1 N E W A N D C H A N G E D L C S U B J E C T H E A D I N G S A N D O T H E R T E R M S LC Headings from June 2020–August 2020 Lists compiled by Christa M. Strickler The new headings listed here reflect the most recent information available at the time of publica- tion. Items in this list were selected from 2020 list numbers 6 ( June 12), 7 ( July 17), and 8 (August 14). SUBJECT HEADINGS 150 Anansi (Legendary character) CANCEL HEADING [sp 85004799 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (DLC)no2020051105 150 Andir (Dance) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005562] 053 GV1796.A69 550 BT Dance--Indonesia 150 Basilicas (Roman architecture)--Greece [sp2020001125] 110 Bethesda Pentecostal Church (New York, N.Y. : Building) [sp2020001130] 410 UF Bushwick Democratic Club (New York, N.Y. : Building) 550 BT Church buildings--New York (State) 550 BT Clubhouses--New York (State) 150 Borān kammaṭṭhāna (Buddhism) [sp2020000601] 053 BQ5630.B67 450 UF Boran kammathan (Buddhism) 450 UF Boran kammatthan (Buddhism) 450 UF Borān yogāvacara kammaṭṭhāna (Buddhism) 450 UF Dhammakāya meditation (Buddhism) 550 BT Buddhism--Doctrines 550 BT Meditation--Buddhism 150 Cataloging of music [May Subd Geog] [sp 85020869 ] 550 RT Medium of performance thesaurus for music, Library of Congress ADD FIELD 150 Christian study centers [May Subd Geog] [sp2020000600] 450 UF Study centers, Christian 550 BT Community centers 550 BT Religious facilities Christa M. Strickler is Associate Professor of Library Science at Wheaton College. 2 T H E O L O G Y C A T A L O G I N G B U L L E T I N • V O L . 2 8 , N O . 4 : O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 150 Confucianism--Functionaries [sp2020002251] 450 UF Confucian functionaries 450 UF Confucian religious functionaries 450 UF Confucianism--Clergy 550 BT Clergy 150 Duryodhana (Hindu mythology) CANCEL HEADING [sp 85040064 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading Duryodhana (Hindu mythological character) (DLC)n 2020240636 150 Duryodhana (Hindu mythology) in literature CANCEL HEADING [sp2009030092] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading Duryodhana (Hindu mythological character)--In literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdi- vision. 150 Dvarasakhas [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005468] 450 UF Dvara-shakhas 450 UF Dvarashakhas 450 UF Dwara-sakhas 550 BT Buddhist architecture 550 BT Doorframes 550 BT Hindu architecture 550 BT Jaina architecture 150 Elders (Indigenous leaders) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020006331] 450 UF Aboriginal elders (Indigenous leaders) 450 UF Elders, Aboriginal (Indigenous leaders) 450 UF Elders, Tribal (Indigenous leaders) 450 UF Indigenous leaders 450 UF Leaders, Indigenous 450 UF Leaders, Tribal 450 UF Tribal elders (Indigenous leaders) 550 BT Indigenous peoples 550 BT Persons 680 Here are entered works on indigenous persons whose wisdom about spirituality, culture, and life is recognized by their people, and who ensure that traditions are taught and maintained. 150 Elders (Indigenous leaders)--Alaska [sp2020006625] 150 Elders (Indigenous leaders)--Canada [sp2020006624] 150 Elders (Indigenous leaders), Aboriginal Australian [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005547] 450 UF Aboriginal Australian elders (Indigenous leaders) 3 N E W A N D C H A N G E D L C S U B J E C T H E A D I N G S A N D O T H E R T E R M S 150 Elders (Indigenous leaders), Maori [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005548] 450 UF Maori elders (Indigenous leaders) 151 Girirāja (India) [sp 90002485 ] 451 UF Govardhana Hill (India) ADD FIELD 451 UF Govardhan Hill (India) ADD FIELD 451 UF Mount Govardhan (India) ADD FIELD 451 UF Mount Govardhana (India) ADD FIELD 451 UF Royal Hill (India) ADD FIELD 150 Guardian angels in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020000634] 150 Healing of the deaf man (Miracle) [sp2020000168] 053 BT367.H37 450 UF Deaf man, Healing of the (Miracle) 450 UF Deaf-mute, Healing of the (Miracle) 450 UF Healing of the deaf-mute (Miracle) 500 BT Jesus Christ--Miracles 150 Hevel (The Hebrew word) [sp 94002944 ] 450 UF Hebel (The Hebrew word) ADD FIELD 150 Host of heaven [sp2020005563] 450 UF Heavenly host 550 BT Angels 550 BT Judaism--Doctrines 550 BT Theology, Doctrinal 150 Hypostyle halls [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005893] 450 UF Hypostyle rooms 450 UF Hypostyles 450 UF Pillared halls 550 BT Rooms 150 Indian elders (Indigenous leaders) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005527] 550 BT Elders (Indigenous leaders) 150 Indian women elders (Indigenous leaders) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005528] 450 UF Women elders (Indigenous leaders), Indian 550 BT Elders (Indigenous leaders) 550 BT Indian women 4 T H E O L O G Y C A T A L O G I N G B U L L E T I N • V O L . 2 8 , N O . 4 : O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 150 Inuit elders (Indigenous leaders) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005539] 450 UF Elders (Indigenous leaders), Inuit 550 BT Elders (Indigenous leaders)--Alaska 550 BT Elders (Indigenous leaders)--Canada 550 BT Elders (Indigenous leaders)--Greenland 150 Jaina relief (Sculpture) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005462] 450 UF Relief (Sculpture), Jaina 550 BT Jaina sculpture 150 Jewish superheroes [May Subd Geog] [sp2020000616] 550 BT Superheroes 110 Julian Basilica (Corinth, Greece) [sp2020001112] 410 UF East Building (Corinth, Greece) 550 BT Basilicas (Roman architecture)--Greece 551 BT Greece--Antiquities 150 Liaison librarians [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005933] 550 BT Librarians 150 Lokapālas (Buddhist deities) in art [Not Subd Geog] [sp2020005788] 150 Makara CANCEL HEADING [sp 85079987 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading Makara (Hindu mythological character) (DLC)no2020068587 150 Medium of performance thesaurus for music, Library of Congress [sp2020000928] 450 UF LC medium of performance terms for music 450 UF LCMPT (Library of Congress medium of performance thesaurus for music) 450 UF Library of Congress medium of performance terms for music 450 UF Library of Congress medium of performance thesaurus for music 450 UF Medium of performance terms for music, Library of Congress 450 UF Musical medium of performance terms, Library of Congress 550 BT Authority files (Information retrieval) 550 RT Cataloging of music 150 Métis elders (Indigenous leaders) [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005538] 450 UF Elders (Indigenous leaders), Métis 550 BT Elders (Indigenous leaders)--Canada 150 Mut (Egyptian deity) CANCEL HEADING [sp2007008918] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (DLC)n 2020021031 5 N E W A N D C H A N G E D L C S U B J E C T H E A D I N G S A N D O T H E R T E R M S 150 Pendentives [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005425] 550 BT Architecture--Details 150 Phaethon (Greek mythology) CANCEL HEADING [sp 85100542 ] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading Phaethon (Greek deity) (DLC)no2020068619 150 Phaethon (Greek mythology) in literature CANCEL HEADING [sp2012000004] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading Phaethon (Greek deity)--In literature, a heading for which a subject au- thority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdivision. 150 Relief (Sculpture), Hindu CHANGE HEADING 150 Hindu relief (Sculpture) [May Subd Geog] [sp 88000323 ] 450 UF Relief (Sculpture), Hindu [Former heading] 550 BT Hindu sculpture 150 Saint Lucy's Day [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005534] 450 UF Saint Lucia's Day 450 UF St. Lucia's Day 450 UF St. Lucy's Day 550 BT Fasts and feasts 550 BT Holidays 150 Triton (Greek deity) CANCEL HEADING [sp2002011037] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by an identical name heading (DLC)no2020057800 150 Uddhava (Hindu mythology) CANCEL HEADING [sp2009030073] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the subject heading is covered by the name heading Uddhava (Hindu mythological character) (DLC)n 2019243697 150 Uddhava (Hindu mythology) in literature CANCEL HEADING [sp2009030074] 682 This authority record has been deleted because the heading is replaced by the heading Uddhava (Hindu mythological character)--In literature, a heading for which a subject authority record is not made because it uses a free-floating subdi- vision. 6 T H E O L O G Y C A T A L O G I N G B U L L E T I N • V O L . 2 8 , N O . 4 : O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 150 Xiezhi [May Subd Geog] [sp2020005866] 450 UF Haechi 450 UF Haetae 450 UF Haitai 450 UF Jiezhì 450 UF Justice animal 450 UF Kaichi 450 UF Shenyang 450 UF Shin'yō 450 UF Unicorn-lion 450 UF Xie zhi 450 UF Zhi (Mythical animal) 550 BT Animals, Mythical 550 BT Mythology, East Asian GENRE/FORM TERMS 155 Easter poetry [gp2020026052] 555 BT Poetry