17 B I B L I O G R A P H Y Anna Appleman is Cataloger at Columbia Theological Seminary. Open Access compiled by Anna Appleman Bruner, Rhiannon and Danielle Bromelia. 2020. “Managing Open Content Resources from Discovery to Delivery.” Serials Librarian 78, nos. 1–4: 234–8. Dalton, Elizabeth D., Carol Tenopir, and Bo-Christer Björk. 2020. “Attitudes of North American Academics Toward Open Access Scholarly Journals.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy 20, no. 1: 73-100. Moore, Samuel A. 2020. “Revisiting ‘the 1990s Debutante’: Scholar‐led Publishing and the Prehistory of the Open Access Movement.” Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 71, no. 7: 856–66. Schleicher, Caitlin A., Christopher A. Barnes, and Ronald A. Joslin. 2020. “OER Initiatives at Liberal Arts Colleges: Building Support at Three Small, Private Institutions.” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 8. dx.doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2301. Tavernier, Willa. 2020. “COVID-19 Demonstrates the Value of Open Access: What Happens Next?” College & Research Libraries News 81, no. 5: 226–30. doi.org/10.5860/crln.81.5.226. http://dx.doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2301 http://dx.doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2301 https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.81.5.226