1 T H E O LO G Y C ATA LO G I N G B U L L E T I N • O C TO B E R 201 9 : VO L . 27, N O 4 LC Headings from July and August 2019 Lists Compiled by Ann Heinrichs The new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publication. Items in this list were selected from 2019 list numbers 07 (July 12) and 08 (August 16). SUBJECT HEADINGS 150 Anglican authors [May Subd Geog] [sp2019000797] 360 SA subdivision Anglican authors under names of literatures, e.g., English literature-- Anglican authors 550 BT Authors 150 Antidepressants--Religious aspects [sp2019100010] 150 Antidepressants--Religious aspects--Catholic Church [sp2019100009] 150 Bible stories, Karo-Batak [May Subd Geog] [sp2019000831] 450 UF Karo-Batak Bible stories 150 Black Virgins CHANGE HEADING 150 Black Madonnas [May Subd Geog] [sp 85014640 ] 053 BT670.B55 450 UF Black Virgins [Former heading] 450 UF Madonnas, Black 450 UF Virgins, Black 500 BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Art 500 BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Devotion to 150 Hymns, Bobangi [May Subd Geog] [sp2019004545] 450 UF Bobangi hymns 150 Catholic families [May Subd Geog] [sp2019003702] 550 BT Families 150 Clergy [May Subd Geog] [sp 85026944 ] 450 UF Diocesan clergy ADD FIELD 450 UF Ecclesiastics ADD FIELD 450 UF Secular clergy ADD FIELD 150 Lai Haraoba (Festival) [May Subd Geog] [sp2019000716] 450 UF Laiharaoba (Festival) Ann Heinrichs is the Metadata/Cataloging Librarian at Catholic Theological Union. NEW AND CHANGED LC SUBJECT HEADINGS AND OTHER TERMS 2 450 UF Umālai Harāuba (Festival) 450 UF Umaṃlāi Harāuba (Festival) 450 UF Umang-Lai Haraoba (Festival) 450 UF Umangli Haraoba (Festival) 550 BT Festivals--India 550 BT Meitheis (Indic people)--Rites and ceremonies 150 Melancholy--Religious aspects [sp2019100012] 150 Melancholy--Religious aspects--Christianity [sp2019100011] 150 Mizrahim in motion pictures [Not Subd Geog] [sp2019000192] 053 PN1995.9.J46 550 BT Motion pictures 680 Here are entered works on the depiction of Mizrahim in motion pictures. 150 Mizrahim on television [Not Subd Geog] [sp2019100144] 550 BT Television 680 Here are entered works on the depiction of Mizrahim on television. 150 Ontology--Religious aspects [sp2019004510] 150 Ontology--Religious aspects--Islam [sp2019004511] 150 Pilgrims and pilgrimages (Islamic law) [May Subd Geog] [sp2019004532] 053 KBP184.7-KBP184.73 550 BT Islamic law 150 Psychic trauma--Religious aspects [sp2019100004] 150 Wiccan ethics [May Subd Geog] [sp2019005206] 550 BT Religious ethics 150 Zapopan, Our Lady of [Not Subd Geog] [sp2019003700] 053 BT660.Z3 450 UF Expectación de Zapopan, Nuestra Señora de la 450 UF Expectation of Zapopan, Our Lady of the 450 UF Nuestra Señora de la Expectación de Zapopan 450 UF Nuestra Señora de Zapopan 450 UF Our Lady of the Expectation of Zapopan 450 UF Our Lady of Zapopan 450 UF Virgen de Zapopan 500 BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Apparitions and miracles--Mexico 500 BT Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Devotion to--Mexico