15 T H E O LO G Y C ATA LO G I N G B U L L E T I N • AU G U S T 201 9 : VO L . 27, N O 3 Leslie Engelson is Metadata Librarian at Murray State University. Professional Development Opportunities By Leslie Engelson ORIGINAL CATALOGING OF ARCHIVES USING RDA Participants in this hands-on workshop will learn about the chief source of information, physical description, primary access point, and choice of additional access points, and appropriate MARC fixed and variable fields for archives resources, as well as subject headings. September 24-26, 2019 $99-$349 https://store.mcls.org/index.php/original-cataloging-of-archives-using-rda-398.html GROWING, DEVELOPING, AND RETAINING DYNAMIC STAFF Learn how to nurture and develop library staff (whether they be full-time, part-time, student workers, or volunteers) through staff development and a healthy culture. October 7-November 1, 2019 $175 https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/075-dynamic-staff.php INTRODUCTION TO RDF Participants will be introduced to basic concepts of the RDF framework. Working with an XML representation, they will create simple RDF resource descriptions and will be introduced to the fundamentals of Semantic vocabularies and ontologies in RDFS, SKOS, and OWL. October 7-November 1, 2019 $175 https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/020-intro-semantic-web.php TALKING THE TALK: PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES Focusing on personality type, gender, age, socio-economics, listening, and virtual and face-to-face communications, participants will learn ways to improve interpersonal communication. October 22, 2019 $75-$100 https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=7207DCEA-43A3-E911-80FD-00155D73CF3B INTRODUCTION TO TECHNICAL SERVICES IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Students attending this course will understand best practices, legal responsibilities, and ethical considerations in special collections. Topics covered include collection development, collection management, cataloging and processing of special collections, and digitization functions. November 4-29, 2019 $175 https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/214-tech-serv-spec-coll.php RARE BOOKS CATALOGING Participants will learn how to apply Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) rules while understanding the principles underlying rare books cataloging, the concept of the ideal copy, and specialized access points. November 19-21, 2019 $99-$349 https://store.mcls.org/index.php/rare-books-cataloging-412.html https://store.mcls.org/index.php/original-cataloging-of-archives-using-rda-398.html https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/075-dynamic-staff.php https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/020-intro-semantic-web.php https://www.lyrasis.org/Content/Pages/Event-Details.aspx?Eid=7207DCEA-43A3-E911-80FD-00155D73CF3B https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/214-tech-serv-spec-coll.php https://store.mcls.org/index.php/rare-books-cataloging-412.html _GoBack