Theology Cataloging Bulletin Section 3 Vol. 18, No. 4—August 2010 3-1 Section Three: News and Views of the Members of the ATLA Technical Services Section Edited by Lynn Berg New Editor Please welcome Tammy Johnson, Technical Services Librarian at Columbia Theological Seminary as the new editor of the News and Views section. She will begin her new responsibilities with the November issue of TCB. Tammy has been active in ATLA for many years, currently serving as a member of the NACO Funnel Project, for example. She will undoubtedly bring her enthusiastic spirit and dedication to TCB as one of the four contributors who give their time and effort to serve all of you as you strive to bring order and access to the wealth of information out there. Thanks, Tammy, and welcome to the TCB team along with Joanna Hause, Eric Friede, and Paul Osmanski. RDA Toolkit The RDA Toolkit is available now for free until August 31. Subscription to Open Access to the Toolkit can be found at For those of you with subscriptions to Cataloger’s Desktop, although RDA is a separate subscription, it can be set up to be accessible via the Desktop interface, meaning that RDA’s content is indexed and linked to other resources in the Desktop, thus providing a seamless experience. If you wish to purchase the RDA Toolkit after the open access period has expired, the license and pricing options are now available ( Consortia and group pricing is an option; however, it needs to be individually priced. Perhaps the Steering Committee can check into this option to see if ATLA can work out a price for our group. RDA Examples The Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA has posted PDF’s of RDA examples illustrating the application of RDA to bibliographic records under the Working Documents area of their Web site. The documents are dated 17 June 2010. Complete Examples Cover Letter (http://www.rda-; Complete Examples (Bibliographic)/Revised (http://www.rda-; Complete Examples (Authority)/Revised (http://www.rda-