1 4 T H E O L O G Y C A T A L O G I N G B U L L E T I N • V O L . 2 8 , N O . 4 : O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 Report on the CC:DA Summer Meeting 2020 by Donna J. Wells Like all conferences and meetings scheduled for the summer of 2020, the CC:DA met virtually using Zoom. There were three meetings of two hours each, all very well attended. Introductions were repeated at every get together. The full reports from each reporting committee are available online. In summary: MEETING 1 July 9, 3:00–5:00 The first gathering covered Zoom logistics, approval of minutes, and two reports, one from the task force to review the proposal on changing procedural guidelines for revised romanization tables and the other from the Library of Congress. The discussion concerning the romanization tables was quite lively. Obviously, this is a very complex procedure and demands specialized expertise. Basically, it was decided that LC needs to be much more involved in setting up this process and spearhead this project. The Library of Congress reported on their response to the coronavirus. The library building is closed and all employees are working remotely. The process for reopening is detailed but no dates have been set. LC has also been hit with a large number of retirements resulting in much shifting and reorganization. The LC report details many of the cataloging and classification changes made since January. MEETING 2 July 13, 2:00–4:00 Reports were given from the representatives from the North American RDA Committee, the CC:DA 3R task group, the MARC Advisory Committee representative, and the PCC liaison. NARDAC met five times between ALA Midwinter in January and this July. They continue work to develop a set of user-friendly display labels for RDA elements and supply the exhibition cura- tor proposal (with the 3R task force), among many other projects. They work closely with the RDA Steering Committee, which is the international group spearheading RDA. The 3R Task Force worked to define terms more clearly for RDA. They proposed to add the ele- ment sets “curator agent of work” and “curator agent of work of ” as narrower elements to “related work of agent” and “related agent of work” to describe curators who play a role at the work level. The MAC passed five proposals: •  alter the existing make-up of field 856, •  provide a mechanism for recording illustrative content in field 340, •  provide a mechanism for recording aspect ratio in field 345, •  add a new field, 881, for the new RDA element “Manifestation Statement,” and •  add a new field, 335, for the element “Extension Plan for Bibliographic Works.” Donna J. Wells is Associate Director and Head of Technical Services at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She currently serves as the Atla liaison to the CC:DA. https://alcts.ala.org/ccdablog/?cat=33 1 5 N E W S PCC continues to update the NACO manual, make policy statements for the new RDA toolkit, issue guidelines for the minimally punctuated MARC bibliographic records, provide training on FAST headings, and form a task force to consider expanding language codes. MEETING 3 July 15, 1:00–3:00 This meeting was dedicated to future plans and areas of work. With the uncertainty of current conditions under COVID precautions, to meet again virtually was a viable option. Midwinter is sup- posed to be held in Indianapolis in January. However, no decision was made; it was agreed to wait and see, as we all are doing in this bizarre year of 2020.