story form. 155 hevisi (music) [gp2014026856] 455 uf hevisi puja (music) 555 bt sacred music 155 high holiday music [gp2014026857] 455 uf high holy day music 555 bt event music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with the high holidays. 155 holy week music [gp2014026861] 455 uf good friday music 455 uf holy saturday music 455 uf holy thursday music 455 uf maundy thursday music 455 uf palm sunday music 455 uf passion music 455 uf tenebrae service music 555 bt lenten music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with holy week. 155 hymnals [gp2014026871] 1-10 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 455 uf hymn books 455 uf hymnbooks 555 bt service books (music) 155 hymns [gp2014026872] 555 bt sacred music 555 bt songs 155 introits (music) [gp2014026877] 555 bt propers (music) 155 kyriales [gp2014026901] 555 bt service books (music) 555 rt gregorian chants 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for modern books containing the chants of the ordinary of the mass and office of the roman rite. 155 laude [gp2014026905] 455 uf laude spirituali 455 uf laudi spirituali 555 bt sacred music 555 bt songs 155 lauds (music) [gp2014026906] 555 bt divine office (music) 555 bt morning service music 155 lenten music [gp2014026908] 455 uf ash wednesday music 455 uf passion music 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with lent. 155 litanies (music) [gp2014026910] 555 bt sacred music 155 liturgical poetry [gp2014026416] 555 bt religious poetry 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for poems written for public worship. 155 masses [gp2014026926] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 555 rt missals (service books) 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical settings of the mass in its entirety or for the mass ordinary. chants of the mass propers are entered under propers (music). 681 note under propers (music) 155 michaelmas music [gp2014026934] 555 bt event music 1-11 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with michaelmas. 155 missals (service books) [gp2014026941] 555 bt service books (music) 555 rt masses 155 mission music [gp2014026942] 555 bt functional music 555 bt sacred music 155 morning service music [gp2014026947] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 155 offertories (music) [gp2014026973] 555 bt chants 555 bt propers (music) 155 organa [gp2014026978] 455 uf organums 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 155 orthros (music) [gp2014026979] 555 bt morning service music 155 parables [gp2014026467] 555 bt exempla 555 rt allegories 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for short, simple stories that convey a moral lesson. 155 penitential psalms (music) [gp2014026995] 555 bt psalms (music) 155 pentecost festival music [gp2014026996] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with the pentecost festival. 155 pilgrimage music [gp2014027001] 455 uf pilgrim music 555 bt event music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for sacred and secular songs and other music of pilgrims and pilgrimage. 155 piyutim [gp2014027181] 455 uf piyyutim 555 bt hymns 1-12 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 155 processionals (service books) [gp2014027014] 555 bt service books (music) 155 prokeimena [gp2014027019] 455 uf prokimena 555 bt propers (music) 155 propers (music) [gp2014027020] 555 bt chants 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for chants of the mass propers. musical settings of the mass in its entirety or for the mass ordinary are entered under masses. 681 note under masses 155 prostopinije [gp2014027021] 455 uf carpatho-rusyn chants 455 uf prostopenije 455 uf rostopeniye 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 155 prosulas (music) [gp2014027022] 555 bt gregorian chants 155 psalms (music) [gp2014027023] 555 bt sacred music 155 qur'anic recitations [gp2014027029] 455 uf koranic chants 455 uf koranic recitations 455 uf qur'anic chants 455 uf recitations, koranic 455 uf recitations, qur'anic 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 155 ramadan music [gp2014027036] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with ramadan. 155 rappresentazioni sacre (music) [gp2014027038] 455 uf sacre rappresentazioni (music) 555 bt dramatic music 555 bt sacred music 155 reformation festival music [gp2014027044] 455 uf reformation day music 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 1-13 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with the reformation festival celebration in the lutheran and reformed churches. 155 religious drama [gp2014026501] 555 bt drama 155 religious poetry [gp2014026503] 455 uf sacred poetry 555 bt poetry 155 reproaches (chants) [gp2014027047] 455 uf improperia 555 bt lenten music 555 bt gregorian chants 155 requiems [gp2014027048] 555 bt funeral music 555 bt masses 155 responses (music) [gp2014027049] 455 uf responsories 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 155 sabbath music [gp2014027061] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical compositions traditionally associated with the sabbath in any religion or denomination. 155 sacred music [gp2014027062] 455 uf religious music 455 uf worship music 555 bt music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical compositions expressing personal or communal religious or spiritual beliefs, for use in devotional settings and/or general performance. 155 saetas [gp2014027063] 555 bt flamenco music 555 bt holy week music 555 bt songs 155 sepolcri [gp2014027081] 555 bt oratorios 555 bt holy week music 555 bt rappresentazioni sacre (music) 155 sequences (music) [gp2014027082] 455 uf prosae (music) 555 bt gregorian chants 1-14 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 155 sequentiaries (service books) [gp2014027083] 555 bt service books (music) 155 service books (music) [gp2014027085] 455 uf choir books 555 bt notated music 155 shape-note hymnals [gp2014027087] 555 bt hymnals 155 shigin [gp2014027088] 555 bt chants 155 shomyo [gp2014027089] 555 bt chants 555 bt sacred music 155 simḥat torah music [gp2014027092] 555 bt sacred music 555 bt event music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with simḥat torah. 155 trinity sunday music [gp2014027145] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with trinity sunday. 155 tropes (music) [gp2014027147] 555 bt gregorian chants 155 tune books [gp2014027150] 555 bt notated music 555 rt hymns 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of hymn tunes without words, or with single stanzas of text. 155 vespers (music) [gp2014027159] 455 uf vesperals (music) 555 bt divine office (music) 555 bt evening service music 155 visitation festival music [gp2014027163] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with the visitation festival. 155 wedding music [gp2014027178] 455 uf wedding songs 1-15 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 section 1 555 bt event music 680 this heading is used a genre/form heading for musical compositions intended for performance at marriage ceremonies. 155 yom kippur music [gp2014027173] 455 uf day of atonement music 555 bt high holiday music 555 bt sacred music 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for music that is traditionally associated with yom kippur. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 3-2 section 3 caring for collections: preservation of rare and online course via library juice academy unusual materials this course covers basic principles of preventive care including environmental conditions, storage, and handling to extend the life of the materials. developing a disaster response plan will also be addressed. september 7-october 2, 2015 $175 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university selected articles from current library journals colson, jeannie, and kelly allen. "our trek to discovery." online searcher 39, no. 2 (march 2015): 45-49. http:// engelson, leslie a. subdivisions for biblical studies, theology, and ministry: making search terms do the work. chicago, il: atla, 2014. enis, matt. "ending the invisible library." library journal 140, no. 3 (february 15, 2015): 36. http://lj.libraryjournal. com/2015/02/technology/ending-the-invisible-library-linked-data/ goedeken, edward a., and karen lawson. "the past, present, and future of demand-driven acquisitions in academic libraries." college & research libraries 76, no. 2 (march 2015): 205-221. pdf+html gonzales, brighid m. "linking libraries to the web: linked data and the future of the bibliographic record." information technology & libraries 33, no. 4 (december 2014): 10-22. article/view/5631 gross, tina, arlene g. taylor, and daniel n. joudrey. "still a lot to lose: the role of controlled vocabulary in keyword searching." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 1 ( january 2015): 1-39. lisius, peter h. "aacr2 to rda: is knowledge of both needed during the transition period?." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 1 ( january 2015): 40-70. moulaison, heather lea. "the expansion of the personal name authority record under resource description and access: current status and quality considerations." ifla journal 41, no. 1 (march 2015): 13-24. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-5 section 3 testimony linked data: a brief introduction for catalogers try a google search for jonathan edwards, and to the side you'll see information about his life and family, along with a display of books he wrote. if you click on one of the books, you may see a brief summary, a rating from amazon or goodreads, or links to web stores offering the book for sale, but as of this writing you won't see links to local libraries owning a copy. why? because our catalog records are still records, in marc, two things that search engines such as google and bing can't understand. search engines run on data, not records, and with more and more people beginning their research on google, libraries need to make their catalog data findable on the internet, or their catalogs will become obsolete. enter linked data. that google sidebar (called a knowledge card) doesn't come from an individual record that somebody created but instead pulls together pieces of data (such as personal names, birth dates and place names) that are linked together in ways that tells computers how each bit of data is related to another, so that a search engine knows that jonathan edwards isn't a text string but a person, a man born in east windsor and buried in princeton cemetery. this is the general idea of linked data: bits of machine-readable data linked together to create meaning. here's how it works. bits of data are identified by uniform resource identifiers (uris) instead of text strings. this means, instead of identifying jonathan edwards with the text string edwards, jonathan, 1703-1758, as we currently do in a marc 100 or 600 field, we would identify him with the uri html, which is his unique identifier in the linked data version of the lc name authority file. this uri is then linked to the label edwards, jonathan, 1703-1758, marking it as lc's preferred label for jonathan edwards. in the linked data environment, that label can change multiple times, but the uri will remain the same. if somebody discovers that edwards was born in 1702 instead of 1703, the label can be centrally updated to reflect that change, and library catalogs linking to that uri would receive an automatically updated label with no manual updating required. linked data can be difficult to imagine in the abstract, so a great way to see it in action is via the reasonator, a tool that visualizes data from wikidata (wikipedia's linked data knowledge base). try playing around with the page for jonathan edwards, which currently displays birth and death dates, links to people that influenced his thought, and other data. you can find other people born in east windsor, conn., or others who died of the smallpox like edwards did. these pages aren't crafted by hand, like individual catalog records, but are instead collocations of data pulled from various places in wikidata. nobody curated this data in advance, but linked data's flexibility allows for data curation on the fly, for applications that nobody had to think of in advance. thinking of cataloging in terms of linked data requires a paradigm shift. put simply, catalogers are still creating digital catalog cards. we need to get past the idea of creating records and think in terms of creating pieces of data and linking them together in ways that can form "records" such as the ones in the reasonator. this is where bibframe, the possible replacement for marc, comes in. it remodels our catalog data, breaking up those digital catalog cards into pieces of data. while a full description of bibframe is outside the scope of this article, a broad visualization of how it separates the data can help it seem less abstract. below is a marc record segment describing a treatise concerning religious affections. this is how we currently understand a description for a book: a page of data about a particular book. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-6 section 3 figure 2 shows the same data separated into pieces according to a simplified version of the resource description framework (rdf), the data model underlying bibframe. some of the data chunks have uris with them, providing them with unique identifiers that give them the potential to link to other data about the same entities. the uri for jonathan edwards links to his virtual international authority file (viaf) page which links to a wikidata page that contains additional data. the glasgow uri links to the corresponding page on geonames, which states that glasgow is a city in scotland, with particular geographic coordinates. these external links not only make it possible to draw in supplementary data, but they also allow non-library sources to draw in our data, increasing visibility and usefulness. now what does this have to do with google? bibframe's rdf data model is a web standard that search engines can read. those google knowledge cards come from rdf data. bibliographic information encoded in rdf plays nicely with web standards in a way that marc records never will. as part of the bibframe project, the team at zepheira (the organization developing bibframe) asked employees of microsoft and google why library resources don't appear in search engine results. the answer? they can't see us. they can't access our data, they can't read it, they can't harvest it.1 to bridge this gap, a new project called the libhub initiative is gathering marc records from participating libraries and converting them to bibframe, then publishing them on the web to monitor their search engine visibility. although still in its early stages, the project is already showing positive results for the early adopters.2 in addition to providing greater web visibility, catalog data as linked data offers other possibilities for use. a special collection of missions materials could be searchable via a map interface linked to the places described in the collection. a catalog linking bibliographic data to author data could allow a student to limit a search to commentaries written by eastern orthodox authors, without catalogers needing to specify an author's religious affiliation in a subject heading. 1 jeffrey penka, linked data and why it matters in the library community. vimeo video, 51:41, from a zepheira webinar on june 2, 2015. 2 "libhub initiative celebrates founding 12 library partners at early adopter summit,", last modified may 18, 2015, figure 2: simplified rdf visualization of a treatise concerning religious affections 100 10 $a edwards, jonathan, $ d1703-1758 245 12 $a a treatise concerning religious affections / $c by jonathan edwards. 260 0 $a glasgow : $b chalmers and collins, $c 1825. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-7 section 3 a scholar could search for items written by jonathan edwards and others associated with the first great awakening without having to search for each individual separately. an authority record could automatically update without a cataloger needing to change a heading for every death date discovered. library linked data won't become widespread reality tomorrow. experimentation is still ongoing. but, if we want our bibliographic descriptions to be more findable, more flexible, it's an idea we should embrace. we need to start putting our data where our users can find it. for further learning linked data for libraries. youtube video, 14:13, posted by "oclcvideo" on august 9, 2012. linked open data what is it? youtube video, 3:42, posted by "europeanaeu's channel" on february 28, 2012. mitchell, erik t., library linked data: research and adoption. chicago: alatechsource, 2013. sporny, manu, what is linked data? youtube video, 12:09, posted on june 16, 2012. submitted by christa strickler, assistant professor of library science buswell memorial library, wheaton college theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from lcc list numbers 07 (2014: july 14), 08 (2014: august 11), and 09 (2014: september 8). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 1 • november 2014 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.r85 rules modern (1450/1600) by region or country germany. austria (german) by period 18th century individual philosophers crusius engel class b philosophy (general) medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers special topics, a-z b745.s35 self philosophy (general) medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z [b753.k372] kātibī, ʻalī ibn ʻumar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277 see b753.q29-.q294 b753.q29-.q294 qazwīnī, ʻalī ibn ʻumar, 1203 or 1204-1276 or 1277. ینیوزق، table b-bj5 رمع نب یلع philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country france by period 18th century special topics other, a-z b1925.i53 individualism 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.l145-.l1454 labica, georges table b-bj5 by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.i45 illusion theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 2-3 section 2 class bf parapsychology spiritualism. communication with discarnate spirits mediumship. psychometry. channeling spirit messages, inspirational records, etc. special, a-z bf1311.p64 poe, edgar allan, 1809-1849 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics ethical philosophers, a-z [bj1287.b23-.b24] baḥya ben joseph ibn paḳuda, active 11th century bj1287.b23a-.b23z separate works, a-z bj1287.b24 biography. criticism class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology greece special topics, a-z bl795.o7 orpheus cancel (bl795.o7) orpheus, see bl820.o7 religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental other early european religions by ethnic group slavic special topics, a-z [bl935.s572] slovak mythology see bl940.c95 cancel asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources vedic texts upaniṣads individual upaniṣads. by title, a-z bl1124.7.p37-.p379 pāramātmikopaniṣad table bl3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 1 • november 2014 2-4 section 2 asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās pañcaratra individual saṃhitās. by title, a-z bl1141.8.a57-.a579 aniruddhasaṃhitā table bl3 hinduism modifications. sects. movements. cults individual sects, movements, cults chinmaya mission [bl1274.89-.892] biography bl1274.89 collective bl1274.892.a-z founders and most important leaders, a-z bl1274.892.c45 chinmayananda, swami table bl4 hinduism modifications. sects. movements. cults other sects, movements, etc., a-z bl1295.j4-.j492 jasanathis table bl6a asian. oriental by region or country india individual religions sikhism. sikh religion special topics, a-z bl2018.5.s96 swords class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books hadith literature. traditions. sunna. ةنس .ثيدح special topics, a-z bp135.8.c47 christianity the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. ةيفوص sufi practice special topics other special topics, a-z bp189.65.v57 visions theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 2-5 section 2 islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.v62 voice branches, sects, and modifications other (to 1900), a-z [bp195.a732] alawis see bp195.n7-.n72 bp195.a74-.a743 alevis other, a-z bp195.n7-.n72 nosairians table bp3 cancel other (to 1900), a-z bp195.n7-.n72 nosairians. alawis table bp3 class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.c59 contentment bq4570.d47 desire bq4570.g56 globalization buddhism modifications, schools, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism) biography other important leaders, a-z bq7950.m47-.m479 mi-bskyod-rdo-rje, karma-pa viii, 1507-1554 table bq8 class br christianity christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z br115.e45 emigration and immigration christianity christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z [br115.r322] race see bt734-734.3 cancel [br115.r322] race. race relations see bt734-734.3 relation of christianity to other religious and philosophical systems special, a-z br128.i57 insider movements class bs the bible general theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 1 • november 2014 2-6 section 2 works about the bible bs560 bible pictures for children. "hieroglyphic" bibles cancel bs560 bible pictures for children. "hieroglyphic" bibles. children's bibles the bible old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.r39 responsibility special parts of the old testament apocrypha and apocryphal books special apocryphal books bs1830.j57-.j572 jeremiah (apocryphon) table bs8 new testament works about the new testament men, women, and children of the new testament biography individual new testament characters joseph luke bs2460.j67 of arimathea, saint class bt doctrinal theology creation man. doctrinal anthropology man and race bt734.2 race problem cancel bt734.2 race problem. race relations class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life works of consolation and cheer works for special classes of persons the sick and crippled other, a-z bv4910.6.p37 parkinson's disease patients class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of men bx4087 tironensians table bx18 christian denominations catholic church biography and portraits individual theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 2-7 section 2 saints, a-z bx4700.l34 lanfranco, saint, bishop of pavia, -1198 christian denominations other protestant denominations mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.f67 forgiveness class kbm jewish law. halakhah. הכלה mishpat ivri dinei mamonot obligations. contracts and transactions delicts. torts other liabilities, a-z individual torts and damages kbm853.t74 trespass class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles new testaments special parts, a-z revelation (apocalypse) nd3361.r52.t748 trier apocalypse class pj oriental philology and literature hebrew literature individual authors and works modern, 1701by period 1701-1820, a-z pj5051.l48 levi, joshua joseph ben david, active 1700 table p-pz40 class pn literature (general) literary history by period medieval (to 1500) special forms of medieval literature poetry epic poetry special topics, a-z pn690.b53 bible stories theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 1 • november 2014 2-8 section 2 class pq italian literature literary history and criticism special persons or characters, a-z pq4056.j83 judith (biblical figure) class ps american literature history of american literature by period 21st century special topics, a-z ps231.e46 emptiness (philosophy) class pt german literature history of german literature special subjects not limited to one period or form a-l pt134.a57 antisemitism class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books cataloging by subject, a-z z695.1.m34 magic personal bibliography h z8430.57 hyacinth, saint, approximately 1185-1257 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association best practices taskforce report at the 2014 annual conference in june, both the naco listen and learn session attendees and the naco funnel members gathered to discuss best practices for personal name authority records. those gathered discussed the usefulness and purpose of the optional fields in name authority records. if the purpose of the optional fields is solely to uniquely identify the individual whose name is being established, then the only information that needs to be recorded in the optional data fields is information which will do just that. if the purpose of providing the optional information in coded fields is also to retrieve information about individuals by searching on common characteristics, then recording all readily available information as well as consistency of terminology used becomes equally important. the majority of participants seemed to favor providing as much information as is readily available and to work towards consistency of terminology. one major area which lacks appropriate terms in standard sources is the area of occupation. neither the library of congress subject headings nor the dictionary of occupational titles include many relevant occupations for the field of religion. participants suggested that a thesaurus of occupations in the field of religion should be developed and published as a recognized standard. once that is done, the occupations can be used in the marc 374 field and coded as from a standard in the subfield 2. such a thesaurus is now under development and will be widely circulated once a draft is ready. the best practices taskforce is also working on a draft of a best practices for personal name authority records. that draft will also be circulated once it has been approved by the taskforce. submitted by judy knop chair of the best practices in the field of religion taskforce changes in recording uniform title dates for bible the joint steering committee at its november 2014 meeting will be considering a proposal to change the way dates are recorded in bible uniform titles. specifically, the proposal calls for replacing the instructions in rda 6.24 date of expression of a religious work with a reference back to the instructions in rda 6.10 basic instructions on recording date of expression. the impact of this change is that catalogers will need to search for the earliest manifestation of the expression rather than using the publication year of the item in hand ( my understanding is the date of publication of each manifestation of the bible is useful to scholars because each manifestation is significant due to the sacredness of the theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson professional development opportunities transformative leaders webinar provided by oclc roy tennant and rob ross explore the changing landscape of libraries and how to manage the change. looking at the past and then into the future, this webinar will discuss strategies to effectively implement change for your library. march 10, 2:00 pm et free cataloging with rda webinar provided by amigos a thorough overview of rda including frbr, rda core description elements, preferred titles and names, changes from aacr2, relationships between resources and entities, rda toolkit functionality including workflows and mappings. uses exercises and hands-on cataloging experience to facilitate the learning process. march 17-20, 9:30-11:30 am et $305-$445 alcts 101 webinar provided by alcts meet alcts officers and find out what alcts is all about and what is can do for you. march 5, 2:00 pm et free workflow maps: tools for insight and enhancement webinar provided by alcts this webinar provides an introduction into workflow mapping including software and techniques for creating a workflow map. tips will be given for how to structure a workflow mapping project and how to get buy-in from stakeholders. march 9, 2:00 pm et $43-$59 e-book cataloging using a shared mailbox webinar provided by alcts participants will learn how to plan and create and workflow for processing ebooks using a shared mailbox. topics covered include tracking, communicating between departments, and notifying users when materials are available. march 15, 2:00 pm et $43-$59 fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions alcts online course this four-week fundamentals course provides and overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. april 13-may 8 july 27-august 21 $109-$139 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 3-2 section 3 fundamentals of preservation alcts online course this four-week fundamentals course introduces participants to the principles, policies, and practices of preservation in libraries and archives. topics covered include preventive care, storages conditions, emergency planning, standards methods of care and repair, and preserving digital content. april 20-may 15 $109-$139 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university selected articles from current library journals bernstein, steven. "beyond content, media, and carrier: rda carrier characteristics." cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 5 ( july 2014): 463-486. blackman, cathy, et al. "worldcat and skyriver." library resources & technical services 58, no. 3 ( july 2014): 178-186. cross, emma, et al. "in the company of my peers: implementation of rda in canada." cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 6/7 (august 2014): 747-774. "cuyahoga county chooses skyriver. (cover story)." advanced technology libraries 43, no. 8 (august 2014): 1-11. folsom, sandy l. "strategies for cataloging historical serials." serials librarian 67, no. 2 (september 2014): 166-182. gedeon, randle, and miranda howard. "biz of acq -the evolving work and workflow in the 21st-century technical services department." against the grain 26, no. 4 (september 2014): 50-52. hall-ellis, sylvia d. "accept, coach, and inspire: a formula for success." bottom line: managing library finances 27, no. 3 (november 2014): 103-106. hanford, dana. "a look at how we got here: rda implementation at central connecticut state university." journal of library metadata 14, no. 3/4 ( july 2014): 152-165. holderman, sharon, and april crockett. "what implementing a discovery tool really means." tennessee libraries 64, no. 2 ( june 2014): 1. maddox abbott, jennifer a., and mary s. laskowski. "so many projects, so few resources: using effective project management in technical services." collection management 39, no. 2/3 ( july 2014): 161-176. panchyshyn, roman s. "rda display and the general material designation: an innovative solution." cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 5 ( july 2014): 487-505. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-2 section 3 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals arlitsch, kenning and carl grant. "why so many repositories? examining the limitations and possibilities of the institutional repositories (ir) landscape." journal of library administration 58, no. 3 (april 2018): 264-281. bone, christine and brett lougheed. "library of congress subject headings related to indigenous peoples: changing lcsh for use in a canadian archival context." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 1 ( january 2018): 8395. corrado, edward m. "discovery products and the open archives initiative protocol for metadata harvesting." international information & library review 50, no. 1 ( january 2018): 47-53. ferris, anna m. "birth of a subject heading." library resources & technical services 62, no. 1 ( january 2018): 16-27. french, rebecca b. "direct database access to oclc connexion's local save file." code4lib journal no. 38 (october 18, 2017): 1. held, tim. "curating, not weeding." technical services quarterly 35, no. 2 (april 2018): 133-143. joorabchi, arash and abdulhussain e. mahdi. "improving the visibility of library resources via mapping library subject headings to wikipedia articles." library hi tech 36, no. 1 (2018): 57-74. li, xiaoli and michael colby. "from vision to action: one campus's experience with the uc conser funnel." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (february 2018): 214-223. sunny, sanjeev k. and mallikarjun angadi. "evaluating the effectiveness of thesauri in digital information retrieval systems." the electronic library 36, no. 1 (2018): 55-70. taniguchi, shoichi. "is bibframe 2.0 a suitable schema for exchanging and sharing diverse descriptive metadata about bibliographic resources?" cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 1 ( january 2018): 40-61. thompson, kelly and stacie traill. "leveraging python to improve ebook metadata selection, ingest, and management." code4lib journal no. 38 (october 18, 2017): 1. wagstaff, kiri l. and geoffrey z. liu. "automated classification to improve the efficiency of weeding library collections." journal of academic librarianship 44, no. 2 (march 2018): 238-247. walker, wendy and teressa keenan. "maintaining digital collections with declining resources, fewer staff." digital library perspectives 34, no. 2 (2018): 91-100. wintermute, harriet e. and mary k. bolin. "metadata generators for backlog reduction: metadata maker streamlines cataloging and facilitates transition." technical services quarterly 35, no. 2 (april 2018): 144-163. xu, amanda, kirk hess, and laura akerman. "from marc to bibframe 2.0: crosswalks." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (february 2018): 224-250. zuccala, alesia, et al. "metric assessments of books as families of works." journal of the association for information science & technology 69, no. 1 ( january 2018): 146-157. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, class b–bx and selected others the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from lcc 2018 list numbers 01 ( january 15), 02 (february 19), 03 (march 19), and 04 (april 16). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.v56 violence class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religious life special classes of persons other, a-z bl625.9.c45 celebrities bl625.9.w43 weavers history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.v22-.v224 vaishno devi table bl7 class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.t47 time dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z bm645.v57 virginity practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.s38 seder ha-ḳorbanot. תונברקה רדס table bm6 other special topics, a-z bm729.t43 technology class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. ةيفوص theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 2-3 section 2 monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.i7-.i72 ʻīsāwīyah. ةيزاسيع table bp3 cancel bp189.7.i7-.i72 ʻīsāwā. یواسيع table bp3 other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.t66 tony alamo christian ministries class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version abhidharmapiṭaka. 論藏. 阿毘達磨 other miscellaneous pali texts other texts, a-z bq2640.c43-.c439 chakesadhatuvaṃsa table bq3 class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors augustine, of hippo, saint, 354-430 spurious and doubtful works. by title, a-z br65.a89s63 soliloquia animae ad deum history by period early and medieval general works early works through 600 individual authors [br160.g3-.g45] gelasius, of caesarea, bishop of caesarea, active approximately 367-approximately 395 br160.g3 original works br160.g4a-.g4z translations, a-z br160.g45 criticism biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.d56 dimyānah, of egypt, saint, 3rd century-4th century class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life religious works for special classes of persons other, a-z bv4596.d57 disaster victims theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 2-4 section 2 class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law. هقفلا عورف birth control. family planning special topics, a-z kbp3119.a54 anesthesia class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art christian art icons (eastern church) special icons. by name, a-z n8189.6.i27 i͡aroslavsʹka bohomatir "myloserdi͡a dveri" class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles special bibles. by name, a-z nd3355.5.c62 codex biblicus legionensis missals special, a-z nd3375.m46 messale de firmonibus class nx arts in general characters, persons, classes of persons, and ethnic groups by name of character, person, class of persons, or ethnic group, a-z nx652.j34 james, the greater, saint class p philology. linguistics communication. mass media special aspects other, a-z p96.h53-.h532 hinduism table p1 class pa medieval and modern latin literature individual authors or works modern, 1350pa8457.a77 arrivabene, giovanni pietro, 1439-1504 table p-pz40 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 2-5 section 2 class pl languages of eastern asia, africa, oceania ural-altaic languages turkic languages southwestern (oghuz) group turkish (osmanic or ottoman) literature history and criticism history prose. fiction special forms and topics, a-z pl223.5.g66 good and evil class pn prose prose. prose fiction philosophy, theory, etc. relation to and treatment of special subjects other special, a-z pn3352.i83 islamophobia class ps american literature history of american literature special forms prose prose fiction special forms and topics, a-z ps374.b53 bible class z libraries library science. information science public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z z711.92.h66 homeless theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-2 section 3 while there have been ongoing revisions to rda since its initial release in 2010, a major restructuring and redesign of rda (3r) is planned for april 2018. to this end, there will be a freeze to any changes and revisions of rda beginning in april 2017 until the completion of the 3r project. it is still undecided what the new product will be called (not rda 2.0, rather a new expression of rda), but it is clear that the 3r project will entail more than a major revision of content and will be comprehensive with the primary goals of clarification and streamlining. the changes will be largely conceptual in nature, affecting the theoretical framework of rda and the navigability of the toolkit, but are not expected to have a major impact on rules or on the day-to-day operations of cataloging. 1. adoption of ifla library reference model (lrm) • intended to be the new conceptual framework for rda, taking the place of frbr/frad • greater emphasis on relationships • more appropriate model for bibframe/linked data 2. synchronization of the open metadata registry (omr) and rda • currently both are maintained separately and kept in sync manually • going forward, changes will be made only in the omr and imported into rda 3. creation of a north american rda committee (nardac) • address issues that are of specific relevance to u.s. and canadian libraries • serve as a conduit between regional rda users and rsc regarding rda development • members will represent ala, ccc, and lc 4. changes to relationship designators • scope notes, examples, and restrictions • secondary definitions will be removed or moved to the level of a primary definition ˏ “… a halogen (chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine)…” -> “… chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine…” 5. clarifying language • in definitions and instructions “resource” will be replaced with the specific entity term • “person, family, or corporate body” will be replaced with “agent” • omit definite and indefinite articles from the preferred label of new rda elements 6. toolkit structure and accessibility • responsive design (emphasis on tablets) • data conversion to dita format (allow for creation of unique “views” of rda content • 3 views of rda content ˏ workflow view ˏ elements view ˏ policy statement view • improved user-created content tools (ability to personalize display) • integrates display of rda instructions with related documents (examples, policy statements, etc.) for more information see: • 3r: • lrm: • omr: submitted by armin siedlecki, head of cataloging pitts theology library, emory university atla saco funnel update the professional development committee is working with gillian harrison cain, director of member programs, to prepare a webinar this spring to update everyone on the atla funnel projects, providing especially an update on the saco program at atla. this webinar will pick up and continue the discussion of creating an atla saco funnel, the basic idea of which theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-3 section 3 was presented at the last annual conference. anyone who is interested in proposing new subject headings (including new genre/form terms in religion) as well as new lc classification numbers is invited to participate in this webinar. the webinar is scheduled for wednesday, may 17, at 2:00 pm est. consult the february atla newsletter for more information. submitted by richard lammert, technical services and systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary selected articles from current library journals avery, joshua m. "implementing an open source integrated library system (ils) in a special focus institution." digital library perspectives 32, no. 4 (october 2016): 287-298. clair, kevin. "technical debt as an indicator of library metadata quality." d-lib magazine 22, no. 11/12 (november 2016): 1, doi: 10.1045/november2016-clair. fallaw, colleen, et al. "overly honest data repository development." code4lib journal no. 34(october 2016): 1. http:// godby, carol jean and karen smith-yoshimura. "from records to things: managing thetransition from legacy library metadata to linked data." bulletin of the association for information science & technology 43, no. 2 (december 2016): 18-23. kelley, steve. "the smaller library staff 's perspective on bibframe." technicalities 36, no. 6 (november 2016): 8-11. long, chris evin. "disambiguating the departed." library resources & technical services 60, no. 4 (october 2016): 236247. mcgettigan, katie. “catalogs as big data for nineteenth-century publishers’ series.” past is present: the american antiquarian society blog. november 1, 2016. perez-lizano, elena. "implementing resource, description, and access in a time of change in the small academic library." technical services quarterly 33, no. 4 (october 2016): 353-370. qiang, jin, jim hahn, and gretchen croll. "bibframe transformation for enhanced discovery." library resources & technical services 60, no. 4 (october 2016): 223-235. sandberg, jane and qiang jin. "how should catalogers provide authority control for journal article authors? name identifiers in the linked data world." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 8 (november 2016): 537-552. sjökvist, peter. "transcription in rare books cataloging." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 5/6 ( july 2016): 377-383. stewart, morag and cheryl aine morrison. "notes on operations breaking ground: consortial migration to a nextgeneration ils and its impact on acquisitions workflows." library resources & technical services 60, no. 4 (october 2016): 259-269. wallheim, henrik. "from complex reality to formal description: bibliographic relationships and problems of operationalization in rda." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 7 (october 2016): 483-503. welsh, anne. "marcedit for mac and the rare books researcher." catalogue & index no. 184 (september 2016): 2-13. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) news upcoming publication the atla press has accepted richard lammert’s manuscript for publication through its open access monograph program. the manuscript is tentatively entitled tackling the foreign-language backlog: transcription and romanization for the accidental foreign-language cataloger. the book includes material on descriptive cataloging of both roman-script and non-romanscript items. richard writes in the introductory chapter, “you are not the only cataloger who has been asked to catalog material in a language not well-known (or even completely unknown) to you. it is my hope that the material in this book will help you in cataloging that foreign-language backlog (or, at least, in starting to tackle it).” the section on roman-script cataloging covers hurdles that can be encountered in what might otherwise seem straightforward cataloging. “cases and other ways to modify words” introduces difficulties caused by languages that show grammatical connections by changing the word. another chapter provides help for reading fraktur script. the more extensive portion of the book is on romanization of non-roman-script languages, helping to fill in some of the implicit information gaps found in the ala-lc romanization tables. while the production schedule for the book has not been established, richard hopes that the book will be out by the annual conference next june. submitted by richard lammert, technical services & systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary atla funnels coordinator professional development opportunities negotiation & cost containment strategies for electronic resources learn practical techniques for developing electronic collection including how to select, combine, and develop business models; how to negotiate; and how to work with and evaluate consortia partnerships. • september 12, 2018 • $43-$619 • rda for video recordings covers the rda instructions for cataloging video recordings whether they are carrier-based or streaming. includes descriptive elements, choice of preferred source of information, and relationship designators. • september 26-27, 2018 • $140-$195 • using marcedit learn how to build, edit, and manipulate data from basic functionality to enhancement features to constructing records from existing data to utilizing regular expressions. • october 1-26, 2018 • $175 • understanding and using library data understand principles of data, statistics, and information and consider and evaluate methods of data collection, analysis, and visualization to inform decision-making and service design. • october 4-5, 2018 • $140-$195 • fundamentals of cataloging online a series of courses addressing the issues, fields, and elements to be considered when cataloging ava formats. • overview october 2, 2018 • $0-$65 • theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx and selected others compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2016 lcc list numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10 ( july 18, august 15, september 19, and october 17). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.,) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 2-2 section 2 class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion jainism special topics, a-z bl1375.s63 social aspects by region or country china special religions confuc anism other special topics, a-z bl1883.m56 mind and body southeast asia by region or country burma. myanmar bl2054.a-z by ethnic group, a-z bl2054.a73 arakanese by religion jainism sacred books. sources. āgama (siddhānta) literature special divisions and individual texts paiṇṇas (prakīrṇas) individual texts. by title, a-z bl1312.9.t38-.t389 titthogālī table bl3 african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.d83 duala class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z [bm496.9.c62] cohanim see bm496.9.p73 bm496.9.p73 priests. cohanim theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 2-3 section 2 dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z bm645.a69 anxiety cancel bm645.a69 anxiety. peace of mind [bm645.p432] peace of mind see bm645.a69 practical judaism rites and customs bm706.5 berit shalom. םולש תירב other special topics, a-z bm729.w64 work environment class bq buddhism history by region or country asia east asia special countries japan special topics, a-z bq680.s73 state doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.f525 filial piety bq4570.f67 forests and forestry buddhist pantheon others, a-z bq4890.b35-.b354 baijie table bq12 class br christianity history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther's theology special topics, a-z br333.5.i46 idolatry class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 2-4 section 2 non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.u34 uighur table bs5 american indian languages, a-z bs345.z86 zuni table bs5 works about the bible topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs680.r362 repetition old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.o99 oxymoron special parts of the old testament apocrypha and apocryphal books special apocryphal books (the pseudepigrapha), a-z bs1830.w93-.w94 words of gad the seer table bs8 new testament works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.m47 mercy class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.h69 hoz, virgen de la class bv practical theology pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman communities and institutions, confraternities, brotherhoods, etc. individual communities, etc. bv4407.64 immaculate heart community table bv8 class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of men bx3860 ordine di s. spirito in sassia table bx18 biography and portraits individual theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 2-5 section 2 saints, a-z bx4700.t397 teresa, mother, saint, 1910-1997 class gv recreation. leisure sports cycling. bicycling racing special topics, a-z gv1049.25.r45 religious aspects class kbm jewish law. halakhah. הכלה mishpat ivri public law. the state and the jewish community. kehillah philosophy and theory rule of law obedience to the law issued by secular authority kbm2025 mesirah including informing or using non-jewish authorities and courts in matters pertaining to jews mesirah [kbm2025] cf. kbm4442 criminal law of informers class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah. ةيكلاملا ،يكلاملا individual authors, a-z kbp320.m344 maḥjūbī, aḥmad ibn muḥammad. دمحم نب دمحا ،يبوجحم table k4 class kd law of england and wales ecclesiastical law. canon law of the church of england. church and state [kd8800-8810] non-christian religious institutions kd8804 islam. muslims class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml2951.g36-.g369 georgia (republic) table m8 by religion or denomination theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 2-6 section 2 christian protestant by denomination other, a-z ml3178.m65 molokans class n special subjects of art religious art non-christian art special buddhist special subjects, characters, etc. other, a-z n8193.3.a45 amitābha (buddhist deity) class pj oriental philology and literature hebrew other languages used by jews special yiddish ( judeo-german) literature individual authors, a-z pj5129.r574 rolnick, joseph, 1879-1955 table p-pz40 class tx home economics cooking cookbooks 1800jewish. israeli by style of cooking, a-z tx724.2.a75 ashkenazic class z libraries library science. information science public services. reference services public services. reference services in special topics, a-z z711.6.f56 finance, personal [z711.6.p47] personal finance see z711.6.f56 public relations. advertising and marketing. publicity z716.37 makerspaces book collecting bookplates. ex libris by subject, a-z z994.5.m36 manuzio, aldo, 1449 or 1450-1515 z994.5.m68 mountains theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 3-3 section 3 metadata into high-quality records." code4lib journal no. 33 ( july 2016): 1. articles/11676 wright, jennifer. "electronic outages what broke, who broke it, and how to track it." library resources & technical services 60, no. 3 ( july 2016): 204-213. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony our experience with joining a large consortium i am the head of technical services at covenant theological seminary, which in 1998 was a founding member of mobius (originally an acronym for missouri bibliographic information user system). this testimony is about our experience joining a large consortium, particularly the implementation of a complex ils. mobius the mobius consortium currently has about 75 members, mostly missouri academic institutions (with a few large public libraries and a few out-of-state members). our union catalog is nearing 30 million items. covenant was one of the 50 original founding libraries, but since the libraries implemented over several years, we did not actually "go live" on our innovative interfaces ils until june 1, 2001. mobius is organized uniquely. the libraries are mostly grouped into 'clusters' which are, for the most part, geographical. covenant belongs to the bridges cluster, which includes academic libraries in the st. louis area except for the community colleges (organized into their own cluster), and the large institutions such as washington university, etc. which are not in clusters. each cluster shares an opac among its members. the bridges cluster is a diverse group of ten members or eleven libraries, including 7 universities and 4 seminaries (covenant, concordia, kenrick-glennon, and eden). why did we decide to join mobius? we were ecstatic when mobius was founded! the state of missouri contributed over $11 million for the startup and more funds for several years. we had been struggling to upgrade our technology and the opac that was within our budget was woefully inadequate to support graduate level research. the state funds paid most costs for bringing up the innovative interfaces inc. (iii) system and for upgrading equipment, migrating records to iii's opac (which is integrated into the statewide iii innreach union catalog), providing many days of training by iii trainers, and we had mco (mobius central office) staff who shepherded us through the process of implementation. all the help and coaching we had was tremendously helpful. we have never regretted our decision. by joining mobius we were able to implement an extremely robust ils. as a cataloguer, in particular, i have appreciated all the advanced editing capabilities, such as global updating, that a large system offers. the state of missouri no longer supports mobius financially, but the annual costs are partly based on student fte, so it is still affordable for us. migration complexity migrating to a different ils is not easy or straightforward. it is especially difficult if you have a small staff (5 full-timers) and can't hire any extra assistance. we didn't have the luxury of a project leader or implementation team; we just had to theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 3-4 section 3 fit it into our normal workload. we had just finished a massive construction project and had a few weeks to bask in that accomplishment before the numbingly long work weeks during the implementation. in the end, it was worth it! managing a migration to migrate well takes time and attention. attitude makes all the difference. look at migrating as an opportunity, and as a chance for professional growth, not just as a painful slog. do as much as you can to prepare in advance. do your research. we interviewed librarians from a library that had migrated from the same opac we were using to iii's opac. their advice was invaluable. it enabled us to do some strategic data cleanup before we began implementation, which saved us much agony later on. expect a lot of data cleanup. any local workarounds you developed through the years for your current system will probably be a thorn in your side, so clean them up ahead of time as much as possible. decisions, decisions, decisions! the implementation of iii involved going through untold pages of work-forms. because of the way mobius is organized in clusters, the bridges libraries had to make all these decisions together, since we share one local opac (which feeds into the consortium-wide union catalog). the bridges cataloguers and site coordinators met every friday for a day-long meeting for two months to hash out all these decisions. for example, how many separate indexes did we want? in addition to the usual (author, title, etc.), we opted for adding a separate series index and a journal title index. what marc fields were to be mapped in each index? which marc fields were to be included in the keyword index? what about subfield indexing? and so on, and so on, worksheet after worksheet. we didn't always agree at first, but because we were fully committed to creating a catalog that worked for every bridges library, we eventually hammered out solutions that we were all satisfied with. we had our own local decisions as well. one was to hold off on implementing certain modules. we were still using our own microsoft access database for acquisitions and our serials records were still in paper. with iii, we gained access to circulation, serials and acquisition modules, in addition to cataloging. but we started just with circulation and cataloging. as we felt we were getting these under control, we implemented acquisitions and eventually serials. after implementation how does one achieve success as a small institution in a big consortium? get involved at every level. i was on the mobius cataloging committee for years and on almost every task force that had anything to do with cataloging. the other covenant librarians have also served in various capacities at the consortium level. as a result, we are known and our opinions count and are occasionally sought out. this has been very important when decisions affecting the union catalog structure have been discussed. unexpected benefits the most surprising result of our implementation to me is the professional friendship i have formed with the other bridges cataloguers. i appreciate my atla colleagues greatly, but it has been wonderful also to have nearby colleagues. i had always worked as the only cataloguer in the library and now i have a cadre of colleagues, working in the same system. we have an active bridges cataloguers' committee that meets 4 times/year. we share our problems, our solutions, and train each other as we learn new things. they are a real blessing to me. submitted by denise pakala, associate librarian for technical services buswell library, covenant theological seminary 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2015 lcsh list numbers 11 and 12 (november 16, december 21) and 2016 list number 1 ( january 18). new demographic group terms are listed here as well. the library of congress is developing a new vocabulary, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at freelcdgt/freelcdgt.html. the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http://classificationweb. net/lcdgt/. this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. new demographic group terms listed in this issue were selected from list numbers 17 and 19 ( june 5, december 14). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also new or changed genre/form terms, if any, are listed here as well. submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 subject headings 150 apostolic brethren (segarelli) cancel heading [sp 85006058 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the name heading order of apostles (dlc) n2011278968 150 forward movement (evangelical movement) [may subd geog] [sp2015002738] 550 bt evangelicalism 150 god (bahai faith) [may subd geog] [sp2015002255] 053 bp388.g63 550 bt bahai faith 150 hindu diaspora [not subd geog] [sp 00002585 ] 360 sa headings of the type hindus--[place] delete field 680 here are entered works on the dispersion of hindu people beyond india. delete field 680 here are entered works on the movement of hindu people beyond india. for works on hindus who have settled outside india, an additional heading is assigned to designate the place where they have settled, e.g., hindus--great britain. add field 150 hindus--great britain [sp2015002702] 681 example under hindu diaspora 150 interfaith marriage--law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2015001546] 550 bt marriage law 150 jewish diaspora [not subd geog] [sp 85070380 ] 360 sa headings of the type jews--[place] delete field 680 here are entered works on the dispersion of the jewish people beyond palestine. delete field 680 here are entered works on the movement of the jewish people beyond palestine. for works on jews who have settled outside palestine, an additional heading is assigned to designate the place where they have settled, e.g., jews--canada. add field 150 jews--canada [sp 87007101 ] 681 example under jewish diaspora add field 150 marranos ( jewish law) [sp2015002446] 053 kbm2450.m37 550 bt jewish law 150 muslim diaspora [not subd geog] [sp2006000569] 360 sa headings of the type muslims--[place] delete field 680 here are entered works on the dispersion of muslims beyond islamic countries. delete field 680 here are entered works on the movement of muslims beyond islamic countries. for works on muslims who have settled outside islamic countries, an additional heading is assigned to designate the place where they have settled, e.g., muslims--france. add field 150 muslims--france [sp 85089081 ] 681 example under muslim diaspora add field 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 150 polygyny--religious aspects [sp2015001470] 150 polygyny--religious aspects--buddhism, christianity, etc.] [sp2015001471] 150 sikh diaspora [not subd geog] [sp 99001175 ] 360 sa headings of the type sikhs--[place] delete field 680 here are entered works on the dispersion of the sikhs beyond the punjab. delete field 680 here are entered works on the movement of the sikhs beyond the punjab. for works on sikhs who have settled outside the punjab, an additional heading is assigned to designate the place where they have settled, e.g., sikhs--canada. add field 150 sikhs--canada [sp2015002712] 681 example under sikh diaspora 150 thumb--religious aspects [sp2015001191] 150 thumb--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2015001192] 150 writing in the bible [sp2015002330] 053 bs1199.w84 (old testament) demographic group terms 150 adventists [dp2015060566] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 african methodist episcopal church members [dp2015060275] 072 rel 450 uf a.m.e. church members 450 uf ame church members 550 bt methodists 150 american baptists [dp2015060271] 072 rel 550 bt baptists add field 680 members of the american baptist association. 150 anglicans [dp2015060273] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 ashkenazim [dp2015060580] 072 eth 072 rel 450 uf ashkenazi jews 450 uf ashkenazic jews 550 bt jews 150 bahais [dp2015060252] 072 rel 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 450 uf bahai faith adherents 450 uf bahaists 150 baptists [dp2015060266] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 benedictines [dp2015060641] 072 soc 150 bishops [dp2015060668] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 150 buddhists [dp2015060246] 072 rel 150 calvinists [dp2015060441] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 catalogers [dp2015060194] 072 occ 450 uf cataloguers 550 bt librarians 150 catholics [dp2015060259] 072 rel 450 uf roman catholics 550 bt christians 150 catholic school students [dp2015060721] 072 soc 450 uf students, catholic school 150 chaldean catholics [dp2015060574] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 christians [dp2015060258] 072 rel 150 christian scientists [dp2015060442] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 church of englanders [dp2015060571] 072 rel 550 bt anglicans 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 150 church of scotland members [dp2015060569] 072 rel 550 bt presbyterians 680 members of the national church in scotland. 150 cistercians [dp2015060643] 072 soc 450 uf bernardines 450 uf cistercians of common observance members 450 uf white monks 550 bt benedictines 150 clergy [dp2015060401] 072 occ 450 uf ministers (clergy) 450 uf ordained clergy 450 uf ordained ministers 150 congregationalists [dp2015060260] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 conservative baptists [dp2015060270] 072 rel 550 bt baptists 150 deacons (clergy) [dp2015060672] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 150 episcopalians [dp2015060274] 072 rel 550 bt anglicans 150 ethiopian orthodox tewahedo church members [dp2015060573] 072 rel 450 uf abyssinians (ethiopian orthodox tewahedo church members) 450 uf ethiopian orthodox church members 450 uf tewahdo members 550 bt christians 150 franciscans [dp2015060642] 072 soc 150 general baptists [dp2015060269] 072 rel 450 uf arminian baptists 550 bt baptists 1-6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 150 hare krishnas [dp2015060251] 072 rel 550 bt hindus 150 hasidim [dp2015060255] 072 rel 072 eth 450 uf chasidim 450 uf hassidim 550 bt jews 150 hebrew speakers [dp2015060432] 072 lng 450 uf israeli speakers 450 uf ivrit speakers 150 hindus [dp2015060250] 072 rel 150 jains [dp2015060253] 072 rel 450 uf jainas 450 uf jainists 150 jehovah's witnesses [dp2015060261] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 jesuits [dp2015060497] 072 soc 150 jewish christians [dp2015060717] 072 eth 072 rel 450 uf christian jews 450 uf hebrew christians 450 uf messianic jews 550 bt christians 550 bt jews 680 christians of jewish descent who identify with their jewish origins. 150 jews [dp2015060254] 072 eth 072 rel 450 uf hebrews 450 uf israelites 450 uf jewish people 450 uf jewry 450 uf judaic people 450 uf judaists 1-7 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 150 laity [dp2015060671] 072 soc 680 adherents of a religion, denomination, sect, etc., who are not clergy. 150 lamas [dp2015060669] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 150 librarians [dp2015060192] 072 occ 550 bt information scientists 550 bt library employees 150 library employees [dp2015060193] 072 occ 450 uf library personnel 450 uf library staff 150 lutherans [dp2015060262] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 mahayanists [dp2015060577] 072 rel 450 uf madhayana buddhists 550 bt buddhists 150 maronites [dp2015060563] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 melchites [dp2015060562] 072 rel 450 uf melkites 550 bt christians 150 mennonites [dp2015060445] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 methodists [dp2015060384] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 monks [dp2015060205] 072 occ 150 mormons [dp2015060446] 072 rel 450 uf church of jesus christ of latter-day saints members 1-8 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 450 uf latter-day saints 550 bt christians 150 nichiren buddhists [dp2015060248] 072 rel 450 uf nichirens 550 bt buddhists 150 nuns [dp2015060206] 072 occ 450 uf sisters (nuns) 150 orthodox eastern church members [dp2015060837] 072 rel 450 uf eastern orthodox church members 450 uf greek orthodox church members 450 uf orthodox catholic church members 550 bt christians 150 parsis [dp2015060838] 072 rel 450 uf parsees 550 bt zoroastrians 150 pastors [dp2015060860] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 150 popes [dp2015060670] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 150 presbyterians [dp2015060263] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 priests [dp2015060402] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 150 protestant church in the netherlands members [dp2015060570] 072 rel 450 uf nederlands gereformeerde kerken members 450 uf protestantse kerk in nederland members 550 bt christians 150 protestants [dp2015060447] 072 rel 550 bt christians 1-9 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 150 pure land buddhists [dp2015060576] 072 rel 550 bt buddhists 150 puritans [dp2015060448] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 puritans [dp2015060448] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 rabbis [dp2015060403] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 550 bt scholars 150 rastafarians [dp2015060567] 072 rel 450 uf ras tafaris 450 uf rastas 150 rectors [dp2015060861] 072 occ 550 bt clergy 150 reference librarians [dp2015060195] 072 occ 450 uf user services librarians 550 bt librarians 150 reformed baptists [dp2015060267] 072 rel 450 uf particular baptists 550 bt baptists 150 religious converts [dp2015060582] 072 soc 450 uf converts, religious 150 romanian orthodox church members [dp2015060572] 072 rel 450 uf orthodox church of romania members 550 bt christians 150 russian orthodox church members [dp2015060568] 072 rel 550 bt christians 150 school librarians [dp2015060615] 072 occ 1-10 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 450 uf media specialists (school librarians) 450 uf school media specialists 550 bt librarians 550 bt school employees 150 seminarians [dp2015060598] 072 soc 450 uf seminary students 450 uf students, seminary 150 sephardim [dp2015060581] 072 eth 072 rel 450 uf sefardic jews 450 uf sefardim 450 uf sephardic jews 550 bt jews 150 seventh-day adventists [dp2015060565] 072 rel 550 bt adventists 150 shakers [dp2015060555] 072 rel 450 uf united society of believers in christ’s second appearing members 550 bt christians 150 shiites [dp2015060257] 072 rel 450 uf shia muslims 450 uf shiah muslims 450 uf shiahs 450 uf shias 450 uf shiite muslims 550 bt muslims 150 shin buddhists [dp2015060249] 072 rel 450 uf shin-shu buddhists 550 bt buddhists 150 shintoists [dp2015060578] 072 rel 150 sikhs [dp2015060579] 072 rel 450 uf gurmat members 150 sisters of charity [dp2015060645] 072 soc 450 uf charity, sisters of 1-11 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 section 1 680 members of the roman catholic congregations of noncloistered women called the sisters of charity. 150 southern baptists [dp2015060268] 072 rel 550 bt baptists 150 sunnites [dp2015060265] 072 rel 450 uf sunni muslims 450 uf sunnis 550 bt muslims 150 taoists [dp2015060272] 072 rel 150 trappists [dp2015060644] 072 soc 450 uf order of the reformed cistercians of the strict observance members 550 bt cistercians 150 zen buddhists [dp2015060247] 072 rel 550 bt buddhists 150 zoroastrians [dp2015060839] 072 rel theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, class b–bx and selected others compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2017 lcc list numbers 02 (february 20), 03 (march 20), and 04 (april 17) the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.d54 dignity class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.o84 other (philosophy) history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology greek local, a-z bl793.d35 delos island special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.a23 actaeon history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources purāṇas individual purāṇas. by title, a-z bl1140.4.s47-.s479 śivadharmapurāṇa table bl3 tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās pāñcarātra individual saṃhitās. by title, a-z bl1141.8.k37-.k379 kapiñjalasaṃhitā table bl3 by region or country india individual religions sikhism. sikh religion special topics, a-z bl2018.5.e38 egoism nepal by ethnic group, a-z bl2034.5.k43 khas theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 2-3 section 2 class bm judaism history by period 500-1500 karaites. םיארק bm185.2 funeral rites. mourning customs sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.b34 bachelors bm496.9.n67 nonverbal communication class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.n47 neoliberalism class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.z46-.z466 zeno, saint, bishop of verona, -371 table br1 history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 works by luther individual works, a-z [br332.r6-.r64] roths festpostille br332.r6 german br332.r63 english br332.r64a-.r64z other languages, a-z class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.s543 sindhi table bs5 african languages, a-z theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 2-4 section 2 bs325.b3983 bembe (congo (brazzaville)) table bs5 bs325.d64 dogon table bs5 bs325.i46 ikwere table bs5 bs325.k24 kabiye table bs5 bs325.k75 krio table bs5 bs325.k78 kru table bs5 bs325.k817 kukele table bs5 bs325.k835 kunda table bs5 bs325.m5 mina (cameroon) table bs5 bs325.m52 moba table bs5 [bs325.t382] temne see bs325.t5 bs325.t5 timne table bs5 cancel bs325.t5 timne. temne languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.m425 masbateno table bs5 mixed languages, a-z bs350.p3-.p39 papiamento table bs4 cancel bs350.p3-.p39 papiamentu table bs4 old testament special parts of the old testament historical books pentateuch (torah) genesis. genesis and exodus special topics other special, a-z bs1238.t74 tree of life class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4537.95 third order of the discalced carmelite congregation table bx18 other protestant denominations lutheran churches other special, a-z [bx8074.a272] absolution see bx8074.c6 bx8074.c6 confession. penance. reconciliation of penitents cancel bx8074.c6 confession. penance. reconciliation of penitents. absolution class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 2-5 section 2 ʻibādī. يضابا individual authors, a-z kbp395.a94 ʻawtabī, salamah ibn muslim, active 11th century. ةملس ،يبتوع table k4 ملسم نب sunnī schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah. ةلبانحلا .ةيلبنحلا يلبنحلا individual authors, a-z kbp310.i2645 ibn ghuṣūn, ṣāliḥ ibn ʻalī. يلع نب حلاص ،نوصغ نبإ table k4 shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah. ةيعفاشلا ،يعفاشلا individual authors, a-z kbp330.i2616 ibn al-muqrī, ismāʻīl ibn abī bakr, 1354-1433 or 1434. نبإ table k4 ركب يبأ نب ليعامسإ ،يرقملا shīʻī schools. shīʻah. ةعيش jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis. نويرشع ءانثالا .نويرفعجلا individual authors, a-z kbp370.b373 baraghānī, muḥammad taqī ibn muḥammad, -1847 or table k4 دمحم نب يقات دمحم ،يناغرب .1848 class kj europe: countries (5000 numbers) legal education study and teaching by subject, a-z [kj-kkz1 51.e332] ecclesiastical law see kj-kkz1 51.r45 kj-kkz1 51.r45 religious law table k12 class here works on the study of religious law as part of secular or general legal education. for works on the study of religious law in programs specialized or limited to religious law, see kb. including ecclesiastical law. class n visual arts history modern art by century 21st century special aspects or movements, a-z n6498.m47 messianism class pj oriental philology and literature arabic literature history and criticism special, a-z pj7519.t32 taboo theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 2-6 section 2 class pn literature (general) literary history juvenile literature special topics, a-z pn1009.5.h64 holocaust, jewish (1939-1945) class z libraries library science. information science personnel special groups, a-z z682.4.i57 instruction librarians public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z z711.92.v48 veterans class za information resources (general) information in specific formats or media electronic information resources digital libraries za4080.4 data curation theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx and selected others compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2016 lcc list numbers 4, 5, and 6 (april 18, may 16, and june 20). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.s43 self-control bj1286.y48 yetzer hara class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.v54 vertumnu class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.s45 self-esteem class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur'an. koran works about the qur'an special topics, a-z [bp134.a432] alcoholic beverages, drinking of, see bp134.d75 bp134.d75 drinking of alcoholic beverages class bs the bible old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.m436 mercy bs1199.m87 murder bs1199.w57 wisdom new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.e97-.e972 expanded bible table bs2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 2-3 section 2 works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.c62 costume special parts of the new testament epistles epistles of paul topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2655.t57 thought and thinking class bt doctrinal theology christology life of christ special topics public life miracles special, a-z bt367.r38 raising of the widow's son miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc special. by place, a-z bt580.t65 toledo (spain) mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.p57 pobreza, nuestra señora de la history of specific doctrines and movements. heresies and schisms by period early to the reformation, 1517 gnosticism (christian) nag hammadi codices individual tractates, a-z bt1392.a95-.a952 authoritative teaching table bs8 class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life works of consolation and cheer works for special classes of persons the sick and crippled other, a-z bv4910.6.c47 cerebrovascular disease patients class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 2-4 section 2 individual orders of women bx4524.5 sociëteit van jezus, maria, jozef table bx18 other protestant denominations mennonites individual branches of mennonites bx8129.i53 indiana-michigan mennonite conference class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.z56 zion, mount class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم unaffiliated authors early period (1st and 2nd cent. a.h.) individual authors, a-z kbp260.i262 ibn abī laylá, muḥammad ibn ʻabd al-raḥmān, 693 or 694 765 or 766. نمحرلا دبع نبدمحم ،ىليل يبا نبا table k4 schools and authors affiliated with a particular school shīʻī schools. shīʻah. ةعيش jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis. نويرشع ءانثالا .نويرفعجلا individual authors, a-z kbp370.h55 ḥillī, yaḥyá ibn saʻīd, 1204 or 1205-1291. ديعس نب ىيحي ،يلح table k4 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music choral services, etc. m2015 orthodox cancel m2015 orthodox and eastern rite catholic class n drawing. design. illustration special subjects (technique, history and collections) other subjects, a-z nc825.g63 gods, chinese nc825.t35 talismans painting special subjects of painting other subjects miscellaneous, a-z theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 2-5 section 2 nd1460.a544 amitābha (buddhist deity) nd1460.b53 bhaiṣajyaguru (buddhist deity) nd1460.m355 mañjuśrī (buddhist deity) class p indo-iranian philology and literature iranian philology and literature new persian literature history and criticism by form poetry special forms and subjects, a-z pk6420.h33 hadith literature (general) theory. philosophy. esthetics relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects other special topics, a-z pn56.h556 holy year characters individual characters, a-z pn57.m65 moses (biblical leader) drama motion pictures other special topics, a-z pn1995.9.e25 ecclesiastical law english literature history of english literature prose by form prose fiction. the novel special topics other special topics, a-z pr830.a66 apocalypse class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books special collections special. by subject, a-z z688.p59 poland 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2016 lcsh list numbers 2 and 3 (february 15 and march 21). one new demographic group term is listed here as well. the library of congress is developing a new vocabulary, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at aba/publications/freelcdgt/freelcdgt.html. the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http://classificationweb. net/lcdgt/. this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. the new demographic group term listed in this issue was selected from list number 3 (march 21, 2016). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 section 1 subject headings 150 apostolic brethren (segarelli) cancel heading [sp 85006058 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the name heading order of apostles (dlc) n2011278968 150 apostles in literature [not subd geog] [sp2015002599] 150 caricatures and cartoons--religious aspects [sp2016000112] 053 bl65.c37 150 caricatures and cartoons--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2016000113] 150 crises--religious aspects [sp2016000539] 150 crises--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2015000937] 150 dispute resolution (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2015002889] 550 bt islamic law 150 jews--art patronage [sp2015002565] 550 bt art patrons 150 metaphor in the qurʼan [sp2016000195] 053 bp134.m48 550 bt qurʼan--language, style 150 pan (greek deity) cancel heading [sp 85097302 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2015029260 150 pan (greek deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 94007519 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading pan (greek deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 patron-driven acquisitions (libraries) change heading 150 use-driven acquisitions (libraries) [may subd geog] [sp2011003902] 450 uf demand-driven acquisitions (libraries) 450 uf evidence-based acquisitions (libraries) 450 uf patron-driven acquisitions (libraries) [former heading] 550 bt acquisitions (libraries) 150 punishment in the hadith [sp2016000174] 053 bp135.8.p86 550 bt hadith 150 quaker almanacs [may subd geog] [sp2016000031] 450 uf friends almanacs 550 bt almanacs 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 section 1 150 tammuz [may subd geog] [sp2015002851] 450 uf tamuz 550 bt jewish calendar 550 bt months 150 taoism and science [may subd geog] [sp2016000013] 053 bl1942.85.s35 450 uf science and taoism 550 bt science 150 three-dimensional printing services in libraries [may subd geog] [sp2016000102] 053 z711.96 450 uf 3d printing services in libraries 550 bt public services (libraries) demographic group terms 150 young adult librarians [dp2016060012] 072 occ 450 uf teen librarians 450 uf teen services librarians 450 uf young adult services librarians 550 bt librarians 680 librarians who specialize in providing services to young adults. 17 bibliography linked data compiled by anna appleman ali, irfan and nosheen fatima warraich. “linked data initiatives in libraries and information centres: a systematic review.” electronic library 36, no. 5 (october 2018): 925–37. schreur, philip. "rda, linked data, and the end of average." 9, no. 1 (2018). doi: http:// smith-yoshimura, karen. "analysis of 2018 international linked data survey for implementers." code4lib journal no. 42 (november 8, 2018): 1. vander sande, miel, ruben verborgh, patrick hochstenbach, and herbert van de sompel. "toward sustainable publishing and querying of distributed linked data archives." journal of documentation 74, no. 1 (2018): 195-222. wahid, nazia, nosheen fatima warraich, and muzammil tahira. "mapping the cataloguing practices in information environment: a review of linked data challenges." information and learning science 119, no. 9 (2018): 586-596. wenige, lisa and johannes ruhland. “retrieval by recommendation: using lod technologies to improve digital library search.” international journal on digital libraries 19, no. 2/3 (september 2018): 253–69. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, class b–bx and selected others the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2017 lcc list numbers 10 (october 16), 11 (november 20), and 12 (december 18). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics individual ethics. character. virtue vices special vices, a-z bj1535.f55 flattery cancel bj1535.f55 flattery including toadyism [bj1535.t632] toadyism see bj1535.f55 class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religious life special classes of persons bl625.25 blacks history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism practice. forms of worship. religious life religious life. spiritual life. discipline festivals. fasts and feasts. days and seasons special, a-z bl1239.82.m32 maha shivaratri by region or country china special religions taoism other special topics, a-z bl1942.85.p36 pangu (chinese mythological character) southeast asia by region or country vietnam by ethnic group, a-z bl2059.t53 thai deng african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.w33 waci class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.i57 international relations theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 2-3 section 2 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam bp167 addresses, essays, lectures. pamphlets, etc. cancel (bp167) addresses, essays, lectures. pamphlets, etc. see bp165 the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. ةيفوص monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.m84-.m842 mujaddidīyah table bp3 topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.p33 pawnbroking other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.k46 kemeticism class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 early buddhist suttas majjhimanikāya. 中部. 中阿含 individual suttas, a-z bq1320.m36-.m369 mahāsīhanādasutta table bq3 class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.o49 olympias, saint, approximately 368-408 br1720.p768 prosdocimo, saint, bishop of padua, active 3rd century class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.b515 bilaan table bs5 works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 2-4 section 2 biography individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.d45 delilah old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z nature [bs1199.n34] cf. bs1199.t695 trees bs1199.t695 trees class kbr history of canon law sources collections. compilations. selections canonical collections of councils and synods diocesan councils and synods european countries italy [kbr1010.t74-.t746] catholic church. diocese of treviso kbr1010.t74 general kbr1010.t746 synod of 1911 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music hymnals. hymn collections other religions, a-z m2145.i3 i am religious activity liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music antiphonaries single offices, a-z m2149.5.d53 demetrius, saint, active 4th century m2149.5.j85 julian, of le mans, saint, active 4th century? vespers m2149.5.w55 william, of york, saint, -1154 class ml by religion or denomination christian catholic roman catholic by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml3051.s54-.s546 slovakia table m7 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 2-5 section 2 class pa medieval and modern latin literature individual authors or works modern, 1350alciati, andrea, 1492-1550 [pa8450.a58] cf. kbr2074.a54 canon law class pn journalism journalism. the periodical press, etc. special relations relation to ethics, religion, etc. [pn4756] cf. pn4784.f27 fake news class z libraries library science. information science information organization conceptual models other individual models, a-z z666.63.i44 ifla library reference model theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 3-2 section 3 february 1-26, 2015 library juice academy submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals brantley, peter. "fun with metadata: how rdf can vastly improve book discovery." publishersweekly 262, no. 24 ( june 15, 2015): 54. article/67121-ala-2015-fun-with-metadata.html carrico, steven b., et al. "what cost and usage data reveals about e-book acquisitions." library resources & technical services 59, no. 3 ( july 2015): 102-111. chant, ian. "the art of weeding." library journal 140, no. 11 ( june 15, 2015): 34-37. guajardo, richard, and jamie carlstone. "converting your e-resource records to rda." serials librarian 68, no. 1-4 ( january 2015): 197-204. hess, julia i. "managing change in copy cataloging procedure at the university of san diego." technical services quarterly 32, no. 4 (october 2015): 373-382. ilik, violeta. "cataloger makeover: creating non-marc name authorities." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 382-398. lundrigan, courtney, kevin manuel, and may yan. "pretty rad": explorations in user satisfaction with a discovery layer at ryerson university." college & research libraries 76, no. 1 ( january 2015): 43-62. content/76/1/43.full.pdf+html mitchell, erik t. "reproducibility and its application to technical service processes." technical services quarterly 32, no. 4 (october 2015): 402-413. mueller, kat landry, molly thompson, and zach valdes. "ready, set, hire! perceptions of new technical services librarian preparedness." library leadership & management 29, no. 4 (august 2015): 1-33. nelson, david, and linda turney. "what's in a word? rethinking facet headings in a discovery service." information technology & libraries 34, no. 2 ( june 2015): 76-91. petrucciani, alberto. "quality of library catalogs and value of (good) catalogs." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 303-313. powell, melissa m. “cataloging as value-added library service.” colorado virtual library technologytips, september 3, 2015, colorado state library. thacker, curtis, and charles knutson. “barriers to initiation of open source software projects in libraries.” code4lib journal no. 29 (2015). wu, mary. “the future of institutional repositories at small academic institutions: analysis and insights.” d-lib magazine 21, no. 9/10 (september/october 2015). theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 3-3 section 3 zhu, lihong, and debra f. spidal. "shared integrated library system migration from a technical services perspective." technical services quarterly 32, no. 3 ( july 2015): 253-273. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony creating marc and mods 3.5 records for burke’s syriac manuscript collection i started working at the burke library (burke) at union theological seminary (one of the columbia university libraries) in 2011 as the collections assistant. three months prior i had finished my m.a. in biblical studies at the same seminary and was thrilled to continue spending time with materials that had become so dear to me. during my first week of work my supervisor, matthew baker, took me on a tour of our rare book storage, the maintenance of which would occupy a large portion of my work. he showed me our syriac manuscript collection and told me that they were minimally cataloged. the only entry in our online catalog for them was a short collection-level placeholder that had almost no information about the manuscripts either as a whole or individually. this was largely because syriac is a fairly obscure, ancient language that is now generally only used in liturgical contexts and transliteration is challenging. i briefly mentioned that i had taken syriac at the seminary and would be interested in working with them if at all possible. four years later i was able to catalog all 48 manuscripts as part of a capstone project for my library science degree. the project entailed the creation of marc and mods 3.5 records for each manuscript, with a focus on exploring and utilizing various software programs and cataloging standards. during various parts of the project i worked extensively with matthew haugen, a rare book cataloger at columbia university libraries (cul), and melanie wacker, the metadata coordinator for cul. by the time the project started i had completed coursework in cataloging and metadata and was also doing some copy cataloging. the brief record for these manuscripts was a collection record with the title syriac manuscripts collection, an approximate date range of 11th c.-20th c. and a call number of uts. ms. syr. 1-48. my goal was to create individual marc records for each manuscript. i used rda guidelines for the descriptive content and library of congress subject headings and the getty art & architecture thesaurus for subject and genre terms. i also wanted to work with metadata transformation since i was submitting the project to queens college as part of my library science program. i was aware that mods is quickly becoming a common and useful schema for library cataloging and wanted to use something that would be relevant for cul sometime in the future. i used cul’s implementation of mods 3.5 (the most recent version available at the time). in addition, i created transliterated fields for any information in syriac using the ala-lc transliteration table. workflow since this project was beyond the scope of my regular duties, the work was completed on a volunteer basis outside my normal working hours. the director of the burke library, beth bidlack, and my direct supervisor, matthew baker, were instrumental in getting the necessary permissions for me to complete the project. in addition, matthew haugen proofread every record for consistency and accuracy to ensure that they met cul’s standards for cataloging. the project totaled 72 hours and yielded 48 marc records and 48 mods records. the workflow started with matthew haugen creating an rda record template in oclc. it included the 336, 337 and 338 fields for content, media, and carrier and a 524 field to record the preferred citation for each manuscript. i entered all of the information for each manuscript and saved each record in our local save file. this included deciding on a title, searching for authorized name headings, selecting subject headings from the library of congress authority file, selecting an appropriate genre from the getty art & architecture thesaurus and adding any other relevant details. i consulted the file folders that accompany each manuscript for provenance information, along with several published works about the collection (syriac manuscripts, 1977; clemons, 1965; goshen-gottstein, 1979). in addition, if i 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2017 list numbers 07 ( july 17), 08 (august 21), and 09 (september 15). the new genre/form term listed here came from 2017 list number 08, and the new demographic group term is from 2017 list number 07. demographic group terms belong to a new vocabulary the library of congress is developing, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at html. the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http://classificationweb. net/lcdgt/. this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 section 1 subject headings 150 agni (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85002225 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2017240192 150 agni (hindu deity)--cult cancel heading [sp2007008186] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading agni (hindu deity)--cult, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 agnicayana (hindu rite) [sp 85002226 ] 550 bt agni (hindu deity) delete field 150 agnihotra (hindu rite) [sp 85002227 ] 550 bt agni (hindu deity) delete field 150 balarāma (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85011144 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading balarāma (hindu deity) (dlc)n 2017241998 150 balarāma (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp2006005815] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading balarāma (hindu deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 bon painting [may subd geog] [sp2017003016] 450 uf painting, bon 150 christian shrines--korea (south) [sp2017003989] 150 evil in art cancel heading [sp2010002599] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading good and evil in art (dlc)sh 85055877 150 evil in literature cancel heading [sp 85046022 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading good and evil in literature (dlc)sh 94004490 150 evil in motion pictures cancel heading [sp 88000810 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading good and evil in motion pictures (dlc)sh2013002286 150 fashion--religious aspects [sp2017004044] 150 fashion--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2017004046] 150 ghosts--religious aspects [sp2017004132] 150 ghosts--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2017004131] 150 good and evil in art [not subd geog] [sp 85055877 ] 450 uf evil in art [former heading] add field 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 section 1 150 good and evil in literature [not subd geog] [sp 94004490 ] 450 uf evil in literature [former heading] add field 450 uf good in literature [former heading] add field 150 good and evil in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2013002286] 450 uf evil in motion pictures [former heading] add field 150 good in literature cancel heading [sp 85055888 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading good and evil in literature (dlc)sh 94004490 150 holocaust denial [may subd geog] [sp 96009499 ] 450 uf denial, holocaust delete field 550 bt holocaust, jewish (1939-1945) delete field 550 bt denialism add field 150 holy cards [may subd geog] [sp 85061562 ] 450 uf devotional pictures delete field 450 uf cards, mass add field 450 uf cards, prayer add field 450 uf cards, sunday school add field 450 uf devotional pictures (holy cards) add field 450 uf mass cards add field 450 uf pictures, devotional (holy cards) add field 450 uf prayer cards add field 150 holy cards in art [not subd geog] [sp2017003769] 150 hymns, umbu-ungu [may subd geog] [sp2017003596] 450 uf umbu-ungu hymns 150 incense burners and containers--china [sp2017003457] 150 incense burners and containers--china--history [sp2017003458] 150 incense burners and containers--china--history--ming-qing dynasties, 1368-1912 [sp2017003460] 150 islamic shrines--kazakhstan [sp2017004143] 100 jesus christ--stature [sp2017003583] 500 bt jesus christ--physical appearance 150 jo-naṅ-pa lamas change heading 150 jo-nang-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp2007003400] 450 uf jo-nang-pa priests 450 uf jo-naṅ-pa lamas [former heading] 550 bt sa-skya-pa lamas 150 jo-naṅ-pa (sect) change heading 150 jo-nang-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85070566 ] 053 bq7674 450 uf jo-naṅ-pa (sect) [former heading] 550 bt sa-skya-pa (sect) 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 section 1 150 jongmyo jerye [sp2017000458] 450 uf chongmyo cherye 450 uf chongmyo taeje 450 uf grand ancestral rite 450 uf jongmyo daeje 450 uf royal ancestral rite 550 bt confucianism--rituals 550 bt kings and rulers--religious aspects 150 libraries and authors [may subd geog] [sp2017003919] 053 z711.92.a98 450 uf authors and libraries 450 uf libraries--services to authors 450 uf library services to authors 450 uf public libraries--services to authors 550 bt authors 150 mormon returned missionaries [may subd geog] [sp2016001344] 550 bt returned missionaries 150 neology ( jewish sect) [may subd geog] [sp2017003589] 450 uf congressionals ( jewish sect) 450 uf neologism ( jewish sect) 550 bt reform judaism 150 pawnbroking--religious aspects [sp2017003303] 150 pawnbroking--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2017003778] 150 reducing diets--religious aspects [sp2017003763] 150 reducing diets--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2017003764] 150 returned missionaries [may subd geog] [sp2017003619] 450 uf ex-missionaries 450 uf former missionaries 450 uf returning missionaries 550 bt missionaries 150 sabbath [sp 85116177 ] 450 uf shabbat add field 150 sustainable development--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2016002855] 150 tanggogae sun'gyo sŏngji (seoul, korea) [sp2017003513] 450 uf danggogae martyrs' shrine (seoul, korea) 550 bt christian shrines--korea (south) 781 korea (south)--tanggogae sun'gyo sŏngji 150 transgenderism--religious aspects change heading 150 gender nonconformity--religious aspects [sp2007003727] 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 section 1 150 transgenderism--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] change heading 150 gender nonconformity--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2007003728] 150 transvestism--religious aspects change heading 150 cross-dressing--religious aspects [sp 97005599 ] 150 transvestism--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] change heading 150 cross-dressing--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp 97005588 ] genre/form terms 155 hymn concertatos [gp2017026077] 555 bt arrangements (music) 555 bt hymns demographic group terms 150 jerusalemites [dp2016060173] 072 nat 450 uf maqdisīyūn 450 uf yerushalmim 550 bt asians theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-2 section 3 introduction to cataloging library juice academy an introduction to the tools and technique of cataloging, including rda, subject cataloging, and marc. april 2-7, 2018 $175 using marcedit library juice academy covering both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses, such as regular expressions and creating marc records from vendor spreadsheet, this course is appropriate for both new and experienced users of marcedit. june 4-29, 2018 $175 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals breeding, marshall. "open source library systems: the current state of the art." library technology reports 53, no. 6 (august/september, 2017): 5-35. flynn, emily alinder and erin kilkenny. "cataloging from the center: improving e-book cataloging on a consortial level." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 7/8 (october 2017): 630-643. guay, beth. "a case study on the path to resource discovery." information technology & libraries 36, no. 3 (september 2017): 18-48. doi: 10.6017/ital.v36i3.9966 harveland, jennifer. "library inventory methods: using flexibility and creativity to achieve a common goal within a federated library system." collaborative librarianship 9, no. 3 ( july 2017): 1-13. https://digitalcommons. hoeppner, athena. "database lists a to z: a practitioner’s tips and caveats for managing database lists." serials librarian 73, no. 1 (september 2017): 27-43. ndungu, miriam wanjiku. "bibliographic control of theses and dissertations in kenya." library review 66, no. 6 (2017): 523-534. o'neill, edward t., kerre a. kammerer, and rick bennett. "the aboutness of words." journal of the association for information science & technology 68, no. 10 (october 2017): 2471-2483. robbeloth, hilary, matthew ragucci, and kristina deshazo. "evidence-based acquisition: a real life account of managing the program within the orbis cascade alliance." serials librarian 73, no. 3/4 (november 2017): 240-247. schultz, william n. and lindsay braddy. "a librarian-centered study of perceptions of subject terms and controlled vocabulary." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 7/8 (october 2017): 456-466. strader, c. rockelle. "from user tasks to user services: placing the functional requirements for bibliographic records models into a larger framework." technical services quarterly 34, no. 4 (october 2017): 347-368. szostak, rick. "a grammatical approach to subject classification in museums." knowledge organization 44, no. 7 (november 15, 2017): 494-505. ullah, asim, shah khusro, and irfan ullah. "bibliographic classification in the digital age: current trends and future directions." information technology and libraries (online) 36, no. 3 (september 2017): 48-77. doi: 10.6017/ital. v36i3.8930 wahl, mary. "full stream ahead: designing a collection development workflow for streaming video content." library resources & technical services 61, no. 4 (october 2017): 226-236. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-3 section 3 weng, cathy and erin ackerman. "towards sustainable partnership: examining cross perceptions of public and technical services academic librarians." library resources & technical services 61, no. 4 (october 2017): 198-211. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony the san miguel library: a bicultural library in a bicultural town i hadn’t expected it to be a busman’s holiday. i had run off for a week to san miguel de allende, mexico, in hopes of sorting out some personal issues and properly grieving for my recently departed dad. in short, i just needed to get away from it all — to be still and quiet. but i had heard that san miguel’s public library had some spectacular murals on its ceilings and walls. surely, i thought, it wouldn’t upset my serenity to stroll over there and take a peek. i ended up visiting the library three times, spending hours taking photos, and interviewing librarians. a unique design although the front of the building says biblioteca pública (“public library”), the library’s official, legal name is biblioteca pública de san miguel de allende, a.c. the “a.c.” means asociación civil, meaning a not-for-profit. the library is situated around a central courtyard where people can sit and read at umbrellaed tables — even on a rainy day, which it was when i first visited. from the courtyard, visitors can stroll through a wide, covered portico — u-shaped and lined with columns — into the book rooms. the portico itself functions as a multi-purpose people space with benches, long tables with chairs, and small, two-person tables. some of the activities going on there on a random summer day were: teenagers chattering animatedly, students studying quietly, a woman teaching english to a middle-aged man, and two artists selling their paintings and handcrafts. besides the book rooms, the library has a bookstore, a restaurant, a room for programs and presentations, a theater for performances, and a cut-rate shopping space. it wasn’t long before i laid eyes on the much-heralded murals. just to the left of the entrance, one’s eyes are irresistibly drawn to a luscious palette of reds, oranges, and sepia tones — the ceiling and walls of the bookstore. when the bookstore manager told me the artist’s name, i was momentarily confused — was it jacques-louis david? or leonardo da vinci? in fact, it was mexican artist david leonardo, whose murals also adorn the sala quetzal, one of the library's presentation spaces. expats open a library san miguel’s library reflects its community. the town itself is thoroughly bicultural, with american, canadian, and european expatriates a part of the local ambience. after world war ii, san miguel’s instituto allende attracted many former soldiers seeking an education on the gi bill. (it was an approved institution by the u.s. department of veterans affairs.) many veterans stayed; meanwhile, artists began drifting into san miguel (including, at various times, diego rivera and frida the central courtyard. a private english class in the open-air portico. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the atla technical services section) eight new participants in atla naco funnel program eight catalogers completed the training necessary to become members of the name authority cooperative program (naco), one of the components of the program for cooperative cataloging (pcc) which was initiated by the library of congress. this brings the number of members of the atla naco funnel to thirty, representing twenty-seven institutions. the eight new catalogers participated in the online training course developed by the library of congress, consisting of eight modules and seven webinars, conducted over 3-4 weeks. since then, several have begun creating and modifying records in the name authority file (naf). after review and corrections, those records are added to the naf. during the last fiscal year, the atla naco funnel contributed 191 new name records and modified 609 existing records. anyone interested in joining this program should contact judy knop ( for information on requirements for membership. two possible new funnel programs six catalogers expressed interest in participating in a series funnel and one naco member is currently taking the series training. training to create and contribute series authority records is completely online and can be taken at the cataloger's convenience. if you are interested in participating and have not already indicated your interest to judy knop, please email her at ( catalogers have also expressed interest in starting a subject authority cooperative (saco) funnel. there will be an opportunity for conversation around this topic at the 2016 atla annual conference in long beach, ca this coming june. anyone interested in participating in this funnel should attend that session if you are coming to the annual conference. if you cannot make it to the conference, please send an email to judy knop ( expressing your interest in participating in this funnel. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association professional development opportunities metadata design library juice academy this course provides the tools needed to design metadata to support the needs of users and collections. students are introduced to metadata expression using xml and rdf. april 4-29, 2016 $175 mastering excel® formulas and functions american management assoc. discover how to use an extensive array of tools to validate and analyze data in excel®. april 5, 2016 $149 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 3-2 section 3 fundamentals of cataloging online: rda vs. aacr2 ohionet learn the key differences in cataloging vocabulary and workflows brought about by the implementation of rda. attendees will learn how to identify rda and hybrid records in marc format as well as practice a sample workflow for copy cataloging monographs. april 19, 2016 $35-$65 fundamentals of cataloging online: serials ohionet this workshop will cover the issues, fields, and elements to be considered when cataloging both print and electronic serials. free resources and tools for cataloging serials will be explored along with how to utilize examples of national standards to simplify cataloging. may 17, 2016 $35-$65 coaching techniques to drive employee engagement american management assoc. and motivation learn how to use a variety of communication strategies to boost employee focus, impact, and engagement; listen actively in order to engage and motivate, and explore the science behind the five essential coaching questions. may 18, 2016 $149 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals bénaud, claire-lise, and sever bordeianu. "oclc's worldshare management services: a brave new world for catalogers." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 7 (october 2015): 738-752. bowen, jennifer. "embracing technical services values in a changing profession." technicalities 35, no. 6 (november 2015): 9-12. bryant, sally, and gan ye. "from discovery to delivery: successful systems integration." technical services quarterly 32, no. 4 (october 2015): 383-389. coffman, steve. "the cloud catalog." online searcher 39, no. 6 (november 2015): 38-51. onlinesearcher/articles/features/the-cloud-catalog-one-catalog-to-serve-them-all-106464.shtml harris, jamey, and marilou hinchcliff. "collaborative cataloging pilot project." collaborative librarianship 7, no. 3 ( july 2015): 130-138. hastings, robin. "linked data in libraries: status and future direction." computers in libraries 35, no. 9 (november 2015): 12-16. hiatt, c. d. "technical services is public services." technicalities 35, no. 5 (september 2015): 8-10. riemer, john j. "the transformation and ascendancy of authority data." technicalities 35, no. 3 (may 2015): 1-7. snow, karen, and gretchen l. hoffman. "what makes an effective cataloging course? library resources & technical services 59, no. 4 (october 2015): 187-199. wolverton, robert e. "authority control from a distance: developing and implementing online forms to create new authority records." journal of electronic resources librarianship 27, no. 4 (october 2015): 279-283. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) richard lammert named new atla funnels coordinator richard lammert was named the funnels coordinator to replace judy knop, who is retiring at the end of june 2016. currently the program consists of two funnels: naco and conser. richard will coordinate the overall program, communicate with the library of congress and take the lead for the naco funnel. michael bradford will be the lead for the conser funnel. adding a saco funnel as well as a series component to the naco funnel under consideration. if those programs develop, leads will be named to coordinate participation. new participants added to the naco funnel interest in participating in the naco funnel continues to grow. recently, one new participant was added to the nine new members added in october 2015. the total number of participants in the naco program now stands at 36, with 22 participants currently active and one awaiting training. during fy2015 (oct. 1, 2014-sept. 30, 2015), atla funnel members created 449 new name authority records, changed 683 existing authority records, authenticated 284 serial records, and upgraded 195 existing serial records to conser full status. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association professional development opportunities ontologies and linked data library juice academy focus on skos, owl, mads/mets/mods, and the open linked data movement. strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies will be discussed. hands-on ontologies creation will be facilitated with open source tools. june 6-july 1, 2016 $175 we can do it, you can too! metadata automation for everyone alcts virtual preconference presentations include on workflows and automation tools to aid in metadata transformation, repurposing ead or marc, reconciliation through open refine, and clean-up of legacy data. june 7-8, 2016 $43-206 the sparql fundamentals i the semantic web in action library juice academy understand how semantic data is used, accessed, and disseminated on the web. study how semantic systems are implemented. learn how to write sparql queries against rdf triplestores. july 4-29, 2016 $175 managing your workload: how to prioritize american management assoc. learn how to take control of your workload using practical tips and techniques such as evaluating tasks for validity, urgency, and importance. identify delaying tactics and what gets in the way of productivity. develop a proactive instead of reactive mindset. july 7, 2016 $149 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-2 section 3 fundamentals of cataloging online: rda vs aacr2 for dvds ohionet focus on the issues, fields, and elements to be considered when cataloging dvds and streaming video resources. understand how rda impacts dvd cataloging. discuss provider neutral standards. july 19, 2016 $65 beyond the basics: cataloging dvds, blu-ray discs, and streaming videos library juice academy learn the primary differences between rda and aacr2; how to handle multiple production companies, distributors, and dates; and identify the preferred sources of information for audiovisual resources. august 1-26, 2016 $175 fundamentals of cataloging online: rda vs aacr2 for cds ohionet learn how rda impacts cd cataloging and streaming audio resources. discuss provider-neutral standards for electronic resources. august 2, 2016 $65 introduction to subject headings able course a basic course in understanding the purposes of subject headings, their types and forms, and how subdivisions are used. a helpful introduction for staff who are knew to assigning subject headings. anytime free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals adamich, tom. "bibframe, libhub, and linked data catalogs." technicalities 36, no. 1 ( january 2016): 16-18. bernstein, steven. "marc reborn: migrating marc fixed field metadata into the variable fields." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 1 ( january 2016): 23-38. brown, christopher c., and erin elzi. "revisiting the cataloging of free internet resources at the university of denver." interlending & document supply 44, no. 1 ( january 2016): 31-36. corbett, lauren e. "linked data advice anyone? (who uses google?)." technicalities 36, no. 1 ( january 2016): 1-7. davis, jeehyun yun. "transforming technical services." library resources & technical services 60, no. 1 ( january 2016): 52-65. johnson, bruce, derek rodriguez, and susane ross. "meeting user needs with cataloger`s desktop, a library of congress custom search application." online searcher 40, no. 2 (march 2016): 10-14. onlinesearcher/articles/features/meeting-user-needs-with-catalogers-desktop-109493.shtml laskowski, mary s. "when good enough is not good enough: resolving cataloging issues for high density storage." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 3 (april 2016): 147-158. mitchell, erick t. "library linked data: early activity and development." library technology reports 52, no. 1 ( january 2016): 5-33. perdue, katherine. "bringing our internet archive collection back home: a case study from the university of mary washington." code4lib journal no. 31 ( january 28, 2016): 6. 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 1 4 (2014). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no.3 • may 2014 section 1 150 anti-mormonism [may subd geog] [sp2013003223] 550 bt prejudices 550 rt mormon church—controversial literature 150 bahai faith and science [may subd geog] [sp2013003397] 053 bp388.s38 450 uf science and bahai faith 550 bt science 150 bible stories, syriac [may subd geog] [sp2014000124] 450 uf syriac bible stories 150 blasphemy [may subd geog] [sp85014784] 550 bt ecclesiastical law delete field 150 blasphemy—law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2013001796] 550 bt religious law and legislation 150 buddhist temples as refuges [may subd geog] [sp2006007469] 550 bt asylum, right of delete field 550 bt refuge (humanitarian assistance) 150 confucian architecture [may subd geog] [sp2013003260] 550 bt religious architecture 150 heresy—law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2013003034] 550 bt criminal law 550 bt religious law and legislation 150 hispanic american public worship [may subd geog] [sp2014000064] 550 bt public worship—united states 150 jesus christ—nativity—art 150 jesus christ—passion--art 150 jewish magic [may subd geog] [sp85079616] 680 here are entered works on magic practiced by jews. works on jewish doctrines or theology about magic are entered under magic—religious aspects—judaism. add field 681 note under magic—religious aspects—judaism add field 150 magic—religious aspects—islam [sp2010100284] 680 here are entered works on islamic doctrines or theology about magic. works on magic practiced by muslims are entered under islamic magic. add field 681 note under islamic magic add field 150 magic—religious aspects—judaism [sp2013003269] 680 here are entered works on jewish doctrines or theology about magic. works on magic practiced by muslims are entered under jewish magic. 681 note under jewish magic 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 section 1 150 mormon church—controversial literature [may subd geog] [sp200807943] 550 rt anti-mormonism add field 150 offenses against religion [may subd geog] [sp85094152] 450 uf crimes, religious delete field 450 uf religion, crimes against delete field 450 uf religion, offenses against delete field 450 uf religious crimes add field 450 uf religious offenses add field 550 bt criminal law delete field 550 bt crime add field 550 bt religion add field 150 offenses against religion—law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2013003384] 550 bt criminal law 550 bt religious law and legislation 150 persecution [may subd geog] [sp85100050] 360 sa subdivision nazi persecution under names of individual religious and monastic orders, e.g. jesuits—nazi persecution delete field 360 sa subdivision persecutions under headings for religious groups and also subdivision nazi persecution under names of individual religious and monastic orders, e.g. jesuits—nazi persecution add field 150 plants—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2013003142] 150 pride and vanity—religious aspects [may subd geog] [sp2013003565] 150 pride and vanity—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2013003566] 150 sacrilege—law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2013003470] 550 bt criminal law 550 bt religious law and legislation 150 spirituality—christianity—early church, ca. 30-600 change heading 150 spirituality—christianity—history—early church, ca. 30-600 [sp2003005090] 450 uf spirituality—christianity—early church, ca. 30-600 [former heading] 450 uf spirituality—history—early church, ca. 30-600 [former heading] 150 spirituality—christianity—history—middle age, 600-1500 [sp2014000394] 150 values—religious aspects [sp2014000955] 150 values—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014000956] 150 values (islam) change heading 150 values—religious aspects—islam [sp85141941] 053 bp190.5.v3 450 uf values (islam) [former heading] theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 3 • may 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) richard lammert named new atla funnels coordinator richard lammert was named the funnels coordinator to replace judy knop, who is retiring at the end of june 2016. currently the program consists of two funnels: naco and conser. richard will coordinate the overall program, communicate with the library of congress and take the lead for the naco funnel. michael bradford will be the lead for the conser funnel. adding a saco funnel as well as a series component to the naco funnel under consideration. if those programs develop, leads will be named to coordinate participation. new participants added to the naco funnel interest in participating in the naco funnel continues to grow. recently, one new participant was added to the nine new members added in october 2015. the total number of participants in the naco program now stands at 36, with 22 participants currently active and one awaiting training. during fy2015 (oct. 1, 2014-sept. 30, 2015), atla funnel members created 449 new name authority records, changed 683 existing authority records, authenticated 284 serial records, and upgraded 195 existing serial records to conser full status. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association professional development opportunities ontologies and linked data library juice academy focus on skos, owl, mads/mets/mods, and the open linked data movement. strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies will be discussed. hands-on ontologies creation will be facilitated with open source tools. june 6-july 1, 2016 $175 we can do it, you can too! metadata automation for everyone alcts virtual preconference presentations include on workflows and automation tools to aid in metadata transformation, repurposing ead or marc, reconciliation through open refine, and clean-up of legacy data. june 7-8, 2016 $43-206 the sparql fundamentals i the semantic web in action library juice academy understand how semantic data is used, accessed, and disseminated on the web. study how semantic systems are implemented. learn how to write sparql queries against rdf triplestores. july 4-29, 2016 $175 managing your workload: how to prioritize american management assoc. learn how to take control of your workload using practical tips and techniques such as evaluating tasks for validity, urgency, and importance. identify delaying tactics and what gets in the way of productivity. develop a proactive instead of reactive mindset. july 7, 2016 $149 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities metadata for data resources library juice academy this course is designed to help librarians develop skills to design and execute a strategy for resource description of data resources. marc elements that related to data resources as well as the data documentation initiative will be discussed. march 6-31, 2017 $175 trends in library automation library juice academy explore the evolution of integrated library system software from client-based to software-as-a service (saas) cloud based. discussion will cover how the current market of library services platform automation tools as well as open source options. march 6-31, 2017 $175 mastering excel® formulas and functions american management assn. learn how to use what-if capability and cross-reference and summarize data in order to solve a variety of data analysis problems. march 23, 2017 $199 essential management skills for introverts american management assn. this webinar offers practical tips for raising your visibility, managing your energy, and communicating confidently. learn how to use strengths such as listening, researching, and building one-on-one relationships to advance your initiatives. april 27, 2017 $199 fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions ala an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. the topics of product trials, licensing, purchasing methods, and pricing models will also be covered. april 29-may 19 $109-$139 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university cc:da report the cc:da met in two sessions during the ala midwinter meeting in atlanta, january 19-24, 2017. in addition to brief reports from the chair, the library of congress representative and the pcc liaison, the main topics were presentations by kathy glennan, the ala representative to the rda steering committee on rda developments and on the ifla library reference model (lrm) and a report by james hennelly, director of ala digital reference on the 3r project (rda toolkit restructure and redesign). all three presentations were inter-related and touched on common themes. below is a summary of the major points. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-2 section 3 while there have been ongoing revisions to rda since its initial release in 2010, a major restructuring and redesign of rda (3r) is planned for april 2018. to this end, there will be a freeze to any changes and revisions of rda beginning in april 2017 until the completion of the 3r project. it is still undecided what the new product will be called (not rda 2.0, rather a new expression of rda), but it is clear that the 3r project will entail more than a major revision of content and will be comprehensive with the primary goals of clarification and streamlining. the changes will be largely conceptual in nature, affecting the theoretical framework of rda and the navigability of the toolkit, but are not expected to have a major impact on rules or on the day-to-day operations of cataloging. 1. adoption of ifla library reference model (lrm) • intended to be the new conceptual framework for rda, taking the place of frbr/frad • greater emphasis on relationships • more appropriate model for bibframe/linked data 2. synchronization of the open metadata registry (omr) and rda • currently both are maintained separately and kept in sync manually • going forward, changes will be made only in the omr and imported into rda 3. creation of a north american rda committee (nardac) • address issues that are of specific relevance to u.s. and canadian libraries • serve as a conduit between regional rda users and rsc regarding rda development • members will represent ala, ccc, and lc 4. changes to relationship designators • scope notes, examples, and restrictions • secondary definitions will be removed or moved to the level of a primary definition ˏ “… a halogen (chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine)…” -> “… chlorine, bromine, iodine, or fluorine…” 5. clarifying language • in definitions and instructions “resource” will be replaced with the specific entity term • “person, family, or corporate body” will be replaced with “agent” • omit definite and indefinite articles from the preferred label of new rda elements 6. toolkit structure and accessibility • responsive design (emphasis on tablets) • data conversion to dita format (allow for creation of unique “views” of rda content • 3 views of rda content ˏ workflow view ˏ elements view ˏ policy statement view • improved user-created content tools (ability to personalize display) • integrates display of rda instructions with related documents (examples, policy statements, etc.) for more information see: • 3r: • lrm: • omr: submitted by armin siedlecki, head of cataloging pitts theology library, emory university atla saco funnel update the professional development committee is working with gillian harrison cain, director of member programs, to prepare a webinar this spring to update everyone on the atla funnel projects, providing especially an update on the saco program at atla. this webinar will pick up and continue the discussion of creating an atla saco funnel, the basic idea of which theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-4 section 3 project management for the accidental project american management association manager--a basic "how-to" approach outlines a recipe for initiating, planning, and managing projects. includes access to software to help implement what is discussed in the webinar. october 27, 2015 $149 track your activity with oclc usage statistics nebraska library commission learn how to use the updated and enhanced interface to analyze and interpret your library's oclc usage patters. recorded online session free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals albee, barbara. "education for technical services librarians: courses taught at accredited library and information science degree programs." technical services quarterly 32, no. 2 (april 2015): 123-140. bauder, julia and emma lange. “exploratory subject searching in library catalogs: reclaiming the vision.” information technology and libraries 34, no. 2 ( june 2015): 92-102. article/view/5888 breeding, marshall. "library services platforms." library technology reports 51, no. 4 (may 2015): 5-38. http:// clarke, rachel ivy. "breaking records: the history of bibliographic records and their influence in conceptualizing bibliographic data." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 286-302. doherty, brian, and alison piper. "creating a new organizational structure for a small academic library: the merging of technical services and access services." technical services quarterly 32, no. 2 (april 2015): 160172. "let's get technical -working together to move titles to off-site storage." against the grain 27, no. 2 (april 2015): 76-77. middleton, cedar c., jason w. dean, and mary a. gilbertson. "a process for the original cataloging of theses and dissertations." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 2 (february 2015): 234-246. papadakis, ioannis, konstantinos kyprianos, and michalis stefanidakis. "linked data uris and libraries: the story so far." d-lib magazine 21, no. 5/6 (may 2015): 5. papadakis/05papadakis.html seeman, dean, and lisa goddard. "preparing the way: creating future compatible catalogingdata in a transitional environment." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 331-340. tharani, karim. "linked data in libraries: a case study of harvesting and sharing bibliographic metadata with bibframe." information technology & libraries 34, no. 1 (march 2015): 5-19. ojs/index.php/ital/article/view/5664 thompson, kelly j. "what if i break it?" project management for intergenerational libraryteams creating non-marc metadata." code4lib journal no. 28 (april 15, 2015): 1. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-3 section 3 committee on cataloging: description and access (cc:da) report the cc:da met on june 21, 2017 in only one session during the ala annual meeting in chicago. the second session usually held by the cc:da on the monday morning of an ala meeting was cancelled in favor of a special discussion session, sponsored by the rda steering committee and designed to gather information and recommendations from members of specialist cataloging communities (cartographic, av, archival, etc.) about rda’s coverage of their types of materials. as changes and revisions to rda were suspended in april 2017 until the completion of the 3r project (rda toolkit restructure and redesign) next year, there was relatively little new business and the cc:da had no new discussion papers or proposals to work on since the ala midwinter meeting in january. activity reports were presented by representatives from the library of congress and from the pcc, additional information on which can be found at and respectively. finally, the rda-steering committee (rsc) gave a report of its activities between january and june 2017, which can be downloaded here ala%20annual.pdf. submitted by armin siedlecki, cc:da liaison pitts theology library, candler school of theology, emory university testimony the joys of cartographic cataloging a growing love for maps it’s hard to say when my passion for maps began. it seems to have gone hand-in-hand with my passion for seafaring. as a teenager, i was obsessed with tales of great sea voyages. summer afternoons would find me in the hammock, riveted to my cherished copy of peter freuchen’s book of the seven seas, and it was full of nautical charts. i longed to go to sea, and i knew that a sea map would get me where i was going. once i moved to chicago, i glommed onto any sailing opportunity i could find. first i took a park district sailing course. then i took a dead-reckoning course at the adler planetarium. (dead reckoning enables one to plot a course on a nautical chart.) in the class i met some sailboaters who invited me to join them in sailing lake michigan. i got to plot courses on a nautical chart and follow them, just like the sea captains of old. oh, the joy! by extension, any navigational aids were likewise exciting. my dad gave me his army compass, and i took it with me on overseas trips. at a writers’ conference in idaho, where our hosts held a lewis-and-clark–themed raffle, i won a sextant — an instrument for doing celestial navigation. in morocco i picked up another instrument — a very old arabic astrolabe, which camel caravaneers used to navigate their way through the sahara desert. off to the newberry map collections fast-forward to my time in library school at the university of illinois at urbana-champaign (uiuc). the mlis program offered an opportunity called alternative spring break, whereby lis students spent their break interning in a library of their choice. considering my passion for maps, the choice became obvious: i obtained a placement in the newberry library’s map and cartography collections. my supervisor was bob karrow, curator of special collections and curator of maps, and i also worked with patrick morris, map cataloger and reference librarian. my assigned task was to perform analytic cataloging of an atlas — a collection of 33 pre-1789 facsimile maps of paris (adolphe alphand, atlas des anciens plans de paris, paris: imprimerie impériale, 1880). theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-2 section 3 phase 3b changes to the name authority file sometime before october 1, 2015, lc will perform the proposed phase 3b changes to convert the name authority file to align with rda. because there are no changes to the 1xx field included in this phase, lc will make all the changes at once in what they are calling a "slam." for at least one week, the lc/naf will become "read only" while the changes are being made. note: oclc plans to delete all name authority records saved in the online save file, whether or not they are locked, before this work begins. heed the announcement and complete or move all authority records to the offline save file when the announcement is made. major changes to the database in phase 3b are: • recode all records to rda if the 1xx contains no non-rda elements (i.e., those records with no 667 this record cannot be used ...) • add 024 isni numbers where available. isni is the international standard name identifier, developed to be database independent, on par with issn and isbn. • evaluate 370 for conversion to naf/lcsh form with $2 code. • generate 046 coded dates from 670 and 1xx. • reformulate all 046 dates from yyyymmdd to yyyy-mm-dd $2 edtf. • following phase 3b "slam" all dates will be entered in the form with hyphens and $2 edtf. • addition of 368 $c and $d, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, and 375 fields where possible from information found in 670s and 1xx. • addition of qualifiers to 4xx fields consisting only of initials, initialisms, or acronyms. following the phase 3b "slam," all 046 codes $s and $t found in corporate, conference, and geographic name records will be changed to $q and $r, defined as beginning and ending dates. this will allow for $s and $t in all types of records to be defined as activity dates. do not use the new 046 format for dates, or $q and $r until the changes have been made to the authority file and until pcc announces that they are ready for use. submitted by judy knop, member programs librarian, naco/conser funnel coordinator american theological library association lc genre/form terms for religious material project on june 23, 2015, janis young of the policy and standards division of the library of congress announced the following: "since early 2007, the library of congress has been developing library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (lcgft), whose terms describe what something is rather than what it is about, as subject headings do. in september 2015 the policy and standards division (psd) will approve approximately 40 genre/ form terms for religious materials. the terms appear on tentative list 1518 (, to be approved on september 8, 2015. psd is requesting comments on the terms from the library community; please email janis l. young at through august 31, 2015. the religion genre/form project is a collaboration between psd and the american theological library association, which coordinated with the association of jewish libraries, the catholic library association, and the council theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 3-3 section 3 on east asian libraries. psd thanks all those who worked to develop the list of terms, which includes terms pertinent to several religious traditions. following standard policy, lc catalogers and members of the subject authority cooperative (saco) program will be able to propose additional genre/form terms for religious materials as well as revisions to existing terms. psd will separately announce the date on which it will begin to accept proposals for new and revised genre/form terms for religious materials. lc subject headings that are analogous to genre/form terms for literary works will remain valid because the subject headings should continue to be assigned to works about the materials. catalogers should continue to assign subject headings to religious materials according to the principles and guidelines contained in the subject headings manual (shm). the library of congress’ acquisitions and bibliographic access directorate, which catalogs most of the religious materials acquired for the library’s general collections, has not yet determined its schedule for implementing the genre/form terms for literary works. the date will be announced when it is available." submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association professional development opportunities mastering excel pivottables: how to crunch numbers american management association like an expert discover how to use the excel pivottable to quickly analyze usage and cost data, determine duplicates, and sort data without the need for formulas. september 3, 2015 $149 caring for collections: preservation of rare and online course via library juice academy unusual materials this course covers basic principles of preventive care including environmental conditions, storage, and handling to extend the life of the materials. developing a disaster response plan will also be addressed. september 7-october 2, 2015 $175 growing through conflict: healthy workplace communication oclc webjunction this webinar will explore ways to use healthy communication skills to address conflict and proactively contribute to a happier workplace. september 10, 2015 free original cataloging of videos and dvds using rda mcls learn about the marc fixed and variable fields and relationships among these fields, as well as other issues relating to videos and dvds. this workshop will also cover assigning lcsh. a booklet will be provided that includes rda rules combined with marc coding information. september 23-25, 2015 $99-$349 1 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary professional development opportunities compiled by anna appleman acquisitions/collections fundamentals of acquisitions 2022 session 5.0 (ala core) this six-week online course is a basic primer for library acquisitions concepts common to all library material formats. it covers: goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials in all formats; theoretical foundations and workflows of basic acquisitions functions; financial management of library collections budgets; relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers. this course provides a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made. in foa, we distinguish between collection development, which involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions, which orders, receives, and pays for those materials. in many libraries, selecting and acquiring materials may be done in the same department—in the smallest libraries perhaps even by the same person. in larger libraries, selection may be done by a collection development department and/or designated subject specialists, while a separate department acquires the selected materials. in essence, acquisitions is the business operation, bringing materials into the library and licensing access to library collections and resources. october 3 – november 11 $224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) fundamentals of collection assessment 2022 session 5.0 (ala core) this six-week online course introduces the fundamental aspects of collection assessment in libraries. the course is designed for those who are responsible for or interested in collection assessment in all types and sizes of libraries. the course will introduce key concepts in collection assessment including: the definition of collection assessment; techniques and tools; assessment of print and electronic collections; project design and management. october 10 – november 18 $224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) fundamentals of collection development and management 2022 session 5.0 (ala core) this four-week online course addresses the basic components of collection development and management (cdm) in libraries. complete definition of collection development and collection management: collections policies and budgets as part of library planning; collection development (selecting for and building collections); collection management (evaluating and making decisions about existing collections, including decisions about withdrawal, transfer, preservation); collection analysis—why and how to do it; outreach, liaison, and marketing; trends and some suggestions about the future for collection development and management. october 17 – november 11 $188.10 (ala member)/$209 (non-member) 1 9 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions 2022 session 5.0 (ala core) this four-week online course provides an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. the course offers a basic background in electronic resource acquisitions including: product trials; licensing; purchasing methods; pricing models. an overview of the sometimes complex relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and libraries is also provided. october 17 – november 11 $188.10 (ala member)/$209 (non-member) cataloging/metadata authority control: creating and maintaining consistency (amigos library services) course description: authority control, the process of ensuring that all access points in a library catalog are used consistently, requires a great deal of maintenance to be effective. this session will cover the principles of authority control. it will demonstrate how to clean-up inconsistencies in your authority records and how to maintain consistency. learning objectives for this session include: learn what authority control is and why it is important; understand how to maintain consistency in authority records; learn how to develop an authority record workflow. september 1 $90 (amigos member)/$180 (non-member) lrm: a new foundation for rda & the rda toolkit (library juice academy) this course focuses on learning the new library reference model (lrm) which is the foundation for the r3 (rda toolkit revision) and bibframe 2.0. the lrm is an evolving model that merges the rda foundational frameworks of rda, frbr (functional requirements for bibliographic records), frad (functional requirements for authority data), and frsad (functional requirements of subject authority data). the lrm focuses on aligning terminologies with larger data communities of practice, refining the frbr user tasks, eliminating inconsistencies between the three models, and embracing linked data practices. this new model brings significant changes in how we think about data, to the rda toolkit, and to bibframe. september 5 – october 2 $200 introduction to cataloging (library juice academy) are you a librarian who has suddenly been given the responsibility of cataloging for your library, but you know little to nothing about how to do it? or do you feel that a quick course on cataloging will simply make you a better librarian? or perhaps it has been a long time since you did cataloging work and you need a refresher. this four-week course will introduce the tools and techniques of the trade, including descriptive cataloging (rda), subject cataloging (classification and subject headings), and an introduction to machine readable cataloging (marc). the course promises to provide practical, hands-on training for non-catalogers, including sample workflows, an introduction to copy cataloging, and guides to make the job of cataloging easier. september 5 – october 2 $200 2 0 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 assigning library of congress call numbers (mcls) this workshop provides practical experience in assigning library of congress subject headings as part of the cataloging process. participants will learn how to perform a technical reading of an item and how to choose appropriate subject headings based on the principles of subject heading assignment put forth by the library of congress. participants will also learn how to verify headings they have assigned against the library of congress subject headings. the structure and interpretation of online lc subject authority records in the oclc subject authority file will be covered as well as the structure of bibliographic tools such as the library of congress subject headings (lcsh) and library of congress subject cataloging manual: subject headings. participants will perform a number of exercises in assigning subject headings to bibliographic works. september 6 – september 8 $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) copy descriptive cataloging of digital resources using rda (mcls) here is your chance to work with rda (resource description and access) as applied to the copy cataloging of digital resources. this hands-on workshop teaches participants how to catalog digital resources using such tools as the rda toolkit and the library of congress-program for cooperative cataloging policy statements. all forms of digital resources, as well as physical media, including video games, cd-roms and other computer disks will be discussed. the class will address copy cataloging in the marc format. among the topics covered will be the chief source of information, physical description, primary access point, and the choice of additional access points. assignment of subject headings, classification and access point control will also be discussed. september 6 – september 8 $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) fundamentals of cataloging 2022 session 5.1 (ala core) the fundamentals of cataloging (foc) is a six-week online course that provides an introduction to the principles, policies and practices of cataloging in libraries. it is designed for librarians and library support staff new to cataloging; librarians and library support staff from other units who want to know more about cataloging; lssc candidates pursuing certification in the cataloging and classification competency set; and experienced cataloging librarians and support staff seeking continuing education and networking opportunities. course components: introduction to catalogs and cataloging, including an exploration into the principles behind the development and evolution of cataloging codes and rules; introduction to descriptive cataloging, including bibliographic description and descriptive access points with aacr2 and rda; introduction to subject analysis and classification, with a focus on library of congress subject headings (lcsh), library of congress classification (lcc) and dewey decimal classification (ddc); introduction to reading and understanding marc 21 formats for bibliographic and authority data; exploration of the history of cooperative cataloging, current trends and some suggestions about the future for cataloging and bibliographic management. september 12 – october 21 $224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) library of congress classification: the basics (amigos library services) this class will provide an overview of the structure of library of congress classification, with detailed exploration of some schedules, along with short homework assignments to help you practice your learning. topics covered also include number building, cutter numbers, and interpreting in 2 1 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s structions found in the classification schedules. learning objectives for this session include: learn the structure of library of congress classification through an examination of the classification schedules; understand number building and the use of cutter numbers; build library of congress classification numbers for a variety of resources. september 13-14 $180 (amigos member)/$360 (non-member) cataloging rare materials with the official toolkit and dcrmr (ala elearning) the official rda toolkit introduces new elements and a new structure from the original toolkit. to facilitate adoption of the official toolkit, in 2022 the rare books and manuscripts section’s bibliographic standards committee published descriptive cataloging of rare materials: rda edition (dcrmr), an rda-aligned standard. this 90-minute webinar will present practical guidance on cataloging rare materials with rda. the webinar will walk participants through cataloging rare books with the official toolkit and dcrmr using concrete, step-by-step instructions. at the end of the webinar, attendees will be prepared to begin creating records for rare materials using dcrmr and rda. after attending the webinar, attendees will: understand the relationship between dcrmr and the official rda toolkit; be able to navigate dcrmr and find related instructions in the official toolkit; understand rare material transcription standards and how they differ from rda normalized transcription; be prepared to create catalog records for rare materials using the official toolkit and dcrmr. september 21 $71.10 (ala member)/$79 (non-member) fundamentals of metadata 2022 session 5.0 (ala core) this six-week course is an introduction to fundamental concepts of metadata, including: similarities and differences between cataloging and metadata; descriptive, technical, and administrative metadata schema; content standards and controlled vocabularies; approaches to metadata creation and transformation; metadata project design. september 26 – november 4 $224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) subject analysis and subject representation (library juice academy) this course focuses on the analysis of the intellectual content of information resources/objects and the representation of content in information retrieval systems, specifically library systems. the analysis of intellectual content has long been a traditional mechanization for retrieval of and access to information resources in libraries. representing the content of information resources involves a number of critical ideas and distinctions that the cataloger must contend with if the process of resource subject representation is to be done with any efficiency and wisdom. this course will explore the core of that process. this involves exploring the idea of content, including the idea of a subject, and the corresponding possibilities of how to indicate or express that content. we can call the overall process subject analysis but simply saying that it centers on determining the “subject” (or “subjects”) of a resource has to be expanded. as a widely accepted activity, it has gained a variety of names—for example, subject indexing, document analysis, and subject heading determination. october 3 – october 30 $200 2 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 serials cataloging (new!) (mcsl) this course provides the basic principles of original and copy cataloging of print serials with a focus on the elements contained in the conser standard record (csr), including appropriate marc 21 tagging, as well as problem-solving and decision-making relative to serials cataloging. the specific goals of the course are to: understand the concept of continuing resources; identify serials and distinguish them from monographs and integrating resources; apply rda instructions for the description of serials; understand the rda conser standard record (csr); become familiar with marc tags used for serials; create original serials cataloging records; identify appropriate serial copy and needed edits; become familiar with current serials cataloging conventions and practices. october 24 – october 26 $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) digital collections fundamentals of digital library projects 2022 session 5.0 (ala core) this six-week online course introduces students to the breadth of considerations, standards and skills needed to successfully launch and manage a digital library program. the course will provide opportunity for hands-on activities to develop critical thinking and decision-making skills within the context of a digital library. participants of this course will: gain an understanding of the types of expertise and skills needed to successfully manage a digital library: such as digitization and types of digital objects, metadata, indexing/search/retrieval/, storage/architecture, user interface & interaction, preservation; learn about the common platforms used by libraries to manage digital objects and make them discoverable; and discover the role of planning, documentation, and assessment. september 26 – november 4 $224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) digital repository fundamentals and design (library juice academy) digital repositories allow libraries, archives and museums to disseminate and create access to unique digital collections related to institutional academic output or digital special collections. digital repository options vary widely, from proprietary to open source; and platforms specialized for specific use cases, such as institutional academic production, audiovisual materials, cultural heritage collections, and community and tribal collections. this course is designed to give the student the fundamentals of selecting, designing and implementing the digital repository solution that is right for their particular institutional, academic or personal project. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a standalone course as well. october 3 – october 30 $200 fundamentals of digital curation in libraries, archives and museums (library juice academy) this course is designed to give the student an overview of the fundamentals of digital curation theory and best practices in libraries, archives and museums. on completion of the course, the student will have a working knowledge of theory, best practices for establishing and maintaining digital curation programs and initiatives, and feedback on work on digital curation projects in the students’ 2 3 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s own workplace or area of interest and study. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. october 3 – october 30 $200 leadership/management charting a course for the future through strategic planning (library juice academy) strategic planning is another element of leadership and management about which much has been written. in this course, you will explore strategic development from a user and empathy design perspective that engages all stakeholders in identifying challenges and participating in constructing a vision for the future. in addition, you will examine futures thinking as a strategy to help set a course for goals that are just within reach but which also help stretch existing notions of where the organization is headed. september 5 – october 2 $200 technology/coding transforming and querying xml with xslt and xquery (library juice academy) this course will provide an introduction to the xsl transformation language (xslt) and the xml query language (xquery) including hands-on basic coding in both xslt and xquery. the goal of this course is to introduce students to some basic xml tools for manipulating xml documents and data. september 5 – october 2 $200 querying wikidata: all the knowledge in the world (dcmi) (asis&t) knowledge graphs have become a common asset for representing world knowledge in data driven models and applications. wikidata is one of the largest crowdsourced knowledge graphs, with over 90 million entities and 1.5 billion edges. in this webinar, participants will learn how heterogeneous facts are represented in wikidata, and how to retrieve them by using standard query languages and tools designed by the wikidata community. the audience will learn about: 1) the wikidata data model, 2) the features of the wikidata sparql endpoint and tooling; and 3) query examples to retrieve qualifiers, references, rankings and deprecated statements in wikidata. september 15 $25 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by ann heinrichs the subject headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from lcsh list numbers 05 (2014: may 19) and 06 (2014: june 16). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: subject headings are in alphabetical order. those without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also relevant changes to free-floating subdivisions and genre/form terms, if any, are at the end of the list. ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no 4 • august 2014 section 1 150 anti-mormonism [may subd geog] [sp2013003223] 550 bt prejudices 550 rt mormon church — controversial literature 150 anahit (armenian deity) cancel heading [sp 93007414 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (no2014052908). 150 aphrodite (greek deity) cancel heading [sp 85005970 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (no2014047558). 150 aphrodite (greek deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 93008406 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading aphrodite (greek deity) — in literature, a heading for which a subject authority is not made because it uses a free-floating combination. 130 bible [sp 85013576 ] 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the bible, e.g., animals in the bible; [place] — in the bible, e.g., iran — in the bible; and [person] — in the bible, e.g., cyrus, the great, of persia, -530 or b.c. — in the bible delete field 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the bible, e.g., animals in the bible; [place] — in the bible, e.g., iran — in the bible; and [person] — in the bible, e.g., cyrus, the great, of persia, -530 b.c. or 529 b.c. — in the bible add field 150 buddhist literature, buriat [may subd geog] [sp2011005799] 450 uf buriat buddhist literature 550 bt buriat literature 150 buddhist literature, oirat [may subd geog] [sp2014000568] 450 uf oirat buddhist literature 550 bt oirat literature 150 buddhist poetry, tibetan [may subd geog] [sp2013001267] 450 uf tibetan buddhist poetry 550 bt tibetan poetry 150 buddhist temples as refuges [may subd geog] [sp2006007469] 550 bt asylum, right of delete field 550 bt refuge (humanitarian assistance) 150 chrismation [sp2014000686] 053 bx378.c47 (orthodox eastern church) 450 uf confirmation — eastern churches 550 bt sacraments 150 collection laws (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2014000657] 550 bt islamic law 100 cyrus, king of persia, -529 b.c. — in the bible change heading 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 section 1 100 cyrus, the great, king of persia, -530 b.c. or 529 b.c — in the bible [sp2007002348] 681 example under bible; qurʼan 100 cyrus, king of persia, -529 b.c. — in the qurʼan change heading 100 cyrus, the great, king of persia, -530 b.c. or 529 b.c. — in the qurʼan [sp2006005595] 053 bp133.7.c97 400 uf cyrus, king of persia, d. 529 b.c. — in the koran [former heading] 450 uf cyrus, king of persia, d. 529 b.c., in the koran [former heading] 150 irony in the qurʼan [sp2014000905] 151 jemmeh site (israel) [sp2014000729] 451 uf tell jemmeh (israel) 551 bt israel — antiquities 781 israel — jemmeh site 150 joan (legendary pope) cancel heading [sp 85070570 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading joan, pope (legendary character) (n 2014021597). 150 leah (biblical matriarch) — in rabbinical literature [sp2014000669] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 net (parable) [not subd geog] [sp2013001253] 450 uf drag-net (parable) 500 bt jesus christ — parables 680 here are entered works on the parable that appears in the gospel of matthew, chapter 13. 150 qurʼan and literature [may subd geog] [sp2014000768] 450 uf literature and the qurʼan 550 bt literature 150 spiritual direction — anglican communion, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2013002873] 150 ssial philosophy [may subd geog] [sp2014001013] 053 b5253.s65 550 bt philosophy, korean 150 video games — religious aspects [sp2014000609] 150 video games — religious aspects — buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014000610] headings for buddhist sects 150 ʾbaʾ-rom-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85010713 ] 053 bq7686 delete field 053 bq7686-bq7686.9 add field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no 4 • august 2014 section 1 150 bkaʼ-rgyud-pa lamas change heading 150 bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp 85014509 ] 450 uf bkaʼ-rgyud-pa lamas [former heading] 450 uf bkaʾ-brgyud-pa priests 550 bt lamas 150 bkaʼ-rgyud-pa (sect) change heading 150 bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85014508 ] 053 bq7679-bq7679.9 450 uf bkaʼ-rgyud-pa (sect) [former heading] 450 uf kagyu (sect) 450 uf kagyud (sect) 450 uf kagyupa (sect) 450 uf kar-gyu (sect) [former heading] 450 uf kargyudpa (sect) 550 bt buddhist sects 150 ʾbri-guṅ-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp 85016785 ] 450 uf priests, ʾbri-guṅ-pa delete field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa lamas delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas add field 150 ʾbri-guṅ-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85016784 ] 053 bq7684 delete field 053 bq7684-bq7684.9 add field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 150 ʾbrug-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp 85017305 ] 450 uf priests, ʾbrug-pa delete field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa lamas delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas add field 150 ʾbrug-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85017304 ] 053 bq7683 delete field 053 bq7683-bq7683.9 add field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 150 dwags-po lamas [may subd geog] [sp2007003399] 450 uf priests, dwags-po delete field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa lamas delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas add field 150 dwags-po (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85040174 ] 053 bq7681 delete field 053 bq7681-bq7681.9 add field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 150 kar-ma-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp 85071570 ] 450 uf priests, kar-ma-pa delete field 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 section 1 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa lamas delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas add field 150 kar-ma-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85071569 ] 053 bq7682 delete field 053 bq7682-bq7682.9 add field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 150 śaṅs-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp 85117317 ] 450 uf priests, śaṅs-pa delete field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa lamas delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas add field 150 śaṅs-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85117316 ] 053 bq7680 delete field 053 bq7680-bq7680.9 add field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 150 smar-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp2008030062] 450 uf priests, smar-pa delete field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa lamas delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas add field 150 smar-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2008030077] 053 bq7688.s63-bq7688.s639 add field 550 bt bkaʼ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 550 bt buddhist sects add field 150 stag-luṅ-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85127237 ] 053 bq7685 delete field 053 bq7685-bq7685.9 add field 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 150 wuwei jiao (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2014000909] 450 uf dacheng jiao (sect) 450 uf dachengjiao (sect) 450 uf dragon-flower assembly (sect) 450 uf dragon flower gathering (sect) 450 uf great vehicle teachings (sect) 450 uf longhua hui (sect) 450 uf longhuahui (sect) 450 uf no-reciting teaching (sect) 450 uf non-action teachings (sect) 450 uf wunian jiao (sect) 450 uf wuweijiao (sect) 550 bt buddhist sects 1-6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no 4 • august 2014 section 1 150 ʹzal-sṅa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2004006713] 550 bt bkaʾ-rgyud-pa (sect) delete field 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa (sect) add field 550 bt buddhist sects add field theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the atla technical services section) lc genre/form terms for religious materials project the project concluded in october with the following announcement from lc: forty-five genre/form terms to describe religious materials were approved on october 2, 2015. the religion genre/ form project was a collaboration of psd and the american theological library association, which coordinated with the association of jewish libraries, the catholic library association, and the council on east asian libraries. psd thanks all those who worked to develop the list of terms, which includes terms pertinent to several religious traditions. the library of congress’ acquisitions and bibliographic access directorate, which catalogs most of the religious materials acquired for the library’s general collections, has not yet determined its schedule for implementing the genre/form terms for religious works. the date will be announced when it is available. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb) american theological library association professional development opportunities rda serials cataloging update alcts learn how serials cataloging practices have evolved since the conser program approved the use of rda for cataloging serials. an overview of resources used to support serials cataloging will also be provided. december 8, 2015 $43-$129 data visualization for the rest of us: webinar via oclc webjunction a beginner's guide discover how to turn library statistics into compelling visuals that effectively tell the story of your library and department. december 15, 2015 free ontologies and linked data library juice academy detailed instruction on skos, owl, mads/mets/mods, and the open linked data movement. strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies will be covered along with hands-on ontology creation using open source tools. december 1-30, 2015 $175 easy patron surveys library juice academy participants will learn procedures, techniques, tips, and tricks for designing and implementing effective patron surveys as well as how to analyze and communicate the results of those surveys. january 4-29, 2015 $175 introduction to xml library juice academy an introduction to xml and the basic tools for working with xml documents. xml document type definitions (dtd's), schemas, xpath, xsl stylesheets, and xquery be discussed and students will explore several library of congress standards such as dublin core, marcxml, and mods. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 3-2 section 3 february 1-26, 2015 library juice academy submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals brantley, peter. "fun with metadata: how rdf can vastly improve book discovery." publishersweekly 262, no. 24 ( june 15, 2015): 54. article/67121-ala-2015-fun-with-metadata.html carrico, steven b., et al. "what cost and usage data reveals about e-book acquisitions." library resources & technical services 59, no. 3 ( july 2015): 102-111. chant, ian. "the art of weeding." library journal 140, no. 11 ( june 15, 2015): 34-37. guajardo, richard, and jamie carlstone. "converting your e-resource records to rda." serials librarian 68, no. 1-4 ( january 2015): 197-204. hess, julia i. "managing change in copy cataloging procedure at the university of san diego." technical services quarterly 32, no. 4 (october 2015): 373-382. ilik, violeta. "cataloger makeover: creating non-marc name authorities." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 382-398. lundrigan, courtney, kevin manuel, and may yan. "pretty rad": explorations in user satisfaction with a discovery layer at ryerson university." college & research libraries 76, no. 1 ( january 2015): 43-62. content/76/1/43.full.pdf+html mitchell, erik t. "reproducibility and its application to technical service processes." technical services quarterly 32, no. 4 (october 2015): 402-413. mueller, kat landry, molly thompson, and zach valdes. "ready, set, hire! perceptions of new technical services librarian preparedness." library leadership & management 29, no. 4 (august 2015): 1-33. nelson, david, and linda turney. "what's in a word? rethinking facet headings in a discovery service." information technology & libraries 34, no. 2 ( june 2015): 76-91. petrucciani, alberto. "quality of library catalogs and value of (good) catalogs." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 3/4 (april 2015): 303-313. powell, melissa m. “cataloging as value-added library service.” colorado virtual library technologytips, september 3, 2015, colorado state library. thacker, curtis, and charles knutson. “barriers to initiation of open source software projects in libraries.” code4lib journal no. 29 (2015). wu, mary. “the future of institutional repositories at small academic institutions: analysis and insights.” d-lib magazine 21, no. 9/10 (september/october 2015). theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 3-2 section 3 hanrath, scott and erik radio. "user search terms and controlled subject vocabularies in an institutional repository." library hi tech 35, no. 3 ( july 2017): 360-367. harrington, caitlin and rachel scott. "working around the erm: automating accurate electronic serials holdings data in bibliographic records." serials librarian 73, no. 1 (september 2017): 11-17. kalwara, james, melody dale, and marty coleman. "gmd or no gmd: rda implementation for a consortial catalog." library resources & technical services 61, no. 3 ( july 2017): 162-170. kohl, laura, claire-lise bénaud, and sever bordeianu. "finding shelf space in an academic library: a multifaceted approach." technical services quarterly 34, no. 3 ( july 2017): 268-282. lin, xia, et al. "mapping metadata to ddc classification structures for searching and browsing." international journal on digital libraries 18, no. 1 (march 2017): 25-39. mccallum, carolyn, et al. "can rda content, media, and carrier coding improve discovery facet mapping?" library resources & technical services 61, no. 2 (april 2017): 93-101. ou, carol, katherine l. rankin, and cyndi shein. "repurposing archivesspace metadata for original marc cataloging." journal of library metadata 17, no. 1 ( january 2017): 19-36. taniguchi, shoichi. "examining bibframe 2.0 from the viewpoint of rda metadata schema." cataloging & classification quarterly 55, no. 6 (august 2017): 387-412. van hyning, victoria, et al. “transforming libraries and archives through crowdsourcing.” d-lib magazine 23, no. 5/6 (may/june 2017): 1, doi: wakeling, simon, et al. "users and uses of a global union catalog: a mixed-methods study of" journal of the association for information science & technology 68, no. 9 (september 2017): 2166-2181. zapounidou, sofia, michalis sfakakis, and christos papatheodorou. "representing and integrating bibliographic information into the semantic web: a comparison of four conceptual models." journal of information science 43, no. 4 (august 2017): 525-553. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony the journey to cataloging the following stories are the journeys of our colleagues to becoming catalogers. we each have a unique story of that process and i think it's insightful to know these stories so that we can facilitate the path of others to finding cataloging as their career. through each story, i think you will see how important a timely word from a colleague can be to guiding someone into the field of cataloging. synchronicity i never consciously pursued cataloging as a career. i had a library degree that sat unused and almost forgotten for 13 years. my undergraduate degree is in english (and as a librarian i’m sure i am not alone in that). after graduating i found it difficult to find a job that would use my skills. while working as a clerk at a dry cleaning store, in the process of following any avenue to seek a better opportunity, i took a civil service exam and promptly forgot about it. a year or so later i was contacted and told that a job was open for me at a public middle school as a library clerk. there was no interview, if i wanted the job, it was mine. i worked in that position for four or five years, checking in periodicals, filing cards, and helping students with these newfangled devices called computers that could do word processing. it was the school librarian there who encouraged me to theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 3-3 section 3 go to library school. at the time i lived in rochester, new york, and the closest library school was in buffalo. well before the days of online classes, this school offered classes in rochester at the local community college where i could complete half of the credits for the program. i finished my degree in december of 1989, six months after the birth of my first child. this is why the diploma sat on the shelf for 13 years as i was able to be a stay-at-home mom. fast forward to 2002, my youngest child is in elementary school and my husband and i had agreed that i would start to look for a job. there was also an added urgency to the process because my husband had been laid off. i saw an ad in the newspaper for a librarian position and applied for it. it was for a job at a seminary, a cataloging job. was i thrilled? i was thrilled to be offered a library job for sure. cataloging, i feel, i just fell into. however, i was fortunate to have two very-well qualified colleagues who mentored me. my supervisor had been part of the national library of canada and had served on the committee for the formation of the guidelines in music cataloging for aacr2. my coworker had served for many years at the nc state libraries, retired and then a year later realized she still wanted to work. their combined expertise was invaluable to me. now, 15 years later, i am still at the same school, my cataloging colleagues have retired, and i am head of technical services. what a long strange trip it’s been. submitted by donna wells, head of technical services the library, southeastern baptist theological seminary conversion some catalogers are born; some are not. i was not. i was converted. in the beginning. my first job is a library was to shelve newspapers and keep the currently received journals in order. as a phd candidate at the university of chicago, my experience broadened from shelving to a master of all trades, (all except cataloging). i circulated books, processed books, filed cards, and read shelves. then the call came. the money ran out. now it was time to get a real job while trying to complete my dissertation. i became a research editor in the field of religion for the 15th edition of the encyclopaedia britannica fact-checking the articles. for people, two sources were needed to confirm dates; three were needed to change them. the editors created data verification records (dvrs) for people in order to facilitate fact-checking. after my stint at the encyclopaedia, i still had to find a job. i had always worked in libraries, so i said to myself, “let’s look around.” i was hired as a circulation assistant at the center for research libraries and filled requests received by either phone, mail, or teletype. a new position opened up and i was hired as the supervisor of the foreign newspaper project. the project collected print copies of newspapers worldwide. one day a colleague said, “if you want to go further, you have to get a library degree.” so i took night courses at rosary college (now dominican university). the experiences i had gained from working in libraries informed the classes i took. in the cataloging courses, students who had worked in cataloging departments would add details to the discussions which were beyond me. occasionally, during these discussions, i would hear, “even gene…” feeling at the bottom of the barrel, i had to make sure i didn’t stay there. after earning the library degree, i became head of the order section for non-serial publications at the university of illinois, chicago. however, i was still looking for a “professional” position. i wanted to be a reference librarian or a rare books/ materials librarian. then atla advertised for a cataloging position for their monographic preservation project. i applied even though i had no cataloging experience. my eventual boss, bob markham, said, “i don’t care about what you don’t know about aacr2. i care about what you know about religion.” so there i was. lone cataloger. no experience. what to do? i spent a lot of time reading the lc rule interpretations as they appeared in the library of congress’ cataloging service theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 3-4 section 3 bulletin. my cataloging was at first checked by a committee and then by other catalogers who were eventually hired. greatest cataloging practicum, ever. thank you atla! from there, i moved on to the cataloging position at bethany theological seminary and then to the claremont school of theology. i eventually joined the atla naco funnel project and began creating authority records for people, titles, corporate bodies, and geographical names (not unlike the dvrs at the encyclopaedia britannica). through the use of the library of congress classification system, i became entranced by the beautiful simplicity of it. yes, there are holes in some of the classes, but the cuttering is so simple. elegant simplicity. i became more and more appreciative of what the classification system was trying to do: keep like materials in one place. i recalled a comment made many years ago by a professor at rosary college about the purpose of the library: to preserve, curate human literature for all. so through applying, at first, the “rules,” i have come see cataloging and classification as universal for all of human lore and not just for one’s own local library and to see cataloging and classification as the foundation, the fundamental of all librarianship. not born. no. converted. yes. complete(ly). submitted by gene fieg, retired my journey i grew up loving libraries, attending storytime with miss terry when i was in preschool and later taking weekly library trips that ended with me toting home stacks of books ranging from bill peet and mrs. piggle wiggle to sherlock holmes and encyclopedia brown. the summer when i was 12, i volunteered as a children’s picture book shelver, while another summer i helped move library books to a new building. but as much as i loved libraries, i didn’t know them as well as i thought. when i applied for a student worker position at my college library, i expected to get a job shelving books or sitting at a circulation desk, because that’s what one did in libraries. when the library called me to interview for a technical services position, i had no idea what technical services even was, but it was in a library, so i was willing to try it. in spite of my ignorance, the library hired me, and i learned to shelf read the serials, process newly cataloged books for shelving, type information on microfiche envelopes, and create brief marc records for gift books. the jargon was a challenge at first. boxes for serials made me think of cereal boxes, “brief bibs” (for short bibliographic records) brought baby bibs to mind, and i didn’t understand the difference between a po (purchase order) and an invoice. the acronyms were even more confusing. after three years working there, i graduated as a music major without a plan for what i might do next. a few weeks later i received an e-mail from the technical services librarian saying that my former cataloging supervisor had left the position and would i be interested in applying for the position? when the library hired me, the technical services librarian taught me more about marc, aacr2, subject cataloging, and classification, and i loved it. since i grew up sorting toys by color and entering genealogical data into a database for fun, classifying library materials and entering metadata into a database seemed a natural step forward. i still loved the work after a few years in that position, so i began an mlis degree, which taught me that as much as i loved libraries, i still didn’t know them as well as i thought. information behavior theory almost took me out the first semester. i knew the practical side of the library, but this theory stuff was new and confusing. even my information organization classes were a challenge. having cataloged for over four years, i thought the classes would mostly review what i already knew. but, you guessed it, they taught me more theory. they tried to drill “subject-predicate-object” into my head, and i had no idea what that meant, looking up the terms in dictionaries and finding the grammatical definitions even more confusing. i couldn’t understand what this had to do with cataloging. it wasn’t until later that i realized this was the foundation of rdf triples, a key component to my current research interest: linked data. my professors knew i needed the theory more than i did. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 3-5 section 3 before i graduated, our technical services librarian took a new position, and the library director asked if i would take her place, even though i wouldn’t qualify as library faculty until after graduation. after the transition, i managed both the cataloging and acquisitions areas of the library and was responsible for the original cataloging. this allowed me to lead a project to reclassify our materials from dewey decimal to library of congress classification and teach myself music cataloging with a $10,000 music score donation. those opportunities in turn gave me the cataloging and management experience for my current position, in which i have learned how to use marcedit, shelf-ready cataloging management, and rudimentary rare book cataloging. through cataloging, i’ve learned that as much as i love libraries, i will never know as much about them as i think i do, which makes me love them more. submitted by christa strickler, resource description librarian buswell library, wheaton college 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 section 1 section one: new and changed headings the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2018 list numbers 05 (may 18), 06 ( june 15), and 07 ( july 13). the new genre/form terms listed here came from lcsh list numbers 01, 02, 02a, and 04. since early 2007, the library of congress has been developing library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (lcgft), whose terms describe what something is rather than what it is about, as subject headings do, and are used in marc field 655 ‡a of bibliographic records. examples: 655 _7 ‡a liturgical books. ‡2 lcgft 655 _0 ‡a shape-note hymnals. (see full instructions in oclc bibliographic formats and standards, 655 index term—genre/form.) no new demographic group terms in the field of theology were issued this quarter. the library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt) are used in marc field 368 ‡c of name authority records. naco participants in the atla funnel are encouraged to use terms from the thesaurus of religious occupational terms (trot) when possible. examples: 368 _ _ ‡c religious converts. ‡2 lcdgt 368 _ _ ‡c rural clergy. ‡2 trot more information about lcdgt is available at this website provides the draft demographic group terms manual as well as an introduction to demographic group terms, a list of approved terms in pdf format, and a link to authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format. the most updated versions of both genre/form terms and demographic group terms, along with their authority records, appear in lc’s web-based subscription product, classification web. in this issue of tcb, as in previous issues, the following conventions are used: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 section 1 subject headings 150 asian american christians [may subd geog] [sp2018001190] 450 uf christians, asian american 550 bt christians--united states 150 aṣṭadikpālakas (hindu deities) [not subd geog] [sp2018001397] 053 bl1225.a68-bl1225.a684 450 uf ashtadikpalakas (hindu deities) 450 uf ashtadikpalas (hindu deities) 450 uf ashtalokpalas (hindu deities) 450 uf aṣṭalokapālas (hindu deities) 450 uf dikapalakas (hindu deities) 450 uf dikpalas (hindu deities) 450 uf lokpalas (hindu deities) 550 bt hindu gods 150 bible stories, lokele [may subd geog] [sp2018000890] 450 uf lokele bible stories 150 bee culture--religious aspects [sp2018000543] 150 brahma (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85016295 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading brahma (hindu deity) (dlc)no2018072362 150 brahma (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 00007715 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading brahma (hindu deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 capital market--religious aspects [sp2018001083] 150 capital market--religious aspects--islam [sp2018001084] 150 chapters, cathedral, collegiate, etc. [may subd geog] [sp 85022606 ] 450 uf cathedral chapters add field 450 uf collegiate chapters (church polity) add field 550 bt bishops delete field 550 bt cathedrals delete field 550 bt dioceses delete field 550 rt vicars capitular delete field 550 bt church polity add field 150 church buildings--new york (state) [sp2018001384] 150 church work with sexual minority youth [may subd geog] [sp2018001191] 550 bt sexual minority youth 150 death (personification) [sp2005008604] 550 bt signs and symbols add field 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 section 1 150 faery-faith (wiccan sect) [may subd geog] [sp2017004904] 450 uf faery wicca (wiccan sect) 450 uf irish american faery-faith (wiccan sect) 450 uf irish faery-faith (wiccan sect) 550 bt wiccan sects 680 here are entered works on the celtic reconstructionist sect faery faith, founded by kisma stephanich. worship is according to the ogham associated with each lunar cycle and pedagogical pathworking to develop bardic skills. as a bardic tradition, it has as its key text the lebor gabála érenn. works on the dianic sect faerie faith, founded by epona in atlanta, georgia, are entered under faerie faith (wiccan sect). works on the pre-gardnerian wiccan sect feri, founded by victor and cora anderson, are entered under feri (wiccan sect). 681 notes under faerie faith (wiccan sect); feri (wiccan sect) 110 friends meeting house (new york, n.y. : twentieth street) [sp2018001053] 410 uf brotherhood synagogue (new york, n.y. : building) 550 bt quaker church buildings--new york (state) 550 bt synagogues--new york (state) 150 geopolitics--religious aspects [sp2018000788] 150 geopolitics--religious aspects--islam [sp2018000789] 150 holy wells--ireland [sp2018001530] 150 homelessness in the bible [sp2018000917] 150 hymns, pawnee [may subd geog] [sp2018001452] 450 uf pawnee hymns 150 indians--relations with jews [sp2018000394] 450 uf indian-jewish relations 450 uf indians of north america--relations with jews 450 uf jewish-indian relations 450 uf jews--relations with indians 150 intimate partner violence--religious aspects [sp2018001192] 150 karmathians [sp 85071658 ] 053 bp195.k3 delete field 053 bp195.k3-bp195.k32 add field 450 uf ḳarāmiṭa add field 450 uf ḳarmaṭīs add field 450 uf qarāmiṭa add field 550 bt islamic sects add field 150 librarians' writings, american [may subd geog] [sp2018001020] 450 uf american librarians' writings 550 bt american literature 150 madrasah libraries [may subd geog] [sp2018001182] 550 bt islamic libraries 550 bt school libraries 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 section 1 150 madrasahs [may subd geog] [sp 96009872 ] 450 uf madrassahs add field 450 uf madrassas add field 150 mental retardation--religious aspects change heading 150 intellectual disability--religious aspects [sp 85083660 ] 150 mephistopheles (legendary character) cancel heading [sp 93007534 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2018059940 150 mephistopheles (legendary character) in literature cancel heading [sp2006004886] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading mephistopheles (legendary character)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 meryemana evi (ephesus) [sp 00009352 ] 450 uf house of virgin mary (ephesus) add field 450 uf mary's house (ephesus) add field 450 uf virgin mary's house (ephesus) add field 150 modern orthodox judaism movement [may subd geog] [sp2018001466] 450 uf centrist orthodox judaism movement 550 bt orthodox judaism 680 here are entered works on the movement within orthodox judaism that strives to balance the observance of orthodox jewish law with engagement in the modern world. 150 nicknames--religious aspects [sp2015001176] 150 nicknames--religious aspects--islam [sp2015001177] 150 particular baptists [sp2018000833] 450 uf calvinistic baptists 550 bt baptists 150 pharmaceutical industry--religious aspects [sp2018000660] 150 pharmaceutical industry--religious aspects--islam [sp2018000661] 150 pregnancy, unwanted--religious aspects change heading 150 unwanted pregnancy--religious aspects [sp2005005684] 150 pregnancy, unwanted--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] change heading 150 unwanted pregnancy--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2005005685] 150 reformed baptists [may subd geog] [sp 91003639 ] 450 uf particular baptists delete field 150 shabbat shirah [sp2018001444] 450 uf sabbath of the song 450 uf shabat shirah 550 bt sabbath 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 section 1 150 stock exchanges--religious aspects [sp2018001061] 150 stock exchanges--religious aspects--islam [sp2018001062] 150 synagogues--new york (state) [sp2018001449] 150 television programs--religious aspects [sp2018001257] 150 television programs--religious aspects--islam [sp2018001258] 151 tobernalt (ireland) [sp2018000888] 550 bt holy wells--ireland 781 ireland—tobernalt 110 united palace (new york, n.y.) [sp2018001383] 410 uf loew's 175th street theatre (new york, n.y.) 410 uf united church (new york, n.y. : building) 550 bt church buildings--new york (state) 550 bt motion picture theaters--new york (state) 150 vicars capitular [may subd geog] [sp 85143149 ] 550 rt chapters, cathedral, collegiate, etc. delete field 150 wikis and libraries [may subd geog] [sp2018000796] 053 z674.75.s63 450 uf libraries and wikis 550 bt libraries genre/form terms 155 in nomine (music) change heading 155 in nomines (music) [gp2018026024] 455 uf in nomine (music) [former heading] 555 bt chamber music 680 chamber music based on the sarum antiphon gloria tibi trinitas. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 lcc list numbers 2 (february 16) and 3 (march 16). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics special topics other special topics in ethics, a-z bj1500.t73 transgression class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by region or country southeast asia by region or country thailand by ethnic group, a-z bl2078.h66 hmong african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.h29 hanya class bm judaism dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z bm645.d47 depression, mental [bm645.m382] mental depression, see bm645.d47 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼan. koran works about the qurʼan special topics, a-z bp134.r54 rhetoric topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.c45 cell phones bp190.5.n45 neighborliness bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.p65 politics bp388.t54 theological anthropology class bs the bible general theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 2-3 section 2 texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.a94 azerbaijani table bs5 class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church church year fasts and feast days special days, a-z bx376.5.p44 pentecost class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش observances and practice of islam special subjects, a-z kbp184.9.v65 voice schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah. ةيكلاملا ،يكلاملا individual authors, a-z kbp320.i264 ibn rushd, muḥammad ibn aḥmad, 1058-1126. دشر نبا، table k4 دمحا نب دمحم kbp320.t55 tilimsānī, muḥammad ibn aḥmad, 1310 or 1311-1369? table k4 دمحأ نب دمحم ،يناسملتلا furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law. هقفلا عورف professions individual professions other professions, a-z kbp3521.t73 translating and interpreting. translators class kky [kky4994.2] vatican city. stato pontificio cancel kky7001-7099 vatican city. stato pontificio table kj-kkz3 class here works on the municipal law of vatican city. class works on its constitutional law and international status in kbu4064-4097. class works on the former papal states in kkh6741-6749 see kbu4064-4074 cancel theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 3-2 section 3 fundamentals of preservation alcts online course this four-week fundamentals course introduces participants to the principles, policies, and practices of preservation in libraries and archives. topics covered include preventive care, storages conditions, emergency planning, standards methods of care and repair, and preserving digital content. april 20-may 15 $109-$139 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university selected articles from current library journals bernstein, steven. "beyond content, media, and carrier: rda carrier characteristics." cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 5 ( july 2014): 463-486. blackman, cathy, et al. "worldcat and skyriver." library resources & technical services 58, no. 3 ( july 2014): 178-186. cross, emma, et al. "in the company of my peers: implementation of rda in canada." cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 6/7 (august 2014): 747-774. "cuyahoga county chooses skyriver. (cover story)." advanced technology libraries 43, no. 8 (august 2014): 1-11. folsom, sandy l. "strategies for cataloging historical serials." serials librarian 67, no. 2 (september 2014): 166-182. gedeon, randle, and miranda howard. "biz of acq -the evolving work and workflow in the 21st-century technical services department." against the grain 26, no. 4 (september 2014): 50-52. hall-ellis, sylvia d. "accept, coach, and inspire: a formula for success." bottom line: managing library finances 27, no. 3 (november 2014): 103-106. hanford, dana. "a look at how we got here: rda implementation at central connecticut state university." journal of library metadata 14, no. 3/4 ( july 2014): 152-165. holderman, sharon, and april crockett. "what implementing a discovery tool really means." tennessee libraries 64, no. 2 ( june 2014): 1. maddox abbott, jennifer a., and mary s. laskowski. "so many projects, so few resources: using effective project management in technical services." collection management 39, no. 2/3 ( july 2014): 161-176. panchyshyn, roman s. "rda display and the general material designation: an innovative solution." cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 5 ( july 2014): 487-505. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-3 section 3 committee on cataloging: description and access (cc:da) report the cc:da met on june 21, 2017 in only one session during the ala annual meeting in chicago. the second session usually held by the cc:da on the monday morning of an ala meeting was cancelled in favor of a special discussion session, sponsored by the rda steering committee and designed to gather information and recommendations from members of specialist cataloging communities (cartographic, av, archival, etc.) about rda’s coverage of their types of materials. as changes and revisions to rda were suspended in april 2017 until the completion of the 3r project (rda toolkit restructure and redesign) next year, there was relatively little new business and the cc:da had no new discussion papers or proposals to work on since the ala midwinter meeting in january. activity reports were presented by representatives from the library of congress and from the pcc, additional information on which can be found at and respectively. finally, the rda-steering committee (rsc) gave a report of its activities between january and june 2017, which can be downloaded here ala%20annual.pdf. submitted by armin siedlecki, cc:da liaison pitts theology library, candler school of theology, emory university testimony the joys of cartographic cataloging a growing love for maps it’s hard to say when my passion for maps began. it seems to have gone hand-in-hand with my passion for seafaring. as a teenager, i was obsessed with tales of great sea voyages. summer afternoons would find me in the hammock, riveted to my cherished copy of peter freuchen’s book of the seven seas, and it was full of nautical charts. i longed to go to sea, and i knew that a sea map would get me where i was going. once i moved to chicago, i glommed onto any sailing opportunity i could find. first i took a park district sailing course. then i took a dead-reckoning course at the adler planetarium. (dead reckoning enables one to plot a course on a nautical chart.) in the class i met some sailboaters who invited me to join them in sailing lake michigan. i got to plot courses on a nautical chart and follow them, just like the sea captains of old. oh, the joy! by extension, any navigational aids were likewise exciting. my dad gave me his army compass, and i took it with me on overseas trips. at a writers’ conference in idaho, where our hosts held a lewis-and-clark–themed raffle, i won a sextant — an instrument for doing celestial navigation. in morocco i picked up another instrument — a very old arabic astrolabe, which camel caravaneers used to navigate their way through the sahara desert. off to the newberry map collections fast-forward to my time in library school at the university of illinois at urbana-champaign (uiuc). the mlis program offered an opportunity called alternative spring break, whereby lis students spent their break interning in a library of their choice. considering my passion for maps, the choice became obvious: i obtained a placement in the newberry library’s map and cartography collections. my supervisor was bob karrow, curator of special collections and curator of maps, and i also worked with patrick morris, map cataloger and reference librarian. my assigned task was to perform analytic cataloging of an atlas — a collection of 33 pre-1789 facsimile maps of paris (adolphe alphand, atlas des anciens plans de paris, paris: imprimerie impériale, 1880). theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-4 section 3 chicago’s newberry library • photo credit: wikipedia; cc by-sa 3.0 alphand’s atlas comes in three volumes — two with maps, and the third (the texte et table analytique) with elaborate notes about each map. the text is all in french, so my knowledge of french proved to be a great asset. the volumes are huge — about 2.5 feet high by more than 3 feet wide. i needed to have both a map volume and the notes open at once, side by side, so the job required a workspace more than 12 feet wide. my work was spread out on a long table beneath the high, arched windows on the newberry’s south face, with my computer terminal perched on one end. i rarely sat down. my cataloging task was most easily conducted on foot, as it was necessary to dash from one volume to another to snatch information, then race to the computer to record it before a peculiar pre-modern french phrase or spelling left my memory. not since my waitress days had i spent so much work time scurrying back and forth! learning the conventions bob karrow was most generous in mentoring me, shaping my outlook, and directing me to the resources i needed to perform my tasks. first he taught me the conventions and specialized terms used in describing old maps. a cartouche, for example, is a roundish decorative inset with text and/or pictures in it. if you use the term “inset” in the bibliographic description, however, you’re usually referring to an inset map. old maps get not only a date of publication, but a separate date of situation. in the case of historical maps, that's the date of the scene shown in the map. for example, a map published in 1880 could be named “paris in 1550,” so the date of situation is 1550. to create call numbers for the maps, we used the lc’s g schedule — the list of numeric codes for geographic places. for example, 5834 is the code for france/cities, followed by .p3, the code for paris. that’s followed by the date of situation, the cutter number for the maker, and the date of publication. technical points aside, most of these maps were quite decorative, with costumed gentry milling about, cherubs blowing the four winds, and windmills aflutter in the breeze. [left] detail from la ville cite universite de paris • photo credit: the newberry library; [middle] detail from lutetia, vulgari nomine paris, urbs galliae maxim • photo credit: the newberry library; [right] detail from lutetia parisiorum urbs, toto orbe seleberrima notissimaque caput regni franciæ • photo credit: the newberry library. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-5 section 3 the privilège du roi like other maps of this period, many of alphand’s maps carried a dedication, usually to the king. most of the maps also bore a notice of the privilège du roi. in pre-revolutionary france, this was an official statement of permission from the king to print a work. royal censors, upon receipt of a fee, would examine the proposed publication and issue the privilege. for printers and engravers, it provided a kind of copyright protection against counterfeiters. the privilège, like other special features, is worth noting in the catalog record. using reference sources many of the individual maps were listed in a standard bibliography of paris maps ( jean boutier, les plans de paris des origines, 1493, à la fin du xviiie siècle, paris: bibliothèque nationale, 2002), so i entered a note with that reference when appropriate. some of the maps, too, exist in digitized form on the web. for those, i added a reference to the url. google was not off-limits, as it was sometimes necessary to provide information not present on the chief source of information (the map itself ) or in the notes. other reference sources i consulted were tooley’s dictionary of mapmakers and two several-volume biographical reference sets — thieme-becker kunstler lexikon and benezit dictionary of artists. these enabled me to look up names that appeared on the maps to find out alternate spellings and/or birth and death dates, so i could then find the authorized form in the lc authority file. in another reference set, g. k. nagler’s die monogrammisten, one could look up artists, engravers, and woodcutters via their monograms — the initials they used in signing their work. who is the mapmaker? i quickly learned to be stealthy and vigilant in seeking out the mapmaker’s identity. a map’s statement of responsibility was often hard to locate. it might be hidden somewhere in the text or engraved in tiny print along the edge. seemingly decorative details are disregarded at one’s peril. one decoration i took to be a tombstone marking the location of a cemetery turned out to carry the monogram of the otherwise unidentifiable mapmaker. in the map below, for example, i was once again stumped as to the statement of responsibility. my only clue was a monogram in the lower right-hand corner: hrmd. this was one instance when nagler’s monogrammisten proved invaluable. it showed that hrmd is hans rudolph manuel deutsch, zeichner, or draftsman. [left] privilège from lutetia, vulgari nomine paris (1572) • photo credit: the newberry library; [above] privilège from portrait de la ville cite et universite de paris avec les faubours dicelle, dedie au roy (1609) • photo credit: the newberry library. [left and bottom] lutetia parisiorum urbs. the engraver’s monogram appears in the lower right-hand corner. • photo credit: the newberry library; [top] from georg kaspar nagler’s die monogrammisten • photo credit: hathi trust. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-6 section 3 while i was able to catalog only 22 of the 33 maps in the alphand atlas by the end of the week, the skills i gained were priceless. these were also skills i was able to bring to a future employer — the pritzker military library, where i secured a cataloging internship. leaving paris maps for pritzker maps alphand’s maps and the newberry’s unique map cataloging protocols might be called non-mainstream. at the pritzker, however, i was able to unfurl my map cataloging skills full force. map cataloging requires several specialized marc fields, and here are some of my favorites. among the fixed fields are rlf (relief type) and proj (projection). there are twelve one-character codes for relief type. those paris maps were perfect examples of pictorial relief (code i), showing trees for wooded areas, as well as actual houses and churches. spot heights (g) are numeric indications of altitudes, and contours (a) are curvy loops showing elevations up to a high point. many maps use several relief types, but the fixed field has room for only four, so the cataloger lists the four most salient types in order of importance. projection calls for a two-character code. for example, ac means the lambert azimuthal equal-area projection. you can see this in a round, disc-shaped representation of the whole earth. in the more familiar mercator projection (code bd), the lines of latitude and longitude form a perfect grid. this style of map was the first that enabled navigators to plot an accurate course across the sea — so vital in the age of exploration. mathematical data in the variable fields, 034 and 255 contain so-called mathematical data — scale, projection, and coordinates. in field 034, subfields d, e, f, and g show the coordinates for the left, right, top, and bottom edges of the map, like this: ‡d w1030000 ‡e w1023000 ‡f n0391500 ‡g n0354000. field 255 ‡c mirrors that, showing the coordinates in a more recognizable form: ‡c (w103°00'--w102°30'/n39°15'--n35°40'). scale (034 ‡a, ‡b, ‡c and 255 ‡a) is a complex affair. the map itself may indicate the scale using a bar scale: or the map may show a verbal scale (1 inch = 1 mile) or a “representative fraction” (1:20,000). regardless of the style of scale, the cataloger must translate it into a representative fraction, with 1 as the numerator, and put the denominator in 034 ‡b. fortunately, there are online calculators (here and here) that can determine the representative fraction you need. this fraction appears in both fields 034 and 255, though in different ways: 034 ‡b 20,000 and 255 ‡a scale 1:20,000. military maps, target maps i eagerly tore into the pritzker’s backlog of uncataloged maps. some of the most interesting were the world war ii aerial maps used by the army air corps. among those were so-called target maps, with concentric circles centering on an intended target. i repeated the mathematical information from the 034 and 255 fields in the 500 notes, using language that the catalog user can understand. thus, the opac’s notes might read like this: hiroshima area target map detail • photo credit: pritzker military museum & library theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 4 • august 2017 3-7 section 3 recognition chart: "23°44' n, 120°25' e (approx), scale 1:25,000." inset map of formosa [taiwan]. approach chart: "scale 1:250,000; polyconic projection . . .; compass rose indicates magnetic bearing toward target. circles are in statute miles." with red compass rose and target circles every 5 miles, centered on kobi. particularly chilling was a target map of the hiroshima area. seeing the map’s publication date of june 1945, one can put together a timeline of events: sometime before june — hiroshima is selected as a bombing target, and an order is issued to create the target map. june — the 949th engineer aviation topographic company in guam (the publisher) issues the map. august 6 — the navigator on the enola gay uses the map to target hiroshima for the atomic bomb drop. maps have no politics; they can assist in either war or peace. granted, in cataloging target maps, i had traveled very far indeed from intrepid seafarers and their nautical charts. but thanks to cartographic cataloging, i have kept fresh my love affair with maps that was first kindled so many years ago by the book of the seven seas. submitted by ann heinrichs, metadata/cataloging librarian paul bechtold library, catholic theological union theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no. 1 • november 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson thesaurus of religious occupations the best practices task force released the second draft of the thesaurus of religious occupations for comments. the purpose of this thesaurus is to provide a list of standardized vocabulary for relevant occupations which can be used to populate marc field 374 occupation in personal name authority records. the current source for standard terms, library of congress subject headings, does not contain sufficient terms specific to the field of religion. once the thesaurus is published as a new standard, the abbreviation of the standard can then be used in subfield 2 source of term. the principles used to guide the construction of the thesaurus are: 1. only include religious occupations which might be necessary for writers. 2. combine occupations into broad categories which can be paired with the 372, 373 and 375 fields to bring specificity. 3. use lcsh terms where available. 4. avoid use of gender specific terms where possible. pair with 375 to provide gender specific terms. 5. avoid use of denomination specific terms, again pairing searches with the 372 and 373 to provide denominational specific results. 6. include titles such as reverend as see references only when they have been or are likely to be used, incorrectly, as occupations. 7. use plural terms to be consistent with lcsh. the draft is accessible from the atla website under the community tab. to access the draft, after signing in, click on sharepoint for members > groups/benefits. links to the naco funnel participants and technical services pages are on the right side of the page. click on either link then click on shared documents in the column on the left side of the page. the document is called draft of religion thesaurus. alternatively, contact judy knop ( for access to the document or to make comments or suggest additional terms. submitted by judy knop chair of the best practices in the field of religion taskforce changing holy spirit from a topical term to a personal name a proposal was made to create a name authority record and cancel the subject authority record for holy spirit in accordance with the definition of person in rda 9.0 which includes fictional and non-human persons. discussion has been both theological and practical with the preponderance of opinion in favor of keeping holy spirit as a subject authorized heading. lc policy office was queried, but so far no comment has been received. if you would like to participate in the discussion, please comment on the atlatech or naco discussion lists. submitted by judy knop, metadata curator american theological library association 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by ann heinrichs the subject headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from 2014 lcsh list numbers 10 (october 20), 11 (november 17), and 12 (december 15) and 2015 list number 1 ( january 19). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: subject headings are in alphabetical order. those without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also relevant changes to free-floating subdivisions and genre/form terms, if any, are at the end of the list. ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 section 1 150 administrative courts (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2014002805] 053 kbp1587 550 bt islamic law 150 apsarases change heading 150 apsaras [sp 85006197 ] 450 uf apsarases [former heading] 550 bt buddhist mythology 550 bt hindu mythology 150 apsarases in art change heading 150 apsaras in art [not subd geog] [sp 97006762 ] 450 uf apsarases in art [former heading] 150 apsarases in literature change heading 150 apsaras in literature [not subd geog] [sp2007002824] 450 uf apsarases in literature [former heading] 130 bible. polyglot cancel heading [sp 85013748 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is not a valid rda heading. 130 bible. polyglot--history cancel heading [sp 85013749 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because it is an invalid construction. 150 bible college students [may subd geog] [sp2014002787] 550 bt church college students 150 catacombs in art [not subd geog] [sp2014002424] 150 catholic philanthropists [may subd geog] [sp2014002569] 550 bt philanthropists 150 female circumcision (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2014002111] 053 kbp3119.f45 550 bt islamic law 150 gender identity--religious aspects [sp2014100172] 150 gender identity--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2014002337] 150 gender identity--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014100173] 150 gregorian chants [may subd geog] [sp 85022551 ] 550 rt ambrosian chants delete field 550 rt beneventan chants delete field 150 huajicori, nuestra señora de [not subd geog] [sp2014002674] 053 bt660.h79 450 uf nuestra señora de huajicori 450 uf virgen de huajicori 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--mexico 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 section 1 150 hymns, fula [may subd geog] [sp2014100030] 450 uf fula hymns 150 hymns, ikwere [may subd geog] [sp2014002202] 450 uf ikwere hymns 150 investments ( jewish law) [sp2014000462] 053 kbm1064 550 bt jewish law 150 islamic sermons, uzbek [may subd geog] [sp2014002405] 450 uf uzbek islamic sermons 150 jaina nuns [may subd geog] [sp2014002645] 550 bt nuns 150 leadership in the qur'an [sp2014002223] 053 bp134.l43 150 marketing (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2014001954] 550 bt islamic law 100 mary magdalene, saint--art [sp2014100134] 150 mythology, abkhazian [may subd geog] [sp2014002020] 450 uf abkhazian mythology 150 noli me tangere (art) [sp2014002684] 550 bt christian art and symbolism 500 bt jesus christ--art 500 bt mary magdalene, saint--art 150 nuo religion [may subd geog] [sp2014002634] 053 bl1812.n86 (china) 450 uf nuoism 550 bt religions 150 polyglot bibles [may subd geog] [sp2014001944] 550 bt polyglot texts, selections, quotations, etc. 150 religious drama, lithuanian [may subd geog] [sp2014002419] 450 uf lithuanian religious drama 550 bt lithuanian drama 150 sacred groves--nigeria [sp2014002731] 150 shiite scholars [may subd geog] [sp2014002219] 550 bt muslim scholars 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 2 • february 2015 section 1 genre/form terms 155 concordances [gp2014026066] 455 uf glossarial concordances 555 bt indexes 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for alphabetical indexes of the words in a work or selection of works, showing the words' locations and providing context. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 4 • august 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association best practices taskforce report at the 2014 annual conference in june, both the naco listen and learn session attendees and the naco funnel members gathered to discuss best practices for personal name authority records. those gathered discussed the usefulness and purpose of the optional fields in name authority records. if the purpose of the optional fields is solely to uniquely identify the individual whose name is being established, then the only information that needs to be recorded in the optional data fields is information which will do just that. if the purpose of providing the optional information in coded fields is also to retrieve information about individuals by searching on common characteristics, then recording all readily available information as well as consistency of terminology used becomes equally important. the majority of participants seemed to favor providing as much information as is readily available and to work towards consistency of terminology. one major area which lacks appropriate terms in standard sources is the area of occupation. neither the library of congress subject headings nor the dictionary of occupational titles include many relevant occupations for the field of religion. participants suggested that a thesaurus of occupations in the field of religion should be developed and published as a recognized standard. once that is done, the occupations can be used in the marc 374 field and coded as from a standard in the subfield 2. such a thesaurus is now under development and will be widely circulated once a draft is ready. the best practices taskforce is also working on a draft of a best practices for personal name authority records. that draft will also be circulated once it has been approved by the taskforce. submitted by judy knop chair of the best practices in the field of religion taskforce changes in recording uniform title dates for bible the joint steering committee at its november 2014 meeting will be considering a proposal to change the way dates are recorded in bible uniform titles. specifically, the proposal calls for replacing the instructions in rda 6.24 date of expression of a religious work with a reference back to the instructions in rda 6.10 basic instructions on recording date of expression. the impact of this change is that catalogers will need to search for the earliest manifestation of the expression rather than using the publication year of the item in hand ( my understanding is the date of publication of each manifestation of the bible is useful to scholars because each manifestation is significant due to the sacredness of the theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) news saco if you missed the webinar “kicking off the atla saco funnel” on march 22 (or would like to revisit what was discussed) a recording is now available on atla’s on demand learning page ondemandlearning/pages/default.aspx). further details about the funnel, including an application to participate, are available on the library of congress pcc website (, or you can contact richard lammert, atla funnels coordinator. submitted by richard lammert, technical services & systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary atla funnels coordinator professional development opportunities using marcedit library juice academy covering both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses, such as regular expressions and creating marc records from vendor spreadsheet, this course is appropriate for both new and experienced users of marcedit. june 4-29, 2018 $175 the road to electronic information accessibility: how do we increase student success? alcts a two-day virtual preconference the will present a holistic view on meeting both the legal requirements and the students' requirements for success. june 5-6, 2018 $43-$95 e-book management for academic libraries library juice academy this course covers the different types of method of e-book acquisition and licenses as well as discovery methods. workflow considerations will also be examined. july 2-27, 2018 $175 fundamentals of preservation alcts a four-week online course that introduces participants to the principles, polices, and practices of preservations in libraries and archives. instruction includes standard methods of care and repair and discusses the challenges in preserving digital content. july 30-august 24, 2018 $109-$139 introduction to xml library juice academy learn about basic tools for working with xml documents as well as standards used in the library, digital humanities, and publishing communities. august 6-31, 2018 $175 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 section 1 section one: new and changed headings compiled by ann heinrichs the headings in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http://www. the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from the 2016 lcsh list numbers 11 and 12 (november 21 and december 19) and 2017 list number 1 ( january 16). three new demographic group terms are listed here as well, selected from the 2017 list number 1 ( january 16). they are recent additions to the new vocabulary the library of congress is developing, entitled library of congress demographic group terms (lcdgt). to support use of the lcdgt, the policy and standards division has published the draft demographic group terms manual, available in pdf form at the manual consists of 35 instruction sheets that provide guidelines and instructions for assigning demographic group terms, proposing new ones, and proposing revisions to existing terms. instruction sheet l 405 contains general guidelines for creating new demographic group term authority records (marc authority records for lc demographic group terms, ). guidelines for specifically religious demographic group terms, in both bibliographic and authority records, can be found in l 550 (religion category, ). full marc 21 authority records for the lcdgt vocabulary in marc utf-8 format are available at http://classificationweb. net/lcdgt/. this page also explains the structure of the file names and offers information about downloading the files. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: all headings are in alphabetical order. subject headings without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). lccns for new demographic group terms have the prefix dg. all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields that occur in the authority record (e.g., 053, 450, 550, 682), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 section 1 subject headings 150 african americans--relations with muslims [sp2016002021] 450 uf african american-muslim relations 450 uf muslim-african american relations 450 uf muslims--relations with african americans 150 bible stories, khmer [may subd geog] [sp2016002104] 450 uf khmer bible stories 150 bible stories, kusaal [may subd geog] [sp2016002127] 450 uf kusaal bible stories 150 bible stories, somali [may subd geog] [sp2016001986] 450 uf somali bible stories 150 bible stories, vietnamese [may subd geog] [sp2016001985] 450 uf vietnamese bible stories 150 bishops--dwellings--italy [sp2016002681] 150 ʾbri-guṅ-pa lamas change heading 150 ʼbri-gung-pa lamas [may subd geog] [sp 85016785 ] 450 uf ʼbri-guṅ-pa lamas [former heading] 450 uf ʼbri-gung-pa priests 550 bt bkaʼ-brgyud-pa lamas 150 ʾbri-guṅ-pa (sect) change heading 150 'bri-gung-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85016784 ] 053 bq7684-bq7684.9 450 uf ʾbri-guṅ-pa (sect) [former heading] 450 uf 'bri-khung-pa (sect) 450 uf drigungpa (sect) 550 bt bka'-brgyud-pa (sect) 550 bt buddhist sects 150 burial in literature [not subd geog] [sp2016000398] 150 censers [sp 85021826 ] 053 bv196.c delete field 450 uf thuribula add field 450 uf thuribles add field 450 uf turibula add field 150 data curation in libraries [may subd geog] [sp2016002479] 550 bt public services (libraries) 150 database management in libraries [may subd geog] [sp2016002478] 550 bt public services (libraries) 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 section 1 151 elijah's cave (israel) [sp2016002193] 451 uf el-khader cave (israel) 451 uf el-khatser cave (israel) 550 bt caves--israel 551 bt israel--antiquities 781 israel--elijah's cave 150 evil, non-resistance to, in literature [not subd geog] [sp2016002318] 110 house of the redeemer (new york, n.y.) [sp2016002570] 410 uf edith fabbri house (new york, n.y.) 410 uf ernesto and edith fabbri house (new york, n.y.) 410 uf fabbri house (new york, n.y.) 410 uf redeemer, house of the (new york, n.y.) 550 bt dwellings--new york (state) 550 bt spiritual retreat centers--new york (state) 150 islamic poetry, tamazight [may subd geog] [sp2016002326] 450 uf tamazight islamic poetry 550 bt tamazight poetry 150 itatí, nuestra señora de [not subd geog] [sp2016002090] 053 bt660.i82 450 uf itatí, our lady of 450 uf maría de itatí 450 uf nuestra señora de itatí 450 uf our lady of itati 450 uf tupasy itatí 450 uf virgin of itatí 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--argentina 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--argentina 150 journalism, religious [may subd geog] [sp 85070778 ] 550 rt religious newspapers and periodicals delete field 150 law--buddhist influences [not subd geog] [sp2016002515] 550 bt buddhist civilization 100 mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--argentina [sp2016002312] 150 muslim soldiers [may subd geog] [sp2016002119] 360 sa subdivision participation, muslim under individual wars, e.g. world war, 1939-1945--participation, muslim 550 bt soldiers 150 religion and the press [may subd geog] [sp 85112590 ] 550 bt press add field 150 religious newspapers and periodicals [may subd geog] [sp 85112699 ] 450 uf religious periodicals add field 550 rt journalism, religious delete field 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 section 1 150 social change--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2016002471] 150 spiritual life--rñiṅ-ma-pa (sect) change heading 150 spiritual life--rnying-ma-pa (sect) [sp 85126768 ] 053 bq7662.6 450 uf spiritual life--rñiṅ-ma-pa (sect) [former heading] 150 spiritual retreat centers--new york (state) [sp2016002572] 150 subject specialist librarians [may subd geog] [sp2016002472] 450 uf liaison librarians, subject 450 uf subject liaison librarians 450 uf subject librarians 550 bt librarians 150 wiccan sects [may subd geog] [sp2016002642] 450 uf wicca--sects 550 bt sects 150 world war, 1939-1945--participation, muslim [sp2016002173] 681 example under muslim soldiers 150 yasawiyah [may subd geog] [sp2016002366] 053 bp189.7.y37-bp189.7.y372 450 uf yasawiyya 450 uf yesevi^lik 450 uf yeseviye 550 bt sufism 150 yŏndŭnghoe (buddhist festival) [may subd geog] [sp2016001138] 053 bq5720.y66 450 uf lotus lantern festival (buddhist festival) 450 uf yeon deung hoe (buddhist festival) 450 uf yeondeunghoe (buddhist festival) 550 bt fasts and feasts--buddhism 550 bt festivals—korea 150 ʹzal-sṅa (sect) change heading 150 zhal-snga (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2004006713] 053 bq7687-bq7687.9 450 uf źal-sṅa (sect) [former heading] 550 bt bka'-brgyud-pa (sect) 550 bt buddhist sects 150 źwa-lu-pa (sect) change heading 150 zhwa-lu-pa (sect) [may subd geog] [sp 85150071 ] 053 bq7676-bq7676.9 450 uf źwa-lu-pa (sect) [former heading] 550 bt buddhist sects 550 bt sa-skya-pa (sect) 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 section 1 demographic group term 150 catalogers [dp2015060194] 450 uf catalog librarians add field 450 uf cataloging librarians add field 450 uf catalogue librarians add field 450 uf library catalogers add field 450 uf library cataloguers add field 550 bt librarians 150 clergy [dp2015060401] 450 uf clergy members add field 450 uf members of the clergy add field 150 missionaries [dp2016060300] 072 occ 450 uf missioners theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 3 • may 2017 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities caring for collections library juice academy this course helps participants evaluate and assess how to best manage the use of collections with preventive conservation in mind resulting in a preservation plan with short, medium, and long-term priorities. june 5-30, 2017 $175 diverse, inclusive, and equitable metadata alcts a series of webinars designed to promote cultural competencies and inclusivity in the metadata process. june 6-7, 2017 $43-$206 how to inspire and energize your people every day ama informed by quantitative research as well as responses from leaders, this webinar provides guidance on how to be present, personal, passionate, and purposeful in leadership resulting in motivated and inspired staff. june 14, 2017 free metadata design library juice academy focusing on the tools and technologies involved in metadata design, students will learn how to build a data model, standardize metadata elements, and document metadata instances from xml schema. july 3-28, 2017 $175 e-book management for academic libraries library juice academy provides guidance on all aspects of managing e-books including methods of acquisition, understanding and negotiating licenses, user discovery options, and workflow considerations. july 3-28, 2017 $175 8 design tips to transform ho-hum powerpoints into wow! training magazine network learn how to incorporate both high-tech and low-tech ideas into your powerpoint presentations utilizing design tips to make the tool more effective. july 26, 2017 free describing photographs for the online catalogue library juice academy using vra core categories or dublin core, students will learn to develop an image record focusing on data completeness and complexity, discuss the feasibility of using crowd-sourced descriptive information, and the varied approaches to describing visual content through written language. august 7-september 1, 2017 $175 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-3 section 3 testimony searching for dead people: using genealogy tools for name authority work my fascination with genealogy began when i was 15 years old. every week i would ride my bike to the library to scour the internet for names, dates, and biographical details that would make my family history come alive. when my dad bought me genealogy software that enabled me to enter my data, link it to source information, and run reports for data accuracy, i became a fanatic. if i had known at the time that the cataloging profession existed, i could have predicted my future career. last year i began my first forays into name authority work, focusing on our special collections. since most of the name authority records that i create or enhance are for people active in the 18th and 19th centuries, the skills i learned while doing genealogical research translate well for name authority work. chris evin long discusses this connection in detail in his article, “disambiguating the departed,”1 but here i will elaborate on two of the free tools that he mentions: familysearch and find a grave. familysearch ( familysearch is the most comprehensive database of free genealogical records available, though it requires you to sign up for a free account to search for records. it offers two main features of interest to naco catalogers: search and family tree. you can find records directly through the search tab either by searching the entire records database, a geographic subset, or a specific collection, such as iowa delayed birth records, 1850-1939. most of the in family search records come from the united states, with national, state, and local sources, but it also includes records from other countries. record types include national and state censuses, church records, military records, immigration and naturalization records, and vital records (e.g., birth, death, and marriage). you can view the full list of collections at some collections are indexed only, while others include images of the original records. though all collections are maintained by the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, original sources vary by collection. for example, the iowa state census collections come from the iowa state historical society, the united states world war ii draft registration cards come from the united states national archives, and the netherlands civil registration records come from the netherlands national archives. most of the content in familysearch is not indexed by google, so you need to search the site directly and not rely on google search results. the family tree feature is a universal collaborative family tree for everyone. it has one record for each person in the tree, so if somebody has already done research on the individual in your name authority record, you could find helpful information and save yourself some searching the search function. for example, i recently created an authority record for c. h. banning, who appeared on a title page as the vicar of strood, kent. i had no birth or death dates, nor a full name. a search in the family tree feature for c. h. banning, with a geographic limit of england, retrieved the page for charles henry banning, christened in liverpool, england, in 1833. i still wasn’t sure if this was my c. h. banning, so i ran a second search using the familysearch button, (figure 1) which automatically populates a search with the information from the person’s page. this retrieved results from the england and wales census of 1881, which recorded a charles henry banning, born approximately 1834 in liverpool, who was the vicar of strood in kent (figure 2). 1 chris evin long, “disambiguating the departed: using the genealogist’s tools to uniquely identify the long dead and little known,” library resources & technical services 60, no. 4 (october 2016): 236–47. figure 1: familysearch family tree profile for charles henry banning: https:// theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-4 section 3 i had found my man. from there i was able to formulate an authority record with dates and a full name (figure 3). one caveat about the profile pages: like a wikipedia article, a family tree profile page can be edited by anyone with an account, so the information listed in the profile isn’t always accurate. however, the profile can link to original sources from the familysearch database, so a check of those can help verify the information. figure 2: charles henry banning in the 1881 england and wales census: https://www.familysearch. org/search/ark:/61903/1:1:q27w-7lzp figure 3: name authority record for c. h. banning. still under review and therefore subject to change. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-5 section 3 figure 5: photograph of memorial stone from find a grave, taken by jackie marsh, filtered for visibility: photos/2016/152/24742924_1464800838.jpg find a grave ( find a grave is indexed in familysearch, but i prefer to search it separately to avoid sorting through massive amounts of search results, and you don’t need an account to access the database. in addition to pictures of tombstones, some memorial pages include photographs, obituaries or transcriptions of death records. like the family tree profiles in familysearch, find a grave profiles can be edited by anybody with an account, so they aren’t always accurate. you’ll want to ensure dates are verified by a gravestone photograph or other reliable source. find a grave does appear in google search results, though with mixed success, so it’s still best to search the site directly. a google search for james phillippo mursell, a baptist minister, does not retrieve the memorial page shown in figure 4. while find a grave is most useful for birth and death dates, it has other helpful information for a name authority record. i was recently trying to create a record for james phillippo mursell, and some references spelled his middle name as “philippo,” while others spelled it as “phillippo.” a quick search in find a grave retrieved his profile, which included a photograph of a memorial stone in his honor (figure 5). there the name was spelled “phillippo,” so i took that as authoritative. as a bonus, the photograph also confirmed a birth date of 1799, which was incorrectly recorded as 1800 in some sources. figure 4: find a grave memorial page for james phillippo mursell: james-phillippo-mursell theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 3 • may 2018 3-6 section 3 thanks to find a grave, i could now record accurate data in the name authority record (figure 6). the next time you’re working on a name authority record for someone in the past, try one of these tools. and if you enjoy creating name authority records, you might try researching your family tree. you’ll find the two skills form a natural partnership. submitted by christa strickler, assistant professor of library science buswell memorial library, wheaton college figure 6: name authority record for j. p. mursell. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 2 • february 2018 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) news the future of tcb some exciting changes are coming to the theology cataloging bulletin (tcb). in january 2019, the tcb will become available open access on the same platform on which theological librarianship resides. additionally, the publication schedule will change with the first issue of volume 27 coinciding with its release as an open access publication. the bulletin will continue to be published quarterly with issues published in january, april, july, and october. be mindful that the fourth and final issue of volume 26 will be in august of this year. these changes will mean that the publication pattern will shift to a more logical schedule and the content of tcb will be available to anyone. submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university theology cataloging bulletin editor saco watch for information about a webinar later this spring promoting the inauguration of the atla saco funnel. submitted by richard lammert, technical services & systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary atla funnels coordinator professional development opportunities metadata design library juice academy learn the tools of metadata design, design an xml schema, and apply these elements to existing metadata schemas. march 5-30, 2018 $175 library of congress bibframe pilot phase two alcts understand the initiative and advancements with bibframe. includes a review of ld4p initiatives, pcc's bibframe task group, and rda's influence on bibframe 2. march 7, 2018 free from marc to bibframe: linked data on the ground alcts six webinars from 2016 that describe the continuing bibframe initiatives taking place at the library of congress march 7-may 2, 2018 free fundamentals of collection development & assessment alcts learn tools and techniques to assess both print and electronic collections. march 12-april 20, 2018 $139-$169 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news professional development opportunities rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free the evolution of linked data webinar provided by oclc "join oclc's ted fons, corey harper of new york university, and phil schreur of stanford university as they trace the evolution of linked data technology over the years, and demonstrate practical applications of the latest linked data technologies being utilized in libraries today." monday, june 2, 2014, 1:00-2:00 pm est free library 2.0 conference conference " the fourth annual library 2.014 worldwide virtual online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and free to attend." proposals are currently being accepted for this is a unique opportunity to share your knowledge and research to a worldwide audience. october 2-8, 2014 free introduction to xml online course via library juice academy a basic introduction to xml, the basic tools, and xml standards that are used in libraries. additionally, xsl style sheets, xml query language, and dublin core, marcxml, and mods will be explored. august 4-29, 2014 $175 preparing to program online course via library juice academy this course "...will teach you to think like a programmer and introduce you to basic computing concepts." by the end of the course, you will be writing simple programs and will have the foundation necessary for more rigorous instruction in subsequent courses. august 4-29, 2014 $175 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 3-2 section 3 integrating researcher identifiers into oclc researchers university and library systems karen smith-yoshimura and micah altman address the challenges of incorporating authoritative research identifiers into databases and systems that use name authorities. slides and draft: youtube presentation: free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university selected articles from current library journals ashman, allen b., and delinda stephens buie. “the three cs: cataloger, curator, and collaboration.” kentucky libraries 78, no. 1 (winter 2014): 16-21. [about dealing with a rare books cataloging backlog.] bennett, rick, edward t. o’neill, and kerre kammerer. “assignfast: an autosuggest-based tool for fast subject assignment.” information technology and libraries 33, no. 1 (march 2014): 34-43. pdf available under a creative commons attribution 3.0 license boydston, jeanne m. k., and joan m. leysen. “arl cataloger librarian roles and responsibilities now and in the future.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 2 (2014): 229-250. chang, huei-chu. “a comparative study of descriptions and value added of bibliographic records through marc, dc and mods: from the viewpoints of the users.” journal of educational media & library sciences 51, no. 3 (april 2014): 1-22. accessed may 1, 2014. [in chinese; you may be prompted to download chinese font to read this article.] liu, xiaozhong, and jian qin. “an interactive metadata model for structural, descriptive, and referential representation of scholarly output.” journal of the association for information science and technology 65, no. 5 (may 2014): 964-983. martínez-ávila, daniel, rosa san segundo, and hope a. olson. “the use of bisac in libraries as new cases of reader-interest classifications.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 2 (2014): 137-155. maurer, margaret beecher, and roman s. panchyshyn. “understanding the why: a case study in managing the rda implementation.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 3 (2014): 259-284. terrill, lori j. “catalogers’ perceptions and use of social media and conventional information sources for professional development.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 2 (2014): 181-228. vukadin, ana. “bits and pieces of information: bibliographic modeling of transmedia.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 3 (2014): 285-302 submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities creating visual presentations american management assoc. learn why less is more is using visuals to boost your ability to communicate your message. topics covered include understanding the 3 types of presentations, strategies for reducing slide text, and graphic layout principles and the power of negative space. november 29, 2016 $199 mastering excel® pivottables®: american management assoc. how to crunch numbers like an expert analyze data quickly without dealing with complex formulas. this webinar will demonstrate shortcuts for automating difficult analyses, as well as how to create summary totals, modify pivottables to boost efficiency, and tips and tricks to create reports. december 1, 2016 $199 ontologies and linked data library juice academy focus on skos, owl, mads/mets/mods, and the open linked data movement. discuss strategies for creating taxonomies and ontologies using open source tools such as protégé. december 5-30, 2016 $175 awesome powerpoint tricks for effective presentations training magazine network revolutionize presentations and training material using visuals, diagrams, and animated sequences. attendees will receive how-to guides, powerpoint tricks, and a powerpoint toolkit. december 13, 2016 free metadata implementation library juice academy develop and test application profiles in xml using an open source mets/mods metadata creation tool. mets, vra core, mods, darwin core, and pbcore as well as administrative metadata will be covered. january 2-27, 2017 $175 e-book management for academic libraries library juice academy learn about the different methods of e-book acquisition, how to decide what method(s) to use for e-book discovery, workflow considerations unique to e-books, and how to assist users. january 2-27, 2017 $175 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 1 • november 2016 3-2 section 3 discovering discovery layers: an introduction ohionet discusses the purpose of discovery layers, how they work, and why they are useful for libraries and patrons. learn how this search tool differs from databases and catalogs and consider the pros and cons of using a discovery tool. january 24, 2017 $25-$45 doing more with less: how to motivate and reward american management assoc. your overworked staff during lean times make work fun again by exploring key ingredients for strengthening employee commitment, engagement, and career satisfaction. learn how to develop an "achievement mentality" in staff, implement recognition and appreciation campaigns, and reengage those who have fallen into "maintenance mode". january 26, 2017 $149 aspx submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals adamich, tom. "marcedit: an evolving tool." technicalities 36, no. 5 (september 2016): 15-17. bull, sarah and amanda quimby. "a renaissance in library metadata? the importance of community collaboration in a digital world." insights: the uksg journal 29, no. 2 ( july 2016): 146-153. carrasco, rafael c., aureo serrano, and reydi castillo-buergo. "a parser for authority control of author names in bibliographic records." information processing & management 52, no. 5 (september 2016): 753-764. "exposing content on the web." library technology reports 52, no. 5 ( july 2016): 8-11. fell, todd and francis lapka. “isbd and dcrm into rda: an opportunity for convergence?” cataloging & classification quarterly, 54, no. 5-6 ( july 2016): 282-291. fox, robert. "from strings to things." digital library perspectives 32, no. 1 ( january 2016): 2-6. intner, sheila s. "evaluating technical services." technicalities 36, no. 5 (september 2016): 1-9. mai, jens-erik. "marginalization and exclusion: unraveling systemic bias in classification." knowledge organization 43, no. 5 (september 2016): 324-[330]. matthews, joseph r. "an environmental scan of oclc alternatives: a management perspective." public library quarterly 35, no. 3 ( july 2016): 175-187. peponakis, manolis. "in the name of the name: rdf literals, er attributes, and the potential to rethink the structures and visualizations of catalogs." information technology & libraries 35, no. 2 ( june 2016): 19-38. roy, bijan kumar, subal chandra biswas, and parthasarathi mukhopadhyay. "global repository movement in the domain of library and information science discipline." international journal of information science & management 14, no. 2 ( july 2016): 15-32. thompson, kelly j. "more than a name: a content analysis of name authority records for authors who selfidentify as trans." library resources & technical services 60, no. 3 ( july 2016): 140-155. vaidya, praveenkumar and n. s. harinarayana. "the comparative and analytical study of librarything tags with library of congress subject headings." knowledge organization 43, no. 1 ( january 2016): 35-43. veve, marielle. "from digital commons to oclc: a tailored approach for harvesting and transforming etd theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-2 section 3 • marc october 9, 2018 • $0-$65 • • rda vs aacr2 for dvds october 16, 2018 • $0-$65 • • rda vs aacr2 for cds october 23, 2018 • $0-$65 • caring for collections: preservation of rare and unusual materials this course aims to help participants evaluate and assess compromises in the care and keeping of collections. • november 5-30, 2018 • $175 • metadata implementation develop and test application profiles in xml using an open source mets/mods metadata creation tool. mets, vra core, mods, darwin core, and pbcore will also be covered. • november 5-30. 2018 • $175 • the ifla lrm model: a brief introduction outlines the structure of lrm, examines key conceptual differences between lrm and frbr, and discusses some of the new entities, attributes, and relationships in lrm. • december 5, 2018 • $43-$129 • experimenting with controlled vocabulary: using the cataloging lab to shape lcsh introduces cataloging lab, a wiki for collaborating on lcsh revisions or additions. includes how to submit lcsh proposals. • submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals aalberg, trond, fabien duchateau, naimdjon takhirov, joffrey decourselle, and nicolas lumineau. "benchmarking and evaluating the interpretation of bibliographic records." international journal on digital libraries (01, 2018): 1-23. aslanidi, maria, ioannis papadakis, and michalis stefanidakis. "name and title authorities in the music domain: alignment of unimarc authorities format with rda." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 4 ( june 2018): 354-373. balster, kevin, robert rendall, and tina shrader. "linked serial data: mapping the conser standard record to bibframe." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (february 2018): 251-261. casalini, michele, et al. national strategy for shareable local name authorities national forum: white paper. washington, d.c.: institute of museum and library services, 2018. galbreath, blake lee, corey johnson, and erin hvizdak. "primo new user interface: usability testing and local customizations implemented in response." information technology & libraries 37, no. 2 ( june 2018): 10-35. doi: krewer, drew and mary wahl. "what's in a name? on 'meaningfulness' and best practices in filenaming within the lam community." code4lib journal no. 40 (may 4, 2018). leblanc, jim and martin kurth. "assessing staff alignment in technical services." library resources & technical services 62, no. 2 (04, 2018): 66-73. maron, deborah and melanie feinberg. "what does it mean to adopt a metadata standard? a case study of omeka and the dublin core." journal of documentation 74, no. 4 ( july 2018): 674-691. miller, a. "innovative management strategies for building and sustaining a digital initiatives department with limited resources." digital library perspectives 34, no. 2 (2018): 117-136. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-3 section 3 santos, yhna therese p. "resource description and access in the eyes of the filipino librarian: perceived advantages and disadvantages." journal of library metadata 18, no. 1 ( january 2018): 45-56. sibiya, philangani thembinkosi and mzwandile muzi shongwe. "a comparison of the cataloguing and classification curriculum and job requirements." library management 39, no. 6/7 ( july 2018): 474-487. tallerås, kim, jørn helge b. dahl, and nils pharo. "user conceptualizations of derivative relationships in the bibliographic universe." journal of documentation 74, no. 4 ( july 2018): 894-916. todd, christopher r. "librarian as data migrator: a functional pathway from millennium to koha." digital library perspectives 34, no. 1 (2018): 60-69. tosaka, yuji and jung-ran park. "continuing education in new standards and technologies for the organization of data and information." library resources & technical services 62, no. 1 (01, 2018): 4-15. vanullen, mary k., emily mock, and rogers emmalyn. "streaming video at the university at albany libraries." collection and curation 37, no. 1 (2018): 26-29. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary testimony ruminations of a former editor: the theology cataloging bulletin as a reflection of our profession for many years, editing and contributing to the theology cataloging bulletin (tcb) was a service to my chosen profession that i gladly provided. the preparation of each quarterly issue was a collaborative effort involving folks from across the country and sometimes internationally. this included librarians in various types of libraries and staff members at the american theological library association (atla), whose support continues to make this endeavor possible. many good people volunteered their time to produce the bulletin, some by compiling, editing, or contributing, and others by producing, distributing, or managing subscriptions. because of their work over the years, we who have consumed its contents were spared hours of time by having newly-minted subject headings and call numbers, professional reading resources, and news filtered from a variety of sources delivered to us. tcb continues to enable us to make use of the most recent data in our daily work, take advantage of current educational opportunities, keep up-to-date on changes to our many rules and regulations, and share with and learn from the research and writings of our colleagues in the field. tcb is a tool of our profession. more than that, it is a reflection of the people who create and use its content. my approach to this testimonial is twofold: to provide some history about tcb’s origin, purpose, and development, and to reflect on what tcb tells us about who we are, what we do, and why we do it. tcb provides evidence that we are dedicated professionals who specialize in religious and theological literature and engage whole-heartedly in the virtuous acts of communicating, organizing, learning, teaching, helping, collaborating, and sharing — all for the purpose of facilitating our efforts at connecting people to information. we dream big, believing that our efforts as partners in the teaching and learning tasks of our institutions will give the people we serve the skills they need to fulfill their calling and thereby to make a positive impact in the world. current lc subject headings in the field of religion (clcshitfor) at the 1980 annual conference in denver, a committee called the bibliographic systems committee was established. one of the concerns at the time was the significant delay in accessing subject heading changes distributed by the library of congress (lc). the committee members found an ally in lc’s subject cataloging division by the name of warren s. kissinger, who was also an ordained minister in the church of the brethren. in june 1982, mr. kissinger graciously agreed to collect subject headings in the field of religion from the weekly lists that floated around internally among the lc subject catalogers and share them with the committee. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) professional development opportunities caring for collections library juice academy this course will cover help students learn how to evaluate and assess risks for collections, create preservation environments, develop handling procedures, and prepare for disaster response and recovery. september 5-30, 2016 $175 transforming and querying xml with xslt and xquery library juice academy an introduction to xml tool for manipulating xml documents and data. students will learn how to write basic xsl and xqueries as well as the difference between xsl and xquery. students should have a basic knowledge of xml and xpath. september 5-30, 2016 $175 publishers' hidden content: how pie-j can help alcts webinar learn about the niso standard that guides the presentation and identification of e-journals as well as how to report holdings problems and titles changes to publishers and providers. september 14, 2016 $43-$129 fundamentals of acquisitions alcts web course this six-week course focuses on the processes of acquisitions such as ordering, receiving, and invoicing as well as negotiation and licensing. september 19-october 28, 2016 $139-$169 november 7-december 16, 2016 creating visual presentations american management association learn to create simple and engaging visuals that enhance your presentation. topics such as chunking, negative space, reducing text, and the 2-in-1 deck will be covered. visual design principles will also be covered. september 20, 2016 $149 using fast for faster workflows and discovery alcts webinar understand how fast vocabulary can be used to streamline metadata work and improve user experience. september 28, 2016 $43-$129 library of congress bibframe developments alcts webinar presenters from the library of congress will discuss bibframe pilot phase 1 and 2, lc bibframe work with special formats, review ldap initiatives, and rda's influence on bibframe 2. this webinar is part of the from marc to bibframe series. october 12, 2016 free theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 4 • august 2016 3-2 section 3 creating friction-free relationships: tools for working with anyone american management association this webinar will teach techniques and strategies for taking the emotion out of interactions, building trust, managing meetings, addressing difficult topics, and influencing people. these tools can be employed in any business relationship whether it's your boss, colleagues, or direct reports. november 1, 2016 $149 metadata design library juice academy learn about the tools and technologies that support metadata design. topics covered include the data model, the registry, standardizing values through ontology and vocabulary development, metadata expression, and applying the tools to existing metadata schemas. november 7-december 2, 2016 $175 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals frederick, donna e. "metadata specialists in transition: from marc cataloging to linked data and bibframe (data deluge column)." library hi tech news 33, no. 4 (may 2016): 1-5. gibson, sally. "creating solutions instead of solving problems: emerging roles for technical services departments." technical services quarterly 33, no. 2 (april 2016): 145-153. kelley, steve. "possible major changes afoot in the world of rda." technicalities 36, no. 3 (may 2016): 14-17. kelly, julie and linda eells. "institutional repositories: home for small scholarly journals?" d-lib magazine 22, no. 5/6 (may 2016): 1, doi: 10.1045/may2016-kelly. lapka, francis and audrey pearson. “rda & descriptive cataloging of rare materials: developing policy statements for special collections resources.” cilip update ( june 2016): 2-9. documents/catalogue_and_index_issue_183_june_2016.pdf maurer, margaret beecher and shadi shakeri. "disciplinary differences: lcsh and keyword assignment for etds from different disciplines." cataloging & classification quarterly 54, no. 4 ( june 2016): 213-243. mckinnon, dawn. "notes on operations: using perceptions and preferences from public services staff to improve error reporting and workflows." library resources & technical services 60, no. 2 (04, 2016): 115-129. riemer, john j. "the gravitational pull away from pre-coordinated subject headings." technicalities 36, no. 3 (may 2016): 1-8. stegaeva, m. v. "cooperative cataloging: history and the current state." scientific and technical information processing 43, no. 1 ( january 2016): 28-35. turner, ariel k. "establishing batch processes for e-books." technical services quarterly 33, no. 2 (april 2016): 121-130. submitted by anna appleman, cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by joanna hause the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 11(2013: november 18) to 12(2013: december 16). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: joanna hause southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.i268-.i2684 ibn al-labbād, ‛abd al-latīf ibn yūsef, 1162 or 1163-1231 class bm judaism practical judaism other special topics, a-z bm729.f66 food class bx christian denominations catholic church biography and portraits individual saints, a-z bx4700.t38 tekakwitha, kateri, saint, 1656-1680 class e america indians of north america biography individual, a-z e90.t2 tegakouita, catharine cancel (e90.t2) tegakouita, catharine. kateri tekakwith see bx4700.t38 class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.i2235 ibn ‛abd al-hakam, ‛abd allāh, -829 class n painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles new testaments evangelaries, a-z nd3359.b47 bernward gospels theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 lcc list numbers 10, 11, and 12 (october 19, november 16, december 21) and 2016 list number 1 ( january 18). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.f75 friendship class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z [bl65.e982] euthanasia see r726 history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources purāṇas individual purāṇas. by title, a-z bl1140.4.a97-.a979 auśanasapurāṇa table bl3 tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās pāñcarātra individual saṃhitās. by title, a-z bl1141.8.v55-.v559 viṣṇutilakasaṃhitā table bl3 by region or country india individual religions sikhism. sikh religion special topics, a-z bl2018.5.f74 free will and determinism class bm judaism history by period 1500specific movements, sects, etc. hasidism. hasidim. םידיסח by sect other sects, a-z bm198.56.s45 skvira. אריווקס class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼan. koran works about the qurʼan theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 2-3 section 2 special topics, a-z bp134.d36 debates and debating topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.a85 asylum, right of bp190.5.d54 digital media bp190.5.n52 nicknames [bp190.5.r62] right of asylum see bp190.5.a85 bp190.5.t53 thumb bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.g63 god class br christianity christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z br115.k67 korean reunification question (1945) collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.s5-.s56 severus, sulpicius table br1 br65.t76-.t766 theodotus, bishop of ancyra, -approximately 445 table br1 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.k175 kalinga table bs5 including lower tanudan kalinga and lubuagan kalinga bs335.l66 lower tanudan kalinga table bs5 cancel (bs335.l66) lower tanudan kalinga see bs335.k175 [bs335.l832] lubuagan kalinga see bs335.k175 works about the bible topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs680.f42 fear of god old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.f72 free will and determinism bs1199.s52 shepherds bs1199.w84 writing theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 2-4 section 2 class bv practical theology missions missions in individual countries oceania pacific islands. south sea islands by individual island, a-z bv3680.p5-.p52 pitcairn table bv5 cancel bv3680.p5-.p52 pitcairn islands table bv5 practical religion. the christian life works of consolation and cheer works for special classes of persons the sick and crippled bv4910.32 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients class kbm jewish law. halakhah. הכלה mishpat ivri constitutional law. constitutional principles of the jewish community relationship of the individual to the jewish community and state membership in the jewish community particular groups, a-z kbm2450.m37 marranos class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. ةيفنحلا ،يفنحلا ،تاقبط individual authors, a-z kbp300.q24 qadrī āfandī, ʻabd al-qādir ibn yūsuf. دبع ،يدنفآ يردق table k4 فسوي نب رداقلا kbp300.q27 qāriʼ al-hidāyah, ʻalī, d. 1426. ةيادهلا ئراق table k4 cancel (kbp300.q27) qāriʼ al-hidāyah, ʻalī, d. 1426. ةيادهلا ئراق see kbp300.q276 kbp300.q275 qārī al-harawī, ʻalī ibn sulṭān muḥammad, -1605 or 1606. table k4 دمحم ناطلس نب يلع ،يورهلا يراق kbp300.q276 qāriʼ al-hidāyah, ʻalī, d. 1426. ةيادهلا ئراق table k4 kbp300.q29 qaysarānī, al-asʻad ibn abī bakr, 1647 or 1648-1704 or table k4 ركب يبأ نب دعسألا ،ينارسيق .1705 mālikī. mālikīyah. ةيكلاملا ،يكلاملا theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 2-5 section 2 individual authors, a-z kbp320.i44 ʻillaysh, muḥammad ibn aḥmad, 1802-1882. نب دمحم ،شيلع table k4 دمحأ shīʻī schools. shīʻah. ةعيش jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis. نويرشع ءانثالا .نويرفعجلا individual authors, a-z kbp370.k4874 khūʼī, abū al-qāsim ibn ʻalī akbar, 1899مساقلا وبا ،يئوخ table k4 ربكا يلع نب class kbu law of the roman catholic church. the holy see local church government by region or country pacific area other pacific area jurisdictions kbu4807 pitcairn island table kb4 cancel kbu4807 pitcairn islands table kb4 kbu4818 wallis and futuna islands table kb4 cancel class m music vocal music sacred vocal music hymnals. hymn collections christian published in europe. by language m2142.5 polyglot class ml history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination christian catholic roman catholic by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml3051.c833-.c8339 croatia table m8 class na architecture special classes of buildings classed by use public buildings religious buildings. religious architecture christian architecture ecclesiastical furniture, etc. other special, a-z na5095.c66 confessionals theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 2• february 2016 2-6 section 2 class pn literary history romance literatures literary history and criticism special topics, a-z pn810.h65 holocaust, jewish (1939-1945) prose prose. prose fiction philosophy, theory, etc. relation to and treatment of special subjects other special, a-z [pn3352.f33] face of god see pn3352.g64 pn3352.g64 god cancel pn3352.g64 god including face of god class pr elizabethan era (1550-1640) other special topics, a-z pr428.c637 confession class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books cataloging by form z695.84 video games subject bibliography academies. societies. universities. museums by region or country z5055.k89-.k894 kuwait table z16 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-4 section 3 in addition, i have added preferred form of name, with the explanation: "note: this is the form of name you would like to be known by on title pages of works you have published or might publish in the future. for example: c.s. lewis rather than clive staples lewis)." finally, it is helpful if at least one member of the library staff has access to the student information system so he/she can look up information on students to include in authority records and bibliographical records, within the appropriate restrictions described in this article. this may be an acceptable alternative to a printed form. submitted by denise pakala, associate librarian for technical services covenant theological seminary selected articles from current library journals bidney, marcy, and kevin clair. “harnessing the geospatial semantic web: toward place-based information organization and access.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 69-76. bundza, maira. “the choice is yours! researchers assign subject metadata to their own materials in institutional repositories.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 110-118. downey, kay. “technical services workflow for book jobber-mediated demand driven ebook acquisitions.” technical services quarterly 31, no. 1 (2014): 1-12. johnson, thomas, and karen estlund. “recipes for enhancing digital collections with linked data.” code4lib journal 23 (2014-01-17). accessed january 27, 2014. jones, ed. “description of serials, rda, and the marc 21 bibliographic format.” serials librarian 65, no. 3/4 (2013): 295-308. junger, ulrike. “can indexing be automated? the example of the deutsche nationalbibliothek.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 102-109. klenczon, wanda, and paweł rygiel. “librarian cornered by images, or how to index visual resources.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 42-61. laskowski, mary s., and jennifer a. maddox abbott. “the evolution of technical services: learning from the past and embracing the future.” technical services quarterly 31, no. 1 (2014): 13-30. mitchell, erik. “trending tech services: rethinking the tech in tech services: programming as a curriculum integrated element of knowledge organization disciplines and the impact on student learning, literacy, and professional preparedness.” technical services quarterly 31, no. 1 (2014): 44-58. mitchell, joan s., marcia lei zeng, and maja žumer. “modeling classification systems in multicultural and multilingual contexts.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 90-101. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-5 section 3 o’neill, edward t., rick bennett, and kerre kammerer. “using authorities to improve subject searches.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 6-19. peponakis, manolis. “libraries’ metadata as data in the era of the semantic web: modeling a repository of master theses and phd dissertations for the web of data.” journal of library metadata 13, no. 4 (2013): 330-348. spidal, debra, and linnea d. marshall. “monographic series: the continuing debate.” serials librarian 65, no. 3/4 (2013): 350-373. tosaka, yuji, and jung-ran park. “rda: training and continuing education needs in academic libraries.” journal of education for library and information science 51, no. 1 (winter 2014): 3-25. zavalina, oksana l. “complementarity in subject metadata in large-scale digital libraries: a comparative analysis.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 77-89. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 lcc list numbers 4 (april 20), 5 (may 18), and 6 ( june 16). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics special topics other special topics in ethics, a-z bj1500.t73 transgression class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) occident greece by period second period individual philosophers socrates special topics, a-z b318.s7 soul class bj ethics religious ethics christian ethics special, a-z bj1278.e56 emotions class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.m56 mind and body history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology roman special topics, a-z priests [bl815.p7] cf. bl815.w66 women priests bl815.w66 women priests asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās pāñcarātra individual saṃhitās. by title, a-z bl1141.8.b43-.b439 bhārgavatantra table bl3 by region or country india theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 2-3 section 2 special topics, a-z bl2015.s53 shamanism class bm judaism history by period 1500specific movements, sects, etc. hasidism. hasidim. םידיסח by sect other sects, a-z bm198.56.t67 tosh sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.d76 droughts relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.b74 breastfeeding class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼan. koran works about the qurʼan special topics, a-z bp134.f27 fantastic, the bp134.s49 sex role sacred books hadith literature. traditions. sunna. ةنس .ثيدح special topics, a-z bp135.8.m37 marriage topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.e44 elections bp190.5.t52 thought and thinking islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.d66 dong fang shan dian (organization) class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 2-4 section 2 special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.a52 anger bq4570.f53 firearms class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.e68-.e686 eugippius table br1 history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther's theology special topics, a-z br333.5.s55 sin class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.u93 uzbek table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.s42 sangil table bs5 bs335.t19 tagakaolo table bs5 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.r54 righteousness new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.v65-.v652 voice table bs2 class bx christian denominations theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 2-5 section 2 catholic church theology. doctrine. dogmatics bx1747.5 collections of doctrinal decisions, opinions, sources, etc. e.g. bx1747.5.e63 enchiridion symbolorum (denzinger). by date general works early through 1800 the great medieval theologians to the council of trent or circa 1550 individual theologians, a-z bx1749.d4 denzinger, heinrich, 1819-1883 [bx1749.d4] for enchiridion symbolorum see bx1747.5.e63 monasticism. religious orders individual orders of men bx3097 canons regular of st. anthony of vienne table bx18 individual orders of women bx4537.45 suore di san giuseppe benedetto cottolengo table bx18 other protestant denominations baptists individual branches, conventions, associations, etc. bx6359.784-.7848 ebenezer baptist association (va.) table bx25 mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.e46 emotions bx9253 protestantse kerk in indonesië table bx3 formerly protestantsche kerk in nederlandsch-indië class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school shīʻī schools. shīʻah. ةعيش zaydī. zaydīyah. ةيديز .يديز individual authors, a-z kbp380.m84 muʼayyidī, majd al-dīn ibn muḥammad ibn manṣūr. table k4 روصنم نب دمحم نب نيدلا دجم ،يديؤملا furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law. هقفلا عورف muʻāmalāt. تالماعم obligations. dhimmah. contracts and transactions. ةمذ individual contracts and transactions contract for work and labor particular contracts or tasks, a-z kbp893.3.a47 agricultural contracts theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 4 • august 2015 2-6 section 2 class kbr history of canon law sources collections. compilations. selections canonical collections of councils and synods councils (concilia) and synods from the 4th century to 1054 (great schism) ecumenical or general councils kbr232 lateran council, 649 table kb9 class ml religious aspects of music individual religions and denominations christianity by denomination, a-z ml3921.4.p46 pentecostal churches class pj oriental philology and literature hebrew literature literary history and criticism history special aspects and topics treatment of special subjects, a-z pj5012.k53 kibbutzim class pn drama motion pictures other special topics, a-z pn1995.9.m334 mary, blessed virgin, saint class pq french literature literary history and criticism history of french literature special subjects, classes, etc., not limited to one period or form a n pq145.1.h39 hell special persons or characters, a-z pq145.9.m37 mary, blessed virgin, saint 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings and genre/form terms compiled by ann heinrichs the subject headings and genre/form terms in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress subject headings (lcsh) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: the new subject headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. headings in this issue’s list were selected from 2015 lcsh list numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10 ( july 17, august 17, september 21, october 19). new genre/form terms were selected from list numbers 10, 16, and 18 (october 19, september 14, and september 8, respectively). note that this listing includes lc-psd’s recently developed list of genre/form terms for religious works, approved on september 8, 2015. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: subject headings are in alphabetical order. those without the instruction [may subd geog] are not to be further divided by place. the number in square brackets is the library of congress control number (lccn) for that heading’s authority record (not the arn/authority record number). all lines begin with their marc tag. most headings are followed by other marc fields in the authority record (e.g., 450, 550), along with explanatory abbreviations: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also relevant changes to free-floating subdivisions and genre/form terms, if any, are at the end of the list. submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 section 1 subject headings 150 catalogers [may subd geog] [sp 85020815 ] 450 uf cataloging librarians add field 150 credit (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2015001231] 550 bt islamic law 150 deluge (islam) [sp2015001582] 450 uf flood (islam) 150 feminist haggadot [sp2015000307] 550 bt haggadot 150 fiction--muslim authors [may subd geog] [sp2015000923] 550 bt muslim authors 150 haggadot, kibbutz change heading 150 kibbutz haggadot [sp 85058257 ] 450 uf haggadot, kibbutz [former heading] 550 bt haggadot 150 haggadot, secular change heading 150 secular haggadot [sp 85058258 ] 450 uf haggadot, secular [former heading] 550 bt haggadot 150 honor killings--religious aspects [sp2014000047] 150 honor killings--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2014000048] 150 krishna (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85073290 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2015096049 150 lutheran high schools [may subd geog] [sp2015001844] 550 bt high schools 550 bt lutheran church—education 150 religious pluralism in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2015000685] 550 bt motion pictures 150 saint nicholas’ day [may subd geog] [sp 85116604 ] 550 rt santa claus delete field 150 santa claus cancel heading [sp 85117361 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2015039717 150 solar eclipses--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2015001575] 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 section 1 150 undoer of knots, our lady [not subd geog] [sp2015001071] 053 bt660.u64 450 uf desatadora de nudos, maría 450 uf desatadora dos nós, maria 450 uf desatanudos, maría 450 uf desatanudos, nuestra señora 450 uf knotenlöserin, maria 450 uf maría, la que desata los nudos 450 uf maría desatadora de nudos 450 uf maria desatadora dos nós 450 uf maría desatanudos 450 uf maria knotenlöserin 450 uf mary, undoer of knots 450 uf mary, untier of knots 450 uf mary who unties knots 450 uf nossa senhora desatadora dos nós 450 uf nuestra señora desatadanudos 450 uf our lady, undoer of knots 450 uf our lady, untier of knots 450 uf untier of knots, our lady 550 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to genre/form terms 155 apocryphal works [gp2015026025] 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that are excluded from the sacred canon of a religion, denomination, sect, etc., e.g., the apocryphal gospels; the tripiṭaka apocryphal works. 681 example under religious materials 155 apologetic writings [gp2015026027] 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that explain a religion, denomination, sect, etc., and defend it from external criticism. 155 benediction of the blessed sacrament (music) [gp2015026068] 555 bt event music 555 bt sacred music 155 breviaries [gp2015026078] 455 uf divine office (breviaries) 455 uf hours, liturgy of the 455 uf liturgy of the hours 555 bt liturgical books 155 call documents [gp2015026028] 555 bt records (documents) 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for official documents that outline the circumstances, mutual obligations, and terms of a minister’s call to service. 155 catechisms [gp2015026029] 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 section 1 555 bt instructional and educational works 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that provide comprehensive instruction on doctrines and are often structured in question-and-answer form. 155 chirographa (personal correspondence) [gp2015026030] 455 uf chirographi (personal correspondence) 455 uf chirographs (personal correspondence) 455 uf letters, papal 455 uf papal letters 555 bt personal correspondence 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for the personal letters written by the roman catholic pope. 155 christmas sermons [gp2015026084] 555 bt sermons 155 church covenants [gp2015026055] 455 uf covenants, church 555 bt contracts 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for solemn agreements among members of a church to maintain its faith and discipline. 155 church orders [gp2015026054] 555 bt administrative regulations 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for regulations and directions on church governance that are decreed according to ecclesiastical or scriptural authority. 155 creeds [gp2015026031] 455 uf confessions of faith 455 uf faith, confessions of 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for concise authorized statements of religious doctrine within religions or denominations. 155 devotional literature [gp2015026057] 455 uf devotional exercises 455 uf devotions 455 uf forty hours’ devotions 455 uf marian devotions 455 uf spiritual exercises 555 bt instructional and educational works 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for religious materials that are intended to be used as aids for private study, prayer, and reflection. 155 funeral sermons [gp2015026085] 555 bt sermons 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 section 1 155 hagiographies [gp2015026032] 455 uf hagiologies 555 bt biographies 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for biographies of saints, religious figures, and deities that focus on their lives as exemplars of the faith. calendars or lists of martyrs that may contain some biographical information are entered under martyrologies. 681 note under martyrologies 155 harmonies (reference works) [gp2015026034] 555 bt reference works 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that list parallel texts or passages for the purpose of showing agreement among them. 155 ijāzah [gp2015026035] 555 bt records (documents) 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for the license of a muslim scholar to teach one or more works, which may include a detailed record of the scholar’s intellectual lineage. 155 koans [gp2015026036] 555 bt religious materials 555 rt meditations 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for paradoxes used in zen buddhism as instruments of meditation to encourage sudden intuitive enlightenment rather than dependence upon reason. 155 lectionaries [gp2015026038] 455 uf evangelaries 455 uf evangelistaries 555 bt pericopes 555 rt sacred works 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of passages from sacred works that are arranged according to the liturgical calendar and are intended to be read during public worship. 155 litanies [gp2015026087] 555 bt liturgical books 555 bt prayers 155 liturgical books [gp2015026039] 455 uf agenda (liturgical books) 455 uf altar books 455 uf benedictionals 455 uf collects (prayers) 455 uf communion liturgies 455 uf eucharist, liturgy of the 455 uf liturgies and rituals 455 uf liturgy of the eucharist 455 uf liturgy of the lord’s supper 455 uf lord’s supper, liturgy of the 455 uf menologion 455 uf offertories 455 uf ordinals (liturgical books) 1-6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 section 1 455 uf responses (liturgies) 455 uf rituals and liturgies 455 uf sacramentaries 455 uf service books (liturgical books) 555 bt handbooks and manuals 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for prescribed forms of religious worship and ritual. 155 mandalas [gp2015026040] 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for geometric figures that represent the cosmos in buddhism and hinduism. 155 martyrologies [gp2015026033] 555 bt registers (lists) 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for calendars or lists of martyrs that may contain some biographical information. biographies of saints, religious figures, and deities that focus on their lives as exemplars of the faith are entered under hagiographies. 681 note under hagiographies 155 mashyakhah [gp2015026041] 455 uf thabt 555 bt registers (lists) 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for listings of the names of the immediate teachers of muslim scholars. 155 masses [gp2014026926] 555 rt organ masses add field 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical settings of the mass in its entirety or for the mass ordinary. chants of the mass propers are entered under propers (music). delete field 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for musical settings of the mass in its entirety or for the mass ordinary. chants of the mass propers are entered under propers (music). collections of versets for the organ that replace parts of the ordinary and proper of the mass and are played in alternations with the other portions are entered under organ masses. add field 681 note under propers (music) delete field 681 note under propers (music); organ masses add field 155 marsiyas [gp2014026426] 455 uf marsiyahs 455 uf marsiyehs 555 bt elegies 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for urdu elegies that generally honor the martyring of the prophet muḥammad’s grandson ḥusayn and his kinsmen in the 7th century battle of karbala. 155 meditations [gp2015026056] 555 bt devotional literature 555 rt koans 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for thoughts on spiritual truths intended for use in meditation. 1-7 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 section 1 155 missionary plays [gp2014026436] 455 uf missionary drama 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays that promote the goals of religious missions. 155 monastic constitutions [gp2015026042] 455 uf customaries, monastic 455 uf monastic customaries 555 bt constitutions 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for documents that order the activities and behavior of the members of religious communities. 155 monastic rules [gp2015026058] 455 uf rules, monastic 555 bt administrative regulations 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for the codes of discipline and conduct prescribed by the founders of religious orders. 155 morality plays [gp2014026442] 455 uf morality drama 555 bt allegories 555 bt didactic drama 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for late medieval allegorical plays that teach moral lessons by depicting the battle between good and evil in the human soul. 155 mystery and miracle plays [gp2014026446] 455 uf bible-histories (drama) 455 uf miracle plays 455 uf mysteries (religious drama) 455 uf mystery and miracle drama 455 uf pageants (mystery and miracle plays) 455 uf rappresentazioni sacre 455 uf sacre rappresentazioni 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for medieval religious plays that present biblical stories or stories of miracles performed by saints. 155 myths [gp2015026043] 455 uf mythologies 555 bt folk literature 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for traditional stories that ostensibly explain natural phenomena, beliefs, or practices, and are frequently associated with religious rites and beliefs. 155 organ masses [gp2015026077] 455 uf instrumental masses 555 bt art music 555 bt sacred music 555 rt masses 1-8 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 section 1 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of versets for the organ that replace parts of the ordinary and proper of the mass and are played in alternation with the sung portions. musical settings of the mass in its entirety or for the mass ordinary are entered under masses. 681 note under masses 155 papal blessings [gp2015026082] 455 uf blessings, papal 555 bt papal documents 155 papal documents [gp2015026044] 455 uf briefs, papal 455 uf bulls, papal 455 uf bullariums 455 uf decretals 455 uf motu proprio 455 uf papal rescripts 455 uf rescripts, papal 555 bt records (documents) 555 bt religious materials 155 papal encyclicals [gp2015026081] 455 uf encyclicals, papal 455 uf letters, papal 455 uf papal letters 555 bt papal documents 555 bt pastoral letters and charges 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for formal pastoral letters written by the roman catholic pope for the entire church. 155 parashiyot ha-shavua [gp2015026046] 455 uf torah portions, weekly 455 uf weekly torah portions 555 bt excerpts 555 bt religious materials 555 rt sacred works 155 passion plays [gp2014026472] 555 bt bible plays 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays that present the trial, suffering, death, and resurrection of jesus christ. 155 pastoral letters and charges [gp2015026047] 455 uf pastoral charges and letters 555 bt business correspondence 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for official letters by a bishop, pastor, moderator, or chairperson to the members of his or her diocese or congregation within some christian traditions. 155 pericopes [gp2015026037] 1-9 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 section 1 555 bt excerpts 555 rt sacred works 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for passages from sacred works. 155 pilgrimage guides [gp2015026048] 555 bt guidebooks 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that describe the location, objects of veneration, and devotional practices related to one or more religious sites. 155 prayers [gp2015026049] 455 uf altar prayers 455 uf bedtime prayers 455 uf collects (prayers) 455 uf dead, prayers for the 455 uf grace before meals 455 uf novenas 455 uf pastoral prayers 455 uf peace, prayers for 455 uf prayer books 455 uf prayers for peace 455 uf prayers for the dead 555 bt religious materials 155 prophecies [gp2015026059] 455 uf omens 555 bt informational works 155 psalms [gp2015026079] 555 bt religious poetry 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for sacred songs originally contained in the book of psalms. collections of psalms arranged for devotional or liturgical use are entered under psalters. 681 note under psalters 155 psalters [gp2015026080] 555 bt devotional literature 555 bt liturgical books 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of psalms arranged for devotional or liturgical use. sacred songs originally contained in the book of psalms are entered under psalms. 681 note under psalms 155 purim plays [gp2014026494] 455 uf purim drama 455 uf purim spiels 455 uf purimspielen 455 uf purimspiels 455 uf purimshpiln 555 bt bible plays 555 bt folk drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for plays that depict old testament characters and are associated with the jewish holiday of purim. 1-10 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1• november 2015 section 1 155 qur’an stories [gp2014026498] 455 uf koran stories 455 uf koranic stories 455 uf qur’anic stories 455 uf stories, koran 455 uf stories, koranic 455 uf stories, qur’an 455 uf stories, qur’anic 555 bt literature 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for paraphrases of qur’anic texts in story form. 155 religious comics [gp2014026500] 555 bt comics (graphic works) 155 religious fiction [gp2014026502] 555 bt fiction 155 religious inventories [gp2015026050] 455 uf inventories, religious 555 bt catalogs 555 bt religious materials 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that list and describe the permanent collections of books and/or objects belonging to a religious site or printing house. 155 religious materials [gp2015026026] 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for collections of religious materials that are composed of multiple genres and/or forms to which more specific headings such as apocryphal works cannot be applied. 155 rosaries (prayer books) [gp2015026083] 555 bt devotional literature 555 bt prayers 155 sacred music [gp2014027062] 555 bt religious materials add field 155 sacred works [gp2015026045] 455 uf sacred books 455 uf sacred scriptures 455 uf scriptures 555 bt religious materials 555 bt parashiyot ha-shavua 555 bt pericopes 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for works that are considered sacred by a religion or denomination. 155 sermons [gp2015026051] 455 uf homilies 455 uf postils 555 bt discursive works 555 bt religious materials 1-11 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 24, no 1 • november 2015 section 1 155 service books (music) [gp2014027085] 555 bt religious materials add field 155 spirit writings [gp2015026052] 555 bt discursive works 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for automatic writing said to have been produced under the influence of spirits. 155 taʻziyah [gp2014026567] 455 uf passion plays, shiite 455 uf shiite passion plays 455 uf taʻzia 455 uf taʻziya 455 uf taʻzieh 455 uf taziyeh 555 bt religious drama 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for shiite passion plays that reenact the martyrdom of the prophet muḥammad’s grandson ḥusayn. 155 thanksgiving day sermons [gp2015026086] 555 bt sermons 155 tracts (ephemera) [gp2015026053] 455 uf leaflets (tracts) 455 uf pamphlets (tracts) 555 bt ephemera 555 bt instructional and educational works 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for pamphlets, leaflets, etc., that contain religious exhortations, doctrinal discussions, or proselytizing appeals, and that are often issued by religious or political groups. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-4 section 3 testimony my journey into the unknown: from endpapers to ebru, the turkish art of paper marbling introduction since childhood, i have been fascinated by the decorative endpapers in old books. as i lazed away my summer days in my grandparents’ library, exploring the books’ physicality as well as their content, i marveled at the colorful endpaper patterns: some were graceful swirls, some like bunches of feathers or rows of seashells, others like the stony creek bed i waded through in the woods. not until a few years ago, when i attended an exhibit of marbled paper at the newberry library, did i realize that the creation of these endpapers was a complex craft, requiring an array of special equipment and materials. an astonishing revelation came when i attended an open house at the american islamic college, near my chicago neighborhood. at one station a turkish artist was demonstrating ebru (pronounced eh-broo), the traditional turkish art of paper marbling. she explained that european paper marbling had originated in turkey, and she showed us how it was done. what i observed was enchanting — such a beautiful use of materials. i had to do it myself. two long years later, when the college offered an ebru course, i and an artist friend signed up at once. then began my immersion into the secrets of this amazing art. how is ebru done? i was delighted that our instructor was sevim surucu, the same lady whose demonstration had captivated me two years earlier. in the first class we learned that ebru is indeed a type of painting, but the “canvas” we would work upon was not the paper. instead, we did all our work in a shallow rectangular tray of water to which carrageenan, a seaweed extract, was added for thickening. this would enable the paints to float. we donned our aprons and, using a horsehair brush, we sprinkled drops of mineral-based pigments onto the water’s surface. a crucial element is that a few drops of ox gall (bile) are added to each jar of paint. this makes the circles of paint spread out when they are sprinkled onto the water. the ox gall also keeps the colors separate, not blending with each other. no matter how many colors you drop, no matter how close to one another they are — even if they are dropped right on top of each other — they will not mix. red plus yellow will never become orange; blue plus red will never become purple. this separation between the paints is what creates the marble effect, with veins meandering through the image as they do in marble stone. once we deposited colors onto the water, we manipulated the paints with combs or rakes, or we pushed and pulled and swirled the paints around with long pins, which come in a variety of thicknesses. in one class, after depositing the paints, we blew on them to move the colors around. learning how the substances behave is the hardest part of learning ebru. a good-faith attempt at creating something beautiful can bring a person to tears (believe me!). after the colorful, floating picture was finished, we carefully laid a sheet of paper on the tray, patting it here and there to prevent bubbles, then slid it off along the edge of the tray. voilà! the entire image is perfectly transferred to the paper. (here is a video of one of sevim’s demonstration in class.) making brushes and paints endpapers from books in catholic theological union’s special collections theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-5 section 3 our teacher put us through the paces of ebru apprenticeship — well, a watered-down version — so we might better understand what we were working with. in one class we learned to make the horsehair paintbrushes used in ebru. sevim provided us with lengths of horse’s tail, which we sliced into 1.5-inch segments. these we attached to a stick, winding nylon thread round and round and tying it with mind-bogglingly tricky knots that held the horsehair securely. we fumbled mightily; it was a humbling affair. in another class we made paints. we began with a mineral oxide mud, slung it onto a marble slab, and ground it with a marble pestle. up and down, back and forth we ground until the paste was perfectly smooth, with no apparent grains. into a jar it went; water along with a few drops of ox gall was added. about that ox gall — feeling a bit uncomfortable about the wholesale use of this animal product, and picturing the ghastly removal of rhino horns and elephant tusks — i asked sevim how her suppliers obtained it. “slaughterhouses,” she replied. they strike up a relationship with a slaughterhouse worker and arrange to have the gallbladders set aside — parts that were normally discarded. this came as a bit of a relief. the ottoman empire: ebru’s heyday ebru began its life in the ottoman empire in the 15th century. some form of paper marbling was practiced in china and japan before that, but the art reached its height in ottoman turkey. at first, ottoman officials wrote administrative documents on marbled paper to prevent forgeries. eventually ebru became a decorative art, pursued as an end in itself. ottoman ebru artists developed several formal styles, some abstract and some representational. to admirers of marbled endpapers, the abstract styles are the most familiar. each style has a descriptive name; for example, tarakli (combed) style produces rows and rows of tiny scallops, gelgit (come and go) looks like colors dragged back and forth, bülbül yuvasi (nightingale’s nest) features successive pockets of swirls, and so on. hatip ebru, named for a muslim cleric, looks like a scattering of different-sized pebbles. we learned to produce a different one of these styles in each ebru class. traditionally, representational ebru subjects are flowers. turkish ebru master necmeddin okyay (1883-1976) perfected çiçekli ebru, the floral marbling style, which came to be called necmeddin marbling. the tulip is a holy symbol in islam, and it became one of necmeddin’s best-loved specialties. he developed other flowers designs such as carnations, violets, daisies, poppies, hyacinths, and roses. sevim explained that ebru flowers are stylized, rather than realistic, to differentiate them from perfectly realistic-looking flowers — flowers that only allah can create. again, in each ebru class we labored over the design of that week’s flower. the battle of the guilds in the 1600s, turkey’s marbled papers caught the eye of european merchants, and they began importing the papers for sale to printing houses and bookbinders. with the explosion of book publishing after the invention of the printing press, these decorative papers were in high demand. they became popular as both endpapers and outer book covers. europeans hoped to make their own marbled papers, as that would be much cheaper than buying them. but how was marbling done? apparently, some enterprising craftspeople teased the technique away from ottoman ebru artists and brought it home, carefully keeping the details under wraps. in the 1700s the british marblers’ guild was a clandestine society, lurking in secret in the night so as not to reveal its mysteries. as mark kuransky describes in paper: a world history: rooms were even examined for peepholes. it was nearly impossible to learn marbling at that time unless you were born into a marbling family. even apprentices, who were always relatives, were not entrusted with complete formulas until they were older and deemed trustworthy. marblers . . . kept themselves absolutely separate from the bookbinders’ guild. meanwhile the bookbinders’ guild frequently sent spies into the marblers’ guild, attempting to discover their secrets. inevitably, though, the secrets were outed, and marblers began publishing books describing the technique. today commercial marblers flourish throughout europe, the united states, and elsewhere. meanwhile, ebru remains a thriving national art form in turkey, and turkish artists such as garip ay are international celebrities among ebru connoisseurs. in 2014 unesco added turkey’s ebru art to its representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 25, no 2 • february 2017 3-6 section 3 youtube abounds with video demonstrations by ebru artists, some venturing as far afield as painting landscapes and human portraits. few commercial bookbinders use marbled paper today, although marbling thrives in the book arts arena. now marbled paper has such diverse uses as drawer liners, gift wrappings, placemats, and note cards. i have even seen the peacock’s-tail ebru pattern on kleenex boxes! cross-cultural camaraderie back to my own ebru experience, my friend and i were the only non-muslims in our class. it was a pleasure to spend those three hours a week working among people of another culture, all united by our common love of the art. we were a great group — helping one another, sharing tips, making suggestions, admiring one another’s work. the sound track during a typical class session went something like this: “where’s the ox gall?" "who’s got the purple?" "anybody got a #3 pin?" "i’d like to try that lahore blue." "the water in this tray is worn out." "why does my hyacinth look like cotton candy?" "my flowers look like jellyfish, so let’s just say i’m painting jellyfish." "that black is no good; here, use this one." "abstracts are ok, but i want to work on orthodox tulips." "why are my colors running?" "use the skinny brush first, then the fat one." "your rose is perfect now; don’t mess with it anymore." "whose poppy is that? wow!” our idle chatter was open, collegial, friendly, and often educational. our classmates shared their beliefs, taught us arabic phrases, explained common expressions such as inshallah (god willing), and talked about what they were studying in philosophy or ethics class. my friend shared tips about biking paraphernalia, and i told about visiting morocco and ethiopia. a flavor of good-natured camaraderie prevailed. i came away from my class having learned how to produce ebru myself and how those long-mysterious marbled endpapers came to be. but beyond that, i gained a deeper appreciation for the common bonds that unite us all. submitted by ann heinrichs, metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library, catholic theological union one of my ebru roses. the illinois board of higher education chose four of my paintings to hang in their offices throughout 2017. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, class b–bx and selected others compiled by ann heinrichs the entries in this list were selected from the monthly library of congress classification (lcc) approved lists. lc’s policy and standards division posts these lists on the library of congress cataloging and acquisitions web site at: http:// items listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. entries in this issue’s list were selected from 2017 lcc list numbers 07 ( july 17), 08 (august 21), and 09 (september 18). the full hierarchy is provided for new and revised classification captions to show their context within the classification. numbers that appear in square brackets are not displayed in classification web browse screens. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. the class letters (b, bs, etc.) identify the schedule in which changes and additions have been made. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b–bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send any comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: submitted by ann heinrichs metadata/cataloging librarian the paul bechtold library catholic theological union 5401 s. cornell ave. chicago, il 60615 773-371-5462 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 2-2 section 2 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.s24 salutations class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās tantric texts individual tantras. by title, a-z bl1142.6.b72-.b729 brahmayāmalatantra table bl3 hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.k55-.k554 khir bhavani table bl7 jainism special topics, a-z bl1375.h86 human rights by region or country india by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2032.k878 kurumba bl2032.p58 phom naga history and principles of religions american south american special cults, religious movements, etc., a-z bl2592.j87 jurema judaism practical judaism liturgy and ritual special liturgical books other liturgical books, a-z bm675.b485 birkat ha-ḳeshet. תשקה תכרב table bm7 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 2-3 section 2 sacred books qur'an. koran texts. by language other asian languages [bp104.48-.48212] minangkabau bp104.48 complete text. by date bp104.482 selections. by date [bp104.48212] history and criticism see bp130-134 works about the qurʼan special topics, a-z bp134.p73 professional ethics topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.a35 adjustment (psychology) bp190.5.b65 books and reading class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.j69 joy modifications, schools, etc. special modifications, sects, etc. zen buddhism taehan pulgyo chogyejong biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq9519.c43-.c439 chiam, 1884-1969 table bq8 class br christianity history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther's theology special topics, a-z br333.5.c33 cabala br333.5.p83 public worship class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 2-4 section 2 bs325.s38 sebat bet gurage table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.a97 ayangan ifugao table bs5 new testament special parts of the new testament epistles epistles of paul topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2655.s615 son of god class bv practical theology pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman church work with special classes people with disabilities, sick, etc. bv4461 people with mental disabilities, mentally ill, etc. cancel bv4461 people with mental disabilities, mentally ill, etc. including psychic trauma patients, etc. practical religion. the christian life christian life in relation to special topics other special topics, a-z bv4599.5.r43 reducing diets class bx christian denominations eastern churches individual church divisions syrian orthodox church particular denominations or groups, a-z bx179.3.j33 jacobite syrian christian church catholic church other special topics, a-z bx1795.s87 sustainable development monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4447.17 serve dei poveri table bx18 biography and portraits individual saints, a-z bx4700.c176 calungsod, pedro, saint, 1655-1672 other, a-z bx4705.g4179 gerard, of abbeville, approximately 1225-1272 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 2-5 section 2 class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. هقف .ةعيرش schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. بهاذم schools and authors affiliated with a particular school shīʻī schools. shīʻah. ةعيش zaydī. zaydīyah. ةيديز .يديز individual authors, a-z kbp380.a42 ʻalawī, muḥammad ibn ʻalī, 978-1053? يلع نب دمحم ،يولع table k4 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music hymnals. hymn collections christian published in the united states 1821by denomination protestant other, a-z m2131.c59 church of god (greenville, ohio) liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music antiphonaries single offices, a-z m2149.5.f75 fridolin, saint m2149.5.g38 gatien, bishop of tours, saint m2149.5.m34 magnus, of füssen, saint, approximately 699-772 literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination christian protestant by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml3151.n54-.n549 nigeria table m8 ml3151.s68-.s689 south africa table m8 class nb sculpture special subjects religious subjects special, a-z nb1912.l35 lamas theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 1 • november 2017 2-6 section 2 class pl languages of eastern asia, africa, oceania ural-altaic languages turkic languages southwestern (oghuz) group turkish (osmanic or ottoman) literature history and criticism history prose. fiction special forms and topics, a-z pl223.5.m97 mysticism pl223.5.s83 sufism class pr english literature history of english literature prose by form prose fiction. the novel special topics other special topics, a-z pr830.c28 catholics class z libraries library science. information science information organization conceptual models z666.55 general works public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z z711.92.a98 authors personal bibliography s z8838.86 stein, edith, saint, 1891-1942 table for archives (19.5 nos.) national archives other national government records c2 14.77 state security table c4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by joanna hause the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 8 (2013:august 19) to 10 (2013:october 21). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: weeklylists/. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: joanna hause southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country eastern europe by region or country romania individual philosophers, a-z b4825.b36-.b364 băncilă, vasile, 1897-1979 table b-bj5 class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z bl1590.c56 clothing and dress class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.v57 vision relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.i46 immigration practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.h39 hazkarat neshamot table bm6 19 testimony discoverability of unique resources: unitarian universalist church newsletters at the harvard divinity school by michael bradford background harvard university was founded in 1636 to train new congregational clergy for churches in the newly established commonwealth, but it was not until 1816 that the harvard divinity school (hds) was founded as america’s first non-denominational school of divinity. unofficially, hds was aligned with american unitarianism, though it still maintained those old ties to congregationalism. today, the andover-harvard theological library (ahtl) at the harvard divinity school is the national repository and library of record for the unitarian universalist (uu) tradition. the library collections include books, hymnals, periodicals, curricula, pamphlets, sermons, personal papers, audio-recordings, movies, church records, photographs, postcards, digital, and many other types of materials. in the late 1960s, dr. maria grossmann, the then-librarian, put out a call to unitarian universalist churches across the united states to collect their church newsletters and preserve them via microfilm (figure 1). issues began flooding in around 1969, and some churches even provided their historical backfiles. the newsletters were filmed by the microreproduction department within harvard’s widener library and were either returned to their respective churches or discarded. this was an ongoing process that ended in 2012 when widener ceased microfilm production. the receipt and descriptions of these newsletters were never managed in harvard’s card or online catalogs. in 2004, a database was created for use by library staff, but the material within was not discoverable. patrons did not know of the existence of the hundreds of church newsletters unless they visited the microfilm room on the 2nd floor of the library and browsed the rows of microfilm cabinets. in december 2008, the off-line database was converted into brief provisional records and imported into harvard’s figure 1: drawers of microfilm reels of unitarian universalist church newsletters, not discoverable in the online catalog until 2008. michael bradford is senior continuing resources cataloger at the harvard library. 20 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin online catalog, hollis. the record dump included 662 provisional records for serial titles. additionally, another 20,000 monographic pamphlet titles were added, while 737 authority records for churches that were not able to be added to the local authority file, instead this information was exported into an excel spreadsheet. this information was helpful in processing the newsletters, in that it included some historical information about those churches. getting training in june 2005 i joined the staff of ahtl as its serials and electronic resources librarian. the library had not had a full-time serials cataloger in nearly two decades, and one of the first things i was tasked with was to upgrade all the provisional serials records via copy or original cataloging. in 2007, i expressed interest in naco training and traveled to chicago, where i and a small group of catalogers were housed at a catholic retreat center for a week. our training was led by atla’s judy knop, and we became the newest cohort in the atla naco funnel project. initially, i contributed originally cataloged serial records through the harvard conser office. in 2010, atla began the conser funnel project with training of a small group of atla catalogers at ala midwinter in boston. we received training by lc’s les hawkins and the late valerie bross from ucla. the atla conser funnel project became the second ever conser funnel and, to-date, the only subject-specific conser funnel. because of the number of bibliographic records i contributed, not just the uu newsletter records, i quickly became independent in conser cataloging. phase one–cataloging the backlog (2009-2017) as a key resource in the study of the life of these local churches and of the unitarian universalist tradition, to have these newsletters fully described and available in the online catalog became a priority for the library. so, beginning in 2009, i undertook the task of not only providing bibliographic descriptions of the serials in the collection, but also performing the authority work needed to establish or update names of individual churches by tracing the name changes of those churches back to their origins, some of which went back as far as the pilgrims in plymouth. each microfilm reel was painstakingly consulted. the library is fortunate enough to have a microfilm reader that is attachable to a pc (figure 2), where i can make scans of images to a variety of digital file types (.jpeg, .tiff or .pdf ) instead of printing reams of paper for consultation. i spent countless hours making digital surrogates of pages noting title, church name, numbering, and variations in title not considered title changes. i determined at the outset that because of the size of the project and that i was working strictly from what was microfilmed on a reel (not necessarily what was truly published), detailed holdings figure 2: my second home–the microfilm machine connected to a computer that allowed me to save digital scans, rather than reams of printouts. 21 testimony information was not going to be possible. therefore, i decided to provide summary (level 3) holdings information only (figure 3 and 4). i would indicate the first and last chronological designation on a reel and note the gaps, when i could. when cataloging a serial run, especially with a church newsletter, i noticed some patterns. one of those patterns dealt with new ministers. when a new minister was named to the church, they often made their mark by changing something with the newsletter. the title, layout, and publication frequency can all change with a new minister. one of the most interesting examples of ministerial input on a title occurred with a church in lexington, kentucky in the early 1970s. a contest was held over a period of eight months with church members voting on what the preferred name for the newsletter should be. each new issue would appear with a figure 3: a holdings record in the alma ils, showing level 3 summary holdings in an 866 textual holdings statement (called a local 966 field in alma). figure 4: that same information displayed in the public catalog. 22 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin new title and voting would commence. all of these new titles are considered titles of short duration, and thankfully did not require new descriptions, but just notations as variations of the title (figure 5). because of the size of the harvard collection, it was determined in the early days of an online catalog environment, that instead of having bibliographic records for every format of a title, all formats (print, microfilm reproduction, online, and a reprint) would be “attached” to the print format record. the other format information would be noted in the holdings record in the 007 and 843 fields. (this approach has been abandoned for new cataloging beginning earlier this year, and there are projects underway to break apart print and electronic holdings, but microform holdings, for the time being, will remain on the print record.) because of this cataloging policy, a print bibliographic record was required for the hollis catalog, even if the only version held was on microfilm. the nature of the collection was as such that only microfilm reels existed for the large backlog. when microfilm was produced, the print issues were not retained. i needed to create not only a bibliographic record to represent the microfilm version that harvard produced, but also had to create the record for the print format to bring into the hollis catalog. through sophisticated automated processes by the library’s systems department, holdings records were checked for format and a batch process would attach harvard's holdings symbol to the appropriate format figure 5: variant titles of the fellowship church unitarian universalist (lexington, ky.) newsletter in 1972 before a name was finally settled on: shipmates. (ironically, this was the first variation suggested in january, before it officially changed in august!) 23 testimony record in worldcat. therefore, if a print version was not held, but a microfilm version was, the batch processing would attach the marc code to the microfilm record, not the print record. the cataloging into hollis of the initial ingest of newsletters from 662 different churches was completed on may 1, 2017. these 662 provisional records exploded to 1,425 titles, taking into account title changes and changes to church names. i, therefore, created some 2,850 unique bibliographic records over the span of this project, for the multiple formats. i did not work on this project full-time, but it was still a time-consuming effort. by doing both the authority work behind the cataloging, as well as describing the newsletters to the fullest extent possible, this project took quite a while to complete. phase two–the print backlog & going forward (2018) because the print newsletters are not managed in the ils, it is unknown the extent of what has not yet been microfilmed. for nearly fifty years the issues have been collected and put into file cabinets until they are filmed and they are only filmed if there are enough to fill a microfilm reel. if a title stopped arriving, the church ceased, or some other thing happened that affected the receipt of newsletters, the print issues remained unfilmed. this constitutes a large backlog of printed material (figure 6). in 2012, widener library’s microreproduction department ceased creating microfilm. it was decided to eliminate the print backlog by microfilming it with a third-party vendor. this will make way for the special collections department to make a new call out for church newsletters and receive them in a variety of formats, not just print. they are also studying the feasibility of ingesting digital newsletters, pdfs, websites, e-mail newsletters, and ways to archive those to make them available for researchers, while at the same time committing to the privacy of individuals and the copyright restrictions of the churches. i now process the print backlog newsletters for microfilming by editing or creating new records based on the work i had previously performed on the microfilm backlog. i then bundle the print issues to be sent to the vendor for filming. we have a test batch of titles ready to go and i will be tweaking my workflows after we receive it back from the vendor. in 2014, i did a quick and dirty inventory of how many pages of paper needed to be filmed, and it was estimated that about 140,000 pages were unfilmed. in the time between 2009-2017, a lot changed within the libraries at harvard. in 2012, the libraries underwent a reorganization of library services. i was moved, administratively, under the auspices of the harvard library’s information and technical services (its) department in its serials cataloging unit. figure 6: unfilmed newsletters from the uu church of columbia, missouri. from the early 1990s. many print newsletters date even earlier. 24 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin i no longer work for the harvard divinity school, but for the harvard library. while my day-to-day work did not change much, i spend more and more time cataloging non-religion material. in 2017, i moved permanently out of the divinity school, into the its offices in cambridge’s central square area. i now only spend one day a week at ahtl doing cataloging maintenance and working on the next phase of the newsletter project. significance you get a sense of a church by looking at its newsletters through the years. from robust membership to lean times, building construction, auxiliary group activities, its work with the community, and how the community reacts to events of historical significance, the newsletters tell the story of the church. it is a very interesting and important research resource. one that i am glad i am a part of. i hope to see how the project transforms itself in its next phases and how the changing formats of newsletter production, as well as archiving methods, will change what and how i do my work as a metadata professional. i wonder how many other atla member libraries have large collections of church newsletters that are currently not discoverable. this is ripe material that can be shared. unique resources are the sexy get in cataloging discussions. cataloging is no longer about modifying existing copy until it's perfect; it’s about creating bibliographic descriptions for material nobody else has! do you have such unique serial material? i bet the atla conser funnel project would be a good way for you to get involved in making it available. as the conser funnel coordinator, i can help you out with that!! theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson bibframe model “the library of congress is pleased to announce the publication of a new website for detailed information about the in-development, draft bibframe vocabulary. it also includes demonstrations of the bibframe model from marc bibliographic records from all of the experimenters' collections, including the library of congress. these are displayed in a human-friendly manner with exhibit 3, a light-weight publishing framework for data. the source marc/xml data, resulting bibframe resources, and exhibit json are available for download. “we encourage and want constructive feedback on the vocabulary and data transformations. all are invited to join the conversation. …the vocabulary is designed to get us started, but, as a community effort, your valuable feedback is essential (and has been already thank you.” submitted by kevin ford ( network development and marc standards office, library of congress pcc ala midwinter 2013 presentations oclc rda policy statements (effective march 31, 2013) hybrid records when editing and replacing master records in worldcat, catalogers may choose to add some rda elements to existing non-rda records without re-cataloging the entire record according to rda. candidates for such editing include, but are not limited to: • adding relator terms to access points • spelling out non-transcribed abbreviations • adding complete statements of responsibility in 245 (in place of "[et al.]") • adding 336/337/338 fields general material designators (gmds) as recommended in the pcc guidelines on hybrid bibliographic records, oclc will retain the 245 h gmd for a period of 3 years in worldcat records where it currently exists. catalogers editing existing non-rda records are asked to leave formerly valid gmds present in records through 31 march 2016. however, do remove the gmd when recataloging (and re-coding) a record as rda. machine manipulation of existing worldcat records oclc will begin changing existing worldcat legacy records after 31 march 2013 to incorporate various useful rda practices. legacy records (non-rda records) need to be made as functional as possible in the future rda environment to benefit catalogers, systems, and catalog end users. as a post-marc future becomes a reality in years to come, greater consistency of practice present in existing worldcat records will allow easier migration to another metadata format. section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson atla naco and conser news preparing for rda how are you preparing for rda? have you checked out the great resources on the library of congress website: cataloger's learning workshop (clw). you can find it at: there you will find all kinds of free training material to help you and your colleagues prepare for the new rules and the new fields rda will bring. while there is no day one set for bibliographic records, lc plans to train all its catalogers by march 31, 2013. after that date, lc will issue all cataloging following rda rules. they will also stop supporting all aacr2 rules and practices. so, an increasing amount of cataloging will follow rda rules, forcing everyone to switch, or to spend time altering cataloging to fit the old rules. over time, i suspect it will be much more cost effective for catalogers to switch to rda. naco catalogers are required to learn rda and to switch all their creation and editing of authority records to follow rda as of march 31, 2013. that is considered day one for rda authority work. to prepare for that day, all naco catalogers are required to take ten to fourteen hours of online course work followed by two one-hour webinars. the online course work is free and is not restricted to naco catalogers. anyone interested in the changes rda will bring to authority records is welcome to watch the videos, demos and take the quizzes. the online course can be found at: conser catalogers are also preparing to switch serials cataloging to rda rules. the conser staff at lc is preparing online course work to be available in the spring of 2013. once that training is available, i would expect a day one for conser serial records to be set. anyone interested in joining the naco and conser funnel groups should contact me at judy knop funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project the third draft of terms was handed over to janis young of lc’s policy and standards division for formal evaluation in august 2012. she will forward the draft to the other psd specialists, lc reference librarians and catalogers who work with religious materials, and to anyone else who expresses an interest. depending upon the comments and suggestions she collects, project participants may be required to do additional work on some specific terms. when both the project theology cataloging bulletin 3-2 section 3 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 library of congress rda training aids library of congress recorded webcasts for rda training rda: looking to the future: information systems and metadata. speaker: barbara tillett. recorded march 9, 2010. rda changes from aacr2 for texts. speaker: barbara b. tillett. recorded january 12, 2010. running time: 75 minutes (41 minutes of presentation followed by q&a). rda: recursos descripción y acceso: antecedentes y aspectos de su implementación. speaker: barbara tillett. in spanish. recorded august 13, 2009. running time: 85 min. georgia public library cataloging summit rda training exercises and answers training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda toolkit essentials aacr2…meet rda online workshop, september 7 and november 16 cataloging with rda, october 16-19 selected articles from current library journals bauer, kathleen, michael friscia, and scott matheson. “from the catalog to the book on the shelf: building a mapping application for vufind.” code4lib journal 17 (2012-06-01). (accessed july 18, 2012) daniels, jeffrey, and patrick roth. “incorporating millennium catalog records into serials solutions' summon.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 3 (2012): 193-199. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project janis young at lc reports that the religion genre/form terms document submitted august 2012 is still under review. when both the participants and lc staff are comfortable with any revisions made as a result of lc’s review, lc will make the terms available for public review. ms. young will then once again forward any substantive comments on the terms to project participants for their response. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news training presentations, webcasts, and webinars alcts webinars: managing e-resources cataloging: impact and insight, august 21, 2013. in this webinar, we are going to focus on managing the cataloging activities for all types of e-resources a typical academic/research library will acquire, which will be divided into two different workflow namely cataloging and loading. we will cover aspects including the collaboration with other units in the library especially the acquisition's e-resources group and collection managers, how to motivate staff, what tools can help, and most important, how to prepare oneself to be a good manager for e-resources cataloging. using open refine to update, clean up and link your metadata to the wider world, september 18, 2013. missspelings, extra spaces, random; punctuation/ and weird capitalization: are any of these issues with your metadata? open refine (formerly google refine) is a powerful tool that can solve all of these problems with a single click. open refine also allows you to transform your data from one format to another, extend it with web services, and even connect it to linked data sources like freebase. electronic resources workflows and tools, october 23, 2013. this webinar will cover key points to consider, tools, and workflow options in managing electronic resources. most libraries use multiple tools and approaches to manage e-resources, which brings benefits and challenges. speakers will provide insights and perspectives on erm systems, supplemental processes to fill gaps in functionality, and those systems' interoperability with patron-facing interfaces. evaluating print book & e-book patron-driven acquisitions (pda), november 13, 2013. this webinar will describe two patron-driven acquisitions (pda) models -(1) buying print books based on interlibrary loan borrowing requests and (2) the current e-book model working with an e-book aggregator and/or a library book vendor -and will describe several approaches for evaluating the success and effectiveness of both models. evaluation points include considerations such as subsequent circulation, appropriateness to the collection of purchased titles, subject analysis, cost analysis, and even a peek at the difference in future performance between user-selected and librarian-selected etheology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson training presentations, webcasts, and webinars alcts e-forum: training for resource description and access discussion forum hosted by jennifer erica sweda and sylva d. hall-ellis may 14-15, 2013 instructions for registration are available at oclc's rda policy statement webinar: powerpoint from the webinar: selected articles from current library journals baga, john, lona hoover, and robert e. wolverton, jr. “online, practical, and free cataloging resources: an annotated webliography.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 2 (2013): 100-117. drabinski, emily. “queering the catalog: queer theory and the politics of correction.” library quarterly 83, no. 2 (april 2013): 94-111. engelson, leslie. “correlations between title keywords and lcsh terms and their implication for fast-track cataloging.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 6 (2013): 697-727. frank, heidi. “augmenting the cataloger’s bag of tricks: using marcedit, python, and pymarc for batch-processing marc records generated from the archivists’ toolkit.” code4lib journal 20 (2013-04-17). http:// (accessed april 25, 2013) gelber, natalia. “five years of empirical research in the area of technical services: an examination of selected peer-reviewed journals, 2007–2011.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 2 (2013): 166-186. kuhagen, judith a., and margaret mering. “rda and serials: theoretical and practical applications.” in “creating harmony from dis-chord,” ed. sharon dyas-correia and sara bahnmaier. special issue, serials librarian 64, no. 1-4 (2013): 5-14. lybarger, kathryn. “keeping up with ebooks: automated normalization and access checking with normac.” code4lib journal 20 (2013-04-17). (accessed april 25, 2013) nimer, cory l., and j. gordon daines iii. “the development and application of u.s. descriptive standards for archives, historical manuscripts, and rare books.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 5 (2013): 532-549. niu, jinfang. “evolving landscape in name authority control.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 4 (2013): 404-419. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 3-2 section 3 ———. “hierarchical relationships in the bibliographic universe.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 5 (2013): 473-490. seikel, michele. “general notes in catalog records versus frbr user tasks.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 4 (2013): 420-427. taniguchi, shoichi. “aggregate and component entities in rda: model and description.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 5 (2013): 580-599. ———. “understanding rda as a dc application profile.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 6 (2013): 601-623. tosaka, yuji, and jung-ran park. “rda: resource description & access—a survey of the current state of the art.” journal of the american society for information science & technology 64, no. 4 (april 2013): 651-662. veve, marielle, and wanda rosiński. “e-book cataloging workshop: hands-on training using rda.” in “creating harmony from dis-chord,” ed. sharon dyas-correia and sara bahnmaier. special issue, serials librarian 64, no. 1-4 (2013): 27-39. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin 3-2 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 atla conference june 2012 technical services tuesday, june 26 7:00-9:00pm interest group technical services conversation: acquisitions practices – tsig thursday, june 28 10:30-11:30am conversation groups conser 10:30-11:30am papers technical services assessment: help for navigating the wilderness 11:30am-1:00pm naco lunchfunnel members only 2:00-3:30pm in-conference workshop macro-economics: saving time (and money) by using macros in cataloging tsig 4:30-5:30pm interest groups cataloging with marcedit tsig friday, june 29 9:00-10:30am panel mass migration: moving 3 million records and 200 library staff to a new ils 11:00am-12:00pm conversation groups naco 4:00-5:30pm in-conference workshop ebook records: the good, the bad, and the ugly tsig saturday, june 30 8:30-10:00am theology cataloging bulletin 3-3 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 in-conference workshop cpal interest group digital information: an introduction for librarians and archivists 1:00-2:00pm conversation groups e-books, e-readers, e-resources, oh my! what's a small theological librarian to do? library of congress’ implementation of rda the library of congress has set march 31, 2013 as its target for rda implementation day one. some of lc’s partner national libraries (u.s.: national agricultural library and national library of medicine; and non-u.s.: british library, library & archives canada, and national library of australia) have targeted the first quarter of 2013. training presentations, webcasts, and webinars library of congress recorded webcasts for rda training rda: looking to the future: information systems and metadata. speaker: barbara tillett. recorded march 9, 2010. rda changes from aacr2 for texts. speaker: barbara b. tillett. recorded january 12, 2010. running time: 75 minutes (41 minutes of presentation followed by q&a). rda: recursos descripción y acceso: antecedentes y aspectos de su implementación. speaker: barbara tillett. in spanish. recorded august 13, 2009. running time: 85 min. georgia public library cataloging summit library of congress rda training exercises and answers 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 12 (2012) – 3 (2013). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 section 1 150 altarpieces, colombian [may subd geog] [sp2012004427] 450 uf colombian altarpieces 150 anniversary sermons [may subd geog] [sp2012003693] 550 bt anniversaries 550 bt occasional sermons 150 bible stories, bambara [may subd geog] [sp2012004794] 450 uf bambara bible stories 150 carmelite monasteries [may subd geog] [sp2012004397] 550 bt monasteries 150 catechisms, bambara [sp2012004782] 450 uf bambara catechisms 151 earth--religious aspects change heading 151 earth (planet)--religious aspects [sp 85040447 ] 053 bl438.2 450 uf earth (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) [former heading] 151 earth--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] change heading 151 earth (planet)--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2005006016] 150 earth in the bible change heading 151 earth (planet)--in the bible delete geog [sp2005002265] 450 uf earth in the bible [former heading] 150 exorcism (canon law) [sp2012004255] 053 kbu3227.e96 550 bt canon law 150 gods, thai [may subd geog] [sp2012004453] 450 uf thai gods 150 hymns, bambara [may subd geog] [sp2012004769] 450 uf bambara hymns 150 infant jesus of prague (sculpture) cancel heading [sp 87005103 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading infant jesus of prague (statue) (n 2013004779). 110 jesuits--education [may subd geog] [sp 85069938 ] 681 example under education delete field 681 example under education; monasticism and religious orders--education add field 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 section 1 110 jesuits--occupations [sp 85069944 ] 681 example under monasticism and religious orders--occupations delete field 681 example under monasticism and religious orders--occupations; occupations add field 150 justice--religious aspects [sp2012004318] 150 justice--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012004599] 150 justice--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012004319] 150 latvian american lutherans [may subd geog] [sp2012004058] 450 uf lutherans, latvian american 550 bt lutherans--united states 150 minors (canon law) [sp2012004744] 550 bt canon law 150 monasticism and religious orders--education [may subd geog] [sp 85086721 ] 360 sa subdivision education under names of individual monastic and religious orders, e.g., jesuits--education add field 510 bt catholic church--education delete field 150 monasticism and religious orders for women--education [may subd geog] [sp 85086758 ] 360 sa subdivision education under names of individual monastic and religious orders, e.g., franciscan sisters--education add field 550 bt monasticism and religious orders--education delete field 150 numerals--religious aspects [sp2012004575] 150 numerals--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012004576] 150 ordination--anniversary sermons [sp 85095387 ] 550 bt occasional sermons delete field 550 bt anniversary sermons add field 150 prayer--biblical teaching [not subd geog] [sp 85106114 ] 053 bv228 delete field 053 bs680.p64 (general) add field 150 reliquary crosses--vatican city [sp2013000241] 150 responsibility--religious aspects [sp2012004320] 150 responsibility--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012004598] 150 responsibility--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012004321] 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 section 1 150 sermons, scottish gaelic [may subd geog] [sp2013000332] 450 uf scottish gaelic sermons 150 seventh-day adventist youth [may subd geog] [sp2012004326] 550 bt christian youth 150 supreme patriarchs (buddhism) [may subd geog] [sp2012004796] 450 uf buddhist patriarchs 450 uf buddhist primates 450 uf buddhist supreme patriarchs 450 uf mahasangharajas 450 uf patriarchs (buddhism) 450 uf phrasangkharāt 450 uf primates (buddhism) 450 uf saṃgha-rāja 450 uf saṃgharāt 450 uf sangharajas 450 uf thathanabaing 550 bt buddhist monks 150 weather--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012004165] 150 wisdom in the bible [sp2012004044] 150 womanism--religious aspects [sp2012004384] 150 womanism--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012004385] theology cataloging bulletin 3-4 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 rda toolkit essentials association for library and technical services (alcts) alcts offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: selected articles from current library journals barrette, linda. “technical services is public service, or how i got out of the back room and why you should too.” aall spectrum 16, no. 2 (november 2011): 20-22. boyd, morag. “from the comfort of your office: facilitating learner-centered continuing education in the online environment.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 2/3 (2012): 189-203. gardner, sue ann. “cresting toward the sea change: literature review of cataloging and classification 2009-10.” library resources & technical services 56, no. 2 (2012): 64-79. garofalo, denise a. “useful web sites for av catalogers.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 2 (2012): 168-170. glennan, kathryn p. “the development of resource description & access and its impact on music materials.” notes 68, no. 3 (march 2012): 526-534. hoffman, gretchen l. “using the quality matters rubric to improve online cataloging courses.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 2/3 (2012): 158-171. mccutcheon, sevim. “rda and the reference librarian: what to expect from the new cataloging standard.” reference librarian 53, no. 2 (2012): 123-137. normore, lorraine f. “‘here be dragons’: a wayfinding approach to teaching cataloguing.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 2/3 (2012): 172-188. theology cataloging bulletin 3-5 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 oh, dong-geun. “developing and maintaining a national classification system, experience from korean decimal classification.” knowledge organization 39, no. 2 (2012): 72-82. spidal, debra f. “treatment of holocaust denial literature in association of research libraries.” journal of academic librarianship 38, no. 1 (january 2012): 26-32. sullivan, doreen. “cataloging at yale: tools & resources.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 2 (2012): 160-161. westrum, anne-lena, asgeir rekkavik, and kim tallerås. “improving the presentation of library data using frbr and linked data.” code4lib journal 16 (2012-02-03). (accessed april 18, 2012) wilson, tiffany. “videos—cataloging (rda) at stanford university.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 2 (2012): 170-171. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) participants and lc staff are comfortable with the terms, lc will make the authority records and put them on a tentative list which will be public. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda training and webinars amigos cataloging with rda-live online dec. 4-7 10:30-12:30 cst minitex rda for the seasoned cataloger: print serials (3 part self-paced workshop wednesday november 28, tuesday december 4, monday december 10 rda cataloging: basic books thursday, december 13 10am-1 pm cst rda toolkit essentials library of congress webcast new bibliographic framework: update eric miller recorded july 16, 2012 association for library and technical services (alcts) alcts offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: selected articles from current library journals arsenault, clément, and alireza noruzi. “analysis of work-to-work bibliographic relationships through frbr: a canadian perspective.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 641-652. bernstein, steven jay. “patron-driven expedited cataloging enhancement to webpac pro.” code4lib journal 18 (2012-10-03). (accessed october 23, 2012). de fino, melissa. “amazon for technical services librarians: making order of the jungle.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 4 (2012): 280-291. doerr, martin, pat riva, and maja žumer. “frbr entities: identity and identification.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 517-541. espley, john l., and robert pillow. “the vtls implementation of frbr.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 369-386. furner, jonathan. “frsad and the ontology of subjects of works.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 494-516 howarth, lynne c. “frbr and linked data: connecting frbr and linked data.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 763-776. kelley, steve, carolyn mccallum, and mary beth lock. “the cataloging of e-book readers: a service model-oriented approach.” serials review 38, no. 3 (september 2012): 178-182. lee, hyewon, and ziyoung park. “frbrizing bibliographic records focusing on identifiers and role indicators in the korean cataloging environment.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 688-704. nikolova-houston, tatiana. “slavic medieval manuscripts part i: origins, preservation and access.” catholic library world 83, no. 1 (september 2012): 26-32. picco, paola, and virginia ortiz repiso. “the contribution of frbr to the identification of bibliographic relationships: the new rda-based ways of representing relationships in catalogs.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 622-640. riva, pat, and chris oliver. “evaluation of rda as an implementation of frbr and frad.” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 564-586. smiraglia, richard p. “be careful what you wish for: frbr, some lacunae, a review”. in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 360-368. vasileiou, magdalini, jennifer rowley, and richard hartley. “the e-book management framework: the management of e-books in academic libraries and its challenges.” library & information science research 34, no. 4 (october 2012): 282-291. zhang, yin, and athena salaba. “what do users tell us about frbr-based catalogs?” in “the frbr family of models,” ed. richard p. smiraglia. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 5-7 (2012): 705-723. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views (of the members of the atla technical services section) news upcoming publication the atla press has accepted richard lammert’s manuscript for publication through its open access monograph program. the manuscript is tentatively entitled tackling the foreign-language backlog: transcription and romanization for the accidental foreign-language cataloger. the book includes material on descriptive cataloging of both roman-script and non-romanscript items. richard writes in the introductory chapter, “you are not the only cataloger who has been asked to catalog material in a language not well-known (or even completely unknown) to you. it is my hope that the material in this book will help you in cataloging that foreign-language backlog (or, at least, in starting to tackle it).” the section on roman-script cataloging covers hurdles that can be encountered in what might otherwise seem straightforward cataloging. “cases and other ways to modify words” introduces difficulties caused by languages that show grammatical connections by changing the word. another chapter provides help for reading fraktur script. the more extensive portion of the book is on romanization of non-roman-script languages, helping to fill in some of the implicit information gaps found in the ala-lc romanization tables. while the production schedule for the book has not been established, richard hopes that the book will be out by the annual conference next june. submitted by richard lammert, technical services & systems librarian kroemer library, concordia theological seminary atla funnels coordinator professional development opportunities negotiation & cost containment strategies for electronic resources learn practical techniques for developing electronic collection including how to select, combine, and develop business models; how to negotiate; and how to work with and evaluate consortia partnerships. • september 12, 2018 • $43-$619 • rda for video recordings covers the rda instructions for cataloging video recordings whether they are carrier-based or streaming. includes descriptive elements, choice of preferred source of information, and relationship designators. • september 26-27, 2018 • $140-$195 • using marcedit learn how to build, edit, and manipulate data from basic functionality to enhancement features to constructing records from existing data to utilizing regular expressions. • october 1-26, 2018 • $175 • understanding and using library data understand principles of data, statistics, and information and consider and evaluate methods of data collection, analysis, and visualization to inform decision-making and service design. • october 4-5, 2018 • $140-$195 • fundamentals of cataloging online a series of courses addressing the issues, fields, and elements to be considered when cataloging ava formats. • overview october 2, 2018 • $0-$65 • theology cataloging bulletin vol. 26, no 4 • august 2018 3-2 section 3 • marc october 9, 2018 • $0-$65 • • rda vs aacr2 for dvds october 16, 2018 • $0-$65 • • rda vs aacr2 for cds october 23, 2018 • $0-$65 • caring for collections: preservation of rare and unusual materials this course aims to help participants evaluate and assess compromises in the care and keeping of collections. • november 5-30, 2018 • $175 • metadata implementation develop and test application profiles in xml using an open source mets/mods metadata creation tool. mets, vra core, mods, darwin core, and pbcore will also be covered. • november 5-30. 2018 • $175 • the ifla lrm model: a brief introduction outlines the structure of lrm, examines key conceptual differences between lrm and frbr, and discusses some of the new entities, attributes, and relationships in lrm. • december 5, 2018 • $43-$129 • experimenting with controlled vocabulary: using the cataloging lab to shape lcsh introduces cataloging lab, a wiki for collaborating on lcsh revisions or additions. includes how to submit lcsh proposals. • submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian waterfield library, murray state university selected articles from current library journals aalberg, trond, fabien duchateau, naimdjon takhirov, joffrey decourselle, and nicolas lumineau. "benchmarking and evaluating the interpretation of bibliographic records." international journal on digital libraries (01, 2018): 1-23. aslanidi, maria, ioannis papadakis, and michalis stefanidakis. "name and title authorities in the music domain: alignment of unimarc authorities format with rda." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 4 ( june 2018): 354-373. balster, kevin, robert rendall, and tina shrader. "linked serial data: mapping the conser standard record to bibframe." cataloging & classification quarterly 56, no. 2/3 (february 2018): 251-261. casalini, michele, et al. national strategy for shareable local name authorities national forum: white paper. washington, d.c.: institute of museum and library services, 2018. galbreath, blake lee, corey johnson, and erin hvizdak. "primo new user interface: usability testing and local customizations implemented in response." information technology & libraries 37, no. 2 ( june 2018): 10-35. doi: krewer, drew and mary wahl. "what's in a name? on 'meaningfulness' and best practices in filenaming within the lam community." code4lib journal no. 40 (may 4, 2018). leblanc, jim and martin kurth. "assessing staff alignment in technical services." library resources & technical services 62, no. 2 (04, 2018): 66-73. maron, deborah and melanie feinberg. "what does it mean to adopt a metadata standard? a case study of omeka and the dublin core." journal of documentation 74, no. 4 ( july 2018): 674-691. miller, a. "innovative management strategies for building and sustaining a digital initiatives department with limited resources." digital library perspectives 34, no. 2 (2018): 117-136. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 3-1 section 3 section three: lc genre/form terms for religious materials project janis young at lc reports that the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 will be reviewed this year. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news professional development opportunities weeding the academic library with confidence online course via library juice academy provides guidance on how to identify what to keep and what to withdraw, how to address faculty concerns, and what to do with the deaccessioned materials. june 1-26, 2015 $175 planning for the evolving role of metadata services alcts virtual preconference three sessions, which can be attended individually, cover the emerging responsibilities of metadata specialists, assessment of metadata workflows, and standardizing and sharing vocabularies. june 2-4, 2015 $43 -$249 copy cataloging of digital resources: virtual/ webinar provided by mcls internet resources & video games using rda this three-part hands-on workshop teaches participants how to catalog virtual and physical digital resources using the rda toolkit, the library of congress cataloging policy statements, and library of congress subject headings manual. also included is discussion about assigning appropriate subject headings for digital resources. june 16-18, 2015 $99-$199 linked data and bibframe practical webinar provided by zepheira practitioner training a self-paced course that helps participants answer the question: is my library ready for linked data, bibframe, or the web of data? the course is designed to help all library staff understand the fundamentals of connecting data to the web in meaningful ways so that a plan can be established for each library. a variety of learning methodologies are used, including videos, discussion forums, exercises, and virtual meetings as well as using your own library data within zepheria's training tools. beginning june 19, 2015 for 5 to 6 weeks $1,500 copy cataloging of monographs using rda webinar provided by mcls using rda toolkit, this hands-on workshop will provide a better understanding of how to transition from aacr2 to rda. included with the workshop is a booklet that contains an rda workflow. june 28-30, 2015 $99-$199 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 23, no 3 • may 2015 3-2 section 3 caring for collections: preservation of rare and online course via library juice academy unusual materials this course covers basic principles of preventive care including environmental conditions, storage, and handling to extend the life of the materials. developing a disaster response plan will also be addressed. september 7-october 2, 2015 $175 submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university selected articles from current library journals colson, jeannie, and kelly allen. "our trek to discovery." online searcher 39, no. 2 (march 2015): 45-49. http:// engelson, leslie a. subdivisions for biblical studies, theology, and ministry: making search terms do the work. chicago, il: atla, 2014. enis, matt. "ending the invisible library." library journal 140, no. 3 (february 15, 2015): 36. http://lj.libraryjournal. com/2015/02/technology/ending-the-invisible-library-linked-data/ goedeken, edward a., and karen lawson. "the past, present, and future of demand-driven acquisitions in academic libraries." college & research libraries 76, no. 2 (march 2015): 205-221. pdf+html gonzales, brighid m. "linking libraries to the web: linked data and the future of the bibliographic record." information technology & libraries 33, no. 4 (december 2014): 10-22. article/view/5631 gross, tina, arlene g. taylor, and daniel n. joudrey. "still a lot to lose: the role of controlled vocabulary in keyword searching." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 1 ( january 2015): 1-39. lisius, peter h. "aacr2 to rda: is knowledge of both needed during the transition period?." cataloging & classification quarterly 53, no. 1 ( january 2015): 40-70. moulaison, heather lea. "the expansion of the personal name authority record under resource description and access: current status and quality considerations." ifla journal 41, no. 1 (march 2015): 13-24. submitted by anna appleman, copy cataloger john bulow campbell library, columbia theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 2 —february 2012 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson lc genre/form terms for religious material project work continues on lc’s religion genre/form project. a draft should be submitted to lc for consideration in early february. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association news from the library of congress website bibliographic framework transition initiative training presentations, webcasts, and webinars association for library and technical services (alcts) rda and moving images, march 14, 2012 rda and 3d objects and kits, march 28, 2012 rare materials and rda: exploring the issues, may 23, 2012 archival materials: using rda with dacs, may 30, 2012 alcts also offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: minitex frbr and frad: keys to rda, april 3 and 5, 2012 rda for the original cataloger, may 9 and 14, 2012 rda for the seasoned copy cataloger: continuing resources, may 16 and 24, 2012 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 3-2 section 3 anticipated changes include, but are not limited to: • adding 336, 337, 338 fields • spelling out non-transcribed abbreviations in 255, 300, 500, 504 and other fields • converting latin abbreviations to english equivalents in 245, 260, and other fields • converting dissertation notes in 502 field to multiple subfields • removing gmds (after 31 march 2016) • heading changes in accordance with rda heading changes are anticipated to spell out abbreviations in headings like "dept." and to change bible and koran headings in accordance with rda practice. training presentations, webcasts, and webinars georgia public library cataloging summit originally convened august 9-11, 2011. the documents are available from the library of congress’ training website. library of congress catalogers learning workshop. includes free webinars and course materials for training provided by the library of congress. library of congress rda training materials course%20table.html selected articles from current library journals barton, joshua, and lucas mak. “old hopes, new possibilities: next-generation catalogues and the centralization of access.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 83-106. butler, rebecca. “the rise and fall of union classification.” theological librarianship: an online journal of the american theological library association 6, no. 1 (4 december 2012). theolib/article/view/254 (accessed january 28, 2013). chang, hsia-ching, and hemalata iyer. “trends in twitter hashtag applications: design features for value-added dimensions to future library catalogues.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 248-258. croissant, charles r. “frbr and rda: what they are and how they may affect the future of libraries.” theological librarianship: an online journal of the american theological library association 5, no. 2 (10 june 2012). (accessed january 28, 2013). debus-lópez, karl e., diane barber, caroline saccucci, and camilla williams. “the electronic cataloging in publication cataloging partnership program: a model for cooperative cataloging for the twenty-first century.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 25-54. el-sherbini, magda. “bibliotheca alexandrina’s model for arabic name authority control.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 1 (2013): 4-17. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 3-3 section 3 fairclough, ian. “collaborative initiatives in error handling and bibliographic maintenance: use of electronic distribution lists and related resources.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 265-290. falk, patricia k., elizabeth hertenstein, and stefanie dennis hunker. “catalogers unite! creating documentation through collaboration.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 214-223. gallaway, teri oaks, and mary finnan hines. “competitive usability and the catalogue: a process for justification and selection of a next-generation catalogue or web-scale discovery system.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 173-185. han, myung-ja. “new discovery services and library bibliographic control.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 162-172. ilik, violeta.. “off-site storage from a cataloging point of view.” serials librarian 63, no. 3/4 (oct-dec 2012): 350-358. julien, charles-antoine, catherine guastavino, and france bouthillier. “capitalizing on information organization and information visualization for a new-generation catalogue.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 149-161. lee, seungmin, taewoo nam, and youngjoon nam. “revising cataloging rules and standards to meet the needs of people with disabilities: a proposal for south korea.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 1 (2013): 18-29. lisius, peter h. “pcc practice for assigning uniform titles for motion pictures: principle versus practice.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 8 (2012): 869-893. liu, maggie, lolita kwok, and kylie chan. “why change to the chinese classification scheme? a case study in an academic library.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 8 (2012): 852-868. loesch, martha fallahay. “rda in perspective: how to use the library literature to your advantage.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 1 (2013): 1-14. lynema, emily, cory lown, and david woodbury. “virtual browse: designing user-oriented services for discovery of related resources.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 218-233. macewan, andrew, anila angjeli, and janifer gatenby. “the international standard name identifier (isni): the evolving future of name authority control.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 55-71. majors, rice. “comparative user experiences of next-generation catalogue interfaces.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 186-207. mcgurr, melanie, catherine mason, and michael monaco. “public and academic library cataloging collaboration in ohio's naco funnel project.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 72-81. miksa, francis. “the legacy of the library catalogue for the present.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 7-34. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 3-4 section 3 mitchell, erik. “is rda ready?: an analysis of case studies on rda testing.” technical services quarterly 30, no.1 (2013): 70-82. panchyshyn, roman s. “asking the right questions: an e-resource checklist for documenting cataloging decisions for batch cataloging projects.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 1 (2013): 15-37. pirmann, carrie. “tags in the catalogue: insights from a usability study of librarything for libraries.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 234-247. prebor, gila, and nachum zitter. “classification and indexing in yeshiva libraries: analysis of the systems, their sources and development.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 8 (2012): 830-851. schultz-jones, barbara, karen snow, shawne miksa, and richard l. hasenyager, jr. “historical and current implications of cataloguing quality for next-generation catalogues.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 49-82. schwing, theda , sevim mccutcheon, and margaret beecher maurer. “uniqueness matters: author-supplied keywords and lcsh in the library catalog.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 8 (2012): 903-928. skinner, debra g. “a comparison of searching functionality of a vufind catalogue implementation and the traditional catalogue.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 208-217. smiraglia, richard p., and hur-li lee. “rethinking the authorship principle.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 35-48. spiteri, louise f., and laurel tarulli. “social discovery systems in public libraries: if we build them, will they come?” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 132-147. taniguchi, shoichi. “viewing rda from frbr and frad: does rda represent a different conceptual model?” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 8 (2012): 929-943. tarulli, laurel, and louise f. spiteri. “library catalogues of the future: a social space and collaborative tool?” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 107-131. theimer, sarah. “a cataloger's resolution to become more creative: how and why.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 8 (2012): 894-902. young, janis l., and yael mandelstam. “it takes a village: developing library of congress genre/form terms.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 6-24. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 11 12 (2013). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 section 1 150 class meetings, methodist change heading 150 methodist class meetings [sp 85026687] 053 bx8346 450 uf class meetings, methodist [former heading] 550 bt methodist church—government 150 liturgies (canon law) [sp 93002867] 053 kbu3184 add field 150 methodist band meetings [may subd geog] [sp2013002321] 450 uf band meetings, methodist 450 uf band societies, methodist 450 uf methodist band societies 550 bt methodist church—government 150 muslims—non-muslim countries change heading 150 muslims—non-islamic countries [sp85089080] 450 uf muslims—non-muslim countries [former heading] 450 uf muslims in non-muslim countries [former heading] 550 bt religious minorities 680 here are entered works on muslims living in predominantly non-islamic countries treated collectively. works on muslims living in individual non-islamic countries are entered under the heading muslims subdivided by place, e.g., muslims—france. 1 new and changed lc subject headings and other terms lc headings from august-november 2018 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from the 2018 list numbers 08 (august 17), 09 (september 14), 10 (october 12), and 11 (november 19). subject headings 130 bible--transgender interpretations [sp2018001298] 450 uf transgender interpretations of the bible 530 bt bible--criticism, interpretation, etc. 680 here are entered works on biblical interpretation from a transgender viewpoint, emphasizing such matters as transsexual identities. 150 bible stories, fijian [may subd geog] [sp2018002376] 450 uf fijian bible stories 150 bible stories, tahitian [may subd geog] [sp2018002375] 450 uf tahitian bible stories 150 bishops--dwellings--romania [sp2018002078] 150 cell culture--religious aspects [sp2018000662] 150 cell culture--religious aspects--islam [sp2018000663] 150 comic books, strips, etc.--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2018002039] 150 data curation [sp2015001855] 450 uf data libraries--collection management delete field 150 data libraries change heading 150 data centers [may subd geog] [sp 85035856 ] 450 uf data libraries [former heading] 450 uf datacenters 550 bt computer service industry 680 here are entered works on facilities that organize, process, store, and disseminate large amounts of data. ann heinrichs is metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. 2 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin 150 data sets [may subd geog] [sp2018002256] 450 uf datasets 450 uf raw data sets 550 bt computer files 550 bt electronic information resources 680 here are entered works on collections of discrete items of related data that can be accessed individually, in combination, or as a whole. works on collections of resources in digital formats are entered under digital libraries. 150 digital libraries [may subd geog] [sp 95008857 ] 680 here are entered works on collections of resources in digital formats. works on collections of discrete items of related data that can be accessed individually, in combination, or as a whole are entered under data sets. add field 150 faerie faith (wiccan sect) [may subd geog] [sp2017004664] 550 bt wiccan sects 680 here are entered works on the dianic tradition that does not have a pantheon, and instead emphasizes the feminine in humanity, in nature, and in god, and whose members believe in energies that are correlated to the thirteen lunar months of the celtic lunar tree calendar. works on the wiccan sect in which the primary myths are drawn heavily from the myths of ancient celtic gods and goddesses, and whose primary deity is dana, the mother goddess, are entered under faery-faith (wiccan sect). works on the ecstatic cult whose primary deity is the star goddess and whose gods are both male and female in one are entered under feri (wiccan sect). 681 notes under feri (wiccan sect); faery-faith (wiccan sect) 150 faery-faith (wiccan sect) [may subd geog] [sp2017004904] 450 uf irish american faery-faith (wiccan sect) delete field 680 here are entered works on the celtic reconstructionist sect faery faith, founded by kisma stephanich. worship is according to the ogham associated with each lunar cycle and pedagogical pathworking to develop bardic skills. as a bardic tradition, it has as its key text the lebor gabála érenn. works on the dianic sect faerie faith, founded by epona in atlanta, georgia, are entered under faerie faith (wiccan sect). works on the pre-gardnerian wiccan sect feri, founded by victor and cora anderson, are entered under feri (wiccan sect) delete field 680 here are entered works on the wiccan sect in which the primary myths are drawn heavily from the myths of ancient celtic gods and goddesses, and whose primary deity is dana, the mother goddess. works on the ecstatic cult whose primary deity is the star goddess and whose gods are both male and female in one are entered under feri (wiccan sect). works on the dianic tradition that does not have a pantheon, and instead emphasizes the feminine in humanity, in nature, and in god, and whose members believe in energies that are correlated to the thirteen lunar months of the celtic lunar tree calendar, are entered under faerie faith (wiccan sect). add field 3 new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 150 fantasy fiction--religious aspects [sp2018001608] 150 fantasy fiction--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2018001609] 150 feri (wiccan sect) [may subd geog] [sp2017004663] 450 uf anderson feri (wiccan sect) 450 uf faerie (wiccan sect) 450 uf faery (wiccan sect) 450 uf fairy (wiccan sect) 450 uf feri faith (wiccan sect) 450 uf phary (wiccan sect) 450 uf pictish (wiccan sect) 450 uf vicia (wiccan sect) 550 bt wiccan sects 680 here are entered works on the ecstatic cult whose primary deity is the star goddess and whose gods are both male and female in one. works on the wiccan sect in which the primary myths are drawn heavily from the myths of ancient celtic gods and goddesses, and whose primary deity is dana, the mother goddess, are entered under faery-faith (wiccan sect). works on the dianic tradition that does not have a pantheon, and instead emphasizes the feminine inhumanity, in nature, and in god, and whose members believe in energies that are correlated to the thirteen lunar months of the celtic lunar tree calendar, are entered under faerie faith (wiccan sect). 681 notes under faerie faith (wiccan sect); faery-faith (wiccan sect) 150 gaṅgā (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 89000160 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2018241436 150 gurneyites [may subd geog] [sp2018002296] 450 uf evangelical friends (gurneyites) 550 bt society of friends 150 indigenous peoples--missions [may subd geog] [sp2018002653] 150 industrial management--religious aspects [sp2018002266] 150 industrial management--religious aspects--christianity [sp2018002264] 150 invisibility--religious aspects [sp2018002174] 150 jewish hymns [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85070285 ] 450 uf hymns, jewish delete field 550 bt hymns add field 4 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin 151 jordan--in the bible [sp2018002183] 150 juquila, nuestra señora de [sp2018002316] 450 uf nuestra señora de juquila 450 uf nuestra señora de xuquila 450 uf nuestra señora inmaculada de juquila 450 uf our lady of juquila 450 uf virgin of juquila 450 uf xuquila, nuestra señora de 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--mexico 150 luciferians (christian heresy) [may subd geog] [sp2018001735] 053 bt1397 550 bt christian heresies--history--early church, ca. 30-600 150 motivation in islamic education [may subd geog] [sp2018001971] 053 lc905.m68 550 bt islamic education 150 muslim politicians [may subd geog] [sp2018001911] 450 uf islamic politicians 550 bt politicians 150 older neopagans [may subd geog] [sp2018001836] 550 bt neopagans 550 bt older people 150 paganism in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2018001581] 550 bt motion pictures 150 pageants--religious aspects [sp2018001505] 150 pageants--religious aspects--mormon church [sp2018001506] 110 parsonage (new york, n.y. : arthur kill road) [sp2017005181] 550 bt parsonages--new york (state) 150 parsonages--new york (state) [sp2018001405] 150 parturition--religious aspects [sp2018002449] 150 parturition--religious aspects--neopaganism [sp2018002161] 5 new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 150 pentecostal men [may subd geog] [sp2018001762] 550 bt christian men 150 quaker church buildings--england [sp2018002445] 150 rachmastrivka hasidim [may subd geog] [sp2018001353] 450 uf rotmistrovka hasidim 550 bt hasidism 150 shamans in art [not subd geog] [sp2018001816] 150 superheroes--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2018002040] 150 tissue culture--religious aspects [sp2018000664] 150 tissue culture--religious aspects--islam [sp2018000665] 150 trappist beers [may subd geog] [sp2018001829] 550 bt beer 150 vishnu (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85143862 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2018242971 150 vishnu (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 94008903] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading vishnu (hindu deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 visibility--religious aspects [sp2018002173] 150 zine libraries [may subd geog] [sp2018001741] 550 bt special libraries 150 zombies--religious aspects [sp2018002037] 150 zombies--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2018002038] 6 january 2019: vol. 27, no 1 • theology cataloging bulletin genre/form terms 155 bar mitzvah sermons [gp2018026106] 455 uf bar mitsṿah sermons 455 uf bar mitzva sermons 455 uf bar mitzwa sermons 455 uf barmitzvah sermons 555 bt occasional sermons 155 christmas pantomimes [gp2018026113] 455 uf mime plays (christmas pantomimes) 455 uf pantomime plays (christmas pantomimes) 455 uf pantos (christmas pantomimes) 555 bt christmas plays 680 christmas entertainments for children that are embellished fairy tales, and feature a male playing the principal female role and a female playing the principal male role. 155 christmas sermons [gp2015026084] 555 bt sermons delete field 555 bt occasional sermons add field 155 easter sermons [gp2018026105] 555 bt occasional sermons 155 funeral sermons [gp2015026085] 555 bt sermons delete field 555 bt occasional sermons add field 155 lenten sermons [gp2018026104] 455 uf lent sermons 555 bt occasional sermons 155 occasional sermons [gp2018026107] 555 bt sermons 680 sermons written for particular occasions. 155 thanksgiving day sermons [gp2015026086] 555 bt sermons delete field 555 bt occasional sermons add field 155 wedding sermons [gp2018026108] 455 uf nuptial sermons 555 bt occasional sermons theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 1 —november 2011 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson cc:da task force on the apocrypha last spring, it was discovered that there was a contradiction in the rda rules for entry of the individual books of the apocrypha. rule “for books of the catholic or protestant canon, record the brief citation form of the authorized version as a subdivision of the preferred title for the bible.” rule “for the compilation known as the apocrypha ... record apocrypha as a subdivision of the preferred title for the bible. for an individual book, use the name of the book as a further subdivision.” john attig, the ala representative to the joint steering committee, asked the catholic library association and atla to form a taskforce to propose a rule revision to resolve this conflict. he also suggested we might wish to propose revisions to other rules for sacred scripture if we so chose. the taskforce was formed, with judy knop serving as chair. members are thomas duszak, representing cla, armin siedlecki, richard lammert, donna campbell, denise pakala, leslie engelson, all representing atla, john g. marr, representing cc:da, and kurt bodling. so far, the taskforce has agreed to propose entering books of the apocrypha directly under bible. other topics under discussion are: expanding the definition of apocrypha; naming the books according to the douai version rather than the authorized version; adding wisdom literature to the list of groups of books found in; revising apocryphal books to make it clear it is not a distinct, defined collection; and entering books of the bible directly under their own names with a qualifier rather than entering them indirectly under bible. there has been no agreement on any revision except the omission of apocrypha from the entry of the individual books. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator naco funnel project congratulations to lisa miller, of drew university, for achieving independence in the creation and revision of personal name headings. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-3 john attig, the ala representative to the jsc, has requested that atla and the catholic library association to prepare a proposal to revise the rules for the individual books of the apocrypha. currently, the rda rules are contradictory, directing the books to be entered directly under bible, and in a sub-rule, directing the books to be entered subordinate to the apocrypha. the taskforce will consider the issue and will propose a rule revision to remove the contradiction. anyone wishing to participate in this taskforce's deliberations should contact judy knop, submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator conser funnel congratulations to michael bradford for achieving independence in authenticating and maintaining conser records. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project candidate terms are still being accepted. a first draft of terms should be available for review and comment early autumn. if you want access to the wiki but have forgotten your password or encounter difficulties accessing the website, please don’t hesitate to email me at thank you for your participation in this important project. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association rda toolkit webcast rda checkpoint -where we are and where we're heading presented by troy linker, publisher for ala digital reference, on july 12, 2011. slides and webinar selected cataloging courses alcts is offering a series of 5 webinars on rda between august and december 2011 1. recommendations from the rda test: where do we go from here? august 31 2. rda and cartographic materials: mapping a new route, september 28 3. rda and music: scores, october 19 theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 22-23 of 2011. please note: there has been a change in the way the subject heading lists are now published. from the lc website: currently there are generally twelve approved lists each year. prior to list 21, 2011, there were generally fifty-one lists each year, with no list published for the final week of december. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 151 africa--discovery and exploration--religious aspects [sp2011002801] 150 catechisms, iroquois [sp2011002624] 450 uf iroquois catechisms 150 catechisms, mohawk [sp2011002614] 450 uf mohawk catechisms 110 catholic church--coptic rite [may subd geog] [sp2011003306] 053 bx4712.2-bx4712.295 450 uf coptic rite (catholic church) 510 bt catholic church--oriental rites 150 christianity--madagascar [sp2011002569] 150 christianity and other religions--voodooism [sp2011002955] 150 church work with people with social disabilities [may subd geog] [sp2011002728] 053 bv4461.8 550 bt people with social disabilities 150 dualism (religion)--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011002473] 150 expository preaching [may subd geog] [sp2011002918] 550 bt preaching 680 here are entered works on the art of writing and delivering sermons that clarify and explain the meaning of a biblical text, verse by verse. 150 holidays--religious aspects [sp2011002686] 150 holidays--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011002688] 150 other (philosophy)--religious aspects [sp2011002558] 150 other (philosophy)--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011002559] 150 religious discrimination--law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2011002640] theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 550 bt freedom of religion 150 senses and sensation in the bible [sp2011002704] 053 bs1199.s35 (old testament) 150 women's choirs [may subd geog] [sp2011002876] 450 uf female choirs 450 uf female choruses 450 uf women's choruses (musical groups) theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by joanna hause the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 1 (2014:january 20) to 4 (2014:april 14). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: joanna hause southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.i268-.i2684 ibn al-labbād, ‛abd al-latīf ibn yūsef, 1162 or 1163-1231 class bm judaism practical judaism other special topics, a-z bm729.f66 food class bx christian denominations catholic church biography and portraits individual saints, a-z bx4700.t38 tekakwitha, kateri, saint, 1656-1680 class e america indians of north america biography individual, a-z e90.t2 tegakouita, catharine cancel (e90.t2) tegakouita, catharine. kateri tekakwith see bx4700.t38 class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.i2235 ibn ‛abd al-hakam, ‛abd allāh, -829 class n painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles new testaments evangelaries, a-z nd3359.b47 bernward gospels class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country eastern europe by region or country romania individual philosophers, a-z b4825.s67-.s674 sora, mihai table b-bj5 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.g67 gossip class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.z43 zechariah (biblical prophet) dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z bm645.t46 thought and thinking practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.s44shehechiyanu table bm6 bm670.t44 tefilat ha-derekh table bm6 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.s38 science class bs the bible general texts and versions theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 2-3 section 2 modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.t47 tetum table bs5 [including tetun dili] [bs315.t472] tetun dili see bs315.t47 class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4289 bon sauveur table bx18 class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.n 48neveh sha’anan class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib unaffiliated authors late period (ca. 1920-) individual authors, a-z kbp283.a45 ‘alī ibn abī tālib, caliph, approximately 600-661 table k4 mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.i262 ibn ‘arafah al-warghamī, muhammad ibn muhammad, 1316-1401 table k4 kbp320.w36 wansharīsī, ahmad ibn yahyá, 1430 or 1431-1508 table k4 shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.q235 qaffāl, ‘abd allāh ibn ahmad, 939-1026 table k4 class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 2-4 section 2 special works bibles new testaments evangelaries, a-z nd3359.b535 bibliotheque nationale de france. manuscript. graecus 54 class z subject bibliography theology and religion bible parts old testament individual old testament books (alphabetically) z7772.c35 ecclesiastes theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 15―21 of 2011. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 150 buddhist dance [may subd geog] [sp2011001375] 550 bt religious dance 150 christian dance [may subd geog] [sp2011002220] 550 bt religious dance 150 christian scholars [may subd geog] [sp2011002180] 550 bt scholars 150 church work with parents [may subd geog] [sp2011001703] 550 bt parents 150 dengaku [may subd geog] [sp 85036727] * 550 bt religious dance cancel * 550 bt shinto dance 150 ethiopia in the bible [sp2011001239] 150 kagura [may subd geog] [sp 85071270] * 550 bt religious dance cancel * 550 bt shinto dance 150 korean tea ceremony—religious aspects [sp2011002438] 150 korean tea ceremony—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011002371] 150 masculinity—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2011001475] 150 prayers for the dead—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011001700] 150 prejudices—religious aspects [sp2011001221] 150 prejudices—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011001222] theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 * 150 rainbow—religious aspects cancel 150 rainbows—religious aspects [sp 85111206] 450 uf rainbow (in religion, folklore, etc.) [earlier form of heading] * 150 rainbow—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] cancel 150 rainbows—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2007003296] 150 religious dance—tunisia [sp2011002557] 150 religious discrimination [may subd geog] [sp2011001839] 680 here are entered works on overt discriminatory behavior against religious groups or individuals based on their beliefs of religious affiliation. general works on tolerance or intolerance of religions or religious groups are entered under religious tolerance. 550 bt discrimination 681 note under religious tolerance 150 religious poetry, bengali [may subd geog] [sp2011001788] 450 uf bengali religious poetry 550 bt bengali poetry 150 religious satire, dutch [may subd geog] [sh2011001694] 450 uf dutch religious satire 150 religious tolerance [may subd geog] [sp 85112746] * 680 here are entered general works on religious tolerance. works on an individual religion's or denomination's position on the issue of religious tolerance are entered under this heading subdivided by the name of the religion or denomination. cancel * 680 here are entered works on tolerance or intolerance of religions or religious groups. works on an individual religion's or denomination's position on the issue of religious tolerance are entered under this heading subdivided by the name of the religion or denomination. works on overt discriminatory behavior against religious groups or individuals based on their beliefs or religious affiliation are entered under religious discrimination. * 681 note under religious discrimination 150 shinto dance [may subd geog] [sp2011002221] theology cataloging bulletin 1-4 section 1 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 550 bt religious dance 150 space—religious aspects [sp2011001596] 150 space—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011001598] 150 stambali [sp2010001862] * 550 bt religious dance cancel * 550 bt religious dance—tunisia theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association atla/cla/acl taskforce on rda best practices for the field of religion at the 2013 annual conference, the technical services interest group voted to form a taskforce to recommend best practices for cataloging in the field of religion. the motion included the suggestion to invite representatives from the catholic library association (cla), the association of christian librarians (acl), and the jewish library association ( jla) to join with us. the following persons have volunteered to serve on this taskforce: atla: michael bradford, harvard divinity school ( armin siedlecki, pitts theology library ( judy knop, atla (, chair cla: thomas duszak, pennsylvania dept of education, bureau of state library ( kurt bodling, george washington’s mount vernon ( rob kuzmer, univ. of notre dame ( acl: lori thornton, carson-newman univ. ( anyone else who wishes to join us is encouraged to do so. contact me ( if you have suggestions for fields needing a best practice statement, or if you have a best practice to suggest, please contact any member of the taskforce. submitted by judy knop chair, taskforce on best practices atla news training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4 —august 2011 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson websites of foreign-language catalogers i present here a few websites that i have found helpful (if not indispensable) when doing non-english cataloging. for detailed work, one cannot replace a print dictionary. nevertheless, quick access to an online dictionary often gives enough information for one’s need. one site that provides an excellent collection of dictionaries is the “foreign language online dictionaries and free translation links” on the website: the site lists dictionaries for about 300 languages (although some may not be encountered in cataloging; quenya, anyone?). the dictionaries themselves are on various sites, so the ease of use (and undoubtedly the quality) varies. however, i have found them generally very useful and accurate. another dictionary site is the english-language page of lexilogos: the overlap in languages between and here is considerable, but the site sometimes has resources that does not have. for example, lists manx, but actually has no manx dictionaries—there is only a link to “manx grammars, news, and fonts.” lexilogos, on the other hand has several manxenglish dictionaries. (the french portion of the site [] should not be overlooked, since it has an even more-extensive list of languages, although a perusal of the list indicates that many of the extra languages are various dialects of french, german, or english.) sometimes, online dictionaries go beyond their print counterpart by providing grammatical analysis of words. “words by william whittaker” ( actually parses declined and conjugated latin words. there is no need to know a precise lexical form to find a latin word with this site. what one often needs, however, is the translation of a complete phrase, not of a single word. for that, the best choice is an online translator. the translator i find indispensable is imtranslator: the site notes that the “translation [is] powered by google™, microsoft and other translation engines.” this gives you the ability to compare translations if a given language is theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-2 available in more than one engine. the translator, if it does its work well, will also take care of translating the grammatical connections between words in a phrase. these connections are shown by modifications of words often hard (or impossible) to find in dictionaries, since the dictionary only lists the lexical form of a word (with some exceptions, as noted above). not to be overlooked is the “auto detect” capability of imtranslator. checking this box requests imtranslator to guess the language from the text given for translation. this can be extremely helpful. i was cataloging a festschrift for a swedish bishop, and had input the text of the contributions. whether or not i checked “auto detect,” one title would not translate. when i input the title separately, checked “auto detect,” and translated, the title turned out to be norwegian. that meant i needed to add a language note to the record. one should keep in mind that neither general dictionaries nor general translation engines work well with technical language. this is as true of theological terms as for nuclear engineering terms. much of the time, however, the universality of theological terminology helps one overcome this problem. one old rule that catalogers used to have still applies: don’t duplicate work that someone else has done. this maxim led to the various national union catalogs that were available in print volumes. today, the only online resource that comes closest is oclc. yet there are dozens of libraries around the globe doing cataloging that doesn’t appear in oclc. an excellent collection of libraries with accessible websites is the “libweb: library servers via www”: the subtitle notes that “libweb currently lists over 8000 pages from libraries in 146 countries.” to find a particular library, search under the area of the world, then under the country. within the list of libraries under a specific country, look for a “national” or “royal” or “union” catalog, and search in the catalog for the item you have. some countries have a virtual or actual online union catalog, which provides for searching across libraries. alternatively, you can look for a major university in the specific country and search in its catalog. there will usually be an english-language interface to the catalog, in addition to an interface in the vernacular. the english-language interface can be identified by its abbreviation (“en” or “eng”), or with the union jack of great britain, not usually with the united states flag. but even without an english-language interface, you will probably see interfaces around the world that look familiar, since these libraries obtain their systems from the same companies as libraries in the united states. submitted by richard a. lammert, technical services librarian concordia theological seminary cc:da work continues on revisions to rda. various national partners propose additions and revisions to rda and all partners review and comment on those proposals. the joint steering committee (jsc) next meets in glasgow nov. 2-4, 2011. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson atla naco funnel 8th among naco funnel projects in new record creation during the first half of the fiscal year, sept. 2009-mar. 2010, the atla naco funnel members created 509 new name authority records, making it the eighth most productive funnel project. in fiscal year 2009, there were 696 headings created and 129 headings modified. to date, september 2009 to june 2010, there have been 799 headings created and 149 modified. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association two atla naco funnel members gain independence this spring, michael bradford gained independence in creating and modifying corporate/conference/geographic names. denise pakala gained independence in creating and modifying personal names. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association atla conser funnel project off to a good start five atla members attended conser training in conjunction with the ala midwinter 2010 meetings in boston, mass. by june 2010, those new conser members have added 85 new serial records to the conser database and have maintained 14 records which were already authenticated. four of the five trainees have submitted records for review. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association rda workshop technical services at westminster theological seminary library plans to prepare for implementation of rda in the following manner: may 9-10, 2011, in conjunction with southeastern pennsylvania theological library association (septla), westminster theological seminary will host a two-day educational workshop with guest lecturer, armin siedlecki, head of cataloging, pitts theological seminary, emory university, an official rda test site. 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 4 7 (2013). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 150 altarpieces, colombian [may subd geog] [sp2012004427] 450 uf colombian altarpieces 100 abel (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp 86005992 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 abraham (biblical patriarch)--in rabbinical literature [sp 89002514 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 abraham (biblical patriarch) in the new testament change heading 100 abraham (biblical patriarch)--in the new testament [not subd geog] [sp 89005660 ] 053 bs580.a3 450 uf abraham (biblical patriarch) in the new testament [former heading] 681 example under bible. new testament 100 adam (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp 92004512 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 africa in the bible change heading 151 africa--in the bible [sp2007001882] 450 uf africa in the bible [former heading] 150 african american christians [may subd geog] [sp2013000443] 450 uf christians, african american 550 bt christians--united states 100 amos (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2007004942] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 arma christi [may subd geog] [sp2013000762] 450 uf christ, weapons of 450 uf instruments of the passion 450 uf passion, instruments of the 450 uf weapons of christ 550 bt christian art and symbolism 500 bt jesus christ--passion 150 armenia in the bible change heading 151 armenia--in the bible [sp 85007277 ] 450 uf armenia in the bible [former heading] 150 assyria in the bible change heading 151 assyria--in the bible [sp 85008831 ] 450 uf assyria in the bible [former heading] 150 babylon (extinct city) in the bible change heading 151 babylon (extinct city)--in the bible [sp 99012431 ] 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 450 uf babylon (extinct city) in the bible [former heading] 130 bible [sp 85013576 ] 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the bible, e.g. animals in the bible delete field 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the bible, e.g., animals in the bible; [place]--in the bible, e.g., iran--in the bible; and [person]--in the bible, e.g., cyrus, king of persia, -529 b.c.--in the bible add field 130 bible. new testament. change heading 130 bible. new testament [sp 96011928 ] 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the new testament, e.g., gentiles in the new testament; [place]--in the new testament, e.g., galilee (israel)--in the new testament; and [person]--in the new testament, e.g., abraham (biblical patriarch)--in the new testament 150 bible stories, english [may subd geog] add geog [sp 87002714 ] 150 bible stories, hebrew [may subd geog] add geog [sp 89001285 ] 130 book of mormon [sp 96011801 ] 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the book of mormon, e.g. names in the book of mormon delete field 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the book of mormon, e.g., names in the book of mor mon; and [place]--in the book of mormon, e.g., jerusalem--in the book of mormon add field 150 cell phones--religious aspects [sp2013001090] 150 cell phones--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2013001091] 150 christian poetry, australian [may subd geog] [sp2013001105] 450 uf australian christian poetry 550 bt australian poetry 150 christian poetry, austrian [may subd geog] [sp2013001255] 450 uf austrian christian poetry 550 bt austrian poetry 150 christians--united states [sp2013001084] 150 church work with attention-deficit-disordered youth [may subd geog] [sp2013000441] 550 bt attention-deficit-disordered youth 100 david, king of israel--in rabbinical literature [sp 89004152 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 doctrine and covenants stories change heading 150 doctrine and covenants stories [sp 85038720 ] 053 bx8628.a5 680 here are entered works about doctrine and covenants stories. collections of doctrine and 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 covenants stories are entered under doctrine and covenants stories qualified by language. 150 doctrine and covenants stories, english [may subd geog] [sp2013000546] 450 uf english doctrine and covenants stories 150 egypt in rabbinical literature change heading 151 egypt--in rabbinical literature [sp2009008624] 053 bm496.9.e35 450 uf egypt in rabbinical literature [former heading] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 egypt in the bible change heading 151 egypt--in the bible [sp 87006403 ] 450 uf egypt in the bible [former heading] 150 egypt in the qurʼan change heading 151 egypt--in the qurʼan [sp 85041335 ] 053 bp134.e5 100 elijah (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2009010722] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 elijah (biblical prophet) in the new testament change heading 100 elijah (biblical prophet)--in the new testament [not subd geog] [sp2006006460] 053 bs580.e4 450 uf elijah (biblical prophet) in the new testament [former heading] 100 esau (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp2005004461] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 ethiopia in the bible change heading 151 ethiopia--in the bible [sp2011001239] 450 uf ethiopia in the bible [former heading] 100 eve (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp 92004513 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 ezekiel (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature delete geog [sp2007003914] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 filipino american catholics [may subd geog] [sp2013001409] 053 bx1407.f55 450 uf catholics, filipino american 550 bt catholics--united states 150 galilee (israel) in the new testament change heading 1-5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 151 galilee (israel)--in the new testament [not subd geog] [sp 88001146 ] 450 uf galilee (israel) in the new testament [former heading] 681 example under bible. new testament 150 georgia (republic) in the bible change heading 151 georgia (republic)--in the bible [sp2010013576] 450 uf georgia (republic) in the bible [former heading] 100 habakkuk, active 7th century b.c.--in rabbinical literature delete geog [sp2008004894] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 haman (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp 99001286 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 hebron in judaism change heading 151 hebron--in judaism [sp 93005885 ] 450 uf hebron in judaism [former heading] 550 bt judaism 150 hebron in the hadith change heading 151 hebron--in the hadith [sp2001005682] 450 uf hebron in the hadith [former heading] 550 bt hadith 100 hosea (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2007004947] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 hymns, pennsylvania german [may subd geog] [sp2013000598] 450 uf pennsylvania german hymns 150 iran in the bible change heading 151 iran--in the bible [sp 89006713 ] 053 bs680.i65 450 uf iran in the bible [former heading] 681 example under bible 150 iran in the hadith change heading 151 iran--in the hadith [sp 85067918 ] 450 uf iran in the hadith 550 bt hadith 150 iran in the qurʼan change heading 151 iran--in the qurʼan [sp 85067919 ] 053 bp134.i72 450 uf iran in the kran [former heading] 450 uf iran in the qurʼan [former heading] 1-6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 150 iraq in the hadith change heading 151 iraq--in the hadith [sp2004001471] 450 uf iraq in the hadith [former heading] 550 bt hadith 100 isaac (biblical patriarch)--in rabbinical literature [sp 85068324 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 isaiah (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2007008937] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 ishmael (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp2005004797] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 jeremiah (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2006006763] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 jericho in judaism change heading 151 jericho--in judaism [sp 96005321 ] 450 uf jericho in judaism [former heading] 550 bt judaism 150 jerusalem in christianity change heading 151 jerusalem--in christianity [sp 85069916 ] 053 bt93.5 450 uf jerusalem in christianity [former heading] 550 bt christianity 150 jerusalem in islam change heading 151 jerusalem--in islam [sp 85069917 ] 450 uf jerusalem in islam [former heading]\ 550 bt islam 150 jerusalem in judaism change heading 151 jerusalem--in judaism [sp 85069918 ] 450 uf jerusalem in judaism [former heading] 550 bt judaism 550 rt zionism 150 jerusalem in rabbinical literature change heading 151 jerusalem--in rabbinical literature [sp 85069920 ] 450 uf jerusalem in rabbinical literature [former heading] 450 uf jerusalem in the midrash [former heading] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 jerusalem in the bible change heading 151 jerusalem--in the bible [sp 85069919 ] 1-7 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 450 uf jerusalem in the bible [former heading] 150 jerusalem in the book of mormon change heading 151 jerusalem--in the book of mormon [sp2003005283] 450 uf jerusalem in the book of mormon [former heading] 681 example under book of mormon 150 jerusalem in the hadith change heading 151 jerusalem--in the hadith [sp2001005681] 053 bp135.8.j47 450 uf jerusalem in the hadith [former heading] 550 bt hadith 110 jesuits--spiritual life [sp 85069950 ] 681 example under monastic and religious life delete field 681 example under monastic and religious life; spiritual life add field 100 job (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp2005003133] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 joel (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2007003323] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 jonah (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature delete geog [sp2008004895] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 jordan in rabbinical literature change heading 151 jordan--in rabinnical literature [sp 97009105 ] 053 bm496.9.j67 450 uf jordan in rabbinical literature [former heading] 550 bt rabbinical literature 100 joseph (son of jacob)--in rabbinical literature [sp 96000475 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 laban (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp2001001228] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 latin literature--relation to the new testament [sp2013000356] 430 uf bible. new testament--relation to latin literature 550 bt bible and literature 150 lebanon in the bible change heading 151 lebanon--in the bible [sp 90005702 ] 450 uf lebanon in the bible [former heading] 150 mecca (saudi arabia) in islam change heading 1-8 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 151 mecca (saudi arabia)--in islam [sp 90005090 ] 053 bp187.2-bp187.48 450 uf mecca (saudi arabia) in islam [former heading] 550 bt islam 150 mecca (saudi arabia) in the hadith change heading 151 mecca (saudi arabia)--in the hadith [sp2006008028] 053 bp135.8.m42 450 uf mecca (saudi arabia) in the hadith [former heading] 550 bt hadith 150 mecca (saudi arabia) in the qurʼan change heading 151 mecca (saudi arabia)--in the qurʼan [sp 89002949 ] 450 uf mecca (saudi arabia) in the qurʼan [former heading] 450 uf mecca (saudi arabia) in the koran [former heading] 150 medina (saudi arabia) in islam change heading 151 medina (saudi arabia)--in islam [sp 96011894 ] 053 bp135.8.m45 450 uf medina (saudi arabia) in islam [former heading] 450 uf medinah (saudi arabia) in islam [former heading] 550 bt islam 150 medina (saudi arabia) in the hadith change heading 151 medina (saudi arabia)--in the hadith [sp 98004318 ] 053 bp135.8.m45 450 uf medina (saudi arabia) in the hadith [former heading] 550 bt hadith 100 micah (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2007003322] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 monastic and religious life [may subd geog] [sp 85086703 ] 053 bx2435 delete field 053 bx2435 (catholic church (general)) add field 360 sa subdivision spiritual life under names of individual religious orders, congregations, etc., e.g. jesuits--spiritual life delete field 360 sa subdivision spiritual life under names of individual religious and monastic orders, e.g., jesuits--spiritual life add field 100 moses (biblical leader)--in rabbinical literature [sp 89004151 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 moses (biblical leader) in the new testament change heading 100 moses (biblical leader)--in the new testament [not subd geog] [sp 93001062 ] 450 uf moses (biblical leader) in the new testament [former heading] 1-9 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 100 nahum (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2008004897] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 100 noah (biblical figure)--in rabbinical literature [sp2008002276] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 nuns--portraits [sp2013001405] 100 obadiah (biblical prophet)--in rabbinical literature [sp2008004898] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 palestine in christianity change heading 151 palestine--in christianity [sp 86000441 ] 450 uf palestine in christianity [former heading] 550 bt christianity 150 palestine in islam change heading 151 palestine--in islam [sp 85097185 ] 450 uf palestine in islam [former heading] 550 bt islam 150 palestine in judaism change heading 151 palestine--in judaism [sp 85097186 ] 450 uf palestine in judaism [former heading] 550 bt judaism 150 palestine in rabbinical literature change heading 151 palestine--in rabbinical literature [sp 93005671 ] 450 uf palestine in the midrash [former heading] 450 uf palestine in rabbinical literature [former heading] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 palestine in the bible change heading 151 palestine--in the bible [sp 85097187 ] 450 uf palestine in the bible [former heading] 130 qurʼan [sp 85072953 ] 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the qurʼan, e.g., aesthetics in the qurʼan delet field 360 sa headings of the type [topic] in the qurʼan, e.g., aesthetics in the qurʼan; and [place] -in the qurʼan, e.g., egypt--in the qurʼan; and [person]--in the qurʼan, e.g. cyrus, king of persia, -529 b.c.--in the qurʼan add field 150 qurʼan stories [not subd geog] add geog [sp 85072995 ] 450 uf koranic stories add field 430 uf qurʼan-stories add field 450 uf qurʼanic stories add field 1-10 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 550 bt islamic stories add field 680 here are entered works about qurʼan stories. collections of qurʼan stories are entered under qurʼan stories qualified by language. add field 150 qurʼan stories, urdu [may subd geog] [sp2013001116] 450 uf urdu qurʼan stories 100 rebekah (biblical matriarch)--in rabbinical literature [sp2003010207] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 regicide (canon law) [sp2013000991] 550 bt canon law 150 rome in the bible change heading 151 rome--in the bible [sp 95001486 ] 450 uf rome in the bible [former heading] 100 saul, king of israel--in rabbinical literature [sp 89002872 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 sermons, greek (modern) [may subd geog] [sp2013000868] 450 uf greek sermons, modern 450 uf modern greek sermons 150 sexual orientation--religious aspects [sp2012002891] 150 sexual orientation--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2013000570] 150 shivah (jewish mourning period) change heading 150 shivah (jewish mourning custom) [may subd geog] [sp 95000538 ] 450 uf shibah (jewish mourning custom) 450 uf shiva (jewish mourning custom) 450 uf shivah (jewish mourning period) [former heading] 550 bt jewish mourning customs 100 solomon, king of israel--in rabbinical literature [sp 93001073 ] 550 bt rabbinical literature add field 150 spiritual life [sp 85126758 ] 360 sa subdivision spiritual life under names of individual religious and monastic orders, e.g., jesuits--spiritual life add field 150 spirituality [may subd geog] [sp 85126779 ] 550 bt philosophy add field 550 bt religion add field 1-11 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 section 1 680 here are entered works that describe the proper relationship to god or present a history of it within a particular christian denomination. delete field 680 here are entered works about the personal search for sacredness or meaning that may be independent from organized religion. add field 150 spirituality--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [may subd geog] [sp2013001454] 150 spirituality--christianity [sp2013001502] 150 spirituality--history--early church, ca. 30-600 change heading 150 spirituality--christianity--early church, ca. 30-600 [sp2003005090] 450 uf spirituality--history--early church, ca. 30-600 [former heading] 150 sudan in the qurʼan change heading 151 sudan--in the qurʼan [sp2007002298] 450 uf sudan in the koran [former heading] 450 uf sudan in the qurʼan [former heading] 150 syria in the hadith change heading 151 syria--in the hadith [sp 98001167 ] 053 bp135.8.s95 450 uf syria in the hadith [former heading] 550 bt hadith 150 temple mount (jerusalem) in rabbinical literature change heading 151 temple mount (jerusalem)--in rabbinical literature [sp2003000255] 450 uf temple mount (jerusalem) in rabbinical literature [former heading] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 witness bearing (christianity) in literature [not subd geog] [sp2013001330] 150 yemen (republic) in the hadith change heading 151 yemen (republic)--in the hadith [sp 85149121 ] 053 bp135.8.y46 450 uf yemen (republic) in the hadith [former heading] 450 uf yemen in the hadith [former heading] 550 bt hadith 150 zionism [may subd geog] [sp 85149886 ] 551 rt jerusalem--in judaism add field theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson atla naco funnel 8th among naco funnel projects in new record creation during the first half of the fiscal year, sept. 2009-mar. 2010, the atla naco funnel members created 509 new name authority records, making it the eighth most productive funnel project. in fiscal year 2009, there were 696 headings created and 129 headings modified. to date, september 2009 to june 2010, there have been 799 headings created and 149 modified. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association two atla naco funnel members gain independence this spring, michael bradford gained independence in creating and modifying corporate/conference/geographic names. denise pakala gained independence in creating and modifying personal names. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association atla conser funnel project off to a good start five atla members attended conser training in conjunction with the ala midwinter 2010 meetings in boston, mass. by june 2010, those new conser members have added 85 new serial records to the conser database and have maintained 14 records which were already authenticated. four of the five trainees have submitted records for review. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association rda workshop technical services at westminster theological seminary library plans to prepare for implementation of rda in the following manner: may 9-10, 2011, in conjunction with southeastern pennsylvania theological library association (septla), westminster theological seminary will host a two-day educational workshop with guest lecturer, armin siedlecki, head of cataloging, pitts theological seminary, emory university, an official rda test site. theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in 2011.” — (accessed november 4, 2011) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 01(2012:january 16) to 03(2012:march 19). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203-432-5295 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country india special topics, a-z b132.s26 samavāya occident greece by period second period individual philosophers a democritus b293.a25-.a254 anonymous iamblichi, 5th/4th cent. b.c. table b-bj5 medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers special topics, a-z b745.n49 new and old modern (1450/1600) by region or country england. ireland. scotland. wales 18th century individual philosophers berkeley, george, 1685-1753 separate works b1320-1324 siris table b-bj10 special topics, a-z b1349.i47 immaterialism france by period 18th century individual philosophers rousseau, jean jacques, 1712-1778 theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 special topics, a-z b2138.a55 alienation 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.d485.d4854 desanti, jean toussaint table b-bj5 b2430.d89-.d894 durand, gilbert, 1921table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) by period 17th century individual philosophers leibniz, gottfried wilhelm, freiherr von, 16461716 special topics, a-z b2599.t38 theodicy italy by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers mamiani romagnosi b3636.m87-.m874 mura, gaspare table b-bj5 netherlands (low countries) by period 17th century individual philosophers spinoza, benedictus de special topics, a-z b3999.m66 monism spain and portugal spain individual philosophers, a-z b4568.m386.m3864 mate, reyes table b-bj5 class bf psychology theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 psychoanalysis special topics, a-z bf175.5.w75 writing class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.s33 secrecy class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions european. occidental classical religion and mythology roman special topics, a-z bl815.p57 politics special deities and characters of classical mythology, az bl820.e86 eurydice asian. oriental by religion hinduism modifications. sects. movements. cults individual sects, movements, cults bl1276.495-.49592 gāyatrī parivāra table bl5 jainism sacred books. sources. āgama (siddhānta) literature special divisions and individual texts cheyasuttas (chedasūtras) individual texts. by title, a-z bl1313.3.j58-.j589 jīyakappasutta (jītakalpasūtra) table bl3 theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 by region or country southeast asia by region or country indonesia by ethnic group, a-z bl2123.s86 sundanese class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other religions, a-z bm536.s55 sufism other, a-z bm538.h68 housing bm538.n38 nature practical judaism festivals and fasts individual festivals and fasts, a-z bm695.t37 tenth of tevet other special topics, a-z bm729.m55 milk class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼān. koran works about the qurʼān special topics, a-z bp134.f68 fruit bp134.g43 gender identity the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes monasticism. ụ̄fi orders. brotherhoods theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 individual orders, a-z bp189.7.d37.d372 darqāwā table bp3 topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.c68 counseling bp190.5.m26 management other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.m42 meetinghouse for aspiring spirits class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka early buddhist suttas anguttaranikāya individual suttas, a-z bq1349.5.k38.k389 kalamasutta table bq3 abhidharmapiṭaka mahayana doctrinal texts yogācāra school texts yogācārabhūmi other parts, a-z bq3070.s36-.s369 samāhitābhūmi table bq3 doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.s77 stress (psychology) buddhist pantheon eight kinds of mythological beings in hinduism who protect buddhism devas individual devas, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 bq4750.y35-.y354 yama table bq11 modifications, schools, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism) forms of worship. religious practice ceremonies and rites. ceremonial rules special ceremonies and rites, a-z bq7699.g36 gcod (buddhist rite) class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.s43 severin, saint, bishop of cologne, d. ca. 403 class bs the bible general works about the bible topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs680.e58 environmental ethics class bt doctrinal theology history of specific doctrines and movements. heresies and schisms by period early to the reformation, 1517 gnosticism (christian) nag hammadi codices individual tractates, a-z bt1392.t58-.t582 thunder, perfect mind table bs8 class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life works of consolation and cheer theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 works for special classes of persons the sick and crippled other, a-z bv4910.6.b87 burns and scalds [bv4910.6.s322] scalds see bv4910.6.b87 class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.m47 mishkenot shaʼananim regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.b97 buqeiʻa ds110.j85 jūlis class kb religious law in general. comparative religious law. jurisprudence periodicals islamic kb37.25 p class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah individual authors, a-z kbp300.a74 āqḥiṣārī, ḥasan kāfī, 1544-1616 table k4 mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.g47 ghafajūmī, mūsá ibn ʻīsá, 978 or 9-1038 or 9 table k4 kbp320.m365 manjūr, aḥmad ibn ʻalī, 1520 or 21-1586 or 7 table k4 theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 kbp320.s27 ṣanhājī, abū ʻimrān ʻubayd ibn muḥammad alfāsī table k4 kbp320.z37 zaqqāq, ʻalī ibn qāsim, d. 1506 or 7 table k4 shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.i25 ibn al-ʻimād al-aqfahsī, aḥmad, ca. 1349-1405 table k4 kbp330.i252 ibn al-ʻimād al-aqfahsī, aḥmad, ca. 1349-1405 table k4 cancel kbp330.i253 ibn al-ʻirāqī, aḥmad ibn ʻabd al-raḥīm, 13611423 table k4 kbp330.i257 ibn al-majdī, aḥmad ibn rajab, 1366-1447 table k4 kbp330.j33 jaʻbarī, ṣāliḥ ibn thāmir, d. 1306 or 7 table k4 kbp330.s26 samʻānī, manṣūr ibn muḥammad, 1035-1096 table k4 furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law cultural affairs education higher education. universities [kbp3153-3153.7] students kbp3153 students cancel kbp3153 general kbp3153.7 fellowships. grants. loans criminal law and procedure criminal procedure execution of sentence [kbp4798kpb4810] imprisonment kbp4798 general kbp4810 prisoners class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 christian catholic roman catholic by period ml3007 1901cancel ml3007 1901-2000 ml3008 2001 by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml3051.p54-.p549 philippines table m8 class pj oriental philology and literature hebrew literature literary history and criticism history special aspects and topics treatment of special persons and characters, a-z pj5013.5.j47 jesus christ class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books special classes of materials other classes, a-z z692.e4 electronic books cataloging by subject, a-z z695.1.w27 waqf subject bibliography philology and linguistics oriental individual languages z7072.8 judeo-arabic theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project janis young at lc reports that the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. she has begun to gather some notes and suggestions. project participants will be notified when they are ready for our review. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda webinars: managing e-resources cataloging: impact and insight, august 21, 2013. in this webinar, we are going to focus on managing the cataloging activities for all types of e-resources a typical academic/research library will acquire, which will be divided into two different workflow namely cataloging and loading. we will cover aspects including the collaboration with other units in the library especially the acquisition's e-resources group and collection managers, how to motivate staff, what tools can help, and most important, how to prepare oneself to be a good manager for e-resources cataloging. aacr2…meet rda webinar provided by mcls cataloging with rda (resource description & access) is similar to cataloging with aacr2...and then again it's not! in this 2-hour webinar, key differences between aacr2 and rda will be identified and shown through examples. some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. nov. 22, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $119.00 copy cataloging of digital resources (virtual/internet resources and video games) using rda webinar provided by mcls this workshop will be online for 3 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. all forms of digital resources such as websites. ebooks, eserials, and downloadable audio books, music, and video files as well as physical media such as video games, cd-roms and other computer disks will be addressed. december 4-6, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $199.00 rda cataloging: basic music scores webinar provided by minitex for the experienced cataloger, this webinar will compare the similarities and differences between cataloging music scores (both print and electronic) between aacr2 and rda. exercises will help the viewer build the foundation necessary to quickly review rda records. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 3-2 another advantage of rda is the discontinuation of the rule of three and the expanded use of the subfield $e in 100 and 700 fields. as catalog information is maintained online rather than on small cards, there is no justifiable reason to limit the number of contributors to a work (or rather the manifestation of a work to use proper frbr terminology). at the same time, rda records can provide much more information about the role a particular contributor played in the production of a book or recording. a good example is oclc# 692186583, which identifies the book’s authors, its contributing photographer, the person responsible for its design as well as a number of sponsors that made the production of the book possible. in theory, a patron would be able to search for all books the production of which was sponsored by a particular institution. these are only two examples of advantages offered by rda. it is my hope that the proposed new cataloging standard will be judged by such conceptual or structural innovations rather than by minute eventualities like the use of professional titles of fictitious characters. previous issue: my experience with rda: part one: overview submitted by armin siedlecki, head of cataloging pitts theology library rda toolkit webcast introduction to rda toolkit, a webcast originally presented feb 8-9, 2010, is now available ( t.cfm). rda web courses understanding frbr for rda and beyond, july 6-7 or august 2-3, ({3c8b5d3b-057a-4881-9442388ed83f8c72}&rowid=1-l01nq) frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, may 17 or september 13, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme) introducing rda: 1, structure, principles, and core elements, may 31 or june 21 or july 19, ( theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 3-3 introducing rda: 2, resource description, july 5-6 or august 30-31, ( rda: on the road to implementation, may 51 or july 7 or august 4, ( atla conference june 2011 technical services tuesday (june 7) 7:00 pm-9 pm interest group topic: what i wish i had known when i started in technical services – tsig wednesday (june 8) 8:30 am-12 pm pre-conference workshop – morning tackling the foreign-language backlog: roman-script languages and introduction to romanization 1:00 pm-4:30 pm pre-conference workshop – afternoon tackling the foreign-language backlog: advanced romanization thursday (june 9) conversation groups 10:30 am-11:30 am library of congress genre/form project update name authority conversation group 11:30-1:00 pm naco lunch theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-5 lc genre/form terms for religious material project lc’s original timeline called for the religion genre project to run from mid-2010 to mid2011. the end of april 2011 is the date for a first draft of proposed terms. there is still plenty of time to suggest new terms. there are currently, for example, people working on terms for judaism, east asian religions, and eastern orthodox christianity. recently, cameron campbell, barbara kemmis and i had a conference call with janis young from lc regarding the next steps for the religion genre/form project .a review of the terms from the december 9, 2010 project update resulted in an agreement to set aside all terms that were not considered by the project participants to constitute an appropriate as a genre term. janis also made the following suggestions: 1) for now, go to the broader level for many terms. for example, propose the term “prayers” with a scope note indicating the term is to be used for bedtime prayers, pastoral prayers, etc. if lc decides later that more specific genre terms are needed, they will ask us to develop them. an exception to this would be a term where specificity is necessary; see, for example, the comments under “didactic poetry, arabic” on the project wiki. 2) for now, cumulate but don’t develop suggestions for music terms. they can later be referred to the music genre/form project. 3) for now, cumulate but don’t develop suggestions for literary terms. they can later be referred to the literature genre/form project. april is still the deadline for our first draft. once that is circulated and we’ve accumulated comments, we will probably need a small group of volunteers to help develop subsequent drafts. once we send lc a final draft, there will still be the need for further discussion. lc may have questions about some of the proposals or suggestions for revisions. the project may be completed by the end of 2011. we will try to add a short session on the religion genre project to the program for atla’s annual conference which will be held in chicago june 8-11, 2011. you may be aware of other venues at which you can distribute drafts and solicit comments. if you want access to the wiki but have forgotten your password or encounter difficulties accessing the website, please don’t hesitate to email me. thank you for your participation in this important project. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association selected articles from current library journals bright, alice, et al. “minding our ps and qs: an adventure in reclassification.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 1 (2011): 41-54. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-6 brown-sica, margaret, jeffrey beall, and nina mchale. “next-generation library catalogs and the problem of slow response time.” information technology and libraries 29, no. 4 (december 2010): 214-223. curran, mary. “print serials workflow in rda: a draft workflow for rda toolkit based on jsc’s sample workflow for a simple book.” serials librarian 59, nos. 3-4 (2010): 244-262. ho, birong. “the integrated library system’s apis, an open-source web 2.0 catalog, and university computing live happily ever after.” code4lib journal 12 (2010-12-21). (accessed january 25, 2011). lee, seungmin, and elin k. jacob. “an integrated approach to metadata interoperability: construction of a conceptual structure between marc and frbr.” library resources & technical services 55, no. 1 (2011): 17-32. steele, thomas d., and jody bales foote. “reclassification in academic research libraries: is it still relevant in an e-book world?” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 1 (2011): 14-32. zhu, lihong. “the role of the cataloging department in the implementation of oclc worldcat local.” library collections, acquisitions, & technical services 34 (2010): 123-129. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 40―51 of 2010 and 1―2 of 2011. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 150 altarpieces, andorran [may subd geog] [sp2010013683] 450 uf andorran altarpieces 151 aurangabad caves (india) [sp2010013759] 550 bt buddhist cave temples—india 550 bt caves—india 150 bon monasteries [may subd geog] [sp2005002186] * 550 rt bon monasticism and religious orders 150 bon monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp2009030035] 550 bt bon (tibetan religion) 550 rt bon monasteries 150 boys' choirs [may subd geog] [sp 96007071] * 450 uf boy choirs 150 children's choirs [may subd geog] [sp 89002559] * 450 uf children's choruses (musical groups) * 150 children's sermons, jewish cancel 150 jewish children's sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85023777] 053 bm743 450 uf children's sermons, jewish [earlier form of heading] 450 uf jewish sermons for children 550 bt jewish sermons 150 choirs (music) [may subd geog] [sp 85024628] * 450 uf choral groups * 450 uf chorales (musical groups) 150 choirs (music)—united states [sp2010014494] 150 christian education of young men [may subd geog] [sp2010013585] 550 bt young men 150 christianity and other religions—neo-confucianism [sp2009008228] theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 150 christianity and other religions—śaiva siddhānta [sp2009008229] 150 christianity and other religions—śaivism [sp2009008227] 150 cities and towns in the bible [sp2010014764] 155 concordats [sp2010025090] 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for agreements between a government and the roman catholic church. 555 bt law materials 150 easter crèches [may subd geog] [sp2010013733] 450 uf crèches, easter 450 uf easter sepulchres 450 uf sepulchres, easter 550 bt easter decorations 550 bt tableaux 155 indulgences (canon law) [sp2010025107] 680 this heading is used as a genre/form heading for texts granting remission by the catholic church of temporal punishment for sins that have been forgiven. 555 bt law materials 150 intergenerational communication—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009008255] 150 malicious accusation in the bible [sp2008009795] 053 bs680.m33 150 men's choirs [may subd geog] [sp2010014452] 450 uf male choirs 450 uf male choruses 450 uf men's choruses (musical groups) 550 bt choirs (music) 550 rt men's choral societies theology cataloging bulletin 1-4 section 1 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 150 mental health counseling—religious aspects [sp2010013857] 150 merit (buddhism) [sp2009030054] 053 bq4363 550 bt buddhism—doctrines 150 messiah—islam [sp2010014710] 550 bt islam—doctrines 150 missional church movement [sp2010014863] 550 bt non-institutional churches 100 obadiah (biblical prophet)—in rabbinical literature [sp2008004898] 150 psalms (music)—109th psalm [sp2009005139] 450 uf deus, laudem (music) 150 queer theology [may subd geog] [sp2010014738] 053 bt83.65 550 bt theology, doctrinal 150 reform zionism [may subd geog] [sp2010014410] 450 uf progressive zionism 550 bt religious zionism 151 rome—army—religious life [sp2010015410] 550 bt religious life 150 saman (buddhist deity) [not subd geog] [sp2008030042] 053 bq4890.s26-bq4890.s264 450 uf samantha (buddhist deity) 450 uf sumana (buddhist deity) 450 uf sumana saman (buddhist deity) 550 bt buddhist gods theology cataloging bulletin 1-5 section 1 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 150 security (psychology)—religious aspects [sp2010013765] 150 security (psychology)—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010013766] 150 shrines—spain [sp2010014145] 150 walking in the bible [sp2010014430] 150 women imams (mosque officers) [may subd geog] [sp2010013693] 450 uf female imams (mosque officers) theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-2 section 3 aacr2…meet rda webinar provided by mcls cataloging with rda (resource description & access) is similar to cataloging with aacr2...and then again it's not! in this 2-hour webinar, key differences between aacr2 and rda will be identified and shown through examples. some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. april 1, 2014 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (edt) $119.00 is rda on your radar? online conference provided by amigos rda has been or is being implemented by many libraries in the united states, europe and the pacific. other libraries are still taking a wait-and-see approach. interest in the new content standard is high. the goal of this conference is to take the pulse of the library community and see how rda is working out for us. february 20, 2014 9:00 am-4: pm (cdt) $134.00 linked data videos: linked data for libraries youtube video provided by oclc a short introduction to the concepts and technology behind linked data, how it works, and some benefits it brings to libraries. euclid: educational curriculum for the usage of linked data euclid is a european project facilitating professional training for data practitioners, who aim to use linked data in their daily work. euclid delivers a curriculum implemented as a combination of living learning materials and activities (ebook series, webinars, face‐to‐face training), validated by the user community through continuous feedback. submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university notes on developing a thesis/dissertation form there are three major considerations in developing a thesis form. what is its purpose? what information are you legally allowed to collect? how do you go about creating your own form? purpose. the major reason to have a thesis form is for disambiguation of personal name headings. most of us have some form of ongoing authority work on our opacs. in cataloging an institution's theses/dissertations, enough information should be included (such as birth year) in the personal name headings so that duplicate headings are not created with other identical names in the opac, worldcat and/or the lcaf. in our shared environment, this is true even if you are not a naco certified cataloguer and are not adding authority records to the lcaf. privacy concerns. ferpa (family educational rights and privacy act) is the governmental act that covers privacy rights for students. any information disclosed about students must comply with ferpa. to research this topic, i interviewed betsy gasoske, registrar at covenant theological seminary, st. louis, about ferpa compliance. i then wrote up my notes and sent them to her via e-mail for her to review to be sure i am correctly understanding and reporting her responses. here are excerpts from my synopsis of our e-mail exchange from november, 2013: ferpa has designated information that you cannot ever disclose about a student. specifically, we cannot disclose the following information regarding a student without their written consent: race, gender, ssn, grades, gpa, country of citizenship, or religion. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-3 section 3 ferpa has designated information that we are allowed to disclose without the student’s written consent. this is called directory information. as an institution, once you have decided what information you will disclose, you must declare to the students that you will provide this information. at covenant, there is a statement in the student handbook regarding this. it is the student right to privacy section, and we include a notice about it twice a year in the community news (our e-mail newsletter sent to all students). usually this is for a couple weeks at the beginning of each term. additionally, a student can declare that he or she would not like their directory information disclosed. so, we can’t just assume that it is okay to release this information on any student. it is important to look a student up in your institution's student database before disclosing anything. tren's microfilm distribution form. most schools in atla submit their theses/dissertations to tren so i think it is worthwhile to discuss tren's thesis/dissertation form. it is an excellent template to use to develop your own library's thesis form with one caveat. the tren form asks for 'country of citizenship,' which is one piece of information that is specifically disallowed under ferpa. i queried robert jones, director of tren about the inclusion of citizenship on the form and this is his e-mailed response on dec. 4, 2013. we share none of the information on the tren release form with anybody except the u.s. copyright office and only then when the student signs up for our copyright registration services on the back of the tren form. when we complete the online copyright form it asks for the year of birth, country of domicile and country of citizenship. i think that’s why the country of citizenship was included on the original tren form created over 30 years ago. i believe the copyright office asks for this in order to be sure that if the author is from another country that that country is a signee to the berne convention or the universal copyright convention. http://definitions.uslegal. com/u/universal-copyright-convention/ the data that we display on the tren website is only the degree, number of pages, author name and title of thesis. we have not and would not share country of citizenship. in the almost 30 years i’ve been doing tren nobody has ever called or written to ask for it. i asked betsy gasoske (covenant registrar) about this. her response was: you are receiving the information as part of your job responsibilities at the institution and contracting with a vendor to perform an institutional function which is all okay under ferpa even around the country of citizenship, but if it has potentially [sic] to be disclosed to the general public this is not okay. if the student is supplying the information and signing off on the form, we are fine as well. what this means practically, is that i recognize that the tren form is an internal worksheet which includes private information which i won't disclose, even on an authority record. the marc field 370 $c in authority records is for associated country, but that doesn't imply citizenship. creating the form. once you understand what is needed to conform to ferpa, you are ready to develop your own form. because the information on your form depends somewhat on the privacy statement for your institution, you cannot just copy a form from another institution and use it. you must make sure you are complying with your own institution's privacy policies. interview your registrar (or other administrator in charge of ferpa compliance) about what information your institution has listed as part of your directory information. decide what part of that information is relevant to the library. at covenant, we collect (at the institution level) a lot of information for the directory that i don't need in the library. the parts of this information i am interested in are: name (last name, first and middle), year of birth, denomination and presbytery affiliation (if any), degrees held, and date of graduation. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-4 section 3 in addition, i have added preferred form of name, with the explanation: "note: this is the form of name you would like to be known by on title pages of works you have published or might publish in the future. for example: c.s. lewis rather than clive staples lewis)." finally, it is helpful if at least one member of the library staff has access to the student information system so he/she can look up information on students to include in authority records and bibliographical records, within the appropriate restrictions described in this article. this may be an acceptable alternative to a printed form. submitted by denise pakala, associate librarian for technical services covenant theological seminary selected articles from current library journals bidney, marcy, and kevin clair. “harnessing the geospatial semantic web: toward place-based information organization and access.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 69-76. bundza, maira. “the choice is yours! researchers assign subject metadata to their own materials in institutional repositories.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 110-118. downey, kay. “technical services workflow for book jobber-mediated demand driven ebook acquisitions.” technical services quarterly 31, no. 1 (2014): 1-12. johnson, thomas, and karen estlund. “recipes for enhancing digital collections with linked data.” code4lib journal 23 (2014-01-17). accessed january 27, 2014. jones, ed. “description of serials, rda, and the marc 21 bibliographic format.” serials librarian 65, no. 3/4 (2013): 295-308. junger, ulrike. “can indexing be automated? the example of the deutsche nationalbibliothek.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 102-109. klenczon, wanda, and paweł rygiel. “librarian cornered by images, or how to index visual resources.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 42-61. laskowski, mary s., and jennifer a. maddox abbott. “the evolution of technical services: learning from the past and embracing the future.” technical services quarterly 31, no. 1 (2014): 13-30. mitchell, erik. “trending tech services: rethinking the tech in tech services: programming as a curriculum integrated element of knowledge organization disciplines and the impact on student learning, literacy, and professional preparedness.” technical services quarterly 31, no. 1 (2014): 44-58. mitchell, joan s., marcia lei zeng, and maja žumer. “modeling classification systems in multicultural and multilingual contexts.” in “beyond libraries: subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web,” edited by maja žumer, sandra k. roe, and edward t. o’neill. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 1 (2014): 90-101. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-2 on the other hand is the description of relationships between the components of bibliographic data with qualifiers such as translation, adaptation, analysis, parody, etc. for titles of works or such as author, translator, illustrator, etc. for persons associated with a work, expression or manifestation. a representative image for such a dynamic web of relationships is the online environment in which most catalogers now practice their craft and to which the majority of patrons turn for information. the final test of rda will be its usability in a software environment that can make full use frbr structures and so far no major ils vendor has offered this capability, but it is reasonable to assume that the development of such systems would follow shortly after a decision is made by the national libraries regarding the implementation of rda. furthermore, the structure and logic of rda with its increased emphasis on relationships and greater use of metadata components promises to provide greater adaptability for future technological developments, even beyond the marc environment. next issue: my experience with rda: part two: examples submitted by armin siedlecki, head of cataloging pitts theology library rda workshop technical services at westminster theological seminary library plans to prepare for implementation of rda in the following manner: may 9-10, 2011, in conjunction with southeastern pennsylvania theological library association (septla), westminster theological seminary will host a two-day educational workshop with guest lecturer, armin siedlecki, head of cataloging, pitts theological seminary, emory university, an official rda test site. may 9, 2011 septla meeting at westminster theological seminary morning session (75 min.): cataloging with rda rda is more than an updated set of cataloging rules. based on the principles of frbr (functional requirements for bibliographic records), rda presents a new way of thinking about organizing information. this presentation will explore the changes that catalogers can expect in their daily work as a result of the implementation of rda. special emphasis will be given to issues concerning catalogers in theological libraries. afternoon session (90 min.): rda – not just for catalogers rda (resource description and access) is a new descriptive standard for cataloging. based on new ways of organizing information, this innovation in bibliographic description relates not only to the world of technical services. this presentation will explore the impact of rda on libraries, librarians and library users. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-3 may 10, 2011 rda training workshop at westminster theological seminary two half-day sessions of official rda training accompanied by insights from experience during the rda test period. training will include hands-on examples and exercises based on materials relevant to catalogers in theological libraries. limited to 30 participants, registration will be open exclusively to septla members initially. later, if any slots are available, registration will be advertised to non-septla libraries. submitted by donna r. campbell, technical services & systems librarian westminster theological seminary library rda toolkit webcast introduction to rda toolkit, a webcast originally presented feb 8-9, 2010, is now available cast.cfm. rda web courses understanding frbr for rda and beyond, march 9-10, ({3c8b5d3b-057a-4881-9442388ed83f8c72}&rowid=1-l01nq) frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, march 17, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme) introducing rda: 1, structure, principles, and core elements, march 30, ( introducing rda: 2, resource description, march 22-23, ( rda: on the road to implementation, april 5, ( catholic library association newsletter robert l. kusmer, ph.d., m.l.s., who serves as cataloging librarian for german, humanities, and theology at the theodore m. hesburgh library at the university of notre dame, is the editor of the catholic library association cataloger’s e-newsletter. issued quarterly, the oliver leonard kapsner, o.s.b. cataloging bulletin is cataloged on oclc theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 04(2012:april 16) to 06(2012:june 18). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203-432-5295 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.h36 happiness ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country india special topics, a-z yoga [b132.y6] cf. ra781.67-.74 exercise [b132.y6] cf. ra781.7 yoga exercise cancel medieval (430-1450) special topics other special topics, a-z b738.w55 will modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.k56-.k564 kim, jaegwon table b-bj5 england. ireland. scotland. wales 17th century individual philosophers locke, john, 1632-1704 special topics, a-z b1298.l36 language and languages france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.j25-.j254 jacques, francis table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 netherlands (low countries) by period 17th century individual philosophers spinoza, benedictus de special topics, a-z b3999.s46 semiotics russia by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers grot preobrazhenskii b4249.m87-.m874 muravʹev, valerian table b-bj5 eastern europe by region or country czechoslovakia. czech republic individual philosophers, a-z b4805.d73-.d734 dratvová, albína, 1892-1969 table b-bj5 b4856-4860 serbia table b-bj16 africa special topics, a-z b5315.i58 intersubjectivity class bc logic history by period ancient oriental (buddhist, hindu, etc.) special topics, a-z bc26.h96 hypothesis class bf occult sciences astrology by ethnic group, religion, or country, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 bf1714.a66 armenian class bh aesthetics special topics, a-z bh301.s75 surrealism class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.e47 empathy class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions european. occidental other early european religions by ethnic group other, a-z bl975.s45 selkups asian. oriental by religion hinduism doctrines. theology other special topics and relations to special subjects, a-z bl1215.f74 freedom of speech practice. forms of worship. religious life religious life. spiritual life. discipline meditation. spiritual exercises [bl1238.52-.56] yoga class here works on yoga as a religious and spiritual discipline theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 class here works dealing with yoga as religious and spiritual discipline cancel for works on yoga for health purposes see ra781.67-.74 for works dealing with yoga for health purposes see ra781.7 cancel for works on yoga used for therapeutic purposes see rm727.y64 for works dealing with yoga for therapeutic purposes see rm727.y64 cancel class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.c68 conception practical judaism forms of worship bm656.5 intercession other special topics, a-z bm729.d64 dogs bm729.s53 smell class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam biography individual muḥammad, prophet, d. 632 [bp75-77.75] cf. kbp252 islamic law sacred books qurʼān. koran works about the qurʼān special topics, a-z bp134.b64 blessing and cursing theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 hadith literature. traditions. sunna. special topics, a-z bp135.8.e73 eschatology the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sins. vices individual sins, a-z bp188.14.b44 begging special classes of persons, a-z bp188.18.m46 men sufism. mysticism. dervishes monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.j86-.j862 junaydīyah table bp3 topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.l36 language and languages class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka early buddhist suttas khuddakanikāya jātakas individual jātakas. by title, a-z bq1470.s96-.s969 suvaṇṇahaṃsajātaka table bq3 bq1470.v88-.v889 vyagghajātaka table bq3 doctrinal and systematic buddhism special doctrines virtues and vices kleśa. vices. illusions, etc. individual vices, a-z bq4430.h38 hate theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 class br christianity collected works early christian literature. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.m46-.m466 methodius, of olympus, saint, d. 311 table br1 christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z br115.f74 freedom of speech history by region or country europe br737.a-z by race or ethnic group, a-z e.g. cancel br737.a37 africans br737.g34 gagauz biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.g88 gregory, thaumaturgus, saint, ca. 213-ca. 270 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.k59 khyang table bs5 african languages, a-z bs325.s46 sena table bs5 works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible biography theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.n26 naomi bs580.r28 rachel class bx christian denominations catholic church history history of the papacy special topics, a-z bx958.s35 sanctification other special topics, a-z bx1795.s49 sex role class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.s44 sheikh jarrah regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.e455 efrat ds110.h475 ḥiṭṭīn antiquities ds111.3 roman ethnography. tribes of israel other elements in the population, a-z ds113.8.l38 latvian jews history by period earliest to 70 a.d. 63 b.c.-70 a.d. roman period [ds122-122.9] cf. ds111.3 roman antiquities theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 class kbm jewish law. halakhah sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z economics [kbm496.9.e27] cf. kbm524.145 relationship of jewish law and economics mishpat ivri the concept of jewish law. halakhah kbm524.145 relationship of jewish law and economics class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib kbp252 muḥammad, prophet, d. 632 class here works on his views on law and his role in the development of islamic law schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah individual authors, a-z kbp300.i228 ibn ʻābidīn, muḥammad amīn ibn ʻumar, 1783 or 4-1836 table k4 mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.a45 ʻalī ibn ziyād, d. 799 table k4 kbp320.s25 ṣaghīr,ʻalī ibn muḥammad, d. 1319 or 20 table k4 kbp320.u44 ujhūrī, ʻalī ibn muḥammad, 1559 or 60-1656 table k4 shīʻī schools. shīʻah jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis individual authors, a-z kbp370.n34 najafī, muḥammad ḥasan ibn bāqir, ca. 17881850 table k4 theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law [kbp3515-3521] professions. intelligentsia cancel [kbp3515-3521] professions including occupations public finance national and local revenue taxation property tax. taxation of capital zakat. zakāh. prescribed giving. almsgiving kinds of taxable income, a-z kbp3620.3.s76 stocks class kbr history of canon law general concepts and principles, a-z kbr2208.o24 obedience class kbs canon law of eastern churches assyrian church of the east. east syrian church kbs320.2.a-z other churches, a-z [kbs320.2.a772] assyrian church of the east in india see kbs320.2.c43 kbs320.2.c43 chaldean syrian church also known as assyrian church of the east in india class kbt canon law of eastern rite churches in communion with the holy see of rome kbt291-390 by subject (general and comparative) table kbs1 for general works and sources, see kbt1-kbt280 for works on an individual church, see kbt300-kbt4300 [kbt300-4300] individual churches sui juris and ritual traditions cancel [kbt300-2700] churches of the constantinopolitan (byzantine) rite cancel kbt300 general (comparative) cancel [kbt395-4300] individual churches sui juris and ritual traditions [kbt395-2700] churches of the constantinopolitan (byzantine) rite theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 kbt395 general (comparative) class kbu law of the roman catholic church. the holy see general norms and principles. de normis generalibus legal transactions. de actibus iuridicis validity. void and voidable transactions. validitas actus iuridici kbu2289 declaration of intention. mental reservation. simulation class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination christian protestant by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml3151.i4-.i49 india table m8 class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art non-christian art special hindu special subjects or topics, a-z n8195.3.k83 kubera (hindu deity) class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works theology cataloging bulletin 2-12 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 bibles new testaments evangelaries, a-z nd3359.a33 ada gospels class z libraries library science. information science information organization [z666.7-.73] metadata z666.7 metadata cancel z666.7 general works z666.73.a-z by type of metadata or type of media or content, a-z z666.73.a83 audio metadata z666.73.p73 preservation metadata library information networks individual international networks, projects, etc., a-z z674.75.w67 world wide web including library web sites, mashups, and web conferencing cancel including cloud computing, library web sites, mashups, and web conferencing the collections. the books cataloging subject cataloging. subject headings individual lists, thesauri, etc., a-z [z695.z8l242] lcgft see z695.z8l48 [z695.z8l245] lcsh see z695.z8l5 z695.z8l48 library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials. lcgft z695.z8l5 library of congress cancel z695.z8l5 library of congress subject headings. lcsh preservation, conservation, and restoration of books and other library materials special topics, a-z z701.3.c67 conservation laboratories. preservation laboratories [z701.3.p652] preservation laboratories see z701.3.c67 theology cataloging bulletin 2-13 section 2 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 public services. reference services public services. reference services in special topics, a-z z711.6.b87 business theology cataloging bulletin 3-3 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 in-conference workshop cpal interest group digital information: an introduction for librarians and archivists 1:00-2:00pm conversation groups e-books, e-readers, e-resources, oh my! what's a small theological librarian to do? library of congress’ implementation of rda the library of congress has set march 31, 2013 as its target for rda implementation day one. some of lc’s partner national libraries (u.s.: national agricultural library and national library of medicine; and non-u.s.: british library, library & archives canada, and national library of australia) have targeted the first quarter of 2013. training presentations, webcasts, and webinars library of congress recorded webcasts for rda training rda: looking to the future: information systems and metadata. speaker: barbara tillett. recorded march 9, 2010. rda changes from aacr2 for texts. speaker: barbara b. tillett. recorded january 12, 2010. running time: 75 minutes (41 minutes of presentation followed by q&a). rda: recursos descripción y acceso: antecedentes y aspectos de su implementación. speaker: barbara tillett. in spanish. recorded august 13, 2009. running time: 85 min. georgia public library cataloging summit library of congress rda training exercises and answers theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg new editor please welcome tammy johnson, technical services librarian at columbia theological seminary as the new editor of the news and views section. she will begin her new responsibilities with the november issue of tcb. tammy has been active in atla for many years, currently serving as a member of the naco funnel project, for example. she will undoubtedly bring her enthusiastic spirit and dedication to tcb as one of the four contributors who give their time and effort to serve all of you as you strive to bring order and access to the wealth of information out there. thanks, tammy, and welcome to the tcb team along with joanna hause, eric friede, and paul osmanski. rda toolkit the rda toolkit is available now for free until august 31. subscription to open access to the toolkit can be found at for those of you with subscriptions to cataloger’s desktop, although rda is a separate subscription, it can be set up to be accessible via the desktop interface, meaning that rda’s content is indexed and linked to other resources in the desktop, thus providing a seamless experience. if you wish to purchase the rda toolkit after the open access period has expired, the license and pricing options are now available ( consortia and group pricing is an option; however, it needs to be individually priced. perhaps the steering committee can check into this option to see if atla can work out a price for our group. rda examples the joint steering committee for development of rda has posted pdf’s of rda examples illustrating the application of rda to bibliographic records under the working documents area of their web site. the documents are dated 17 june 2010. complete examples cover letter (; complete examples (bibliographic)/revised (; complete examples (authority)/revised ( theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 1-3 of 2012. please note: there has been a change in the way the subject heading lists are now published. from the lc website: currently there are generally twelve approved lists each year. prior to list 21, 2011, there were generally fifty-one lists each year, with no list published for the final week of december. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause, steelman library, southeastern university, 1000 longfellow blvd., lakeland, fl 33801; or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 150 christian poetry [not subd geog] [sp 85025137 ] 450 uf christianity--juvenile poetry add field 150 christian saints in numismatics [may subd geog] [sp2011005552] 053 cj161.c48 550 bt numismatics 150 church schools [may subd geog] [sp 85025747 ] 450 uf faith-based schools (church schools) add field 150 ecclesiastical law [may subd geog] [sp 85040680 ] 550 bt church and state delete field 550 bt religious law and legislation add field 680 here are entered works on the legal aspects of matters of religion in christian countries. works on the legal aspects of matters of religion in non-christian countries are entered under religious law and legislation. delete field 680 here are entered works on the legal aspects of christianity in christian countries. works on the legal aspects of matters of religion under secular or national legal systems are entered under religious law and legislation. add field 150 professional ethics--religious aspects [sp2012000099] 150 professional ethics--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012000100] 150 religious law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp 85112661] 680 here are entered works on the legal aspects of matters of religion in nonchristian countries. works on the legal aspects of matters of religion in christian countries are entered under ecclesiastical law. delete field 680 here are entered works on the legal aspects of matters of religion under secular or national legal systems. works on the legal aspects of christianity in christian countries are entered under ecclesiastical law. works on the comparison of the legal systems of various religions are entered under comparative religious law. add field 681 note under ecclesiastical law delete field 681 notes under ecclesiastical law; comparative religious law add field 2018 summary of proceedings 18 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 collection development compiled by anna appleman crawford, scott and fiona syme. “enhancing collection development with big data analytics.” public library quarterly 37, no. 4 (october 2018): 387–93. ferguson, cris. “library support of institutional curricula.” against the grain 30, no. 5 (november 2018): 1–10. monroe-gulick, amalia, lea currie, and corinne forstot-burke. “worldshare collection evaluation: a case study.” technical services quarterly 36, no. 1 (january 2019): 1–17. strong, jessica and quinn galbraith. “letting the readers have a say: crowd theory in collection development.” college & research libraries news 79, no. 9 (october 2018): 502–4. doi: taler, izabella. “globalization of area studies: an analysis of collection development resources.” collection and curation 37, no. 3 (july 2018): 97–110. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. 2018 summary of proceedings pagelist 18 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson atla naco and conser news preparing for rda how are you preparing for rda? have you checked out the great resources on the library of congress website: cataloger's learning workshop (clw). you can find it at: there you will find all kinds of free training material to help you and your colleagues prepare for the new rules and the new fields rda will bring. while there is no day one set for bibliographic records, lc plans to train all its catalogers by march 31, 2013. after that date, lc will issue all cataloging following rda rules. they will also stop supporting all aacr2 rules and practices. so, an increasing amount of cataloging will follow rda rules, forcing everyone to switch, or to spend time altering cataloging to fit the old rules. over time, i suspect it will be much more cost effective for catalogers to switch to rda. naco catalogers are required to learn rda and to switch all their creation and editing of authority records to follow rda as of march 31, 2013. that is considered day one for rda authority work. to prepare for that day, all naco catalogers are required to take ten to fourteen hours of online course work followed by two one-hour webinars. the online course work is free and is not restricted to naco catalogers. anyone interested in the changes rda will bring to authority records is welcome to watch the videos, demos and take the quizzes. the online course can be found at: conser catalogers are also preparing to switch serials cataloging to rda rules. the conser staff at lc is preparing online course work to be available in the spring of 2013. once that training is available, i would expect a day one for conser serial records to be set. anyone interested in joining the naco and conser funnel groups should contact me at judy knop funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project the third draft of terms was handed over to janis young of lc’s policy and standards division for formal evaluation in august 2012. she will forward the draft to the other psd specialists, lc reference librarians and catalogers who work with religious materials, and to anyone else who expresses an interest. depending upon the comments and suggestions she collects, project participants may be required to do additional work on some specific terms. when both the project participants and lc staff are comfortable with the terms, lc will make the authority records and put them on a tentative list which will be public. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda training and webinars amigos cataloging with rda-live online dec. 4-7 10:30-12:30 cst minitex rda for the seasoned cataloger: print serials (3 part self-paced workshop wednesday november 28, tuesday december 4, monday december 10 rda cataloging: basic books thursday, december 13 10am-1 pm cst rda toolkit essentials library of congress webcast new bibliographic framework: update eric miller recorded july 16, 2012 association for library and technical services (alcts) alcts offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: selected articles from current library journals theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson bibframe model “the library of congress is pleased to announce the publication of a new website for detailed information about the in-development, draft bibframe vocabulary. it also includes demonstrations of the bibframe model from marc bibliographic records from all of the experimenters' collections, including the library of congress. these are displayed in a human-friendly manner with exhibit 3, a light-weight publishing framework for data. the source marc/xml data, resulting bibframe resources, and exhibit json are available for download. “we encourage and want constructive feedback on the vocabulary and data transformations. all are invited to join the conversation. …the vocabulary is designed to get us started, but, as a community effort, your valuable feedback is essential (and has been already thank you.” submitted by kevin ford ( network development and marc standards office, library of congress pcc ala midwinter 2013 presentations oclc rda policy statements (effective march 31, 2013) hybrid records when editing and replacing master records in worldcat, catalogers may choose to add some rda elements to existing non-rda records without re-cataloging the entire record according to rda. candidates for such editing include, but are not limited to: • adding relator terms to access points • spelling out non-transcribed abbreviations • adding complete statements of responsibility in 245 (in place of "[et al.]") • adding 336/337/338 fields general material designators (gmds) as recommended in the pcc guidelines on hybrid bibliographic records, oclc will retain the 245 h gmd for a period of 3 years in worldcat records where it currently exists. catalogers editing existing non-rda records are asked to leave formerly valid gmds present in records through 31 march 2016. however, do remove the gmd when recataloging (and re-coding) a record as rda. machine manipulation of existing worldcat records oclc will begin changing existing worldcat legacy records after 31 march 2013 to incorporate various useful rda practices. legacy records (non-rda records) need to be made as functional as possible in the future rda environment to benefit catalogers, systems, and catalog end users. as a post-marc future becomes a reality in years to come, greater consistency of practice present in existing worldcat records will allow easier migration to another metadata format. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 3-2 section 3 anticipated changes include, but are not limited to: • adding 336, 337, 338 fields • spelling out non-transcribed abbreviations in 255, 300, 500, 504 and other fields • converting latin abbreviations to english equivalents in 245, 260, and other fields • converting dissertation notes in 502 field to multiple subfields • removing gmds (after 31 march 2016) • heading changes in accordance with rda heading changes are anticipated to spell out abbreviations in headings like "dept." and to change bible and koran headings in accordance with rda practice. training presentations, webcasts, and webinars georgia public library cataloging summit originally convened august 9-11, 2011. the documents are available from the library of congress’ training website. library of congress catalogers learning workshop. includes free webinars and course materials for training provided by the library of congress. library of congress rda training materials course%20table.html selected articles from current library journals barton, joshua, and lucas mak. “old hopes, new possibilities: next-generation catalogues and the centralization of access.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 83-106. butler, rebecca. “the rise and fall of union classification.” theological librarianship: an online journal of the american theological library association 6, no. 1 (4 december 2012). theolib/article/view/254 (accessed january 28, 2013). chang, hsia-ching, and hemalata iyer. “trends in twitter hashtag applications: design features for value-added dimensions to future library catalogues.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 248-258. croissant, charles r. “frbr and rda: what they are and how they may affect the future of libraries.” theological librarianship: an online journal of the american theological library association 5, no. 2 (10 june 2012). (accessed january 28, 2013). debus-lópez, karl e., diane barber, caroline saccucci, and camilla williams. “the electronic cataloging in publication cataloging partnership program: a model for cooperative cataloging for the twenty-first century.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 25-54. el-sherbini, magda. “bibliotheca alexandrina’s model for arabic name authority control.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 1 (2013): 4-17. theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 24-27 of 2011. please note: there has been a change in the way the subject heading lists are now published. from the lc website: currently there are generally twelve approved lists each year. prior to list 21, 2011, there were generally fifty-one lists each year, with no list published for the final week of december. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 150 asian american theology [sp2011004097] 550 bt theology, doctrinal--united states 150 authorship--religious aspects [sp2011004459] 150 authorship--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011004460] 150 bible stories, anglo-norman [may subd geog] [sp2011003998] 450 uf anglo-norman bible stories 150 bible stories, kamula [may subd geog] [sp2011003550] 450 uf kamula bible stories 150 bible stories, kaulong [may subd geog] [sp2011003551] 450 uf kaulong bible stories 150 bible stories, latvian [may subd geog] [sp2011003999] 450 uf latvian bible stories 150 buddhist gays [may subd geog] [sp2011004972] 053 bq5480.g39 450 uf gay buddhists 550 bt gays 150 buddhist hymns, bengali [may subd geog] [sp2011004662] 450 uf bengali buddhist hymns 150 church work with young adults--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2011004100] 150 closure (rhetoric) in the bible [sp2011005097] 150copacabana, nuestra señora de [not subd geog] [sp2011004513] 450 uf candelaria, most blessed virgin of 450 uf candelaria de copacabana, virgen de la 450 uf coyeta 450 uf la coyeta 450 uf most blessed virgin de la candelaria 450 uf nuestra señora de copacabana 450 uf our lady of copacabana 450 uf virgen de copacabana 450 uf virgen de la candelaria de copacabana 450 uf virgin of copacabana 500 bt mary,blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--bolivia 150 doodles--religious aspects [sp2011003581] theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 150 doodles--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011003582] 150 doors--religious aspects [sp2011003386] 150 doors--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011003387] 150 hiking--religious aspects [may subd geog] [sp2011005275] 150 hymns, arabic [may subd geog] [sp2011004191] 450 uf arabic hymns 150 hymns, pohnpeian [may subd geog] [sp2011004391] 450 uf pohnpeian hymns 150 interfaith marriage in the bible [sp2011004031] 053 bs1199.i54 (old testament) 150 kyriales [may subd geog] [sp 97003501 ] 550 bt gregorian chants add field 550 bt masses add field 100 mary,blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--ecuador [sp2011005037] 100 mary,blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--ecuador [sp2011005035] 150 saint stephen's day [may subd geog] [sp 85116618 ] 450 uf day of the wren add field 450 uf feast of saint stephen add field 450 uf feast of st. stephen add field 450 uf wren's day add field 2018 summary of proceedings 14 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 leslie engelson is metadata librarian at murray state university. professional development opportunities by leslie engelson let it go: weeding your library’s collection learn about collection assessment and evaluation criteria, how to develop and execute a weeding plan, and tips and techniques for communicating about the process to staff and patrons. april 23-25, 2019 $165-$220 regular expressions after learning the syntax and construction and regular expressions, attendees will design both simple and complex expressions. april 30-may 2, 2019 $165-$220 know & go: rda after lrm summarizes the changes made to rda instructions that were affected by lrm. reviews the new rda entries, discusses the four recording methods, and reviews the new organization of toolkit. may 6, 2019 $0-$35 excel for librarians participants will become familiar with tools such as pivot tables, filters, conditional logic, the vlookup function, and number formatting which can then be used to determine collection duplication, calculate cost-per-use, assess print and electronic collection use, and review student assessment data. may 6-june 14, 2019 $250 communicating impact using data visualization demonstrates principals and tools for best communicating technical services work. discusses how the audience drives the narratives and what data points and most effective. may 8, 2019 $43-$236 news • professional development opportunities 15 standardizing series: kbart & project transfer explains the uses of kbart, openurl, and project transfer for continuing and electronic resources. cases studies which demonstrate the use of these standards will be discussed. may 15, 2019 $43-$95 hot to make all your learners micro-experts to quickly solve, fix, and improve things at work attendees will learn the difference between a subject matter expert (sme) and a situation expert (se) and be able to implement a four-step process of creating learning to help staff become micro-experts. may 16, 2019 free hiring, engaging, & retaining talent in a strong economy learn how to build a culture where employees feel connected to the mission and valued by their manager. topics covered include recruitment, motivation, performance, and accountability. july 30, 2019 free 2018 summary of proceedings pagelist 14 15 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 2 —february 2012 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson lc genre/form terms for religious material project work continues on lc’s religion genre/form project. a draft should be submitted to lc for consideration in early february. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association news from the library of congress website bibliographic framework transition initiative training presentations, webcasts, and webinars association for library and technical services (alcts) rda and moving images, march 14, 2012 rda and 3d objects and kits, march 28, 2012 rare materials and rda: exploring the issues, may 23, 2012 archival materials: using rda with dacs, may 30, 2012 alcts also offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: minitex frbr and frad: keys to rda, april 3 and 5, 2012 rda for the original cataloger, may 9 and 14, 2012 rda for the seasoned copy cataloger: continuing resources, may 16 and 24, 2012 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 2 —february 2012 3-2 midwest collaborative for library services (mcls) aacr2…meet rda may 18, 2012 assigning library call numbers (advanced), may 8, 9, and 10, 2012 lyrasis born digital cataloging items on the web (live online), april 5, 2012{cdbb338d-d015-4457-b93d6e88f5fc28dc}&rowid=1-n6tf5 copy cataloging a serial (live online) march 21-22, 2012{f8954bed-1cfe-4727-a0d84021d796a059}&rowid=1-mk9z7 introduction to audio-visual cataloging (live online) may 31, 2012{a2cad0f0-c8bb-46f8-ab96132581601c86}&rowid=1-lw5v6 frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, march 22, 2012 and may 22, 2012,{ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme georgia cataloging summit this past summer the georgia public library service hosted the georgia cataloging summit. presenters included dr. barbara b. tillett and judith a. kuhagen. the powerpoint presentations for the library of congress rda workshop for georgia cataloging summit are accessible on the training modules for rda at the library of congress resource description and access at the library of congress webpage: rda toolkit webcast rda checkpoint -where we are and where we're heading presented by troy linker, publisher for ala digital reference, on july 12, 2011. slides and webinar theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 1 —november 2011 3-2 lc genre/form terms for religious material project a summary of terms proposed to date was circulated to project roster members on aug. 26, 2011. a copy (called “working notes”) was also posted to the “genre forms for religious terms project” webpage at (no password required). comments on that summary were due by oct. 14, 2011. a first draft of proposed terms should be available for review by late autumn. copies of that draft will be mailed to project roster members. a copy will also be posted to the website and an announcement sent to altatech-l. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda toolkit webcast rda checkpoint -where we are and where we're heading presented by troy linker, publisher for ala digital reference, on july 12, 2011. slides and webinar georgia cataloging summit this past summer the georgia public library service hosted the georgia cataloging summit. presenters included dr. barbara b. tillett and judith a. kuhagen. the powerpoint presentations for the library of congress rda workshop for georgia cataloging summit are accessible on the training modules for rda at the library of congress resource description and access at the library of congress webpage: alcts aiming for a robust metadata infrastructure for the future don’t tilt at windmills, an active learning approach to teaching frbr theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association atla/cla/acl taskforce on rda best practices for the field of religion at the 2013 annual conference, the technical services interest group voted to form a taskforce to recommend best practices for cataloging in the field of religion. the motion included the suggestion to invite representatives from the catholic library association (cla), the association of christian librarians (acl), and the jewish library association ( jla) to join with us. the following persons have volunteered to serve on this taskforce: atla: michael bradford, harvard divinity school ( armin siedlecki, pitts theology library ( judy knop, atla (, chair cla: thomas duszak, pennsylvania dept of education, bureau of state library ( kurt bodling, george washington’s mount vernon ( rob kuzmer, univ. of notre dame ( acl: lori thornton, carson-newman univ. ( anyone else who wishes to join us is encouraged to do so. contact me ( if you have suggestions for fields needing a best practice statement, or if you have a best practice to suggest, please contact any member of the taskforce. submitted by judy knop chair, taskforce on best practices atla news training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 section 2 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library’s list numbers 10-11 of 2012. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 section 2 150 advertising--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012003217] 150 african american presbyterian churches [may subd geog] [sp2012002541] 450 uf presbyterian church, african american 550 bt african american churches 550 bt presbyterian church--united states 150 assisted suicide--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012003215] 150 bible stories, malayalam [may subd geog] [sp2012003316] 450 uf malayalam bible stories 150 buddhist families [may subd geog] [sp2012003662] 550 bt families 150 buddhist relics [may subd geog] [sp2012003478] 053 bq 4570.r44 550 bt relics 150 christianity and other religions--voodooism change heading 150 christianity and other religions--vodou [sp2011002955] 150 church work with blacks [may subd geog] [sp2012002468] 550 bt blacks 150 church work with blacks--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012002469] 150 clergy as spies [may subd geog] [sp2012003370] 550 bt spies 150 good and evil--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012003214] 150 hoodoo (cult) [may subd geog] [sp 85061897 ] 550 rt voodooism delete field 680 here are entered works on a form of cult magic practiced primarily in the southern united states. works on the major folk religion practiced primarily in haiti and parts of the southern united states are entered under voodooism. delete field 680 here are entered works on a form of cult magic practiced primarily in the southern united states. works on the major folk religion practiced primarily in haiti and parts of the southern united states are entered under vodou. add field 681 note under voodooism delete field 681 note under vodou add field 150 individualism--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012003216] 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 section 2 150 mambos (voodooism) change heading 150 mambos (vodou) [may subd geog] [sp 90002871 ] 450 uf mambos (voodooism) [former heading] 450 uf mambus (vodou) 450 uf manbos (vodou) 450 uf vodou priestesses 450 uf vodou women priests 550 bt vodou priests 550 bt women priests 100 mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--brazil [sp2012004102] 100 mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--brazil [not subd geog] [sp2012004103] 150 music--religious aspects--voodooism change heading 150 music--religious aspects--vodou [sp 95008987 ] 150 nuns as nurses [may subd geog] [sp2012002709] 450 uf sister nurses 550 bt nurses 150 obeah (cult) [may subd geog] [sp 85093623 ] 550 rt voodooism delete field 150 presbyterian church--united states [sp2012003573] 150 rada (voodoo rite) change heading 150 rada (vodou rite) [may subd geog] [sp 95008863 ] 450 uf rada (voodoo rite) [former heading] 550 bt vodou--rituals 150 sacred music--haiti [sp2012004099] 150 sacred music--southern states [sp2012004100] 150 self-consciousness (awareness)--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012003599] 150 self-help techniques--religious aspects [sp2012003212] 150 self-help techniques--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012003213] 150 temptation in the bible [sp2012003164] 1-4 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 section 2 150 voodoo music change heading 150 vodou music [may subd geog] [sp 95008864 ] 450 uf music, vodou 450 uf voodoo music [former heading] 550 bt sacred music--haiti 550 bt sacred music--southern states 150 voodoo priests change heading 150 vodou priests [may subd geog] [sp 90002873 ] 450 uf priests, voodoo [former heading] 450 uf voodoo priests [former heading] 550 bt priests 150 voodooism change heading 150 vodou [may subd geog] [sp 85144397 ] 053 bl 2490 450 uf vaudou 450 uf vodun 450 uf voodoo (religion) 450 uf voodooism [former heading] 450 uf voodou 450 uf vooduism 450 uf voudon 450 uf voudooism 450 uf voudouism 450 uf voudoun 450 uf vudu 550 bt cults--haiti 550 bt cults--southern states 680 here are entered works on the major folk religion practiced primarily in haiti and parts of the southern united states. works on a form of cult magic practiced primarily in the southern united states are entered under hoodoo (cult). 681 note under hoodoo (cult) 150 voodooism--relations change heading 150 vodou--relations [sp 85144398 ] 150 voodooism--relations--catholic church, [etc.] change heading 150 vodou--relations--catholic church, [etc.] [sp 85144399 ] 150 voodooism--rituals change heading 150 vodou--rituals [sp 95008988 ] 150 zombiism [may subd geog] [sp 85149949 ] 550 bt voodooism delete field 550 bt vodou add field theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 1 —november 2011 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson cc:da task force on the apocrypha last spring, it was discovered that there was a contradiction in the rda rules for entry of the individual books of the apocrypha. rule “for books of the catholic or protestant canon, record the brief citation form of the authorized version as a subdivision of the preferred title for the bible.” rule “for the compilation known as the apocrypha ... record apocrypha as a subdivision of the preferred title for the bible. for an individual book, use the name of the book as a further subdivision.” john attig, the ala representative to the joint steering committee, asked the catholic library association and atla to form a taskforce to propose a rule revision to resolve this conflict. he also suggested we might wish to propose revisions to other rules for sacred scripture if we so chose. the taskforce was formed, with judy knop serving as chair. members are thomas duszak, representing cla, armin siedlecki, richard lammert, donna campbell, denise pakala, leslie engelson, all representing atla, john g. marr, representing cc:da, and kurt bodling. so far, the taskforce has agreed to propose entering books of the apocrypha directly under bible. other topics under discussion are: expanding the definition of apocrypha; naming the books according to the douai version rather than the authorized version; adding wisdom literature to the list of groups of books found in; revising apocryphal books to make it clear it is not a distinct, defined collection; and entering books of the bible directly under their own names with a qualifier rather than entering them indirectly under bible. there has been no agreement on any revision except the omission of apocrypha from the entry of the individual books. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator naco funnel project congratulations to lisa miller, of drew university, for achieving independence in the creation and revision of personal name headings. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 3―14 of 2011. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 150 assyrian church of the east members [sp2010013045] 450 uf nestorians [earlier form of heading] 550 bt syriac christians 150 assyrian church of the east monasticism and religious orders [sp2010013049] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, nestorian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 150 assyrian women [may subd geog] [sp2008001614] * 680 here are entered works on women of modern times who are adherents of the nestorian church. cancel * 550 bt assyrians 150 assyrians [may subd geog] [sp 85008832] * 680 here are entered works on modern adherents of the nestorian church. cancel * 680 here are entered works on speakers of the modern syriac language. * 550 bt nestorians cancel * 550 bt syriac christians cancel * 550 rt chaldean catholics cancel 150 atheism [may subd geog] [sp 85009109] * 550 bt philosophy * 550 bt religion cancel * 550 bt secularism cancel * 550 rt religion * 550 rt secularism 150 canon law—eastern churches [sp 85019653] * 680 here are entered works on the canon law of the eastern churches, i.e. the orthodox eastern, the oriental orthodox, and the nestorian churches. works on the canon law of the eastern churches that recognize the supremacy of the pope (oriental rites) are entered under canon law--oriental catholic churches. works on the canon law of the orthodox eastern church alone are entered under canon law--orthodox eastern church. cancel * 680 here are entered works on the canon law of the eastern churches, i.e. the orthodox eastern and the oriental orthodox churches. works on the theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 canon law of the eastern churches that recognize the supremacy of the pope (oriental rites) are entered under canon law--oriental catholic churches. works on the canon law of the orthodox eastern church alone are entered under canon law--orthodox eastern church. 150 canon law—oriental catholic churches [sp 85019654] * 680 here are entered works on the canon law of the eastern churches that recognize the supremacy of the pope (oriental rites). works on the canon law of the eastern churches, i.e. the orthodox eastern, the oriental orthodox, and the nestorian churches, are entered under canon law--eastern churches. works on the canon law of the orthodox eastern church alone are entered under canon law--orthodox eastern church. cancel * 680 here are entered works on the canon law of the eastern churches that recognize the supremacy of the pope (oriental rites). works on the canon law of the eastern churches, i.e. the orthodox eastern and the oriental orthodox churches, are entered under canon law--eastern churches. works on the canon law of the orthodox eastern church alone are entered under canon law--orthodox eastern church. 150 canon law—orthodox eastern church [sp 85019655] * 680 here are entered works on the canon law of the orthodox eastern church alone. works on the canon law of the eastern churches, i.e. the orthodox eastern, the oriental orthodox, and the nestorian churches, are entered under canon law--eastern churches. works on the canon law of the eastern churches that recognize the supremacy of the pope (oriental rites) are entered under canon law--oriental catholic churches. cancel * 680 here are entered works on the canon law of the orthodox eastern church alone. works on the canon law of the eastern churches, i.e. the orthodox eastern and the oriental orthodox churches, are entered under canon law--eastern churches. works on the canon law of the eastern churches that recognize the supremacy of the pope (oriental rites) are entered under canon law--oriental catholic churches. 110 catholic church—chaldean rite [may subd geog] [sp 85021069] * 550 bt syrian churches * 550 rt chaldean catholics cancel theology cataloging bulletin 1-4 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 150 celibacy (canon law)—orthodox eastern church [sp2011000024] 150 chaldean catholics [may subd geog] [sp 85022386] * 680 here are entered works on members of the chaldean rite of the catholic church, who converted from nestorianism in the 16th century and who reside primarily in iran, iraq, lebanon, syria, and turkey. cancel * 680 here are entered works on members of the chaldean rite of the catholic church, who converted from the church of the east in the 16th century and who reside primarily in iran, iraq, lebanon, syria, and turkey. * 450 uf east syrians cancel * 550 bt nestorians cancel * 550 rt assyrians cancel * 510 rt catholic church—chaldean rite cancel 150 childlessness—religious aspects [sp2011000979] 150 childlessness—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011000981] 150 children of interfaith marriage (jewish law) [sp2007010308] 550 bt jewish law 150 chinese american churches [may subd geog] [sp2011000632] 053 br563.c45 450 uf churches, chinese american 550 bt chinese americans—religion 550 bt christian sects—united states 150 chinese american clergy [may subd geog] [sp2011000635] 450 uf clergy, chinese american 550 bt clergy—united states 150 chinese americans—religion [sp2011000829] 150 christian anarchism [may subd geog] [sp2010015542] 550 bt anarchism theology cataloging bulletin 1-5 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 150 christian art and symbolism [may subd geog] [sp 85025011] * 450 uf symbolism and christian art * 550 bt christianity and the arts cancel * 550 bt liturgics cancel * 550 bt symbolism in art cancel * 550 bt theology, practical cancel 150 church of the east members [sp2010013044] 450 uf nestorians [earlier form of heading] 550 bt syriac christians 150 church of the east monasticism and religious orders [sp2010013048] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, nestorian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 150 church work with internal migrants [may subd geog] [sp2009030059] 550 bt internal migrants 150 civil marriage (canon law) [sp2010015486] 550 bt canon law 150 civil-religious hierarchies [may subd geog] [sp2011000392] 680 here are entered works on systems of ranked civil and religious offices held by individuals in latin american indian communities, often entailing personal sponsorship of catholic festivals. 450 uf cargo hierarchies (civil-religious hierarchies) 450 uf cargo systems (civil-religious hierarchies) 450 uf cofradía systems 450 uf fiesta systems 450 uf ladder systems (civil-religious hierarchies) 450 uf mayordomía systems 450 uf mayordomo systems 550 bt hierarchies 550 bt indians—politics and government 550 bt indians—social life and customs 551 bt latin america—religious life and customs 550 rt cofradías (latin america) theology cataloging bulletin 1-6 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 150 cofradías (latin america) [may subd geog] [sp 93007107] * 550 rt civil-religious hierarchies 150 digital media—religious aspects [sp2010015529] 150 digital media—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010015530] 150 dinners and dining in rabbinical literature [sp2011000307] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 disabilities—religious aspects [sp2011001062] 150 disabilities—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011001063] 150 distraction (psychology)—religious aspects [sp2010015527] 150 distraction (psychology)—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010015528] * 150 eschatology, shinto cancel 150 shinto eschatology [sp 85044795] 450 uf eschatology, shinto [earlier form of heading] 550 bt eschatology * 150 eshú (afro-caribbean deity) cancel 150 esu (afro-caribbean deity) [not subd geog] [sp2007002474] 450 uf eleda (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf elegba (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf elegbara, esu (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf eleggua, esu (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf elegua (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf elegwá (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf eshú (afro-caribbean deity) [earlier form of heading] 450 uf eshu elegbara (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf esu elegbara (afro-caribbean deity) theology cataloging bulletin 1-7 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 450 uf esu eleggua (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf exu siu legba (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf legba (afro-caribbean deity). 450 uf little man (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf papa legba (afro-caribbean deity) 450 uf signifying monkey (afro-caribbean deity) 550 bt gods, afro-caribbean 550 bt orishas * 150 falsobordone [may subd geog] add geog [sp 95010354] * 550 bt sacred vocal music * 550 bt vocal music cancel 150 family planning—religious aspects [sp2011001090] 150 family planning—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011001091] 150 girl evangelists [may subd geog] [sp2011000347] 550 bt evangelists 150 god (judaism)—age [sp2011000983] 450 uf age of god 550 bt age 550 bt god (judaism)—attributes 150 hip-hop—religious aspects [sp2011000169] 150 hip-hop—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2011000170] 150 hispanic american churches [may subd geog] [sp2011000962] 053 br563.h57 450 uf churches, hispanic american 550 bt christian sects—united states 550 bt hispanic americans—religion 150 holy wells [may subd geog] [sp 85061643] * 450 uf healing wells (holy wells) theology cataloging bulletin 1-8 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 150 hymns, hebrew [may subd geog] [sp 85063625] * 550 bt jewish hymns cancel 150 hymns, oneida [may subd geog] [sp2011001362] 450 uf oneida hymns 150 hymns, passamaquoddy [may subd geog] [sp2011001363] 450 uf passamaquoddy hymns 150 hymns, shuswap [may subd geog] [sp2011001373] 450 uf shuswap hymns 150 hymns, yiddish [may subd geog] [sp 85063648] * 550 bt jewish hymns cancel 150 irreligion [may subd geog] [sp 85068280] * 680 here are entered works dealing with a condition of complete absence of religion. cancel * 680 here are entered works on the absence of, indifference towards, or hostility towards religion. * 550 bt philosophy * 550 bt religion cancel * 550 rt non-church-affiliated people cancel * 550 rt religion 150 jewish wedding dances [may subd geog] [sp2011000108] 450 uf wedding dances, jewish 550 bt jewish dance 550 bt jewish marriage customs and rites 550 bt wedding dances 150 korean american churches [may subd geog] [sp2011000631] 053 br563.k67 450 uf churches, korean american theology cataloging bulletin 1-9 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 550 bt christian sects—united states 550 bt korean americans—religion 150 korean american clergy [may subd geog] [sp2011000634] 450 uf clergy, korean american 550 bt clergy—united states 150 korean americans—religion [sp2011000828] 150 lord's supper—wine [sp 85078389] * 450 uf eucharistic wine * 450 uf sacramental wine 150 mennonite youth [may subd geog] [sp2011000985] 053 bx8128.y68 550 bt christian youth 150 missions to assyrian church of the east members [sp2010013043] 053 bv2628.n4-bv2628.n5 450 uf missions to nestorians [earlier form of heading] 550 bt assyrian church of the east members 150 missions to church of the east members [sp2010013042] 053 bv2628.n4-bv2628.n5 450 uf missions to nestorians [earlier form of heading] 550 bt church of the east members * 150 missions to nestorians cancel [sp 85086166] * 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject headings missions to church of the east members (sh2010013042) and missions to assyrian church of the east members (sh2010013043). * 150 monasticism and religious orders, nestorian cancel [sp 85086746] * 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by theology cataloging bulletin 1-10 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 the subject headings church of the east monasticism and religious orders (sh2010013048) and assyrian church of the east monasticism and religious orders (sh2010013049). * 150 mysticism—brahmanism, [judaism, nestorian church, etc.] cancel 150 mysticism—brahmanism, [judaism, buddhism, etc.] [sp 85089346] 150 online social networks—religious aspects [sp2010015525] 150 online social networks—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010015526] * 150 nestorian church cancel [sp 85090960] * 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name headings church of the east (n 2010053319) and assyrian church of the east (n85300514). * 150 nestorians cancel [sp 85090961] * 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject headings church of the east members (sh2010013044) and assyrian church of the east members (sh2010013045). 150 non-church-affiliated people [may subd geog] [sp 85092217] * 550 rt irreligion cancel 150 postsecularism [may subd geog] [sp2011000714] 450 uf post-secularism 450 uf post-secularity 550 bt philosophy, modern 550 bt religion 550 rt secularism 150 religion [not subd geog] [sp 85112549] * 550 rt atheism * 550 rt irreligion * 150 reproaches (good friday liturgy) cancel 150 reproaches (chants) [may subd geog] [sp 97006542] theology cataloging bulletin 1-11 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 450 uf improperia 450 uf reproaches (good friday liturgy) [earlier form of heading] 550 bt good friday music 550 bt gregorian chants 150 respiration—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010014671] 150 secularism [may subd geog] [sp 85119460] * 550 rt atheism 150 self-consciousness (awareness)—religious aspects [sp2010015461] 150 self-consciousness (awareness)—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010015462] 150 sermons, vietnamese [may subd geog] [sp2011000227] 450 uf vietnamese sermons 150 shape-note hymnals [may subd geog] [sp 87007577] * 550 bt choruses, sacred (mixed voices), unaccompanied—united states cancel * 550 rt choruses, sacred (mixed voices), unaccompanied—united states 150 soledad, our lady of [sp2009007383] 450 uf nuestra señora de la soledad 450 uf our lady of soledad 450 uf virgen de la soledad 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint—devotion to 150 synagogues—destruction and pillage [may subd geog] [sp2004008248] 450 uf destruction of synagogues 550 bt pillage * 150 syrian church cancel 150 syrian churches [may subd geog] [sp 85131715] 450 uf syrian church [earlier form of heading] theology cataloging bulletin 1-12 section 1 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 550 bt eastern churches 110 temple of jerusalem (jerusalem)—in rabbinical literature [sp2011000800] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 tu bi-shevat seder [sp2011000795] 680 here are entered works on the festive meal on tu bi-shevat with its accompanying prayers. 550 bt judaism—customs and practices 150 unitarian universalist sexual minorities [may subd geog] [sp2011000975] 550 bt sexual minorities 550 bt unitarian universalists 150 zoroastrian eschatology [sp2004001846] * 550 bt zoroastrianism—doctrines cancel 2018 summary of proceedings 8 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 lcc from december 2018–february 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from the 2018 list number 12 (december 17) and the 2019 list numbers 01 (january 21) and 02 (february 18). class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country germany. austria (german) by period later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers other philosophers schopenhauer, arthur, 1788-1860 special topics, a-z b3149.e8 ethics class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.b73 brain bl65.i427 imaginary companions history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism modifications. sects. movements. cults individual sects, movements, cults bl1279.8-.892 rām sanehīs table bl5 modified cancel (bl1279.8-.892) rām sanehīs – see bl1287.3-.392 [bl1279.89-.8922] biography cancel line ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union, chicago. new and changed lc classification numbers 9 bl1279.89 collective cancel line bl1279.892.a-z founders and most important leaders, a-z cancel line bl1279.892.d37 dāsa, rāma ratana, 1908-1964 table bl4 cancel line hinduism modifications. sects. movements. cults individual sects, movements, cults vaishnavism srivaisnavas (ramanuja sect) biography founders and most important leaders, a-z bl1288.292.m83 mudaliyāṇḍān, 1027-1132 table bl4 by region or country southeast asia by region or country vietnam by ethnic group, a-z bl2059.t37 tày (northern vietnamese people) class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.p76 prostitutes bm496.9.w58 witches practical judaism bm685.4 melavveh malkah. meal of king david. מלווה מלכה bm728.5 public theology class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.m256 man-woman relationships 10 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.a41-.a416 arnobius, of sicca table br1 br65.h7-.h76 hilary, saint, bishop of poitiers, -367 table br1 christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.p254 pancras, of taormina, saint, -approximately 40 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.m24 maʾdi table bs5 class bt doctrinal theology christology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special. by place, a-z bt580.g83 guatemala (guatemala) class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of men bx4089 towarzystwo chrystusowe dla polonii zagranicznej table bx18 new and changed lc classification numbers 11 catholic church biography and portraits individual other, a-z bx4705.k6957 krebs, engelbert, 1881-1950 christian denominations other protestant denominations bx7062 church of god of union assembly table bx3 class dr history of balkan peninsula turkey ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z dr435.k36 karamanlides class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah. المالكي، المالكية individual authors, a-z kbp320.s63 sijilmāsī, ibrāhīm ibn hilāl, 1414 or 1415-1497 or 1498. سجلماسي، ابراهيم بن هلال table k4  class lc special aspects of education moral and religious education religion and education. education under church control christian education. church education roman catholic religious orders other special, a-z lc495.s25 salesian 12 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 class n visual arts special subjects of art other special subjects (alphabetically) a industry n8217.c793 crusades class nc drawing. design. illustration caricature. pictorial humor and satire special subjects, a-z nc1763.i48 inquisition class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles new testaments evangelaries, a-z nd3359.b524 bibliothèque de l’arsenal. manuscript. 592 class pg slavic. baltic. albanian russian literature individual authors and works, 1800-1870 tolstoĭ, lev nikolaevich, graf, 1828-1910 (tolstoy, leo). лев николаевич толстой biography and criticism criticism and interpretation treatment and knowledge of special subjects, a-z pg3415.s65 spirituality class pl languages of eastern asia, africa, oceania korean language and literature korean literature history and criticism history special aspects and topics treatment of special subjects, a-z pl957.5.i523 immorality new and changed lc classification numbers 13 class pr english literature history of english literature special topics not limited to, or identified with, one period or form special characters, a-z pr153.j63 joan, of arc, saint, 1412-1431 class z libraries library science. information science information storage and retrieval systems [z667.6-.63] information filtering systems cancel (z667.6-.63) information filtering systems see za3083-3085 z667.6 general works cancel line z667.63 recommender systems cancel line personnel special groups, a-z z682.4.d38 data services librarians z682.4.e46 embedded librarians class za information resources (general) research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval [za3083-3085] information filtering systems za3083 general works za3084 recommender systems za3085 filter bubbles 2018 summary of proceedings pagelist 8 9 10 11 12 13 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-3 john attig, the ala representative to the jsc, has requested that atla and the catholic library association to prepare a proposal to revise the rules for the individual books of the apocrypha. currently, the rda rules are contradictory, directing the books to be entered directly under bible, and in a sub-rule, directing the books to be entered subordinate to the apocrypha. the taskforce will consider the issue and will propose a rule revision to remove the contradiction. anyone wishing to participate in this taskforce's deliberations should contact judy knop, submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator conser funnel congratulations to michael bradford for achieving independence in authenticating and maintaining conser records. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project candidate terms are still being accepted. a first draft of terms should be available for review and comment early autumn. if you want access to the wiki but have forgotten your password or encounter difficulties accessing the website, please don’t hesitate to email me at thank you for your participation in this important project. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association rda toolkit webcast rda checkpoint -where we are and where we're heading presented by troy linker, publisher for ala digital reference, on july 12, 2011. slides and webinar selected cataloging courses alcts is offering a series of 5 webinars on rda between august and december 2011 1. recommendations from the rda test: where do we go from here? august 31 2. rda and cartographic materials: mapping a new route, september 28 3. rda and music: scores, october 19 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-4 4. rda and music: sound recordings, october 26 5. cataloging law materials with rda, november 2 frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, september 13, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4-b29619bae12a} &rowid=1-gxpme) rda: on the road to implementation, september 1, ( %7d&rowid=1-lvk2t) selected articles from current library journals andrew, paige g. “end of the line?: a case study of a cataloging department achieving bibco status.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 4 (2011): 311-322. breeding, marshall, and andromeda yelton. “librarians’ assessments of automation systems: survey results, 2007-2010.” library technology reports 47, no. 4 (may/june 2011) buchanan, sarah a. “special collections and archives code (spac): preserving provenance in a bibliographic catalog.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 5 (2011): 349-360. canncasciato, daniel. “ethical considerations in classification practice: a case study using creationism and intelligent design.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 5 (2011): 408-427. cerbo ii, michael a. “is there a future for library catalogers?” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 4 (2011): 323-327. loesch, martha fallahay. “inventory redux: a twenty-first century adaptation.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 3 (2011): 301-311. lundgren, jimmie. “2010, year of cataloging research in review.” bulletin of the american society for information science and technology 37, no. 5 (june/july 2011). (accessed july 21, 2011) mak, lucas. “issues of personal name authority control in a retrospective cataloging project.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 2 (2011): 160-168. martin, kristin e., judith dzierba, lynnette fields, and sandra k. roe. “consortial cataloging guidelines for electronic resources: i-share survey and recommendations.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 5 (2011): 361-386. maurer, margaret beecher, sevim mccutcheon, and theda schwing. “who’s doing what? findability and author-supplied etd metadata in the library catalog.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 4 (2011): 277-310. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-4 rmterms200910finaldraft.pdf it was prepared for lc by the technical services special interest section of the american association of law libraries in 2009. a copy of this project update is posted on the project website under shared documents. the next project update will be sent in 4 to 6 weeks. there are currently 41 people registered for the project. please continue to speak to others about the project and to encourage those who are interested to register. to register for the project and obtain access to the project wiki, please contact erica treesh ( additional information is available at: submitted by barbara kemmis, director of member services american theological library association selected articles from current library journals bade, david. “carlo revelli on the (non)autonomy of cataloging.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 743-756. connell, tschera harkness, and thomas cetwinski. “the impact of institutional repositories on technical services.” technical services quarterly 27, no. 4 (2010): 331346. cramer, elizabeth, and paul orkiszewski. “cataloging serials for special collections: the challenges and delights of the w.l. eury appalachian collection.” serials librarian 59, no. 1 (july 2010): 101-110. el-sherbini, magda. “sharing cataloging expertise: options for libraries to share their skilled catalogers with other libraries.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 525-540. headlee, pat, sandra lahtinen, and julie swann. “what’s in a name?” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 602-609. johnson, matt. “transgender subject access: history and current practice.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 661-683. kim, dong suk. “using the balanced scorecard for strategic operation of the cataloging department.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 572-584. kreyche, michael, peter h. lisius, and amey park. “the deathflip project: automating death date revisions to name headings in bibliographic records.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 684-695. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-5 leffler, jennifer j., and pamela newberg. “re-visioning technical services: a unique opportunity to examine the past, access the present, and create a better future.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 561-571. lisius, peter h., margaret beecher maurer, sevim mccutcheon, and jacob schaub. “integrating enhance and naco work into pre-professional experiences: a successful strategy for all.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 610-633. lopatin, laurie. “metadata practices in academic and non-academic libraries for digital projects: a survey.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 716-742. martin, kristin e., and kavita mundle. “cataloging e-books and vendor records.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 4 (october 2010): 227-237. mitchell, anne m., j. michael thompson, and annie wu. “agile cataloging: staffing and skills for a bibliographic future.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 506-524. park, jung-ran, and yuji tosaka. “metadata creation practices in digital repositories and collections: schemata, selection criteria, and interoperability.” information technology and libraries 29, no. 3 (september 2010): 104-116. park, jung-ran, yuji tosaka, susan maszaros, and caimei lu. “from metadata creation to metadata quality control: continuing education needs among cataloging and metadata professionals.” journal of education for library and information science 51, no. 3 (summer 2010): 158-176. riemer, john j. “the expansion of cataloging to cover the digital object landscape.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 551-560. smiraglia, richard p. “a research agenda for cataloging: the ccq editorial board responds to the year of cataloging research.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 645-651. taber, anne marie, and mary jane conger. “relevance recognized: value-added cataloging for departmental and digital collections.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 585-601. thomale, jason. “interpreting marc: where’s the bibliographic data?” code4lib journal 11 (2010-09-21). (accessed october 15, 2010). valentino, maura l. “integrating metadata creation into catalog workflow.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 541-550. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-6 yang, sharon q., and melissa a. hofmann. “the next generation library catalog: a comparative study of the opacs of koha, evergreen, and voyager.” information technology and libraries 29, no. 3 (september 2010): 141-150. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project janis young at lc reports that the religion genre/form terms document submitted august 2012 is still under review. when both the participants and lc staff are comfortable with any revisions made as a result of lc’s review, lc will make the terms available for public review. ms. young will then once again forward any substantive comments on the terms to project participants for their response. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news training presentations, webcasts, and webinars alcts webinars: managing e-resources cataloging: impact and insight, august 21, 2013. in this webinar, we are going to focus on managing the cataloging activities for all types of e-resources a typical academic/research library will acquire, which will be divided into two different workflow namely cataloging and loading. we will cover aspects including the collaboration with other units in the library especially the acquisition's e-resources group and collection managers, how to motivate staff, what tools can help, and most important, how to prepare oneself to be a good manager for e-resources cataloging. using open refine to update, clean up and link your metadata to the wider world, september 18, 2013. missspelings, extra spaces, random; punctuation/ and weird capitalization: are any of these issues with your metadata? open refine (formerly google refine) is a powerful tool that can solve all of these problems with a single click. open refine also allows you to transform your data from one format to another, extend it with web services, and even connect it to linked data sources like freebase. electronic resources workflows and tools, october 23, 2013. this webinar will cover key points to consider, tools, and workflow options in managing electronic resources. most libraries use multiple tools and approaches to manage e-resources, which brings benefits and challenges. speakers will provide insights and perspectives on erm systems, supplemental processes to fill gaps in functionality, and those systems' interoperability with patron-facing interfaces. evaluating print book & e-book patron-driven acquisitions (pda), november 13, 2013. this webinar will describe two patron-driven acquisitions (pda) models -(1) buying print books based on interlibrary loan borrowing requests and (2) the current e-book model working with an e-book aggregator and/or a library book vendor -and will describe several approaches for evaluating the success and effectiveness of both models. evaluation points include considerations such as subsequent circulation, appropriateness to the collection of purchased titles, subject analysis, cost analysis, and even a peek at the difference in future performance between user-selected and librarian-selected etheology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 3-2 section 3 books. assessment strategies for cataloging managers, november 20, 2013. qualitative assessment activities, when conducted regularly and methodically, can help managers and administrators understand the impact and value of the work that we do for our customers. are we meeting our customers' needs? are there services that we could provide but currently do not? what are our customers’ priorities? are we responsive to their questions and issues? are we working as effectively as we can? this webinar will explore the use of customer service surveys, focus groups, quality initiatives, benchmarking, and other methods to evaluate and assess the work that we do. upcoming/webinar/112013 registration fees vary. oclc's rda training calendar: brick & click, an academic library symposium, november 1, 2013. now in its 13th year, the brick and click libraries symposium (#b&c13) is a one-day event featuring concurrent and lightning round sessions that explore cutting-edge technologies, practical solutions, and timely topics. the symposium supports the academic information needs of both on-ground (brick) and online (click) students, library professionals and paraprofessionals. http:// selected articles from current library journals blair, sheila a., and susan m. b. steuer. “developing a premodern manuscript application profile using dublin core.” journal of library metadata 13, no. 1 (2013): 1-16. chercourt, mina, and lauren marshall. “making keywords work: connecting patrons to resources through enhanced bibliographic records.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 3 (2013): 285-295. flynn, emily alinder. “open access metadata, catalogers, and vendors: the future of cataloging records.” journal of academic librarianship 39 (2013): 29-31. accessed august 6, 2013. gerolimos, michalis. “tagging for libraries: a review of the effectiveness of tagging systems for library catalogs.” journal of library metadata 13, no. 1 (2013): 36-58. harej, viktor, and maja žumer. “analysis of frbr user tasks.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 7 (2013): 741-759. hunter, ben. “the effect of digital publishing on technical services in university libraries.” journal of academic librarianship 39 (2013): 84-93. accessed august 6, 2013. lu, wen-ying, and mary beth chambers. “pda consortium style.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 3 (2013): 164-178. macan, bojan, gladys vanesa fernández, and jadranka stojanovski. “open source solutions for libraries: abcd vs koha.” program: electronic library & information systems 47, no. 2 (2013): 136-154. mitchell, erik. “trending tech services: programmatic tools and the implications of automation in the next generation of metadata.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 3 (2013): 296-310. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 1 —november 2011 3-3 frbr as a foundation for rda alcts also offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: minitex frbr and frad: keys to rda november 16 and 18, december 19 and 21 rda for the solo/copy cataloger webinar series, december 8 and 15 lyrasis born digital cataloging items on the web (live online), november 17, 2011 and april 5, 2012{cdbb338d-d015-4457-b93d6e88f5fc28dc}&rowid=1-n6tf5 copy cataloging a serial live online december 7-8, 2011 and april 21-22, 2012{f8954bed-1cfe-4727-a0d84021d796a059}&rowid=1-mk9z7 introduction to audio-visual cataloging (live online) november 29, 2011 and january 25, 2011{a2cad0f0-c8bb-46f8-ab96132581601c86}&rowid=1-lw5v6 frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, january 10, 2012, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme) selected articles from current library journals beall, jeffrey. “abbreviations, full spellings, and searchers’ preferences.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 6 (2011): 443-456. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 1 —november 2011 3-4 connaway, lynn silipigni, and timothy j. dickey. “publisher names in bibliographic data: an experimental authority file and a prototype application.” library resources & technical services 53, no. 4 (october 2011): 182-194. coyle, karen. “marc21 as data: a start.” code4lib journal 14 (2011-07-25). ( accessed october 24, 2011). dezelar-tiedman, christine. “exploring user-contributed metadata’s potential to enhance access to literary works: social tagging in academic library catalogs.” library resources & technical services 53, no. 4 (october 2011): 221-233. el sherbini, magda, and sherab chen. “an assessment of the need to provide non-roman subject access to the library online catalog.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 6 (2011): 457-483. emanuel, michelle. “a fistful of headings: name authority control for video recordings.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 6 (2011): 484-499. gelber, natalia. “blogging on the profession: a closer look into personal cataloging and metadata weblogs.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 4 (2011): 385-405. ——. “pcc training for copy catalogers: is it worth the investment? the columbia university libraries experience.” library resources & technical services 55, no. 3 (july 2011): 163-71. katz, demian, ralph levan, and ya’aqov ziso. “using authority data in vufind.” code4lib journal 14 (2011-07-25). (accessed october 24, 2011). rotenberg, ellen, and ann kushmerick. “the author challenge: identification of self in the scholarly literature.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 6 (2011): 503-520. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 8-9 of 2012. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause, steelman library, southeastern university, 1000 longfellow blvd., lakeland, fl 33801; or fax to: (863) 669-4160. 150 animated films--religious aspects [not subd geog] [sp2012002240] 150 ave verum corpus (music) [sp2012002873] 450 uf ave verum (music) 510 bt catholic church--hymns 550 bt hymns, latin 150 bruderhof communities [may subd geog] [sp 89004047 ] 680 here are entered works on the communal movement founded by eberhard arnold in the early 20th century, known as the bruderhof, society of brothers, or hutterian brethren. works on the hutterite communities originating in the anabaptist movement of the 16th century are entered under hutterite brethren. delete field 680 here are entered works on the communal movement founded by eberhard arnold in the early 20th century, known as the bruderhof, society of brothers, or hutterian brethren. works on the hutterite communities originating in the anabaptist movement of the 16th century are entered under hutterian brethren. add field 681 note under: hutterite brethren delete field 681 note under hutterian brethren add field 150 cultural pluralism--religious aspects [sp2012002967] 150 cultural pluralism--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2012002969] 150 cultural pluralism--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012002968] 150 cultural pluralism in islam change heading 150 cultural pluralism--religious aspects--islam [sp2006002966] 450 uf cultural pluralism in islam [former heading] 450 uf pluralism (social sciences) in islam [former heading] 150 filial piety--religious aspects [sp2012002490] 150 filial piety--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012002489] 150 footwear--religious aspects [may subd geog] [sp2012002741] 150 footwear--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [may subd geog] [sp2012002742] 150 hutterite brethren change heading 150 hutterian brethren [may subd geog] [sp2009005985] 450 uf hutterische brüder 450 uf hutterite brethren [former heading] 450 uf hutterites 550 bt anabaptists 550 bt christian sects 680 here are entered works on the hutterite communities originating in the anabaptist movement of the 16th century. works on the communal movement founded by eberhard arnold in the early 20th century, known as the bruderhof, society of brothers, or hutterian brethren are entered under bruderhof communities. 681 note under bruderhof communities 150 hymns, lisu [may subd geog] [sp2012002580] 450 uf lisu hymns 150 lutheran authors [may subd geog] [sp2012003353] 360 sa subdivision lutheran authors under names of literatures, e.g., english literature--lutheran authors 550 bt authors 150 lutheran church [may subd geog] [sp 85078999 ] 450 uf lutheranism add field 150 lutheran literature [not subd geog] [sp2012003354] 360 sa subdivision lutheran authors under individual literatures, e.g., english literature--lutheran authors 550 bt literature 680 here are entered literary works that portray lutheran themes. collections of works by lutheran authors that do not necessarily portray lutheran themes are entered under the heading for the literature subdivided by lutheran authors, e.g., english literature--lutheran authors. 150 lutheran poetry [not subd geog] [sp2012002319] 550 bt lutheran literature 150 lutheran poetry, german [may subd geog] [sp2012002320] 450 uf german lutheran poetry 550 bt german poetry 150 protestant authors [may subd geog] [sp 99010412 ] 360 sa subdivision protestant authors under names of literatures, e.g., english literature--protestant authors add field 150 protestant poetry [not subd geog] [sp2012002321] 450 uf protestant verse 550 bt protestant literature theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by joanna hause the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 1 (2013:january 21) to 3 (2013:march 18). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: joanna hause southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) occident greece by period third period individual philosophers aristotle special topics, a-z b491.w5 wisdom medieval (430-1450) special topics other special topics, a-z b738.i53 imagination arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.k48-k484 khwājah’zādah, mustafa ibn yūsef, d. 1487 or 8 modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.f7-.f74 frankel, charles, 1917-1080 table b-bj5 b945.k78-.k784 kreyche, robert j., 1920-1974 table b-bj5 b945.l45-.l454 lewis, clarence irving, 1883-1964 table b-bj5 b945.p46-p464 peters, eugene h. (eugene herbert), 1929-1983 table b-bj5 b945.p67-.r674 pomerantz, alfred table b-bj5 b945.r25-.r254 randall, john herman, jr., 1899-1980 table b-bj5 b945.r43-.r434 reinhardt, kurt f. (kurt frank), 1896-1983 table b-bj5 b945.r8-.r84 runes, dagobert d. (dagobert david), 1902-1982 table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-3 section 2 b945.s28-.s284 schmahl, philipp table b-bj5 b945.s42-.s424 sellars, roy wood, 1880-1973 table b-bj5 france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.f437-.f4374 ferry, jean-marc table b-bj5 by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.t46 thought and thinking class bf psychology psychoanalysis child psychology special topics, a-z bf723.b45 belonging class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.c62 civil society class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.m25 magic bm496.9.m26 marriage bm496.9.s56 simeon, the just practical judaism forms of worship special objects and instruments, a-z bm657.t585 torah arks theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-4 section 2 liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.h38 havineinu table bm6 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.r45 reincarnation class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.c65 cosmas, saint class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.t56 timugon table bs4 african languages, a-z bs325.a35adele (kwa) table bs5 bs325.b23bakossi table bs5 bs325.d69doyayo table bs5 bs325.g52gidar table bs5 bs325.g55gikyode table bs5 bs325.k49144kele (gabon) table bs5 bs325.k49147kera table bs5 bs325.k69koonzime table bs5 bs325.k89kwanja table bs5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-5 section 2 bs325.l33lamnso’ table bs5 bs325.l45lefana table bs5 bs325.l53limbum table bs5 bs325.m44medumba table bs5 bs325.m87muyang table bs5 bs325.o36obolo table bs5 bs325.t35talinga-bwisi table bs5 bs325.t36tampulma table bs5 bs325.v88vute table bs5 works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible biography individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.b38 bathsheba topics (not otherwise provided for) a-z bs680.m97 mysticism new testament works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.c568 competition (psychology) class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.r45 ripalta (foggia, italy). santuario di ripalta life of christ special topics public life miracles special, a-z bt367.h36 healing of the centurion’s servant theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-6 section 2 class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life moral theology virtues other individual virtues, a-z bv4647.f45 filial piety [bv4647.p52] piety, filial see bv4647.f45 class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church other special topics, a-z bs342.9.a35 aging other protestant denominations adventists – arminians bx6194.a355african apostolic church class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews special topics jewish diaspora by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ds135.b46 benelux countries class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.h39 hawwārī, ‛umar ibn qaddāh, d. 1333 or 4 kbp320.i26255 ibn farhūn, ibrāhīm ibn ‘alī, d. 1397 kbp320.m355 māmī, muhammad, 1787 or 8-1865 or 6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-7 section 2 kbp320.m388 mayyārah, muhammad ibn ahmad, 1590 or 81-1661 or 2 shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.g44 ghazzī,muhammad ibn qāsim, 1454 or 1455-1512 or 1513 kbp320.h57 hisnī, taqī al-dīn abū bakr ibn muhammad, 1351 or 1352 1425 kbp330.i248 ibn al-hā’im, ahmad ibn mudammad, d. 1412 kbp330.i86 isnawī, ‛abd al-rahīm ibn al-hasan, 1305-1370 kbp330.k87 kurdī, muhammad ibn sulaymān, 1715 or 16-1780 or 81 kbp330.s535 shālyātī al-malībārī, shihāb al-dīn abī al-sa‛ādāt ahmad kūyā ibn ‛alī, 1884-1954 kbp330.s543 shāshī, muhammad ibn ahmad, 1037-1114 bkp330.s927 sūbīnī, ibrāhīm ibn ‛umar, d. 1454 shīʻī schools. shīʻah jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis individual authors, a-z kbp370.t35 tabātabā’ī al-yazdī, muhammad kāzim, d. 1919 zaydī. zaydīyah individual authors, a-z kbp380.w39 wazīrī, ibrāhīm ibn muhammad, 1431-1508 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 3-2 section 3 december 10, 2013 10:00 am-1:15 pm (cst) $125.00 copy cataloging of sound recordings using rda webinar provided by mcls this workshop will be online for 3 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. the workshop teaches participants how to catalog sound recordings such as cds, mp3s, and cassettes, both musical and nonmusical. december 18-20, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $199.00 other resources: linked data for libraries youtube video provided by oclc a short introduction to the concepts and technology behind linked data, how it works, and some benefits it brings to libraries. euclid: educational curriculum for the usage of linked data euclid is a european project facilitating professional training for data practitioners, who aim to use linked data in their daily work. euclid delivers a curriculum implemented as a combination of living learning materials and activities (ebook series, webinars, face‐to‐face training), validated by the user community through continuous feedback. selected articles from current library journals aalberg, trond, and maja žumer. “the value of marc data, or, challenges of frbrisation.” journal of documentation 69, no. 6 (2013): 851-872. ashman, allen b. “a brief look at how rda is being used to catalog electronic theses and dissertations.” kentucky libraries 77, no. 3 (2013): 16-23. cole, timothy w., myung-ja han, william fletcher weathers, and eric joyner. “library marc records into linked open data: challenges and opportunities.” in “linked data, semantic web and libraries.” special issue, journal of library metadata 13, no. 2-3 (2013) : 163-196. desale, sanjay k., and rajendra m. kumbhar. “research on automatic classification of documents in library environment: a literature review.” knowledge organization 40, no. 5 (2013): 295-304. fu, ping, and moira fitzgerald. “a comparative analysis of the effect of the integrated library system on staffing models in academic libraries.” information technology & libraries 32, no. 3 (2013): 47-58. hider, philip, and ying-hsang liu. “the use of rda elements in support of frbr user tasks.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 8 (2013): 857-872. johnston, clinton. “capture and release: cataloguing cultural heritage at marrickville library and history services.” australian library journal 62, no. 3 (2013): 218-223. klein, maximilian, and alex kyrios. “viafbot and the integration of library data on wikipedia.” code4lib journal 22 (14 oct. 2013): n. pag. web. 25 oct. 2013. < > theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 3-3 section 3 kroeger, angela. “the road to bibframe: the evolution of the idea of bibliographic transition into a postmarc future.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 8 (2013): 873-890. lapolla, fred. “perceptions of librarians regarding semantic web and linked data technologies.” in “linked data, semantic web and libraries.” special issue, journal of library metadata 13, no. 2-3 (2013): 114-140. lee, hur-li, and lei zhang. “tracing the conceptions and treatment of genre in anglo-american cataloging.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 8 (2013): 891-912. leiva-mederos, amed, josé a. senso, sandor domínguez-velasco, and pedro hípola. “authoris: a tool for authority control in the semantic web.” library hi tech 31, no. 3 (2013): 536-553. lindquist, thea, michael dulock, juha törnroos, eero hyvönen, and eetu mäkelä. “using linked open data to enhance subject access in online primary sources.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 8 (2013): 913-928. mitchell, erik. “trending tech services: metadata use in everyday situations: what does it mean for libraries?” technical services quarterly 30, no. 4 (2013): 402-413. molto, mavis b. “identifying significant changes in serials with title changes in the recognition of new works.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 4 (2013): 192-212. thompson, timothy a., james little, david gonzález, andrew darby, and matt carruthers. “from finding aids to wiki pages: remixing archival metadata with ramp [remixing archival metadata project].” code4lib journal 22 (14 oct. 2013): n. pag. web. 25 oct. 2013. < > traill, stacie. “quality issues in vendor-provided e-monograph records.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 4 (2013): 213-226. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 3-3 introducing rda: 2, resource description, july 5-6 or august 30-31, ( rda: on the road to implementation, may 51 or july 7 or august 4, ( atla conference june 2011 technical services tuesday (june 7) 7:00 pm-9 pm interest group topic: what i wish i had known when i started in technical services – tsig wednesday (june 8) 8:30 am-12 pm pre-conference workshop – morning tackling the foreign-language backlog: roman-script languages and introduction to romanization 1:00 pm-4:30 pm pre-conference workshop – afternoon tackling the foreign-language backlog: advanced romanization thursday (june 9) conversation groups 10:30 am-11:30 am library of congress genre/form project update name authority conversation group 11:30-1:00 pm naco lunch theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 3-4 1:00 pm-2:00 pm conversation group conser conversation group paper 2:00 pm-3:00 pm second harvest—digitizing church and denominational materials friday (june 9) 10:30 am-12 pm in-conference workshop cataloging with rda 1:30 pm-3 pm interest group cost-cutting measures in technical services – tsig selected articles from current library journals collins, maria. “serials literature review 2008-9: embracing a culture of openness.” library resources & technical services 55, no. 2 (april 2011): 60-80. digby, todd, and stephen elfstrand. “discovering open source discovery: using vufind to create mnpals plus.” computers in libraries 31, no. 2 (march 2011): 6-10. emanuel, jennifer. “usability of the vufind next-generation online catalog.” information technology and libraries 30, no. 1 (march 2011): 44-52. galvin, denis, and mang sun. “using web services for a mobile opac.” code4lib journal 13 (2011-04-11). (accessed april 20, 2011) jacob, elin k. “proposal for a classification of classifications built on beghtol’s distinction between ‘naïve classification’ and ‘professional classification.’” knowledge organization 37, no. 2 (2010): 111-120. krishnan, yvonne. “libraries and the mobil revolution.” computers in libraries 31, no. 3 (april 2011): 6-9, 40. microsoft word tcb18n4_sec3.doc theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg new editor please welcome tammy johnson, technical services librarian at columbia theological seminary as the new editor of the news and views section. she will begin her new responsibilities with the november issue of tcb. tammy has been active in atla for many years, currently serving as a member of the naco funnel project, for example. she will undoubtedly bring her enthusiastic spirit and dedication to tcb as one of the four contributors who give their time and effort to serve all of you as you strive to bring order and access to the wealth of information out there. thanks, tammy, and welcome to the tcb team along with joanna hause, eric friede, and paul osmanski. rda toolkit the rda toolkit is available now for free until august 31. subscription to open access to the toolkit can be found at for those of you with subscriptions to cataloger’s desktop, although rda is a separate subscription, it can be set up to be accessible via the desktop interface, meaning that rda’s content is indexed and linked to other resources in the desktop, thus providing a seamless experience. if you wish to purchase the rda toolkit after the open access period has expired, the license and pricing options are now available ( consortia and group pricing is an option; however, it needs to be individually priced. perhaps the steering committee can check into this option to see if atla can work out a price for our group. rda examples the joint steering committee for development of rda has posted pdf’s of rda examples illustrating the application of rda to bibliographic records under the working documents area of their web site. the documents are dated 17 june 2010. complete examples cover letter (; complete examples (bibliographic)/revised (; complete examples (authority)/revised ( theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 3-2 separate form/genre thesaurus to be established the policy and standards division (psd) of the library of congress announced plans on june 17, 2010 to formally separate form/genre terms from the library of congress subject headings (lcsh) list. the title of the thesaurus will be the library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (lcgft), and it will be published later this summer in the supplemental vocabularies volume of the 32nd edition of lcsh. in marc21 bibliographic records, the genre/form terms will appear in the 655 field with a second indicator of “7” and the source code “lcgft” will be placed in subfield $2 (e.g., 655 -7 $a [term]. $2 lcgft). in marc21 authority records, the 008/11 will be coded “z” (other), and the 040 $f field will be coded “lcgft”. lccn’s for the genre/form terms will contain the prefix “gf”. the timeline for implementation will be late 2010 or early 2011. further details can be found on the psd web site ( oclc webinar: karen smith-yoshimura on transitioning from and beyond marc oclc has posted links to the webinar (63.6 mb/ 1:28 min.) and slides (4.2 mb/42pp.) of karen smith-yoshimura’s presentation to the 2010 rlg annual partnership meeting held in chicago june 10, 2010) at the webinar can be viewed by visiting she reviews the findings of working groups that analyzed marc tag usage and its import for metadata practices. online audiovisual catalogers (olac) conference if you catalog audiovisual materials and have a yearning to go to georgia, you may be interested in attending the next olac conference, which will be october 14-17, 2010 in macon, georgia. online registration is available now. details are on their web site ( lyrasis educational opportunities the following online courses are being offered soon. for a complete list of summer 2010 courses offered by lyrasis, see their pdf schedule at ules/lyrasis%20summer%20class%20schedule%202010.ashx. librarything for libraries and you (10 am-noon, august 17) basic marc tagging for serials (10 am-noon, august 17-18) koha advanced functions (10am-noon, august 18) evergreen cataloging module (2-4 pm, august 18-19) theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 3-3 lyrasis summit on the future of cataloging lyrasis convened a summit meeting of leading academic library directors to discuss the future of cataloging. the summit was held in atlanta on may 26, 2010. a summary of the event was prepared by arnold hirshon (lyrasis chief strategist and executive consultant), and is available in pdf form at it%20report%20distrib.ashx. chris schwartz (metadata librarian, princeton theological seminary) recently posted her observations on the report on her blog, cataloging futures— take a look now at selected articles from current library journals han, myung-ja, and patricia hswe. “the evolving role of the metadata librarian: competencies found in job descriptions.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 3 (july 2010): 129-141. howarth, lynne c., leslie moor, and elisa sze. “mountain to molehills: the past, present, and future of cataloging backlogs.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 5 (2010): 423-444. kiczek, steven a. “thomas mann’s contributions to current library debates on cataloging and bibliographic control.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 5 (2010): 450471. wu, annie, and anne m. mitchell. “mass management of e-book catalog records: approaches, challenges, and solutions.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 3 (july 2010): 164-174. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news professional development opportunities rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free the evolution of linked data webinar provided by oclc "join oclc's ted fons, corey harper of new york university, and phil schreur of stanford university as they trace the evolution of linked data technology over the years, and demonstrate practical applications of the latest linked data technologies being utilized in libraries today." monday, june 2, 2014, 1:00-2:00 pm est free library 2.0 conference conference " the fourth annual library 2.014 worldwide virtual online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and free to attend." proposals are currently being accepted for this is a unique opportunity to share your knowledge and research to a worldwide audience. october 2-8, 2014 free introduction to xml online course via library juice academy a basic introduction to xml, the basic tools, and xml standards that are used in libraries. additionally, xsl style sheets, xml query language, and dublin core, marcxml, and mods will be explored. august 4-29, 2014 $175 preparing to program online course via library juice academy this course "...will teach you to think like a programmer and introduce you to basic computing concepts." by the end of the course, you will be writing simple programs and will have the foundation necessary for more rigorous instruction in subsequent courses. august 4-29, 2014 $175 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 3 • may 2014 3-2 section 3 integrating researcher identifiers into oclc researchers university and library systems karen smith-yoshimura and micah altman address the challenges of incorporating authoritative research identifiers into databases and systems that use name authorities. slides and draft: youtube presentation: free submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university selected articles from current library journals ashman, allen b., and delinda stephens buie. “the three cs: cataloger, curator, and collaboration.” kentucky libraries 78, no. 1 (winter 2014): 16-21. [about dealing with a rare books cataloging backlog.] bennett, rick, edward t. o’neill, and kerre kammerer. “assignfast: an autosuggest-based tool for fast subject assignment.” information technology and libraries 33, no. 1 (march 2014): 34-43. pdf available under a creative commons attribution 3.0 license boydston, jeanne m. k., and joan m. leysen. “arl cataloger librarian roles and responsibilities now and in the future.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 2 (2014): 229-250. chang, huei-chu. “a comparative study of descriptions and value added of bibliographic records through marc, dc and mods: from the viewpoints of the users.” journal of educational media & library sciences 51, no. 3 (april 2014): 1-22. accessed may 1, 2014. [in chinese; you may be prompted to download chinese font to read this article.] liu, xiaozhong, and jian qin. “an interactive metadata model for structural, descriptive, and referential representation of scholarly output.” journal of the association for information science and technology 65, no. 5 (may 2014): 964-983. martínez-ávila, daniel, rosa san segundo, and hope a. olson. “the use of bisac in libraries as new cases of reader-interest classifications.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 2 (2014): 137-155. maurer, margaret beecher, and roman s. panchyshyn. “understanding the why: a case study in managing the rda implementation.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 3 (2014): 259-284. terrill, lori j. “catalogers’ perceptions and use of social media and conventional information sources for professional development.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 2 (2014): 181-228. vukadin, ana. “bits and pieces of information: bibliographic modeling of transmedia.” cataloging & classification quarterly 52, no. 3 (2014): 285-302 submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin 3-1 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson naco news the naco funnel welcomes a new member. angeles ramos-ankrum has taken the place of melissa davis at the ernest miller white library, louisville seminary in st. louis, mo. melissa left for colorado in march 2011 and angeles joined the staff in july 2011. angeles is already a trained naco cataloger, so will be ready to begin contributions immediately. angeles plans to attend annual conference and those naco members also attending can welcome her in person there. as you probably all know by now, rda has a day one of march 31, 2013. the pcc has been working on a plan to train all naco catalogers in the new rules and fields which will be available on rda authority records. the plan is to have all naco catalogers take a 10-12 hour online course detailing the differences between aacr2 and rda rules this next year. following that training all naco catalogers will have their work reviewed, whether they are independent or not. immediately following training, the naco cataloger will be expected to create rda authority records exclusively. the naco conversation group discussion at the annual conference this year will focus on the new fields added to the authority format and discuss ideas for getting ready for rda. i hope to see you there. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project comments from lc on the second draft of terms were circulated to project roster members on apr. 18, 2012. proposals for revisions to be included in a third draft of terms are due by may 11, 2012. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-2 available in more than one engine. the translator, if it does its work well, will also take care of translating the grammatical connections between words in a phrase. these connections are shown by modifications of words often hard (or impossible) to find in dictionaries, since the dictionary only lists the lexical form of a word (with some exceptions, as noted above). not to be overlooked is the “auto detect” capability of imtranslator. checking this box requests imtranslator to guess the language from the text given for translation. this can be extremely helpful. i was cataloging a festschrift for a swedish bishop, and had input the text of the contributions. whether or not i checked “auto detect,” one title would not translate. when i input the title separately, checked “auto detect,” and translated, the title turned out to be norwegian. that meant i needed to add a language note to the record. one should keep in mind that neither general dictionaries nor general translation engines work well with technical language. this is as true of theological terms as for nuclear engineering terms. much of the time, however, the universality of theological terminology helps one overcome this problem. one old rule that catalogers used to have still applies: don’t duplicate work that someone else has done. this maxim led to the various national union catalogs that were available in print volumes. today, the only online resource that comes closest is oclc. yet there are dozens of libraries around the globe doing cataloging that doesn’t appear in oclc. an excellent collection of libraries with accessible websites is the “libweb: library servers via www”: the subtitle notes that “libweb currently lists over 8000 pages from libraries in 146 countries.” to find a particular library, search under the area of the world, then under the country. within the list of libraries under a specific country, look for a “national” or “royal” or “union” catalog, and search in the catalog for the item you have. some countries have a virtual or actual online union catalog, which provides for searching across libraries. alternatively, you can look for a major university in the specific country and search in its catalog. there will usually be an english-language interface to the catalog, in addition to an interface in the vernacular. the english-language interface can be identified by its abbreviation (“en” or “eng”), or with the union jack of great britain, not usually with the united states flag. but even without an english-language interface, you will probably see interfaces around the world that look familiar, since these libraries obtain their systems from the same companies as libraries in the united states. submitted by richard a. lammert, technical services librarian concordia theological seminary cc:da work continues on revisions to rda. various national partners propose additions and revisions to rda and all partners review and comment on those proposals. the joint steering committee (jsc) next meets in glasgow nov. 2-4, 2011. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-3 john attig, the ala representative to the jsc, has requested that atla and the catholic library association to prepare a proposal to revise the rules for the individual books of the apocrypha. currently, the rda rules are contradictory, directing the books to be entered directly under bible, and in a sub-rule, directing the books to be entered subordinate to the apocrypha. the taskforce will consider the issue and will propose a rule revision to remove the contradiction. anyone wishing to participate in this taskforce's deliberations should contact judy knop, submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator conser funnel congratulations to michael bradford for achieving independence in authenticating and maintaining conser records. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project candidate terms are still being accepted. a first draft of terms should be available for review and comment early autumn. if you want access to the wiki but have forgotten your password or encounter difficulties accessing the website, please don’t hesitate to email me at thank you for your participation in this important project. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association rda toolkit webcast rda checkpoint -where we are and where we're heading presented by troy linker, publisher for ala digital reference, on july 12, 2011. slides and webinar selected cataloging courses alcts is offering a series of 5 webinars on rda between august and december 2011 1. recommendations from the rda test: where do we go from here? august 31 2. rda and cartographic materials: mapping a new route, september 28 3. rda and music: scores, october 19 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project there is no news to report. the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association atla/cla/acl taskforce on rda best practices for the field of religion at the 2013 annual conference, the technical services interest group voted to form a taskforce to recommend best practices for cataloging in the field of religion. the motion included the suggestion to invite representatives from the catholic library association (cla), the association of christian librarians (acl), and the jewish library association ( jla) to join with us. the following persons have volunteered to serve on this taskforce: atla: michael bradford, harvard divinity school ( armin siedlecki, pitts theology library ( judy knop, atla (, chair cla: thomas duszak, pennsylvania dept of education, bureau of state library ( kurt bodling, george washington’s mount vernon ( rob kuzmer, univ. of notre dame ( acl: lori thornton, carson-newman univ. ( anyone else who wishes to join us is encouraged to do so. contact me ( if you have suggestions for fields needing a best practice statement, or if you have a best practice to suggest, please contact any member of the taskforce. submitted by judy knop chair, taskforce on best practices atla news training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rudimentary rda. part 1, what rda is and webinar provided by oclc when it will happen (tmq) this two-part course is a start on learning about the basics (the 'rudiments') of rda to prepare you for switching to following the new guidelines and instructions for cataloging, when you are ready to do so. we will explain: what rda is, who is responsible for it, when we will implement it, why we need it, what's so different about it, and how we can get ready for it. available 24/7 free theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 2 • february 2014 3-2 section 3 aacr2…meet rda webinar provided by mcls cataloging with rda (resource description & access) is similar to cataloging with aacr2...and then again it's not! in this 2-hour webinar, key differences between aacr2 and rda will be identified and shown through examples. some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. april 1, 2014 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (edt) $119.00 is rda on your radar? online conference provided by amigos rda has been or is being implemented by many libraries in the united states, europe and the pacific. other libraries are still taking a wait-and-see approach. interest in the new content standard is high. the goal of this conference is to take the pulse of the library community and see how rda is working out for us. february 20, 2014 9:00 am-4: pm (cdt) $134.00 linked data videos: linked data for libraries youtube video provided by oclc a short introduction to the concepts and technology behind linked data, how it works, and some benefits it brings to libraries. euclid: educational curriculum for the usage of linked data euclid is a european project facilitating professional training for data practitioners, who aim to use linked data in their daily work. euclid delivers a curriculum implemented as a combination of living learning materials and activities (ebook series, webinars, face‐to‐face training), validated by the user community through continuous feedback. submitted by leslie engelson, metadata librarian murray state university notes on developing a thesis/dissertation form there are three major considerations in developing a thesis form. what is its purpose? what information are you legally allowed to collect? how do you go about creating your own form? purpose. the major reason to have a thesis form is for disambiguation of personal name headings. most of us have some form of ongoing authority work on our opacs. in cataloging an institution's theses/dissertations, enough information should be included (such as birth year) in the personal name headings so that duplicate headings are not created with other identical names in the opac, worldcat and/or the lcaf. in our shared environment, this is true even if you are not a naco certified cataloguer and are not adding authority records to the lcaf. privacy concerns. ferpa (family educational rights and privacy act) is the governmental act that covers privacy rights for students. any information disclosed about students must comply with ferpa. to research this topic, i interviewed betsy gasoske, registrar at covenant theological seminary, st. louis, about ferpa compliance. i then wrote up my notes and sent them to her via e-mail for her to review to be sure i am correctly understanding and reporting her responses. here are excerpts from my synopsis of our e-mail exchange from november, 2013: ferpa has designated information that you cannot ever disclose about a student. specifically, we cannot disclose the following information regarding a student without their written consent: race, gender, ssn, grades, gpa, country of citizenship, or religion. theology cataloging bulletin 3-1 section 3 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson naco news naco funnel partipants prepare for rda under aacr2 rules, the purpose of authority records was to create the established heading and its references. the notes on the record were specifically designed to justify elements of the heading and the references. under rda rules, the purpose of authority records is to establish a unique identity for the entity. developing a primary access point and secondary access points are secondary. to this end, many new fields have been added to the authority format to allow for the recording of many kinds of information, such as coded dates, affiliation, occupation for a person, field of activity, gender, language, fuller form of name, etc. while all of these fields are optional, recording this information will enhance the usefulness of the file. lc has created an online course of twelve to fourteen hours which will introduce naco catalogers to the differences between aacr2 and rda and to introduce the new fields. this training is freely available to all, not just naco catalogers, and can be found at: for naco participants, once they have completed the online training and two two-hour webinars, they will begin doing all their authority work following rda rules. all will be subject to review by lc staff to make sure they are understanding the use of the new fields. all naco participants will be trained by march 31, 2013, the date that lc and pcc have designated as day one for all authority work. there is currently no day one for bibliographic records. oclc has set no cut off for the changeover to rda for bibliographic records. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project project participants have responded to the comments from lc on the second draft of terms. a third draft of terms should be circulated to project roster members in early august. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-5 lc genre/form terms for religious material project lc’s original timeline called for the religion genre project to run from mid-2010 to mid2011. the end of april 2011 is the date for a first draft of proposed terms. there is still plenty of time to suggest new terms. there are currently, for example, people working on terms for judaism, east asian religions, and eastern orthodox christianity. recently, cameron campbell, barbara kemmis and i had a conference call with janis young from lc regarding the next steps for the religion genre/form project .a review of the terms from the december 9, 2010 project update resulted in an agreement to set aside all terms that were not considered by the project participants to constitute an appropriate as a genre term. janis also made the following suggestions: 1) for now, go to the broader level for many terms. for example, propose the term “prayers” with a scope note indicating the term is to be used for bedtime prayers, pastoral prayers, etc. if lc decides later that more specific genre terms are needed, they will ask us to develop them. an exception to this would be a term where specificity is necessary; see, for example, the comments under “didactic poetry, arabic” on the project wiki. 2) for now, cumulate but don’t develop suggestions for music terms. they can later be referred to the music genre/form project. 3) for now, cumulate but don’t develop suggestions for literary terms. they can later be referred to the literature genre/form project. april is still the deadline for our first draft. once that is circulated and we’ve accumulated comments, we will probably need a small group of volunteers to help develop subsequent drafts. once we send lc a final draft, there will still be the need for further discussion. lc may have questions about some of the proposals or suggestions for revisions. the project may be completed by the end of 2011. we will try to add a short session on the religion genre project to the program for atla’s annual conference which will be held in chicago june 8-11, 2011. you may be aware of other venues at which you can distribute drafts and solicit comments. if you want access to the wiki but have forgotten your password or encounter difficulties accessing the website, please don’t hesitate to email me. thank you for your participation in this important project. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association selected articles from current library journals bright, alice, et al. “minding our ps and qs: an adventure in reclassification.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 1 (2011): 41-54. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-3 may 10, 2011 rda training workshop at westminster theological seminary two half-day sessions of official rda training accompanied by insights from experience during the rda test period. training will include hands-on examples and exercises based on materials relevant to catalogers in theological libraries. limited to 30 participants, registration will be open exclusively to septla members initially. later, if any slots are available, registration will be advertised to non-septla libraries. submitted by donna r. campbell, technical services & systems librarian westminster theological seminary library rda toolkit webcast introduction to rda toolkit, a webcast originally presented feb 8-9, 2010, is now available cast.cfm. rda web courses understanding frbr for rda and beyond, march 9-10, ({3c8b5d3b-057a-4881-9442388ed83f8c72}&rowid=1-l01nq) frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, march 17, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme) introducing rda: 1, structure, principles, and core elements, march 30, ( introducing rda: 2, resource description, march 22-23, ( rda: on the road to implementation, april 5, ( catholic library association newsletter robert l. kusmer, ph.d., m.l.s., who serves as cataloging librarian for german, humanities, and theology at the theodore m. hesburgh library at the university of notre dame, is the editor of the catholic library association cataloger’s e-newsletter. issued quarterly, the oliver leonard kapsner, o.s.b. cataloging bulletin is cataloged on oclc theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-4 worldcat at #187304223. there is no fee for access. its issn is 1940-9702. rob, who also serves as the subject liaison for german literature with responsibility for collection development at notre dame, included a lead article in the first issue dated october 2007 about the life of father oliver leonard kapsner (1902-1991). written by sister m. dorothy neuhofer, o.s.b., former cla president, the premier article explains why the newsletter is named in his memory. rob cordially solicits contributions. send them to submitted by thomas duszak, head cataloging section state library of pennsylvania atla funnel projects make major contributions to religious resources during the fourteen months from oct. 1, 2009 to nov. 30, 2010, the sixteen active members of the atla naco funnel project created 1074 new name authority records in the areas of personal names, corporate and conference names, geographic names and uniform titles. in addition, there were 216 existing authority records which were modified in some way, primarily in the area of additional cross references or additional information in the notes. during this period, two members achieved independence. denise pakala is now independent in the creation of personal names and michael bradford is independent in the creation of corporate, conference, and geographic names. the three active members of the conser funnel project, during this same fourteen month period, authenticated 250 serial records. this includes both original cataloging and the authentication of records contributed to the oclc database by non-conser catalogers. during this same period, 96 conser records were updated to add or change information based on later issues. finally, during this same period, the saco funnel, coordinated by eric friede, proposed 5 new subject headings and 8 new or changed classification numbers. any atla member wishing to join either the naco or conser funnel projects should email judy knop at training is available periodically at the library of congress or elsewhere in the country. the atla professional development committee supports these projects by subsidizing the costs of training. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson lc genre/form terms for religious materials project janis young at lc reports that the religion genre/form terms document submitted in august 2012 is still under review. staff changes at lc have made it impossible to adhere to the planned schedule. she has begun to gather some notes and suggestions. project participants will be notified when they are ready for our review. submitted by erica treesh, database manager for religion complete (atla rdb®) american theological library association news training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda webinars: managing e-resources cataloging: impact and insight, august 21, 2013. in this webinar, we are going to focus on managing the cataloging activities for all types of e-resources a typical academic/research library will acquire, which will be divided into two different workflow namely cataloging and loading. we will cover aspects including the collaboration with other units in the library especially the acquisition's e-resources group and collection managers, how to motivate staff, what tools can help, and most important, how to prepare oneself to be a good manager for e-resources cataloging. aacr2…meet rda webinar provided by mcls cataloging with rda (resource description & access) is similar to cataloging with aacr2...and then again it's not! in this 2-hour webinar, key differences between aacr2 and rda will be identified and shown through examples. some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. nov. 22, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $119.00 copy cataloging of digital resources (virtual/internet resources and video games) using rda webinar provided by mcls this workshop will be online for 3 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. all forms of digital resources such as websites. ebooks, eserials, and downloadable audio books, music, and video files as well as physical media such as video games, cd-roms and other computer disks will be addressed. december 4-6, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $199.00 rda cataloging: basic music scores webinar provided by minitex for the experienced cataloger, this webinar will compare the similarities and differences between cataloging music scores (both print and electronic) between aacr2 and rda. exercises will help the viewer build the foundation necessary to quickly review rda records. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 3-2 section 3 december 10, 2013 10:00 am-1:15 pm (cst) $125.00 copy cataloging of sound recordings using rda webinar provided by mcls this workshop will be online for 3 2 hour sessions over 3 consecutive days. the workshop teaches participants how to catalog sound recordings such as cds, mp3s, and cassettes, both musical and nonmusical. december 18-20, 2013 1:30 pm-3:30 pm (est) $199.00 other resources: linked data for libraries youtube video provided by oclc a short introduction to the concepts and technology behind linked data, how it works, and some benefits it brings to libraries. euclid: educational curriculum for the usage of linked data euclid is a european project facilitating professional training for data practitioners, who aim to use linked data in their daily work. euclid delivers a curriculum implemented as a combination of living learning materials and activities (ebook series, webinars, face‐to‐face training), validated by the user community through continuous feedback. selected articles from current library journals aalberg, trond, and maja žumer. “the value of marc data, or, challenges of frbrisation.” journal of documentation 69, no. 6 (2013): 851-872. ashman, allen b. “a brief look at how rda is being used to catalog electronic theses and dissertations.” kentucky libraries 77, no. 3 (2013): 16-23. cole, timothy w., myung-ja han, william fletcher weathers, and eric joyner. “library marc records into linked open data: challenges and opportunities.” in “linked data, semantic web and libraries.” special issue, journal of library metadata 13, no. 2-3 (2013) : 163-196. desale, sanjay k., and rajendra m. kumbhar. “research on automatic classification of documents in library environment: a literature review.” knowledge organization 40, no. 5 (2013): 295-304. fu, ping, and moira fitzgerald. “a comparative analysis of the effect of the integrated library system on staffing models in academic libraries.” information technology & libraries 32, no. 3 (2013): 47-58. hider, philip, and ying-hsang liu. “the use of rda elements in support of frbr user tasks.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 8 (2013): 857-872. johnston, clinton. “capture and release: cataloguing cultural heritage at marrickville library and history services.” australian library journal 62, no. 3 (2013): 218-223. klein, maximilian, and alex kyrios. “viafbot and the integration of library data on wikipedia.” code4lib journal 22 (14 oct. 2013): n. pag. web. 25 oct. 2013. < > theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson atla naco funnel 8th among naco funnel projects in new record creation during the first half of the fiscal year, sept. 2009-mar. 2010, the atla naco funnel members created 509 new name authority records, making it the eighth most productive funnel project. in fiscal year 2009, there were 696 headings created and 129 headings modified. to date, september 2009 to june 2010, there have been 799 headings created and 149 modified. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association two atla naco funnel members gain independence this spring, michael bradford gained independence in creating and modifying corporate/conference/geographic names. denise pakala gained independence in creating and modifying personal names. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association atla conser funnel project off to a good start five atla members attended conser training in conjunction with the ala midwinter 2010 meetings in boston, mass. by june 2010, those new conser members have added 85 new serial records to the conser database and have maintained 14 records which were already authenticated. four of the five trainees have submitted records for review. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association rda workshop technical services at westminster theological seminary library plans to prepare for implementation of rda in the following manner: may 9-10, 2011, in conjunction with southeastern pennsylvania theological library association (septla), westminster theological seminary will host a two-day educational workshop with guest lecturer, armin siedlecki, head of cataloging, pitts theological seminary, emory university, an official rda test site. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-2 may 9, 2011 septla meeting at westminster theological seminary morning session (75 min.): cataloging with rda rda is more than an updated set of cataloging rules. based on the principles of frbr (functional requirements for bibliographic records), rda presents a new way of thinking about organizing information. this presentation will explore the changes that catalogers can expect in their daily work as a result of the implementation of rda. special emphasis will be given to issues concerning catalogers in theological libraries. afternoon session (90 min.): rda – not just for catalogers rda (resource description and access) is a new descriptive standard for cataloging. based on new ways of organizing information, this innovation in bibliographic description relates not only to the world of technical services. this presentation will explore the impact of rda on libraries, librarians and library users. may 10, 2011 rda training workshop at westminster theological seminary two half-day sessions of official rda training accompanied by insights from experience during the rda test period. training will include hands-on examples and exercises based on materials relevant to catalogers in theological libraries. limited to 30 participants, registration will be open exclusively to septla members initially. later, if any slots are available, registration will be advertised to non-septla libraries. submitted by donna r. campbell, technical services & systems librarian westminster theological seminary library rda webcast introduction to rda toolkit, a webcast originally presented feb 8-9, 2010, is now available cast.cfm. rda web courses rda: on the road to implementation, november 17,{15b77f67-7dea-4b30-a802-91ac9d20558e} &rowid=1-ku7d7 an active approach to teaching frbr, december 1, frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, december 12,{ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4-b29619bae12a} &rowid=1-gxpme theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-3 frbr as a foundation for rda, december 15, technical services courses of interest fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions, november 15 december 10, .cfm fundamentals of collection development/mgt., november 15 december 17, 6.cfm digital preservation: an introduction, november 17, tal.cfm lc genre/form terms for religious material project a significant number of proposed terms were added to the project wiki during the past few weeks. please login to the wiki to review the current list. use the following directions to access the wiki at use your regular username and password. once you are signed in, go the community tab. on the right, you should see “my communities” and under that “rosters.” expand that roster list to see the link to the lc genre form project. for best results, continue to use internet explorer to access the website. a new question concerning genre headings for different types of theologies has been added to the project webpage under the roster discussion link that appears towards the bottom of the column on the left. you may add additional discussion questions by clicking on “new” directly above the list of questions. once you’ve filled in the resulting blank form with a title and body (if any), click on ok. your new question will appear at the top of the list. to comment upon a proposed term in the a-z list that appears in the roster wiki, click on the term to display the full proposal which may include cross-references and notes, then on “edit” towards the upper right of the page. you may add references and notes in addition to general comments. when finished, click on ok. lc’s schedule calls for the project to be completed in mid-2011. we would like to have a complete first draft of terms ready no later than the end of april 2011 for project participants to review and comment on. a model for that draft is the genre/form terms for law materials 2018 summary of proceedings bibliography • metadata 17 metadata compiled by anna appleman hertenstein, elizabeth m., julie l. rabine, and mathew c. sweet. “on the frontlines of richer metadata: technical services and tei.” technical services quarterly 35, no. 4 (october 2018): 353–66. roy, william and chris gray. “preparing existing metadata for repository batch import: a recipe for a fickle food.” code4lib journal, no. 42 (november 8, 2018): 10. taheri, seyed mahdi and mahmood khosrowjerdi. “the effect of syntax on interoperability among metadata standards: another step towards integrating information systems.” library philosophy & practice (december 2018): 1–19. thompson, santi, xiping liu, albert duran, and anne m. washington. “a case study of etd metadata remediation at the university of houston libraries.” library resources & technical services 63, no. 1 (january 2019): 62–74. wickett, karen. “a logic-based framework for collection/item metadata relationships.” journal of documentation 74, no. 6 (november 2018): 1175–89. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. 2018 summary of proceedings pagelist 17 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 2 • february 2013 3-2 section 3 anticipated changes include, but are not limited to: • adding 336, 337, 338 fields • spelling out non-transcribed abbreviations in 255, 300, 500, 504 and other fields • converting latin abbreviations to english equivalents in 245, 260, and other fields • converting dissertation notes in 502 field to multiple subfields • removing gmds (after 31 march 2016) • heading changes in accordance with rda heading changes are anticipated to spell out abbreviations in headings like "dept." and to change bible and koran headings in accordance with rda practice. training presentations, webcasts, and webinars georgia public library cataloging summit originally convened august 9-11, 2011. the documents are available from the library of congress’ training website. library of congress catalogers learning workshop. includes free webinars and course materials for training provided by the library of congress. library of congress rda training materials course%20table.html selected articles from current library journals barton, joshua, and lucas mak. “old hopes, new possibilities: next-generation catalogues and the centralization of access.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 83-106. butler, rebecca. “the rise and fall of union classification.” theological librarianship: an online journal of the american theological library association 6, no. 1 (4 december 2012). theolib/article/view/254 (accessed january 28, 2013). chang, hsia-ching, and hemalata iyer. “trends in twitter hashtag applications: design features for value-added dimensions to future library catalogues.” library trends 61, no. 1 (summer 2012): 248-258. croissant, charles r. “frbr and rda: what they are and how they may affect the future of libraries.” theological librarianship: an online journal of the american theological library association 5, no. 2 (10 june 2012). (accessed january 28, 2013). debus-lópez, karl e., diane barber, caroline saccucci, and camilla williams. “the electronic cataloging in publication cataloging partnership program: a model for cooperative cataloging for the twenty-first century.” in “cataloging collaborations and partnerships,” ed. rebecca l. mugridge. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 1/3 (2013): 25-54. el-sherbini, magda. “bibliotheca alexandrina’s model for arabic name authority control.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 1 (2013): 4-17. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg new editor please welcome tammy johnson, technical services librarian at columbia theological seminary as the new editor of the news and views section. she will begin her new responsibilities with the november issue of tcb. tammy has been active in atla for many years, currently serving as a member of the naco funnel project, for example. she will undoubtedly bring her enthusiastic spirit and dedication to tcb as one of the four contributors who give their time and effort to serve all of you as you strive to bring order and access to the wealth of information out there. thanks, tammy, and welcome to the tcb team along with joanna hause, eric friede, and paul osmanski. rda toolkit the rda toolkit is available now for free until august 31. subscription to open access to the toolkit can be found at for those of you with subscriptions to cataloger’s desktop, although rda is a separate subscription, it can be set up to be accessible via the desktop interface, meaning that rda’s content is indexed and linked to other resources in the desktop, thus providing a seamless experience. if you wish to purchase the rda toolkit after the open access period has expired, the license and pricing options are now available ( consortia and group pricing is an option; however, it needs to be individually priced. perhaps the steering committee can check into this option to see if atla can work out a price for our group. rda examples the joint steering committee for development of rda has posted pdf’s of rda examples illustrating the application of rda to bibliographic records under the working documents area of their web site. the documents are dated 17 june 2010. complete examples cover letter (; complete examples (bibliographic)/revised (; complete examples (authority)/revised ( 2018 summary of proceedings 16 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 cc:da report from ala mid-winter by donna j. wells the cc:da (committee on cataloging: description and access) met over two days in seattle this winter. the committee currently has two task forces: 3-r (rda toolkit restructure and redesign) and the virtual participation task force. the virtual participation group is studying the viability of online attendance at the biannual meetings. they are at a very preliminary stage and would like to try, at the annual meeting in june, to have just two virtual participants. they are recommending that the online attendees be limited to those for whom physical attendance is impossible. a motion was made to create a new task force to update the policy and procedures manual which has not been updated since 2011. much time of the meeting was filled with reports from the library of congress, nardac (north american rda committee), the committee webmaster, pcc liaison, the 3-r task force, and the representative from ala publishing. the full text of these reports are available on the committee blog ( here are the highlights of these reports: new content was added to the z pages in the naco documents. multiple subdivisions such as buddhism, christianity, etc. have been dropped because the terms were causing issues with linked data. each term will now have an established heading. pcc has changed its method for gathering data and apologized profusely for the recurring password changes—it is a government security requirement. rda toolkit – the beta version is being updated almost daily. all toolkit users are begged to test the beta site and look for flaws, suggest improvements, and give feedback. the project is slated to be completed by the end of 2019, at the latest but the goal is april or june. there is a youtube channel for rda. latin american libraries are joining and participating in enhancing rda. the translation of the toolkit is currently in process. the new version will have a graphic browser. the new rda is much larger than the past version running to 3000 pages of print, so work is being done to find a viable solution for a print version. day two was given over to “a deeper dive into rda” which was three hours of very technical issues, nomenclature, and discussion. the actual work of the committee will resume (hopefully) at the annual meeting in june but only after the release of the new toolkit. donna j. wells is the associate director and head of technical services at southeastern baptist theological seminary. 2018 summary of proceedings pagelist 16 theology cataloging bulletin 3-3 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 in-conference workshop cpal interest group digital information: an introduction for librarians and archivists 1:00-2:00pm conversation groups e-books, e-readers, e-resources, oh my! what's a small theological librarian to do? library of congress’ implementation of rda the library of congress has set march 31, 2013 as its target for rda implementation day one. some of lc’s partner national libraries (u.s.: national agricultural library and national library of medicine; and non-u.s.: british library, library & archives canada, and national library of australia) have targeted the first quarter of 2013. training presentations, webcasts, and webinars library of congress recorded webcasts for rda training rda: looking to the future: information systems and metadata. speaker: barbara tillett. recorded march 9, 2010. rda changes from aacr2 for texts. speaker: barbara b. tillett. recorded january 12, 2010. running time: 75 minutes (41 minutes of presentation followed by q&a). rda: recursos descripción y acceso: antecedentes y aspectos de su implementación. speaker: barbara tillett. in spanish. recorded august 13, 2009. running time: 85 min. georgia public library cataloging summit library of congress rda training exercises and answers theology cataloging bulletin 3-4 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 rda toolkit essentials association for library and technical services (alcts) alcts offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: selected articles from current library journals barrette, linda. “technical services is public service, or how i got out of the back room and why you should too.” aall spectrum 16, no. 2 (november 2011): 20-22. boyd, morag. “from the comfort of your office: facilitating learner-centered continuing education in the online environment.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 2/3 (2012): 189-203. gardner, sue ann. “cresting toward the sea change: literature review of cataloging and classification 2009-10.” library resources & technical services 56, no. 2 (2012): 64-79. garofalo, denise a. “useful web sites for av catalogers.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 2 (2012): 168-170. glennan, kathryn p. “the development of resource description & access and its impact on music materials.” notes 68, no. 3 (march 2012): 526-534. hoffman, gretchen l. “using the quality matters rubric to improve online cataloging courses.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 2/3 (2012): 158-171. mccutcheon, sevim. “rda and the reference librarian: what to expect from the new cataloging standard.” reference librarian 53, no. 2 (2012): 123-137. normore, lorraine f. “‘here be dragons’: a wayfinding approach to teaching cataloguing.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 2/3 (2012): 172-188. theology cataloging bulletin 3-2 section 3 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 library of congress rda training aids library of congress recorded webcasts for rda training rda: looking to the future: information systems and metadata. speaker: barbara tillett. recorded march 9, 2010. rda changes from aacr2 for texts. speaker: barbara b. tillett. recorded january 12, 2010. running time: 75 minutes (41 minutes of presentation followed by q&a). rda: recursos descripción y acceso: antecedentes y aspectos de su implementación. speaker: barbara tillett. in spanish. recorded august 13, 2009. running time: 85 min. georgia public library cataloging summit rda training exercises and answers training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda toolkit essentials aacr2…meet rda online workshop, september 7 and november 16 cataloging with rda, october 16-19 selected articles from current library journals bauer, kathleen, michael friscia, and scott matheson. “from the catalog to the book on the shelf: building a mapping application for vufind.” code4lib journal 17 (2012-06-01). (accessed july 18, 2012) daniels, jeffrey, and patrick roth. “incorporating millennium catalog records into serials solutions' summon.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 3 (2012): 193-199. theology cataloging bulletin 3-3 section 3 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 gatenby, janifer, richard o. greene, w. michael oskins, and gail thornburg. “glimir: manifestation and content clustering within worldcat.” code4lib journal 17 (2012-06-01). (accessed july 18, 2012) higgins, colin. “library of congress classification: teddy roosevelt's world in numbers?” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 4 (2012): 249-262. idrees, haroon. “library classification systems and organization of islamic knowledge.” library resources & technical services 56, no. 3 (2012): 171-182. kuhagen, judith a. (presenter), and margaret mering (recorder). “serials and rda: an ongoing relationship.” serials librarian 62, no.1-4 (2012): 5-16. mugridge, rebecca l., and jeff edmunds. “batchloading marc bibliographic records.” library resources & technical services 56, no. 3 (2012): 155-170. smith, shelley l. “creating provider-neutral records for e-books.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 4 (2012): 304-315. tuttle, jonathan. “the aphasia of modern subject access.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 4 (2012), 263-275. zhu, lihong. “the role of paraprofessionals in technical services in academic libraries.” library resources & technical services 56, no. 3 (2012): 127-154. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) participants and lc staff are comfortable with the terms, lc will make the authority records and put them on a tentative list which will be public. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda training and webinars amigos cataloging with rda-live online dec. 4-7 10:30-12:30 cst minitex rda for the seasoned cataloger: print serials (3 part self-paced workshop wednesday november 28, tuesday december 4, monday december 10 rda cataloging: basic books thursday, december 13 10am-1 pm cst rda toolkit essentials library of congress webcast new bibliographic framework: update eric miller recorded july 16, 2012 association for library and technical services (alcts) alcts offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: selected articles from current library journals theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in early 2011.” — (accessed january 27, 2011) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and standards division’s library of congress classification weekly list, 42(2010:october20) to 51(2010:december 22). “weekly lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification (lcc) are posted to this web site [at] by the policy and standards division as they are approved”-library of congress classification (lcc) weekly list. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) occident greece other special topics, a-z b187.i45 immortality by period second period individual philosophers democritus special topics, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 b299.a86 atomism modern (1450/1600) by region or country france by period 17th century individual philosophers, a-z pascal, blaise special topics, a-z b1904.h86 humanism 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.l15-.l154 lacroix, jean, 1900-1986 table b-bj5 21st century individual philosophers, a-z b2433.c46-.c464 chouraqui, bernard table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) special topics, a-z b2528.t56 time by period later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers hartmann, ed koz b3279.h8448.h84484 höffe, otfried table b-bj5 lipps, t. lotze b3288.l66-.l664 lorenz, kuno, 1932table b-bj5 nietzsche, friedrich wilhelm special subjects, a-z b3318.g45 genealogy asia southern asia. indian ocean region by country india individual philosophers, a-z b5134.k73-.k734 krishna, daya table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 class bf psychology consciousness. cognition association and reproduction of ideas special memory memory testing special tests, a-z bf375.5.w43 wechsler memory scale class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z [bl1590.e282] ecology see bl1590.n38 bl1590.n38 nature. ecology other special, a-z bl2370.o44 oghuz african egyptian ancient egypt special deities and topics, a-z bl2450.i56 inmutef american north america special cults, religious movements, etc., a-z [bl2532.o752] orisha religion see bl2532.s5 bl2532.s5 shango cancel bl2532.s5 shango. orisha religion class bm judaism dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 bm645.c57 conversation practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.a67 ’anenu. table bm6 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.k38.k382 kattānīyah. table bp3 topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.b54 blame class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka early buddhist suttas majjhimanikāya individual suttas, a-z bq1320.b53-.b539 bhaddekarattasutta table bq3 mahayana buddhist sūtras other individual mahayana sūtras, a-z bq2240.b63-.b639 bodhisattvagocaropāyavisạyavikurvāṇanirdeśa table bq3 class bs the bible general works about the bible criticism and interpretation bs521.86 postcolonial criticism theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs680.w15 walking old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.c55 cities and towns [bs1199.t462] towns see bs1199.c55 class bt doctrinal theology doctrinal, dogmatic, systematic theology schools of thought affecting doctrine and dogma (19th-20th centuries) bt83.65 queer theology class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4526.7 society of saint ursula table bx18 other protestant denominations bx7574 faith evangelical church lutheran churches liturgy and ritual other special, a-z bx8067.p76 propers methodism individual branches of methodists united methodist church (united states). methodist church (united states). methodist episcopal church special topics, a-z bx8385.h86 human ecology mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics bx8641 polygamy. women in mormonism. marriage cancel cf. hq994-996 polygamy (social problem) cancel theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 (bx8641) polygamy. women in mormonism. marriage see bx8643.m36; bx8643.p63; bx8643.w66 other, a-z bx8643.m36 marriage cf. bx8643.c5 celestial marriage bx8643.p63 polygamy cf. hq994-996 polygamy (social problem) bx8643.w66 women controversial works against the mormons [bx8645-8645.5] cf. bx8641 polygamy cancel [bx8645-8645.5] for works criticizing the practice of polygamy by mormons see bx8643.p63 class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews special topics jewish diaspora by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ds135.s34 senegal class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh furū’ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law aḥwāl shakhṣīyah persons. ashkhāṣ. afrād personality. legal capacity and disability. ahlīyah. ’adam al-kaf’ other groups of persons, a-z kbp529.7.o43 older persons medical legislation the health professions other, a-z kbp3103.d45 dentists criminal law and procedure crimes and punishment individual offenses. jarā’im theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 other offenses offenses against marriage, family, and family status kbp4187 family violence class kbr history of canon law sources particular forms of contemporary legal literature consilia. responsa individual canonists and jurists (commentators), a-z kbr2150.m67 lodovico morozzo, 1548?-1611 table k4 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music antiphonaries single offices, a-z m2149.5.k68 knud lavard, d. 1131 class nb sculpture special subjects religious subjects special, a-z nb1912.b83 buddhist gods cancel nb1912.b83 buddhist gods (general). buddha. buddhism class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles special bibles. by name, a-z nd3355.5.a55 anjou bible theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books classification and notation by subject or form, a-z z697.i78 islamic law machine-readable bibliographic data. information storage and retrieval systems by special project or system, a-z z699.4.p67 porbase (online service) theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in early 2011.” — (accessed november 8, 2010) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and standards division’s library of congress classification weekly list, 31(2010:august4) to 41(2010:october 13). “weekly lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification (lcc) are posted to this web site [at] by the policy and standards division as they are approved”-library of congress classification (lcc) weekly list. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.w25 walking medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.n39-.n394 nayrīzī, najm al-dīn maḥmūd, d. ca. 1526. table b-bj5 renaissance individual philosophers theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 c z b785.s79-.s794 steuco, agostino, 1497?-1548 table b-bj5 b785.s8-.s84 steuco, agostino, 1497?-1548 table b-bj5 cancel b785.s815-.s8154 storella, francesco maria, 16th cent. table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.g59-.g594 goldman, alvin i., 1938table b-bj5 france by period 18th century individual philosophers, a-z rousseau, jean jacques, 1712-1778 special topics, a-z b2138.d47 desire 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.b338-.b3384 barthel, ernst, 1890-1953 table b-bj5 b2430.c65-.c654 corbin, henry table b-bj5 b2430.o54-.o544 onfray, michel, 1959table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) by period later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers fichte, johann gottlieb, 1762-1814 special topics, a-z b2849.i37 image hegel, georg wilhelm friedrich special topics, a-z b2949.r255 recognition later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers brentano büchner b3213.b2-.b24 brentano, margherita von, 1922-1995 table b-bj5 italy theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers mamiani romagnosi b3636.m49-.m494 michelstaedter, carlo, 1887-1910 table bbj5 b3636.n48-.n484 neri, guido d. table b-bj5 b3636.o8-.o84 ottonello, pier paolo table b-bj5 b3636.r27-.r274 raschini, maria adelaide table b-bj5 eastern europe by region or country romania individual philosophers, a-z b4825.t87-.t874 țuțea, petre table b-bj5 class bd speculative philosophy ontology other special topics, a-z bd460.p67 possessiveness cosmology space, time, matter and motion bd642 presentism class bf occult sciences ghosts. apparitions. hauntings. haunted places bf1474.4 haunted hospitals bf1476.4 haunted morgues witchcraft special topics, a-z bf1572.w35 walpurgis night astrology special topics horoscopes individuals and families, a-z bf1728.f53 ficino, marsilio, 1433-1499 human-alien encounters. contact between humans and extraterrestrials special topics, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 bf2055.g73 grays class bh aesthetics special topics, a-z bh301.a55 animism bh301.w56 wine class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.l54 life class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources vedic texts [bl1112.5-.5949] saṃhitās bl1112.5-.59 r̥gveda saṃhitā table bl2 cancel class here also collections of or works about r ̥gveda texts including brāhmaṇas, upaniṣads, etc. cancel r̥gveda saṃhitā bl1112.5-.59 general table bl1 class here also collections of or works about r ̥gveda texts including brāhmaṇas, upaniṣads, etc. [bl1112.592-.5949] individual recensions bl1112.592-.5929 āśvalāyanasaṃhitā table bl2 bl1112.594-.5949 kauṣītakisaṃhitā table bl2 practice. forms of worship. religious life liturgy. rites and ceremonies special rites and ceremonies, a-z bl1226.82.v58 viṣṇubali theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z bl1590.s49 sex by region or country japan special topics, a-z bl2211.s63 society and religion african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.h33 haya class bm judaism history by period 1500 specific movements, sects, etc. hasidism. hasidim. by sect other sects, a-z bm198.56.n38 naṭore ḳarta dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z bm645.s54 sleep class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books hadith literature. traditions. sunna. special topics, a-z bp135.8.m47 mercy branches, sects, and modifications shiites shiite practice other special topics, a-z bp194.9.t36 taqīyah class br theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 christianity collected works early christian literature. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.j8-.j86 justin, martyr, saint table br1 biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.p266 paul, of qanetos, bishop, 5th cent. class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.m67 moronene table bs5 old testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the old testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs895.n33-.n332 nets table bs2 works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.f33 fantastic, the bs1199.o36 odors new testament works about the new testament criticism and interpretation bs2379.7 postcolonial criticism men, women, and children of the new testament biography individual new testament characters peter z bs2520.p75 priscilla, saint, 1st cent. special parts of the new testament epistles theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 epistles of paul topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2655.r23 race class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.a33 albarracín (spain). virgen del tremedal class bv practical theology missions missions in individual countries asia. the orient. the east southern asia india. east indies (general) by kingdom, state, region, etc. other, a-z [bv3280.k49] khyber pakhtunkhwa see bv3280.n6 bv3280.n6 north-west frontier province cancel bv3280.n6 north-west frontier province. khyber pakhtunkhwa africa by region or country other regions or countries, a-z bv3625.r3-.r32 réunion table bv5 class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders monastic rules special rules not associated with one order, a-z [bx2436.5.g75.g752] grimlaicus, fl. 900. regula solitariorum bx2436.5.g75 latin text. by date bx2436.5.g75a.g75z other languages. by language and date theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 bx2436.5.g752a.g752z commentaries. by author individual orders of women bx4328.3 clemensschwestern table bx18 biography and portraits individual saints, a-z bx4700.b76 bourgeoys, marguerite, 1620-1700 other, a-z bx4705.b73 bourgeoys, marguerite cancel (bx4705.b73) bourgeoys, marguerite see bx4700.b76 protestantism biography individual, a-z bx4827.s67 spalding, johann joachim, 1714-1804 other protestant denominations lutheran churches liturgy and ritual other special, a-z bx8067.c34 calendar walloon church z bx9995.w67 world mission society church of god class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews special topics jewish diaspora by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ds135.e77 eurasia class kb religious law in general. comparative religious law. jurisprudence kb100.a-z proverbia. legal maxims. brocardica juris. regulae juris. by author or title, a-z cancel subarrange each author by table k4 cancel theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 cutter numbers listed below are provided as examples cancel kb100.b37 bartocetti, vittorio table k4 cancel line kb100.d84 dueñias, pedro de (16th cent.) table k4 modified cancel line kb100.d84a3.d84a39 individual works. by title cancel line kb100.p43 peck, pierre (1529-1589) table k4 cancel line kb100.r44 regulae juris tam civilis quam canonici (fallentiae regularum juris) table k21 cancel line kb100.s25 schwartz, meinradus. commentarium in regulas juris table k4 cancel line kb100.s45 selectissimarum regularum juris ex utroque iure collectarum table k21 cancel line kb100 proverbia. legal maxims. brocardica juris. regulae juris interdisciplinary discussion of subjects property. res in commercio real (immovable) property. land law acquisition and loss of ownership kb689 prescription class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib unaffiliated authors early period (1st and 2nd cent. a.h.) individual authors, a-z kbp260.a226 abān al-aḥmar, 8th cent. table k4 kbp260.t39 ṭāwūs ibn kaysān, 653 or 4-724 or 5. table k4 late period (ca. 1920-) individual authors, a-z kbp283.s52 sharūdī, muḥammad yaqūb, 1930table k4 schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah individual authors, a-z kbp310.i228 ibn ’abd al-wahhāb, ’abd allāh ibn muḥammad, d. 1826 or 7. table k4 mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 kbp320.i223 ibn ’abd al-barr, yūsuf ibn ’abd allāh, 978 or 91071. table k4 kbp320.i24 ibn al-’atīq, mā’ al-’aynayn, 1887-1957. table k4 kbp320.s55 shinqīṭī, ’abd allāh bin ḥamī allāh. table k4 kbp320.s553 shinqīṭī, al-ḥasan ibn muḥammad al-amīn ibn ’ābidīn al-ṣa’īdī al-mālikī, 1959. table k4 kbp320.t86 tūnisī, abū yaḥyá ibn jamā’ah, d. 1312 or 13. table k4 shāfi’ī. shāfi’īyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.m34 maḥallī, jalāl al-dīn muḥammad ibn aḥmad, 1389-1459. table k4 kbp330.m89 muzanī, ismā’īl ibn yaḥyá, 791-878. table k4 shī’ī schools. shī’ah ja’farīs. ithna’asharis. individual authors, a-z kbp370.k46 khomeini, ruhollah. table k4 zaydī. zaydīyah individual authors, a-z kbp380.n34 naḥwī, al-ḥasan ibn muḥammad, d. 1389. table k4 class kbr history of canon law canon law compared with other legal systems roman law comparison by subject [kbr185.232] for subjects not provided for in kbr see kb400-4855 sources particular forms of contemporary legal literature consilia. responsa individual canonists and jurists (commentators), a-z kbr2150.g63 antonio gobbi table k4 kbr2150.g75 vincenzo grillenzoni, 1538-1616 table k4 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music theology cataloging bulletin 2-12 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music special roman liturgies and rituals diocesan, a-z m2154.2.s65 spiš class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination christian catholic roman catholic by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml3051.s55-.s559 slovenia table m8 class z book industries and trade printing practical printing other processes, a-z z252.5.l48 letterpress printing bookselling and publishing by region or country africa west africa, a-z z468.c36 cameroon table z9 libraries collections individual libraries library of congress z663.1195 national recording preservation board library science. information science automation special topics, a-z z678.93.o65 open source software the collections. the books theology cataloging bulletin 2-13 section 2 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 cataloging subject cataloging. subject headings individual lists, thesauri, etc., a-z [z695.z8c782] cst see z695.z8g68 individual lists, thesauri, etc, a-z z695.z8g68 government of canada core subject thesaurus. cst preservation, conservation, and restoration of books and other library materials special topics, a-z z701.3.s68 sound recordings public services. reference services public services. reference services in special topics, a-z (z711.6.l392) law see class k national bibliography america united states american literature special topics, a-z z1231.o28 occult fiction subject bibliography jews religion special topics, a-z z6371.k37 karaites theology and religion religions (non-christian) special, a-z z7835.w34 wahhābīyah theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 4-7 of 2012. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause, steelman library, southeastern university, 1000 longfellow blvd., lakeland, fl 33801; or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 150 begging--religious aspects [sp2012000687] 150 begging--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012000688] 150 bible stories, tamil [may subd geog] [sp2012002157] 053 bx4711.2197-bx4711.219795 450 uf tamil bible stories 150 buddhism--korea--history--1392-1910 [sp2012001673] 053 bq664 150 buddhist reliquaries [may subd geog] [sp2012001820] 550 bt reliquaries 110 catholic church [may subd geog] [sp 85021043 ] 450 uf catholicism add field 450 uf roman catholicism add field 110 catholic church--byzantine rite, belarusian [may subd geog] [sp2011003849] 410 uf belarusian byzantine rite (catholic church) 410 uf byzantine rite, belarusian (catholic church) 150 christian sexual minorities [may subd geog] [sp2012001156] 550 bt sexual minorities 150 clergy, black [may subd geog] [sp2012000683] 450 uf black clergy 150 coming out (sexual orientation)--religious aspects [sp2012000892] 150 coming out (sexual orientation)--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012000893] 150 dogs—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [not subd geog] [sp2012001784] 150 english language--writing--religious aspects [sp2012001867] 150 fasting--religious aspects--islam [sp 85047408 ] 550 bt pillars of islam add field theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 150 grace (jewish theology) [sp2012000399] 550 bt judaism--doctrines 150 health education--religious aspects [sp2012001532] 150 health education--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2012001533] 150 holy wells--northern ireland [sp2012001587] 150 nuns (canon law) [may subd geog] [sp2011004557] 550 bt canon law 150 presbyterian gay men [may subd geog] [sp2012000889] 450 uf gay presbyterian men 550 bt christian gay men 550 bt presbyterian gays 550 bt presbyterian men 150 presbyterian gays [may subd geog] [sp2012000888] 450 uf gay presbyterians 550 bt gays 150 presbyterian men [may subd geog] [sp2012000890] 550 bt christian men 150 priests, black [may subd geog] [sp2012000606] 450 uf black priests theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 2 —february 2012 3-3 selected articles from current library journals anhalt, joy, and richard a. stewart. “rda simplified.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 1 (2012): 33-42. biella, joan c., and heidi g. lerner. “the rda test and hebraica cataloging: applying rda in one cataloging community.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 7/8 (september 2011): 676-695. irwin, ken. “the homegrown mobile catalog: a quick, inexpensive approach to expanding access.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 1 (2011): 42-57. *jacob, w. m. “parochial libraries and their users.” in “proceedings of the library & information history group conference, parochial libraries: past, present & future, april 2010.” special issue, library & information history 27, no. 4 (december 2011): 211-216. marshall, linnea. “using internet resources to research dates of birth and death of relatively obscure individuals for inclusion in name authority records.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 1 (2012): 17-32. murray, ronald j., and barbara tillet. “cataloging theory in search of graph theory and other ivory towers.” information technology & libraries 30, no. 4 (december 2011): 170-184. nagaya, shun, yutaka hayashi, shuhei otani and keizo itabashi. “controlled terms or free terms? a javascript library to utilize subject headings and thesauri on the web.” code4lib journal 15 (2011-10-31). (accessed january 30, 2012) panchyshyn, roman s. “benefits of batch reclamation: the kent state university libraries experience.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 1 (2012): 3-16. schroeder, rebecca, and howard, jared l. “shelf-ready: a cost-benefit analysis.” library collections, acquisitions, & technical services 35, no. 4 (2011): 129-134. wacker, melanie, myung-ja han, and judith dartt. “testing resource description and access (rda) with non-marc metadata standards.” in “rda testing: lessons learned and challenges revealed,” eds. sylvia d. hall-ellis and robert o. ellett, jr. special issue, cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 7-8 (2011): 655-675. *walsh, john a. “‘images of god and friends of god’: the holy icon as document.” journal of the american society for information science and technology 63, no. 1 (january 2012): 185-194. also available as pdf online: (accessed january 30, 2012) theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 2 —february 2012 3-4 walsh, larisa. “the faceted catalog as a tool for searching monographic series: usability study of lens.” cataloging & classification quarterly 50, no. 1 (2012): 43-59. yang, sharon q., and melissa a. hofmann. “next generation or current generation? a study of the opacs of 260 academic libraries in the usa and canada.” library hi tech 29, no. 2 (may 2011): 266-300. young, philip. “a survey of batch cataloging practices and problems.” technical services quarterly 29, no. 1 (2011): 22-41. *these two articles are not related to cataloging but may be of interest because of their religious/theological content. corrected citations from the last issue of tcb, with apologies: connaway, lynn silipigni, and timothy j. dickey. “publisher names in bibliographic data: an experimental authority file and a prototype application.” library resources & technical services 55, no. 4 (october 2011): 182-194. [correction: v. 55, not 53] dezelar-tiedman, christine. “exploring user-contributed metadata’s potential to enhance access to literary works: social tagging in academic library catalogs.” library resources & technical services 55, no. 4 (october 2011): 221-233. [correction: v. 55, not 53] gelber, natalia, and irina kandarasheva. “pcc training for copy catalogers: is it worth the investment? the columbia university libraries experience.” library resources & technical services 55, no. 3 (july 2011): 163-71. [correction: second author added] submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 1 —november 2011 3-2 lc genre/form terms for religious material project a summary of terms proposed to date was circulated to project roster members on aug. 26, 2011. a copy (called “working notes”) was also posted to the “genre forms for religious terms project” webpage at (no password required). comments on that summary were due by oct. 14, 2011. a first draft of proposed terms should be available for review by late autumn. copies of that draft will be mailed to project roster members. a copy will also be posted to the website and an announcement sent to altatech-l. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association training presentations, webcasts, and webinars rda toolkit webcast rda checkpoint -where we are and where we're heading presented by troy linker, publisher for ala digital reference, on july 12, 2011. slides and webinar georgia cataloging summit this past summer the georgia public library service hosted the georgia cataloging summit. presenters included dr. barbara b. tillett and judith a. kuhagen. the powerpoint presentations for the library of congress rda workshop for georgia cataloging summit are accessible on the training modules for rda at the library of congress resource description and access at the library of congress webpage: alcts aiming for a robust metadata infrastructure for the future don’t tilt at windmills, an active learning approach to teaching frbr theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 20, no. 1 —november 2011 3-3 frbr as a foundation for rda alcts also offers several other webinars and webcasts. many of the presentations are free. for more information go to the alcts webinar archives: minitex frbr and frad: keys to rda november 16 and 18, december 19 and 21 rda for the solo/copy cataloger webinar series, december 8 and 15 lyrasis born digital cataloging items on the web (live online), november 17, 2011 and april 5, 2012{cdbb338d-d015-4457-b93d6e88f5fc28dc}&rowid=1-n6tf5 copy cataloging a serial live online december 7-8, 2011 and april 21-22, 2012{f8954bed-1cfe-4727-a0d84021d796a059}&rowid=1-mk9z7 introduction to audio-visual cataloging (live online) november 29, 2011 and january 25, 2011{a2cad0f0-c8bb-46f8-ab96132581601c86}&rowid=1-lw5v6 frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, january 10, 2012, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme) selected articles from current library journals beall, jeffrey. “abbreviations, full spellings, and searchers’ preferences.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 6 (2011): 443-456. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 3-1 section 3 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by leslie engelson training presentations, webcasts, and webinars alcts e-forum: training for resource description and access discussion forum hosted by jennifer erica sweda and sylva d. hall-ellis may 14-15, 2013 instructions for registration are available at oclc's rda policy statement webinar: powerpoint from the webinar: selected articles from current library journals baga, john, lona hoover, and robert e. wolverton, jr. “online, practical, and free cataloging resources: an annotated webliography.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 2 (2013): 100-117. drabinski, emily. “queering the catalog: queer theory and the politics of correction.” library quarterly 83, no. 2 (april 2013): 94-111. engelson, leslie. “correlations between title keywords and lcsh terms and their implication for fast-track cataloging.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 6 (2013): 697-727. frank, heidi. “augmenting the cataloger’s bag of tricks: using marcedit, python, and pymarc for batch-processing marc records generated from the archivists’ toolkit.” code4lib journal 20 (2013-04-17). http:// (accessed april 25, 2013) gelber, natalia. “five years of empirical research in the area of technical services: an examination of selected peer-reviewed journals, 2007–2011.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 2 (2013): 166-186. kuhagen, judith a., and margaret mering. “rda and serials: theoretical and practical applications.” in “creating harmony from dis-chord,” ed. sharon dyas-correia and sara bahnmaier. special issue, serials librarian 64, no. 1-4 (2013): 5-14. lybarger, kathryn. “keeping up with ebooks: automated normalization and access checking with normac.” code4lib journal 20 (2013-04-17). (accessed april 25, 2013) nimer, cory l., and j. gordon daines iii. “the development and application of u.s. descriptive standards for archives, historical manuscripts, and rare books.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 5 (2013): 532-549. niu, jinfang. “evolving landscape in name authority control.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 4 (2013): 404-419. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 3-4 1:00 pm-2:00 pm conversation group conser conversation group paper 2:00 pm-3:00 pm second harvest—digitizing church and denominational materials friday (june 9) 10:30 am-12 pm in-conference workshop cataloging with rda 1:30 pm-3 pm interest group cost-cutting measures in technical services – tsig selected articles from current library journals collins, maria. “serials literature review 2008-9: embracing a culture of openness.” library resources & technical services 55, no. 2 (april 2011): 60-80. digby, todd, and stephen elfstrand. “discovering open source discovery: using vufind to create mnpals plus.” computers in libraries 31, no. 2 (march 2011): 6-10. emanuel, jennifer. “usability of the vufind next-generation online catalog.” information technology and libraries 30, no. 1 (march 2011): 44-52. galvin, denis, and mang sun. “using web services for a mobile opac.” code4lib journal 13 (2011-04-11). (accessed april 20, 2011) jacob, elin k. “proposal for a classification of classifications built on beghtol’s distinction between ‘naïve classification’ and ‘professional classification.’” knowledge organization 37, no. 2 (2010): 111-120. krishnan, yvonne. “libraries and the mobil revolution.” computers in libraries 31, no. 3 (april 2011): 6-9, 40. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 3-5 kudo, yoko. “modified hepburn romanization system in japanese language cataloging: where to look, what to follow.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 2 (2011): 97-120. leong, jack hang-tat. “the convergence of metadata and bibliographic control? trends and patterns in addressing the current issues and challenges of providing subject access.” knowledge organization 37, no. 1 (2010): 29-42. olson, hope a. “earthly order and the oneness of mysticism: hugh of saint victor and medieval classification of wisdom.” knowledge organization 37, no. 2 (2010): 121138. westrum, anne-lena. “the key to the future of the library catalog is openness.” computers in libraries 31, no. 3 (april 2011): 10-14. yelton, andromeda. “a simple scheme for book classification using wikipedia.” information technology and libraries 30, no. 1 (march 2011): 7-15. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 3-2 section 3 books. assessment strategies for cataloging managers, november 20, 2013. qualitative assessment activities, when conducted regularly and methodically, can help managers and administrators understand the impact and value of the work that we do for our customers. are we meeting our customers' needs? are there services that we could provide but currently do not? what are our customers’ priorities? are we responsive to their questions and issues? are we working as effectively as we can? this webinar will explore the use of customer service surveys, focus groups, quality initiatives, benchmarking, and other methods to evaluate and assess the work that we do. upcoming/webinar/112013 registration fees vary. oclc's rda training calendar: brick & click, an academic library symposium, november 1, 2013. now in its 13th year, the brick and click libraries symposium (#b&c13) is a one-day event featuring concurrent and lightning round sessions that explore cutting-edge technologies, practical solutions, and timely topics. the symposium supports the academic information needs of both on-ground (brick) and online (click) students, library professionals and paraprofessionals. http:// selected articles from current library journals blair, sheila a., and susan m. b. steuer. “developing a premodern manuscript application profile using dublin core.” journal of library metadata 13, no. 1 (2013): 1-16. chercourt, mina, and lauren marshall. “making keywords work: connecting patrons to resources through enhanced bibliographic records.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 3 (2013): 285-295. flynn, emily alinder. “open access metadata, catalogers, and vendors: the future of cataloging records.” journal of academic librarianship 39 (2013): 29-31. accessed august 6, 2013. gerolimos, michalis. “tagging for libraries: a review of the effectiveness of tagging systems for library catalogs.” journal of library metadata 13, no. 1 (2013): 36-58. harej, viktor, and maja žumer. “analysis of frbr user tasks.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 7 (2013): 741-759. hunter, ben. “the effect of digital publishing on technical services in university libraries.” journal of academic librarianship 39 (2013): 84-93. accessed august 6, 2013. lu, wen-ying, and mary beth chambers. “pda consortium style.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 3 (2013): 164-178. macan, bojan, gladys vanesa fernández, and jadranka stojanovski. “open source solutions for libraries: abcd vs koha.” program: electronic library & information systems 47, no. 2 (2013): 136-154. mitchell, erik. “trending tech services: programmatic tools and the implications of automation in the next generation of metadata.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 3 (2013): 296-310. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 3-3 section 3 molto, mavis. “identifying significant changes in serials with title changes in the recognition of new works.” library resources & technical services 57, no. 3 (2013): 136-184.\ taniguchi, shoichi. “user tasks in the rda-based model.” cataloging & classification quarterly 51, no. 7 (2013): 788-815. traill, stacie a., and cecilia genereux. “strategies for catalog management of electronic monographs in series.” serials librarian 65, no. 2 (2013): 167-180. yue, paoshan w. “transforming technical services: a case study at the university of nevada, reno libraries.” technical services quarterly 30, no. 3 (2013): 253-265. issue, serials librarian 64, no. 1-4 (2013): 27-39. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 14―27 of 2010. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 150 addicts (canon law) [may subd geog] [sp2010006588] 550 bt canon law 150 african american churches [may subd geog] [sp 85001817] * 450 uf black churches 150 amurru (amorite deity) [not subd geog] [sp2010011421] 450 uf martu (amorite deity) 550 bt gods, amorite 150 attention—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010007705] 130 bible—versions, mormon [sp2010010082] 150 bible and anthropology [not subd geog] [sp2010010546] 053 bs670.5 450 uf anthropology and the bible 550 bt anthropology 150 bible and sociology [not subd geog] [sp2010010550] 450 uf sociology and the bible 550 bt sociology 150 bible stories, bulu [may subd geog] [sp2010008180] 450 uf bulu bible stories 150 buddhist cave temples—sri lanka [sp2010009833] * 150 cookery—religious aspects cancel 150 cooking—religious aspects [sp 85031767] * 150 cookery—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] cancel 150 cooking—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp 85031768] * 150 cookery—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] cancel 150 cooking—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp 85031769] 150 god (islam)—love [sp2010005611] 680 here are entered works on god's love. works on the love for and worship of god are entered under god (islam)--worship and love. 550 bt love 681 note under god (islam)--worship and love 150 god (islam)—worship and love [sp 85055578] * 680 here are entered works on the love for and worship of god. works on god's love are entered under god (islam)--love. theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 * 681 note under god (islam)--love 150 gods, amorite [not subd geog] [sp2010011430] 450 uf amorite gods 150 ifa (religion) [may subd geog] [sp 85064189] * 450 uf fa (religion) 150 inuit gods [may subd geog] [sp2010006914] 450 uf gods, inuit 550 bt gods 151 islam—south africa [sp2010004903] 150 islam—south africa—rituals [sp2010004904] 150 law—christian influences [sp2010008514] 550 bt christian civilization 150 peace-building—religious aspects [sp2010004369] 150 peace-building—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010004375] 150 pentecostal preaching [may subd geog] [sp2010005114] 680 here are entered works on preaching by anyone who emphasizes the personal baptism in the holy spirit, and especially the gift of tongues. 550 bt preaching 150 postcolonial theology [may subd geog] [sp2010007259] 053 bt83.593 450 uf post-colonial theology 550 bt theology, doctrinal 150 sacred space—law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2010007455] 550 bt religious law and legislation 150 sensuality—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010003843] 150 stillbirth—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010010081] 150 weather—religious aspects [sp2010010677] theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-3 john attig, the ala representative to the jsc, has requested that atla and the catholic library association to prepare a proposal to revise the rules for the individual books of the apocrypha. currently, the rda rules are contradictory, directing the books to be entered directly under bible, and in a sub-rule, directing the books to be entered subordinate to the apocrypha. the taskforce will consider the issue and will propose a rule revision to remove the contradiction. anyone wishing to participate in this taskforce's deliberations should contact judy knop, submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator conser funnel congratulations to michael bradford for achieving independence in authenticating and maintaining conser records. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project candidate terms are still being accepted. a first draft of terms should be available for review and comment early autumn. if you want access to the wiki but have forgotten your password or encounter difficulties accessing the website, please don’t hesitate to email me at thank you for your participation in this important project. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association rda toolkit webcast rda checkpoint -where we are and where we're heading presented by troy linker, publisher for ala digital reference, on july 12, 2011. slides and webinar selected cataloging courses alcts is offering a series of 5 webinars on rda between august and december 2011 1. recommendations from the rda test: where do we go from here? august 31 2. rda and cartographic materials: mapping a new route, september 28 3. rda and music: scores, october 19 theology cataloging bulletin 3-1 section 3 vol. 20, no. 3—may 2012 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson naco news the naco funnel welcomes a new member. angeles ramos-ankrum has taken the place of melissa davis at the ernest miller white library, louisville seminary in st. louis, mo. melissa left for colorado in march 2011 and angeles joined the staff in july 2011. angeles is already a trained naco cataloger, so will be ready to begin contributions immediately. angeles plans to attend annual conference and those naco members also attending can welcome her in person there. as you probably all know by now, rda has a day one of march 31, 2013. the pcc has been working on a plan to train all naco catalogers in the new rules and fields which will be available on rda authority records. the plan is to have all naco catalogers take a 10-12 hour online course detailing the differences between aacr2 and rda rules this next year. following that training all naco catalogers will have their work reviewed, whether they are independent or not. immediately following training, the naco cataloger will be expected to create rda authority records exclusively. the naco conversation group discussion at the annual conference this year will focus on the new fields added to the authority format and discuss ideas for getting ready for rda. i hope to see you there. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project comments from lc on the second draft of terms were circulated to project roster members on apr. 18, 2012. proposals for revisions to be included in a third draft of terms are due by may 11, 2012. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg conser funnel program underway in january, five atla members traveled to boston for a one-day conser training event designed to introduce them to the practices and policies governing the conser program. following this training, the participants received conser authorizations and library of congress control numbers (lccn) for use in their serials cataloging. to date, three trainees have begun submitting serial records for review. as of march 2010, two new records and two updated records have been entered into oclc. many more serial records are in the review process. look for atla member symbols in the o40 field of religious serials on oclc. you will soon begin seeing them there. ―submitted by judy knop, atla conser funnel coordinator naco and conser roundtables atla annual conference (june 2010, louisville, ky) if you have an interest in joining your colleagues in either the naco or conser funnel programs, or you just want to know more about the programs, please come to the roundtables. the naco roundtable is being held on thursday at 2 pm and the conser roundtable is being held on friday at 1 pm. ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco and conser funnels coordinator naco funnel member achieves independence michael bradford, serials and electronic resources librarian at harvard divinity school, has successfully passed the test required for achievement of independence in the creation and updating of corporate, conference and geographic names in the national name authority file on oclc. way to go michael! ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco funnel coordinator atla conference june 2010 technical services tuesday (june 15) 7 9 pm technical services pre-conference gathering topic: local opacs. theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by joanna hause the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 4(2013:april 15) to 7(2013:july 15). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: joanna hause southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z occident greece by period third period individual philosophers aristotle special topics, a-z b491.i28 imagination medieval (430-1450) special topics other special topics, a-z b745.s44 skepticism modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.t96-.t964 tymieniecka, anna-teresa table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) by period later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers hegel, georg wilhelm friedrich special topics, a-z kant, immanuel, 1724-1804 special topics, a-z b2799.s89 sublime, the by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.i86 isolation b5802.p73 pragmatism class bj ethics religious ethics theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 2-3 section 2 jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.j43 jealousy class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion semitic religions assyro-bablyonian special topics, a-z bl1625.s86 sun zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z bl1590.f8 future life class bm judaism history by period 1500specific movements, sects, etc. hasidism. hasidim. by sect other sects, a-z bm198.56.v59 vizhnitz relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.h84 human body [bm583.h8452] human life cycle see bm538.l54 bm538.l54 life cycle, human dogmatic judaism other topics, a-z bm645.a69 anxiety bm645.t74 trees other special topics, a-z bm729.c35 cell phones bm729.l45 leisure class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics not otherwise provided, a-z theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 2-4 section 2 bp190.5.c557 concord class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.m285 margaret, of antioch, saint class bs the bible general works about the bible topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs680.j83 justification old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.p545 plants including specific types of plants, e.g., trees, flowers class bx christian denominations catholic church history by period 1447. modern history 1789individual popes bx1378.6 benedict xvi, 2005cancel bx1378.6 benedict xvi, 2005-2013 bx1378.7 francis, 2013 by region or country north america united states special topics, a-z bx1407.f55 filipino americans other protestant denominations friends – german baptist brethren bx7800.g4754 gereja masehi injili di halmahera lutheran churches other special, a-z bx8074.i68 interfaith worship class e america theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 4 • august 2013 2-5 section 2 indians of north america tribes and cultures, a-z e99.t76 toyah culture class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.i238 ibn al-‘arabī, muhammad ibn ‘abd allāh, 1076-1148. table k4 kbp320.j39 jazīrī, alī ibn yahyá, -1189 or 1190. table k4 shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.a26 abnāsī, ibrāhīm ibn mūsá, 1325-1399. table k4 kbp330.b398 baytūshi, ‘abd allāh muhammad, 1748 or 1749-1806 or 1807. table k4 kbp330.b84 bulqīnī, ‘umar ibn raslān, 1324-1403. table k4 class z general bibliography books for other special classes, institutions, etc., a-z z1039.y68 youth theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-4 4. rda and music: sound recordings, october 26 5. cataloging law materials with rda, november 2 frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, september 13, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4-b29619bae12a} &rowid=1-gxpme) rda: on the road to implementation, september 1, ( %7d&rowid=1-lvk2t) selected articles from current library journals andrew, paige g. “end of the line?: a case study of a cataloging department achieving bibco status.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 4 (2011): 311-322. breeding, marshall, and andromeda yelton. “librarians’ assessments of automation systems: survey results, 2007-2010.” library technology reports 47, no. 4 (may/june 2011) buchanan, sarah a. “special collections and archives code (spac): preserving provenance in a bibliographic catalog.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 5 (2011): 349-360. canncasciato, daniel. “ethical considerations in classification practice: a case study using creationism and intelligent design.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 5 (2011): 408-427. cerbo ii, michael a. “is there a future for library catalogers?” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 4 (2011): 323-327. loesch, martha fallahay. “inventory redux: a twenty-first century adaptation.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 3 (2011): 301-311. lundgren, jimmie. “2010, year of cataloging research in review.” bulletin of the american society for information science and technology 37, no. 5 (june/july 2011). (accessed july 21, 2011) mak, lucas. “issues of personal name authority control in a retrospective cataloging project.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 2 (2011): 160-168. martin, kristin e., judith dzierba, lynnette fields, and sandra k. roe. “consortial cataloging guidelines for electronic resources: i-share survey and recommendations.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 5 (2011): 361-386. maurer, margaret beecher, sevim mccutcheon, and theda schwing. “who’s doing what? findability and author-supplied etd metadata in the library catalog.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 4 (2011): 277-310. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 3-5 mccutcheon, sevim. “basic, fuller, fullest: treatment options for electronic theses and dissertations.” library collections, acquisitions, & technical services 35, nos. 2-3 (2011): 64-68. mcgurr, melanie j., “remote locations for technical services: an exploratory survey.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 3 (2011): 283-300. preston, carrie a. “cooperative e-book cataloging in the ohiolink library consortium.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 4 (2011): 257-276. seikel, michele, and thomas steele. “how marc has changed: the history of the format and its forthcoming relationship to rda.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 3 (2011): 322334. spidal, debra f. “physical processing of monographs by library technical services.” library collections, acquisitions, technical services 35, no. 1 (march 2011): 1-9. thomas, bob. “name disambiguation—learning from more user-friendly models.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 3 (2011): 223-232. toce, jacqueline, and cindy schofield. “technical service outreach strategies for academic libraries.” technical services quarterly 28, no. 3 (2011): 312-321. wynne, susan c., and martha j. hanscom. “the effect of next-generation catalogs on catalogers and cataloging functions in academic libraries.” cataloging & classification quarterly 49, no. 3 (2011): 179-207. zhu, lihong. “use of teams in technical services in academic libraries.” library collections, acquisitions, & technical services 35, nos. 2-3 (2011): 69-82. submitted by lynn berg, librarian for technical services new brunswick theological seminary (nj) theology cataloging bulletin 3-1 section 3 vol. 20, no. 4—august 2012 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson naco news naco funnel partipants prepare for rda under aacr2 rules, the purpose of authority records was to create the established heading and its references. the notes on the record were specifically designed to justify elements of the heading and the references. under rda rules, the purpose of authority records is to establish a unique identity for the entity. developing a primary access point and secondary access points are secondary. to this end, many new fields have been added to the authority format to allow for the recording of many kinds of information, such as coded dates, affiliation, occupation for a person, field of activity, gender, language, fuller form of name, etc. while all of these fields are optional, recording this information will enhance the usefulness of the file. lc has created an online course of twelve to fourteen hours which will introduce naco catalogers to the differences between aacr2 and rda and to introduce the new fields. this training is freely available to all, not just naco catalogers, and can be found at: for naco participants, once they have completed the online training and two two-hour webinars, they will begin doing all their authority work following rda rules. all will be subject to review by lc staff to make sure they are understanding the use of the new fields. all naco participants will be trained by march 31, 2013, the date that lc and pcc have designated as day one for all authority work. there is currently no day one for bibliographic records. oclc has set no cut off for the changeover to rda for bibliographic records. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator lc genre/form terms for religious material project project participants have responded to the comments from lc on the second draft of terms. a third draft of terms should be circulated to project roster members in early august. submitted by erica treesh database manager for authority control, atla religion database american theological library association section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 07(2012:july 16) to 09(2012:september 17). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203-432-5295 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.m56 misanthropy occident greece by period third period individual philosophers plato special topics, a-z b398.c58 cities and towns [b398.t682] towns see b398.c58 medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.q27-.q274 qayṣarī, dāwūd ibn maḥmūd, d. 1350 or 51. table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country scandinavia denmark by period 19th century individual philosophers kierkegaard, søren aabye special topics, a-z b4378.m97 mysticism class bf psychology applied psychology special topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bf637.a35 adjustment developmental psychology adolescence. youth special topics, a-z bf724.3.m67 motor ability parapsychology spiritualism. communication with discarnate spirits mediumship. psychometry. channeling spirit messages, inspirational records, etc. special, a-z bf1311.a45 akiba ben joseph, ca. 50-ca. 132 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.c64 compassion class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z [bl65.r452] religious tolerance see bl99.5 religions of the world bl99.5 religious tolerance history and principles of religions asian. oriental by region or country china special religions taoism other special topics, a-z bl1942.85.y85 yuhuang dadi (taoist deity) southeast asia by region or country vietnam special topics, a-z bl2057.w65 women heroes class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books hadith literature. traditions. sunna. special topics, a-z bp135.8.a45 ʻalī ibn abī ṭālib, caliph, ca. 600-661 the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes sufi practice special topics religious life bp189.63 tales. parables topics not otherwise provided, a-z [bp190.5.b662] boots see bp190.5.f66 bp190.5.f66 footwear bp190.5.p37 people with disabilities [bp190.5.s462] shoes see bp190.5.f66 class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka early buddhist suttas khuddakanikāya jātakas individual jātakas. by title, a-z bq1470.m364.m3649 mahāsukajātaka table bq3 class br christianity christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z br115.s39 sexual orientation cf. br115.h6 homosexuality class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.a87 awadhi table bs5 class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.l68 lizzano in belvedere (italy). santuario della madonna dell'acero bt660.s3415 san lorenzo del escorial (spain). nuestra señora de los dolores class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.s42 sha'arei ḥesed. shaʻare ḥesed regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.h38 hazor (extinct city) ds110.k4 kefar sava class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.i2653 ibn saḥnūn, muḥammad ibn ʻabd al-salām, 817 or 18-869 or 70. table k4 kbp320.s265 saktānī, ʻīsá ibn ʻabd al-raḥmān, d. 1652. table k4 shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.d36 damīrī, bahrām ibn ʻabd allāh, 1333 or 4-1402 or 3. table k4 kbp330.m357 marṣafī, yūsuf mūsá. table k4 shīʻī schools. shīʻah jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis individual authors, a-z kbp370.s227 sabzavārī, hādī ibn mahdī, b. 1797 or 8. table k4 ʻibādī individual authors, a-z kbp395.k48 khurāsānī, abū ghānim bishr ibn ghānim, d. ca. 815. table k4 furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law constitution of the state organs of government. organs of state power and state administration kbp2506 election law class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art christian art icons (eastern church) special icons. by name, a-z n8189.6.n55 nikopeia class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works missals special, a-z nd3375.m79 mszał erazma ciołka table b-bj16 table for subarrangement of the philosophy of eastern european countries (5 numbers) special topics, a-z 4.j87 justice theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-1 section 2 section two: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by joanna hause the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, policy and standards division's library of congress classification list, 1 (2013:january 21) to 3 (2013:march 18). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: joanna hause southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-2 section 2 class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) occident greece by period third period individual philosophers aristotle special topics, a-z b491.w5 wisdom medieval (430-1450) special topics other special topics, a-z b738.i53 imagination arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.k48-k484 khwājah’zādah, mustafa ibn yūsef, d. 1487 or 8 modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.f7-.f74 frankel, charles, 1917-1080 table b-bj5 b945.k78-.k784 kreyche, robert j., 1920-1974 table b-bj5 b945.l45-.l454 lewis, clarence irving, 1883-1964 table b-bj5 b945.p46-p464 peters, eugene h. (eugene herbert), 1929-1983 table b-bj5 b945.p67-.r674 pomerantz, alfred table b-bj5 b945.r25-.r254 randall, john herman, jr., 1899-1980 table b-bj5 b945.r43-.r434 reinhardt, kurt f. (kurt frank), 1896-1983 table b-bj5 b945.r8-.r84 runes, dagobert d. (dagobert david), 1902-1982 table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-3 section 2 b945.s28-.s284 schmahl, philipp table b-bj5 b945.s42-.s424 sellars, roy wood, 1880-1973 table b-bj5 france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.f437-.f4374 ferry, jean-marc table b-bj5 by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.t46 thought and thinking class bf psychology psychoanalysis child psychology special topics, a-z bf723.b45 belonging class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.c62 civil society class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.m25 magic bm496.9.m26 marriage bm496.9.s56 simeon, the just practical judaism forms of worship special objects and instruments, a-z bm657.t585 torah arks theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-4 section 2 liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.h38 havineinu table bm6 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.r45 reincarnation class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.c65 cosmas, saint class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.t56 timugon table bs4 african languages, a-z bs325.a35adele (kwa) table bs5 bs325.b23bakossi table bs5 bs325.d69doyayo table bs5 bs325.g52gidar table bs5 bs325.g55gikyode table bs5 bs325.k49144kele (gabon) table bs5 bs325.k49147kera table bs5 bs325.k69koonzime table bs5 bs325.k89kwanja table bs5 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-5 section 2 bs325.l33lamnso’ table bs5 bs325.l45lefana table bs5 bs325.l53limbum table bs5 bs325.m44medumba table bs5 bs325.m87muyang table bs5 bs325.o36obolo table bs5 bs325.t35talinga-bwisi table bs5 bs325.t36tampulma table bs5 bs325.v88vute table bs5 works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible biography individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.b38 bathsheba topics (not otherwise provided for) a-z bs680.m97 mysticism new testament works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.c568 competition (psychology) class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.r45 ripalta (foggia, italy). santuario di ripalta life of christ special topics public life miracles special, a-z bt367.h36 healing of the centurion’s servant theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-6 section 2 class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life moral theology virtues other individual virtues, a-z bv4647.f45 filial piety [bv4647.p52] piety, filial see bv4647.f45 class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church other special topics, a-z bs342.9.a35 aging other protestant denominations adventists – arminians bx6194.a355african apostolic church class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews special topics jewish diaspora by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ds135.b46 benelux countries class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.h39 hawwārī, ‛umar ibn qaddāh, d. 1333 or 4 kbp320.i26255 ibn farhūn, ibrāhīm ibn ‘alī, d. 1397 kbp320.m355 māmī, muhammad, 1787 or 8-1865 or 6 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 21, no. 3 • may 2013 2-7 section 2 kbp320.m388 mayyārah, muhammad ibn ahmad, 1590 or 81-1661 or 2 shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.g44 ghazzī,muhammad ibn qāsim, 1454 or 1455-1512 or 1513 kbp320.h57 hisnī, taqī al-dīn abū bakr ibn muhammad, 1351 or 1352 1425 kbp330.i248 ibn al-hā’im, ahmad ibn mudammad, d. 1412 kbp330.i86 isnawī, ‛abd al-rahīm ibn al-hasan, 1305-1370 kbp330.k87 kurdī, muhammad ibn sulaymān, 1715 or 16-1780 or 81 kbp330.s535 shālyātī al-malībārī, shihāb al-dīn abī al-sa‛ādāt ahmad kūyā ibn ‛alī, 1884-1954 kbp330.s543 shāshī, muhammad ibn ahmad, 1037-1114 bkp330.s927 sūbīnī, ibrāhīm ibn ‛umar, d. 1454 shīʻī schools. shīʻah jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis individual authors, a-z kbp370.t35 tabātabā’ī al-yazdī, muhammad kāzim, d. 1919 zaydī. zaydīyah individual authors, a-z kbp380.w39 wazīrī, ibrāhīm ibn muhammad, 1431-1508 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-4 worldcat at #187304223. there is no fee for access. its issn is 1940-9702. rob, who also serves as the subject liaison for german literature with responsibility for collection development at notre dame, included a lead article in the first issue dated october 2007 about the life of father oliver leonard kapsner (1902-1991). written by sister m. dorothy neuhofer, o.s.b., former cla president, the premier article explains why the newsletter is named in his memory. rob cordially solicits contributions. send them to submitted by thomas duszak, head cataloging section state library of pennsylvania atla funnel projects make major contributions to religious resources during the fourteen months from oct. 1, 2009 to nov. 30, 2010, the sixteen active members of the atla naco funnel project created 1074 new name authority records in the areas of personal names, corporate and conference names, geographic names and uniform titles. in addition, there were 216 existing authority records which were modified in some way, primarily in the area of additional cross references or additional information in the notes. during this period, two members achieved independence. denise pakala is now independent in the creation of personal names and michael bradford is independent in the creation of corporate, conference, and geographic names. the three active members of the conser funnel project, during this same fourteen month period, authenticated 250 serial records. this includes both original cataloging and the authentication of records contributed to the oclc database by non-conser catalogers. during this same period, 96 conser records were updated to add or change information based on later issues. finally, during this same period, the saco funnel, coordinated by eric friede, proposed 5 new subject headings and 8 new or changed classification numbers. any atla member wishing to join either the naco or conser funnel projects should email judy knop at training is available periodically at the library of congress or elsewhere in the country. the atla professional development committee supports these projects by subsidizing the costs of training. submitted by judy knop atla naco and conser funnels coordinator theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-3 1 – 2 pm roundtable: conser funnel project presenter: judy knop, atla conser funnel project coordinator saturday (june 19) 11:30 am – 1 pm in-conference workshop: book repair presenter: paul roberts, director of patron services, southern baptist theological seminary location: held at southern baptist theological seminary (bus transfer provided by atla) atla and oclc announce partnership atla has recently become a partner in the oclc partnership program. the news release was issued april 22, 2010 on the oclc web site (see the partnership is designed to improve member benefits, services, relationships, and cost efficiencies. library of congress documentation for the rda (resource description and access) test the library of congress has posted on its web site (april 21, 2010) the training tools for its u.s. rda test participants ( along with a record of the decisions they have made in regard to the rda test. included are word files and powerpoint files with information, exercises, and quizzes (answers also supplied). revised greek romanization tables the library of congress policy and standards division is accepting comments on the revised romanization tables for ancient and modern greek. if you would like to make comments on the revisions, you have until june 30, 2010 to do so. here are the links to the revised tables: • link to draft of proposed romanization table for ancient greek (pdf 3 p.; 142 kb): • link to draft of proposed romanization table for modern greek (pdf 3 p.; 122 kb: using web 2.0 tools to enhance technical services work here is a free two-day e-forum that you can register for and participate in thanks to alcts (ala’s association for library collections & technical services). it will be hosted by elizabeth winter (electronic resources coordinator at georgia institute of technology in atlanta) and sherab chen (coordinator for non-roman cataloging at the ohio state university libraries, columbus, ohio). it will be held may 19–20, 2010. for details, see the theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in 2011.” — (accessed november 4, 2011) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and standards division’s library of congress classification weekly list, 25(2011:october 17) to 27(2011:december 19). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country latin america by region or country cuba and west indies individual philosophers, a-z b1029.a55-.a554 alicea, dennis table b-bj5 france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.c525.c5254 cioran, e. m. (emile m.), 1911-1995 table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 b2430.f66-.f664 fontenay, elisabeth de table b-bj5 b2430.l53-.l534 lévy, bernard henri table b-bj5 b2430.r27-.r274 rancière, jacques table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) special topics, a-z b2528.c66 consolation by period 17th century individual philosophers leibniz, gottfried wilhelm, freiherr von, 1646-1716 special topics, a-z b2599.m8 monadology 18th century individual philosophers wolff, christian, freiherr von, 1679-1754 special topics, a-z b2728.p79 psychology [b3397-3399] 21st century b3397 general works b3398.a-z special topics, a-z b3399.a-z individual philosophers, a-z subarrange each by table b-bj5 b3399.n53-.n534 nida-rümelin, julian, 1954table b-bj5 italy by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers mamiani romagnosi b3636.p67-.p674 preti, giulio table b-bj5 netherlands (low countries) by period 17th century individual philosophers spinoza, benedictus de special topics, a-z b3999.m43 medicine switzerland individual philosophers, a-z b4651.c47-.c474 chouet, jean-robert table b-bj5 b4651.p53-.p534 picard, max, 1888-1965 table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.g46 genocide class bf psychology affection. feeling. emotion emotion special forms of emotion, etc., a-z bf575.d45 despair developmental psychology adolescence. youth special topics, a-z bf724.3.a84 attachment behavior occult sciences astrology special topics horoscopes individuals and families, a-z bf1728.h65 hitler, adolf, 1889-1945 class bh aesthetics special topics, a-z bh301.v85 vulgarity bh301.w43 wealth class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.c57 cities and towns history and principles of religions european. occidental germanic and norse mythology special topics, a-z bl870.a55 animals asian. oriental by religion hinduism theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 sacred books. sources vedic texts kalpasūtras (vedic ritual sūtras) śulbasūtras individual śulbasūtras. by title, a-z bl1136.8.k38.k389 kātyāyanaśulbasūtra table bl3 tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās āgamas individual āgamas. by title, a-z bl1141.5.s82.s829 sūkṣmāgama table bl3 doctrines. theology other special topics and relations to special subjects, a-z bl1215.m55 militarism practice. forms of worship. religious life religious life. spiritual life. discipline festivals. fasts and feasts. days and seasons special, a-z bl1239.82.n33 naḍāvaḷi mahōtsava by region or country china special religions taoism [bl1942.5-.52] legends bl1942.5 collections bl1942.52 history and criticism class bm judaism practical judaism jewish way of life. spiritual life. mysticism. personal religion religious duties bm726 women. motherhood cancel bm726 women. motherhood. childbirth class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 sacred books qur’ān. koran works about the qur’ān special topics, a-z bp134.m23 magic bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.c68 covenant class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka mahayana buddhist sūtras tantras other individual tantras, a-z bq2180.d73-.d739 dravidavidyaraja table bq3 doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.h43 healing practice of buddhism. forms of worship religious life religious life of special groups other groups, a-z bq5480.g39 gays festivals. days and seasons special, a-z bq5720.k37 kathina modifications, schools, etc. special modifications, sects, etc. tendai (t'ien-t'ai) biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq9149.k65-.k659 kōin, 1145-1216 table bq8 class br christianity history theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther's theology special topics, a-z [br333.5.g62] gospel and law see br333.5.l33 br333.5.l33 law and gospel class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.o28 odoodee table bs5 works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.i54 interfaith marriage [bs1199.m3] marriage for interfaith marriage see bs1199.i54 new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z works about the new testament special parts of the new testament epistles epistles of paul topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2655.a58 anthropology class bt doctrinal theology theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 christology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc special. by place, a-z bt580.k53 kibeho (rwanda) class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4537.4 suore di carità dell'immacolata concezione table bx18 bx4537.7 suore minime della passione di nostro signore gesù cristo table bx18 bx4485.64 sisters of our lady of christian doctrine (u.s.) table bx18 other protestant denominations mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.p635 polynesians class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.a38 ahwat site class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh islamic law and other disciplines or subjects kbp173.75 islamic law and economics schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib unaffiliated authors late period (ca. 1920-) individual authors, a-z kbp283.q367 qaraḍāwī, yūsuf. table k4 schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 kbp320.b33 bajā’ī, ’abd al-raḥmān ibn aḥmad, d.1384 or 5 table k4 kbp320.i2624 ibn ’āṣim, muḥammad ibn muḥammad, 13591426 table k4 kbp320.i26242 ibn ’āṣim, muḥammad ibn muḥammad, d. 1453? table k4 kbp320.l39 lawraqī, aḥmad ibn sa’īd, d. 1122 or 3 table k4 shāfi’ī. shāfi’īyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.h53 ḥibbānī, ismā’īl ibn muḥammad ibn ’umar, d. 1430 or 31 table k4 ’ibādī individual authors, a-z kbp395.b57 bisyawī, ’alī ibn muḥammad table k4 furū’ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law mu’āmalāt obligations. dhimmah. contracts and transactions commercial law. commercial transactions banks and banking. qānūn al-bunūk. stock exchange kbp962 stock exchange transactions. securities courts and procedure procedure in general procedure at trial evidence. bayyinah. burden of proof kbp1676.6 circumstantial evidence class kbs canon law of eastern churches history. sources by period to ca. 1054 (great schism) jus ecclesiae graecae seu byzantinae. greek-byzantine canon law nomocanon collections other collections. by compiler, editor, or title, az kbs199.6.a23 ’abdisho bar berīkā, d. 1318 table k4 class kbu law of the roman catholic church. the holy see theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 general norms and principles. de normis generalibus persons. de personis natural persons. personarum physicarum condicio canonica legal acts and facts affecting persons consanguinity. consanguinitas special topics, a-z [kbu2239.c442] children see kbu2239.p37 kbu2239.p37 parent and child. children sacraments. administration of sacraments. de sacramentis et administratione marriage. marriage law. de matrimonio marriage bond. vinculum inter coniuges perpetuum et exclusivum. husband and wife children. presumption of legitimacy. legitimi praesumuntur filii [kbu3157] for parent and child relationships see kbu2239.p37 class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art non-christian art special hindu special subjects or topics, a-z n8195.3.r33 rādhā (hindu deity) class z book industries and trade bookselling and publishing by region or country europe other, a-z z447.s52-.s5286 serbia table z9 libraries library science. information science library education z668.8 distance education public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 20, no. 2—february 2012 z711.92.j88 juvenile delinquents libraries and distance education [z718.85] cf. z668.8 library education at a distance theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-4 alcts web site ( ) ala workshops and programs those of you who might be attending the ala conference (june 24-30, 2010, in washington, d.c. might be interested in the following events. advanced registration ends may 14, 2010. linked data: making library data converse with the world thursday, june 24, 2010 (full day 8 am 5 pm) ( ) cataloging & description of cartographic resources: from parchment to pixels, paper to digital thursday, june 24 (full day 8:30 am 5 pm) friday, june 25, 2010 (8 am noon) ( ) rda 101 friday, 25 june 2010 (full day 8:30 am 5 pm) ( ) xslt for digital libraries friday, june 25, 2010 (full day 8:30 am 5 pm) ( ) cataloging and beyond: publishing for the year of cataloging research sunday, june 27, 8 10 am ( ) open to change: open source and next generation ils and erms sunday, june 27, 10:30 am noon ( ) boot camp for the 21st century metadata manager monday, june 28, 8 10 am ( ) selected articles from current library journals burke, susan k., and jay shorten. “name authority work today: a comparison of types of academic libraries.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 1 (january 2010): 4-20. chambers, sydney, and carolynne myall. “cataloging and classification: review of the literature 2007-8.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 2 (april 2010): 90-114. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-5 copeland, ann, and robert freeborn. “many fingers in the pie: improving master records in the oclc database: the enhance program.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 2/3 (2010): 126-142. cornish, alan, and alex merrill. “enabling integrated, online access to special collections.” technical services quarterly 27, no. 2 (2010): 151-163. el-sherbini, magda. “program for cooperative cataloging: bibco records: analysis of quality.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 2/3 (2010): 221-236. karpuk, susan. “cataloging seventeenthand eighteenth-century german dissertations: guidelines and observations.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 4 (2010): 303-314. kudo, yoko. “a study of romanization practice for japanese language titles in oclc worldcat records.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 4 (2010): 279-302. lawson, david r. “an assessment of arabic transliteration systems.” technical services quarterly 27, no. 2 (2010): 164-177. morris, sara e., and darcy del bosque. “forgotten resources: subject guides in the era of web 2.0.” technical services quarterly 27, no. 2 (2010): 178-193. naun, chew chiat. “next generation opacs: a cataloging viewpoint.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 4 (2010): 330-342. peters, isabella, and wolfgang g. stock. “‘power tags’ in information retrieval.” library hi tech 28, no. 1 (2010): 81-93. schuitema, joan e. “the future of cooperative cataloging: curve, fork, or impasse?” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 2/3 (2010): 258-270. sellberg, roxanne. “cooperative cataloging in a post-opac world.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 2/3 (2010): 237-246. veve, marielle, and melanie feltner-reichert. “integrating non-marc metadata duties into the workflow of traditional catalogers: a survey of trends and perceptions among catalogers in four discussion lists.” technical services quarterly 27, no. 2 (2010): 194213. ziso, ya’aqov, ralph levan, and eric lease morgan. “querying oclc web services for name, subject, and isbn.” code4lib journal 9 (2010-03-22). (accessed april 29-2010) 2018 summary of proceedings testimony • impossible dream 19 to dream the impossible dream, to read the unreadable script: cataloging non-english books by richard allen lammert how many non-english books do you have in your backlog? more than two? how many are in the backlog because you do not know exactly how to approach working with them? how many are in a non-roman script? many libraries do not have a dedicated employee to catalog non-english books. so when it comes to cataloging those materials, there are three basic approaches: push the book back into the backlog, get someone else to catalog it, or learn to do it yourself. my approach has always leaned toward “do-it-yourself.” my own interest in cataloging non-english books began as a personal interest, but it became very much an institutional necessity when i began working at concordia theological seminary, fort wayne, indiana, in 1998. the lutheran heritage foundation of macomb, michigan, sends us free copies of the books they translate, publish, and distribute, in order to represent them in a library. these books mostly relate to lutheranism and fit our collection development policy as primary material that we would normally acquire. some of the books are original publications, but many are translations. there are currently publications in 105 languages, in a number of different scripts. since very few libraries are obtaining these publications, the only sure way to get them into worldcat—and our own catalog—is to “do it myself.” although the foreign-language material from the lutheran heritage foundation is not the only such material we obtain, it is the bulk of such cataloging. because i thought others could benefit from what i had learned, i offered preconference workshops at the 2003 and 2011 atla annual conferences called tackling the foreign-language backlog. i always thought it would be useful to the profession to take the notes that i had created for these workshops and expand them into a book. the atla press has agreed to publish this book with the same title as the workshops. the subtitle, transcription and romanization for the accidental foreign-language cataloger indicates that the book covers only descriptive cataloging, not subject cataloging, of non-english books. the questions about cataloging foreign language materials that appear on electronic discussion lists are usually of the type that i cover in this book: “can you help me identify the script of this book?” “can you provide me a romanization of this title?” my presupposition is that you are aware of the subject matter in a book that comes into your library, so i don’t try to provide detail on possibilities for translation (although they do get mentioned). it also indicates that it is geared for catalogers for whom foreign-language cataloging is only an occasional part of their workload. (and if you do know a particular script, don’t use my book for that script—not only is it unnecessary for you, but it will only confuse you.) the first section of the book covers cataloging in roman scripts. although easier than non-roman-script cataloging, one can encounter difficulties here. two examples will suffice. the first example is with the slovakian word veľké? if you are familiar with the marc diacritics, you may think that the third letter is a lowercase l with high comma, off center. a check of the chart of modified roman letters i have included in the book shows that this is actually a lowercase l with hacek ( ) above it. slovak (as well as czech) typography tries to avoid putting a hacek above the lowercase l since the hacek pushes into the line above it. richard lammert is technical services librarian at concordia theological seminary. 20 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 connexion client will allow you to enter a lowercase l with high comma, off center, creating a character that may look similar (depending on the font selected) as a lowercase l with a hacek. entering a lowercase l with hacek, on the other hand, is the correct diacritic to use, regardless of the font selected. you may think that clearly you need to use the first method (with high comma). despite the way the character is displayed in connexion client, slovak online catalogs input this word with a hacek, and a good browser will display it as a lowercase l with high comma, off center. currently, most catalogs (including that of the slovak national library) will retrieve the word with or without a diacritic (even a wrong one). but as libraries enter the new global world of linked data, i believe it makes sense to enter our data so that it conforms to standards outside the anglo-american cataloging community. a second roman-script example is working with fraktur script. there are certainly web sites that help you with this, but i put the charts and material right in the book for you, with some focus on the understanding of fraktur script in a bibliographic environment. this, like much in the book, can be found elsewhere if you know where to look, but i think that putting it all together in one place will benefit catalogers. most of the book is on romanization or transliteration of non-roman (latin) scripts. the beginning chapter of this section provides an introduction to romanization, covering the philosophy and practice, as well as the problems and concerns. although romanization was used to provide a way to file printed catalog cards in a roman-script catalog, romanization has been continued into the computer age, where it is, strictly speaking, not necessary. nevertheless, we still use romanization, so we have to work with it. this introductory chapter is followed by a presentation of twenty-nine scripts from around the globe. similar scripts are grouped together with sections on scripts of europe, scripts of india and south asia, scripts of southeast asia, scripts of east asia, scripts of the middle east, and miscellaneous scripts. the ala-lc romanization tables are a necessary starting place for doing any romanization work, but they are not written for someone who is not familiar with the language and script. for instance, if you check the romanization table for hindi, the first thing you read after seeing all the consonants and vowels spelled out is this sentence: “only the vowel forms that appear at the beginning of a syllable are listed; the forms used for vowels following a consonant can be found in grammars; no distinction between the two is made in transliteration.” now, if you already knew hindi, this would be no problem. but, for an accidental cataloger of hindi, this is exceedingly unhelpful. fortunately, listing out all forms of consonants and vowels is not particularly onerous. you will find these explicitly listed in the book and not have to consult a grammar for them. each ala-lc romanization table (not just the one for hindi) assumes a certain knowledge of the language and script. in tackling the foreign-language backlog, i try to spell out all the assumptions, and make everything explicit. the inability to find what is needed in the ala-lc romanization tables is not just a theoretical assumption on my part. a few months ago, i saw a posting on a cataloging list from a cataloger who was trying to romanize the title of a web site in tamil. he noted in his posting, “i tried using the ala-lc romanization table, but it does not include the characters i need.” the characters were not included because the tamil table had the same note as the table for hindi, that the forms of vowels used with consonants were not listed. high comma hacek times new roman ariel unicode testimony • impossible dream 21 another challenge when trying to use the ala-lc romanization tables occurred when i was trying to use them for romanizing sinhala. i was already aware of the various forms of the vowels in this language, so that wasn’t a problem. however, every time i transliterated a title i was working with, i ended up with a different romanization. i knew that was not possible. the problem, as i finally worked it out, was that i was confusing different letters that looked very similar. those letters were in different places in the romanization table, because, in the alphabetic order of sinhala, they were separated by a number of other letters. sometimes i would find the match with the first letter and have one romanization; at other times i would find the match with the later letter, and have a different romanization. i realized that the solution was to reorder the letters so that similar letters were together in my table. since the accidental foreign-language cataloger does not know the alphabetic order of the letters, this makes no difference. yet it helps one not familiar with those letters to find a proper match, while at the same time avoiding reading a letter as a different, very similar letter. in order to provide actual practice in romanization, i include an example of a title in each script, demonstrating the process of romanization. i point out common mistakes that can be made in reading a particular script so that you can avoid making the same mistakes. most of the mistakes i illustrate are actual mistakes i have made at some time or other, so they are authentic. although i have not worked in every script i include with actual books in my own library, i have used most of the materials in the book. the book is thus user-tested—even if it was by only one user. thus, i have become my own client, using the information and charts to do my own work of cataloging. i know that what i have included in the book is usable and works, since i use it myself. in addition to the free pdf copy of the book, a print copy of the book will also be available. i actually designed the book to be used in print format, since many of the tables occupy two facing pages, and aren’t complete without both pages. you can certainly view these pages in pdf format, but a printed copy (or a printout of the pages) puts the full table on both pages in front of you, without the necessity of moving between the pdf pages. i would certainly be interested in hearing of your use of the book, especially any problems you encounter with its use, or situations that i have not anticipated. i would like to improve the book in any way possible. the book should be available later this year (hopefully) and an announcement will be made when it is published. 2018 summary of proceedings pagelist 19 20 21 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-3 frbr as a foundation for rda, december 15, technical services courses of interest fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions, november 15 december 10, .cfm fundamentals of collection development/mgt., november 15 december 17, 6.cfm digital preservation: an introduction, november 17, tal.cfm lc genre/form terms for religious material project a significant number of proposed terms were added to the project wiki during the past few weeks. please login to the wiki to review the current list. use the following directions to access the wiki at use your regular username and password. once you are signed in, go the community tab. on the right, you should see “my communities” and under that “rosters.” expand that roster list to see the link to the lc genre form project. for best results, continue to use internet explorer to access the website. a new question concerning genre headings for different types of theologies has been added to the project webpage under the roster discussion link that appears towards the bottom of the column on the left. you may add additional discussion questions by clicking on “new” directly above the list of questions. once you’ve filled in the resulting blank form with a title and body (if any), click on ok. your new question will appear at the top of the list. to comment upon a proposed term in the a-z list that appears in the roster wiki, click on the term to display the full proposal which may include cross-references and notes, then on “edit” towards the upper right of the page. you may add references and notes in addition to general comments. when finished, click on ok. lc’s schedule calls for the project to be completed in mid-2011. we would like to have a complete first draft of terms ready no later than the end of april 2011 for project participants to review and comment on. a model for that draft is the genre/form terms for law materials theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-4 rmterms200910finaldraft.pdf it was prepared for lc by the technical services special interest section of the american association of law libraries in 2009. a copy of this project update is posted on the project website under shared documents. the next project update will be sent in 4 to 6 weeks. there are currently 41 people registered for the project. please continue to speak to others about the project and to encourage those who are interested to register. to register for the project and obtain access to the project wiki, please contact erica treesh ( additional information is available at: submitted by barbara kemmis, director of member services american theological library association selected articles from current library journals bade, david. “carlo revelli on the (non)autonomy of cataloging.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 743-756. connell, tschera harkness, and thomas cetwinski. “the impact of institutional repositories on technical services.” technical services quarterly 27, no. 4 (2010): 331346. cramer, elizabeth, and paul orkiszewski. “cataloging serials for special collections: the challenges and delights of the w.l. eury appalachian collection.” serials librarian 59, no. 1 (july 2010): 101-110. el-sherbini, magda. “sharing cataloging expertise: options for libraries to share their skilled catalogers with other libraries.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 525-540. headlee, pat, sandra lahtinen, and julie swann. “what’s in a name?” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 602-609. johnson, matt. “transgender subject access: history and current practice.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 661-683. kim, dong suk. “using the balanced scorecard for strategic operation of the cataloging department.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 6/7 (august 2010): 572-584. kreyche, michael, peter h. lisius, and amey park. “the deathflip project: automating death date revisions to name headings in bibliographic records.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 8 (november 2010): 684-695. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg atla conser funnel established on january 15, 2010, five atla members who are experienced serials catalogers met in boston with two trainers from the conser office at the library of congress and one trainer from the university of california conser funnel project to learn the policies and procedures governing conser cataloging actions. when they return home, they will begin to authenticate new serial records and update currently authenticated serials. judy knop will serve as the coordinator and reviewer for the present. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla naco funnel update during the past year, four atla members joined the naco funnel, bringing the total number of active participants to sixteen. some of these new members took advantage of the general financial assistance offered by the atla professional development committee. during the past fiscal year (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009), the atla naco funnel members contributed 696 new headings to the name authority file and corrected 129 existing records. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla saco funnel update the atla saco funnel project has gotten off to a slow start with only four records contributed during fy2009 (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009). anyone wishing to submit a request for a new or changed subject authority record should follow the instructions in the saco participant’s manual on the saco website ( and submit the request to eric friede (email: who will prepare the request for submission to the library of congress. submitted by: judy knop, atla 2010 “the year of cataloging research” welcome to the “year of cataloging research.” allyson carlyle (associate professor and chair, ph.d. program, the information school, university of washington) has published a guest editorial in cataloging & classification quarterly v. 47, no. 8 (2009) announcing 2010 as the “year of cataloging research.” in the editorial, she describes the origination of the idea microsoft word tcb20n1_sec2.docx theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and standards division’s library of congress classification weekly list, 22(2011:july 18) to 24(2011:september 19). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved monthly. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country india special topics, a-z b132.p39 perfection individual philosophers, a-z b133.r366-.r3664 rāmānuja, 1017-1137 table b-bj5 occident greece other special topics, a-z b187.n49 new and old theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 by period third period individual philosophers plato special topics, a-z b398.s45 self medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers a averroes b748.a14-.a144 ’abd al-razzāq al-qāshānī, d. 1330? table b-bj5 b z b753.n37-.n374 narāqī, muḥammad mahdī ibn abī z̲arr, d. 1794 or 5. table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country england. ireland. scotland. wales 17th century individual philosophers locke, john, 1632-1704 special topics, a-z b1298.u55 universals scottish philosophers, 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers ferguson hamilton b1419.g47-.g474 gerard, alexander, 1728-1795 table b-bj5 france by period 17th century individual philosophers, a-z descartes, rené special topics, a-z b1878.p49 physiology gassendi malebranche b1889.l15-.l154 la grange, j. b. de (jean baptiste) table bbj5 germany. austria (german) by period later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers other philosophers theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 b3154.t48-.t484 tetens, johann nicolas, 1736-1807 table b-bj5 italy by period 17th century individual philosophers a vico b3578.c35-.c354 caloprese, gregorio, 1650-1715 table bbj5 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers galluppi gioberti b3624.g542-.g5424 gerratana, valentino table b-bj5 b3624.g545-.g5454 geymonat, ludovico table b-bj5 rosmini, antonio, 1797-1855 special topics, a-z b3648.t78 truth netherlands (holland) 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers heusde opzoomer b4075.h66-.h664 hollak, j. h. a. table b-bj5 scandinavia denmark by period 19th century individual philosophers kierkegaard, søren aabye special topics, a-z b4378.a52 antisemitism spain and portugal portugal individual philosophers, a-z b4598.c34-.c344 caramuel lobkowitz, juan, 1606-1682 table bbj5 eastern europe by region or country poland individual philosophers, a-z b4691.a2-.a24 abramowski, edward, 1868-1918 table b-bj5 b4691.c93-.c934 czeżowski, tadeusz table b-bj5 b4691.w65-.w654 wolniewicz, bogusław table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 romania individual philosophers, a-z b4825.r3-.r34 ralea, mihai, 1896-1964 table b-bj5 b4825.r67-.r674 roșca, dumitru d., 1895-1980 table b-bj5 class bf psychology consciousness. cognition the unconscious mind, etc. [bf315] cf. rc489.s827 subconsciousness class bh aesthetics special topics, a-z bh301.s43 seduction class bj ethics individual ethics. character. virtue practical and applied ethics. conduct of life, etc. general works [bj1581-1588] 1901cancel [bj1581-1588] 1901-2000 english and american bj1581.2 1951cancel english and american bj1581.2 1951-2000 [bj1589-1594] 2001 [bj1589] english and american bj1589 2001 bj1590 french bj1591 german bj1592 italian bj1593 spanish and portuguese bj1594 russian and other slavic bj1594.5.a-z other, a-z class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 by religion hinduism sacred books. sources tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās tantric texts individual tantras. by title, a-z bl1142.6.v44.v449 vidyārṇavatantra table bl3 practice. forms of worship. religious life liturgy. rites and ceremonies special rites and ceremonies, a-z bl1226.82.h86 human sacrifice. puruṣamedha [bl1226.82.p892] puruṣamedha see bl1226.82.h86 zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z bl1590.d82 dualism semitic religions special topics, a-z bl1605.d66 donkeys by region or country southeast asia by region or country vietnam special topics, a-z [bl2057.s552] shrines see bl2057.t46 bl2057.t46 temples. shrines by ethnic group, a-z bl2059.t39 tay nung indonesia bl2117.a-z special topics, a-z bl2117.s96 syncretism african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.b24 bakongo. kongo [bl2480.k592] kongo see bl2480.b24 class bm judaism history by period theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 1500 specific movements, sects, etc. hasidism. hasidim. by sect other sects, a-z bm198.56.s65 spinka sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.d57 disasters [bm496.9.s72] student-teacher relationships see bm496.9.t43 bm496.9.t43 teacher-student relationships class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur’ān. koran works about the qur’ān criticism principles of criticism. hermeneutics bp130.34 verses with obscure meanings. similar verses. mutashabihāt the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) special classes of persons, a-z bp188.18.m37 married people sufism. mysticism. dervishes sufi practice special topics other special topics, a-z bp189.65.f38 fate and fatalism topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.d66 doors bp190.5.e76 ethnicity bp190.5.h65 holidays other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.u38 ukrainian native faith church class bq buddhism theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka mahayana buddhist sūtras other individual mahayana sūtras, a-z bq2240.s39-.s399 sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānasatvāvalokanabuddhakṣetrasandarśanavyūha table bq3 doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.s45 self-perception class br christianity collected works early christian literature. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.a327-.a3276 ammonas, saint, 4th cent. table br1 relation of christianity to other religious and philosophical systems special, a-z br128.v35 vaishnavism history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther's theology special topics, a-z br333.5.s35 salvation class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.y56 yombe table bs5 old testament theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.d37 deserts bs1199.p56 pleasure bs1199.s35 senses and sensation new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.m76-.m762 mooneyham table bs2 table bs10 table for texts and versions of the bible in modern european languages bs10 304-304.5 tabasaran table bs3 class bv practical theology pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman church work with special classes people with disabilities, sick, etc. bv4461.8 people with social disabilities practical religion. the christian life religious works for special classes of persons other, a-z bv4596.w34 wakeboarders class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church liturgy and ritual other special liturgical works, a-z bx375.h46 hēmerologion table bx5 catholic church biography and portraits individual other, a-z [bx4705.g62332] grosseteste, robert, 1175?-1253 see da228.g8 [bx4705.l26662] langton, stephen, d. 1228 see da228.l3 theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 church of england biography individual, a-z [bx5199.l152] langton, stephen, cardinal, abp. of canterbury see da228.l3 cancel [bx5199.l152] langton, stephen, d. 1228 see da228.l3 class da history of great britain england history by period early and medieval to 1485 medieval, 1066-1485 plantagenets, 1216-1399 henry iii, 1216-1272 biography and memoirs of contemporaries, a-z da228.g8 grosseteste, robert, bp. of london cancel da228.g8 grosseteste, robert, 1175?-1253 da228.l3 langton, stephen, cardinal, abp. of canterbury cancel da228.l3 langton, stephen, d. 1228 class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.b228 bal’amah site ds110.d4 deganyah alef ds110.r6 rosh pinah class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.m36 mandād, muḥammad ibn khuwayz, d. 999 or 1000 table k4 furū’ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law aḥwāl shakhṣīyah domestic relations. family law theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 marriage. nikāḥ. zawāj betrothal. khuṭūbah [kbp543.953-.9532] dower. mahr cancel [kbp543.953-.9532] dower. bride price. mahr class m music vocal music sacred vocal music liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music antiphonaries single offices, a-z m2149.5.s74 stephen i, king of hungary, 975?-1038 class ml literature on music philosophical and societal aspects of music. physics and acoustics of music. physiological aspects of music religious aspects of music individual religions and denominations christianity by denomination, a-z ml3921.4.b85 bŭlgarska pravoslavna ts͡ŭrkva class z libraries library science. information science information organization [z666.55-.63] conceptual models z666.6 functional requirements for bibliographic records. frbr (conceptual model) cancel conceptual models z666.6 functional requirements for bibliographic records. frbr (conceptual model) z666.63.a-.z other individual models, a-z z666.63.f73 frad z666.63.f77 frsad the collections. the books cataloging special topics, a-z authority files [z693.3.a88] for frad see z666.63.f73 theology cataloging bulletin 2-12 section 2 vol. 20, no. 1—november 2011 subject cataloging. subject headings [z695.a1-.z8] for frsad see z666.63.f77 book collecting bookplates. ex libris by subject, a-z z994.5.f73 francis, of assisi, saint, 1182-1226 subject bibliography theology and religion religions (non-christian) special, a-z z7835.a46 ahmadiyya class za information resources (general) information in specific formats or media [za4040-4480] electronic information resources. digital media [za4050-4480] electronic information resources cancel electronic information resources za4045 general works theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 3-2 separate form/genre thesaurus to be established the policy and standards division (psd) of the library of congress announced plans on june 17, 2010 to formally separate form/genre terms from the library of congress subject headings (lcsh) list. the title of the thesaurus will be the library of congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (lcgft), and it will be published later this summer in the supplemental vocabularies volume of the 32nd edition of lcsh. in marc21 bibliographic records, the genre/form terms will appear in the 655 field with a second indicator of “7” and the source code “lcgft” will be placed in subfield $2 (e.g., 655 -7 $a [term]. $2 lcgft). in marc21 authority records, the 008/11 will be coded “z” (other), and the 040 $f field will be coded “lcgft”. lccn’s for the genre/form terms will contain the prefix “gf”. the timeline for implementation will be late 2010 or early 2011. further details can be found on the psd web site ( oclc webinar: karen smith-yoshimura on transitioning from and beyond marc oclc has posted links to the webinar (63.6 mb/ 1:28 min.) and slides (4.2 mb/42pp.) of karen smith-yoshimura’s presentation to the 2010 rlg annual partnership meeting held in chicago june 10, 2010) at the webinar can be viewed by visiting she reviews the findings of working groups that analyzed marc tag usage and its import for metadata practices. online audiovisual catalogers (olac) conference if you catalog audiovisual materials and have a yearning to go to georgia, you may be interested in attending the next olac conference, which will be october 14-17, 2010 in macon, georgia. online registration is available now. details are on their web site ( lyrasis educational opportunities the following online courses are being offered soon. for a complete list of summer 2010 courses offered by lyrasis, see their pdf schedule at ules/lyrasis%20summer%20class%20schedule%202010.ashx. librarything for libraries and you (10 am-noon, august 17) basic marc tagging for serials (10 am-noon, august 17-18) koha advanced functions (10am-noon, august 18) evergreen cataloging module (2-4 pm, august 18-19) theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 28―39 of 2010. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 150 angels—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010012936] 150 buddhism—doctrines—history [sp 85017464] * 681 example under theology, doctrinal--history * 150 buddhism and international affairs cancel 150 buddhism and international relations [may subd geog] [sp2003003258] 450 uf buddhism and international affairs [earlier form of heading] 450 uf international relations—religious aspects—buddhism 450 uf international relations and buddhism 550 bt international relations 150 catholic church and world politics [sp 85021203] * 550 bt christianity and international affairs cancel * 550 bt world politics 150 catholic church and world politics—papal documents [sp 85021204] * 450 uf christianity and international affairs—papal documents cancel * 150 catholic historians [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85021212] * 450 uf historians, catholic cancel * 550 bt catholic authors cancel * 550 bt christian historians 150 christian historians [may subd geog] [sp2010010702] 550 bt historians * 150 christianity and international affairs cancel 150 christianity and international relations [may subd geog] [sp 85025244] 053 br115.i7 450 uf christianity and international affairs [earlier form of heading] 450 uf church and international relations 450 uf international relations—religious aspects—christianity 450 uf international relations and christianity 550 bt international relations 550 rt church and the world * 150 christianity and international affairs—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] cancel 150 christianity and international relations—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009007990] theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 450 uf christianity and international affairs—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [earlier form of heading] * 150 church (the word) cancel 150 church (the english word) [sp 85025516] 450 uf church (the word) [earlier form of heading] 550 bt english language—etymology 150 church and the world [sp 85025563] * 550 rt christianity and international relations 150 church music—african american churches [may subd geog] [sp2010011456] 450 uf african american church music 550 bt african americans—music—history and criticism 150 church work with african americans—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010013117] 150 compassion in children—religious aspects [sp2010013411] 150 compassion in children—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010013412] 150 episcopalian theological seminaries [may subd geog] [sp2010012973] 550 bt theological seminaries 180 doctrines—history [sp 99005684] * 680 use as a topical subdivision under individual christian denominations. cancel * 680 use as a topical subdivision under individual religions and christian denominations. 150 expectancies (canon law) [sp2010012346] 550 bt canon law 150 evangelical college students [may subd geog] [sp2010011822] 550 bt christian college students 150 god in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2010012324] 550 bt motion pictures 150 labor unions—religious aspects [sp2010013062] theology cataloging bulletin 1-4 section 1 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 150 labor unions—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010013063] 150 labor unions—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010013064] * 150 labor unions and christianity cancel 150 labor unions—religious aspects—christianity [sp 85136730] 450 uf labor unions and christianity [earlier form of heading] 450 uf trade-unions and christianity [earlier form of heading] 150 livestock—religious aspects [sp2010012266] 150 livestock—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010012267] 150 pentecostals, black [may subd geog] [sp2010010949] 053 br1644.3 450 uf black pentecostals 150 prevenient grace [sp2010012535] 450 uf preventing grace 550 bt grace (theology) * 150 religion and international affairs cancel 150 religion and international relations [may subd geog] [sp 85112569] 053 bl65.i55 450 uf international relations—religious aspects 450 uf international relations and religion 450 uf religion and international affairs [earlier form of heading] 550 bt international relations 150 rogues and vagabonds in the bible [sp2010012210] 053 bs579.r6 150 spirit christology [may subd geog] [sp2010012882] 500 bt jesus christ—person and offices 150 synthetic biology—religious aspects [sp2010013321] 150 synthetic biology—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010013323] theology cataloging bulletin 1-5 section 1 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 150 teenagers and adults—religious aspects [sp2010013456] 150 teenagers and adults—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010013457] 150 theology, doctrinal—history [sp 85134687] * 360 sa subdivision doctrines--history under individual christian denominations, e.g. catholic church--doctrines--history; and subdivisions history of doctrines, history of doctrines--early church, ca. 30-600, history of doctrines--middle ages, 600-1500, history of doctrines--16th century, history of doctrines--17th century, history of doctrines--18th century, history of doctrines--19th century, history of doctrines--20th century, and history of doctrines--21st century under religious topics cancel * 360 sa subdivision doctrines--history under individual religions and christian denominations, e.g. buddhism--doctrines--history; catholic church--doctrines--history; and subdivisions history of doctrines, history of doctrines--early church, ca. 30-600, history of doctrines--middle ages, 600-1500, history of doctrines--16th century, history of doctrines--17th century, history of doctrines--18th century, history of doctrines--19th century, history of doctrines--20th century, and history of doctrines--21st century under religious topics subdivisions to be added to lists of free-floating subdivisions h 1185, religions $x doctrines $x history 19 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 international libraries compiled by anna appleman banfi, elisa and arnaud gaudinat. “public libraries in switzerland: rda and the frbrization watershed.” library management 40, no. 1 (january 2019): 98–112. çakmak, tolga. “cataloguing practices at university libraries: analysis of current conditions and practices in turkey.” electronic library 37, no. 1 (january 2019): 155–72. cieloch-niewiadomska, joanna. “introducing the national library of poland descriptors to the polish national bibliography.” cataloging & classification quarterly 57, no. 1 (january 2019): 37–58. ducheva, dilyana p. and diane rasmussen pennington. “resource description and access in europe: implementations and perceptions.” journal of librarianship & information science 51, no. 2 (june 2019): 387–402. hider, philip. “from anderson to ordac: a history of bibliographic policy discussion in australia.” journal of the australian library & information association 68, no. 1 (march 2019): 3–17. kalita, rajib and rajani kanta barman. “technical processing in private university library of assam.” library philosophy & practice (december 2018): 1–31. odunola, oluwole a., a. tella, o. o. oyewumi, t. a. ogunmodede, and s. o. oyetola. “evaluation of automated cataloguing system in academic libraries in oyo state nigeria.” library philosophy & practice (january 2019): 1–13. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. bibliography 20 archives and special collections compiled by anna appleman burns, mary. “rda and rare books cataloging, part 1.” library resources & technical services 62, no. 4 (october 2018): 160–175. burns, mary. “rda and rare books cataloging, part 2.” library resources & technical services 63, no. 1 (january 2019): 4–28. levine-clark, michael. “are print-only special collections relevant in the digital era? how digital sources can expand and redefine a collection’s value.” choice: current reviews for academic libraries 56, no. 3 (november 2018): 286–87. mitra, sanjukta, and swapna banerjee. “information management in special archives of kolkata: a case study.” desidoc journal of library & information technology 39, no. 3 (may 2019): 139–42. doi: https://doi. org/10.14429/djlit.39.3.13914 stewart, kelly, and stefana breitwieser. “scope: a digital archives access interface.” code4lib journal, no. 43 (february 14, 2019): 1. turner, rachel berman, and david schuster. “carts in the hallway: cataloging and special collections–a partnership for success.” technical services quarterly 36, no. 2 (april 2019): 142–54. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in early 2011.” — (accessed may 11, 2011) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and standards division’s library of congress classification weekly list, 01(2011:january 5) to 14(2011:april 6). “weekly lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification (lcc) are posted to this web site [at] by the policy and standards division as they are approved”-library of congress classification (lcc) weekly list. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.d58 distraction b105.s25 salvation medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z [b753.f562] findariskī, abū al-qāsim ibn mīrzā buzurg, d1640? see b753.m57-.m574 b753.m57-.m574 mīr findariskī, abū al-qāsim ibn mīrzā buzurg, d. 1640? table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 jewish philosophers individual philosophers b759.i257-.i2574 ibn kammūnah, sa’d ibn manṣūr, 13th cent. table b-bj5 renaissance individual philosophers c z b785.p86-.p864 porzio, simone, 1496-1554 table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country latin america special topics, a-z b1008.p73 pragmatism by region or country mexico individual philosophers, a-z b1019.n5-.n54 nicol, eduardo, 1907-1990 table b-bj5 france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.s55-.s554 simondon, gilbert table b-bj5 russia by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers a grot b4238.e7-.e74 ėrn, v. f. (vladimir frants͡evich), 18821917 table b-bj5 eastern europe by region or country poland individual philosophers, a-z b4691.k5857.k58574 kochanowski, j. k. (jan korwin), 1869-1949 table b-bj5 asia eastern asia. southeast asia. the far east by country china theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 individual philosophers, a-z b5234.l36-.l364 lao, siguang. table b-bj5 japan special topics, a-z neo-confucianism cancel b5243.n4 neo-confucianism (b5243.n4) see b5243.n45 individual philosophers, a-z b5244.n57-.n574 nishimura, shigeki, 1828-1902 table bbj5 oceania by country, island group, or island australia individual philosophers, a-z b5704.g35-.g354 gaita, raimond, 1946table b-bj5 class bd speculative philosophy epistemology. theory of knowledge other special topics, a-z bd238.t47 testimony class bf psychology consciousness. cognition environmental psychology special topics, a-z bf353.5.s87 sustainable development occult sciences magic (white and black). shamanism. hermetics. necromancy bf1622.a-z by race, ethnic group, or country, a-z e. g. cancel bf1622.m6 mexican astrology special topics other special topics, a-z bf1729.t73 travel special topics, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.c14 caelestis bl820.t38 tarpeia asian. oriental by religion zoroastrianism (mazdeism). parseeism special topics other, a-z bl1590.e83 eschatology [bl1590.e952] evil see bl1590.g66 bl1590.g66 good and evil bl1590.t56 time by region or country china special topics, a-z bl1812.c74 creation special religions taoism other special topics, a-z bl1942.85.a78 arts class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.d56 dinners and dining jerusalem [bm496.9.j4] for the temple of jerusalem see bm496.9.t46 bm496.9.s65 solomon, king of israel bm496.9.t46 temple of jerusalem cabala theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 bm525.a7-z modern cabalistic works. by author, a-z e.g. cancel class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur’ān. koran works about the qur’ān special topics, a-z bp134.m33 management topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.d47 despotism bp190.5.m68 motion pictures class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs195.c58-.c582 common english table bs2 non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.k26 kamtuk table bs5 bs315.l44 letri lgona table bs5 works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible biography individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.a26 abimelech bs580.m38 mattathias (jewish priest) study and teaching protestant churches and bible study. by denomination, a-z bs588.e93 evangelical lutheran church in america old testament theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.i525 intention special parts of the old testament poetical books. old testament lyrics. songs, hymns, etc. psalms bs1450 special psalms. by number subarrange by editor or date cancel subarrange texts by date; subarrange criticism by author and date new testament works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.c447 childbirth special parts of the new testament gospels syriac versions bs2550.5 east syriac. nestorian cancel bs2550.5 east syriac. church of the east. assyrian church of the east class bv practical theology worship (public and private) prayer prayers other special prayers, a-z bv283.m46 men's prayers missions special types of missions work among special classes. by religion other, a-z [bv2628.n4-.n5] nestorians cancel [bv2628.n4-.n5] nestorians. church of the east. assyrian church of the east missions in individual countries asia. the orient. the east southern asia india. east indies (general) biography theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 individual, a-z bv3269.b25 baagø, kaj pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman church work with special classes children [bv4455.82422] orphans see bv4464.4 bv4464.4 orphans practical religion. the christian life movements to promote the christian life, a-z bv4487.n38 navigators (religious organization) christian life in relation to special topics interpersonal relations special topics, a-z bv4597.53.m36 man-woman relationships class bx christian denominations eastern churches individual church divisions bx150-159 assyrian church of the east table bx31 sometimes referred to as the nestorian church cancel syrian orthodox church particular denominations or groups, a-z bx179.3.m35 malankara orthodox syrian church orthodox eastern church other special topics, a-z bx342.9.s35 science catholic church biography and portraits individual other, a-z bx4705.w4636 weskamm, wilhelm, 1891-1956 church of england church of england outside of great britain asian [bx5680.22] church of south india see bx7066.5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 episcopal church. protestant episcopal church in the united states of america other special topics, a-z bx5979.5.s49 sex other protestant denominations baptists individual branches, conventions, associations, etc. bx6349.7-.78 american baptist churches of oregon table bx25 formerly oregon baptist convention; oregon baptist state convention bx6358.6-.68 baptist convention of the north pacific coast (18781886) table bx25 [bx6388.22] oregon baptist convention see bx6349.7-.78 [bx6388.222] oregon baptist state convention see bx6349.7-.78 mennonites special topics, a-z bx8128.y68 youth methodism other special topics, a-z bx8349.p74 preaching shakers unitarianism [bx9798.s572] south india united church see bx7066.5 class ds history of asia middle east. southwestern asia. ancient orient. arab east. near east ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z ds59.a75 assyrians (nestorians) cancel ds59.a75 assyrians iraq (assyria, babylonia, mesopotamia) ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z ds70.8.a89 assyrians (nestorians) cancel ds70.8.a89 assyrians [ds70.8.n67] nestorians see ds70.8.a89 cancel theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.l35 lakhmī, ’alī ibn muḥammad, d. 1085? table k4 kbp320.m34 maghīlī, yaḥyá ibn mūsá, d. 1478. table k4 kbp320.q24 qafṣī, muḥammad ibn rāshid, d. 1335 or 6. table k4 shāfi’ī. shāfi’īyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.a45 āmidī, ’alī ibn abī ’alī, 1156 or 7-1233. table k4 kbp330.f38 al-fatani, daud bin abdullah, syeikh, ca. 1763ca. 1845 table k4 kbp330.i252 ibn al-’imād al-aqfahsī, aḥmad, ca. 1349-1405. table k4 shī’ī schools. shī’ah ja’farīs. ithna’asharis. individual authors, a-z kbp370.k57 kirmānshāhī, ’abd al-raḥīm ibn ’abd alraḥmān, 1808-1887 or 8. table k4 kbp474.a-z concepts applying to several branches of the law, a-z including diverse aspects of a particular subject falling within several branches of the law kbp474.c65 computers furū’ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law mu’āmalāt. obligations. dhimmah. contracts and transactions. individual contracts and transactions contract for work and labor particular contracts or tasks, a-z kbp893.3.c65 construction contracts constitution of the state foreign relations. siyar. particular countries or regions, a-z kbp2418.i86 israel. palestine theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 including the arab-israeli conflict for arab-israeli conflict in law of nations see kz6795.a72 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music hymnals. hymn collections christian [m2132.3-.7] published in canada [m2132.3-.5] by denomination including languages other than english or french m2132.3 catholic m2132.4 orthodox m2132.5.a-z protestant. by denomination, a-z m2132.5.a54 anglican m2132.5.b36 baptist m2132.5.c86 congregational m2132.5.l88 lutheran m2132.5.m57 methodist m2132.5.p74 presbyterian m2132.5.u65 unitarian churches m2132.5.u75 united church of canada [m2132.6-.7] multiand non-denominational hymnals m2132.6.a-z entirely or mainly in one language. by language, a-z m2132.6.c74 cree m2132.6.e46 english m2132.6.f54 french m2132.6.g37 german m2132.6.i46 inuktitut m2132.6.o46 ojibwa m2132.6.p65 polish m2132.6.s52 spanish m2132.6.u47 ukrainian m2132.7 multi-lingual for multiand non-denominational hymnals where one language predominates see m2132.6.a-z class here multiand nondenominational hymnals where no language predominates theology cataloging bulletin 2-12 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 liturgy and ritual orthodox churches printed music. by denomination, ethnic group, or language m2160.3 chaldean (i. e. nestorian) cancel m2160.3 chaldean orthodox churches in communion with rome (uniat) other eastern rites m2160.82 chaldean. nestorian cancel m2160.82 chaldean [m2160.8689] nestorian see m2160.82 cancel class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art non-christian art special buddhist special subjects, characters, etc. other, a-z n8193.3.m36 mañjuśrī class p oriental philology and literature syriac literature collections by subject theology pj5635 nestorians cancel pj5635 nestorians. church of the east. assyrian church of the east arabic language language of the qur’ān special topics, a-z pj6696.z5n86 number theology cataloging bulletin 2-13 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 class z book industries and trade bookselling and publishing special lines of business, a-z z286.s47 series (publications) libraries library science. information science public services. reference services public services. reference services in special topics, a-z z711.6.s35 science. technology [z711.6.t432] technology see z711.6.s35 library service to special groups other, a-z [z711.92.p372] parents, teenage see z711.92.t44 z711.92.t44 teenage parents national bibliography america west indies dominican republic. santo domingo special topics, a-z z1537.c58 civilization. intellectual life. popular culture. social life and customs asia. africa. australia asia southeast asia z3283 borneo subject bibliography theology and religion sects, churches, movements, heresies (christian), a-z z7845.n4 nestorians cancel z7845.n4 nestorians. church of the east. assyrian church of the east class za information resources (general) information in specific formats or media electronic information resources computer network resources resources of particular networks, online services, etc. theology cataloging bulletin 2-14 section 2 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 internet. world wide web [za4230-4234] searching. search engines cancel [za4230-4234] searching. search engines. search interfaces class here works on using search engines to retrieve information cancel class here works on using search engines, browsers, and other user interfaces to retrieve information sound recordings za4750 discographies. lists and catalogs class here lists of non-music sound recordings not limited to a specific topic, as well as general lists that include both music and non-music sound recordings cancel class here lists of non-music sound recordings, including audiobooks, not limited to a specific topic, as well as general lists that include both music and nonmusic sound recordings theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in 2011.” — (accessed august 3, 2011) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and standards division’s library of congress classification weekly list, 15(2011:april 13) to 21(2011:june 20). the lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification are posted on the lc cataloging and acquisitions web site as they are approved. lists were approved weekly through may 18, 2011 and were switched to a monthly schedule starting june 20, 2011. the lists are at: the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country india special topics, a-z b132.r415 reasoning medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers special topics, a-z b745.p66 prophecy modern (1450/1600) by region or country england. ireland. scotland. wales theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers darwin green b1626.f56-.f564 findlay, j. n. (john niemeyer), 1903-1987 table b-bj5 b1626.f567-.f5674 finnis, john table b-bj5 france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.t74-.t744 tresmontant, claude table b-bj5 21st century individual philosophers, a-z b2433.l37-.l374 laruelle, francois table b-bj5 italy by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers gioberti gnz b3629.g56-.g564 givone, sergio, 1944table b-bj5 scandinavia denmark by period 19th century individual philosophers kierkegaard, søren aabye special topics, a-z b4378.d43 death eastern europe by region or country romania individual philosophers, a-z b4825.n65-.n654 noica, constantin table b-bj5 class bf psychology psychoanalysis relation to other topics, a-z bf175.4.h57 history theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism modifications. sects. movements. cults individual sects, movements, cults vaishnavism srīvaisnavas (rāmānuja sect) biography founders and most important leaders, a-z bl1288.292.k87 kūranārāyaṇa, 11th cent. table bl4 by region or country china special religions taoism other special topics, a-z bl1942.85.d66 dong wang gong (deity) india by ethnic group, a-z bl2032.b78 bru nepal by ethnic group, a-z bl2034.5.g87 gurung southeast asia by region or country vietnam special topics, a-z bl2057.h38 hát then (rite) bl2057.l46 lên đồng (rite) class bm judaism history by region or country asia southern asia theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 [bm420.5-.7] singapore bm420.5 general works bm420.6.a-z by political division, a-z bm420.7.a-z by city, a-z subarrange each city by table bm2 sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.s36 samson (biblical judge) practical judaism liturgy and ritual special liturgical books other liturgical books, a-z bm675.b49 birkat ha-minim. table bm7 other special topics, a-z bm729.i36 idolatry bm729.s76 space class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur’ān. koran works about the qur’ān special topics, a-z bp134.p36 peace the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) special classes of persons, a-z bp188.18.o43 older people topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.s56 singing bp190.5.w75 written communication branches, sects, and modifications other (to 1900), a-z bp195.f37-.f372 farā’iz̤īyah. table bp3 class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.i58 international relations modifications, schools, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism) biography other important leaders, a-z bq7950.o76-.o769 o-rgyan-'phrin-las-rdo-rje, karma-pa xvii, 1985 table bq8 bonpo (sect) sacred books. sources special divisions and individual texts of kanjur 'bum (prajñāpāramitās) individual texts, a-z bq7972.5.k43.k439 khams brgyad gtan la phab pa las man ṅag gi mdo table bq3 rgyud (tantras) individual texts, a-z bq7973.5.k83.k839 kun 'dus rin chen rtsa rgyud table bq3 special modifications, sects, etc. wŏn pulgyo biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq9229.c36-.c369 chŏngsan, 1900-1961 table bq8 class br christianity collected works early christian literature. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.r87-r876 ruricius i, bishop of limoges, d. ca. 507 table br1 history by region or country europe other european countries other, a-z br1050.c9 czechoslovakia cancel br1050.c9 czechoslovakia. czech republic br1050.s56 slovakia theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.b37 bariba table bs5 bs325.e43 ejagham table bs5 bs325.f66 fon table bs5 bs325.g42 gbandi table bs5 bs325.k42 kanyok table bs5 bs325.k48 karaboro table bs5 bs325.l86 luo table bs5 bs325.l95 lyele table bs5 [bs325.m532] mooré see bs325.m6 bs325.m6 mossi table bs5 cancel bs325.m6 mossi. mooré table bs5 bs325.m98 mwan table bs5 bs325.n85 nunuma table bs5 bs325.s25 sakata table bs5 bs325.v35 vai table bs5 new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.w68.w682 wright table bs2 works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.p685 prejudices class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life religious works for special classes of persons other, a-z bv4596.s34 scholars christian life in relation to special topics other special topics, a-z bv4599.5.s55 silence theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church other special topics, a-z bx342.9.g38 gays church of england biography individual, a-z bx5199.l28 laud, william, abp. of canterbury cancel (bx5199.l28) laud, william, abp. of canterbury see da396.l3 other protestant denominations pentecostal churches individual branches bx8767 congregação cristá no brasil table bx3 class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.r36 ramlah class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh observances and practice of islam ’ibādāt. ritual law. worship other subjects, a-z kbp184.9.b66 books schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib unaffiliated authors early period (1st and 2nd cent. a.h.) individual authors, a-z kbp260.m35 makḥūl al-dimashqī, d. ca. 734. table k4 schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah individual authors, a-z kbp310.h34 ḥājj aḥmad, yūsūf. table k4 shāfi’ī. shāfi’īyah theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 individual authors, a-z kbp330.i26475 ibn raslān al-ramlī, aḥmad ibn ḥusayn, ca. 1371-1441. table k4 kbp330.m36 marwarrūdhī, ḥusayn ibn muḥammad ibn aḥmad, d. 1069. table k4 kbp330.m885 muzajjad, aḥmad ibn ’umar, 1443 or 4-1523 or 4. table k4 kbp330.r36 ramlī, muḥammad ibn aḥmad, 1513-1596. table k4 shī’ī schools. shī’ah ja’farīs. ithna’asharis. individual authors, a-z kbp370.s88 surūsh, ’abd al-karīm. table k4 furū’ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law mu’āmalāt obligations. dhimmah. contracts and transactions delicts. torts. ta’addiyāt individual torts and damages kbp845 immoral transactions and acts. abuse of rights commercial law. commercial transactions [kbp940-955.42] banks and banking. qānūn al-bunūk. cancel [kbp940-955.42] banks and banking. qānūn al-bunūk. stock exchange constitution of the state foreign relations. siyar bp2418.a-z particular countries or regions, a-z medical legislation special topics, a-z kbp3119.c66 conjoined twins criminal law and procedure crimes and punishment individual offenses. jarā’im other offenses [kbp4538-4541] crimes against humanity cancel kbp4538 general works cancel kbp4540 genocide cancel kbp4541 torture cancel kbp4543 crimes against foreign states, supranational institutions, or international institutions cancel kbp4545 war crimes cancel [kbp4538-4545] international crimes. international criminal law including crimes against humanity theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 19, no. 4—august 2011 kbp4538 general works kbp4540 genocide kbp4541 torture kbp4543 crimes against foreign states, supranational institutions, or international institutions kbp4545 war crimes theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg atla conser funnel established on january 15, 2010, five atla members who are experienced serials catalogers met in boston with two trainers from the conser office at the library of congress and one trainer from the university of california conser funnel project to learn the policies and procedures governing conser cataloging actions. when they return home, they will begin to authenticate new serial records and update currently authenticated serials. judy knop will serve as the coordinator and reviewer for the present. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla naco funnel update during the past year, four atla members joined the naco funnel, bringing the total number of active participants to sixteen. some of these new members took advantage of the general financial assistance offered by the atla professional development committee. during the past fiscal year (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009), the atla naco funnel members contributed 696 new headings to the name authority file and corrected 129 existing records. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla saco funnel update the atla saco funnel project has gotten off to a slow start with only four records contributed during fy2009 (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009). anyone wishing to submit a request for a new or changed subject authority record should follow the instructions in the saco participant’s manual on the saco website ( and submit the request to eric friede (email: who will prepare the request for submission to the library of congress. submitted by: judy knop, atla 2010 “the year of cataloging research” welcome to the “year of cataloging research.” allyson carlyle (associate professor and chair, ph.d. program, the information school, university of washington) has published a guest editorial in cataloging & classification quarterly v. 47, no. 8 (2009) announcing 2010 as the “year of cataloging research.” in the editorial, she describes the origination of the idea theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-2 as well as the need for and importance of research. you can read it online at the ccq web site ( what does this mean for you? ms. carlyle suggests several ways that all of us can participate in this endeavor: generate and share inspiring research ideas; do your own research; present and publish your research; encourage and support others doing research (fill out those email surveys); read research papers and articles on bibliographic control; organize a research program or other event on bibliographic control at a conference you attend; spread the word—let everyone interested in cataloging, catalogs, metadata, bibliographic control of any sort know about it; attend programs on cataloging research at ala and other conferences. library of congress publications available on the record report recommendations the library of congress should pursue over the next four years: report to the associate librarian for library services. (pdf, dated september 15, 2009, this report was prepared by the otr report implementation working group, co-chaired by regina reynolds and bruce knarr. it is a planning document detailing the projects, contingent projects, and areas of investigation recommended for action by lc over the next four years. library of congress study of the north american marc records marketplace. (pdf, dated october 2009, this study was prepared by ruth fischer and rick lugg of r2 consulting llc. this forty-seven page study analyzes the results of surveys in order to assess the current patterns of creation and distribution of marc records in the u.s. and canada with regard to economic factors, sufficiency and redundancy of production, and incentives and barriers to production. selected articles from current library journals baca, murtha, and elizabeth o’keefe. “sharing standards and expertise in the early 21st century: moving toward a collaborative, ‘cross-community’ model for metadata creation.” international cataloguing and bibliographic control 38, no. 4 (october/december 2009): 59-67. theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in early 2011.” — (accessed april 27, 2010) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and support office’s library of congress classification weekly list, 4(2010:january 27) to 16(2010:april 21). “weekly lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification (lcc) are posted on the cataloging policy and support office web site [at classification/weeklylists/]as they are approved”-library of congress classification (lcc) weekly list. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.a75 astronautics b105.i535 infinite regress b105.s59 sound ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country india individual philosophers, a-z b133.a2-.a24 abhedānanda, swami, 1866-1939 table b-bj5 cancel theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 (b133.a2-.a24) abhedānanda, swami, 1866-1939 see b5134.a24-.a244 b133.a633-.a6334 ānandatirtha, surnamed madhvācārya table bbj5 cancel (b133.a633.a6334) ānandatirtha, surnamed madhvācārya see bl1286.292.m34 b133.v4-.v44 vivekananda, swami, 1863-1902 table b-bj5 cancel (b133.v4-.v44) vivekananda, swami see b5134.v58-.v584 medieval (430-1450) special topics other special topics, a-z b738.e46 emotions arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers a averroes b748.a56-.a564 athīr al-dīn al-abharī, al-mufaḍḍal ibn ’umar, d. 1265. table b-bj5 b z b753.d38-.d384 dawwānī, muḥammad ibn as’ad, 1426 or 7-1512 or 13 table b-bj5 renaissance individual philosophers c z b785.c15-.c154 cajetan, tommaso de vio, 1469-1534 table b-bj5 b785.p8-.p84 pomponazzi, pietro, 1462-1525 table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.a94-.a944 audi, robert, 1941table b-bj5 france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 b2430.c635.c6354 comte-sponville, andré table b-bj5 b2430.m676.m6764 morin, edgar table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) by period later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers schelling, friedrich wilhelm joseph von special topics, a-z b2899.m45 melancholy later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers g görland b3248.g38-.g384 gehlen, arnold, 1904-1976 table b-bj5 italy by period 18th century individual philosophers b3598.r3-.r34 radicati, alberto, conte di passerano, 16981737 table b-bj5 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers a ardigò b3611.a445.a4454 agazzi, evandro table b-bj5 sanseverino varisco b3652.v33-.v334 vailati, giovanni, 1863-1909 table bbj5 netherlands (low countries) by period 17th century individual philosophers spinoza, benedictus de special topics, a-z b3999.m5 mind and body scandinavia denmark by period theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 19th century individual philosophers kierkegaard, søren aabye special topics, a-z b4378.k56 knowledge, theory of asia southern asia. indian ocean region by country india individual philosophers, a-z b5134.a22-.a224 abhedānanda, swami, 1866-1939 table b-bj5 b5134.v58-.v584 vivekananda, swami, 1863-1902 table b-bj5 africa sub-saharan africa special topics, a-z b5378.p45 philosophical anthropology class bf psychology developmental psychology infant psychology. newborn infant psychology special topics, a-z bf720.a83 attachment behavior child psychology special topics, a-z bf723.m4 memory cancel bf723.m4 memory including long-term memory and short-term memory adolescence. youth special topics, a-z bf724.3.m46 memory including long-term memory and short-term memory parapsychology psychic research. psychology of the unconscious special topics, a-z bf1045.o43 older people theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 occult sciences ghosts. apparitions. hauntings. haunted places bf1477.3 haunted prisons class bh aesthetics special topics, a-z bh301.n67 nostalgia class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion bl51 philosophy of religion. philosophy and religion cancel bl51 philosophy of religion. philosophy and religion including general works on faith and reason religious doctrines (general) nature worship other, a-z bl457.r58 rivers history and principles of religions european. occidental classical religion and mythology roman special topics, a-z bl815.t78 truth other early european religions by ethnic group celtic special topics, a-z bl915.c47 cernunnos asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources mahābhārata bl1139.7-.79 yogavāśiṣṭha table bl2 tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 tantric texts individual tantras. by title, a-z bl1142.6.m3693.m36939 manthānabhairavatantra table bl3 by region or country korea individual religions, a-z [bl2240.c662] chŭngsando see bl2240.c67-.c6793 bl2240.c67.c6793 chŭngsando table bl6 cancel bl2240.c67.c6793 chŭngsan'gyo. chŭngsando. taesun chillihoe. t'aegŭkto table bl6 [bl2240.t322] t'aegŭkto see bl2240.c67-.c6793 bl2240.t34.t3493 taesun chillihoe table bl6 cancel (bl2240.t34.t3493) taesun chillihoe see bl2240.c67-.c6793 other special, a-z bl2370.b37 bashkir african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.b57 birom american north america special cults, religious movements, etc., a-z bl2532.p35 palo class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.d44 death bm496.9.m28 mate selection relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.e38 eating disorders dogmatic judaism theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 other topics, a-z bm645.r44 religious tolerance [bm645.t642] toleration, religious see bm645.r44 practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.s43 she-lo aśani ishah. table bm6 other special topics, a-z bm729.n38 natural disasters bm729.p7 proselytes and proselyting cancel bm729.p7 proselytizing. conversion class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur’ān. koran works about the qur’ān special topics, a-z bp134.e96 evolution [bp134.s67] spiders see bp134.n3 other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.n89 nuwaubian movement. nuwaubians. united nuwaubian nation of moors bp605.t79 tserkov' poslednego zaveta class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version abhidharmapiṭaka mahayana doctrinal texts mādhyamika school texts other texts, a-z bq2910.j38-.j389 jñānasārasamuccaya table bq3 theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 relation of buddhism to other religious and philosophical systems special, a-z bq4610.y63 yoga modifications, schools, etc. mahayana buddhism special schools mādhyamika school biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq7479.8.r44.r449 red-mda'-ba gźon-nu-blo-gros, 1349-1412 table bq8 class br christianity history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther's theology special topics, a-z br333.5.h57 history class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.k83 kunama table bs5 bs325.l56 lingala table bs5 bs325.n44 ngbaka table bs5 bs325.t46 tetela table bs5 artificial languages, a-z bs355.i58-.i589 interlingua (international auxiliary language association) table bs4 theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.m25 man-woman relationships [bs1199.w62] woman-man relationships see bs1199.m25 new testament works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.g67 gossip table bs10 table for texts and versions of the bible in modern european languages bs10 202-203 belarusian table bs3 class bt doctrinal theology doctrinal, dogmatic, systematic theology schools of thought affecting doctrine and dogma (19th-20th centuries) bt83.63 public theology god bt168 misotheism class bx christian denominations other protestant denominations reformed or calvinistic churches catechisms, creeds, etc. other catechisms and creeds, a-z bx9429.b44 belhar confession class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews special topics jewish diaspora other regions or countries, a-z ds135.m95 mozambique theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 class e america indians of north america e97.8 indian libraries. library service to indians cf. e98.b65 books and reading for indians other topics, a-z e98.b65 books and reading cf. e97.8 indian libraries class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah individual authors, a-z kbp310.i224 ibn ’abd al-ḥaqq, ’abd al-mu’min, 1260-1338. table k4 kbp310.m368 mardāwī, ’alī ibn sulaymān, 1414 or 15-1480 or 81. table k4 kbp310.m37 mardāwī, muḥammad ibn ’abd al-qawī, 1232 or 3-1299. table k4 mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.i2626 ibn ḥammādī, aḥmad ibn muḥammad ibn ḥasan, 1864-1947. table k4 shāfi’ī. shāfi’īyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.i2628 ibn ḥajar al-haythamī, aḥmad ibn muḥammad, ca. 1503-ca. 1566. table k4 shī'ī schools. shī'ah zaydī. zaydīyah individual authors, a-z kbp380.m82 mu’ayyad, yaḥyá ibn ḥamzah, 1270 or 71-ca. 1348. table k4 kbp380.m83 mu’ayyad billāh aḥmad ibn al-ḥusayn, 944 or 51030? table k4 class kbr theology cataloging bulletin 2-12 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 history of canon law sources particular forms of contemporary legal literature consilia. responsa individual canonists and jurists (commentators), a-z kbr2150.t37 alessandro tartagni, 1424-1477 table k4 class kbu law of the roman catholic church. the holy see canonical jurisprudence. theory and science of canon law the concept of law special topics, a-z kbu2189.3.j87 justice class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art christian art special subjects christ in art n8066 temple visit at age twelve. christ among the doctors class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles special bibles. by name, a-z nd3355.5.c57 clement bible class z libraries library science. information science library information networks individual international networks, projects, etc., a-z z674.75.s63 social media. online social networks including blogs, online bulletin boards, podcasts, rss feeds, wikis, etc. theology cataloging bulletin 2-13 section 2 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 classes of libraries, a-z [z675.i22] indian libraries see e97.8 library communication systems z680.5 teletype. telecommunication including mobile communication systems the collections. the books special classes of materials other classes, a-z [z692.b63] board games for board games in library activity programs see z716.33 [z692.e4215] electronic games for electronic games in library activity programs see z716.33 [z699.7-.75] inventory control including shelf reading public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z [z711.92.i532] indians see e97.8 public relations. advertising and marketing. publicity z716.33 activity programs including games audio-visual library service libraries and television [z716.8] cf. z692.v52 video tape and videocassette collections cancel z716.85 libraries and video recording cf. z692.v52 video tape and videocassette collections general bibliography books for other special classes, institutions, etc., a-z [z1039.i2] indians of north america see e97.8 cancel [z1039.i2] indians of north america see e98.b65 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 1—november 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson atla naco funnel 8th among naco funnel projects in new record creation during the first half of the fiscal year, sept. 2009-mar. 2010, the atla naco funnel members created 509 new name authority records, making it the eighth most productive funnel project. in fiscal year 2009, there were 696 headings created and 129 headings modified. to date, september 2009 to june 2010, there have been 799 headings created and 149 modified. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association two atla naco funnel members gain independence this spring, michael bradford gained independence in creating and modifying corporate/conference/geographic names. denise pakala gained independence in creating and modifying personal names. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association atla conser funnel project off to a good start five atla members attended conser training in conjunction with the ala midwinter 2010 meetings in boston, mass. by june 2010, those new conser members have added 85 new serial records to the conser database and have maintained 14 records which were already authenticated. four of the five trainees have submitted records for review. submitted by judy knop, digitization coordinator, american theological library association rda workshop technical services at westminster theological seminary library plans to prepare for implementation of rda in the following manner: may 9-10, 2011, in conjunction with southeastern pennsylvania theological library association (septla), westminster theological seminary will host a two-day educational workshop with guest lecturer, armin siedlecki, head of cataloging, pitts theological seminary, emory university, an official rda test site. 9 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • o c to b e r 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 4 authority control compiled by anna appleman billey, amber. “just because we can, doesn’t mean we should: an argument for simplicity and data privacy with name authority work in the linked data environment.” journal of library metadata 19, no. 1/2 (january 2019): 1–17. cannan, judith p., paul frank, and les hawkins. “lc/naco authority file in the library of congress bibframe pilots.” journal of library metadata 19, no. 1/2 (january 2019): 39–51. craft, anna r. “local name authorities and linked data: the landscape.” serials review 45, no. 1-2 (january 2019): 61–65. downey, moira. “assessing author identifiers: preparing for a linked data approach to name authority control in an institutional repository context.” journal of library metadata 19, no. 1/2 (january 2019): 117–36. jin, qiang, and deren kudeki. “identity and access management for libraries.” technical services quarterly 36, no. 1 (january 2019): 44–60. mugridge, rebecca l., rebecca nous, nancy poehlmann, and wendy west. “benchmarking vended authority control practices in arl libraries.” technical services quarterly 35, no. 4 (october 2018): 323–37. piscitelli, felicia a. “when does the forename end and the surname begin? saints’ names as compound forenames in spanish.” cataloging & classification quarterly 57, no. 4 (may 2019): 187–96. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2 —february 2011 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson my experience with rda: part one: overview the publication of rda (resource description and access) in june 2010 marked the end of a long process of development and the beginning of a period of testing and evaluation to assess the usability of rda as a descriptive standard for cataloging in the 21st century. in the united states, the official rda test was carried out by the three national libraries (library of congress, national library of medicine, national library of agriculture) and 24 test partners, representing a range of cataloging systems, opacs, communication formats/schemas and types of materials cataloged. below are some general insights and reflections resulting from my participation in the test as a cataloger at emory university, one of the national test institutions. the development of rda began in 2004 as an initiative to revise aacr2, which had constituted the standard for bibliographic description since 1978. since the quarter century that lay between these two dates also witnessed the most significant advancements in information technology since the invention of movable type printing more than 500 years earlier, it quickly became evident that a mere “revision” would be an inadequate response to the many new challenges facing today’s catalogers. one of the most important questions for catalogers is to what extent our everyday work will change if rda were to be adopted as a national standard. on the one hand, the changes are not very big: marc is still the main data format used for cataloging, connexion is still the chief software environment for original cataloging in oclc and a good number of the descriptive rules will remain the same as before. there are some new marc fields to be learned, some new principles governing the use abbreviations and the like and—significantly for catalogers at theological libraries—the use of o.t. and n.t. in subject heading for individual books of the bible is discontinued. however, these are hardly revolutionary changes. on the other hand, rda requires a new way of thinking about information architecture. the most important innovations of rda are its logical bases of frbr (functional requirement for bibliographic records) and frad (functional requirements for authority data). the frbr hierarchy of work-expression-manifestation-item is becoming increasingly familiar to catalogers as are the terms content, media and carriers, which are intended to replace gmds (general material designators) and should allow for a more granular description of the material cataloged without qualifying the record’s main title statement. aacr2 cataloging essentially yields a series of individual bibliographic descriptions at the manifestation level with provisions for items and descriptors for controlled, uniform data, pertaining to author, title or series. a representative image for such a series of individual bibliographic descriptions is the linear arrangement of printed library cards in a card catalog, which has itself become a thing of the past. the central principle in frbr, frad and rda theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2—february 2011 3-2 on the other hand is the description of relationships between the components of bibliographic data with qualifiers such as translation, adaptation, analysis, parody, etc. for titles of works or such as author, translator, illustrator, etc. for persons associated with a work, expression or manifestation. a representative image for such a dynamic web of relationships is the online environment in which most catalogers now practice their craft and to which the majority of patrons turn for information. the final test of rda will be its usability in a software environment that can make full use frbr structures and so far no major ils vendor has offered this capability, but it is reasonable to assume that the development of such systems would follow shortly after a decision is made by the national libraries regarding the implementation of rda. furthermore, the structure and logic of rda with its increased emphasis on relationships and greater use of metadata components promises to provide greater adaptability for future technological developments, even beyond the marc environment. next issue: my experience with rda: part two: examples submitted by armin siedlecki, head of cataloging pitts theology library rda workshop technical services at westminster theological seminary library plans to prepare for implementation of rda in the following manner: may 9-10, 2011, in conjunction with southeastern pennsylvania theological library association (septla), westminster theological seminary will host a two-day educational workshop with guest lecturer, armin siedlecki, head of cataloging, pitts theological seminary, emory university, an official rda test site. may 9, 2011 septla meeting at westminster theological seminary morning session (75 min.): cataloging with rda rda is more than an updated set of cataloging rules. based on the principles of frbr (functional requirements for bibliographic records), rda presents a new way of thinking about organizing information. this presentation will explore the changes that catalogers can expect in their daily work as a result of the implementation of rda. special emphasis will be given to issues concerning catalogers in theological libraries. afternoon session (90 min.): rda – not just for catalogers rda (resource description and access) is a new descriptive standard for cataloging. based on new ways of organizing information, this innovation in bibliographic description relates not only to the world of technical services. this presentation will explore the impact of rda on libraries, librarians and library users. 18 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. integrated library systems compiled by anna appleman asim, muhammad and muhammad ijaz mairaj. “librarians’ perceptions about adoption and uses of the koha integrated library software in punjab, pakistan.” electronic library 37, no. 4 (august 2019): 624–35. fredericksen, kristen, stacey marien, and alayne mundt. “let’s get technical — migration items in alma.” against the grain 31, no. 3 ( june 2019): 67–68. kumar, vimal and majeed abdul. "data migration from legacy systems to koha: a practical approach." library philosophy and practice (april 2019): 1–17. libphilprac/2559 singh, vandana. “open source integrated library systems migration: librarians share the lessons learnt.” journal of librarianship & information science 51, no. 2 ( june 2019): 346–55. 1 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • o c to b e r 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 4 lc headings from july and august 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2019 list numbers 07 (july 12) and 08 (august 16). subject headings 150 anglican authors [may subd geog] [sp2019000797] 360 sa subdivision anglican authors under names of literatures, e.g., english literature- anglican authors 550 bt authors 150 antidepressants--religious aspects [sp2019100010] 150 antidepressants--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2019100009] 150 bible stories, karo-batak [may subd geog] [sp2019000831] 450 uf karo-batak bible stories 150 black virgins change heading 150 black madonnas [may subd geog] [sp 85014640 ] 053 bt670.b55 450 uf black virgins [former heading] 450 uf madonnas, black 450 uf virgins, black 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--art 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to 150 hymns, bobangi [may subd geog] [sp2019004545] 450 uf bobangi hymns 150 catholic families [may subd geog] [sp2019003702] 550 bt families 150 clergy [may subd geog] [sp 85026944 ] 450 uf diocesan clergy add field 450 uf ecclesiastics add field 450 uf secular clergy add field 150 lai haraoba (festival) [may subd geog] [sp2019000716] 450 uf laiharaoba (festival) ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 2 450 uf umālai harāuba (festival) 450 uf umaṃlāi harāuba (festival) 450 uf umang-lai haraoba (festival) 450 uf umangli haraoba (festival) 550 bt festivals--india 550 bt meitheis (indic people)--rites and ceremonies 150 melancholy--religious aspects [sp2019100012] 150 melancholy--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019100011] 150 mizrahim in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2019000192] 053 pn1995.9.j46 550 bt motion pictures 680 here are entered works on the depiction of mizrahim in motion pictures. 150 mizrahim on television [not subd geog] [sp2019100144] 550 bt television 680 here are entered works on the depiction of mizrahim on television. 150 ontology--religious aspects [sp2019004510] 150 ontology--religious aspects--islam [sp2019004511] 150 pilgrims and pilgrimages (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2019004532] 053 kbp184.7-kbp184.73 550 bt islamic law 150 psychic trauma--religious aspects [sp2019100004] 150 wiccan ethics [may subd geog] [sp2019005206] 550 bt religious ethics 150 zapopan, our lady of [not subd geog] [sp2019003700] 053 bt660.z3 450 uf expectación de zapopan, nuestra señora de la 450 uf expectation of zapopan, our lady of the 450 uf nuestra señora de la expectación de zapopan 450 uf nuestra señora de zapopan 450 uf our lady of the expectation of zapopan 450 uf our lady of zapopan 450 uf virgen de zapopan 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--mexico 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--mexico theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 1―13 of 2010. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 150 animals, mythical, in the bible [not subd geog] [sp2009010975] 150 bible stories, scots [may subd geog] [sp2010000884] 450 uf scots bible stories 130 bible—legends [sp 85013675] * 680 here are entered works on legends in the bible and on extra-biblical legends about biblical characters and events. works limited to legends in or about the old or new testament are entered under bible. o.t.--legends or bible. n.t.--legends. collections of and works about jewish legends, including comprehensive works covering both old testament legends and post-biblical jewish legends are entered under jewish legends. * 680 here are entered works on legends in the bible and on extra-biblical legends about biblical characters and events. works limited to legends in or about the old or new testament are entered under bible. o.t.--legends or bible. n.t.--legends. collections of and works about jewish legends, including comprehensive works covering both old testament legends and post-biblical jewish legends are entered under legends, jewish. cancel * 681 note under jewish legends * 681 note under legends, jewish cancel 130 bible. n.t.—legends [sp 85013755] * 550 rt jewish legends * 681 notes under bible--legends; jewish legends * 681 notes under bible--legends; legends, jewish cancel 130 bible. o.t.—legends [sp 85013773] * 550 rt jewish legends * 550 rt legends, jewish cancel * 681 notes under bible--legends; jewish legends * 681 notes under bible--legends; legends, jewish cancel 150 bible stories, scottish gaelic [may subd geog] [sp2008542034] * 450 uf scottish gaelic bible stories 150 brügglers (christian sect) [may subd geog] [sp2010002071] 550 bt christian sects—switzerland 150 catacombs [may subd geog] [sp 85020771] * 550 bt antiquities * 550 bt christian antiquities cancel * 550 rt church history—primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 cancel 150 christian ethics [may subd geog] [sp 85025083] theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 * 550 bt christian philosophy 150 christian women martyrs—cult [may subd geog] [sp2010001133] 550 bt cults 150 christianity and astronautics [may subd geog] [sp2010000576] 450 uf astronautics and christianity 550 bt astronautics 150 church and college [may subd geog] [sp 85025517] * 680 here are entered works on the influence of religious denominations and sects on colleges. works on colleges supported and/or administered by a religious denomination or sect are entered under church colleges. cancel * 681 note under church colleges cancel * 150 church colleges cancel 150 christian universities and colleges [may subd geog] [sp 85025586] 450 uf christian colleges 450 uf church colleges [earlier form of heading] 550 bt universities and colleges 150 church group work with children [may subd geog] [sp2009009540] 550 bt children 150 church history—primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 [sp 85025620] * 550 rt catacombs cancel 150 church music—philosophy and aesthetics [may subd geog] [sp2010002588] 053 ml3869 450 uf church music—aesthetics * 150 church orders, lutheran cancel 150 lutheran church orders [sp 85025722] 450 uf church orders, lutheran [earlier form of heading] 550 bt church orders * 150 church orders, protestant cancel 150 protestant church orders [sp 85025723] 450 uf church orders, protestant [earlier form of heading] 550 bt church orders * 150 church orders, reformed cancel 150 reformed church orders [sp 85025724] 450 uf church orders, reformed [earlier form of heading] theology cataloging bulletin 1-4 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 550 bt church orders 150 citizenship—religious aspects [sp2010003908] 150 citizenship—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010003910] 150 citizenship—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010003929] 150 computer sex—religious aspects [sp2010002299] 150 computer sex—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010002300] 150 condom use—religious aspects [sp2009011045] 150 condom use—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009011046] * 150 drug addicts—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) cancel 150 drug addicts (canon law) [sp2005002243] 450 uf drug addicts—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) [earlier form of heading] 550 bt canon law 100 elijah (biblical prophet)—in rabbinical literature [not subd geog][sp2009010722] 053 bm496.9.e4 * 150 enemies (persons)—religious aspects cancel 150 enemies—religious aspects [sp2006005344] * 150 enemies (persons)—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] cancel 150 enemies—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2006005345] 150 eternal progression (mormon doctrine) [sp2010004003] 550 bt mormon church—doctrines 150 ethnocentrism—religious aspects [sp2010002563] 150 ethnocentrism—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010002564] 150 faith and reason [sp 85046933] * 680 here are entered works on the relationship between the knowledge attained through faith and that attained through reason. cancel * 680 here are entered works on the role of reason in religious faith and on the conflict between faith and reason. * 450 uf faith and logic theology cataloging bulletin 1-5 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 * 450 uf reason—religious aspects * 450 uf reason and religion * 450 uf religion and reason 150 faith and reason—islam [sp 85046934] * 450 uf islam and reason [earlier form of heading] * 550 bt islam—doctrines cancel 150 freedom of speech—religious aspects [sp2010000024] 550 bt religious tolerance 150 freedom of speech—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009010773] 550 bt hinduism * 150 freedom of speech in islam cancel 150 freedom of speech—religious aspects—islam [sp 90005697] 053 bp173.66 450 uf freedom of speech in islam [earlier form of heading] 550 bt islam * 150 freedom of speech in judaism cancel 150 freedom of speech—religious aspects—judaism [sp 85051708] 053 bm645.f73 450 uf freedom of speech in judaism [earlier form of heading] 450 uf liberty of speech in judaism 550 bt judaism—discipline 150 god [sp 85055517] * 550 rt misotheism * 150 goddesses, taoist cancel 150 taoist goddesses [may subd geog] [sp 90001751] 450 uf goddesses, taoist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt goddesses 150 gods [sp 85055608] * 550 rt misotheism * 150 gods, taoist cancel 150 taoist gods [may subd geog] [sp 86005004] 450 uf gods, taoist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt gods theology cataloging bulletin 1-6 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 * 150 gods, zoroastrian cancel 150 zoroastrian gods [may subd geog] [sp 86002926] 450 uf gods, zoroastrian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt gods 150 guitar music (gospel) [may subd geog] [sp2009004995] 550 bt gospel music 150 hiv infections—prevention—religious aspects [sp2009011028] 150 hiv infections—prevention—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010001170] 150 hiv infections—prevention—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009011029] 150 hiv infections—treatment—religious aspects [sp2009011047] 150 hiv infections—treatment—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009011097] * 150 homiletical illustrations, buddhist cancel 150 buddhist homiletical illustrations [sp 85061755] 450 uf homiletical illustrations, buddhist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt buddhist preaching 550 bt homiletical illustrations 150 internet pornography—religious aspects [sp2010002297] 150 internet pornography—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010002298] * 150 islam and reason—koranic teaching cancel [sp 92003333] * 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading faith and reason--islam--koranic teaching a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 judaism—biala rite [may subd geog] [sp2010001687] 450 uf biala rite of judaism 450 uf judaism—biale rite 450 uf judaism—byala rite theology cataloging bulletin 1-7 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 450 uf judaism—minhag byala 450 uf judaism—nusaḥ byala 450 uf minhag byala 450 uf nusaḥ byala 550 bt judaism—customs and practices 550 bt judaism—poland * 150 legends, jewish cancel 150 jewish legends [may subd geog] [sp 85075792] 680 here are entered collections of and works about jewish legends, including comprehensive works covering both old testament legends and post-biblical jewish legends. works on legends in the bible and on extra-biblical legends about biblical characters and events are entered under bible--legends. works limited to legends in or about the old or new testament are entered under bible. o.t.--legends or bible. n.t. -legends. 450 uf jews—legends 450 uf legends—jews 450 uf legends, jewish [earlier form of heading] 530 rt bible. n.t.—legends 530 rt bible. o.t.—legends 681 note under bible--legends * 150 marriage customs and rites, sikh cancel 150 sikh marriage customs and rites [may subd geog] [sp 85081498] 450 uf marriage customs and rites, sikh [earlier form of heading] 550 bt marriage customs and rites 150 mercedarian art [may subd geog] [sp2010001941] 550 bt christian art and symbolism 110 meteora monasteries (greece) [sp 91004189] * 550 bt monasteries, orthodox eastern—greece cancel * 550 bt orthodox eastern monasteries—greece 150 midrash—legends [sp 85085050] * 550 bt jewish legends * 550 bt legends, jewish cancel 150 misotheism [may subd geog] [sp2010002517] 450 uf hatred of god 450 uf hatred of gods 550 bt hate 550 rt god 550 rt gods 550 rt theism theology cataloging bulletin 1-8 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 150 mithras (zoroastrian deity) [not subd geog] [sp 97004133] * 053 bl1585 * 550 bt gods, zoroastrian cancel * 550 bt zoroastrian gods * 150 monasteries, orthodox eastern cancel 150 orthodox eastern monasteries [may subd geog] [sp 85086700] 450 uf monasteries, orthodox eastern [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasteries 550 rt orthodox eastern monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasteries, syrian orthodox cancel 150 syrian orthodox monasteries [may subd geog] [sp 88005216] 450 uf monasteries, syrian orthodox [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasteries 550 rt syrian orthodox monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasticism and religious orders, lutheran cancel 150 lutheran monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086744] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, lutheran [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasticism and religious orders, maronite cancel 150 maronite monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086745] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, maronite [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasticism and religious orders, orthodox eastern cancel 150 orthodox eastern monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086747] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, orthodox eastern [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 550 rt orthodox eastern monasteries theology cataloging bulletin 1-9 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 * 150 monasticism and religious orders, orthodox eastern—rules cancel 150 orthodox eastern monasticism and religious orders—rules [sp 85086748] * 150 monasticism and religious orders, protestant cancel 150 protestant monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086749] 053 bv4405-bv4408 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, protestant [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasticism and religious orders, protestant—rules cancel 150 protestant monasticism and religious orders—rules [sp 85086750] * 150 monasticism and religious orders, syrian orthodox cancel 150 syrian orthodox monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 88005215] 053 bx177.2 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, syrian orthodox [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 550 rt syrian orthodox monasteries * 150 monasticism and religious orders, taoist cancel 150 taoist monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086751] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, taoist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 150 night—religious aspects [sp2010002288] 150 night—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010002289] * 150 paranoia—patients—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) cancel 150 paranoia (canon law) [sp2007002720] 450 uf paranoia—patients—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) [earlier form of heading] 450 uf paranoia—patients (canon law) 550 bt canon law * 150 paraplegics—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) cancel 150 paraplegia (canon law) [sp2007004106] 450 uf paraplegics—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) [earlier theology cataloging bulletin 1-10 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 form of heading] 450 uf paraplegics (canon law) 550 bt canon law 150 parent and adult child—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2010002856] 150 patriotism—religious aspects [sp2010002608] 150 patriotism—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010002609] 150 public theology [may subd geog] [sp2010000062] 053 bt83.65 550 bt theology, doctrinal 550 rt political theology 150 quaker missionaries [may subd geog] [sp2009010731] 550 bt missionaries 150 quaker women missionaries [may subd geog] [sp2009010730] 550 bt quaker missionaries 550 bt women missionaries * 150 rabbis—legal status, laws, etc. (jewish law) cancel 150 rabbis (jewish law) [sp2005006088] 053 kbm2200.r33 450 uf rabbis—legal status, laws, etc. (jewish law) [earlier form of heading] 550 bt jewish law 150 racially mixed people—religious aspects [sp2010000393] 150 racially mixed people—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2010000394] 150 reformed church women [may subd geog] [sp2009010894] 053 bx9423.w66 550 bt christian women * 150 sacrilege [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85116395] 150 sermons, basque [may subd geog] [sp2009010766] 450 uf basque sermons 150 sick (canon law) [sp 85122280] * 550 bt canon law theology cataloging bulletin 1-11 section 1 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 * 550 bt sick—legal status, laws, etc. cancel 150 spiders in the koran [sp2010001811] 150 spiritual retreat centers—england [sp2010005511] * 150 temples, sikh cancel 150 sikh temples [may subd geog] [sp 85133770] 450 uf gurdvārās 450 uf gurdwa ̄rās 450 uf temples, sikh [earlier form of heading] 550 bt temples * 150 temples, taoist cancel 150 taoist temples [may subd geog] [sp 85133771] 053 bl1941-bl1942 450 uf temples, taoist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt temples 150 theism [may subd geog] [sp 85134626] * 550 rt misotheism 150 vacancy of the holy see [sp 85141688] * 450 uf sede vacante * 150 widows—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) cancel 150 widows (canon law) [sp2002004244] 450 uf widows—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) [earlier form of heading] 550 bt canon law * 150 women—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) cancel 150 women (canon law) [sp 85147313] 450 uf women—legal status, laws, etc. (canon law) 550 bt canon law 150 women clergy [may subd geog] [sp 85147494] * 450 uf female clergy * 450 uf female ministers * 550 bt women in christianity cancel 150 wong tai sin (taoist deity) [not subd geog] [sp 93000042] * 550 bt gods, taoist cancel * 550 bt taoist gods 2 4 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. classification and subject headings compiled by anna appleman johnson, mackenzie and carlie forsythe. 2019. “disability and accessibility language in subject headings and social tags.” catalogue and index 197 (december): 16–26. lo, grace. 2019. “‘aliens’ vs. catalogers: bias in the library of congress subject heading.” legal reference services quarterly 38, no. 4 (october): 170–96. laddusaw, sierra. 2019. “classifying the imaginary: an expansion of library of congress’ subclass g9930 for local use.” cataloging & classification quarterly 57, no. 4 (may): 197–205. masterson, maeva, carol stableford, and anja tait. 2019. “re-imagining classification systems in remote libraries.” journal of the australian library & information association 68, no. 3 (september): 278–89. saarti, jarmo. 2019. “fictional literature, classification and indexing.” knowledge organization 46, no. 4 (june): 320–32. 1 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 lc headings from march-june 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2019 list numbers 03 (march 15), 04 (april 12), 05 (may 17), and 06 (june 14). subject headings 150 academic libraries--services to foreign students [may subd geog] [sp2019000235] 550 bt students, foreign--services for 150 antisemitic literature [may subd geog] [sp2019002541] 450 uf anti-jewish literature 450 uf anti-semitic literature 550 bt literature 680 here are entered collections of works reflecting antisemitic views or policies as well as discussions of such works. this heading is not used for individual works, which are entered under headings appropriate to the content, genre, and/or form of the work. 680 works that diminish the scale and significance of the holocaust or assert that it did not occur are entered under holocaust denial literature. works about antisemitism as a theme in literature are entered under antisemitism in literature. 681 note under: holocaust denial literature; antisemitism in literature 150 antisemitism in literature [not subd geog] [sp 93008401 ] 680 here are entered works on the theme of antisemitism in literature. collections of works reflecting antisemitic views or policies as well as discussions of such works are entered under antisemitic literature. add field 681 note under antisemitic literature add field 150 archives--administration [sp2007101328] 450 uf archival administration add field 450 uf archives--management add field 150 boyan hasidim [may subd geog] [sp2019000510] 450 uf boyana hasidim 550 bt hasidim 150 christian fiction, philippine (english) [may subd geog] [sp2015001744] 450 uf christian fiction, english--philippines 450 uf philippine christian fiction (english) 550 bt philippine fiction (english) ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 2 150 christian literature, samoan [may subd geog] [sp2018003259] 450 uf samoan christian literature 550 bt samoan literature 150 devotional poetry, french [may subd geog] [sp2019000827] 450 uf french devotional poetry 550 bt french poetry 150 federal day of thanksgiving, repentance, and prayer (switzerland) [may subd geog] [sp2018000441] 450 uf bettag (switzerland) 450 uf digiuno federale (switzerland) 450 uf eidgenössischer dankbussund bettag (switzerland) 450 uf jeûne fédéral (switzerland) 450 uf rogaziun federala (switzerland) 550 bt holidays--switzerland 150 five hindrances (buddhism) [sp2019000168] 450 uf nivaranas (buddhism) 550 bt buddhism--doctrines 150 gājana (hindu festival) [may subd geog] [sp2018002971] 053 bl1239.82.g34 450 uf gaajan (hindu festival) 450 uf gajan (hindu festival) 550 bt fasts and feasts--hinduism 150 holocaust denial literature [may subd geog] [sp 96009503 ] 680 here are entered works that diminish the scale and significance of the holocaust or assert that it did not occur. works that discuss such assertions are entered under holocaust denial. delete field 680 here are entered works that diminish the scale and significance of the holocaust or assert that it did not occur. works that discuss such assertions are entered under holocaust denial. collections of works reflecting antisemitic views or policies as well as discussions of such works are entered under antisemitic literature. add field 681 note under holocaust denial delete field 681 note under holocaust denial; antisemitic literature add field 150 icon painting--macedonia (republic) change heading 150 icon painting--north macedonia [sp 92004860 ] 150 icon painting--macedonia (republic)--ohrid change heading 150 icon painting--north macedonia--ohrid [sp 89001906 ] 450 uf icon painting--yugoslavia--ohrid (macedonia) [former heading] 3 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 150 icon painting--macedonia (republic)--ohrid--byzantine influences change heading 150 icon painting--north macedonia--ohrid--byzantine influences [sp 89001907 ] 551 bt byzantine empire--civilization 150 italian american pentecostals [may subd geog] [sp2019000538] 450 uf pentecostals, italian american 550 bt pentecostals--united states 150 jewish bisexuals [may subd geog] [sp2019000135] 450 uf bisexual jews 550 bt bisexuals 150 jewish gays [may subd geog] [sp 89003905 ] 450 uf gay jews add field 150 macana, our lady of the [not subd geog] [sp2019000650] 450 uf macana, virgen de la 450 uf macana, virgin of the 450 uf nuestra señora de la macana 450 uf our lady of the macana 450 uf virgin of the macana 450 uf virgin of the macana 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles--mexico 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to--mexico 151 macedonia (republic)--civilization--islamic influences change heading 151 north macedonia--civilization--islamic influences [sp2012002886] 550 bt islamic civilization 150 middle class muslims [may subd geog] [sp2019000414] 550 bt muslims 150 muslim school principals [may subd geog] [sp2019000432] 450 uf islamic school principals 550 bt school principals 680 here are entered works on school principals who are muslim. 150 muslims--persecutions [may subd geog] [sp2018002969] 550 bt persecution 150 prayer in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2018003037] 550 bt motion pictures 150 protestants--religious identity [may subd geog] [sp2019000205] 450 uf protestant identity 550 bt identification (religion) new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 4 150 rosh ha-shanah [sp 85115451 ] 450 uf day of judgement add field 450 uf day of judgment add field 450 uf day of remembrance add field 450 uf judgement, day of add field 450 uf judgment, day of add field 450 uf remembrance, day of add field 450 uf rosh hashana add field 450 uf rosh hashonoh add field 450 uf yom ha-din add field 450 uf yom ha-zikaron (rosh ha-shanah) add field 450 uf yom ha-zikkaron add field 450 uf yom hadin add field 450 uf yom hazikaron add field 450 uf yom teruah add field 450 uf yom t’ruah add field 150 sacred music--vietnam [sp2019001852] 150 sadgora hasidim [may subd geog] [sp2018003275] 450 uf sadigorah hasidim 450 uf sadigura hasidim 450 uf sadigurah hasidim 550 bt hasidism 150 slovak american catholics [may subd geog] [sp2018003301] 053 bx1407.s55 450 uf catholics, slovak american 550 bt catholics--united states 150 sociobiology--religious aspects--confucianism [sp2019000405] genre/form terms 155 annotated bibliographies [gp2019026015] 555 bt bibliographies 155 ascension day sermons [gp2019026010] 555 bt occasional sermons 155 ash wednesday sermons [gp2019026009] 555 bt lenten sermons 5 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 155 haggadot (liturgical books) [gp2019026013] 455 uf aggadahs (liturgical books) 455 uf aggadas (liturgical books) 455 uf aggadot (liturgical books) 455 uf aggadoth (liturgical books) 455 uf hagadot (liturgical books) 455 uf haggadahs (liturgical books) 455 uf haggadas (liturgical books) 455 uf haggados (liturgical books) 455 uf haggadoth (liturgical books) 555 bt liturgical books 155 liturgical drama [gp2019026006] 455 uf ecclesiastical drama 555 bt religious drama 680 medieval musical dramas performed during roman catholic liturgies. 155 passover sermons [gp2019026012] 555 bt occasional sermons 155 rosh ha-shanah sermons [gp2019026085] 455 uf day of judgement sermons 455 uf day of judgment sermons 455 uf day of remembrance sermons 455 uf jewish new year sermons 455 uf rosh hashana sermons 455 uf rosh hashanah sermons 455 uf yom ha-din sermons 455 uf yom ha-zikkaron sermons 455 uf yom hadin sermons 455 uf yom hazikaron sermons 455 uf yom teruah sermons 455 uf yom t’ruah sermons 555 bt occasional sermons medium of performance term 162 psaltery [pp2013015578] 462 uf psalterion add field 12 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin professional development opportunities by leslie a. engelson management know & go: tips for hiring the right person hiring is an expensive and potentially frustrating experience. learn basic tips to improve the hiring process and identify common mistakes that are made during the interview process. february 3, 2020 $0–$35 work smarter, not harder: innovating technical services workflows improve workflow by exploring ways to make tasks and projects efficient. february 13, 2020 $0–$85 using assessment tools to coach this webinar teaches a coaching strategy called mapping based on actual output from an assessment. identify questions, create accountability, and facilitate activities that drive change. march 27, 2020 free motivating employees to be their best learn how to tailor your leadership and communication style to better suit the needs of your staff in order to build group identity, create a culture of ownership, and establish a collaborative, inspiring work environment. april 9, 2020 $99–$199 look to the future: how to use training to build a culture that stops blaming and gets back to work already explore through video and interaction how to move away from blame and toward what needs to happen next. april 23, 2020 free leslie a. engelson is metadata librarian at murray state university. 13 news cataloging & preservation creating and preserving oral histories attendees will learn the theory and best practices for planning an oral history project, how to select recording equipment, and basic interview techniques. february 6, 2020 $100–$250 free tools for digital preservation: metadata manipulation get a hands-on overview of free tools that extract, embed, and monitor metadata into digital preservationquality files. february 12, 2020 $100–$250 preservation of photographic materials learn the proper care and handling of photographic materials, appropriate storage materials, and common issues with prints, color, film, glass, and albums. february 25 & 27, 2020 $150–$175 know & go: rda 3r update understand what the changes to rda mean for catalogers and identify next steps. march 2, 2020 $0–$35 metadata and description for digital special collections provides an overview of current standards, schemas, and applications of metadata models and discusses how to evaluate a digital collection and select and design an appropriate data model. explores ethical issues as related to metadata schema. march 2–29, 2020 $175 14 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin original cataloging of sound recordings using rda instruction covers preferred source of information, description, access points, and content/media/carrier types as well as the marc fixed and variable fields for sound recordings. april 28-29, 2020 $99–$199 linked data introduction to rdf this course focuses on the basic concepts of the rdf framework and how to use vocabularies as properties. attendees will create simple rdf triples in an xml representation and demonstrate how the descriptions are used to link/share information about resources. april 6 – may 3, 2020 $175 15 b i b l i o g r a p h y metadata compiled by anna appleman clarke, rachel ivy and sayward schoonmaker. 2020. “metadata for diversity: identification and implications of potential access points for diverse library resources.” journal of documentation 76, no. 1 (january): 173–96. de pretto, alexandra. 2020. “the multiculturalism of metadata.” catalogue and index 199 (june): 9-16. furner, jonathan. 2020. “definitions of ‘metadata’: a brief survey of international standards.” journal of the association for information science & technology 71, no. 6 (june): e33–42. wolfe, erin. 2019. “natural language processing in the humanities: a case study in automated metadata enhancement.” code4lib 46 (november). anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. 2 1 n e w s professional development opportunities by leslie a. engelson software & automation regular expressions this introductory course teaches the syntax and construction of regular expressions. students will follow patterns to construct examples. april 21 & 23, 2020 $140–$220 excel for technical services: introductory and intermediate a two-part series that will provide attendees with the skills to create and use filters, create a pivot table, use formulas, import data from one spreadsheet into another, use conditional formatting, and split cells that contain multiple values. april 22 & may 20, 2020 $43–$206 each testing for accessibility: free tools to assess the accessibility of online resources students will learn to identify the standards and best practices used to assess accessibility of webbased resources, apply them in the decision-making process, and use tools to test accessibility. april 23, 2020 $75–$100 programming with python and pymarc learn the basics of the python language to automate workflows and metadata management processes. understand pymarc and its uses in libraries. may 19 & 21, 2020 $140–$220 management know & go: increase your productivity with time management learn how to assess the value of your tasks, set goals, and use time management principles to increase productivity. may 4, 2020 $0–$35 leslie a. engelson is metadata librarian at murray state university. 2 2 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n make that decision: strategies for becoming a better decision maker several decision-making strategies such as risk-taking perspective, slow decision-making, avoiding paralysis, and collaborative decision-making will be explored. participants will also learn behavioral aspects of decision-making which will increase the odds for better outcomes and increase comfort with risk. august 12, 2020 $100–$200 demonstrating the return on investment: the library’s role and contribution use metrics to demonstrate that your library is a cost-effective and impactful part of the academic program. participants will learn how well library initiatives are aligned with institutional goals and how assessment exercises are critical for effectively presenting the library’s value. september 9, 2020 $0–$135 rda lrm: a new foundation for rda and the rda toolkit attendees will become familiar with the library reference model (lrm) and changes in terminologies, compare mappings between frbr, frad, and frsad to lrm, and review approaches to cataloging following lrm. june 1–28, 2020 $175 1 4 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n professional development opportunities compiled by cynthia snell metadata metadata and description for digital special collections methods and standards for metadata and description for unique digital collections are varied and present digital curators, catalogers and metadata librarians with a wide array of options, which can at times seem daunting. this course is designed to give the student an overview of current standards, schemas and applications of medatada models designed for the description and organization of digital collections, whether they be materials in an institutional repository or digital special collections. september 7–october 4, 2020; march 1–28, 2021 $175 using openrefine for library metadata openrefine is a free open-source tool that makes editing messy metadata easier through clustering, faceting, advanced find and replace scripting, and linked data reconciliation in a spreadsheet-like environment. in addition to cleaning up metadata, openrefine’s linked data and url building tools can extend metadata through databases and api calls. october 5–november 1, 2020 $175 cynthia snell is library director at columbia international university. 17 b i b l i o g r a p h y anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. open access compiled by anna appleman bruner, rhiannon and danielle bromelia. 2020. “managing open content resources from discovery to delivery.” serials librarian 78, nos. 1–4: 234–8. dalton, elizabeth d., carol tenopir, and bo-christer björk. 2020. “attitudes of north american academics toward open access scholarly journals.” portal: libraries and the academy 20, no. 1: 73-100. moore, samuel a. 2020. “revisiting ‘the 1990s debutante’: scholar‐led publishing and the prehistory of the open access movement.” journal of the association for information science & technology 71, no. 7: 856–66. schleicher, caitlin a., christopher a. barnes, and ronald a. joslin. 2020. “oer initiatives at liberal arts colleges: building support at three small, private institutions.” journal of librarianship and scholarly communication 8. tavernier, willa. 2020. “covid-19 demonstrates the value of open access: what happens next?” college & research libraries news 81, no. 5: 226–30. 2018 summary of proceedings 2 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 lc headings from december 2018 and january and february 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2018 list number 12 (december 14) and 2019 list numbers 01 (january 18) and 02 (february 15). subject headings 150 alevi women [may subd geog] [sp2018002884] 053 hq1170.2 550 bt muslim women 150 alevis--persecutions [may subd geog] [sp2018003199] 550 bt persecution 150 alevis--persecutions--turkey [sp2018003198] 150 brown memorial tower (union theological seminary, new york, n.y.) [sp2018003177] 450 uf brown tower (union theological seminary, new york, n.y.) 550 bt towers--new york (state) 510 bt union theological seminary (new york, n.y.) 150 buddhist sermons, mon [may subd geog] [sp2018002218] 450 uf mon buddhist sermons 150 catechisms, tahitian [sp2018002538] 450 uf tahitian catechisms 150 catholic lesbians [may subd geog] [sp2018002746] 450 uf lesbian catholics 550 bt lesbians 150 catholic sexual minorities [may subd geog] [sp2018002722] 450 uf sexual minority catholics 550 bt sexual minorities 150 christian lesbians [may subd geog] [sp2006008772] 681 example under sexual minorities add field ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union, chicago. new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 3 150 cooking (matzos) [may subd geog] [sp2018003120] 450 uf cooking with matzos 450 uf matzos--use in cooking 550 bt cooking (bread) 150 covens [may subd geog] [sp 96010537 ] 550 bt meetings delete field 550 bt religious gatherings add field 150 czech american catholics [may subd geog] [sp2018003054] 053 bx1407.c9 450 uf catholics, czech american 550 bt catholics--united states 150 data services librarians [may subd geog] [sp2018002071] 053 z682.4.d38 450 uf data librarians 550 bt librarians 680 here are entered works on librarians engaged in managing data, using data as a resource and/ or supporting patrons working with research data or data sets. 150 donkeys in the bible [sp2018002828] 150 embedded librarians [may subd geog] [sp2018002244] 053 z682.4.e46 550 bt librarians 680 here are entered works on librarians who are integrated with a user group to offer direct research assistance and often work in the same physical location as the group they serve. 150 esbat (neopagan custom) [may subd geog] [sp2018002582] 550 bt neopaganism--customs and practices 680 here are entered works on covens’ ritual observance of the full moon, and sometimes also the dark moon and/or first and last quarters. works on the neopagan religious festivals that commemorate the phases of the changing seasons are entered under sabbat. 681 note under sabbat 150 georgian (wiccan sect) [may subd geog] [sp2018002539] 550 bt wiccan sects 150 hindu hymns, malayalam [may subd geog] [sp2018002401] 450 uf malayalam hindu hymns 150 hymns, ganda [sp2018002793] 450 uf ganda hymns 150 imaginary companions--religious aspects [sp2018002435] 4 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 150 ismailites [may subd geog] [sp 85068625 ] 450 uf ismaili delete field 450 uf ismailis add field 150 james tower (union theological seminary, new york, n.y.) [sp2018003178] 450 uf james chapel tower (union theological seminary, new york, n.y.) 550 bt towers--new york (state) 510 bt union theological seminary (new york, n.y.) 150 jewish museums [may subd geog] [sp 85070308 ] 450 uf judaica museums add field 450 uf judaism--museums add field 150 ladino language [may subd geog] [sp 85073893 ] 450 uf judesmo delete field 450 uf judezmo delete field 450 uf haketia language (ladino) add field 450 uf hakitia language (ladino) add field 450 uf judeo-castilian language add field 450 uf judeo-espagnol language add field 450 uf judeo-espanyol language add field 450 uf judesmo language add field 450 uf judezmo language add field 450 uf ladino sephardic language add field 450 uf sefardi language add field 450 uf sephardi language add field 450 uf sephardic language add field 551 bt israel--languages add field 551 bt turkey--languages add field 150 lammas [may subd geog] [sp 00009786 ] 550 bt calendar, celtic add field 150 madrasah buildings--turkey [sp2018003174] 150 madrasahs [may subd geog] [sp 96009872 ] 450 uf madrasehs add field 450 uf medressehs add field 150 mercy in art [not subd geog] [sp2018002875] 150 muslim lesbians [may subd geog] [sp2018001970] 550 bt lesbians 150 neopaganism--customs and practices [sp2018003113] new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 5 150 prostitutes in rabbinical literature [sp2018002734] 053 bm496.9.p76 550 bt rabbinical literature 151 ruta del peregrino (mexico) [sp2018002967] 451 uf peregrino, ruta del (mexico) 451 uf pilgrim route (mexico) 451 uf pilgrim’s route (mexico) 451 uf ruta peregrino (mexico) 550 bt trails--mexico 781 mexico--ruta del peregrino 150 sabbat [may subd geog] [sp 90004592 ] 550 bt fasts and feasts--neopaganism add field 680 here are entered works on the neopagan religious festivals that commemorate the phases of the changing seasons. works on covens’ ritual observance of the full moon, and sometimes also the dark moon and/or first and last quarters, are entered under esbat (neopagan custom). add field 681 note under esbat (neopagan custom) add field 150 saint brigid’s day [may subd geog] [sp 96002699 ] 053 gt4995.b74 delete field 053 bf1572.s325 (witchcraft) add field 053 gt4995.b74 (manners and customs) add field 450 uf saint brighid’s day add field 550 bt festivals--ireland delete field 550 bt calendar, celtic add field 550 bt fasts and feasts add field 550 bt spring festivals add field 150 samhain [may subd geog] [sp 96002291 ] 053 bf1572.s35 delete field 053 bf1572.s35 (witchcraft) add field 550 bt fasts and feasts--neopaganism delete field 550 bt fasts and feasts add field 150 shiite women [may subd geog] [sp2018002952] 550 bt muslim women 150 signs and symbols--religious aspects [sp2018000930] 150 signs and symbols--religious aspects--protestant churches [sp2018000931] 6 theology cataloging bulletin • april 2019: vol. 27, no 2 150 solitary practitioners (wiccans) [may subd geog] [sp2018002583] 450 uf hedge witches 450 uf solitary witches 550 bt wiccans 550 bt witches 150 transgender librarians [may subd geog] [sp2007003740] 681 example under sexual minorities add field 150 transnationalism--religious aspects [sp2018002916] 150 transnationalism--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2018002917] 150 transnationalism--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2018002920] 150 virtual reality--library applications [may subd geog] [sp2018002574] 053 z678.93.s53 150 witches in rabbinical literature [sp2018002732] 053 bm496.9.w58 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 yule (festival) [may subd geog] [sp2015001181] 053 bf1572.y85 delete field 053 bf1572.y85 (witchcraft) add field 550 bt calendar, celtic add field genre/form terms 155 fables [gp2014026327] 455 uf moral and philosophical stories delete field 455 uf fabular tales add field 455 uf moral and philosophical tales add field 680 stories intended to teach moral lessons, and whose main characters are generally animals or inanimate objects that speak and act like human beings. delete field 680 stories intended to teach moral lessons, and whose main characters are generally animals or inanimate objects that speak and act like human beings. for short, simple stories that convey a moral lesson, and whose main characters are generally humans, see parables. add field 681 note under parables add field new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 7 155 ʻīd al-aḍḥā fiction [gp2018026139] 455 uf eid al-adha fiction 455 uf eid fiction 455 uf eid ul-adha fiction 455 uf ʻīd al-kabīr fiction 455 uf ʻīd al-naḥr fiction 455 uf ʻīd al-qurbān fiction 555 bt religious fiction 155 ʻīd al-fiṭr fiction [gp2018026138] 455 uf eid al-fitr fiction 455 uf eid fiction 455 uf eid ul-fitr fiction 455 uf ʻīd al-ṣadaqah fiction 455 uf ʻīd al-ṣaghīr fiction 455 uf ʻīd-ul-fitr fiction 555 bt religious fiction 155 parables [gp2014026467] 455 uf parabolic stories add field 680 short, simple stories that convey a moral lesson. delete field 680 short, simple stories that convey a moral lesson, and whose main characters are generally humans. for stories intended to teach moral lessons, and whose main characters are generally animals or inanimate objects that speak and act like human beings, see fables. add field 681 note under fables add field 155 radio sermons cancel heading [gp2011026512] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the term is covered by the genre/form terms sermons (dlc)gf201502051 and religious radio programs (dlc)gf2011026527 155 religious materials [gp2015026026] 680 collections of religious materials that are composed of multiple genres and/or forms to which more specific headings such as apocryphal works cannot be applied. delete field 155 religious radio programs [gp2011026527] 455 uf radio sermons [former heading] add field 155 sermons [gp2015026051] 455 uf radio sermons [former heading] add field 2018 summary of proceedings pagelist 2 3 4 5 6 7 j a n ua r y 202 1: vo l . 2 9, n o. 1 i s s n 15 4 8 8 49 7 journal information theology cataloging bulletin (tcb), a publication of atla, is published in january, april, august, and october. it contains information about new and changed library of congress subject headings (lcsh) and library of congress classification (lcc) numbers compiled from the library of congress’s monthly lists, upcoming training opportunities, bibliographies of recently published articles, and other information of interest to religion/theology catalogers. each issue also contains a column entitled "perspectives & practices," which is a first-person narrative of an experience, project, or training of interest to the technical services community. tcb is an open access journal published under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial license (cc by-nc 4.0 international). content that is produced by the library of congress and reprinted in tcb is in the public domain as a work of the federal government. authors of the "perspectives & practices" column retain copyright to their work and grant to atla the exclusive first publication, display, and distribution rights in the work. all other content is copyright atla subject to the creative commons license. cover image: library of congress end paper by sjrankin. reproduced under a cc by-nc 2.0 license. n03/14899468420 editorial board cynthia snell, columbia international university, editor-in-chief anna appleman, columbia theological seminary, contributing editor christa m. strickler, wheaton college, contributing editor submission information submissions should be according to the guidelines and instructions. contact the editor-in-chief for any questions about submissions to the news or perspectives & practices columns. publisher information © atla 200 s. wacker drive suite 3100 chicago, il 60606-6701 theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-3 1 – 2 pm roundtable: conser funnel project presenter: judy knop, atla conser funnel project coordinator saturday (june 19) 11:30 am – 1 pm in-conference workshop: book repair presenter: paul roberts, director of patron services, southern baptist theological seminary location: held at southern baptist theological seminary (bus transfer provided by atla) atla and oclc announce partnership atla has recently become a partner in the oclc partnership program. the news release was issued april 22, 2010 on the oclc web site (see the partnership is designed to improve member benefits, services, relationships, and cost efficiencies. library of congress documentation for the rda (resource description and access) test the library of congress has posted on its web site (april 21, 2010) the training tools for its u.s. rda test participants ( along with a record of the decisions they have made in regard to the rda test. included are word files and powerpoint files with information, exercises, and quizzes (answers also supplied). revised greek romanization tables the library of congress policy and standards division is accepting comments on the revised romanization tables for ancient and modern greek. if you would like to make comments on the revisions, you have until june 30, 2010 to do so. here are the links to the revised tables: • link to draft of proposed romanization table for ancient greek (pdf 3 p.; 142 kb): • link to draft of proposed romanization table for modern greek (pdf 3 p.; 122 kb: using web 2.0 tools to enhance technical services work here is a free two-day e-forum that you can register for and participate in thanks to alcts (ala’s association for library collections & technical services). it will be hosted by elizabeth winter (electronic resources coordinator at georgia institute of technology in atlanta) and sherab chen (coordinator for non-roman cataloging at the ohio state university libraries, columbus, ohio). it will be held may 19–20, 2010. for details, see the theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg conser funnel program underway in january, five atla members traveled to boston for a one-day conser training event designed to introduce them to the practices and policies governing the conser program. following this training, the participants received conser authorizations and library of congress control numbers (lccn) for use in their serials cataloging. to date, three trainees have begun submitting serial records for review. as of march 2010, two new records and two updated records have been entered into oclc. many more serial records are in the review process. look for atla member symbols in the o40 field of religious serials on oclc. you will soon begin seeing them there. ―submitted by judy knop, atla conser funnel coordinator naco and conser roundtables atla annual conference (june 2010, louisville, ky) if you have an interest in joining your colleagues in either the naco or conser funnel programs, or you just want to know more about the programs, please come to the roundtables. the naco roundtable is being held on thursday at 2 pm and the conser roundtable is being held on friday at 1 pm. ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco and conser funnels coordinator naco funnel member achieves independence michael bradford, serials and electronic resources librarian at harvard divinity school, has successfully passed the test required for achievement of independence in the creation and updating of corporate, conference and geographic names in the national name authority file on oclc. way to go michael! ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco funnel coordinator atla conference june 2010 technical services tuesday (june 15) 7 9 pm technical services pre-conference gathering topic: local opacs. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-2 wednesday (june 16) 8:30 am 4:30 pm workshop: original cataloging for theological collections presenter: jeff siemon, digital resources librarian, david allan hubbard library, fuller theological seminary thursday (june 17) 9 10 am plenary address: describing and accessing resources—where are we headed? speaker: dr. barbara tillett, chief of the policy and standards division, library of congress 10:30 11:30 am paper: where’s the data? setting a research agenda for next gen catalogs in theological libraries presenter: lisa gonzalez, electronic resources librarian, catholic theological union 10:30 11:30 am roundtable: library of congress genre form project in religion presenters: janis young, policy & standards division, library of congress; cameron campbell, director of indexes, atla 11:30 am – 1 pm atla naco funnel members lunch 2 – 3 pm roundtable: naco funnel project presenter: judy knop, atla naco funnel project coordinator 4 – 5:30 pm technical services interest group meeting speaker: barbara tillett, chief of the policy and standards division, library of congress attendees are invited to bring questions. friday (june 18) 10:30 – 11:30 am paper: a serials information system using database software presenter: richard lammert, technical services librarian, concordia theological seminary 10:30 – 11:30 am roundtable: comparing online public catalogs presenter: jeff siemon, digital resources librarian, david allan hubbard library, fuller theological seminary theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-3 1 – 2 pm roundtable: conser funnel project presenter: judy knop, atla conser funnel project coordinator saturday (june 19) 11:30 am – 1 pm in-conference workshop: book repair presenter: paul roberts, director of patron services, southern baptist theological seminary location: held at southern baptist theological seminary (bus transfer provided by atla) atla and oclc announce partnership atla has recently become a partner in the oclc partnership program. the news release was issued april 22, 2010 on the oclc web site (see the partnership is designed to improve member benefits, services, relationships, and cost efficiencies. library of congress documentation for the rda (resource description and access) test the library of congress has posted on its web site (april 21, 2010) the training tools for its u.s. rda test participants ( along with a record of the decisions they have made in regard to the rda test. included are word files and powerpoint files with information, exercises, and quizzes (answers also supplied). revised greek romanization tables the library of congress policy and standards division is accepting comments on the revised romanization tables for ancient and modern greek. if you would like to make comments on the revisions, you have until june 30, 2010 to do so. here are the links to the revised tables: • link to draft of proposed romanization table for ancient greek (pdf 3 p.; 142 kb): • link to draft of proposed romanization table for modern greek (pdf 3 p.; 122 kb: using web 2.0 tools to enhance technical services work here is a free two-day e-forum that you can register for and participate in thanks to alcts (ala’s association for library collections & technical services). it will be hosted by elizabeth winter (electronic resources coordinator at georgia institute of technology in atlanta) and sherab chen (coordinator for non-roman cataloging at the ohio state university libraries, columbus, ohio). it will be held may 19–20, 2010. for details, see the theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg atla conser funnel established on january 15, 2010, five atla members who are experienced serials catalogers met in boston with two trainers from the conser office at the library of congress and one trainer from the university of california conser funnel project to learn the policies and procedures governing conser cataloging actions. when they return home, they will begin to authenticate new serial records and update currently authenticated serials. judy knop will serve as the coordinator and reviewer for the present. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla naco funnel update during the past year, four atla members joined the naco funnel, bringing the total number of active participants to sixteen. some of these new members took advantage of the general financial assistance offered by the atla professional development committee. during the past fiscal year (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009), the atla naco funnel members contributed 696 new headings to the name authority file and corrected 129 existing records. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla saco funnel update the atla saco funnel project has gotten off to a slow start with only four records contributed during fy2009 (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009). anyone wishing to submit a request for a new or changed subject authority record should follow the instructions in the saco participant’s manual on the saco website ( and submit the request to eric friede (email: who will prepare the request for submission to the library of congress. submitted by: judy knop, atla 2010 “the year of cataloging research” welcome to the “year of cataloging research.” allyson carlyle (associate professor and chair, ph.d. program, the information school, university of washington) has published a guest editorial in cataloging & classification quarterly v. 47, no. 8 (2009) announcing 2010 as the “year of cataloging research.” in the editorial, she describes the origination of the idea 1-1 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 section 1 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 8 10 (2013). the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 phone: 863-667-5062 e-mail: 1-2 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 section 1 150 autonomy--religious aspects [sp2013002012] 150 autonomy--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2013002013] 150 church buildings (canon law)--anglican communion, [coptic church, etc.] [sp2013001872] 150 korean american presbyterians [may subd geog] [sp2013002293] 450 uf presbyterians, korean american 550 bt presbyterians--united states 150 man of sorrows (art) [sp2013001809] 450 uf christ as the man of sorrows (art) 550 bt christian art and symbolism 500 bt jesus christ--art 150 mary, help of christians [sp2013002215] 450 uf auxiliatrix 450 uf help of christians, our lady 450 uf maria ausiliatrice 450 uf maria auxiliatrix 450 uf maria auxilium christianorum 450 uf mary as help of christians 450 uf our lady, help of christians 450 uf mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to 150 mount carmel, our lady of [sp2013002214] 450 uf carmel, our lady of sorrows of 450 uf carmel, sweet lady of 450 uf carmel, virgin of 450 uf carmel at aylesford, our lady of 450 uf flower of carmel 450 uf lady of carmel 450 uf our lady of carmel at aylesford 450 uf our lady of mount carmel 450 uf our lady of sorrows of carmel 450 uf our lady of the scapula 450 uf our lady of the scapular 450 uf our lady of white friars 450 uf scapula, our lady of the 450 uf scapular, our lady of the 450 uf sweet lady of carmel 450 uf virgin of carmel 450 uf white friars, our lady of 450 uf mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to 1-3 theology cataloging bulletin vol. 22, no. 1 • november 2013 section 1 150 orthodox (orthodox eastern church) change heading 150 orthodox eastern church members [may subd geog] [sp 85095777 ] 450 uf eastern orthodox people 450 uf uf orthodox (orthodox eastern church) [former heading] 450 uf orthodox people 450 bt christians 150 religious articles (canon law) [sp2013001871] 550 bt canon law 150 religious articles (canon law)--anglican communion, [coptic church, etc.] [sp2013001874] 150 vision in rabbinical literature [not subd geog] [sp2013001726] 550 bt rabbinical literature 1 editorial a new theology cataloging bulletin (tcb) is coming your way. you’ve already seen some changes this year with the renaming of the “testimony” column to “perspectives & practices” to better reflect its content and scope, as well as the introduction of a new html format in addition to the pdf version. but even more changes are coming. a brief survey sent out in the latter part of 2020 showed that most readers utilize tcb for the updates to library of congress subject headings and classification. however, participants also indicated they would be interested in other topics related to the technical services environment, such as open access content management, collection management, e-resource licensing and management, library systems, and acquisitions. therefore, in order to appeal to a broader audience—including persons acquiring and cataloging materials at museums and archives—as well as to provide opportunities for interdisciplinary engagement with other library technical services professionals, we will roll out an expanded tcb beginning in 2022. to reflect the broader scope and coverage of the publication, the official name of the publication will change to tcb: technical services in religion and theology. while the subject heading and classification updates and other sections, including upcoming professional development opportunities and bibliographies, will remain in the new tcb, new content will be developed and sought, covering acquisitions, collection management, and other areas of technical services. additionally, we will introduce a new section wherein our readers will have the opportunity to offer reviews of open source and proprietary software used by library technical services. the goal is to continue providing the information you count on, as well as news, practices, and opportunities for all technical services professionals. to help us prepare for the january 2022 changes, we invite you to consider writing for tcb, either by submitting a piece to perspectives & practices, reviewing software implemented by your library, or providing a first-hand account of a training or other professional development event you’ve participated in. you can find out more about how to submit to tcb by visiting serials.atla. com/tcb/about/submissions. you may also email the editorial board with your feedback and questions at we look forward to hearing from you and receiving your contributions. tcb will remain a publication that focuses on the needs of technical services professionals, transforming from a publication for catalogers of materials in religion and theology to one that addresses the interests of all technical services staff who may be working with materials in religion and theology. –the editors 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 lcc from september 2020–october 2020 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 09 (september 18) and 10 (october 16). class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism doctrines. theology other special topics and relations to special subjects, a-z bl1215.e44 elections class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.a43 aging class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.l45 lhao vo table bs5 african languages, a-z bs325.g57 gisiga table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.k193 kandawo table bs5 christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 7 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4355.4 franciscan sisters of st. aloysius gonzaga table bx18 class gr folklore by subject nature animals, plants, and minerals mythical animals, plants, and minerals mythical animals. monsters special, a-z [gr830.h672] horses, winged see gr830.w57 class hd industries. land use. labor special industries and trades agricultural industries hd9334 halal food industry table h20 class kbp                               islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه                                    schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب                                         schools and authors affiliated with a particular school                                              sunnī schools                                                   ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. طبقات، الحنفي، الحنفية individual authors, a-z kbp300.m343                                  mahdī al-ʻabbāsī, muḥammad ibn muḥammad, 1827  or 1828-1897 or 1898. مهدي العباسي، محمد بن محمد table k4                                                   shāfiʻī. shāfiʻīyah. الشافعي، الشافعية individual authors, a-z kbp330.a78                                     ʻarūsī, muṣṭafá ibn muḥammad, 1798 or 1799-1876. table k4 عروسي، مصطفى بن محمد 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 class nd sculpture special subjects religious subjects special, a-z nb1912.h36                           hanumān (hindu deity) class p philology. linguistics communication. mass media special aspects relation to special groups of people, a-z p94.5.j48-.j482 jews table p1 class pc romance philology and languages spanish language linguistic geography. dialects, etc. dialects. provincialisms, etc. by region, province, etc. pc4813-4813.95 jewish spanish (ladino) and hakétia language and literature table p-pz15a cancel pc4813-4813.95 jewish spanish (ladino) and hakétia language and                                                               literature table p-pz15a modified [pc4813.5-.9] literature [pc4813.9.a-z] individual authors or works, a-z subarrange individual authors by table p-pz40 subarrange individual works by table p-pz43 pc4813.9.g39 gayus, eliya table p-pz40 pc4813.9.h35 habib, moiz table p-pz40 pc4813.9.k37                                                   ḳarmonah, eliyah, 1869-1931 table p-pz40 pc4813.9.l48 levi, moiz table p-pz40 9 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class pj oriental philology and literature arabic literature individual authors or works omayyad period, 660-750 pj7700.k53                              khālid ibn ṣafwān al-qannāṣ, active 8th century table p-pz40 1801-2000 r pj7860.u775                                rushayd, ʻabd al-ʻazīz table p-pz40 class pk indo-iranian philology and literature modern indo-aryan languages particular languages and dialects, a-z bihari dialects maithili (tirhutia) literature individual authors or works pk1818.9.m554                                          miśra, baladeva, 1890-1975 table p-pz40 hindi, urdu, hindustani literatures hindi, hindustani literature individual authors or works 1900-1960, a-z pk2098.a5515                                      ānanda, mulkarāja śarmā, 1887-1967 table p-pz40 prakrit literature individual authors or works, a-z [pk5013.k68]                    koūhala see pk5013.k8 pk5013.k8                         kutūhala table p-pz40 class pn motion pictures other special topics, a-z [pn1995.9.e952] experience (religion) see pn1995.9.r4 pn1995.9.r4 religion cancel pn1995.9.r4 religion including religious experience 10 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 class z libraries library science. information science classes of libraries, a-z z675.p484 philosophy libraries 15 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 leslie engelson is metadata librarian at murray state university. professional development opportunities by leslie engelson original cataloging of archives using rda participants in this hands-on workshop will learn about the chief source of information, physical description, primary access point, and choice of additional access points, and appropriate marc fixed and variable fields for archives resources, as well as subject headings. september 24-26, 2019 $99-$349 growing, developing, and retaining dynamic staff learn how to nurture and develop library staff (whether they be full-time, part-time, student workers, or volunteers) through staff development and a healthy culture. october 7-november 1, 2019 $175 introduction to rdf participants will be introduced to basic concepts of the rdf framework. working with an xml representation, they will create simple rdf resource descriptions and will be introduced to the fundamentals of semantic vocabularies and ontologies in rdfs, skos, and owl. october 7-november 1, 2019 $175 talking the talk: professional and personal communication strategies focusing on personality type, gender, age, socio-economics, listening, and virtual and face-to-face communications, participants will learn ways to improve interpersonal communication. october 22, 2019 $75-$100 introduction to technical services in special collections students attending this course will understand best practices, legal responsibilities, and ethical considerations in special collections. topics covered include collection development, collection management, cataloging and processing of special collections, and digitization functions. november 4-29, 2019 $175 rare books cataloging participants will learn how to apply descriptive cataloging of rare materials (books) rules while understanding the principles underlying rare books cataloging, the concept of the ideal copy, and specialized access points. november 19-21, 2019 $99-$349 _goback theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-2 as well as the need for and importance of research. you can read it online at the ccq web site ( what does this mean for you? ms. carlyle suggests several ways that all of us can participate in this endeavor: generate and share inspiring research ideas; do your own research; present and publish your research; encourage and support others doing research (fill out those email surveys); read research papers and articles on bibliographic control; organize a research program or other event on bibliographic control at a conference you attend; spread the word—let everyone interested in cataloging, catalogs, metadata, bibliographic control of any sort know about it; attend programs on cataloging research at ala and other conferences. library of congress publications available on the record report recommendations the library of congress should pursue over the next four years: report to the associate librarian for library services. (pdf, dated september 15, 2009, this report was prepared by the otr report implementation working group, co-chaired by regina reynolds and bruce knarr. it is a planning document detailing the projects, contingent projects, and areas of investigation recommended for action by lc over the next four years. library of congress study of the north american marc records marketplace. (pdf, dated october 2009, this study was prepared by ruth fischer and rick lugg of r2 consulting llc. this forty-seven page study analyzes the results of surveys in order to assess the current patterns of creation and distribution of marc records in the u.s. and canada with regard to economic factors, sufficiency and redundancy of production, and incentives and barriers to production. selected articles from current library journals baca, murtha, and elizabeth o’keefe. “sharing standards and expertise in the early 21st century: moving toward a collaborative, ‘cross-community’ model for metadata creation.” international cataloguing and bibliographic control 38, no. 4 (october/december 2009): 59-67. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg conser funnel program underway in january, five atla members traveled to boston for a one-day conser training event designed to introduce them to the practices and policies governing the conser program. following this training, the participants received conser authorizations and library of congress control numbers (lccn) for use in their serials cataloging. to date, three trainees have begun submitting serial records for review. as of march 2010, two new records and two updated records have been entered into oclc. many more serial records are in the review process. look for atla member symbols in the o40 field of religious serials on oclc. you will soon begin seeing them there. ―submitted by judy knop, atla conser funnel coordinator naco and conser roundtables atla annual conference (june 2010, louisville, ky) if you have an interest in joining your colleagues in either the naco or conser funnel programs, or you just want to know more about the programs, please come to the roundtables. the naco roundtable is being held on thursday at 2 pm and the conser roundtable is being held on friday at 1 pm. ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco and conser funnels coordinator naco funnel member achieves independence michael bradford, serials and electronic resources librarian at harvard divinity school, has successfully passed the test required for achievement of independence in the creation and updating of corporate, conference and geographic names in the national name authority file on oclc. way to go michael! ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco funnel coordinator atla conference june 2010 technical services tuesday (june 15) 7 9 pm technical services pre-conference gathering topic: local opacs. 7 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s lcc from november 2019–february 2020 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2019 list numbers 11 (november 18) and 12 (december 16) and 2020 list numbers 01 ( january 20) and 02 (february 17). class b philosophy (general) ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country india special topics, a-z b132.g63 god class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.h67 hospitality     history and principles of religions european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.h53 hero and leander [bl820.l32] leander and hero see bl820.h53   asian. oriental by religion hinduism hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.i65-.i654 indrāṇī table bl7 bl1225.u33-.u334 uddhava table bl7   by region or country china special topics, a-z bl1812.m37 mass media ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. 9 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s 8 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n other special topics, a-z [bm729.o42] odors see bm729.s53 bm729.s53 smell cancel bm729.s53 smell. odors class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼan. koran works about the qurʼan special topics, a-z [bp134.e532] embryology, human see bp134.h83 bp134.h83 human embryology the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. صوفية monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.s527-.s5272 sharqāwīyah. شرقاوية table bp3 topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.t35 takfīr. تكفير bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.v57 visions class bq buddhism buddhist pantheon others, a-z bq4890.s55-.s554 shinra myōjin table bq12 modifications, schools, etc. special modifications, sects, etc. zen buddhism rinzai biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq9399.k64-.k649 kōgetsu sōgan, 1574-1643 table bq8   india special topics, a-z bl2015.d53 dialogue   individual religions sikhism. sikh religion special sects, modifications, etc., a-z bl2018.7.m56 mina history and principles of religions african egyptian ancient egypt special deities and topics, a-z bl2450.h26 hapi by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.j65 jola-felupe class bm judaism sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.d75 drinking bm496.9.p43 peace judaism halakhah. הלכה general and comparative works on specific areas of the law as defined by shulḥan ʻarukh yoreh deʻah law. יורה דעה special topics, a-z bm523.5.y37 yashan ישן practical judaism liturgy and ritual special elements of the liturgy, a-z bm670.b43 bedtime shema. ḳeriʼat shemaʻ ʻal ha-miṭah. קריאת שמע על המטה table bm6 [bm670.k47] ḳeriʼat shemaʻ ʻal ha-miṭah see bm670.b43 11 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s 10 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n class bv practical theology missions missions in individual countries africa by region or country other regions or countries, a-z bv3625.s68-.s682 south sudan table bv5 class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of men bx3479 congregation of the holy family of nazareth table bx18 biography and portraits individual other, a-z bx4705.p3786 patachich, gábor christian denominations other protestant denominations baptists relations with other churches, a-z bx6329.p46 pentecostal churches methodism individual branches of methodists united methodist church (united states). methodist church (united states). methodist episcopal church special topics, a-z bx8385.s49 sex mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.r33 race relations bx8643.w45 well-being pentecostal churches individual branches bx8777.25 true jesus church table bx3 class br christianity history by region or country america north america canada and british america (general) by race or ethnic group, a-z br582.b53 blacks class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs195.r48-.r482 revised new jerusalem table bs2 non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.e96 ewondo table bs5 bs325.g798 gungu table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.d87 dupaninan agta table bs5 the bible old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.r395 rest class bt doctrinal theology history of specific doctrines and movements. heresies and schisms by period modern, 1517bt1477 inochentism 13 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s 12 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n class p philology. linguistics communication. mass media special aspects relation to special groups of people, a-z [p94.5.f332] faith healers see p94.5.h43-.h432 p94.5.h43-.h432 healers table p1 including faith healers, spiritual healers, etc. [p94.5.s782] spiritual healers see p94.5.h43-.h432 other, a-z p96.h42-.h422 healers table p1 cancel (p96.h42-.h422) healers including faith healers, spiritual healers, etc. cancel see p94.5.h43-.h432 class pg slavic. baltic. albanian russian literature collections of russian literature special topics, a-z pg3205.a84 atheism class pk indo-iranian philology and literature modern indo-aryan languages particular languages and dialects, a-z bengali literature individual authors through 1960 tagore, rabindranath, 1861-1941 criticism special topics, a-z pk1727.m88 muslims class pn literature (general) theory. philosophy. esthetics relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects other special topics, a-z pn56.p58 prayer shakers. united society of believers. millennial church other topics, a-z bx9789.a47 aesthetics class ds israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.g48 geula class hq the family. marriage. home family size family planning. birth control abortion religious aspects individual religions and denominations christianity hq767.36 russian orthodox church. russkaia ͡pravoslavnaia ͡tse͡rkovʹ class kbu law of the roman catholic church. the holy see local church government by region or country africa kbu4589.5 eswatini (2018) table kb4 class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art christian art special subjects apostles. saints special apostles or saints, a-z n8080.t47 thecla, saint 15 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s 14 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n seeking and finding information. information retrieval information filtering systems za3083 general works research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval information filtering systems za3084 recommender systems cancel seeking and finding information. information retrieval information filtering systems za3084 recommender systems research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval information filtering systems za3085 filter bubbles cancel seeking and finding information. information retrieval information filtering systems za3085 filter bubbles za3085.5 information resources management. knowledge management including information overload [za3088-3090] information literacy za3088 general za3088.5.a-z special groups, a-z za3088.5.c65 college students za3088.5.h54 high school students za3088.5.s34 school children [za3273-3274] information organization for information organization in general see z666.5 za3273 general works za3274 metadata class here metadata theory in general [za3274] cf. z666.7-.73 metadata in libraries class z libraries library science. information science information organization metadata [z666.7-.73] cf. za3274 metadata theory (information resources) the collections. the books special classes of materials other classes, a-z z692.d37 data sets class za information resources (general) za3073 information ethics. moral and ethical aspects of information use [za3075-3080] research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval cancel [za3075-3080] seeking and finding information. information retrieval including information behavior and information literacy cancel including information behavior research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval za3075 general works cancel seeking and finding information. information retrieval za3075 general works research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval za3080 juvenile works cancel seeking and finding information. information retrieval za3080 juvenile works research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval [za3083-3085] information filtering systems cancel seeking and finding information. information retrieval [za3083-3085] information filtering systems research. seeking and finding information. information retrieval information filtering systems za3083 general works cancel 16 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n tables table bx16 table for individual catholic religious orders (56 numbers) history by region or country europe other european regions or countries, a-z bx16 45.b28 balkan peninsula table z1 national bibliography. imprints literature (general) special topics, a-z z1 14.f37 fasts and feasts 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary. open access and open educational resources compiled by anna appleman coyne, aisling, and robert alfis. “open educational resource policy considerations and recommendations: arguments for library involvement,” irish journal of academic practice 9, no. 2 (2021): 1–17. doi: hughes, barnaby. “hope in an age of inequality: catholic commitments to open access journal publishing.” the catholic library world 92, no. 2 (december 2021): 101–112. jahn, najko, lisa matthias, and mikael laakso. “toward transparency of hybrid open access through publisher-provided metadata: an article-level study of elsevier.” journal of the association for information science & technology 73, no. 1 (january 2022): 104–18. doi: key, cara m. “an xml-based migration from digital commons to open journal systems.” code4lib journal, no. 52 (september 22, 2021). laakso, mikael, lisa matthias, and najko jahn. “open is not forever: a study of vanished open access journals.” journal of the association for information science and technology 72, no. 9 (september 2021): 1099–1112. doi: mortimore, jeffrey m., and dawn (nikki) cannon-rech. “there’s no place like home: hosting dynamic oer in the library cms.” against the grain 33, no. 2 (april 2021): 20–21. parker, jeanette a. “open education resources and the academic library.” the christian librarian: 64, no. 2 (2021): 114–121. schultz, teresa auch, and elena azadbakht. “open but not for all: a survey of open educational resource librarians on accessibility.” college & research libraries 82, no. 5 (july 2021): 755–69. doi: subaveerapandiyan, a., ghouse modin nabeesab mamdapur, and k. yohapriya. “digital publishing habits, perceptions of open access publishing and other access publishing: across continents survey study.” library philosophy and practice (june 2021): 1–20. 1 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s lc headings from june 2020–august 2020 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 6 ( june 12), 7 ( july 17), and 8 (august 14). subject headings 150 anansi (legendary character) cancel heading [sp 85004799 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020051105 150 andir (dance) [may subd geog] [sp2020005562] 053 gv1796.a69 550 bt dance--indonesia 150 basilicas (roman architecture)--greece [sp2020001125] 110 bethesda pentecostal church (new york, n.y. : building) [sp2020001130] 410 uf bushwick democratic club (new york, n.y. : building) 550 bt church buildings--new york (state) 550 bt clubhouses--new york (state) 150 borān kammaṭṭhāna (buddhism) [sp2020000601] 053 bq5630.b67 450 uf boran kammathan (buddhism) 450 uf boran kammatthan (buddhism) 450 uf borān yogāvacara kammaṭṭhāna (buddhism) 450 uf dhammakāya meditation (buddhism) 550 bt buddhism--doctrines 550 bt meditation--buddhism 150 cataloging of music [may subd geog] [sp 85020869 ] 550 rt medium of performance thesaurus for music, library of congress add field 150 christian study centers [may subd geog] [sp2020000600] 450 uf study centers, christian 550 bt community centers 550 bt religious facilities christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 150 confucianism--functionaries [sp2020002251] 450 uf confucian functionaries 450 uf confucian religious functionaries 450 uf confucianism--clergy 550 bt clergy 150 duryodhana (hindu mythology) cancel heading [sp 85040064 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading duryodhana (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2020240636 150 duryodhana (hindu mythology) in literature cancel heading [sp2009030092] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading duryodhana (hindu mythological character)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 dvarasakhas [may subd geog] [sp2020005468] 450 uf dvara-shakhas 450 uf dvarashakhas 450 uf dwara-sakhas 550 bt buddhist architecture 550 bt doorframes 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt jaina architecture 150 elders (indigenous leaders) [may subd geog] [sp2020006331] 450 uf aboriginal elders (indigenous leaders) 450 uf elders, aboriginal (indigenous leaders) 450 uf elders, tribal (indigenous leaders) 450 uf indigenous leaders 450 uf leaders, indigenous 450 uf leaders, tribal 450 uf tribal elders (indigenous leaders) 550 bt indigenous peoples 550 bt persons 680 here are entered works on indigenous persons whose wisdom about spirituality, culture, and life is recognized by their people, and who ensure that traditions are taught and maintained. 150 elders (indigenous leaders)--alaska [sp2020006625] 150 elders (indigenous leaders)--canada [sp2020006624] 150 elders (indigenous leaders), aboriginal australian [may subd geog] [sp2020005547] 450 uf aboriginal australian elders (indigenous leaders) 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 elders (indigenous leaders), maori [may subd geog] [sp2020005548] 450 uf maori elders (indigenous leaders) 151 girirāja (india) [sp 90002485 ] 451 uf govardhana hill (india) add field 451 uf govardhan hill (india) add field 451 uf mount govardhan (india) add field 451 uf mount govardhana (india) add field 451 uf royal hill (india) add field 150 guardian angels in art [not subd geog] [sp2020000634] 150 healing of the deaf man (miracle) [sp2020000168] 053 bt367.h37 450 uf deaf man, healing of the (miracle) 450 uf deaf-mute, healing of the (miracle) 450 uf healing of the deaf-mute (miracle) 500 bt jesus christ--miracles 150 hevel (the hebrew word) [sp 94002944 ] 450 uf hebel (the hebrew word) add field 150 host of heaven [sp2020005563] 450 uf heavenly host 550 bt angels 550 bt judaism--doctrines 550 bt theology, doctrinal 150 hypostyle halls [may subd geog] [sp2020005893] 450 uf hypostyle rooms 450 uf hypostyles 450 uf pillared halls 550 bt rooms 150 indian elders (indigenous leaders) [may subd geog] [sp2020005527] 550 bt elders (indigenous leaders) 150 indian women elders (indigenous leaders) [may subd geog] [sp2020005528] 450 uf women elders (indigenous leaders), indian 550 bt elders (indigenous leaders) 550 bt indian women 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 150 inuit elders (indigenous leaders) [may subd geog] [sp2020005539] 450 uf elders (indigenous leaders), inuit 550 bt elders (indigenous leaders)--alaska 550 bt elders (indigenous leaders)--canada 550 bt elders (indigenous leaders)--greenland 150 jaina relief (sculpture) [may subd geog] [sp2020005462] 450 uf relief (sculpture), jaina 550 bt jaina sculpture 150 jewish superheroes [may subd geog] [sp2020000616] 550 bt superheroes 110 julian basilica (corinth, greece) [sp2020001112] 410 uf east building (corinth, greece) 550 bt basilicas (roman architecture)--greece 551 bt greece--antiquities 150 liaison librarians [may subd geog] [sp2020005933] 550 bt librarians 150 lokapālas (buddhist deities) in art [not subd geog] [sp2020005788] 150 makara cancel heading [sp 85079987 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading makara (hindu mythological character) (dlc)no2020068587 150 medium of performance thesaurus for music, library of congress [sp2020000928] 450 uf lc medium of performance terms for music 450 uf lcmpt (library of congress medium of performance thesaurus for music) 450 uf library of congress medium of performance terms for music 450 uf library of congress medium of performance thesaurus for music 450 uf medium of performance terms for music, library of congress 450 uf musical medium of performance terms, library of congress 550 bt authority files (information retrieval) 550 rt cataloging of music 150 métis elders (indigenous leaders) [may subd geog] [sp2020005538] 450 uf elders (indigenous leaders), métis 550 bt elders (indigenous leaders)--canada 150 mut (egyptian deity) cancel heading [sp2007008918] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2020021031 5 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 pendentives [may subd geog] [sp2020005425] 550 bt architecture--details 150 phaethon (greek mythology) cancel heading [sp 85100542 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading phaethon (greek deity) (dlc)no2020068619 150 phaethon (greek mythology) in literature cancel heading [sp2012000004] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading phaethon (greek deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 relief (sculpture), hindu change heading 150 hindu relief (sculpture) [may subd geog] [sp 88000323 ] 450 uf relief (sculpture), hindu [former heading] 550 bt hindu sculpture 150 saint lucy's day [may subd geog] [sp2020005534] 450 uf saint lucia's day 450 uf st. lucia's day 450 uf st. lucy's day 550 bt fasts and feasts 550 bt holidays 150 triton (greek deity) cancel heading [sp2002011037] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020057800 150 uddhava (hindu mythology) cancel heading [sp2009030073] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading uddhava (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2019243697 150 uddhava (hindu mythology) in literature cancel heading [sp2009030074] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading uddhava (hindu mythological character)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 150 xiezhi [may subd geog] [sp2020005866] 450 uf haechi 450 uf haetae 450 uf haitai 450 uf jiezhì 450 uf justice animal 450 uf kaichi 450 uf shenyang 450 uf shin'yō 450 uf unicorn-lion 450 uf xie zhi 450 uf zhi (mythical animal) 550 bt animals, mythical 550 bt mythology, east asian genre/form terms 155 easter poetry [gp2020026052] 555 bt poetry 1 7 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s establishing and assessing a textbook collection by jennifer hughes as university faculty and librarians work together to find temporary and long-term solutions for providing affordable resources to students, many are exploring the benefits of open educational resources (oers), inclusive resources in the library’s collection, and textbook collections. like many academic libraries, coastal carolina university’s long-standing collection development policy specifically stated that textbooks would not be purchased by the library, and the only textbooks made available on course reserve were provided by the professor. however, when the university established internal grant funding to support student achievement and success, establishing a textbook collection seemed like an effective way to promote the need for affordable learning initiatives on campus while also providing a temporary solution that would be of immediate benefit to students. we were awarded $22,000 to be used to establish a textbook collection over a two-year period (2018–20). in an effort to maximize the collection’s impact on students, we decided to focus on purchasing textbooks for high-drop/fail/withdrawal (dfw) courses and core curriculum classes. in order to begin our selection process, i first obtained lists of course dfw rates, core curriculum course designations, and course enrollment numbers. i then met with the campus bookstore manager to discuss affordable learning initiatives that would benefit our students. as part of that conversation, she agreed to send us a weekly list of all textbook adoptions for the library to consider purchasing. once we established our textbook wish list, individual titles were reviewed to determine purchase eligibility. unfortunately, electronic textbook restrictions, online access codes, and personal workbooks made it impossible to purchase many of the books being used in the courses. that said, we decided it was best to purchase the textbooks we selected directly from our campus bookstore. not only did it foster an environment of goodwill on campus but, by using her purchasing card, the acquisitions specialist was able to buy items directly from the shelves and eliminate shipping time. our collections department is critically understaffed, and we weighed the benefits of having the textbooks fully cataloged by our only cataloger over allowing multiple circulation staff to create brief cataloging records for the textbooks as if they were regular course reserves. though that would have reduced the time for items to become shelf-ready, we decided to have our cataloger process the books and create full records. not only would the full records improve discoverability, they would also provide us with more flexibility for updating the location during periods when the books no longer needed to be included in the textbook collection. as evidence of the collection’s popularity, the circulation stats for our course reserve and textbook collection can be used to show that there was an increase in usage after we began purchasing textbooks in 2018: 2017–18 course reserves 4314 checkouts 2018–19 course reserves + textbook collection 4916 checkouts 2019–20 course reserves + textbook collection 4368 checkouts (july–march only due to covid-19) students’ heavy utilization of the textbook collection in fall 2018 caught the eye of a local donor who gifted us an additional $18,000 to expand this collection! for those funds, we accepted acquisijennifer hughes is associate university librarian at coastal carolina university. 1 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 tion requests from students through a whiteboard survey, asking them which textbooks we should buy. we received 150 responses in a two-week period! although we did purchase many of these texts, we were also able to secure at least one-third of them by asking professors to provide a copy for course reserves. many of the professors were surprised that their students were interested in having a copy of the text placed in the library, and, by reaching out to the professors, we were able to talk to them about the cost of textbooks, oers, library resources, and other ways the library can support affordable learning. the conversations also prompted some faculty members to submit additional textbook acquisition requests from this fund. in addition to the usage data, we obtained qualitative data from a whiteboard survey question that asked students how access to the textbooks benefited them. students repeatedly reported how much money the library saved them! a few also commented about the convenience of having a book in the library so they didn’t have to carry their own book to campus. as a condition of the internal grant requirements, we also wanted to measure the collection’s impact on student success by providing a list of students who checked out textbooks to our campus office of institutional research. they found that students who checked out course textbooks from the library were less likely to fail or withdraw from their courses than those students who did not. similar success was found at the course level as well. during the first semester of the textbook collection, our university saw a half-percent reduction in the dfw rate for all courses, but courses with material available in kimbel library saw a 3.12% reduction. fall 2018 total # of grades dfw rate grades associated with checkouts 461 16.92% grades not associated with checkouts 14,250 22.31% % change in dfw rate fall 2017–fall 2018 university-wide -.50% courses with materials in textbook collection -3.12% all of the data showed that our textbook collection was a success! it was heavily utilized, obtained great interest from students and donors, and promoted student success. but when i looked closer at our numbers, i was disheartened to learn that over half the textbooks we purchased were never checked out. when i compared the textbook circulation statistics to the use of newly purchased books in our general collection, however, i found that textbooks were utilized significantly more than the print books added to our general collection during the same time period. collection textbooks purchased with grant funding (dfw; core courses) textbooks purchased with donation funds (student requested) print books in the general collection spending 2018–20 $20,767 $7,500 $59,869 # of items purchased 2018–20 223 77 968 items with no checkouts 117 (52%) 54 (70%) 747 (77%) 1 9 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s collection textbooks purchased with grant funding (dfw; core courses) textbooks purchased with donation funds (student requested) print books in the general collection # of checkouts 1465 179 359 cost per use (spending/ checkouts) $14.18 $41.90 $166.77 the use of the print collections is certainly something to further explore as we make purchase decisions and continue the conversations with professors about the use of course specific library resources. given the high turnover in textbook adoptions for courses, it is not financially feasible to purchase the newest edition of textbooks each semester as a long-term strategy. however, it does seem that the textbook collection provides a temporary solution at the time of need for students. it also serves as a gateway for conversations throughout the campus about ways to make learning resources more affordable for students. news • p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e lo p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s 6 leslie engelson is metadata librarian at murray state university. professional development opportunities by leslie a. engelson a compass for the digital frontier learn common practices and approaches to digital preservation in this series of three webinars. topics covered include understanding the core concepts in digital preservation, how digital preservation can benefit the institution, selection criteria, and resources for further learning. october 16-30, 2019 $43-$310 fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions electronic resources are complex to manage. this course provides an overview of the relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and libraries as well as what you need to know to acquire, provide access to, administer, support, and monitor access to these resources. november 4-december 6, 2019 $109-$139 implementing linked library data look at next steps for linking data from multiple initiatives. practical tips and strategies to build on modules created by other information professionals will be provided. november 13, 2019 $49-$135 testing for accessibility: free tools to assess the accessibility of online resources using freely available tools, this class will help participants test a website, electronic resource, platform, and other online content for its adherence to accessibility standards. common standards and best practices will also be reviewed. november 20, 2019 $75-$100 7 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • o c to b e r 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 4 cataloging related works and expressions learn how to include related, derivative, accompanying, and sequential works and expressions, as well as whole--part resources, in monograph cataloging including using relationship designators from rda appendix j. december 17, 2019 $59-$209 beyond the basics: cataloging dvds, blu-ray discs, and streaming videos this course will help catalogers understand how cataloging audiovisual resources differs from cataloging other formats, how to code fixed fields, which variable fields to use, and the challenges in classifying audiovisual resources. january 6-31, 2020 $175 practical digital preservation on a shoestring: triage for the underfunded with a focus on low-cost and free tools and services, this course will discuss a practical workflow for triaging and preserving digital materials including electronic resources as well as cds, flash drives, and floppy disks. january 28-29, 2020 $150-$175 23 b i b l i o g r a p h y linked data compiled by anna appleman davis, kelly. 2019. "old metadata in a new world: standardizing the getty provenance index for linked data." art libraries journal 44, no. 4 (october): 162–6. diane, rasmussen pennington and laura cagnazzo. 2019. "connecting the silos." journal of documentation 75, no. 3: 643–6. díaz-corona, dayany, javier lacasta, miguel ángel latre, f. javier zarazaga-soria, and javier nogueras-iso. 2019. “profiling of knowledge organisation systems for the annotation of linked data cultural resources.” information systems 84 (september): 17–28. gonzález, pedro urra. 2019. "a strategy for integrating printed catalog cards from three cuban libraries into the open linked data space." library trends 67, no. 4 (spring): 713–28. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 3-3 lyrasis summit on the future of cataloging lyrasis convened a summit meeting of leading academic library directors to discuss the future of cataloging. the summit was held in atlanta on may 26, 2010. a summary of the event was prepared by arnold hirshon (lyrasis chief strategist and executive consultant), and is available in pdf form at it%20report%20distrib.ashx. chris schwartz (metadata librarian, princeton theological seminary) recently posted her observations on the report on her blog, cataloging futures— take a look now at selected articles from current library journals han, myung-ja, and patricia hswe. “the evolving role of the metadata librarian: competencies found in job descriptions.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 3 (july 2010): 129-141. howarth, lynne c., leslie moor, and elisa sze. “mountain to molehills: the past, present, and future of cataloging backlogs.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 5 (2010): 423-444. kiczek, steven a. “thomas mann’s contributions to current library debates on cataloging and bibliographic control.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 5 (2010): 450471. wu, annie, and anne m. mitchell. “mass management of e-book catalog records: approaches, challenges, and solutions.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 3 (july 2010): 164-174. 15 news did you know…? by leslie a. engelson update on 3r completion project the 3r work on the english language version of the lrm-based rda toolkit is complete. the current beta site will become the official site on december 15, 2020. while an end date for the original rda toolkit site has not been announced, an agreement for the start of the year-long countdown clock to begin will be determined sometime in 2021. both the evaluation, writing, and review of policy statements and the resumption of a way to submit proposals to improve rda are the factors that will influence when the countdown clock will start. when the switchover takes place, the url for the lrm-based rda toolkit will become access.rdatoolkit. org and the url for the current version will become libraries will then have over two years to become familiar with the new version of rda before the original version is removed from the web. to read the full announcement, visit worldcat validation on november 14, 2019, oclc installed changes to worldcat validation, including the following new features and enhancements: • oclc-marc validations of new marc codes that were announced in the may 31, june 28, july 19, august 9, september 13, and october 4 and 11, 2019 technical notices. • oclc-marc bibliographic update 2019, part two. • oclc-marc authority update 2019, part two, to the validation rule set that includes all valid elements of marc 21 authority format. • oclc-marc holdings update 2019, part two. • more bibliographic fields that may be added to or edited in non-conser pcc records. bug fixes include: • correction of relationship rules between bibliographic field 022 first indicator and the presence of field 042. • correction of relationship of authority field 034 subfield $2 to the cartographic data source codes list. • correction of bibliographic field 040 subfield $b to not repeatable. • correction of validation for marc authentication action code “lacderived”. • correction of validation error when issn is bracketed in bibliographic field 490 subfield $x. visit for links to the technical notices for the new marc codes as well as source codes lists. leslie engelson is metadata librarian at murray state university. 16 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin no more support for windows 7 due to microsoft no longer supporting windows 7, as of january 1, 2020, oclc no longer supports connexion client or the label program on windows 7. if you use these programs and have not upgraded to windows 10, it is time to do so in order to have continued support, updates, and fixes for these products. uris in marc pilot characterized by paul frank as a “ground-breaking pilot”, the pcc launched a pilot program to “road test” the work that several pcc task groups have done to develop the concepts and policies around linked data. primarily, participants will be adding identifiers to bibliographic and/or naco authority records and will test and develop pcc best practices. a call for participants went out in october and the kickoff meeting was on december 3, 2019. the pilot is estimated to last for six months and will be reevaluated by the pcc policy committee to determine if an extension is needed. in addition to the 35 institutions involved in the pilot, the steering group includes members from the linked data advisory committee, the standing committee on applications, the standing committee on standards, the pcc task group on identity management in naco, and oclc. news 16 report on the cc:da meeting at ala annual, june 2019 by donna j. wells the committee on cataloging: description and access (cc:da) met at the ala annual conference june 22 and june 24, 2019. the following is a summary of the presentations. report from the chair cc:da is up for a mandatory 5-year review to continue as an association for library collections & technical services (alcts), cataloging and metadata management section (camms) committee. the submitted report explains the reason for the committee and its ongoing work to demonstrate its value as a committee to the greater alcts body. also, the chair reported that the chair of the virtual participation task force had resigned so that committee was seeking members and this will obviously delay testing this process. report from library of congress more detailed information is available at lc hosted a large pavilion in the vendor area which looked like a replica of their building. employees staffed the pavilion during assigned ‘office hours’ to answer questions on their area of expertise. there were also scheduled presentations throughout the conference at the site. open houses, special events, and tours were also offered to conference attendees with free shuttles to and from the events. lc is seeking a 6.8% budget increase mainly for infrastructure, technological improvements, and developing better patron services. approximately 50 lc catalogers are currently participating in bibframe pilot phase 2 with the expectation of 60 more, some from overseas, to participate by the end of the fiscal year. the national governments of the republic of macedonia and swaziland recently changed the names of their countries to north macedonia and eswatini, respectively. the policy, training, and cooperative programs division (ptcp) undertook projects to update the lc/naf, lcsh, and lcc to reflect the new country names. a project is underway to cancel “multiple” subdivisions. those are the subdivisions such as french [italian, etc.], and christianity [buddhism, etc.]. these strings will now be established individually. the continued existence of a multiple subdivision for a particular topic cannot be assumed. it is therefore imperative that lcsh be searched at all times, in order to determine whether the multiple has been cancelled. catalogers may remember the multiples birth control--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] and birth control--religious aspects--baptists, [catholic church, etc.], for example. they were cancelled in may and replaced by 20 individual authority records. because the multiple was cancelled, all headings of the type birth control--religious aspects--[religion or christian denomination] must have an authority record; that is, donna wells is associate director and head of technical services at southeastern baptist theological seminary. she currently serves as the atla liaison to the cc:da. 17 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 they must be proposed as needed. ptcp will inform the community of its progress on the project by updating the spreadsheet on the multiples cancellation project website: multiplescancellationproject.html report from the north american rda committee (nardac) the committee members made several presentations to ala members to help explain the new versions of rda, reviewed and commented on documents from regional rda committees, and worked in an advisory capacity to rsc (rda steering committee) regarding the 3r (rda restructure & redesign) project. report from the pcc (program for cooperative cataloging) additional information is available at phase i of the limited use of isbd punctuation in bibliographic records has been implemented. pcc libraries now have the option of omitting terminal periods of descriptive fields. the guidelines are on the pcc website: phase ii, allowing pcc libraries to omit punctuation between subfields of descriptive fields, will be implemented after the ala annual conference. report from the rda restructure & redesign (3r ) task force this committee has been very busy since mid-winter. they began by exploring the beta version of rda by taking one bibliographic and one authority record and attempting to find the rda guidelines that justified each part of the descriptions. this exercise sent many far and wide through rda as the links were explored. then began a more systematic examination of the beta rda, beginning with reading and commenting on the introduction to rda, recording methods, and resource description sections. participants were encouraged to follow links and then follow links from the links. since everyone followed different links, they were able to cover a lot of ground through beta rda. comments ran the gamut from discovery of typos to high-level discussions. it is evident that all the comments were read and considered, since they all received responses from rsc. it is also evident that many of the comments resulted in beneficial changes to the text and structure of the beta rda. for example, a major change that appears to have stemmed from a comment from the task force was the addition of a guidance chapter on user tasks. a youtube channel for rda information and training is available at ucd5pa3aoqir17wese9yhcnw/ presentation from the rda steering committee (rsc) the title of the presentation was “rda in english is stable: now what?” the english test of rda is finished and the text now goes to translators. there are 3500 files of text. the translation will occur in steps: first the glossary, then headings, boiler plates (repeated phrases), then the remaining text. rda is currently published in seven languages and the updated version will have nine different translations. the two new languages are hungarian and arabic. policy statements are currently under review. it is a complex, backstage process. some elements of the new rda have no marc equivalents. so much work done, so much more to do. news 18 presentation from k ate james of lc on the use of non-human personages in rda rda will not allow non-human characters as nomen. these include such things as animals as authors, such as koko (gorilla) and fictional characters such as jessica fletcher (a tv character). these should be a 700 entry instead. new fields will be created to designate specificity, i.e. animal, non-human, etc. future work and plans of cc:da richard guajardo volunteered to be co-chair of the virtual participation task force to handle the technical side of the process. he needs a co-chair to set up meetings, do reports, etc. ala is in discussion to restructure the annual mid-winter meeting. news will be forthcoming. a task force was authorized to revise the cc:da procedures which have not been updated since 2011. the 3r task force will submit a sample of a proposal to rsc to test the proposal process in rda. no proposal has been submitted to cc:da for two years since work began on revamping rda. a task force was authorized to investigate the possibility of cc:da implementing training on the use of rda. rsc asks that liaisons to the four groups representing the pseudo-elements in rda solicit help from their organizations to help with their section of rda. the four pseudo-elements are law, music, religion, and official communications. cc:da would like the atla cataloging community to help with the religion section. volunteers for this committee will be consulted by the rsc on issues relating to religious terms, usage, form, etc. in the new rules. i will be happy to chair, coordinate, and report. if anyone is interested, contact me at the next meeting is january 25, 2020 in philadelphia. 3 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • o c to b e r 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 4 lcc from july and august 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from the 2019 list numbers 07 (july 15) and 08 (august 19). class bf occult sciences magic (white and black). shamanism. hermetics. necromancy by race, ethnic group, or country, a-z bf1622.m35 malaysians class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.f56 flora asian. oriental by religion hinduism practice. forms of worship. religious life religious life. spiritual life. discipline festivals. fasts and feasts. days and seasons special, a-z bl1239.82.u43 umālai harāuba class bm judaism practical judaism other special topics, a-z bm729.p43 pets ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union, chicago. new and changed lc classification numbers 4 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.v625 voluntarism class br christianity relation of christianity to other religious and philosophical systems special, a-z br128.k67 korean religions class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.b24 bakwé table bs5 class bt doctrinal theology mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.z3 zapopan (mexico). our lady of zapopan class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. طبقات، الحنفي، الحنفية individual authors, a-z kbp300.m848 mullā, rāʼid ibn ʻabd allāh ibn muḥammad. مال، رائد بن عبد هللا بن محمد table k4 5 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • o c to b e r 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 4 class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art christian art christian symbolism special, a-z n8012.s55 silence class pn drama motion pictures other special topics, a-z pn1995.9.j46 jews cancel pn1995.9.j46 jews including ethnic and religious subgroups, e.g., mizrahim [pn1995.9.m582] mizrahim see pn1995.9.j46 class pt german literature history of german literature by period modern 21st century special topics, a-z pt415.2.m87 muslims class z book industries and trade printing practical printing type and type founding. specimen books by language, a-z z251.h86 hungarian 3 5 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s gathering usage statistics for e-resources at wheaton college by megan m. ruenz usage statistics are an important part of the evaluation process for e-resources of any type: journals, e-books, or databases. providing insight into how resources are used, usage statistics can be helpful in making decisions on whether to renew a resource. usage reports can also show a library’s value to the greater campus and may even be reported in the library’s annual report. the e-resources department at buswell library gathers usage statistics from many vendors in order to evaluate our e-resources. statistics that are reported in counter (counting online usage of networked electronic resources) format are the most desirable because these statistics are the most comparable. the counter organization provides a code of practice that ensures all publishers and vendors report the usage of their electronic resources in a consistent, credible, and comparable way. the most recent release of counter statistics is the release 5, and one of the major enhancements that our library has seen with release 5 is with the “unique” metric that removes duplication and inconsistencies in reporting. not every publisher can provide counter statistics, so, in those cases, buswell library reports the non-counter statistics from publishers. these types of statistics include metrics like tracks of a sound recording played and plays viewed of a streaming video title. since these metrics may not be exactly the same as other metrics that are reported, they must be converted to counter-like statistics as closely as possible to be comparable. until buswell library migrated to alma, gathering usage statistics was quite an involved and manual process. library staff visited every vendor website to gather statistical reports of interest, which we totaled for each publisher/vendor and then manually entered into a master spreadsheet for each report type (tr_j1, tr_b1, dr_d1, and non-counter). the tr_j1 report shows the usage of journal content, excluding gold open access content, on a publisher’s platform. for usage data related to the number of times an e-book is used on a publisher’s platform, the tr_b1 report is the counter report for that material. a dr_d1 report measures the number of database searches. non-counter reports report the usage in non-counter format, meaning the publisher has their own way of recording usage. the master spreadsheet that buswell library enters its usage data into was then used to report statistics for the library’s annual report. because of the time-intensity of this manual process, gathering usage statistics was only done on demand or around the time that the annual report was prepared. our department just didn’t have the staffing resources to gather statistics more frequently. the e-resources department moved to storing vendor administrative credentials in lastpass in 2019. we previously used coral, an open-source electronic resources management tool, for this information, but as we found ourselves using coral less frequently in our daily workflow, the decision was made to switch this information over into lastpass. the lastpass interface is easy to use and allows folders of credentials to be shared with others in the department as needed. in early 2021, the e-resources librarian was able to hire a student worker to help with the gathering of usage statistics while this process was still manual. the student was given access to a shared lastpass folder that housed the vendor administrative credentials and then was trained to retrieve the desired reports. after retrieving reports, the student worked with the data and entered the megan ruenz is the e-resources librarian at wheaton college. 3 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 information into the master spreadsheet. having a student do this work more regularly made this data more readily available to our librarians. a migration to alma in the summer of 2020 changed the way we gather usage statistics. during our first year using alma, we continued to gather usage statistics in the same manner as described above, but, in late spring of 2021, we started to explore how we could use alma to gather our usage data. alma has sushi (standardized usage statistics harvesting initiative) capabilities built into it that allow for the automatic harvesting of usage statistics. the sushi server sends an automated request to the publisher for counter reports over a range of several months. once alma harvests the usage statistics, the counter reports can then be viewed using alma analytics. while there was quite a bit of work involved in setting up sushi harvesting in alma, it has proven to be beneficial to have all of our data in one place to run other analytics as our library needs. to set up sushi in alma, we visited each vendor’s administrative portal to get their sushi credentials. in some cases, sushi credentials can be retrieved directly from the vendor administrative portal with nothing further to do for setup, while other vendors require librarians to contact their customer service department in order to create or distribute sushi credentials for use. once we know the credentials, we could enter them into the vendor record in alma along with the vendor server url. the final sushi setup in the alma vendor record is to select the reports for alma to harvest. alma allows the ability to test the connection with the vendor server before harvesting reports, which is a great feature to have built into the interface. once all the information is in the alma vendor record (figure 1), the last step is to set how often the usage data will be harvested. buswell library harvests monthly since vendors rarely make changes to their usage data mid-month, but data can be harvested weekly if desired. figure 1: sushi setup in alma vendor record 3 7 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s once alma has harvested the counter reports, they can be viewed in the “usage data” tab of the vendor record. in the section titled “uploaded files,” the reports that have been harvested by sushi or uploaded manually (figure 2) are visible. alma retrieves usage data files in json format, which will need to be converted if you wish to view the contents of the report. alma will indicate the status of each report harvested, letting you know if it was fully processed, partially processed, or if it wasn’t processed at all. even though alma does not automatically harvest non-counter reports, this data can be loaded into alma as well. to load these reports into alma, the usage data first needs to be put into a counter-like format so that it can be recognized and compared alongside the counter data. to make these reports counter-like, the usage data is converted to that of an article download or a database session, depending on the usage data being collected. the e-resources librarian at buswell library makes that decision on a case-by-case basis. once the reports are uploaded into alma, these too can be viewed in the same section as the sushi-harvested reports shown in figure 2. in addition to making sure the usage reports have been uploaded into or harvested from alma, the usage data in these reports can be viewed in alma analytics. there are many templates and shared reports in the alma analytics community, but reports can also be customized for the needs of each individual library. in the alma analytics community, i found templates for reports that showed monthly usage and yearly usage. these reports were customized to add the information that was relevant to our needs (figure 3). analytics reports can be viewed on screen or downloaded in a more workable format (.xls, .pdf, .ppt, .csv, .txt, or .xml). buswell library also uses alma to manage our acquisitions data, and this allows me to use analytics to run cost-per-usage data with figure 2: harvested usage reports in alma 3 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 our counter and counter-like data. one full year after migration, i am beginning to learn how powerful and capable alma analytics reporting can be. for libraries that are not using alma, there is another option to harvesting usage statistics with ease using sushi. melissa belvadi, systems librarian at the university of prince edward island, developed a counter 5 reporting tool with a group of senior-level computer science students in 2019. this reporting tool works entirely on a local desktop and was designed to give individual libraries a convenient way to harvest their usage data. the counter 5 report tool gathers usage statistics by using the same vendor sushi credentials and connecting to the vendor’s sushi server. all the vendor information and sushi credentials are stored in the manage vendor tab (figure 4) where the vendor information entered into the fields for each vendor will be used to fetch desired reports. the manage vendor tab allows users to check the non-sushi box if the desire is to use this tool as a repository for vendor credentials. to share vendor information with others, there is an option to export the vendor information into a file where it can later be shared. in the fetch reports tab (figure 5), the user selects the vendor(s) and report(s) they’d like to run along with the date range for the desired reports. the counter 5 reporting tool connects to the servers of each vendor selected and returns the usage data results in an xls file in a specified folder on your computer. this makes the data easy to find and very easy to work with. one of the best features of this tool is how quickly the reports are gathered. in my own experience, this tool retrieved almost forty counter reports from various vendors in under ten minutes. the counter 5 reporting tool can also be used for cost analysis when financial information is entered into the tool. gathering usage statistics is a necessary part of evaluating our library’s electronic resources. since our library’s migration to alma, gathering usage statistics has become a more automated process which will allow us the opportunity to review and analyze our data more efficiently. figure 3: alma analytics report from sushi-harvested data and manually uploaded counter reports 3 9 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s figure 4: sushi setup in the manage vendor tab of the counter 5 reporting tool figure 5: running reports in the fetch reports tab of the counter 5 reporting tool theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 2 —february 2011 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by tammy johnson my experience with rda: part two: examples the results of last year’s rda test are currently being evaluated by the library of congress and there is much debate about the value of rda on cataloging discussion groups. many of the discussions seem to center around specific points of detail, such as a recent debate about the correct way to establish authority headings for fictitious characters (there were strong opinions about the need to disambiguate dr. snoopy and snoopy). there is no doubt that many details still have to be addressed in rda and that we will almost certainly see changes and revisions if rda is adopted. however, the true value of rda and frbr/frad-based cataloging lies not in its provisions for identifying characters created by charles shulz, but rather in its ability to address differences in content and media in organizing information that is not limited to printed paper. let me identify a few concrete cases, where rda can help clarify information and benefit catalogers as well as users. at my institution, we are currently preparing for an ils migration involving 3.5 million records in 5 different libraries. many of the difficulties that have come up in this preparation had to do with mapping and conversion specifics related to non-book materials. how should electronic equipment be organized or what is the best way to create an index filter for online records? i all these discussions i could not help thinking that these issues would hardly present problems in an rda environment. under aacr2 rules, for example, the presence of an 856 field would not be sufficient to identify an online resource, since the url given there may be only a link to a table of contents in a record for a printed resource. under rda rules, an online resource would be clearly identified by a 338 field with the carrier term “online resource” and would also no longer be confused with a version of the same text on cd-rom, which would also be identified as an “electronic resource” in subfield $h in the 245 field under current aacr2 rules. to see an example of an rda record for an online resource look up oclc# 681900867. the record was derived from oclc# 10163866, which described the print resource from which the online resource was produced. the rda record has no 007 or 533 fields, aacr2 fields that had long been used inconsistently or left out altogether. instead, it has a 336 field (content), which would be identical in an rda record for the corresponding print resource, a 337 field (media), which specifies that a computer is needed to access the information and a 338 field, which specifies that it is an online resource, distinguishing it from the print resource as well as a possible record for a corresponding cd-rom record. the rda record is also lacking a subfield $h in the 245 field. the title information is therefore identical to that of the print resource, which should facilitate proper bundling and de-duping in a library’s opac. all in all, the rda record is both cleaner and more granular than an analogous aacr2 record would be and should therefore also present more specific and helpful information to the user. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 19, no. 3—may 2011 3-2 another advantage of rda is the discontinuation of the rule of three and the expanded use of the subfield $e in 100 and 700 fields. as catalog information is maintained online rather than on small cards, there is no justifiable reason to limit the number of contributors to a work (or rather the manifestation of a work to use proper frbr terminology). at the same time, rda records can provide much more information about the role a particular contributor played in the production of a book or recording. a good example is oclc# 692186583, which identifies the book’s authors, its contributing photographer, the person responsible for its design as well as a number of sponsors that made the production of the book possible. in theory, a patron would be able to search for all books the production of which was sponsored by a particular institution. these are only two examples of advantages offered by rda. it is my hope that the proposed new cataloging standard will be judged by such conceptual or structural innovations rather than by minute eventualities like the use of professional titles of fictitious characters. previous issue: my experience with rda: part one: overview submitted by armin siedlecki, head of cataloging pitts theology library rda toolkit webcast introduction to rda toolkit, a webcast originally presented feb 8-9, 2010, is now available ( t.cfm). rda web courses understanding frbr for rda and beyond, july 6-7 or august 2-3, ({3c8b5d3b-057a-4881-9442388ed83f8c72}&rowid=1-l01nq) frbr, frad, frsad: a new model for cataloging, may 17 or september 13, ({ddd1fdfc-617d-4c72-9bf4b29619bae12a}&rowid=1-gxpme) introducing rda: 1, structure, principles, and core elements, may 31 or june 21 or july 19, ( theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski “we have temporarily suspended mapping new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers to make room for a project to add ddc numbers to the authority records for bisac (book industry standards and communications) subject headings. we will resume lcsh-ddc mappings in early 2011.” — (accessed august 10, 2010) theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and standards division’s library of congress classification weekly list, 17(2010:april 28) to 30(2010:july 28). “weekly lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification (lcc) are posted to this web site [at] by the policy and standards dvision as they are approved”-library of congress classification (lcc) weekly list. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.o75 origin ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country india special topics, a-z b132.r42 reincarnation occident greece by period theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 third period individual philosophers aristotle special topics, a-z b491.e23 ear. hearing [b491.h432] hearing see b491.e23 medieval (430-1450) arabian and moorish philosophers. islamic philosophers individual philosophers b z b753.s26-.s264 sanūsī, muḥammad ibn yūsuf, ca. 1427-ca. 1490. table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.r28-.r284 rawls, john, 1921-2002 table b-bj5 latin america special topics, a-z b1008.h8 humanism france by period 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.c365-.c3654 certeau, michel de table b-bj5 b2430.e75-.e754 eribon, didier table b-bj5 b2430.j85-.j854 jullien, françois, 1951table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) by period 17th century individual philosophers leibniz, gottfried wilhelm, freiherr von, 16461716 special topics, a-z b2599.a54 angels b2599.m6 metaphor later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 fichte, johann gottlieb special topics, a-z b2849.h57 history hegel, georg wilhelm friedrich special topics, a-z b2949.s83 subjectivity b2949.t48 thought and thinking later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers s si b3329.s45-.s454 schapp, wilhelm, 1884table b-bj5 sk steiner b3332.s29-.s294 spaemann, robert table b-bj5 italy by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers a ardigò b3611.a64-.a644 antiseri, dario table b-bj5 netherlands (low countries) by period 17th century individual philosophers spinoza, benedictus de special topics, a-z b3999.e8 ethics russia by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers preobrazhenskiĭ solov'ev b4259.s36-.s364 semak, oleg, 1951-1995 table b-bj5 scandinavia denmark by period 19th century individual philosophers kierkegaard, søren aabye special topics, a-z b4378.p44 phenomenology theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 b4378.r43 recognition spain and portugal spain individual philosophers, a-z b4568.a443-.a4434 alvarez guerra, jose, 1778-1860 table b-bj5 b4568.g5-.g54 giner de los ríos, francisco, 1839-1915 table bbj5 eastern europe by region or country poland individual philosophers, a-z b4691.s525-.s5254 ślęczka, kazimierz table b-bj5 b4805.w45-.w454 weltsch, felix, 1884-1964 table b-bj5 czechoslovakia. czech republic individual philosophers, a-z b4805.h78-.h784 hrušovský, igor table b-bj5 asia eastern asia. southeast asia. the far east by country japan individual philosophers, a-z b5244.m59-.m594 miyake, setsurei, 1860-1945 table b-bj5 oceania by country, island group, or island australia individual philosophers, a-z b5704.m33-.m334 mackie, j. l. (john leslie) table b-bj5 by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.m48 metaphysics class bf psychology philosophy. relation to other topics methodology bf39.3 human behavior models parapsychology spiritualism. communication with discarnate spirits theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 mediumship. psychometry. channeling spirit messages, inspirational records, etc. special, a-z bf1311.r35 reincarnation occult sciences ghosts. apparitions. hauntings. haunted places bf1477.2 haunted plantations class bj ethics individual ethics. character. virtue vices special vices, a-z bj1535.l87 lust table b-bj16 table for subarrangement of the philosophy of eastern european countries (5 numbers) special topics, a-z b-bj16 4.r66 romanticism table b-bj17 table for subarrangement of the philosophy of asian and african countries (5 numbers) special topics, a-z b-bj17 3.d43 death class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religious life other special topics other, a-z bl629.5.a76 avoidance bl629.5.d43 decision making history and principles of religions european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.a68 antigone theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 other early european religions by ethnic group other, a-z bl975.a4 albanians asian. oriental by religion hinduism doctrines. theology other special topics and relations to special subjects, a-z bl1215.m68 mountains practice. forms of worship. religious life religious life. spiritual life. discipline festivals. fasts and feasts. days and seasons special, a-z bl1239.82.m33 mailaralinga jātre jainism forms of worship. jain practice temples and shrines bl1378.45.a-z by region or country, a-z under each country: .x general works .x2a-.x2z special. by city, a-z cancel .x2a-.x2z local, a-z class bm judaism sources pre-talmudic literature (non-biblical) special texts or groups of texts dead sea scrolls [bm488.2-488.8.a7] selections of scrolls from individual caves [bm488.2.a05-z] cave 1 [bm488.2.a05-.a6] texts bm488.2.a05 facsimilies. by date bm488.2.a1 original language. by date [bm488.2.a2-.a6] translations bm488.2.a2 hebrew. by date bm488.2.a3 english. by date bm488.2.a4 french. by date bm488.2.a5 german. by date theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 bm488.2.a6a-.a6z other languages. by language, a-z, and date bm488.2.a7-z history and criticism rabbinical literature special topics, a-z bm496.9.a47 analogy class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.d56 diplomacy cancel bp190.5.d56 diplomacy. international relations bp190.5.l57 listening class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version abhidharmapiṭaka mahayana doctrinal texts yogācāra school texts. other texts, a-z bq3080.p72-.p729 prakaraṇāryavācaśāstra. (by asaṅga) table bq3 doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.t49 thought and thinking buddhist pantheon others, a-z bq4890.s26-.s264 saman table bq12 modifications, schools, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism) biography other important leaders, a-z bq7950.n55-.n559 niguma, 10th/11th cent. table bq8 special modifications, sects, etc. zen buddhism theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 other zen sects, a-z bq9550.y86-.y8692 yunmen (sect) table bq7 class br christianity collected works early christian literature. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors [br65.i7-.i74] isidore, of seville, saint, d. 636 [br65.i7-.i7z] collected works br65.i7 greek or latin. by date br65.i7a-.i7z other languages. by language and date [br65.i72-.i72z] selected works br65.i72 greek or latin. by date br65.i72a-.i72z other languages. by language and date br65.i73a-.i73z separate works. by title, a-z br65.i74 criticism history by period modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual other, a-z br350.j6 jonas, justus, 1493-1555 by region or country europe other european countries other, a-z br1050.b45 belarus biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.i23 ibas, bishop of edessa, fl. 435-457 br1720.m36 mawes, saint class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 african languages, a-z bs325.s56 somali table bs5 bs325.t486 tiene table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.i78 isneg table bs5 works about the bible auxiliary topics bible and social sciences bs670.5 bible and anthropology old testament works about the old testament auxiliary topics bs1196.5 old testament antiquities. old testament archaeology new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.c54-.c542 common english table bs2 works about the new testament the teachings of jesus topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2417.h65 holy spirit topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.p59 polemics special parts of the new testament epistles epistles of paul topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2655.f43 fear of god class bt doctrinal theology doctrine and dogma history by period 1517(reformation and later periods) theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 bt28 19th-20th centuries cancel bt28 19th-21st centuries doctrinal, dogmatic, systematic theology schools of thought affecting doctrine and dogma (19th-20th centuries) bt83.593 postcolonial theology class bv practical theology pastoral theology special bv4011.9 data processing including the use of computers and the internet practical religion. the christian life religious works for special classes of persons other, a-z bv4596.p87 psychological abuse victims class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4447.2 serve di maria di galeazza table bx18 biography and portraits individual saints, a-z bx4700.m397 martin, de porres, 1579-1639 bx4700.p7755 pio, of pietrelcina, 1887-1968. padre pio, 1887-1968 bx4700.p785 poveda, pedro, 1874-1936 other, a-z bx4705.d422 delp, alfred bx4705.v367 vasiliauskas, kazimieras, 1922-2001 protestantism biography individual, a-z bx4827.s65 sölle, dorothee church of england liturgy and ritual theology cataloging bulletin 2-12 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 [bx5145.6.a-z] common worship 2000 bx5145.6.a1 texts. by date bx5145.6.a2 selections bx5145.6.a3-z criticism other protestant denominations lutheran churches liturgy and ritual other special, a-z bx8067.a68 acolytes' handbooks class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.b395 bet yeraḥ, tel ds110.g572 gilgal site ds110.k397 kefar pines ds110.m277 mallāḥah ds110.s585 shomerah. tarbīkhā [ds110.t226] tarbīkhā see ds110.s585 class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh observances and practice of islam ’ibādāt. ritual law. worship. other subjects, a-z kbp184.9.r35 rain. rainfall schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah individual authors, a-z kbp310.h37 ḥarrānī, muḥammad ibn tamīm, d. ca. 1276. table k4 mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.i269 ibn zarb, muḥammad ibn yabqá, 929-991. table k4 kbp320.i2694 ibn ziyād, ’abd allāh ibn muḥammad, 852 or 3935 or 6. table k4 kbp320.m89 muzanī, ismā’īl ibn yaḥyá, 791-878. table k4 theology cataloging bulletin 2-13 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 shāfi’ī. shāfi’īyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.q298 qazwīnī, ’abd al-ghaffār ibn ’abd al-karīm, d. 1266 or 7. table k4 shī’ī schools. shī’ah ja’farīs. ithna’asharis. individual authors, a-z kbp370.f33 faḍl allāh, muḥammad ḥusayn. table k4 kbp370.f39 fāzil lankarānī, muḥammad. table k4 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music antiphonaries single offices, a-z m2149.5.l73 ludger, saint, ca. 742-809 class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml2951.s95-.s959 syria table m8 class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art christian art icons (eastern church) special icons. by name, a-z n8189.6.h34 hagios nikolaos tēs stegēs theology cataloging bulletin 2-14 section 2 vol. 18, no. 4—august 2010 class z libraries library science. information science the collections. the books cataloging descriptive cataloging by system, a-z z694.15.r47 resource description & access (rda) subject cataloging. subject headings individual lists, thesauri, etc., a-z z695.z8f37 fast special topics, a-z z695.23 bound-with books preservation, conservation, and restoration of books and other library materials special topics, a-z z701.3.m37 maps personal bibliography b z8089.16 benedict, the moor, saint, 1526-1589 z8089.18 benedict xvi, pope, 1927 l z8513.35 llull, ramon, 1232?-1316 1 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 social media compiled by anna appleman hale, meredith l. 2020. “tweeting tennessee’s collections: a case study of a digital collections twitterbot implementation.” code4lib journal 48. michael, brinna and myung-ja han. 2020. “user tagging behaviors in an opac: an analysis of seven years of i-share user tags.” library resources & technical services 64, no. 1: 4–14. samanta, kalyan sundar and durga sankar rath. 2020. “user-generated social tags versus librariangenerated subject headings: a comparative study in the domain of history.” desidoc journal of library & information technology 40, no. 3: 176–84. zhan, ming, qin yu, and ji wang. 2020. “effectively organizing hashtags on instagram: a study of library-related captions.” information research 25, no. 2. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. 7 new and changed lc classification numbers lcc from september–october 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from the 2019 list numbers 09 (september 16) and 10 (october 21). class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country asia eastern asia. southeast asia. the far east by country korea special topics, a-z b5253.h67 horak debate class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology greece special topics, a-z bl795.l68 love history and principles of religions asian. oriental by region or country china special religions confucianism other special topics, a-z bl1883.g66 good and evil india by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2032.c46 chote ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. 8 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin korea special topics, a-z bl2236.k56 kings and rulers asian. oriental other special, a-z bl2370.m45 meithei shamanism [bl2370.s5] for relations with buddhism see bq4570.s5 class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.p66 postmodernism class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.a39 agriculture bahai faith scriptures and authoritative interpretation by author bahá’u’lláh separate works, a-z bp362.k6 kitāb-i badī’ class bq buddhism relation of buddhism to other religious and philosophical systems special, a-z [bq4610.s52] shamanism see bq4570.s5 9 new and changed lc classification numbers buddhism modifications, schools, etc. special modifications, sects, etc. zen buddhism rinzai biography founders and other important leaders, a-z bq9399.y56-.y569 yining, 1247-1317 table bq8 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.k57 khmer table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.b37 batan table bs5 cancel bs335.b37 batan. ivatan table bs5 [bs335.i862] ivatan see bs335.b37 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.h86 humility class bv practical theology missions missions in individual countries asia. the orient. the east southeast asia malay archipelago indonesia other, a-z bv3370.s238 sabu island 10 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin class bx christian denominations other protestant denominations german reformed church lutheran churches holiness churches special branches bx7990.h685 jesus korea holiness church class dl history of northern europe. scandinavia norway ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z dl442.m87 muslims class f latin america. spanish america west indies caribbean area. caribbean sea elements in the population individual elements, a-z f2191.m87 muslims class ld individual institutions united states ld1281.c319 concordia university texas, austin, texas table l7a formerly concordia lutheran college (austin, tex.); concordia university at austin class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art non-christian art special buddhist special subjects, characters, etc. other, a-z n8193.3.a73 arhats 11 new and changed lc classification numbers class pg slavic. baltic. albanian ukrainian literature history special subjects, a-z pg3906.i75 islam class pj oriental philology and literature hebrew language (biblical and modern) etymology particular words, a-z pj4819.k43 kedeshah class pq italian literature individual authors individual authors and works to 1400 dante alighieri, 1265-1321 biography and criticism criticism and interpretation relation to special subjects theology. religion. mysticism special other special, a-z pq4419.p73 prayer class pr english literature history of english literature drama by period 20th century special topics, a-z pr739.b53 bible 2 0 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n opportunities available by richard lammert and leslie a. engelson serve the atla technical services interest group are you interested in being on the steering committee of atla's technical services interest group (tsig)? qualifications are minimal, basically having an interest in shaping technical services activities at atla annual conference—and even that is not difficult, since technical services people are usually self-starters. elections will be held in june at the atla annual in denver. you may nominate yourself or someone else. please send nominations to please visit the tsig webiste for more information about the tsig, the current leadership, plan of the organization, opportunities for involvement, and activities. editor-in-chief and section editor positions available the theology cataloging bulletin (tcb), seeks a new editor-in-chief as well as a new section editor for appointment to three-year terms commencing this june. the editor-in-chief is primarily responsible for overseeing the production of the quarterly issues and collaborating with the section editors to ensure collation of content. the section editor has primary responsibility for reviewing and reporting on the changes to the library of congress subject heading and classification numbers. to view the full position description for the editor-in-chief as well as for instructions to apply, please visit the atla job board. to view the full position description for the section editor and instructions to apply, please visit the atla job board. all current individual and retired members of atla with a background and interest in cataloging are encouraged to apply. review of applications will begin april 1, 2020, and appointments will be made by june 1, 2020. richard lammert is technical services librarian at concordia theological seminary and also serves as chair of the tsig. 1 1 l c s h a n d l c c u p d a t e s lc headings and classification from september – november 2021 compiled by anna appleman the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2021 list numbers 09 (september 17), 10 (october 15), and 11b (november 12). subject headings 150 afghan war, 2001---religious aspects--christianity change heading 150 afghan war, 2001-2021--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019000969] 150 afghan war, 2001---religious aspects--evangelische kirche in deutschland change heading 150 afghan war, 2001-2021--religious aspects--evangelische kirche in deutschland [sp2019000970] 150 alliances--religious aspects [sp2021003796] 150 baptism [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85011718 ] 450 uf baptismal immersion add field 550 rt sponsors add field 150 baptism--reaffirmation of covenant [sp 85011724 ] 550 rt confirmation delete field 150 benediction [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85013121 ] 053 bv197.b5 delete field 053 bx2048.b5 (catholic church) delete field 053 bv197.b5 (christian liturgy) add field 550 bt blessing and cursing add field 110 bhim ki chauri (india) [sp2021006975] 410 uf bheem chauri (india) 410 uf bheem ki chauri (india) 410 uf bhim ka chauri (india) 410 uf bhim ke chauri (india) 410 uf bhimchauri (india) 550 bt hindu temples--india anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary. 1 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 150 bible plays, czech [may subd geog] [sp2021007007] 450 uf czech bible plays 550 bt czech drama 150 buddhist rock-cut temples [may subd geog] [sp2021005713] 550 bt buddhist temples 550 bt rock-cut temples 151 chiapas (mexico)--history--peasant uprising, 1994---religious aspects [sp2021008125] 151 chiapas (mexico)--history--peasant uprising, 1994---religious aspects--catholic church [sp2021006863] 150 church and the world--catholic church [sp2021006982] 053 bx1795.w68 150 church camps--russkaia͡ pravoslavnaia͡ ts͡erkovʹ [sp2021008108] 150 church membership [may subd geog] [sp 85025649 ] 550 rt confirmation delete field 150 confirmation [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85030947 ] 053 bv815 delete field 053 bx (by denomination) delete field 053 bv815 (christianity (general)) add field 550 rt baptism--reaffirmation of covenant delete field 550 rt church membership delete field 550 bt sponsors add field 680 here are entered general works on christian religious confirmation. works on the liturgy of confirmation are entered under confirmation (liturgy). add field 681 note under confirmation (liturgy) add field 150 confirmation (liturgy) [sp 85030952 ] 680 here are entered works on the liturgy of confirmation. general works on christian religious confirmation are entered under confirmation. add field 681 note under confirmation add field 150 covid-19 (disease)--religious aspects--christianity [sp2021005645] 150 dice--religious aspects [sp2021005488] 150 dice--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2021005490] 150 gems--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2021005654] 1 3 l c s h a n d l c c u p d a t e s 150 sauk indians--religion change heading 150 sauk indians (algonquian)--religion [sp 85117718 ] 150 shiite poetry, turkish [may subd geog] [sp2021006778] 450 uf turkish shiite poetry 550 bt turkish poetry 150 social change--religious aspects--church in the province of the west indies [sp2021007079] 150 sponsors [may subd geog] [sp 85126856 ] 053 bv1478 add field 550 bt baptism delete field 550 bt confirmation delete field 550 bt persons add field 550 rt baptism add field 550 rt confirmation add field 680 here are entered works on persons who sponsor those being baptized or confirmed. add field 150 witchcraft in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2021006773] 550 bt motion pictures 150 witchcraft on television [not subd geog] [sp2021006774] 550 bt television classification numbers class bf occult sciences magic (white and black). shamanism. hermetics. necromancy special topics, a-z bf1623.g47 gesture class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects history and principles of religions [bl65.a762] arts see nx180.r4 1 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.d59 divination bq4570.g46 gems class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.n59 nkoya table bs5 class bt doctrinal theology god other special, a-z bt180.c67 corporeality of god mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt8643.l58 gozo island (malta). shrine of the blessed virgin ta' pinu class bx christian denominations catholic church other special topics, a-z [bx1795.c52] church and world see bx1795.w68 bx1795.w68 world, church, and the biography and portraits individual saints, a-z 1 5 l c s h a n d l c c u p d a t e s bx4700.n45 newman, john henry, saint, 1801-1890 other, a-z newman, john henry, cardinal cancel (bx4705.n5) newman, john henry, cardinal see bx4700.n45 other protestant denominations bx7017 church of christ in thailand table bx3 bx8080.5 luz del mundo class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews special topics jewish diaspora by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ds135.k67 korea including korea (south) korea ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z [ds904.6.j32] jews see ds135.k67 class pc romance philology and languages romanian literature collections poetry special. by form or subject, a-z pc834.5.c48 christmas 1 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 class pr english literature history of english literature by period modern renaissance and reformation. 16th century special topics, a-z pr418.o77 orpheus (greek mythological character) class ps american literature collections of american literature special classes of authors, a-z ps508.m87 muslim authors class z subject bibliography theology and religion religions (non-christian) special, a-z z7835.m58 mithraism new and changed lc classification numbers 6 lcc from march-june 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from the 2019 list numbers 03 (march 18), 04 (april 15), 05 (may 20), and 06 (june 17). class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.c63 compassion history and principles of religion european. occidental germanic and norse mythology special topics, a-z bl870.h45 hel asian. oriental by religion hinduism doctrines. theology other special topics and relations to special subjects, a-z bl1215.c56 conflict management hinduism hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.l26-.l264 laimarela table bl7 practice. forms of worship. religious life religious life. spiritual life. discipline festivals. fasts and feasts. days and seasons special, a-z bl1239.82.g34 gājana ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union, chicago. 7 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 by region or country china special religions confucianism other special topics, a-z bl1883.e44 elections bl1883.s63 sociobiology india special topics, a-z bl2015.i34 identification class bm judaism practical judaism festivals and fasts special groups, a-z bm693.t48 tevet class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. ةيفوص monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.s48-.s482 shābbīyah. ةيباش table bp3 class bq buddhism tripiṭaka. 大藏經. 三藏 (canonical literature) by version divisions not limited to a particular linguistic version sūtrapiṭaka. 經藏 mahayana buddhist sūtras. 大乘經典 mahāratnakūṭasūtra. 大寶積經 other parts, a-z bq1800.a53-.a539 anantamukhaviśodhananirdeśasūtra. 無邊莊嚴會 table bq3 new and changed lc classification numbers 8 class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.l47-.l476 leontius, presbyter of constantinople, active 5th century-6th century table br1 christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z br115.s56 social marginality history by period early and medieval apostolic age to fall of roman empire special topics other special, a-z br195.h68 house churches class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.l39 lashi table bs5 african languages, a-z bs325.g94 gwere table bs5 class bv practical theology missions missions in individual countries africa by region or country other regions or countries, a-z bv3625.e77-.e772 eswatini table bv5 bv3625.s9-.s92 swaziland table bv5 cancel (bv3625.s9-.s92) swaziland see bv3625.e77-.e772 9 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 class bx christian denominations catholic church history by region or country europe other european regions or countries, a-z bx1612.s4 serbia bx1612.s57 slovenia class dk history of russia. soviet union. former soviet republics local history and description georgia (republic). georgian s.s.r. georgian sakartvelo ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z dk673.5.m87 muslims class hs societies: secret, benevolent, etc. freemasons religious aspects individual religions hs494 buddhism class k law in general. comparative and uniform law. jurisprudence comparative law. international uniform law constitutional law individual and state human rights. civil and political rights individual human, civil, and political rights and guaranties freedom. freedom of expression [k3258-3258.8] freedom of religion and conscience k3258 freedom of religion and conscience table k8 cancel k3258 general works table k8 k3258.5 religious symbolism. religious symbols. religious articles table k8 new and changed lc classification numbers 10 class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah. المالكي، المالكية individual authors, a-z kbp320.s28 sarīrī, abū al-ṭayyib mawlūd. سريري، أبو الطيب مولود table k4 class kbr history of canon law sources canonists and jurists by period 1545 (council of trent) to 19th century by nationality italian, spanish, and portuguese individual canonists and jurists (commentators) other jurists, a-z kbr2074.r53 giovanni luigi riccio, -1643 table k4 class lg individual institutions asia, africa, oceania asia india. pakistan. bangladesh. burma. sri lanka. nepal. maldives other universities and colleges. by place, a-z colombo, sri lanka lg169.c76 st. benedict’s college table l13a class m music vocal music sacred vocal music liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music antiphonaries single offices, a-z m2149.5.g35 gall, saint, approximately 550-approximately 630 11 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 class nd illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works other religious books, a-z nd3385.b56 bibliothèque municipale de valenciennes. manuscript. 500 class pj oriental philology and literature arabic literature history and criticism special forms poetry special, a-z pj7542.h56 holiness class pn literature (general) theory. philosophy. esthetics relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects other special topics, a-z pn56.c735 crusades drama motion pictures other special topics, a-z pn1995.9.p6575 prayer collections of general literature wit and humor pn6231.a-z collections on special topics, a-z cancel pn6231.a-z collections on special topics, a-z for humor about an individual person, see the biography number for the person pn6231.p39 peter, saint, apostle cancel (pn6231.p39) peter, the apostle, saint see bs2515 new and changed lc classification numbers 12 class pq french literature literary history and criticism history of french literature by period medieval. old french special subjects, a-z pq155.g68 grail prose and prose fiction special prose fiction special topics, a-z pq637.m96 mysticism spanish literature collections of spanish literature prose by subject, a-z pq6250.l53 libraries class pr english literature history of english literature by period modern 20th century special topics, a-z pr478.r39 redemption english renaissance (1500-1640) the drama individual authors shakespeare, william criticism and interpretation characters. treatment of life special groups. classes other, a-z pr2992.j48 jews 13 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 class ps american literature history of american literature by period 21st century special topics, a-z ps231.i85 islam class tx home economics cooking cookbooks 1800jewish. israeli by style of cooking, a-z tx724.2.u93 uzbek class z books (general). writing. paleography manuscripts. paleography topics not elsewhere provided for, a-z z110.s37 scrolls libraries library science. information science classes of libraries, a-z z675.l59 little free libraries public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z z711.92.d48 developmentally disabled subject bibliography academies. societies. universities. museums by region or country z5055.m25-.m254 macedonia (republic) table z16 cancel (z5055.m25-.m254) macedonia (republic) see z5055.n86-.n864 z5055.n86-.n864 north macedonia table z16 new and changed lc classification numbers 14 class za information resources (general) za3260 information policy tables table for political institutions and public administration (9 numbers) special topics, a-z j10 3.5.r45 religion and politics theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-3 1 – 2 pm roundtable: conser funnel project presenter: judy knop, atla conser funnel project coordinator saturday (june 19) 11:30 am – 1 pm in-conference workshop: book repair presenter: paul roberts, director of patron services, southern baptist theological seminary location: held at southern baptist theological seminary (bus transfer provided by atla) atla and oclc announce partnership atla has recently become a partner in the oclc partnership program. the news release was issued april 22, 2010 on the oclc web site (see the partnership is designed to improve member benefits, services, relationships, and cost efficiencies. library of congress documentation for the rda (resource description and access) test the library of congress has posted on its web site (april 21, 2010) the training tools for its u.s. rda test participants ( along with a record of the decisions they have made in regard to the rda test. included are word files and powerpoint files with information, exercises, and quizzes (answers also supplied). revised greek romanization tables the library of congress policy and standards division is accepting comments on the revised romanization tables for ancient and modern greek. if you would like to make comments on the revisions, you have until june 30, 2010 to do so. here are the links to the revised tables: • link to draft of proposed romanization table for ancient greek (pdf 3 p.; 142 kb): • link to draft of proposed romanization table for modern greek (pdf 3 p.; 122 kb: using web 2.0 tools to enhance technical services work here is a free two-day e-forum that you can register for and participate in thanks to alcts (ala’s association for library collections & technical services). it will be hosted by elizabeth winter (electronic resources coordinator at georgia institute of technology in atlanta) and sherab chen (coordinator for non-roman cataloging at the ohio state university libraries, columbus, ohio). it will be held may 19–20, 2010. for details, see the 1 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s promoting vanderbilt divinity publications on wikidata by charlotte lew genesis of the vanderbilt wikidata project vanderbilt’s library staff started to work from home in mid-march 2020. despite restricted access to library buildings, libraries continued to make services available to patrons. the majority of the staff had their daily operations reassigned to keep services vital. to grapple with the transition from onsite working to remote working, the library’s leaders endeavored to create digital projects and invited the staff to collaborate on innovative proposals. the wikicite project, also known as vandycite, was initiated in april 2020 by clifford anderson, the associate university librarian for research and digital strategy, and was designed to add bibliographic data for vanderbilt publications to wikidata. working on bibliographic data is second nature for most of the library staff, especially for catalogers, but editing bibliographic information on wikidata required learning new protocols due to its unfamiliar data model and editing environment. fourteen staff members, mostly without cataloging experience, participated in the project after watching a brief training video made by cliff to learn the basics such as creating a personal account and adding items. the team met regularly for problem solving and strategic planning. these information exchange sessions not only sharpened our editing skills but also boosted work morale by strengthening our mental health and emotional resilience during the pandemic crisis. every month, editing statistics were publicized in library town hall meetings as testimonials, celebrating our meaningful and measurable contributions. linking divinity publications with wikidata in 2014, the divinity library collaborated with the digital scholarship communication team on an institutional repository (ir) project to promote open access for divinity faculty publications (anderson, lew, and warga 2016). this faculty publication archiving project collects comprehensive bibliographic data for each faculty member’s scholarly output and populates the resulting data in zotero. thanks to the annually updated publication data housed in zotero, the divinity ir project lays the groundwork for the divinity wikidata project. the bibliographic data in zotero can be automatically or manually added to wikidata and is a game changer for productivity. by adding this data to wikidata, the divinity library strives to elevate the scholarly reputations of faculty as well as staff and students. more than 460 divinity faculty journal articles with dois have been exported from zotero. the bibliographic data linked to a doi can be automatically extracted from crossref by the deployment of python scripts. subsequently, the extracted data have been bulk uploaded to wikidata. to facilitate this mass transposition, manually creating new items in advance for the journals that didn’t exist in wikidata enabled every article to be automatically matched up with the item for its journal by using the issn. after this dataset was manually filtered for error and enhanced if necessary, processing articles without dois was the next step. charlotte lew is coordinator of digital projects and collections at divinity library, vanderbilt university. 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 steve baskauf, the data science specialist at the heard library, created vanderbot to automatically scrape data from vanderbilt departmental websites and add researcher records to wikidata. owing to his accomplishment, all the divinity faculty as well as the faculty in the department of religious studies are included in wikidata, providing a base for entering bibliographic data. the image below illustrates how vanderbot works. image 1: vanderbot workflow created by steve baskauf how does wikidata work? wikidata organizes data in a specific structure, which consists of three primary parts: items, statements, and identifiers. each item has a label, a description, and aliases if applicable. all the items have a unique identification with a q followed by a number. properties and values with qualifiers are used to build the statements. identifiers are essential to wikidata, as they provide crucial information for users to tell the difference between items with similar labels, such as people with the same name. 3 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s why showcase publications on wikidata? wikidata is a central hub of open linked data for all the wikimedia projects, and it is a multilingual platform for presenting and sharing information globally. its impact on research, metadata production, and collection visibility is immense. as is well known, open access repositories in stem disciplines are much more robust than those in the humanities and to some extent the social sciences. therefore, increased access to religion and theology publications data on wikidata is strategically important to researchers, instructors, students, and professionals in theological schools. image 2: professor choon-leong seow wikidata page with indicators 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 wikidata is equipped with powerful tools that can be used to explore and improve wikidata. all data in wikidata can be queried with sparql. moreover, quickstatements and openrefine can make uploading data easier and faster. the function of sparql queries can be extended to visualize the results. after the publications are added to wikidata, researchers can view their publications via scholia, an interface that supports wikidata by organizing and visualizing the collected bibliographic data and other information using sparql queries. besides listing publications, scholia also offers visual scholarly profiles for authors and their affiliated institutions, and the included data visualizations can reveal new insights about the publications. the image below shows professor laurel schneider’s publication venue statistics, which are created by sparql on scholia. image 3: the venue statistics of professor laurel schneider’s publications,description%20framework%20(rdf)%20format. 5 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s challenges and solutions when the vanderbilt wikidata project was first formed during the covid lockdown, most of the team members taught themselves by watching the training videos. nevertheless, the length of the videos can easily turn people away, and the needed information is often hard to locate in the videos. the most encountered issues were some basic questions about data model, structure, vocabularies, and completion in wikidata. in the regular meetings, team members shared what they had learned from their experience. the following listed questions and solutions were spawned from the constructive conversations in the information exchange sessions. the purpose of sharing the following q&as is to enlighten and prepare potential editors before they dive into productions. 1. where does the bibliographic data come from? as a part of the procedure of the vanderbilt institutional repository program, all the bibliographies of divinity faculty publications are annually updated and harvested in zotero. this low-hanging fruit empowers us to expedite the transposition of data from zotero to wikidata. to obtain the bibliographic data, the most effective route is to request a publication list from each faculty. alternatively, one can search them from multiple resources, such as the library catalog, the atla religion database, and the index to jewish periodicals. searching in google scholar can also be productive. try searching for “faculty member name” “institution name.” don’t forget to put the faculty member’s name in quotes. using name variants may be needed for a more comprehensive search. 2. what to do with duplicates? wikidata doesn’t accommodate approximate string-matching for searching since all the entries are idiosyncratic, so it is important to conduct a thorough search before creating a new item. to searching to avoid duplicates can be a time-consuming task because numerous items might share the same label, but with different descriptions. “the prodigal son”, for example, can be an opera by benjamin britten, a painting by rembrandt, a novel by hall caine, or other various item types. when a duplicate is generated, there is no designated function key to delete it. instead, the duplicated items should be merged into a single record. the operation of merging can be done by installing a merge gadget. the procedure is well-explained in help: merge. 3. how to make data reliable? because wikidata is open to anyone to edit, it gives rise to skepticism about the validity and reliability of the collected data. to minimize doubt, it is critical to add a reference whenever a statement is made. providing references may be labor-intensive, but ensuring the presented information is accurate and factual should justify the time it takes. fortunately, there is a way to speed up adding references. wikidata offers a gadget called “current date” that adds today’s date automatically when the “retrieved” property is used in a reference. enabling the different wikidata gadgets is a boon to the editing experiences. the lessons of adding the various tools for editing are included in the training program, learn wikidata, which will be introduced in last part of the article. 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 4. what to do with “item not found?” when a statement is added, the warning of “item not found” appears when the entry for property or value is not an existing item in wikidata. if this occurs while adding authors to a publication, it can be circumvented by using the property of “author name string” to replace the property of “author.” the downside of this practice is that the author can’t be hyperlinked to this publication. to ensure data are linkable, a new item must be created when there is an “item not found” warning prompt. a good number of religious and theological publications are not published by major corporate publishers who have published data in wikidata. as a result, numerous items related to the publications, such as publishers or journal titles, do not exist in wikidata. it is strategically important to treat the creation of new items as a foundation on which data of the publications can be continually expanded, enriched, and rectified. searching for the needed information to build the statements for a new item can be tedious and laborious. this can easily quench one’s editing enthusiasm, but there are several reference tools that can simplify the workload. for journal publications, ulrichsweb, a global serials directory, brings together all the latest bibliographic and publisher information in one location. for books, books in print is a useful resource for retrieving information on global publishers. the drawback is that they both require subscriptions, but they are considerably worth the investment. 5. how to discover the proper property and value wikidata, a well-structured database, offers an intuitive workflow for editors to create or modify data. workflow is arranged in a linear movement, starting from labeling items with descriptions to building statements and then providing identifiers. each addition shows a drop-down of options for an editor to pick as the next property to fill. however, take heed of various types of property constraints. if an inappropriate value is entered in the property, a sign of a thunderbolt or exclamation mark will appear after the entry is published, but wikidata identifies and explains the warning after the editor clicks on the sign. if an isbn with 13 digits is not correctly separated by hyphens, a format constraint displays. for rembrandt’s painting “the good samaritan,” adding “religious art” as the value in the property “main subject” violates the type constraint. to rectify the violation, “religious art” should be listed in the “genre” property instead. the constraint list is lengthy and complicated. to learn more, please check out help: property constraint portal. identifying key properties associated with particular item types is important. if a required key property doesn’t exist for the item type, creating a property is a practical solution. don’t sweat over incomplete item statements. making sure to include the core properties can be an easy start for beginners. wikidata relies on global collaboration to enrich its data, so items that presently seem incomplete can be enhanced and augmented by other editors later. collaborate to evangelize for wikidata since wikidata is a crowdsourced resource, it has a weakness of information unevenness. more publications from prestigious theological schools have been entered in wikidata than those from 7 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s smaller institutions, so the participation of theological librarians from smaller institutions is essential to the future of this scholarly communications project. to lower the barriers so more people can join the editing force, the vanderbilt wikidata project team created a training tutorial called learn wikidata. this peer-led course provides training that ranges from the basic skills of creating a user account and editing items to more advanced techniques like adding gadgets to make editing more efficient. the tutorial comprises twenty learning topics that are individually featured in brief animated videos. the program presents options of three languages: english, spanish, and chinese. french will be available soon. it also comes with closed captions to facilitate learning. to address the needs of librarians with various levels of experience with wikimedia projects, learn wikidata offers a self-paced environment for users to customize their own learning pathways. the design of this training tool aims to alleviate frustration and to flatten the learning curve. please give learn wikidata a try. hopefully it can lead you to a pleasant editing journey. image 4: homepage of learn wikidata 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 wikidata provides a free platform for seminary libraries to publicize their institutional scholarship without having to invest in building an expensive and complicated scholarly communications infrastructure. to develop a community of practice around wikidata, more theological librarians should be encouraged and empowered to become involved in these critically important projects. the wikidata religion and theology community needs your partnerships to foster global scholarly communications that can elevate the reputation and increase the accessibility of your institution’s publications. let’s collaborate and get stronger together! work cited anderson, clifford blake, charlotte lew, and ed warga. 2016. “building institutional repositories in theological libraries.” atla summary of proceedings 70: 153–63. 1 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s lc headings from march 2020–may 2020 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 3 (march 16), 4 (april 17), and 5 (may 15). subject headings 150 anglo-israelism [sp 85005078 ] 450 uf british-israelism add field 550 bt jews delete field 550 bt jews--identity add field 150 arabic alphabet--religious aspects [sp2020000032] 150 arabic alphabet--religious aspects--islam [sp2020000031] 150 arachne (greek mythology) cancel heading [sp 92002371 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading arachne (greek mythological character) (dlc)nb2019012893 150 arachne (greek mythology) in literature cancel heading [sp2007008663] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading arachne (greek mythological character)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 baal (canaanite deity) cancel heading [sp 85010714 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020002712 150 bible plays, french [may subd geog] [sp2019102761] 450 uf french bible plays 550 bt french drama 150 bible stories, cebuano [may subd geog] [sp2017003031] 450 uf cebuano bible stories 150 buddhist monasteries--reconstruction [may subd geog] [sp2020001003] 450 uf reconstruction of buddhist monasteries 550 rt buildings--repair and reconstruction christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 2 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n 150 cadmus (greek mythology) cancel heading [sp 87000231 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading cadmus (greek mythological character) (dlc)no2020006848 150 church conference centers--north carolina [sp2019103632] 150 church school principals [may subd geog] [sp2019103586] 450 uf principals, church school 550 bt school principals 150 closure (rhetoric) in the qurʼan [sp2020000785] 150 eruv in art [not subd geog] [sp2016001921] 150 ex-orthodox jews [may subd geog] [sp2019102515] 450 uf formerly orthodox jews 450 uf off-the-derech jews 450 uf off-the-derekh jews 550 bt jews 550 rt orthodox judaism 151 foce del sele site (italy) [sp 95003517 ] 451 uf sanctuary of hera at foce del sele site (italy) add field 451 uf santuario di hera alla foce del sele site (italy) add field 451 uf santuario di hera argiva alla foce del sele site (italy) add field 150 followership--religious aspects [sp2019103587] 150 goddesses, russian [may subd geog] [sp2020000510] 450 uf russian goddesses 150 hermione (greek mythology) cancel heading [sp 97001368 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading hermione (greek mythological character) (dlc)no2020017726 150 hostility (psychology)--religious aspects [sp2015000650] 150 hostility (psychology)--religious aspects--islam [sp2015000651] 150 jesus christ--apparitions and miracles--mexico [sp2020000680] 150 justice in the hadith [sp2016000566] 550 bt hadith 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 110 kanuga (n.c.) [sp2019103568] 550 bt church conference centers--north carolina 150 libraries and addicts [may subd geog] [sp2020000256] 053 z711.92.a28 450 uf addicts and libraries 450 uf libraries--services to addicts 450 uf library services to addicts 450 uf public libraries--services to addicts 550 bt addicts 150 libraries and children [may subd geog] [sp2020000564] 450 uf children and libraries 450 uf libraries--services to children 450 uf library services to children 450 uf public libraries--services to children 550 bt children 150 minos (legendary character) cancel heading [sp 94005085 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading minos (greek mythological character) (dlc)nb2020000354 150 mizrahim [may subd geog] [sp 85070504 ] 450 uf arab jews add field 450 uf jewish arabs add field 450 uf jews, arab add field 150 muslim superheroes [may subd geog] [sp2019103593] 450 uf islamic superheroes 550 bt superheroes 150 navi (the hebrew word) [sp2020000106] 450 uf nābîʼ (the hebrew word) 550 bt hebrew language--etymology 150 neoliberalism--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2020000155] 150 nuns' writings, spanish [may subd geog] [sp2019103644] 450 uf spanish nuns' writings 550 bt spanish literature 150 orthodox judaism [may subd geog] [sp 85095789 ] 450 uf judaism, orthodox delete field 550 rt ex-orthodox jews add field 4 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n 150 paleography, akkadian [may subd geog] [sp2020000039] 450 uf akkadian paleography 150 personalism--religious aspects [sp2019103588] 150 personalism--religious aspects--islam [sp2020000675] 150 proselytizing--law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2019103646] 550 bt religious law and legislation 150 revivalism (afro-caribbean religion) [may subd geog] [sp2020000291] 053 bl2532.r48 450 uf revival (afro-caribbean religion) 550 bt afro-caribbean cults 680 here are entered works treating collectively the syncretic afro-caribbean religious movement stemming from the jamaican great revival of 1860-1861 and works for which the individual revivalist religion cannot be identified. works on individual revivalist religions are entered under the specific religion. 150 russo-turkish war, 1828-1829--monuments [may subd geog] [sp2020000799] 150 russo-turkish war, 1828-1829--monuments--russia (federation) [sp2020000800] 110 saint john's residence hall (new york, n.y.) [sp2020000063] 410 uf saint john’s hall (new york, n.y.) 410 uf st. john’s hall (new york, n.y.) 410 uf st. john's residence hall (new york, n.y.) 550 bt college buildings--new york (state) 550 bt dormitories--new york (state) 150 sarasvatī (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85117488 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020029712 150 sarasvatī (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 94008581 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading sarasvatī (hindu deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 sex change (jewish law) change heading 150 gender transition (jewish law) [sp2007009502] 450 uf sex change (jewish law) [former heading] 550 bt jewish law 150 signs and symbols--religious aspects--revivalism (afro-caribbean religion) 5 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s [sp2020000294] 150 sikhism and culture [may subd geog] [sp2016001466] 053 bl2018.5.c85 450 uf culture and sikhism 550 bt culture 150 shofet (the hebrew word) [sp2019102888] 550 bt hebrew language--etymology 150 shoter (the hebrew word) [sp2019102889] 550 bt hebrew language--etymology 110 temple of artemis (sardis) [sp2020000644] 410 uf artemis, temple of (sardis) 550 bt temples--turkey 551 bt turkey--antiquities 110 temple of minerva medica (rome, italy) [sp2019103297] 410 uf esquiline pavilion (rome, italy) 410 uf minerva medica, tempio di (rome, italy) 410 uf tempio di minerva medica (rome, italy) 551 bt italy--antiquities 550 bt temples--italy 150 thanatos (greek deity) cancel heading [sp 98002397 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020015785 150 tila, señor de [sp2020000571] 450 uf cristo de tila 450 uf señor de tila 450 uf tila, cristo de 500 bt jesus christ--apparitions and miracles--mexico 500 bt jesus christ--cult--mexico 150 vajrakīlaya (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp 99000151 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2019245024 150 vodou and philosophy [may subd geog] [sp2020000385] 450 uf philosophy and vodou 550 bt philosophy 6 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n 150 zakat (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2020000926] genre/form terms 155 full-text databases [gp2020026015] 455 uf fulltext databases 555 bt databases 155 hora (music) [gp2019026174] 455 uf horos (music) 455 uf khoros (music) 455 uf khora (music) 555 bt dance music 555 bt folk music theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg atla conser funnel established on january 15, 2010, five atla members who are experienced serials catalogers met in boston with two trainers from the conser office at the library of congress and one trainer from the university of california conser funnel project to learn the policies and procedures governing conser cataloging actions. when they return home, they will begin to authenticate new serial records and update currently authenticated serials. judy knop will serve as the coordinator and reviewer for the present. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla naco funnel update during the past year, four atla members joined the naco funnel, bringing the total number of active participants to sixteen. some of these new members took advantage of the general financial assistance offered by the atla professional development committee. during the past fiscal year (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009), the atla naco funnel members contributed 696 new headings to the name authority file and corrected 129 existing records. submitted by: judy knop, atla atla saco funnel update the atla saco funnel project has gotten off to a slow start with only four records contributed during fy2009 (october 1, 2008-september 30, 2009). anyone wishing to submit a request for a new or changed subject authority record should follow the instructions in the saco participant’s manual on the saco website ( and submit the request to eric friede (email: who will prepare the request for submission to the library of congress. submitted by: judy knop, atla 2010 “the year of cataloging research” welcome to the “year of cataloging research.” allyson carlyle (associate professor and chair, ph.d. program, the information school, university of washington) has published a guest editorial in cataloging & classification quarterly v. 47, no. 8 (2009) announcing 2010 as the “year of cataloging research.” in the editorial, she describes the origination of the idea 2 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 special collections, archives, and rare books compiled by anna appleman cho, james h. and elayne gardstein. 2020. “all in the family: cataloging the alice hoffman collection.” technical services quarterly 37, no. 4 (october): 376–90. .2020.1810440. davis, kalan knudson. 2020. “leveraging the rbms/bsc latin place names file with python.” code4lib journal, no. 48 (may 11). frost, guy. 2020. “from zines of peer reviewed journals: cataloging contemporary pagan resources.” the serials librarian 79, no. 3-4 (november): 267-80. 6x.2020.1851338. haberstock, lauren. 2020. “participatory description: decolonizing descriptive methodologies in archives.” archival science 20, no. 2 (june): 125–38. pendse, liladhar r. 2020. “building virtual collection and spanish colonial imprints of the philippines.” collection & curation 39, no. 3 (july): 77–88. seppi, gregory and dainan skeem. 2020. “picking up the pieces: library processes and the theft of rare materials.” rbm: a journal of rare books, manuscripts, & cultural heritage 21, no. 2 (fall): 98–118. stead, oliver and chern li liew. 2020. “editorial cartoon collections: a review of indexing challenges.” aslib journal of information management 72, no. 3: 421–38. ajim-10-2019-0288. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-3 1 – 2 pm roundtable: conser funnel project presenter: judy knop, atla conser funnel project coordinator saturday (june 19) 11:30 am – 1 pm in-conference workshop: book repair presenter: paul roberts, director of patron services, southern baptist theological seminary location: held at southern baptist theological seminary (bus transfer provided by atla) atla and oclc announce partnership atla has recently become a partner in the oclc partnership program. the news release was issued april 22, 2010 on the oclc web site (see the partnership is designed to improve member benefits, services, relationships, and cost efficiencies. library of congress documentation for the rda (resource description and access) test the library of congress has posted on its web site (april 21, 2010) the training tools for its u.s. rda test participants ( along with a record of the decisions they have made in regard to the rda test. included are word files and powerpoint files with information, exercises, and quizzes (answers also supplied). revised greek romanization tables the library of congress policy and standards division is accepting comments on the revised romanization tables for ancient and modern greek. if you would like to make comments on the revisions, you have until june 30, 2010 to do so. here are the links to the revised tables: • link to draft of proposed romanization table for ancient greek (pdf 3 p.; 142 kb): • link to draft of proposed romanization table for modern greek (pdf 3 p.; 122 kb: using web 2.0 tools to enhance technical services work here is a free two-day e-forum that you can register for and participate in thanks to alcts (ala’s association for library collections & technical services). it will be hosted by elizabeth winter (electronic resources coordinator at georgia institute of technology in atlanta) and sherab chen (coordinator for non-roman cataloging at the ohio state university libraries, columbus, ohio). it will be held may 19–20, 2010. for details, see the theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-4 alcts web site ( ) ala workshops and programs those of you who might be attending the ala conference (june 24-30, 2010, in washington, d.c. might be interested in the following events. advanced registration ends may 14, 2010. linked data: making library data converse with the world thursday, june 24, 2010 (full day 8 am 5 pm) ( ) cataloging & description of cartographic resources: from parchment to pixels, paper to digital thursday, june 24 (full day 8:30 am 5 pm) friday, june 25, 2010 (8 am noon) ( ) rda 101 friday, 25 june 2010 (full day 8:30 am 5 pm) ( ) xslt for digital libraries friday, june 25, 2010 (full day 8:30 am 5 pm) ( ) cataloging and beyond: publishing for the year of cataloging research sunday, june 27, 8 10 am ( ) open to change: open source and next generation ils and erms sunday, june 27, 10:30 am noon ( ) boot camp for the 21st century metadata manager monday, june 28, 8 10 am ( ) selected articles from current library journals burke, susan k., and jay shorten. “name authority work today: a comparison of types of academic libraries.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 1 (january 2010): 4-20. chambers, sydney, and carolynne myall. “cataloging and classification: review of the literature 2007-8.” library resources & technical services 54, no. 2 (april 2010): 90-114. 7 r e v i e w s dom bortruex is the manager of the monographic fastcat unit at yale university. review of openrefine software by dom bortruex openrefine is a free, open-source desktop application for analyzing, cleaning, and transforming messy data. it is similar to spreadsheet applications but behaves like a database. users of all experience levels can analyze and manipulate data without complicated scripting. due to its ease of use, openrefine is an ideal tool for working with bibliographic data, including tabular data, xml, and even marc records. openrefine operates on rows and columns of data. data can be viewed as rows or records. with a few clicks from the column tools, users can split or join columns. rows and records can be filtered using facets. multiple facets can be viewed at a time. clusters of facets group similar content to provide an in-depth view of the data. this is useful for identifying variations in data values including misspellings and unexpected characters. for example, a user could facet the marc fields 490 and 830 to compare the fields, then use clusters to identify discrepancies. once data is explored through facets and clusters, users can query and clean the data through built-in transformations and simple expressions using the google refine expression language (grel). built-in transformations include changing data values to text, numbers, or dates, stripping white space, and changing the text case. openrefine provides extensive documentation on grel, empowering users to easily learn the language. through grel transformations, users can split or join columns, look up values from other projects, or edit values. users can also write complex transformations using python. openrefine’s reconciliation services retrieve data from external sources such as library of congress subject headings (lcsh), virtual international authority file (viaf), open researcher and contributor id (orcid), wikidata, and others. through the reconciliation tool, users can retrieve and input controlled names and terms. for example, the reconciliation service could be applied to the marc field 100 to control creator names. this service, which includes “best candidate scores” to help identify accurate matches, allows users to review and select reconciled information. it also provides a link to the authority page for easy review of controlled terms. openrefine allows exports of projects and data in multiple tabular formats, including excel and many others. additionally, you can export steps performed in a project, including facets, clusters, mass edits, and transformations; however, single-cell edits are not reflected in these exported steps. users can import the project steps and apply them to other sets of data. openrefine’s power and ease of use makes it an ideal tool for working with messy bibliographic data. the ability to easily drill down into data fields, query other projects and reconciliation services, and perform complex transformations through built-in features and expressions gives users control over their data with a minor learning curve. 2 5 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s classification at another crossroads: exploring e-book call numbers by daniel saulean digital formats represent the materials on which today’s libraries spend most of their budgets. as a result, a great deal of cataloging flows into these formats. catalogers have been cataloging online content for some time. they adapted their general rules to the specificity of the internet as soon as it became evident that end users appreciate the convenience of electronic resources. a key element of the cataloging process—classification—had a controversial status in the new electronic environment, with many questioning its benefit in searching for e-resources. classification and call numbers in the early 1990s, new user tasks formally emerged and soon became a new direction in metadata and cataloging. innovative catalogers embarked on the mission of elaborating appropriate rules to support the frbr model, a process that expanded beyond traditional marc21 cataloging. the essential tasks of finding, identifying, selecting and obtaining materials helped shape the structure of the new generation of faceted online catalogs (tillet 2005). these faceted catalogs remain in service in many libraries even today. they bring precision and order to a collection of multiple formats, enabling discovery by means of filters. however, even when all resources benefit from the same metadata quality standards, there is a format-related dissimilarity when it comes to access. while the print book sits in an orderly fashion on the library shelf, an electronic one often resides on a vendor or publisher platform, where its full text is reachable from the catalog or discovery layer via a string of clicks, link resolvers, and filters that do not particularly entice readers. bibliographic classification is a valuable library service that supports user tasks. an alphanumeric class identifier becomes an effective element that guides the user directly to the item. it supports shelf browsing—a good old-fashioned method to discover similar literature based on the concept of collocation. at the same time, a class identifier embedded in the descriptive metadata facilitates collection development or user experience studies, turning into a tool for collection management and planning for better library service. many collection analysis and stack maintenance techniques rely upon classification as a qualitative instrument of measurement. classification intertwines closely with subject analysis. the reason for which catalogers assign subject headings to resources is the same reason for performing classification. subject analysis connects conceptual and descriptive cataloging. the call number is a byproduct of a classification based on one of the schemes: either lc, dewey, universal decimal, nlm, sudoc—to name the universal ones. it clusters together works, expressions, and manifestations, ensuring all of them are collocated in the physical as well as virtual space. moreover, the call number is a unique access point that is complex enough to distinguish representations from one another. it is the core element of the item description and epitomizes granularity in organizing resources in the library. subject headings offer access points that are not unique resource identifiers. by contrast, when it comes to resource description, the classification numbers can be as unique as isbns; this is why, in practice, they serve multiple collection management and assessment purposes. daniel saulean is continuing resources metadata librarian at the university of vermont. 2 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 classification is a standard procedure in creating the surrogate for books in a public catalog, which dates back to the beginning of libraries and cataloging. call numbers, which grow out of classification through cuttering, represent traditional access points to which the patrons are generally accustomed when they carry out either a search or retrieval. virtual shelf browsing empirical studies maintain that the lack of visibility of e-resources makes researchers unaware of their existence, creating the assumption that collections are much smaller (tingle and teeter 2018, 165). because e-books are not stored in the physical stacks, an integrated shelf of print with electronic books seems out of the question. instead, the online catalogs and their hyperlinking capabilities make possible virtual shelf browsing, a simple and effective enabler of serendipitous discovery. hence, the importance of including the call number information in the e-books metadata added to the catalogs regardless of type of resources, in order to ensure the application of uniform standards for discovery and access. a number of functionalities within traditional integrated systems revolve around classification, at both their front and back end. almost taken for granted in the print world, call numbers were a controversial topic from the very beginning of e-books cataloging. many catalogers continued to create call numbers for monographs in electronic format, while others were quick to drop them off from the marc records, arguing that these materials do not require physical shelving, even though practitioners demonstrated the benefits of online retrieval by call numbers from the very onset of the internet (chan 1986). searching the catalog on a given topic may be a challenge without librarians’ help, especially when the subject terms belong to a controlled vocabulary. librarians always underlined the value of a subject search tool, while end users and developers did not fully make sense of its purpose (markey 2006). this type of search requires a librarian’s expertise, which is customarily part of bibliographic instruction. subject analysis—the process leading to an individualized classification number for a given resource—may be deemed a cost-intensive activity with low expected return on investment. additionally, it demands the maintenance of a database subset of authorized names and subject headings that are continuously added, updated, or cancelled. by contrast, a free full-text search by keyword or phrase across an e-books platform seems a much more cost-efficient alternative. however, would the mere existence of the full-text search be enough to render an entire science of assigning subject headings pointless? as long as the opac and e-book platform are two different databases, with separate indexes and limited interoperability, the answer is evidently no. the precision of the results of a subject search based on controlled vocabulary outperforms the fuzzy outcome of a keyword search. the truth is that a subject search will always be a secondary option to a keyword one, particularly when subject indexes are made of pre-coordinated strings. online catalogs expanded the range and reliability of search methods, and call-number or shelflist browsing is among them. similar to subject search, faceted browsing by class number is less popular. nonetheless, librarians continue to use it and to promote it to patrons, as it brings validity to any literature search. the direct benefit would be locating books by consulting the lc schedules in advance and finding out what a library has in a specific class or subclass area. this is an effective help for someone interested in a topic already defined in the lc classification scheme, 2 7 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s but less effective when venturing into uncharted areas. after all, the effectiveness and universality of the search capability depend on the extent to which specific formats of library resources are consistently classified and represented in the catalog. call numbers for e-books provide an instrument for a virtual browsing facet. in reality, a call number is unlikely to be the first step in a catalog search, but, once a relevant one is found, it serves to expand the search by adding the surrounding numbers, which hyperlink to the titles classified in the same area. users interested in enlarging their literature searches could take into consideration the titles within the same virtual location, which may represent resources in various formats. therefore, a call number browsing facet can be precise, comprehensive, and serendipitous at the same time. this facet is more efficient and practical than a subject facet, on the condition that all the format types are represented in the catalog (rose 2012). while call number functionality is still an option in classic catalogs, it is pervasively missing from publishers’ platforms. an ad hoc survey of several online e-books platforms did not identify a call number browsing option for these portals, which is very much indicative of the disinterest of publishers in library-type classification. enhancing e-books’ usability to ensure the universal application of the rules, cataloging of electronic and print books should be equally consistent. in theory, the type of format should not affect the value added that the call numbers can bring to the end user. in practice, formats do not benefit from equal treatment, and there are differences in approaching classification for electronic as compared to print formats (frederick 2016, 134). ever since e-books first made their way into public catalogs, end users are grappling with the difficulty of finding them. some years ago, a study found only 1.3% of patrons consider e-books easier to locate than print (jamali, nicholas, and rowlands 2009, 39). researchers who looked at the underutilization of e-books by undergraduate students emphasized the importance of making e-books as findable as other materials. findability of e-books starts with their inclusion in the catalog (lamothe 2013, 40) and depends on a spectrum of practical usability features as well as the user-friendliness of the discovery tool (potnis, deosthali, zhu, and mccusker 2018, 115). the completeness of the surrogate metadata creates conditions for better visibility and higher positioning in the ranking algorithms, enhancing overall discovery and usability. studies argue that end users favor electronic over print if provided with choice options. as suspected, when e-book metadata is not present in the library catalog, the usage of e-books is low (goodwin 2014; yuan, van ballegooie and robertson 2018). the surrogate metadata for the e-books that libraries receive from various publishers goes, most of the time, directly into the public catalogs, sometimes with or without local editing. most likely, an e-book record with a missing classification number will be loaded as-is. due to diminishing cataloging expertise in libraries at a time of contracting budgets, libraries accept substandard records with the hope of enhancing findability, ignoring the fact that deficient metadata has an underwhelming impact on discovery. when libraries acquire vendors’ sets of e-books, many of them prefer activating the titles directly in their discovery layers, bypassing the opac and relying entirely on non-edited publisher metadata that regularly lacks class number info. the likelihood of discovery layers to accommodate call numbers is also very low, hindering once more the call number browsing facet. 2 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 uncertainty over the future of classification history suggests that the theory and practice of library classification does not necessarily intersect. controversies over bias and hierarchies of concepts representing classes and subclasses on one hand and the impracticality of classifying e-resources by traditional means on the other are evidence of the challenging times professional standards undergo nowadays. conserving a library classification system that flourished within the marc environment and was designed to serve the print world seems rather out of place in the context of the semantic web. already, in many libraries, newer generations of discovery layers do not display the call number data for e-resources. even more, some libraries adopted a simplified, bookstore type of collections organization that leaves behind the classic schemes catalogers developed over time, which became esoteric to the public. a check of the newly issued cataloging rules reveals a diminishing interest in classification within the professional community as well. the new rda toolkit index has no entry for classification or call numbers. the rda registry, which maps rda elements and relationships to linked data, does not comprise classification as such. none of the hundreds of newly created vocabulary entries and properties related to classification or call number is among the elements or values listed in the registry. yet bibframe 2.0 developed a number of properties describing subject and classification numbers, which may stem from a universal scheme or controlled vocabulary. conversion of bibliographic records created according to previous cataloging standards may conserve the pre-existing data, including classification, although ld4p does not express particular commitment to continuing the creation of class numbers. as long as the classic catalogs or next-gen ones are still around, the call number will largely persist. if the libraries abandon the catalog and move away from its traditional information organization principles, established in an exclusively print environment, call numbers would likely fade away. it is unclear which model the catalog will transition to, if any, but change is in the air. both anecdotal and web traffic data shows that opac searches are down from year to year in academic libraries. this is valid at my home institution—the university of vermont—but there are signs that the trend goes across the board. several years ago, some began openly advocating for the disappearance of the classic catalog and discontinuing investment in discovery systems by replacing them with google scholar, other similar search engines, or straight-up research databases (kortekaas and kramer 2014). a library-without-a-catalog concept emerged, although without gaining much popular traction thereafter. the local catalog without users, highly expensive to maintain, represents the driving force behind the bold move, a new reality that libraries and librarians seem to face by looking at sinking traffic statistics and failure to attract patrons from new generations. cataloging without a catalog will no longer be business as usual. a longtime sacred cow of cataloging, classification is already at a crossroads and in a vulnerable position. it is hard to justify investing in such a complex and politically controversial activity with diminishing popularity among users. the next-gen catalogers show no appetite for learning the old rules. as a likely result, the emerging models of library services platforms will gradually phase marc21 out, driving classification into a corner, unless machines will start learning subject analysis, traditionally done by humans, and save call numbers from extinction, too. there are hopes that information technologists will rescue library classification through an automated taxonomic analysis of digital content—a protracted change that startups such as yewno recently put in practice. artificial intelligence, rath2 9 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s er than human beings, will likely lead the revolution about to unfold in the field of library classification (schreur 2020). looking anxiously ahead while libraries have long striven to bring the web into their catalogs, the web always wanted to bring the libraries and their collections into its realm. the tension between the libraries, which serve a group of local patrons, and the web, which brings together the whole world, will continue in the years to come. when the time is ripe to complete the migration from marc21 to linked data, libraries will have to decide the fate of their complex legacy metadata, and an important part of the transformation will be what to do with their classification systems. works cited chan, lois mai. 1986. “library of congress classification as an online retrieval tool: potentials and limitations.” information technology and libraries 5, no. 3: 181–92. frederick, donna e. 2016. managing e-book metadata in academic libraries: taming the tiger. chandos publishing. goodwin, cathy. 2014. “the e-duke scholarly collection: e-book v. print use.” collection building. jamali, h. r., d. nicholas, and i. rowlands. 2009. “scholarly e‐books: the views of 16,000 academics: results from the jisc national e‐book observatory.” aslib proceedings 61, no. 1: 33-47. doi. org/10.1108/00012530910932276. kortekaas, simone, and bianca kramer. 2014. “thinking the unthinkable: doing away with the library catalogue.” insights 27, no. 3: 244–8. lamothe, alain r. 2013. “factors influencing the usage of an electronic book collection: size of the e-book collection, the student population, and the faculty population.” college & research libraries 74, no. 1: 39–59. markey, karen. 2006. “forty years of classification online: final chapter or future unlimited?” cataloging & classification quarterly 42, nos. 3–4: 1–63. potnis, devendra, kanchan deosthali, xiaohua zhu, and rebecca mccusker. 2018. “factors influencing undergraduate use of e-books: a mixed methods study.” library & information science research 40, no. 2: 106–17. rose, mary z. 2012. “the ship has sailed and we aren’t on it: how catalogers could support user tasks and why we won’t.” journal of library metadata 12, nos. 2–3: 127–39. 9386389.2012.699828. schreur, philip e. 2020. “the use of linked data and artificial intelligence as key elements in the transformation of technical services.” cataloging & classification quarterly 58, no. 5: 473–85. 3 0 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 tillett, barbara b. 2005. “frbr and cataloging for the future.” cataloging & classification quarterly 39, nos. 3–4: 197–205. tingle, natalia, and keith teeter. 2018. “browsing the intangible: does visibility lead to increased use?” technical services quarterly 35, no. 2: 164–74. yuan, weijing, marlene van ballegooie, and jennifer l. robertson. 2018. “e-books versus print books: format preferences in an academic library.” collection management 43, no. 1: 28–48. 2 1 n e w s professional development opportunities compiled by cynthia snell creating digital learning objects for libraries interactive tutorials helping students locate peer-reviewed journal articles, a short video introducing patrons to interlibrary loan services, podcasts covering copyright basics for faculty—these are all examples of digital learning objects (dlos) that libraries have created to support members of their communities. developing asynchronous online resources such as these has become increasingly essential as library services, resources, and patrons shift online. in this four-week course, students will examine dlos, apply instructional design basics to propose and design a dlo that could be deployed at their library, investigate technologies used to create dlos, and explore assessment, marketing, and accessibility as related to dlos. this course is part of the certificate in library instruction. september 6–october 3 $175 digital accessibility for library work in this course, you will learn the basic principles and specific rules of international accessibility standards and practice applying them to key areas of library work. you will develop the skills to assess accessibility features and barriers in electronic resources, to create digital content that can be used by all, and to advise digital scholars on access concerns. as a result of your work in this course, you will be able to recognize accessibility barriers, understand accessible design, and communicate that knowledge to colleagues with less digital accessibility experience. september 6–october 3 $175 digital repository fundamentals and design digital repositories allow libraries, archives, and museums to disseminate and create access to unique digital collections related to institutional academic output or digital special collections. digital repository options vary widely, from proprietary to open source, and include platforms specialized for specific use cases, such as institutional academic production, audiovisual materials, cultural heritage collections, and community and tribal collections. this course is designed to give the student the fundamentals of selecting, designing and implementing the digital repository solution that is right for their particular institutional, academic, or personal project. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. october 4–31 $175 understanding and using library data this course is designed for librarians and library staff who are involved with assessment, decisionmaking, and other areas that involve data analysis and interpretation. effective collection, interprecynthia snell is library director at columbia international university. 2 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 tation and display of library data informs library decision-making and service design. this course serves as a primer for basic analytic concepts and methods and a refresher on tried-and-true statistics. students will discuss the relative merits and limitations of concepts covered. the course will provide instruction on several free tools for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data. students will draft a data analysis project to use in their own library. september 13 & 15, 1–3 cdt $140 (amigos member) / $220 (non-member) testing for accessibility: free tools to assess the accessibility of online resources accessibility in online resources—the ability for users with disabilities and/or learning impairments to access content—is important to libraries, archives, museums, and other types of cultural heritage institutions: but how do you test an online resource to see if it is accessible? how do you ensure that the material you purchase and/or the material you create conforms to accessibility standards and best practices? this class will review several freely available tools that can help you test a website’s adherence to accessibility standards. the tools can help you test content you are considering for your institution, or resources that you already provide but want to improve either internally or through advocating for improved accessibility. we will also review common standards and best practices that are used to evaluate online content. october 6, 1–2:30 cdt $75 (lyrasis member) / $100 (non-member) fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions participants will learn about starting a digitization program. the first session covers the basics of project planning, equipment selection, digitization preparation, and care during digitization. the second session covers technical information relevant to getting started with digitization, such as metadata, file format selection, compression, and more. the class also covers quality control, access, and touches upon basic concepts of digital preservation as relevant to small institutions planning digital projects. august 3–4, 1–2 cdt $125 (lyrasis member) / $150 (non-member) theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 3—may 2010 3-1 section three: news and views of the members of the atla technical services section edited by lynn berg conser funnel program underway in january, five atla members traveled to boston for a one-day conser training event designed to introduce them to the practices and policies governing the conser program. following this training, the participants received conser authorizations and library of congress control numbers (lccn) for use in their serials cataloging. to date, three trainees have begun submitting serial records for review. as of march 2010, two new records and two updated records have been entered into oclc. many more serial records are in the review process. look for atla member symbols in the o40 field of religious serials on oclc. you will soon begin seeing them there. ―submitted by judy knop, atla conser funnel coordinator naco and conser roundtables atla annual conference (june 2010, louisville, ky) if you have an interest in joining your colleagues in either the naco or conser funnel programs, or you just want to know more about the programs, please come to the roundtables. the naco roundtable is being held on thursday at 2 pm and the conser roundtable is being held on friday at 1 pm. ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco and conser funnels coordinator naco funnel member achieves independence michael bradford, serials and electronic resources librarian at harvard divinity school, has successfully passed the test required for achievement of independence in the creation and updating of corporate, conference and geographic names in the national name authority file on oclc. way to go michael! ―submitted by judy knop, atla naco funnel coordinator atla conference june 2010 technical services tuesday (june 15) 7 9 pm technical services pre-conference gathering topic: local opacs. 1 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 the problem of describing digital ephemera by brinna michael in the fall of 2019, preparations began to ramp up for pitts theology library’s winter exhibition, thy kingdom come: american evangelicalism from george whitefield to contemporary politics, an exploration of the historical, social, and political complexities of the american evangelical movement. the goal of curators brandon wason and eric moore (2019) was to “[problematize] monolithic portrayals of evangelicalism in the media in order to demonstrate the significant role this movement has played within the broader american culture.” to accomplish this, they drew on a variety of resources, including original compendiums of george whitfield’s sermons, publications by proponents of christian fundamentalism, ephemera reflecting the everyday evangelical life, and books on the state of contemporary american evangelicalism. in addition to these more traditional, physical representations of embodied history, wason and moore also made the decision to include something altogether different for pitts: a curated selection of tweets to accompany the section on american evangelicalism and contemporary politics. but why tweets? pitts theology library’s special collections department specializes in collecting a variety of historical materials largely focused on the reformation and wesleyan periods, and it is rare that exhibitions engage so directly with current events. however, wason and moore’s collaboration presented an opportunity to display a truly contemporary example of the current state of politics and religion, one which could only be captured through social media. throughout the exhibition’s three-month run, wason, moore, and library director bo adams, curated a selection of tweets that were added to a running feed in the gallery, giving a near real-time look into the living evangelical experience. in fact, the screen on which the feed was running quickly became the section of the exhibition most frequently engaged with by visitors. in response to the exhibition, some in the atla community posed the question: amidst cases full of painstakingly preserved and described physical materials, were there plans for preserving and describing the tweets? the short answer is no. a selection of the tweets were included in the official exhibition catalog, but, overall, there was not a plan for any long-term preservation or description of the tweets. this decision was made largely because the displayed tweets constituted an incredibly small and highly curated subset of the social media record of evangelical engagement with contemporary politics specifically gathered for this exhibition. rather than attempting to take on a project outside the scope and technical capability of the library, the decision was made not to preserve them outside of their context as a supplemental element of the exhibit itself. additionally, the preservation of tweets, and social media posts broadly, is an incredibly complex and imprecise process, one that should not be taken on in an ad hoc, one-off fashion. as the technology we use to communicate and express ourselves continues to develop, it is becoming quite clear that the cultural heritage community must shift our established practices in order to preserve and describe these new forms of cultural communication artifacts. many are familiar with the often-arduous process of describing physical ephemera or other types of obscure and challenging information artifacts, but digital ephemera present an even more complex undertaking. tweets and other types of social media posts exemplify the intricacy of such artifacts: interactive by design and ephemeral by nature, it is practically impossible to capture a suitably debrinna michael is cataloging and metadata librarian at pitts theology library, emory university. 1 9 t e s t i m o n y scriptive context of a collection of tweets through the means available to archivists and librarians now. what is a tweet? we just don’t know twitter currently has a very robust selection of application programming interfaces (apis), which enable developers to do everything from create and edit tweets and direct messages to retrieve dumps of tweet and public user account metadata in json format (twitter developer, “introduction”). these apis and associated endpoints (applications which perform a specific function, like searching based on a string) were largely designed with business and industry uses in mind, but could potentially be adapted for preservation and description. still, simple access to the data is not a success in and of itself. there are a number of challenges that pose a particularly tall barrier to any useable process by which to reliably and regularly record and preserve tweets. the prime example of this is the library of congress’ attempt to build a twitter archive through a partnership with twitter. beginning in 2010, the library of congress and twitter reached an agreement in which twitter would provide an archive of public tweets from 2006–10 as well as establish a continual transfer of tweets on an ongoing basis moving forward. that project abruptly stalled, as announced in a white paper by the library of congress (2017), which stated that the library “will continue to acquire tweets but will do so on a very selective basis” and that those tweets will be “thematic and event-based, including events such as elections, or themes of ongoing national interest, e.g. public policy.” since then, almost nothing has been heard from the project. elisabeth fondren and meghan menard mccune (2018), however, provide an excellent analysis of the social, technical, and cultural challenges that impacted the library of congress’s decision in their article, “archiving and preserving social media at the library of congress: institutional and cultural challenges to build a twitter archive.” based on fondren and mccune’s observations, let’s break down one aspect of the technical issues facing institutions attempting to preserve twitter content: the challenge of processing and organizing a set of raw data. when a tweet’s data is received from twitter, either by request for a certain account or through an endpoint query, it arrives in the form of metadata encoded in tweet json format. this means that the tweets have been stripped all their original visual and interactive context, calling into question how we even want to define what a tweet “is.” is it the 140 (or 280) characters composing the “text” element of the “tweet object” (twitter developer, “tweet object”)? is it the entire set of metadata enclosed in the “tweet object” itself? or does it also include the visual rendering of the information as well? this distinction is important when considering the purpose of preserving the information artifact and the method of description to be used for providing access and context. for example, the tweets collected and displayed as part of the thy kingdom come exhibition were displayed as they would be seen as part of a twitter feed, relying on their interlinked visual and textual aspects to engage users in a way that could not be achieved if they were displayed as raw data or even as a more standard metadata “record” view. to collect or not to collect in addition to such technical issues, there are the ethical and social ones. privacy is a major concern for social media users, although their behaviors may not align with these concerns (yerby, 2 0 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 koohang, and paliszkiewicz 2019). as cultural heritage institutions, we have the complicated job of trying to balance the responsibility of recording cultural history with respecting the wishes and privacy of creators who may not have intended or wished for their content to be preserved longterm or exposed for research purposes. this is not a new concept. archives regularly broker access restrictions as part of donor agreements, particularly in regards to living creators and potentially controversial materials. the same considerations should be given when contemplating preserving social media posts: •  what is the purpose of collecting and preserving these posts? •  are we undermining the creators’ privacy and potentially endangering them by collecting and preserving these posts? •  are we taking appropriate measures to ethically and accurately describe the full context of these posts? this final question poses perhaps the greatest hurdle to preserving this new wave of digital ephemera. as fondren and mccune (2018, 41) note, “the permanent and long-term nature of the library’s twitter archive has challenged the widespread notion of social media as ephemeral content… [and] may also alter cultural practices on twitter, as users react to the knowledge that their tweets are now part of history.” if the act of collection could affect established cultural practices surrounding social media, how will descriptions and presentation of those collected tweets and posts? our current methods and systems of description, specifically marc, have historically been built around concepts of tangible information artifacts, and have thus struggled to be flexible enough to fully contextualize more complex examples of cultural history, such as film, music, performance, physical ephemera, and unpublished works. it only stands to reason that the same level of ingenuity will be called on to fully contextualize something as massive and complex as a social media site. additionally, we must remember that the act of curating content being collected by cultural heritage institutions is, in and of itself, a biased act, imposing a particular lens though which cultural and public history will be interpreted for generations to come. the proposal by the library of congress (2017) twitter archive project to further narrow the collecting parameters moving forward shifts social media into this conversation of collection bias, reinforcing the need for fully fleshedout methods of contextualization as part of preservation and description. conclusions the inclusion of tweets in wason and moore’s exhibition, thy kingdom come, exemplified the engaging and dynamic ways in which current and historical methods of cultural communication can interact. while no plans were made to preserve or describe the curated tweets, their inclusion provokes an important discussion for cultural heritage institutions: how are we going to move forward so that future generations will have full, minimally-biased access to the normalized cultural exchanges represented by social media posts and interactions? as with all shifts to the format of cultural exchange, there is no simple answer to this question. while technical challenges present a very concrete hurdle to this goal, we must also carefully consider the ethical and social impact of collecting digital ephemera. current and widely used methods and standards of description (e.g., marc, dublin core, etc.) cannot accurately define and describe the complex relationships and con2 1 t e s t i m o n y text of a platform like twitter. as such, our first goal must be to break free of conventional definitions of information artifacts and clearly answer the question, “what is a tweet?” until we can define with surety what we are describing, we cannot move forward with designing a descriptive standard. works cited fondren, elizabeth and meghan menard mccune. 2018. “archiving and preserving social media at the library of congress: institutional and cultural challenges to build a twitter archive.” preservation, digital technology & culture 47, no. 2: 33–44. library of congress. 2017. “update on the twitter archive at the library of congress.” twitter developer. “introduction to tweet json.” data dictionary. ———. “tweet object.” data dictionary. wason, brandon and eric moore. 2019. “introduction.” thy kingdom come: american evangelicalism from george whitefield to contemporary politics. yerby, johnathan, alex koohang, and joanna paliszkiewicz. 2019. “social media privacy concerns and risk beliefs.” online journal of applied knowledge management 7, no. 1: 1–13. 1 6 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. collection management compiled by anna appleman gregory, gwen. 2020. “going the distance: incorporating collection maintenance into technical services in an academic library.” technical services quarterly 37, no. 1 (january): 13–23. lantzy, tricia, talitha matlin, and judy opdahl. 2020. “creating a library-wide collection management cycle: one academic library’s approach to continuous collection assessment.” journal of library administration 60, no. 2 (february): 155–66. maiorana, zachary, ian bogus, mary miller, jacob nadal, katie risseeuw, and jennifer hain teper. 2019. “everything not saved will be lost: preservation in the age of shared print and withdrawal projects.” college & research libraries 80, no. 7 (november): 945–72. maddox abbott, jennifer a. 2020. “a foundation for change: using challenges and opportunities as building blocks for collection management.” collection management 45, no. 2 (april): 110–23. 17 bibliography cataloging compiled by anna appleman clarke, rachel ivy and brian dobreski. “exploring the role of repertoire in library cataloging.” journal of documentation 75, no. 5 (september 2019): 1169–89. engelson, leslie a. “sufficiency of cataloging education: school librarians respond.” journal of education for library & information science 60, no. 4 (december 2019): 285–311. moulaison sandy, heather. “explaining cataloging to a six year old?” technical services quarterly 36, no. 4 (october 2019): 379–90. park, jung-ran, lorraine l. richards, and andrew brenza. “benefits and challenges of bibframe: cataloging special format materials, implementation, and continuing educational resources.” library hi tech 37, no. 3 ( july 2019): 549–65. spidal, debra. “a cataloger’s perspective on cataloging backlogs.” cataloging & classification quarterly 57, no. 5 ( july 2019): 337–47. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-2 as well as the need for and importance of research. you can read it online at the ccq web site ( what does this mean for you? ms. carlyle suggests several ways that all of us can participate in this endeavor: generate and share inspiring research ideas; do your own research; present and publish your research; encourage and support others doing research (fill out those email surveys); read research papers and articles on bibliographic control; organize a research program or other event on bibliographic control at a conference you attend; spread the word—let everyone interested in cataloging, catalogs, metadata, bibliographic control of any sort know about it; attend programs on cataloging research at ala and other conferences. library of congress publications available on the record report recommendations the library of congress should pursue over the next four years: report to the associate librarian for library services. (pdf, dated september 15, 2009, this report was prepared by the otr report implementation working group, co-chaired by regina reynolds and bruce knarr. it is a planning document detailing the projects, contingent projects, and areas of investigation recommended for action by lc over the next four years. library of congress study of the north american marc records marketplace. (pdf, dated october 2009, this study was prepared by ruth fischer and rick lugg of r2 consulting llc. this forty-seven page study analyzes the results of surveys in order to assess the current patterns of creation and distribution of marc records in the u.s. and canada with regard to economic factors, sufficiency and redundancy of production, and incentives and barriers to production. selected articles from current library journals baca, murtha, and elizabeth o’keefe. “sharing standards and expertise in the early 21st century: moving toward a collaborative, ‘cross-community’ model for metadata creation.” international cataloguing and bibliographic control 38, no. 4 (october/december 2009): 59-67. theology cataloging bulletin section 3 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 3-3 calhoun, karen, and renee register. “next generation cataloging.” journal of library administration 49, no. 6 (august 2009): 651-656. chen, sherab. “can blogging help cataloging?: using a blog and other web 2.0 tools to enhance cataloging section activities.” library resources & technical services 53, no. 4 (october 2009): 251-260. colati, gregory c., katherine m. crowe, and elizabeth s. meagher. “better, faster, stronger: integrating archives processing and technical services.” library resources & technical services 53, no. 4 (october 2009): 261-270. correa, eda m., and nashieli marcano. “bibliographic description and practices for providing access to spanish language materials.” technical services quarterly 26, no. 4 (2009): 299-312. curran, mary. “serials in rda: a starter’s tour and kit.” serials librarian 57, no. 4 (2009): 306-323. galeffi, agnese. “biographical and cataloguing common ground: panizzi and lubetzky, kindred spirits separated by a century.” library & information history 25, no. 4 (december 2009): 227-246. hoffman, gretchen l. “meeting users’ needs in cataloging: what is the right thing to do?” cataloging & classification quarterly 47, no. 7 (october 2009): 631-641. howarth, lynne c. “‘is there a catalog in your future?’”: celebrating nancy j. williamson: scholar, educator, colleague, mentor.” cataloging & classification quarterly 48, no. 1 (2010): 1-9. kern, m. kathleen. “next generation catalogs: what do they do and why should we care?” reference and user services quarterly 49, no. 2 (winter 2009): 117-120. mitchell, joan s., and diane vizine-goetz. “the ddc and oclc.” journal of library administration 49, no. 6 (august 2009): 657-667. sibley, b. jean. “holding patterns: current trends in serial holdings statements.” technical services quarterly 27, no. 1 (2010): 39-50. smiraglia, richard p. “bibliocentrism, cultural warrant, and the ethics of resource description: a case study.” cataloging & classification quarterly 47, no. 7 (october 2009): 671-686. strader, c. rockelle. “author-assigned keywords versus library of congress subject headings.” library resources & technical services 53, no. 4 (october 2009): 243-250. valente, colleen. “training successful paraprofessional copy catalogers.” library resources & technical services 53, no. 4 (october 2009): 219-230. 19 testimony adventures of a naco cataloger: is doctor julius a bewer or brewer? by donna wells in april of 2019 our library purchased the title: the history of the new testament canon in the syrian church by julius a. brewer. the title was a republication of a work originally published in 1900. when i started the cataloging process i could find no record for the book in hand, but since it was first published in 1900 i thought i should be able to find a record for the original publication. i was unable to find the record under name and title, and i finally found it searching by title and date. this record listed the author as bewer, not brewer. turning to the library of congress name authority file (naf) i searched for julius august and found that the naf had two name authority records (nars), one for julius bewer and the other for julius brewer; both, amazingly, with the same first and middle names and birth and death dates. the entries were: bewer, julius a. ( julius august), 1877-1953, and brewer, julius a. ( julius august), 1877-1953. there was very little documentary information in the nars to be able to determine whether the two were actually the same person. on the other hand, what were the chances of a brewer and bewer having the same exact given names, as well as the same life span? but which was the correct spelling? interestingly, the oclc records were fairly evenly divided on the issue, and our library catalog had several titles under each name as well. one aspect became clear from all that data however, it did indicate that both juliuses were doctors and old testament scholars. now i felt quite confident this was a single personage. i looked at the title pages of our copies of his books and found that the professor had taught at union theological seminary in new york. fortunately we have in our collection a history of union seminary, and doctor julius is quite prominent in it. he is a bewer, not a brewer. there is no real clarity on how the misspelling began, but it is likely his name was once misprinted on a title page and this error was perpetuated. what to do? we have two nars for the same person. at a loss, i consulted our atla naco coordinator, richard lammert. after checking my research, he agreed with my conclusion that bewer was the correct form of the name and sent me wonderfully simple instructions to resolve this complex problem. i moved the information in the 670 fields from the brewer nar to the bewer nar, combining the information from both records into one. i also marked the incorrect record for deletion by adding a 667 field stating the reason for the deletion and the lccn of the correct nar and emailed the library of congress ( to let them know the brewer record needed to be deleted. this is the record that resulted from this process: donna wells is associate director and head of technical services at southeastern baptist theological seminary. 20 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin there are two areas in the lc-naco documentation that somewhat cover this situation. one is this faq: are there specific guidelines by which lc operates when determining which of duplicate heading should be deleted? there are no specific guidelines for handling duplicates. naco catalogers are encouraged to make the determination as to which nar should be canceled and report this to their lc liaison. generally: • prefer to keep a heading that has been coded for rda over one coded aacr2 or coded for earlier rules. • if both nars are coded for aacr2 or rda, prefer the heading that contains more information (e.g., dates, fuller form of name). • if both headings are identical, prefer the one with the more complete set of information citations (670s) and references, 046 or 37x fields. • if all things are equal, pick either one. do not agonize over the choice! in any case, useful information from the nar being canceled is transferred to the nar being kept. only lc can cancel donna wells is associate director and head of technical services at southeastern baptist theological seminary. 21 testimony duplicates, but the naco program relies on independent naco catalogers to recommend which heading should be kept in order to make the process more efficient. unless there are other factors involved, the assessment of the naco cataloger will generally be accepted by lc. ( the other is from the guidelines for reporting naco bfm (bibliographic file maintenance): duplicate name heading reporting oclc also sends to lc an error report identifying duplicate headings in the authority database, allowing lc staff to resolve conflicts and to maintain affected bibliographic records. as of [sic] result, exact duplicates do not need to be reported to lc. however, logical duplicates for the same entity that use different 1xx forms do still need to be reported to lc. ( most naco work is fairly straightforward and simple to do. however it is these knotty problems and unusual situations that make the work more fun and interesting. i am glad that under rda guidelines we can add more biographical information to our records than we could with aacr2. this is the information that is usually the most helpful for differentiation and most intriguing when discovered. this world contains many more fascinating people with amazing accomplishments than the general public has never heard of, but the catalogers know them. we meet them in our work. 1 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s clare f. keating is the electronic resources librarian at the university of toledo. administering openathens authentication: an introductory toolkit for librarians by clare f. keating openathens offers iso 27001 standard-compliant, federated security assertion markup language (saml) based authentication for patrons remotely accessing library subscribed e-resources from off-site locations. at the university of toledo libraries, we utilize optional integrations with university it maintained software systems so that patron authentication is confirmed via successful login with the university’s single sign-on, which grants openathens-level authorizations for the patron’s active web browser session. with anonymization methods in place, openathens then interacts with e-resource sites in the background to unlock library-subscribed content based on the patron’s locally set e-resource allocations, without the patron’s active participation in each resource-specific login workflow. among other benefits, openathens limits the number of unique username/password combinations a patron must maintain for remote library access, reducing patron clicks when accessing multiple subscribed resources during a single browser session. our use of the optional integrations allows patron roster maintenance and its primary security to remain under university it control, while allowing library staff to allocate and maintain connections between openathens and hundreds of e-resources as subscription statuses change. utilizing ebsco’s setup service, the university of toledo libraries went live with openathens authentication in august 2019. the ebsco team provided expert support during the transition process, including “athenized” urls for existing databases and collection-level resources for our local users. from there, library staff quickly began updating the patron-facing a to z database list and libguide link assets, proxy prefixes and ip addresses in resource administrator accounts, and much more before the beginning of the fall 2019 semester. but what happened after the openathens implementation team and the library staff considered the setup project complete? how did library staff determine e-book or e-journal title-level urls? it was time for library staff to dig in deeper and start working our way through some openathens tasks on our own. support tickets can still be placed as needed with openathens, and formal training sessions can be arranged, but below is a brief overview of some freely available resources that helped during our fledging period and beyond. whether you are completely new to openathens from the library perspective or are seeking informal help with cross-training colleagues, this collection of resources represents the basic tools regularly utilized by one librarian responsible for locally managing this library authentication software. tools for adding new resource connections one of the first openathens tasks the university of toledo libraries were responsible for after the implementation was the addition of a new resource connection. when completing this task for the first time, the openathens documentation website was critically important, even if a little confusing on the first couple of read-throughs. the new users page will likely be your most used reference as you work your way through the first months after openathens go-live. whether your library stores important resource information in shared excel sheets or in erm system records, there is a set of local openathens information, unique to your organization, that 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 may be requested by resource providers when setting up a new resource for openathens authentication. this local information should be made readily available to all library staff who will be responsible for setting up authentication for newly acquired or subscribed e-resources. the information includes your organization’s: • openathens domain • openathens ip address (for proxy connections) • openathens organization id • openathens entity id • openathens redirector prefix tools for athenized url building redirector compatible similar to ezproxy and wam proxy solutions that provide prefixes and other affixes for generating urls that direct library patrons through a library’s authentication process for remote access, openathens libraries will be given their unique openathens redirector prefix. basic redirector prefix structure: this prefix works for connecting to a large swath of locally acquired resources through the openathens authentication pathway, whether the actual resource connection is a proxy setup or a federated/saml connection. to confirm that a resource is redirector compatible, visit the list of redirector compatible providers maintained by openathens. this web resource was recently redesigned to move away from a long-scrolling, text-based alphabetical listing that used symbols to distinguish redirector compatible resources and other specific resource characteristics. the openathens team has added better search capability and resource filters so that librarians can more easily discern what “flavor” of connection is currently offered for resources from a particular provider or publisher. for those librarians unfamiliar with working in a federation mindset, you will want to confirm, likely with your it department, which of the federations your organization is a member of, as a small assortment is also indicated on the compatible providers list. if a specific provider/ resource is not currently available for your organization’s existing member federation(s) or does not support saml in general, you will likely request setting up authentication as a traditional proxy connection via an openathens support ticket, at least in the short term. this is assumed because, whether it is your organization or a resource provider joining an additional federation, it can take deliberation and more involved technology adjustments by it administrators before federation membership becomes operational. target url encoding for some resources, simply adding the redirector prefix onto the front of the resource’s base access url (the target url) will be adequate. however, on their redirector link generator documentation page, openathens does recommend percent encoding, sometimes known as url encoding, for most target urls. the use of special characters like % and = within target urls can confuse the system, ending in misdirection or error pages from the patron’s perspective. at the university of toledo, we found these special characters particularly common when determining athenized urls for e-books at the individual title or chapter level. to add the redirector prefix and complete the 3 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s encoding, you may input the target url into the redirector link generator specific to your organization within your library’s openathens admin account under the resources tab, or use the publicly available link generator provided by openathens and customizable to your organization. though i recommend storing the local redirector prefix within the erm record or spreadsheet with the other items listed in the section above, a wider group of technical services and public services staff will likely need ready access to the local prefix. you may wish to add a bookmark to your institution’s publicly available openathens redirector link generator within a libguide or other convenient location for wider distribution to library staff and patrons. for those circumstances when you might need to determine some percent encoding on your own or want to learn a little more about this format, free webpages exist for this purpose, such as the url decode and encode tool. as a charter institution of the ohiolink consortium, we regularly enjoy collaborative troubleshooting and learning with our talented colleagues at other ohiolink libraries when technology issues arise. however, the university of toledo was only the second ohiolink institution to implement openathens authentication. through web searches and other discovery methods, we explored the ways existing openathens institutions in the global community had solved some of the subcollection linking problems we had been experiencing. for example, when we gained access to films on demand in early 2021, we needed to record the redirector prefix within the films on demand administration site for generating platform permalinks that would be presented to patrons for individual videos. unfortunately, for the output permalinks to work, the films on demand target url also needed to be encoded. this temporarily presented a local problem as staff lacked technical knowledge for forcing the permalink generator to encode everything after the redirector prefix. likewise, directing patrons to take the additional step of copy and pasting a films on demand generated permalink into the redirector link generator to retrieve a usable url was deemed too cumbersome for the patron workflow. knowing the general sizes of the customer bases for both films on demand and openathens, we reasoned that we could not be the first library to approach this issue. conducting a web search with basic search phrases like +“films on demand” +“openathens”, we found the solution to our problems by seeing the links other libraries were providing to films on demand videos. the university of toledo libraries express gratitude to the florida academic library services cooperative for their public libguide on openathens, particularly their page “permalinks that require hex code encoding,” which introduced local staff to ebsco’s proxify tool prefix: roxy= ebsco’s proxify tool prefix allows one to both use the organization’s redirector prefix and force url encoding on whatever target url is appended to the end. this new-to-us prefix offers great potential for our collection services department to explore further, as we have experienced challenges in the past with determining a quick method for rapidly updating urls in existing marc records with the necessary url encoding. alternatively, in the redirector link generator portion of the resources tab within the openathens administration site, a method for batch encoding target urls by uploading a formatted .csv or .txt file has also been recently added. searching for athenized links from other openathens libraries’ a to z lists or websites is a great starting point when attempting to troubleshoot a new resource url to provide to your own patrons. the examples you uncover may not match up exactly to what your specific library may need, but typically provides the necessary hints for finding a way around obstacles. 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 wayfless (where are you from) urls though seemingly less frequent now, at the time of our openathens implementation some resources appeared to prefer use of the resource provider’s unique wayfless url structure rather than readily allowing use of the redirector prefix. for an example of a wayfless url structure, on their authentication support page, credo reference offers subscribers the following wayfless url structure:***.edu%2fopenathens&target=https%3a in the example above, the *** would be replaced with the subscribing library/institution’s unique information so that the patron is still automatically routed past the “where are you from” institution selection page on the e-resource website. anecdotally, wayfless urls seem to provide quicker page load times, but this makes the url structure less predictable to library patrons. since each has its benefits, your local staff may want to discuss some general local guidelines as to when it may be preferable to promote one style over the other. typically, resource platforms that provide permalink generators for patron use resolve much of the human error that would have otherwise occurred with wayfless urls, allowing patrons to successfully copy and paste appropriate urls for reconnecting to specific items on and off campus. information regarding a specific resource or resource provider’s wayfless url structure is typically found by conducting a keyword search for wayfless on the resource provider’s support documentation website. tools for troubleshooting, connecting, and learning more moving forward admittedly, during the height of the global covid-19 pandemic, greater focus was required for providing patron support, budgeting, and technology troubleshooting. this had placed some projects for greater openathens integration planned for 2020 and 2021 at a much lower priority than we initially intended. when our interlibrary loan team sought to revive a coordinated project to work towards integration of our illiad instance with openathens authentication, i was pleasantly surprised by some of the advances and developments we had missed in the wider openathens community. this was especially true of the openathens customer listserv, which kicked off in may 2020. providing a valuable space for openathens libraries to converse with each other as well as with openathens moderators, this fills a need that we felt was absent during the university of toledo’s openathens implementation. the listserv provides a timely outlet for asking openathens related questions that might not merit a support ticket, a sounding board for further innovation, and opportunity for quickly polling the community as to whether a resource authentication error is locally contained or affecting a broader customer base. those wishing to subscribe may do so from the openathens listerv homepage. additionally, the listserv archive can be searched for problems others might have previously addressed, including information on the availability of illiad/openathens authentication integration. the openathens team also launched a known resource issue support page, which is a good first stop before taking questions to the listserv. dissimilar to status pages, such as ebsco’s status page, the original intention of the openathens access issues webpage did not appear to be for providing notice of very temporary resource outages or disconnections. it did, however, provide a helpful global view for library staff administering openathens as more e-resources implement upgrades and continue to move from proxy connections to federated ones. this resource information re 5 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s located to the openathens resource status page, newly launched in june 2022, with the addition of a timestamped history of reported resource incidents one might have expected from the original openathens access issues webpage. this resource, as well as the customer listserv and more tailored emails from openathens based on locally allocated resource connections, have begun to address communication shortfalls experienced early on in our openathens implementation. previously, as resources switched from a proxy connection to a federated/saml connection, the existing proxy connection pathway would fail on and after the federated connection’s go-live date. libraries were not always kept informed of these transitions by the resource providers or openathens. this led to surprise forbidden error messaging to library patrons, which usually required a few minutes of hurried work on the library administrator’s part to allocate the most current connection for the resource within the resources tab on the openathens administration site. library staff who need to monitor communications from openathens of scheduled maintenance windows and any unexpected service outages that may occur should “subscribe to updates” on the actual openathens status page to receive email notifications. as more libraries and consortia adopt openathens authentication, i predict we will see additional libguides made publicly available covering common and uncommon situations in the openathens implementation and maintenance workflows. these would provide further reference sources for supporting librarians working through a local implementation with a smaller staff or a particularly challenging innovation or issue. but for now, we are frequently seeing a response to our information needs both from within the library community and by openathens staff, regularly expanding our toolkit. 1 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s lc headings from november 2020–february 2021 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 11 (november 13) and 12 (december 18), and 2021 list numbers 01 ( january 15) and 02 (february 12). subject headings 150 academic libraries--services to transfer students [may subd geog] [sp2020010051] 053 z711.92.t727 550 bt transfer students--services for 150 ayyappan (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 90001064 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2020242176 110 baphuon (angkor thom) [sp2020010602] 410 uf baphuon temple (angkor thom) 410 uf prasat baphuon (angkor thom) 551 bt cambodia--antiquities 550 bt temples--cambodia 110 bayon (angkor) change heading 110 bayon (angkor thom) [sp 97005377 ] 410 uf bayon (angkor) [former heading] 410 uf prasat bayon (angkor thom) 551 bt cambodia--antiquities 550 bt temples--cambodia 150 bhagavati (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 85013526 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2019244079 150 buddhist temples--indonesia [sp2020008111] 150 buddhist temples--sri lanka [sp2020008916] 150 buddhist women in art [not subd geog] [sp2020012260] 680 here are entered works on the depiction of buddhist women in art. christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 110 candi muaro jambi (indonesia) [sp2020008110] 410 uf jambi temple (indonesia) 410 uf muara jambi complex (indonesia) 410 uf muara jambi temple (indonesia) 410 uf muara jambi temple complex (indonesia) 410 uf muaro jambi temple (indonesia) 410 uf muaro jambi temple complex (indonesia) 550 bt buddhist temples--indonesia 110 capilla de nuestra señora de los ojos grandes (catedral de lugo) [sp2020010580] 410 uf capilla de la virgen de los ojos grandes (catedral de lugo) 410 uf chapel de nuestra señora de los ojos grandes (catedral de lugo) 410 uf chapel of nuestra señora de los ojos grandes (catedral de lugo) 410 uf nuestra señora de los ojos grandes chapel (catedral de lugo) 410 uf virgen de los ojos grandes chapel (catedral de lugo) 510 bt catedral de lugo 550 bt chapels--spain 150 chapels--spain [sp2021000036] 150 characters and characteristics in the mahābhārata [sp2020010009] 150 characters and characteristics in the rāmāyaṇa [sp2020010010] 150 christian literature, udmurt [may subd geog] [sp2020011591] 450 uf udmurt christian literature 550 bt udmurt literature 150 climatic changes--religious aspects [sp2020008169] 150 climatic changes--religious aspects--islam [sp2020008170] 150 death--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2020005854] 151 fag el-gamous cemetery site (egypt) [sp2019103089] 451 uf fag el-gamous necropolis site (egypt) 451 uf fag el-gamous site (egypt) 550 bt cemeteries--egypt 551 bt egypt--antiquities 781 egypt--fag el-gamous cemetery site 150 gates in the bible [sp2019103136] 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 gopis (hindu mythology) [sp2020008787] 450 uf gopi (hindu mythology) 450 uf gopikas (hindu mythology) 550 bt hindu mythology 150 gopis (hindu mythology) in art [not subd geog] [sp2020008815] 150 gopuras [may subd geog] [sp2020008781] 450 uf gopurams 450 uf gopurans 550 bt gateways 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt towers 150 hadith--geography [sp2020008803] 053 bp135.8.g46 450 uf geography in the hadith 450 uf geography, islamic 450 uf islamic geography 150 hymns, kinyarwanda [may subd geog] [sp2020000664] 450 uf kinyarwanda hymns 150 indra (hindu deity) in literature cancel heading [sp 00008585 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading indra (hindu deity)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 ivory carving, kushan [may subd geog] [sp2020008816] 450 uf kushan ivory carving 150 jaina cave temples--india [sp2020008160] 150 jewish art and symbolism--20th century [sp2020008108] 150 jewish dance in literature [not subd geog] [sp2020006655] 100 kalhora dynasty, 1701-1783 [not subd geog] [sp2019101388] 072 h 1120 551 bt pakistan--kings and rulers 150 kāmākhya (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp2006001796] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2019241096 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 151 khandagiri caves (india) [sp2020008159] 451 uf cuttack caves (india) 451 uf kattaka caves (india) 550 bt caves--india 550 bt jaina cave temples--india 781 india--khandagiri caves 150 kirti toran (vadnagar, india) [sp2020008728] 450 uf narsi mehta's arch of triumph (vadnagar, india) 450 uf narsinh mehta's chori-toran (vadnagar, india) 550 bt toranas--india 550 bt triumphal arches—india 110 kontigudi temples (aihole, karnataka, india) [sp2020008740] 410 uf konti gudi temples (aihole, karnataka, india) 410 uf konti temples (aihole, karnataka, india) 410 uf kunti gudi temples (aihole, karnataka, india) 410 uf kuntigudi group (aihole, karnataka, india) 410 uf kuntigudi temples (aihole, karnataka, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 150 kuntī (hindu mythology) cancel heading [sp 90002221 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading kuntī (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2020242356 110 lad khan temple (aihole, karnataka, india) [sp2020008887] 410 uf chalukya shiva temple (aihole, karnataka, india) 410 uf ladkhan temple (aihole, karnataka, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 150 ladhedi gate (gwalior, india) [may subd geog] [sp2020008888] 450 uf buland darwaza (gwalior, india) 450 uf ladheri gate (gwalior, india) 550 bt gates--india 150 lalita ghat (vārānasi, uttar pradesh, india) [sp2020008903] 550 bt ghats (architecture)--india 5 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 110 lankathilaka image house (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) [sp2020008904] 410 uf lanka thilaka temple (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf lankathilaka pilima geya (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf lankathilaka pilimage (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf lankathilaka vihara (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf lankatilaka image house (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf lankatilaka temple (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf lankatilaka vihara (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf lankatilaka viharaya (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 410 uf polonnaruwa lankathilaka image house (polonnaruwa, sri lanka) 550 bt buddhist temples--sri lanka 150 leadership--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2020005856] 150 leftand right-handedness--religious aspects--christianity [sp2020011611] 150 libraries and public health [may subd geog] [sp2020008937] 053 z716.42 450 uf public health and libraries 550 bt public health 150 light--religious aspects--mormon church [sp2020008758] 150 loneliness--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2020005857] 150 luna (roman deity) cancel heading [sp2002010252] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020142986 150 main halls (buddhist temples) [may subd geog] [sp2020010586] 450 uf great halls (buddhist temples) 450 uf hondō (buddhist temples) 450 uf mahavira halls (buddhist temples) 550 bt buddhist temples 550 bt buildings 150 mandapas [may subd geog] [sp2020008826] 450 uf mandapams 450 uf mantapas 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt pavilions 550 bt porches 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 150 mandovaras [may subd geog] [sp2020011604] 450 uf mandovars 550 bt facades 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt jaina architecture 550 bt walls 150 marriage--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2020005855] 150 meditation--buddhism [sp 85083212 ] 450 uf meditation--tantric buddhism [former heading] add field 450 uf meditation--zen buddhism [former heading] add field 150 meditation--tantric buddhism cancel heading [sp 85083217 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading meditation--buddhism (dlc)sh 85083212 150 meditation--zen buddhism cancel heading [sp 85083219 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading meditation--buddhism (dlc)sh 85083212 151 moiramora site (india) [sp2020000668] 451 uf moiramara site (india) 551 bt india--antiquities 781 india--moiramora site 150 motherhood--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2020005858] 151 naga ed-deir site (egypt) [sp2020006724] 451 uf naga-ed-dêr site (egypt) 451 uf nag' ed deir site (egypt) 451 uf naj' al-dayr site (egypt) 550 bt cemeteries--egypt 551 bt egypt--antiquities 781 egypt--naga ed-deir site 150 naṭarāja (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 95009208 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2020242849 150 nemesis (greek deity) cancel heading [sp 96002891 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020142994 150 nemesis (roman deity) cancel heading [sp 93001183 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2020142991 7 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 new thought in literature [not subd geog] [sp2020007977] 151 numayra site (jordan) [sp2019103562] 451 uf numayrah site (jordan) 451 uf numeira site (jordan) 551 bt jordan--antiquities 781 jordan--numayra site 110 qełatî hewlêr (irbil, iraq) change heading 110 qełatî hewlêr (erbil, iraq) [sp2016000971] 410 uf citadel of erbil (erbil, iraq) 410 uf erbil citadel (erbil, iraq) 410 uf hawler citadel (erbil, iraq) 410 uf irbīl citadel (erbil, iraq) 410 uf qalʻat arbīl (erbil, iraq) 410 uf qełatî hewlêr (irbīl, iraq) ‎ [former heading] 410 uf qełay hewlêr (erbil, iraq) 550 bt fortification--iraq 150 relief (sculpture), kushan [may subd geog] [sp2020008817] 450 uf kushan relief (sculpture) 150 religious life--buddhism [sp 85112670 ] 450 uf religious life--jōdoshū [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--mahayana buddhism [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--nichiren (sect) [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--pure land buddhism [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--shin (sect) [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--shingon (sect) [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--sōtōshū [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--tantric buddhism [former heading] add field 450 uf religious life--zen buddhism [former heading] add field 150 religious life--islam [sp 85112674 ] 450 uf religious life--shīʻah [former heading] add field 150 religious life--jōdoshū cancel heading [sp 85112671 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 religious life--mahayana buddhism cancel heading [sp 85112678 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 religious life--nichiren (sect) cancel heading [sp 85112672 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 religious life--pure land buddhism cancel heading [sp 85112680 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 150 religious life--shīʻah cancel heading [sp 85112676 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--islam (dlc)sh 85112674 150 religious life--shin (sect) cancel heading [sp 85112681 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 religious life--shingon (sect) cancel heading [sp 85112686 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 religious life--sōtōshū cancel heading [sp 85112689 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 religious life--tantric buddhism cancel heading [sp 85112685 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 religious life--zen buddhism cancel heading [sp 85112688 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading religious life--buddhism (dlc)sh 85112670 150 saman (dance) [may subd geog] [sp2020008167] 053 gv1796.s248 450 uf samani (dance) 550 bt dance--indonesia 150 selene (greek deity) cancel heading [sp2002010577] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)nb2020006496 150 serer poetry [may subd geog] [sp2020012244] 550 bt serer literature 150 shibolet (the hebrew word) [sp2020008739] 450 uf shibbólet (the hebrew word) 450 uf shibboleth (the hebrew word) 550 bt hebrew language--etymology 150 shofar and electronic music [may subd geog] [sp2016001213] 450 uf electronic and shofar music 9 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 shikharas [may subd geog] [sp2020010528] 450 uf shikaras 450 uf shikars 450 uf sikars 450 uf śikharas 450 uf sikhras 450 uf sikras 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt jaina architecture 550 bt spires 150 supernatural on television [not subd geog] [sp2020010018] 053 pn1992.8.s87 550 bt television 150 tanbūr and kamānche music [may subd geog] [sp2016001199] 450 uf kamānche and tanbūr music 150 telemachus (greek mythology) cancel heading [sp 85133355 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading telemachus (mythological character) (dlc)no2016080455 150 telemachus (greek mythology) in literature cancel heading [sp 94009133 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading telemachus (mythological character)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 110 temple of goorneh (thebes, egypt) [sp2020010019] 410 uf errebek, temple of (thebes, egypt) 410 uf goorneh temple (thebes, egypt) 410 uf temple of errebek (thebes, egypt) 551 bt egypt--antiquities 550 bt temples--egypt 150 texas church shooting, sutherland springs, tex., 2017 [sp2019103065] 450 uf sutherland springs church shooting, sutherland springs, tex., 2017 450 uf sutherland springs shooting, sutherland springs, tex., 2017 450 uf texas church massacre, sutherland springs, tex., 2017 550 bt mass shootings--texas 150 theyyam (dance)--religious aspects 150 theyyam (dance)--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2020008726] 150 time--religious aspects--taoism [sp2020008749] 053 bl1942.85.t56 150 toranas--india [sp2020008729] 150 tree of life synagogue shooting, pittsburgh, pa., 2018 [sp2020008099] 450 uf pittsburgh synagogue shooting, pittsburgh, pa., 2018 450 uf tree of life synagogue massacre, pittsburgh, pa., 2018 550 bt mass shootings--pennsylvania 1 0 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 150 united states--civilization--pure land influences [sp2020008836] 550 bt pure land buddhism 151 united states--emigration and immigration--religious aspects [sp2020008854] 151 united states--emigration and immigration--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2020008855] 150 wealth--religious aspects--bahai faith [sp2020008900] 150 women occultists [may subd geog] [sp2020008750] 550 bt occultists 150 yantra yoga [may subd geog] [sp2008003886] 450 uf yoga, yantra delete field 550 bt yoga--tantric buddhism delete field 550 bt yoga--buddhism add field 150 yezidism [may subd geog] [sp2020008710] 450 uf şerfedîn 450 uf sharfadin 450 uf yazīdī religion 450 uf yazidism 450 uf yezidi religion 550 bt religions 150 yoga--bon (tibetan religion) change heading 150 yoga--bon [sp 85149186 ] 450 uf yoga--bon (tibetan religion) [former heading] 450 uf yoga (bonpo) [former heading] 150 yoga--tantric buddhism change heading 150 yoga--buddhism [sp 85149188 ] 450 uf yoga--tantric buddhism [former heading] 450 uf yoga (buddhist tantrism) [former heading] 450 uf yoga (lamaism) [former heading] 450 uf yoga (tantric buddhism) [former heading] 11 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s lcc from november 2020–february 2021 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 11 (november 13) and 12 (december 18), and 2021 list numbers 01 ( january 15) and 02 (february 12). class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries early 19th century to 1860 special topics other special topics, a-z b906.m66 monism class bf occult sciences magic (white and black). shamanism. hermetics. necromancy special topics, a-z bf1623.c66 cordage including knots and splices [bf1623.k62] knots see bf1623.c66 [bf1623.s642] splices see bf1623.c66 christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 12 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism doctrines. theology other special topics and relations to special subjects, a-z bl1215.l43 leadership by region or country china special religions taoism other special topics, a-z bl1942.85.t56 time india by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2032.k235 kachari class bm judaism                                    relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.o23 occultism class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books hadith literature. traditions. sunna. حديث. سنة special topics, a-z bp135.8.g46 geography bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.e37 economics 13 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class bq buddhism relation of buddhism to other religious and philosophical systems special, a-z bq4610.s54 skeptics (greek philosophy)                                    modifications, schools, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism) biography other important leaders, a-z bq7950.r36-.r369 rang-byung-rdo-rje, karma-pa iii, 1284-1339 table bq8 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.m83 mundani table bs5 bs325.t487 tigon mbembe table bs5 class bx christian denominations catholic church history by region or country north america united states special topics, a-z bx1407.c75 conscience other protestant denominations mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.l58 light 14 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 class ds history of asia jordan. transjordan regions, towns, etc., a-z ds154.9.n86 numayra site india (bharat) local history and description cities, towns, etc., a-z ds486.m625 moiramora site class gr folklore by region or country asia. the orient southeast asia indonesia by ethnic group, a-z gr324.5.m34 malays class gv recreation. leisure dance special dances, a-z gv1796.s248 saman class lg individual institutions asia, africa, oceania asia indonesia universities and colleges, a-z medan lg181.m396 universitas islam negeri sumatera utara table l13a formerly institut agama islam negeri al jamiah sumatera utara; institut agama islam negeri sumatera utara 15 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class pk indo-iranian philology and literature modern indo-aryan languages particular languages and dialects, a-z bengali literature individual authors through 1960 a tag pk1718.d4455                                            debanatha, śarat̲ candra, 1904- table p-pz40 hindi, urdu, hindustani literatures urdu literature individual authors 1857-1946, a-z pk2199.a765                                         as̲ar, sayyid imdād imām, 1849-1933 table p-pz40 class pl sino-tibetan languages tibeto-burman languages tibeto-himalayan languages                                               tibetan (bhōṭiā, tangutan, bhotanta) literature individual authors or works, a-z pl3748.k546                                    klong-chen-pa dri-med-ʼod-zer, 1308-1363 table p-pz40 languages of eastern asia, africa, oceania dravidian languages malayalam (malabar) literature individual authors or works, a-z pl4718.9.s6865                           śr̲īdharannampūtiri, maṭhaṃ, 1894-1978 table p-pz40 telugu (gentoo) literature individual authors or works, a-z pl4780.9.p3425                     pārvatīśvaraśāstri, maṇḍapāka,1833-1897 table p-pz40 pl4780.9.s3918                      śēṣādri ramaṇa kavulu table p-pz40                                                         this is a joint pseudonym of dūpāṭi veṅkaṭaramaṇācāryulu and dūpāṭi                                                          śēṣācāryulu.                                                    śēṣādri ramaṇa kavulu [pl4780.9.s3918]                        for works by dūpāṭi veṅkaṭaramaṇācāryulu alone see pl4780.9.v4134                                                    veṅkaṭaramaṇācāryulu, dūpāṭi, 1892 or 1893-1961 [pl4780.9.v4134]                        for works written with dūpāṭi śēṣācāryulu under the joint pseudonym                                                          śēṣādri ramaṇa kavulu see pl4780.9.s3918 pl4780.9.v4134                      veṅkaṭaramaṇācāryulu, dūpāṭi, 1892 or 1893-1961 table p-pz40 16 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 class pn literature (general) theory. philosophy. esthetics relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects other special regions, countries, cities, ethnic groups, and races, a-z jews [pn56.3.j4] for marranos see pn56.5.m37 [pn56.3.m372] marranos see pn56.5.m37 characters special classes of people, a-z pn56.5.m37 marranos drama broadcasting television broadcasts special topics other special topics, a-z pn1992.8.s87 supernatural class pq italian literature individual authors individual authors, 1400-1700 pq4627.g54 guidiccioni, lelio, 1582-1643 table p-pz40 class pr english literature history of english literature prose by form                                                    prose fiction. the novel special topics other special topics, a-z pr830.b48 bible class ps american literature individual authors 2001 k [ps3611.a916] kaye, m. s., 1979see ps3611.o749175 [ps3611.o74916] kosci, melissa, 1979see ps3611.o749175 [ps3611.o749163]                  kosciuszko, melissa, 1979- see ps3611.o749175 ps3611.o749175 koslin, melissa, 1979table p-pz40 17 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class z libraries library science. information science public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z z711.92.t727 transfer students libraries and community. libraries and society. social aspects of libraries z716.42 libraries and public health subject bibliography manuscripts by language, or people, a-z z6605.m626 minangkabau 1 1 n e w s professional development opportunities compiled by cynthia snell delivering services in a pandemic whether working remotely, on-site or in some hybrid form, information organizations and institutions found that many basic services had to be managed and delivered in new and different forms. from providing remote support to customers, to delivering seamless online access to content, to meeting the needs of scattered students and faculty, everyone’s workflows had to be adapted. standard access services that are normally taken for granted had to be rethought. this webinar will address what these changes meant for all those who provide information services of any sort. october 28, 2020; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm free (niso member) / $135 (non-member) / $49 (student) developing a website content strategy in this four-week course, you will learn the process of developing a website content strategy, from the first phase of conducting an audit of your content, to the second phase of analyzing your current environment, to the final phase of establishing a sustainable strategy that will ensure your content is useful, usable, and findable. november 2–29, 2020 $175 ethics and sustainability for digital curation it’s not just about digitizing or capturing unique born-digital material to preserve it and put it online for unfettered access in an institutional repository or digital special collections platform. the responsible information professional needs to approach their task within a framework that supports ethical curation of digital collections and also includes the necessary component of financial and preservation sustainability. this course will explore ethical frameworks in various disciplines, from radical librarianship, to archives, and to community-centered and human rights documentation initiatives, in order to lay a working framework for stewarding digital collections in a responsible manner, no matter the setting, institution or purpose. november 2–29, 2020 $175 key concepts in quantitative analysis for librarians this class will provide a broad overview of quantitative methods and the focus will be on understanding terminology and concepts used by quantitative researchers. we’ll discuss some of the most commonly used statistical tests, outlining the types of research questions they address and the basic mechanics of the tests. t-test, correlation, chi-square test of independence and regression will be briefly explained. along the way we’ll touch upon variables, level of analysis and the role of theory in quantitative methodology. this course is accessible to those without a math background as it focuses on providing a broad overview of quantitative methods concepts. this class can help cynthia snell is library director at columbia international university. 1 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 library staff who are planning to conduct quantitative research to show value, assess library services and student learning, and better serve communities. november 3, 2020; 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm est (gmt -5) $50 (lyrasis member) / $75 (non-member) fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions this four-week online course provides an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. the course offers a basic background in electronic resource acquisitions including: product trials, licensing, purchasing methods, pricing models. an overview of the sometimes complex relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and libraries is also provided. november 11, 2020–december 11, 2020 $109 (alcts member) / $139 (non-member) creating a collections cataloging manual arrowhead or projectile point? inches or centimeters? circa or ca.? if you’ve ever torn your hair out about data inconsistency across your collections management system, creating a cataloging manual is a great first step toward gaining better intellectual control over your art, artifact, and object collections. november 17, 2020; 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm est (gmt -5) $50 (lyrasis member) / $75 (non-member) using marcedit this four-week course will provide hands-on instruction to build, edit and manipulate library data using marcedit. this course will cover both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses making it appropriate for both new and experienced users of marcedit. december 7, 2020–january 3, 2021 $175 rethinking spaces some organizations and institutions in the information community have now started to return to a form of face-to-face operations, requiring even more planning and adaptation on their part in order to safely bring their workforce back to an office setting. how can available spaces be reallocated in order to accommodate social distancing? where are plexiglass shields needed? how many workers could or should continue to work remotely and how many will only be in the office part-time? this discussion will look beyond narrow issues such as managing shelving or foot traffic, to focus on how we need to rethink the functional space and shared environments of 21st century knowledge workers. december 9, 2020; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm free (niso member) / $135 (non-member) / $49 (student) copyright and open licensing issues the question of copyright comes up frequently in librarianship, and issues surrounding copyright limitations pervade all aspects of library work including publishing, acquisitions, electronic resources management, metadata, resource sharing, and patron interactions. in this course, you will 1 3 n e w s learn the foundations of copyright law, the types of resources that both are and are not covered by copyright restrictions, exceptions and limitations to copyright such as fair use and the teach act, and open licensing options, including an overview of creative commons licenses. by the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of how copyright law applies in multiple library settings and scenarios and be able to handle copyright questions from your community with more confidence and ease. note: this course primarily focuses on united states copyright law. january 4–31, 2021 $175 grant writing for digital collections in libraries & museums this course discusses local, regional, and national grant planning and writing, for the purposes of digital collections creation. emphasizing the granular detail needed for successful grant submissions, this course will include sections on digitization explanation, metadata description, digital preservation and maintenance, harvesting and interoperability requirements, and specialized, user-friendly research applications that will make your application stand out, in order to secure funding. january 4–31, 2021 $175 preservation of photographic materials photographic materials present significant preservation concerns in cultural heritage collections. they are often heavily used and are fragile and susceptible to damage due to improper handling and storage conditions. visual examples of photographic processes and deteriorated photographs will be identified and discussed. taught in two two-hour sessions over the course of two days, topics covered will include: early photographic through contemporary print processes; issues with prints, color, film, glass, and albums; environment and storage guidelines; handling, housing, and security guidelines. january 26 & 27, 2021; 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm est (gmt -5) $125 (lyrasis member) / $150 (non-member) metadata and description for digital special collections methods and standards for metadata and description for unique digital collections are varied and present digital curators, catalogers and metadata librarians with a wide array of options, which can at times seem daunting. this course is designed to give the student an overview of current standards, schemas and applications of medatada models designed for the description and organization of digital collections, whether they be materials in an institutional repository or digital special collections. march 1–28, 2021 $175 1 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s lc headings from september 2020–october 2020 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 9 (september 18) and 10 (october 16). subject headings 150 144,000 (biblical figures) [not subd geog] [sp2020005934] 450 uf 144,000 sealed (biblical figures) 450 uf one hundred and forty-four thousand (biblical figures) 450 uf one hundred forty-four thousand (biblical figures) 450 uf sealed ones (biblical figures) 150 aging in rabbinical literature [sp2020006310] 053 bm496.9.a43 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 akṣobhya (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp 85003077 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2020240490 150 benedictine universities and colleges [may subd geog] [sp2020006766] 450 uf benedictine catholic universities and colleges 450 uf benedictine colleges 550 bt catholic universities and colleges 150 cave monasteries--india [sp2020008071] 150 chhatris (architecture) [may subd geog] [sp2020006689] 450 uf chatris (architecture) 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt islamic architecture 550 bt pavilions 150 child sexual abuse by clergy in literature [not subd geog] [sp2020006708] 150 corruption--religious aspects [sp2020006019] 150 corruption--religious aspects--christianity [sp2020006020] christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 150 covid-19 (disease)--religious aspects [sp2020006567] 150 covid-19 (disease)--religious aspects--islam [sp2020006568] 150 disasters (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2020007372] 550 bt islamic law 150 ecotheology--catholic church [sp2020006764] 150 elections--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2020006778] 053 bl1215.e44 150 experience (religion) in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2020005456] 053 pn1995.9.r4 550 bt motion pictures 151 ghor as-safi site (jordan) [sp2020006002] 451 uf gawr as-safi site (jordan) 451 uf ghawr as safi site (jordan) 451 uf ghor al-safi site (jordan) 451 uf ghor es-safi site (jordan) 451 uf zoar site (jordan) 451 uf zoara site (jordan) 551 bt jordan--antiquities 781 jordan--ghor as-safi site 150 halal food industry [may subd geog] [sp2006008710] 053 hd9334 add field 150 hamsa (mythical bird) [not subd geog] [sp2020005881] 450 uf hansa (mythical bird) 450 uf raj hansa (mythical bird) 550 bt animals, mythical 550 bt hindu mythology 150 hamsa (mythical bird) in art [not subd geog] [sp2020005882] 150 harkis in literature [not subd geog] [sp2020006571] 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 jagatīs (architecture) [may subd geog] [sp2020006652] 450 uf chaukīs (architecture) 450 uf chowkhīs (architecture) 550 bt buddhist architecture 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt jaina architecture 550 bt plinths 150 jesuit universities and colleges [may subd geog] [sp2015000012] 450 uf jesuit colleges add field 150 jews in mass media [not subd geog] [sp2020006743] 053 p94.5.j48-p94.5.j482 550 bt mass media 680 here are entered works on the depiction of jews in mass media. 151 karla caves (india) [sp2020008062] 451 uf karla cells (india) 451 uf karle caves (india) 451 uf karli caves (india) 550 bt buddhist cave temples--india 550 bt cave monasteries--india 550 bt caves--india 551 bt india--antiquities 781 india--karla caves 150 library linked data cancel heading [sp2019102475] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading linked data (dlc)sh2013002090 150 linked data [may subd geog] [sp2013002090] 450 uf library linked data [former heading] add field 150 material culture--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2019103262] 150 muslims--education [may subd geog] [sp2009008351] 550 rt pesantrens (islamic schools) add field 150 old age in rabbinical literature [sp2020006311] 550 bt rabbinical literature 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 150 pesantrens (islamic schools) [may subd geog] [sp2020006777] 450 uf dayahs 450 uf pondok pesantrens 450 uf pondoks (islamic schools) 450 uf rangkangs (islamic schools) 550 bt islamic religious education 550 bt schools 550 rt muslims--education 151 philippines--history--religious aspects [sp2020008157] 151 philippines--history--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2020006763] 150 philosophy libraries--collection development [may subd geog] [sp2020008016] 550 bt collection development (libraries) 150 pīṭhas (architecture) [may subd geog] [sp2020006653] 450 uf jagatīpīthās (architecture) 450 uf pīṭhikās (architecture) 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt jaina architecture 550 bt pedestals 550 bt plinths 150 relic books [may subd geog] [sp2020006686] 450 uf heiltumsbücher 550 bt catalogs 550 bt devotional literature 550 bt illustrated books 150 religious literature, ladino [may subd geog] [sp2020008054] 450 uf ladino religious literature 550 bt ladino literature 150 vietnamese american buddhists [may subd geog] [sp2020006330] 450 uf buddhists, vietnamese american 550 bt buddhists--united states 150 viharas (architecture) [may subd geog] [sp2020006772] 450 uf vihans (architecture) 450 uf vihares (architecture) 450 uf wihans (architecture) 550 bt buddhist architecture 5 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 women saints in literature [not subd geog] [sp2020006676] genre/form terms 155 christian fiction [gp2020026050] 455 uf christian stories 555 bt religious fiction 680 fiction that promotes christian teachings or exemplifies a christian way of life. 1 1 n e w s professional development opportunities compiled by cynthia snell academic library budgets 101 this introductory course provides background information on the vocabulary of budgets, identifies sources of data to create a strong proposal for ongoing and new expenses, and reviews some techniques for documenting budget activities for operational and planning purposes. librarians and others taking the course will become familiar with standard elements of an operational budget and learn ways to expand critical data into planning tools. february 1–28 $175 introduction to rare materials are you new to a special collections environment, or are you interested in moving in that direction? learn more about the types of materials held by archives and rare book libraries. this course provides a general survey on the history and characteristics of some of the most common materials found in repositories. february 1–28 $175 lrm: a new foundation for rda & the rda toolkit this course focuses on learning the new library reference model (lrm) which is the foundation for the r3 (rda toolkit revision) and bibframe 2.0. the lrm is an evolving model that merges the rda foundational frameworks of rda, frbr (functional requirements for bibliographic records), frad (functional requirements for authority data), and frsad (functional requirements of subject authority data). the lrm focuses on aligning terminologies with larger data communities of practice, refining the frbr user tasks, eliminating inconsistencies between the three models, and embracing linked data practices. this new model brings significant changes in how we think about data, to the rda toolkit, and to bibframe. february 1–28 $175 innovation in libraries innovation in libraries is not a new topic, but it is a challenging one to address due to the many variables that can influence forward movement such as organizational and institutional cultures, lack of dedicated resources, and confusion about what it really means to innovate. this course will help participants build an innovation roadmap and examine such areas as sustaining a culture of innovation; building an innovation strategy tied to organizational values; moving from experimentation to action via stakeholder engagement, pilots/prototyping, and idea jams; and assessing innovation. february 1–28 $175 cynthia snell is library director at columbia international university. 1 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 0 introduction to xml this course will provide an introduction to xml (the extensible markup language) and also introduce some basic tools for working with xml documents. the main goals of this course are for students to get comfortable with xml as structured data format, learn the basic rules and tools for working with xml, and learn about several xml standards used in the library, digital humanities, and publishing communities. topics will include: understanding basic xml document structures and content models, xpath, xml document type definitions (dtds) and schemas. the course will also provide an introduction to several more advanced topics, as time allows, including xml namespaces and library of congress xml markup standards that are relevant to electronic text resources and metadata management including dublin core, marc-xml, and mods. february 1–28 $175 appraisal and collection development for digital special collections this course covers principles of appraisal and collection development for creating unique digital collections that form part of an institutional repository or digital special collections. using archival theory and principles of digital curation, the student will gain the understanding necessary to select digital materials that are in line with institutional and community collecting guidelines and missions. february 1–february 28 $175 licensing electronic resources: an introduction this introductory workshop will address the basic concepts of contract law (licenses as contracts) and offer a hands-on look at the components of a standard licensing agreement. february 3–4, 1 pm–3 pm central $79 (mcls member) / $159 (non-member) content presentation: diversity of formats how content is presented is critical to how frequently it gets used and understood. technology has made a wider variety of content formats possible—data, text, video, audio—but presentation can be equally important in the more traditional formats, such as books and journals. how content is presented, emphasizing different affordances for different types of use, requires thoughtful design choices. for content providers, scalability is one major challenge. meanwhile, those charged with preservation and future use must determine how best to migrate and house different formats, and everyone is concerned about making all formats readily searchable and discoverable. the speakers on this webinar will share their experiences of wrestling with the issues from a variety of perspectives. february 10, 11:00 am–12:30 pm $99 (mcls member) / $199 (non-member) assigning library of congress subject headings practical experience in assigning library of congress subject headings as part of the cataloging process. february 16–18, 1 pm–3 pm central $99 (mcls member) / $199 (non-member) 1 3 n e w s copy cataloging of videos & dvds using rda learn copy cataloging of physical videos and dvds using rda and other tools. february 23–25, 1 pm–3 pm central $99 (mcls member) / $199 (non-member) serials cataloging this course focuses on the basic principles of serials cataloging, from understanding the nature and type of serials (including series and analytics), interpreting serial authority records, identifying a matching record/copy cataloging of serials, to original description of serials under rda guidelines. this class will focus on practical description with a discussion of emerging trends in serials cataloging. students will be immersed in serials cataloging, gaining a solid foundation in serials and serials cataloging. by the end of the course, students will: understand the terminology associated with serials and characteristics of serials and periodicals including how they differ from monographic records, with the ability to interpret series authority records and make decisions on treatment, as needed; expand upon searching and bibliographic record analysis skills, developing a critical eye towards a “good” serials record for copy cataloging with an understanding of rda elements for serials, title changes, and when an original record is needed; develop skills to create rda description for serials through analyzing records and practice-based exercises; explore emerging trends in serials as impacted by the library reference model (lrm) and larger trends in publication. march 1–28 $175 primary source pedagogy this course will explore what "primary source" even means. it also assumes that they can be found everywhere—in museums, archives, or special collections; in circulating collections or subscription databases; on the open web, in private hands, or even in natural and built environments. march 1–28 $175 transformative agreements: making the move to open access gain clarification about transformative agreements—what they are, how they work, and the outlook for the future. march 4, 1 pm–3 pm central $99 (mcls member) / $199 (non-member) building trust: credibility of content the information community is well aware of the need to establish that content is credible, authoritative, and trustworthy. however, communicating this is increasingly challenging in a world where technology can make fake information “plausible” or when the need for rapid dissemination precludes the usual safeguards of peer review. how can we communicate these important limits and nuances to those who search for and use the information we provide? how can we best handle provenance tracking? who is responsible for, and who should be held accountable for, verification processes? do we need better guidelines and, if so, who should be at the table negotiating those? in this webinar, experts across the information community will share their concerns and success stories. march 10, 11:00 am–12:30 pm central free (niso member) / $135 (non-member) / $49 (student) 1 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 0 original cataloging of digital resources using rda learn to use rda to do original cataloging of digital resources. march 16–18, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm central $99 (mcls member) / $199 (non-member) authority control: creating and maintaining consistency authority control—the process of ensuring that all access points in a library catalog are used consistently—can be a great help to patrons using the catalog. however, it requires a great deal of maintenance and upkeep to be effective. this session will cover the basic principles of authority control. it will also provide guidance on how to clean up inconsistencies in your authority records and how to maintain consistency on a regular basis. march 23, 10:00 am–12:00 pm central $95 (amigos member) / $155 (non-member) 7 r e v i e w s myka kennedy stephens is seminary librarian and associate professor of theological bibliography at lancaster theological seminary review of koha library software by myka kennedy stephens having celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2021, koha (from the māori word meaning gift) remains a robust and free open-source library system. libraries of all types from around the world have adopted it as their ils. unlike proprietary software which acquires value from the reputation of the company that designs and sells it, the value of an open-source software solution is determined by the community that uses, supports, and develops the software. in the case of koha, creativity, innovation, and dedication permeate its exceptional global community. the result is a stable, flexible, and scalable ils that is accessible to libraries of all shapes and sizes, from the library at malaysian baptist theological seminary to the library of the british museum. koha’s success is due entirely to the people who are involved in the project, from developers who work on the code to librarians who report bugs and suggest new features. there are several modules within koha that a library may choose to utilize. these include circulation, patron account management, cataloging, authority control, serials management, acquisitions, course reserves, and interlibrary loan. the reports module utilizes sql and offers a report writing wizard as well as unlimited custom report writing options. tools are available to support a wide range of library functions, like printing library cards, barcode labels, and call number labels, as well as performing inventory on a collection. batch processes are also well supported for patron records, bibliographic records, and item records. a plugin system adds more versatility and interoperability in a way that is easily accessible to systems librarians. examples of plugins include a carousel for book covers to display on the opac, send a custom notice from a report, and recall items currently checked out to patrons. koha’s rest api is another tool available to librarians who are looking to integrate and connect multiple library software solutions. from a cataloger’s perspective, koha is friendly enough for those new to bibliographic metadata and sophisticated enough for the most seasoned catalog librarian. marc record viewing and editing defaults to a tabbed interface with labels for every field and subfield. image 1: screenshot of koha’s tabbed marc record view (koha version 21.05.09) 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 in editing mode, a hyperlinked question mark next to every field takes you to the marc 21 information page for that field. catalogers who are more accustomed to a text-based editor will appreciate koha’s advanced cataloging editor, which supports macros, keyboard shortcuts, and a clipboard. librarians are also able to create and manage multiple bibliographic frameworks, which can help tremendously with original cataloging. z39.50/sru server administration is built-in, and once configured facilitates a smooth copy cataloging workflow. bibliographic records can also be exported and imported in batches. image 2: screenshot of koha’s basic marc editor (koha version 21.05.09) image 3: screenshot of koha’s advanced editor for cataloging (koha version 21.05.09) 9 r e v i e w s a relatively new feature to koha is the ability to switch search engine technology from zebra to elasticsearch. while zebra was written especially for library systems, the way in which it stores information for search and retrieval is slow compared to current computing standards. a few years ago, koha developers adopted elasticsearch to become the new search engine for koha and began incorporating it into the code. libraries that set their koha search engine to elasticsearch can now customize mappings from marc fields and subfields to search indexes and facets, and manage weights assigned to search fields to produce more relevant rankings in search results. librarians who choose to migrate their libraries to koha, and those who might find koha thrust upon them, will find a welcoming and open community of users and developers. there are multiple ways to get involved and contribute to the project. the global koha community maintains an email listserv and bugzilla, a website for reporting bugs, commenting on them, and testing patches ( koha libraries in the united states have formed an active user group that offers annual conferences, monthly interest group meetings, and more ( anyone looking for a highly customizable ils with an excellent support and development community would do well to try koha. image 4: screenshot of the elasticsearch search engine configuration settings (koha version 21.05.09). 34 b i b l i o g r a p h y metadata compiled by anna appleman cuna, andrea and gabriele angeli. 2021. “improving the effectiveness of subject facets in library catalogs and beyond: a marc-based semiautomated approach.” library hi tech 39, no. 2: 506–32. force, donald c. and randy smith. 2021. “context lost: digital surrogates, their physical counterparts, and the metadata that is keeping them apart.” american archivist 84, no. 1: 91–118. georgieva, marina and michelle flinchbaugh. 2021. “biz of digital — metadata remediation of legacy digital collections: efficient large-scale metadata clean-up with a sleek workflow and a handy tool.” against the grain 33, no. 1: 47–50. jin, qiang. 2021. “enhanced discovery with linked open data for library digital collections.” technical services quarterly 38, no. 1: 17–32. kalita, deepjyoti and dipen deka. 2021. “searching the great metadata timeline: a review of library metadata standards from linear cataloguing rules to ontology inspired metadata standards.” library hi tech 39, no. 1: 190–204. kelly, paul. 2021. “better together: improving the lives of metadata creators with natural language processing.” code4lib journal, no. 51. lorenzini, matteo, marco rospocher, and sara tonelli. 2021. “automatically evaluating the quality of textual descriptions in cultural heritage records.” international journal on digital libraries 22, no. 2: 217–31. terra, ana lúcia, carmen agustín lacruz, óscar bernardes, mariângela spotti lopes fujita, and gema bueno de la fuente. 2021. “subject-access metadata on etd supplied by authors: a case study about keywords, titles and abstracts in a brazilian academic repository.” journal of academic librarianship 47, no. 1. tharani, karim. 2021. “much more than a mere technology: a systematic review of wikidata in libraries.” journal of academic librarianship 47, no. 2. villaespesa, elena and seth crider. 2021. “a critical comparison analysis between human and machine-generated tags for the metropolitan museum of art’s collection.” journal of documentation 77, no. 4: 946–64. anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary. 7 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s lcc from june 2020–august 2020 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 06 ( june 15), 07 ( july 20), and 08 (august 17). class bf occult sciences special topics, a-z bf1442.c87 cursed objects witchcraft special topics, a-z bf1572.w38 water class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions european. occidental other early european religions by ethnic group celtic special topics, a-z bl915.m67 morrigan     african by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2480.t47 teso   rationalism [bl2700-2790] cf. bq4570.s43 buddhism and secularism class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.v42 veganism christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.s43 secularism practice of buddhism. forms of worship religious life devotion. meditation special topics, a-z bq5630.b67 borān kammaṭṭhāna class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.c35 caluyanun table bs5 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.h67 host of heaven class bt doctrinal theology christology life of christ special topics public life miracles special, a-z bt367.h37 healing of the deaf man class bv practical theology ecclesiastical theology sacraments. ordinances baptism [bv803-814] cf. bv873.d43 dedication of infants 9 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s other, a-z bv873.d43 dedication of infants missions in individual countries asia. the orient. the east southeast asia malay archipelago indonesia by ethnic group, a-z bv3373.d39 dayak pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman church work with special classes bv4437.6 transgender people practical religion. the christian life movements to promote the christian life, a-z bv4487.s78 study centers class bx christian denominations other protestant denominations pentecostal churches individual branches bx8768.57 gereja sidang jemaat allah table bx3 class dt history of africa egypt local antiquities, a-z dt73.d73 dra abu el-naga site class e america indians of north america other topics, a-z e98.e43 elders (indigenous leaders) 10 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 class gv recreation. leisure dance special dances, a-z gv1796.a69 andir 1 7 n e w s report on the cc:da meeting at ala mid-winter, january 2020 by donna j. wells chair report there were four active task forces in cc:da operating from june 2019–january 2020. • cc:da 3r task force. (rda toolkit restructure & redesign project) provides feedback to nardac (north american rda committee) on rda content and text. • virtual participation task force. work is on hold because ala is restructuring both the alcts (association for library collections and technical services) group and the format of the mid-winter meetings. a mid-year meeting may be forced to be virtual, but many decisions by ala have to be made first. • cc:da procedures review task force. formed july 26, 2019. charged with revising cc:da procedures. four procedures were found that need changes. discussion will be via blog posts. • cc:da rda beta toolkit training investigation task force. formed july 26, 2019. charged with investigating rda toolkit beta training. nardac report investigating the suitability of using rda unconstrained elements (illustrator, writer of foreword, etc.) for display labels. rda switchover to the beta site as official rda site is set for december 15, 2020. the original toolkit will still be available. rsc (rda steering committee) is working to remove the western bias from rda. pcc report • the pcc guidelines for minimally punctuated marc bibliographic records is effective. documentation is available via the pcc website. • scs (standing committee on standards) submitted revisions to dcm z1 for 672 field (title related to the entity) in the marc authority format. • the naco training manual is being evaluated for updating and revision. read the full pcc report. donna j. wells is associate director and head of technical services at southeastern baptist theological seminary. she currently serves as the atla liaison to the cc:da. 1 9 n e w s 1 8 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n code of ethics for catalogers report the report is being prepared by camms (alcts: cataloging and metadata management section). cc:da will form a task force to provide feedback on the draft code of ethics. upcoming work •  provide feedback to nardac on rda. •  form task force with cc:am concerning the romanization tables. •  cc:da procedures discussion will be via blog posts. •  next meeting at ala annual in chicago, june 27 and 29, 2020. [editor's note: since the preparation of this report, ala annual has been canceled in support of covid-19 containment measures.] lc report •  descriptive cataloging manual. minor updates were made to the descriptive cataloging manual addressing the 008/33 section on provisional coding for government bodies in hong kong and macau, recording subtitles in a 670, as well as updating links or references to the use of the 024 in authority records. •  name authority changes. the authorized access point for kiev, ukraine has been changed to kyïv (ukraine), which is based on the ala/lc romanization table for ukrainian. both france and norway reorganized their regions impacting the adm1 level names in nars. •  pilot project for copy cataloging following minimal punctuation guidelines. lc will not follow the minimal punctuation alternatives. however, a pilot project will study the impact of accepting copy cataloging that follows the guidelines on cataloging workflows. •  marc 21 formats. a marc/rda working group was formed to identify changes needed in the marc format to accommodate the new version of rda. read the full library of congress report. proposal on changing procedural guidelines for proposed new or revised romanization tables this proposal addresses a new review process for the romanization tables. lc staff, ala staff, and staff from other stakeholders will participate in the reviewing process. they hope to have this body in place by the end of february. read the full proposal. 3r task force report there is a proposal to change the wording to distinguish a corporate body from the place where it worships in order to remove the christian/western focus. the current version is “corporate body is a local place of worship” and the proposed change is “corporate body that is a congregation that uses a place of worship.” ala publishing report a “mini release” of the toolkit will occur in april or may. the release will have improved submenus and a new guidance page. december 15 is the scheduled date to switch over from beta. the original toolkit will still be available for at least a year after the release of the new rda. a new online workshop series will begin this spring. 21 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • au g u s t 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 3 a visit to the vancouver public library by donna wells probably many librarians like myself enjoy seeing the public library of any city in which they are visiting. some of the buildings are massive marble edifices that have stood for many years, like the library of congress. some are architecturally bold and nearly unrecognizable as a library, like the seattle public library, which looks like a giant glass cube balanced on one corner. the exterior the vancouver public library (vpl) has a striking and familiar style. it looks like a modern replica of the roman coliseum with modern glass windows, different stone, in better shape, and a less checkered past. four other atla members and i went to visit the library after the conference luncheon on saturday, june 15th. it is located at 350 west georgia street and was just a short walk from the hotel. when we saw it we agreed the structure was as impressive as we had been told. our conference speaker from the library, alex maccutchan, manager of information, told me the library itself is a rectangular building. it is surrounded by a free-standing circular structure which is accessed by bridges. it is a sight to see, large and eye-catching. this branch of the vpl employs over 700 people. the library’s main entrance opens into a soaring glass-ceilinged atrium with colorful awnings inviting you into various eating establishments on the one side. (food and drink are welcome inside the library.) on the other are the glass walls of the impressive nine-story library. a 21-story office tower is an extension of the east side of the circular wall. after gawking at all this grandeur, the inside of the library itself is of a standard type—circulation and information desks, stacks and stacks of books, and various tables and chairs. nice, but not extraordinary. however, the library has been working, and continues to work, toward being an open and inviting and inclusive space for all people. the library has relabeled their restrooms as “trans welcome” and have created and implemented staff training on the use of gender-neutral language and behavior. alex explained they have also been sensitive to the two-spirit people, a first nations term for a body that contains the spirit of both male and female. we saw signs (literal and figurative) of this initiative on donna wells is associate director and head of technical services at southeastern baptist theological seminary. she currently serves as the atla liaison to the cc:da. exterior view of vpl. photo credit: leslie engelson inside main entrance of vpl. photo credit: leslie engelson. testimony • va n co u v e r p u b l i c l i b r a r y 22 our tour of the library. you can read more about this initiative and read the signage in this article from the georgia straight. the building was finished in 1995 and although it has nine floors, up until 2016 the library occupied only the first seven. floors eight and nine were given over as government offices and the roof was supposed to have a garden, but was planted as a ‘green roof ’ instead, with plants covering 20,000 square feet of the 28,000 square-foot roof. the vegetation consisted of native grasses and trees. the purpose of the green roof was to help with water retention and runoff, regulating the temperature in the building, improving the city’s air quality, and providing a habitat for birds, bees, and butterflies. it was not open to the public. around 2016 the lease on the top two floors of the building expired and the library was able to claim that space as its own; a complete renovation was undertaken. a problem occurred because these top floors were not reinforced to handle the heavy load of book stacks. instead, the extra square footage was converted for public use areas. besides the exterior, this is where the vpl really stands out. the renovation included a glass-enclosed reading room, individual meeting rooms, an 80-seat theater, and an exhibition space, all open and airy and modern. the crown jewel however is considered to be the rooftop gardens. there are two terraces on the eighth floor, 4,700 square feet each, and two on the ninth totaling 7,400 square feet. the green roof was retained in smaller square footage around the perimeter of the building and is supplemented by various flowering perennials and trees, tables, chairs, and spectacular views of the city of vancouver. the top two floors opened to the public in september, 2018. it was a very fun and encouraging excursion. seeing a lively, thriving, and beautiful library brings me great joy. if you have not already, put stopping at a city’s library on your must-see list for any place you visit. rooftop terrace and garden at vpl. photo credit: leslie engelson 1 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s lc headings from june 2021–august 2021 lists compiled by anna appleman the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2021 list numbers 06 ( june 18), 07 ( july 16), and 08 (august 13). subject headings 150 adoption (canon law)--coptic church [sp2021004065] 550 bt canon law--coptic church 150 african-instituted churches [may subd geog] [sp2021005716] 450 uf african independent churches 450 uf african indigenous churches 450 uf african-initiated churches 450 uf aics (african-instituted churches) 550 bt christian sects 150 aids (disease)--religious aspects--african instituted churches [sp2021003674] 150 avatars (religion) in art [not subd geog] [sp2021003824] 150 bible stories, tswana [may subd geog] [sp2019102745] 450 uf tswana bible stories 150 bimoism [may subd geog] [sp2021003928] 053 bl1943.b56 450 uf bimo jiao 550 bt religions 150 biodiversity conservation--religious aspects [sp2021005582] 150 biodiversity conservation--religious aspects--islam [sp2021005583] 053 bp190.5.b475 150 buddhist acolytes [may subd geog] [sp2021003018] 450 uf acolytes, buddhist 450 uf chigo (buddhist acolytes) 550 bt buddhist monasticism and religious orders anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary. 1 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 150 buddhist acolytes in literature [not subd geog] [sp2021003019] 150 buddhist monks in art [not subd geog] [sp2021004129] 150 buddhist preaching in art [not subd geog] [sp2021004141] 150 buddhist sandstone sculpture [may subd geog] [sp2021004058] 450 uf sandstone sculpture, buddhist 550 bt sandstone sculpture 150 buddhist schist sculpture [may subd geog] [sp2021005569] 450 uf schist sculpture, buddhist 550 bt schist sculpture 150 buddhist shrines--sri lanka [sp2021003665] 150 buddhists in art [not subd geog] [sp2020012266] 150 bun phawēt (buddhist festival) [may subd geog] [sp2021003728] 053 bq5720.b86 450 uf bun pha wet (buddhist festival) 450 uf bun phawes (buddhist festival) 450 uf bun phra wet (buddhist festival) 550 bt fasts and feasts--buddhism 550 bt festivals--laos 550 bt festivals--thailand 150 caci (dance) [may subd geog] [sp2021003624] 053 gv1796.c124 450 uf cacing (dance) 450 uf ende (dance) 450 uf kebat (dance) 450 uf larik (dance) 550 bt dance--indonesia 150 cashibo mythology change heading 150 kakataibo mythology [may subd geog] [sp 94000796 ] 450 uf cashibo mythology [former heading] 450 uf mythology, kakataibo 150 catechisms, isinay [sp2021004079] 450 uf isinay catechisms 150 catechisms, palauan [sp2021003850] 450 uf palauan catechisms 1 5 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 čhēdī čhao ʻāi čhao yī (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) [may subd geog] [sp2021003806] 450 uf chao ai and chao yee chedi (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chao ai chedi (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chao yee chedi (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi ai phraya (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi ay and chedi yi (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi ay (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi chao ai-chao yi (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf čhēdī čhao ʻāi čhao yī phrayā (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi chao ai phraya (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi chao ai phraya and chedi chao yi phraya (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi chao yi phraya (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi jao ai and jao yi (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi yi (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 450 uf chedi yi phraya (phra nakhon si ayutthaya, thailand) 550 bt stūpas--thailand 551 bt thailand--antiquities 151 chitor fort (india) change heading 151 chittorgarh fort (chittaurgarh, india) [sp 85024497 ] 451 uf chitor fort (india) [former heading] 451 uf chitorgarh fort (chittaurgarh, india) 451 uf chittaur fort (chittaurgarh, india) 451 uf chittaurgarh fort (chittaurgarh, india) 451 uf chittor fort (chittaurgarh, india) 451 uf chittogarh, fort of (chittaurgarh, india) 451 uf fort of chittorgarh (chittaurgarh, india) 451 uf water fort (chittaurgarh, india) 550 bt fortification--india 667 this heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. 150 church work with the bereaved change heading 150 church work with bereaved persons [may subd geog] [sp 85025829 ] 053 bv4330 450 uf church work with the bereaved [former heading] 550 bt bereaved persons 150 church work with the bereaved--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] change heading 150 church work with bereaved persons--baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp 95000172 ] 150 cults--language [sp2021003949] 550 bt language and languages 1 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 150 fables, turkish [may subd geog] [sp2021003671] 450 uf turkish fables 150 figure sculpture, mathurā [may subd geog] [sp2021003686] 450 uf mathurā figure sculpture 150 food--religious aspects--confucianism [sp2021003604] 150 gandharvas (buddhist deities) in art [not subd geog] [sp2021003811] 150 god (islam)--simplicity [sp2021003904] 450 uf god (islam)--oneness 450 uf god (islam)--unicity 450 uf god (islam)--uniqueness 450 uf god (islam)--unity 450 uf oneness of god (islam) 450 uf simplicity of god (islam) 450 uf tauhid 450 uf tawhid 450 uf unicity of god (islam) 450 uf uniqueness of god (islam) 450 uf unity of god (islam) 550 bt god (islam)--attributes 150 guelaguetza festival, oaxaca de juárez, mexico cancel heading [sp 94004779 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because it is covered by the name heading guelaguetza (festival) (dlc)n 2020050124 150 haunted temples [may subd geog] [sp2021004097] 550 bt haunted places 550 bt temples 150 hindu cave temples [may subd geog] [sp2021001256] 550 bt hindu temples add field 150 hindu rock-cut temples [may subd geog] [sp2021005589] 550 bt hindu temples 550 bt rock-cut temples 150 hindu rock-cut temples--india [sp2021005590] 150 hindu schist sculpture [may subd geog] [sp2021005542] 450 uf schist sculpture, hindu 550 bt schist sculpture 1 7 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 hindu shrines--india [sp2021005585] 150 hospice care--religious aspects--lutheran church [sp2021005692] 150 hiv infections--religious aspects--african instituted churches [sp2021003675] 151 international date line--religious aspects [sp2021001293] 151 international date line--religious aspects--judaism [sp2021001295] 150 international travel--religious aspects [sp2021001297] 150 international travel--religious aspects--judaism [sp2021001296] 110 jagat shiromani temple (āmer, india) [sp2021003786] 410 uf jagat shiromani ji temple (āmer, india) 410 uf jagat siromani temple (āmer, india) 410 uf sri jagat siromani ji temple (āmer, india) 410 uf srijagat siromani temple (āmer, india) 410 uf srijagat siromaniji temple (āmer, india) 550 bt hindu temples—india 151 judaea, wilderness of change heading 151 judean desert [sp 85070834 ] 451 uf barrīyat al quds 451 uf barrīyat al yahūdīyah 451 uf jeshimmon 451 uf jeshimon 451 uf judah, wilderness of 451 uf judaea, wilderness of [former heading] 451 uf judaea, wilderness of (israel and jordan) [former heading] 451 uf judea, wilderness of 451 uf midbar yehuda 451 uf midbar yehudah 451 uf quds, barrīyat al 451 uf wilderness of judaea 451 uf wilderness of judah 451 uf wilderness of judea 451 uf yahūdīya, barrīyat al 451 uf yehuda desert 451 uf yehudah desert 451 uf yeshimon 781 judean desert 150 kangra painting [may subd geog] [sp2021003723] 450 uf painting, kangra 550 bt pahari painting 1 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 150 kinship (jewish law) [sp2020006786] 550 bt jewish law 150 kirti stambha (chitor fort, india : 12th century) change heading 150 kirti stambha (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india : 12th century) [sp2021003028] 450 uf fame, tower of (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india : 12th century) 450 uf jain kirti stambha (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india) 450 uf jain kirtistambh (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india) 450 uf jain kirttistambha (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india) 450 uf kirti stambh (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india : 12th century) 450 uf kirti stambha (chitor fort, india : 12th century) [former heading] 450 uf kirttistambha (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india : 12th century) 450 uf tower of fame (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india : 12th century) 551 bt chittorgarh fort (chittaurgarh, india) 550 bt towers—india 150 likok pulo (dance) [may subd geog] [sp2021003034] 053 gv1796.l47 550 bt dance—indonesia 150 moral injuries--religious aspects [sp2021004081] 150 moral injuries--religious aspects--christianity [sp2021004082] 150 mountain worship in art [not subd geog] [sp2021003727] 150 mudrās (buddhism) in art [not subd geog] [sp2021003961] 110 muvar koil (kodumbālūr, india) [sp2021003784] 410 uf moovar koil (kodumbālūr, india) 410 uf muvar kovil (kodumbālūr, india) 410 uf three temples (kodumbālūr, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 151 nanhai guanyin wen hua yuan (foshan shi, china) [sp2020008137] 550 bt cultural parks--china 667 this heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. 150 nathdwara painting [may subd geog] [sp2021003759] 450 uf nathdwara school of painting 450 uf painting, nathdwara 550 bt mewar painting 1 9 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 nechung oracles [may subd geog] [sp2020008884] 450 uf gnas chung oracles 450 uf kuten-las 450 uf nechung kutens 550 bt oracles, tibetan 150 oracles, tibetan [may subd geog] [sp2020008883] 450 uf tibetan oracles 150 pahari painting [may subd geog] [sp 85096599 ] 450 uf hill painting (pahari painting) add field 450 uf painting, hill (pahari painting) add field 450 uf painting, punjab hills add field 450 uf punjab hills painting add field 550 bt painting--nepal delete field 550 bt painting, indic delete field 550 bt miniature painting, indic add field 550 bt rajput painting add field 110 papanatha temple (paṭṭadakal, india) [sp2021001555] 410 uf sri papanatha temple (paṭṭadakal, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 150 parinirvana [sp2021001571] 450 uf anupadhiśeṣanirvāṇa 450 uf banniepan 450 uf hatsunehan 450 uf mahaparinibbana 450 uf mahaparinirvana 450 uf nirupadhiśeṣanirvāṇa 450 uf panyŏlban 450 uf parinibbāna 450 uf yongs su mya ngan las ʼdas pa 550 bt buddhism--doctrines 550 bt nirvana 680 here are entered works on the moment of death in which a person achieves the first level of nirvana without attachment factors, and does not experience another rebirth. 150 parinirvana in art [not subd geog] [sp2021001575] 150 peafowl--religious aspects [sp2021005720] 150 portrait sculpture, gandhara [may subd geog] [sp2021003631] 450 uf gandhara portrait sculpture 2 0 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 150 portrait sculpture, gupta [may subd geog] [sp2021003866] 450 uf gupta portrait sculpture 150 portrait sculpture, indic [may subd geog] [sp2021003630] 450 uf indic portrait sculpture 110 prasat banteay chhmar (cambodia) [sp2021003809] 410 uf banteay chhmar temple (cambodia) 410 uf bantiā chamā, prāsāt (cambodia) 410 uf prāsāt bantiā chamā (cambodia) 551 bt cambodia--antiquities 550 bt temples—cambodia 150 prostitution--religious aspects--church of jesus christ of latter-day saints [sp2021005547] 053 bx8643.p75 150 pshevorsk hasidim [may subd geog] [sp2021003639] 053 bm198.56.p74 550 bt hasidim 151 pulligoda galge (sri lanka) [sp2021003654] 451 uf pulligoda site (sri lanka) 550 bt buddhist shrines--sri lanka 550 bt caves--sri lanka 551 bt sri lanka--antiquities 781 sri lanka--pulligoda galge 150 qutub shahi tombs (hyderabad, india) [sp2021003670] 450 uf mausolea of qutub shahi kings (hyderabad, india) 450 uf qutb shahi tombs (hyderabad, india) 550 bt tombs--india 150 rāmlīlā [may subd geog] [sp2021003724] 450 uf ramleela 550 bt folk drama, indic 550 bt hindu drama 2 1 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 rāmlīlā in art [not subd geog] [sp2021003725] 151 rani cave (india) [sp2021003772] 451 uf queen's chamber (india) 451 uf queen's palace (india) 451 uf rani antahpur (india) 451 uf rani gumpha (india) 451 uf rani hansapur (india) 451 uf rani naur (india) 451 uf ranigumpha (india) 550 bt cave monasteries--india 550 bt caves--india 781 india--rani cave 150 rāsalīlā [may subd geog] [sp2001005587] 450 uf krishna tandava add field 450 uf raas leela add field 450 uf ras dance add field 450 uf ras leela add field 450 uf ras lila add field 450 uf rāsā līlā add field 450 uf rāsalīlānukaraṇa add field 450 uf raslilanukaran add field 550 bt dance--india add field 550 bt theater--india add field 150 rāsalīlā in art [not subd geog] [sp2021003758] 150 relief (sculpture), gupta [may subd geog] [sp2021003807] 450 uf gupta relief (sculpture) 150 relief (sculpture), mathurā [may subd geog] [sp2021003685] 450 uf mathurā relief (sculpture) 150 relief (sculpture), śuṅga [may subd geog] [sp2021003956] 450 uf śuṅga relief (sculpture) 150 religion and drama [sp 85112566 ] 450 uf drama--religious aspects add field 150 rishis' wives [may subd geog] [sp2021004138] 550 bt wives 150 rishis' wives in art [not subd geog] [sp2021004139] 2 2 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 150 rock-cut temples [may subd geog] [sp2021005588] 550 bt rock-cut architecture 550 bt temples 110 samadhishvara temple (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india) [sp2021003925] 410 uf samadhisha temple (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india) 410 uf samadhishwar temple (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india) 410 uf sammidheśvara temple (chittorgarh fort, chittaurgarh, india) 551 bt chittorgarh fort (chittaurgarh, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 110 sanctuary of apollo smintheus (gülpınar, çanakkale i̇li, turkey) [sp2021003939] 410 uf apollo smintheus, sanctuary of (gülpınar, çanakkale i̇li, turkey) 410 uf apollon smintheion, temple of (gülpınar, çanakkale i̇li, turkey) 410 uf smintheion (gülpınar, çanakkale i̇li, turkey) 410 uf temple of apollon smintheion (gülpınar, çanakkale i̇li, turkey) 550 bt temples--turkey 551 bt turkey--antiquities 150 sandstone sculpture, gupta [may subd geog] [sp2021003960] 450 uf gupta sandstone sculpture 150 sandstone sculpture, indic [may subd geog] [sp2021004140] 450 uf indic sandstone sculpture 150 sandstone sculpture, mathurā [may subd geog] [sp2021003958] 450 uf mathurā sandstone sculpture 150 sandstone sculpture, maurya [may subd geog] [sp2021003943] 450 uf maurya sandstone sculpture 150 sandstone sculpture, sarnath [may subd geog] [sp2021004048] 450 uf sarnath sandstone sculpture 150 sandstone sculpture, śuṅga [may subd geog] [sp2021003957] 450 uf śuṅga sandstone sculpture 150 sarnath school of art [may subd geog] [sp2021004025] 450 uf art, sarnath 450 uf gupta sarnath style (art) 450 uf sarnath art 450 uf sarnath school (art) 450 uf varanasi/sarnath style (art) 550 bt art, gupta 150 sculpture, sarnath [may subd geog] [sp2021004035] 450 uf sarnath sculpture 550 bt sculpture, gupta 2 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 sculpture, śuṅga [may subd geog] [sp2021003955] 450 uf śuṅga sculpture 550 bt sculpture, indic 150 spirituals (songs)--devotional use [sp2021005041] 550 bt devotional exercises 150 stūpas [may subd geog] [sp 85129346 ] 450 uf cheddis add field 450 uf chedis add field 550 bt buddhism delete field 150 taoist gods in literature [not subd geog] [sp2020008870] 150 yakṣīs (hindu deities) [not subd geog] [sp2021003683] 450 uf yakshinis (hindu deities) 450 uf yakshis (hindu deities) 450 uf yakṣinīs (hindu deities) 550 bt hindu goddesses 150 yakṣīs (hindu deities) in art [not subd geog] [sp2021003684] 24 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s lcc from june 2021–august 2021 lists compiled by anna appleman the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2021 list numbers 06 ( june 18), 07 ( july 16), and 08 (august 13). class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states special topics, a-z b861.c65 confucian philosophy germany. austria (german) by period later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers nietzsche, friedrich wilhelm, 1844-1900 special subjects, a-z b3318.a73 asceticism class bj ethics individual ethics. character. virtue vices special vices, a-z bj1535.c69 cowardice class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.m66 money worship. cultus rites and ceremonies. ritual, cult, symbolism symbols. emblems special, a-z bl604.p43 peafowl anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary. 25 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology roman special topics, a-z bl815.s46 senses and sensation asian. oriental by region or country china special religions other religions in china, a-z bl1943.b56 bimoism african by ethnic group, etc., a-z yorubas [bl2480.y6] for egúngún in south america see bl2592.e38 american south american special cults, religious movements, etc., a-z bl2592.e38 egúngún class bm judaism history by period 1500 specific movements, sects, etc. hasidism. hasidim. חסידים by sect other sects, a-z bm198.56.p74 pshevorsk. פשעווארסק class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bp190.5.b475 biodiversity conservation bp190.5.f38 fatherhood bp190.5.f56 finance 26 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s bp190.5.m66 money class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.b47 bereavement [bq4570.h362] happiness see bq4570.j69 bq4570.j69 joy cancel bq4570.j69 joy. happiness practice of buddhism. forms of worship festivals. days and seasons special, a-z bq5720.b86 bun phawēt modifications, schools, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism) biography other important leaders, a-z bq7950.r38-.r389 rang-byung-rig-paʼi-rdo-rje, karma-pa xvi, 1924-1981 table bq8 class br christianity christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z br115.h79 human trafficking relation of christianity to other religious and philosophical systems special, a-z br128.v63 vodou history by region or country america north america united states by race or ethnic group, a-z [br563.a382] african americans see br563.n4 cancel [br563.a42] african americans see br563.b53 27 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 br563.b53 blacks. african americans blacks. african americans [br563.b53] cf. bt82.7 black theology br563.n4 negroes. african americans cancel (br563.n4) negroes. african americans cancel see br563.b53 negroes. afro-americans [br563.n4] cf. bt82.7 black theology cancel biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.g425 germain, saint, bishop of paris, approximately 496-576 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.l89 luvale table bs5 bs325.m28 mambwe-lungu table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z [bs335.a982] ayta abellen see bs335.s24 [bs335.a9822] ayta abellen see bs335.s24 bs335.r56 romblomanon table bs5 bs335.s24 sambali table bs5 including botolan sambal and tina sambal cancel including botolan sambal, tina sambal, ayta abellen, and ayta ambala 28 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible biography individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.t36 tamar (daughter-in-law of judah) topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs680.c75 crises class bt doctrinal theology doctrinal, dogmatic, systematic theology schools of thought affecting doctrine and dogma (19th-20th centuries) black theology [bt82.7] cf. br563.b53 african americans and christianity black theology [bt82.7] cf. br563.n4 african americans and christianity cancel mary, mother of jesus christ. mariology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special other, a-z bt660.a327 akita-shi (japan) class bv practical theology worship (public and private) prayer prayers other special prayers, a-z bv283.p38 patriotic prayers hymnology hymns. hymnbooks hymns in languages other than english other languages other languages, a-z bv510.t65 tok pisin pastoral theology preaching. homiletics special topics, a-z bv4235.m87 music 29 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 practical church work. social work. work of the layman communities and institutions, confraternities, brotherhoods, etc. individual communities, etc. bv4407.37 communauté des diaconesses de reuilly table bv8 practical religion. the christian life works of consolation and cheer works for special classes of persons the sick and crippled bv4910.43 moral injury patients class bx christian denominations catholic church history by region or country north america united states special topics, a-z [bx1407.a382] african americans see bx1407.n4 cancel [bx1407.a42] african americans see bx1407.b63 bx1407.b63 blacks. african americans bx1407.n4 negroes. african americans cancel (bx1407.n4) negroes. african americans see bx1407.b63 monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4333 daughters of charity of st. vincent de paul, emmitsburg, md. table bx18 cancel bx4333 daughters of charity of st. vincent de paul table bx18 30 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s other protestant denominations lutheran churches history by region or country america. united states united states individual branches, synods, etc., of lutherans mergers. federations synods on a linguistic basis other than german other national or racial groups, a-z [bx8060.a32] african americans see bx8060.b53 [bx8060.a42] african americans see bx8060.n5 cancel bx8060.b53 blacks. african americans [bx8060.b62] blacks see bx8060.n5 cancel bx8060.n5 negroes. blacks. african americans cancel (bx8060.n5) negroes. blacks. african americans see bx8060.b53 mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.p75 prostitution class dk history of russia. soviet union. former soviet republics history by period revolution, 1917-1921 other topics, a-z dk265.9.m87 muslims class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law. فروع الفقه social laws and legislation other, a-z [kbp1569.d562] disaster relief see kbp1569.d57 31 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 kbp1569.d57 disasters. disaster relief class n visual arts special subjects of art mythology. heroes. legends special subjects, a-z n7763.a43 alcestis, queen, consort of admetus, king of pherae religious art non-christian art special buddhist special subjects, characters, etc. other, a-z n8193.3.v33 vairocana (buddhist deity) sculpture special subjects religious subjects special, a-z nb1912.n37 narasiṃha (hindu deity) class pg slavic. baltic. albanian czech literature collections special topics, a-z pg5020.4.c47 christmas class pj oriental philology and literature arabic literature individual authors or works 1801-2000 ibn pj7836.s54 ibn shihāb, abū bakr ibn ʻabd al-raḥmān,1846-1922 table p-pz40 s pj7862.u9548 suwaydī, ʻūshah bint khalīfah,1920-2018 table p-pz40 32 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class pn literature (general) theory. philosophy. esthetics relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects other special characters individual characters, a-z pn57.h435 hermione literary history by period medieval (to 1500) special topics, a-z pn682.c728 crusades prose prose. prose fiction philosophy, theory, etc. relation to and treatment of special subjects other special, a-z pn3352.i78 islamic fundamentalism class pt german literature history of german literature special subjects not limited to one period or form n-r pt143.r426 redemption class z libraries library science. information science personnel other special, a-z [z682.35.m462] mental health see z682.35.p82 z682.35.p82 psychology cancel z682.35.p82 psychology. mental health 33 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 the collections. the books preservation, conservation, and restoration of books and other library materials special topics, a-z [z701.3.p63] podcasts see za4210 class za information resources (general) information in specific formats or media electronic information resources computer network resources resources of particular networks, online services, etc. resources of particular networks, online services, etc. za4210 podcasts 1 new and changed lc subject headings and other terms lc headings from september–october 2019 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2019 list numbers 09 (september 13) and 10 (october 18). subject headings 150 abortion--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019100023] 150 alcoholism--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019100050] 150 assur (assyrian deity) cancel heading [sp2004001937] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading aššur (assyrian deity) (dlc)no2019107326 150 attis (god) cancel heading [sp86004535] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading attis (phrygian deity) (dlc)no2019110365 150 authority--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019100051] 150 baptists, czechoslovak [may subd geog] [sp2019101385] 450 uf czechoslovak baptists 680 here are entered works on czechoslovak baptists living outside their native country who use their native language in church services. 150 bioethics--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102524] 150 birth control--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102529] 150 cardinal numbers--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2019102610] 150 cardinal numbers in the vedas [sp2019102611] 150 christian art and symbolism--12th century [sp2019102423] 150 christian art and symbolism--13th century [sp2019102424] 150 christian art and symbolism--14th century [sp2019102425] 150 christian art and symbolism--15th century [sp2019102426] ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. 2 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin 150 christian art and symbolism--16th century [sp2019102427] 150 christian art and symbolism--17th century [sp2019102428] 150 christian art and symbolism--18th century [sp2019102429] 150 christian art and symbolism--19th century [sp2019102430] 150 christian art and symbolism--20th century [sp2019102431] 150 christian art and symbolism--21st century [sp2019102432] 150 church archivists [may subd geog] [sp2019101460] 550 bt archivists 150 climatology--religious aspects [sp2019102348] 150 creation (literary, artistic, etc.) in art [not subd geog] [sp2016001023] 150 dating (social customs)--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102530] 150 devotional poetry, english [may subd geog] [sp2019005146] 450 uf english devotional poetry 550 bt english poetry 150 dating (social customs)--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102530] 150 digital media--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2019102333] 150 divorce--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102531] 150 drug abuse--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102532] 150 fantasy television programs--religious aspects [sp2019101390] 150 fellowship--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102533] 150 feminism--religious aspects--rastafarians [sp2019100124] 150 fertility, human--religious aspects [sp2019102334] 3 new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 150 fertility, human--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2019102336] 150 fertility, human--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2019102335] 150 forgiveness--religious aspects--lutheran church--missouri synod [sp2019102534] 150 gnosticism [not subd geog] [sp 85055466 ] 053 b638 delete field 053 b638 (philosophy) add field 550 bt cults add field 150 good and evil--religious aspects--confucianism [sp2019102635] 150 hindustani music--religious aspects [sp2019100123] 150 hindustani music--religious aspects--sikhism [sp2019100122] 150 hockey--religious aspects [sp2019100022] 150 hockey--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2019100021] 150 horak debate [sp2019003613] 053 b5223.h67 450 uf ho-rak controversy 450 uf ho-rak debate 450 uf horak controversy 550 bt neo-confucianism--korea 150 islamic art and symbolism--13th century [sp2019102436] 150 islamic art and symbolism--14th century [sp2019102437] 150 islamic art and symbolism--15th century [sp2019102438] 150 islamic art and symbolism--20th century [sp2019102422] 150 jewish art and symbolism--15th century [sp2019102435] 150 jewish art and symbolism--21st century [sp2019102411] 150 jewish art and symbolism--medieval, 500-1500 [sp2019102439] 4 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin 150 jewish neurosurgeons [may subd geog] [sp2019102549] 550 bt neurosurgeons 150 kings and rulers--religious aspects--shinto [sp2019100101] 151 korea--history--japanese occupation, 1910-1945--religious aspects [sp2019100105] 150 learning--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2019102613] 150 learning--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019102612] 150 mandaeans [sp85080407] 450 uf christians of saint john add field 450 uf disciples of saint john add field 450 uf sabaeans (mandaeans) add field 450 uf saint john's christians add field 450 uf subbiyuns add field 550 bt christian heresies--history--early church, ca. 30-600 delete field 550 bt religious adherents add field 150 mandaeism [may subd geog] [sp2019101445] 053 bt1405 450 uf mandaeanism 450 uf mandaeans--religion 450 uf mandeanism 450 uf mandeism 550 bt gnosticism 150 martial arts--religious aspects--zen buddhism change heading 150 martial arts--religious aspects--buddhism [sp85149726] 450 uf martial arts--religious aspects--zen buddhism [former heading] 450 uf zen buddhism and martial arts [former heading] 150 microfinance--religious aspects [sp2019102643] 150 microfinance--religious aspects--islam [sp2019102644] 150 music--religious aspects--hinduism [sp93001170] 450 uf music--religious aspects--vaishnavism [former heading] add field 5 new and changed lc subject headings and other terms 150 music--religious aspects--islam [sp85088820] 450 uf music--religious aspects--sufism [former heading] add field 150 music--religious aspects--sufism cancel heading [sp97006785] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading music--religious aspects--islam (dlc)sh 85088820 150 music--religious aspects--vaishnavism cancel heading [sp93000397] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading music--religious aspects--hinduism (dlc)sh 93001170 150 obeah (cult) in literature [not subd geog] [sp2019000078] 150 parapsychology--religious aspects--buddhism [sp85017511] 450 uf parapsychology--religious aspects--tantric buddhism [former heading] add field 150 parapsychology--religious aspects--tantric buddhism cancel heading [sp85132367] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading parapsychology--religious aspects--buddhism (dlc)sh 85017511 150 people with disabilities--religious aspects cancel heading [sp95001063] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading disabilities--religious aspects (dlc)sh2011001062 150 people with disabilities--religious aspects--buddhism, [christianity, etc.] cancel heading [sp95001060] 682 this authority record has been deleted because it is an invalid construction. 150 pork--religious aspects [sp2019102352] 150 pork--religious aspects--judaism [sp2019102351] 150 psalms (music)--105th psalm [sp2019101333] 450 uf confitemini domino, et invocate nomen eius (music) 150 shinto in art [not subd geog] [sp2019100073] 6 january 2020: vol. 28, no. 1 • theology cataloging bulletin 150 thunder--religious aspects [sp2019102342] 150 thunder--religious aspects--taoism [sp2019102341] 150 turtles--religious aspects [sp2019100104] 150 turtles--religious aspects--shinto [sp2019100103] genre/form terms 155 book of mormon comics [gp2019026107] 555 bt religious comics 680 comics depicting characters, events, etc., from the book of mormon. 155 devotional poetry [gp2019026089] 555 bt religious poetry 155 mawlids (poetry) [gp2019026090] 455 uf mawālid (poetry) 455 uf mawlūds (poetry) 455 uf mevlids (poetry) 555 bt devotional poetry 555 bt laudatory poetry 155 passover fiction [gp2019026108] 555 bt fiction 155 yom kippur fiction [gp2019026110] 455 uf day of atonement fiction 455 uf yom ha-kippurim fiction 555 bt religious fiction 155 yom kippur sermons [gp2019026111] 455 uf day of atonement sermons 455 uf yom ha-kippurim sermons 555 bt occasional sermons testimony • c r e at i n g n aco au t h o r i t y r e co r d s 10 creating naco authority records or why librarians are better than google by armin siedlecki1 neil gaiman, the author of good omens and american gods once said in an interview, “google can bring back 100,000 answers. a librarian can bring you back the right one.”2 this quote has been understandably popular with librarians and has been cited and retweeted numerous times. the reason for this is, of course, the use of controlled vocabulary and authorized headings, which allows for targeted research with fewer ambiguities and better indexing control. while librarians are by no means the only information professionals to make use of controlled headings, they are pioneers in the field and the name authority cooperative program (naco) maintained by the library of congress is a good case in point. using the lc naco authority file is a common skill for catalogers and technical services librarians who know how to select the correct form of a name to use in a bibliographic record. creating naco authority records is perhaps less common, but it can constitute an important service for theological librarians, not only for the benefit of other atla members, but for catalogers in general, since they are contributing information for headings in their own area of specialization and are typically more familiar with the resources that provide the relevant information. also, the proliferation of online resources and the development of macros along with a certain relaxation of the requirements for becoming an independent naco contributor has made the creation of authority records a less daunting task than it was even a decade ago. when i create an authority record, i begin by searching oclc for existing bibliographic records that may contain the same heading or perhaps different forms of the same heading. for example, i was cataloging a german book on the biblical teaching about the holy spirit (die biblische lehre vom heiligen geist) written in 1867 by e. quandt, pastor der deutsch-evangelischen gemeinde im haag). searching the bibliographic file for quandt with a year span limit of 1840-1900 i came up with the following results: • 20 entries for: quandt, emil, 1835-1911 • 11 entries for: quandt, emil (including 8 entries as quandt, emil) • 1 entry for: quandt, em. • 1 entry for: quandt, e., 1835-1911 all 33 hits were german publications and dealt with biblical or theological topics. there were other quandts, but none whose first name began with e, so they could be safely disregarded. the most common usage was “quandt, emil, 1835-1911,” which also provided useful dates that might be important in future disambiguations (e.g., if one day another emil quandt were to write one or more books). 1 armin siedlecki is head of cataloging and rare book cataloger at the pitts theology library, emory university. 2 11 t h e o lo g y c ata lo g i n g b u l l e t i n • o c to b e r 201 9 : vo l . 27, n o 4 next, i checked the virtual international authority file (viaf; to see if other national libraries may have authorized entries for my author. i had already established a preferred form of the name as well as the person’s birth and death dates in lc authorities, so checking was not necessarily required in this case, but it offered an additional source of citation and could provide further biographical details. searching for emil quandt, i found an entry with the following four forms: • quandt, emil, $d 1835-1911 – used by the national library of lithuania, the german national library, isni, and sudoc [abes] france • quandt, e. $q (emil), $d 1835-1911 – used by the national library of the netherlands • quandt, carl wilhelm emil $d 1835-1911 – used by the international inventory of musical sources (rism) • carl wilhelm emil quandt – used by wikidata the viaf id is 196190103 (personal) and the permalink that can be cited in subfield $u of the 670 field is the dates were consistent with the predominant form of the name in the oclc search and the titles associated with this id all related to biblical or theological topics. the only additional information was a fuller form of the name carl wilhelm emil quandt, which could be used in a 400 field in an authority record to indicate an alternate form of the name. there was one more entry with a separate viaf id (95654638) with the following two forms: • emil quandt $c deutscher industrieller – used by wikidata • quandt, emil $d 1849-1922 – used by the german national library the fact that the dates were different and that the person was described as a german industrialist indicated that this was a different person and that neither form would have to be considered in constructing an authority record for our theological author. the information i had gathered was sufficient to begin constructing an authority record that would sufficiently distinguish the author from past or future authors of the same name. i completed the bibliographic record i had worked on, using the preferred form of the name in the 100 field (quandt, emil, $d 1835-1911). the next step was to create the name authority record. i could have created this record from scratch using a blank template in oclc connexion or apply the built-in connexion macro “generate authority record.” this macro generates an authority record with a 100 and a 670 field and brings up a drop-down menu for entering additional information in 3xx fields, like birth and death dates, associated places and organizations, profession, field of activity, as well as gender and language. filling in this information is relatively straight forward, but i usually use the authority toolkit, which was written by gary strawn at northwestern university and can be downloaded for free at https:// the toolkit, which can be run like a macro directly from the bibliographic record, has greater functionality and reduces the possibility of error, since it fills in most of the information from the bibliographic record itself and supplies the correct subfields, term source codes and punctuation. like the connexion macro, it also allows for adding additional information from a drop-down menu, but one of its best features is the option of searching for online information and extracting relevant data from viaf or wikipedia (and a few other sources). since i had already found a viaf entry, all i needed to do was enter the viaf id in the search window and specify viaf as the resource to be searched to obtain the relevant data. i was able to select and deselect information from this data and the authority toolkit added it in the appropriate fields and constructed two supporting 670 fields including their respective urls. in this case, it also allowed me to add more specific birth and death dates in the 046 field. at this point, the record contained enough information to be considered complete, but there were a few more fields i wanted to add. associated language (field 377) was easy, since all supporting information was in german. profession (374), gender (375) and place (370) were also available on the title page of the bibliographic resource i had started with (“pastor der deutsch-evangelischen gemeinde im haag”). since pastor in german is a male noun (the female equivalent would be pastorin, which would have been extremely unlikely in 1867) testimony • c r e at i n g n aco au t h o r i t y r e co r d s 12 i added clergy $2 lcsh for profession and males $2 lcdgt for gender. haag is the german form for the hague (netherlands), which allowed me to populate subfields $c and $f of the 370 field. finally, i wanted to add i wanted to add information about the author’s field of activity (372). i decided that preaching and theology were two subject headings that were adequately descriptive and would avoid confusion with the german industrialist, who had the same name as our author, albeit different birth and death dates. working with the authority toolkit, i ended up with the following record, which i could then save to either my local or online authority save file in connexion and make it available for review or produce and post it directly to the naco authority file. • 046:__: $f 1835-02-10 $g 1911-01-26 $2 edtf • 100:1_: $a quandt, emil, $d 1835-1911 • 372:__: $a preaching $a theology $2 lcsh • 374:__: $a clergy $2 lcsh • 375:__: $a males $2 lcdgt • 400:1_: $a quandt, e. $q (emil), $d 1835-1911 • 400:1_: $a quandt, carl wilhelm emil $d 1835-1911 • 670:__: $a die biblische lehre vom heiligen geist, 1867: $b title page (e. quandt) • 670:__: $a wikidata via viaf, sept. 3, 2019 $b (born: 1835-02-10; died: 1911-01-26; preferred: carl wilhelm emil quandt; variant: carl wilhelm emil quandt; carl wilhelm emil quandt evangelischer pfarrer und superintendent; carl wilhelm emil quandt hymne-schrijver uit duitse keizerrijk (1835-1911); country: none; gender: 1) $u wkp%7cq1041075 • 670:__: $a national library of lithuania via viaf, sept. 3, 2019 $b (preferred: quandt, emil 18351911; country: germany; gender: males; lang. code: deu; variant: quandt, e.; quandt, carl wilhelm emil; biographical/historical: 1835-1911) $u lih%7clnb:c28_p_;=bt the toolkit had generated 400 fields (alternate access points), based on the information contained in the bibliographic record i had used and the data extracted from viaf. it had also either supplied or prompted for the correct term source codes in the various subfields $2, information which i had always found easy to overlook or mistype if had to enter it manually. there are of course cases that require more initial research. in this situation, there were a number of bibliographic records in oclc with established usages and several controlled forms of the name could be found in viaf. more detective work may be required if the author had only one or two little known publications, or if the author’s used name is only available in abbreviated form. to obtain fuller information, online or print biographical resources may have to be consulted. in such instances, google may be a good starting point, which brings us full circle. google may return 100,000 answers, but it is the sorting and organizing of these answers and the creation of controlled headings by catalogers that will help determine the right one.;=bt;=bt bibliography • m e ta data 8 electronic resources compiled by anna appleman castro, jeannie, richard guajardo, matthew ragucci, and melissa randall. “marc metamorphosis: transforming the way you look at e-book records.” serials librarian 76, no. 1–4 (january 2019): 213–19. chen, shih-chuan. “exploring the use of electronic resources by humanities scholars during the research process.” electronic library 37, no. 2 (march 2019): 240–54. gates, lynn e. and rhonda glazier. “getting a handle on duplicate ebooks.” collection management 44, no. 2–4 (april 2019): 361–78. kay, james. “improving access to e-resources for users at the university of derby: enhancing discovery systems with library plus 2.0.” insights 32 (2019): 1–12. doi: paul, rachel and cedar c. middleton. “electronic theses and dissertations workflows: interdepartmental collaboration at the university of arkansas libraries.” collaborative librarianship 10, no. 4 (october 2018): 282–307. rasuli, behrooz, sam solaimani, and mehdi alipour-hafezi. “electronic theses and dissertations programs: a review of the critical success factors.” college & research libraries 80, no. 1 (january 2019): 60–75. tracy, daniel g. “e-book use over time and across vendors in an interdisciplinary field.” library resources & technical services 63, no. 2 (april 2019): 143–59. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. 23 b i b l i o g r a p h y electronic resources compiled by anna appleman foster, anita k. 2021. “a controlled vocabulary for an electronic resources problem reporting system: creation, implementation and assessment.” library resources & technical services 65, no. 1: 23–32. geuther, christina, casey d. hoeve, and faye o’reilly. 2021. “trends in content development and licensing of electronic resources.” journal of electronic resources librarianship 33, no. 1: 1–12. gil-leiva, isidoro, mariângela spotti lopes fujita, pedro díaz ortuño, and daniela majorie dos reis. 2020. “the abandonment of the assignment of subject headings and classification codes in university libraries due to the massive emergence of electronic books.” knowledge organization 47, no. 8: 646–67. hoeppner, athena, matthew ragucci, xiaoyan song, and nariné bournoutian. 2021. “walk this way: online content platform migration experiences and collaboration.” serials librarian 80, nos. 1–4: 26–9. homenda, nicholas. 2021. “persistent urls and citations offered for digital objects by digital libraries.” information technology & libraries 40, no. 2: 1–12. v40i2.12987. kragelj, matjaž and mirjana kljajić borštnar. 2021. “automatic classification of older electronic texts into the universal decimal classification–udc.” journal of documentation 77, no. 3: 755–76. saddler, audrey. 2021. “collaborative relationships in e-resource acquisition and delivery: an examination of select academic libraries in jamaica.” technical services quarterly 38, no. 2: 123–49. trujillo, nicole, erik radio, and melanie walker. 2020. “what metadata matters? : correlation of metadata elements with click-through rates for e-books and streaming video in the academic library catalog.” journal of web librarianship 14, no. 3/4: 86–99. 20.1850390. anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. theology cataloging bulletin 1-1 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 section one: new and changed subject headings compiled by joanna hause the subject headings in this list were selected from the library of congress subject headings weekly lists, available on the library of congress web site at: this list consists of headings selected from the library's list numbers 29―51 of 2009. the following conventions are used, as in previous lists: headings are in a single alphabetical sequence, preceded by marc tags. the record number (library of congress control number) follows the heading. the absence of the instruction [may subd geog] means that the heading is not to be further divided by place. the following print constants appear: uf = used for bt = broader term rt = related term sa = see also * asterisks and highlighting mark lines (or paragraphs) that are changes. selected changes to free-floating subdivisions are at the end of the list. please send suggestions or comments to me at or by mail to: joanna hause steelman library southeastern university 1000 longfellow blvd. lakeland, fl 33801 or fax to: (863) 669-4160. theology cataloging bulletin 1-2 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 aatimna (hindu deity) [not subd geog] [sp 85000038] * 550 bt gods, hindu cancel * 550 bt hindu gods 150 adamites [may subd geog] [sp 85000787] * 550 bt christian heresies—history—early church, ca. 30-600 * 550 bt heresies, christian—history—early church, ca. 30-600 cancel 150 aditi (hindu deity) [not subd geog] [sp 85000885] * 550 bt goddesses, hindu cancel * 550 bt hindu goddesses 150 albigenses [may subd geog] [sp 85003228] * 550 bt christian heresies—history—middle ages, 600-1500 * 550 bt heresies, christian—history—middle ages, 600-1500 cancel 150 alcoholism in the bible [sp2009006309] 053 bs1199.a36 (old testament) * 150 altars, hindu cancel 150 hindu altars [may subd geog] [sp 85003900] 450 uf altars, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt altars 150 american dream—religious aspects [sp2009009212] 150 american dream—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009009213] * 150 antenuptial contracts (canon law) cancel 150 prenuptial agreements (canon law) [sp 85005514] 450 uf antenuptial contracts (canon law) [earlier form of heading] 550 bt canon law 150 apocryphal books [sp 85006006] * 450 uf apocryphal literature 150 ascension day sermons [may subd geog] [sp2009007240] 550 bt festival-day sermons 150 bahai converts from christianity [may subd geog] [sp2009006701] 450 uf converts from christianity to the bahai f aith theology cataloging bulletin 1-3 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 bar mitzvah sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85011763] * 550 bt jewish occasional sermons * 550 bt occasional sermons, jewish cancel 150 bat mitzvah sermons [may subd geog] [sp 86006885] * 550 bt jewish occasional sermons * 550 bt occasional sermons, jewish cancel 150 benedictine movement (anglican communion) [may subd geog] [sp 93009434] * 550 bt anglican monasticism and religious orders * 550 bt monasticism and religious orders, anglican cancel 130 bible. n.t.—relation to the old testament [sp 85013757] * 430 uf bible. o.t.—relation to the new testament cancel 110 brooklyn friends meeting house (new york, n.y.) [sp2009009332] 410 uf friends meeting house (new york, n.y.) 410 uf meeting house on schermerhorn street (new york, n.y.) 550 bt quaker church buildings—new york (state) 150 bruderhof communities [may subd geog] [sp 89004047] * 680 here are entered works on the communal movement founded by eberhard arnold in the early 20th century, known as the bruderhof, society of brothers, or hutterian brethren. works on the hutterite communities originating in the anabaptist movement of the 16th century are entered under hutterite brethren. * 680 here are entered works on the communal movement founded by eberhard arnold in the early 20th century, known as the bruderhof, society of brothers, or hutterian brethren. works on the hutterite communities originating in the anabaptist movement of the 16th century are entered under the name heading hutterite brethren. cancel * 681 note under: hutterite brethren 150 buddhist memorial rites and ceremonies [may subd geog] [sp 85083488] 450 uf memorial rites and ceremonies, buddhist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt buddhism—rituals 550 bt memorial rites and ceremonies 150 buddhist pilgrims and pilgrimages [may subd geog] [sp 85017573] * 550 bt temples, buddhist cancel * 550 rt buddhist temples theology cataloging bulletin 1-4 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 buddhist temples [may subd geog] [sp 85133752] * 550 rt buddhist pilgrims and pilgrimages * 150 calendar, islamic cancel 150 islamic calendar [may subd geog] [sp 85018837] 053 ce59 450 uf calendar, islamic [earlier form of heading] 450 uf muslim calendar 550 bt calendar 681 note under religious calendars * 110 catholic church—political activity [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85021159] 150 christian giving [sp 85025091] * 680 here are entered works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute financially to the church. works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute time, talents, and material possessions in the service of god are entered under christian stewardship. works on the solicitation and administration of church funds are entered under church finance. * 680 here are entered works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute financially to the church. works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute time, talents, and material possessions in the service of god are entered under stewardship, christian. works on the solicitation and administration of church funds are entered under church finance. cancel * 550 bt christian stewardship * 550 bt stewardship, christian cancel * 681 notes under church finance; christian stewardship * 681 notes under church finance; stewardship, christian cancel 150 christian sects [may subd geog] [sp 85025193] * 550 rt christian heresies * 550 rt heresies, christian cancel 150 christianity and international affairs—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009007990] 150 church buildings (islamic law) [may subd geog] [sp2009007635] 053 kbp3072.c48 550 bt islamic law 150 church finance [may subd geog] [sp 85025606] * 680 here are entered works on the solicitation and administration of church funds. works on the duty of the individual christian to theology cataloging bulletin 1-5 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 contribute time, talents, and material possessions in the service of god are entered under christian stewardship. works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute financially to the church are entered under christian giving. * 680 here are entered works on the solicitation and administration of church funds. works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute time, talents, and material possessions in the service of god are entered under stewardship, christian. works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute financially to the church are entered under christian giving. cancel * 681 notes under christian giving; christian stewardship * 681 notes under christian giving; stewardship, christian cancel 150 church work with alzheimer's patients [may subd geog] [sp2009006536] 550 bt alzheimer's disease—patients * 150 church work with problem families cancel 150 church work with dysfunctional families [may subd geog] [sp 86007639] 450 uf church work with problem families [earlier form of heading] 550 bt dysfunctional families 150 civil disobedience—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009006728] * 150 civilization, christian cancel 150 christian civilization [sp 85026449] 053 br115.c5 450 uf civilization, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt christianity 550 bt civilization 150 clergy with disabilities [may subd geog] [sp2009008969] 550 bt people with disabilities 110 conference center (salt lake city, utah) [sp2009006503] 410 uf conference center of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (salt lake city, utah) 550 bt church buildings—utah 150 coptic youth [may subd geog] [sp2009007551] 550 bt christian youth theology cataloging bulletin 1-6 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 counselor trainees [may subd geog] [sp2005005270] * 450 uf counselors-in-training 150 cows—religious aspects [sp2009007401] 150 cows—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009007402] 150 creation (literary, artistic, etc.)—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009008387] 150 creative writing—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009007088] 150 credo (music) [sp 85033879] * 053 m2079.l3 cancel * 053 m2099.l3 cancel * 450 uf nicene creed (music) cancel * 550 bt masses * 150 demonology, jewish cancel 150 jewish demonology [may subd geog] [sp 85036667] 450 uf demonology, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt demonology, semitic 150 ecology—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009009077] 150 egypt in rabbinical literature [sp2009008624] 053 bm496.9.e35 550 bt rabbinical literature * 150 eschatology, buddhist cancel 150 buddhist eschatology [sp 85044788] 450 uf eschatology, buddhist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt eschatology * 150 eschatology, hindu cancel 150 hindu eschatology [sp 85044791] 450 uf eschatology, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt eschatology * 150 eschatology, islamic cancel 150 islamic eschatology [sp 85044792] 053 bp166.8-bp166.88 450 uf eschatology, islamic [earlier form of heading] 450 uf muslim eschatology 550 bt eschatology theology cataloging bulletin 1-7 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 * 150 eschatology, islamic—koranic teaching cancel 150 islamic eschatology—koranic teaching [not subd geog] [sp 85044793] 150 evolution (biology)—religious aspects—christianity [sp 90004054] * 450 uf anti-evolutionism 681 note under families--religious aspects * 150 fathers of the church, coptic cancel 150 coptic fathers of the church [sp 87005629] 450 uf fathers of the church, coptic [earlier form of heading] 550 bt fathers of the church 150 femininity in the bible [sp2009008767] * 150 festival-day sermons, jewish cancel 150 jewish festival-day sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85047931] 053 bm745-bm747 450 uf festival-day sermons, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt festival-day sermons 550 bt jewish sermons 150 fifteenth of av sermons [may subd geog] [sp2008007777] * 550 bt festival-day sermons, jewish cancel * 550 bt jewish festival-day sermons 150 finance, personal—religious aspects—christianity [sp 85048269] * 550 bt christian stewardship * 550 bt stewardship, christian cancel 150 franciscan movement (anglican communion) [may subd geog] [sp 86001843] * 550 bt anglican monasticism and religious orders * 550 bt monasticism and religious orders, anglican cancel * 150 funeral rites and ceremonies, hindu cancel 150 hindu funeral rites and ceremonies [may subd geog] [sp 85052400] 450 uf funeral rites and ceremonies, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt funeral rites and ceremonies 550 bt hinduism—rituals * 150 funeral rites and ceremonies, jewish cancel 150 jewish funeral rites and ceremonies [may subd geog] [sp 85052406] 053 bm712 theology cataloging bulletin 1-8 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 450 uf funeral rites and ceremonies, jewish [earlier form of heading] 450 uf jews—funeral customs and rites 550 bt funeral rites and ceremonies 550 bt judaism—customs and practices * 150 funeral sermons, jewish cancel 150 jewish funeral sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85052424] 450 uf funeral sermons, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt jewish occasional sermons 150 gender identity in the bible [sp2009008765] 053 bs 1199.g36 (old testament) * 150 goddesses, hindu cancel 150 hindu goddesses [may subd geog] [sp 85055596] 450 uf goddesses, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt goddesses * 150 gods, hindu cancel 150 hindu gods [may subd geog] [sp 85055624] 053 bl1216-bl1225 450 uf gods, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt gods 550 bt hinduism * 150 gods, jaina cancel 150 jaina gods [may subd geog] [sp 85055627] 450 uf gods, jaina [earlier form of heading] 550 bt gods 550 bt jainism 150 gold—religious aspects [sp2008030175] 150 gold—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2008030176] 150 grandparent and child—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009004472] * 150 hebraists, christian cancel 150 christian hebraists [may subd geog] [sp 85059862] 450 uf hebraists, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt hebraists * 150 heresies, christian cancel theology cataloging bulletin 1-9 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 christian heresies [may subd geog] [sp 85060376] 053 bt1313-bt1480 450 uf heresies, christian [earlier form of heading] 450 uf heresies and heretics [earlier form of heading] 550 bt heresy 550 bt theology, doctrinal 550 rt christian sects * 150 heresies, christian—history cancel 150 christian heresies—history [sp 85060377] * 150 heresies, christian—history—early church, ca. 30-600 cancel 150 christian heresies—history—early church, ca. 30-600 [sp 85060378] 053 bt1319-bt1475 * 150 heresies, christian—history—middle ages, 600-1500 cancel 150 christian heresies—history—middle ages, 600-1500 [sp 85060379] 053 bt1319-bt1475 * 150 heresies, christian—history—modern period, 1500 cancel 150 christian heresies—history—modern period, 1500 [sp 85060380] 053 bt1476-bt1480 * 150 heresies, jewish cancel 150 jewish heresies [may subd geog] [sp 85060382] 450 uf heresies, jewish [earlier form of heading] 450 uf heresies and heretics, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt heresy 550 bt judaism—doctrines 550 rt jewish sects 150 heretics [may subd geog] [sp2009007965] 550 bt persons * 150 heretics, christian cancel 150 christian heretics [may subd geog] [sp 85060386] 450 uf heresies and heretics [earlier form of heading] 450 uf heretics, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt heretics * 150 heretics, jewish cancel 150 jewish heretics [may subd geog] [sp 85060387] 450 uf apikorsim (jewish heretics) 450 uf epik ̣orsim (jewish heretics) theology cataloging bulletin 1-10 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 450 uf heresies and heretics, jewish [earlier form of heading] 450 uf heretics, jewish [earlier form of heading] 450 uf kofrim (jewish heretics) 450 uf minim (jewish heretics) 450 uf mumarim (jewish heretics) 550 bt heretics 150 ḥevra kaddisha [may subd geog] [sp 91003043] * 550 bt funeral rites and ceremonies, jewish cancel * 550 bt jewish funeral rites and ceremonies * 150 homiletical illustrations, jewish cancel 150 jewish homiletical illustrations [sp 85061757] 450 uf homiletical illustrations, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt homiletical illustrations 550 bt jewish preaching 150 human skin color—religious aspects [sp2009007347] 150 human skin color—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009007349] 150 hutterite women [may subd geog] [sp2009006563] 450 uf hutterian women 550 bt christian women * 150 hygiene, hindu cancel 150 hindu hygiene [sp 85063522] 450 uf hygiene, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt health—religious aspects—hinduism 550 bt hygiene, oriental * 150 hygiene, jewish cancel 150 jewish hygiene [sp 85063524] 053 ra561 450 uf hygiene, jewish [earlier form of heading] 450 uf jews—hygiene 550 bt health—religious aspects—judaism 150 hymns, cebuano [may subd geog] [sp2009008827] 450 uf cebuano hymns 150 hymns, karen [may subd geog] [sp2009007466] theology cataloging bulletin 1-11 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 450 uf karen hymns 150 insects—religious aspects [sp2009007277] 150 insects—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009007278] 150 intellectual life—religious aspects [sp2009010719] 150 intellectual life—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009010388] 150 internet in evangelistic work [may subd geog] [sp2009009357] 550 bt evangelistic work 150 introversion—religious aspects [sp2009006708] 150 introversion—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009006709] 150 islamic shrines [may subd geog] [sp 85068485] * 550 bt shrines 150 jebtsundambas [may subd geog] [sp2007007812] * 550 bt buddhist priests * 550 bt priests, buddhist cancel 150 jerusalem day sermons [may subd geog] [sp2009007242] 550 bt festival-day sermons, jewish 100 jesus christ—hispanic american interpretations [sp2009006993] 053 bt304.918 550 bt hispanic americans—religion 150 jewish wedding sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85145903] * 550 bt wedding sermons 150 judgment day (islam) [sp 85070921] * 550 bt eschatology, islamic cancel 150 knowledge, theory of (buddhism) [sp 85072733] * 550 bt buddhist logic cancel * 550 bt buddhist philosophy * 550 bt knowledge, theory of (religion) cancel * 550 bt philosophy, buddhist cancel 110 kōyasan monasteries (japan) [sp 85073213] * 053 bq6353.k cancel theology cataloging bulletin 1-12 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 * 550 bt buddhist temples—japan * 550 bt temples, buddhist—japan cancel 110 kungnakchŏn (muwisa, wŏrha-ri, cho ̆lla-namdo, korea) [sp 86001145] * 550 bt buddhist temples—korea (south) * 550 bt temples, buddhist—korea (south) cancel * 150 legends, christian cancel 150 christian legends [may subd geog] [sp 85075787] 450 uf legends, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt legends 150 life on other planets—religious aspects [sp2009004907] 150 life on other planets—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009004908] 150 literature in christian education [may subd geog] [sp2009005538] 550 bt christian education 150 mahdism [sp 85079850] * 550 bt eschatology, islamic cancel * 550 bt islamic eschatology 150 marriage in the bible [sp2009008013] 150 marriage service (hinduism) [sp 85081514] * 550 bt hindu marriage customs and rites * 550 bt marriage customs and rites, hindu cancel 150 masculinity in the bible [sp2009008766] * 150 memorial rites and ceremonies, buddhist cancel 150 methodist converts [may subd geog] [sp2009006776] 550 bt christian converts 550 bt methodists 150 modesty—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009008333] * 150 monasteries, coptic cancel 150 coptic monasteries [may subd geog] [sp 85086696] 450 uf monasteries, coptic [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasteries 550 rt coptic monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasteries, hindu cancel theology cataloging bulletin 1-13 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 hindu monasteries [may subd geog] [sp 85086698] 053 bl1243.72-bl1243.78 450 uf monasteries, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt hinduism 550 bt monasteries 550 rt hindu monastic and religious life 550 rt hindu monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasteries, jaina cancel 150 jaina monasteries [may subd geog] [sp 85086699] 053 bl1378-bl1378.3 450 uf monasteries, jaina [earlier form of heading] 550 bt jainism 550 bt monasteries 550 rt jaina monasticism and religious orders * 150 monastic and religious life (hinduism) cancel 150 hindu monastic and religious life [may subd geog] [sp 85086708] 053 bl1238.72-bl1238.82 450 uf monastic and religious life (hinduism) [earlier form of heading] 550 bt hinduism 550 bt monastic and religious life 550 rt hindu monasteries * 150 monasticism and religious orders, anglican cancel 150 anglican monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086732] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, anglican [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders * 150 monasticism and religious orders, coptic cancel 150 coptic monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086738] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, coptic [earlier form of heading] 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 550 rt coptic monasteries * 150 monasticism and religious orders, hindu cancel 150 hindu monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086739] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, hindu [earlier form of heading] theology cataloging bulletin 1-14 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 550 rt hindu monasteries * 150 monasticism and religious orders, islamic cancel 150 islamic monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086741] 053 bp189.68-bp189.7 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, islamic [earlier form of heading] 450 uf muslim monasticism and religious orders 550 bt monasticism and religious orders 550 rt islamic monasteries * 150 monasticism and religious orders, jaina cancel 150 jaina monasticism and religious orders [may subd geog] [sp 85086742] 053 bl1378-bl1378.3 450 uf monasticism and religious orders, jaina [earlier form of heading] 550 bt jainism 550 rt jaina monasteries * 150 monasticism and religious orders for women, buddhist cancel 150 buddhist monasticism and religious orders for women [may subd geog] [sp 85086764] 450 uf monasticism and religious orders for women, buddhist [earlier form of heading] * 150 monasticism and religious orders for women, buddhist—rules cancel 150 buddhist monasticism and religious orders for women—rules [sp 85086765] 151 moon—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2008028004] 150 mormon press [may subd geog] [sp2001004158] * 550 bt religious newspapers and periodicals 150 mormon women missionaries [may subd geog] [sp2008007341] 550 bt mormon missionaries 550 bt women missionaries 150 multi-site churches [may subd geog] [sp2009007456] 053 bv637.95 450 uf churches, multi-campus 450 uf churches, multi-site 450 uf multi-campus churches theology cataloging bulletin 1-15 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 550 bt religious institutions 150 nāgakumāra (jaina deity) [not subd geog] [sp 85089494] * 550 bt gods, jaina cancel * 550 bt jaina gods 100 nahum (biblical prophet)—in rabbinical literature [sp2008004897] 150 natural disasters—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009007588] 150 nobility of character—religious aspects [sp2009009064] 150 nouvelle théologie (catholic theology) [may subd geog] [sp2009007946] 450 uf new theology (catholic theology) 450 uf ressourcement (catholic theology) 550 bt theology, doctrinal—history—20th century * 150 occasional sermons, jewish cancel 150 jewish occasional sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85093797] 053 bm744-bm744.8 450 uf occasional sermons, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt jewish sermons 150 orthodox eastern press [may subd geog] [sp 95004599] * 550 bt religious newspapers and periodicals 150 orthodox eastern teenagers [may subd geog] [sp2009006777] 550 bt christian teenagers 150 padmāvati ̄ (jaina deity) [not subd geog] [sp 85096557] * 053 bl1375.7.p33 cancel * 053 bl1375.7.p33-bl1375.7.p334 * 550 bt gods, jaina cancel * 550 bt jaina gods 150 pagodas [may subd geog] [sp 85096588] * 053 na1540-na1547 (chinese) cancel * 550 bt buddhist temples * 550 bt temples, buddhist cancel 150 pastoral theology (shinto) [sp 85098612] * 550 bt priests, shinto cancel theology cataloging bulletin 1-16 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 * 150 philosophy, christian cancel 150 christian philosophy [may subd geog] [sp2006001357] 680 here are entered works on general philosophy reflecting a christian point of view. works on the philosophy of christianity are entered under christianity--philosophy. 450 uf philosophy, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt philosophy * 150 philosophy, hindu cancel 150 hindu philosophy [sp 85100926] 450 uf philosophy, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt philosophy 550 rt philosophy, indic * 150 philosophy, jewish cancel 150 jewish philosophy [may subd geog] [sp 85100947] 450 uf jews—philosophy 450 uf philosophy, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 rt philosophy, israeli * 150 philosophy, shinto cancel 150 shinto philosophy [sp 85100980] 053 b162.6 450 uf philosophy, shinto [earlier form of heading] 550 bt philosophy 150 pietism and church music [may subd geog] [sp2009009060] 450 uf church music and pietism 550 bt church music * 150 prayers for rain, jewish cancel 150 jewish prayers for rain [sp 85106145] 053 bm720.r3 450 uf prayers for rain, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt prayers for rain * 150 press, baptist cancel 150 baptist press [may subd geog] [sp 85106502] 450 uf baptist journalism 450 uf press—baptists 450 uf press, baptist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt journalism, religious 550 bt religious newspapers and periodicals theology cataloging bulletin 1-17 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 * 150 press, catholic cancel 150 catholic press [may subd geog] [sp 85106503] 680 here are entered works dealing with catholic opinion, literary production, and propaganda as expressed in catholic journals, newspapers, and periodicals. 450 uf catholic journalism 450 uf press—catholic church 450 uf press, catholic [earlier form of heading] 550 bt journalism, religious 550 bt religious newspapers and periodicals * 150 press, lutheran cancel 150 lutheran press [may subd geog] [sp 85106508] 450 uf lutheran journalism 450 uf press—lutheran church 450 uf press, lutheran [earlier form of heading] 550 bt journalism, religious 550 bt religious newspapers and periodicals * 150 press, protestant cancel 150 protestant press [may subd geog] [sp 85106510] 450 uf press, protestant [earlier form of heading] 450 uf protestant journalism 550 bt journalism, religious 550 bt religious newspapers and periodicals * 150 priests, shinto cancel 150 shinto priests [may subd geog] [sp 85106654] 053 bl2224.5-bl2224.55 450 uf priests, shinto [earlier form of heading] 550 bt clergy 550 bt pastoral theology (shinto) * 150 primers (prayer-books)—catholic church, [church of england, etc.] cancel 150 primers (prayer books)—catholic church, [church of england, etc.] [sp 85106695] * 150 problem families in the bible cancel 150 dysfunctional families in the bible [not subd geog] [sp 99010906] 450 uf problem families in the bible [earlier form of heading] * 150 processional crosses, coptic cancel 150 coptic processional crosses [may subd geog] [sp 85107143] 450 uf processional crosses, coptic [earlier form of heading] theology cataloging bulletin 1-18 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 550 bt processional crosses 150 psalms (music)—76th psalm [sp2009005313] 450 uf notus in judaea (music) 150 psalms (music)—77th psalm [sp2009005336] 450 uf voce mea ad dominum clamavi, voce mea ad deum (music) 150 psalms (music)—94th psalm [sp2009005338] 450 uf deus ultionum (music) 150 psychology—religious aspects [sp2009009192] 150 psychology—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009009193] 150 quaker church buildings—new york (state) [sp2009009334] 150 raphael (archangel) in rabbinical literature [sp2006006851] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 religious calendars [may subd geog] [sp 85112615] * 680 here are entered texts and comparative studies of calendars of ritual observances for particular days. works on the christian liturgical calendar are entered under church calendar. works on the ritual calendars of other religions are entered here with the subdivision for the name of the religion, e.g. religious calendars--greek religion. works on the islamic [jewish, etc.] calendar from the viewpoint of chronological reckoning are entered under calendar, islamic [jewish, etc.] cancel * 680 here are entered texts and comparative studies of calendars of ritual observances for particular days. works on the christian liturgical calendar are entered under church calendar. works on the ritual calendars of other religions are entered here with the subdivision for the name of the religion, e.g. religious calendars--greek religion. works on the islamic [jewish, etc.] calendar from the viewpoint of chronological reckoning are entered under islamic [jewish, etc.] calendar * 550 bt calendar * 550 bt cults cancel 150 religious institutions [may subd geog] [sp 85112605] * 450 uf faith-based organizations * 450 uf fbos (faith-based organizations) 150 religious work with prisoners—law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2009004758] theology cataloging bulletin 1-19 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 * 150 reliquaries, islamic cancel 150 islamic reliquaries [may subd geog] [sp 85112518] 053 bp186.97 450 uf muslim reliquaries 450 uf relics and reliquaries, islamic [earlier form of heading] 450 uf reliquaries, islamic [earlier form of heading] 550 bt reliquaries 150 resurrection (islam) [sp 85113289] * 550 bt eschatology, islamic cancel * 550 bt islamic eschatology 150 rugs, prayer [may subd geog] [sp 85115779] * 550 bt islamic rugs * 550 bt rugs, islamic cancel 150 russian american catholics [may subd geog] [sp2009008915] 450 uf catholics, russian american 550 bt catholics—united states 150 sacred space [may subd geog] [sp 88002572] * 450 uf sacred sites * 450 uf sites, sacred * 150 sarcophagi, jewish cancel 150 jewish sarcophagi [may subd geog] [sp 90001245] 450 uf sarcophagi, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt sarcophagi * 150 sermons, coptic cancel 150 coptic sermons [may subd geog] [sp 00007387] 450 uf sermons, coptic [earlier form of heading] 550 bt sermons 150 sermons, friulian [may subd geog] [sp2009006624] 450 uf friulian sermons 150 shema (music) [sp2005001926] * 550 bt jewish chants cancel 150 skis and skiing—religious aspects [sp2009007369] 150 snowboarding—religious aspects [sp009007370] theology cataloging bulletin 1-20 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 * 150 socialism, christian cancel 150 christian socialism [may subd geog] [sp 85124119] 053 hx51-hx54 450 uf socialism, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt church and social problems 550 bt socialism 110 sŏngjusa (poryo ̆ng-gun, chʻungchʻo ̆ng-namdo) [sp2003000058] * 550 bt buddhist temples—korea (south) * 550 bt temples, buddhist—korea (south) cancel * 150 stewardship, christian cancel 150 christian stewardship [sp 85128081] 053 bv772 680 here are entered works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute time, talents, and material possessions in the service of god. works on the duty of the individual christian to contribute financially to the church are entered under christian giving. works on the solicitation and administration of church funds are entered under church finance. 450 uf stewardship, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt christian life 681 notes under christian giving; church finance * 150 stewardship, christian—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] cancel 150 christian stewardship—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp 00005485] 150 struggle—religious aspects [sp2009007280] 150 struggle—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2009007281] 150 sublimation (psychology)—religious aspects [sp2009008385] 150 sublimation (psychology)—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2009008386] 150 succubi [may subd geog] [sp2009007027] 450 uf succubae 450 uf succubuses 550 bt demonology 150 synagogue art [may subd geog] [sp 85131557] * 550 bt art, jewish cancel * 550 bt jewish art theology cataloging bulletin 1-21 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 synagogue dedication sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85131560] * 550 bt jewish occasional sermons * 550 bt occasional sermons, jewish cancel 110 tachibanadera (asuka-mura, japan) [sp2002005835] * 550 bt buddhist temples—japan * 550 bt temples, buddhist—japan cancel 150 tantric buddhist priests [may subd geog] [sp2003003289] * 550 bt buddhist priests * 550 bt priests, buddhist cancel * 550 bt tantric buddhism—clergy 150 tantum ergo (music) [sp2008001210] 550 bt benediction of the blessed sacrament (music) 550 bt hymns * 150 temples, hindu cancel 150 hindu temples [may subd geog] [sp 85133762] 053 bl1243.72-bl1243.78 450 uf mandiras 450 uf mandirs 450 uf temples, hindu [earlier form of heading] 550 bt hinduism 550 bt temples * 150 temples, hindu—dedication cancel 150 hindu temples—dedication [may subd geog] [sp 85133763] 550 bt dedication services 550 bt hinduism—rituals * 150 temples, hindu—india cancel 150 hindu temples—india [sp 87002398] * 150 temples, hindu—organization and administration cancel 150 hindu temples—organization and administration [sp 85133764] * 150 temples, jaina cancel 150 jaina temples [may subd geog] [sp 85133765] 450 uf temples, jaina [earlier form of heading] 550 bt temples * 150 temples, zen cancel theology cataloging bulletin 1-22 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 150 zen temples [may subd geog] [sp 85133773] 450 uf temples, zen [earlier form of heading] 550 bt buddhist temples * 150 theologians, muslim cancel 150 muslim theologians [may subd geog] [sp 85134649] 450 uf islamic theologians 450 uf theologians, muslim [earlier form of heading] 550 bt theologians 150 unitarian women [may subd geog] [sp2009008383] 550 bt christian women * 150 vacation schools, catholic cancel 150 catholic vacation schools [may subd geog] [sp 85141696] 680 duplicate entry is made under vacation schools, religious, whenever religious instruction is included in the curriculum. 410 uf catholic church—vacation schools 450 uf vacation schools, catholic [earlier form of heading] 510 bt catholic church—education 550 bt vacation schools * 150 vacation schools, christian cancel 150 christian vacation schools [may subd geog] [sp 85141697] 450 uf church vacation schools 450 uf daily vacation bible schools 450 uf vacation bible schools 450 uf vacation church schools 450 uf vacation schools, christian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt christian education * 150 vacation schools, christian—exercises, recitations, etc. cancel 150 christian vacation schools—exercises, recitations, etc. [sp 85141698] 550 bt recitations * 150 vacation schools, christian—teachers' manuals cancel 150 christian vacation schools—teachers' manuals [sp 85141699] * 150 vacation schools, presbyterian cancel 150 presbyterian vacation schools [may subd geog] [sp 85141700] 450 uf vacation schools, presbyterian [earlier form of heading] 550 bt presbyterian church—education 550 bt vacation schools theology cataloging bulletin 1-23 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 * 150 vacation schools, seventh-day adventist cancel 150 seventh-day adventist vacation schools [may subd geog] [sp 85141703] 450 uf seventh-day adventists—vacation schools 450 uf vacation schools, seventh-day adventist [earlier form of heading] 550 bt seventh-day adventists—education 550 bt vacation schools 150 vaishnava temples [may subd geog] [sp 98008189] * 550 bt hindu temples * 550 bt temples, hindu cancel 150 vijñaptimātrata ̄ [sp 85143335] * 550 bt buddhist philosophy * 550 bt philosophy, buddhist cancel * 150 war on terrorism, 2001-—religious aspects cancel 150 war on terrorism, 2001-2009—religious aspects [sp2005004195] * 150 war on terrorism, 2001-—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] cancel 150 war on terrorism, 2001-2009—religious aspects—baptists, [catholic church, etc.] [sp2005004197] * 150 war on terrorism, 2001-—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] cancel 150 war on terrorism, 2001-2009—religious aspects—buddhism, [christianity, etc.] [sp2005004196] 110 wat sī chum (sukhothai, thailand) [sp2009003475] 410 uf sī chum, wat (sukhothai, thailand) 550 bt temples—thailand 551 bt thailand—antiquities * 150 wedding sermons, jewish cancel 150 jewish wedding sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85145903] 053 bm744.5 450 uf wedding sermons, jewish [earlier form of heading] 550 bt jewish occasional sermons * 150 wedding sermons, islamic cancel 150 islamic wedding sermons [may subd geog] [sp 85145902] 450 uf muslim wedding sermons theology cataloging bulletin 1-24 section 1 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 450 uf wedding sermons, islamic [earlier form of heading] 550 bt islamic sermons 550 bt wedding sermons 150 word of god [sp2009007561] 550 bt word (theology) 150 yunmen (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2009006926] 053 bq9550.y86-bq9550.y8692 450 uf yunmenzong 550 bt buddhist sects 550 bt zen buddhism * 150 zen quotations [may subd geog] add geog [sp 85110166] * 450 uf quotations, zen [earlier form of heading] * 450 uf zen quotations cancel * 550 bt buddhist quotations * 550 bt quotations, buddhist cancel 1 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s kelly banyas is research & instruction librarian for student success and marleen cloutier is cataloging and metadata librarian at the university of scranton. cataloging collaborations: supporting affordable learning initiatives by kelly banyas and marleen cloutier like many librarians, we often find ourselves answering the following question from students: do you have my textbook? unfortunately, in our case and many others, that answer is usually no. over the last few years, librarians at the university of scranton’s weinberg memorial library have investigated ways to reduce textbook costs for students, including utilizing our library’s catalog to identify and promote open and licensed content for classroom use. our institution is a catholic and jesuit university in scranton, pennsylvania, which is in the northeast corner of the state. we enroll just under 5,000 students each fall, the majority being undergraduate students. in 2018, the university offered strategic initiatives funding to applications for new projects to further the goals of their 2015-2020 strategic plan. two librarians, including author kelly banyas and an administrator, applied for and received strategic initiatives funding to pilot a few initiatives encouraging faculty to investigate open resources as a way to mitigate course costs for students. we thought this fit nicely into the overall goals of the university’s strategic plan, which stated, “we will commit ourselves to remaining an affordable, accessible education that meets the needs and addresses the challenges of students from enrollment to graduation and beyond” (university of scranton 2015). one of these funded initiatives was to pilot a $1,000 grant for faculty to replace for-cost course materials with open educational resources (oer) for the 2019-2020 academic year. we also decided to allow for the use of resources without digital rights management (drm-free) in case faculty could not find disciplinespecific oer. we specifically chose drm-free resources to allow students to access the materials beyond the semester and encourage lifelong learning after graduation. as the project grew, the initial group evolved into the oer committee, which added members within the library interested in becoming involved in the initiatives, including author marleen cloutier. our next major project was determining how to make such resources easily discoverable. faculty had previously asked about the differences between types of e-book licenses and wondered why they could download so much of one book but only a small percentage of another. if we wanted to limit our grant recipients to utilizing library resources that could be simultaneously accessed and downloaded in full, we needed to find a way to make that explicitly clear in the item records. we did put together a libguide to organize links to oer platforms and specifically licensed or drm-free library collections, but we were concerned that having to check so many places for resources could deter faculty from utilizing the resources in their courses. it was at this point that author marleen cloutier suggested the library catalog as a possible solution. we started with a scan of our catalog and a discussion with our acquisitions librarian, who was able to point us towards collections containing resources that met our criteria. from there we needed to review and identify which marc fields were being used to identify open and drm-free resources. utilizing the create lists function in our ils, sierra, we searched for marc fields using the keywords open educational resources, open access, unlimited user access, unrestricted on2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 line access, and drm-free to see how and where these terms were being used. we also looked for references to creative commons licenses in fields 500, 540 & 542. the scan of our catalog revealed that we had open access and drm-free content readily available in the catalog; however, there was only a small amount of actual oer, and no oer created by our university faculty. for many records, it was unclear from the record if an item was an actual oer or just open access without a deeper dive into the resource, and there was a lack of consistency when it came to the noting of licensing information. before making changes in the catalog, we decided to do some reading to see if and how other institutions were working with their catalogs. sobotka, wheeler, and white identified the need to apply local rules and edits due to a lack of marc standards related to oer and inconsistency in the metadata (2019, 19). edmunds and enriquez (2020) identified similar challenges when working to increase the visibility of their open access collections in their catalog. this is an issue because it makes additional work for catalogers. choosing to make changes locally is exactly that: a choice. deciding to make changes locally includes the need to maintain those changes over time, and that is something we needed to consider. one thing we decided on at the outset was that if we were going to invest the time, any local changes were only going to occur on records for items we owned or had permanent access to. we avoided making changes to subscription packages of electronic resources since there was a possibility that they could easily go away or be replaced. we decided to move forward and invest the time. we made the choice to make changes locally, and the scan of our collections helped us to identify eight possible marc fields that we felt could be used to help us identify resources appropriate for our grant: 500, 506, 590, 540, 542, 653, 655_7 subfield 2 local, and 856 subfield z. see image 1. image 1: slide from ovgtsl 2021 presentation. 3 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s first, we decided to pilot using a collection name on the records of resources we determined would work with the grant initiative. this is a practice that we currently use for some of our special collections. the collection name can be used as a keyword search phrase in the catalog, creating a list of records for items in that collection. we looked at the possibility of adding the note to the 500 or 590 field, and after some testing, we determined that using a locally added 500 note field providing the collection name worked best for us. we encourage testing to see what might work better for you. if you attempt this with your catalog, you will want to keep track of where you are adding local data. after review with the oer committee, the phrase “scranton oer” was chosen based on the original grant title, “oer implementation grants.” however, using the term “oer” related to records not strictly “oer” can create confusion, so after our initial year of the pilot we determined that we needed to more clearly separate the term “oer” from library resources. after discussion among the oer committee and based on our research (banyas and cloutier 2021), we rebranded the incentive grants to “affordable learning implementation grants.” this was to clarify that the grants could include materials that are not true oer but could still be used to reduce cost. we also used this opportunity to revise our note, which became “scranton affordable learning.” see image 2. image 2: if you go to our library home page (, you can keyword search our catalog using “scranton affordable learning” in quotes. we also have a link to this search on our research guide. 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 within the record we also looked to be more consistent with how materials are identified. noting access at record level included pointing out the 500 collection note and the 506 note indicating if an item was open access or drm-free. for oer, if the 506 was not included we would add a note to the record. we would check for 540 and 542 fields or licensing information added to other fields, but it was difficult to add licensing information if it was not provided by the publisher or record vendor. if there were 540/542 fields, we would try to make the notes uniform if possible. see image 3. we have continued our efforts to tag open resources and drm-free library purchases in our catalog as new collections become available. marcedit is helpful when bringing in packages known to be fully oer or open access. we have automated some of the noting by utilizing manage tasks under tools and setting up assigned tasks in marcedit. this allows notes to be added quickly and makes editing incoming record batches easier. after our initial experience with the affordable learning grants in 2019, we became further involved in the open resource movement by working with statewide initiatives through pennsylvania academic library consortium, inc. (palci) and their affordable learning pa program, which supports our local campus oer communities by offering webinars and sponsoring training. we also became creative commons (cc) certified in 2020, which has been extremely beneficial for identifying resources but also for talking with faculty about the different license types, what they can use or adapt within their instruction, and how to provide accurate attribution. we continue to explore other options for reducing textbook costs for students, and we also are working with interested faculty to develop oer and potentially include them in our library collections. image 3: in the example record, a 542 was provided by the publisher, but we added creative commons to the information provided to make it clear to the reader where this information came from. we also added 653 fields for the terms open educational resource and oer because the item in this example was an open educational resource. 5 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s references banyas, kelly and marleen cloutier. 2021. “affording access: pathways to reducing textbook costs.” pennsylvania libraries: research and practice, 9, no.1, 16–36. edmunds jeff and ana enriquez. 2020. “increasing visibility of open access materials in a library catalog: case study at a large academic research library.” journal of library metadata, 20, no. 2–3, 127–154. sobotka, clare, holly wheeler, and heather white. 2019. “leveraging cataloging and collection development expertise to improve oer discovery.” ola quarterly, 25, no.1, 17–24. university of scranton. 2015. “the strategic plan: an engaged, integrated and global student experience.” 1 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s lc headings from november 2019–february 2020 lists compiled by ann heinrichs the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2019 list numbers 11 (november 18) and 12 (december 16) and 2020 list numbers 01 ( january 17) and 02 (february 14). subject headings 150 academic libraries--activity programs [may subd geog] [sp2019103304] 450 uf activity programs in academic libraries 550 bt activity programs in education 150 acquisition of data sets [may subd geog] [sp2019102623] 053 z692.d37 550 bt data sets 151 acre (israel)--history--siege, 1189-1191 [sp2019102363] 550 bt crusades--third, 1189-1192 550 bt sieges--israel 150 apostasy--islam [sp 85006049] 450 uf takfīr (islam) delete field 150 bahai faith and politics [may subd geog] [sp2019103115] 450 uf bahai faith--political aspects 450 uf politics and bahai faith 550 bt political science 150 book clubs (discussion groups) in academic libraries [may subd geog] [sp2019103303] 550 bt academic libraries--activity programs 150 catechisms, urdu [sp2019103436] 450 uf urdu catechisms 150 christian shrines--new york (state) [sp2019102914] 150 church buildings--wales [sp2020000237] 150 church work with autistic people [may subd geog] [sp2019000537] 550 bt autistic people ann heinrichs is the metadata/cataloging librarian at catholic theological union. 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 2 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n 150 church work with generation x [may subd geog] [sp2019000536] 550 bt generation x 150 civilization, western--christian influences [sp2019102404] 550 bt christian civilization 150 climatology--religious aspects--islam [sp2019103302] 150 column of antoninus pius (vatican palace, vatican city) [sp 93006510] 450 uf antonina, colonna (vatican palace, vatican city) add field 450 uf antonini pii, columna (vatican palace, vatican city) add field 450 uf antonio pio, colonna (vatican palace, vatican city) add field 450 uf colonna antonina (vatican palace, vatican city) add field 450 uf columna antonini pii (vatican palace, vatican city) add field 150 conflict management in the qur'an [sp2019102655] 150 drinking in rabbinical literature [not subd geog] [sp2019102410] 053 bm496.9.d75 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 entertainment events--religious aspects [sp2019102935] 150 entertainment events--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019102936] 150 female friendship--religious aspects--society of friends [sp2019102931] 150 harmony (philosophy)--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2019102810] 150 hinduism and art [may subd geog] [sp2016002294] 450 uf art and hinduism 550 bt art 150 hindustani music--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2019103047] 150 inochentism [may subd geog] [sp2019001864] 053 bt1477 450 uf innocentites 550 bt christian heresies--history--modern period, 1500150 irreecha (festival) [may subd geog] [sp2019101403] 450 uf irreechaa (festival) 450 uf irreessa (festival) 550 bt oromo (african people)--rites and ceremonies 150 islam and poetry change heading 150 poetry--religious aspects--islam [sp 85068419 ] 450 uf islam and poetry [former heading] 150 islamic clothing and dress--law and legislation [may subd geog] [sp2019102354] 150 jewface [may subd geog] [sp2019101411] 450 uf jew-face 550 bt impersonation 680 here are entered works on the caricature of jews, generally by non-jews, through the use of makeup, mannerisms, speech patterns, etc. 150 jewish religious poetry, judeo-italian [may subd geog] [sp2019102320] 450 uf judeo-italian jewish religious poetry 550 bt judeo-italian poetry 150 judeo-italian literature [may subd geog] [sp2019101432] 551 bt italy--literatures 150 judeo-italian poetry [may subd geog] [sp2019102319] 550 bt judeo-italian literature 150 library linked data [may subd geog] [sp2019102475] 053 z666.73.l56 550 bt library metadata 550 bt linked data 150 mina (sect) [may subd geog] [sp2019102903] 053 bl2018.7.m56 450 uf chota mela (sect) 550 bt sikh sects 150 mizrahim [may subd geog] [sp 85070504] 450 uf adot hamizrach add field 450 uf ʻadot ha-mizraḥ add field 450 uf mizrachim add field 150 mormon church [may subd geog] [sp 85087285] 550 rt mormons delete field 5 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 4 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n 150 mormons [may subd geog] [sp 85087296] 053 bx8601-bx8695 add field 550 rt mormon church delete field 550 bt christians add field 150 mothers--death--religious aspects [sp2019102933] 150 mothers--death--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019102932] 150 multiple religious belonging [may subd geog] [sp2018002528] 550 bt identification (religion) 150 odors--religious aspects [sp2019103296] 150 odors--religious aspects--judasim [sp2019103295] 150 open educational resources [may subd geog] [sp2019000514] 053 lb3045.74 add field 450 uf oers (open educational resources) add field 150 open educational resources in libraries [may subd geog] [sp2019103075] 450 uf libraries--special collections--open educational resources 550 bt libraries 150 other (philosophy)--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2019102702] 150 other (philosophy)--religious aspects--jainism [sp2019102703] 150 paz, nuestra señora de la [not subd geog] [sp2019103138] 450 uf mother of peace 450 uf nuestra señora de la paz 450 uf our lady of peace 450 uf our lady queen of peace 450 uf paz, reina de 450 uf peace, mother of 450 uf peace, our lady of 450 uf peace, queen of 450 uf queen of peace 450 uf reina de la paz 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--apparitions and miracles 500 bt mary, blessed virgin, saint--devotion to 150 peace in rabbinical literature [sp2016000296] 053 bm496.9.p43 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 poetry--religious aspects--anabaptists [sp2019101448] 150 poetry--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2019101446] 150 poetry--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019101442] 150 poetry--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2019101447] 150 poetry--religious aspects--unification church [sp2019101449] 150 religion and poetry change heading 150 poetry--religious aspects delete geog [sp 85112576 ] 450 uf religion and poetry [former heading] 150 religious drama, chinese [may subd geog] [sp2019102969] 450 uf chinese religious drama 550 bt chinese drama 150 sharqāwīyah [may subd geog] [sp2019103255] 450 uf sharḳāwa 450 uf sharqāwa 450 uf sherḳāwa 550 bt sufism 150 shrine of saint elizabeth ann seton (new york, n.y.) [may subd geog] [sp2019102916] 450 uf saint elizabeth seton shrine (new york, n.y.) 450 uf seton shrine (new york, n.y.) 450 uf shrine of blessed elizabeth seton (new york, n.y.) 450 uf shrine of st. elizabeth ann bayley seton (new york, n.y.) 450 uf shrine of st. elizabeth ann seton (new york, n.y.) 450 uf st. elizabeth seton shrine (new york, n.y.) 550 bt christian shrines--new york (state) 150 sikh americans cancel heading [sp 90004207 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is covered by the subject heading sikhs--united states (dlc)sh 90004208 150 sikhs--united states [sp 90004208 ] 450 uf sikh americans [former heading] add field 6 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n 150 sufi literature, bosnian [may subd geog] [sp2019103181] 450 uf bosnian sufi literature 550 bt bosnian literature 150 takfīr (islam) [not subd geog] [sp2019103445] 053 bp190.5.t35 450 uf excommunication (islam) 450 uf takfeer (islam) 550 bt islam 151 tiberias, lake (israel)--in the bible change heading 151 galilee, sea of (israel)--in the bible [sp 91004054 ] 450 uf tiberias, lake (israel), in the bible [former heading] 150 veterinary medicine--religious aspects [sp2019102737] 150 veterinary medicine--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019102736] 150 women fakirs [may subd geog] [sp2016002109] 550 bt fakirs 150 yashan (jewish law) [not subd geog] [sp2019000191] 053 bm523.5.y37 450 uf vintage grain (jewish law) 450 uf yoshon (jewish law) 550 bt jews--dietary laws genre/form terms 155 avadana stories [gp2019026109] 455 uf apadana stories 455 uf apadana tales 455 uf avadana tales 455 uf stories, apadana 455 uf stories, avadana 455 uf tales, apadana 455 uf tales, avadana 555 bt biographies 555 bt literature 680 stories that are usually narrated by the buddha and that identify characters in the past as former births of characters in the present. 2 3 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s enriching mannix library’s rare materials by huw sandaver at the beginning of 2016, the special collection of mannix library—part of the catholic theological college in east melbourne, australia—extended to just under two thousand sparsely described items spanning the fifteenth to the end of the eighteenth century. while they were catalogued, they were not classified and were arranged on the shelf merely by date and then by size. as with many institutions’ special collections, description of this material had taken a lower priority due to low use and lack of expertise in identifying the material. there were several events that precipitated retrospective work with the rare collections: •  more than a quarter of a storage area on the level below the library had uncatalogued materials that were rare, fragile, or otherwise difficult to deal with material and needed specialised description. •  the discovery system in use at the time could only map either 260 or 264 fields, so use of rda became mandatory moving forward, as records for newly published material are generally using the 264 field as part of the rda standard, but we were left with an issue regarding rare materials. as oclc’s “bibliographic formats and standards” page notes: “these guidelines do not address the application of the 264 field for materials cataloged under the standards for descriptive cataloging of rare materials (dcrm) or other standards for specialized materials. the communities working on the application of rda for specialized materials will need to develop appropriate guidelines for using the 264 field with those materials.” •  mannix library was participating in a group catalogue project with oclc that required catalogue records to be uploaded and matched on the australian national bibliographic database (usually referred to as libraries australia and the public interface known as trove— during the course of this project, the national library identified provenance information that they were keen to harvest from the records, however, they required the use of properly constructed 561 fields. •  a research project (australian research council discovery project— was looking at possible important provenance and required a retrospective examination of materials published to 1886. any discovery of the provenance and identifying markings needed to be added to the catalogue record. additionally, as the project involved an examination of this material from an art collector’s point of view, relator terms regarding to illustrators needed to be added to records where they did not already exist. because the project largely involved many uncatalogued materials, it was decided that the dcrm(b) convention be used for all rare materials as it is compatible with rda and because much of the material would result in a unique, richly described record that was beneficial to the national library and, by extension, the group catalogue project that was being committed to. shortly after this group catalogue was completed, the decision was made to move to oclc’s worldshare management services as a platform. this enabled direct enhancement of the oclc master records for these rare materials. huw sandaver is technical services librarian at the mannix library. 2 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 workflow first, existing records had to be altered to conform with rda conventions and the requirements of the national library of australia using marcedit. this involved transforming by bulk fields that are part of rda that are known to exist for each of the records. marcedit transformations field transformation 040 $erda$edcrmb 100 $eauthor.$4aut 260 convert to 264 /3 or /4 where appropriate, retrospectively work to apply correct transcription of place names 336 text$btxt$2rdacontent 337 unmediated$bn$2rdamedia 338 volume$bnc$2rdacarrier 500 (where field contained “ex libris:”) convert to provenance note field as out outlined by dcrm(b) (561 \\$a[string]$5code) after the mass edits were made to the mannix records, they were prepared for matching with the libraries australia records, after which the provenance information included with the mannix records was available on the national level (image 1). image 1: trove screenshot showing provenance and location “at mannix library.” 2 5 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s subsequent to the libraries australia project, the decision was made to shift to oclc’s worldshare management services. because of the previous libraries australia data migration project, the data was already well prepared to match with the worldcat master records. the data migration process allowed our dcrm(b) records to be integrated with the worldcat master records allowing our provenance and specialised research around specific items to be displayed in a more global context than had previously been available just through trove (image 2). worldshare’s cataloguing tools allow for many “field strings” to be pre-constructed. this allowed for us to construct the entire rbms controlled vocabularies as a custom authority file, greatly speeding up the process for creating an extremely detailed record. in the records for items identified as rare, our policy is to record binding information, paper types, watermarks, printing formats, provenance evidence and type evidence where they are verifiable (image 3). additionally, because much of the material that was examined as part of the australian research council discovery project involved an explicit identification of illustrators, after identification within the works themselves, the oclc master records were enhanced with a more granular application of relator terms. for example, where artists were known to work in a specific medium. where individual prints listed both illustrators and engravers this distinction is made in the record (image 4). retrospective cataloguing work continues with the mannix library collections. after five years of this work, the rare and special collections have expanded from roughly two thousand items to over ten thousand items. all rare or special items now have a holding attached to at least a full-level image 2: worldcat master record for oclc no 1130295435 showing full dcrm(b) description. 2 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 rda oclc master record. these records continue to be enhanced where our research identifies information or description not present already in the record. image 3: genre tags in oclc control no 1130295435, auto inserted via record manager’s “field strings” function. image 4: worldcat discovery displaying relator terms in oclc no 1017276602. 2 7 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s future work cataloguing work continues with the special collections with a digitisation project for rare prints also being harvested to various platforms, including the atla digital library, oclc worldcat through the digital collection gateway, and jstor community collections. additionally, linked data is also being used with iiif manifests to allow for virtual exhibitions of works contained in the collection, and linked data is also used heavily in jstor forum (image 5). there are two metadata standards in use with these platforms. our omeka and contentdm repositories both use dublin core metadata, and jstor forum uses vra core to describe the materials. when creating the iiif manifest, the metadata standard is also vra core. all of our digital collections use getty vocabularies consistently over library of congress, as these are specifically created for use with visual works. all of our digital collections now use linked data. our omeka collections output both rdf and json formats. our contentdm collections are harvested into jstor forum, which uses linked data heavily with the getty vocabularies (the union list of artists names, the art and architecture thesaurus, and the thesaurus of geographic names). our iiif manifests are created using json-linked data format, allowing us to take the same metadata represented elsewhere and display it in any service that can display or proxy the manifest, including mirador and universal viewer (image 6). over the last six years, mannix library’s rare and special collections have completely transformed. from two thousand sparse marc records to now over ten thousand richly described marc, dublin/vra core records with visual works represented using linked data, our collections are now future proofed and ready for discovery. image 5: jstor forum with linked data uris appended to the description fields. 2 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 1 image 6: iiif manifest using vra core metadata (underlying code is json-linked data). 1 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 8 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 0 report on the cc:da summer meeting 2020 by donna j. wells like all conferences and meetings scheduled for the summer of 2020, the cc:da met virtually using zoom. there were three meetings of two hours each, all very well attended. introductions were repeated at every get together. the full reports from each reporting committee are available online. in summary: meeting 1 july 9, 3:00–5:00 the first gathering covered zoom logistics, approval of minutes, and two reports, one from the task force to review the proposal on changing procedural guidelines for revised romanization tables and the other from the library of congress. the discussion concerning the romanization tables was quite lively. obviously, this is a very complex procedure and demands specialized expertise. basically, it was decided that lc needs to be much more involved in setting up this process and spearhead this project. the library of congress reported on their response to the coronavirus. the library building is closed and all employees are working remotely. the process for reopening is detailed but no dates have been set. lc has also been hit with a large number of retirements resulting in much shifting and reorganization. the lc report details many of the cataloging and classification changes made since january. meeting 2 july 13, 2:00–4:00 reports were given from the representatives from the north american rda committee, the cc:da 3r task group, the marc advisory committee representative, and the pcc liaison. nardac met five times between ala midwinter in january and this july. they continue work to develop a set of user-friendly display labels for rda elements and supply the exhibition curator proposal (with the 3r task force), among many other projects. they work closely with the rda steering committee, which is the international group spearheading rda. the 3r task force worked to define terms more clearly for rda. they proposed to add the element sets “curator agent of work” and “curator agent of work of ” as narrower elements to “related work of agent” and “related agent of work” to describe curators who play a role at the work level. the mac passed five proposals: •  alter the existing make-up of field 856, •  provide a mechanism for recording illustrative content in field 340, •  provide a mechanism for recording aspect ratio in field 345, •  add a new field, 881, for the new rda element “manifestation statement,” and •  add a new field, 335, for the element “extension plan for bibliographic works.” donna j. wells is associate director and head of technical services at southeastern baptist theological seminary. she currently serves as the atla liaison to the cc:da. 1 5 n e w s pcc continues to update the naco manual, make policy statements for the new rda toolkit, issue guidelines for the minimally punctuated marc bibliographic records, provide training on fast headings, and form a task force to consider expanding language codes. meeting 3 july 15, 1:00–3:00 this meeting was dedicated to future plans and areas of work. with the uncertainty of current conditions under covid precautions, to meet again virtually was a viable option. midwinter is supposed to be held in indianapolis in january. however, no decision was made; it was agreed to wait and see, as we all are doing in this bizarre year of 2020. 2 5 t e s t i m o n y metadata management keeping your cataloging house in order by leslie a. engelson it is very gratifying to bring order to a chaotic space. at home my fabric collection is sorted by color and theme and folded into same-sized bundles, my closet is sorted by type of garment and then color, even the containers in my kitchen cupboard are stacked by shape then size with the lids sorted so that i can easily match container with lid. unfortunately, those spaces don’t stay orderly when new items are added, old items are removed, or when items are used. the same can be said of our databases. day-to-day activities, changes in standards, and major projects impact the consistency, accuracy, and quality of our metadata. metadata management is never done; ongoing tidying and cleaning are required to maintain order. a key element to keeping the database tidy is identifying and minimizing the factors that contribute to messiness. not all factors that impact metadata can or should be eliminated. just like i’m not going to stop eating so that i don’t have to wash dishes, libraries are not going to stop implementing new standards, innovating, and developing just so we don’t have to clean up data. however, measures can be put in place that can eliminate some messes, reduce the possibility of others, and make cleaning up the messes that do happen a little easier. this article will discuss factors that contribute to messy data, identify high-value metadata elements in order to target cleanup efforts, and highlight tools that can be used to facilitate major database clean-up projects as well as the day-to-day chores of database maintenance and integrity. a quality catalog starts with quality people who create that catalog. too often short-sighted administrators think eliminating cataloging staff positions or using lower-paid staff in cataloging departments will minimize the negative impact of budget cuts on library users. this is far from true. just because cataloging work is not as obvious as direct interaction with the public doesn’t mean it is any less impactful. cataloging work requires high-level critical thinking and decision-making. salaries for these positions need to be high enough to attract and retain staff who have the appropriate level of analytical and evaluative ability. based on my experience, the biggest factor that contributes to messy metadata is poorly trained (though well-intentioned) staff. i cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have well-trained staff who know what the standards are, are aware of changes to standards, and know how to interpret and apply those standards. funding for ongoing training and professional development for these staff needs to be included in the budget. additionally, time in cataloging staff ’s schedules should be allocated in order for them to take advantage of freely available professional development opportunities such as reading listservs and participating in online training and webinars. vital in any metadata environment is consistency and accuracy. therefore, it is essential that decisions on how cataloging standards are applied in your environment are well documented in order to inform future decisions and ensure consistency. without ongoing training and clear documentation, major metadata integrity issues can arise, negatively impacting the ability to run accurate reports and find resources and rendering the most important and expensive tool used to support discovery unreliable. changing standards, such as new cataloging rules or the recent decision by the pcc to eliminate terminal punctuation, contribute to inconsistencies in the database. while records produced under leslie a. engelson is the metadata librarian at murray state university. 2 7 t e s t i m o n y 2 6 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n relevancy rankings, de-duplication algorithms, and linked data-connecting resources, consider as important data integrity issues: • complete and correct coding (fixed fields, tags, and subfields) • complete and correct summaries and contents notes • correct authorized access points now that we have discussed the factors that impact cataloging quality and high-value metadata elements, let’s turn our attention to tools that can assist our efforts to both maintain metadata integrity and cleanup inconsistent and messy data. the following is a list of commonly used tools, but it is not exhaustive and more tools are being developed all the time. • marcedit – use for cleaning up records, verifying the marc structure, validating access points, providing uris for linked data, rda processing • openrefine – use for cleaning up metadata • macros – use for adding and deleting metadata; assists with consistency and efficiency • notepad++ and regular expressions – use for cleaning up metadata, facilitating authority work • what unicode character is this? – use for identifying problem characters • batch processing in ils – use for cleaning up records, deleting and importing records, updating access points • vendors – use for rda processing, authority processing, cataloging of foreign language or unfamiliar formats; backstage library works, marcive • professional development – an absolute imperative! • student workers • help from experts – listservs, askqc, webinars, etc. database integrity is essential for providing a useful tool for our users. now, more than ever, as we turn our attention toward a linked data environment, i am starting to see people outside the cataloging community understand the importance of viewing cataloging not just as a task to acquire records but as a process of developing and curating a database that provides a reliable search experience for our users, quickly and efficiently connecting them to the resources they need. while staffing levels are still a challenge, more and more tools that can assist us in this effort are being developed and made available. although the cleanup work will never be done, it can be managed with high-quality staff and targeted efforts. different standards are not incorrect, they do impact the search results, reporting, and database performance. essential to database integrity is clear communication with the cataloging department. when research and instruction librarians decide to weed something or move it to a different collection, it is essential to communicate that decision to cataloging staff so the change can be reflected in the catalog. better yet, including cataloging staff in meetings where projects that impact their work are discussed provides opportunity for those decisions to be informed by their impact on the catalog and cataloging staff as well as users. vendor records vary in quality and, while i have seen some improvement in vendor records over the years, vigilance about the quality of these records is essential. additionally, vendors often contribute records to worldcat with screen-scraped contents and summary notes. these can be particularly problematic as they don’t include appropriate punctuation to show hierarchy and they are often incomplete or even pointless, such as those that have only the letters of the alphabet or chapter numbers. i have seen many summary notes that break off mid-sentence or even mid-word. additionally, i have concerns about summary notes that are biased and serve only to sell the resource, as that runs counter to cataloger’s efforts to eliminate, as much as possible, our own biases when we’re cataloging. of course, limited time and staff impact our ability to ensure that the records that go into the database are high-quality. while batch loading does help with getting records into the database quickly, because of staffing limits it can also be a quick way to upload errors as well as records that fall short of the quality standards we would like. as if maintaining a quality database wasn’t enough, it’s also important, when considering metadata management, to keep an eye on the future. cataloging managers should consider how the metadata might be used in the future when making decisions about how they manage metadata now and on which elements to focus limited time and attention. the question about what constitutes quality cataloging has been under discussion for some time. two articles that are useful for understanding which elements to consider when determining cataloging quality as well as how to think about quality cataloging both for today as well as the future are: snow, k. 2017. “defining, assessing, and rethinking quality cataloging.” cataloging & classification quarterly 55, nos. 7–8: 438–455. schultz-jones, b., k. snow, s. miksa and r.l. hasenyager, jr. 2012. “historical and current implications of cataloguing quality for next-generation catalogues.” library trends 61, no. 1: 49–82. these articles can help inform decisions about cataloging and metadata production both now and in consideration of moving to a linked-data environment. determining high-value elements of data will be different for every library as we all serve unique communities and the most important element that determines quality cataloging is how it reflects the needs of our community. according to the statement of international cataloguing principles, “convenience of the user” is the highest principle of cataloging. having said that, it is important to keep in mind how next-generation catalogs and discovery layers use the data. with the use of icons based on coding, facets to help narrow or focus searches, 2 7 t e s t i m o n y 2 6 a p r i l 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 2 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n relevancy rankings, de-duplication algorithms, and linked data-connecting resources, consider as important data integrity issues: • complete and correct coding (fixed fields, tags, and subfields) • complete and correct summaries and contents notes • correct authorized access points now that we have discussed the factors that impact cataloging quality and high-value metadata elements, let’s turn our attention to tools that can assist our efforts to both maintain metadata integrity and cleanup inconsistent and messy data. the following is a list of commonly used tools, but it is not exhaustive and more tools are being developed all the time. • marcedit – use for cleaning up records, verifying the marc structure, validating access points, providing uris for linked data, rda processing • openrefine – use for cleaning up metadata • macros – use for adding and deleting metadata; assists with consistency and efficiency • notepad++ and regular expressions – use for cleaning up metadata, facilitating authority work • what unicode character is this? – use for identifying problem characters • batch processing in ils – use for cleaning up records, deleting and importing records, updating access points • vendors – use for rda processing, authority processing, cataloging of foreign language or unfamiliar formats; backstage library works, marcive • professional development – an absolute imperative! • student workers • help from experts – listservs, askqc, webinars, etc. database integrity is essential for providing a useful tool for our users. now, more than ever, as we turn our attention toward a linked data environment, i am starting to see people outside the cataloging community understand the importance of viewing cataloging not just as a task to acquire records but as a process of developing and curating a database that provides a reliable search experience for our users, quickly and efficiently connecting them to the resources they need. while staffing levels are still a challenge, more and more tools that can assist us in this effort are being developed and made available. although the cleanup work will never be done, it can be managed with high-quality staff and targeted efforts. different standards are not incorrect, they do impact the search results, reporting, and database performance. essential to database integrity is clear communication with the cataloging department. when research and instruction librarians decide to weed something or move it to a different collection, it is essential to communicate that decision to cataloging staff so the change can be reflected in the catalog. better yet, including cataloging staff in meetings where projects that impact their work are discussed provides opportunity for those decisions to be informed by their impact on the catalog and cataloging staff as well as users. vendor records vary in quality and, while i have seen some improvement in vendor records over the years, vigilance about the quality of these records is essential. additionally, vendors often contribute records to worldcat with screen-scraped contents and summary notes. these can be particularly problematic as they don’t include appropriate punctuation to show hierarchy and they are often incomplete or even pointless, such as those that have only the letters of the alphabet or chapter numbers. i have seen many summary notes that break off mid-sentence or even mid-word. additionally, i have concerns about summary notes that are biased and serve only to sell the resource, as that runs counter to cataloger’s efforts to eliminate, as much as possible, our own biases when we’re cataloging. of course, limited time and staff impact our ability to ensure that the records that go into the database are high-quality. while batch loading does help with getting records into the database quickly, because of staffing limits it can also be a quick way to upload errors as well as records that fall short of the quality standards we would like. as if maintaining a quality database wasn’t enough, it’s also important, when considering metadata management, to keep an eye on the future. cataloging managers should consider how the metadata might be used in the future when making decisions about how they manage metadata now and on which elements to focus limited time and attention. the question about what constitutes quality cataloging has been under discussion for some time. two articles that are useful for understanding which elements to consider when determining cataloging quality as well as how to think about quality cataloging both for today as well as the future are: snow, k. 2017. “defining, assessing, and rethinking quality cataloging.” cataloging & classification quarterly 55, nos. 7–8: 438–455. schultz-jones, b., k. snow, s. miksa and r.l. hasenyager, jr. 2012. “historical and current implications of cataloguing quality for next-generation catalogues.” library trends 61, no. 1: 49–82. these articles can help inform decisions about cataloging and metadata production both now and in consideration of moving to a linked-data environment. determining high-value elements of data will be different for every library as we all serve unique communities and the most important element that determines quality cataloging is how it reflects the needs of our community. according to the statement of international cataloguing principles, “convenience of the user” is the highest principle of cataloging. having said that, it is important to keep in mind how next-generation catalogs and discovery layers use the data. with the use of icons based on coding, facets to help narrow or focus searches, 7 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s lcc from march 2020–may 2020 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 03 (march 16), 04 (april 17), and 05 (may 18). class bf occult sciences ghosts. apparitions. hauntings. haunted places [bf1474.362] haunted farms see bf1477.2 bf1475.5 haunted islands bf1477.2 haunted plantations cancel bf1477.2 haunted plantations. haunted farms bf1477.25 haunted playgrounds class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism doctrines. theology special doctrines religious life, theoretical special topics, a-z bl1214.32.c56 clothing and dress     by region or country china special religions confucianism other special topics, a-z bl1883.t74 trees   india special topics, a-z bl2015.c66 conversion christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 8 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n individual religions sikhism. sikh religion special topics, a-z bl2018.5.c85 culture   by ethnic group, etc., a-z bl2032.t36 tangkhul   korea special topics, a-z bl2236.p37 pari kongju (legendary character) african bl2490 survival of african religions in america including voodooism in general cancel for works limited to individual cults, religious movements, see bl2532, bl2592 cancel including vodou in general for works limited to other individual cults, religious movements, see bl2532, bl2592 american north america special cults, religious movements, etc., a-z bl2532.r48 revivalism (afro-caribbean religion) [bl2532.v632] vodou see bl2490 class bm judaism practical judaism liturgy and ritual general and miscellaneous prayer and service books works for special classes other classes, a-z bm667.s49 sexual minorities including individual sexual minorities class br christianity persecution. martyrs history br1604.6 persecutions by muslims 9 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class bt doctrinal theology christology miracles. apparitions. shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc. special. by place, a-z bt580.a43 aldama (chiapas, mexico : municipio) class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life works of consolation and cheer works for special classes of persons the sick and crippled bv4910.333 cerebral palsy patients class bx christian denominations catholic church other special topics, a-z [bx1795.s622] social problems see hn37.c3 monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4332.44 congregation of the sisters of our lady of mercy table bx18 class dg history of italy ancient italy. rome to 476 local history and description other cities, towns, etc., a-z [dg70.b75] bovillae (extinct city) see dg70.f729 dg70.f62 foce del sele site dg70.f729 frattocchie including bovillae 10 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.b34 bayt ḥanīnā class gr folklore by region or country asia. the orient south asia india by ethnic group, a-z gr305.7.m66 monpa class hn social history and conditions. social problems. social reform the church and social problems religious denominations special denominations, a-z hn37.c3 catholic church class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school shīʻī schools. shīʻah. شيعة jaʻfarīs. ithnaʻasharis. الجعفريون. االثناء عشريون individual authors, a-z kbp370.k36 kalbāsī ashtarī, aḥmad. کلباسى اشترى، احمد table k4 class kbr history of canon law sources collections. compilations. selections jus ecclesiae graecae seu byzantinae. greek-byzantine collections, to ca. 1054 (great schism) canonists or jurists, a-z kbr199.7.s56 simeon of rev ardashir, active 7th or 8th century table k4 11 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class kbs canon law of eastern churches history by period to ca. 1054 (great schism) jus ecclesiae graecae seu byzantinae. greek-byzantine canon law individual canonists or jurists, a-z [kbs199.7.s562] simeon of rev ardashir see kbr199.7.s56 class nx characters, persons, classes of persons, and ethnic groups by name of character, person, class of persons, or ethnic group, a-z nx652.b37 bartholomew, apostle, saint class pa classical literature literary history knowledge, treatment, and conception of special subjects, a-z religion. mythology. hero legend special. by subject, a-z pa3015.r5t46 thanatos (greek deity) class pc romance philology and languages romanian literature individual authors or works 1801-1960 pc839.g5 gheorghiu, virgil, 1916-1992 table p-pz40 class pg polish literature history by period origins. early to 1800 special topics, a-z pg7038.m98 mythology 12 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n class pj oriental philology and literature arabic literature individual authors or works fourth abbasid period, 1055-1258 pj7755.a155 abū al-ḥajjāj al-balawī, yūsuf ibn muḥammad, 1134 or 1135-1207 or 1208 table p-pz40 turkish period, 1517-1800 pj7765.s24 ṣāʼigh, nīqūlā, 1692 or 1693-1756 or 1757 table p-pz40 class pk indo-iranian philology and literature modern indo-aryan languages particular languages and dialects, a-z gujarati literature individual authors and works, a-z pk1859.m63 mohanavijaya, active 17th century table p-pz40 iranian philology and literature new persian literature individual authors or works to 1870 anonymous works. by title, a-z pk6450.9.z36 zamjīʹnāmah a firdawsī pk6451.b387 bayramī, shāh zayn al-ʻibād, active 14th century-15th century table p-pz40 q pk6528.a8 qavāmī rāzī, badr al-dīn, active 12th century. قوامى رازى، بدر الدين table p-pz40 class pl chinese language and literature chinese literature individual authors and works qing dynasty, 1644-1912 tai tseng pl2706.i64 ding, peng, 1622-1686. 丁澎 table p-pz40 13 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class pn characters individual characters, a-z pn57.m73 muḥammad, prophet, -632 class pq individual authors 1900-1960 g pq2667.h4 gheorghiu, virgil, 1916-1992 table p-pz40 class tx home economics cooking other special varieties of cooking [tx837-838] vegetarian. lenten. fast day cancel [tx837-838] vegetarian. vegan. lenten. fast day vegetarian. lenten. fast day tx837 general works cancel vegetarian. vegan. lenten. fast day tx837 general works vegetarian. lenten. fast day tx838 meat substitutes cancel vegetarian. vegan. lenten. fast day tx838 meat substitutes class z libraries library science. information science public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z z711.92.a28 addicts we want to hear from you theology cataloging bulletin (tcb) is a publication of atla open press. since its inception in 1992, the bulletin has informed technical services librarians in the field of religion and theology of new developments and upcoming opportunities to support their work and professional development. in the past, tcb focused mostly on cataloging, but now we want to expand coverage to a broader range of technical services activities, supporting atla’s mission to be collectors and connectors in religion and theology. the tcb editorial team invites you to participate in a survey that reviews the current publication and asks how it could be more valuable to you and your daily work activities. the responses will help guide the future direction of the bulletin so we can offer the most helpful information to those who provide description of, and access to, library resources in religion and theology. please complete the survey by november 30, 2020. the tcb editorial team thanks you for your feedback. 1 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 1 anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. cataloging tools compiled by anna appleman bradley, benjamin. “automating e-resource workflows with computer scripts.” computers in libraries 40, no. 3 (2020): 24–8. monaco, mike. “methods for in-sourcing authority control with marcedit, sql, and regular expressions.” journal of library metadata 20, no. 1 (january 2020): 1–27. morris, victoria. “automated language identification of bibliographic resources.” cataloging & classification quarterly 58, no. 1 (january 2020): 1–27. wood, nicole and scott shumate. “update oclc holdings without paying additional fees: a patchwork approach.” code4lib journal 49 (august 10, 2020). budgeting for affordability supporting affordable learning initiatives 1 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s jennifer pate is oer and scholarly communications librarian and derek malone is university librarian at the university of north alabama. budgeting for affordability supporting affordable learning initiatives by jennifer pate and derek malone at the university of north alabama (una) in florence, alabama we have instituted a robust textbook affordability initiative (tai) in response to ongoing campus initiatives to lower student costs and to help achieve the campus strategic plan aspirational goal to “adopt, implement, and utilize open educational resources (oer) in half of all academic programs” (university of north alabama, 2019). collier library and information services (clis) has prioritized budget spending to support and sustain these campus efforts. the tai was developed and is managed by clis and includes three primary areas of focus: course reserves, strategic database and journal purchasing, and providing institutional support to the campus oer program. course reserves are rigorously examined each semester to assure confidence and currency in what is being loaned. once the deadline for book orders for the next semester has passed, the campus bookstore provides clis with an excel spreadsheet containing books and ancillary course materials (lab manuals, workbooks, readers, style sheets) requested for all courses at una. clis access services staff check that list against our print holdings. if a book is already on reserve, the staff ensures that it is the correct edition. if the book is not on reserve, the staff will pull that title and add it to the reserve holding list. once this process is complete, the list is then given to acquisitions staff where it is checked against the course enrollment for the term. acquisitions staff and clis administration investigate course listings for high enrollment courses at una each semester. the acquisitions staff then checks the textbook lists to see the orders for those high enrollment courses. if the book has not previously been purchased and placed on reserves, a purchase list is originated from the comparison of high enrollment courses to textbook requirements. as an example, if history 101 has 250 students, but clis does not own the book or have it on reserve, it is highly likely that the book will be purchased and added to the reserve holdings. clis prefers to purchase unlimited e-book access if there is a version that is both available and cost effective but will defer to physical purchases if needed. similarly, clis is committed to strategically purchasing databases and journal packages for its users as a replacement for traditional textbooks and other required course materials. when librarians become aware of potential sources of course material replacements via database or journal purchasing, they inform their liaison departments to discuss how the department and their students can benefit by moving to resources provided by the library. two recent examples include film database purchasing and anatomy database purchasing. a film database was purchased specifically to provide access to films that are used in cinema appreciation, english, sign language, and foreign language courses. by providing a wide variety of films to choose from, it eliminates the need for students to purchase a streaming service or rent a copy of a film that is required for class assignments. having films available for streaming gives students point-of-need access as opposed to having to physically visit the library to borrow a dvd. an anatomy database was purchased for use in the classroom and as an intended textbook replacement for anatomy courses. the anatomy database is now used across a variety of disciplines including nursing, kinesiology, and human anatomy and physiology. as una continues to expand their online course offerings, it makes it even 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 more important that we focus on expanding our online resources for students who do not have the ability to visit campus in person. journal purchases have been utilized to lower or eliminate course material costs in a variety of una classes. one professor has switched (to date) six of his creative writing and english courses to zero textbook costs by assigning works from una journals. una’s instructional technology and design master’s program is approaching the milestone of not having any course material fees – they are working to achieve this by utilizing e-books and journal articles exclusively as assigned course readings. we expect the program to have zero course materials cost by the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. our department of communication plans to follow suit and is working to utilize oer as well as journal and database resources to make their program zero cost for course materials. finally, clis supports the provost’s campus oer program in 3 distinct ways: first, by allocating a faculty position, the oer and scholarly communications librarian, to serve as one of the program managers, second by supporting the inclusion of textbook affordability measures in applications for funding through the oer program, and last by acquiring and managing both an institutional repository and a digital press platform for publication and dissemination of campus oer. clis’s commitment to oer began with supporting the scholarly communications librarian transitioning to include oer in her job duties. clis funded her participation in the open education network’s certificate in oer librarianship course as well as her participation in the library copyright institute. clis supported her application for a grant to receive creative commons training, and library administration was pivotal when advocating for the job title and duties to be changed to reflect the support for oer librarianship. as a part of this process, clis became the first academic library in the state to become a member of the open education network. clis works closely with the university’s educational technology services (ets) to support faculty as they build new courses using tai and oer. as of this past year, all initial new course development meetings include not only the instructional designers from ets, but also include both the oer librarian and the liaison librarian. the oer librarian is there to discuss openly licensed course material substitutions, copyright, and fair use. the liaison librarian is there to discuss which library-funded resources can be utilized in the course. if a faculty member needs clis to purchase databases or journals so that they can keep their course lowor no-cost, the liaison librarian will take that request to the acquisitions department for an affordability review. not all materials can be purchased, but if items are available and the budget is available, every effort will be made to have the material available prior to the first day of class. the newest facet of clis’s support for tai and oer is the move into digital publishing of original works of oer or other scholarship. after a thorough review of digital publishing platforms, clis staff decided to purchase a subscription to the pressbooks platform. pressbooks provides an outlet to publish oer resources that are developed and authored at una. in early 2022, the digital press at collier library (dp@cl) officially started publishing oer material from university of north alabama faculty, staff, and students. dp@cl is the first academic publishing imprint at the university. each book submitted for publication via the dp@cl is managed by the author in conjunction with a clis faculty member, currently either the oer librarian or the university librarian. clis purchases isbns and assigns them to the book as it reaches the final stages of the publishing process. within the first semester of launching the dp@cl, three books were completed and have been added to our public pressbooks catalog as well as the open textbook library and the oer commons. 3 p e r s p e c t i v e s & p r a c t i c e s clis hosted a launch party to celebrate the launch of our first original oer titles. the publicity from this led to inquiries from faculty from disciplines across campus asking about adding their original course materials to the platform. this led to unprecedented growth: by the end of the launch semester ten books are awaiting publication through the dp@cl, and the growth shows no sign of slowing down. we anticipate continued growth as more faculty learn about this program. clis also funds and supports the campus institutional repository, the repository of open access research (rooar). in the next academic year, clis will begin adding pdfs of the e-books published by dp@cl to the repository. the oer librarian is also working with a chemistry faculty member to build an open pedagogy project on rooar that will be utilized by students to create original profiles of marginalized chemists. this project is the university’s first public open pedagogy project, and we are excited to begin work on this in conjunction with the faculty, liaison librarian, and students. utilizing and expanding library resources to support tai and oer programs on campus is a critical component of the work we do at clis. we allocate our budget to prioritize supplying robust course reserves, journals, databases, publishing platforms, and library faculty to build and sustain these programs and to support our student population. we are committed to finding new ways to expand our support for these efforts across disciplines. bibliography university of north alabama. “roaring with excellence.” university of north alabama strategic plan 2019-2024. 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 brinna michael is cataloging and metadata librarian at candler school of theology. openathens and openrefine compiled by brinna michael openathens evans, rachel, and jason tubinis. 2022. “modernizing authentication: transitioning e-resources to sso via openathens.” computers in libraries 42 (5): 18–23. romano, joanne, and nha huynh. 2021. “openathens odyssey: challenges of implementing federated authentication for a multi-institutional user population.” journal of the medical library association 109 (4): 648–55. ruenz, megan m. 2022. “remote authentication: one library’s journey on offering ezproxy and openathens.” internet reference services quarterly: 1–15. 2.2067283. van keuren, linda. 2021. “the road to simplified remote access.” computers in libraries 41 (7): 16–20. openrefine li, lan, nikolaus parulian, and bertram ludäscher. 2021. “automatic module detection in data cleaning workflows: enabling transparency and recipe reuse.” international journal of digital curation 16 (1): 1–11. mandal, sukumar, and sujan saha. 2022. “moving koha library catalogue into linked data using the lodrefine.” library hi tech news 39 (3): 12–16. reagor, kate. 2021. “being counter-productive: developing strategies and workflows for processing and standardizing e-resource usage data.” texas library journal 97 (2): 186–98. tian, tang (cindy), timothy w. cole, and karen yu. 2021. “name and subject heading reconciliation to linked open data authorities using virtual international authority file and library of congress linked data service apis: a case study featuring emblematica online.” library resources & technical services 65 (4): 132–41. lc headings from may 2022 – july 2022 lists 5 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n brinna michael is cataloging and metadata librarian at candler school of theology. lc headings from may 2022 – july 2022 lists compiled by brinna michael the new headings and classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2022 list numbers 05 (may 13), 06 (june 17), and 07 (july 15). subject headings 150 akh (the hebrew particle) [sp2021006938] 550 bt hebrew language--particles 150 alevi literature [may subd geog] [sp2022005766] 550 bt islamic literature 150 alevi poetry [may subd geog] [sp2022005765] 450 uf alevism--poetry 550 bt alevi literature 550 bt islamic poetry 150 alevi poetry, turkish [may subd geog] [sp2022005749] 450 uf turkish alevi poetry 550 bt turkish poetry 150 alevis [may subd geog] [sp2014001240] 550 bt shīʻah delete field 550 bt muslims add field 150 alevism [may subd geog] [sp2022005767] 550 bt mysticism--islam 550 bt islam 150 arab-israeli conflict--comics and the conflict [sp2022006125] 150 birch bark biting [may subd geog] [sp2022006213] 450 uf bark biting 450 uf biting, birch bark 450 uf mazinibaganjigan (birch bark biting) 550 bt decoration and ornament 550 bt indian art--north america 150 blood accusation [may subd geog] [sp 85014957 ] 450 uf murder, ritual delete field 450 uf ritual murder delete field 150 brothers and sisters--religious aspects change heading 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 150 siblings--religious aspects [sp 94000823 ] 150 brothers and sisters--religious aspects--christianity change heading 150 siblings--religious aspects--christianity [sp2019001738] 150 brothers and sisters--religious aspects--islam change heading 150 siblings--religious aspects--islam [sp2019001739] 150 brothers and sisters--religious aspects--judaism change heading 150 siblings--religious aspects--judaism [sp2019001740] 150 buddhist slate sculpture [may subd geog] [sp2022005788] 450 uf slate sculpture, buddhist 550 bt slate sculpture 150 carols, sicilian [may subd geog] [sp2022006311] 450 uf sicilian carols 150 carpocratians [may subd geog] [sp2022005682] 053 bt1359 550 bt religious adherents 150 catechisms, tarascan change heading 150 catechisms, purépecha [sp2006004365] 450 uf catechisms, tarascan [former heading] 450 uf purépecha catechisms 450 uf tarascan catechisms 688 heading changed from catechisms, tarascan to catechisms, purépecha in june 2022. 150 christian life--church of jesus christ of latter-day saints authors [sp2022005826] 150 christian soldiers [may subd geog] [sp2022006147] 360 sa subdivision participation, christian under individual wars, e.g. world war, 1939-1945--participation, christian 550 bt soldiers 150 cooking--religious aspects--zen buddhism [sp2022005904] 150 cosmovision [may subd geog] [sp2022005892] 450 uf cosmic worldview 450 uf worldview, cosmic 550 bt cosmology 680 here are entered works on a civilization’s conception of seeing, understanding, living, and being in the world, as it relates to the surrounding environment. 150 deacons’ spouses [may subd geog] [sp2022005807] 053 bx1912.93 (catholic church) 550 bt spouses of clergy 150 devotional calendars--wisconsin evangelical lutheran synod [sp2022005717] 7 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 150 evolution (biology)--religious aspects--united methodist church [sp2022005987] 053 bx8385.e96 150 folk literature, pohnpeian [may subd geog] [sp2022005681] 450 uf pohnpeian folk literature 550 bt pohnpeian literature 150 folk songs, tarascan change heading 150 folk songs, purépecha [may subd geog] [sp 95010810 ] 450 uf folk songs, tarascan [former heading] 450 uf purépecha folk songs 450 uf tarascan folk songs 688 heading changed from folk songs, tarascan to folk songs, purépecha in june 2022. 100 gautama buddha--miracles [sp2022005994] 550 bt miracles (buddhism) 150 generational trauma [may subd geog] [sp2022006359] 450 uf intergenerational trauma 450 uf transgenerational trauma 550 bt psychic trauma 680 here are entered works on collective psychic trauma that is transmitted from one generation to another. 150 gossip--religious aspects [sp2022006636] 150 gossip--religious aspects--judaism [sp2022006336] 053 bj1286.g67 150 hearing aids--religious aspects [sp2022006347] 150 hearing aids--religious aspects--judaism [sp2022006348] 150 heathenry (germanic paganism) may subd geog] [sp2022005886] 450 uf contemporary germanic paganism 450 uf heathenism (germanic paganism) 550 bt norse cults 550 bt paganism 680 here are entered works on the modern pagan reconstruction of the pre-christian polytheistic religion of germanic europe from the iron age and early middle ages. 150 human sacrifice [may subd geog] [sp 85116392 ] 550 rt ritual murder add field 150 hwagwanmu [may subd geog] [sp2022006179] 053 gv1796.h89 550 bt dance--korea 151 hwangnyonsa site (kyŏngju-si, korea) sp2022006059] 451 uf hwangnyongsa temple site (kyŏngju-si, korea) 550 bt buddhist temples--korea (south) 551 bt korea (south)--antiquities 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 667 this heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. 150 hymns, bo-ung [may subd geog] [sp2022006088] 450 uf bo-ung hymns 150 hymns, dedua [may subd geog] [sp2022006089] 450 uf dedua hymns 150 icelandic heathenry [may subd geog] [sp2022005887] 450 uf ásatrú 550 bt heathenry (germanic paganism) 150 intellect--religious aspects--church of jesus christ of latter-day saints [sp2022006060] 150 intellect--religious aspects--mormon church [sp2022006061] 150 islamic poetry [not subd geog] [sp 85068468 ] 550 bt religious poetry add field 150 jews in comics [not subd geog] [sp2022006196] 550 bt comic books, strips, etc. 680 here are entered works on the representation of jews in comics. 150 judaism in comics [not subd geog] [sp2022006197] 550 bt comic books, strips, etc. 680 here are entered works on the representation of judaism in comics. 150 kunghap [may subd geog] [sp2022006404] 053 bf1779.k86 450 uf gunghap 550 bt divination 150 maitreya (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp 85079949 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading maitreyanātha (dlc)n 84029298 150 meditators [may subd geog] [sp2022006455] 450 uf practitioners of meditation 550 bt persons 680 here are entered works on persons who engage in contemplation, reflection, or mental exercise. 150 meditators, black [may subd geog] [sp2022006454] 450 uf black meditators 150 memorial rites and ceremonies, confucian--korea (south) sp2022006205] 150 mind and body--religious aspects--taoism [sp2022006137] 150 motherhood in rabbinical literature [sp2022005696] 550 bt rabbinical literature 150 ritual murder [may subd geog] [sp2022005888] 9 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 450 uf diretlo murder 450 uf liretlo murder 450 uf medicine murder (ritual murder) 450 uf muti murder 450 uf ritual killing 550 bt murder 550 bt occult crime 550 rt human sacrifice 150 raḳ (the hebrew particle) sp2021006940] 550 bt hebrew language--particles 150 reproductive health--religious aspects [sp2022005913] 150 revelation in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2022005825] 550 bt motion pictures 110 sas bahu temple (gwalior, india) sp2022005970] 410 uf harisadanam temple (gwalior, india) 410 uf saas bahu temple (gwalior, india) 410 uf sahasrabahu temple (gwalior, india) 410 uf sahastrabahu temple (gwalior, india) 410 uf sas-bahu mandir (gwalior, india) 410 uf sas-bahu temples (gwalior, india) 410 uf sasbahu temple (gwalior, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 150 satanism in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2022005455] 550 bt motion pictures 150 slurs [may subd geog] [sp2022005839] 450 uf derogatory epithets 450 uf offensive epithets 550 bt epithets 550 bt language and languages 680 here are entered works on terms that are often offensive or derogatory and are used to describe, target, or denigrate groups of people. 150 sŏkchŏn taeje (confucian rite) [sp2022006198] 450 uf confucius, great rite for 450 uf confucius, national rite to 450 uf great rite for confucius 450 uf jeongje (confucian rite) 450 uf munmyo daeje (confucian rite) 450 uf national rite to confucius 450 uf sangjeong (confucian rite) 450 uf seokchae (confucian rite) 450 uf seokjeon (confucian rite) 450 uf seokjeon daeje (confucian rite) 450 uf seokjeondaeje memorial rite (confucian rite) 1 0 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 450 uf seokjeonje (confucian rite) 450 uf sŏkchŏn taeche (confucian rite) 450 uf sŏkchŏndaeje (confucian rite) 550 bt memorial rites and ceremonies, confucian--korea (south) 150 śrāvastī miracles [sp2022005965] 450 uf great miracle at shravasti 450 uf miracle at savatthi 450 uf miracle at shravasti 450 uf miracle at śrāvastī 450 uf miracle of shravasti 450 uf miracle of sravasti 450 uf savatthi, miracle at 450 uf shravasti, miracle at 450 uf shravasti, miracle of 450 uf śrāvastī, miracle at 450 uf sravasti, miracle of 450 uf twin miracle 450 uf twin miracles 450 uf twin shravasti miracles 450 uf yamakaprātihārya (miracle) 500 bt gautama buddha--miracles 150 śrāvastī miracles in art [not subd geog] [sp2022006000] 150 sufi literature, arabic [may subd geog] [sp2022006040] 053 pj7519.s83 450 uf arabic sufi literature 550 bt arabic literature 150 sufi poetry [not subd geog] [sp 85129652 ] 550 bt religious poetry delete field 150 sunnites in literature [not subd geog] [sp2022005562] 150 taet’ongsa (kongju-si, korea) [sp2022006002] 550 bt buddhist temples--korea (south) 551 bt korea (south)--antiquities 150 taoist inscriptions [may subd geog] [sp2022005945] 550 bt inscriptions 150 tarasco mythology change heading 150 purépecha mythology [may subd geog] [sp 94000763 ] 450 uf mythology, purépecha 450 uf mythology, tarasco 450 uf tarasco mythology [former heading] 688 heading changed from tarasco mythology to purépecha mythology in june 2022. 150 white privilege (social structure) may subd geog] [sp2022005885] 450 uf white skin privilege (social structure) 1 1 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 550 bt critical race theory 550 bt privilege (social psychology) 550 bt social structure 150 yakṣas (buddhist deities) not subd geog] [sp 85148930 ] 550 bt yakṣas (hindu deities) delete field 150 yakṣas (hindu deities) not subd geog] [sp 85148931 ] 550 rt yakṣas (jaina deities) delete field 150 yakṣas (hindu deities) in art [not subd geog] [sp2022006443] 150 yakṣas (jaina deities) not subd geog] [sp 89005148 ] 550 rt yakṣas (hindu deities) delete field genre headings 155 christian metal (music) [gp2022026041] 455 uf christian heavy metal (music) 455 uf heavenly metal (music) 455 uf jesus metal (music) 455 uf white metal (music) 555 bt christian rock music 555 bt heavy metal (music) 155 christmas fiction [gp2017026011] 455 uf christmas stories add field classification numbers class b philosophy (general) modern (1450/1600) by religion judaism special topics, a-z b5802.d47 desire class bf occult sciences oracles. sibyls. divinations other special, a-z bf1779.k86 kunghap 1 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.d43 debates and debating bj1286.w37 war class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions european. occidental classical religion and mythology roman special topics, a-z bl815.b54 blessing and cursing [bl815.c892] cursing see bl815.b54 other early european religions by ethnic group celtic special topics, a-z bl915.l84 lugh asian. oriental by region or country china special religions taoism sacred books. sources individual works. by author when known [bl1900.h825-.h837] huainan zi [bl1900.h825-.h826] original text bl1900.h825 general. by date bl1900.h826a-.h826z translations. by language, a-z, and date [bl1900.h828-.h83] selections bl1900.h828 general. by date bl1900.h83a-.h83z translations. by language, a-z, and date bl1900.h835 criticism 1 3 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n bl1900.h836 special topics (not a-z) bl1900.h837 dictionaries, terminology, indexes, concordances class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.b57 blindness class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam biography individual muḥammad, prophet, d. 632 special topics bp75.7 travel the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. صوفية monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.s84-.s842 suhrawardīyah table bp3 bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.m38 materialism class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.c626 constantina, saint, -354 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages asian languages, a-z bs315.a43 amarasi table bs5 1 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 african languages, a-z bs325.a37 adhola table bs5 bs325.a78 aringa table bs5 bs325.c56 chopi table bs5 bs325.c57 chuwabo table bs5 bs325.m25 makhuwa table bs5 bs325.m377 markweeta table bs5 bs325.n435 ndrulo table bs5 bs325.n436 ndut table bs5 bs325.n97 nyoro-tooro table bs5 bs325.s8-.s89 suk table bs4 bs325.t484 thur table bs5 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.m68 motherhood class bt doctrinal theology history of specific doctrines and movements. heresies and schisms by period early to the reformation, 1517 bt1359 carpocratians class bv practical theology missions missions in individual countries asia. the orient. the east southeast asia malay archipelago indonesia by ethnic group, a-z bv3373.b38 batak 1 5 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n class bx christian denominations catholic church government and organization of the catholic church priests. deacons. spiritual directors [bx1912.7-1914.5] personal life of the priest cancel [bx1912.7-.95] personal life of the priest, deacon, etc. bx1912.93 married deacons. deacons’ spouses biography and portraits individual other, a-z bx4705.t275 tansi, michael iwene, 1903-1964 other protestant denominations lutheran churches history by region or country america. united states united states individual branches, synods, etc., of lutherans mergers. federations other synods, a-z bx8061.i68 indiana synod of the united lutheran church in america methodism individual branches of methodists united methodist church (united states). methodist church (united states). methodist episcopal church special topics, a-z bx8385.e96 evolution (biology) mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.f25 faith and reason [bx8643.r352] reason see bx8643.f25 class d history (general) europe (general) history 1945ethnography individual elements in the population not limited to special territorial divisions, a-z d1056.2.s55 sikhs 1 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 class ds history of asia ethnography other individual elements in the population, a-z ds28.m87 muslims israel (palestine). the jews regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.k5533 ḳiryat ata japan ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z ds831.s55 sikhs class gr folklore by region or country asia. the orient south asia india by ethnic group, a-z gr305.7.c42 charans australia local or individual groups, a-z gr366.n66 nyoongar class gv recreation. leisure dance special dances, a-z gv1796.h89 hwagwanmu class kbp islamic law. sharīa̒h. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. طبقات، الحنفي، الحنفية individual authors, a-z kbp300.m845 mujaddidī barakatī, muḥammad a̒mīmuliḥsān. مجّددى برکتى، محّمد عميم table k4 الاحسان mālikī. mālikīyah. المالكي، المالكية individual authors, a-z kbp320.m44 miknāsī, muḥammad ibn a̒bd allāh, 1435 or 1436-1511 or 1512. table k4 مكناسي، محمد بن عبد اهلل 1 7 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n shāfiī̒. shāfiī̒yah. الشافعي، الشافعية individual authors, a-z kbp330.a85 ashkhar, muḥammad ibn abī bakr, 1538 or 1539-1583 or 1584. ،أشخر table k4 محمد بن أبي بكر class pg slavic. baltic. albanian serbo-croatian literature collections special topics, a-z pg1413.5.c45 christmas stories class pj oriental philology and literature hebrew literature literary history and criticism history special aspects and topics treatment of special subjects, a-z pj5012.s76 storytelling arabic literature history and criticism special, a-z pj7519.s83 sufism other classes of authors, a-z pj7525.4.j48 jewish authors special for ms prose. fiction special, a-z pj7572.j48 jews class pk iranian philology and literature new persian literature history and criticism general special treatment of special subjects, classes, etc., a-z pk6412.d45 demonology 1 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 class pl korean language and literature korean literature history and criticism history special aspects and topics treatment of special subjects, a-z pl957.5.b52 bible class pn drama motion pictures other special topics, a-z pn1995.9.r326 redemption pn1995.9.r488 revelation 15 b i b l i o g r a p h y authority control compiled by anna appleman bargioni, stefano. “from authority enrichment to authoritybox. applying rda in a koha environment.” 11, no. 1 (2020): 175–89. bitter, colin and yuji tosaka. “genre/form access in library catalogs: a survey on the current state of lcgft usage.” library resources & technical services 64, no. 2 (2020): 44. cohen, ahava. “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity: building israel’s multilingual, multiscript authority database.” cataloging & classification quarterly 58, no. 7 (october 2020): 632–50. danskin, alan. “the anglo-american authority file: a pcc story.” cataloging & classification quarterly 58, nos. 3/4 (april 2020): 221–29. wolf, stacey. “automating authority control processes.” code4lib journal 47 (february 17, 2020). anna appleman is cataloger at columbia theological seminary. au g u s t 202 1: vo l . 2 9, n o. 3 i s s n 15 4 8 8 49 7 journal information theology cataloging bulletin (tcb), a publication of atla, is published in january, april, august, and october. it contains information about new and changed library of congress subject headings (lcsh) and library of congress classification (lcc) numbers compiled from the library of congress’s monthly lists, upcoming training opportunities, bibliographies of recently published articles, and other information of interest to religion/theology catalogers. each issue also contains a column entitled "perspectives & practices," which is a first-person narrative of an experience, project, or training of interest to the technical services community. tcb is an open access journal published under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial license (cc by-nc 4.0 international). content that is produced by the library of congress and reprinted in tcb is in the public domain as a work of the federal government. authors of the "perspectives & practices" column retain copyright to their work and grant to atla the exclusive first publication, display, and distribution rights in the work. all other content is copyright atla subject to the creative commons license. cover image: this issue's image is the work of our own cindy snell, and is released with the rest of our content under the terms above. editorial board cynthia snell, columbia international university, editor-in-chief anna appleman, columbia theological seminary, contributing editor christa m. strickler, wheaton college, contributing editor submission information submissions should be according to the guidelines and instructions. contact the editorial board for any questions about submissions to the news or perspectives & practices columns. publisher information © atla 200 s. wacker drive suite 3100 chicago, il 60606-6701 1 7 t e s t i m o n y management of concurrent dda and eba ebook programs or, adventures in deduplication for acquisitions by christina torbert libraries currently have a variety of methods by which they can acquire ebooks. at the university of mississippi—a medium-sized research institution with a large undergraduate population—we have mostly purchased or subscribed to content at proquest ebook central (also previously known as ebrary), with some smaller number of titles on the ebsco platform. early ventures (before i was over acquisitions) included the purchase of a netlibrary collection (now held by ebsco) and a subject-specific subscription collection from proquest. about ten years ago (still before i was in charge), the library began to purchase ebooks through a demand-driven-acquisitions (dda) program. this program uses selection profiles already established in gobi (a book-purchasing platform owned by ebsco) by the liaisons to produce a large collection of ebooks from multiple publishers that might be useful to our patrons. the library makes those titles discoverable and, as any individual title is used in a substantial way, a perpetual purchase is triggered and the library is invoiced for the purchase. eventually, unpurchased titles are removed from the catalog and newer titles are added. the library receives possible dda titles on both the pq and ebsco platforms with no substantial restrictions on publishers included. because we limit the timeframe of the dda program (most recent two years), there is no overlap with our subscription package. the library has also participated in a few small, evidence-based acquisitions (eba) programs through the years. an eba works similarly to dda, but the titles are all restricted to a single publisher or platform and all the purchases are made by library selection at the end of a restricted timeline. the price for the program is decided and paid at the beginning, related to the amount of content that will be made available for use. title-level records are made available in the catalog and, at the end of the timeframe (usually a year), liaisons may make their selections based on the usage of titles—i.e., evidence of need. the library has participated in limited eba programs over the years, but during this past year we had three separate programs running at different times: oxford university press for music, literature, history, and philosophy content from 2018 and 2019; cambridge university press for all music content; and taylor & francis content from 2018 forward for all subject areas. while the materials included in the cambridge eba were not likely to overlap with titles in the comprehensive dda, the titles in the oup and the t&f programs were probably going to be duplicates of titles available on the platforms covered by our dda. due to the timing of the programs, i had to take two different paths to reducing the possibility of purchasing the same content on two different platforms. prior to starting the oup eba, my colleague, the collection strategist, did an analysis of the titles previously purchased through dda from oup, and the library’s purchases from oup were primarily in the subject areas participating in the eba. after consulting with the subject liaisons, we excluded oup titles from the dda program for the year and asked the liaisons to not order oup content for the year unless requested by a patron. we were not able to insert indications in gobi to remind liaisons of this eba program, so there was still a chance that duplicate content might be purchased via individual purchases. this christina torbert is the head of continuing resources and acquisitions and the liaison to the deptartment of philosophy and religion at the university of mississippi. 1 8 a u g u s t 2 0 2 0 : v o l . 2 8 , n o . 3 • t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n exclusion of a single publisher meant a reload of the dda records to remove the excluded titles. oup provided catalog records for the titles included in the eba but, as i was double-checking access, i discovered that they had also included records for open access titles, which was confusing. when we went to set up the t&f eba just a couple months later, gobi had established a workflow that allowed us to run our eba program through them. they worked with t&f to learn which titles would be included in the eba, and gobi passed that information on to the platforms handling the dda content so the t&f titles were excluded automatically. gobi was also able to place a note on the titles included in eba in their ordering interface so that liaisons would know not to order those titles. unfortunately, gobi could not help us remove the t&f dda records from the online catalog, and i had to run lists in the catalog to try to suppress as many of those records that still pointed to the aggregator sites as possible, hoping that only the records linking to t&f would be exposed for discovery. t&f also supplied catalog records for the titles included and, because 2020 content was included, they continued to send update files. let me back up and describe how our library handles ebooks in the online catalog. we only add records for titles that have been purchased or that might be purchased. we do not add separate records for ebooks available through subscription, through databases, or through open access. we track those collections exclusively through our discovery layer and the management tools found there. because our discovery layer is owned by the same company as the aggregator through which we subscribe and which we have as our primary dda platform, the vendor is able to auto-update our title-level holdings for us for the titles on their platform into the knowledgebase, but all other platforms have to be manually updated. therefore, for most ebooks in the discovery knowledgebase, we try to work at collection-level tracking rather than at title-level. this practice is slowly changing as we work to get more of the purchased ebooks into the knowledgebase. what indicates a purchased title in the catalog is the attached order and payment record. i mentioned previously that, as the years of coverage roll forward for dda, we remove unpurchased bib records from the catalog. the cleanest way to accomplish this refresh is to gather up and delete all ebook records without an attached payment record and then reload a full set of records from gobi. we try to limit this type of reload to once a year. we also use the added author/title fields (710/740) to track which “collection” an individual record belongs to—i.e., ypb dda, pq individually purchased, [publisher] evidence-based selection. we add these fields when the bib record is uploaded and use them to find particular collections again later when we need to eliminate unpurchased titles. for example, as the oup eba was ending, we received from oup a report of usage from the past year. after weeding out the titles we had already purchased (nice to know they got use), the discounted price of the remaining used titles did not come to the amount we had determined to spend. we turned to the titles that had received turnaways during the past year, and we made several selections from that list to bring our spend up to the required level. we added order records to the titles with bib records already in the catalog and made a list of titles for which we still needed bib records. it took a couple tries to get the correct records from oup but, once all the titles had order records attached, we ran a list of bibs with the correct added collection title (740) and no attached order record. those bibs were deleted from the catalog. we will eventually send the list of purchased titles to gobi so they can be notated in the ordering interface, and we will have oup titles restored to the dda for future loads. i continue to have mixed feelings about the effectiveness of eba programs, especially compared to dda programs. on the positive side, the library is sure to get quality content when it selects a 1 9 t e s t i m o n y specific publisher and, for a pricey publisher like oup, the discount makes the costs more affordable. many of the titles we purchased through eba would have been outside the price parameters of our dda programs and so would never have been available for discovery and use. but i’m not sure one year’s worth of use is enough to judge on for the amount of money required up front in an eba program, and we often have to purchase titles that would not have triggered a dda purchase in order to spend the required amount. also, working directly with the publisher means the library has to handle more of the administrative burden: deduping the title lists, noting the holdings in the agent’s interface, getting the correct marc records… so far, working through the intermediary service of the book agent gobi has streamlined this process. i may re-revaluate this assessment when reconciling the t&f eba in the fall. 1 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 0 professional development opportunities compiled by cynthia snell introduction to collection analysis data plays a role in almost all collection development decisions. from choosing what subscriptions to renew to negotiating pricing for packages to making decisions about what formats to collect, data can help make a decision or an argument. as collection development has become increasingly informed by data, a subset of the collection development role has emerged called collection analysis, sometimes also referred to as collection evaluation or assessment. this course will introduce some of the common types of data that are used in collection decisions, such as counter reports and circulation statistics, while also noting limitations and controversies around these reports. students will practice identifying which kinds of data would be useful for a particular analysis as well as teasing out the shortcomings of the data. students will learn and practice techniques for combining data from multiple sources into a master excel spreadsheet. the course requires some reading and discussion but emphasizes hands-on practice in selecting appropriate data for an analysis and working in excel to compile the data. it will be helpful if students have used excel before, but it is not necessary to have experience with formulas. may 3–30 $175 introduction to digital preservation this course is designed to give the non-archivists, non-preservationist a basic overview of the field of digital preservation practice in libraries, archives and museums. on completion of this course, the student will have knowledge of the history of the field of digital preservation, best practices for establishing and maintaining digitization and digital preservation programs, ethics and social justice issues related to digital preservation practices, and an overview of international approaches to digital preservation work. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. may 3–30 $175 subject analysis and subject representation this course focuses on the analysis of the intellectual content of information resources/objects and the representation of content in information retrieval systems, specifically library systems. the analysis of intellectual content has long been a traditional mechanization for retrieval of and access to information resources in libraries. representing the content of information resources involves a number of critical ideas and distinctions that the cataloger must contend with if the process of resource subject representation is to be done with any efficiency and wisdom. this course will explore the core of that process. this involves exploring the idea of content, including the idea of a subject, and the corresponding possibilities of how to indicate or express that content. we can call the overall process subject analysis but simply saying that it centers on determining the “subject” (or “subjects”) of a resource has to be expanded. as a widely accepted activity, it has gained a cynthia snell is library director at columbia international university. 1 9 n e w s variety of names—for example, subject indexing, document analysis, and subject heading determination. may 3–30 $175 creating online exhibits with omeka omeka is an open source web-publishing platform used by many libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural organizations for creating online exhibits of materials from their collections. this course provides the opportunity to explore the exhibit-building process and gain hands-on experience in creating a professional-level exhibit on a topic of your choice. june 7–july 4 $175 fundamentals of digital curation in libraries, archives and museums this course is designed to give the student an overview of the fundamentals of digital curation theory and best practices in libraries, archives and museums. on completion of the course, the student will have a working knowledge of theory, best practices for establishing and maintaining digital curation programs and initiatives, and feedback on work on digital curation projects in the students’ own workplace or area of interest and study. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. july 5–august 1 $175 introduction to museums are you new to a museum environment, or are you interested in moving in that direction? learn how museums are different than and similar to the other glams (galleries, libraries, and archives). this course offers students a broad overview of: types of museums as compared to glams; core functions of museums; subfields and career opportunities; the organization of information (systems and practices) within museums. each week, the course also addresses a key issue in museums today: accessibility, sustainability, labor practices, and social justice. this course is part of our certificate in museum informatics, but may be taken as a stand-alone course as well. july 5–august 1 $175 describing photographs for the online catalogue students in this course will explore the many ways in which photographic images are described and interpreted by both people and computers. the goal of the course is to broaden the non-specialist cataloguer’s ability to describe the subject content and material qualities of photographs, and to provide a greater understanding of current standards and approaches to image resource access. july 5–august 1 $175 creating and preserving oral histories popularity of oral histories has been increasing since the mid 20th century when they were used as a research tool to discover the stories of the people behind the labor and political movements of the time. the content of oral history interviews is grounded in reflections on the past as opposed to commentary on purely contemporary events. oral history can refer to a method of recording and preserving oral testimony and to the product of that process. a successful oral history programs 2 0 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 0 require goals, procedures, and training as well as a plan for access to the interview’s content. the class will also cover the selection and set-up of recording equipment to ensure high quality recordings. june 3, 1 pm–3 pm central $100 (lyrasis member) / $125 (non-member) digitizing rare books this class will discuss best practices and current issues in digitizing rare books. the instructor will cover scanning and specialized equipment; post-process and digital authenticity; the need for specific metadata description; and the publication of digital rare book collections. a discussion of common types of rare books and their handling needs, along with third party digitization agreements and donor stipulations, will be included. finally, we’ll cover how to build dazzling and significant rare book-based digital collections, over time. may 4, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm central $50 (lyrasis member) / $75 (non-member) digitization for small institutions participants will learn about starting a digitization program. the first session covers the basics of project planning, equipment selection, digitization preparation, care and during digitization. the second session covers technical information relevant to getting started with digitization, such as metadata, file format selection, compression, and more. the class also covers quality control, access, and touches upon basic concepts of digital preservation as relevant to small institutions planning digital projects. august 3–4, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm central $125 (lyrasis member) / $150 (non-member) 2 1 n e w s opportunity to serve in atla's technical services interest group by christa m. strickler are you interested in being on the steering committee of atla’s technical services interest group (tsig)? qualifications are minimal—basically having an interest in shaping technical services activities at atla annual, and even that is not difficult, since technical services people are usually selfstarters. elections will be held in june at atla annual 2021 online. you may nominate yourself or someone else. please send nominations to please visit the tsig website for more information about the tsig, the current leadership, plan of the organization, opportunities for involvement, and activities. o c to b er 202 1: vo l . 2 9, n o. 4 i s s n 15 4 8 8 49 7 journal information theology cataloging bulletin (tcb), a publication of atla, is published in january, april, august, and october. it contains information about new and changed library of congress subject headings (lcsh) and library of congress classification (lcc) numbers compiled from the library of congress’s monthly lists, upcoming training opportunities, bibliographies of recently published articles, and other information of interest to religion/theology catalogers. each issue also contains a column entitled "perspectives & practices," which is a first-person narrative of an experience, project, or training of interest to the technical services community. tcb is an open access journal published under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial license (cc by-nc 4.0 international). content that is produced by the library of congress and reprinted in tcb is in the public domain as a work of the federal government. authors of the "perspectives & practices" column retain copyright to their work and grant to atla the exclusive first publication, display, and distribution rights in the work. all other content is copyright atla subject to the creative commons license. cover image: statistics on a laptop by carlos muza on unsplash. this image is in the public domain per unsplash terms. editorial board christa m. strickler, wheaton college, editor-in-chief anna appleman, columbia theological seminary, contributing editor submission information submissions should be according to the guidelines and instructions. contact the editor-in-chief for any questions about submissions to the news or perspectives & practices columns. publisher information © atla 200 s. wacker drive suite 3100 chicago, il 60606-6701 1 0 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 brinna michael is cataloging and metadata librarian at candler school of theology. subject headings 150 bible stories, akha [may subd geog] [sp2021014014] 450 uf akha bible stories 150 bible stories, burmese [may subd geog] [sp2021014015] 450 uf burmese bible stories 150 bible stories, dinka [may subd geog] [sp2021014012] 450 uf dinka bible stories 150 bible stories, hmong njua [may subd geog] [sp2021014018] 450 uf hmong njua bible stories 150 bible stories, lao [may subd geog] [sp2021014009] 450 uf lao bible stories 150 bible stories, thai [may subd geog] [sp2021014010] 450 uf thai bible stories 150 bible stories, tshangla [may subd geog] [sp2021014013] 450 uf tshangla bible stories 150 black theology [sp 85014636 ] 550 bt blacks--religion delete field 550 bt black people--religion add field 150 blacks--funeral customs and rites change heading 150 black people--funeral customs and rites [may subd geog] [sp 85052390 ] 450 uf funeral rites and ceremonies, black [former heading] 150 blacks--missions change heading 150 black people--missions [may subd geog] [sp 85086113 ] 450 uf missions to blacks [former heading] 450 uf missions to negroes [former heading] lc headings from december 2021 – january 2022 lists compiled by brinna michael the new headings and classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2021 list number 12 (december 17) and 2022 list number 01 ( january 14). 1 1 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 150 blacks--relations with jews change heading 150 black people--relations with jews [sp 85014686 ] 450 uf black-jewish relations 450 uf jewish-black relations 450 uf jews--relations with black people 450 uf negro-jewish relations [former heading] 150 blacks--religion change heading 150 black people--religion [sp 85014687 ] 150 blacks in missionary work change heading 150 black people in missionary work [may subd geog] [sp 94003607 ] 450 uf blacks in missionary work [former heading] 550 bt missions 150 blacks in the bible change heading 150 black people in the bible [sp 85014708 ] 053 bs680.b48 (general) 053 bs1199.b48 (old testament) 450 uf blacks in the bible [former heading] 450 uf negro race in the bible [former heading] 150 charleston church shooting, charleston, s.c., 2015 [sp2019103327] 550 bt church shootings--south carolina add field 150 church buildings--california [sp2021014001] 150 church work with blacks change heading 150 church work with black people [may subd geog] [sp2012002468] 450 uf church work with blacks [former heading] 550 bt black people 150 church work with blacks--catholic church change heading 150 church work with black people--catholic church [sp2021007114] 150 church shootings [may subd geog] [sp2021006850] 450 uf shootings in churches 550 bt assault and battery 550 bt violence 150 church shootings--south carolina [sp2021015875] 150 church shootings--texas [sp2021015876] 150 confucian wood-engraving [may subd geog] [sp2021011963] 450 uf wood-engraving, confucian 150 confucian wood-engraving--printing [may subd geog] [sp2021011964] 550 bt block printing 150 crypto-jews--puerto rico [sp2021015872] 450 uf chuetas [former heading] 1 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 150 elections--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2021008187] 053 bq4570.e44 150 judeo-tat drama [may subd geog] [sp2021012141] 053 pj5089.29774 550 bt judeo-tat literature 150 marranos change heading 150 crypto-jews--iberian peninsula [may subd geog] [sp 85081413 ] 450 uf conversos (marranos) 450 uf maranos [former heading] 450 uf marranos [former heading] 450 uf new christians (marranos) 150 marranos--spain change heading 150 crypto-jews--spain [sp 85081414 ] 150 marranos in literature change heading 150 crypto-jews in literature [not subd geog] [sp 95009225 ] 450 uf marranos in literature [former heading] 150 marranos (jewish law) change heading 150 crypto-jews (jewish law) [sp2015002446] 053 kbm2450.m37 450 uf marranos (jewish law) [former heading] 550 bt jewish law 150 mashhadis (crypto-jews) change heading 150 crypto-jews--iran [may subd geog] [sp2006007288] 450 uf crypto-jewish mashhadis 450 uf mashhadis (crypto-jews) [former heading] 450 uf jadīd al-islām 450 uf new anusim 150 mathematics--religious aspects [sp2021008646] 150 mathematics--religious aspects--christianity [sp2021008647] 150 muslims, black [may subd geog] [sp 85089087 ] 053 bp62.n4 delete field 053 bp62.b56 add field 550 bt blacks--religion delete field 550 bt black people--religion add field 150 neo-confucianism--japan [sp2010103624] 053 b5243.n4 delete field 053 b5243.n45 add field 1 3 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 150 numeracy--religious aspects [sp2021008648] 150 numeracy--religious aspects--christianity [sp2021008649] 150 ordination of women--evangelical lutheran church in tanzania [sp2021009043] 150 sanghyang (dance) [may subd geog] [sp2021006808] 053 gv1796.s255 550 bt dance--indonesia 150 self-perception--religious aspects--mormon church [sp2021015845] 150 sermons, anglo-norman [may subd geog] [sp2021009061] 450 uf anglo-norman sermons 150 texas church shooting, sutherland springs, tex., 2017 [sp2019103065] 550 bt church shootings--texas add field 150 theodicy in motion pictures [not subd geog] [sp2021008729] 550 bt motion pictures 150 transhumanism--religious aspects [sp2020005919] 150 transhumanism--religious aspects--christianity [sp2020005920] 150 ūrmilā (hindu mythology) cancel heading [sp 90004376 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading ūrmilā (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2021243921 150 women pilgrims [may subd geog] [sp2021012143] 550 bt pilgrims and pilgrimages 150 wood-engraving, buddhist change heading 150 buddhist wood-engraving [may subd geog] [sp 85147858 ] 450 uf wood-engraving, buddhist [former heading] 150 wood-engraving, buddhist--printing change heading 150 buddhist wood-engraving--printing [may subd geog] [sp2004007420] 550 bt block printing demographic group terms 150 buddhologists [dp2017060073] 072 occ 450 uf buddhism scholars 450 uf buddhist studies scholars 550 bt scholars 1 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 150 islamicists [dp2017060113] 072 occ 450 uf islamic studies scholars 450 uf islamic studies specialists 450 uf islamists (scholars) 550 bt scholars 680 specialists in islamic studies. 150 reform jews [dp2017060201] 072 rel 450 uf liberal jews 450 uf progressive jews 550 bt jews classification numbers class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religion in relation to other subjects, a-z bl65.p72 populism islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qurʼan. koran works about the qurʼan special topics, a-z bp134.m43 medicine class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.e44 elections class br christianity collected works early christian literature to ca. 600. fathers of the church, etc. individual authors br65.i65-.i656 isaac, bishop of nineveh, active 7th century table br1 1 5 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.k58 kinga table bs5 bs325.m26 malila table bs5 bs325.n414 ndali table bs5 bs325.n447 ngombe table bs5 bs325.s32 sangu (tanzania) table bs5 bs325.v9 vwanji table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.b5 bikol table bs5 including rinconada bikol cancel including rinconada bikol and buhiʼnon bikol mixed languages, a-z bs350.b53-.b539 black english table bs4 bs350.n4-.n49 negro english table bs4 cancel (bs350.n4-.n49) negro english see bs350.b53-.b539 works about the bible men, women, and children of the bible biography individual old testament characters, a-z bs580.g65 goliath old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.h66 hospitality new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.d28-.d282 davis table bs2 1 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 class kbm jewish law. halakhah. הלכה mishpat ivri constitutional law. constitutional principles of the jewish community relationship of the individual to the jewish community and state membership in the jewish community particular groups, a-z [kbm2450.c692] crypto-jews see kbm2450.m37 kbm2450.m37 marranos cancel kbm2450.m37 marranos. crypto-jews class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools mālikī. mālikīyah. المالكي، المالكية individual authors, a-z kbp320.b38 bashshār, muḥammad. بشار، محمد table k4 kbp320.d372 dardīr, aḥmad ibn muḥammad, 1715-1786. دردير، احمد بن table k4 محمد kbp320.i2657 ibn ṭāhir, al-ḥabīb. ابن طاهر، الحبيب table k4 furūʻ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law. فروع الفقه muʻāmalāt. معاملات obligations. dhimmah. contracts and transactions. ذمة commercial law. commercial transactions kbp923 accounting. auditing. financial statements class pg slavic. baltic. albanian russian literature literary history and criticism history, by period 19th century (1800/1820-1900/1917) special topics and subjects, a-z pg3015.5.b75 buddhism 1 7 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n class pn prose prose. prose fiction philosophy, theory, etc. relation to and treatment of special subjects other special, a-z pn3352.s49 shamanism class ps american literature history of american literature special classes of authors other classes of authors, a-z ps153.c47 christians classes p-pz table for authors (19 nos.) criticism special other, a-z p-pz32 17.b77 buddhism class tr photography applied photography artistic photography portraits special classes of persons, a-z tr681.s23 sadhus 1 7 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s professional development opportunities compiled by brinna michael acquisitions/collections fundamentals of acquisitions 2022 session 1.0 (ala core) this six-week online course is a basic primer for library acquisitions concepts common to all library material formats. it covers: goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials in all formats; theoretical foundations and workflows of basic acquisitions functions; financial management of library collections budgets; and relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers. this course provides a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made. in foa, we distinguish between collection development, which involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions, which orders, receives, and pays for those materials. in many libraries, selecting and acquiring materials may be done in the same department—in the smallest libraries perhaps even by the same person. in larger libraries, selection may be done by a collection development department and/or designated subject specialists, while a separate department acquires the selected materials. in essence, acquisitions is the business operation, bringing materials into the library and licensing access to library collections and resources. january 31 – march 11, 2022 $196.71 (core member)/$224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) fundamentals of collection development and management 2022 session 1.0 (ala core) this four-week online course addresses the basic components of collection development and management (cdm) in libraries. complete definition of collection development and collection management: collections policies and budgets as part of library planning; collection development (selecting for and building collections); collection management (evaluating and making decisions about existing collections, including decisions about withdrawal, transfer, preservation); collection analysis— why and how to do it; outreach, liaison, and marketing; and trends and some suggestions about the future for collection development and management. february 7 – march 4, 2022 $165.11 (core member)/$188.10 (ala member)/$209 (non-member) introduction to collection analysis (library juice academy) data plays a role in almost all collection development decisions. from choosing what subscriptions to renew to negotiating pricing for packages to making decisions about what formats to collect, data can help make a decision or an argument. as collection development has become increasingly informed by data, a subset of the collection development role has emerged called collection analysis, sometimes also referred to as collection evaluation or assessment. this course will introduce some of the common types of data that are used in collection decisions, such as counter reports and cirbrinna michael is cataloging and metadata librarian at candler school of theology. 1 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 culation statistics, while also noting limitations and controversies around these reports. students will practice identifying which kinds of data would be useful for a particular analysis as well as teasing out the shortcomings of the data. students will learn and practice techniques for combining data from multiple sources into a master excel spreadsheet. the course requires some reading and discussion but emphasizes hands-on practice in selecting appropriate data for an analysis and working in excel to compile the data. it will be helpful if students have used excel before, but it is not necessary to have experience with formulas. february 7 – march 6, 2022 $200 academic library budgets 101 (library juice academy) this introductory course provides background information on the vocabulary of budgets, identifies sources of data to create a strong proposal for ongoing and new expenses, and reviews some techniques for documenting budget activities for operational and planning purposes. librarians and others taking the course will become familiar with standard elements of an operational budget and learn ways to expand critical data into planning tools. february 7 – march 6, 2022 $200 fundamentals of collection assessment 2022 session 1.0 (ala core) this six-week online course introduces the fundamental aspects of collection assessment in libraries. the course is designed for those who are responsible for or interested in collection assessment in all types and sizes of libraries. the course will introduce key concepts in collection assessment including: the definition of collection assessment; techniques and tools; assessment of print and electronic collections; and project design and management. february 7 – march 18, 2022 $196.71 (core member)/$224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) cataloging/metadata know & go: introduction to metadata analysis (amigos library services) metadata analysis, or using data manipulation tools to analyze metadata, is a growing need in libraries. from migration to a new ils to retrospective clean-up projects, metadata analysis can be useful in a variety of situations. attend this session to learn about scenarios in which metadata analysis can be useful, as well as techniques and tools for performing this analysis. february 7, 2022 1:30 pm 2:30 pm cst free (amigos member)/$35 (non-member) changing standards, local choices: navigating the current cataloging landscape (amigos library services) with the implementation of the new rda toolkit, and progress toward the implementation of changing standards, local choices: navigating the current cataloging landscape (amigos library services) changing standards, local choices: navigating the current cataloging landscape (amigos library services) 1 9 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s bibframe being made, the world of cataloging standards is in a state of flux. while many of the changes will be guided by what's happening at the national, or even global, level, they will also rely on a certain amount of local standard creation. application profiles, local cataloging workflows, and other methods of customization will be very important in helping catalogers implement the changes in a way that works for them, their libraries, and their patrons. february 10, 2022, 10 am – 4 pm cst free (amigos member)/$149 (non-member)/$45 (student) introduction to serials cataloging (amigos library services) from academic journals to popular magazines, serials make up a large portion of libraries' collections. this course will cover the basic principles of serials cataloging, to help you get those issues cataloged and available to your patrons. topics covered include defining the nature of serials, how to copy catalog serials, how to create original serial records, and dealing with title changes. february 22 & 24, 2022 1 pm 3 pm cst $140-$165 (amigos member)/$195-$220 (non-member) know & go: rda 3r update (amigos library services) in 2019, the rda 3r project was complete, and at the end of 2020, the new version of the rda toolkit became official. we've heard about the changes and we knew it was coming but now it’s time to get some answers to common questions we’re all thinking – such as: what does this mean for catalogers? what comes next? attend this session to find out the current lay of the land when it comes to rda and to get a sense of the roadmap for the future. march 7, 2022 1:30 pm 2:30 pm cst free (amigos member)/$35 (non-member) metadata and description for digital special collections (library juice academy) methods and standards for metadata and description for unique digital collections are varied and present digital curators, catalogers and metadata librarians with a wide array of options, which can at times seem daunting. this course is designed to give the student an overview of current standards, schemas and applications of metadata models designed for the description and organization of digital collections, whether they be materials in an institutional repository or digital special collections. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. this course can be taken as one of eight courses needed to earn our certificate in cataloging and technical services, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. april 4 – may 1, 2022 $200 digital collections appraisal and collection development for digital special collections (library juice academy) this course covers principles of appraisal and collection development for creating unique digital collections that form part of an institutional repository or digital special collections. using archi http://introduction to serials cataloging (amigos library services) 2 0 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 val theory and principles of digital curation, the student will gain the understanding necessary to select digital materials that are in line with institutional and community collecting guidelines and missions. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. february 7 – march 6, 2022 $200 creating online exhibits with omeka (library juice academy) omeka is an open source web-publishing platform used by many libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural organizations for creating online exhibits of materials from their collections. this course provides the opportunity to explore the exhibit-building process and gain hands-on experience in creating a professional-level exhibit on a topic of your choice. march 7 – april 3, 2022 $200 digitization, discovery, and use (niso) stakeholders across the information community have poured significant resources into the creation of digitized collections, with varying degrees of success. since the final resources do get used by both students as well as researchers, what steps are needed to improve and support swift discovery of these resources at the point of need? are they properly accessible? what technologies were used in creating the digital forms, and how well are they working? where do “digitize-and-return” projects fit into all this? the speakers at this virtual conference will share case studies from a variety of institutions and organizations. march 23, 2022, 12 pm – 4 pm edt $190 (niso voting and lsa members; nasig members)/$255 (non-member)/$85 (student) ux & digital collections (library juice academy) this course will instruct students on quality ux and ui practices in their creation and web presentation of digital collections. crafting thoughtful ux procedures, students will have the opportunity to evaluate their own ux needs in this course, while learning how to operationalize reverse category tests and focus groups that give them much needed user data on their digital products. after covering user needs and expectations, the course will then include a section on digital collections and exhibits planning, including the creation of ui wireframes and mockups for web developers to utilize. april 4 – may 1, 2022 $200 fundamentals of digital curation in libraries, archives and museums (library juice academy) this course is designed to give the student an overview of the fundamentals of digital curation theory and best practices in libraries, archives and museums. on completion of the course, the student will have a working knowledge of theory, best practices for establishing and maintaining digital curation programs and initiatives, and feedback on work on digital curation projects in the students’ own workplace or area of interest and study. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. http://creating online exhibits with omeka (library juice academy) 2 1 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s april 4 – may 1, 2022 $200 electronic resource management fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions 2022 session 1.0 (ala core) this four-week online course provides an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. the course offers a basic background in electronic resource acquisitions including: product trials; licensing; purchasing methods; and pricing models. an overview of the sometimes complex relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and libraries is also provided. january 31 – february 25, 2022 $165.11 (core member)/$188.10 (ala member)/$209 (non-member) camp er&l virtual conference (electronic resources and libraries) over the years we’ve been told that coming to er&l is like going to summer camp for librarians. we come together, stay close by, and meet new people over meals. we learn a lot during the day and go out or play games together at night. we hold a common identity and experience then leave with shared memories, new skills, and maybe a t-shirt. we are working to find ways to capture that camp-like feel in a virtual way. since that’s the spirit we are trying to capture this year, we’ve rallied around a fun camp-focused theme. camp er&l 2022 is the 17th meeting of the electronic resources and libraries conference. march 14-17, 2022 $299 (group discount)/$359 leadership/management agile in the library: principles and tools for managing teams and strengthening change (library juice academy) agile, a framework for project management, has been described as “easy to use, difficult to master.” this course is offered as an introduction or refresher for library teams interested in improving their work processes and communication. we will begin by exploring the history and foundational principles that inspired agile, and then move beyond these core ideas to learn and apply the tools that support teamwork and continuous process improvement, including scrum, kanban, stand-ups, and retrospectives. we will explore the roles that support agile and scrum, and look at some of the common pitfalls that teams experience as they experiment with these methodologies. this course is especially unique for its focus on agile in library environments, guest speakers and examples as to how agile has been used to improve day-to-day operations, guide projects, and successfully navigate change and uncertainty. february 7 – march 6, 2022 $200 2 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 what it takes to become an informal leader: opportunities, challenges, and benefits (ala acrl) managers—or those in other official positions of power—are not the only ones who can, or should, lead; and management and leadership are not one and the same. once we separate leadership from the trappings of official status, we open up a whole new realm of possibility—an area of work where librarians at any stage or in any role can garner valuable skills and experience, raise their professional profiles, and figure out what is next for them in their career. this is informal leadership. to lead informally can mean many things, it is often temporary or ad hoc, it usually means additional work, it almost never results in more money or prestige, and it typically arises from a desire to get something done, or to produce positive change. this webcast will define and discuss the elusive nature of informal leadership by focusing on three main concepts: vision, courage, and ability (baker, 1995) as building blocks for a solid and stable professional platform. attendees, through guided activities, will be able to identify their own leadership traits, to assist them in seeking out appropriate informal leadership opportunities in a variety of contexts. they will strategize ways to successfully integrate informal leadership responsibilities into their existing roles and explore ways to garner the support of colleagues as they take the lead on new projects and initiatives. finally, there will be discussion and guidance on ways to overcome challenges and tear down traditional barriers and constructs, and champion the benefits that informal leadership experiences can have on one’s career. (baker, shirley k. “leading from below: or, risking getting fired.” library administration & management 9, no. 4 (1995): 238-240.) february 10, 2022, 1 pm – 2 pm cst $50 (acrl member)/$71.10 (ala member)/$79 (non-member) fostering a sustainable culture of assessment (ala core) establishing a culture of assessment means embedding an assessment component into every library operation. this process is crucial for providing responsive, high-quality library services. this presentation will share our journey crafting and deploying an assessment framework across library initiatives during the global pandemic. we will highlight a few examples to show how the process helped us create adapted services and make timely adjustments on to decisions throughout the pandemic period. we will address how we responded to resistance, generated buy-in, and empowered library staff to act using the framework to establish a sustainable culture of assessment. february 22, 2022, 1 pm – 2 pm cst $57.67 (core member)/ $71.10 (ala member)/$79 (non-member)/ free (student) recruiting and retaining librarians from underrepresented minoritized groups (library juice academy) this course will address recruitment strategies that will improve your chance of attracting a diverse pool of applicants and minimize the influence of unintended biases in the selection process. of course, hiring is just the first step to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. we will also address factors that influence the long term retention of librarians from underrepresented minority groups. march 7 – april 3, 2022 $200 2 3 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s library management: workplace communication (amigos library services) effective communication is what sets great leaders above the rest. as a manager, you need to adapt your style to get the most out of different people while assertively providing direction through ef fective feedback. this course will help managers and supervisors to communicate effectively to the diverse range of personalities in a workplace. march 8, 2022 2 pm 4 pm cst $70-$95 (amigos member)/$130-$155 (non-member) technology/coding the user experience: just fix it (niso) the user experience can be viewed through a variety of lenses. navigation may or may not be intuitive. buttons labels can be confusing. processes seem tedious or cumbersome. how can we ensure that users can find the functionality or content they expect? that some useful resource hasn’t inadvertently been hidden? are there small tweaks that could make a world of difference? are they easy to make or will they require a significant overhaul of the user interface? we’ll hear from a group of industry professionals, with experience of enhancing the user experience in various ways while keeping an eye on technical debt, costs, and time. january 26, 2022, 12 pm – 4 pm est $190 (niso voting and lsa members; nasig members)/$255 (non-members)/$85 (students) improving web site accessibility (ala core) this webinar will discuss a project to assess the accessibility of st. john’s university library’s website using software called siteimprove and suggest various means by which libraries can identify and fix accessibility problems within their websites. by the end of this webinar, participants will gain an understanding of: why web accessibility is important; some common accessibility problems with library websites; methods for identifying and fixing accessibility problems on library websites; how st. john’s university libraries used siteimprove to increase web accessibility; and some of the other services, such as wave (a free evaluation tool), which can be used to identify web accessibility problems. february 8, 2022, 2 pm 3 pm est $43 (core member)/$59 (non-member)/$129 (group) introduction to data visualization (library juice academy) as information specialists, we deal with data on a regular basis. data visualization helps us explore our data and communicate it effectively with our audience. in this four-week course, we will cover fundamental principles of data visualization. we will learn how to create interactive and static visuals using free open tools, such as openrefine for data cleaning and tableau public for data vi sualization. by the end of the course, students will be able to: choose the best visualization format for their data ; think like designers; create appealing graphs; and tell a story with data. march 7 – april 3, 2022 $200 2 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 1 : j a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 web accessibility: techniques for design and testing (library juice academy) whether you are designing a new web application or making revisions to an existing site, accessibility is a key part of the process. given that approximately 1 in 5 people in the u.s. and a total of 1 billion people worldwide have a disability, ensuring that your online presence is usable for those with disabilities and those using assistive devices allows you to expand your audience while ensuring compliance with legal requirements and best practices. in this course, you will learn how to integrate accessibility into your planning, design, and testing processes. march 7 – april 3, 2022 $200 python for librarians (library juice academy) we often are told ‘learn to code’ but not given a clear purpose or direction to realize this goal. this is especially true for workers in the library field. this course will attempt to address this challenge by providing a great introduction to data science aimed at all learners. participants will be introduced to the python programming language and how it can be used to analyze data. this includes organizing and writing code in jupyter notebooks, manipulating data with the pandas, visualizing data with the matplotlib, and making predictions with data using the scikit-learn library. no previous programming experience is required or expected. exercises will be drawn from topics that resonate with the daily work of librarians and those in related fields. for example, participants will learn how to analyze a quantity of sci hub usage data, and will examine doi data harvested from the crossref api. no software installation will be required to participate in this class; all programming work will be done using the online google colab environment. april 4 – may 1, 2022 $200 miscellaneous skills development for 21st century knowledge workers (niso) beyond the basic office skills in using word processing software or spreadsheets, what skills are most in demand in today’s knowledge organizations? is the rising population of knowledge workers properly equipped with the data management skills needed for working with sophisticated tools such as salesforce? what is needed to properly equip a 21st century information workforce? how do you identify the skills of each team member and support their future development? this roundtable will gather decision-makers from across the information community to talk about the practicalities, challenges, and opportunities for today’s employers and employees. february 9, 2022, 11 am – 12:30 pm edt free (niso member)/$135 (non-member)/$49 (student) copyright and open licensing issues (library juice academy) the course, you will have a better understanding of how copyright law applies in multiple library settings and scenarios and be able to handle copyright questions from your community with more confidence and ease. note: this course primarily focuses on united states copyright law. 2 5 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s march 7 – april 3, 2022 $200 getting to know your users through interviews and focus groups (library juice academy) how do we know what our library users are thinking? listen to their stories! the purpose of interviewing is to discover the in-depth experiences and perceptions of others—just what we need to know about our ever-changing clients. this course provides participants with the basics in good interviewing techniques and tips, including interview structure, length, and interviewer demeanor. participants will learn how to ask the right questions and follow up smoothly to gather more detail. participants will learn how to interpret and report respondents’ stories reliably and accurately, and to recognize and correct interviewer bias. the course will provide readings, exercises, discussion, and online resources. march 7 – april 3, 2022 $200 introduction to resource sharing and interlibrary loan services (library juice academy) in this four week course, participants will learn the fundamental policies and practices of resource sharing, including copyright, systems, and workflows. at the same time, they will engage with the values that support and inspire resource sharing practices, such as access to information and user privacy. this course is appropriate for librarians and other staff who are new to working with resource sharing, and it is designed to help participants gain a deeper understanding of practices at their own institutions. april 4 – may 1, 2022 $200 grants: support for writing & application (niso) valuable library staff time and resources are poured into the grant-application process, which is an increasingly critical element of their researchers’ work. this roundtable discussion will bring together information professionals to talk about the challenges they face, the tools and resources that are available, and the trends they see in this context. april 13, 2022, 11 am – 12:30 pm edt free (niso member)/$135 (non-member)/$49 (student) continuous access webjunction (oclc) webjunction course catalog is a collection of library-specific courses and webinar recordings are available for free to all library workers and volunteers. through the generous support of oclc and many state library agencies across the us, webjunction provides timely and relevant learning content for you to access anytime, from anywhere. library budgets and acquisitions 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 christa strickler is collection metadata integrity & management librarian at the university of notre dame. library budgets and acquisitions compiled by christa strickler back, andi, and sara e. morris. 2021. “patrons, vendors, and delivery: print demand driven acquisitions at the university of kansas.” technical services quarterly 38 (2): 109–22. https://doi. org/10.1080/07317131.2021.1892342. childs, gary m. 2022. “supporting new programs during the pandemic: using benchmarking to communicate resource acquisition needs.” serials review 0 (0): 1–3. 0987913.2022.2089009. lee parrott, jaclyn. 2022. “assessment of continuing resources due to budget cuts necessitated by covid-19.” library resources & technical services 66 (1): 31–47. lrts.66n1.31 mcevilly, christine. 2022. “national data sets and calculating percentile ranks: a guide for benchmarking library collection spending.” college & undergraduate libraries 29 (1/2): 100–138. mustafa, a’dillah, and noorhidawati abdullah. 2022. “evidence-based librarianship (ebl) in e-resources acquisition: how concerned are librarians?” library & information science research 44 (2): 101158. pampel, heinz. 2022. “from library budget to information budget: fostering transparency in the transformation towards open access.” insights 35: 1–10. rodriguez, michael. 2021. “flipping subscription and access fees to perpetuity.” serials review 47 (3/4): 187–90. saddler, audrey. 2021. “collaborative relationships in e-resource acquisition and delivery: an examination of select academic libraries in jamaica.” technical services quarterly 38 (2): 123–49. tang, xiaoxuan. 2022. “why were the budget management and library acquisition module in ils so important?” journal of library resource sharing 0 (0): 1–5. 3x.2022.2103226. ubogu, janet onomeh. 2022. “electronic resources acquisition policies: implementation in some selected university libraries in delta and edo states, nigeria.” asian journal of information science & technology (ajist) 12 (1): 1–7. a pr i l 202 1: vo l . 2 9, n o. 2 i s s n 15 4 8 8 49 7 journal information theology cataloging bulletin (tcb), a publication of atla, is published in january, april, august, and october. it contains information about new and changed library of congress subject headings (lcsh) and library of congress classification (lcc) numbers compiled from the library of congress’s monthly lists, upcoming training opportunities, bibliographies of recently published articles, and other information of interest to religion/theology catalogers. each issue also contains a column entitled "perspectives & practices," which is a first-person narrative of an experience, project, or training of interest to the technical services community. tcb is an open access journal published under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial license (cc by-nc 4.0 international). content that is produced by the library of congress and reprinted in tcb is in the public domain as a work of the federal government. authors of the "perspectives & practices" column retain copyright to their work and grant to atla the exclusive first publication, display, and distribution rights in the work. all other content is copyright atla subject to the creative commons license. cover image: rare books photo by zach plank on unsplash. this image is in the public domain per unsplash terms. editorial board cynthia snell, columbia international university, editor-in-chief anna appleman, columbia theological seminary, contributing editor christa m. strickler, wheaton college, contributing editor submission information submissions should be according to the guidelines and instructions. contact the editor-in-chief for any questions about submissions to the news or perspectives & practices columns. publisher information © atla 200 s. wacker drive suite 3100 chicago, il 60606-6701 10 r e v i e w s microsoft power bi in technical services: a review by philip evans having recently stepped into a role that involves reporting on library acquisitions and spending, i’ve been experimenting with different tools that streamline the reporting process. one tool i’ve come back to again and again is microsoft power bi (bi = business intelligence). power bi is a data visualization tool that allows users to use datasets to create reports with various types of visuals. power bi reports are stored in the cloud, are shareable, and contain visuals that can be manipulated and filtered by the report’s end users. if they wish, users can also get behind the visuals to the data itself. the process of creating a report with power bi is straightforward: determine the types of questions the report should answer, procure, and import a relevant dataset (perhaps obtained from your ils), select appropriate power bi visuals to answer the questions, and populate the visuals with the relevant data fields and filters from the dataset. microsoft excel users will find that power bi provides familiar chart types: bar and line graphs, pie charts, scatter plots, etc. however, there are additional chart options that are less common outside of data-visualization software: treemaps, geographical maps, and info cards, to name a few. i have used power bi primarily to report on our library’s historical and current-year spending. these reports allow my colleagues to easily answer questions like how much we have spent on ebooks vs. physical books over the past five years, how much we typically spent on journals in various subject areas, and how well ytd spending is tracking with the budget. after creating a report, i simply share the link with relevant colleagues, and they can refer to the report as needed. what’s more, i can make changes to the report without re-sharing the link. or, if one is willing to go down a slightly more technical path, a report can be linked directly to a self-updating data source, like your ils’s reporting module or a database. despite its usefulness, power bi does have some downsides. a frequent user complaint is that going beyond the basics in power bi can get technical rather quickly. users who are willing to dive into learning more advanced techniques will find their reporting capabilities extended, but the learning curve can be intimidating. additionally, some who have used other data visualization tools might find the configuration and formatting options in power bi more limited. microsoft has seemingly traded customizability for enhanced system stability, making some desirable visualization options unavailable. all in all, i have found power bi to be a powerful and (mostly) user-friendly tool. it has allowed me to provide enhanced and efficient access to acquisitions data while saving me many hours of work. i believe this software is worth a look for anyone who is interested in achieving similar outcomes. philip evans is the acquisitions/fiscal assistant at wheaton college 2 n e w s professional development opportunities compiled by christa strickler acquisitions fundamentals of acquisitions (core) this six-week course provides a basic primer for library acquisitions concepts common to all library material formats. topics include: •  goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials in all formats; •  theoretical foundations and workflows of basic acquisitions functions; •  financial management of library collections budgets; •  relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers. in this course, we distinguish between collection development, which involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions, which orders, receives, and pays for those materials. in many libraries, selecting and acquiring materials may be done in the same department—in the smallest libraries perhaps even by the same person. in larger libraries, selection may be done by a collection development department and/or designated subject specialists, while a separate department acquires the selected materials. in essence, acquisitions is the business operation, bringing materials into the library and licensing access to library collections and resources. because success in acquisitions depends on ability to collaborate, negotiate, and be flexible to work out win-win solutions with others, this course includes collaborative and social elements. november 2–december 18 $149 (members) / $169 (non-members) introduction to library acquisitions (amigos) are you responsible for acquisitions at your library, but feeling like you don't know where to start? or just looking to learn more about this area of library work? acquisitions work, which involves ordering, receiving, and paying for library materials, is a very important factor in getting library patrons access to the resources they need. attend this class to get an introduction to this area of work. topics covered include goals and methods of acquisitions, budget management, and relationship building with vendors and publishers. december 7, 1–3 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 3 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 cataloging/metadata aacr2 . . . meet rda (mcls) cataloging with rda (resource description and access) is similar to cataloging with aacr2 . . . and then again it is not! in this two-hour webinar, key differences between aacr2 and rda will be identified and shown through examples. some of the challenges and implications of these differences will be discussed, and possible solutions suggested. november 4, 1 pm–3 pm central $60 (members) / $120 (non-members) authority control (library juice academy) authority control is a process that ensures all access points in a record are consistent across a library’s database, but it is a process that many librarians find mysterious. in this course we will demystify authority control and explore the value it adds to library catalogs through a comprehensive overview of authority control work. november 1–28 $175 basics of rda conceptual models (mcls) learn the basics of conceptual models used in rda: resources description and access and understand how they are used in cataloging to support discovery. this workshop will review two concepts that we currently use in cataloging: functional requirements for bibliographic records (frbr) and functional requirements for authority data (frad). it will also introduce the new ifla library reference model (lrm) which is incorporated into the new rda toolkit. the workshop emphasizes understanding the practical application of these models in rda cataloging. it provides cataloging examples in marc 21 for various formats, with an emphasis on books. exercises and a resource list for further learning are also included. a basic understanding of the marc 21 format for bibliographic data is needed for the course. december 2, 9–11 am central $60 (members) / $120 (non-members) bibframe: an overview (mcls) this course will provide an overview of the bibframe ontology, which the library of congress has developed to succeed marc21 as the format for expressing/encoding descriptions of library resources. topics include: •  an introduction to linked data concepts and the rdf data model; •  an introduction to ontologies—their purpose and their structure; •  an overview of the bibframe ontology and its key features; •  ongoing bibframe projects; 4 n e w s •  tools for bibframe exploration and experimentation. november 11, 9–11 am central $60 (members) / $120 (non-members) cataloging with variant titles (mcls) adding variant titles to a cataloging record can be rewarding for user search and discovery. it also helps catalogers distinguish between cataloging records and reduce the number of duplicate cataloging records in shared databases. this session presents best practices for adding variant titles to monograph bibliographic records once the source of title and the title proper has been determined. rda defines a variant title as a title associated with a resource that differs from a title recorded as a title proper, a parallel title proper, an other title information, a parallel other title information, an earlier title proper, a later title proper, etc. this session will give examples of all these types of variant titles, especially using marc field 246. it will focus on clarifying primary relationships between a work, expression, and manifestation, and not on recording titles which are related works and not on preferred titles (uniform titles). rda also asks catalogers to determine and record variant titles which are important for identification or access. this can be difficult out-of-context! this session will share some guidelines on how to determine what is best for your catalog users. attendees will be given examples and exercises in order to improve their skills in adding variant titles to cataloging records. november 4, 9 am-11 am central $60 (members) / $120 (non-members) creating linked data with sinopia (amigos) are you interested in linked data? do you feel like you have the theory down, but want to get some hands-on practice creating linked data? sinopia is a free, web-based tool that will help you get your feet wet with linked data creation. attend this session to learn how to create templates, enter data, and link your data to other vocabularies. you'll walk away with some practical knowledge of linked data and a sense of how libraries are using sinopia. november 8, 1:30–2:30 pm central free (amigos members) / $35 (non-members) introduction to metadata (library juice academy) this course focuses on learning the basic principles of metadata including types of metadata, metadata schemas (ead, mod, mad, dublin core, vracore), mapping between schemas, and a brief overview of metadata expressed in xml. additionally, marc and dublin core metadata records will be compared, providing insights into the similarities of description and the differences. students will become familiar with the different types of metadata, understand the basic principles of metadata, the terminology and structure of xml expressed metadata and build critical skills applicable to systems work, cataloging, metadata work, and general web work. november 1–28 $175 5 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 introduction to openrefine (lyrasis) openrefine is a free, open source, powerful tool for working with messy data. using an interface similar to that of a spreadsheet, it allows for the quick exploration of large datasets using features such as faceting and filtering. but where it really shines is in helping fix inconsistencies in your data, such as differences in spelling, date format, capitalization, etc. this workshop will introduce the most powerful features of openrefine using a sample bibliographic dataset. participants will be encouraged to install the tool on their own computer prior to the workshop, and follow along. we will conclude with a short discussion of use cases: participants are welcome to share examples of datasets from their own work practice that need to be cleaned up and discuss how openrefine can help with this process. there are no particular prerequisites for this session. familiarity with regular expressions can be useful in applying more advanced text matching functions, but is not required. this workshop will draw inspiration from the library carpentry openrefine lesson. november 3, 1–2:30 pm central $75 (lyrasis member) / $100 (non-member) library of congress classification: the basics (amigos) would you like to learn more about the library of congress classification system? do you need some clarification on how number building works, or are you confused about cutter numbers? this class will provide an overview of the structure of library of congress classification, with detailed exploration of some schedules, along with short homework assignments to help you practice your learning. topics covered also include number building, cutter numbers, and interpreting instructions found in the classification schedules. november 2 & 4, 10 am–12 pm central $140 (member early bird) / $165 (member) / $195 (non-member early bird) / $220 (non-member) marc: an introduction (mcls) do not be intimidated by marc! do terms like fixed and variable fields scare you? are you put off by subfields and indicators? this class is designed to help you better understand marc, whether you are a cataloger, reference librarian, interlibrary loan practitioner or support staff. if you are new to the library field or just need a review, a better understanding of marc will be helpful. the instructor will present an overview to marc (machine-readable cataloging) records and related terminology, such as the fixed and variable fields, tags, indicators, subfields, and international standard bibliographic description (isbd) punctuation marks. we will discuss how marc tagging and coding of cataloging data is used in bibliographic records. we will set out guidelines for record selection and discuss when to create and enter new records. november 9–11, 1–3 pm central $100 (members) / $200 (non-members) making your catalog work for your community: how to develop local cataloging standards (amigos) when it comes to cataloging and classification, consistency obtained through standards is important. that does not mean you have to be at the mercy of the national standards. this presentation will cover many ways in which you can adapt catalog records to make sure they work for your 6 n e w s library users—from homegrown classification systems to local subject headings—and offer tips to make sure these practices still provide the consistency needed in a good catalog. december 6, 1:30–2:30 pm central free (amigos members) / $35 (non-members) metadata principles and practices: metadata basics (amigos) do you catalog? do you plan digital projects? do you wish to better understand the role of metadata and how it works? this 2-hour online workshop will cover the basics of metadata. topics include: defining metadata; outlining the purposes and functions of metadata; list the components of a metadata infrastructure and keys to successfully launching a new metadata standard; understand how well formed xml provides a framework for expressing metadata in an online environment. this class is part of a four part series entitled metadata principles & practices. november 16, 10 am–12 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) metadata principles and practices: metadata standards and types (amigos) in this second workshop in the series "metadata principles and practices," students will discover how metadata standards are created and explore several standards commonly in use today. topics include: xml dtds and schemas; types and examples of metadata currently in use today. this class should be taken after "metadata basics," but can be taken without the other two workshops in the series. november 17, 10 am–12 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) metadata principles and practices: metadata customization, exchange, transformation and migration (amigos) this third workshop in the "metadata principles and practices" series covers the processes by which institutions customize existing metadata standards, exchange and harvest metadata, transform metadata from one standard to another and migrate metadata to a newer standard. topics to be covered include: metadata quality factors, application profiles, the open archives initiative protocol for metadata harvesting, metadata crosswalks and stylesheets. november 18, 10 am–12 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) metadata principles and practices: metadata relationships (amigos) this final workshop in the metadata principles and practices series focuses on the role of expressing relationships in metadata to enhance resource discovery. topics to be covered: •  how the metadata encoding and transmission standard maintains links between metadata and the resources they describe. •  how the semantic web, rdf and linked data semantically articulate relationships between entities to aggregate metadata components and enable users to find resources related to their research interests. 7 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 •  the bibliographic framework (bibframe) as an application of rdf and its potential as a replacement for marc 21. november 23, 10 am–12 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) the mystery of marc fixed fields solved (mcls) what are the marc fixed fields? and what are their purposes? in this two-day course, we will define the marc fixed fields. also discussed will be the purpose of the marc 006, 007 and 008 fields. when are they used? how are they coded? examples will be provided, and you will have the opportunity to create marc 006, 007 and 008 fields for various types of resources. december 7–8, 1–3pm central $80 (members) / $160 (non-members) rda for non-catalogers: what do i need to know? (mcls) have you thought that your catalogers been talking a new language lately? using terms like rda and frbr? rda resources, description and access is the new cataloging standard, implemented in 2013 to replace aacr2. frbr is part of the infrastructure of this new code. what does this mean to the non-cataloger? what kind of changes should library staff and the end user expect to see as a result of rda? what are some of the major changes between aacr2 and rda? november 18, 9–11 am central $60 (members) / $120 (non-members) original cataloging of archival materials using rda (mcls) here is your chance to work with rda (resource description and access) as applied to the original cataloging of archival materials. this hands-on workshop teaches participants how to catalog resources in an archival collection using such tools as the rda toolkit, the library of congressprogram for cooperative cataloging policy statements, and library of congress subject headings manual. the class will address original cataloging of all forms of archives. among the topics discussed will be the chief source of information, physical description, primary access point, and the choice of additional access points. participants will learn the appropriate marc fixed and variable fields for archives records and will study the relationships among these fields. assignment of subject headings for archives will also be discussed. several marc record examples will be examined, and a number of hands-on exercises will be included. the booklet for this workshop contains an rda workflow providing the relevant rda rules, the library of congress-program for cooperative cataloging policy statements, and marc coding information. the oclc bibliographic formats and standards will also be used. note: basic navigation in the rda toolkit will not be covered. november 16–18, 1–3 pm central $100 (members) / $200 (non-members) using marcedit (library juice academy) this four-week course will provide hands-on instruction to build, edit and manipulate library data using marcedit. this course will cover both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses 8 n e w s making it appropriate for both new and experienced users of marcedit. this course can be taken as one of eight courses needed to earn our certificate in cataloging and technical services, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. december 6–january 2 $175 digital collections ethics and sustainability for digital curation (library juice academy) it’s not just about digitizing or capturing unique born-digital material to preserve it and put it online for unfettered access in an institutional repository or digital special collections platform. the responsible information professional needs to approach their task within a framework that supports ethical curation of digital collections and also includes the necessary component of financial and preservation sustainability. this course will explore ethical frameworks in various disciplines, from radical librarianship, to archives, and to community-centered and human rights documentation initiatives, in order to lay a working framework for stewarding digital collections in a responsible manner, no matter the setting, institution or purpose. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. december 6–january 2 $175 fundamentals of digital library projects (core) this six-week online course introduces students to the breadth of considerations, standards and skills needed to successfully launch and manage a digital library program. the course will provide opportunity for hands-on activities to develop critical thinking and decision-making skills within the context of a digital library. november 1–december 17 $149 (members) / $169 (non-members) grant writing for digital collections in libraries & museums (library juice academy) this course discusses local, regional, and national grant planning and writing, for the purposes of digital collections creation. emphasizing the granular detail needed for successful grant submissions, this course will include sections on digitization explanation, metadata description, digital preservation and maintenance, harvesting and interoperability requirements, and specialized, user-friendly research applications that will make your application stand out, in order to secure funding. november 1–28 $175 9 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 grant writing for digitization and preservation projects (lyrasis) this four-hour class, which will be offered online in two-hour increments, focuses on preparing for and writing grants for digitization and/or preservation projects. the class covers the grant writing process from start to finish. starting with finding funding opportunities, moving on to writing a proposal, through the grant review process, and finally covers grants administration and promoting grant-funded projects. the class also addresses collaborating on grant projects. general grant writing information can be applied to grant opportunities from a range of different funding agencies, but the focus of examples given in the class is on the institute of museum and library services (imls) and the national endowment for the humanities (neh), since they are major funders for a range of institutions. november 10–11, 1–3 pm central $150 (lyrasis members) / $175 (non-members) institutional repository management and outreach (library juice academy) university-based institutional repositories (irs) provide collections and services to campus communities and the public. their purpose is to disseminate the digital products of research and scholarship on the web and offer a long-term preservation solution for the academy. this class is an introduction to irs both practically and conceptually. it covers the role of irs in higher education and libraries and dives into the nuts and bolts of ir administrative responsibilities, including policy writing, online content management, editorial workflows, permissions and access restrictions, and outreach strategies. most critically, this course provides a foundational knowledge base or ir managers navigating the complicated world of open access publishing. the main objective of the course is to prepare and equip ir managers with the skills needed in their ongoing digital stewardship work. november 1–december 12 $250 introduction to digital preservation (library juice academy) this course is designed to give the non-archivists, non-preservationist a basic overview of the field of digital preservation practice in libraries, archives and museums. on completion of this course, the student will have knowledge of the history of the field of digital preservation, best practices for establishing and maintaining digitization and digital preservation programs, ethics and social justice issues related to digital preservation practices, and an overview of international approaches to digital preservation work. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. november 1–28 $175 1 0 n e w s electronic resource management electronic resource management: acquisition and implementation (amigos) electronic resources make up a large portion of today's library collections, and electronic resources management (erm) is an important skillset for library staff members to have. the first step in the erm lifecycle is the acquisition and implementation of new content for your library. in this course, participants will learn about the various modes of access to electronic resources and the necessary steps to make these resources available to library patrons. december 9, 10 am–12 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) electronic resource management: maintenance and troubleshooting (amigos) electronic resources make up a large portion of today's library collections, and electronic resources management (erm) is an important skillset for library staff members to have. unlike print resources, electronic resources require ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting to make sure library users are able to access them. in this course, participants will learn about maintenance procedures necessary to ensure access to electronic resources. the class will also cover common access issues and how to troubleshoot them. december 14, 10 am–12 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) electronic resource management: assessment and preservation (amigos) electronic resources make up a large portion of today's library collections, and electronic resources management (erm) is an important skillset for library staff members to have. these resources often make up a large portion of libraries' acquisitions budgets, and therefore, assessment of their usage is important. it can also be important to preserve access to these resources for long-term use. in this course, participants will learn strategies for assessment and preservation of electronic resources. december 16, 10 am–12 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) fundamentals of electronic resources acquisitions (core) this four-week online course provides an overview of acquiring, providing access to, administering, supporting, and monitoring access to electronic resources. the course offers a basic background in electronic resource acquisitions including: •  product trials •  licensing •  purchasing methods 1 1 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 •  pricing models an overview of the sometimes complex relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and libraries is also provided. november 1–december 3 $109 (members) / $149 (non-members) leadership/management conducting effective meetings (amigos) meetings are a weekly—sometimes daily—ritual for many library administrators and staff. according to a recent study by consulting firm, korn ferry, more than a third of respondents feel they waste between 2-5 hours a week on unproductive meetings or phone calls. it's time to put a stop to holding unnecessary meetings that waste money, waste time and are overall destructive to morale. in this session you will learn the skills, techniques and strategies to plan, lead and participate effectively in meetings of all kinds. from impromptu, on the spot discussions between colleagues to formal presentations and meetings with committees, departments, and/or library stakeholders, you'll be better prepared to get the most out of your time, staff and company's dime. november 15, 1:30–2:30 pm central free (amigos members) / $35 (non-members) library management: managing from the middle (amigos) middle managers are the liaisons between their employees and library administrators. apropos to their title, these managers may feel caught in the middle as they attempt to hear and listen to both sides and adapt. a manager’s ability to successfully work with administration as well as foster a rapport with their direct reports is a crucial driver of success in libraries. this course is designed to help the first-time library manager gain a foundation to successfully manage from the middle. november 29, 1:30–3:30 pm central $70 (member early bird) / $95 (member) / $130 (non-member early bird) / $155 (non-member) lssc required competencies: communication and teamwork (library juice academy) a six-week online course about communication and teamwork, designed as to meet the requirements of the library support staff certification. the course covers introductory information on professional communication and teamwork specifically to libraries, including mediums for communication, verbal and non-verbal skills, conflict management, customer service, receiving and providing feedback, effectively delivering presentations, and constructively working on a team. november 1–december 12 $250 1 2 n e w s technology/coding git and github for libraries (library juice academy) this course introduces the basic concepts and skills for using git and github, a popular version control system and platform, in a library setting. git and github are often used to manage open source software, library technology, and academic research projects. individuals and teams use git to record changes within a project’s source code and github to share and publish their work online. library staff are using these technologies to support work in a variety of contexts, including metadata, data analysis, digital humanities, open educational resources, archives, and open science. while this course focuses on the fundamentals of git and github, students will pick up some basic command-line and plain-text editing skills along the way. november 1–28 $175 introduction to linked data (library juice academy) this course is an expansion of the "introduction to the semantic web" course. here we will build on the foundations established in the previous course (rdf, skos, owl, uris, etc.) and focus on linked data. this course is part of the certificate in xml and rdf-based systems. december 6–january 3 $175 python for librarians (library juice academy) we often are told ‘learn to code’ but not given a clear purpose or direction to realize this goal. this is especially true for workers in the library field. this course will attempt to address this challenge by providing a great introduction to data science aimed at all learners. participants will be introduced to the python programming language and how it can be used to analyze data. this includes organizing and writing code in jupyter notebooks, manipulating data with the pandas, visualizing data with the matplotlib, and making predictions with data using the scikit-learn library. no previous programming experience is required or expected. exercises will be drawn from topics that resonate with the daily work of librarians and those in related fields. for example, participants will learn how to analyze a quantity of sci hub usage data and will examine doi data harvested from the crossref api. no software installation will be required to participate in this class; all programming work will be done using the online google colab environment. december 6–january 2 $175 rdf, rdfa and structured data vocabularies (library juice academy) this course will provide a deep dive into rdfa and applying vocabularies to resource description. using rdfa we will explore how to mark up existing human-readable web page content to express 1 3 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 1 machine-readable data (rdf triples) that can be utilized by search engines, metadata systems, and content management systems. november 1–28 $175 website accessibility for everyone (amigos) websites are considered accessible when all visitors—regardless of physical or developmental abilities or impairments—are able to access the presented information. web accessibility is a broad term that refers to a series of international standards that define web site usability and how web sites can be usable to all visitors. in this workshop, we will explore the fundamentals of web accessibility; the kinds of user-related issues that need to be considered; regulations, laws, and standards surrounding web accessibility design; tools and technologies used for better accessibility design; and content and design best practices and techniques. november 3, 2–4 pm central $105 (member early bird) / $130 (member) / $165 (non-member early bird / $190 (non-member) miscellaneous excel for librarians (library juice academy) this class will teach the basics of working in excel, including entering, structuring, manipulating, importing and exporting data. it will also cover some excel functions and tools for basic data analysis. the class assignments will incorporate practical data tasks that you would encounter in a library or information management setting. december 6–january 2 $175 introduction to qualitative research methods (library juice academy) this course is designed to facilitate familiarity with exploratory and open-ended qualitative research approaches such as field observation and interviews and the ways that they might be integrated into the work we do in libraries. it is about connecting research methods to questions about people and practices within and around their institutional contexts in order to improve services and gain insight into the library, campus, and/or community as field sites. the course seeks to develop a spirit of inquiry among participants by helping them to check assumptions and ask critical questions. it is structured around readings and a series of activities, reflective and investigative, intended to provide participants with an opportunity to develop a research mindset and gain practice with qualitative research methods and tools. please note the december 2021/january 2022 session is eight weeks in length but includes six weeks of content and time for a winter session break. december 6–january 30 $250 theology cataloging bulletin 2-1 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 section two, part 1: library of congress subject headings/ ddc numbers of current interest compiled by paul osmanski on january 19, 2010, ms. libbie crawford, marketing manager for dewey products at oclc, assured the compiler that the mapping of new library of congress subject headings to suggested ddc numbers will resume, although at a date yet to be determined. theology cataloging bulletin 2-2 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and support office’s library of congress classification weekly list, 42(2009:october 22) to 3(2010:january 20). “weekly lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification (lcc) are posted on the cataloging policy and support office web site [at classification/weeklylists/]as they are approved”-library of congress classification (lcc) weekly list. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.e78 excess b105.w5 wisdom ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) orient by region or country china special topics, a-z b127.h8 humanism individual philosophers, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-3 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 b128.l8-.l84 lu, chia, ca. 216-ca. 172 b.c. table b-bj5 cancel b128.l81-.l814 lu, chia, ca. 216-ca. 172 b.c. table b-bj5 ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) occident greece by period third period individual philosophers aristotle special topics, a-z b491.n43 necessity renaissance individual philosophers c z b785.g38-.g384 gemma, cornelius table b-bj5 modern (1450/1600) by region or country united states by period 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries, 1860-2000 individual philosophers, a-z b945.b47-.b474 bergmann, gustav table b-bj5 b945.b88-.b884 butler, judith table b-bj5 latin america by region or country mexico individual philosophers, a-z b1019.r35-.r354 ramos, samuel table b-bj5 england. ireland. scotland. wales 19th and 20th centuries later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers a darwin b1618.b47-.b474 bhaskar, roy table b-bj5 wallace z b1674.w495.w4954 williamson, timothy table b-bj5 france by period theology cataloging bulletin 2-4 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 17th century special topics, a-z b1818.m56 mind and body individual philosophers, a-z descartes, rené special topics, a-z b1878.p47 perception gassendi malebranche b1889.l18-.l184 la mothe le vayer, françois de table bbj5 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.l36-.l364 lautman, albert table b-bj5 b2430.l398-.l3984 legendre, pierre table b-bj5 germany. austria (german) by period later 18th and early 19th centuries individual philosophers hegel, georg wilhelm friedrich special topics, a-z b2949.m36 memory later 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers b3219.d7-.d74 drobisch, moritz wilhelm table b-bj5 nietzsche, friedrich wilhelm special subjects, a-z b3318.h47 heroes italy by period 18th century individual philosophers b3598.z3-.z34 zanotti, francesco maria, 1692-1777 table bbj5 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers ardigò bz b3613.b346-.b3464 barié, giovanni emanuele table b-bj5 c ferrari b3614.d445-.d4454 del noce, augusto table b-bj5 theology cataloging bulletin 2-5 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 netherlands (low countries) by period 17th century individual philosophers spinoza, benedictus de special topics, a-z b3999.c66 contemporary, the asia southern asia. indian ocean region by country india individual philosophers, a-z b5134.p74-.p744 prasad, rajendra, 1926table b-bj5 class bf psychology psychoanalysis special topics, a-z bf175.5.j69 joy affection. feeling. emotion emotion special forms of emotion, etc., a-z bf575.f62 fragility occult sciences astrology by ethnic group, religion, or country, a-z bf1714.e39 egyptian class bj ethics religious ethics jewish ethics special topics, a-z bj1286.g73 gratitude class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion religious life other special topics other, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-6 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 bl629.5.n63 nobility of character history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources tantric texts. śaiva āgamas. vaiṣṇava saṃhitās pāñcarātra individual saṃhitās. by title, a-z bl1141.8.i88-.i889 iśvarasaṃhitā table bl3 modifications. sects. movements. cults individual sects, movements, cults vaishnavism rām sanehīs biography founders and most important leaders, a-z bl1287.392.d37 dariyāva, mahārāja, 1676-1758 table bl4 by region or country india mer bl2032.m45 mer by ethnic group, a-z bl2032.p36 paravas southeast asia by region or country vietnam special topics, a-z bl2057.c36 caodaism table bl6 table bl6 table for asian religions, sects, etc. (successive cutter numbers) practice. forms of worship. religious life .x6 devotional literature. prayers. meditations. hymns cancel .x6 devotional literature. prayers. meditations. hymns. sermons class bm judaism theology cataloging bulletin 2-7 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 history by period 1500 specific movements, sects, etc. other specific movements, sects, etc., a-z bm199.s83 subbotniki sources rabbinical literature special topics, a-z animals [bm496.9.a5] cf. bm496.9.m98 mythical animals bm496.9.b38 biography bm496.9.e35 egypt bm496.9.m98 mythical animals bm496.9.r37 raphael (archangel) practical judaism other special topics, a-z bm729.t65 transgenderism class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam topics not otherwise provided, a-z bp190.5.a385 aesthetics branches, sects, and modifications other (to 1900), a-z bp195.u78-.u782 uṣūlīyah. table bp3 bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.r44 race relations other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.s14 sathya sai movement class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages theology cataloging bulletin 2-8 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 asian languages, a-z bs315.b32 bahnar table bs5 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.g36 gender identity bs1199.s76 strangers new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.p38-.p382 paul table bs2 bs2095.s73-.s732 spoken english table bs2 bs2095.w58-.w582 witnesses of sound doctrine table bs2 works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.d74 dreams bs2545.n86 numbers class bv practical theology missions special churches catholic church history missions of individual monastic orders and societies of laymen other, a-z bv2300.m55 missionary society of st. columban practical religion. the christian life religious works for special classes of persons other, a-z bv4596.a24 addicts christian life in relation to special topics bv4598.27 social justice moral theology sins and vices individual sins, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-9 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 [bv4627.a22] acedia see bv4627.s65 [bv4627.l32] laziness see bv4627.s65 bv4627.s65 sloth cancel bv4627.s65 sloth. acedia. laziness class bx christian denominations catholic church other special topics, a-z bx1795.a83 astronomy monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4334.75 daughters of the sacred hearts of jesus and mary table bx18 anglican communion other special, a-z bx5008.9.h65 homosexuality episcopal church outside the united states by region or country latin america west indies bx5999.7 puerto rico table bx3 other protestant denominations adventists. "millerites" [bx6129-6184.5] individual branches of adventists bx6129 assemblies of yahweh [bx6131-6184.5] individual branches of adventists cancel pentecostal churches individual branches bx8769.5 living word fellowship table bx3 reformed or calvinistic churches special topics, a-z bx9423.w66 women class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration theology cataloging bulletin 2-10 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.s36 scopus, mount regions, towns, etc., a-z west bank [ds110.w47] cf. ds109.8.s36 mount scopus class kbm jewish law. halakhah mishpat ivri dinei mamonot property. res in commercio kbm717 mortgage. hypotheca class kbp islamic law. sharīah. fiqh observances and practice of islam ’ibādāt. ritual law. worship other subjects, a-z kbp184.9.b43 beards schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah individual authors, a-z kbp310.i26515 ibn ḥāmid, al-ḥasan, d. 1012 or 13. table k4 mālikī. mālikīyah individual authors, a-z kbp320.u88 usuman dan fodio, 1754-1817. table k4 shāfi’ī. shāfi’īyah individual authors, a-z kbp330.b34 bāfaḍl al-ḥaḍramī, ’abd allāh ibn ’abd alraḥmān, 1446 or 7-1512 or 13. table k4 kbp330.b345 baghawī, al-ḥusayn ibn mas’ūd, d. 1117? table k4 kbp330.h37 harawī, manṣūr ibn muḥammad, d. 1048. table k4 kbp330.i2615 ibn al-mutafanninah, muḥammad ibn ’alī, 1103 or 4-1181 or 2. table k4 shī'ī schools. shī'ah. theology cataloging bulletin 2-11 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 ja'farīs. ithna'asharis. individual authors, a-z kbp370.l37 lārī, ’abd al-ḥusayn al-najafī. table k4 class ml literature on music philosophical and societal aspects of music. physics and acoustics of music. physiological aspects of music religious aspects of music forms and types, a-z ml3921.8.r36 rap music class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles new testaments evangelaries, a-z nd3359.j34 jaharis gospel lectionary class z book industries and trade copyright special topics, a-z z649.a68 anti-copyright movement libraries library science. information science [z668-669.5] library education cancel [z668-669.5] library education. training personnel special groups, a-z z682.4.m85 multicultural services librarians the collections. the books special classes of materials other classes, a-z z692.a7 archival materials cataloging by subject, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2-12 section 2 vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 z695.1.f65 folklore z695.1.f664 forestry preservation, conservation, and restoration of books and other library materials special topics, a-z z701.3.a93 audio-visual materials subject bibliography education special topics, a-z z5814.m87 muslims theology cataloging bulletin 1 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement section two, part 2: lc classification additions and changes, b-bx (supplement) compiled by eric friede the entries in this list were selected from the library of congress, cataloging policy and support office’s library of congress classification weekly list, 31(2009:august 5) to 41(2009:october 14). “weekly lists of additions and changes to the library of congress classification (lcc) are posted on the cataloging policy and support office web site [at classification/weeklylists/]as they are approved”-library of congress classification (lcc) weekly list. the class letter identifies the schedule to which changes and additions are made. new captions are accompanied by a full hierarchy as necessary; changes are indicated by a cancelled line and the addition of a new line. changes are also highlighted in gray. numbers that appear in square brackets are not printed in the printed editions of the classification schedules. they are shown on this list only to indicate the location of the corresponding caption or reference within the classification. this list also includes selected changes and additions outside the b-bx classes relating to religious topics or library science. please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to me at: eric friede yale divinity library 409 prospect st. new haven, ct 06511 phone: 203.432.6372 e-mail: class b philosophy (general) special topics, a-z b105.r47 resistance ancient (600 b.c.-430 a.d.) occident greece other special topics, a-z b187.i48 individuation modern (1450/1600) by region or country england. ireland. scotland. wales 17th century special topics, a-z theology cataloging bulletin 2 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement b1133.m38 materialism france by period 18th century individual philosophers rousseau, jean jacques special topics, a-z b2138.h95 humor 20th century individual philosophers, a-z b2430.l52-.l524 lévy, benny table b-bj5 b2430.p35-.p354 papaïōannou, kōstas table b-bj5 b2430.r59-.r594 rougier, louis auguste paul table b-bj5 21st century individual philosophers, a-z b2433.e58-.e584 enthoven, raphaël table b-bj5 italy by period 19th and 20th centuries individual philosophers mamiani romagnosi b3636.p17-.p174 padovani, umberto antonio table b-bj5 sanseverino varisco b3652.s49-.s494 severino, emanuele table b-bj5 russia by period 19th and 20th centuries special topics, a-z b4235.p47 personality. personalism switzerland individual philosophers, a-z b4651.j65-.j654 jollien, alexandre table b-bj5 asia southern asia. indian ocean region by country india individual philosophers, a-z b5134.b47-.b474 bhabha, homi k. table b-bj5 eastern asia. southeast asia. the far east theology cataloging bulletin 3 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement by country japan individual philosophers, a-z b5244.i36-.i364 ikai, keish, 1761-1845 table b-bj5 b5244.o83-.o834 ōta, kinjō, 1765-1825 table b-bj5 class bf psychology philosophy. relation to other topics methodology mathematical and statistical methods special methods, a-z bf39.2.i84 item response theory occult sciences ghosts. apparitions. hauntings. haunted places bf1477.5 haunted theaters astrology special topics zodiac. signs of the zodiac [bf1727.8-.9] triplicities bf1727.8 general works bf1727.9.a-z individual triplicities, a-z bf1727.9.a37 air signs bf1727.9.e27 earth signs table b-bj17 table for subarrangement of the philosophy of asian and african countries (5 numbers) special topics, a-z b-bj17 3.e55 enlightenment class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion natural theology bl238.5 religion and the social sciences religious life other special topics bl626.32 fasting history and principles of religions theology cataloging bulletin 4 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement european. occidental classical religion and mythology greece special topics, a-z bl795.b55 birds other early european religions by ethnic group other, a-z bl975.a25 abkhazians asian. oriental by religion hinduism hindu pantheon. deities. mythical characters individual deities other individual deities, a-z bl1225.i33-.i334 icakkiyamman table bl7 bl1225.k357.k3574 kallājī table bl7 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qur’ān. koran works about the qur’ān special topics, a-z bp134.w43 wealth the practice of islam islamic religious life (descriptive works) sufism. mysticism. dervishes. monasticism. sufi orders. brotherhoods individual orders, a-z bp189.7.u93-.u932 uvaisiyā table bp3 bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.f36 families other beliefs and movements works. by movement, a-z bp605.m36 masterpath theology cataloging bulletin 5 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism special topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.w55 will class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.c47 christina, of bolsena, saint, 3rd/4th cent. br1720.s515 sim’ān, saint class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.f33 farefare table bs5 bs325.n395 nankanse table bs5 cancel (bs325.n395) nankanse see bs325.f33 non-european languages american indian languages, a-z bs345.m36 mapuche table bs5 works about the bible topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs680.a37 agriculture old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.l66 love new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english theology cataloging bulletin 6 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.z65-.z652 zolman table bs2 class bt doctrinal theology christology life of christ character and personality special interpretations of jesus bt304.918 hispanic american class bv practical theology ecclesiastical theology special aspects of church institutions (general) bv637.95 multi-site churches missions special churches catholic church history missions of individual monastic orders and societies of laymen other, a-z bv2300.p66 pontificio istituto missioni estere practical religion. the christian life christian life in relation to special topics other special topics, a-z bv4599.5.c44 change class bx christian denominations orthodox eastern church other special topics, a-z bx342.9.e26 economics bx6042 anglican province of christ the king table bx3 class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews theology cataloging bulletin 7 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement regions, towns, etc., a-z ds110.b297 bat-shelomoh class kbp islamic law. sharī’ah. fiqh. observances and practice of islam ’ibādāt. ritual law. worship. other subjects, a-z kbp184.9.i57 insects kbp184.9.w75 writing schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunni schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah. individual authors, a-z kbp310.i246 ibn abī al-qāsim, ’abd al-raḥmān ibn ’umar, 1227-1285. furū’ al-fiqh. substantive law. branches of law. aḥwāl shakhṣīyah. persons. ashkhāṣ. afrād. personality. legal capacity and disability. ahlīyah. ’adam al-kaf’. women. nisā’. mar’ah. special topics, a-z kbp528.b74 breastfeeding public property. government property public lands. public land law. arāḍī al-dawlah. regional planning. land development special topics, a-z kbp3072.c48 church buildings class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination christian catholic roman catholic by region or country theology cataloging bulletin 8 section two vol. 18, no. 1 and 2—february 2010 supplement other regions or countries, a-z ml3051.m33-.m339 macedonia table m8 class n visual arts special subjects of art religious art non-christian art special hindu special subjects or topics, a-z n8195.3.v58 vishvarūpa (hindu deity) class z libraries library science. information science library buildings. library architecture z679.85 energy conservation. environmental aspects the collections. the books special collections special. by subject, a-z z688.d57 dissertations 1 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary professional development opportunities compiled by anna appleman acquisitions/collections fundamentals of acquisitions 2022 session 3.0 (ala core) this six-week online course is a basic primer for library acquisitions concepts common to all library material formats. it covers: goals and methods of acquiring monographs and serials in all formats; theoretical foundations and workflows of basic acquisitions functions; financial management of library collections budgets; relationships among acquisitions librarians, library booksellers, subscription agents, and publishers. this course provides a broad overview of the operations involved in acquiring materials after the selection decision is made. in foa, we distinguish between collection development, which involves the selection of materials for the library; and acquisitions, which orders, receives, and pays for those materials. in many libraries, selecting and acquiring materials may be done in the same department—in the smallest libraries perhaps even by the same person. in larger libraries, selection may be done by a collection development department and/or designated subject specialists, while a separate department acquires the selected materials. in essence, acquisitions is the business operation, bringing materials into the library and licensing access to library collections and resources. may 9 – june 7 $224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) fundamentals of collection development and management 2022 session 3.0 (ala core) this four-week online course addresses the basic components of collection development and management (cdm) in libraries. complete definition of collection development and collection management: collections policies and budgets as part of library planning; collection development (selecting for and building collections); collection management (evaluating and making decisions about existing collections, including decisions about withdrawal, transfer, preservation); collection analysis—why and how to do it; outreach, liaison, and marketing; trends and some suggestions about the future for collection development and management. may 16 – june 10 $188.10 (ala member)/$209 (non-member) introduction to collection development (library juice academy) in this 4 week course, participants will learn how to identify user needs, to codify collection development policies and procedures, to select appropriate materials among the many possibilities, to acquire and make available these resources, to cooperate with other libraries, and to manage and evaluate their collections. the instructor will identify the broad differences in collection development according to the type and size of libraries and discuss important special topics such as copyright and intellectual freedom. august 1 – august 28 $200 1 9 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s cataloging/metadata real world objects: linked data in library metadata & cataloging (library juice academy) this course focuses on learning how to enrich and expand library metadata and cataloging data, adding data from established authoritative sources and at-large, general web resources, following guidelines of the programme for cooperative cataloging. this class will cover basic principles of rwos (real world objects) and linked data through the lens of marc and dublin core records. students will become familiar with the fundamental principles of rwos and linked data, understanding the types and formatting of data that have been identified as applicable to library data. additionally, students will gain insights into the future of cataloging and metadata work the intersection of library data with the larger web, interoperability, and cataloging/metadata work as preparation for the future. by the end of the course students will: develop a firm understanding of the basic principles of real world objects (rwos), as established by pcc; understand the challenges and opportunities of expanding library metadata beyond traditional authoritative resources; be able to properly format a rwo as linked data in both marc and dublin core data; understand the goals of rwos and linked data in the larger landscape of library metadata, cataloging, and web work this is an asynchronous course with built-in course materials and a series of weekly assignments. some course materials may be recorded. this course can be taken as one of eight courses needed to earn our certificate in cataloging and technical services, but can be taken as a standalone course as well. may 2 – may 29 $200 serials cataloging (library juice academy) this course focuses on the basic principles of serials cataloging from understanding the nature and type of serials (including series and analytics), interpreting serial authority records, identifying a matching record/copy cataloging of serials, to original description of serials under rda guidelines. this class will focus on practical description with a discussion of emerging trends in serials cataloging. students will be immersed in serials cataloging, gaining a solid foundation in serials and serials cataloging. by the end of the course students will: understand the terminology associated with serials and characteristics of serials and periodicals including how they differ from monographic records, with the ability to interpret series authority records and make decisions on treatment, as needed; expand upon searching and bibliographic record analysis skills developing a critical eye towards a “good” serials record for copy cataloging with an understanding of rda elements for serials, title changes, and when an original record is needed; develop skills to create rda description for serials through analyzing records and practice based exercises; explore emerging trends in serials as impacted by the library reference model (lrm) and larger trends in publication. may 2 – may 29 $200 introduction to cataloging (library juice academy) are you a librarian who has suddenly been given the responsibility of cataloging for your library, but you know little to nothing about how to do it? or do you feel that a quick course on cataloging will simply make you a better librarian? or perhaps it has been a long time since you did cataloging work and you need a refresher. this four-week course will introduce the tools and techniques of the trade, including descriptive cataloging (rda), subject cataloging (classification and subject headings), and an introduction to machine readable cataloging (marc). the course promises to 2 0 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 provide practical, hands-on training for non-catalogers, including sample workflows, an introduction to copy cataloging, and guides to make the job of cataloging easier. may 2 may 29 $200 assigning library of congress call numbers: intermediate (mcls) learn how to use special lcc mechanisms like topical cuttering and tables to accomplish subarrangement of materials within a range or class number. provides a lot of practice with literature classification, where these approaches are heavily used. (starts from the point of an already established base class number. does not cover classification for legal, musical, or cartographic works.) may 10 – may 12 $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) original descriptive cataloging of digital resources using rda (mcls) here is your chance to work with rda (resource description and access) as applied to the original cataloging of digital resources. this hands-on workshop teaches participants how to original catalog digital resources using such tools as the rda toolkit, and the library of congress-program for cooperative cataloging policy statements. the class will address original cataloging in the marc format. among the topics discussed will be the chief source of information, physical description, primary access point, and the choice of additional access points. assignment of subject headings for digital resources will also be discussed. may 17 – may 19 $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) understanding the bibframe model and vocabulary (library juice academy) this course focuses on learning the basic principles of bibframe 2.0, the bibliographic framework and vocabulary that is a likely replacement for marc. students will become familiar with the bibframe model and principles that are applicable to practical application of cataloging and metadata and will create bibframe records in the bibframe editor. a look at future developments will be included, including those that are part of the linked data for production (ld4p) project. june 6 – july 3 $200 authority control (library juice academy) authority control is a process that ensures all access points in a record are consistent across a library’s database, but it is a process that many librarians find mysterious. in this course we will demystify authority control and explore the value it adds to library catalogs through a comprehensive overview of authority control work. june 6 – july 3 $200 assigning library of congress subject headings (mcls) this workshop provides practical experience in assigning library of congress subject headings as part of the cataloging process. participants will learn how to perform a technical reading of an item and how to choose appropriate subject headings based on the principles of subject heading assignment put forth by the library of congress. participants will also learn how to verify headings they have assigned against the library of congress subject headings. the structure and interpretation 2 1 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s of online lc subject authority records in the oclc subject authority file will be covered as well as the structure of bibliographic tools such as the library of congress subject headings (lcsh) and library of congress subject cataloging manual: subject headings. participants will perform a number of exercises in assigning subject headings to bibliographic works. june 14 – june 16 $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) fundamentals of metadata 2022 session 4.0 (ala core) this six-week course is an introduction to fundamental concepts of metadata, including: similarities and differences between cataloging and metadata; descriptive, technical, and administrative metadata schema; content standards and controlled vocabularies; approaches to metadata creation and transformation; metadata project design. july 25 – september 2 $224.10 (ala member)/$249 (non-member) digital collections grant writing for digital collections in libraries & museums (library juice academy) this course discusses local, regional, and national grant planning and writing, for the purposes of digital collections creation. emphasizing the granular detail needed for successful grant submissions, this course will include sections on digitization explanation, metadata description, digital preservation and maintenance, harvesting and interoperability requirements, and specialized, user-friendly research applications that will make your application stand out, in order to secure funding. may 2 – may 29 $200 digital repository fundamentals and design (library juice academy) digital repositories allow libraries, archives and museums to disseminate and create access to unique digital collections related to institutional academic output or digital special collections. digital repository options vary widely, from proprietary to open source; and platforms specialized for specific use cases, such as institutional academic production, audiovisual materials, cultural heritage collections, and community and tribal collections. this course is designed to give the student the fundamentals of selecting, designing and implementing the digital repository solution that is right for their particular institutional, academic or personal project. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a standalone course as well. may 2 – may 29 $200 getting started with digital image collections (library juice academy) this course is primarily aimed at librarians who are new to managing special image collections and who wish to learn more about beginning a digitization program. through readings, individual exercises, and class discussions, students will develop an understanding of the following key com 2 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 2 : a p r i l 2 0 2 2 ponents of digitization project planning: evaluation and preparation of resources, building sustainable workflows and storage environments, and usability assessment. may 2 – may 29 $200 electronic resource management introduction to electronic resource management in academic libraries (library juice academy) this course is designed to serve as an introductory class to electronic resource management in an academic library setting. it is geared towards those are just starting out in electronic resource management roles and are new and active practitioners. electronic resource management is a critical function of the academic library, especially given the predominance of electronic resources in contemporary collections as well as the growth in online courses offered by colleges and universities. in this six week course, students will learn the basic principles of electronic resource management, centered on the primary tasks of activation/deactivation of resources in discovery, their ongoing maintenance and management, and troubleshooting and resolving access issues with them. by the end of this course, students should be able to: identify the basic components of electronic resource management; use best principles to activate/deactivate and make discoverable/suppress electronic resources using an electronic resources management system; use best principles to manage existing electronic resources using an electronic resource management system; troubleshoot and resolve access issues with electronic resources. july 4 – august 14 $300 leadership/management leadership essentials (library juice academy) during this course you will explore who you want to be as a leader and leverage leadership models to help you apply this content to a broader institutional context. this will enable you to support others in growing as professionals through applications of inclusive leadership, intentional change, and building on your strengths. may 2 – may 29 $200 make that decision: strategies for becoming a better decision maker (lyrasis) one of the toughest tasks expected of library managers and leaders is to make good decisions. whether the stakes are small or significant, getting the decision right will enable library workers to make the best possible use of library resources for great service delivery. effective leaders decide within reasonable timeframes, avoid analysis paralysis and achieve fair, practical resolutions. this two-hour webinar introduces participants to the art of decision making through the exploration of time-tested approaches to making thoughtful, service-centric decisions. may 19 $75 (member)/$100 (non-member) 2 3 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s leadership communication (library juice academy) leadership communication is a difficult and complex art form to master. this course will give you the tools you need in order to successfully navigate communication at all different levels from interpersonal to groups, as well as help frame difficult conversations. in addition, you will explore how to manage effective teams and highlight processes for decision-making and discussion that foster a shared perspective and promote a space where good questions can be asked, intentions are clear, and assumptions are tested. june 6 – july 3 $200 eliminating outdated workflows; developing the new (niso) one benefit of the pandemic is that traditional workflows were suddenly subject to examination. while some could readily move fully online, others had to be re-examined, leading us to question why we were still performing a particular task in a particular way. was it inertia or simply outdated thinking? could some tasks be handled differently, more effectively? could changing a workflow free up time for information professionals — and the researchers we serve — to focus on other more valuable work? in the first of this two-part series, you’ll hear from some of the professionals responsible for tweaking some of our old workflows and processes and managing these changes. august 10 free (niso member)/$135 (non-member)/$49 (student) technology/coding rdf, rdfa and structured data vocabularies (library juice academy) this course will provide a deep dive into rdfa and applying vocabularies to resource description. using rdfa we will explore how to mark up existing human-readable web page content to express machine-readable data (rdf triples) that can be utilized by search engines, metadata systems, and content management systems. may 2 – may 29 $200 introduction to linked data (library juice academy) this course is an expansion of the “introduction to rdf” course. here we will build on the foundations established in the previous course (rdf, skos, owl, uris, etc.) and focus on linked data. this course is part of the certificate in xml and rdf-based systems. june 6 – july 3 $200 regular expressions (amigos library services) this course is an introduction to managing and editing data by learning the syntax and construction of a regular expression, which is a sequence of characters that define a search (and sometimes replace) pattern. the basic characters used to construct a pattern will be discussed and then the patterns will be used in hands-on examples. regular expressions are used in integrated library system search/replace reports, some text editors (like notepad++), and marcedit. june 7 & 9 $165 (member)/$220 (non-member) 8 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary. lc headings from february 2022 – april 2022 lists compiled by anna appleman the new headings and classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2022 list numbers 02 (february 18), 03 (march 18), and 04 (april 15). subject headings 150 angels--yezidis change heading 150 angels--yezidism [sp2020011635] 450 uf angels--yezidis [former heading] 150 bhīma (hindu mythology) cancel heading [sp85013545 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading bhīma (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2022240017 150 bible stories, bariai [may subd geog] [sp2021015900] 450 uf bariai bible stories 150 bible stories, mongolian [may subd geog] [sp2021008264] 053 bs558.m65 450 uf mongolian bible stories 150 boundaries--religious aspects [sp2022004505] 150 boundaries--religious aspects--buddhism [sp2021012178] 150 catholic orphans [may subd geog] [sp2022005374] 550 bt orphans 150 chhajjas [may subd geog] [sp2021016139] 450 uf chhajjats 550 bt architecture, mogul empire 550 bt eaves (architecture) 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt islamic architecture 150 covid-19 (disease)--religious aspects--catholic church [sp2022005526] 150 covid-19 pandemic, 2020---religious aspects [sp2022005977] 150 covid-19 pandemic, 2020---religious aspects--christianity [sp2022005510] 9 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 150 devil--yezidism [sp2021015865] 450 uf shayṭān (yezidism) 150 devotional literature, dutch [may subd geog] [sp2021012579] 450 uf dutch devotional literature 550 bt dutch literature 150 doctrine of discovery (international law) [may subd geog] [sp2022005384] 053 kz3673.3 450 uf discovery doctrine (international law) 450 uf doctrine of christian discovery (international law) 550 bt colonies--law and legislation 550 bt indigenous peoples--land tenure 550 bt international law 150 drive-in worship services [may subd geog] [sp2022005554] 053 bv199.d75 450 uf drive-in church services 550 bt public worship 150 ex-orthodox jewish women [may subd geog] [sp2022005367] 550 bt jewish women 150 faith (christianity) [may subd geog] [sp2022005820] 550 bt dogma 150 faith (christianity)--catholic church [sp2022005401] 150 guadalupe, our lady of, in literature [not subd geog] [sp2021008239] 150 hevajra (buddhist deity) cancel heading [sp91003477 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2021244731 150 human-animal relationships--religious aspects--christianity [sp2021015850] 150 human-animal relationships--religious aspects--judaism [sp2021015849] 150 idols and images [may subd geog] [sp 85064172 ] 450 uf iconography delete field 450 uf statuettes delete field 450 uf iconography, religious add field 450 uf religious iconography add field 450 uf religious statuettes add field 450 uf statuettes, religious add field 550 bt animism delete field 550 bt art, primitive delete field 550 bt art and religion delete field 550 bt fetishism delete field 1 0 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 550 bt magic delete field 550 bt sculpture, primitive delete field 550 bt religious art add field 150 incantations, hungarian [may subd geog] [sp2021008637] 450 uf hungarian incantations 150 isagogics [sp2022005330] 550 bt criticism 150 library science--religious aspects [sp2022005575] 150 library science--religious aspects--judaism [sp2022005576] 150 jewish orphans [may subd geog] [sp 85070312 ] 550 bt jews--charities delete field 150 judeo-tat poetry [may subd geog] [sp2021015868] 550 bt judeo-tat literature 150 mantharā (legendary character) cancel heading [sp 85080642 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading mantharā (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2022240118 150 masculinity--religious aspects--church of jesus christ of latter-day saints [sp2021016124] 150 minorities--religious aspects [sp2021013994] 150 minorities--religious aspects--shamanism [sp2021013995] 150 monks in popular culture [may subd geog] [sp2022005399] 550 bt popular culture 680 here are entered works on the representation of monks in popular culture. 100 muḥammad, prophet, -632--intercession [sp2021015866] 400 uf muḥammad, prophet, -632--mediation 400 uf muḥammad, prophet, -632--shafā’a 400 uf muḥammad, prophet, -632--shafaah 150 narasiṃha (hindu deity) cancel heading [sp 87001332 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2019243995 150 papyrologists [may subd geog] [sp2022005359] 550 bt scholars 150 philosophy, european--confucian influences [sp2022005617] 550 bt civilization, confucian 1 1 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 150 prohibition--religious aspects [sp2021008184] 150 prohibition--religious aspects--christianity [sp2021015870] 150 rukmiṇī (hindu mythology) cancel heading [sp 85115800 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading rukmiṇī (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2022240119 150 rukmiṇī (hindu mythology) in literature cancel heading [sp 94008555 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading rukmiṇī (hindu mythological character)--in literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 samadhi shrines [may subd geog] [sp2021016146] 450 uf samadhi mandirs 450 uf samadhis (shrines) 550 bt hindu shrines 550 bt sepulchral monuments 150 seudati (dance) [may subd geog] [sp2022005340] 053 gv1796.s48 550 bt dance--indonesia 110 shore temple (māmallapuram, india) [sp2021016132] 410 uf alaivay-k-kovil (māmallapuram, india) 550 bt hindu temples—india 150 speciesism--religious aspects--christianity [sp2021015848] 150 śūrpaṇakhā (hindu mythology) cancel heading [sp 90003493 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading śūrpaṇakhā (hindu mythological character) (dlc)n 2022240081 150 stem cells--research--religious aspects--united church of christ [sp2022005609] 150 technology--religious aspects--mormon church [sp2022005427] 110 temple of hera ii (paestum) [sp2021006981] 410 uf hera ii, temple of (paestum) 410 uf neptune, temple of (paestum) 410 uf nettuno, tempio di (paestum) 410 uf poseidon, temple of (paestum) 410 uf poseidone, tempio di (paestum) 410 uf tempio di nettuno (paestum) 410 uf tempio di poseidone (paestum) 410 uf temple of neptune (paestum) 410 uf temple of poseidon (paestum) 551 bt italy--antiquities 550 bt temples--italy 1 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 110 temple of khonsu (karnak, egypt) [sp2022005358] 410 uf khonsu, temple of (karnak, egypt) 551 bt egypt--antiquities 550 bt temples--egypt 150 ultra-orthodox jewish women [may subd geog] [sp2022005366] 550 bt jewish women classification numbers class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religion european. occidental classical religion and mythology special deities and characters of classical mythology, a-z bl820.a645 anna perenna history and principles of religions asian. oriental by religion hinduism sacred books. sources vedic texts upaniṣads individual upaniṣads. by title, a-z bl1124.7.n33-.n339 nādabindūpaniṣad table bl3 class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. islam sacred books qura̓n. koran works about the qura̓n special topics, a-z bp134.h65 homosexuality class bq buddhism doctrinal and systematic buddhism speci al topics (nondoctrinal) and relations to special subjects, a-z bq4570.b68 boundaries 1 3 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n class br christianity christianity in relation to special subjects, a-z br115.t76 transvestism. transsexualism cancel br115.t76 transgender people. transvestism. transsexualism [br115.t762] transsexualism see br115.t76 [br115.t7622] transvestism see br115.t76 history by period early and medieval period of the ecumenical councils, 325-787 provincial and national councils and synods individual br246.35 council of philippopolis (plovdiv), 343 modern period reformation and counter-reformation, 1517-1648 biography individual luther, martin, 1483-1546 luther’s theology special topics, a-z br333.5.h84 human body biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.e55 ennodius, magnus felix, saint, 474-521 class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.g58 gizrra table bs5 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.j35 jealousy new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament 1 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.n3527-.n35272 new catholic table bs2 works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.m48 metaphor class bv practical theology practical religion. the christian life christian life in relation to special topics other special topics, a-z bv4599.5.s74 stem cell research class bx christian denominations catholic church monasticism. religious orders individual orders of women bx4330.9 congregatie van de zusters maricolen table bx18 bx4549.5 xavières missionnaires du christ-jésus table bx18 other protestant denominations lutheran churches history by region or country america. united states united states individual branches, synods, etc., of lutherans mergers. federations other synods, a-z bx8061.j44 evangelisch-lutherische jehovah-konferenz class db history of austria local history and description vienna ethnology individual elements, a-z db851.57.m87 muslims class ds history of asia israel (palestine). the jews 1 5 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n jerusalem description. antiquities and exploration other special places and objects, a-z ds109.8.t98 tyropoeon valley class kbp islamic law. sharīa̒h. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanafī. ḥanafīyah. طبقات، الحنفي، الحنفية individual authors, a-z kbp300.i222 ibn a̒bd al-ā̒l, muḥammad, -1564. ابن عبد العال، محمد table k4 kbp300.i23715 ibn al-shalabī, aḥmad ibn yūnus, -1540 or 1541. ابن الشلبي، table k4 احمد بن يونس mālikī. mālikīyah. المالكي، المالكية individual authors, a-z kbp320.w24 waddānī, muḥammad al-amīn ibn muḥammad al-mukhtār al-ḥājjī, -1849. وداني، محمد الأمين بن محمد المختار الحجي table k4 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music liturgy and ritual modern schisms from the roman catholic church m2155.57 orthodox catholic church of america class ml literature on music history and criticism vocal music sacred vocal music by religion or denomination christian protestant by region or country other regions or countries, a-z ml3151.a87-.a879 australia table m8 class p philology. linguistics communication. mass media 1 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 2 special aspects other, a-z p96.h584-.h5842 holocaust, jewish (1939-1945) table p1 class pa roman literature individual authors ennius (grammarian) to eut... [pa6383.e22] ennodius, magnus felix, 473/4-521 a.d. cancel ennodius, magnus felix, saint, 474-521 [pa6383.e36] cf. br65.e45-.e456 early christian literature ennodius, magnus felix, saint, 474-521 [pa6383.e36] cf. br1720.e55 biography pa6383.e36 ennodius, magnus felix, saint, 474-521 table p-pz38 cf. br60-65; br1720 cancel class pg slavic. baltic. albanian russian literature literary history and criticism history, by period 20th century special topics and subjects, a-z pg3020.5.c54 christianity collections of russian literature poetry by form other forms, a-z pg3234.r45 religious poetry special topics, a-z pg3235.r35 religious poetry cancel (pg3235.r35) religious poetry see pg3234.r45 class pj oriental philology and literature hebrew literature literary history and criticism history special aspects and topics 1 7 l c h e a d i n g s & c l a s s i f i c a t i o n treatment of special subjects, a-z pj5012 .p46 photography class pr english literature history of english literature by period modern 17th century special topics, a-z pr438.m37 marriage. marriage customs and rites [pr438.m372] marriage customs and rites see pr438.m37 class ps american literature history of american literature special classes of authors other classes of authors, a-z ps153.m87 muslims 9 b i b l i o g r a p h y anna appleman is cataloging librarian at columbia theological seminary. authority control compiled by anna appleman abrahamse, ben. “corporate bodies: access points and authority control.” cataloging & classification quarterly 59, no. 2/3 (february 2021): 242–59. bianchini, carlo, stefano bargioni, and camillo carlo pellizzari di san girolamo. “beyond viaf: wikidata as a complementary tool for authority control in libraries.” information technology & libraries 40, no. 2 (june 2021): 1–31. bitter, colin, and yuji tosaka. “on the state of genre/form vocabulary: a quantitative analysis of lcgft data in worldcat.” library resources & technical services 65, no. 2 (april 2021): 52–64. carlstone, jamie. “ctrl + alt + repeat: strategies for regaining authority control after a migration.” serials librarian 80, no. 1–4 (may 2021): 75–81. deng, sai, and christine davidian. “embracing equity, diversity and inclusion (edi) in library cataloging.” technical services quarterly 38, no. 3 (july 2021): 315–20. hider, philip, hollie white, and phillipa barlow. “film genres through different lenses: mapping commonly used film vocabularies onto the library of congress genre/form terms.” library trends 69, no. 3 (winter 2021): 630-65. monyela, madireng. “call us by our names: the need to establish authority control standards for non-roman names.” library philosophy and practice (summer 6-1-2021): 1-10. nyitray, kristen j., and dana reijerkerk. “searching for paumanok: a study of library of congress authorities and classifications for indigenous long island, new york.” cataloging & classification quarterly 59, no. 5 (may 2021): 409–41. wiederhold, rebecca a., and gregory f. reeve. “authority control today: principles, practices, and trends.” cataloging & classification quarterly 59, no. 2/3 (february 2021): 129–58. 3 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s lc headings from march 2021–may 2021 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2021 list numbers 03 (march 12), 04 (april 17), and 05 (may 14). subject headings 150 aesthetics--religious aspects--confucianism [sp2020000344] 151 badami caves (badami, india) [sp2021001257] 550 bt caves--india 550 bt hindu cave temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 550 bt jaina cave temples--india 667 this heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. 150 bālanāgamma (legendary character) cancel heading [sp 94005814 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2020240851 110 banteau srei temple (cambodia) [sp2021001380] 410 uf bantãy srĕi (cambodia : temple) 410 uf banteay srey (cambodia : temple) 410 uf citadel of the women (cambodia) 410 uf isvarapura (cambodia) 410 uf lady temple (cambodia) 410 uf pink temple (cambodia) 410 uf prasat banteay srei (cambodia : temple) 410 uf tiny temple (cambodia) 410 uf tribhuvanamahesvara (cambodia) 410 uf women, citadel of the (cambodia) 550 bt hindu temples--cambodia 150 bible stories, slovak [may subd geog] [sp2021003030] 450 uf slovak bible stories 150 buddhagupta pillar (eran) [sp2021003563] 450 uf buddha gupta pillar (eran) 450 uf buddhagupta eran pillar (eran) 450 uf buddhagupta's pillar (eran) 450 uf budhagupta pillar (eran) christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 4 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 450 uf budhagupta's pillar (eran) 450 uf eran column (eran) 450 uf eran pillar (eran) 450 uf eran pillar of buddhagupta (eran) 450 uf eran stone pillar (eran) 450 uf eruan pillar (eran) 450 uf erun pillar (eran) 450 uf pillar of buddhagupta (eran) 450 uf stone pillar (eran) 550 bt columns--india 551 bt india--antiquities 550 bt monuments--india 150 buddhist architecture--sri lanka [sp2021001259] 150 buddhist temples--cambodia [sp2021002506] 150 camels in the bible [sp2021001442] 150 catechisms, czech [sp2021001440] 450 uf czech catechisms 150 catechisms, slovak [sp2021001441] 450 uf slovak catechisms 150 catechisms, welsh [sp2021001438] 450 uf welsh catechisms 110 chaumukhnath temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) [sp2021001327] 410 uf chaturmukh mahadeva temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 410 uf chaturmukh temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 410 uf chaumukh nath temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 410 uf nachna mahadeva temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 150 chausath khambha (agra, india) [sp2021001460] 550 bt mausoleums--india 150 chayahuita mythology change heading 150 shawi mythology [may subd geog] [sp2017004587] 450 uf chayahuita mythology [former heading] 450 uf mythology, shawi 5 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 chhatri rani hada (agra, india) [sp2021003010] 450 uf chhatri of raja jaswant singh (agra, india) 450 uf chhatri of rani hada (agra, india) 450 uf jaswant ki chatri (agra, india) 450 uf jaswant ki chhatri (agra, india) 450 uf jaswant singh-ki-chattri (agra, india) 450 uf jaswant singh ki chhatri (agra, india) 450 uf raja jaswant singh chhatri (agri, india) 450 uf rani hada chhatri (agra, india) 450 uf samadhi of hada rani (agra, india) 450 uf sati ka chabutra (agra, india) 550 bt chhatris (architecture)--india 150 chhatris (architecture) in art [not subd geog] [sp2021001494] 150 chhatris (architecture)--india [sp2021003031] 150 christian drama, hungarian [may subd geog] [sp2020008927] 450 uf hungarian christian drama 550 bt hungarian drama 150 christian women saints in art [not subd geog] [sp2021001432] 150 christianity and other religions--manichaeism [sp2021001587] 150 church of the east mural painting and decoration [may subd geog] [sp2021001558] 550 bt mural painting and decoration 150 church work with sexual minorities [may subd geog] [sp2021001451] 053 bv4437.5 550 bt sexual minorities 110 dashavatara temple (deogarh, uttar pradesh, india) [sp2021003004] 410 uf dasavatara vishnu temple (deogarh, uttar pradesh, india) 410 uf dashavatara vishnu temple (deogarh, uttar pradesh, india) 410 uf vishnu temple (deogarh, uttar pradesh, india) 550 bt antiquities--india 550 t hindu temples--india 150 esu (afro-caribbean deity) cancel heading [sp2007002474] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)n 2020025350 150 gender identity in the bible [sp2009008765] 053 bs2545.g36 (new testament) add field 6 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 150 guard stones (sinhalese architecture) [may subd geog] [sp2021001255] 450 uf guardstones (sinhalese architecture) 450 uf mura galas 450 uf muragal 450 uf muragala 450 uf muragalas 450 uf muragals 450 uf muru gals 450 uf stones, guard (sinhalese architecture) 550 bt architecture, sinhalese 550 bt buddhist architecture--sri lanka 150 hindu cave temples [may subd geog] [sp2021001256] 550 bt cave temples 150 hindu cave temples--india [sp2021001261] 150 hindu temples--cambodia [sp2021003567] 150 hindu temples--vietnam [sp2021003622] 150 human geography--religious aspects [sp2021001362] 150 human geography--religious aspects--judaism [sp2021001363] 053 bm538.h86 150 jaina temples--india [sp2020012291] 150 jaranan (dance) [may subd geog] [sp2020008075] 450 uf jathilan (dance) add field 450 uf kuda kepang (dance) add field 450 uf njathil (dance) add field 110 javari temple (khajurāho, india) [sp2021000101] 410 uf jāvarī mandira (khajurāho, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 151 kanheri caves (india) [sp2021000026] 451 uf kānherī-guhā (india) 550 bt buddhist cave temples--india 550 bt cave monasteries--india 550 bt caves--india 551 bt india--antiquities 781 india--kanheri caves 7 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 kitano tenjin engi (scrolls) cancel heading [sp 92003399 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading kitano tenjin engi (dlc)n 82020253 110 lakshmana temple (khajurāho, india) [sp2021000108] 410 uf lakshman temple (khajurāho, india) 410 uf vaikunthanatha temple (khajurāho, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 150 lutherans, slovak [may subd geog] [sp2021002522] 450 uf slovak lutherans 680 here are entered works on slovak lutherans living outside their native country who use their native language in church services. 150 madrasahs in art [not subd geog] [sp2021000010] 150 magic circles [may subd geog] [sp2021001286] 053 bf1442.m33 450 uf circles, magic 550 bt occultism 150 mazu (chinese deity) cancel heading [sp 85079221 ] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2021003383 110 meguti jain temple (aihole, karnataka, india) [sp2020012286] 410 uf jain meguti temple (aihole, karnataka, india) 410 uf meguti temple (aihole, karnataka, india) 550 bt jaina temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 150 mithunas [may subd geog] [sp2021000053] 450 uf loving couples 550 bt couples 150 mithunas in art [not subd geog] [sp2021000054] 150 mizrahim in literature [not subd geog] [sp 94007329 ] 680 here are entered works on mizrahim as a theme in literature, including mizrahim in drama from a literary point of view. works discussing all aspects of mizrahim's involvement in the theater are entered under mizrahim in the theater. add field 681 note under mizrahim in the theater add field 8 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 150 mizrahim in the theater [may subd geog] [sp2021001395] 550 bt theater 680 here are entered works on all aspects of mizrahim's involvement in the theater. works on mizrahim as a theme in literature, including mizrahim in drama from a literary point of view, are entered under mizrahim in literature. 681 note under mizrahim in literature 150 mountain gods in art [not subd geog] [sp2021000066] 150 mukhacatuskis [may subd geog] [sp2021000091] 450 uf mukha-catuskis 550 bt hindu architecture 550 bt jaina architecture 550 bt porches 150 mythology, oroqen [may subd geog] [sp2021001370] 450 uf oroqen mythology 150 nagas (indic deities) [not subd geog] [sp2021001241] 450 uf nagin (indic deities) 450 uf naginis (indic deities) 450 uf nagins (indic deities) 450 uf nagis (indic deities) 550 bt gods, indic 150 nagas (indic deities) in art [not subd geog] [sp2021001242] 110 nandi temple (khajurāho, india) [sp2021001243] 410 uf nandī mandira (khajurāho, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 110 neak pean (angkor) [sp2021001368] 410 uf neak pean temple (angkor) 410 uf neak poan (angkor) 410 uf neak poun (angkor) 410 uf prah khan (angkor) 410 uf prasat neak pean (angkor) 550 bt buddhist temples--cambodia 551 bt india--antiquities 150 nōrā (thai dance drama) [may subd geog] [sp 85092391 ] 450 uf menora (thai dance drama) add field 150 obelisks--turkey [sp2021001348] 150 oenone (greek deity) cancel heading [sp2004014833] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading oenone (nymph) (dlc)no2021026335 150 offering tables [may subd geog] [sp2021001393] 550 bt tables 9 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c s u b j e c t h e a d i n g s a n d o t h e r t e r m s 150 om [sp 87005870 ] 450 uf aum add field 450 uf omkara add field 450 uf onkara add field 450 uf pranav add field 450 uf pranava add field 150 ontology--religious aspects--hinduism [sp2021001411] 150 orthodox eastern children [may subd geog] [sp2020008823] 550 bt christian children 150 palm sunday in art [not subd geog] [sp2021001522] 150 panchganga ghat (vārānasi, uttar pradesh, india) [sp2021001531] 550 bt ghats (architecture)--india 110 parvati temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) [sp2021001326] 410 uf kuthar parvati temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 410 uf nachna kuthar parvati temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 410 uf nachna parvati temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 410 uf parvathi temple (nāchna, madhya pradesh, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 551 bt india--antiquities 151 pitalkhora caves (india) [sp2021000023] 451 uf brazen glen (india) 451 uf pitalkhora buddhist caves (india) 550 bt buddhist cave temples--india 550 bt caves--india 551 bt india--antiquities 781 india--pitalkhora caves 110 po klong garai temple (phan rang-tháp chàm, vietnam) [sp2021003594] 410 uf po klong garai cham temple (phan rang-tháp chàm, vietnam) 410 uf po klong garai cham temple towers (phan rang-tháp chàm, vietnam) 410 uf po klong garai cham towers (phan rang-tháp chàm, vietnam) 550 bt hindu temples--vietnam 551 bt vietnam--antiquities 150 pomona (roman deity) cancel heading [sp2008006345] 682 this authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (dlc)no2021007020 150 reformation and music [may subd geog] [sp2020008782] 450 uf music and the reformation 550 bt music 150 suryukchae (buddhist rite) [may subd geog] [sp2021000041] 053 bq5030.s87 450 uf suryukjae (buddhist rite) 550 bt buddhism--rituals 1 0 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 110 swarga brahma temple (ālampur, india) [sp2021001340] 410 uf svarga brahma temple (ālampur, india) 550 bt hindu temples--india 151 tehuacalco site (mexico) [sp2021001357] 551 bt mexico--antiquities 781 mexico--tehuacalco site 150 tenth of muḥarram [may subd geog] [sp 85133947 ] 450 uf hosay add field 450 uf hussay add field 450 uf mourning of muharram add field 450 uf muharram observances add field 450 uf remembrance of muharram add field 500 bt ḥusayn ibn ʻalī, d. 680--cult delete field 500 bt ḥusayn ibn ʻalī, -680--cult add field 150 theodosius dikilitaşı (istanbul, turkey) [sp2021001347] 450 uf dikilitaş (istanbul, turkey) 450 uf obelisk of theodosius (istanbul, turkey) 450 uf theodosius, obelisk of (istanbul, turkey) 550 bt obelisks--turkey 151 thotlakonda monastery site (india) [sp2005004546] 451 uf totla konda site (india) add field 451 uf toṭlakoṇḍa site (india) add field 150 wŏn pulgyo priests [may subd geog] [sp2020000333] 550 bt buddhist priests 550 bt wŏn pulgyo (sect)--clergy 150 worship (buddhism) [sp2021000035] 450 uf buddhist worship 550 bt buddhism 151 yizreʻel, tel (israel) [sp2021001410] 451 uf jezreel, tel (israel) 451 uf tel jezreel (israel) 451 uf tel yizreʻel (israel) 551 bt israel--antiquities 550 bt mounds--israel 781 israel--yizreʻel, tel 150 yoginīs in art [not subd geog] [sp2021001577] 11 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s lcc from march 2021–may 2021 lists compiled by christa m. strickler the new classification numbers listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. items in this list were selected from 2021 list numbers 03 (march 12), 04 (april 17), and 05 (may 14). class bf occult sciences special topics, a-z bf1442.m33 magic circles occult sciences witchcraft special topics, a-z bf1572.a37 air occult sciences magic (white and black). shamanism. hermetics. necromancy special topics, a-z bf1623.f57 fire class bl religions. mythology. rationalism religion history and principles of religions asian. oriental by region or country japan individual religions shinto forms of worship. shinto practice special deities. shinto mythology individual deities, a-z bl2226.2.g69 gozu tennō class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.h86 human geography christa m. strickler is associate professor of library science at wheaton college. 12 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 class bm judaism relation of judaism to special subject fields other, a-z bm538.o23 occultism class bp islam. bahai faith. theosophy, etc. bahai faith special topics, a-z bp388.l68 love class bq buddhism history by region or country asia east asia special countries china local, a-z bq649.f36 fanjingshan ziran baohuqu practice of buddhism. forms of worship ceremonies and rites. ceremonial rules special rites and ceremonies other, a-z bq5030.s87 suryukchae class br christianity biography individual biography early christian biography to ca. 600, a-z br1720.e79 euphrosine, of alexandria, saint, approximately 415-470 13 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class bs the bible general texts and versions modern texts and versions non-european languages african languages, a-z bs325.n955 nyole (uganda) table bs5 bs325.o76 oroko table bs5 bs325.p56 pinyin table bs5 languages of oceania and australasia (austronesian, papuan, and australian), a-z bs335.b26 balangao table bs5 old testament works about the old testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs1199.s53 silence new testament texts and versions modern texts and versions of the new testament english english versions other versions and revisions, a-z bs2095.f57-.f572 first nations version table bs2 works about the new testament topics (not otherwise provided for), a-z bs2545.g36 gender identity class bv practical theology pastoral theology practical church work. social work. work of the layman church work with special classes bv4437.5 gays. lesbians. homosexuals cancel bv4437.5 sexual minorities. gays. lesbians. homosexuals 14 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 class bx christian denominations other protestant denominations mormons. church of jesus christ of latter-day saints special topics other, a-z bx8643.e58 environmentalism class d world war ii (1939-1945) other special topics, a-z d810.s48 sikhs class ds history of africa eastern africa tanzania. tanganyika. german east africa ethnography individual elements in the population, a-z dt443.3.m87 muslims class kbp islamic law. sharīʻah. fiqh. شريعة. فقه schools of thought. islamic legal schools. madhāhib. مذاهب schools and authors affiliated with a particular school sunnī schools ḥanbalī. ḥanbalīyah. ḥanābilah. الحنبلي الحنبلية. الحنابلة individual authors, a-z kbp310.k57 khiraqī, ʻumar ibn al-ḥusayn, -945 or 946. k4 table خرقي، عمر بن الحسين mālikī. mālikīyah. المالكي، المالكية individual authors, a-z kbp320.a77 ʻashmāwī, ʻabd al-bārī, active 16th century? k4 table عشماوي، عبد الباري 15 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class kbu law of the roman catholic church. the holy see social work of the church. public welfare. caritas particular groups of people, a-z kbu3280.c55 children. youth [kbu3280.y62] youth see kbu3280.c55 class lg individual institutions asia, africa, oceania asia philippines other universities and colleges. by place, a-z manila lg221.m2948 st. paul university manila table l13a formerly saint paul college of manila, 1940-2004 class m music vocal music sacred vocal music liturgy and ritual roman catholic church printed music antiphonaries single offices, a-z m2149.5.h55 hilary, saint, bishop of poitiers, -367? class n visual arts special subjects of art mythology. heroes. legends special subjects, a-z n7763.a59 antigone (mythological character) [n7763.a742] artemis (greek deity) see n7763.d53 n7763.d53 diana (roman deity). artemis (greek deity) 16 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 class nd painting illuminating of manuscripts and books histories and reproductions of special illuminated works special works bibles new testaments evangelaries, a-z nd3359.g37 garima gospels class nk tapestries. wall hangings history special regions or countries other regions or countries europe low countries belgium other special, a-z nk3055.m55 millefiori tapestry (pistoia, italy) class pa medieval and modern latin literature individual authors or works modern, 1350pa8462.b234 baeza, roderigo table p-pz40 pa8585.s676 starowolski, szymon, 1588-1656 table p-pz40 class pc romance philology and languages dialects of france by region, province, etc. southern france (langue d'oc) provençal (to 1500) literature individual authors and works troubadours, a-z pc3330.r29 raimon, de cornet, active 14th century table p-pz38 class pg polish literature individual authors and works 1801-1960, a-z pg7158.g52-.g522 ginczanka, zuzanna, 1917-1944 table p-pz44 17 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s class pk indo-iranian philology and literature modern indo-aryan languages particular languages and dialects, a-z hindi, urdu, hindustani languages hindi special dialects, eastern bangaru literature individual authors or works, a-z pk1960.9.m38 māsṭara nekīrāma, 1915-1996 table p-pz40 hindi, urdu, hindustani literatures urdu literature individual authors 1857-1946, a-z pk2199.a42 aḥmad partāpgaṛhī, shāh muḥammad table p-pz40 oriya (uriya) literature individual authors or works, a-z pk2579.s445 siddheśvara dāsa, 15th cent. table p-pz40 cancel (pk2579.s445) siddheśvara dāsa, active 15th century see pk2579.s294 class pl dravidian languages kannada. kanarese (including badaga dialect) literature individual authors or works, a-z pl4659.k3425 kāśirāma, active 1750 table p-pz40 class pn literature (general) literary history juvenile literature special topics, a-z pn1009.5.m98 mythology 18 t h e o l o g y c a t a l o g i n g b u l l e t i n • v o l . 2 9 , n o . 3 : a u g u s t 2 0 2 1 class pq italian literature individual authors individual authors, 1400-1700 pq4627.l317 largi, marco, maltese, -1693 table p-pz40 [pq4627.m462] magri, carlo, -1693 see pq4627.l317 portuguese literature individual authors individual authors and works, 1500-1700 cam sa pq9231.g87 gusmão, alexandre de, 1629-1724 table p-pz40 [pq9261.m38452] matos, joão xavier de, -1789 see pq9261.x4 pq9261.x4 xavier de mattos, joão, -1789 table p-pz40 class z libraries library science. information science automation special topics, a-z z678.93.b54 big data personnel special groups, a-z [z682.4.d562] disabled library employees see z682.4.l46 z682.4.l44 liaison librarians [z682.4.l452] librarians with disabilities see z682.4.l46 z682.4.l46 library employees with disabilities. librarians with disabilities public services. reference services library service to special groups other, a-z z711.92.a24 aboriginal australians z711.92.t73 transgender people 19 n e w a n d c h a n g e d l c c l a s s i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s table kdz-kh1 americas, latin america and the west indies: regions (1000 numbers) constitutional law individual and state human rights. civil and political rights particular constitutional guarantees kdz-kh1 576 freedom of expression table k8 cancel kdz-kh1 576.3 freedom of religion table k8 professional development opportunities 1 9 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s brinna michael is cataloging and metadata librarian at pitts theology library. professional development opportunities compiled by brinna michael cataloging/metadata original descriptive cataloging of digital resources using rda (mcls) here is your chance to work with rda (resource description and access) as applied to the original cataloging of digital resources. this hands-on workshop teaches participants how to original catalog digital resources using such tools as the rda toolkit, and the library of congress-program for cooperative cataloging policy statements. the class will address original cataloging in the marc format. among the topics discussed will be the chief source of information, physical description, primary access point, and the choice of additional access points. assignment of subject headings for digital resources will also be discussed. participants will learn the appropriate marc fixed and variable fields for digital resources, and will study the relationships among these fields. several marc record examples will be examined and a number of hands-on exercises will be included. the booklet for this workshop contains an rda workflow providing the relevant rda rules, the library of congress-program for cooperative cataloging policy statements and marc coding information. the oclc bibliographic formats and standards will also be used. november 1-3, 10 am – 12 pm eastern $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) just enough to be dangerous: cataloging for non-catalogers (new!) (mcls) have you thought that those catalogers have been talking a new language lately? does it sound like alphabet soup is being served in tech services? you’ve figured out that rda is resources, description and access (the newest cataloging standard, implemented in 2013 to replace aacr2.) but what about frbr, frad, lcsh, shm, fast, and lrm?? and what in the world is bibframe? this overview course will help you communicate with catalogers … or, at least help you know what facial expression to use during conversations about bibliographic records, authority work, workflows, and data entry. you will learn how to read a marc record and discover how a cataloger comes up with what is in a bibliographic record. november 3, 2-4 pm eastern $60 (member)/$120 (non-member) fundamentals of cataloging 2022 session 6.0 (ala elearning) fundamentals of cataloging 2022 session 6.1 (ala elearning) the fundamentals of cataloging (foc) is a six-week online course that provides an introduction to the principles, policies and practices of cataloging in libraries. it is designed for librarians and library support staff new to cataloging; librarians and library support staff from other units who want to know more about cataloging; lssc candidates pursuing certification in the cataloging and 2 0 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 classification competency set; and experienced cataloging librarians and support staff seeking continuing education and networking opportunities. november 7 – december 16 $196.71 (core members)/$224.10 (ala members)/$249 (non-members) serials cataloging (library juice academy) this course focuses on the basic principles of serials cataloging from understanding the nature and type of serials (including series and analytics), interpreting serial authority records, identifying a matching record/copy cataloging of serials, to original description of serials under rda guidelines. this class will focus on practical description with a discussion of emerging trends in serials cataloging. students will be immersed in serials cataloging, gaining a solid foundation in serials and serials cataloging. by the end of the course students will: understand the terminology associated with serials and characteristics of serials and periodicals including how they differ from monographic records, with the ability to interpret series authority records and make decisions on treatment, as needed; expand upon searching and bibliographic record analysis skills developing a critical eye towards a “good” serials record for copy cataloging with an understanding of rda elements for serials, title changes, and when an original record is needed; develop skills to create rda description for serials through analyzing records and practice based exercises; explore emerging trends in serials as impacted by the library reference model (lrm) and larger trends in publication. november 7 – december 4 $200 rdf, rdfa and structured data vocabularies (library juice academy) this course will provide a deep dive into rdfa and applying vocabularies to resource description. using rdfa we will explore how to mark up existing human-readable web page content to express machine-readable data (rdf triples) that can be utilized by search engines, metadata systems, and content management systems. november 7 – december 4 $200 object cataloging for a library of things (new!) (mcls) this workshop teaches participants how to catalog a variety of manufactured, handmade, and naturally occurring objects (models, games, toys, etc.) based on best practices from the online audiovisual catalogers (olac) and oclc’s bibliographic formats and standards. the class will address copy and original cataloging in the marc format with an emphasis on local discovery over rda compliance. the instruction will cover several issues pertinent to object cataloging such as how to identify salient features, use sales catalogs as reference sources, and differentiate between multiple items of a similar type. several marc record examples will be examined, and three hands-on exercises will be included. (participants are encouraged to bring a manufactured item for these exercises.) november 8-10, 2-4 pm eastern $100 (member)/$200 (non-member) 2 1 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s cataloging with variant titles (mcls) adding variant titles to a cataloging record can be rewarding for user search and discovery. it also helps catalogers distinguish between cataloging records and reduce the number of duplicate cataloging records in shared databases. this session presents best practices for adding variant titles to monograph bibliographic records once the source of title and the title proper has been determined. rda defines a variant title as a title associated with a resource that differs from a title recorded as a title proper, a parallel title proper, an other title information, a parallel other title information, an earlier title proper, a later title proper, etc. this session will give examples of all these types of variant titles, especially using marc field 246. it will focus on clarifying primary relationships between a work, expression, and manifestation, and not on recording titles which are related works and not on preferred titles (uniform titles). rda also asks catalogers to determine and record variant titles which are important for identification or access. this can be difficult out-of-context! this session will share some guidelines on how to determine what is best for your catalog users. attendees will be given examples and exercises in order to improve their skills in adding variant titles to cataloging records. november 10, 10am – 12 pm eastern $60 (member)/$120 (non-member) know & go: creating linked data with sinopia (amigos library services) sinopia is a free, web-based tool for creating linked data that allows catalogers to create metadata in a linked data environment. as libraries prepare to move toward a linked data production environment, learn how to create templates, enter data, and link the data to other vocabularies. gain practical knowledge of linked data and a sense of how libraries are using sinopia. november 21, 1:30-2:30 pm central free (member)/$35 (non-member) introduction to linked data (library juice academy) this course is an expansion of the “introduction to rdf” course. here we will build on the foundations established in the previous course (rdf, skos, owl, uris, etc.) and focus on linked data. this course is part of the certificate in xml and rdf-based systems. december 5 – january 1, 2023 $200 using marcedit (library juice academy) this four week course will provide hands-on instruction to build, edit and manipulate library data using marcedit. this course will cover both basic functionality as well as more sophisticated uses making it appropriate for both new and experienced users of marcedit. this course can be taken as one of eight courses needed to earn our certificate in cataloging and technical services, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. december 5 – january 1, 2023 $200 2 2 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 basics of rda conceptual models (mcls) learn the basics of conceptual models used in rda: resources description and access and understand how they are used in cataloging to support discovery. this workshop will review two concepts which we currently use in cataloging: functional requirements for bibliographic records (frbr) and functional requirements for authority data (frad). it will also introduce the new ifla library reference model (lrm) which is incorporated into the new rda toolkit. the workshop emphasizes understanding the practical application of these models in rda cataloging. it provides cataloging examples in marc 21 for various formats, with an emphasis on books. exercises and a resource list for further learning are also included. a basic understanding of the marc 21 format for bibliographic data is needed for the course. december 8, 10 am – 12 pm eastern $60 (member)/$120 (non-member) know & go: getting started with application profiles (amigos library services) application profiles provide structure for library data, both for human users and machines. whether working with non-marc metadata for digital items or thinking about creating a local subset of rda elements for more traditional cataloging, knowing how application profiles work can help streamline metadata production. this session discusses how application profiles can help library data, and how to create them. december 19, 1:30-2:30 pm central free (member)/$35 (non-member) digital collections assessing digital collections using deia (library juice academy) this course demonstrates how you can create and perform your own diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (deia) assessment of your current digital collections (digitized archives and special collections). focusing on the overwhelming need to make digital collections in libraries and museums less white, less ableist, less racist, and less bigoted, this course provides methodology and select literature on how you can conduct your own deia assessment, and how to actualize change in a post-assessment environment. this course will center on one principle each week, discussing how to improve your: diversity of digital items, representation in subject matter, digital collections’ metadata and descriptions, and accessible formatting and presentation, respectfully. performing a deia assessment on a regular basis will directly inform your practice, that of your colleagues, and will improve the field of digital librarianship. november 7 – december 4 $200 ethics and sustainability for digital curation (library juice academy) it’s not just about digitizing or capturing unique born-digital material to preserve it and put it online for unfettered access in an institutional repository or digital special collections platform. the responsible information professional needs to approach their task within a framework that supports ethical curation of digital collections and also includes the necessary component of financial and preservation sustainability. this course will explore ethical frameworks in various disciplines, 2 3 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s from radical librarianship, to archives, and to community-centered and human rights documentation initiatives, in order to lay a working framework for stewarding digital collections in a responsible manner, no matter the setting, institution or purpose. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in digital curation, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. december 5 – january 1, 2023 $200 doing digital preservation (amigos library services) for libraries that collect and create digital objects, digital preservation is the elephant in the room. digital objects are fragile and even libraries that are careful about backing up their collections must still hope for the best. this session identifies common threats to digital objects, explores open archival information system (oais) basics, and offers practical solutions for preserving electronic collections. learners will gain the confidence and skills to build a sustainable digital preservation program. november 7 & 9, 2-4 pm central $180 (member)/$360 (non-member) getting started with digital image collections (library juice academy) this course is primarily aimed at librarians who are new to managing special image collections and who wish to learn more about beginning a digitization program. through readings, individual exercises, and class discussions, students will develop an understanding of the following key components of digitization project planning: evaluation and preparation of resources, building sustainable workflows and storage environments, and usability assessment. january 2 – 29, 2023 $200 leadership/management recruiting and retaining librarians from underrepresented minoritized groups (library juice academy) this course will address recruitment strategies that will improve your chance of attracting a diverse pool of applicants and minimize the influence of unintended biases in the selection process. of course, hiring is just the first step to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. we will also address factors that influence the long term retention of librarians from underrepresented minority groups. november 7 – december 4 $200 supervisor series: learning to manage for new managers (new!) (mcls) making the transition from doing work yourself to managing others can feel overwhelming. no doubt, taking on a managerial role for the first time can be hard. you may be supervising former colleagues or getting to know an entirely new organization and set of employees. you’ll feel pres 2 4 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 sure from below and above. so how do you set yourself up for success? it can be helpful to think about effective and ineffective managers you have encountered in your career. this workshop is designed to help minimize the stress and walk you through the process of management by targeting five specific areas. you’ll learn to successfully handle staff, projects, performance, conflict, and even yourself as you evaluate and continuously improve your effectiveness as a manager. december 1, 10 am – 3 pm eastern $80 (member)/$160 (non-member) introduction to project management (library juice academy) project management is a fast-growing discipline and set of techniques useful in all professional fields. join robin hastings in this 4-week course on project management as she takes you through the basics of how to manage projects efficiently and effectively. january 2 – 29, 2023 $200 leadership essentials (library juice academy) during this course you will explore who you want to be as a leader and leverage leadership models to help you apply this content to a broader institutional context. this will enable you to support others in growing as professionals through applications of inclusive leadership, intentional change, and building on your strengths. january 2 – 29, 2023 $200 technology/coding python for librarians (library juice academy) we often are told ‘learn to code’ but not given a clear purpose or direction to realize this goal. this is especially true for workers in the library field. this course will attempt to address this challenge by providing a great introduction to data science aimed at all learners. participants will be introduced to the python programming language and how it can be used to analyize data. this includes organizing and writing code in jupyter notebooks, manipulating data with the pandas, visualizing data with the matplotlib, and making predictions with data using the scikit-learn library. no previous programming experience is required or expected. exercises will be drawn from topics that resonate with the daily work of librarians and those in related fields. for example, participants will learn how to analyze a quantity of sci hub usage data, and will examine doi data harvested from the crossref api. no software installation will be required to participate in this class; all programming work will be done using the online google colab environment. november 7 – december 4 $200 2 5 p r o f e s s i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s & n e w s do-it-yourself usability testing (library juice academy) this four-week course will take a deep dive into practical diy usability testing and empower you to collect valuable user feedback, even if you have zero budget for usability testing. in this course, you will learn how to use free tools to conduct a range of usability tests from start to finish. you will learn how to develop a research plan, identify and recruit good test participants, conduct in-person and remote testing on a range of device types (desktop, mobile, and tablet), record observations, analyze your findings, and present actionable recommendations. we will also examine strategies for moving from recommendation to action to create more usable online interfaces based on what you learn in usability tests. this course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our certificate in user experience (ux), but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well. november 7 – december 3 $200 introduction to gis and geoweb technologies (library juice academy) this course will introduce students to a variety of mapping tools and gis technologies such google earth and the creation of dynamic kml files; arcgis online and webmap publishing; google fusion tables and geocoding; and gis fundamentals with geospatial data creation. students will be able to apply their gis skills in their reference work, in digitization projects, in webpages, in library instruction, and more. through hands-on exercises, pre-recorded demonstrations and lectures, students will receive a thorough overview of mapping resources that will enhance and expose their library’s resources. november 7 – december 4 $200 web accessibility: techniques for design and testing (library juice academy) whether you are designing a new web application or making revisions to an existing site, accessibility is a key part of the process. given that approximately 1 in 5 people in the u.s. and a total of 1 billion people worldwide have a disability, ensuring that your online presence is usable for those with disabilities and those using assistive devices allows you to expand your audience while ensuring compliance with legal requirements and best practices. in this course, you will learn how to integrate accessibility into your planning, design, and testing processes. december 5 – january 1, 2023 $200 the sparql fundamentals: the semantic web in action (library juice academy) this course will focus on the sparql 1.1 query language (used to query rdf and semantic data) as well as the concept of the semantic ‘triple’ and rdf triplestores (a type of database for semantic data). one of the primary goals of this course is for the student to understand how semantic and linked data is used, accessed, and disseminated on the web. january 2 – 29, 2023 $200 2 6 t c b : t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e s i n r e l i g i o n & t h e o l o g y • v o l . 3 0 , n o . 4 : o c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 introduction to regular expressions (library juice academy) in this introductory course we’ll cover common regular expression syntax and provide examples that will work in several regular expression implementations. you will learn to write regular expressions that will be usable for a wide variety of tasks in a wide variety of tools and scenarios. we will use a freely available web tool to practice writing expressions, but if you have a specific regular expression needs (e.g. library applications and tools) we will take some time to explore how to write regular expressions for those scenarios as well. this course complements our certificate in xml and rdf-based systems. january 2 – 29, 2023 $200 miscellaneous introduction to technical services in special collections (library juice academy) are you new to a special collections environment, or are you interested in moving in that direction? learn why repositories collect what they do, and how to best steward rare and unique holdings. this course offers students a broad overview of some of the back-end functions of special collections librarianship: collection development; collection management; cataloging and processing; and digitization. january 2 – 29, 2023 $200 _goback