Theology Cataloging Bulletin Section 3 Vol. 20, No. 1 —November 2011 3-1 Section Three: News and Views of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section Edited by Tammy Johnson CC:DA Task Force on the Apocrypha Last spring, it was discovered that there was a contradiction in the RDA rules for entry of the individual books of the Apocrypha. Rule “For books of the Catholic or Protestant canon, record the brief citation form of the Authorized version as a subdivision of the preferred title for the Bible.” Rule “For the compilation known as the Apocrypha ... record Apocrypha as a subdivision of the preferred title for the Bible. For an individual book, use the name of the book as a further subdivision.” John Attig, the ALA representative to the Joint Steering Committee, asked the Catholic Library Association and ATLA to form a taskforce to propose a rule revision to resolve this conflict. He also suggested we might wish to propose revisions to other rules for sacred scripture if we so chose. The taskforce was formed, with Judy Knop serving as chair. Members are Thomas Duszak, representing CLA, Armin Siedlecki, Richard Lammert, Donna Campbell, Denise Pakala, Leslie Engelson, all representing ATLA, John G. Marr, representing CC:DA, and Kurt Bodling. So far, the taskforce has agreed to propose entering books of the Apocrypha directly under Bible. Other topics under discussion are: expanding the definition of Apocrypha; naming the books according to the Douai version rather than the Authorized version; adding Wisdom Literature to the list of groups of books found in; revising Apocryphal Books to make it clear it is not a distinct, defined collection; and entering books of the Bible directly under their own names with a qualifier rather than entering them indirectly under Bible. There has been no agreement on any revision except the omission of Apocrypha from the entry of the individual books. Submitted by Judy Knop ATLA NACO and CONSER Funnels Coordinator NACO Funnel Project Congratulations to Lisa Miller, of Drew University, for achieving independence in the creation and revision of personal name headings. Submitted by Judy Knop ATLA NACO and CONSER Funnels Coordinator