NEWS • P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E LO P M E N T O P P O R T U N I T I E S 6 Leslie Engelson is Metadata Librarian at Murray State University. Professional Development Opportunities by Leslie A. Engelson A COMPASS FOR THE DIGITAL FRONTIER Learn common practices and approaches to digital preservation in this series of three webinars. Topics covered include understanding the core concepts in digital preservation, how digital preservation can benefit the institution, selection criteria, and resources for further learning. October 16-30, 2019 $43-$310 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES ACQUISITIONS Electronic resources are complex to manage. This course provides an overview of the relationships between vendors, publishers, platform providers, and libraries as well as what you need to know to acquire, provide access to, administer, support, and monitor access to these resources. November 4-December 6, 2019 $109-$139 IMPLEMENTING LINKED LIBRARY DATA Look at next steps for linking data from multiple initiatives. Practical tips and strategies to build on modules created by other information professionals will be provided. November 13, 2019 $49-$135 TESTING FOR ACCESSIBILITY: FREE TOOLS TO ASSESS THE ACCESSIBILITY OF ONLINE RESOURCES Using freely available tools, this class will help participants test a website, electronic resource, platform, and other online content for its adherence to accessibility standards. Common standards and best practices will also be reviewed. November 20, 2019 $75-$100 7 T H E O LO G Y C ATA LO G I N G B U L L E T I N • O C TO B E R 201 9 : VO L . 27, N O 4 CATALOGING RELATED WORKS AND EXPRESSIONS Learn how to include related, derivative, accompanying, and sequential works and expressions, as well as whole--part resources, in monograph cataloging including using relationship designators from RDA Appendix J. December 17, 2019 $59-$209 BEYOND THE BASICS: CATALOGING DVDS, BLU-RAY DISCS, AND STREAMING VIDEOS This course will help catalogers understand how cataloging audiovisual resources differs from cataloging other formats, how to code fixed fields, which variable fields to use, and the challenges in classifying audiovisual resources. January 6-31, 2020 $175 PRACTICAL DIGITAL PRESERVATION ON A SHOESTRING: TRIAGE FOR THE UNDERFUNDED With a focus on low-cost and free tools and services, this course will discuss a practical workflow for triaging and preserving digital materials including electronic resources as well as CDs, flash drives, and floppy disks. January 28-29, 2020 $150-$175