Theology Cataloging Bulletin Section 3 Vol. 20, No. 2 —February 2012 3-1 Section Three: News and Views of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section Edited by Tammy Johnson LC Genre/Form Terms for Religious Material project Work continues on LC’s Religion Genre/Form Project. A draft should be submitted to LC for consideration in early February. Submitted by Erica Treesh Database Manager for Authority Control, ATLA Religion Database American Theological Library Association News from the Library of Congress Website Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative Training Presentations, Webcasts, and Webinars Association for Library and Technical Services (ALCTS) RDA and Moving Images, March 14, 2012 RDA and 3D Objects and Kits, March 28, 2012 Rare Materials and RDA: Exploring the Issues, May 23, 2012 Archival Materials: Using RDA with DACS, May 30, 2012 ALCTS also offers several other webinars and webcasts. Many of the presentations are free. For more information go to the ALCTS Webinar Archives: Minitex FRBR and FRAD: Keys to RDA, April 3 and 5, 2012 RDA for the Original Cataloger, May 9 and 14, 2012 RDA for the Seasoned Copy Cataloger: Continuing Resources, May 16 and 24, 2012